大众汽车 用户手册

第二部分:基本操作1. 启动和熄火:在启动汽车前,请确保离合器已踩下(对于手动变速箱)或者制动器已踩下(对于自动变速箱)。
2. 油门和刹车:在行驶中,请适当踩下油门,并根据道路情况合理调整车速。
3. 方向盘操作:在转弯时,请正确使用方向盘并适时打转向灯提醒其他车辆。
第三部分:安全注意事项1. 安全带:在行驶中,请务必系好安全带,确保乘车人员的安全。
2. 速度限制:请严格遵守道路交通法规,并根据路况和标志合理控制车速。
3. 驾驶注意力:在驾驶过程中,请确保注意力集中在路况和车辆操作上,避免干扰引起的驾驶失误。
第四部分:汽车维护1. 机油更换:请按照汽车维护手册规定的保养周期进行机油更换,确保发动机的正常运转和长久使用。
2. 轮胎保养:定期检查轮胎的气压和磨损情况,并注意轮胎的轮换和平衡,以延长使用寿命。
3. 灯光检查:定期检查汽车的前后灯光,保证照明系统的正常工作,提高夜间行车的安全性。

SVW项目经理姓名SVW Project Mnger 用友信息科技()有限公司yonyou 项目经理yonyou Project Mnger签名(Signture)日期(Dte)签名(Signture)日期(Dte)分发本文档已被分发到如下人员名目1 2目标.................................................................................................................................................. 3 模块概述............................................................................................................ .............................. 4 2.1 流程图............................................................................................................ .................. 4 2.2 系统主要功能............................................................................................................ ...... 6 3 系统登录............................................................................................................ (7)3.1 登陆系统............................................................................................................ .............. 7 4 埋怨投诉处理............................................................................................................ . (8)4.1 埋怨登记〔一级埋怨〕 (8)4.2埋怨登记〔五级埋怨〕.....................................................................................................10 4.3埋怨转出流程〔1〕..................................................................................................... ...... 16 4.4埋怨转出流程〔2〕........................................................................................................... 18 5.车险服务〔保险投保〕 ........................................................................................................ . (22)5.1保险投保流程〔1〕..................................................................................................... ...... 22 5.2保险投保流程〔2〕..................................................................................................... ...... 27 6.服务活动治理............................................................................................................ . (29)6.1服务活动治理............................................................................................................ ......... 29 7.客户关爱治理............................................................................................................ . (32)7.1客户关爱流程〔1〕..................................................................................................... ...... 32 7.2客户关爱流程〔2〕..................................................................................................... ...... 35 7.3客户关爱流程〔3〕..................................................................................................... ...... 38 7.4客户关爱流程〔4〕..................................................................................................... ...... 43 8.经销商会员治理............................................................................................................ (46)8.1会员治理流程〔1〕..................................................................................................... ...... 46 8.2会员治理流程〔2〕 .................................................................................................. ......... 49 8.3会员治理流程〔3〕..................................................................................................... ...... 52 8.4会员治理流程〔4〕..................................................................................................... ...... 60 8.5会员治理流程〔5〕..................................................................................................... ...... 62 8.6会员治理流程〔6〕..................................................................................................... ...... 66 8.7会员治理流程〔7〕..................................................................................................... (70)1 目标为了能更好的服务于经销商使用群众iCrEM经销商治理系统指定的客户模块用户手册2 模块概述2.1 流程图下列图为客户关爱流程图模块架构图群众说明书篇二:群众宝来汽车使用手册汽车手册第一篇驾驶篇1.汽车启动三步曲62.开车留意事项63.自动挡汽车的正确驾驶74.自动档中途熄火怎么办85.教你开车省油15招96.正确使用方向盘107.发动机油门使用要点118.夏季行车十防129.离合器正确使用要诀1311.驾驶技巧1312.轿车操作与节能1513.车辆驾驶如何既省油又有利于环保1814.驾驶方式不当是轮胎磨损主因19第二篇保养191.保养内容周期192.汽车部件更换周期213.自己动手养护汽车步骤254.买了新车之后首次养护不能马虎255.汽车保养防范落入误区266.汽车的一级保养发动机离合器等7项277.汽车的二级保养整车检验电气设备等7项288.汽车的三级保养检查项目及规范309.修理站检测项目3210.平常养车的方方面面3311.车基本保养指南3712.高级汽车保养常识4013.两年必需更换制动液4014.底盘封塑养护4115.油路过脏影响动力清洗油路免去修理之苦4116.冬季汽车使用环境差给爱车做次彻底清洁4117.汽车磨合期保养4218.别克汽车日常维护常识4319.富康轿车的保养方法4520.富康轿车的日常性维护4521.进口、国产车修理保养费用对比4622.自己动手为爱车做换季保养有八步4723.五一自驾游行前车辆的预备工作4824.出游归来话保修4825.假日出行自驾游归来应给爱车做全面保养4926.雨季保养5027.夏季爱车清凉三部曲5128.盛夏日常保养5329.夏日防开锅5430.夏季,给汽车降温有四忌5431.驾车行驶前、中、后如何进行检查保养?5532.内饰保养5633.合金轮毂养护5634.如何延长汽车发动机的寿命5635.清洗发动机冷却系统水垢5736.轿车发动机50万KM无大修解秘5737.让汽车心脏保持正常别忽视发动机积炭6038.汽车发动机保养的六大要点6139.养护发动机防止机油污染6240.润滑对汽车引擎寿命的影响6241.根据要求更换制动液保障汽车的行驶安全6342.润滑系统保养6443.两年必需更换制动液6544.机油性能的简易检测法吸油点滴法6645.正确维护自动变速器6746.正确使用自动变速器油保自动变速器长命6847.自动变速箱换油不简洁6948.汽车例行养护时切记要勤查三水6949.汽车三滤日常保养7050.维护保养之空滤清洁篇7051.燃油滤清器的原理和保养7152.清洗油路可增加汽车动力7153.维护保养之机油选择篇7154.传动轴的保养7555.刹车片更换周期7556.刹车系统7557.刹车系统日常养护7658.汽车底盘的养护7659.手刹的检测和养护7860.汽车燃油箱清洗方法7961.勤换机油保平安7962.汽车油路和水路的保养8063.汽车保养莫忘清洁油路8064.电喷汽车进气系统应当定期进行清洗保养8065.空调维护8166.汽车空调:换季时必需清洗8167.汽车外观的维护8268.维护保养之打蜡篇8369.汽车全面养护--如何防止汽车各部件老化8470.快修划痕要确保质量请关注五项补漆工艺8671.如何快速修复划痕8672.快速修复车身的划痕8773.秋季爱车美容选封釉8774.汽车打蜡有诀窍8875.清洗车窗车身内饰的窍门8976.让爱车保持洁净中控XX的清洁要领8977.汽车外观的维护9078.车厢异味如何检查9079.座椅地毯保养9280.春季车内清洗9281.沙尘过后的汽车清理9382.换铝圈时要留意以免威逼行车时的安全9383.怎样给汽车的旧轮胎换件新衣裳9384.电动车窗保养9485.雨刮器定期检查9586.你会洗车吗9587.自己动手维护保养玻璃清洗器9688.汽车停驶期间的养护措施96第三篇修理971.怎样正确选购汽车零配件972.如何鉴别假冒伪劣汽车配件983.修车少花冤枉钱车主要防范四大骗招994.远离修车点时汽车底盘机件损坏急救有方1005.教你如何制服水温偏高1006.汽车常见故障及预防解决措施1027.千万不行轻视汽车悬挂系统1038.汽车故障预报八法1049.听、试、看、想如何推断发动机异响10510.汽车空调四种常见故障现象的检查和推断105群众说明书篇三:群众iCrEM潜客用户手册-SKOD群众经销商智能治理平XX文档位置这是一个在线文档的打印件。

5053基本使用说明一、自动落锁,开锁和闪灯和响喇叭设置1、进46舒适电脑系统2、进10调整与匹配1)输入通道通道0320km/h 自动锁门通道04拔下车钥匙自动开锁通道05遥控器开锁警告喇叭响2声;舒适电脑系统要接一个报警喇叭通道06遥控器锁门警告喇叭响1声;舒适电脑系统要接一个报警喇叭(只有国外进口的原装菠萝/高尔夫/帕萨特/宝来出厂默认安装了报警喇叭)通道07遥控器开锁所有转向灯同时闪2下通道08遥控器锁门所有转向灯同时闪1下2)输入调整值 1 = 打开这个功能0 = 关闭这个功能(新车出厂默认状态是关闭'0')二、单门解锁和四门解锁(默认)设置1、进46舒适电脑系统2、进07重新编码带4电窗的。

1.1高尔夫、高尔夫GTI、高尔夫Plus、途安、帕萨特、帕萨特旅行车、Eos、Tiguan、尚酷Scirocco、高尔夫GTD保养手册Enfocus Software - Customer Support汽车数据牌图1(1)汽车识别号(2)车型,发动机功率,变速箱(3)发动机代码,变速箱代码,油漆编号,车内装备(4)选装装备,PR 编号供货日期:大众汽车特约维修站盖章Enfocus Software - Customer SupportVolkswagen AG 对所有车型都在不断进行后续开发。
未经 Volkswagen AG 书面许可,不得全部或部分翻印、复制或翻译本说明书。
依据著作权法,Volkswagen AG 声明对本说明书保留一切权利。
德国印刷 © Volkswagen AG环境保护说明本说明书用纸系用无氯漂白纸浆制成。
Enfocus Software - Customer Support1.1 Golf, Golf GTI, Golf Plus, Touran, Passat, Passat Variant, Eos, Tiguan,Scirocco, Golf GTD | ServiceplanArt.-Nr.: 101.5W3.SPK.74 | Chinesisch 05.2009 Enfocus Software - Customer Support手册 1.1 保养手册 a 保养信息 1 保养信息汽车数据车型:正式牌照:汽车识别号:首次注册登记日或交货日:负责本车售后服务的大众汽车特约维修站:售后服务咨询员:电话:相关文件和汽车钥匙的接收证明以下物品已随本车一起提供: 是否随车资料(包括保养手册)主钥匙 备用钥匙 所有钥匙的功能都已检查过! 地点: 日期:车主签字:Enfocus Software - Customer Supporta 手册 1.1 保养手册2 保养信息保养方案长效保养还是按时间或行驶里程的保养?取决于本车的技术前提,可以采用长效保养或按时间或行驶里程的保养。
2010 Volkswagen CC Sport 用户手册说明书

2010 Volkswagen CCSport includes: 200HP 2.0 TSI engine, 6-speed manual transmission, ESP, ABS, ASR, ABS w/ brake assistant, EDTC, speed sensitive steering, leather multi-function steering wheel, matte chrome inserts for center console, driver & passenger power comfort seats, heated front seats, auto dimming interior mirror, leather gear shift knob, power exterior mirrors, cruise control, Premium 8 radio w/ Aux-in, satellite radio prep, Bluetooth connectivity, 8 speakers, daytime running lights, rain sensing intermittent wipers, Climatic climate control, leatherette seating surfaces, electric parking brake, 17" Phoenix alloy wheels w/ 235/45 R17 all-weather tires, fog lamps, LATCH, airbags, front & rear passenger curtain airbags, front side airbags, TPMS6-Speed Manual, Model Codes: 3572L2/3572F2/3572Y2 MSRP $28,5106-Speed DSG Auto w/ Tiptronic, Model Codes: 3572LD/3572FD/3572YD MSRP $29,610Luxury includes Sport features, plus: 6-speed DSG automatic transmission w/ tiptronic, brushed aluminum inserts for center console & dashboard, panorama electric tilting sunroof, power adjustable front seats w/ memory, sport front seats, power exterior mirrors w/ memory, Park Distance Control, Climatronic climate control, Nappa leather seating surfaces, chrome-plated interior trim, Home Link, 17" Spa alloy wheels w/ 235/45 R17 all-weather tires, heated washer nozzles6-Speed DSG Auto/ w Tiptronic Model Codes: 3574LD/3574FD/3574YD MSRP $33,830VR6 Sport includes Luxury & Sport features, plus: 280HP 3.6L VR6 engine, 6-speed automatic transmission w/ tiptronic, 3-spoke leather wrapped multi-function steering wheel w/ control for gear shift, power rear sunshade, Vavona wood inserts for dashboard & door, Dynaudio Sound, 10 channel amp, 600watt, 10 speaker system, 18? Interlagos alloy wheels w/ 235/40 R18 all-weather tires, Bi-Xenon headlights w/ AFS, headlight washer system6-Speed Tiptronic, Model Code: 3572U6 MSRP $40,060VR6 4Motion includes VR6 Sport, Luxury, & Sport features, plus: 4Motion AWD system, 6-speed automatic transmission for four-wheel drive, 18" Daytona alloy wheels w/ 235/40 R18 all-weather tires6-Speed Tiptronic, Model Code: 3572UQ MSRP $41,170Optional Equipment:Available on all: 4X4 Rear Side Airbags $350, UF8 Media Device Interface for iPod Integration $199 (not available w/ PTM)Available on Sport only: W72 CC R-Line Package $1,830Available on Luxury only; 9VE Dynaudio Premium Sound System $1,000, CCC Climatronic/Heated Washer Nozzle Credit $ -500 (affects production wks 22/09-36/09 only), W73 CC Lux Appearance Package $1,200Available on Luxury & VR6: PTM Technology Package w/ MDI $2,640 (not available w/ UF8)Colors:Candy White/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black Leather Deep Black Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherIron Gray Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherIsland Gray Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherLight Brown Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherMocha Anthracite Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherReflex Silver Metallic/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherShadow Blue Metallic (not available w/ R-Line) /Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black LeatherWhite Gold Metallic (not available w/ R-Line)/Cornsilk Beige-Black V-Tex/Black V-Tex/Cornsilk Beige-Black Leather/Black Leather。

这个功能需要配备雨量感应器,单 T 的同学用不了。步骤如下:
2、09-中央电气系统 3、编码控制-07 4、长编码帮助 5、把 Byte4 的 Bit5 和
Bit6 打钩就可以了
493008571 QQ 持 开完后在仪表盘的行车电脑上会多了一个“雨天关窗”的选项,可以在 支 哪里选择关闭/激活 术 五、紧急制动报警闪光信号:office: 技 1、选择模块
2、09-中央电气系统 3、编码控制-07 4、长编码帮助 5、选择“BYTE16”把“Bit1”打钩。最好把 BIT6 也开了。
术支持QQ 493008571 技
QQ 灯的尚酷,不叫日行灯,叫永久灯。单 T 本身也是可以手动设置的,只 支持 是给人为的限制了
术 技
493008571 选择“Byte9”把万恶的“Bit7”的,将方向盘左侧操纵杆向上和向后压,并保持一段时间, 支持 关闭点火并等待约 3 秒后,重新打开点火。 术 关闭:打开点火,将方向盘左侧操纵杆向下和向后压,并保持一段时间, 技 关闭点火并等待约 3 秒后,重新打开点火。
一 、激活运动仪表盘功能 步骤一
技 步骤二
493008571 在 常用控制模块 或者 电子系统 1 里面选择《17-仪表盘》
接下来进入《匹配功能-10》 步骤四
493008571 QQ 持 支 术 然后会出现这样一个选择画面 技

互联网电视机顶盒并不复杂,用一根视频电缆,安装一些AV 端口,但也有大量的高清线HDMI。
尚酷 六方位介绍


R Radio R12AmplifierR14Rear left treble loudspeaker R16Rear right treble loudspeaker R20Front left treble loudspeaker R22Front right treble loudspeaker R101Front left mid tone loudspeaker R102Front right mid tone loudspeaker R159Rear left mid tone loudspeaker R160Rear right mid tone loudspeakerRadio, navigation and telephoneThe high-end sound system from DYNAUDIOThe DYNAUDIO brand is a pledge of highquality sound. Since introduction of the DYNAUDIO high-end sound system in the Passat, Volkswagen offers this system in a very similar form in the EOS, Touareg, Multivan and Tiguan as well.This high quality sound system is now introduced forthe first time in the A-class segment in the Scirocco.S419_073Key R14R16R20R22R101R102R159R160The high-end soundsystem DYNAUDIO comprises bass loudspeakers and treble loudspeakers. The four bass loudspeakers (mid tone loudspeakers) are located in the front left and front right doors and also in the side panels on the left and right in the rear. They provide a very precise and powerful bass with sharp impulse response.For authentic music playback, transparency and detail there are four treble loudspeakers in the door panels and side panel trims.The loudspeaker system is operated by the newly developed 300 Watt digital high output amplifier. The system can be combined with the RCD 310, RCD 510 radios and RNS 510 radio/navigation system.RR12Further information about the sound system from DYNAUDIO can be found in self-study programme no. 342 "Radio systems 2006".Infotainment CAN data busRCD 310RCD 510RNS 510S419_108Radio, navigation and telephoneRadio systems in the Scirocco 2009For the Scirocco, the RCD 210, RCD 310 and RCD 510 radios are available and also the RNS 300 and RNS 510radio/navigation systems.S419_067RCD 210 radioTechnical features -Monochrome display with a resolution of 122 x 36 pixels-FM, TP and RDS reception via a single tuner -TP button; stations that do not transmit TP information are shown with "No TP".-AM reception-24 memory slots for AM and FM stations over 2 memory levels respectively, each with 6 slots. -The autostore function fills the currentlyselectedmemory level with the 6 strongest stations.-"Initial autostore" occupies all 24 memory levels with receivable FM and AM stations-Two or four loudspeakers with up to 20 Watt output can be connected-Treble, bass and balance sound adjustments -Fader adjustment only possible with four loudspeakers-Integrated CD drive-Brightness of display backlight can be controlled independently of the dim signal for the vehicle interior lighting-Driving school function with speed and turn signal display -Service test modeCombination and expansion possibilities -UHV telephone preparation (mono playback only)-Compatible telephone hands-free systems from third-party manufacturers-Reduction in volume on vehicles with park distance control-Can be operated via multifunction steering wheel and displayed in dash panel insert-VW CD changer or VW Individual iPod adapter or USB adapter-Audio input interface (Aux-In)Detailed information about the RCD 210 radio can be found in self-study programmeno. 404 "The Tiguan 2008".S419_144RCD 310 radioTechnical features -FSTN monochrome display with 302 x 45 pixel resolution(FSTN=Film Super Twisted Nematic, or liquid crystal display)-Twin tuner with phase diversity-Integrated DAB tuner (digital radio)(depending on equipment)-Integrated CD drive-Media support for MP3 and WMA audio data (with ID3 tag)-Optical parking system (OPS)-Information from air conditioning -RDS FM/AM Europe radio-Two or four loudspeakers with up to 20 Watt output can be connected-Speed-dependant volume control(GALA)-Self-diagnosis and loudspeaker diagnosis -TP button; stations that do not transmit TP information are shown with "No TP".-Control and display protocol (BAP)Combination and expansion possibilities -UHV telephone preparation-Support of display in dash panel insert via BAP operating and display protocol as well as DDP display data protocol-External amplifier can be activated-Control via multifunction steering wheel and multifunction display-External CD changer (without MP3 support)-Audio input interface (AUX-IN) -Media device interface (MDI)Detailed information about the RCD 310 radio can be found in self-study programmeno. 417 "The Passat CC 2009".RCD 510 radioS419_069Technical features -Touch-sensitive 6.5" TFT colour display with a resolution of 400 x 240 pixels -Twin-tuner for FM, TP and RDS reception -Integrated aerial diversity for two aerials -AM reception-Two or four loudspeakers with up to 20 Watt output can be connected-Integrated 6-disc CD changer-Integrated memory for TIM information (depending on equipment)-Integrated DAB tuner (digital radio)(depending on equipment)-SDARS tuner (SAT radio)(depending on equipment)-Integrated SD memory card reader (SD=Secure Digital)-Media support for MP3 and WMA audio data -Audio input interface (AUX-IN)-Interface for connection of a reversingcamera on version equipped with radio RCD 510 RVC (Rear View Camera)-Self-diagnosis and loudspeaker diagnosis -Display of climate conditions(information displayed temporarily)-Optical parking system (OPS)Combination and expansion possibilities -External sound amplifier-Support of display in dash panel insert via BAP operating and display protocol as well as DDP display data protocol-UHV telephone preparation-Compatible, external telematics units -Control via multifunction steering wheel -External CD changer (without MP3 support)-Media device interface (MDI)Detailed information about the RCD 510 radio can be found in self-study programmeno. 404 "The Tiguan 2008".Radio, navigation and telephoneRNS 300 radio/navigation systemS419_105Technical features -5" monochrome display with a resolution of 240 x 128 pixels-Two or four loudspeakers with up to 20 Watt output can be connected -RDS FM/AM Europe radio -FM single tuner with one aerial-Integrated CD drive (MP3 compatible)-Navigation symbols shown in display of dash panel insert (only on Highline version of dash panel insert control unit)-Route guidance using symbols and voice output -Navigation without inserted navigation CD (corridor function)-Dynamic guidance with TMC -CD navigation-Media support for MP3-Control and display protocol (BAP)Combination and expansion possibilities -UHV telephone preparation-Support of display in dash panel insert via BAP operating and display protocol as well as DDP display data protocol-Can be combined as an option with multifunction steering wheel-Can be combined as an option with external CD changer (CDC)-Media device interface (MDI)Detailed information about the RNS 300 radio/navigation system can be found in self-study programmeno. 397 "Radio/navigation 2007".RNS 510 radio/navigation systemS419_107Technical features -Touch-sensitive 6.5" multi-colour display (MFD) with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels-Two or four loudspeakers with up to 20 Watt output can be connected-RDS, FM and AM Europe radio -FM twin tuner with two aerials-Integrated DAB tuner (digital radio)(depending on equipment)-SDARS tuner (depending on equipment)-Integrated DVD drive for navigation, audio and video-Integrated hard-drive for storage of navigation and audio data-Integrated SD memory card reader-Media support for MP3 and WMA audio and video data-Map display in 2D, 3D bird's eye view and topographical view-Navigation function with map, split screen and language-TMC function (current traffic messages are stored), dynamic navigation (Europe, North America)-Offroad functions- 3 screens (styles) can be programmed, coded ex-factory according to the model -Display of climate conditions(information displayed temporarily)-Optical parking system (OPS)Combination and expansion possibilities -Controllable via multifunction steering wheel -Support of display in dash panel insert via BAP operating and display protocol as well as DDP display data protocol-Can be combined as an option with Volkswagen Sound and DYNAUDIO and also Volkswagen TV-tuner-Display of navigation symbols via the control unit in dash panel insert (Highline)-Video and TV playback from external sources, such as DVD player, reversing camera-Extraction of video signals for external display units, such as Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)-Audio playback of external sources, such as CD players, iPods-UHV telephone preparation -Media device interface (MDI)Detailed information about the RNS 510 radio/navigation system can be found in self-study programme no. 397"Radio/navigation 2007".Radio, navigation and telephoneAll of the radios and radio/navigation systems used by Volkswagen featurea convenience coding.。
大众汽车 用户手册


一、大众尚酷行驶里程表的功能大众尚酷行驶里程表主要有以下几个功能:1. 记录行驶里程:大众尚酷行驶里程表可以准确记录车辆的行驶里程数,包括总里程和单次行驶里程。
2. 统计油耗:大众尚酷行驶里程表可以根据行驶里程和加油量统计车辆的油耗情况。
3. 提醒保养:大众尚酷行驶里程表可以根据行驶里程和时间提醒车主进行车辆保养。
4. 分析行驶数据:大众尚酷行驶里程表可以将行驶数据导出并进行分析,帮助车主了解自己的驾驶习惯和车辆性能。
1. 启动行驶里程表:当车辆发动时,大众尚酷行驶里程表会自动启动,并开始记录行驶里程。
2. 重置行驶里程表:当车辆需要进行保养或者换油时,车主可以通过操作仪表盘上的按钮来重置行驶里程表。
3. 查看油耗信息:车主可以通过大众尚酷行驶里程表的显示屏查看车辆的油耗信息。
4. 导出行驶数据:车主可以通过连接大众尚酷行驶里程表和电脑,将行驶数据导出到电脑上进行分析。
三、大众尚酷行驶里程表的优势1. 精准记录:大众尚酷行驶里程表采用先进的技术,能够精准记录车辆的行驶里程数,避免了人为记录的不准确性。

Enfocus Software - Customer Support
手册 2.1 安全第一 调整副驾驶员座椅 手册 3.1 “操纵”,“前座椅”这一章。
副驾驶员的坐姿不正确可能导致严重的伤害。 将副驾驶员座椅尽可能推到最后面,使胸部与仪表板之间有足够的距离。如果过于靠近仪表 板,则安全气囊系统可能无法正确提供保护。 如果由于身材原因而无法保持足够大的距离,请与大众汽车特约维修站联系。他们可以帮助 您检查是否可以加装某些特殊装备。 行车期间应始终把脚放在脚部空间中,切勿把脚放在仪表板上、伸出车窗外或放在座椅面 上!如果坐姿不正确,在制动或发生交通事故时您受到人身伤害的危险会更大。如果坐姿不正 确,则安全气囊触发时可能有生命危险。 为了降低紧急制动时或发生交通事故时副驾驶员受伤的危险,行车时靠背切勿过于向后倾 斜!只有在靠背处于垂直位置且副驾驶员已正确系好安全带的情况下,才能发挥安全气囊系统 和安全带的最佳保护作用。靠背向后倾斜越大,因安全带使用方式和坐姿不正确而带来的人身 伤害危险也越大! 正确调整好头枕,以便发挥其最佳保护作用。
20 页。
– 将双脚放在脚部空间内,以便随时操控汽车。
手册 3.1 “操纵”,“前座椅”这一章。
驾驶员的坐姿不正确可能导致严重的人身伤害。 调节好驾驶员座椅,使胸部与方向盘中心之间的距离至少为 25 cm 于 25 cm,则安全气囊系统可能无法正确为您提供保护。 图 1。如果此距离小
如果由于身材原因而无法保持 25 cm 的最小距离,请与大众汽车特约维修站联系。他们可 以帮助您检查是否可以加装某些特殊装备。 行驶期间应一直用双手从两侧握住方向盘的外缘(9 点钟和 3 点钟位置)。这样在驾驶员安 全气囊触发时可降低人身伤害的危险。 切勿握在 12 点钟位置或以其他方式握方向盘(例如握住方向盘中部)。否则驾驶员安全气 囊触发时,可能导致胳臂、手和头部受到伤害。 为了降低紧急制动时或发生交通事故时驾驶员受伤的危险,行车时靠背切勿过于向后倾斜! 只有在靠背处于垂直位置且驾驶员已正确系好安全带的情况下,才能发挥安全气囊系统和安全 带的最佳保护作用。靠背向后倾斜越大,因安全带使用方式和坐姿不正确而带来的人身伤害危 险也越大! 正确调整好头枕,以便发挥其最佳保护作用。
Volkswagen Caddy 商品说明书

Important NotesChassis DimensionsCab Height: +328 mm for CAB-HSLP, -262 mm for CAB-LDAY, -262 mm for CAB-LSLP, +16 mm for CAB-SLP.Front Axle to Back of Cab: +431 mm for CAB-HSLP and CAB-SLP, -69 mm for CAB-LDAY, +425 mm for CAB-LSLP.D-measure includes a front clearance of 50 mm and for rigid trucks also a subframe of 100 mm.Height can vary ± 20 mm for leaf and ± 10 mm for air suspension.All dimensions are for unladen chassis and any tag axles down. Chassis height used: CHH-HIGH.Rear overhang used for vehicle weight calculation is the maximum rear overhang (N Max.) for selected wheelbase.Height change when chassis height CHH-MED,FRAME300: 0 mm.Chassis weight includes oil, water, AdBlue, 0 litres fuel and without driver. Kerb weight can vary ± 3%.Turning diameters are theoretically calculated.Legal weights can differ from country to country.For more detailed weight information, including optional equipment weights, ask your Volvo sales contact to enter your specification into the Volvo Weight Information system (WIS).Do NOT use this drawing for bodybuilding. Refer to Volvo Bodybuilder Instructions and chassis assembly drawing FMX64R1A.Chassis Dimensions [mm]WB Wheelbase32003700390046004900A Overall Chassis Length7865 8615 8915 10715 10465 D Center of rear axle to front of body 2635 3135 3335 4035 4335 N Rear Overhang (Min.) 825 825 825 825 825 NRear Overhang (Max.)177520252125 3225 2675T Theoretical Wheelbase3885 4385 4585 5285 5585 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Min.) -159 -93 -67 36 59 Y Center of Gravity for Payload (Max.) -159 -93 -67 36 59 W Body Length (Min.) 5588 6451 6771 7891 8371 W Body Length (Max.) 5588 6451 6771 7891 8371Chassis Weights [kg]Front Axle 4450 4465 4470 4470 4515 Rear Bogie 3410 3450 3465 3640 3575 Kerb Weight7860 7915 7935 8110 8090 Payload (including body, driver, fuel, etc.) 15140 15085 15065 14890 14910Turning Diameter [mm]Turning Circle Diameter Kerb to Kerb13900 15500 16100 18200 19100Turning Circle Diameter Wall to Wall 15400 16900 17600 19700 20600Plated Weights [kg]PlatedDesignGross Vehicle Weight23000 28100 Gross Combination Weight 42500 44000 Front Axle 6500 7100 Rear Bogie 16500 21000■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).□ TIPP-PRE Tipper preparation ■ UNIFORM Basic uniform vehicleCore components ■ CHH-HIGH Chassis Height (high) approx. 1025-1050mm (depending ontyre selection)□ CHH-XHIG Chassis Height (extra high) approx. 1100-1162mm (dependingon tyre selection)□ RADD-G2 Rear air suspension-high clearance ■ RADD-GR Rear air suspension■ FMX-DAY5 Day cab□ FMX-HSL5 Globetrotter cab □ FMX-LDA5 Low day cab □ FMX-LSL5 Low sleeper cab □ FMX-SLP5 Sleeper cab■ EU5SCR-M Eu5 SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction ( mandatory ) □ EU6SCR Eu6 SCR (Particulate Filter + EGR) Single Stage Turbo □ D11S380A Eu6 Fuelface 11 litre 380hp engine □ D11S430A Eu6 Fuelface 11 litre 430hp engine □ D11S460A Eu6 Fuelface 11 litre 460hp engine □ D11C330 Eu5 11 litre engine 330hp/1600 Nm/243kW ■ D11C370 Eu5 11 litre engine 370hp/1750 Nm/272kW □ D11C410 Eu5 11 litre engine 410hp/1950 Nm/302kW □ D11C450 Eu5 11 litre engine 450hp/2150 Nm/332kW □ D11K330 Eu6 11 litre engine 330hp/1600nm/245kW □ D11K380 Eu6 11 litre engine 380hp/1800nm/280kW □ D11K430 Eu6 11 litre engine 430hp/2050nm/317kW □ D11K460 Eu6 11 litre engine 460hp/2200nm/339kW ■ EBR-VEB Volvo Engine Brake (VEB) ■ AT2612 Volvo I-shift-12 speed automatic transmission (2600nm) □ PT2106 Powertronic 6 speed transmission (2100nm)□ RTH2610B Volvo RTH2610B hub reduction rear axles4 planet gears per hubAxle rating: 26,000 kg 115 tonne train weight (Application approved)□ RTS2310A Single reduction tandem 23t GCW100t ■ RTS2370B Single reduction tandem 23t GCW70t Packages ■ INFODF Information Platform with Dynafleet Support □ INFOMED Information Platform-Medium □ INFONDF Information Platform with Navigation & Dynafleet Support Chassis □ FST-AIR Air bag front suspension ■ FST-PAR Parabolic leaf spring front suspension □ FST-PAR3 3 leaf parabolic front springs (stiffer than normal)□ FSLS-BAS Front Susp. levelling stroke - Standard □ FAL6.5 Front axle load 6.5 tonnes ■ FAL7.1 Front axle load 7.1 tonnes □ FAL7.5 Front axle load 7.5 tonnes □ FAL9.0 Front axle load 9.0 tonnes ■ FSTAB Front stabilizer, normal stiffness □ FSTAB2 Front stabiliser bar increased stiffness □ FSTAB3 Heavy duty front stabiliser bar ■ RAL21 Rear suspension load rating: 21,000 kg □ RAL26 Rear suspension load rating: 26,000 kg ■ RSTAB3 Heavy duty rear stabiliser bar□ ACTST-TO Volvo Dynamic Steering □ ASFE-PO Dynamic Steering Active Features - Personal Settings &Oversteer Guidance□ ASFE-PS Dynamic Steering Active Features - Personal Settings ■ PSP-FIX Power steering pump with fixed displacement □ PSP-VAR Power steering pump with variable displacementdisplacement■ EBS-MED Electronic Brake System (EBS) containsABS, Traction control, Hill start aid Diff lock control, Brake assistWheel brake monitoring, EBS status□ AUXPARK Auxiliary parking brake ■ FST7070 Frame section thickness 7mm □ FST8080 Frame section thickness 8mm □ FIL-EEEF Liner (inner) from end of engine to end of frame ■ FIL-FBEB Liner (inner) - front of bogie to end of bogie □ FIL-FBEF Liner (inner)- front of bogie to end of frame □ FIL-TXEB Liner (inner) - trans x-mem to end of bogie □ FIL-TXEF Liner (inner) - trans x-mem to end of frame ■ BBOX-L Battery box mounted on LHS chassis rail ■ 2BATT225 2x225 Ah batteries □ BATTAMP Battery amperage indicator (in the DID) ■ MSWI-C Isolation toggle switch LHS of chassis □ MSWI-R Isolation switch on key fob (press door lock twice to isolate) ■ R415A66 RHS 415 litre alloy fuel tank w/o step Min volume 415l Max volume 465l ■ UL-FUEL LHS fuel tank not fitted Min volume 195l Max volume 195l ■ ADTP-L AdBlue tank position - LHS ■ ADB064 AdBlue tank 64 litres □ ADB090 AdBlue tank 90 litres ■ FCAP-L Fuel tank cap with lock□ ESH-REAR Horizontal muffler with low rear facing outlet ■ ESH-RIGH Muffler horizontal, right exhaust outlet□ ESH-VERT Muffler horizontal, vertical exhaust outlet on right hand side□ EXST-SSP Stainless steel exhaust stack□ TRBR-HCR Hand controlled trailer brake, reduced pressure □ TRBR-STA Stationary trailer brake control□ TRB-STRE Automatic trailer brake activation (stretch brake) ■ TL-LED LED tail lights Rims and Tyres □ RT-AL 10 stud alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALDP 10 stud dura-bright alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALDPD 10 stud dura-bright alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) □ RT-ALDU 10 stud alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) □ RT-ALP 10 stud polished alloy disc rims (with long wheel studs) □ RT-ALPDU 10 stud polished alloy disc rims (with short wheel studs) ■ RT-STEEL 10 stud steel disc rims □ SPWT-D Spare rim & tyre equal to drive □ SPWT-F Spare rim & tyre equal to steer □ SWCP-T2 Transport mounted spare wheel □ JACK-12T 12 tonne capacity jack with brace □ JACK-15T 15 tonne capacity jack and brace■ TOOL-BAS Basic tools □ TOOLKIT Tool kit complete□ INFLAHOS Tyre inflation hose (18 metres)Powertrain equipment ■ TRAP-HD Heavy Duty Transmission Internals ■ DRM-BE Drive Mode - Balanced Economy □ DRM-E Drive Mode - Economy □ PVT-MAP Preview Topography Information (by a high resolutioncommercial topography map)■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS). ■ CRUIS-E Extended cruise control (additional fuel saving functions)□ AMSO-AUT Manual gear shift in automatic mode.□ AVO-ENH AMT Vocational option - enhanced□ APF-ENH Enhanced I-shift PTO functions■ CS43B-O Volvo 430mm single plate clutch□ TC-HWO Transmission Oil Cooler■ TC-MAOH2 High performance transmission cooler■ 2COM1080 High volume air compressor□ 2COM1100 Air compressor. 1100 litres/minute (Eu6) □ 2COMP870 Air compressor. 870 litres/minute (Eu6)■ AIRIN-HI High air intake, roofline position □ AIRIN-LO Low air intake, rear of cab position■ ACL1ST-S Air cleaner with two stage filter element□ 24A110BL Alternator - 110 Amp (Eu6) □ 24A150BL Alternator - 150 Amp (Eu6) ■ 24AL150B Alternator - 150 Amp□ PTER-100 PTO engine rear mounted with flange DIN100/ISO7646 □ PTER-DIN Power Take Off / splined shaft groove (female) DIN5462. □ PTER1400 Rear engine mounted power-take-off with flange SAE 1410□ HPE-F101 F1-101 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F41 F1-41 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F51 F1-51 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F61 F1-61 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-F81 F1-81 Hydraulic pump rear engine mounted□ HPE-T53 F2-53/53 twin flow hyd pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-T70 F2-70/53 twin flow hyd pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-V45 V1-45 variable pump rear engine mounted □ HPE-V75 V1-75 variable pump rear engine mounted□ PTPT-D PTO DIN / Powertronic□ PTPT-F PTO flange conn / Powertronic□ PTR-D Low speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-DH High speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-DM Medium speed PTO with DIN connection □ PTR-F Rear PTO trans.flange 100% speed □ PTR-FH High speed PTO with flange connection □ PTR-FL Low speed PTO with flange connection□ PTRD-D PTO with 2 DIN connections rear + 1 DIN connection front □ PTRD-D1PTO with 1 DIN + 1 flange connection rear + 1 DIN connection front□ PTRD-D2 PTO with 2 flange connection rears + 1 DIN connection front □ PTRD-F PTO with 1 DIN + 1 flange connection rear □ HPG-F101 F1-101 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F41 F1-41 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F61 F1-61 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ HPG-F81 F1-81 hydraulic pump gearbox mounted □ DRC-AMII DPF regeneration- auto initialise/manual on demand/manualinhibit□ DRC-AUTO DPF regeneration- fully automatic (in motion)■ ESP-BAS1 ESP package (tractor/trailer combinations with ABS/EBS OrRigids with standard COG)■ HWSS-ACB ACC & forward collision warning & emergency braking. ■ LSS-DW With lane departure system □ LSS-DW3 Lane Departure Warning System & Active Lane Keeping ■ LCS2 Lane Change Support with Side Collision Avoidance (LHS) ■ DAS-W Driver alert support warning □ RSENS-W Rain sensor to activate wipers □ CU-ECC Climate controlled air conditioning ■ CU-MCC Manual controlled air conditioning □ IMMOBIL Engine immobiliser □ ALARM-B Anti-theft alarm (cab) ■ ISUNS-DS Interior side sunvisor - driver's door□ ISUNF-B Interior front sunvisor - standard□ ISUNF-MD Interior front sunvisor - with mirror (driver's side) □ ISUNF-RE Interior sunvisor - front (electric) ■ ISUNF-RM Interior sunvisor - front (manual)□ ADFS 2 din slots in front shelf■ BUPALARM Reverse alarm□ LOADIND Load indicator, electronic controlled suspension (SUSPL-EC)□ REMC-MF Multifunction wireless remote control■ FIREX25A Fire extinguisher 2.5 kg■ WRITEPAD Storable steering wheel fit clip board■ DST-CF5Fully adjustable driver's comfort seatAir suspension, heated, integrated safety belt□ SBD-RED Red safety belts, pass. & driver seats■ SBPRE-DS Drivers seat belt pretensioner■ PST-BAS1 Basic passenger's seat □ PST-CF5 Fully adjustable passenger comfort seatAir suspension, heated, safety belt□ SBPRE-PS Passenger seatbelt pretensioner□ ARMRE-BB Armrests both sides - driver's & passenger's seat ■ ARMRE-DB Armrests both sides - driver's seat ■ ARU-BAS Seat armrest upholstery - basic■ FMAT-RUB Floor mats - rubber□ FMAT-TX2 Floor mats - textile & rubber □ LBK70 Lower bunk 700mm wide □ MATL-FI Spring Mattress Lower Bunk - Firm (100kg +) □ MATL-SF Mattress lower bunk - semi firm□ OLMAT-BA Mattress overlay - basic □ TBK70F Top bunk 700mm wide, foldable □ SAFE Safe box at bed-end □ ETSB-F Engine tunnel storage box □ ETSB-FR Engine tunnel storage box & rear cab wall □ ETSB-R Rear cab wall storage □ RUS-BAS Rear upper cab storage - 154 litres for Sleeper/Globetrotter &60 litres for Day Cab□ RUS-HIG Rear upper cab storage - 245 litres □ TABLE Table □ REF-ICPK Refrigerator prep kit (on engine tunnel) □ REFR-RUS 28 litre refrigerator in upper rear storage□ MICRO-PK Prep kit for microwave □ BOTH-D Bottle holder in driving area ■ INLI-BAS Interior night lights □ INLI-NL Interior white and red (night) light □ INLI-NLD Interior light including night light and dimmer function□ ARL-FLEX Flexible reading lamp (snake light) ■ RH-ER Roof hatch-electric (metal emergency exit) □ RH-MTR Roof hatch-manual (tinted glass & rear opening)□ SWIND-PS Cab passenger side aux. window■ AWIND-RF Cab rear window- fitted □ VANMIR Vanity mirror □ AS-FUS Auxiliary shelf, front upper storage □ INFOT-PK LCD screen mount - 6kgs max Cab exterior ■ EXTL-BAS Standard exterior trim level ■ DGLAS-H Hardened door glass■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).■ LOCK-REM Central door locking with remote control■ BUMP-HD Bumper - heavy duty□ AUXFS Auxiliary folding side step□ GUARD-EH Guard plate for cooling pipes and oil sump■ BUGNET Insect net in front of radiator■ CTILTP-E Electrical cab tilt pump□ FCABS-A Front cab suspension-air bellows■ FCABS-M Front cab suspension-mechanical spring□ RCABS-A Rear cab suspension-air bellows■ RCABS-M Rear cab suspension-mechanical spring□ MIRCFCPXElectrically heated & operated convex glass mirrors with front monitoring camera on passenger side.■ MIRFLACP Electrically heated & operated flat glass mirrors with frontmonitoring camera on passenger side.□ AMIR-F20 Close view mirror ■ SUNV-H Exterior sunvisor □ AD-ROOF Aero-dynamic roof mounted deflector □ AD-SIDES Aero-dynamic cab side deflectors□ GUARD-W Windscreen stoneguard ■ HL-BASIC Standard head lamps □ HL-LED LED headlights□ HL-CLEAN Head lamp cleaning system ■ HLP-ST Headlamp protection-steel □ HLP-ST2 Headlamp protection-steel/wire mesh (non ADR compliant) □ HL-ADJ Headlight adjustment - manual ■ DRL-LED V-shaped LED daytime running light □ ASL-RF2 Auxiliary spotlights inside Globetrotter sign box ■ IDLAMP-A Identification lamps-amber□ BEACON-P Beacon light wire preparation □ SPOTP-F Aux spotlamp preparation, 280W maximum□ CSGN-FMX Globetrotter - FMX decal □ ANT-CBR Antenna for CB radio, single antenna Superstructure □ SRWL-2RW 2 white rear chassis mounted working lamps □ SRWL-PK Wiring prep for chassis mounted reverse/working lamps-3position switch□ SWL-2FW 2 white side working lamps (forward facing) □ SWL-2RW 2 white side working lamps (rearward facing) □ SWL-4W 4 white side working lamps □ SWL-PK Wiring prep for chassis-mounted working lamps-2 positionswitch□ WL-CHPK Chassis mounted working lamp prep kit □ WLC-H2W 2 x H3/70W high mounted work lamps with white lens. □ WLC-PKH Prep kit for high mounted work lamps.□ ECBB-HIG Body builder module - cab module ■ ECBB-MED Body builder module - cab module ■ BBCHAS3 Body builder chassis electrical interface, 3 x 7 pin connectors □ EXSTER External steering via body builder's module □ HBA-SB Holes for body attachments ■ AESW2 2 flexible switches (AUX1 and AUX2).□ AESW2PK 2 flexible switches (AUX1 & AUX2) + additional 4 flexibleswitches■ AUXSW-4 Wiring prep. for 4 extra bodybuilder switches (switches notincluded)Delivery services■ TGW-4GWL Telematics Gateway with 4G/LTE & WLAN□ FMS-PK Fleet management system gateway□ DRUT2 "My Truck" smartphone app. 2 year prepaid■ Standard Equipment □ Optional EquipmentFor more detailed information about cab and powertrain equipment, please refer to separate specification sheets.For all possible options and combinations of options please consult your Volvo sales contact who can create a specification to match your requirements using the Volvo Sales Support system (VSS).。

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up!Prices are inclusive of CO 2 tax and 15% VATX = standard O = optional - = not availablePrices & Options - Volkswagen up!F or the MoversImmediately identified by its body-coloured door mirrors and door handles, the Move up! really stands out from the crowd. 2D black cube upper dashboard, stylish “Fusion” upholstery and chrome-trimmed interior door handles create a luxurious interior, enhanced by electrically adjustable and heated door mirrors, USB interface, a standard Radio: “Composition Phone” with 5-inch colour display and Bluetooth connectivity, leather multi-function steering wheel, a variable boot floor and 60:40 split folding rear seat backrest.Move up!The up! sets a new precedent in car design, with exceptional interior space. With its eye-catching standard steel wheels or optionalalloys, enhanced by horizontal running lines to the front and smooth finishes to the side, the up! is an ultra-modern interpretation of the classic Volkswagen design. Sleek, contemporary and unmistakably Volkswagen.Four different trim levels allow you to select exactly the finish and equipment that’s right for you, ensuring you feel totally at home in your up!It’s a car that will move you. Quite literally.and theTakersThe entry level Take up! offers an impressive level of specification, with many advanced features fitted as standard. Safety equipment includes driver and passenger airbags, side head/thorax airbags for driver and passenger, ESP, ISOFIX points and LED daytime running lights.The interior features contemporary “Lane” upholstery, practical storage compartments, power steering, remote central locking, manual airconditioning for extra comfort, tyre pressure monitor and front electric windows.Take up!Cross up!The adventurous Cross up! offers the same roomy interior and compact exterior. Along with the advanced features that come standard in all up! models like airconditioning and ESP, it also includes sporty roof rails, front fog lights, 16-inch “Cross” alloy wheels, authentic front and rear bumpers, 18mm additional ground clearance, protective side moulding with “Cross” lettering and side mirror housings painted in “Light Silver”. Inside, it features a leather multi-function steering wheel, front electric windows and a Radio Composition Phone including Bluetooth and USB interface.up! beatsIt’s the perfect combination of German engineering and class-leading sound innovation. A 300-Watt 8-channel amplifier with a digital signal processor, accompanied by six premium loudspeakers throughout the interior and a subwoofer create crystal-clear sound quality. In addition, the customised interior features “Beats” seat upholstery, a “deep dimension” dash pad design and a leather-covered multi-function steering wheel. With 15-inch alloy wheels which transform the road into your stage and pristine sound technology the up! beats features create the perfect ambience ensuring a memorable driving experience.Tornado RedHoney Yellow MetallicTeal BlueCandy/Pure WhiteDark Silver MetallicDeep Black Pearl EffectExpress yourselfA wide range of exterior colours are available for the up! Our new colours include Honey Yellow and Teal Blue. The roof package offers additional customisation and is available exclusively on the Move up!It features a black painted roof and side mirror housings for a contrasting look.PaintsStandard and optional features Interior and Comfort • F ront electric windows • S teering column with height adjustment • W hite instrument lighting, dimmable; red night design for switches • H eight-adjustable driver seat • A irconditioning system manualSafety and Technology• A irbag for driver and front passenger• S ide head/thorax airbags for driverand front passenger• A nti-Spin regulator (ASR)• E lectronic stability control (ESP)• T yre pressure monitor system• P ower steering• H alogen main headlights and indicators behind shared clear glass covers• L ED daytime running lights• E lectronic immobiliser• C entral locking system withradio remote controlSmartphone IntegrationTo enable smartphone integration the “Maps + More” app has to be downloaded, giving you access to offline navigation with 2D and 3D maps, music streaming, a multi-function display (range, mileage, fuel consumption, engine speed and coolant temperature), hand-writing recognition to search music files and phone book as well as a Think Blue Trainer.Another innovation is the smartphone integration feature.Whether you prefer a full trim or Spoke-styled alloy wheel, each one of our 14”, 15” and 16” wheel designs have been created exclusively for the up! adding a real touch of contemporary style.Wheels & RimsStandard: Take up!14” Steel165/70 R14Standard: Move up!14” Steel 165/70 R14Optional: Move up!15” Spoke Alloy 185/55 R15Standard: Cross up!16” Cross Alloy185/50 R16Standard: up! beats 15” Radial Alloy185/55 R15This information was effective as at 22 May 2020 valid for model year 20 and is subject to change without notice. Visit us at vw.co.za©Volkswagen South Africa。
大众汽车 用户手册


Scirocco尚酷2009款1.4 TSI豪华版
Scirocco尚酷2009款1.4 TSI运动版
Scirocco尚酷2009款1.4 TSI豪华版
Scirocco尚酷2009款1.4 TSI运动版

1. 车辆概述:介绍车辆的基本信息,如车型、车身尺寸、引擎类型、驱动方式等。
2. 车辆控制:详细介绍车辆的各种控制装置,如方向盘、刹车踏板、加速踏板、挡杆等,以及其使用方法和注意事项。
3. 仪表盘和显示屏:说明车辆的仪表盘和显示屏显示的各种指示灯、仪表和信息,以及其含义和使用方法。
4. 行车安全:介绍车辆的各种安全系统和装置,如刹车系统、安全气囊、车身稳定控制系统等,以及使用方法和注意事项。
5. 驾驶操作:详细介绍驾驶汽车的技巧和注意事项,如起步、加速、刹车、变速、转弯等。
6. 车辆维护:提供车辆维护的指导,包括定期保养、更换零部件、保养注意事项等。
7. 故障排除:列出可能出现的故障及其解决方法,如电池没电、发动机无法启动、轮胎漏气等。
8. 保修和维修:说明车辆的保修政策和维修服务,包括保修期
9. 附件和选装配置:介绍车辆可选择的附件和选装配置,并提供使用方法和注意事项。
10. 安全驾驶提示:提供安全驾驶的提示和建议,如注意交通规则、保持车距、避免疲劳驾驶等。
Volkswagen 车型指南书 说明书

Quick Reference Guide Instrument Panel (P89)System Indicators (P90)/Gauges (P112)/Driver Information Interface (P116, 139, 142)M (7-speed manual shift mode) Indicator/Shift Indicator*(P95)Shift Position Indicator*/Transmission System Indicator*(P95, 96) Fuel Gauge (P113)Driver Information Interface (P116)Tachometer (P113)Speedometer (P112)Traffic Sign Recognition System (P114)Odometer(P113)Outside Temperature (P114)Shift Up/Down Indicator*Quick Reference Guide●You can change the gauge design.Change gauge design (P156)Shift Position Indicator */Transmission System Indicator * (P95, 96)M (7-speed manual shift mode) Indicator/Shift Indicator * (P95)Fuel Gauge (P113)Driver Information Interface (Right Side Area) (P142)Tachometer (P113)Speedometer (P112)Traffic Sign Recognition System (P114)Odometer (P113)Temperature Gauge (P113)Driver Information Interface (Left Side Area) (P139)Outside Temperature (P114)Shift Up/Down Indicator *Instrument Panel Indicators come on/blink depending on the condition of the vehicle. Messages maydisplay on the driver information interface at the same time. Please take theappropriate action outlined in the message, such as contacting a dealer.*1:When you set the power mode to ON, these indicators come on to indicate that system checks are being performed. They go off a few seconds later or after the engine has started. If an indicator does not come on or turn off, there may be a malfunction in the corresponding system. To resolve the issue, follow the instructions in the owner's manual.Low Fuel Indicator→P.98Anti-lock Brake System(ABS) IndicatorVehicle Stability Assist TM(VSA®) System IndicatorVehicle Stability Assist TM(VSA®) OFF IndicatorSupplementalRestraint SystemIndicatorElectric Power Steering(EPS) System Indicator*1→P.98→P.98→P.99*1*1*1→P.99*1→P.99uu Indicators uInstrument Panel*1:When you set the power mode to ON, these indicators come on to indicate that system checks are being performed. They go off a few seconds later or after the enginehas started. If an indicator does not come on or turn off, there may be a malfunction in the corresponding system. To resolve the issue, follow the instructions in the owner's manual.*2:Models without drive mode switch *3:Models with drive mode switchAuto High-BeamIndicatorLow Tire Pressure/TPMS Indicator *Turn Signal and Hazard Warning Indicators Lights On Indicator High Beam Indicator Fog Light Indicator *System Message IndicatorAdaptive Cruise Control(ACC) with Low SpeedFollow* Indicator (Amber)Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Indicator (Amber)Safety SupportIndicator (Green/Gray)→P.100Auto Idle Stop System Indicator (Amber)→P.105→ P.101→P.101→P.107*1→P.101→P.101→P.101Immobilizer System Indicator→P.104Security System Alarm Indicator→P.104→P.102→P.108→P.111*1Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC) with Low SpeedFollow * Indicator (White/Green)→P.107*1Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) Indicator (White/Green)→P.108*1*1Safety Support Indicator (Amber)→P.109*1NORMAL Mode Indicator *→P.103Auto Idle Stop Off Indicator→P.105Auto Idle Stop Suspend Indicator→P.106ECON Mode Indicator→ P.103*3SPORT Mode Indicator *→P.103Low Temperature Indicator *→ P.103Cruise Mode Indicator(White/Green)→P.108Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC) with Low Speed Follow * Interval Indicator *→ P.108*2*1Auto Idle Stop Indicator (Green)→P.105uu Indicators uInstrument Panel Indicator Name On/Blinking Explanation Parking Brake andBrake SystemIndicator (Red)●Comes on when the parking brake isapplied, and goes off when it is released.●The beeper sounds and the indicator comes on ifyou drive with the parking brake applied.●Comes on for about 30 seconds when you applythe electric parking brake while the power mode isin ACCESSORY or VEHICLE OFF, then goes off.●Stays on for about 30 seconds when you set thepower mode to VEHICLE OFF while the electricparking brake is applied, then goes off.•Comes on when the brake fluid level islow.•Comes on while driving - Make sure the parkingbrake is released. Stop in a safe place and checkthe brake fluid level.2What to do when the indicator comes onwhile driving P.710uu Indicators uInstrument PanelIndicator NameOn/BlinkingExplanationParking Brake and Brake System Indicator (Red)●Comes on if there is a problem with the brake system.●Comes on along with the Parking Brake and Brake System Indicator (amber) - Immediately stop in a safe place. Contact a dealer for repair. The brake pedal becomes harder to operate. Depress the pedal further than you normally do.2If the Brake System Indicator (Red) Comes On or Blinks at the Same Time When the Brake System Indicator (Amber) Comes On P.712●Comes on along with the ABS indicator - Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.2If the Brake System Indicator (Red) Comes On or Blinks P.710●Blinks and the Parking Brake and Brake System Indicator (amber) comes on at the same time - There is a problem with the electric parking brake system. The parking brake may not be set.Avoid using the parking brake and have your vehicle checked by a dealer immediately.2If the Brake System Indicator (Red) Comes On or Blinks at the Same Time When the Brake System Indicator (Amber) Comes On P.712uu Indicators uInstrument Panel Indicator Name On/Blinking Explanation Parking Brake andBrake SystemIndicator (Amber)●Comes on if there is a problem with asystem related to braking other than theconventional brake system.●Comes on while driving - Have your vehiclechecked by a dealer.●With this indicator on, your vehicle still has normalbraking ability.●Comes on if there is a problem with theelectric parking brake system and/or theautomatic brake hold system.●Stays on constantly - Avoid using the parkingbrake and have your vehicle checked by a dealerimmediately.Automatic BrakeHold SystemIndicator●Comes on when the automatic brake holdsystem is on.2Automatic Brake Hold P.606Automatic BrakeHold Indicator●Comes on when the automatic brake holdis activated.2Automatic Brake Hold P.606uu Indicators uInstrument Paneluu Indicators uInstrument Paneluu Indicators uInstrument PanelSeat Belt Reminder Indicator●Blinks and the beeper sounds for a few seconds if you are not wearing a seat belt when you set the power mode to ON, then the indicator comes on.●If the front passenger is not wearing a seat belt, the indicator comes on a few seconds later.●Comes on for a while when the rear seat belt is unfastened while the power mode in ON.●Blinks while driving if you and/or anypassenger has not fastened a seat belt. The beeper sounds and the indicator blinks at regular intervals.●The beeper stops and the indicator goes off when you and the passengers fasten their seat belts.●Stays on after you and/or the passengers have fastened the seat belt(s) - A detection error may have occurred in the sensor. Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.2Seat Belt Reminder P.46Indicator NameOn/BlinkingExplanationInstrument PanelInstrument PanelIndicator Name On/BlinkingExplanationElectric Power Steering (EPS) System Indicator•Comes on if there is a problem with the EPS system.•Stays on constantly - Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.•Do not drive displays on the driverinformation interface - Immediately stop in a safe place and contact a dealer.2If the Electric Power Steering (EPS) System Indicator Comes On P.711Vehicle Stability Assist TM (VSA ®) System Indicator●Blinks when VSA ® is active.—●Comes on if there is a problem with the VSA ® system, brake assist system, hill start assist system, starting assist brake function *, or agile handling assist.●Stays on constantly - Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.2Vehicle Stability Assist TM (VSA ®), akaElectronic Stability Control (ESC), System P.481●Comes on if the VSA ® system is deactivated temporarily after the battery has been disconnected, then re-connected.●Drive a short distance at more than 12 mph (20 km/h). The indicator should go off. If it does not, have your vehicle checked by a dealer.Vehicle Stability Assist TM (VSA ®) OFF Indicator●Comes on when you partially disable VSA ®.2VSA ® On and Off P.482●Comes on if the VSA ® system is deactivated temporarily after the battery has been disconnected, then re-connected.●Drive a short distance at more than 12 mph (20 km/h). The indicator should go off. If it does not, have your vehicle checked by a dealer.Instrument Panel Indicator Name On/Blinking Explanation Low Tire Pressure/TPMS Indicator●May come on briefly if the power mode isset to ON and the vehicle is not movedwithin 45 seconds, to indicate thecalibration process is not yet complete.●Comes on and stays on when:-One or more tires’ pressures aredetermined to be significantly low.-The system has not been calibrated.●Comes on while driving - Stop in a safe place,check tire pressures, and inflate the tire(s) ifnecessary.●Stays on after the tires are inflated to therecommended pressures - The system needs tobe calibrated.2TPMS Calibration P.485●Blinks for about one minute, and then stayson if there is a problem with the TPMS, orwhen a compact spare tire is temporarilyinstalled.●Blinks and remains on - Have your vehiclechecked by a dealer. If the vehicle is fitted with acompact spare tire, get your regular tire repaired orreplaced and put back on your vehicle as soon asyou can.●Comes on if the TPMS is deactivatedtemporarily after the battery has beendisconnected, then re-connected.●Drive a short distance at more than 12 mph (20 km/h).The indicator should go off. If it does not, have yourvehicle checked by a dealer.Instrument PanelInstrument Panel*1*2Instrument Panel *1:Models without drive mode switch*2:Models with drive mode switchInstrument PanelIndicatorName On/BlinkingExplanationImmobilizer System Indicator•Blinks if the immobilizer system cannot recognize the key information.•Blinks - You cannot start the engine. Set the power mode to VEHICLE OFF, then select the ON mode again.Depress and hold the brake pedal before setting the power mode to ON.•Repeatedly blinks - The system may bemalfunctioning. Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.•Do not attempt to alter this system or add other devices to it. Electrical problems can occur.Security System Alarm Indicator•Blinks when the security system alarm has been set.2Security System Alarm P.179IndicatorModels with B-type meterModels with A-type meterIndicatorIndicatorModels with B-type meterInstrument PanelInstrument PanelInstrument PanelIndicator NameOn/BlinkingExplanationAdaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow * Indicator (Amber)●Comes on if there is a problem with ACC with Low Speed Follow *.●Comes on while driving - Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.●Comes on if the ACC with Low Speed Follow * is deactivated temporarily after the battery has been disconnected, then re-connected.●Drive a short distance at more than 12 mph (20 km/h). The indicator should go off. If it does not, have your vehicle checked by a dealer.●Indicator may come on temporarily when the Maximum Load Limit is exceeded.●ACC with Low Speed Follow * has been automatically canceled.●Make sure the total load is within the Maximum Load Limit.2Maximum Load Limit P.445●Stays on constantly - Have your vehicle checked by a dealer.Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow * Indicator (White/Green)●Lights up in white when you press the button.●Lights up in green when you press the up or down the RES/+/SET/− switch.2Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow * P.5222Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)* P.543Instrument PanelIndicatorName On/Blinking ExplanationSafety SupportIndicator (Amber)●Comes on if there is a problem with RoadDeparture Mitigation system, CMBS TM, LowSpeed Braking Control* or blind spotinformation system*.●Stays on constantly - Have your vehicle checkedby a dealer.●Indicator may come on temporarily whenthe Maximum Load Limit is exceeded.●Make sure the total load is within the MaximumLoad Limit.2Maximum Load Limit P.445●Stays on constantly - Have your vehicle checkedby a dealer.●Comes on if the Road Departure Mitigationsystem, CMBS TM and Low Speed BrakingControl* are deactivated temporarily afterthe battery has been disconnected andthen re-connected.●Drive a short distance at more than 12 mph (20km/h). The indicator should go off. If it does not,have your vehicle checked by a dealer.Instrument PanelInstrument Panel IndicatorName On/Blinking Explanation Safety SupportIndicator (Amber)●Comes on when the Road DepartureMitigation system and/or CMBS TM shutsitself off.●Stays on - The temperature inside the camera istoo high.Use the climate control system to cool down thecamera.The system activates when the temperature insidethe camera cools down.2Front Wide View Camera P.598●Stays on - The area around the camera is blockedby dirt, mud, etc. Stop your vehicle in a safe placeand wipe the debris off with a soft cloth.●Have your vehicle checked by a dealer if theindicator and message are still displayed even afteryou have cleaned the area around the camera.2Front Wide View Camera P.598●It may come on when the ambient conditions aredark, such as when driving in a tunnel, or at night,dawn, or dusk.Instrument PanelIndicator NameOn/BlinkingExplanationSafety Support Indicator (Amber)●Comes on when mud, snow, or ice accumulates in the vicinity of the sonar sensor.●Remove the obstacle in the vicinity of the sonar sensor.2Low Speed Braking Control * P.511, 517●Comes on when mud, snow, or iceaccumulates in the vicinity of the blind spot information system sensor.●Comes on when the temperature of the blind spot information system sensor is high.●Comes on while driving - Something may be interfering with the blind spot information system sensor. Check the vicinity of the blind spot information system sensor and remove any obstacles.●The system will return to normal when the temperature cools down.2Blind Spot Information System * P.491Safety Support Indicator (Green/Gray)●Lights up in green when Road Departure Mitigation system, CMBS TM , Low Speed Braking Control * and blind spot information system * are on.●Lights up in green and gray when Road Departure Mitigation system, CMBS TM , Low Speed Braking Control *, blind spotinformation system * or any two or three of these systems are off.●Lights up in gray when Road Departure Mitigation system, CMBS TM , Low Speed Braking Control * and blind spot information system * are off.2Road Departure Mitigation system On and Off P.5872Blind Spot Information System On and Off P.4932System On and Off P.514, 5192CMBS TM On and Off P.503。
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Enfocus Software - Customer Support1.1 Golf, Golf GTI, Golf Plus, Touran, Passat, Passat Variant, Eos, Tiguan,Scirocco, Golf GTD | ServiceplanArt.-Nr.: 101.5W3.SPK.74 | Chinesisch 05.2009 Enfocus Software - Customer Support手册 1.1 保养手册 a 保养信息 1 保养信息汽车数据车型:正式牌照:汽车识别号:首次注册登记日或交货日:负责本车售后服务的大众汽车特约维修站:售后服务咨询员:电话:相关文件和汽车钥匙的接收证明以下物品已随本车一起提供: 是否随车资料(包括保养手册)主钥匙 备用钥匙 所有钥匙的功能都已检查过! 地点: 日期:车主签字:Enfocus Software - Customer Supporta 手册 1.1 保养手册2 保养信息保养方案长效保养还是按时间或行驶里程的保养?取决于本车的技术前提,可以采用长效保养或按时间或行驶里程的保养。
如何确定本车需要哪些保养?长效保养: 按时间或行驶里程的保养:- 如果汽车数据牌上的 PR 编号为“QG1”(见封面页),并且 ⇒ 3 页上的长效保养已打叉,则您的汽车具有长效保养。
- 如果汽车数据牌上的 PR 编号为“QG0 或 QG2”(见封面页),并且 ⇒ 3 页上的按时间或行驶里程的保养已打叉,则您的汽车具有按时间或行驶里程的保养。
- “首次保养”贴签(车门立柱上)上记录了周期性保养。
- “首次保养”贴签(车门立柱上)上记录了换油保养。
- ⇒ 3 页上的长效保养已打叉。
- ⇒ 3 页的按时间或行驶里程的保养已打叉。
说明如果没有加注或添加长效发动机机油,则宜采用按运行时间或行驶里程进行的保养 ⇒ 5 页。
在这种情况下,必须每行驶 15,000 km 或每过 1 年进行一次换油保养。
Enfocus Software - Customer Support手册 1.1 保养手册 a 保养信息 3 首次保养大众汽车特约维修站在此划出适用于本车的首次保养。
长效保养(PR 编号 QG1) 按时间或行驶里程的保养(PR 编号 QG0 或 QG2)周期性保养 该保养根据可变保养周期指示器进行 (最晚 2 年后)。
换油保养该保养根据保养周期指示器进行(1 年后或每 15,000 km– 以先到者为准)。
大众汽车特约维修站汽车交货证明已进行汽车交货检查:日期:大众汽车特约维修站盖章如果使用高含硫量柴油,则宜每行驶 7,500 km 进行一次换油保养并更换一次燃油滤清器 ⇒ 5 页,⇒ 。
交车时汽车销售商应对以下方面进行说明和解释:• 磨合,• 更换制动液,• 保养周期,尤其是有关恶劣运行条件的说明,见 ⇒ 4 页。
说明如果没有加注或添加长效发动机机油,则宜采用按运行时间或行驶里程进行的保养 ⇒ 5 页。
在这种情况下,必须每行驶 15,000 km 或每过 1 年进行一次换油保养。
Enfocus Software - Customer Supporta 手册 1.1 保养手册4 大众汽车售后服务大众汽车售后服务保养周期概述为使您记住及时进行每次保养,我们用车门柱上的贴签或组合仪表显示屏中的保养周期指示器提醒您。
恶劣条件包括:• 含硫燃油,• 经常短途行驶,• 发动机较长时间怠速运行(例如出租车),• 在降尘严重的地区行驶,• 经常带挂车行驶,• 走走停停(Stop-and-go )为主的运行模式(例如市区行车),以及• 冬季行车为主的运行模式。
尤其适用于下列部件:• 空气滤清器• 齿形皮带• 发动机机油• 柴油颗粒过滤器在某些市场使用高含硫量的柴油。
此时宜每行驶 7,500 km 进行一次换油保养并更换一次燃油滤清器 ⇒ 5 页,⇒ 。
小心!• 本车不适合使用生态柴油并且绝对不允许加生态柴油行驶。
允许柴油制造商按 EN 590 规定的比例将生态柴油混入柴油,不会导致发动机或燃油系统损坏。
• 使用高含硫量柴油会显著缩短柴油颗粒过滤器的使用寿命。
Enfocus Software - Customer Support手册 1.1 保养手册 a 大众汽车售后服务 5 周期保养类型 长效保养 (PR 编号 QG1) 按时间或行驶里程的保养(PR 编号 QG0 或 QG2)换油保养 见 ⇒ 5 页,“长效保养的特点” 根据保养周期指示器(1 年后或每 15,000 km 1、2)周期性保养 根据可变保养周期指示器 (最迟 2 年后1) 2 年后或每 30,000 km 1、2常规保养 首次 3 年后或 60,000 km 2 后,然后每2 年制动液保养 首次在3 年后,此后每 2 年一次(推荐使用大众汽车原装制动液 ⇒ 。
)相应的发动机机油规格请查阅 ⇒ 手册“技术数据”。
各保养项目相应的保养范围参见 ⇒ 6 页。
在这种情况下,必须每行驶 15,000 km 或每 1 年进行一次换油保养。
• 务必按规定的周期更换制动液。
• 只使用规定的新制动液 ⇒ 手册“实用提示”,“检查和添加”这一章。
• 如果超过规定的更换制动液期限,便会有发生事故的危险!小心!使用高含硫量柴油会显著缩短柴油颗粒过滤器的使用寿命。
1 如果使用高含硫量柴油,则宜每行驶 7,500 km 进行一次换油保养并更换一次燃油滤清器 ⇒ 。
2 – 以先到者为准Enfocus Software - Customer Supporta 手册 1.1 保养手册6 大众汽车售后服务说明除常规保养/周期性保养之外,还必须进行按时间或行驶里程的附加工作 ⇒ 8 页。
保养范围工作: 换油 保养 周期性 保养 常规保养排气装置:检查泄漏、固定和损坏情况 x 主销:目测防尘罩是否泄漏和损坏 x 检查自动变速箱中的 ATF (自动变速箱油),必要时添加 3– 除了帕萨特 1.8 l TSI ® 09G 和 2.0 l TSI ® 09G x 蓄电池和附加蓄电池(如有必要):检查 x 轮胎(包括备用车轮):检查花纹深度、轮胎胎面、轮胎使用时间以及轮胎充气压力 x x 制动装置:目测是否泄漏和损坏 x 制动装置和减震器:目测是否泄漏和损坏 x 制动液液位:根据制动摩擦片磨损情况检查 x 前部、后部和行李箱照明,转向信号装置、闪烁报警装置,持续或日间行车灯,静态弯道灯和自动行车灯控制(如有):检查功能x 前部和后部制动摩擦片厚度和制动盘状态:检查 x x x 天窗打开系统 / 滑动天窗:全景外翻式天窗(PAD )(如有):检查功能 x 滑动 / 外翻式天窗(SAD )或全景滑动天窗(PSD )(如有):检查功能,必要时清洁导轨和导流板并涂抹油脂 x 滑动 / 外翻式天窗:清洁玻璃盖和遮阳板的导轨,然后涂油脂 - 仅适用于 Eos x 检查折叠式车顶(CSC 活动硬顶)是否损坏及其功能是否正常;清洁导流板以及密封件,并保养密封件 - 仅适用于 Eos x x车内和手套箱照明,点烟器 / 插座,信号喇叭和指示灯:检查功能 x3 不适用于高温国家或地区(热带地区)、中国和美国Enfocus Software - Customer Support手册 1.1 保养手册 a 大众汽车售后服务 7 工作: 换油 保养 周期性 保养 常规保养多楔带:检查松紧情况 - 仅用于不带自动张紧轮的发动机x 多楔带:检查状态x 冷却系统:检查冷却液液位和防冻效果,必要时添加 x 发动机和发动机舱内部件(从上面):目测是否泄漏和损坏 x 发动机和发动机舱内的部件(从下面)、主减速器和万向节保护套:目测是否泄漏和损坏 x 发动机机油:更换 4、5 并更换发动机机油滤清器 x x 轮胎应急套件(如有):检查补胎胶的有效期并记录;检查补胎胶瓶是否损坏或已使用 x x 试车:脚制动器和手制动器,换档操纵机构,转向系统,强制降档,空调器:检查功能 x 车窗玻璃刮水 / 清洗装置、刮水片和大灯清洗装置(如有):检查功能、常态位置或限位位置和损坏情况,必要时加注清洗液x 大灯:检查调整情况 x 保养标签:填写下次保养时间,然后贴于驾驶员侧的车门立柱上 x x x 保养周期指示器:复位 x x 前部转向横拉杆球头和轴承:检查间隙、固定情况和防尘罩 x 车门止动器:润滑 x 底部保护层:目测损坏情况 x说明• 考虑到本车独特的使用条件,提前进行或在规定周期之间补加进行常规保养中的某些检查范围是有益的。