Atlas Copco 喷油螺杆空压机
Atlas copco空气压缩机基础培训材料
干燥机是通过“压力变化”(变压吸附原理)来达到干燥效果。由于 空气容纳水汽的能力与压力成反比,其干燥后的一部分空气(称为再 生气)减压膨胀至大气压,这种压力变化使膨胀空气变得更干燥,然 后让它流过未接通气流的需再生的干燥剂层(即已吸收足够水汽的干
A.冷却器 冷却器有风冷与水冷两种方式。其中ZW775W、ZW555W为水冷,ZW225A、ZW155A为风冷。 ZW375则分水冷(ZW375W)和风冷(ZW375A)两种。
B.水过滤器 水过滤器滤芯为玻璃纤维,其功能为除去润滑水中的杂质颗粒等, 过滤精度为5µ。对压缩机主机有完善保护作用。水过滤器并联一压差 开关,其设定压差一般为0.2Map,提示水过滤器是说明此时水过滤器 滤芯需要更换。若水过滤器压差过大而未更换滤芯,则可能导致进水 量不足。而引起排气高温跳机,同时也可能影响主机的正常使用寿命。
一、空气流程 空气经空气滤清器过滤后,经由阀门控制器进入压缩机主机压缩;并与润 滑水混合,与水混合的 压缩空气经由排气止回阀进入水气桶,在水气桶内压 缩空气与水分离后经压力维持阀送入使用系统。 二、空气滤清器 空气滤清器为一干式纸质过滤器,内部装有压差探测器,如果控制面板上 空气滤清器阻塞指示灯亮,即表示空气滤清器须进行清洁或更换。 三、阀门控制器 阀门控制器为一碟阀,用于压缩机的容量控制。压缩机可以根据系统实际 使用压缩空气量的大小进行自动调节。当系统压力逐渐上升(未达到压力开 关设定值)时,先达到压力调节阀所设定的压力,则会有少许空气通过,
4、排气温度过高,空压 机自动停机(排气温度过 高报警)
(七)收尘器袋式收尘器:1. bag dust collector2. bag filter3. bag house4. fabric separator5. stocking filter除尘装置:dedusting equipment除尘器:Precipitator负压收尘器:air suction filter负压通风收尘器:induced draught filter离心式收尘器:centrifugal dust collector 圆形收尘器:circular dust collector静电收尘器:electronic collector布袋(收尘器):1. fabric filter bag2. filter bag旋风收尘器:cyclone precipitator喷射清灰袋收尘器:jet filter电收尘器:1. Cottrell precipitator2.electrostatic precipitator自动压缩空气收尘器:auto compress filter 布袋收尘器:bag filter dust collector水泥袋收尘器:product bag filter旋风除尘器:cyclone dust collector百叶窗式除尘器:louver separator(八)窖系统双系列预热器:1. double-string preheate2. twin preheater悬浮预热窖:suspension preheater kiln 回转窖:1. cylindrical roaster2. cylindrical rotary kiln3. revolving tubular kiln4. rotary kiln窖头:front end窖尾:back end窖筒体:shell of the kiln大轮带:tire轮带间隙:tire clearance轮带配合:tyre fit窑的斜度:slope of kiln窑头罩:Burner hood窑头区:Nose area窑口挡砖圈:Nose ring窑口密封圈:Nose seal窑口保护圈:Nose sector分解炉:1. calciner2. calciner furnace燃烧室:Combustion chamber(窑、机)托轮:Carrying roller涡流燃烧室:Swirl burner喷煤管:burner barrel喷煤嘴:burner nozzle窑头罩:burner hood (kiln head hood 看火罩:fire shield降尘室:backhousing旋风筒:cyclone挡砖、垫砖:backing brick四通道燃烧器:four-channel burner大齿圈:1. gear rim2. bag packer3. packing machine立窖:bagging spout(九)包装机自动包装机:automatic-filling machine 包装机:1. bag filler2. bag packer3. packing machine包装机嘴子:bagging spout转动式包装机:roto. Packing machine (十)烘干设备烘干筒:cylinder dryer烘干机:dryer热风炉:hot air generator间歇式干燥机:intermittent drier通风风箱:ventilated oven(十一)起重设备龙门起重机:gantry crane抓斗起重机:grabbing crane悬臂吊车:jib cranespan电动卷扬机:motorized hoist 电动葫芦:electric hoist移动式起重机:traveling crane 电动桥式起重机:Motorized Bridge Crane (十二)冷却装置换热式冷却机:recuperative cooler蓖式冷却机:1. air quenching cooler2. grate-type cooler蓖板:Grate增湿塔:Evaporation coolerWater Spray towerConditioning tower冷却机:cooler二次(后)冷却机:after-cooler蓖冷机:grate cooler多筒冷却机/行星式冷却机:Planetary cooler (十三)其他混凝土预埋件:concrete insert防尘罩布:dedusting hood地脚螺旋孔:foundation hole辅传电机:inching-motor行星散齿轮减速机:planetary bevel gear unit 地脚螺栓:anchor bolt水泥混合材:blended-meal silo原料制备车间:raw department生料:raw meal挡(料)圈:retention ring扇型电动机:sector motor尘降室、降尘室:sedimentation chamber同步电机:Synchronous motor超离心机:Ultracentrifuge垫片:1. back up plate2. bottom plate3. iron bedding4. spacer耐火材料:Fire-resistant material / refractory 酸性耐火材料:acid refractory主齿轮、大齿轮:master gear带仓重计量传感器: Load cell接近开关:Proximity switch(十四计量设施自动配料计量器:automatic batcher计量器、称量器:batcher电子胶带称:electronic belt scale地磅、轨道衡:car scale皮带称:belt weigher地中衡:weigh-bridge二、工艺术语(按英文字母顺序排序)磨损:1. abrade2. abrasion磨料:abrasive吸水率:absorption rate催化剂、催速剂:accelerant早强剂:accelerating agent细粉率(选出):acceptance efficiency 二次燃烧(后期):after burning气硬性水泥:air setting cement休止角:1. angle of repose2. angle of rest3. natural angle of repose灰份含量:ash content粉尘排量: dust emission研磨、磨损:attrition运转率、利用率:availability一批、配料:batch矿渣水泥:blast-furnace cement仓式泵气送法:blow-egg method 散装水泥:bulk cement煅烧:calcinate水泥细度:cement fineness水泥粉磨:cement finishing process 水泥标号:cement mark水泥安定性:1. cement soundness 2. sounding of cement熟料:clinker烧结、烧成:clinkerize煤堆:coal heap窑皮:coating破碎、粉碎:crumbing易碎性:crushability破碎腔:crushing cavity日报表:daily log分解、脱碳:decarbonation直接配料:direct dosing配料:dispensing干法(生产):dry process燃烧时间:duration of burning正面(端面)取料:end-on reclaiming 闭路循环粉磨:feedback grinding开路循环粉磨: 1. one pass grinding2. open-circuit grinding3. single-pass grinding喂料:feeding石膏矿渣水泥:gypsum-slag cement输送能力:handling capacity烧失量: ignition loss倾斜角:inclined angle倾角:tilt angle(窑内)烘干的,煅烧的:kilned有效储备(库):live storage磨机配料:mill batch看磨工:mill batch窑头罩负压:mill attendant露天石灰石矿:open-pit limestone quarry火山灰水泥:1. puzzolanic cement2. trass cement矿山开采:quarry operation筛余:screening residue二次风:secondary air辅助配料、次要配料:secondary ingredient 烧结带:sinter band窑的单位产量:specific throughput of kiln单位磨耗:specific wear储料堆:stock heap生石膏:uncalcined gypsum窑灰:wasted dust废热、余热:wasted heat布置图:layout drawing平面布置图:layout plan空气搅拌:ore agitation焊接有关术语氩弧焊:argon arc weld直流电弧焊:electronic arc welding气体保护焊:gas (shielded arc welding二氧化碳保护焊:CO2 (shielded arc welding焊钳(焊枪、焊矩):(pinch welding gun电弧气刨:arc air gouging搭接焊:overlap welding堆焊:resurfacing welding (surface welding对接焊(缝):butt weld底焊:backing welding焊透:through welding未熔透焊缝:skin weld (incomplete (poor fusion 焊瘤:overlap咬边:undercut弧坑:arc dent电弧烧伤:表面气孔:三角焊缝:angle fillet焊渣:welding slag/enclosed slag点固定焊:tack weld破口、切口:groove点焊:spot weld角焊:fillet weld乙炔:acetylene技术测量及形位公差有关术语经纬仪:theodolite/ transit水平仪:level实测数:effective/ actual figure接合面:composition surface实测面:effective surface水平度:levelness直线度:linearity平面度:planeness椭圆度:ellipticity垂直度:verticality平行度:parallelism粗糙度:roughness对角线:diagonal (line基准面:locating surface表面粗糙度:roughness of surface长方体:cuboid / cube立方体:cubic平方、正方形:square垂直:perpendicular/ right angle (直角)康达承德图纸用语摘录窖系统轴测图:isometric (detail索引图、原理图:key plan 管接头:nipple桶:pail六-:hex-偏差:tolerance冲孔:punch挡砖板:brick stopper调心环:centering ring大小头:reducing socket齿顶高、补充:addendum粗滤器、拉紧装置:strainer 渐开线:involute正齿轮(直):spur gear导轨:slide guide轮轴:axle滑动轴承座:bearing saddle (桥、墙)墩、支座:pier 轴承座:bearing housing轴套、轴瓦、衬套:bushing 前、后端盖:front/back cover 铰链:hinge/articulation基桩:bored pile框架斜支撑:crossing support横梁:girder柱-柱连接:column to column connection 角片、夹板:cleat梁、桁条、工字钢:joist接点板、角撑板、连接板gusset:斜交、歪斜:skew索引图:key plan柱子搭接:column splice背衬、衬板:backing腹板:web旋流室:vortex chamber加强板:stiffen plate短支柱、墩、支角、管接头:stub制表:tabulate相交点、面、横切面:intersection扇形、焊接弧形缺口:scallop钢型号:steel mark剪力:shear力矩:moment扭矩:torque预热器变电站:substation托砖圈:brick retainer托砖板:brick holder波纹板:checkered plate槽钢:channel bar总平面图:general plan把钉:casta hook地沟、沟:trench flush注满、清洗、流、齐平的:flush 销钉、栓:dowel分解炉:NSP性能:property散料棒:dispersing bar燃烧室:burner chamber/BC石棉:asbestos裂缝:cleft/crack图例:legendAtlas Copcofollower/drive shaft静、动载荷:dead/live load聚合物:polymer夹头、支架:cartridge齿侧间隙:backlash弦的:chordal挡轮:thrust roller配重:counterweight托架、操作台、控制台:console混凝土养护:concrete curing轮毂、轮体:hub内六角螺栓:cap screw调心轴承、球面轴承:1. globe bearing2. self-aligning bearing3. spherical (seated bearing厚板、石板:slabElekt’onikon↑上滚动I液晶显示器→←表格键开机↓下滚动停机功能选择F1 F2 F3●自动●报警●电源自动运行报警有电控制面板功能:1, I :开机按钮。
Atlas Copco 空压机
Page 1 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006 技术附件 TECHNICAL APPENDIX目录 INDEX附件一性能参数及特性曲线ATTACHMENT1 Technical Data and Performance附件二供货范围ATTACHMENT2 Scope of Supply附件三备品备件ATTACHMENT3 Spare Parts附件四人员培训及技术服务ATTACHMENT4 Training and Technical Service附件五卖方的承诺ATTACHMENT 5 The Seller’s CommitmentPage 2 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006附件一性能参数及特性曲线ATTACHMENT 1 Technical Data and Performance设计条件 Design Conditions:进口压力 Inlet Pressure 0.098 MPa(A) 进口温度 Inlet Temperature 30 degC最低温度 Lowest Temperature -18 degC相对湿度 Relative Humidity 78 %公用工程 Utility:1. 循环冷却水 Cooling water (recycle)进/出口温度 I/O temperature 32 / 42 degC最低进口温度 Lowest Inlet Temperature degC进口压力 Inlet Pressure ~0.4 MPa(A)要求压降 Pressure Drop Request <=0.2 MPa污垢系数 Fouling factor 0.00034m2K/W2. 电源 Power Supply主电源 Main Power 10kV+/-10% / 3PH / 50HZ最小短路容量 Min. short cuicurt >= 230 MVA允许母线压降 Max. allowed voltage drop <= 15%油加热器电源 Power for Oil Heater 380V / 3PH / 50HZ辅助油泵电源 Power for Auxiliary Oil Pump 380V / 3PH / 50HZ控制柜电源 Power for Control Panel 220V / 50HZ3. 仪表空气 Instruments Air压力 Pressure >=0.45 MPa(G)露点 Dew point <=-40degCPage3Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006性能参数与特性曲线Technical Data and Performance Curves性能数据 Technical Data: 排气压力(止逆阀后)Discharge pressure(after check valve): 0.62 MPa(A) –0%冷却水流量(不含电机) Cooling water flow (w/o motor): 720 m3/h计算压缩机联轴器功率的公式.Formula for calculation of the compressor coupling power. []el Motor el Coupling Tol P P ±η⨯= X 0.99总误差( Tol el )为动力学误差, 电机功率及测量仪表误差的几何和, 计算公式如下: The electrical tolerance (Tol el ) is the geometrical sum of the thermodynamic, the motor efficiency and the electrical instrumentation uncertainty and is calculated with the following formula:222el measure electrical motoreff yn mod ther Tol ++=电机效率的误差为+/1%.The required motor efficiency tolerance is +/-1%.实际数字需根据现场实际仪表及试车安排确定. The exact numbers can be defined during testing on site according to the existing instruments and test arrangement.测量误差按现场仪表.Measuring tolerance shall be according to the job site condition.特性曲线 Performance Curves: 见所附 See attached.Page 4 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006附件二供货范围ATTACHMENT 2 Scope of Supply2 供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY页号 Page2.1 总述 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 52.2 压缩机供货范围 COMPRESSOR SCOPE OF SUPPLY 6 - 142.3 供货范围中不包括的部件EXCLUSIONS FROM THE SCOPE OF SUPPLY 15Page 5 Quotation No.:dated02.05.20062 供货范围 SCOPE OF SUPPLY2.1 总述 General descriptionGT-型压缩机是带一个整体式驱动齿轮的离心式压缩机. GT-seriescompressors are centrifugal compressors with an integral spur gear.垂直剖分蜗壳通过结合器固定在水平剖分的齿轮箱上. The vertically splitvolutes are fixed to the horizontally split gear casing by means of adapters.悬挂叶轮以赫氏连接方式与小齿轮轴相连, 保证运转的高可靠性及便于装配.The overhung impellers are connected to the pinion shafts by means of Hirth connection which stands out for its high operating reliability and ease ofassembly.转子在径向可倾瓦轴承中运转. 转子轴封为碳环密封, 确保绝对无油压缩.The rotors run in radial tilting pad bearings. Sealing at the rotor shafts iseffected by a carbon ring seal for absolutely oil-free compression.单螺旋驱动齿轮的噪声很低.The single-helical spur gear has a low noise level.润滑油系统包括一台主轴驱动主油泵, 一台电机驱动辅助油泵, 两台全流量可切换双联油冷却器, 一套双联油过滤器及其切换阀. 此系统带有显示仪表用于保证安全运转.The lubricating oil system comprises a shaft-driven main oil pump, anelectric-motor-driven auxiliary oil pump, Dual oil coolers with 100% fullcapacity for each and a duplex oil filter with changeover valves. This system, together with the monitoring instruments, ensures high operating safety.此台离心式压缩机与齿轮和中间冷却器一起安装在一个刚性底盘上.The centrifugal compressor is mounted on a rigid baseframe together withgear and intercoolers.主驱动设备安装于一个单独的混凝土基础上.The main driver is mounted on a separate concrete.油系统自由放置于压缩机侧. 见所附的标准布置图.Oil system is free standing beside the compressor. See attached standardlayout plan.Page 6 Quotation No.:dated02.05.20062.2 压缩机供货范围 Compressor scope of supply2.2.1. 组合式压缩机主机 Combined Compressor unit三级整体齿轮型离心式压缩机主要包括以下部件. Three-stage integral gearcentrifugal compressor consisting of the following main components:齿轮 Gear带有维护方便的水平剖分齿轮箱的三轴齿轮3-shaft gear with horizontally split casing for easy maintenance.带大齿轮的驱动轴运行于分离式固定瓦轴承中, 此轴承为支撑轴承与止推轴承的组合轴承, 以吸收轴向推力. Driving shaft with bull gear mounted in splittapered land journal bearings with the thrust bearing designed as acombined radial-axial bearing to absorb the axial thrust.主空压机带螺旋形磨齿的小齿轮轴运行于高速可倾瓦轴承中, 每个轴承含五块可倾瓦, 与固定瓦推力轴承组合在一起. Main air-pinion shafts with groundhelical toothing mounted in high speed bearings which are split tilting padtype, each with 5 pads, combined with tapered land thrust bearings.轴承材料 Bearing metal: 巴氏合金表面 babbit-faced steel齿轮设计 Gear design: 单螺旋式 single helicalDIN3960/90 和制造厂标准 DIN 3960/90 and manufacturer's standard, AGMA 421 (SF 1.4)材料 Material: 主齿轮: 42CrMo4, 1.7225小齿轮轴: 31CrMoV9, 1.8519振动测量仪表 Vibration measuring instruments每个高速轴承上有X-Y向两个带连线和变送器的Bently Nevada振动探头. 提供 4~20mA的信号给DCS. Two X-Y vibration probes (Bently Nevada) withcable and transmitters with 4~20mA signal on each high-speed bearing (总共8个 total: 8).请详见所附PID图. Please also refer to the attached P & I-diagram.叶轮 Impeller由高强度回火特种钢GX5CrNi13.4材料铣制的叶轮, 与小齿轮轴赫氏连接.Impellers of high-strength tempered special steel GX5 CrNi 13.4 milled,connected with the pinion shaft via Hirth connection (see section 6).第一级为带后弯叶片的开式叶轮, 第二,三级为带后弯叶片的闭式叶轮.Page7 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006 Impellers with backward-leaning blades stage 1 as an open design and withshroud at stages 2 and 3.蜗壳 Volute带叶片扩压器的垂直剖分蜗壳.Volute casings vertically split with machined plate diffusors.材料 Material: 铸铁 cast iron GGG 40叶轮水洗系统喷嘴 Nozzles for water washing system每个压缩机级上带3个水洗喷嘴. 3 nozzles for water injection on eachcompressor stage (共9个 total: 9 nozzles)轴封 Shaft seal高速小齿轮轴的轴封为双道自调压式碳环密封. Shaft sealing of the high-speed pinion shaft is by means of two-chamber floating carbon ring seal.轴套材料为X35CrMo17V. Shaft sleeve of X35 CrMo 17V联轴器/联轴器护罩Coupling / coupling guard离心压缩机与电机之间的挠性叠片式联轴器.Flexible multiple-disk coupling between centrifugal compressor and motor.联轴器护罩为钢制. Coupling guard made of steel.2.2.2 进口导叶 Inlet guide vanes在第一/二级前 upstream of stage 1 & 2用于如所附特性曲线一致的部分负荷控制. For partial load control inaccordance with the enclosed characteristic curves.带气动执行机构和电动/气动位置器的进口导叶, 用于连续控制流量和/或工作压力 Inlet guide vanes, for continuous control of capacity and/or operatingpressure, with pneumatic actuator and electric/ pneumatic positioner.所有叶片通过杠杆同步移动. The blades are synchronously moved via levers.材料 Material: 壳体 casing: 铸铁 cast iron GG 25叶片 Blades: CrNi-steel GX5 CrNi 13.4Page8 Quotation No.:dated02.05.20062.2.3 底盘 Baseframe预制设计, 带地脚螺栓和校正设备. 设计成安装带齿轮和中间冷却器的离心式压缩机. Fabricated design with foundation bolts and parts for alignment.Baseframe designed for mounting centrifugal compressor with gear andintercoolers.2.2.4 带管道的中间冷却器 Intercoolers with piping冷却器设计成叠片式冷却器, 带水分离器和自动疏水阀. Coolers designed asplate fin coolers with water separator and automatic drain trap.气走壳程, 水走管程. Gas is led around the tubes, water through the tubes.材料 Material管芯 Core tubes :CuNi 10 Fe (16 x 1.0)翅片 Plate fins :Al管板 Tubesheets :碳钢 Carbon steel壳体 Shell casing :带漆层碳钢 Carbon steel painted水室 Water chambers :带漆层碳钢 Carbon steel painted水侧 Water side :带涂层碳钢 Carbon steel coated分离器 Separator :不锈钢1.4541 Stainless Steel 1.4541压力容器遵照DIN和AD压力容器规范和 TÜV规范. Pressure vesselsaccording to the DIN and AD pressure vessel code and TÜV authority.水侧污垢系数为0.00034m2K/W. Fouling factor water side 0.00034 m2K/W对每个冷却器有一个自动疏水阀. For each cooler: one automatic drain trap:型式 Type: UNA (Gestra), 壳体材料为铸铁 casing material cast iron GG 25包括到疏水阀和截止阀的管道. 管道材料为碳钢.including piping to trap and stop valves. Piping of carbon steel.中间级气体管道 Interstage gas piping (DIN2458)完整的带翅片弯头的中间管道, 从每一级到冷却器或从每一个冷却器到压缩机级. Completely piped internally with fin elbow from the individual stage to and from gascoolers.管材 Pipe material: 碳钢 carbon steel (焊接管 welded piping) 10%的焊缝做探伤检验 10 % of all welds are radiographically inspected (只对圆周焊缝 onlycircumferential welds)Page9 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006 在每个冷却器出口和压缩机进口都有温度探头 Temperature probes (双支Pt100 dual Pt 100) at each cooler outlet and compressor inlet.压缩机进,出口有压力转换器1 pressure transducer at inlet and outlet of compressor.冷却水管-集水管 Water piping - water manifold (DIN 2458)由买方提供. Provided by the Buyer.2.2.5 供油系统 Oil supply system供油系统与所有的必须辅助设备一起整装, 自由放置于压缩机侧.Oil supply system packaged with all necessary accessories, free standingbeside the compressor.主油泵设计为螺杆泵, 直接由低速齿轮主轴驱动. 泵被设计成双向旋转可靠供油. Main oil pump designed as screw pump directly driven by the low-speedgear shaft; pump designed to positively supply oil when rotating in eitherdirection.辅助油泵设计为齿轮泵, 带联轴器和感应电机, 用于压缩机的启动和卸载.Auxiliary oil pump designed as gear pump with coupling and squirrel-cageinduction motor for compressor start-up and coast-down.泵体为铸铁制 Pump casings of cast iron GG 25双联全流量油冷却器, 可切换, 水走管程, 固定式管箱设计.Dual oil coolers with full capacity for each and can be switched duringoperating water through the tubes, fixed bundle design.污垢系数 Fouling factor: 0.00034 m2K/W材料 Material: 管子 Tubes : CuZn 20 Al (10 x 1)管板 Tubesheets : CuZn 38 Sn Al壳体 Shell : 碳钢 Carbon steel封头 Covers : GG 20 (铸铁 cast iron)带污垢显示的双油过滤器, 壳体采用球墨铸铁. 过滤器可以在压缩机工作时切换.滤芯采用铬镍钢, 过滤精度为25微米. 油箱为碳钢制, 蓄油量至少为5分钟保有量, 带视镜和排放阀.Dual oil filter with fouling indicator, housing nodular cast iron.Filter can be changed over during compressor operation.Filter elements of CrNi-steel, mesh size 0.025 mmOil reservoir of carbon steel, minimum retention time 5 minutes, with oil sightglass, drain valve.带风扇, 电机的抽油烟器, 分离等级符合TA-Luft规范Oil demistor with fan incl. motorPage10 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006Degree of separation to meet "TA-Luft"一个压力转换器 1 pressure transducer一个温度传感器(双支Pt100) 1 temperature sensor (dual Pt 100)碳钢油管, 材料RSt37.2, 过滤器以后为不锈钢X10CrNi18.9油压控制阀, 安全阀Oil pipes in carbon steel RSt37.2, downstream of oil filter in stainless steelX10 CrNi 18.9,Oil pressure control valve, safety valve有关仪控部分, 请查阅所附的PID图 (第4章 section 4)With regard to instrumentation please refer to the attached P & I-diagram别的部件 Further items: - 油温控阀 oil temperature control valve (Amot)- 油加热器 oil heaters- 到电机的油管 oil piping to motor油箱的油位开关 oil switch for the oil tank2.2.6 就地仪表 Local instruments安装于压缩机单元, 接线至就地接线箱, 或者散供---见所附PID图. 仪表回路遵照Atlas Copco Energas 的标准, 接线按照IEC标准装载于镀锌托架上.Installed on the package unit and cabled up to terminal boxes at skid edge,or supplied as loose items - see attached P & I-diagram. Instrument loops to ACE standard, cabling to IEC standards in galvanized cable trays.供货范围 Scope of supply:前述仪表及 Instruments as specified above and一个放空阀(防喘振控制) 1 blow-off valve (anti-surge control)碳钢GG25阀座 Housing of cast iron GG 25DN = 350 mm, PN = 10 bar装有 Equipment: 气动执行机构 pneumatic actuator电子/气动定位器 e/p-positioner限制开关 limit switch一个SDF流量计, 安装定位于出口管上1 SDF flow meter to be installed in the discharge linePage11 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006 Atlas Copco Energas仪表的常规供货商ACE standard manufacturers for instrumentation:振动探头 Vibration probes :Bently Nevada振动变送器 Vibration transmitter :Bently Nevada 直径100mm的压力表 Pressure gauges diameter 100 mm :Wika温度探头 Temperature probes :Broeckskes压力转换器 Pressure transducer :Wika差压变送器 Differential pressure transmitters :Siemens温度变送器 Transmitters (temperature) :Phoenix电磁阀 Solenoid valves :HerionACE subsuppliers for main equipment 主要配套设备的供货商:气体冷却器 Gascooler : Oeltechnik齿轮箱 Gear box : BHS-Cincinnati主油泵 Main oil pump : Allweiler辅助油泵 Auxiliary oil pump : Werdohler油冷却器 Oilcooler : Oeltechnik油过滤器 Oil filter : Internormen执行机构 Actuator : ARCA2.2.7 驱动电机 Motor driver (由买方提供to be supplied by the Buyer)高电异步压鼠笼式感应电机Asynchronous high voltage squirrel cage induction motor品牌 Make ABB or Siemens操作和误差遵照IEC, VDE, DIN.Execution and tolerances to IEC, VDE, DIN型号 Type铭牌功率 Rated output kW 9 500 ~ 10 000电压 Rated voltage kV 10 +/-10%转速( Speed (asynchronous) rpm 1 480频率 Frequency Hz 50防护等级 Degree of protection IP 54冷却方式 Cooling method IC 81 W冷却水温度 Cooling fluid temperature o C 32结构形式 Type of construction IM 1001防护形式 Type of protection 无危害 non hazardous冷却水最高温度 Cooling fluid max. temperature 40 °C绝缘等级 Insulation class F级绝缘,B级温升 F utilized to B 轴承种类 Type of bearings 套筒式 SleevePage12 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006效率 Efficiency %功率因素 Power factor cos phi轴承润滑方式 Type of bearing lubrication 强制润滑 Forced设备 Equipment: - 线圈上六个Pt100探头 6 Pt 100 in windings- 轴承上两个Pt100探头 2 Pt 100 in bearings- 停车加热器 Standstill heater- 安装差动保护用护感器的端子盒 terminal box for CT’s2.2.8 表面防护 Surface protection遵照工作标准033.201e No.AS120To Works standard 033.20.1e No. AS 120.底漆: 两道环氧树脂锌粉底漆Primer: 2-component epoxy resin zinc dust primer with separate accelerator component面漆: 两道以聚氨脂为主要成分的面漆Top paint: 2-component top paint on polyurethane basis with separateaccelerator component颜色: 灰色, 孟塞尔云母色标10b 3.8/1Colour: gray, Munsell code 10b 3.8/12.2.9 测试和检验 Testing and inspection遵照工厂的检验计划 To ACE-standard QA plans.如有需要, 我们会及时通知贵方或贵方代表参加最重要的测试和检验. 现场见证试验将在订货之前由双方协商决定.If required, we will inform you or your representative in time about the mostimportant tests and inspections. Witnessed tests are to be agreed uponmutually before order placement.如果贵方希望现场见证这些测试, Atlas Copco将负担直接的费用. 贵方检验员个人的费用由贵方负担.In case you would like to witness these tests, Atlas Copco will be responsible for direct costs. Personal costs of your inspectors, however, are to youraccount.2.2.10 文件交付清单 Engineering and order documentationPage13 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006 -电机协调文件 (合同签订后四周内提供) motor coordination file to be submitted within 4 weeks after order-按照Atlas Copco Energas标准306559/01/88的压缩机-电机的扭力分析Torsional analysis for compressor-motor train to ACE standard306559/01/88- 压缩机性能曲线 Compressor performance curve- 基础布置图 Foundation drawing - layout drawing- 油/气/机械PID图 P & I diagram oil/gas/machinery- 启动扭矩曲线 Start-up torque curve- 逻辑环路图 Logic diagram - circuit diagram- 仪表清单 Instrument list- 压力容器图纸及合格证 Pressure vessel drawings with certificate- 测试报告 Test reports-四份英文的操作手册, 包括全部其它文件Instruction manuals 4 copies in English, containing among others- 截面图 Cross-section drawing- 润滑油规格书 Oil specification- 备件清单 Spare part list- 操作指导 Operating instructions- 维护指导 Maintenance instructions初步的P&ID, 整体布置图及土建指导图需在合同签订后4周内提供, 其余资料按照卖方标准. The preliminary P&ID, General Arrangement and Foundation Plan shall be submitted within 4 weeks after contract. Others should followACE-Standard.2.2.11 专用工具 Special tools带泵的液压千斤顶 Hydraulic jack with pump.用于装配和拆卸进口导叶和叶轮的设备Device for suction nozzle and impeller assembly and removal.2.2.12 止逆阀 Non-return flap两片式的压缩机出口管上的止逆阀Non-return flap for compressor discharge pipe, sandwich type.材料: 铸铁阀座, 球墨铸铁阀瓣Material: casing cast iron - flap nodular cast iron.名义直径 Nominal diameter 700 mm名义压力 Nominal pressure 10 barPage14 Quotation No.:dated02.05.20062.2.13 进口膨胀节 Suction expansion joint一个全方位可拆卸的进口端膨胀节One suction-side expansion joint moveable in all directions.材料: 纤维增强橡胶, 法兰为碳钢Material: rubber, reinforced by fabric, flanges of carbon steel.名义直径 Nominal diameter 1400 mm2.2.14 出口膨胀节 Discharge expansion joint一个出口管上的侧向膨胀节. One discharge-side lateral expansion joint.波纹管材料: 1.4541, 法兰为碳钢.Bellow material: 1.4541, flanges of carbon steel.名义直径 Nominal diameter 700 mm名义压力 Nominal pressure 10 bar2.2.15 成对法兰 Counter flanges在气体管路供货界区的成对法兰, 带垫片, 螺栓等 Mating flanges incl.gaskets, bolts and nuts at the battery limits of the gas piping.2.2.16 在中国的开球会 Kick-off meeting in China含Atlas Copco从中国派工程师参加在用户处举行的开球会的费用. Costs forAtlas Copco China engineer for attending a kick-off-meeting at customer’sfacilities in China.2.2.17 包装 Packing主机2.2.1&2.2.2 Core unit including 2.2.1 & 2.1.2: 空运包装 Air flight packing 辅机 Auxiliary equipment: 海运包装 Seaworthy packing2.2.18 主机空运至上海机场, 辅机运输至青岛港Core unit air flight to Shanghai airport, auxiliary equipment sea flightto Qingdao Seaport2.2.19 现场服务 Job site service开箱检验, 由安装工程师参加 Packing inspection by installation engineer.Page15 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006安装与调试指导, 已包括14个工作日安装指导及12个工作日调试指导, 主要包括: 14 working days Erection & 12 working days commissioningsupervision, mainly including:1. 检查基础尺寸 Review the foundation size2. 安装指导 Erection supervision3. 按照相关技术文件及标准检查设备 Check the Contract equipmentaccording the related documents and specifications4. 设备空负载试车指导 No load test supervision5. 设备验收试车的指导 Acceptance test supervision with load2.2.20 放空消声器 Blow-off silencer由买方提供, 卖方须提供技术要求及参考图.to be provided by the Buyer, the Seller shall provide the technicalspecification and reference drawing2.3 供货范围不包括的 Exclusions from the scope of supply我们的供货范围不包括前面没有清楚列出的所有部件和服务, 主要是Our scope of supply excludes all parts and services not expressly mentioned, in particular- 安装和调试 Erection and commissioning-基础和土建 Foundation and civil works- 冬季防护 Winterization- 就地控制盘 Local control panel-注油 Oil filling-主电机 Main driven motor- 主开关, 耦合器 Main switch, switch gear- 辅助驱动器的接头 Contactors for auxiliary drivers- 关税 State and municipal duties- 管道隔声层 Sound insulation on piping- 进口管, 出口管, 放空管 Suction pipe, discharge pipe, blow-off pipe- 冷却水管 Pipes for cooling water- 单元和机柜外的接线 Cabling outside of package and panel- Bently Nevada监控系统 Bently Nevada monitoring system- 连接环节 Serial link (连接处理器 communication processor)-进口过滤器 Suction filter, suction strainers-消声器SilencersPage16 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006附件三备品备件ATTACHMENT 3 Spare Parts一个振动探头1 vibration probe一套气体冷却器垫片 1 set of gaskets for gascooler一套油过滤器垫片 1 set of gaskets for oil filter一套油冷却器垫片 1 set of gaskets for oilcooler一套压缩机的O形环及垫片1 set of O-rings and gaskets for compressor 一套油过滤器芯子 1 set of oil filter inserts一套抽油雾器芯子 1 set of filter cartridge for oil demister一套浮动碳环轴封 1 set of floating carbon rings shaft seals一套高速轴瓦 1 set of pads for high-speed bearings一套低速轴承 1 set of low-speed bearingsPage17 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006Page18 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006附件四人员培训及技术服务ATTACHMENT 4 Training and Technical Service1. 人员培训 Training:卖方将对买方人员进行技术培训:a.) 现场培训, 含在现场服务期内, 详见附件二的2.2.19条b.) 买方将派其检验人员去卖方的工厂现场见证机械运转试验, 为期两周, 费用由买方承担.The technical training will be done by the Seller:a.) On the job site, included in the on-site service, refer to 2.2.19 in ATTACHMENT2.b.) In the Seller’s factory. The Buyer will dispatch his inspectors to the Seller’s workshop to witness the test in his own expense. The duration is 2 weeks.2. 技术服务 Service:见附件二的2.2.19条 See 2.2.19 in ATTACHMENT 2如果由于买方的原因导致延误, 买方需另外支付.The additional cost shall be paid if any delay due to the Buyer’s reason.以现场时间表为准 according to the time sheet on job site.Page19 Quotation No.:dated02.05.2006附件五卖方的承诺ATTACHMENT 5 The Seller’s Commitment参照我们的通常情况, 我们保证使用合适的材料和非常专业的设计及制造, 在开机后12个月或装运后18个月内, 如果由于机器本身的原因, 我们将保证我方所供设备的正常运转.We shall assume the guarantee for the use of suitable materials and expertdesign and manufacture in the framework of our general conditions, by means of which we are obliged to make good within 12 months following commissioning or18 months following shipping any and all parts of our supply free of cost, ofwhich evidence can be given that they became useless on account of faultydesign or negligent workmanship.本保证不包括正常的磨损和因为错误操作, 过度加载, 不适当的辅助设备, 错误的土建基础, 化学, 电气等原因造成的损伤, 尤其是热交换器.This guarantee does not include normal wear, damage on account of faulty or negligent handling, excessive strain, inappropriate auxiliaries, faulty civil works, inappropriate construction ground, and chemical, electrochemical, or electrical impacts, in particular corrosion of heat exchangers.如果不是因为我方的原因而延误调试, 本保证将在装运或通知交运18个月后中止.In case commissioning is postponed for reasons outside our control, theguarantee shall terminate at the latest 18 months after the date of the shipping documents or advice of readiness for despatch.本保证不包括间接的损坏.Consequential damage shall be excluded from the guarantee.。
Atlas Copco 阿特拉斯科普柯固定式螺杆空气压缩机电脑控制器操作方法控制面板控制面板功能:1:开机按钮。
2,O :停机按钮。
5,“ 〓 ”:表格键:该键用来选择跟着水平箭头的参数。
1显示屏-键1.1 典型显示图1)前三行:——显示屏显示传感器的名称和实际的读数。
1.2 滚动键(↑↓)这些滚动键标有垂直的箭头,允许滚动显示屏。
1.3 表格键( = )该键标有两个水平箭头,允许操作者选择标有水平箭头的参数。
空压机排名前十的品牌是:阿特拉斯,英格索兰,寿力,德耐尔,康普艾,博莱特,昆西,复盛,日立、神钢、凌格风附前五大品牌空压机介绍:1、Atlas Copco阿特拉斯、柯普科(以下简称AC)AC是一个跨国集团,总部在瑞典,空压机生产企业只是其下属一个集团。
AC主要生产有油螺杆空压机,在全球有多个工厂,在中国无锡亦设有工厂. AC在中国国内主要依靠其分公司销售,AC在北京、上海、广州等重要城市均设有分公司。
市场上的客户都等着购买螺杆机,而此时只有IR 生产螺杆机.IR主要通过分公司销售,在全国各主要城市设有分公司,如北京、沈阳、青岛、武汉、三峡、广州、上海等。
“瑞典阿特拉斯·科普柯公司”简介(ATLAS COPCO)阿特拉斯·科普柯公司成立于1873年,目前是世界上最大跨国工业集团之一,总部设在瑞典,世界各地有50余家工厂,生产三千多种产品,在50多个国家设有销售公司,代理商遍布85个国家和地区。
其中比利时的AIRPOWER 分厂是世界上最大的螺杆压缩机生产厂,年产量达几万台,德国的ENERGAS 分厂专门制造特殊工艺气压缩机,美国加州的COMPTEC和ROTOFLOW分厂制造离心式空压机、工艺压缩机和膨胀机。
该公司在1984 年起对国内进行直接销售业务,并向中国转让了有关的喷油螺杆压缩机技术。
阿特拉斯空压机(atlas copco)生产的产品和型号介绍
整 体 化 的 设 计(外形美观,安装方便)
压缩空气出口(G1 1/2")
� 安 装 使 用 简单 � 占地面积少
� 安装费用低
电脑集中监控 冷却空气
进口过滤器 进口控制阀 螺杆转子 传动结构 主电机 油分离系统 冷却系统 管道 电脑控制器 电气系统
内 置 式 冷 冻 式 干 燥 机(可选件)
The Atlas Copco way
�一 体 化 的 蒸 发 器 使 压 降 非 常 低 (< 0.2 bar) � 压 力 露 点 3°C � 内 置 冷 干 机 带 热 旁 通 阀 (HGV):
• • • 可 靠 性高 结构 紧 凑: 可 在 较 高 的 环 境 温 度 下工 作 , 露点仍能满足要求
一流的配套件------电 动 机
The Atlas Copco way
高 效 电 机(效率94%) � 全 封 闭 风 冷 式 (TEFC) � 防尘防水 � 防 护 等 级 IP54或 IP55,F 级 绝 缘 � Atlas Copco 定 牌 生 产
The Atlas Copco way
� 直 联 (GA 30-7.5 bar) 或 齿 轮 箱 传动,效率高,寿命长 � 斜 齿 轮 传 动 补 偿 了 30% 的 轴 向推力,进一步延长了螺杆 的寿命 �驱 动 齿 轮 两 端 的 轴 承 消 除 了 内在设计上的悬臂力 �电 机 和 齿 轮 箱 法 兰 连 接 确 保 驱 动系统永久对中 �弹 性 联 轴 器 降 低 了 启 动 力 矩
1•冷却器效率较低。 2•润滑油老化失效。 3•油温传感器失效。 4•运动件配合不良。
九、压缩机超温 :
a、无油或油位太低 b、油过滤器阻塞 c、断油阀失灵,阀芯卡死 d、油气分离器滤芯堵塞或阻力过
5.故障现象:继电器烧坏 ·电压过高或过低 ·运行电容器不正确 ·反复启停(参照2和3) ·继电器规格不符 ·安装座不正确 6.故障现象:电容器烧坏 ·规格不匹配 ·电压过高
·启动电容器损坏 ·继电器或接触器不闭合
·启动绕组开路 ·缺相
·电压太低; ·接线松动,检查有无发热烧焦的痕迹; ·机组压力超过额定压力; ·油分离芯堵塞,需更换; ·接触器故障; ·主机故障(可拆下皮带用手盘车数转检查 ); ·主电机故障(可拆下皮带用手盘车数转检查 ),
·熔断丝坏; ·温度开关坏; ·检查主电机或者主机是否有卡死的现象,以及电机是否反转; ·主电机热继电器动作,需复位; ·风扇电机热继电器动作,需复位; ·变压器坏; ·故障未消除(PLC 控制机组); ·PLC 控制器故障。
8.5 10.0
8.5 10.0
2290*1080*1 960
空气进口 空气过滤器
安全阀 出口
阿特拉斯ZR/ZT55-90和 ZR/ZT90VSD无油螺杆机
压缩空气 冷却水 油
满载/空载调节器, 放 空阀&消声器
❖ • 实际用气量大于机组输出气量; • 放气阀故障(加载时无法关闭); • 进气阀故障,无法完全打开; • 最小压力阀卡死,需清洗、重新调整或者更换新 件; • 用户管网有泄漏; • 压力开关设置太低(继电器控制机组); • 压力传感器故障; • 压力表故障(继电器控制机组); • 压力开关故障(继电器控制机组); • 压力传感器或压力表输入软管漏气。
理论基础 1.压缩目的 气体压缩基本目的:以高于原来压力的压力传
❖ 在驱动风动工具的压缩空气系统中传递功率 ❖ 为燃烧提供空气 ❖ 在天然气管道和城市煤气分配系统中输送和
分配气体 ❖ 使气体通过一个过程或者系统循环 ❖ 制造一个对化学反应更活泼的条件
1.容积压缩 原理:是将一定量的连续气体截留于某种容器
❖ • 进气阀故障,需要清洗或更换; • 压力开关设置太高(继电器控制机组); • 压力传感器故障; • 压力表故障(继电器控制机组); • 压力开关故障(继电器控制机组)。
❖ 电压太低; • 接线松动,检查有无发热烧焦的痕迹; • 机组压力超过额定压力; • 油分离芯堵塞,需更换; • 接触器故障; • 主机故障(可拆下皮带用手盘车数转检查 ); • 主电机故障(可拆下皮带用手盘车数转检查 ),并且测量电机的启动电流
Atlas Copco VARIO 5 - 22 螺絞压缩机产品说明书
Screw compressors Series VARIO 5 – 22Capacity:0.40 – 3.32 m3/minModular design allows a wide range of models Reliable technology, tested components Ready for connection, compact and quiet Low-cost, high quality compressed air Intelligent microprocessor control system Purely for a large number of versionsEasy to maintain designAlso available as a packaged compressed air stationIntelligence, Innovation, ReliabilityMaximum benefits for our customers:This premise holds true for everyone at ALMIG.Our products benefit from the latest tech-niques in research and development and are manufactured according to ISO 9001: 2000 /ISO 14001: 2004 / IRIS.They fulfil all acceptance criteria according to ISO 1217 – 3 annex C – 1996 and conform to the CE-guidelines.Even the most stringent conditions, such as DET NORSKE VERITAS, GERMANISCHER LLOYD, BUREAU VERITAS, LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING, ABS among others, are for us at ALMIG a matter of course.intelligent compressed air ... everywhere ½ ½ ½ intelligent compressed air ... everywhere ISO 9001ISO 14001Processing: optional all-in-one compressed air production with integrated cold dryer and filtration functionsᕡSeparator systemVery high quality compressed air with multistage separation ᕢAir Control 1The “brain” of the compressor:thinks, monitors, recordsᕣDrive systemHighly-efficient and safe belt drive with automatic tensioning ᕤCompressor unitVery efficient, specially developed,patented rotorsᕥCoolerLarge surface cooler provides very low discharge temperatures and optimum coolant temperatures ᕦDrive motorHighly efficient, robust drive motor with plenty of power in reserveBenefits at a glance: Patented compressor unit, automatic belt tensioning, multistage separationᕢᕡᕣᕤᕦᕥAssembly, Technique, HighlightsThe compressor system can be integrated in a higher-level control system with anintelligent compressed air ... everywhere ½ ½ ½ intelligent compressed air ... everywhere ½ ½½Compatibility, Flexibility, VarietyScrew compressorsin the VARIO 5 - 22 series The economical way to generate compressed air.The VARIO series of compressors is designed for use both by small businesses and tradesmen and in demanding industrial applications.½ VARIO 5 - 22 seriesscrew compressors - standard model½ Screw compressorVARIO 5 – 22 T model with – cold drier (+3°C DTP)– filtration½ Screw compressorVARIO 5 – 22 TR model with – cold drier (+3°C DTP)– filtration–mounted on receiver (270 or 500 litres)Piston compressorsTurbo Control,regulate, Blower。
喷油螺杆压缩机GA 7-110 VSD+ (7-110 kW/10-150 hp)阿特拉斯·科普柯的新变革阿特拉斯·科普柯的GA7-110VSD+系列空压机标配变转速驱动,内置永磁电机(IPM),结构紧凑、占地面积小,平均节能高达50%,可在恶劣的工况下稳定运行。
不同于浪费空间的卧式设计,采用直立设计的GA7-110VSD +系列占地面积更小,更大程度地节约了场地和工作空间。
小机型,大智慧高效• 比起现有的GA VSD 系列空压机,平均降低了8%的比功率(SER )。
高效的VSD +系列机型比定转速驱动空压机平均节能50%*。
• 节能,FAD 在整个范围内增加6%*• IE4高效电机(IPM )高可靠性• 全封闭式的变频驱动链设计,保证在最恶劣的环境运行良好• 凭借独特的经验和研发,阿特拉斯科普柯将久经考验的技术运用到了现有的部件上精巧• 优美的全新设计,战地面积更小• (VSD +)变频控制标准供货,也可内置干燥机• 标配更多功能,同时减少不必要的零部件和可选项• 人体工学设计,提高了材料使用率创新智能• MK5彩屏控制电脑,让检测和维护变得更加简单• smartlink ,可通过邮件和消息获取机器保养和运行信息• 根据ISO50001能源管理系统,按客户需求生成能耗报告专 利*指对比阿特拉斯·科普柯定频机上一代数据478213IPM )电机• IE4高效电机• 结构紧凑,优化的油冷却设计,效果显著• 源自比利时的自主设计• 采用防护等级IP66,明显优于IP55• 油冷却电机,无需冷却风扇• 油润滑电机轴承,无油脂,延长了有效工作时间1• 阿特拉斯·科普柯制造• 坚固耐用,安静2• 直立设计,更少零部件• 油冷却,压力密封• 无齿轮和皮带,无轴封装置• 紧凑:占地面积减少60%*3驱动装置GA 7-37 VSD +系列由内至外的创新569• 基于新技术• 噪音等级低• 恒温阀基座上集成了油分和油滤• 维护简单方便5• 标准供货• 冷凝水排放时,没有压缩空气的损耗• 在断电的情况下,集成的手动旁通阀可有效排除冷凝水6Elektronikon ® 五代彩屏电脑• 内置智能算法,整体降低系统压力和能能耗• 时刻监控、及时报警输出、维护保养计划、网络监控一应俱全• 支持多种语言79 • 进气通畅,无空气滞留• 压力损失小• 免维护8VSD +电控箱• VSD +系列压缩机优于那些非变转速驱动的压缩机• 电子器件保持良好冷却,延长了零部件有效工作时间• 为IPM 永磁电机专门设计• 标配直流变频电抗器• 变频器独立放置,散热良好,不会混入压缩热94*指基于阿特拉斯·科普柯产品使用说明书参考标准+系列由内至外的可靠性832111• 重载进气滤器• 维护周期:4000小时*• 压差指示器• 全新的转子型线• 压力损失更小• 优化进/出气口设计• 直立设计,更少零部件• 油冷却,压力密封• 无齿轮和皮带,无轴承密封驱动装置IPM )电机• 油冷电机,高效IE4• 所有转速和环境下,高效冷却• 源自比利时的自主设计• 油润滑电机轴承,无油脂,延长了有效工作时间• IP66防护等级:压力密封12344965732110• 结构紧凑• 噪音等级低• 放大设计,高效冷却• 内置水分离器• 独立的油冷却器和后冷却器• 维护简单• 电控柜强制冷却:无需额外冷却风扇• 全封闭:无杂质进入• 外置散热片,单独冷却• 结构紧凑,占地小• R410A 新型制冷剂Elektronikon ® 五代彩屏电脑• 内置智能算法,整体降低系统压力和能能耗• 时刻监控、及时报警输出、维护保养计划、网络监控一应俱全• 支持多种语言9• 进气通畅,无空气滞留• 压力损失小• 免维护10VSD +电控箱• VSD +系列压缩机优于那些非变转速驱动的压缩机• 电子器件保持良好冷却,延长了零部件有效工作时间• 为IPM 永磁电机专门设计• 标配直流变频电抗器• 变频器独立放置,散热良好,不会混入压缩热1156789经典后冷设计• 集成水分离器• 独立的油冷和风冷• 维修简单5内置永磁(IPM )电机• 高效电机,远超IE4标准• 紧凑、特殊设计的油冷方式,让冷却更加高效• 无需冷却风扇,更节能• 源自比利时的自主设计• IP66高防护等级• 油冷电机,轴承无需额外润滑。
一:油气分离器质量 二:回油管或回油单向阀堵塞 三:压力维持阀开启压力过低 四:使用压力过低 五:油的品质出现泡沫 常见的压力维持阀设定在大于或者等于0.40Mpa出气, 油气分离芯最好用原装的 (内置的)回油管的位置有没有偏移, 外置的要看一下回油管和滤网或者回油单向阀。 空气压缩机压力维持阀流速过高也会产生压缩空气含油量高的 情况(开启压力过低),这种情况经常出现。
· 制冷剂量过多 · 制冷系统中有空气 · 冷凝器脏 · 环境温度太高 · 风扇压力开关有故障 · 风扇电机故障 · 风扇旋转方向不正确 · 冷却水流量调节阀故障
· 制冷剂量太少 · 风扇压力开关故障
a、进气端轴承损坏 b、排气端轴承损坏
a、使用油牌号不对或用混合油 b、油质粘、结焦 c、轴封严重漏气 d、卸荷阀瓣原始位置变动 十三、卸荷后压力继续上升 1、轴封严重漏气 2、卸荷阀瓣原始位置变动
3.故障现象:压缩机不启动 · 接线不正确 · 启动电容器损坏 · 启动绕组开路 · 电压过低 · 继电器或接触器不闭合 · 缺相
4.故障现象:压缩机因过载保护动作而反复启停 · 低电压或三相不平衡 · 过载保护器失灵 · 排气压力过高 · 热继电器触点粘牢 · 过载保护器上接有其它电气设备 · 运转电容器太小 · 绕组间短路
*机组冷却剂液位太低(从油窥镜中能看到,但不要超过一半 *油冷却器脏。 *油过滤器芯堵塞 *油控阀故障(元件坏)。 *断油电磁阀膜片破裂或老化 *风扇电机故障。 *冷却风扇损坏。 *排风管道不畅或排风阻力大(背风)。 *环境温度超过所规定的范围。 *温度传感器故障。 *压力表是否故障。
Atlas Copco 的 最 新 螺 杆 型 线
• SAP型 线:
– 4/6 齿 结 合 ,转 子 直 径相 等 – 同 等 功 率 时 ,设 计 更为紧凑
重 量 因 子 100
• Sigma 型 线 (Kaeser):
– 5/6 齿 结 合 – 大量不必要的设 计 重量(多 余 重 量) – 同 等 功 率 时 ,重 量 增 加 40%
• 轴向气密性和横向气密
• • • • • 性高 接触线长度尽量短 面积利用系数大 减少和避免漏气三角形 重量轻,刚性好 良好的工艺性
• 螺 杆 齿 数 可 选 择 2+4,3+3,3+4,4+4,4+5,4+ 6,5+6,5+7,6+8 等。 • 4+6方 案 具 有 良 好 的 刚 度 ,并 能 使 阴 阳 螺 杆 的 刚 度 接 近 相 等 ,因 而 是 现 代 螺 杆 的 标 准 齿 数 。
• SAP 型 线 能 磨 削 加 工 • 表 面 光 洁 度 高、间 隙 小 • 最 小 内 部 泄 漏 和 损 失
Atlas Copco 的 最 新 螺 杆 型 线
• 较 高 的 内 压 比 (10 bar) • 提 高 了 效 率 ,尤 其 在 10和13bar 机 型
• 有更大的转子直径 • 齿 顶 速 度 (tip-speed)低 ,且 接 近 最 佳 速 度
Atlas Copco 的 最 新 螺 杆 型 线
• SAP型 线:
– 4/6 齿 结 合 ,转 子 直 径相等 – 相 对 于 5/6 齿 (Sigma) 或 4/5 齿 (Cyclon) 结 合 ,阴转 子 有 更 高 的 刚度 – 因此 不易变形内部 泄漏损失小
专门为阿特拉斯·科普柯 GA 空气压缩机调制
更换周期延长(4,000 运行小时,标准工况下) 通过润滑改善和更换周期的延长节约了成本
运行部件得到 24 小时保护
5L 2901 0245 01
20L 2901 0522 00
209L 2901 0045 01
Atlas Copco Lubricants
HD Roto – FluidPlus GA/GR 系列螺杆压缩机专用润滑油
HD Roto – FluidPlus 是一种增强品质的润滑油,特别为阿 特拉斯·科普柯 GA/GR 系列空压机而调制,适合于高压用途 的空气压缩机。
HD Roto – FluidPlus 经过改良的特殊配方能记压缩机发 挥顶级性能,并且使所有的运动部件寿命最长。设备的可靠性 得到保证,设备的适用性达到最大。与普通的润滑油相比,更 延长了其更换的时间。(8,000 小时运行时间)
更换周期增加一倍(最长达 4,000 运行小时,标准工况下) 通过润滑改善和更换周期的延长节约了成本
我不应把我的作品全归功于自己的智慧,还应归功于我以外向我提供素材的成千成万的事情和人物!——采于网,整于己,用于民2021年5月12日一、阿特拉斯·科普柯(Atlas Copco)简介阿特拉斯·科普柯于一八七三年创立于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,为当时新兴的铁路建造业供应和生产各种设备。
一八九九年,我们制成了第一台柴油引擎,于一九 六年更为世界第一艘柴油电船供应引擎。
下辖在德国科隆的ENERGAS,在美国纽约州的COMPTEC,在加利福利亚州的ROTOFLOW和在法国的THOMAS CREPPLE等著名工厂,制造离心式空气压缩机,工艺气体压缩机,膨胀机和特殊活塞式压缩机等产品。
Atlas copco空气压缩机基础培训材料解析
1、喷油式螺杆空压机工作原理 螺杆式空气压缩机的核心部件是压缩机,是容积
相平行啮合的阴阳转子的齿槽之容积变化而达到。阴 阳转子 的转动使转子齿槽之间的气体不断地产生周 期性的容积变化而沿着转子轴线,由吸入侧推向排出 侧,完成吸入、压缩、排气三个工作过程。
三、油分离器的附属装置 1、安全阀:空压机油分罐端盖上面装有安全阀,当油分罐内的 空气压力达到设定值的1.1倍时安全阀自动打开,放掉部分空气, 降低油分罐内的气压。检查安全阀的方法是在压缩机满载工作时, 轻拉安全阀上的泄气拉杆,若安全阀能向外排气,则视为正常。 2、压力表:油分罐上装有一个压力表,检测的是滤前压。油分
4、排气温度过高,空压 机自动停机(排气温度过 高报警)
1、润滑油量不足 2、润滑油量规格/型号不对 3、油过滤器堵塞 4、油冷却器堵塞或表面污垢严重 5、温度传感器故障 6、温控阀失控 7、风扇及冷却器集灰过多 8、风扇电机未运转 9、风道安装不正确
1、检查添加油 2、按要求更换新油 3、检查更换新建、件 4、检查清洗 5、更换新件 6、检查清洗、更换新件 7、坼下清洗、更换新件 8、检查电路及风扇电机 9、改正风道
1、此次培训不设复习题,所有考试内容全部在培训PPT中, 员工自己总结。目的是想了解员工对培训内容的综合、理解
而学习。 2、杜绝以往培训考核中的死记硬背现象,逐步培养员工独
保障中心员工。 3、考核预计在12月中下旬,请大家认真准备,积极应战。
6、空压机排气量低于正 常要求
可能产生的原因 进气阀内的单向阀弹簧失效或单向 阀密封圈损坏 1、安全阀使用时间长、弹簧疲劳 2、油分离器堵塞 3、压力控制失灵,工作压力高 报警复位,一般按右上角45度双线。 设备报警后先观察面板报警符号后 再做处理。如果急停开关按下去时, 复位报警符时,先把急停开关拔起 来。
Atlas Copco GA 355-500 油注入式旋转螺杆压缩机说明书
Oil-injected rotaryscrew compressors GA 355-500 (355-500 kW / 450-700 hp)Outstanding performanceGA 355-500 compressors provide high-quality compressed air in the harshest environmental conditions. Incorporating the patented Atlas Copco’s oil-injected screw element, they provide a long and trouble-free life at the lowest possible operating cost.Metal industryQUALITY AND EFFICIENCYMetal plants use compressed air for instrumentation, plant air andpneumatic conveying for raw materials or ash and are in need ofan efficient solution to reduce their operating costs. T hanks to theirinnovative features, our GA air compressors meet this demand.Mining industryROBUSTNESS AND RELIABILITYCompressed air is vital for the mining industry: applications include dustbad filtration, service air, ventilation air and pneumatic tools.The reliability and robustness of GA compressors will accomplish thejob even in the harshest conditions.Power plantsSMOOTH AND COST-EFFECTIVE OPERATIONPower plants run round-the-clock to supply vital energy. A continuoussupply of compressed air is absolutely critical for trouble-free operation.GA air compressors provide a reliable source of compressed air ofapplications such as silt blowing and fly ash handling.General industryA SAFE AND RELIABLE POWER SOURCEMany industrial companies use compressed air in their daily operations.Applications include pneumatic tools for cutting, drilling, hammeringand grinding, pneumatic actuators and valves, ventilation systems,packing and palleting machinery and conveyer systems.GA compressors are designed for ultimate performance and reliability.Keeping your productionup and runningGA compressors ensure long and trouble-free lifetime atthe lowest operating cost. At their heart are state-of-the-art compression elements based on innovative asymmetric rotor profiles and powered by a high efficiency electric motor. Combined with a built-to-last drive system and heavy duty air inlet filters, this results in maximum reliability to operate in the toughest conditions.Reducing your production costsThe innovative design of GA compressors reduces your energy bill and overall compressor lifecycle costs. GA compressorsare pre-assembled packages: installation is fault-free, commissioning time is low and no external instrumentationair is required.Protecting your processThe integrated water separator immediately removes 100% of the condensate, resulting in higher air quality.Maximizing your savingsAs there is no “one size fits all” concept, we have developeda range of features and options to help you optimize the useof your compressor: from running the machine at high temperatures, to extra safety devices.41625Protective air filtration• Protects the compressor components by removing 99.9% of dirt particles down to 3 microns.• Extends the system lifetime3Practical cooler cleaning• Hinged fans, fan motors and cowls for easy cooler cleaning.• Twin fans for optimal cooling.• Axial cooling fans driven by separate T EFC electric motors (IP55 protection).1Superior air quality• 3-step efficient oil separation process for low residual oil content in the compressed air (less than 3 ppm)• Hinged cover for easy separator element change273Moisture separator as standardA cyclonic moisture separator, with automatic and manual drain, mounted as standard, after the cooler block.4Elektronikon unit controller• High resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions.• Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data.• Monitoring of the equipment running conditions and maintenance status.7T win element on single drive & gear casing• Efficiencies far superior to designs using one large element or 2-stages.• Extended lifetime due to reduced loads on bearings, rotors and gears.• Highly efficient motor – T EFC protection (IP55), class F insulation.5Energy recovery• The optional energy recovery system can recover up to 75% of the compressor’s shaft power as hot water.• The main module of the recovery system is integrated in the compressor.• Recovered hot water can be used as preheated boiler feed water, space heating, showering or other industrial applications.6Optimize your systemWith the GA 355-500, we provide an all-in-one solution incorporating the latest technology in a built-to-last design. T o further optimize the performance of your GA or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Additional features & optionsStandard scope of supplyGA 355-500 Flow DiagramIncoming air Air OutAir InOutgoing air Air/oil mixture Water OilTechnical specificationsA = air-cooledW = water-cooled LV = low voltageMV = medium voltageGA 500 figures are for medium voltage IP 23 motor. Reference conditions:Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi)Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F)Cooling medium temperature 20°C (68°F)(1) Unit performance measure according to ISO 1217,Annex C, Edition 4 (2009), FAD is measured at thefollowing working pressures:• 100 psi variants at 100 psi• 125 psi variants at 125 psi• 150 psi variants at 150 psi• 200 psi variants at 193 psi2) Noise levelA-weighted emission sound pressure level at the workstation, Lp WSA (re 20 μPa) dB (with uncertainty 3 dB).Values determined according to noise level test code ISO2151 and noise measurement standard ISO 9614.(3) Water-cooled modelsGA 500 figures are for medium voltage IP 23 motor. Reference conditions:Absolute inlet pressure 1 bar (14.5 psi)Intake air temperature 20°C (68°F)Cooling medium temperature 20°C (68°F)(1) Unit performance measure according to ISO 1217,Annex C, Edition 4 (2009), FAD is measured at thefollowing working pressures:• 7.5 bar variants at 7 bar• 8.5 bar variants at 8 bar• 10 bar variants at 9.5 bar• 13 bar variants at 12.5 bar(2) Noise levelA-weighted emission sound pressure level at the workstation, Lp WSA (re 20 μPa) dB (with uncertainty 3 dB).Values determined according to noise level test code ISO2151 and noise measurement standard ISO 9614.(3) Water-cooled modelsHW LCOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0368 19 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
Atlas Copco GA 75 单阶水冷油润滑旋筒气压机规格说明书
1. Scope1.1. This specification is for a gear driven, oil-lubricated, single-stage air cooled rotary screw aircompressor. The compressor shall be a 75 kW Atlas Copco model GA75 or pre-approved equivalent.1.1. The compressor shall deliver 212 l/s at 8.5 bar in accordance with ISO 1217, Annex C. L/s is FAD litresper second at inlet conditions.1.2. The units shall be manufactured in accordance with this specification. The construction as describedin this specification is considered essential and critical to the application. The vendor shall state in hisquotation any and all exceptions to the specification.2. General2.1. The rotary screw air compressor shall be capable of producing and delivering 100% of the required airdemand as specified at standard operating conditions.2.2. The compressor shall be designed and supplied as a complete package with all necessary equipment,including but not limited to the following components: inlet filter, air compression element, drive motor, aftercooler with integral moisture separator, oil cooler, cooling fan, motor starter, microprocessorregulation and control system. All components shall be mounted on a common solid base frame andfully enclosed with a sound attenuating enclosure.2.3. The compressor package shall be rated to operate in ambient conditions from 0°C to 46°C.2.4. The units shall be manufactured by a qualified manufacturer who has been manufacturing aircompressors for at least ten (10) years.2.5. The compressor manufacturer shall be certified under ISO 9001 / 9002 quality standards and ISO14001 environmental standards.2.6. The manufacturer must participate in the Compressed Air & Gas Institute (CAGI) PerformanceVerification program.3. Compressor Enclosure3.1. The compressor shall be enclosed in a steel sound attenuating canopy with removable panels.3.2. The sound attenuating material shall be flame retardant polyurethane foam.4. Noise Levels4.1. The compressor package shall not exceed 73 dB(A) when measured in the free field conditions at onemeter in accordance with the CAGI-Pneurop Test Code.5. Compressor Element5.1. The compression profile shall be of the asymmetric profile design with four lobes on the male rotor andsix lobes on the female rotor.5.2. The male and female rotors shall have the same diameter.5.3. The element housing shall be of cast iron construction.6. Drive Motor6.1. The drive motor must be a Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) type.6.2. The full-load efficiency rating must meet or exceed NEMA premium standards.6.3. The motor shall conform with NEMA MG 1 for 60Hz applications and IEC 34-1, EN60034-1 for 50 Hzapplications.6.4. The inboard motor bearing shall be lubricated by the compressor lubricant and the rear motor bearingsshall be greased for the life of the motor.6.5. The complete motor shall be 100% maintenance-free.6.6. Approved manufacturers include:A. SiemensB. WEGC. ABB7. Drive Arrangement7.1. The drive arrangement shall be a gear-driven design.7.2. The drive system shall be fully enclosed to protect against dirt and dust intrusion.7.3. The drive gear shall be directly mounted on the end of the motor shaft eliminating the need for acoupling.7.4. The driven gear shall be helically cut to exert compensating thrust on the rotors to offset axial loadsgenerated during compression.8. Cooling System8.1. The compressor package shall be fitted with a water-cooled, stainless steel, plate and frame oil coolerand aftercooler.8.2. The plates must be brazed together with copper.9. Moisture Separator9.1. The compressor shall be equipped with a labyrinth style moisture separator integrated in the dischargeside of the after-cooler.10. Electronic Water Drain10.1. The compressor will have a zero loss electronic water drain plumbed to the aftercooler.10.2. These drains shall discharge no compressed air during removal of the condensate.10.3. The zero loss drains shall be monitored by the microprocessor controller.10.4. A manual condensate drain shall also be included.11. Inlet Air Filter11.1. The filter shall be a paper cartridge type and be factory installed inside the compressor enclosure.11.2. The filter shall have the following SAE fine efficiency ratings:1 micron: 98.0%2 microns: 99.5%3 microns: 99.9%11.3. The filter shall be equipped with a differential pressure indicator for monitoring by the control system.11.4. The service interval of the filter must be at least 4,000 hours.12. Oil System12.1. The oil system shall include an ASME approved air/oil separator with oil level indicator. The serviceinterval of the separator element must be at least 8,000 hours.12.2. The oil filter shall be a spin-on type with an integrated bypass valve. The oil filter element will have a12 micron beta 75 rating and the service interval must be at least 8,000 hours.12.3. The oil temperature shall be regulated by means of a thermostatic bypass valve. Oil circulation isachieved through differential pressure.12.4. The oil must be synthetic and rated for a change interval of 8,000 hours.12.5. The oil system must use o-rings to provide a positive seal. No gaskets can be used.13. Electric Cubicle13.1. The control cubicle must be designed to NEMA 3R or IP 54 standards.13.2. The cubicle must include a cooling fan and vent to force ambient air through the cubicle.13.3. A wye-delta starter must be used to start the main drive motor.14. Regulating and Control System14.1. The compressor shall have a regulating system which is of the full load / no load design, controlled byan air compressor discharge pressure sensor which senses the pressure variations at the compressor discharge and maintains it within a pre-set adjustable range.14.2. The full load / no load regulation shall be combined with a start / stop regulation to automatically stopthe compressor as required.14.3. The compressor shall be equipped with an onboard microprocessor controller which will control,monitor and protect the operation and condition of the air compressor.14.4. The controller shall have a 3.5” color display.14.5. The controller shall allow programming of two pressure bands for loading and unloading.14.6. Time based start / stop and changeover for net pressure band shall be programmable.14.7. The control algorithm shall include a function to proactively stop the compressor during periods of lowdemand without having to wait for the stop timer to time out.14.8. The controller must be capable of automatically restarting the compressor in the event of a voltagefailure.14.9. The controller must be capable of graphing any of the measured temperature or pressure inputs on thedisplay. The time frame of the graph shall be adjustable from 4 minutes to 10 days.14.10. The compressor shall be able to be controlled locally, remotely or via a local area network.14.11. The controller must be equipped with auxiliary contacts for external indication of automatic or manualload control, general warning and general shutdown conditions.14.12. The controller must be capable of providing remote monitoring by a PC through the local Ethernetsystem via an Ethernet port on the controller.14.13. The controller must be capable of providing remote monitoring via a iPhone, iPad, or Android phone ortablet.14.14. The controller shall monitor the hours of operation and output a message on the display to notify theoperator to provide preventative maintenance in accordance with the factory approved service plan. 14.15. The control system shall have the capability to monitor the following functions:•Discharge air pressure •Element outlet temperature •Ambient temperature •Compressor status •Motor overload status •Running hours •Loaded hours •Regulator hours14.16. Compressor protective functions shall include:•Emergency stop •Element outlet temperature •Drive and cooling fan motor overload •Service warnings15. Shipment and Delivery Preparation15.1. The compressor must be packaged on a wooden skid and fully enclosed with a wooden enclosure.16. General Installation Requirements16.1. Upon placement on a level surface and connection to essential utilities, the unit shall be providedavailable for immediate operation.16.2. The compressor must not require bolting to the floor.。
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▪ 1.喷油螺杆机的工作原理; ▪ 2.喷油螺杆机的结构流程; ▪ 3.喷油螺杆机的重要组成部件; ▪ 4.喷油螺杆机的保养计划及项目; ▪ 5.喷油螺杆机的操作、维护、修理; ▪ 6.喷油螺杆机的常见故障分析及讨论
▪ GA机表述为单级压缩喷油螺杆压缩机 螺杆压缩机主要依靠主机两个转子相互噛合进行空气的吸入,压缩和 排出,由于气体在主机内被压缩,气体温度升高,所以主机内必须注 入适量压缩机油,喷入压缩机主机的油有3个方面作用。1.冷却 2.密封 3.润滑,当然还有一定的吸音功能。
▪ 主机工作原理
1.吸气 2.输送 3.压缩 4.排气
主电机变频器 电脑控制器
内置冷干机 变频电机
▪ GA250流程结构图
油冷却器 后冷却器 最小压力阀
空气吸入口 节流阀
3.1 气路系统
后冷却器(水冷) ▪ 管壳式冷却器,水走管程,气走壳程;
– GA200-250采用不锈钢冷却器 – 加大了冷却面积,提高冷却性能
▪ 更高的冷却能力; ▪ 易于清洗;
3.1 气路系统
气水分离器 ▪ 可去除压缩空气中98%的水分; ▪ 降低后处理设备的负荷; ▪ 并且配有手动和自动排污阀; ▪ 保证能及时排出系统水分;
3.3 驱动系统
3.3 驱动系统
联轴器 ▪ 用途:把电机的动力传递到齿轮上 ▪ 免维护弹性橡胶联轴器,具有缓冲和减振的特性,能有效吸收力矩冲击; ▪ 装配简单,自动对中,运行可靠
▪ 自动控制压缩机
– 可设定如加卸载压力,最短停机时间,电机最多 允许启动次数,通过压缩机自动加卸载,使气网 工作压力保持在设定范围内
3.1 气路系统
高效油气分离器 ▪ 采用3级分离方法(重力、离心和分
离),使压缩机的含油量最低 ▪ 油气分离器滤芯在标准工况下,设
3.1 气路系统
改良型最小压力阀 ▪ 功能
– 在停机或卸载时隔离压缩机和空气管网. – 在4bar时打开以确保喷油。 – 维持油气分离气罐中的压力
▪ 保护压缩机
– 故障停机报警(在实际值达到故障停机值前,报 警信息出现)
– 故障停机(在实际值超过故障停机值,压缩机停 机)
▪ 监测易损件
– 监测油、油过滤器、油气分离器、主电机润滑油 脂、空气过滤器的运行情况,并根据运行状态显 示保养提示信息
PT20 TT19
PDT14 TT11
油滤 油温度阀
螺杆 断油阀
PT42 TT42
3.1 气路系统
➢ 空气过滤器
过滤效能: 1 µm : 2 µm : 3 µm :
两步分离空气粉尘,使用寿 命更长,适合多粉尘环境 1.旋风分离 2.空气过滤器芯分离
– 系统内油量减少,直接造成油品在单位时间内循环使用次数增加,加速老化 – 油量过低,会引起温度升高,或机械磨损加剧,同样降低油品性能
▪ 按时更换油过滤器
3.2 油路系统
断油阀和回油管 ▪ 回油管
– 抽走油分离器滤芯聚结、积存在滤芯底 部的油
▪ 断油阀:
– 在压缩机停机时,切断供油,避免油喷 射到转子里
1. 如果差别很小,再利用PV/T=Qc*∆t来进行估算,通过对储气罐充气 的时间来计算。
2. 测量运行电流在额定压力下,额定电流相比较 3. 如果流量明显小于额定值,应检察如下部件:
– 空滤是否严重脏堵,或空气进口管路是否变形 – 加卸载阀 是否不能完全打开 – 油分是否变形,造成通气不畅 – 最小压力阀是否不能全开 – 出口截门是否没有完全打开(空压机出口阀门没有完全打开,最小压力阀
5. GA系列故障分析
1. 润滑油位过低 2. 润滑油变质,油路不畅(油滤堵塞、油道结胶、温控阀烧坏等) 3. 空滤脏堵,无法建立起基础油压 4. 检查断油阀是否能正常工作 5. 油分的控制气管路是否有渗漏,造成基础油压过低 6. 冷却器效果不好(冷却介质、环境较差、冷却器堵塞等) 7. GA调节卡死需要保养 8. 传感器故障
3.1 气路系统
▪ 采用进气调节阀与电脑、压力传感器联合控制的方法; ▪ 通过加/卸载控制,调试压缩机的输出气量,保证系统压力的稳定; ▪ 结构简单,运行可靠,不需要仪表空气; ▪ 空载功率低,节能效果明显;
3.1 气路系统
▪ 1999年Atlas Copco推出最新设计的SAP型线:
– 4/6齿结合,转子直径相等,刚度高 – 转子接触在后缘 – 漏气三角形小,轴向气密性好 – SAP型线能磨削加工-表面精度高,齿间间隙小 – 较高的内压比 – 最佳齿顶速度 – 最佳重量比
排气端 高压端
进气端 低压端
3.1 气路系统
单向阀 ▪ 功能:防止气体倒流
3.2 油路系统
3.2 油路系统
HD Roto-Fluid Plus螺杆压缩机专用润滑油 ▪ 特别为Atlas Copco GA/GR压缩机调制; ▪ 标准工况下,使用寿命长达8,000小时;
– 更好的润滑性能,使运行部件得到24小时保护; – 更换周期延长,减少了服务次数,降低了维护成本; – 卓越的抗氧化和乳化性能,保证持续的高品质;
3.2 油路系统
恒温阀 ▪ 根据油温改变,调节阀的开度,控制通过油冷却器中的油量;调整润滑油
2.2 油路系统
润滑油过滤器 ▪ 功能:过滤管路中的油,去除杂质,保证油路的正常循环和压缩空气质量。 ▪ 作为易耗品,更换也极为方便。
– 旋转式油罐,更换时只需旋下来即可,缩短停机时间,降低维护成本
▪ 原来普遍采用Roto-inj.设计使用寿命仅为4000小时
3.2 滑油使用注意事项
▪ 确保正常的温度范围
– 高温运行(如105°C ),会导致油品氧化,寿命缩短 – 低温运行(如75°C ),可能产生冷凝水,油品乳化变质
▪ 定期检查油位,及时添加
卡死) – 检查客户用气系统首否有泄漏
1. 使用纸杯或玻璃杯取样进行判断,水面有零散的油花为正常,若有油水 分层则为含油量过多
2. 首先机器排气压力不应低于4Bar 3. 检查油位是否过高,润滑油是否过脏 4. 检查回油管是否脏堵,偏心,过短 5. 检查回油管里的单向阀是否卡住或者反向 6. 检查回油软管到转子底部是否畅通 7. 检查油分导流罩是否损坏 8. 检查油分是否破损 9. 油品是否合格?油分是否合格?