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Don‟t you think so ?你不这样认为吗?

Is it “yes”or no .

It dosen‟t answer my question . 这可不算答案

You don‟t stand a chance . 你没有希望赢

Let me hear your candid opinion.

Can you think of anything better ?

Anything complaints?

What I mean was

I think it‟s a matter of opinion . 我认为这样看个人的想法。That‟s not important

It‟s worth a look

I can‟t afford it

I would not do that .我是不会做那种事的

Let‟s leave well enough alone .不要在画蛇添足

It must be my imagination . 一定是我的幻觉

In the long run 从长远来看

Why = how come

What makes you think that ?

How did it happened ?

What are you doing this for ?你干嘛非要去做这种事呢/? Why did you do that

Explain it to me

Why are you so happy about ?你怎么那么高兴

For who ?

What for

What‟s the pur pose of your visit ?

no reason not do . 没有理由不让坐吧。

Why are you here ?

In brief ,it‟s like this 总之是这么回事

That‟s why .原来如此。

Whose fault is that ?那是谁的错,带有批评

I think it‟s sour grapes 吃不着葡萄说葡萄酸

That‟s up to you . 那就随便你

That‟s not the point .没说到点上

Here you are

Would you drive me to the store ?

Would you help me find the number for the abc hotel

I don‟t know how to fill out the form .

Would you give me a call

I‟ d appreciate it if you can call me at tonight .

Please turn it down .

Wait here until I get back .

Sorry ,I mistook you for someone else .

How should I do it

This is the way you should do it .

This looks better .

Like this

Like what

Just like that .简单的不得了

It‟s complicated

This is the first thing to do

You dropped this 你掉了这个。

Is this yours

I have lost my wallet

I‟m in trouble

May I help ?用帮忙吗?

Think twice beforce you decide

How about this one ?这个怎么样

Let‟s take a short cut

Let‟s call in sick 请个病假吧

Let‟s play cards

Won‟t you join us 你也一起来吧

What do you suggest?你有什么建议吗?

Wanna make a bet ? do you want to

I suggest you take a taxi

Sure ,what is it .?

Whose idea is it

Say no more .不要多说了

I‟d be happy to help you

Make yourself at home

Anything for you . 为你做什么都可以。

Count me in 算我一个

I‟ll do the rest 剩下的我来做

I‟ll do it no matter what不管发生什么,我也要这样做It‟s nothing没什么

That would be great

I won‟t 我不愿意

I don‟t want it 我不要

I‟m against her proposal

I can‟t do anything about it

I can‟t make that happen 我不能实现你的梦想

I‟m not in the mood

I have other business to take care of
