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本系统讲述了基于Web平台的网上的求职招聘的设计与实现。该系统分为个人用户管理、企业用户管理和管理员管理三部分。个人用户为求职者提供了友好的操作界面,通俗易懂,使求职者能够快速安全的申请职位;企业用户为求职者提供了很多的职位供求职者申请,求职者在公司的笔试相关信息和面试相关信息都被记录了下来,求职者可以在网上查到。系统选用MyEclipse和SQL Server 2005开发,采用B/S架构。




This system narrated the platform on-line seeks employment the employment advertise design based on Web with to realize. This system divides into individual user management, the enterprise user management and the manager manages three parts. Individual user has provided the friendly operation contact surface for the job seeker, easy to understand, enables the job seeker the fast security application position; The enterprise users provided many positions for the job seeker to apply for the job seeker, the job seeker has been recorded in company's written examination related information and the interview related information down, the job seeker might on-line look up. The system selects MyEclipse and SQL the Server 2005 developments, uses the B/S construction.

First this article narrated develops this system's significance and the goal; Next narrated the system development feasibility and the market demand; Narrated the system once more from the system design to the detailed design entire process; Finally has completed to system's test. Actual content including five chapters: Introduction, feasibility analysis and demand analysis, system system design, system detailed design and system test.

Key word B/S Seeks employment the employment advertise Friendly contact surface Security


摘要........................................................... I Abstract ........................................................ I I 目录......................................................... I II 第1章绪论 (1)

1.1课题背景 (1)

1.2 目的和意义 (1)

1.3系统设计思想 (2)

1.4本章小结 (3)

第2章可行性分析与需求分析 (4)

2.1可行性分析 (4)

2.1.1 经济可行性 (4)

2.1.2 技术可行性 (5)

2.1.3 运行可行性 (6)

2.2需求分析 (6)

2.2.1 业务流程分析 (7)

2.2.2 数据流图 (8)

2.2.3 数据字典 (9)

2.3本章小结 (13)

第3章系统总体设计 (14)

3.1系统模块总体设计 (14)

3.2数据库设计 (16)

3.2.1 实体描述 (16)

3.2.2 联系描述 (17)

3.2.3 数据库实现 (18)

3.3本章小结 (21)

第4章系统详细设计 (22)

4.1系统程序流程图 (22)

4.2个人用户系统主界面设计 (23)

4.3 企业用户系统主界面设计 (23)

4.4系统前台管理模块设计 (24)

4.4.1 个人用户的登录模块 (24)

4.4.2 个人设定密码找回模块 (25)

4.4.3 用户的笔试面试管理模块 (26)

4.4.4 职位申请模块 (26)

4.4.5 职位发布模块 (27)

4.4.6 查找求职者管理模块 (28)

4.4.7 面试管理模块 (28)

4.5系统后台模块设计 (28)

4.5.1 个人用户管理模块 (28)

4.5.2 企业管理模块 (29)

4.6本章小结 (29)

第5章系统实现 (30)

5.1 系统运行平台、环境、工具简介 (30)

5.1.1系统运行平台设置 (30)

5.1.2 MyEclipse简介 (30)

5.1.3 Java语言的选择 (31)

5.1.4 SQL SERVER 2005特性 (31)

5.1.5 Hibernate 的选择 (32)

5.2 本系统的测试 (32)

5.3本章小结 (33)

结论 (34)

致谢 (35)

参考文献 (36)

附录1 (37)

附录2 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
