

综合英语3 unit_1

综合英语3 unit_1

1. James would rather have a son than a daughter. T 2. A child‟s most lovely when it is under four. F 3. When Amy was a teenager, she had a lot of boyfriends. T 4. James liked the way Amy made friends with boys. F 5. To make Amy happy was more important than anything else in James‟ life. T 6. Amy was not very choosy in selecting a job . F 7. Both James and Amy like reading detective stories. NM Choosy: (informal) overly fastidious in making is fond 8. James likes new pop songs while Amy a choice (非正式)(选择时)过分挑剔的 of the opera.
When she left she decided she wanted to become an actress so I got her into drama school. It wasn’t to her liking so she joined a theatre group and began doing bits and pieces in films. She was doing well, but then gave it up. She probably found it boring. Then she took up social work, and finally went to work for a designer and he became her husband. And that’s really the story of her life. She must be happy with him—they’re always together. to somebody’s liking: giving somebody satisfaction bits and pieces; bits and bobs: (informal) small obje or pleasing sb 合某人意;讨某人喜欢 cts or items of various kinds 各种各样的小零碎儿 His coffee was just to his liking. and pieces. The thief made a confession in bits Cf: have a liking for 窃贼吞吞吐吐作了招供。 I must admit I have no liking for exaggeration.

综合英语课件book3 Unit1 Fresh start

综合英语课件book3 Unit1 Fresh start

Fresh Start
…leaving me standing pitifully…
• to cause or allow to be or remain in a specified condition – leave the door open – his manner left me cold – The war had left the country heavily in debt. – One should not leave the tap running on. – Let’s leave the future to take care of itself. home
Fresh Start
College is a new start of your life 写字白板
Be yourself, you can do it
Fresh Start
Fill in the blanks
• • • • • 1. She has a very ____ way of speaking. 2. Mice is ____ from rats. 3. The photograph showed a ____ image. 4. Boy scouts wear a _____ uniform. (key: 1. distinctive 2. distinct 3. distinct 4. distinctive)
College is a new start of your life Be yourself, you can do it 写字白板
Fresh Start
Part I
Paragraph 1

2021高中英语人教版必修第三册同步课件:UNIT 1 (付,121页)

2021高中英语人教版必修第三册同步课件:UNIT 1 (付,121页)

shows that more and more people
• (2)
is mentioned,the number of the students in senior high school is increasing.
• 同义句转A换s
• (3) As we all know,too much fat in food is unhealthy.
• 我对你的成功致以最热烈的祝贺。

• 【词语积累】 • congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺 congratulate sb. on(doing)sth. 祝贺某人(做)某事 • congratulate sb. for(doing)sth. 因为(做了)某事祝贺某人 • congratulate oneself on(doing)sth. 因(做)某事为自己感到自豪 • We congratulated him on recovering from the disease. 我们祝贺他康复了。[词汇复现] • I congratulate you for getting the highest score in the history test. 我祝贺你在历史测试中取得最高分。 • You can congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job. 你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。 • 【词语辨析】congratulate 与 celebrate • ( 1)congratulate +某人:多表示祝贺某人(搭配:congratulate sb. on sth.) • (2)celebrate + 某事:多表示庆祝生日、结婚纪念日、节日等 • We come to the party to celebrate his birthday and congratulate him on his success. • 我们来参加聚会给他庆祝生日,并祝贺他取得成功。 • •



Background Information
What do you think of country life? City life or country life ,which do you prefer?
Text Organization
Part One
Paras 1-3
The v-ing form is one of the non-finite verbs (非谓语动词). It serves as an adverbial in the sentence and it indicates another action by the subject of the sentence. paraphrase: Then the growing season came and it brought us a lot of agricultural products.
暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场, 厚厚的积雪覆盖着屋子和谷仓。
The first flood refers to “great overflow of water” while the other refers to “agricultural products.”
7 When spring came, it brought two floods. First the river overflowed, covering much of our land for weeks. Then the growing season began, swamping us under wave after wave of produce.
As a farmer,I 'm with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and not quite the I have same as my get by: be neighbors. finally found contentment good enough but not very here in the country.


to her boss.
Listen to the recording again and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.
1. The store was brightly lit and the shelves were
3. Do you think special help should be offered to the sick, the poor, the aged and the handicapped?
Study the following quotes about people around us. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?
No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.
— John Donne
Click Picture
பைடு நூலகம்
Interpretation: Everybody lives in relation to other people in a community. Our wellbeing depends on this community and we, in turn, should contribute our efforts to its prosperity and harmony.
1. What did the old woman look like when the speaker saw her?
A) She was in neat clothes and walked elegantly. B) She was in shabby clothes and walked with



An all-hands meeting is one that is held with everyone who works within a company. It tends to be held when there is important information that needs to be communicated to a large group of employees, as this allows information to be passed on to everyone at the same time.
Dustin was chosen as the new CEO, with 95% of the votes.
Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders.
If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another 6 months
Can Employees Decide an Organization’s Leadership?
Today the leadership election process looks quite different.
The CEO starts the process by proposing an organizational structure for the next year with a public document, sharing a vision for the future and what would be needed in terms of leadership positions. Everyone is able to question the necessity of any position. Once the positions are defined, everyone can apply, or propose someone else. One month before an election, the people who are up for the position introduce themselves and their ideas. Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders. If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another six months, and then a new election would be held.



Preview Check
– By cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living.
5. What does the writer think are the special qualities necessary for leading a life the way they do?(Para.12&13)
Internet surfing: chat; gaming; e-mails collect information; music Travel : go outing; scenic spots; budget traveling(自助旅游) group traveling sightseeing; international travel Part-time job: tutor; attendant/waiter/tourist guide/worker sales promotion; program design internship(见习)
He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.
4. How do the writer and his family manage to live on a comparatively low income in the country?(Para.11)
Unit 1 Changes in the Way we Live
When seasons change, ______ change(s) too.
When age changes, ______ change(s) too.




If I could take this moment forever Turn the pages of my mind To another place and time We would never say goodbye
如果我可以永远拥有这个瞬间, 将我心灵的记忆 倒回到另一个地点及时间, 我们永不会说再见。
Part 3 Para 14-20
• By the way he behaved when confronted with another sad moment—the loss of his grandpa, the author shows us that he came to understand what his grandpa had taught him.
Reading aloud
Cultural information
Audiovisual supplement
You’re angry about the move. I get that. Just what are you expecting your silent protest will get you? … At least acknowledge this isn’t the way to deal with your anger the way you said you were gonna do. Say yes with your head. Two blinks. … Nothing. [sigh] Mal, you and Simon take your stuff. Wait in the foyer while I go look for the main circuit breaker. Mallory: OK, Mom. … Get out of the car right now! Jared: You are not my mother, Mallory! Mallory: No, I’m worse. Because Mom doesn’t believe in hitting!

综合英语3-Unit 1-fresh start 课件

综合英语3-Unit 1-fresh start 课件
key word:
public attention
Cultural Backgroud
Casey: Mom, I just want to compete at regionals. Mother: Why? What do you have to gain by this? Casey: I’m good. Mother: So, what are you saying? You wanna just blow off our whole plan for you, chuck the scholarship and become a professional athlete? Casey, what was the shelf life of an ice-skater? Eight years? And then a few years touring with Has-Beens on Ice. And that’s it? That’s the end of your life? Casey: I love it, Mom. Mother: Case, there’s no shelf life on your mind. If I’d learned how to use mine a little sooner, if I’d gone to college when I was your age, maybe we wouldn’t be living like this. Casey: There’s nothing wrong with the way we live.
Detailed reading
para.9 ... where I collapsed in relief.

外研社新时代核心英语教程 综合英语3 unit 1教学课件

外研社新时代核心英语教程 综合英语3 unit 1教学课件

Detailed Study of the Text
Part II
7. But the emerging prevalence—anecdotally, at least—of the gadget death wish suggests an intriguing possibility: Where electronic gizmos are concerned, product obsolescence is becoming a demand-side phenomenon. (Para. 4)
Part II
Paras. 3-6
Walker argues that product obsolescence is more of a demand-side
phenomenon than a corporate strategy.
Part III
Para. 7
The conclusion of the whole text: The market gives us exactly what
The stem structure of the sentence is: Another acquaintance confessed his yearning for something to do.
Text Structure
Part I
Paras. 1-2
Rob Walker provides the readers with his own example and his friends’ examples of the gadget death wish.
Part I
2. Yet none of these problems—and the device mortality they portend—bother me. (Para. 1)



2) be good enough but not very good
• Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 译:他买不起一件新大衣,但他可以穿旧大衣将就着过冬。 He can’t afford a new coat, but he can get by with his old one. 你的作文写得还行,但是你要注意一些拼写错误。 Your writing will get by, but pay more attention to the spelling mistakes.
11. illustrate: provide with visual feature; clarify by use of examples, etc.
• The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs. • His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 译:你能举例说明你的观点吗? 在《绝望的主妇》里,苏珊给儿童书画插图。
Words and Expressions
2. make it: (informal) 1) to be successful in one’s career. • He’s never really made it as an actor. 2) to succeed in reaching a place after difficulty, effort, etc • It was a terrible journey but we finally made it. 3) to attend sth. • I am afraid I won’t be able to make it to your party next week.


Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
on balance: with all things considered 我想,总的来说我更喜欢新的操作系统。 I think, on balance, I prefer the new operating system. On balance, it’s probably not advisable to change the company’s name. NB: balance 的反义词是 imbalance。此外,与 balance 有关的 其他搭配有: keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡 strike a balance 力求折中 in the balance 不确定,成败或安危未定
CF: device, instrument & implement 这几个词都可用作名词,都有“用具”、“器具”之 意。
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
CF: profit, interest & advantage 这几个词都可用作名词,均有“利益”、“好处”之意。 profit 指在物质与精神方面的好处,但以金钱方面为主。例如: 公司为今年制定了较高的赢利目标。 The company has targeted a quite high profit for the year. interest 当“利益”讲时常用复数形式。例如: 公务员应该为公众谋利益。 A public servant is to work in the interests of the public.

第三册英语专业综合英语课件unit 1

第三册英语专业综合英语课件unit 1

Structure of the text (1)
Part one: Para 1 Introductory part– setting Part two: Para 2-9 The author recalls a few incidents during her first days of college– narration of the events Part three: Para 10-14 Concluding part-- reflections
showing v.s. telling
With that thought in mind, I raised my head, squared my shoulders, and set out in the direction of my dorm, glancing at the campus map clutched in my hand. In spite of my nervousness, I tried my best to stay calm, setting out in the direction of my dorm with the hope that I could find it easily without asking others.
n. o.
Clutch elf-restraint in expression
Being a man of reserve, Mr. York was never popular with his colleagues. A few drinks broke through his reserve. Practice: 她一反平素的沉默寡言,表现得很活跃。 For once, she lost/dropped her customary reserve and became quite lively.
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tip off: to give an advance warning or hint to Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty. The police was tipped off about the robbery.

Grin: smile broadly to show the teeth, showing amusement or contempt

Some other different “laughs” smile, laugh, giggle (at sb/ sth): laugh lightly in a nervous or silly way sneer (at sb/sth): laugh scornfully chuckle (laugh quietly or to oneself) cackle (loud and silly laugh, like the noise that a hen makes after laying an egg)

(P5)…to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, bending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious notetaking, and cursing under my breath…” (P6) …this flailing of my feet…my food tray tipped and I lost my balance… All these descriptions offer vivid pictures of what she did or how she looked in some embarrassing situations.
composed: calm, self-controlled
a composed person, manner, look Composed of: made up from sth. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

somebody’s heart goes out to somebody: feel sympathetic towards
Part 3 (para. 10-14)

Qs: 1.What, according to the Evelyn, is one of the major differences between college and high school lives? 2.What was the key lesson Evelyn Herald learned during her first few weeks in college?
grope for/after sth: Feel or search about (for sth) in the dark Darkness gives me dark eyes with which I grope for brightness. groping for an answer Fumble: to feel or make (one's way) awkwardly /not skillfully He fumbled about in his pockets f long as I could give up the attempt to be perfect in everything, I would well be able to do what I wanted in the way I was comfortable with.
ruled: ruled paper has thin, straight lines
printed across it.
Q. How many questions are used in Para 3 and 5? Why does the author raise these questions?
questions are used here. Being a freshman, she was not familiar with life in college. She was at a loss as to what to do when something unexpected happened, These questions are used to show her bewilderment (confusion).

a malicious remark, smile, act malicious gossip
malice: n. a desire to harm others; extreme ill

will or spite He did it through /out of malice. I am quite certain that his wife bears malice to/towards/against (=feels continuing dislike for) me.

Rhetoric Features:


Extensive use of words or phrases which are most likely to impress readers with pictures, vivid, tangible, funny; Disparity between her appearance and her actual mentality.
crisp adj: Paper or clothes that are crisp are

stiff and fresh with no creases in them. I lay down on the freshly made bed with its crisp white sheets. crisp new bank notes
Language Points Part three
1. interpret…as:
She interpret his silence as arrogance. We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval.

2. malicious: adj. intended to harm others
5. shackle:
The policeman placed shackles on the suspect’s hands. (fig) a restraint to action or progress, often used in the plural form the shackles of convention It is hard to break through the shackles of habit.

slink: v. to sneak; to move as if one feels guilty or
She tried to slink (=sneak) out of the office so that nobody would see her. The cat slunk (=sneaked) through the grass toward its prey.
flail: (cause sth. to) wave or swing about wildly

I flailed her arms to get her attention. Flail one’s arms/hands above one’s head
Sneak into, out of, past, etc sth. He stole the money and sneaked out of the house. adj: secret and unexpected a sneak attack; a sneak look at a letter

Q 1: One of the major differences between college and high school lives is that in high school one strives for popularity and has to avoid at any cost making himself/herself a laughing stock among his/her peers. When a person is in college, he /she should be his/her own person and do his/her own thing and avoid taking other’s opinion too much to heart. Q2 Since people grow by trial and error, one should relax and be oneself.
Unit One Fresh Start
Evelyn Herald
Why is the word “marched” used in the first sentence of Paragraph 3?

The author did not want others to notice that she was a freshman. With enough preparation the previous day, she was sure she could find the right room without asking the way or checking the map. The word “ march” is used to show her pretence of confidence.