Drug Master Files14
One DMF Identify differences
Separate DMF
• 当涉及API生产的DMF需要重新审核时, 就会触发该API的制造审查。
Type IV DMFs -赋形剂、色素、调
味剂、香料或生产这些物质所用的物 料 • compendia excipient的CMC通常无需审核,因此无
• 如果中间体来自第三方,需要提交DMF
DMFs 制造地点
Same process 相同工艺 Same Site 相同地点 One DMF Identify differences Multiple processes 多重工艺 One DMF Identify differences
Multiple Site 多个地点
•美国DMF (Drug master file)介绍 •美国DMF撰写 •DMF case study–案例学习
Drug Master File U. S. A. 美国DMF
Drug Master Files
A Drug Master File (DMF),药物主档案,是 一份提交给美国FDA的信息资料, 通常包括药品制 剂或者原料药(API)的化学,生产和质量控制 (CMC, chemistry, manufacturing and controls) 的相关信息 ,容许FDA审阅这些资料,接受由第三方来提交申 请。
US FDA Draft Guidance for Industry January 2003 “ Drug Product Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information”
史上最全|药物主文件DrugMasterFile(DMF)1、DMF一份较完整的DMF文件2、FDA指南:药物主文件(DMF)3、美、欧、中化药DMF资料要求对比4、DMF文件编制要求及重点内容分析5、原料药注册法规要求DMF解读6、美国FDA DMF list 3Q2019EXCEL7、DMF流程8、美国DMF目录及要求9、原料药出口DMF注册文件中的杂质研究10、美国DMF1.5 药物主文件1.5.1 DMF简介药物主文件,即Drug Master File (DMF),是呈交FDA的存档待审资料,资料内容包括有关在制造、加工、包装、储存、批发人用药品活动中所使用的生产设施、工艺流程、质量控制及其所用原料、包装材料等详细信息。
2012出台的《仿制药收费法案》,要求在2012年10月1日后首次被仿制药引用的二类原料药DMF,需要缴纳DMF费,FDA对付费后的DMF作完整性审查(Completeness Assessment),此审查只检查资料的完整性,不审核具体内容,通过完整性审查后的DMF会被收录在'可被引用'列表中,并且FDA只会审评引用此列表中DMF的ANDA申请。 FDA只对DMF做形式审查事实上FDA既不'审批'已备案的DMF资料,也不对DMF资料发表同意或不同意的观点。
Master File System for Drug Substances, etc.
Master File System for Drug Substances, etc.1. Master File (MF) SystemMaster file (hereinafter referred to as “MF”) system for drug substances, etc. allows Japanese or foreign manufacturers of drug substances etc. to voluntarily register the data concerning the quality/manufacturing methods of their drug substances, etc. used for manufacture of drugs (pharmaceutical products) to the review authority.The registered data is quoted as the necessary information for an approval review of the drug (pharmaceutical product)in which the drug substance is used.Japanese or foreign drug manufacturers can register in MF by submitting the specified forms (application form for MF registration, application for change in registered items, minor change notification, etc.) to Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (hereinafter referred to as “PMDA”) in accordance with the procedures described in the Enforcement Regulations for the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (hereinafter referred to as “Regulations”). (See Article 72, 79, and 81 of the Regulations (*1); “Documents to be Submitted”.)Foreign manufacturers of drug substances, etc. can also apply for MF registration.In order to apply for MF registration, it is necessary for a foreign manufacturer to obtain a foreign manufacturer accreditation (*2) because the accreditation category, the accreditation number, and the date of accreditation of the foreign manufacturing site must be entered in the MF registration application form.In addition, when a foreign manufacturer applies for the accreditation and MF registration, the manufacturer codes for the foreign manufacturer and for the manufacturing site are required. Thus the both codes must be registered in advance.When a foreign manufacturer applies for MF registration, a person to undertake the duties concerning the relevant MF registration with an address within Japan (in-country caretaker of drug substances) shall be appointed (Article 72 of the Regulations).MF registration application form, notification, and other related documents shall be written in Japanese (Article 283 of the Regulations).(*1) The basic items related to MF registration are explained in “Guideline on Utilization of Master File for Drug Substances, etc.” (PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0210004, dated February 10, 2005) as well as in the related Articles of the Regulations.(*2) A manufacturer (foreign manufacturer) plans to manufacture drugs, medical devices, or quasi-drugs to be exported to Japan in the foreign country accredited under the Foreign Manufacturer Accreditation (Article 13-3 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law) can be accredited by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. The accreditation is given to each manufacturing site according to the category.2. Items for MF Registration1) Drug substances, intermediates, and pharmaceutical product materials(materials of pharmaceutical products with special dosage form, etc.)However, the drug substances, intermediates and pharmaceutical product materials used in OTC drugs (excluding OTC drugs with new active ingredients) are not appropriate for registration in MF, as it is considered that their quality and safety are already established even in the existing specifications and test methods.2) New excipients and new pre-mix excipients with a different composition ratiofrom the existing ones3) Materials for medical devices4) Containers/packaging materialsOther than the above 1) to 4), country of origin and data on inspection/certification (including the new TSE data based on TSE Data Number) of bovine-derived raw-materials, and the items considered appropriate to quote their MF registration numbers under approval reviews can also be registered. MF registrations of the items in 3) “Materials for medical devices” and the items related to medical devices among 4) “Containers/packaging materials” are currently under consideration.3. MF Registration1) Items that can be registered in MFa) Name of drug substances, etc.b) Name of manufacturing site and other informationc) Information about ingredients and their quantity or nature of drugsubstances, etc.d) Manufacturing method, manufacturing process control, and quality controlteste) Specifications and test methodsf) Stability tests, storage method, and expiry dateg) Non-clinical study (mainly for new excipients)h) Information on safetyi) Category of license for manufacturing operation or accreditation of foreignmanufacturerj) Number of license for manufacturing operation or number and date of accreditation of foreign manufacturerk) Name and address of in-country caretaker if the applicant for the MF registration is manufacturing drug substances, etc, outside Japan2) Forms for MF registration informationAt the time of MF registration, PMDA checks whether it is written in the correct format, e.g., minimum required items are included or data (Module 3: in Englishor Japanese) is attached.MF registered items shall be regarded as a part of information which should be described in an approval application form and attached documents (“Data on Manufacturing Methods and Specifications/Test Methods”, “Data on Stability”, and “Data on Pharmacological Action”) for a drug (pharmaceutical product) and therefore, the MF registered items are also reviewed at the time of the approval review for the drug (pharmaceutical product) quoting the MF.3) Fee and submission of the application for MF registrationNo fee shall be charged for MF registration. When registering for MF, the registration application form and attached documents shall be submitted to Administration Division 1, Office of Review Administration, PMDA (see “Documents to be Submitted”).When a foreign drug manufacturer registers for MF, the cover page (seal) of application form can be completed with its name and address written in their own language and a handwritten signature of the representative is accepted instead of seal.Application form must be submitted with the handwritten signature of the representative of the foreign drug manufacturer. Application form with the signature and seal of their in-country caretaker is not acceptable. Documents such as “Application for change in registered items” and “Minor change notification” described in the following section shall also be handled in the same manner. In addition, “Replacement order” and the statement required for “Minor change notification” cannot be accepted with the signature and seal of the in-country caretaker.a) Application Form for MF RegistrationFor a new registration, application form for MF registration (addressed tothe Chief Executive of PMDA) prepared in duplicate (photocopy of the original sheet is not acceptable) using the Form No. 42 of the Regulations(Attachment 1 (PDF)), flexible disk (hereinafter referred to as “FD”), andattached documents to verify the registration items described under b) shallbe submitted.In addition, please note the followings when submitting the application form.•In the name of drug substance, etc. section, both of generic name and commercial name shall be stated.•Information that should be disclosed to the applicants or approval holders of drugs (pharmaceutical products) shall also be written in theregistration application form.•The data attached to the approval application of a drug substanceunder the previous Pharmaceutical Affairs Law can be reused for theMF registration application as the supporting data. However, pleasesubmit new information obtained after the approval of the drugsubstance under the previous law, or documents requested by thereview authority other than those already attached.•It is necessary to prepare the registration application form in FD.Please prepare the descriptions according to “Guidance on Handling ofApplications Submitted on Flexible Disk etc.” (PFSB/ELD NotificationNo. 0331023, dated March 31, 2005).•For the summary, etc. of the drug substance manufacturing methods;please refer to “Guideline for Descriptions on Application Forms forMarketing Approval of Drugs, etc. under the Revised PharmaceuticalAffairs Law” (PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0210001, dated February 10,2005).•For questions regarding the operation of the application software, please send your specific questions by fax or e-mail to Helpdesk (FAX:03-3507-0114, E-mail: fd_iyaku@pmda.go.jp).•If license for manufacturing operation or accreditation for the manufacturing site of the drug substance, etc. is in progress, MFregistration (issuance of the number) cannot be processed until thecertification/accreditation is obtained. Please allow enough time forapplication.b) Attached document (registration data)Data to be attached to the registration application form (registration data) shall be prepared by using the following forms.I) For pharmaceuticals excluding generic drugs and OTC drugs,Common Technical Document (hereinafter referred to as “CTD”)attached to “Guideline on Preparing Data Attached to ApplicationForm for Approval Application of Manufacture or Import of a NewPharmaceutical” (PFSB/ELD Notification No. 899, dated June 21,2001) shall be used.Submission of the data equivalent to Module 2 of CTD (Summary ofthe Attached Data) is not required at the time of MF registration. Thetiming of submission shall be instructed by PMDA reviewers in chargeof the approval review for the drug (pharmaceutical product).Electronic forms for MF registration shall comply with “ElectronicSpecifications on Common Technical Documents” (PFSB/ELDNotification No. 0604001, dated June 4, 2003 issued by Director ofEvaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical and Food SafetyBureau).II) For drug substances used in generic drugs, “Approval Application ofPharmaceuticals” (PFSB Notification No. 0331015, dated March 31,2005) shall be followed.III) OTC drugs and those among “New excipients and pre-mix excipients with a different composition ratio from the existing ones” and“Containers/packaging materials”, the drug substance used only forOTC shall follow the pattern specified in “Application for Approval ofNon-Prescription Pharmaceuticals” (PFSB Notification No. 0827003,dated August 27, 2003).4. Issuance and Publication of MF Registration CertificateAfter the registration, a MF registration certificate in the Form No. 43 of the Regulations and a duplicate of the registration application form shall be issued to the MF registrant. The registration certificate does not include any confidential information.At a later date, the MF registration number, registration date, date of the change in registered items, name and address of the registrant, the name of registered item, and the registration category will be posted in the PMDA homepage.5. Information to be Disclosed to Applicants and Approval Holders of Drugs(Pharmaceutical Products)Attachment 4 (PDF)describes the examples of the MF registered information to be disclosed to the applicants or approval holders of drugs (pharmaceutical products).The information that should be disclosed shall also be written in the registration application form. Applicants of drugs (pharmaceutical products) who quote the information registered in MF can include it in the approval application form for the marketing authorization.6. Changes in MF Registered Items1) If changes have to be made to registered items, an application for change inthe registered items or minor change notification shall be submitted. When changing the registered items, it is necessary for the MF registrant to discuss in advance with the approval holders of drugs (pharmaceutical products) who utilize the MF.Changes only in the attached documents cannot be filed.If the changes in the items in MF will substantially alter the nature of drug substances, etc., please note that a new MF registration form, not a change of registration must be submitted. In this case, for pharmaceutical products that use the relevant MF, it is necessary to submit a partial change approval application so that the newly registered MF can be quoted for these products.However, in case changes in the items are significant and the changed items are not regarded as being the same, the approval holders of pharmaceutical products should submit new approval application. Therefore, for significant changes, please consult with PMDA in advance.2) Application for changes in MF registrationa) Documents to be submittedWhen applying for changes in MF registration, submit an original sheet (forthe attention of Chief Executive of PMDA) and a duplicate sheet (photocopy of the original sheet is not acceptable) of the application forchange in the registered items in the Format No. 46 of the Regulations(Attachment 2 (PDF)), FD, table to compare the new and old items, originalregistration certificate, data concerning the content of the changes inregistered items, and the return envelope for the MF registration certificate.When making changes to items registered in MF, MF registrant shall enterin the column for remarks of application form for change in the registereditems in MF, the commercial name, the approval number, the name andaddress of the marketing authorization holders (the name and location ofthe main business sites if the licensed marketing approval holders arecorporate entities) for all pharmaceutical products that quote the relevantMF, as well as whether a partial change approval application or minorchange notification was applied for each of the drugs (pharmaceuticalproducts). They can be listed in a separate sheet (see “Documents to beSubmitted”).b) In-advance Notification to Approval Applicants of Drugs (PharmaceuticalProducts)When making changes to the registered items, MF registrant shall notify inadvance the applicants or approval holders of the drugs (pharmaceuticalproducts) who quote the MF. The approval holders of the drug (pharmaceutical product) are required to submit partial change approvalapplication or minor change notification depending on the content of thechange.c) Partial Change Approval Application for Drug (Pharmaceutical Product)If MF under change is quoted in the already approved drugs (pharmaceutical products), the approval holders of all these drugs (pharmaceutical products) are required to submit partial change approvalapplications in accordance with the application for change in the registereditems.Review for a change to the registered items commence only after all thepartial change applications for the necessary relevant drugs have beensubmitted. When these partial changes are approved, the MF registrationcertificate for the change with revised registration date, etc. will be issuedby PMDA.When making changes to the items in the MF, but the existing items are stillused for the already approved drugs, it shall be required to specify theitems. For example, when adding a manufacturing method, the MFregistrant shall be requested to number both of the existing and addedmanufacturing methods so that it can be specified that which manufacturing method is used for pharmaceutical products approved byquoting the MF. In this case, marketing authorization holders of drugs(pharmaceutical products) shall be required to submit partial changeapproval applications for the products with added items, and minor changenotifications for pharmaceutical products with existing items.3) Minor change notificationa) Scope of minor change notificationIf there is a minor change in the MF registered items, a minor changenotification in Form No. 47 of the Regulations (Attachment 3 (PDF)) shallbe submitted. The scope of the minor changes is other than those described below (Article 80 of the Regulations).I) Changes in the manufacturing methods, etc. affecting the nature,characteristics, performance, and safety of the drug substance, etc.II) Deletion of the items listed in the specifications and test methods or changes in the specificationIII) Changes in the inactivation or removal method for pathogenic factorsIV) The changes, other than those described in I) to III), which may affect the quality, efficacy, or safetyThe registrants shall judge personally whether or not the changes in theregistered items affect the quality, etc. of the products referring to “Guideline for Descriptions on Application Forms for Marketing Approval ofDrugs, etc. under the Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law” (PFSB/ELDNotification No. 0210001, dated February 10, 2005).For minor changes in the registered items, the MF registrant shall submit aminor change notification (1 original sheet), table to compare the new andold items, and statement indicating that the adequate validation andchange control have been performed to PMDA within 30 days after thechanges are made (after shipping the drug substance, etc. manufacturedwith the changes) (see “Documents to be Submitted”).When submitting the minor change notification, the MF registrant shallnotify and provide necessary information to the applicants and approvalholders of the drugs (pharmaceutical products) that utilize the MF.b) Handling of drugs (pharmaceutical products) related to minor changes inMF registered itemsBasically, approval holders are not required to file partial change approvalapplications for the drugs (pharmaceutical products) related to minor changes in the MF registered items. However, the approval holders areadvised to obtain the relevant information from the MF registrant accordingto the contract between them, etc.4) Simple consultation for MF registration applicationPMDA provides “Simple consultation” for the matters related to the MF registration application described in PSFB/ELD Notification No. 0210004, dated February 10, 2005 and PMDA Notification No. 1101014, dated November 1, 2005.If the drug (pharmaceutical product) for which “consulted MF” is a new drug, the consultation classification is “writing applications for new drugs”. For a generic drug, the classification is “generic drugs”.Examples of the consultation are as follows:•Whether or not the change is regarded as a partial change to manufacturing methods, etc. in the approval application or MF registrationapplication:a) Validity of the evaluation protocol performed for the changeb) Appropriateness of the judgment that the change imposes no obviousimpact on the quality based on the result of the test conductedaccording to the protocolc) Other items that require consultation when changing the section ofmanufacturing methods•Whether a significant change in the MF registered items is subject to a partial change approval application or a new application.5) Handling of drug substances, etc. registered using “abbreviated descriptions”PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0310002 dated March 10, 2005 states that the description of the drug substance for which the MF registration application filed by using “abbreviated descriptions” by March 31, 2005, shall be revised to the description suitable under the Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (so-called “detailed descriptions”, without omission) by March 31, 2010. This change shall be made as “Application for change in registered items”. In this case, the data described in 3. 3) b) which verifies the items of the detailed description shall also be submitted.If the change in the “abbreviated descriptions” is not minor, the registered items shall be changed by submitting application for change in registered items. In this case, please describe concretely the change in the remarks section of the application form or attach a table to compare the new and old contents.In both cases, the application shall be prepared to ensure the registered items comply with the Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.7. Approval Application and Approval Review for Drugs (PharmaceuticalProducts) that quote MF1) Approval application for drugs (pharmaceutical products) that quote MFa) When the MF registration is completedIn the manufacturing methods section of approval application form, enterthe name of the drug substance, etc., its MF registration number, latestissue date of the registration certificate, and the number of times theregistration certificate was revised. Enter “1” for the first registration, andadd 1 each time the registration is revised. However, the number does notchange for the minor change notification. If more than one manufacturingmethod is registered in one MF, also specify which method is used.Example: “… using the drug substance A (MF Registration Number:XXXXXXXXXX (YYYY/MM/DD, Version Number X of MF Registration),Method B) …”When applying for the approval of a drug (pharmaceutical product), a copyof the MF registration certificate and a copy of the contract with the MFregistrant for utilization of the MF shall be regarded as a part of documentsto be attached to the approval application form, such as “Data onManufacturing Methods and Specifications/Test Methods” and “Data onStability”.b) When the MF registration is not yet completedEven if the MF registration is not yet completed, if the MF registrationapplication has been submitted, approval application for a drug(pharmaceutical product) can be submitted, using the system receiptnumber assigned at the time of application, and indicating that “MFregistration is in progress” in the application form.When the MF registration is complete (registration number is issued),contact the Office of Review Administration immediately and request toreplace the approval application. The approval review for the drug(pharmaceutical product) will actually commence only after the approvalapplication concerning the MF number is replaced.2) Approval review for drugs (pharmaceutical products) that quote MFIn the approval review process for a drug (pharmaceutical product), if an inquiry regarding the quoted MF registered items is necessary, PMDA directly contacts the MF registrant (if the MF registrant is a foreign manufacturer, the inquiry will be made through the in-country caretaker).As a result of the review, if there are any changes to the registered items, the MF registrant is required to immediately submit application for change in the registered items or minor change notification. In the case of change in the registered items, PMDA issues the registration certificate related to the change at the time the related drug is approved. However, application for change in the registered items cannot be filed for changes only in the already submitted attached document.Depending on the registered item to be changed and its content (for example, when the change may affect the nature of the drug substance, etc.), a new MF registration application, not an application for change in the registered items, may have to be submitted.8. Duties of In-Country Caretakers for Drug Substances, etc.MF registration application forms, notifications, and other related documents have to be written in Japanese (Article 283 of the Regulations), and thus, in-country caretakers for drug substances, etc. play important roles in the related administration procedures.In the process of approval review for a drug (pharmaceutical product), PMDA may inquire about the MF registered items. If the MF registrant is a foreign manufacturer, PMDA will make the inquiry through its in-country caretaker without directly contacting the manufacturer. Thus the in-country caretaker shall act as the contact for the inquiries and be engaged in the related administrative procedures and control after the registration.In order to ensure the smooth operation of these duties, the in-country caretaker should fully discuss with the MF registrant so as to decide on important items in advance.It is possible to change in-country caretakers. Please submit a minor change notification if there is a change in the in-country caretaker.9. Transfer of RegistrationWhen transferring MF registration to a third party, the procedure specified in Article83 of the Regulations shall be taken. In the transferring procedure, it is necessaryto submit a copy of the contract between the transferor and transferee that specifies that the verification data for the registered items and all the documents relating to the registration. Statement indicating that there are no changes in the manufacturing site and other manufacturing technology, etc. is also required. Notifications etc. Related to MF System•“Guideline for Descriptions on Application Forms for Marketing Approval of Drugs, etc. under the Revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law” (PFSB/ELD Notification No.0210001, issued by Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, dated February 10, 2005)•“Guideline on Utilization of Master File for Drug Substances, etc.” (PFSB/ELD Notification No. 0210004, issued by Director of Evaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, dated February 10, 2005)•“Q&A on the Master File (MF) System, Part 1” (Administrative Notice issued by Evaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, dated July 28, 2005)•“Q&A on the Master File (MF) System, Part 2” (Administrative Notice issued by Evaluation and Licensing Division, Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, dated December 20, 2005)Documents to be Submitted1) Application for Registration of MF for Drug Substance, etc. (RegistrationApplication) …Article 72 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law• Application Form for Registration of Master File for Drug Substances, etc. (total of 2 sheets consisting of original and duplicate sheets: photocopy of the original sheet is not acceptable for the duplicate) (Attachment 1 (PDF))•FD or CD-R (containing the data prepared according to the FD application system, the same hereinafter).• Attached documents•Drugs (excluding generic drugs and OTC drugs): see PFSB Notification No.899 dated June 21, 2001•Generic drugs: see PFSB Notification No. 0331015 dated March 31, 2005• Return envelope for the registration certificate and the duplicate sheet of the application form2) Application for Changes in the Registered MF for Drug Substance, etc.(Application for changes in the registered items) …Article 79 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law• Application Form for Change in Registered Master File for Drug Substance, etc.(total of 2 sheets consisting of original and duplicate sheets: photocopy of the original sheet is not acceptable for the duplicate) (Attachment 2 (PDF))•FD or CD-R•Attached documents (also required when changing from “abbreviated descriptions” to “detailed descriptions”)•Drugs (excluding generic drugs and OTC): see PFSB Notification No. 899, dated June 21, 2001•Generic drugs: see PFSB Notification No. 0331015, dated March 31, 2005• Return envelope for the registration certificate and the duplicate sheet of the registration application form•Original registration certificate•Others (comparison table for the old and new items, etc.)* Registration number of a MF registration certificate does not change as a result of the changes in the registered items. However, a new registration certificate will be issued due to the registration date change. Thus the registration certificate before the change (original) should be submitted.** Application for change in the registered items cannot be filed for the changes only in the already submitted attached document.3) Minor Change Notification for MF for Drug Substances, etc. (Minor changesin the registered items) …Article 81 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law• Minor Change Notification for Master File for Drug Substances, etc. (1 original sheet) (Attachment 3 (PDF))•FD or CD-R•Attached document (if necessary)•Statement (to indicate adequate validation and change control have been performed)•Others (comparison table for the new and old items, etc.)* When a minor change notification is filed, the registration number of the MF registration certificate and the issuance date remain the same (a new registration certificate will not be issued).** Notification cannot be filed for the minor changes only in the already submitted attached document. Notification cannot be filed for matters other than those required under the instruction of PMDA while registration application or application for changes is in process.。
Issue Date Issue Date 24/10/2012 21/02/2006 17/03/2015 23/01/2008
Type Type Chemistry
基于保密原则,无任何信息公布 年度数量统计 /Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/H owDrugsareDevelopedandApproved/DrugandBiologicAppro valReports/INDActivityReports/default.htm
ORA:Office of Regulatory Affairs
483报告:仅部分可见 /AboutFDA/CentersOffice s/OfficeofGlobalRegulatoryOperationsandPol icy/ORA/ORAElectronicReadingRoom/default .htm
US 药品注册——New Drug Application (NDA)
Approval Letter NDA涉及场地的现场审查
NAI No Action Indicated VAI Voluntary Action Indicated OAI Official Action Indicated /scripts/inspsearch/ 483: /AboutFDA /CentersOffices/OfficeofGlobal RegulatoryOperationsandPolicy /ORA/ORAElectronicReadingRo om/default.htm
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
英文原文 Application file Acceptance criteria Active moiety
Additives Adventitious agents Analytical procedures
Anti-microbial Antimicrobial preservatives
Glycosylation sites
Higher order structure
Holding times
Human or animal origin
Immunological activity
Immunochemical properties
缩小规模模型 放大批次
二级/三级/四级结构 次级包装 章节 子章节 灵敏度 有效期 跳检 溶解性 溶剂 吸附 质量标准 专属性
Starting materials
Proprietary name
Purification steps
Quality module
Quality overall summary (QOS)
GUIDELINE FOR DRUG MASTER FILESCenter for Drug Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug AdministrationDepartment of Health and Human ServicesSeptember 1989For further information regarding the guideline please contact:Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and ResearchOffice of Drug Evaluation I (HFD-100)5600 Fishers LaneRockville, Maryland 20857TABLE OF CONTENTSI. INTRODUCTIONII. DEFINITIONSIII. TYPES OF DRUG MASTER FILESIV. SUBMISSIONS TO DRUG MASTER FILESA. Transmittal Letters1. Original Submissions2. AmendmentsB. Administrative Information1. Original Submissions2. AmendmentsC. Drug Master File Contents1. Types of Drug Master Filesa. Type I: Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and Personnelb. Type II: Drug Substance, Drug Substance Intermediate, and Material Used in Their Preparation, or Drug Productc. Type III: Packaging Materiald. Type IV: Excipient, Colorant, Flavor, Essence, or Material Used in TheirPreparatione. Type V: FDA Accepted Reference Information2. General Information and SuggestionsA. Environmental AssessmentB. StabilityC. Format, Assembly, and DeliveryV. AUTHORIZATION TO REFER TO A DRUG MASTER FILEA. Letter of Authorization to FDAB. Copy to Applicant, Sponsor, or Other HolderVI. PROCESSING AND REVIEWING POLICIESA. Policies Related to Processing Drug Master FilesB. Drug Master File ReviewVII. HOLDER OBLIGATIONSA. Notice Required for Changes to a Drug Master FileB. Listing of Persons Authorized To Refer to a Drug Master FileC. Annual UpdateD. Appointment of an AgentE. Transfer of OwnershipIX. CLOSURE OF A DRUG MASTER FILEGUIDELINE FOR DRUG MASTERFILESI. INTRODUCTIONA Drug Master File (DMF) is a submission to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that may be used to provide confidential detailed information about facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of one or more human drugs. The submission of a DMF is not required by law or FDA regulation. A DMF is submitted solely at the discretion of the holder. The information contained in the DMF may be used to support an Investigational New Drug Application (IND), a New DrugApplication (NDA), an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), another DMF, an Export Application, or amendments and supplements to any of these.A DMF is NOT a substitute for an IND, NDA, ANDA, or Export Application. It is not approved or disapproved. Technical contents of a DMF are reviewed only in connection with the review of an IND, NDA, ANDA, or an Export Application. This guideline does not impose mandatory requirements (21 CFR 10.90(b)). It does, however, offer guidance on acceptable approaches to meeting regulatory requirements. Different approaches may be followed, but the applicant is encouraged to discuss significant variations in advance with FDA reviewers to preclude spending time and effort in preparing a submission that FDA may later determine to be unacceptable.Drug Master Files are provided for in 21 CFR 314.420. This guideline is intended to provide DMF holders with procedures acceptable to the agency for preparing and submitting a DMF. The guideline discusses types of DMF's, the information needed in each type, the format of submissions to a DMF, the administrative procedures governing review of DMF's, and the obligations of the DMF holder.DMF's are generally created to allow a party other than the holder of the DMF to reference material without disclosing to that party the contents of the file. When an applicant references its own material, the applicant should reference the information contained in its own IND, NDA, or ANDA directly rather than establishing a new DMF.II. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this guideline, the following definitions apply:II.1. Agency means the Food and Drug Administration.II.2 Agent or representative means any person who is appointed by a DMF holder to serve as the contact for the holder.II.3. Applicant means any person who submits an application or abbreviated application or an amendment or supplement to them to obtain FDA approval of a new drug or an antibiotic drug and any other person who owns an approved application (21 CFR 314.3 (b)).II.4. Drug product means a finished dosage form, for example, tablet, capsule, or solution, that contains a drug substance, generally, but not necessarily, in association with one or more other ingredients (21 CFR 314.3 (b)).II.5. Drug substance means an active ingredient that is intended to furnish pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease or to affect the structure or any function of the human body, but does not include intermediates used in the synthesis of such ingredient (21 CFR 314.3 (b)).II.6. Export application means an application submitted under section 802 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to export a drug that is not approved for marketing in the United States.II.7. Holder means a person who owns a DMF.II.8. Letter of authorization means a written statement by the holder or designated agent or representative permitting FDA to refer to information in the DMF in support of another person's submission.II.9. Person includes individual, partnership, corporation, and association. (Section 201(e) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.)II.10. Sponsor means a person who takes responsibility for and initiates a clinical investigation. The sponsor may be an individual or pharmaceutical company, governmental agency, academic institution, private organization, or other organization (21 CFR 312.3 (b)).III. TYPES OF DRUG MASTER FILESThere are five types of DMF's:Type I Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and Personnel Type II Drug Substance, Drug Substance Intermediate, and Material Used in Their Preparation, or Drug ProductType III Packaging MaterialType IV Excipient, Colorant, Flavor, Essence, or Material Used in Their PreparationType V FDA Accepted Reference InformationEach DMF should contain only one type of information and all supporting data. See Section IV.C of the guideline for more detailed descriptions of the kind of information desired in each type. Supporting information and data in a DMF can be cross referenced to any other DMF (see Part V).IV. SUBMISSIONS TO DRUG MASTER FILESEach DMF submission should contain a transmittal letter, administrative information about the submission, and the specific information to be included in the DMF as described in this section.The DMF must be in the English language. Whenever a submission contains information in another language, an accurate certified English translation must also be included.Each page of each copy of the DMF should be dated and consecutively numbered. An updated table of contents should be included with each submission.IV. A. Transmittal LettersThe following should be included:IV. A.1. Original Submissionsa. Identification of submission: Original, the type of DMF as classified in Section III, and its subject.b. Identification of the applications, if known, that the DMF is intended to support, including the name and address of each sponsor, applicant, or holder, and all relevant document numbers.c. Signature of the holder or the authorized representative.d. Typewritten name and title of the signer.IV. A. 2. Amendmentsa. Identification of submission: Amendment, the DMF number, type of DMF, and the subject of the amendment.b. A description of the purpose of submission, e.g., update, revised formula, or revised process.c. Signature of the holder or the authorized representative.d. Typewritten name and title of the signer.IV. B. Administrative InformationAdministrative information should include the following:IV. B.1. Original Submissionsa. Names and addresses of the following:(1) DMF holder.(2) Corporate headquarters.(3) Manufacturing/processing facility.(4) Contact for FDA correspondence.(5) Agent(s), if any.b. The specific responsibilities of each person listed in any of the categories in Section a.c. Statement of commitment.A signed statement by the holder certifying that the DMF is current and that the DMF holder will comply with the statements made in it.IV. B2. Amendmentsa. Name of DMF holder.b. DMF number.c. Name and address for correspondence.d. Affected section and/or page numbers of the DMF.e. The name and address of each person whose IND, NDA, ANDA, DMF, or Export Application relies on the subject of the amendment for support.f. The number of each IND, NDA, ANDA, DMF, and Export Application that relies on the subject of the amendment for support, if known.g. Particular items within the IND, NDA, ANDA, DMF, and Export Application that are affected, if known.IV. C. Drug Master File ContentsIV. C.1. Types of Drug Master FilesIV. C.1.a. Type I: Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and PersonnelA Type I DMF is recommended for a person outside of the United States to assist FDA in conducting on site inspections of their manufacturing facilities. The DMF should describe the manufacturing site, equipment capabilities, and operational layout.A Type I DMF is normally not needed to describe domestic facilities, except in special cases, such as when a person is not registered and not routinely inspected.The description of the site should include acreage, actual site address, and a map showing its location with respect to the nearest city. An aerial photograph and a diagram of the site may be helpful.A diagram of major production and processing areas is helpful for understanding the operational layout. Major equipment should be described in terms of capabilities, application, and location. Make and model would not normally be needed unless the equipment is new or unique.A diagram of major corporate organizational elements, with key manufacturing, quality control, and quality assurance positions highlighted, at both the manufacturing site and corporate headquarters, is also helpful.IV. C.1.b.Type II: Drug Substance, Drug Substance Intermediate, and Material Used in Their Preparation, or Drug ProductA Type II DMF should, in general, be limited to a single drug intermediate, drug substance, drug product, or type of material used in their preparation.IV. C.1.b.(1) Drug Substance Intermediates, Drug Substances, and Material Used in Their PreparationSummarize all significant steps in the manufacturing and controls of the drug intermediate or substance. Detailed guidance on what should be included in a Type II DMF for drug substances and intermediates may be found in the following guidelines:Guideline for Submitting Supporting Documentation in Drug Applications for the Manufacture of Drug Substances.Guideline for the Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Section of an Application.IV. C.1.b.(2) Drug ProductManufacturing procedures and controls for finished dosage forms should ordinarily be submitted in an IND, NDA, ANDA, or Export Application. If this information cannot be submitted in an IND, NDA, ANDA, or Export Application, it should be submitted in a DMF. When a Type II DMF is submitted for a drug product, the applicant/sponsor should follow the guidance provided in the following guidelines:Guideline for the Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Section of an Application.Guideline for Submitting Documentation for the Manufacture of and Controls for Drug ProductsGuideline for Submitting Samples and Analytical Data for Methods Validation IV. C.1.c.Type III: Packaging MaterialEach packaging material should be identified by the intended use, components, composition, and controls for its release. The names of the suppliers or fabricators of the components used in preparing the packaging material and the acceptance specifications should also be given. Data supporting the acceptability of the packaging material for its intended use should also be submitted as outlined in the "Guideline for Submitting Documentation for Packaging for Human Drugs and Biologics."Toxicological data on these materials would be included under this type of DMF, if not otherwise available by cross reference to another document.IV. C.1.d.Type IV Excipient, Colorant, Flavor, Essence, or Material Used in Their PreparationEach additive should be identified and characterized by its method of manufacture, release specifications, and testing methods.Toxicological data on these materials would be included under this type of DMF, if not otherwise available by cross reference to another document. Usually, the official compendia and FDA regulations for color additives (21 CFR Parts 70 through 82), direct food additives (21 CFR Parts 170 through 173), indirect food additives (21 CFR Parts 174 through 178), and food substances (21 CFR Parts 181 through 186) may be used as sources for release tests, specifications, and safety. Guidelines suggested for a Type II DMF may be helpful for preparing a Type IV DMF. The DMF should include any other supporting information and data that are not available by cross reference to another document.IV. C.1.e.Type V: FDA Accepted Reference InformationFDA discourages the use of Type V DMF's for miscellaneous information, duplicate information, or information that should be included in one of the other types of DMF's. If any holder wishes to submit information and supporting data in a DMF that is not covered by Types I through IV, a holder must first submit a letter of intent to the Drug Master File Staff (for address, see D.5.a. of this section). FDA will then contact the holder to discuss the proposed submission.IV. C.2. General Information and SuggestionsIV. C.2.a. Environmental AssessmentType II, Type III, and Type IV DMF's should contain a commitment by the firm that its facilities will be operated in compliance with applicable environmental laws. If a completed environmental assessment is needed, see 21 CFR Part 25.IV. C.2.b. StabilityStability study design, data, interpretation, and other information should be submitted, when applicable, as outlined in the "Guideline for Submitting Documentation for the Stability of Human Drugs and Biologics."IV. D. Format, Assembly, and DeliveryIV. D.1.An original and duplicate are to be submitted for all DMF submissions.Drug Master File holders and their agents/representatives should retain a complete reference copy that is identical to, and maintained in the same chronological order as, their submissions to FDA.IV. D.2.The original and duplicate copies must be collated, fully assembled, and individually jacketed.Each volume of a DMF should, in general, be no more than 2 inches thick. For multivolume submissions, number each volume. For example, for a 3 volume submission, the volumes would be numbered 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3.IV. D.3.U.S. standard paper size (8-1/2 by 11 inches) is preferred.Paper length should not be less than 10 inches nor more than 12 inches. However, it may occasionally be necessary to use individual pages larger than standard paper size to present a floor plan, synthesis diagram, batch formula, or manufacturing instructions. Those pages should be folded and mounted to allow the page to be opened for review without disassembling the jacket and refolded without damage when the volume is shelved.IV.D.4.The agency's system for filing DMF's provides for assembly on the left side of the page. The left margin should be at least three fourths of an inch to assure that text is not obscured in the fastened area. The right margin should be at least one half of an inch. The submitter should punch holes 8 1/2 inches apart in each page. See the page measurements shown in the following figure:IV.D.5. Delivery to FDAIV.D.5.a.Drug Master File submissions and correspondence should be addressed as follows:Drug Master File StaffFood and Drug Administration5901-B Ammendale Rd.Beltsville, MD 20705-1266IV.D.5.b. Delivery charges to the above address must be prepaid.V. AUTHORIZATION TO REFER TO A DRUG MASTER FILEV. A. Letter of Authorization to FDABefore FDA can review DMF information in support of an application, the DMF holder must submit in duplicate to the DMF a letter of authorization permitting FDA to reference the DMF. If the holder cross references its own DMF, the holder should supply in a letter of authorization the information designated by items 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this section. The holder does not need to send a transmittal letter with its letter of authorization.The letter of authorization should include the following:1. The date.2. Name of DMF holder.3. DMF number.4. Name of person(s) authorized to incorporate information in the DMF by reference.5. Specific product(s) covered by the DMF.6. Submission date(s) of 5, above.7. Section numbers and/or page numbers to be referenced.8. Statement of commitment that the DMF is current and that the DMF holder willcomply with the statements made in it.9. Signature of authorizing official.10. Typed name and title of official authorizing reference to the DMF.V. B. Copy to Applicant, Sponsor, or Other HolderThe holder should also send a copy of the letter of authorization to the affected applicant, sponsor, or other holder who is authorized to incorporate by reference the specific information contained in the DMF. The applicant, sponsor, or other holder referencing a DMF is required to include a copy of the DMF holder's letter of authorization in the application.VI. PROCESSING AND REVIEWING POLICIESVI. A. Policies Related to Processing Drug Master FilesVI. A.1.Public availability of the information and data in a DMF is determined under 21 CFR Part 20, 21 CFR 314.420(e), and 21 CFR 314.430. VI. A.2.An original DMF submission will be examined on receipt to determine whether it meets minimum requirements for format and content. If the submission is administratively acceptable, FDA will acknowledge its receipt and assign it a DMF number.If the submission is administratively incomplete or inadequate, it will be returned to the submitter with a letter of explanation from the Drug Master File Staff, and it will not be assigned a DMF number.VI. B. Drug Master File ReviewA DMF IS NEVER APPROVED OR DISAPPROVED.The agency will review information in a DMF only when an IND sponsor, an applicant for an NDA, ANDA, or Export Application, or another DMF holder incorporates material in the DMF by reference. As noted, the incorporation by reference must be accompanied by a copy of the DMF holder's letter of authorization.If FDA reviewers find deficiencies in the information provided in a DMF, a letter describing the deficiencies is sent to the DMF holder. At the same time, FDA will notify the person who relies on the information in the deficient DMF that additional information is needed in the supporting DMF. The general subject of the deficiency is identified, but details of the deficiency are disclosed only to the DMF holder. When the holder submits the requested information to the DMF in response to the agency's deficiency letter, the holder should also send a copy of the accompanying transmittal letter to the affected persons relying on the DMF and to the FDA reviewing division that identified the deficiencies. The transmittal letter will provide notice that the deficiencies have been addressed. VII. HOLDER OBLIGATIONSAny change or addition, including a change in authorization related to specific customers, should be submitted in duplicate and adequately cross referenced to previous submission(s). The reference should include the date(s), volume(s), section(s), and/or page number(s) affected.VII. A. Notice Required for Changes to a Drug Master FileA holder must notify each affected applicant or sponsor who has referenced its DMF of any pertinent change in the DMF (21 CFR 314. 420(c)). Notice should be provided well before making the change in order to permit thesponsor/applicant to supplement or amend any affected application(s) as needed.VII. B. Listing of Persons Authorized To Refer to a Drug Master FileVII. B.1.A DMF is required to contain a complete list of persons authorized to incorporate information in the DMF by reference [21 CFR 314.420(d)]. The holder should update the list in the annual update. The updated list should contain the holder's name, DMF number, and the date of the update. The update should identify by name (or code) the information that each person is authorized to incorporate and give the location of that information by date, volume, and page number.VII. B.2.Any person whose authorization has been withdrawn during the previous year should be identified under a suitable caption.VII. B.3.If the list is unchanged on the anniversary date, the DMF holder should also submit a statement that the list is current.VII. C. Annual UpdateThe holder should provide an annual report on the anniversary date of the original submission. This report should contain the required list as described in B.1., and should also identify all changes and additional information incorporated into the DMF since the previous annual report on the subject matter of the DMF. If the subject matter of the DMF is unchanged, the DMF holder should provide a statement that the subject matter of the DMF is current.Failure to update or to assure FDA annually that previously submitted material and lists in the DMF remain current can cause delays in FDA review of a pending IND, NDA, ANDA, Export Application, or any amendment or supplement to such application; and FDA can initiate procedures for closure of the DMF (see Section IX).VII. D. Appointment of an AgentWhen an agent is appointed, the holder should submit a signed letter of appointment to the DMF giving the agent's name, address, and scope of responsibility (administrative and/or scientific). Domestic DMF holders do not need to appoint an agent or representative, although foreign DMF holders are encouraged to engage a U.S. agent.VII. E. Transfer of OwnershipTo transfer ownership of a DMF to another party, the holder should so notify FDA and authorized persons in writing. The letter should include the following:1. Name of transferee2. Address of transferee3. Name of responsible official of transferee4. Effective date of transfer5. Signature of the transferring official6. Typewritten name and title of the transferring official.The new holder should submit a letter of acceptance of the transfer and an update of the information contained in the DMF, where appropriate. Any change relating to the new ownership (e.g., plant location and methods) should be included.VIII. MAJOR REORGANIZATIONOF A DRUG MASTER FILEA holder who plans a major reorganization of a DMF is encouraged to submit a detailed plan of the proposed changes and request its review by the Drug Master File Staff. The staff should be given sufficient time to comment and provide suggestions before a major reorganization is undertaken.IX. CLOSURE OF A DRUG MASTER FILEA holder who wishes to close a DMF should submit a request to the Drug Master File Staff stating the reason for the closure. See Section IV.D.5.a for the address.The request should include a statement that the holder's obligations as detailed in Section VII have been fulfilled.The Agency may close a DMF that does not contain an annual update of persons authorized to incorporate information in the DMF by reference and a list of changes made since the previous annual report. The holder will be notified of FDA's intent to close the DMF.Many of the guidelines referred to in the text and a current list of available guidelines may be obtained from the following:Legislative, Professional, and Consumer Affairs Branch (HFD-365)Center for Drug Evaluation and ResearchFood and Drug Administration5600 Fishers LaneRockville, MD 20857Copies of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) may be purchased from the following:Superintendent of DocumentsU.S. Government Printing OfficeWashington, D.C. 20402Back to Top Guidance PageDate updated: March 11, 2005Drug Master FilesImportant Guidance Information See belowIMPORTANT ADDRESS INFORMATIONPlease note that the current address for the Central Document Room for filing original DMFs and subsequent DMF documents is now:Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and ResearchCentral Document Room5901-B Ammendale RoadBeltsville MD 20705-1266Submissions mailed to the old address will also be forwarded to the new address for a period of time. If you have previously submitted an original DMF or subsequent DMF document to the old address please DO NOT resubmit it to the new address.This site contains lists of Drug Master Files (DMFs) as well as information concerning submission of DMFs. See below for information regarding the current DMF Guideline.The list of DMFs is current as of September 30, 2005, through DMF 18781 Changes to the DMF activity status, DMF type, holder name, and subjects made since the last update of June 30, 2005 are included. The lists are updated quarterly.For people who downloaded the previous list (through DMF 18437, June 30, 2005) and do not wish to download the entire updated lists the following lists are available:1. New DMFs since the last list.2. A list of changes in DMF activity status, DMF type, holder name, and subject.The lists are available in Microsoft Excel and in ASCII (Tab-delimited). Please note that only ACTIVE DMFs have been sorted into different types.∙All DMFs∙Active DMFs∙Active Type II DMFs∙Active Type III DMFs∙Active Type IV DMFs∙Active Type V DMFs∙New DMFs since the last list∙ChangesThe types of DMFs are:∙Type I Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and Personnel (no longer applicable)∙Type II Drug Substance, Drug Substance Intermediate, and Material Used in Their Preparation, or Drug Product∙Type III Packaging Material∙Type IV Excipient, Colorant, Flavor, Essence, or Material Used in Their Preparation∙Type V FDA Accepted Reference InformationAll files zipped (2.7 MB) (updated 11/15/2005)“A” = Active“I” = Inactive“N” = Not an assigned number“P” = DMF Pending Filing Rev iewINACTIVATION AND RETIREMENT OF DMFsThe criteria for judging a DMF to be inactive include:1. The holder requested that the DMF be retired, closed, inactivated., or withdrawn2. DMFs filed before September 30, 2002 which have had no activity since they were filed or havehad no activity since September 30, 2002.Note that the status “Inactive” in the list does not distinguish between these two categories.According to the regulations regarding DMFs (21 CFR 314.420(c)),:“Any addition, change, or deletion of information in a drug master file (except the list required under paragraph (d) of this section) is required to be submitted in two copies and to describe by name, reference number, volume, and page number the information affected in the drug master file.”As discussed in the "Guideline for Drug Master Files" (September 1989), DMF holders should update their DMFs annually.FDA is in the process of sending “Overdue Notification Letters” (ONLs) to DMF holders that have not been updated in three years. If a DMF holder does not respond to this letter within 90 days, the DMF is retired and is unavailable for review.Some DMFs may be listed as inactive which are, in fact, still active. Every effort will be made to correct any errors.Please address ALL comments or questions regarding DMFs to dmfquestion@. All inquiries MUST have an entry in the "Subject" field of the e-mail. Due to concerns about viruses and the amount of "spam" received by this account, e-mails with subject fields containing meaningless text strings, only questions marks, or left blank will not be opened.Other inquiries unrelated to DMFs should go to druginfo@.GUIDANCESDMF Guideline The version posted on the web is the current version. No revision is planned for the immediate future. Please address question regarding the DMF Guideline to dmfquestion@.Type I DMFsType I DMFs are no longer accepted per a Final Rule published January 12, 2000 (65 FR 1776.) See Type V DMFs below.Holders of Type II, III, and IV DMFs should not place information regarding facilities, personnel or operating procedures in these DMFs. Only the addresses of the DMF holder and manufacturing site and contact personnel should be submitted.Type II DMFs。
欧盟药品主文件(European Drug Master File), 由欧盟的药品注册当局进行审查 。
美国药物主文件档案 (Drug master File),由美 国FDA进行认证。
❖ 是评审方式上的不同 ; ❖ 针对的情况不同; ❖ 适用的范围不同; ❖ 所要求提供的资料不同 ; ❖ 申请的结果不同 ;
❖ GMP要求在机构、人员、厂房、设施设备、 卫生、验证、文件、生产管理、质量管理、 产品销售与回收、投诉与不良反应报告、自 检等方面都必须制订系统的、规范化的规程, 通过执行这一系列的规程,藉以达到一个共 同的目的 :
❖ 防止不同药物或其成份之间发生混杂; ❖ 防止由其它药物或其它物质带来的交叉污染; ❖ 防止差错与计量传递和信息传递失真; ❖ 防止遗漏任何生产和检验步骤的事故发生; ❖ 防止任意操作及不执行标准与低限投料等违
Drug Master Files
• The submission of a DMF is not required by law or FDA regulation. • It is not approved or disapproved. • Starting May 5, 2018, any new submissions to the existing DMF must be done in eCTD format.
Technical Review The authorized party submits an application to the FDA. (DMF holder provide the LOA to the authorized party and FDA)
DMF Contents
Module 1: General information Module 2: Summaries Module 3: Quality (including 3.2.S, 3.2.R)
Drug Master Files
A Drug Master File (DMF) is a submission to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that may be used to provide confidential detailed information about facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of one or more human drugs. Technical contents of a DMF are reviewed only in connection with the review of an IND, NDA, ANDA, or an Export Application
DMF(Drug Master File
DMF(Drug Master File,药物主文件)根据美国的联邦管理法规定,药品进入美国须向美国FDA申请注册并递交有关文件,化学原料药按要求提交一份药物管理档案(DMF)DMF是一份文件,是由生产商提供的某药品生产全过程的详细资料,便于FDA对该厂产品有个全面了解,内容包括:生产、加工、包装和贮存某一药物时所用的具体厂房设施和监控的资料,以确定药品的生产是通过GMP得到保证的DMF文件共有五种类型:I型,生产地点和厂房设施、人员;II型,中间体、原料药和药品;III型,包装物料;IV型,辅料、着色剂、香料、香精及其它添加剂;V型,非临床数据资料和临床数据资料国内原料药生产企业向FDA申报的DMF文件属于II型,申请文件的主要内容有:递交申请书、相关行政管理信息、企业的承诺声明、申请产品的物理和化学性质描述、产品生产方法详述、产品质量控制与生产过程控制、产品稳定性实验、包装和标签、标准操作规程、原材料及成品的贮存与管理、文件管理、验证、批号管理制度、退货及处理上报的DMF文件原件在FDA收到后经初审,如符合有关规定的基本要求,FDA就会发通知函并颁发给一个DMF登记号原料药申请FDA批准的基本程序:1.进行国际市场调研,摸清美国市场目前的销售情况,对市场发展趋势与走向做出正确的预测、分析和判断,选择好申请FDA批准的品种2.选择申请代理人和代理经销商,并签订委托协议书、签署委托书3.编写申请文件,原料药为DMF文件,由代理人完成申请文件终稿的编写并向FDA递交,取得DMF文件登记号4.FDA收到申请文件后,经初审合格后发通知函给申请人,并发给一个登记号,说明DMF文件持有人的责任和义务5.工厂按美国cGMP的要求进行厂房、设施设备的改造和并完善生产质量管理的各项软件和相关人员的强化培训6.应美国制剂生产厂家(即该原料药品的终端用户)的申请, FDA派官员到生产厂家按照FDA颁布的生产现场检查指南并对照已上报审核的DMF文件进行检查,FDA 官员在生产现场的基础上出具书面意见给生产厂家并向FDA报告检查结果7.FDA审核批准后将审核结果通知生产厂家并输入美国海关的管理系统,该原料药品即获准直接进入美国市场8.生产厂家每年向FDA递交一份DMF修改材料,一般情况下, 每2-3年可能要接受一次复查关于FDA批准按照美国联邦法规(Code of Federal Regulation)第210及第211条中的有关规定,任何进入美国市场的药品(包括原料药品)都需要首先获得FDA的批准, 而且所有有关药物的生产加工、包装均应严格符合美国cGMP的要求原料药通过美国FDA认证的步骤与途径:对于原料药来说,通过FDA批准主要有两个阶段,一是DMF文件的登记,要求递交的DMF文件对所申请的药品的生产和质量管理的全过程以及药品质量本身做一个详尽的描述FDA要为此文件保密,该文件是由FDA的药物评价及研究中心(Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, CDER)来审核。
1.介绍1) 名称:Drug Master File(药物主控档案)2)DMF的意义:美国的原料药管理同中国不同,不进行文号管理。
原料药厂家只需提供DMF(drug master file --生产及控制方面的资料)给FDA备案,当药品生产商采用该原料药生产制剂产品时再进行审查。
现场检查的目的是确认原料药生产现场是否符合ICH Q7 GMP(同时也必须符合FDA技术上的一些特殊要求);确认原料药生产现场是否与提交的DMF文件内容一致。
3.原料药DMF的有关问题Q1 DMF文件的作用?A1提供的资料可用于支持新药申请(NDA)、简略新药申请(ANDA)等。
Q2 DMF提交获得备案号如何维护?A2 DMF不是编好了一个版本,获得备案号后就一劳永逸了,它需要按客户的要求以及工艺和设施变更的情况不断地修改补充完善,重大的变更必须通知客户。
4.我们提供的服务指导厂家准备DMF文件所要求的中文资料;翻译制作DMF英文文件;DMF文件的提交和与FDA的技术联络,回答FDA的有关问题;指导厂家准备生产现场,包括硬件和软件;提供现场检查迎检培训提供现场翻译对厂家进行ICH Q7 以及cGMP特定要求的专项培训。
编写DMF知识培训 Drug Master File
药物管理当局的要求 不注册不能获得市场准入 制剂生产商对原料药审核 无此文件制剂生产商不能对原料进行评审 贸易推销 作为提供服务的一个部分
1. Drug Mster File Guideline(内容旧格式) 2. 按照CTD格式进行编写 格式 纸质 纸质或eCTD
FDA:Food and Drug Administration 美国食品药品管理局 EDQM:European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (欧洲药品质量理事会) SFDA:State Food and Drug Administration(国家食品药品管 State Administration( 理局) TGA:Therapeutic Goods Administration(澳大利亚药物管 ( 理局) 理局) MCC:Medicines Control Council (南非药品管理局)
1. Drug Master File Guideline:基本不用 2. CTD格式 Common Technical Document CTD文件是美、欧、日三方国际协调会议(International Conference of Harmonization,简称ICH)共同认可 的药品申请文件格式,由五个模块组成.
图书:SFDA培训中心图书信息 美国FDA的CGMP现场检查》 现场检查》 《美国 的 现场检查 《美国药品申报与法规管理》 美国药品申报与法规管理》 原料药质量控制系列文件及APIC“Q7如何实施”》 如何实施” 《ICH原料药质量控制系列文件及 原料药质量控制系列文件及 如何实施
GMP英语1.ABBREVIATED(NEW)DRUG:简化申请的新药2.AirLock 气闸3.ANDA(ABBREVIATED NEW DRUG APPLICATION):简化新药申请4.API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingrediet) 原料药又称:活性药物组分5.Authorized Person 授权人6.Batch Number/Lot-Number 批号7.Batch Numbering System 批次编码系统8.BATCH PRODUCTION RECORDS:生产批号记录9.BATCH PRODUCTION:批量生产;分批生产10.Batch Records 批记录11.Batch/Lot 批次12.Bulk Product 待包装品13.Calibration 校正14.CFR(CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATION):(美国)联邦法规15.Clean area 净区16.Consignmecnt(Delivery)托销药品17.DMF(DRUG MASTER FILE):药物主文件(持有者为谨慎起见而准备的保密资料,可以包括一个或多个人用药物在制备、加工、包装和贮存过程中所涉及的设备、生产过程或物品。
只有在DMF持有者或授权代表以授权书的形式授权给FDA,FDA在审查IND、NDA、ANDA时才能参考其内容)18.FDA(FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION):(美国)食品药品管理局19.HOLDER:DMF持有者20.IND(INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUG):临床研究申请(指申报阶段,相对于NDA而言);研究中的新药(指新药开发阶段,相对于新药而言,即临床前研究结束)RMED CONSENT:知情同意(患者对治疗或受试者对医疗试验了解后表示同意接受治疗或试验)22.NDA(NEW DRUG APPLICATION):新药申请23.OTC DRUG(OVER—THE—COUNTER DRUG):非处方药24.PANEL:专家小组25.PIC/S的全称为:Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical InspectionCooperation Scheme, PIC/S(制药检查草案), 药品检查协会(PIC/S) ,也有人称PIC/S 为医药审查会议/合作计划(PIC/S)26.PIC的权威翻译:药品生产检查相互承认公约27.POST-OR PRE- MARKET SURVEILLANCE:销售前或销售后监督28.PRESCRIPTION DRUG:处方药29.TREATMENT IND:研究中的新药用于治疗GMP文件常见缩写ABPI Association of the British Pharmaceutical IndustryADR Adverse Drug ReactionAE Adverse EventAIM Active Ingredient ManufacturerANDA Abbreviated New Drug ApplicationANOVA Analysis of VarianceASM: Active Substance ManufacturerATC Anatomical Therapeutic ChemicalATX Animal Test Exemption CertificateBAN British Approved NameBIRA British Institute of Regulatory AffairsBNF British National FormularyBP British PharmacopoeiaC of A Certificate of AnalysisC of S Certificate of SuitabilityCENTRE FOR DRUG EVALUATION (CDE)Centre for Pharmaceutical Administration (CPA)CMS Concerned Member State 每个成员国COS Certificate of SuitabilityCPMP Committee for Proprietary Medicinal ProductsCRA Clinical Research AssociateCRF Case Report FormCRO Contract Research OrganisationCTA Clinical Trial ApplicationCTC Clinical Trial CertificateCTD Common Technical DocumentCTX Clinical Trials ExemptionDDD Defined Daily DoseDGC Daily Global ComparisonDIA Drug Information AssociationDMF Drug Master FileDrug Registration Branch (DR, Product Evaluation & Registration Division, CPA EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines) 欧洲联盟药品质量指导委员会EEA 欧洲经济地区EGMA European Generics Medicine AssociationELA Established Licence ApplicationEMEA European Medicines Evaluation AgencyEMEA (European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products)欧洲联盟药品评价机构EP European PharmacopoeiaEPAR European Public Assessment ReportsESRA European Society of Regulatory Affairs European Pharmacopoeia Commission 欧洲药典委员会FDAFDA Food and Drug Administrationfinal evaluation report (FER)free sale certificates (FSCs)GCP Good Clinical PracticeGCP药品临床研究管理规范GLP Good Laboratory PracticeGLP 药品临床前安全性研究质量管理规范GMP Good Manufacturing PracticeGMP 药品生产质量管理规范GSP药品销售管理规范Health Sciences Authority (HSA)HSA’s Medicines Advisory Committee (MAC)IB Investigators BrochureICH International Conference for Harmonisation IDMC Independent Data-Monitoring CommitteeIEC Independent Ethics CommitteeIND Investigational New DrugINN International Non-proprietary Name International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) IPC In Process ControlIRB Institutional Review BoardLICENCE HOLDERMA Marketing AuthorisationMAA Marketing Authorisation ApplicationMAA上市申请MAH Marketing Authorisation HolderMAH 销售许可持有者MCA Medicines Control AgencyMHW Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan)MR Mutual RecognitionMRA 美国与欧盟的互认协议MRAs (Mutual Recognition Agreements) 互相認證同意MRFG Mutual Recognition Facilitation Group MRP Mutual Recognition ProcedureNAS New Active SubstanceNCE New Chemical EntityNDA New Drug Applicationnew chemical entities (NCEs)new drug applications (NDAs)NSAID Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory DrugNTA Notice To ApplicantsOOS Out of SpecificationOTC Over The CounterPAGB Proprietary Association of Great BritainPh Eur European PharmacopoeiaPIL Patient Information LeafletPL Product LicencePOM Prescription Only MedicinePRODUCT OWNERPSU Periodic Safety UpdatesQA Quality AssuranceQC Quality ControlRAJ Regulatory Affairs JournalRMS Reference Member StateRMS相互认可另一成员国RSD Relative Standard DeviationRx Prescription OnlySAE Serious Adverse EventSMF Site Master FileSOP Standard Operating ProcedureSOP (STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE)标准运作程序SPC/SmPC Summary of Product Characteristicssummary of product characteristics(SPC)Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)USP US PharmacopoeiaVMF Veterinary Master FileVPC Veterinary Products CommitteeA.A.A Addition and Amendments 增补和修订AC Air Conditioner 空调器ADR Adverse Drug Reaction 药物不良反应AFDO Association of Food and Drug Officials 食品与药品官员协会(美国)ACC Accept 接受AQL Acceptable Quality Level 合格质量标准ADNA Abbreviated New Drug Application 简化的新药申请BOM Bill of Material 物料清单BPC Bulk pharmaceutical Chemiclls 原料药CBER Center for Biologics Evaluation Research 生物制品评价与研究中心CFU Colony Forming Unet 菌落形成单位DMF Drug Master File 药品管理档案CDER Cemter for Drug Evaluation amd Research 药物评价与研究中心CI Corporate Identity (Image) 企业识别(形象)CIP Cleaning in Place 在线清洗CSI Consumer Safety Insepctor 消费者安全调查员CLP Cleaning Line Procedure 在线清洗程序DAL Defect Action Level 缺陷作用水平DEA Drug Enforcement Adminestration 管制药品管理DS Documentation Systim 文件系统FDA Food and Drug Administration 食品与药品管理局(美国)GATT General Agreemernt on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协会GMP Good Manufacturing Practice Gvp 药品生质量管理规范GCP Good Clinical Practice 药品临床实验管理规范GLP Good Laboratory Practice 实验室管理规范GSP Good Supply Practice 药品商业质量规范GRP Gook RaTAIL Practice 药品零业质量管理规范GAP Good Agriculture Practice 药材生产管理规范GVP Gook Validation Prctice 验证管理规范GUP Gook Use Practice 药品重用规范HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 空调净化系统ISO Intematonal Organization for Standardization 车际标准化组织MOU Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录PF Porduction File 生产记录用表格OTC Over the Counter (Drug) 非处方药品PLA Product License Application 产品许可申请QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制QMP Quality Management Procedure 质量管理程序SDA State Drug Administration 国家药品监督管理局SMP Standard Managmert Procedure 标准管理程序SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准操作程序TQC Tatal Quality Control 全面质量管理USA Uneted States Pharmacopeia 美国药典。
Generic Drug 非专利药
Definition 非专利药的定义 A generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent to a brand
name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use 非专利药在药剂形式、安全性、强度、给药途径、质量、性 能特征和使用用途上与专利药相同或者生物等效性相同。
Type of ANDA 非专利药申请的分类
Type of Application
1 Paragraph I Certification
2 Paragraph II Certification
3 Paragraph III Certification
4 Paragraph IV Certification
FDA Drug Approval Process
from Chemistry Manufacturing Controls Perspective 化学生产控制〔CMC〕展望
New Drug Development Process 新药的研发过程
1. Research & Development 〔研究和开发〕 2. Pre-clinical Studies 〔药理毒理研究〕 3. Investigational New Drug 〔IND〕
〔Generic Name〕
〔$ Billion〕
十四烷基硫酸钠的有关物质合成与结构鉴定吴洁薛勐(上海紫源制药有限公司上海 201108)摘要以7-乙基-2-甲基-十一烷-4-醇为原料,经对甲苯磺酸催化脱水合成了十四烷基硫酸钠中的4种有关物质,其结构经1H-NMR、13C-NMR谱及高分辨质谱确证,同时探讨了这4种有关物质可能的产生途径,以期为十四烷基硫酸钠的质量研究和有关物质的控制提供帮助。
关键词十四烷基硫酸钠有关物质结构鉴定中图分类号:TQ463.23 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)13-0099-04引用本文吴洁, 薛勐. 十四烷基硫酸钠的有关物质合成与结构鉴定[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(13): 99-102.Synthesis and structure identification of the related impuritiesin sodium tetradecyl sulfateWU Jie, XUE Meng(Shanghai Ziyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201108, China)ABSTRACT Four related impurities were synthesized by dehydration of 7-ethyl-2-methyl-4-undecanol catalyzed by p-toluenesulfonic acid in toluene. Their structures were confirmed by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and high resolution-MS. Meanwhile, the possible synthetic route of these related impurities were discussed so as to provide help for the quality research of sodium tetradecyl sulfate and the control of related impurities.KEy wORDS sodium tetradecyl sulfate; related impurity; structure identification十四烷基硫酸钠(sodium tetradecyl sulfate,1),化学名为7-乙基-2-甲基-4-十一醇硫酸钠(7-ethyl-2-methyl-4-undecanol sulfate sodium salt)是一种化学合成的阴离子表面活性剂,常用作治疗下肢静脉曲张和静脉畸形的硬化剂[1-2]。
Points included:
Manufacturing site Equipment capabilities Operational layout Actual site address A map showing its location with respect to the nearest city Corporate headquarters
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Who Must File a DMF?
There is no legal or regulatory requirement to file a DMF. A DMF may be filed to provide CMC information that the FDA reviews.
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Manufacturing Quality Validations Stability Impurities Packaging & Labeling Controls Section data
4 / 45
Current Types of DMFs
Now Four Types: TYPE I DMF WITHDRAWN. (Numbering retained to avoid confusion)
II Drug substance, drug product, intermediates and material used in their manufacturing.
G M P常见英文缩写AQAI(Automated?Quality?Assurance?Inspection?Equipment):在线自动质量保证检查设备API(Active?Pharmaceutical?Ingredient):活性药物物质,即原料药ANDA?(Abbreviated?New?Drug?Application):简化新药申请ADR(Adverse?Drug?Reaction):不良反应BSE(Bovine?Spongiform?Encephalopathy):疯牛病BPCS(Business?Planning?and?Control?System):业务计划及控制系统BIA(Business?impact?assessment):?商业影响评估cGMP(current?Good?Manufacturing?Practice):现行药品生产质量管理规范CCCD(China?Certification?Committee?for?Drugs):中国药品认证委员会CIP(Cleaning?In?Place):在线清洁CV(Concurrent?Validation):同步验证CDER(?Center?for?Drug?Evaluation?and?Research):?药品研究与评价中心COA(Certificate?Of?Analysis):分析报告单CFR(Code?of?Federal?Regulation):(美国)联邦法规?CDC(Centers?for?Disease?Control?and?Prevention):疾病预防控制中心COS/?CEP(?Certificate?of?Suitability?for?European?Pharmacopeia?):欧洲药典适用性证书CCD?(Certification?Committee?for?Drugs):药品认证管理中心CPMP(Committee?for?Proprietary?Medicinal?Products):?欧洲专利药品委员会CTD(Common?Technical?Document):通用技术文件CDC(?Centers?for?Disease?Control?and?Prevention):?疾病预防控制中心GMP(Good?Manufacturing?Practice):药品生产质量管理规范ICH(International?Conference?on?Harmonization?of?Technical?Requirements?for?Registrat ion?of?Pharmaceuticals?for?Human?Use):人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会EU(European?Union):欧洲联盟EFPIA(European?Federation?of?Pharmaceutical Industries?Associations):欧洲制药工业协会联合会MHW(Ministry?of?Health?and?Welfare,Japan):日本厚生省JPMA(Japan?Pharmaceutical?Manufacturers?Association):日本制药工业协会FDA(US?Food?and?Drug?Adminiistration):美国食品与药品管理局PRMA(Pharmaceutical?Research?and?Manufacturers?of?America):美国药物研究和生产联合会WHO(World?Health?Organization):世界卫生组织IFPMA(International? Federation? of? Pharmaceutical? Manufacturers?Associations):国际制药工业协会联合会TQC(Total?Quality?Control),TQM(Total?Quality?Management):?全面质量管理PDCA(Plan,Do,Check,Action):计划,执行,检查,处理QA(Quality?Assurance):质量保证QC?(Quality?Control):质量控制QS(Quality?System):质量体系QM(Quality?Management):?质量管理SOP(Standard?Operating?Procedure):?标准操作规程SMP(Standard?Management?Procedure):标准管理程序SOR(Standard?Operating?Record):?标准操作记录GEP(Good?Engineering?Practice):工程设计规范HV AC(Heating?Ventilation?and?Air?Conditioning):空调净化系统DQ(Design?Qualification):设计确认IQ(Installation?Qualification):安装确认OQ(Operational?Qualification):运行确认PQ(Performance?Qualification):性能确认OOS(Out-Of-Specification):检验不合格;超标PFDS(Process?Flow?Diagrams):工艺流程图MRA(cMutual?Reognition?Agreements):?现场检查多边认同协议DMF(?Drug?Master?File):EDMF(European?Drug?Master?File)欧盟药物主文件EDQM(European?Directorate?for?Quality?Medicines):?欧洲药品质量管理局ORA(Office?of?Regulatory?Affairs):药政事务办公室GGPs(?Good?Guidance?Practices):?优良指南规范MOA(Method?Of?Analysis):分析方法VMP(Validation?Master?Plan):验证主计划VP(Validation?Protocol):验证方案MSDS(Material?Safety?Data?Sheet):物料安全技术说明书NDA?(New?Drug?Application):新药申请OTC(Over-the-counter):非处方INN(International?Nonproprietary?Name)国际非专有名称USP(the?united?state?pharmacopeia):?美国药典NF(National?Formulary):(美国)国家药品集GAP(Good?Agricultural?Practice):中药材种植管理规范GCP(Good?Clinical?Practice):药物临床试验质量管理规范GLP(Good?Laboratory?Practice):药物实验室管理规范GSP(Good?Supply?Practice):药品经营质量管理规范GUP(Good?Use?Practice):药品使用质量管理规范SM(Starting?Material):起始物料PMF(Plant?Master?File);?SMF(Site?Master?File):工厂主文件EDL(List?of?Essential?Drugs?)?:?基本药物目录PI(Package?Insert):说明书PCT(?Patent?Cooperation?Treaty):?专利合作条约PPAC(Patent? Protection? Association ?of? China):中国专利保护协会PIC(?Person ?In? Charge)?:负责人PDS(Pharmaceutical? Development? Services):?整体新药研发机构SPC(Summary ?of? Product? Characteristics):产品特性摘要。
模块1:行政描述信息(不属于CTD) 模块2:通用技术文件总结(专家报告) 模块3:质量 模块4:非临床研究报告
1. REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION (区域行政信息) 主要包括:DMF持有者,总部,制造地委托检测单位(如有), 代理情况 2. COMMON TECHNICAL DOCUMENT SUMMARIES 通用技术文件总结 (专家报告) 应该由有资格的人员,对DMF文件所涉及到的药品的主要概况,包 括工艺、物料、包装、稳定性、杂质等内容的概述。 欧洲要求由欧盟承认其资格的专家撰写。
3.2.S.2.5 Process Validation and/or Evaluation 工艺验证
Manufacturing Process Development 工艺研发报告 要求:包括从小试,中试到大生产的所有试验记录, 工艺沿革历史,关键工艺 参数的确定,质量 规格和方法的确立等内容。
区别:这里DMF是指药品主文件( Drug Master File)。 另一个常用的缩写DMF指二甲基甲酰胺( dimethylfomamide)。
提出新药注册申请,提供拟上市新药及其成分在“安全性、有效性和质量”三方 面的全部信息,FDA做出全面评价认为满足要求后,才能给与批准上市。
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Drug Master Files (DMFs)This site contains lists of Drug Master Files (DMFs) as well as information concerning submission of DMFs. The list is updated quarterly, although there may be delays of up to a month. See below for information regarding the current DMF Guideline.Only an Annual Report is considered to be sufficient to prevent an Overdue Notice Letter (ONL) from being sent.A response to an Overdue Notice L1etter (ONL) to retain activity of a DMF MUST be identified as an Annual Report (with additional amendments as applicable) and contain the information listed below for an Annual Report. Responses to ONL2s that are not labeled as Annual Reports or that state that an update will be submitted in the future are NOT sufficient to keep the DMF in active status.∙Important Guidance Information3∙Download DMF Files 4QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT DMFs∙Please address ALL comments or questions regarding DMFs to dmfquestion@.∙All inquiries MUST have an entry in the "Subject" field of the e-mail that indicates what the e-mail is about and how it relates to DMFs.∙Due to concerns about viruses and the amount of "spam" received by this account, e-mails with subject fields that are blank or contain meaningless text strings or contain only question marks will not be opened.∙If the inquiry concerns a specific DMF, the DMF number should be in the subject field of the message.∙Other inquiries unrelated to DMFs should go todruginfo@.DMF LISTSThe list of DMFs is current as of December 31, 2010, through DMF 24550. Changes to the DMF activity status, DMF type, holder name, and subject made since the last update of September 30, 2010 are included.Other lists are:1.New DMFs since the last list.2. A list of changes in DMF activity status, DMF type, holder name,and subject.The lists are available in Microsoft Excel and in ASCII(tab-delimited)5. Please note that only ACTIVE DMFs have been sorted into different types. Note that the ASCII file contains all the DMFs. There are no ASCII files for the active DMFs and the different types of active DMFs.For the Excel files, the following lists are provided as different worksheets within one Excel file6.∙All DMFs∙Active DMFs∙Active Type II DMFs∙Active Type III DMFs∙Active Type IV DMFs∙Active Type V DMFsThe following lists are still provided as separate files.∙New DMFs since the last list7∙Changes8TYPES OF DMFsThe types of DMFs are:∙Type I Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and Personnel (no longer applicable)∙Type II Drug Substance, Drug Substance Intermediate, and Material Used in Their Preparation, or Drug Product∙Type III Packaging Material∙Type IV Excipient, Colorant, Flavor, Essence, or Material Used in Their Preparation∙Type V FDA Accepted Reference InformationSTATUS OF DMFS∙“A” = Active. This means that the DMF was found acceptable for filing, administratively, and is up-to-date. The ∙“I” = Inactive∙“N” = Not an assigned number∙“P” = DMF Pending Filing ReviewThe status conveys no information about whether DMF has been reviewed for technical content.INACTIVE STATUS OF DMFsThere are three reasons for a DMF to be listed as INACTIVE:1.The DMF has been CLOSED. There are two mechanisms for closure ofa DMF.a.CLOSED BY THE HOLDER: The holder requested that the DMF beclosed (or retired, closed, inactivated, or withdrawn) bysubmission of a Closure Request . Submission of a ClosureRequest will close the DMF, which can only be returned toACTIVE status by submission of a Reactivation.b.CLOSED BY THE FDA: The holder did not respond to an OverdueNotification Letter within 90 days to update the DMF.2.OVERDUE FOR UPDATE: For DMFs submitted before December 31, 2007,a DMF is considered OVERDUE FOR UPDATE when there have been no AnnualReports submitted since that date.Note that only an Annual Report is considered to be sufficient to prevent an Overdue Notice Letter (ONL) from being sent.Note that the sta tus “INACTIVE” in the list does not distinguish among the reasons listed above.Overdue Notification Letters: DMFs must be current at the time of review. According to the regulations regarding DMFs (21 CFR314.420(c)9):“Any addition, change, or deletion of information in a drug master file (except the list required under paragraph (d) of this section) is required to be submitted in two copies and to describe by name, reference number, volume, and page number the information affected in the drug master file.”The Guideline for Drug Master Files10 (September 1989), recommends that DMF holders update their DMFs annually (see below under Annual Reports).In order to ensure that DMFs are current, FDA is in the process of sending “Overdue Notification Letters” (ONLs) to DMF holders for DMFs that are OVERDUE FOR UPDATE (see above). If a DMF holder does not respond to this letter within 90 days with the submission of an Annual Report, the DMF will be considered “CLOSED BY THE FDA.” It will then be RETIRED.Note that there is a backlog in sending out ONLs.11 DMF holders can forestall the sending of an ONL by updating their DMFs, following the procedure below under “Retaining the Activity of a DMF.”Retirement of DMFsA DMF can be RETIRED ONLY if it has been CLOSED.. A RETIRED DMF is unavailable for review.Retaining the Activity of a DMFA DMF holder that wants to retain the activity of a DMF that is listed as Inactive and that has not been CLOSED should submit an Annual Report (two copies). This process should also be used to respond to an ONL.12The cover letter should specify that it is an “Annual Report.”GUIDANCESGuideline for Drug Master Files13 The version posted on the web is the current version. Note that the address for submitting DMF documentation to the FDA in the Guidance has been superseded by the Beltsville address below. Please address question regarding the DMF Guideline to dmfquestion@.Note: FDA regulations require that all submissions to INDs and NDAs that are in a foreign language have “complete and accurate translations.” The same is true for DMFs. A “certified” translation is not required.MORE INFORMATION ABOUT DMFsSee slides from DIA Webinar, 2007/Revised 20081914All links to FDA Web sites in the slides 13, 16 are outdated.Slide 24: Desk copies not accepted.Slide 27: Administrative changes may be submitted along with an Annual Report ONLY if they are clearly identified in the coverletter.Slide 30: The title of the DMF which will appear on the list of DMFs will be “MATERIAL manufacture in LOCATION OF COM PANY A for COMPANYB.” The name of Company A will not appear on the list (see discussionbelow under HOLDER NAMES15The recommendations in the DMF Guidance are, in general, still applicable. However the information below provides additional information or clarification of the recommendations in theGuidance. This information provided below falls into three categories:Category 1: Recommendations which are no longer applicable due to changes in regulations or guidances.Category 2: Additional clarification of recommendations in the Guidance. Category 3: New information for aspects of DMF filing that was not in effect when the Guidance was written.Address for Filing Original DMFs and Subsequent DMF Documents (Category 3)Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Drug Evaluation and ResearchCentral Document Room5901-B Ammendale RoadBeltsville MD 20705-1266Pre-assignment of DMF Numbers (Category 3)Requests for preassigned DMF numbers will be granted ONLY for electronic DMFs.Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Section of an Application (Category 1)The “Guideline for the Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Section of an Application” cited in the DMF Guidance has been withdrawn. DMFs may be submitted following the format recommended in the "Guidance for Industry M4Q: The CTD - Quality16".DMFs that cover multiple items e.g. Type III DMFs for components of container-closure systems or Type IV DMFs for flavors, can be submitted in CTD format. The technical information can be in Module 3, following the outline in the Drug Substance Section. The different sections within 3.2.S. can be populated as appropriate. Each product e.g. different flavors, would have a different name e.g. 3.2.S.[Flavor 1], 3.2.S.[Flavor 2]. Information that is common to different products e.g. analytical procedures can be accessed by reference (or links in the case of an electronic DMF) from the relevant section for that product e.g. [Flavor 1].DMF holders submitting DMFs for Sterile Manufacturing can consult the Manual of Policies and Procedures 5040.1: Product Quality Microbiology Information in the Common Technical Document - Quality (CTD-Q)17Products manufactured at separate facilities do not need to be filed as separate sections unless the manufacturing processes are different.Module 1 should contain the following informationSection 1.2: Cover Letter and Statement of CommitmentSection 1.3: Administrative Information1.3.1 Contact/sponsor/Applicant information1.3.1.1 Change of address or corporate nameCan be used to supply addresses of DMF holder and manufacturing and testing facilities1.3.1.2 Change in contact/agentCan be used to supply the name and address of contact persons and/or agents, including Agent Appointment Letter.1.4.1 - Letter of Authorization (LOA)Submission by the owner of information, giving authorization for the information to be used by another. An Agent Appointment Letter is NOT an LOA and should not be called “Letter of Authorization” and should not be submitted in Section - Statement of Right of ReferenceSubmission by recipient of a Letter of Authorization with a copy of the LOA and statement of right of reference.1.4.3 - List of authorized persons to incorporate by referenceThis list should be submitted in DMF annual reports.The language in the following sentence in the DMF Guidance, Section VII.B.1, has given rise to some confusion on the part of DMF holders.“A DMF is required to contain a complete list of persons authorized to incorporate information in the DMF by reference [21 CFR314.420(d)].”It does NOT mean a list of individuals within the DMF holder’s c ompany who are authorized to submit information to the DMF.The language in the CFR is more explicit:“The drug master file is required to contain a complete listof each person currently authorized to incorporate by reference any information in the file, identifying by name, reference number, volume, and page number the information that each person isauthorized to incorporate.”TYPES OF DMFsType I DMFs (Category 1)Type I DMFs are no longer accepted per a Final Rule published January 12, 2000 (65 FR 177618). See Type V DMFs below.Holders of Type II, III, and IV DMFs should not place information regarding facilities, personnel or general operating procedures in these DMFs. Only the addresses of the DMF holder and manufacturing site and contact personnel should be submitted. See Administrative Information in a DMF.Type II DMFs (Category 1)For Type II DMFs filed in CTD-Q format, Module 2 is expected.Drug SubstanceType II DMFs for drug substances may be submitted in the formatfor "Drug substance" in the "Guidance for Industry M4Q: TheCTD - Quality19".(Category 3) Drug Substance:See the current Guideline for Submitting SupportingDocumentation in Drug Applications for the Manufacture of DrugSubstances20.Drug Product:Type II DMFs for drug products may be submitted in the formatfor "Drug product" in the "Guidance for Industry M4Q: The CTD- Quality21".(Category 3) Drug Product.See the Guideline For Submitting Supporting Documentation InDrug Applications For The Manufacture Of Drug Products.22Separate DMFs should be submitted for drug substances and drugproducts.Type III DMFs (Category 1)The applicable Guidance for Type III DMFs is the “Guidance for Industry: Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs andBiologics: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and ControlsDocumentation”23 and Questions and Answers24. (Category 3)A new Manual of Policies and Procedures covering reviewer responsibilities for review of Type III DMFs has been implemented. MAPP 5015.5 CMC Reviews of Type III DMFs for Packaging Materials 25Type V DMFs (Category 3)The following types of DMFs may be filed as Type V DMFs without requesting prior clearance from FDA.∙Manufacturing Site, Facilities, Operating Procedures, and Personnel for sterile manufacturing plants. See Guidance forIndustry for the Submission Documentation for SterilizationProcess Validation in Applications for Human and Veterinary Drug Products26.∙Contract Facilities for the manufacture of biotech products. See Draft Guidance for Industry: Submitting Type V Drug Master Files to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research 27For other submissions as Type V DMFs the holder must request permission from FDA before filing a Type V DMF. (21 CFR 314.420(a)28(5)). Prospective Type V DMF holders may send their request to dmfquestion@, explaining the necessity for filing the information in a Type V DMF.Administrative Information in a DMF (Category 3)The only elements of the administrative information that should be in a DMF are:∙The name and address of the holder∙The name and address of manufacturing facility∙For the contact person:o Nameo Mailing Addresso Telephone numbero Fax numbero E-mail address∙The name and address of the agent (if applicable)∙For the contact person at the agent (if applicable):o Nameo Mailing Addresso Telephone numbero Fax numbero E-mail addressThe appointment of an Agent is optional. See discussion below under “Agents”Submission of Amendments, Annual Reports, and Letters of Authorization (Category 3)To facilitate processing of documents that are submitted to an existing DMF, please list the Submission Type and the Category/Subcategory of the document in bold type in the header on the transmittal letter. More than one Submission Type/Category/Subcategory can be used but all must be listed.If updated stability data is submitted at the same time as an Annual Report, the heading of the Cover Letter should state:Annual ReportQuality/StabilityPlease use the following as a guide. Note that only Amendments have Categories/Subcategories.Please use the following as a guide. Note that only Amendments have Categories/Subcategories.Submission Types∙Annual Report∙Letter of Authorization∙Closure Request∙Reactivation (Used only when a DMF has been Closed29.)∙Amendment: The types of information should be specified as follows:∙Category: QualitySubcategory under Quality Category with corresponding CTD Sections.Changes to a Subsection e.g. changes in S.2.3 Control ofMaterials not specifically listed below should be reported as the next level up e.g. should be reported as Manufacture Information S.2.o New item: Additional item e.g. flavor added to a multi-item DMFo Controls Information (specifications) S.4o Dissolution Data (Usually applies to drug product only) P.5o Facility Information (changes in manufacturing and or testing sites) S.2.1o Formulation Information (Usually applies to drug product only) P.1 and related sectionso Lot Release (batch analysis) S.4.4o Manufacture Information S.2o Microbiology Informationo New Strength (Usually applies to drug product only) P.1 and related sectionso Quality (Not covered by other subcategories)o Packaging Information (Applies to packaging of the material that is the subject of the DMF e.g. plastic bags for packaginga bulk drug substance in a Type II DMF) S.6 and P.7o Stability Information S.7 and P.8o Response to Information Requesto Response to Deficiency Letter∙Category: AdministrativeSubcategory under Administrative CategoryA response to an Overdue Notice Letter (ONL) to retain activity of a DMF MUST be identified as an Annual Report (with additional amendments as applicable) and contain the information listed below for an Annual Report. Responses to ONL s that are not labeled as Annual Reports or that state that an update will be submitted in the future are NOT sufficient to keep the DMF in active status.FDA does not send acknowledgment letters for any submission after the original DMF.Amendments or Annual Reports that cover multiple DMFs MUST have a copy submitted for each DMF.ELECTRONIC DMFs (Category 3)There is no requirement to file DMFs in electronic format. Paper DMFs will continue to be accepted. If this policy changes there will be advance notification.See Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD)30Requesting a Pre-Assigned Application number. 31 All electronic submissions must have a pre-assigned number in order to populate in the US Regional.xml.If a DMF available in paper is being converted to electronic format, it is not necessary to request a pre-assigned number.See also Guidance for Industry: Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format — Human Pharmaceutical Product Applications and Related Submissions Using the eCTD Specifications32. To make sure you have the most recent versions of the specifications referenced in this guidance please check Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD).33 Companies are encouraged to submit their DMFs in electronic form, including updating current paper DMFs. Note that all applications to CDER, including DMFs, that are submitted in electronic format MUST be in ECTD format, unless a waiver is granted34. Waivers are not granted for DMFs.All Letters of Authorization for electronic DMFs should specify that the DMF has been submitted in electronic format.Companies may convert an existing DMF in paper format to electronic format (ECTD only). In such cases DMF holders are advised to resubmit the entire DMF in CTD format as an amendment. If there are any changes in the technical content of the DMF as a result of the reformatting, e.g. addition of new information, the cover letter for the new electronic submission should specify what areas of technical information have been changed. Once the DMF holder has made an electronic submission every subsequent submission must be in electronic format (ECTD only).The ECTD format provides the backbone for the submission and a guide as to where to place information. It is not necessary to submit all Modules nor is it necessary to submit all sections within a Module. However, Module 1 is required for all eCTD submissions, as it contains the necessary administrative information to identify the DMF.Electronic signatures are accepted for electronic DMFs.LETTERS OF AUTHORIZATION (Category 2)All Letters of Authorization (LOAs) must be submitted in two copies to the DMF. A copy of the LOA must then be sent by the DMF holder to the Authorized Party (company or individual authorized to incorporate the DMF by reference). Failure to submit the LOA to the DMF may result in a delay in review of the DMF. LOAs should specify the name of the specific item being referenced and the date of the submission of information about that item. The LOA should not be called a “Letter of Access.”An LOA is required even if the DMF holder is the same company as the authorized party.AGENTS (Category 2)There is no regulatory requirement for an agent for any DMF, foreign or domestic. An agent for DMF purposes is not the same as an agent for the purposes of the Drug Listing and Registration System. (DRLS)35. Holders should not include the name of the agent for Registration purposes in the DMF. A lso note that in the US, the process of “Registration” applies ONLY to “registering” an establishment with the FDA.All “Agent Appointment Letters” for DMFs MUST be sent by the holder. FDA recommends that such letters include the phrase “appoint AGENT NAME as the agent for DMF” rather than “authorize AGENT NAME to act as the agent for DMF,” since the latter can be confused with a “Letter of Authorization.”An “Agent Appointment Letter” may be included in an original DMF.If possible, the word “Agent” should be used for the legal entity (whether a company or an individual) who is authorized to act on behalf of the DMF holder. The word “Representative” should be used for an individual who is employed by the Agent or Holder as the contact point for FDA.If a company acting as an Agent changes its name, FDA recommends that the DMF holder issue a new Agent Appointment Letter.A different agent can be appointed for different DMFs submitted by the same holder.HOLDER NAMES (Category 2)When the company that owns a DMF (DMF holder) changes its name, whether through sale of the company or simply a change in the company’s name, the DMF holder must notify FDA. See Section VII.E. in the Guideline for DMFs for further recommendations on the procedure for transferring ownership. A change in the name of a company for registration purposes under DRLS36 will not change the DMF holder name.A DMF holder is expected to retain a complete reference copy that is identical to, and maintained in the same chronological order as, their submissions to FDA (See Section IV.D.1 in the Guideline forDMFs). Therefore the old owner of the DMF is expected to transfer that copy to the new owner of the DMF.In general FDA expects the manufacturer to be the holder. If a manufacturer (Company A) of a MATERIAL wishes to have the DMF submitted by another company (Company B) and Company B wishes to act as the holder, the DMF should include statements from both companies that Company B takes full responsibility for all the information in the DMF and for all the processes and testing performed by the manufacturer. The title of the DMF which will appear on the list of DMFs will be “MAT ERIAL manufactured in LOCATION OF COMPANY A for COMPANY B.”ANNUAL REPORTS (Category 2)According to the DMF Guideline, Annual Reports are NOT to be used to report changes in the DMF. However, as described above, an Annual Report can be submitted at the same time as other information.The Annual Report should contain:1. An administrative page containing:∙Holder name∙Manufacturing Site name if different from Holder∙U.S. Agent company name (if applicable)∙Name of contact person for each of the above∙Mailing address, phone number, fax and email address of responsible individual(s)AND 2. One of the following∙Date(s) of the amendment(s) reporting changes since the last Annual Report or the original DMF filing date, whichever is most recent.Or∙ A statement that no amendments have been submitted since the last Annual Report or the original DMF filing date, whichever is most recent.AND 3. One of the following:∙ A complete list of all parties authorized to make reference to the DMF, identifying by name, reference number, volume, date, and page number the information that each person is authorized toincorporateOr∙ A statement that no changes have been made to the list of Authorized Parties since the last Annual Report or the original DMF filing date, whichever is most recent.Or∙ A statement that there are no Authorized Parties.AND 4. List of all parties whose authorization has been withdrawnNote that the DMF Guidance uses the terms “Annual Update” and “Annual Report” interchangeably. All submissions of Annual Reports should be labeled “Annual Report.”The term “Annual Update” should not be used.BIOLOGICS MASTER FILES (Category 3)Master Files submitted in support of products regulated by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) should be submitted asBB-MFs37. See the CBER web site38 for the products regulated by CBER. BINDERS (Category 2)See ”FDA IND, NDA, ANDA, or Drug Master File Binders39The “binders” are actually covers. These may be ordered from theU.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)Washington, DC 20404-0001(202) 512-1800In addition these can be ordered online at∙stocknumber=017-012-00394-040∙stocknumber=017-012-00395-841One copy of the DMF should use the blue cover and one should use the red cover.Fasteners must be obtained separately. Use 2 Piece Prong Fasteners, 8 1/2" Center to Center, 3 1/2" Capacity. Binders should be used for all subsequent submissions to FDA that are more than 10 pages.FEES (Category 3)There are no fees or charges for filing a DMF or any subsequent documents.FORMS (Category 2)Certain forms are required for submission of NDAs and INDs. However there are no forms required or available for DMFs, except for the forms discussed above under Binders42.CONFIDENTIALITY OF DMFs (Category 2)The public availability of the contents of DMFs is covered in 21 CFR 314.430(e). All requests for information about DMFs beyond that provided in the tables above must be made through the CDER Freedom of Information Web site.43FILING DMFs AND PATENT EXPIRATION AND EXCLUSIVITY ISSUES (Category 2)DMFs may be filed at any time. The Patent Expiration date and the Exclusivity Expiration dates listed in the Orange Book44 have no impact on DMF filing. The submission of Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) that reference DMFs are /subject to the regulations regarding filing of ANDAs.-Drug Master Files - All∙DMF zip file (ZIP - 2760KB)45--Drug Master Files - Excel ∙New - Excel (XLS - 94KB)46∙Changes - Excel (XLS - 230KB)47∙All - Excel (XLS - 8644KB)48--Drug Master Files - Text ∙New - Text (TXT - 42KB)49∙Changes - Text (TXT - 76KB)50∙All - Text (TXT - 2495KB)51-。