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1.He is a _________driver. He always drives ___________ than any of his friend. (仔细)

2.Lucy King is such a _______ nurse that she always treats her _______with great _______.


3.-Sorry, I _______ you for a friend of mine.

-It doesn’t matter. Everyone will make a_________. (错误,弄错)

4. The result was out of my ________, much better than I ___________. (预料)

5. -Mum, who will _______ me on my leg?

- Take it easy, my dear. The ________ will be very successful. (手术)

6. Smoking isn’t allowed in a ________place. If you break the rules, the _______won’t be pleased. (公共,公众)

7. Although Sarah _______ to be cheerful and said nothing about the problem, I noticed she was upset. (假装)

8. I ________ a gift from him but I refused __________ it. (收到/ 接受)

9. Choose the right shampoo for your hair _______ . This is for dry hair and that is for oily hair. (类型)

10. Betting is a complete ______ of money and time. Don’t ________ your energy and money on silly things. (浪费)

11. Did you ask your boss for a pay _________/ ________? (涨,增长)

12. It was blowing _______/ _________ at 8 last night. (大,猛烈)

13. It was raining _______ / ________ at 8 last night. (大,猛烈)

14.It was snowing _______ / _______ at 8 last night. (大,猛烈)

15. He was _______ / _________ hurt / injured in the car accident. (厉害)

16. He was ______ / _________ill and coughed _______, all day and all night. (厉害)

17. Mr. King wants to buy a big house with a swimming pool. He needs money _______ .(非常)

18. I was _______ moved by the love story. (深深)

19. I have been _______ impressed by a number of experiences in her life.(深深)

20. She was _______disappointed / surprised at the result. (非常)

21. The news that he was chosen to be head of the big company ______ excited us. (大大)

22. Her English has _______ improved since she came to the UK. (大大)

23. Since you _________ to be head of the company, you have no _______ but to deal with the problems as well as possible. (选择)

24. Holyfield is a world-known American professional boxer, who is of big ________ and is very strong. (块头)

25. Last week the price of food ___________. (猛增,暴涨)

26. Mrs. Smith has the ________ voice of all my teachers. (轻柔的)

27. A seeing-eye dog can ________ blind people across the roads.

As a university graduate, I am seeking a job as a tourist _______. (指引、引导)

28. But this time I asked the embassy for his ______ address, so I’m sure he’ll get it.

Can you describe her appearance more __ ___ so that we can pick her up at the station more easily?

-Do you believe what he said to the police?

-Not ________. There are many doubts. (准确,完全)

29. –It’s already eleven o’clock at night. Tom is still watching TV.

-Please _______ him to bed. (催促)

30. Stars, __________ Joan Collins, are expected to attend the donation ceremony. (包括)

31. Children are children! You mustn’t ______them too hard.

We need a ______ to take the first step. (逼、鼓励)

32.He _______/ ______ his watch on the table just five minutes ago, but now it’s gone . (放)

33. My mom had to do some part-time jobs to _______ my family. (支撑)

34. Her smile on the face _______ that she had passed the exam. (表明)

35. We’d better ______ up if we want to get there in time. (加速)

36. It is _______that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl.(自然的)

37. Little Tom was afraid of being scolded. He ______ the broken plate behind the table. (藏)

38. Every member of the band must follow the ________. (节拍)
