




SKF 轴承的外包装上会标出完整的轴承型号,即基本代号和补充代号,但由于制造的一些原因,有些情况下,在轴承上标注的型号可能是不完整的。














S K F轴承知识大全 The pony was revised in January 2021SKF 轴承知识大全SKF 轴承简介,SKF 轴承型号的含义,NSK 公司概述,SKF 轴承故障排除 and so on.1:SKF 轴承简介:SKF 的全称是“Svenska Kullager-Fabriken”中文音译名称为“斯凯孚”;2:SKF 轴承型号的含义SKF 公司的滚动轴承,滚动轴承部件及附件的完整代号由基本代号和补充代号组成。






例:GS81107-推力圆柱滚子轴承 81107 的座圈。



K-——符合 AFBMA 标准系列英制圆锥滚子轴承带滚子和保持架组件的内圈(内锥体)或外圈(锥环)。

例:K-09067——系列为 09000 的圆锥滚子轴承的内锥体。


例:LNU207——圆柱滚子轴承 NU207 的内圈。

L30207——圆锥滚子轴承 30207 的外圈。


例:RNU207——圆柱滚子轴承 NU207 带滚子和保持架组合件的外圈。



例:WS81107——推力圆柱滚子轴承 81107 的轴圈。


SKF TLDD 数字化机电式单点自动润滑器无线连接系列隆重上市

SKF TLDD 数字化机电式单点自动润滑器无线连接系列隆重上市

SKF TLDD 数字化机电式单点自动润滑器无线连接系列隆重上市自动润滑装置S24单点润滑器可以自动将少量的洁净润滑脂或润滑油定期的供应到润滑点上,从而改善轴承的性能。







在预配置环节,独立的TLDD 系统易于安装,不需要IT 知识就能实现正常的安装或连接。

只需在SKF 润滑器监控平台上创建您的帐户,就可以立即监控已注册的润滑器TLDD 系统具有极高的方便性和可扩展性。

利用构建于蜂窝网络上的物联网IOT 技术,可以很轻松地监控多达上千个润滑点的状态,并同时监控多个工厂的旋转设备的润滑状态,进行预警和实时改进。


SKF 润滑器监控平台及APP使用攻略请咨询嘉瑞技术工程师或客服提供电池供电的电动TLDD 润滑器,预充两种规格的SKF润滑剂125 毫升和250 毫升,并且使用相同的驱动装置。

润滑剂分配率可自由设定为 1 到12 个月将罐内的润滑剂排空。

可以采用SKF DialSet 软件根据您的轴承和工况来计算润滑剂排空速度。

TLDD 通信利用低功耗广域网(LPWA), 将无线润滑器连接到SKF 润滑器监控平台。



KF SYSTEM 24单点自动润滑器 LAGD 125和LAGD 60可靠、具有成本效益的单点自动润滑器SKF SYSTEM 24家族中的LAGD系列为气体驱动的单点自动润滑器,可满足很多应用。

该润滑器已准备就绪,可直接拧到轴承箱的润滑点,里面可填充多种SKF 高品质润滑脂。


气体驱驱润滑器,操作可靠、应用灵活可选用两种规格:125 ml(LAGD 125)和60 ml(LAGD 60),以满足大多数轴承润滑的应用。

紧凑的尺寸允许安装在空间受限制的区域可以填充多种SKF优质润滑脂和润滑油,广泛适用于各种轴承应用可在1到12个月之间灵活设置时间I P 68防水防尘等级,可用于粉尘和潮湿环境宽温,适用于很多应用高可靠性和配送速度精度,便于提前确定更换日期配送速度(时间)设置是安装中的一个简单步骤,可短时间暂停配送透明润滑脂容器允许目检配送速度本安防爆等级:通过ATEX认证,可用于0区域可提供各种附件S KF SYSTEM 24 LAGD系列有SKF DialSet 4.0配送速度设置软件支持A. 时间设置表盘操作简单,精确调节润滑脂配送速度B. 气压室生成压力,以挤压出润滑脂C. 易于抓紧的上盖便于操作,快速填充润滑油D. 活塞特殊的活塞形状,以尽可能地挤空润滑脂E. 润滑脂容器透明的润滑脂容器,便于目检配送速度F. SKF润滑剂可填充多种型号的高品质的SKF润滑脂技术参数润滑脂容量LAGD 125 125 mlLAGD 60 60 ml流空时间可调节;1 — 12个月环境温度范围LAGD 60/.. 和LAGD 125/.. –20 —60 °CLAGD 125/F.. –20 —55 °C最大工作压强 5 巴(在启动阶段)驱动源气室产生的气体连接螺纹R ¼润滑剂最大输送长度–润滑脂300 mm–润滑油 1 500 mm防爆认证II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6II 1 D Ex iaD 20 T85°CI M1 Ex ia IEC认证LAGD 60/.. 和LAGD 125/.. K ema 04ATEX1275 X Issue 2 LAGD 125/F.. Kema 07ATEX0132 X防水防尘等级IP 68建议保存温度20 °C仓储年限 2 年重量– LAGD 125 约200 g– LAGD 60 约130 g包含润滑剂订货信息订货号 产品描述LAGD 60/WA2 60 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGWA 2润滑脂(多用途、极压)LAGD 125/WA2 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGWA 2润滑脂(多用途、极压)LAGD 125/EM2 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGEM 2润滑脂(重载、低速)LAGD 125/GB2 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGGB 2润滑脂(可生物降解)LAGD 125/HB2 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGHB 2润滑脂(高温、重载、滑动轴承)LAGD 125/HP2 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGHP 2润滑脂(高性能聚脲基)LAGD 125/FFP2 **125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LGFP 2润滑脂(食品级) LAGD 60/HMT68 *60 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LHMT 68润滑油(中温) LAGD 125/HMT68 *125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LHMT 68润滑油(中温) LAGD 125/HHT26 * 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LHHT 265润滑油(高温)LAGD 125/FHF15 */** 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,内装LHFP 150润滑油(食品级,通过NSF H1认证)LAGD 125/FU */** 125 ml 单点自动润滑器,空罐,只用于填充润滑油* 包括单向阀** 在北美和加拿大市场不提供附件订购信息订货号产品描述 LAPA 4545°角接头 LAPA 9090°角接头 LAPB 3x4E1 *润滑刷30 × 40mm LAPB 3x7E1 *润滑刷30 × 60mm LAPB 3x10E1 *润滑刷30 × 100mm LAPB 5-16E *升降机导轨润滑刷,5 – 16 mm LAPB D2 *润滑刷:圆形,直径20mmLAPC 13 支架LAPC 50 ** 夹具LAPC 63 *** 夹具LAPE 35 延长管35mmLAPE 50 延长管50mmLAPF F1/4 内螺纹管接头G ¼LAPF M1/4 外螺纹管接头G ¼LAPF M1/8 外螺纹管接头G 1/8LAPF M3/8 外螺纹管接头G 3/8LAPG 1/4 润滑脂螺纹转接头G ¼LAPM 2 Y形连接LAPM 4 ** 4合1组合器G ½LAPN 1/8 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – G 1/8 LAPN ½螺纹转接头G 1/4 –G ½LAPN ¼螺纹转接头G 1/4 –G ¼LAPN 1/4UNF 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – 1/4 UNF LAPN 3/8 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – G 3/8 LAPN 6 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – M6LAPN 8 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – M8LAPN 8x1 螺纹转接头G 1/4 –M8 × 1 LAPN 10 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – M10LAPN 10x1 螺纹转接头G 1/4 –M10 × 1 LAPN 12 螺纹转接头G 1/4 – M12LAPN 12x1.5 螺纹转接头G 1/4 –M12 × 1.5 LAPP 2E ** 保护座LAPP 3E ** 保护罩LAPP 63 *** 支撑法兰LAPP 63V *** 支撑法兰,带单向阀LAPT 1000 柔性管,长1 000mm,8 × 6 mm LAPT 5000 *** 柔性管,长5 000mm,8 × 6 mm LAPV 1/4 单向阀G1/4LAPV 1/8 单向阀G1/8LAGE 1-BAT *** 电池块。


轴承安装、维护与故障诊断 阐述了轴承的正确安装方法、维护保 养措施和常见故障诊断技术。
随着工业4.0的推进,轴承行业将更加注重 智能化发展,包括智能设计、智能制造、
环保意识的提高将推动轴承行业向绿色环 保方向发展,如采用环保材料、优化生产
总结回顾与展望未来发展 趋势
轴承基本概念与分类 包括滚动轴承、滑动轴承等,以及各自
轴承性能参数与选用 讲解了轴承的主要性能参数如载荷、 转速、精度等,以及如何根据实际需
轴承材料与制造工艺 介绍了轴承常用材料如钢、陶瓷等, 以及制造工艺如热处理、精密加工等。
采用特殊材料和工艺,可在高温 环境下长期稳定运行,适用于冶 金、陶瓷等高温行业。
采用优质材料和先进设计,可有 效防止润滑脂泄漏和外部污染物
根据轴承所受载荷的 类型(径向、轴向或 联合载荷)和大小, 选择合适的轴承类型 和尺寸。
通过优化设计和制造工艺,提高轴承的精度和稳定性,满足高端装备 的需求。
• 轴承基本概念与原理 • SKF轴承产品介绍 • 轴承选型与安装技巧 • 轴承维护与保养策略 • SKF轴承在各行业应用案例分享 • 总结回顾与展望未来发展趋势



















SKF 轴承技术标准主要遵循ISO 国际标准,同时兼顾我国相关国家标准。

以下是SKF 轴承技术标准的一些主要方面:
1. 基孔系统与基轴系统:SKF 轴承采用基孔系统与基轴系统进行设计与配合。

基孔系统用于SKF 轴承和轴,基轴系统用于SKF 轴承和轴承座。

SKF 轴承尺寸公差和旋转精度的值符合GB307-84。

2. 轴与轴承箱的公差:与SKF 轴承匹配的轴颈和轴承箱内孔的公差应符合GB1031-83。

轴颈的粗糙度Ra 值小于1.6μm,轴承箱内孔的粗糙度Ra 值小于2.5μm。

3. 钢材及硬度要求:采用GCr15 和ZGCr15 钢制造SKF 轴承套圈和滚子时,套圈和滚子的硬度值应为61-65HRC;当使用GCr15SiMn 和ZGCr15SiMn 钢时,硬度值应为60-64HRC。


4. 径向游隙和轴向游隙:检查SKF 轴承的径向游隙和轴向游隙应符合GB4604-84 的规定。

5. 轴承组件质量:滚动SKF 轴承的内圈和外圈滚道应无剥落和严重磨损,内圈和外圈应无裂纹;滚珠应无磨损,保持架不得严重变形,并且在旋转过程中不得有异常噪音和振动。

6. C 级公差圆锥滚子SKF 轴承:在一定载荷的作用下,对滚子与环的滚道的接触精度进行颜色检查,接触轨迹应连续,且接触长度不得小于滚子母线中的80%。

7. 寿命与制造、组装和使用:SKF 轴承的寿命与制造、组装和使用密切相关。

必须在每个环节中进行操作,以使SKF 轴承处于最佳运行状态,从而延长SKF 轴承的使用寿命。








二、SKF轴承的产品特点1. 高质量材料:SKF轴承采用优质钢材制造,具有出色的耐磨、耐腐蚀和耐高温性能。

2. 精确制造工艺:SKF轴承采用先进的制造工艺,确保产品的精度和可靠性。

3. 高速旋转能力:SKF轴承采用优化的设计,能够在高速旋转时保持较低的摩擦和振动。

4. 长寿命:SKF轴承采用特殊的润滑技术和密封设计,延长了轴承的使用寿命。

5. 轴承型号齐全:SKF轴承提供各种类型和规格的轴承,满足不同应用领域的需求。

三、SKF轴承的应用领域1. 机械设备:SKF轴承广泛应用于各类机械设备,如电动机、风力发电机、水泵、机床等。


2. 汽车工业:SKF轴承在汽车发动机、变速器、悬挂系统等部位得到广泛应用。


3. 航空航天:SKF轴承在航空航天领域的应用也非常广泛。


4. 钢铁工业:SKF轴承在钢铁工业中的连铸机、轧机等设备中得到广泛应用。






SKF轴承手册1. 引言SKF是全球领先的轴承和密封解决方案提供商。



2. SKF轴承概述SKF轴承是一种用于承载旋转机械的关键部件。



SKF轴承可分为以下几种类型:•深沟球轴承•角接触球轴承•圆锥滚子轴承•圆柱滚子轴承•自调心球轴承•推力球轴承3. SKF轴承的选择正确选择适合的SKF轴承对于设备的运行和性能至关重要。

以下是一些选择SKF轴承的关键因素:3.1 轴承负荷确定设备所承受的轴承负荷是选择正确SKF轴承的第一步。



3.2 运行速度设备的运行速度也是选择SKF轴承的重要考虑因素。


3.3 轴承寿命轴承寿命对于设备的维护和可靠性非常重要。


3.4 轴承润滑SKF轴承需要适当的润滑才能正常运行和延长寿命。


4. SKF轴承的安装和维护正确的安装和维护能够最大限度地延长SKF轴承的使用寿命。

以下是一些安装和维护SKF轴承的关键指南:4.1 安装顺序正确的安装顺序能够避免轴承的早期故障。


4.2 轴承润滑SKF轴承需要定期润滑,以确保其正常运行和寿命。


4.3 轴承维护定期维护是保持SKF轴承良好状态的关键。




自润滑轴承规格尺寸自润滑轴承(Self-lubricating bearings)属于一种特殊的轴承,其内部含有固体润滑剂,因此无需添加外部润滑油或脂。



1. 直径尺寸:自润滑轴承的直径尺寸通常以内径、外径和宽度来表示。





2. 载荷能力:自润滑轴承的载荷能力是指其能够承受的最大负荷。




3. 摩擦系数:自润滑轴承的摩擦系数通常比传统轴承低,这意味着其摩擦损失较小,可提供更为高效的工作效率。


4. 耐温性能:自润滑轴承的耐温性能非常重要,特别是在高温环境下的应用。




5. 耐腐蚀性能:自润滑轴承通常具有较好的耐腐蚀性能,能够在潮湿、腐蚀性环境下正常工作。







III. 对于油脂: 选择基油粘度 *系数 *
*) 若 n < 20 : 系数为 2 若 20 < n < 500 : 系数为 1 若 n > 1000 : = 1000
SKF Maintenance Products
轴承温度 轴承转速 载荷
SKF Maintenance Products
基油粘度 是调整润滑油膜厚度的主要工具
高速; 低载荷; 低温. 低速; 高载荷
( 40 °C)
10-25 cSt 70-200 cSt 300-1000 cSt
SKF Maintenance Products
选择: 低粘度 高粘度
低温, (极)高速 标准应用 (极) 重载荷, (极) 低速
不要使用 性能不可靠(仅短时间使用) 性能可靠,即可以预测油脂寿命
LTL: 高温极限 油脂允许轴承顺利启动运转的最低温度
• 滚子表面一层极薄的油膜 • 避免金属面之间的直接接触
SKF Maintenance Products
SKF Maintenance Products







2. SKF自动润滑技术的优势SKF的自动润滑技术采用了先进的润滑脂和润滑系统,能够在机械设备工作过程中实现自动润滑,有效降低了轴承的磨损和摩擦,延长了轴承的使用寿命。


3. SKF自动润滑系统的组成SKF自动润滑系统主要由润滑脂供给装置、润滑脂分配器、润滑脂管路和控制系统四部分组成。


4. SKF自动润滑系统的工作原理SKF自动润滑系统通过润滑脂供给装置提供润滑脂,通过润滑脂分配器将润滑脂均匀地输送到各个工作区域,轴承在运行过程中通过润滑脂管路得到润滑。


5. SKF自动润滑系统的应用领域SKF自动润滑系统广泛应用于各个工业领域,如机械制造、矿山、钢铁、化工等。




skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册摘要:1.SKF 轴承手册概述2.SKF 轴承的种类和特点3.SKF 轴承的选型和安装4.SKF 轴承的维护和保养5.SKF 轴承手册的应用领域正文:SKF 轴承手册是一款全面介绍SKF 轴承产品和技术的应用指南。

SKF 作为全球领先的轴承制造商,其产品广泛应用于各类工业领域。

本文将从SKF 轴承手册的概述、轴承的种类和特点、选型和安装、维护和保养以及应用领域五个方面进行详细介绍。

首先,SKF 轴承手册概述部分介绍了SKF 轴承手册的内容、结构和适用对象。

手册包含了SKF 轴承的类型、尺寸、载荷、速度等重要技术参数,适用于轴承设计、选型、安装、维护等各个环节。

此外,手册还包括了SKF 轴承的工程应用、安装维护技巧、故障分析与处理等内容,为工程师和技术人员提供了全面的轴承解决方案。

其次,SKF 轴承的种类和特点部分详细介绍了SKF 轴承的各种类型,包括深沟球轴承、圆锥滚子轴承、角接触球轴承、推力球轴承、滚针轴承等。


接着,SKF 轴承的选型和安装部分重点介绍了轴承选型的方法和步骤,包括负荷、转速、工作温度等参数的考虑。


然后,SKF 轴承的维护和保养部分强调了轴承在使用过程中的维护和保养的重要性。


最后,SKF 轴承手册的应用领域部分列举了轴承在工业领域的广泛应用,如机床、汽车、风力发电、轨道交通等。

通过实际案例分析,展示了SKF 轴承在不同领域的优越性能和可靠性。

综上所述,SKF 轴承手册是一款全面介绍SKF 轴承产品和技术的应用指南,能够帮助用户更好地了解和应用SKF 轴承。






1. 6000系列轴承6000系列轴承是最常见的轴承,其型号以“6”开头,后面跟着一到三位数字。




2. 6200系列轴承6200系列轴承也是十分常见的轴承,其型号以“6”开头,后面跟着“2”,再后面跟着一到三位数字。




3. 6300系列轴承6300系列轴承与6000、6200系列轴承类似,其型号以“6”开头,后面跟着“3”,再后面跟着一到三位数字。




4. 16000系列轴承16000系列轴承的型号以“1”开头,后面跟着一到三位数字。




5. 4200系列轴承4200系列轴承的型号以“4”开头,后面跟着“2”,再后面跟着一到三位数字。




6. N系列轴承N系列轴承是一种滚动轴承,用于连接轴和支承架。




7. UC系列轴承UC系列轴承是一种球形滚动轴承,用于连接轴和支承架。



skf轴承特点SKF轴承是一种高质量、高性能的机械零件,具有以下特点:1. 高质量:SKF轴承采用优质的材料和精密的制造工艺,确保产品的质量可靠和使用寿命长。

2. 高精度:SKF轴承具有高精度的配合和制造精度,能够保证轴承在高速旋转和负载条件下的稳定性和可靠性。

3. 高负荷承载能力:SKF轴承具有优异的负荷承载能力,能够在高温、高速和高压力等恶劣工况下依然保持良好的工作状态。

4. 低摩擦:SKF轴承设计合理,采用优化的润滑系统和密封装置,能够降低摩擦和能量损失,提高工作效率。

5. 高耐磨性:SKF轴承表面采用特殊的涂层和热处理工艺,能够有效地提高轴承的耐磨性和抗腐蚀性,延长使用寿命。

6. 维护简便:SKF轴承结构简单,拆装方便,维护和保养工作简单,能够降低维修成本和停机时间。

7. 广泛应用:SKF轴承具有广泛的应用领域,包括机械制造、汽车工程、航空航天、电力等各个行业。


SKF轴承的特点包括以下几个方面:1. 高质量和可靠性:SKF作为全球领先的轴承制造商之一,其产品设计和制造过程严格遵循国际标准,具有高质量和可靠性。

2. 高性能:SKF轴承采用先进的材料和制造工艺,以提供更高的性能。


3. 长寿命:SKF轴承经过优化设计,通过减小摩擦和磨损,延长了轴承的使用寿命。


4. 适应性强:SKF提供各种不同类型和尺寸的轴承,以适应不同的应用场景和工业需求。


5. 全球服务网络:SKF拥有全球范围的销售和服务网络,可以为客户提供及时可靠的技术支持和维修服务。








根据SKF的技术文献,深沟球轴承润滑脂的温度范围可以分为以下几个方面来考虑:1. 低温范围:深沟球轴承润滑脂在低温环境下的运行是一项重要考虑因素。



2. 高温范围:在高温环境下,深沟球轴承润滑脂可能会发生氧化、蒸发和流动性变差等问题,从而导致轴承的润滑效果下降。




3. 温度变化范围:在某些应用中,深沟球轴承所处的温度范围可能会出现较大的波动。



4. 特殊应用温度范围:除了一般的低温和高温环境,一些特殊应用场景下,深沟球轴承润滑脂可能需要在更极端的温度条件下工作。







详细SKF轴承型号表序列最新SKF轴承型号内径(MM) 外径(MM) 厚度(MM) 额定转速(r/min) 最高转速(r/min)1 SKF 108TN9轴承8 22 7 40000 600002 欧德本SKF轴承Q:3 SKF 1215K轴承75 130 25 6700 100004 SKF 1215轴承75 130 25 6700 100005 SKF 1216K轴承80 140 26 6000 95006 SKF 1216轴承80 140 26 6000 95007 SKF 1217K轴承85 150 28 5600 90008 SKF 1217轴承85 150 28 5600 90009 SKF 1218K轴承90 160 30 5300 850010 SKF 1218轴承90 160 30 5300 850011 SKF 1219K轴承95 170 32 5000 800012 SKF 1219轴承95 170 32 5000 800013 SKF 1220K轴承100 180 34 4800 750014 SKF 1220轴承100 180 34 4800 750015 SKF 1222K轴承110 200 38 4300 670016 SKF 1222轴承110 200 38 4300 670017 SKF 1224KM轴承120 215 42 4000 630018 SKF 1224M轴承120 215 42 4000 630019 SKF 1226KM轴承130 230 46 3600 560020 SKF 1226M轴承130 230 46 3600 560021 SKF 126TN9轴承 6 19 6 45000 7000022 SKF 127TN9轴承7 22 7 40000 6300023 SKF 129TN9轴承9 26 8 38000 6000024 SKF 13030 轴承150 225 56 3400 560025 SKF 13036 轴承180 280 74 2800 450026 SKF 1314轴承70 150 35 6000 850027 SKF 1315K轴承75 160 37 5600 800028 SKF 1315轴承75 160 37 5600 800029 SKF 1316K轴承80 170 39 5300 750030 SKF 1316轴承80 170 39 5300 750031 SKF 1317K轴承85 180 41 4800 700032 SKF 1317轴承85 180 41 4800 700033 SKF 1318K轴承90 190 43 4500 670034 SKF 1318轴承90 190 43 4500 670035 SKF 1319K轴承95 200 45 4300 630036 SKF 1319轴承95 200 45 4300 630037 SKF 1320K轴承100 215 47 4000 600038 SKF 1320轴承100 215 47 4000 600039 SKF 1322KM轴承110 240 50 3600 530040 SKF 1322M轴承110 240 50 3600 530041 SKF 135TN9轴承 5 19 6 45000 6300042 SKF 13940 轴承200 280 60 2600 430043 SKF 13944 轴承220 300 60 2400 380044 SKF 13948 轴承240 320 60 2200 380045 SKF 16002/W64轴承15 32 8 13000 -46 SKF 16002-2Z 轴承15 32 8 26000 5000047 SKF 16002-Z 轴承15 32 8 32000 5000048 SKF 16002 轴承15 32 8 32000 5000049 SKF 16003/W64轴承17 35 8 12000 -50 SKF 16003-2Z 轴承17 35 8 22000 4500051 SKF 16003 轴承17 35 8 28000 4500052 SKF 16004/W64轴承20 42 8 9700 -53 SKF 16004 轴承20 42 8 24000 3800054 SKF 16005/W64轴承25 47 8 8300 -55 SKF 16005 轴承25 47 8 20000 3200056 SKF 16006/W64轴承30 55 9 7100 -57 SKF 16006 轴承30 55 9 17000 2800058 SKF 16007/W64轴承35 62 9 6200 -59 SKF 16007 轴承35 62 9 15000 2400060 SKF 16008/W64轴承40 68 9 5600 -61 SKF 16008 轴承40 68 9 14000 2200062 SKF 16009/W64轴承45 75 10 5000 -63 SKF 16009 轴承45 75 10 12000 2000064 SKF 16010/W64轴承50 80 10 4600 -65 SKF 16010 轴承50 80 10 11000 1800066 SKF 16011/W64轴承55 90 11 4100 -67 SKF 16011 轴承55 90 11 10000 1600068 SKF 16012/W64轴承60 95 11 3900 -69 SKF 16012 轴承60 95 11 9500 1500070 SKF 16013/W64轴承65 100 11 3600 -71 SKF 16013 轴承65 100 11 9000 1400072 SKF 16014/W64轴承70 110 13 3300 -73 SKF 16014 轴承70 110 13 8000 1300074 SKF 16015 轴承75 115 13 7500 1200075 SKF 16016 轴承80 125 14 7000 1100076 SKF 16017 轴承85 130 14 6700 1100077 SKF 16018 轴承90 140 16 6300 1000078 SKF 16019/W64轴承95 145 16 2500 -79 SKF 16019 轴承95 145 16 6000 950080 SKF 16020/W64轴承100 150 16 2400 -81 SKF 16020 轴承100 150 16 5600 950082 SKF 16021/W64轴承105 160 18 2300 -83 SKF 16021 轴承105 160 18 5300 850084 SKF 16022/W64轴承110 170 19 2100 -85 SKF 16022 轴承110 170 19 5000 800086 SKF 16024 轴承120 180 19 4800 750087 SKF 16026 轴承130 200 22 4300 700088 SKF 16028 轴承140 210 22 4000 670089 SKF 16030/W64轴承150 225 24 1600 -90 SKF 16030 轴承150 225 24 3800 600091 SKF 16032/W64轴承160 240 25 1400 -92 SKF 16032 轴承160 240 25 3600 560093 SKF 16034/W64轴承170 260 28 1400 -94 SKF 16034 轴承170 260 28 3200 530095 SKF 16036 轴承180 280 31 4000 480096 SKF 16038 轴承190 290 31 3000 480097 SKF 16040/W64轴承200 310 34 1200 -98 SKF 16040 轴承200 310 34 2800 430099 SKF 16044 轴承220 340 37 2400 4000 100 SKF 16048MA轴承240 360 37 2200 2800 101 SKF 16052MA轴承260 400 44 2000 2600 102 SKF 16056MA轴承280 420 44 1900 2400 103 SKF 16060MA轴承300 460 50 2400 2800 104 SKF 16064MA轴承320 480 50 2200 2600 105 SKF 16068MA轴承340 520 57 2000 2400 106 SKF 16072MA轴承360 540 57 1400 1800 107 SKF 16076MA轴承380 560 57 1800 2200108 SKF 16100/W64轴承10 28 8 16000 - 109 SKF 16100-2Z 轴承10 28 8 32000 63000 110 SKF 16100 轴承10 28 8 40000 63000 111 SKF 16101/W64轴承12 30 8 14000 - 112 SKF 16101-2Z 轴承12 30 8 28000 56000 113 SKF 16101 轴承12 30 8 34000 56000 114 SKF 16115 轴承75 110 12 8000 13000 115 SKF 206NR轴承30 62 16 12000 20000 116 SKF 206-2ZNR轴承30 62 16 10000 20000 117 SKF 206-2Z 轴承30 62 16 10000 20000 118 SKF 206-ZNR轴承30 62 16 12000 20000 119 SKF 206-Z 轴承30 62 16 12000 20000 120 SKF 206轴承30 62 16 12000 20000 121 SKF 207NR轴承35 72 17 11000 17000 122 SKF 207-2ZNR轴承35 72 17 8500 17000 123 SKF 207-2Z 轴承35 72 17 8500 17000 124 SKF 207-ZNR轴承35 72 17 11000 17000 125 SKF 207-Z 轴承35 72 17 11000 17000 126 SKF 207轴承35 72 17 11000 17000 127 SKF 208NR轴承40 80 18 9500 15000 128 SKF 208-2ZNR轴承40 80 18 7500 15000 129 SKF 208-2Z 轴承40 80 18 7500 15000130 SKF 208-ZNR轴承40 80 18 9500 15000 131 SKF 208-Z 轴承40 80 18 9500 15000 132 SKF 208轴承40 80 18 9500 15000 133 SKF 209NR轴承45 85 19 9000 14000 134 SKF 209-2ZNR轴承45 85 19 7000 14000 135 SKF 209-2Z 轴承45 85 19 7000 14000 136 SKF 209-ZNR轴承45 85 19 9000 14000 137 SKF 209-Z 轴承45 85 19 9000 14000 138 SKF 209轴承45 85 19 9000 14000 139 SKF 210NR轴承50 90 20 8000 13000 140 SKF 210-2ZNR轴承50 90 20 6700 13000 141 SKF 210-2Z 轴承50 90 20 6700 13000 142 SKF 210-ZNR轴承50 90 20 8000 13000 143 SKF 210-Z 轴承50 90 20 8000 13000 144 SKF 210轴承50 90 20 8000 13000 145 SKF 211NR轴承55 100 21 7500 12000 146 SKF 211-2ZNR轴承55 100 21 6000 12000 147 SKF 211-2Z 轴承55 100 21 6000 12000 148 SKF 211-ZNR轴承55 100 21 7500 12000 149 SKF 211-Z 轴承55 100 21 7500 12000 150 SKF 211轴承55 100 21 7500 12000 151 SKF 212NR轴承60 110 22 6700 11000152 SKF 212-2ZNR轴承60 110 22 5300 11000 153 SKF 212-2Z 轴承60 110 22 5300 11000 154 SKF 212-ZNR轴承60 110 22 6700 11000 155 SKF 212-Z 轴承60 110 22 6700 11000 156 SKF 212轴承60 110 22 6700 11000 157 SKF 213NR轴承65 120 23 6000 10000 158 SKF 21305CC轴承25 62 17 12000 9300 159 SKF 21306CC轴承30 72 19 10000 8200 160 SKF 21307CC轴承35 80 21 9500 7300 161 SKF 21308EK轴承40 90 23 9500 7000 162 SKF 21308E轴承40 90 23 9500 7000 163 SKF 21309EK轴承45 100 25 8500 6300 164 SKF 21309E轴承45 100 25 8500 6300 165 SKF 21310EK轴承50 110 27 7500 5600 166 SKF 21310E轴承50 110 27 7500 5600 167 SKF 21311EK轴承55 120 29 7500 5600 168 SKF 21311E轴承55 120 29 7500 5600 169 SKF 21312EK轴承60 130 31 6300 4800 170 SKF 21312E轴承60 130 31 6300 4800 171 SKF 21313EK轴承65 140 33 6000 4300 172 SKF 21313E轴承65 140 33 6000 4300 173 SKF 21314EK轴承70 150 35 5600 4000174 SKF 21314E轴承70 150 35 5600 4000 175 SKF 21315EK轴承75 160 37 5600 4000 176 SKF 21315E轴承75 160 37 5600 4000 177 SKF 21316EK轴承80 170 39 5300 3800 178 SKF 21316E轴承80 170 39 5300 3800 179 SKF 21317EK轴承85 180 41 5300 3800 180 SKF 21317E轴承85 180 41 5300 3800 181 SKF 21318EK轴承90 190 43 4800 3600 182 SKF 21318E轴承90 190 43 4800 3600 183 SKF 21319EK轴承95 200 45 4500 3400 184 SKF 21319E轴承95 200 45 4500 3400 185 SKF 21320EK轴承100 215 47 4500 3400 186 SKF 21320E轴承100 215 47 4500 3400 187 SKF 213-2ZNR轴承65 120 23 4800 10000 188 SKF 213-2Z 轴承65 120 23 4800 10000 189 SKF 213-ZNR轴承65 120 23 6000 10000 190 SKF 213-Z 轴承65 120 23 6000 10000 191 SKF 213轴承65 120 23 6000 10000 192 SKF 214NR轴承70 125 24 6000 9500 193 SKF 214-2ZNR轴承70 125 24 4500 9500 194 SKF 214-2Z 轴承70 125 24 4500 9500 195 SKF 214-ZNR轴承70 125 24 6000 9500196 SKF 214-Z 轴承70 125 24 6000 9500 197 SKF 214轴承70 125 24 6000 9500 198 SKF 215NR轴承75 130 25 5600 9000 199 SKF 215-2ZNR轴承75 130 25 4500 9000 200 SKF 215-2Z 轴承75 130 25 4500 9000 201 SKF 215-ZNR轴承75 130 25 5600 9000 202 SKF 215-Z 轴承75 130 25 5600 9000 203 SKF 215轴承75 130 25 5600 9000 204 SKF 216NR轴承80 140 26 5300 8500 205 SKF 216-2ZNR轴承80 140 26 4000 8500 206 SKF 216-2Z 轴承80 140 26 4000 8500 207 SKF 216-ZNR轴承80 140 26 5300 8500 208 SKF 216-Z 轴承80 140 26 5300 8500 209 SKF 216轴承80 140 26 5300 8500 210 SKF 217NR轴承85 150 28 4800 7500 211 SKF 217-2Z 轴承85 150 28 3800 7500 212 SKF 217-Z 轴承85 150 28 4800 7500 213 SKF 217轴承85 150 28 4800 7500 214 SKF 218NR轴承90 160 30 4500 7000 215 SKF 218-2Z 轴承90 160 30 3600 7000 216 SKF 218-Z 轴承90 160 30 4500 7000 217 SKF 218轴承90 160 30 4500 7000218 SKF 219NR轴承95 170 32 4300 6700 219 SKF 219-2Z 轴承95 170 32 4300 6700 220 SKF 219-Z 轴承95 170 32 4300 6700 221 SKF 219轴承95 170 32 4300 6700 222 SKF 220-2Z 轴承100 180 34 3200 6300 223 SKF 220-Z 轴承100 180 34 4000 6300 224 SKF 220轴承100 180 34 4000 6300 225 SKF 2214轴承70 125 31 6700 10000 226 SKF 2217K轴承85 150 36 5600 8000 227 SKF 2217轴承85 150 36 5600 8000 228 SKF 2218K轴承90 160 40 5300 7500 229 SKF 2218轴承90 160 40 5300 7500 230 SKF 2219K轴承95 170 43 5000 7000 231 SKF 2219轴承95 170 43 5000 7000 232 SKF 2220K轴承100 180 46 4800 6700 233 SKF 22205EK轴承25 52 18 17000 13000 234 SKF 22205E轴承25 52 18 17000 13000 235 SKF 22206EK轴承30 62 20 14000 10000 236 SKF 22206E轴承30 62 20 14000 10000 237 SKF 22207EK轴承35 72 23 12000 9000 238 SKF 22207E轴承35 72 23 12000 9000 239 SKF 22208EK轴承40 80 23 11000 8000240 SKF 22208E轴承40 80 23 11000 8000 241 SKF 22209EK轴承45 85 23 10000 7500 242 SKF 22209E轴承45 85 23 10000 7500 243 SKF 2220轴承100 180 46 4800 6700 244 SKF 22210EK轴承50 90 23 9500 7000 245 SKF 22210E轴承50 90 23 9500 7000 246 SKF 22211EK轴承55 100 25 8500 6300 247 SKF 22211E轴承55 100 25 8500 6300 248 SKF 22212EK轴承60 110 28 7500 5600 249 SKF 22212E轴承60 110 28 7500 5600 250 SKF 22213EK轴承65 120 31 7000 5000 251 SKF 22213E轴承65 120 31 7000 5000 252 SKF 22214EK轴承70 125 31 6700 5000 253 SKF 22214E轴承70 125 31 6700 5000 254 SKF 22215EK轴承75 130 31 6300 4800 255 SKF 22215E轴承75 130 31 6300 4800 256 SKF 22216EK轴承80 140 33 6000 4300 257 SKF 22216E轴承80 140 33 6000 4300 258 SKF 22217EK轴承85 150 36 5600 4000 259 SKF 22217E轴承85 150 36 5600 4000 260 SKF 22218EK轴承90 160 40 5300 3800 261 SKF 22218E轴承90 160 40 5300 3800262 SKF 22219EK轴承95 170 43 4800 3600 263 SKF 22219E轴承95 170 43 4800 3600 264 SKF 2222K轴承110 200 53 4300 6000 265 SKF 22220EK轴承100 180 46 4500 3400 266 SKF 22220E轴承100 180 46 4500 3400 267 SKF 22222EK轴承110 200 53 4000 3000 268 SKF 22222E轴承110 200 53 4000 3000 269 SKF 22224EK轴承120 215 58 3800 2800 270 SKF 22224E轴承120 215 58 3800 2800 271 SKF 22226EK轴承130 230 64 3600 2600 272 SKF 22226E轴承130 230 64 3600 2600 273 SKF 2222轴承110 200 53 4300 6000 274 SKF 22308EK轴承40 90 33 8000 6000 275 SKF 22308E轴承40 90 33 8000 6000 276 SKF 22309EK轴承45 100 36 7000 5300 277 SKF 22309E轴承45 100 36 7000 5300 278 SKF 22310EK轴承50 110 40 6300 4800 279 SKF 22310E轴承50 110 40 6300 4800 280 SKF 22311EK轴承55 120 43 5600 4300 281 SKF 22311E轴承55 120 43 5600 4300 282 SKF 22312EK轴承60 130 46 5300 4000 283 SKF 22312E轴承60 130 46 5300 4000284 SKF 22313EK轴承65 140 48 5000 3800 285 SKF 22313E轴承65 140 48 5000 3800 286 SKF 22314EK轴承70 150 51 4500 3400 287 SKF 22314E轴承70 150 51 4500 3400 288 SKF 22315EK轴承75 160 55 4300 3200 289 SKF 22315E轴承75 160 55 4300 3200 290 SKF 22316EK轴承80 170 58 4000 3000 291 SKF 22316E轴承80 170 58 4000 3000 292 SKF 22317EK轴承85 180 60 3800 2800 293 SKF 22317E轴承85 180 60 3800 2800 294 SKF 22318EK轴承90 190 64 3600 2600 295 SKF 22318E轴承90 190 64 3600 2600 296 SKF 22319EK轴承95 200 67 3400 2600 297 SKF 22319E轴承95 200 67 3400 2600 298 SKF 22320EK轴承100 215 73 3000 2400 299 SKF 22320E轴承100 215 73 3000 2400 300 SKF 22322EK轴承110 240 80 2800 2000 301 SKF 22322E轴承110 240 80 2800 2000 302 SKF 2301轴承12 37 17 28000 38000 303 SKF 2302轴承15 42 17 24000 32000 304 SKF 2303轴承17 47 19 22000 30000 305 SKF 2304TN9轴承20 52 21 19000 26000306 SKF 2306K轴承30 72 27 13000 18000 307 SKF 2306轴承30 72 27 13000 18000 308 SKF 2310K轴承50 110 40 9500 14000 309 SKF 2310轴承50 110 40 9500 14000 310 SKF 2311K轴承55 120 43 7500 11000 311 SKF 2311轴承55 120 43 7500 11000 312 SKF 2312K轴承60 130 46 7000 9500 313314 SKF 2312轴承60 130 46 7000 9500 315 SKF 2313K轴承65 140 48 6300 9000 316 SKF 2313轴承65 140 48 6300 9000 317 SKF 2314轴承70 150 51 6000 8000 318 SKF 2315K轴承75 160 55 5600 7500 319 SKF 2315轴承75 160 55 5600 7500 320 SKF 2316K轴承80 170 58 5300 7000 321 SKF 2316轴承80 170 58 5300 7000 322 SKF 2317K轴承85 180 60 4800 6700 323 SKF 2317轴承85 180 60 4800 6700 324 SKF 2318K轴承90 190 64 4500 6300 325 SKF 2318轴承90 190 64 4500 6300 326 SKF 2319KM轴承95 200 67 4300 6000 327 SKF 2319M轴承95 200 67 4500 6000328 SKF 2320K轴承100 215 73 4000 5600 329 SKF 2320轴承100 215 73 4000 5600 330 SKF 292/500 轴承500 670 103 900 560 331 SKF 292/560 轴承560 750 115 800 480 332 SKF 292/670 轴承670 900 140 630 380 333 SKF 29230E轴承150 215 39 2800 1800 334 SKF 29236E轴承180 250 42 2600 1600 335 SKF 29240E轴承200 280 48 2200 1400 336 SKF 29244E轴承220 300 48 2200 1300 337 SKF 29248 轴承240 340 60 1800 1100 338 SKF 29252 轴承260 360 60 1700 1100 339 SKF 29256 轴承280 380 60 1700 1000 340 SKF 29260 轴承300 420 73 1400 900 341 SKF 29264 轴承320 440 73 1400 850 342 SKF 29268 轴承340 460 73 1300 850 343 SKF 29272 轴承360 500 85 1200 750 344 SKF 29276 轴承380 520 85 1100 700 345 SKF 29280 轴承400 540 85 1100 700 346 SKF 29284 轴承420 580 95 1000 630 347 SKF 29288 轴承440 600 95 1000 630 348 SKF 29292 轴承460 620 95 950 600 349 SKF 29296 轴承480 650 103 900 560350 SKF 293/500 轴承500 750 150 800 430 351 SKF 293/750 轴承750 1120 224 480 260 352 SKF 293/800 轴承800 1180 230 450 240 353 SKF 29317E轴承85 150 39 4000 2400 354 SKF 29318E轴承90 155 39 4000 2400 355 SKF 29320E轴承100 170 42 3600 2200 356 SKF 29322E轴承110 190 48 3200 1900 357 SKF 29324E轴承120 210 54 2800 1700 358 SKF 29326E轴承130 225 58 2600 1600 359 SKF 29328E轴承140 240 60 2600 1500 360 SKF 29330E轴承150 250 60 2400 1500 361 SKF 29332E轴承160 270 67 2200 1300 362 SKF 29334E轴承170 280 67 2200 1300 363 SKF 29336E轴承180 300 73 2000 1200 364 SKF 29338E轴承190 320 78 1900 1100 365 SKF 29340E轴承200 340 85 1700 1000 366 SKF 29344E轴承220 360 85 1700 1000 367 SKF 29348E轴承240 380 85 1600 1000 368 SKF 29352E轴承260 420 95 1400 850 369 SKF 29356E轴承280 440 95 1400 850 370 SKF 29360E轴承300 480 109 1200 750 371 SKF 29364E轴承320 500 109 1200 750372 SKF 29368 轴承340 540 122 1100 600 373 SKF 29372 轴承360 560 122 1100 600 374 SKF 29376 轴承380 600 132 1000 530 375 SKF 29380 轴承400 620 132 950 530 376 SKF 29384 轴承420 650 140 900 500 377 SKF 29388EM轴承440 680 145 850 530 378 SKF 29392 轴承460 710 150 800 450 379 SKF 29396 轴承480 730 150 800 450 380 SKF 29412E轴承60 130 42 5000 2800 381 SKF 29413E轴承65 140 45 4800 2600 382 SKF 29414E轴承70 150 48 4300 2400 383 SKF 29415E轴承75 160 51 4000 2400 384 SKF 29416E轴承80 170 54 3800 2200 385 SKF 29417E轴承85 180 58 3600 2000 386 SKF 29418E轴承90 190 60 3400 1900 387 SKF 29420E轴承100 210 67 3000 1700 388 SKF 29422E轴承110 230 73 2800 1600 389 SKF 29424E轴承120 250 78 2600 1500 390 SKF 29426E轴承130 270 85 2400 1300 391 SKF 29428E轴承140 280 85 2400 1300 392 SKF 29430E轴承150 300 90 2200 1200 393 SKF 29432E轴承160 320 95 2000 1100394 SKF 29434E轴承170 340 103 1900 1100 395 SKF 29436E轴承180 360 109 1800 1000 396 SKF 29438E轴承190 380 115 1700 950 397 SKF 29440E轴承200 400 122 1600 850 398 SKF 29444E轴承220 420 122 1500 850 399 SKF 29448E轴承240 440 122 1500 850 400 SKF 29452E轴承260 480 132 1300 750 401 SKF 29456E轴承280 520 145 1200 670 402 SKF 29460E轴承300 540 145 1200 670 403 SKF 29464E轴承320 580 155 1100 600 404 SKF 29468E轴承340 620 170 1000 560 405 SKF 29472EM轴承360 640 170 950 560 406 SKF 29476EM轴承380 670 175 900 530 407 SKF 29480EM轴承400 710 185 850 480 408 SKF 29484EM轴承420 730 185 850 480 409 SKF 29488EM轴承440 780 206 750 430 410 SKF 29492EM轴承460 800 206 750 430 411 SKF 29496EM轴承480 850 224 670 340 412 SKF 302/28J2 轴承28 58 12000 9000 413 SKF 30203J2 轴承17 40 18000 13000 414 SKF 30218J2 轴承90 160 4000 3000 415 SKF 30219J2 轴承95 170 3800 2800416 SKF 30220J2 轴承100 180 37 3600 2800 417 SKF 30221J2 轴承105 190 39 3400 2600 418 SKF 30222J2 轴承110 200 41 3200 2400 419 SKF 30224J2 轴承120 215 3000 2200 420 SKF 30226J2 轴承130 230 2800 2000 421 SKF 30228J2 轴承140 250 2600 1900 422 SKF 30230 轴承150 270 49 2400 1800 423 SKF 30232J2 轴承160 290 52 2200 1600 424 SKF 30234J2 轴承170 310 57 2000 1500 425 SKF 30236J2 轴承180 320 57 2000 1500 426 SKF 30238J2 轴承190 340 60 1800 1400 427 SKF 30240J2 轴承200 360 64 1700 1300 428 SKF 30244J2 轴承220 400 72 1600 1200 429 SKF 30302J2 轴承15 42 18000 13000 430 SKF 30303J2 轴承17 47 16000 12000 431 SKF 30313RJ2轴承65 140 36 4800 3600 432 SKF 30316J2 轴承80 170 4300 3000 433 SKF 30317J2 轴承85 180 **** **** 434 SKF 30318J2 轴承90 190 4000 2600 435 SKF 30319 轴承95 200 3400 2600 436 SKF 30320J2 轴承100 215 3200 2400 437 SKF 30322J2 轴承110 240 2800 2200438 SKF 30324J2 轴承120 260 2600 2000 439 SKF 30326J2 轴承130 280 2400 1800 440 SKF 30332J2 轴承160 340 75 2000 1500 441 SKF 30352J2 轴承260 540 113 1200 850 442 SKF 304143A轴承460 580 56 - - 443 SKF 304183A轴承280 420 65 - - 444 SKF 304183轴承280 420 65 - - 445 SKF 304184轴承300 460 74 - - 446 SKF 304203A轴承1120 1360 106 - - 447 SKF 304203轴承1120 1360 106 - - 448 SKF 304205A轴承460 620 60 - - 449 SKF 304223C轴承1600 1950 155 - - 450 SKF 304223轴承1600 1950 155 - - 451 SKF 304235轴承1500 1820 125 - - 452 SKF 304241轴承1400 1700 120 - - 453 SKF 305NR轴承25 62 17 13000 20000 454 SKF 305180轴承170 260 84 2800 2000 455 SKF 305183轴承160 240 76 3000 2200 456 SKF 305269D轴承280 92 1700 1300 457 SKF 305270D轴承260 92 1800 1400 458 SKF 305-2ZNR轴承25 62 17 10000 20000 459 SKF 305-2Z 轴承25 62 17 10000 20000460 SKF 305393轴承200 280 80 2400 1900 461 SKF 305-ZNR轴承25 62 17 13000 20000 462 SKF 305-Z 轴承25 62 17 13000 20000 463 SKF 305轴承25 62 17 13000 20000 464 SKF 306NR轴承30 72 19 11000 18000 465 SKF 306-2ZNR轴承30 72 19 9000 18000 466 SKF 306-2Z 轴承30 72 19 9000 18000 467 SKF 306474D轴承760 1080 150 800 950 468 SKF 306614轴承400 590 74 1700 2000 469 SKF 306674轴承350 500 70 2000 2400 470 SKF 306704C轴承710 1000 140 900 1100 471 SKF 306708D轴承650 920 118 1000 1200 472 SKF 306728轴承330 460 56 2200 2600 473 SKF 306890轴承340 480 60 2200 2600 474 SKF 306-ZNR轴承30 72 19 11000 18000 475 SKF 306-Z 轴承30 72 19 11000 18000 476 SKF 306轴承30 72 19 11000 18000 477 SKF 307NR轴承35 80 21 10000 16000 478 SKF 307101C轴承1000 1320 103 360 340 479 SKF 307238轴承400 600 90 1200 950 480 SKF 307-2ZNR轴承35 80 21 8000 16000 481 SKF 307-2Z 轴承35 80 21 8000 16000482 SKF 307352轴承465 635 76 950 900 483 SKF 307368B轴承530 760 100 800 750 484 SKF 307-ZNR轴承35 80 21 10000 16000 485 SKF 307-Z 轴承35 80 21 10000 16000 486 SKF 307轴承35 80 21 10000 16000 487 SKF 308NR轴承40 90 23 9000 14000 488 SKF 308-2ZNR轴承40 90 23 7000 14000 489 SKF 308-2Z 轴承40 90 23 7000 14000 490 SKF 308-ZNR轴承40 90 23 9000 14000 491 SKF 308-Z 轴承40 90 23 9000 14000 492 SKF 308轴承40 90 23 9000 14000 493 SKF 309NR轴承45 100 25 8000 13000 494 SKF 309-2ZNR轴承45 100 25 6300 13000 495 SKF 309-2Z 轴承45 100 25 6300 13000 496 SKF 309-ZNR轴承45 100 25 8000 13000 497 SKF 309-Z 轴承45 100 25 8000 13000 498 SKF 309轴承45 100 25 8000 13000 499 SKF 310NR轴承50 110 27 7000 11000 500 SKF 310-2ZNR轴承50 110 27 5600 11000 501 SKF 310-2Z 轴承50 110 27 5600 11000 502 SKF 310-ZNR轴承50 110 27 7000 11000 503 SKF 310-Z 轴承50 110 27 7000 11000504 SKF 310轴承50 110 27 7000 11000 505 SKF 311NR轴承55 120 29 6700 10000 506 SKF 311-2ZNR轴承55 120 29 5300 10000 507 SKF 311-2Z 轴承55 120 29 5300 10000 508 SKF 311-ZNR轴承55 120 29 6700 10000 509 SKF 311-Z 轴承55 120 29 6700 10000 510 SKF 311轴承55 120 29 6700 10000 511 SKF 312NR轴承60 130 31 6000 9500 512 SKF 312-2ZNR轴承60 130 31 4800 9500 513 SKF 312-2Z 轴承60 130 31 4800 9500 514 SKF 312844轴承870 335 750 500 515 SKF 312942轴承182 260 183 - - 516 SKF 312943C轴承231 330 235 - - 517 SKF 312966D轴承- - 518 SKF 312966E轴承- - 519 SKF 312967E轴承- - 520 SKF 312979D轴承760 1080 790 - - 521 SKF 312980D轴承760 600 - - 522 SKF 312-ZNR轴承60 130 31 6000 9500 523 SKF 312-Z 轴承60 130 31 6000 9500 524 SKF 312轴承60 130 31 6000 9500 525 SKF 313NR轴承65 140 33 5600 9000526 SKF 313007C轴承650 920 670 - - 527 SKF 313008A轴承690 980 715 - - 528 SKF 313015DC轴承400 560 410 - - 529 SKF 313030A轴承380 540 300 - - 530 SKF 313031A轴承460 650 355 - - 531 SKF 313032轴承440 650 355 - - 532 SKF 313038A轴承590 440 - - 533 SKF 313041C轴承365 540 300 - - 534 SKF 31305J2 轴承25 62 11000 7500 535 SKF 313153轴承192 270 170 - - 536 SKF 313154C轴承680 980 640 - - 537 SKF 31317J2 轴承85 180 **** **** 538 SKF 31318J2 轴承90 190 3400 2400 539 SKF 313189A轴承920 710 - - 540 SKF 31319J2 轴承95 200 3400 2400 541 SKF 313190A轴承390 550 310 - - 542 SKF 313191轴承560 740 180 800 530 543 SKF 313221轴承240 440 120 1700 1500 544 SKF 313-2ZNR轴承65 140 33 4500 9000 545 SKF 313-2Z 轴承65 140 33 4500 9000 546 SKF 313403C轴承710 1000 715 - - 547 SKF 313404A轴承340 560 380 - -548 SKF 313427B轴承260 400 290 - - 549 SKF 313445C轴承330 460 340 - - 550 SKF 313450B轴承320 440 72 1400 1400 551 SKF 313451B轴承320 440 72 1400 1400 552 SKF 313477B轴承660 880 225 670 450 553 SKF 313499B轴承594 - - 554 SKF 313513轴承420 600 440 - - 555 SKF 313516D轴承480 680 500 - - 556 SKF 313528C轴承900 1280 930 - - 557 SKF 313535B轴承- - 558 SKF 313535D轴承- - 559 SKF 313555A轴承420 580 160 1100 750 560 SKF 313555B轴承420 580 160 1100 750 561 SKF 313555C轴承420 580 160 1100 750562 SKF 313583轴承190 280 200 - - 563 SKF 313584K轴承205 310 225 - - 564 SKF 313639轴承200 310 115 2400 1600 565 SKF 313651轴承190 260 168 - - 566 SKF 313685A轴承759 1210 740 - - 567 SKF 313685B轴承759 1210 740 - - 568 SKF 313705B轴承674 - - 569 SKF 313811轴承200 290 192 - -570 SKF 313812轴承180 260 168 - - 571 SKF 313816轴承340 56 1900 1400 572 SKF 313822轴承280 390 220 - - 573 SKF 313823轴承260 370 220 - - 574 SKF 313824轴承230 330 206 - - 575 SKF 313839轴承220 310 192 - - 576 SKF 313877B轴承410 600 440 - - 577 SKF 313891A轴承150 230 156 - - 578 SKF 313893轴承200 280 200 - - 579 SKF 313894B轴承220 310 225 - - 580 SKF 313921轴承240 330 220 - - 581 SKF 313924A轴承145 225 156 - - 582 SKF 313-ZNR轴承65 140 33 5600 9000 583 SKF 313-Z 轴承65 140 33 5600 9000 584 SKF 313轴承65 140 33 5600 9000 585 SKF 314NR轴承70 150 35 5000 8000 586 SKF 314023A轴承260 168 - - 587 SKF 314024C轴承230 168 - - 588 SKF 314049A轴承190 280 200 - - 589 SKF 314190轴承160 230 130 - - 590 SKF 314199B轴承190 270 200 - - 591 SKF 314274B轴承320 480 350 - -592 SKF 314-2ZNR轴承70 150 35 4000 8000 593 SKF 314-2Z 轴承70 150 35 4000 8000 594 SKF 314317A轴承600 870 640 - - 595 SKF 314385轴承200 280 170 - - 596 SKF 314391轴承420 620 200 1100 700 597 SKF 314419轴承500 720 218 850 600 598 SKF 314420轴承750 1000 250 560 380 599 SKF 314441B轴承500 720 530 - - 600 SKF 314484D轴承300 420 300 - - 601 SKF 314485C轴承340 480 350 - - 602 SKF 314486A轴承370 520 380 - - 603 SKF 314517A轴承530 780 570 - - 604 SKF 314518B轴承730 1030 750 - - 605 SKF 314520C轴承950 1360 1000 - - 606 SKF 314553轴承200 270 170 - - 607 SKF 314554B轴承440 620 450 - - 608 SKF 314560轴承460 650 470 - - 609 SKF 314563轴承350 500 190 1300 900 610 SKF 314625轴承145 210 155 - - 611 SKF 314719C轴承280 390 275 - - 612 SKF 314747轴承220 340 - 340 280 613 SKF 314756轴承320 440 72 1400 1400614 SKF 314792A轴承- - 615 SKF 314833A轴承130 300 - - 616 SKF 314833B轴承130 300 - - 617 SKF 314886A轴承530 760 520 - - 618 SKF 314889轴承220 330 115 2200 1500 619 SKF 314897轴承280 410 150 **** **** 620 SKF 314964轴承650 488 - - 621 SKF 314982轴承420 600 220 1100 750 622 SKF 314987B轴承400 560 205 1200 800 623 SKF 314987C轴承400 560 205 1200 800624 SKF 314990A轴承500 680 225 900 600 625 SKF 314-ZNR轴承70 150 35 5000 8000 626 SKF 314-Z 轴承70 150 35 5000 8000 627 SKF 314轴承70 150 35 5000 8000 628 SKF 315018A轴承100 225 120 - - 629 SKF 315018C轴承100 225 120 - - 630 SKF 315020AB轴承180 217 - - 631 SKF 315020A轴承180 217 - - 632 SKF 315040轴承530 780 250 800 530 633 SKF 315068A轴承600 870 540 - - 634 SKF 315071A轴承628 922 600 - - 635 SKF 315175A轴承600 820 575 - -636 SKF 315175C轴承600 820 575 - - 637 SKF 315189A轴承160 230 168 - - 638 SKF 315196A轴承460 650 424 - - 639 SKF 315257A轴承610 820 430 - - 640 SKF 315265轴承- - 641 SKF 315268B轴承70 160 90 - - 642 SKF 315-2Z 轴承75 160 37 3800 7500 643 SKF 315494B轴承1200 1590 1050 - -644 SKF 315513轴承600 870 640 - - 645 SKF 315515A轴承180 224 - - 646 SKF 315515B轴承180 224 - - 647 SKF 315523轴承485 740 540 - - 648 SKF 315526轴承920 640 - - 649 SKF 315583C轴承320 480 175 **** ****650 SKF 315599A轴承800 1080 700 - -651 SKF 315606轴承380 540 400 - - 652 SKF 315754轴承110 150 90 1800 1500 653 SKF 315767K轴承340 520 300 - - 654 SKF 315799轴承720 880 62 1900 1400 655 SKF 315800B轴承820 990 72 1600 1200 656 SKF 315800轴承820 990 72 1600 1200 657 SKF 315802轴承400 590 220 1100 750658 SKF 315811E轴承450 590 300 - - 659 SKF 315826A轴承850 1150 840 - - 660 SKF 315826B轴承850 1150 840 - - 661 SKF 315835A轴承530 650 45 3400 2200 662 SKF 315835B轴承530 650 45 3400 2200 663 SKF 315836轴承600 730 52 2400 1800 664 SKF 315837轴承640 790 56 2200 1700 665 SKF 315869A轴承950 1150 90 1300 1000 666 SKF 315913轴承1250 1500 106 280 220 667 SKF 315933轴承630 780 56 2600 1700 668 SKF 315973轴承750 1000 670 - - 669 SKF 315976B轴承280 470 200 1500 1000 670 SKF 315982轴承730 960 620 - - 671 SKF 315-Z 轴承75 160 37 4800 7500 672 SKF 315轴承75 160 37 4800 7500 673 SKF 316010A轴承380 480 40 1300 1300 674 SKF 316011轴承440 540 40 1500 1100 675 SKF 316012轴承670 820 56 2200 1600 676 SKF 316019轴承410 600 140 1100 750 677 SKF 316043轴承900 1220 840 - - 678 SKF 316053轴承560 680 45 3200 2000 679 SKF 316062轴承380 540 150 1200 800680 SKF 316077A轴承440 620 225 1000 700 681 SKF 316083A轴承500 670 450 - - 682 SKF 316115轴承550 800 260 750 530 683 SKF 316189轴承480 700 260 900 600 684 SKF 316197轴承340 420 35 2000 1500 685 SKF 316198轴承500 620 45 1000 1000 686 SKF 316200轴承850 1030 74 1600 1200 687 SKF 316201轴承1120 1360 104 280 220 688 SKF 316234A轴承1000 1360 800 - - 689 SKF 316-2Z 轴承80 170 39 3600 7000 690 SKF 316350DA轴承220 156 - - 691 SKF 316351CB轴承320 272 - - 692 SKF 316351CC轴承320 272 - - 693694 SKF 316351CD轴承320 272 - - 695 SKF 316388C轴承180 171 - - 696 SKF 316624轴承480 680 500 - - 697 SKF 316689轴承410 560 400 - - 698 SKF 316690B轴承480 650 450 - - 699 SKF 316691轴承550 740 510 - - 700 SKF 316733轴承300 220 - - 701 SKF 316737A轴承90 220 120 - -702 SKF 316739轴承460 650 235 1000 670 703 SKF 316848A轴承480 680 250 950 630 704 SKF 316890B轴承360 510 400 - - 705 SKF 316899A轴承440 650 355 - - 706 SKF 316967轴承700 930 620 - - 707 SKF 316968A轴承500 710 480 - - 708 SKF 316977C轴承140 250 114 - - 709 SKF 316-Z 轴承80 170 39 4500 7000 710 SKF 316轴承80 170 39 4500 7000 711 SKF 317-2Z 轴承85 180 41 3400 6700 712 SKF 317-Z 轴承85 180 41 4300 6700 713 SKF 317轴承85 180 41 4300 6700 714 SKF 318-2Z 轴承90 190 43 3200 6300 715 SKF 318-Z 轴承90 190 43 4000 6300 716 SKF 318轴承90 190 43 4000 6300 717 SKF 319028轴承130 160 - - 718 SKF 319040A轴承340 480 370 - - 719 SKF 319129轴承300 420 320 - - 720 SKF 319148B轴承105 150 71 - - 721 SKF 319155轴承460 650 470 - - 722 SKF 319161轴承900 1090 85 1500 1100 723 SKF 319164轴承480 650 78 1300 950724 SKF 319165A轴承600 800 90 950 750 725 SKF 319165轴承600 800 90 950 750 726 SKF 319166A轴承750 1000 112 700 560 727 SKF 319254轴承500 650 130 950 630 728 SKF 319286轴承1700 2060 160 200 160 729 SKF 319301轴承1500 1820 140 260 200 730 SKF 319303轴承980 1310 880 - - 731 SKF 319307A轴承240 440 156 - - 732 SKF 319307B轴承240 440 156 - - 733 SKF 319307C轴承240 440 156 - - 734 SKF 319313轴承820 1130 825 - - 735 SKF 319320轴承480 680 420 - - 736 SKF 319352轴承590 450 - - 737 SKF 320/22X 轴承22 44 15 15000 11000 738 SKF 3200A-2Z轴承10 30 24000 22000 739 SKF 32004X/Q轴承20 42 15 16000 12000 740 SKF 32005X/Q轴承25 47 15 14000 11000 741 SKF 32006X/Q轴承30 55 17 12000 9000 742 SKF 32007X/Q轴承35 62 18 11000 8500 743 SKF 32008X/Q轴承40 68 19 9500 7000 744 SKF 32009X/Q轴承45 75 20 8500 6300 745 SKF 3201A-2Z轴承12 32 22000 20000746 SKF 32010X/Q轴承50 80 20 8000 6000 747 SKF 32011X/Q轴承55 90 23 7000 5300 748 SKF 32013X/Q轴承65 100 23 6000 5000 749 SKF 32014X/Q轴承70 110 25 5600 4300 750 SKF 32015X/Q轴承75 115 25 5300 4000 751 SKF 32016X/Q轴承80 125 29 5000 3600 752 SKF 32017X/Q轴承85 130 29 4800 3400 753 SKF 32018X/Q轴承90 140 32 4300 3200 754 SKF 32019X/Q轴承95 145 32 4300 3200 755 SKF 3202A-2Z轴承15 35 18000 17000 756 SKF 32020X/Q轴承100 150 32 4000 3000 757 SKF 32021X/Q轴承105 160 35 3800 2800 758 SKF 32022X/Q轴承110 170 38 3600 2600 759 SKF 32024X轴承120 180 38 3400 2400 760 SKF 32026X轴承130 200 45 3000 2200 761 SKF 32028X轴承140 210 45 2800 2200 762 SKF 3203A-2Z轴承17 40 16000 15000 763 SKF 32030X轴承150 225 48 2600 2000 764 SKF 32032X轴承160 240 51 2400 1800 765 SKF 32034X轴承170 260 57 2200 1700 766 SKF 32036X轴承180 280 64 2200 1600 767 SKF 32038X轴承190 290 64 2000 1500768 SKF 3204A-2Z轴承20 47 14000 14000 769 SKF 3204A轴承20 47 14000 14000 770 SKF 32040X轴承200 310 70 1900 1400 771 SKF 32044X轴承220 340 76 1700 1300 772 SKF 32048X轴承240 360 76 1600 1200 773 SKF 3205A-2Z轴承25 52 12000 12000 774 SKF 3205A轴承25 52 12000 12000 775 SKF 32052X轴承260 400 87 1400 1100 776 SKF 32056X轴承280 420 87 1300 1000 777 SKF 3206A-2Z轴承30 62 10000 9500 778 SKF 3206A轴承30 62 10000 10000 779 SKF 32060X轴承300 460 100 1200 900 780 SKF 32064X轴承320 480 100 1100 850 781 SKF 3207A-2Z轴承35 72 27 9000 9000 782 SKF 3207A轴承35 72 27 9000 9000 783 SKF 3208A-2Z轴承40 80 8000 8000 784 SKF 3208A轴承40 80 8000 8000 785 SKF 3209A-2Z轴承45 85 7500 7500 786 SKF 3209A轴承45 85 7500 7500 787 SKF 3210A-2Z轴承50 90 7000 7000 788 SKF 3210A轴承50 90 7000 7000 789 SKF 3211A-2Z轴承55 100 6300 6300。



skf轴承手册(原创实用版)目录1.SKF 轴承手册概述2.SKF 轴承的种类和特点3.SKF 轴承的应用领域4.SKF 轴承的维护和保养5.SKF 轴承的发展前景正文SKF 轴承手册概述SKF 轴承手册是一本包含了 SKF 轴承的各类信息和数据的参考书。

SKF 轴承是瑞典斯凯孚公司生产的一种高质量的轴承产品,被广泛应用于各种机械设备中。

SKF 轴承手册不仅提供了 SKF 轴承的详细规格和性能参数,还包括了 SKF 轴承的选型、安装、维护和保养等方面的实用技术知识。

SKF 轴承的种类和特点SKF 轴承种类繁多,可以满足各种不同的应用需求。

常见的 SKF 轴承种类包括深沟球轴承、圆锥滚子轴承、角接触球轴承、推力球轴承等。

SKF 轴承具有以下特点:1.高质量的钢材:SKF 轴承采用高质量的钢材制造,具有高强度、高耐磨性和高耐疲劳性。

2.精确的加工:SKF 轴承采用先进的加工技术,确保轴承的精度和尺寸稳定性。

3.长的使用寿命:SKF 轴承在正常使用条件下可以长时间运行,具有很长的使用寿命。

4.高效的润滑:SKF 轴承采用优质的润滑油,可以降低摩擦和磨损,提高轴承的运行效率。

SKF 轴承的应用领域SKF 轴承广泛应用于各种工业领域,包括汽车、机床、电力、铁路、航空等。

SKF 轴承在各种机械设备中发挥着重要的作用,不仅可以减少摩擦和磨损,提高机械效率,还可以保证机械设备的长期稳定运行。

SKF 轴承的维护和保养为了保证 SKF 轴承的正常运行和延长使用寿命,需要定期进行维护和保养。

以下是 SKF 轴承的维护和保养方法:1.定期清洗:SKF 轴承需要定期清洗,去除灰尘和油污,防止轴承生锈和磨损。

2.检查润滑油:定期检查 SKF 轴承的润滑油,确保润滑油的质量和数量充足。

3.检查轴承磨损:定期检查 SKF 轴承的磨损情况,如果发现磨损严重,需要及时更换轴承。

4.校准轴承:定期校准 SKF 轴承,确保轴承的精度和尺寸稳定性。



skf轴承手册SKF轴承手册第一章:引言1.1 概述SKF轴承是一个用于支撑转动机械的工业元件,可以实现旋转和线性运动的各种应用。


1.2 轴承的作用轴承主要用于支撑旋转机械部件,并传递轴上的力和动力。

轴承重要的功能有:-减少摩擦损失-减少能量消耗-减少振动和噪音-减少维护维修成本-提高机械的可靠性和寿命1.3 轴承的分类轴承根据其结构和用途的不同,可以分为以下几类:-滚动轴承:包括球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、锥形滚子轴承等。






第二章:滚动轴承2.1 球轴承球轴承是最常见的滚动轴承类型,由内外圈、钢球、保持架和密封圈组成。


2.2 圆柱滚子轴承圆柱滚子轴承具有较大的径向载荷能力和较高的刚度,适用于高速和高负载的场合。


2.3 锥形滚子轴承锥形滚子轴承具有较大的径向载荷能力和较高的刚度,适用于受到轴向载荷和径向载荷的同时作用的场合。


2.4 轴承的安装和拆卸在安装轴承之前,必须仔细清洁轴承和轴承座,并涂抹适当的润滑脂。



第三章:滑动轴承3.1 滑动轴承的分类滑动轴承按照其用途和工作原理的不同,可以分为滑动轴承和滑动止推轴承。

3.2 滑动轴承滑动轴承是由两个金属表面之间的润滑剂膜支撑着工作的。


3.3 滑动止推轴承滑动止推轴承是在滑动轴承的基础上增加起推力的功能。

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ContentsB U S H I N G S E L EC T I O NWorld’s Widest Bushing Stock Assortment (2)SKF Bushings – Product Selection Guide (4)SKF Bushings – Technical Data (6)Bushing Selection – Overview of Technical DataTemperature range (7)Coefficient of friction (7)Load capacity (8)Sliding velocity (8)Shaft recommendations (9)P RO D U C T S P E C I F I C I N F O R M AT I O N– T E C H N I C A L D ATASKF Solid Bronze – The all-round runner (11)SKF Sintered Bronze – The fast runner (13)SKF Wrapped Bronze – The cross-country runner (15)SKF PTFE Composite – The long runner (17)SKF POM Composite – The up-hill runner (19)SKF Stainless Backed Composite – The smooth & shiny runner (21)SKF PTFE Polyamide – The jogging runner (23)SKF Filament Wound – The heavy-duty runner (25)A S S O RT M E N TSKF Solid Bronze –The all-round runner (28)SKF Sintered Bronze –The fast runner (32)SKF Wrapped Bronze –The cross-country runner (36)SKF PTFE Composite –The long runner (38)SKF POM Composite – The up-hill runner (44)SKF Stainless Backed Composite – The smooth & shiny runner (48)SKF PTFE Polyamide – The jogging runner (50)SKF Filament Wound – The heavy-duty runner (52)12SKF – we help to select the right bushing for youThroughout the world we are recognised as the leading rolling bearing manufacturer. We are renowned for our excellent tech-nical support and application know-how. However, we are also a major player in the plain bearing field: spherical plain bear-ings, rod ends and now a much expanded range of bushings.The product selection guide in this catalogue simplifies theselection of bushings from our expanded range for you.World’s Widest Bushi SKF – number one in bearings Made by SKF ®stands for excellence. It symbolises our con-sistent endeavour to achieve total quality in everything we do.We provide our customers with outstanding bushing quality.SKF – your only bushing partner Using our global sales network and logistics expertise we offer a delivery service level far beyond that of any competitor. With the world’s widest bushing stock assortment distributors and end users now have the solution for most industries and appli-cation needs from one single Stock AssortmentSKF Solid BronzeThe all-round runnerThe traditional and robust bushing materialSKF Sintered BronzeThe fast runnerOil impregnation allows very high sliding velocitySKF Wrapped BronzeThe cross-country runnerExcellent in dirty environments due to lubrication pocketsSKF PTFE CompositeThe long runnerLong maintenance-free operating life due to low frictionSKF POM CompositeThe up-hill runnerOptimal combination of low maintenance under tough runningconditionsSKF Stainless Backed CompositeThe smooth & shiny runnerThe non-corrosive maintenance-free long runnerSKF PTFE PolyamideThe jogging runnerThe cost efficient maintenance-free bushingSKF Filament WoundThe heavy-duty runnerThe maintenance-free bushing for extremerunning conditions3SKF Bushings – Pro4Excellent(++)Good(+)Suitable(0)Not suitable(–)56S K F B u s h i n g s – T e c h n i c a l D a t a T h e s l i d i n g v e l o c i t y c a n b e c a l c u l a t e d u s i n g v = n ×π×d / (60 ×1 000)w h e r e v = s l i d i n g v e l o c i t y , m /s n = r o t a t i o n a l s p e e d , r /m i n d= b o r e d i a m e t e r o f b u s h i n g , m m T h e s p e c i f i c b e a r i n g l o a d c a n b e c a l c u l a t e d u s i n g p = F /(d ×b )w h e r e p = s p e c i f i c b e a r i n g l o a d , N /m m 2F = b e a r i n g l o a d , N d = b o r e d i a m e t e r o f b u s h i n g , m m b = w i d t h o f b u s h i n g , m mThe temperature range for SKF Solid and Wrapped Bronze bush-ings can be extended by using special lubricant.The friction of SKF slid-ing materials against a technical surface depends principially on the load,sliding velocity, surface roughness of the mating surface and the lubrica-tion conditions. The lower coefficients of friction are obtained under heavy specific loads at low sliding velocities (not applicable to SKF Sintered Bronze). Both higher and lower friction can occur under extreme conditions.7Bushing SelectionOverview of Technical DataThe load capacity for a specific application also depends on several other factors, such as type of load, sliding velocity and frequency of oscillation.All sliding materials supplied by SKF can operate under rotational, oscillating and linear movements. The per-missible sliding velocity for a specific application also depends on such factors as load, shaft sur-face and heat removed. 8The surface roughness often has a significant influence on the operat-ing life. However, a sur-face roughness witha value higher than 0,04µm may have a negative effect.The heavier the load, the harder the shaft should be.High risk for embed-ding inprinting will also require a harder shaft.9SKF Solid Bronze The all-round runnerTh e tr aditional an d rob u stb u s h i ng mate rialNo other cylindrical bushing is used in as many and as varied applications as solid bronze bushings. The solid bronze material is very well suited for highly demanding applications in tough environments. SKF offers a standard assortment of both plain and flanged cylindrical bushings in accord-ance with ISO 4379:1993.SKF Solid Bronze bushings have many features and advantagessuch as:•insensitive to dirty environment •resistant to shock loads andvibrations at low speeds•enable operation with a poorshaft surface finish•good resistance to corrosiveconditions•lubrication grooveMate rialSKF Solid Bronze bushings are madeof a multi-component bronze,CuSn7Zn4Pb7-B, which has very good sliding properties. All surfaces of the solid bronze bushings are machined.Mai n application s1)SKF Solid Bronze bushings are intended for oscillating movements in both rota-tional and axial directions. SKF Solid Bronze bushings are not intended for rotating movements at medium or high speeds.Examples of applications are:•construction machinery•transport equipment•pulp and papermaking machinery•off-shore equipmentLub ricationSKF Solid Bronze bushings are intended to be lubricated with oil or grease. Lubri-cation not only improves the sliding prop-erties, but also reduces wear and prevents corrosion. Grease is usually used when lubrication is periodical, while in excep-tional cases, an oil bath is used. Seals are recommended when the bushing is to be used in an aggressive environment.All bushings with a bore diameter of 14 mm and above incorporate an axial lubrication grove.1)The performance of SKF Solid Bronze bushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.SKF Sintered Bronze The fast runnerOi l i m pregnation e nab le s ve ryh ig h s li di ng ve loc itySKF Sintered Bronze cylindrical bushings are all self-lubricating and maintenance-free. The sintered bronze bushings consist of a porous bronze matrix impregnated with lubricant. The permissible sliding velocity for sintered bronze bushings is very high, which makes the bushings suit-able for rotating applications. SKF offers a full range of both plain and flanged cylindrical bushings in accordance with ISO 2795:1991.SKF Sintered Bronze bushings have many features and advantagessuch as:•very high sliding velocity•no external lubrication required •maintenance-free operation•good frictional propertiesMate rialSKF Sintered Bronze consists of a sintered metallic bronze and graphite matrix (1 % weight of graphite) with fully impregnated porosity. The material composition of SKF Sintered Bronze bushings is SINT A51 with a porosity volume of 28 % impreg-nated with mineral oil. Machining or grinding of the sliding surface of a porous sintered bushing is not recommended due to the risk of closing the bearing pores.Mai n application s1)SKF Sintered Bronze bushings are most suitable for applications with rotating movements and where the self-lubricating performance requirements are high.Examples of applications are:•electrical equipment•household equipment•printing machinery•machine toolsLub ricationWhile storing and mounting make sure that the bushing never comes into contact with any absorbent material, as this may drain the oil very quickly. It is therefore recommended to keep the bushing in the original packaging for as long as possible. Additional lubrication is usually not necessary.1)The performance of SKF Sintered Bronze bushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.SKF Wrapped Bronze The cross-country runnerExc e lle nt i n di rty e nvi ronm e nts du e to lub rication poc k etsSKF Wrapped Bronze cylindrical bush-ings are made completely of bronze. They are particularly suitable for applications which must be re-lubricated due to con-taminated environments. The sliding sur-face is provided with lubrication pockets that contribute to the enhanced lubrica-tion performance. SKF offers a full range of plain cylindrical bushings in accord-ance with ISO 3547-1:1999, as well as flanged bushings.SKF Wrapped Bronze bushingshave many features and advantages such as:•insensitive to dirty environments •resistant to shock loads andvibrations at slow speeds•good resistance to corrosiveconditionsMate rialSKF Wrapped Bronze bushings are made completely of bronze, CuSn8. The bush-ings are produced from strips which are then wrapped and calibrated. The working surface is machined and provided with diamond shaped indentations all over its sliding surface. These indentations serve as lubricant reservoirs, where lubricant is initially filled and progressively released during operation.Mai n application s1)SKF Wrapped Bronze bushings are suitable for both radial and axial move-ments. The bushings are well suited for machinery in contaminated environments where shock loads and/or vibrations occur.Examples of applications are:•agricultural machinery•hoisting equipment•construction machinery•forest machineryLub ricationLubrication improves the sliding proper-ties, reduces wear and prevents corrosion since the metal surfaces of bushing and shaft are separated from each other. SKF Wrapped Bronze bushings are intended to be lubricated with grease or oil. All com-monly used greases can be used. Seals are recommended when the bearing is to be used in an aggressive environment.1)The performance of SKF Wrapped Bronze bushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.SKF PTFE Composite The long runnerAll SKF PTFE Composite dry slidingbearings can be machined, except for thesliding surface. However, a calibration ispossible within certain limits.Mai n application s1)SKF PTFE Composite dry sliding bear-ings are suitable for applications wherethe load and self-lubrication requirementsare high.Examples of applications are:•automotive applications•materials handling equipment•home appliances and consumer goods•textile machineryLub ricationThe PTFE-based sliding surface permitssmooth, low-friction operation withoutlubrication or maintenance. During therunning-in phase part of the coveringlayer of SKF PTFE Composite dry slidingbearings is transferred to the mating sur-face and forms a physically bondedlubricant film.The presence or continuous supply ofoil or other non corrosive fluids may beadvantageous and improve the performanceof these bearings.1)The performance of SKF PTFE Composite bearings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.Note:Because of the lead content, SKF PTFE Composite type B should not be used in contact with food, beverage or pharma-ceutical products. Try to use SKF PTFE Composite type E, SKF POM or Stainless Backed Composite bushings instead.Long maintenance-free operating li f e du e to low f rictionIn applications where other materials have shown insufficient operating life SKF PTFE Composite dry sliding bearings can be the solution. SKF PTFE Composite is specially designed to operate without lubricant and is particularly suited for heavy load/medium speed applications. SKF offers a full range of cylindrical bushings in accordance with ISO 3547-1:1999 as well as flanged bushings, thrust washers and strip.SKF PTFE Composite bearingshave many features and advantages such as:•maintenance-free operation•very good frictional properties •high load capacity•operating temperatures up to 250 °C •sliding velocity up to 2 m/s•small operating clearanceMate rialSKF PTFE Composite dry sliding bearings combine the mechanical strength of steel with the low friction of a PTFE-based self-lubricating sliding layer. The inter-mediate layer of porous tin bronze enables a strong bond between the backing and sliding surfaces and also improves the dis-sipation of heat generated during operation. The bearings are available in two ver-sions. One with a sliding layer without any lead. This version has the suffix E. Another version where the sliding layer contains a minor amount of lead incorporates the suffix B. To protect the bearings from corrosion the steel backing is tin-plated.SKF POM CompositeThe up-hill runnerMai n application s 1)SKF POM Composite sliding bearings are suited for low-maintenance applica-tions in tough running conditions. As a result of the lubricant retention pockets on the sliding surface, SKF POM Com-posite bearings are especially well suited for applications in contaminated environ-ments where lubricant cannot be supplied continuously or frequently. Examples of applications are:•agricultural equipment•construction machinery•material handling equipment•home appliances and consumer goodsLub ricationSKF POM Composite bearings are de-signed to operate with marginal lubrica-tion and should initially be lubricated with grease. It is not necessary to re-lubricate,but the presence or continuous supply oflubricant extends bearing service life con-siderably. To protect the mating surfaceagainst corrosion, grease can be periodic-ally applied.Opti mal comb i nation of low mai nte nanc e u n de r toug hru n n i ng con dition s SKF POM Composite is referred to as pre-lubricated because it requires only a trace of lubricant to operate satisfactorily for long periods. The material is designed to operate with marginal lubrication and effectively fills the gap between fully lu-bricated bearings and dry sliding bearings.SKF offers a full range of plain cylindricalbushings in accordance with ISO 3547-1:1999, as well as thrust washers and strip.SKF POM Composite bushingshave many features and advantagessuch as:•maintenance-free operation •very good frictional properties •high load capacity •high sliding velocity •small operating clearance Mate rial SKF POM Composite sliding bearings arespecially designed to operate with marginallubrication. The sliding surface has ahighly effective grease retention systemwith lubrication pockets, which serve asgrease reservoirs. SKF POM Compositeconsists of three bonded layers: a copperplated steel backing strip and a sinteredporous tin bronze matrix covered with anacetal (polyoxymethylene, POM) resin.To protect the bearing from corrosion thesteel backing is tin plated. All SKF POMComposite sliding bearings can be ma-chined. However, any machining of thesliding surface should only be undertakenin exceptional cases.1)The performance of SKF POM Composite bearings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.SKF Stainless Backed Composite The smooth & shiny runnerMai n application s 1)SKF Stainless Backed Composite bush-ings are able to sustain heavy load under low sliding velocity conditions in a corro-sive environment. Examples of applications are:•food and packaging industry •valves and pumps •medical equipment •printing and papermaking machines •off-shore industry Lub rication SKF Stainless Backed Composite bush-ings are completely self-lubricating. The PTFE fibre and the thermosetting resin enable low friction operation with no lubrication or maintenance. During a brief running-in phase part of the PTFE covering layer is transferred to the mating surface. 1)The performance of SKF Stainless Backed Compositebushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication,surface roughness, sliding velocity, and temperatureencountered in specific applications.Th e non -corros ive mai nte nanc e -f re e long -ru n n e rSKF Stainless Backed Composite drysliding cylindrical bushings *are speciallydeveloped for maintenance-free applica-tions requiring high resistance to corro-sive environments. SKF Stainless BackedComposite bushings are designed to oper-ate without lubricant and are particularlysuited for heavily loaded applications.SKF offers a standard assortment of plaincylindrical bushings according toISO 3547-1:1999.SKF Stainless Backed Compositebushings have many features andadvantages such as:•excellent resistance to corrosiveenvironments•very good frictional properties•maintenance-free operation•high load capacity•high sliding velocity•small operating clearanceMate rialSKF Stainless Backed Composite bush-ings are made of a stainless steel backingstrip (X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2) covered withPTFE fibres consisting of multi-filamentyarns. The PTFE yarn is woven togetherwith metal wire to produce a double-sided fabric, with only PTFE fibres onthe sliding surface. The metal side of thefabric is continuously soldered to thestainless steel backing. The PTFE side ofthe fabric is coated with a thermosettingresin preventing creep of the fabric underheavy loads. All SKF Stainless BackedComposite dry sliding bushings can bemachined. However, any machining of thesliding surface should be avoided.* Branded Pydane in France. Pydane is a registered trade-mark of the SKF Group.SKF PTFE Polyamide The jogging runnerMai n application s 1)SKF PTFE Polyamide bushings are suit-able for applications where cost effectivemaintenance-free bushings are preferred.Examples of applications are:•textile industry•medical equipment•fitness equipment•household equipmentLub ricationSKF PTFE Polyamide bushings aredesigned for dry operation. Lubricationcan, however, improve the performanceof these bushings. By continuously lubri-cating with grease, oil, water or other li-quids, the operating speed can be increasedstill further. SKF PTFE Polyamide bush-ings are resistant to most lubricant oilsand greases.1)The performance of SKF PTFE Polyamide bushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness,sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.Th e cost e f f ective mai nte nanc e -f re e b u s h i ng The thermoplastic material of SKF PTFE Polyamide cylindrical bushings provides maintenance-free, dry sliding operation.SKF PTFE Polyamide bushings are de-signed for applications where other poly-mer bushings have shown insufficient operating life. The small wall thickness of these bushings provides good heat con-ducting characteristics, enabling highsliding velocities. SKF offers a standardassortment of both plain and flanged cylindrical bushings according to ISO 3547-1:1999.SKF PTFE Polyamide bushings have many features and advantages such as:•maintenance-free operation •cost efficiency •excellent resistance to corrosiveenvironments•electrically insulating propertiesMate rialSKF PTFE Polyamide bushings comprisea thermoplastic base material, with bothPTFE additives and glass-fibre. Thematerial mix of SKF PTFE Polyamidebushings results in self-lubricating lowwear performance and, in many applica-tions, adequate load capacity.SKF Filament WoundThe heavy-duty runnerMai n application s 1)SKF Filament Wound bushings are suit-able in applications where heavy loadsand vibrations occur and where mainten-ance-free operation is preferred.Examples of applications are:•construction machinery•agricultural and forestry machinery•hoisting and conveyor equipment•offshore equipment•metal working machinesLub ricationSKF Filament Wound bushings are dryrunning thanks to the unique sliding sur-face with PTFE and PES fibres in anepoxy resin. The sliding surface provideslow friction operation with no lubricationor maintenance. However, the presence oflubricant offers protection against contam-ination and has no negative effect. Sealsare recommended when the bushing is tobe used in an aggressive environment.1)The performance of SKF Filament Wound bushings depends on the interaction of load, lubrication, surface roughness,sliding velocity, and temperature encountered in specific applications.Th e mai nte nanc e -f re e b u s h i ng for e xtre m e ru n n i ng con dition s SKF Filament Wound dry sliding cylin-drical bushings are made out of resin and fibres wound in multi-layers. This material has been developed specially for applica-tions with heavy loads, vibration and/or a corrosive environment. SKF Filament Wound bushings are most often inter-changeable with solid bronze and steel bushings. SKF offers a standard assort-ment of plain cylindrical bushings in accordance with ISO 4379:1993.SKF Filament Wound bushings have many features and advantages such as:•high load capacity •excellent resistance to shock loads and vibrations •low sensitivity to edge pressure and misalignment •maintenance-free operation •excellent resistance to corrosive environments•very good frictional properties•electrically insulating propertiesMate rialThe modern technique of fibre winding,together with a specially developed resinmatrix, combines the outstanding mechan-ical properties of glass-fibre with theexcellent tribological behaviour of PTFEand high strength thermoplastic PESfibres. All SKF Filament Wound bushingscan be mechanically machined, except forthe sliding layer. In all cases care must betaken to avoid an excessive temperaturerise as this could damage the bearing.26Stock AssortmentSKF Solid Bronze – plain cylindrical bushingsDesignation d D Bmm mm mm PBM 051006 M15106 PBM 051008 M15108 PBM 051010 M151010PBM 061206 M16126 PBM 061208 M16128 PBM 061212 M161212PBM 071208 M17128 PBM 071210 M171210 PBM 071212 M171212PBM 081408 M18148 PBM 081412 M181412 PBM 081416 M181416 PBM 091410 M191410 PBM 091416 M191416 PBM 091420 M191420PBM 101610 M1101610 PBM 101616 M1101616 PBM 101620 M1101620 PBM 121812 M1121812 PBM 121816 M1121816 PBM 121825 M1121825PBM 142012 M1G1142012 PBM 142020 M1G1142020 PBM 142030 M1G1142030 PBM 152216 M1G1152216 PBM 152220 M1G1152220 PBM 152230 M1G1152230PBM 162216 M1G1162216 PBM 162220 M1G1162220 PBM 162230 M1G1162230 PBM 172516 M1G1172516 PBM 172520 M1G1172520 PBM 172530 M1G1172530PBM 182516 M1G1182516 PBM 182520 M1G1182520 PBM 182530 M1G1182530 PBM 202820 M1G1202820 PBM 202830 M1G1202830 PBM 202840 M1G1202840Designation d D Bmm mm mm PBM 223220 M1G1223220 PBM 223230 M1G1223230 PBM 223240 M1G1223240PBM 253525 M1G1253525 PBM 253535 M1G1253535 PBM 253550 M1G1253550PBM 284025 M1G1284025 PBM 284035 M1G1284035 PBM 284050 M1G1284050PBM 304030 M1G1304030 PBM 304045 M1G1304045 PBM 304060 M1G1304060 PBM 354535 M1G1354535 PBM 354550 M1G1354550 PBM 354570 M1G1354570PBM 405040 M1G1405040 PBM 405060 M1G1405060 PBM 405080 M1G1405080 PBM 455545 M1G1455545 PBM 455560 M1G1455560 PBM 455580 M1G1455580PBM 506050 M1G1506050 PBM 506070 M1G1506070 PBM 5060100 M1G15060100 PBM 557050 M1G1557050 PBM 557070 M1G1557070 PBM 5570100 M1G15570100PBM 607560 M1G1607560 PBM 607590 M1G1607590 PBM 6075120 M1G16075120 PBM 658060 M1G1658060 PBM 658090 M1G1658090 PBM 6580120 M1G16580120PBM 708560 M1G1708560 PBM 708590 M1G1708590 PBM 7085120 M1G17085120 PBM 759070 M1G1759070 PBM 7590100 M1G17590100 PBM 7590140 M1G17590140Designation systemPBM202820d D BMetricSolid bronzePlain bearingOther dimensions available on request2829Other dimensions available on request Designation d D Bmm mm mmPBM 809570 M1G1809570PBM 8095100 M1G18095100PBM 8095140 M1G18095140PBM 8510070 M1G18510070PBM 85100100 M1G185100100PBM 85100140 M1G185100140PBM 9011080 M1G19011080PBM 90110120 M1G190110120PBM 90110160 M1G190110160PBM 9511580 M1G19511580PBM 95115120 M1G195115120PBM 95115160 M1G195115160PBM 10012080 M1G110012080PBM 100120120 M1G1100120120PBM 100120160 M1G1100120160PBM 10512580 M1G110512580PBM 105125120 M1G1105125120PBM 105125160 M1G1105125160PBM 11013080 M1G111013080PBM 110130140 M1G1110130140PBM 110130200 M1G1110130200PBM 12014080 M1G112014080PBM 120140140 M1G1120140140PBM 120140200 M1G1120140200PBM 13015090 M1G113015090PBM 130150140 M1G1130150140PBM 130150200 M1G1130150200PBM 14016090 M1G114016090PBM 140160160 M1G1140160160PBM 140160200 M1G1140160200PBM 150170100 M1G1150170100PBM 150170160 M1G1150170160PBM 150170240 M1G1150170240PBM 160180100 M1G1160180100PBM 160180160 M1G1160180160PBM 160180240 M1G1160180240PBM 170190100 M1G1170190100PBM 170190160 M1G1170190160PBM 170190240 M1G1170190240Designation d D B mm mm mm PBM 180200100 M1G1180200100PBM 180200160 M1G1180200160PBM 180200240 M1G1180200240PBM 190210120 M1G1190210120PBM 190210200 M1G1190210200PBM 190210300 M1G1190210300PBM 200220120 M1G1200220120PBM 200220200 M1G1200220200PBM 200220300 M1G1200220300PBM 210230120 M1G1210230120PBM 210230200 M1G1210230200PBM 210230300 M1G1210230300PBM 220240140 M1G1220240140PBM 220240250 M1G1220240250PBM 220240350 M1G1220240350PBM 230250140 M1G1230250140PBM 230250250 M1G1230250250PBM 230250350 M1G1230250350PBM 240260140 M1G1240260140PBM 240260250 M1G1240260250PBM 240260350 M1G1240260350PBM 250270140 M1G1250270140PBM 250270250 M1G1250270250PBM 250270350 M1G1250270350d a h αmm mm mm °12–223d+110525–553d+112460–130B ×0,05d+1,5124140–190B ×0,05d+2,0124>190B ×0,05d+2,5124SKF Solid Bronze – flanged cylindrical bushingsDesignation d D B D1B1mm mm mm mm mm PBMF 051006 M15106122 PBMF 061206 M16126142 PBMF 071208 M17128163 PBMF 081408 M18148183 PBMF 091408 M19148183 PBMF 091410 M191410183 PBMF 101608 M110168203 PBMF 101610 M1101610203 PBMF 121810 M1121810223 PBMF 121812 M1121812223 PBMF 142010 M1G1142010253 PBMF 142012 M1G1142012253 PBMF 152212 M1G1152212283 PBMF 152216 M1G1152216283 PBMF 162212 M1G1162212284 PBMF 162216 M1G1162216284 PBMF 172512 M1G1172512324 PBMF 172516 M1G1172516324 PBMF 182512 M1G1182512324 PBMF 182516 M1G1182516324 PBMF 202816 M1G1202816354 PBMF 202820 M1G1202820354 PBMF 223216 M1G1223216405 PBMF 223220 M1G1223220405 PBMF 253516 M1G1253516455 PBMF 253525 M1G1253525455 PBMF 284016 M1G1284016505 PBMF 284025 M1G1284025505 PBMF 304020 M1G1304020505 PBMF 304030 M1G1304030505 PBMF 354520 M1G1354520555 PBMF 354535 M1G1354535555 PBMF 405025 M1G1405025606 PBMF 405040 M1G1405040606Designation d D B D1B1mm mm mm mm mm PBMF 455530 M1G1455530656 PBMF 455545 M1G1455545656 PBMF 506030 M1G1506030706 PBMF 506050 M1G1506050706 PBMF 557030 M1G1557030808 PBMF 557050 M1G1557050808 PBMF 607535 M1G1607535858 PBMF 607560 M1G1607560858 PBMF 658035 M1G1658035908 PBMF 658060 M1G1658060908 PBMF 708535 M1G1708535958 PBMF 708560 M1G1708560958 PBMF 759040 M1G175******** PBMF 759070 M1G175******** PBMF 809540 M1G180******** PBMF 809570 M1G180******** PBMF 8510040 M1G185100401108 PBMF 8510070 M1G185100701108 PBMF 9011050 M1G190110501208 PBMF 9011080 M1G190110801208 PBMF 9511550 M1G195115501258 PBMF 9511580 M1G195115801258 PBMF 10012050 M1G1100120501308 PBMF 10012080 M1G1100120801308 PBMF 10512550 M1G1105125501358 PBMF 10512580 M1G1105125801358 PBMF 11013050 M1G1110130501408 PBMF 11013080 M1G1110130801408 PBMF 12014050 M1G1120140501508 PBMF 12014080 M1G1120140801508 PBMF 13015060 M1G11301506016510 PBMF 13015090 M1G11301509016510 PBMF 14016060 M1G11401606017510 PBMF 14016090 M1G11401609017510Designation systemPBMF202816d D BFlangedMetricSolid bronzePlain bearingOther dimensions available on request30。
