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汽车离合器(EQ153)的设计 毕业设计

汽车离合器(EQ153)的设计 毕业设计

汽车离合器(EQ153)的设计毕业设计第一章汽车离合器1.1 概述以内燃机作为动力的机械传动汽车中,无论是AMT或MT,离合器都作为一个独立的部件而存在。




1.2 汽车离合器的基本作用离合器是汽车传动系的组成部件之一,在以内燃机为动力的汽车机械传动中,它通常装在发动机飞轮的后端,传动系通过它与发动机相联系,即其主动部分与发动机飞轮连接,从动部分与变速器相连接。

























河北工业职业技术学院毕业论文论文题目:离合器的常见故障分析与诊断系别机电工程系专业年级09级汽车电子技术学生姓名学号41指导教师职称讲师日期2011年9月2号目录一﹑引言 (3)二﹑离合器的分类、工作原理及作用 (3)㈠离合器的分类 (3)㈡离合器的工作原理 (5)㈢离合器的作用 (8)三﹑离合器的常见故障与原因分析 (9)㈠离合器分离不彻底 (9)㈡离合器打滑 (10)㈢离合器异响 (11)㈣离合器发抖 (11)㈤离合器丧失传动能力 (12)四、离合器的常见故障确认与诊断方法 (12)㈠离合器分离不彻底确认与诊断方法 (12)㈡离合器打滑确认与诊断方法 (14)㈢离合器异响确认与诊断方法 (15)㈣离合器发抖确认与诊断方法 (16)㈤离合器丧失传动能力确认与诊断方法 (17)五﹑结论 (17)六、参考文献 (18)汽车离合器的常见故障分析与诊断汽车电子技术专业09汽电姓名学号 41摘要:本文主要介绍摩擦式离合器的故障分析与诊断,离合器的常见故障有分离不彻底、沉重、打滑、发抖及异响,每一种故障都会以不同的形式表现出来,所以故障现象是识别故障类型的关键一步。


























目录前言 (1)第一章离合器的设计 (2)§绪论 (2)§ (2)§ (3)§ (5)§ (10)§ (11)§ (14)第二章离合器操作机构的设计 (18)§ (18)第三章传动轴的设计 (21)§ (21)§ (22)§ (23)结论 (26)参考文献 (27)致谢 (28)外文翻译 (29)前言改革开放以来,随着国家经济的迅猛发展,汽车工业也在慢慢崛起,汽车在我们日常生活中占据了越来越重要的地位,车辆给人们出行带来了极大地方便,因此汽车工业也被国家放在了极其重要的地位,像吉利收购沃尔沃表明了我们国内企业正在逐步强大,因此能够选择车辆工程专业也是我认为一个非常正确的选择,而汽车设计室我们车辆工程专业学生毕业时的一个重要实践环节。


























目前,离合器的发展主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 自动化和智能化:随着自动驾驶技术的发展,越来越多的汽车开始采用自动变速器,而不再需要手动操作离合器。


2. 轻量化:随着环保意识的提高,汽车制造商开始注重汽车的轻量化设计,以减少燃油消耗和排放。






















早期的单片干式离合器由与锥形离合器相似的问题,即离合器接合时不够 平顺。但是,由于单片干式离合器结构紧凑,散热良好,转动惯量小,所以以 内燃机为动力的汽车经常采用它,尤其是成功地开发了价格便宜的冲压件离合 器盖以后更是如此。
实际上早在 1920 年就出现了单片干式离合器,这和前面提到的发明了石棉 基的摩擦面片有关。但在那时相当一段时间内,由于技术设计上的缺陷,造成 了单片离合器在接合时不够平顺的问题。第一次世界大战后初期,单片离合器 的从动盘金属片上是没有摩擦面片的,摩擦面片是贴附在主动件飞轮和压盘上 的,弹簧布置在中央,通过杠杆放大后作用在压盘上。后来改用多个直径较小 的弹簧,沿着圆周布置直接压在压盘上,成为现今最为通用的螺旋弹簧布置方 法。这种布置在设计上带来了实实在在的好处,使压盘上的弹簧的工作压力分 布更均匀,并减小了轴向尺寸。
多年的实践经验和技术上的改进使人们逐渐趋向于首选单片干式摩擦离合 器,因为它具有从动部分转动惯量小、散热性好、结构简单、调整方便、尺寸
紧凑、分离彻底等优点,而且由于在结构上采取一定措施,已能做到接合盘式 平顺,因此现在广泛采用于大、中、小各类车型中。
如今单片干式离合器在结构设计方面相当完善。采用具有轴向弹性的从动 盘,提高了离合器的接合平顺性。离合器从动盘总成中装有扭转减振器,防止 了传动系统的扭转共振,减小了传动系统噪声和载荷。
现今所用的盘式离合器的先驱是多片盘式离合器,它是直到 1925 年以后才
出现的。多片离合器最主要的优点是,汽车起步时离合器的接合比较平顺,无 冲击。早期的设计中,多片按成对布置设计,一个钢盘片对着一青铜盘片。采 用纯粹的金属的摩擦副,把它们浸在油中工作,能达到更为满意的性能。
浸在油中的盘片式离合器,盘子直径不能太大,以避免在高速时把油甩掉。 此外,油也容易把金属盘片粘住,不易分离。但毕竟还是优点大于缺点。因为 在当时,许多其他离合器还在原创阶段,性能很不稳定。



离合器毕业论文The clutch is the important assembly of manual variable speed, and its good and bad relationship is whether the car can start and change smoothly. The clutch is located in the engine and gearbox between the flywheel shell, with screw will be fixed in the clutch assembly after the flywheel plane, is the input shaft from the gearbox output shaft of clutch. In the process of the car, the driver can use on the or release the clutch pedal, the engine and gearbox temporary separation and joint gradually, to cut off or transfer the engine to the transmission input power. This paper mainly studies the common failure of thedf-car clutch, and analyzes and solves it. It has a realistic meaning for the use and maintenance of cars. This paper introduces the function of dongfeng automobile clutch (make cars smooth start, interrupt to drive, function, structure, and by the east wind power, cooperate to shift, prevent overload) automobile repair clutch as an example, the typical analysis of dongfeng automobile clutch failure (clutch slippage, clutch is not complete, difficult gear, clutch jointing shake, the sound of the clutch, clutch) noise and vibration causes, solutions, maintenance way, and how to correctly use, matters needing attention when using, avoid failure of clutch, prolong service life. Key words: clutch; Dongfeng motor; Fault analysis; Theory of friction plate mesh record the chapter 1 mio... 1, 1.1 the clutch is introduced... The development of 1, 1.2 the clutch... The overview of the clutch in chapter 2... 3 2.1 the function of the clutch... The structure of the clutch of the dongfeng car... The type of working principle of the clutch and the requirements... The type of clutch... How the clutch works... The basic requirements that the friction clutch should meet... The comparison of the spring clutch with the springclutch of the spring clutch. Chapter 3: common failure analysis and maintenance of the dongfeng car clutch... 3.1 clutch gliders... 13 3.2 clutch separation not complete, hanging in the difficulty... 14 3.2.1 fault phenomenon... 14 3.2.2 troubleshooting... When the clutch joins the clutch... 16 3.3.1 fault phenomenon... 16 2 3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 reason and repair... 16 3.4 clutch sound... 16 3.4.1 track malfunction phenomenon... Reasons and processing... 17 3.5 clutch noise and vibration... 18 3.5.1 lead bearing (sleeve) damage... 18 3.5.2 separate bearing damage... 18 3.5.3 separate bearings, gearbox first axis, flywheel, clutch cover different heart... 3.5.4 flywheel - clutch assembly is unbalanced (36)clutch inspection...... The dismantlement and decomposition of the 3.6.1 clutch main cylinder... The dismantling and decomposition of the 3.6.2 clutch working cylinder... 3.6.3 main cylinder, working VAT check... 3.6.4 clutch main cylinder, working cylinder assembly... The air in the hydraulic system of 203.6.5... Chapter 4 the case of the dongfeng automobile clutch maintenance case... The case of clutch slide maintenance (22)4.4.1 fault symptoms... 22 4.1.2 overhaul method... 22 3 4.2 clutch maintenance cases... 23 2 fault symptoms... 23 4.2.2 test method... 24 "theory... 25 to thank...... 27 references... In the course of the rapid development of the national economy, the volume of automobile production increased year by year, and by 2011 it had reached more than 10 million vehicles. China has more and more cars and more and more cars. Especially the rapid development of technology, some new technology, new material widely used in automobile, to increase certain difficulty to automobile failure diagnosis and elimination, clutch is animportant assembly manual transmission car essential. Without a clutch manual, the car will not be able to start, and it will be difficult to implement the stop transform. In the car use, the clutch inevitably appears such, such a failure, directly affects the normal operation of the car. Now that cars are moving quickly into homes and cars are being privatized, car failures are going to affect us all. It is of great and realistic significance to analyze the phenomenon of clutch failure, the cause, the removal method of the clutch failure and the maintenance process of the clutch. This paper focuses on the discussion of the failure of the series of truck clutch in dongfeng series, and the fault of clutch is correctly recognized, and the clutch is better used and maintained. 1.1 introduces the clutch is located in the engine and gearbox between the flywheel shell, with screw will be fixed in the clutch assembly after the flywheel plane, is the input shaft from the gearbox output shaft of clutch. During the course of the car, the driver can step down or loosen the clutch. The engine is temporarily separated from the gearbox and gradually coalesced in order to cut or transfer the engine input to the transmission. , in the car clutch is manual and automated mechanical transmission is electronically controlled shift car transmission is an important assembly of 1, is to make sure this car can start and shift a must-have 1 independent components. Figure 1-1 of 1.2 clutch general situation of the development Today more pieces of the pioneer of plate type clutch used disc clutch, it is until after 1925. The main advantage of multi-disc clutch is that when the car starts the clutch is relatively smooth and unimpactable. By the end of the 1920s, until the 1930s, there were only a number of clutches for cars, cars, and high-powered cars. Many years of practical experience andtechnical improvement to make people gradually incline to and preferred monolithic dry friction clutch, because it has a slave unit moment of inertia of small, good heat dissipation, simple structure, convenient adjustment, the advantages of compact size, thorough separation, and take action on the structure, has been able to do joint smooth, so now it is widely used in large, medium and small various models.Now the single-disc dry friction clutch is quite perfect in the design of the structure. The smoothness of the clutch joint is improved by using a moving disc with axial elasticity. Torsional vibration damper are installed in the clutch platen assembly and to prevent the transmission of torsional resonances, reduced the transmission noise and dynamic load, with the improvement of people of automobile comfort requirements, the clutch has been improved, on the basis of the original passenger car increasingly using torsional damper with dual mass flywheel, effectively reducing the noise of the transmission system. Chapter 2, an overview of the function of the clutch 2.1 clutch installed between the engine and transmission, used to separate or joint dynamic contact between before and after. Its function is: first, prevent the transmission line overload. When the vehicle during emergency braking, if there is no clutch, the engine will sharply reduce the speed by and drivetrain rigid connection, thus all moving parts will produce very big inertia moment (its numerical could significantly more than the normal work of the engine maximum torque of), on the bearing capacity of the drive train more than its load, and make the parts damaged. With the clutch, it can be eliminated by the relative motion between the active part of the clutch and the moving part. Therefore, we need the clutchto limit the maximum torque and safety of the driving system. Second, interrupt the driving force and change gears. In the course of the car, the driving system often needs to change the gear for the changing driving conditions. Realize the shift of the gear transmission, general 6 gear or other shift, make the original launch of a gear pair with gear, make another gear gear pair into the work. Must before the shift on the clutch pedal, interrupt power transmission, easy to make the original gear meshing pair off, at the same time make the speed of new gear meshing pair meshing area gradually incline to synchronization, so enter the meshing impact can be greatly reduced, achieve a smooth shift. Third, make the car start smoothly. This is the primary function of the clutch. Before the car starts, it is natural to start the engine. When the car starts, the car accelerates from a completely static state. If the drive train (which is linked to the whole car) and engine to contact rigidity, hang up a gear, transmission, cars will be suddenly rushed forward, but it does not start. This is because the car has a lot of inertia when it comes to the front, causing a lot of torque to the engine. Under the effect of the inertia torque, the engine speed in transient time fell sharply to the lowest stable speed (generally below 300-500 RPM), the engine is shut down and cannot work, car can't start, of course. Therefore, we need the help of the clutch. Before the start after the engine starting, the car, the driver on the clutch pedal, clutch, make the engine and transmission system off, then hang up transmission gear, then gradually the clutch pedal, clutch joint gradually. Stuck in the process of joint, the engine torque increases gradually, therefore, should be gradually on the accelerating pedal at the same time, the gradual increase of engine fuel supply, the rotating speed of the engine keepon 4 minimum stability speed, without stalling. At the same time, due to the clutch joint close degree increases gradually, the engine by transmission to drive the wheel torque will increase gradually, the traction enough to overcome the initial resistance, the car is starting from the static movement and gradually accelerated guaranteeing the transmission shift work flat 2. 2.2 the structure of dongfeng automobile clutch An east wind car is to adopt the hydraulic control system, rather than using the cable type, now most of the large car adopts hydraulic control system has a small friction resistance, convenient arrangement and combination of soft, and can transfer the engine maximum torque, in the long-term work does not cause the clutch pedal force increased significantly, reduce the labor intensity of drivers, etc.Dongfeng automobile clutch hydraulic control system consists of the clutch pedal, storage tank, the oil hose, clutch master cylinder, clutch cylinder, tubing assembly, separation, pedals and release bearing assembly. The storage tank has two oil holes, and the brake fluid is supplied to the master cylinder and the clutch master cylinder respectively. The clutch main cylinder has compensable hole and feed hole, and it communicates with the reservoir through the inlet hose. The main cylinder contains the piston, the center of the piston is thinner, and the "ten" shape section makes the piston right side of the piston the inner cavity of the main cylinder forming the oil chamber. The piston ends with a leather bowl. The piston on the left side of the piston is fitted with a one-way valve, which is connected to the oil chamber of the piston right side of the piston. When the pedal is in the initial position, the piston left end cup is open between the compensation hole and the inlethole. When the clutch working cylinder has the piston, the leather bowl, the push rod and so on, the cylinder body also has the abandon screw plug. When the air exists in the official road, the air screw can be wrung out. When stepping on the clutch pedal, the piston moves to the left through the main cylinder, and the one-way valve is closed. When the piston cup is closed, the oil in the pipeline is compressed and the pressure increases. Under oil pressure, the piston of the working cylinder is pushed to the left, and the working cylinder pushes the top head directly to push the separation plate, which will drive the separation of the bearings and the clutch. 2.3 type and working principle of the clutch asked 2.3.1 type clutch points have electromagnetic clutch and the magnetic powder clutch, friction clutch, hydraulic coupling. The mechanical parts that can be joined or separated at any time by work. It can be used to control the starting, stopping, shifting and changing of the machine transmission system. The clutch type is various, according to the work properties can be divided into: 1. The electromagnetic clutch relies on the power of the coil to control the coupling and separation of the clutch. Electromagnetic clutch can be divided into: dry-type monolithic electromagnetic clutch, dry multi-disc electromagnetic clutch, wet multi-disc electromagnetic clutch, magnetic powder clutch, electromagnetic clutch slip type, etc. The working mode of the electromagnetic clutch can be divided into: the combination of the electric combination and the power failure. Dry mono-disc electromagnetic clutch: when the coil is energized, the magnet absorbs the "armature" and the clutch is in the joint state. When the coil is off, the "armature" bounces back and the clutch is separated. Dry multichip Principle of wet multi-disc electromagnetic clutch: same asabove, in addition to increase some friction, equivalent volume of torque than dry-type monolithic electromagnetic clutch, electromagnetic clutch wet multi-disc work must have oil or other cooling liquid cooling. 6 (2) the magnetic powder clutch Between the active and follower placed magnetic powder, magnetic powder in a loose state when no electricity, electricity combined with magnetic powder and active pieces with follower rotation at the same time. Advantages: the torque can be adjusted by adjusting the current, allowing the large slip difference. Disadvantages: higher temperature and higher relative price. Differential electromagnetic clutch: when the clutch is working, the main, the part must be at a certain speed difference to have torque transfer. The torque size depends on the strength of the field and the difference in speed. The excitation current stays the same, and the speed increases with the torque. The torque remains constant, the excitation current decreases, the speed decreases more seriously. Slip type electromagnetic clutch because there is no mechanical connection between master and slave unit, no wear, no leakage magnetic powder, no impact, adjust the excitation current can change speed, for the use of stepless transmission, this is the advantage of it. The main drawback of this clutch is that the vortex in the rotor produces heat, which is proportional to the difference in speed. At low speed, the efficiency is low, the efficiency is the main, the speed ratio of the slave shaft, namely eta n2 / n1. The mechanical transmission system suitable for high frequency action can be combined or separated from the active part by the active part. When the active parts are separated from the moving parts, the active parts are turned and the moving parts are still. The active and slave parts are in a joint state, and the active parts are carried by the activeparts. Widely used in machine tools, packaging, printing, textile, light industry, and office equipment. Electromagnetic clutch with 7 commonly at ambient temperature to 2050 ℃, humidity is less than 85%,In the medium without explosion danger, the coil voltage fluctuates no more than 5% of the rated voltage. Theliquid-force coupler is the active part of the fluid transfer torque of the hydraulic coupling, which is connected to the pump wheel. The turbine and pump wheel are relative to the pump. When the pump speed is low, the turbine cannot be driven, and the active part is separated from the slave. As the pump speed increases, the turbine is driven, and the active part and the follower are connected. The electromagnetic clutch controls the coupling and separation of the clutch by the power of the coil. If the magnetic powder is placed between the active and the follower, the coupling can be strengthened, which is called a magnetic powder electromagnetic clutch. At present, to match the manual transmission the vast majority of the clutch for dry friction clutch, according to the number of the platen, is divided into single disc, double disc and disc to wait for a few kinds. The friction clutch is divided into wet and dry. The friction clutch is now widely adopted in the car with the friction of spring compression, and the friction clutch is divided into wet and dry. Wet friction clutch is usually multidisc, which is abbreviated as friction clutch. To match the manual transmission the vast majority of the clutch for dry friction clutch, according to the number of the platen, is divided into single disc, double disc and disc to wait for a few kinds. Heat dissipation in other standard oils. Using several helical springs as a compression spring, the clutch,which is distributed in a circumference of the pressure plate, is called a week's spring clutch. The diaphragm spring is called the diaphragm spring clutch. The torque of the engine, through the friction between the flywheel and the pressure plate and the moving disc, is passed on to the moving plate. When the driver steps on the clutch pedal, the moving part of the diaphragm spring is separated from the active part by the passing of the machine and the spring of the diaphragm spring.2.3.2 clutch working principle 1. The working principle of the electromagnetic clutch Electromagnetic clutch electricity (the standard voltage of 24 V), the coil produces a strong magnetic field, the armature plate under the action of magnetic force were drawn to the yoke or electromagnetic electromagnetic brake friction clutch rotor bushing. The drive or brake torque is passed by the plate spring, which is run without slip and no friction after the connection. After the loss of electricity, the armature plate is in the action of the plate spring force, leaving the sleeve of the magnetic yoke or the rotor of the electromagnetic clutch, ready for the next action. There is no residual torque when released. The electromagneticclutch/electromagnetic brake or vertical installation can achieve the transmission of torque, no matter high speed or no load. The magnetic powder clutch is a combination of the input shaft and the slave unit output shaft. The space between the two units is filled with granular magnetic powder (about 40mm). When magnetic coil, non-conductive, not from the shaft torque on the driven shaft, but such as electromagnetic coil electricity, 9 is the magnetic powder by the action of magnetic attraction hardening phenomenon, in even the following would convey the torque between sliding. The essence of the hydraulic coupling is the combination of centrifugal pumps and turbines.It consists mainly of input shaft, output shaft, pump wheel, turbine, casing, auxiliary room and safety protection device. The input shaft is connected to the power machine at one end, and the other end is connected to the pump wheel: the output shaft is connected to the turbine at one end, and the other end is connected to the machine. The pump wheel is symmetrical with the turbine, and a certain number of leaves are arranged inside the wheel. The casing is sealed with the pump wheel, and the cavity is filled with liquid to transfer power. As the prime mover, through the input shaft driven pump rotates, filling in the working chamber of working liquid by centrifugal force and the role of the wheel blade by the radius of the smaller pump impeller inlet is accelerated pressurized into the radius of the larger pump wheel exports, at the same time liquid of moment of momentum increment, namely coupling pump wheel the input mechanical energy into liquid kinetic energy: when carrying liquid kinetic energy of the work by the pump export rushed to the other side of the turbine wheel, the fluid along the flow channel formed by the turbine blades of reuben do centripetal flow,At the same time, the liquid kinetic energy is released into mechanical energy which can drive the turbine and drive the load. So the working fluid in the body cavity work repeatedly do spiral circulation movement, so the output and input in the absence of any direct mechanical connection, 3 only on liquid kinetic energy is flexible to join together. 4. The working principle of the friction clutch Engine flywheel is active of clutch, platen and driven with friction disc hub by sliding spline and the driven shaft is connected (i.e., the drive shaft transmission). The compression spring will be pressed againstthe flywheel with 10 moving plates. Engine torque as the friction between the flywheel and clutch plate interface function and to the platen, and thus after a driven shaft and a series of components to the drive wheels in the drive train. The greater the compression force of the compression spring, the greater the torque that the clutch can transmit. The friction clutch should satisfy the basic requirements of the first, guarantee the maximum torque that can be delivered by the engine, and also have a certain transfer torque. Second, when it is separated, it is completely separated, and it is soft and has good heat dissipation. Third, the inertia of the moving part is as small as possible. Fourth, it has the ability to soften the direction of rotation, attenuate the vibration of the direction, and the noise is small. Fifth, the friction coefficient of pressure plate pressure and friction film is small and stable. Sixth, the manipulation of the province force, the maintenance and maintenance is convenient. 11, 2.4 push type diaphragm spring clutch and the type of the diaphragm spring clutch comparing figure 2-1 push type diaphragm spring clutch diaphragm spring clutch and pull type first, adopt as compression spring clutch diaphragm spring is called diaphragm spring clutch. Second, diaphragm spring clutch: push diaphragm spring clutch and pull diaphragm spring clutch. Its structure consists of clutch cover and pressure plate assembly, clutch disc assembly, clutch separator bearing and flywheel. Characteristics: the diaphragm spring clutch torque capacity is large and stable. Manipulation of light; Simple and compact structure; Good ventilation performance; The service life of friction film is long. 12 set of clutch diaphragm spring the installation of a rotating axis is completely symmetrical, so it's not affected by centrifugal force, compression force isvery suitable for high speed rotation. And the process of making the diaphragm spring is increasing, so the clutch is being used more and more in the car. Chapter 3 Dongfeng automobile clutch common failure analysis and repair 3.1 clutch slippage failure phenomenon The car started, the clutch pedal up too high can barely started; When you speed up, the speed doesn't improve. These are all clutches. First, the hydraulic control clutch skid, majority is because the clutch pedal free stroke is not enough to cause separation bearing pressure on the separation of lever or diaphragm and rotates. Adjustable clutch pedal return position, and adjust the master cylinder push rod length, dispatch the push rod and the piston to resist long, then push back dry half a circle, the general gaps between push rod and the piston pump. And then adjusted score 13 section rod pump adjustable length make its elongation, feel the release bearing and separating lever or diaphragm to resist, then turn adjusting screw mouth to the clearance is about 2 mm. Second, regarding the mechanical manipulation of the clutch, the clutch pedal free stroke is not enough, the adjustable pedal lever work length, the separation gap between bearing and separation of lever or diaphragm to the specified value. Third, as a result of the clutch friction plate is stained with oil and slip, can be high leverage or diaphragm, increasing the separation clearance, rope or hardwood separate the clutch pedal fixed in position, then use a screwdriver will attend a layer of clean cloth, soaked in gasoline into separate side, turn the handwheel, the oil erase, in wipe with dry cloth to clean it again. Then, use a screwdriver to pry open the other side of the friction piece. After washing, adjust the separation lever height. Fourth, when the clutch is ablative and slippery, if the friction plate is thicker, the ablation will be sanded andthe separation lever height can be adjusted. The 3.2 clutch is not completely separated, and it is difficult to catch up to 3.2.。

























最后,对机械零件进行了Pro/E 三维建模。


第2章离合器简介2.1 离合器的功用1、保证装载机平稳起步这是离合器的首要功能。




















[关键词] 离合器膜片弹簧摩擦片操纵机构┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊The design of the new Chevrolet sail car clutch[Abstract] Compared to our country's automobile industry and the rest of the world advanced countries, is still relatively backward, although already from abroad introduced many new products and technologies, but to fully grasp the core technology still has a very long gap. This design is based on the current car parameters of the common car as the basis for its design of the diaphragm spring clutch.. In the hope that the autonomous development ability and product design level of the clutch can be improved..Now the production of automotive friction clutch, in the design is according to the categories of models, use, and with the engine matching requirements, manufacturing conditions and standardization, generalization, serialization of a series of requirements, reasonable design of clutch assembly structure obviously is particularly important. This paper mainly studies the structure of the clutch, design ideas and methods, etc.. And has carried on the detailed design and calculations of the main parts of the clutch and the control mechanism, which focuses on the diaphragm spring, torsional vibration damper and friction plate design method, train of thought, theoretical. The structure element analysis, the main parameters, the determination of the part load and the strength calculation method are introduced in detail..The design, can the original clutch design optimization and modification Suggestions, plays a role of reference of the design process in the future. Through this design achieved by improving the original clutch, improve the type of car use, comfort, and improve the efficiency of the car.[Key words] clutch Diaphragm spring Friction slices Operating mechanism┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 前言 (2)1.2 雪佛兰新赛欧1.4L介绍 (2)1.3毕业设计目的 (3)1.4 设计要求 (4)第2章离合器方案的确定 (5)2.1 方案选择 (5)2.1.1从动盘数的选择 (5)2.1.2压紧弹簧和布置形式的选择推式膜片弹簧离合器 (5)2.1.3膜片弹簧的支撑形式选择双支承环形式 (6)2.1.4 扭转减振器 (7)2.1.5膜片弹簧离合器的工作原理 (8)第3章离合器基本参数的确定 (9)3.1 后备系数β (9)3.2 单位压力P0 (10)3.3 离合器摩擦片外径D、内径d和厚度b (10)3.4 摩擦因数f、摩擦面数Z和离合器间隙△t (12)第4章离合器基本参数的优化 (13)4.1 离合器摩擦片外径D(mm) (13)4.2 摩擦片的内、外径比c (13)4.3 后备系数β (13)4.4 摩擦片的内径d (13)4.5单位摩擦面积传递的转矩Tco (13)4.6离合器单位摩擦面积滑磨功 (14)第5章离合器零件的结构选型及设计 (15)5.1 从动盘总成设计 (15)5.1.1 从动盘总成的结构型式的选择 (15)5.1.2 从动片结构型式的选择 (15)5.1.3 从动盘毂的设计 (15)5.2 汽车离合器盖的总成设计 (17)5.2.1 离合器盖设计 (17)5.2.2 压盘设计 (17)5.3离合器分离装置设计 (18)5.3.1 分离轴承和分离套筒 (18)5.4 膜片弹簧的设计 (18)5.4.1 膜片弹簧基本参数的选择 (18)5.4.2膜片弹簧基本参数约束条件的检验 (19)5.4.3 膜片弹簧材料及制造工艺 (20)5.5 扭转减振器 (20)5.5.1 扭转减振器的功用 (20)5.5.2减振器的结构设计 (21)5.6离合器的操纵机构选择 (22)5.6.1对离合器操纵机构的要求 (22)5.6.2离合器操纵机构的型式及确定 (22)第6章离合器输出轴的设计 (24)总结 (25)致谢 (26)参考文献 (27)┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊第1章绪论1.1 前言对于用内燃机来驱动力的汽车,离合器在机械传动系中是作为一个独立的总成而存在的,它是在汽车传动系中直接与发动机相连接的总成。









关键词:汽车配件;离合器;离合器参数;工程要求The Design of Automobile Clutch on SolidWorksAbstractAuthor:Yue Hong-shengTutor:YangliThere are the same as in the auto parts a very important part and that is the clutch. Clutch mounted between the engine and transmission, car from start to moving the entire process, often need to use the clutch. Its role is to make between the engine and transmission can be gradually bonding, so as to ensure a smooth start car; temporarily cut off the link between the engine and transmission in order to shift and reduce the impact of shift time; when the vehicle emergency braking effect when separate role in preventing transmission and other drive system overload, play a certain protective effect. Clutch similar to the switch, junction, or breaking away from the power transmission and, accordingly, any form of vehicle has a clutch device, but the form is different. Today, electronic technology has also entered Ling GIA system.A kind of by the control unit (ECU) controls the clutch has been used in many different types on the coupe.This design mainly through the SolidWorks 3D design software for the various components of the clutch drawing and analysis, a better expression of the clutch links the relationship between the structure and components, so that better analysis and design of the clutch.Keywords: Auto Parts;Clutch;Clutch parameters;3D design目录1前言 (4)2离合器结构方案分析 (5)2.1离合器的作用 (5)2.2离合器的种类 (6)2.3离合器的结构的确定 (8)3 离合器结构与计算 (11)3.1离合器主要参数的选择 (11)3.2离合器零件的设计与计算 (13)3.3标准件参数的确定 (15)4 SolidWorks的离合器设计 (18)4.1离合器零件的绘制 (18)4.2离合器的装配 (19)4.3爆炸图的生成 (21)4.4工程图的生成 (22)结论 (23)致谢 (24)参考文献 (25)1前言当今世界汽车产业发展迅速,汽车配件也随之紧跟。



汽车离合器的检测与维修毕业论文Last revision on 21 December 2020学校代码:12795 密级:内部2016届本科生毕业论文汽车离合器的检测与维修院系:机电工程系专业:汽车服务工程姓名: XXXXXX指导教师: XXXXXX答辩日期:二〇一六年四月毕业论文诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文《汽车离合器的检测与维修》是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。









【关键词】离合器检测维修故障AbstractIn the continuous progress of science, the industry in the sustainable development, the vehicle can be used as a normal use of a serious problem affecting our lives.As an important part of the automobile power system, the clutch is responsible for the transmission and stopping of the vehicle power. The clutch is one of the most important parts in the road condition. So it is necessary to ensure the normal operation of the clutch. By studying the automobile clutch's inspection and maintenance, we can make our car more good. Reduce the occurrence frequency of automobile failure.This paper describes the classification of the clutch and the introduction of various types of models, more profound understanding of the clutch, so that we can better use the clutch. At the same time, the combination of theory and practice, it is more clear to understand the problem of clutch and the solution of the problem.【Keywords】Clutch Detection Maintenance Fault目录一、绪论 (1)离合器的发展现状 (1)离合器的作用 (1)二、汽车离合器工作原理与构造 (3)离合器的工作过程及原理 (3) (3)离合器的分类和构造及特点 (4) (4) (5) (6)三、离合器运用和检测维修 (7)离合器的调整检查 (7)离合器的日常保养 (7)离合器的操作要领 (7)离合器的注意事项 (8)四、离合器的常见故障与实例分析 (9)离合器的常见故障 (9) (9) (9) (10) (10)离合器的故障实例分析 (11)迈腾汽车离合器维修实例 (11) (12)五、结论 (13)参考文献 (14)致谢 (15)一、绪论伴随着中国的车辆产业不断蓬勃迸发,家庭轿车的产量随着时间不断增长,由2001年万辆增加到2012年万辆。




介绍了离合器选型,对单片周置弹簧离合器的主要参数进行了设计计算,并基于Siemens NX软件对其零部件进行三维建模,详细描述了单片周置弹簧离合器的摩擦片和底盖的建模过程,并进行离合器摩擦片总成及压盘盖总成的装配,最后绘制主要零部件的二维工程图。

关键词:汽车离合器,设计计算,三维建模AbstractThis paper describes the QX1040 Light trucks design and calculation of the clutch assembly process. Introduces clutch type selection, choose single friction slices & spiral spring clutch as design object. Designed and calculated the main parameters of the clutch. And three-dimensional modeling of its components based on Siemens NX software.A detailed description the process of building-up friction plate modeling and bottom cap modeling of the clutch. And the assembly of the friction wafer assembly and clutch platen & shell assembly, finally draw the main components of the two-dimensional engineering graphics.Keywords: automobile clutch, design& calculate, three-dimensional modeling目录...................................................................................................................................................... 摘要.. (I)Abstract (II)1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题简介与主要内容 (1)1.2 离合器的发展与国内外现状 (1)2 轻型载重汽车离合器的设计 (7)2.1 离合器的基本结构与工作原理 (7)2.2 离合器的设计要求 (7)2.3 轻型载重汽车离合器的形式选择 (8)2.3.1 典型摩擦式离合器的结构形式 (8)2.3.2 周置螺旋弹簧离合器的优点 (10)2.3.3 轻型载重汽车离合器的方案选择 (11)2.4 轻型载重汽车离合器的基本结构选择 (11)2.4.1 从动盘的选择 (12)2.4.2 压紧弹簧和布置形式的选择 (12)2.4.3 压盘的驱动方式 (12)2.5 单片周置离合器主要参数的设计 (13)2.5.1 单片周置弹簧离合器的主要参数 (13)2.5.2 离合器参数的优化设计 (15)2.6 单片周置弹簧离合器的主要零部件设计 (17)2.6.1 扭转减震器主要参数的设计计算 (17)2.6.2 离合器从动盘毂的设计 (20)2.6.3 离合器盖的总成设计 (21)2.7 轻型载重汽车离合器主要参数汇总表 (24)3 基于Siemens NX的离合器三维建模 (26)3.1 Siemens NX简介 (26)3.2 单片周置弹簧离合器典型零件的建模 (26)3.2.1 离合器摩擦片的三维建模 (26)3.2.2 离合器底盖的三维建模 (30)3.3 离合器摩擦片总成及压盘盖总成的装配 (32)3.4 离合器盘毂的二维工程图 (35)4 结论与展望 (38)致谢 (40)参考文献 (41)附录Ⅰ电子清单 (42)附录Ⅱ图纸清单 (43)1 绪论1.1 课题简介与主要内容对于以内燃机为动力的汽车,离合器在机械传动系中是作为一个独立的总成而存在的,它是汽车传动系中直接与发动机相连接的总成。















目 录摘要 (1)第1章 绪 论 (4)1.1 汽车离合器的研究现状及发展趋势 (4)1.2 离合器的功用 (5)1.3 现代汽车离合器应满足的要求 (6)1.4 离合器工作原理 (7)1.5 设计的预期成果 (7)第2章 离合器的结构设计 (9)2.1 离合器结构选择与论证 (9)2.1.1 摩擦片的选择 (9)2.1.2 压紧弹簧布置形式的选择 (9)2.1.3 压盘的驱动方式 (9)2.1.4 分离杠杆、分离轴承 (10)2.1.5 离合器的散热通风 (10)2.1.6 从动盘总成 (10)2.2 离合器结构设计的要点 (12)2.3 离合器主要零件的设计 (13)2.3.1 从动盘 (13)2.3.2 摩擦片 (13)2.3.3 膜片弹簧 (13)2.4 本章小结 (13)第3章 离合器的设计计算及说明 (14)3.1 离合器设计所需数据 (14)3.2 摩擦片主要参数的选择 (14)3.3 摩擦片基本参数的优化 (16)3.3.1摩擦片铆钉的强度校核 (18)3.4 膜片弹簧的设计 (18)3.4.1 截锥高度H 与厚h 比值h H 和板厚h 的选择 (20)3.4.2自由状态下碟簧部分大端R 、小端r 的选择和rR 比值.......................................................................... 20 3.4.3膜片弹簧起始圆锥底角 的选择 .. (20)3.4.5分离指数目n 的选取 (20)3.4.6 切槽宽度δ1、δ2及半径e r (20)3.4.7膜片弹簧小端内半径0r 确定 (20)3.4.8压盘加载点半径R1和支承环加载点半径r1的确定 (21)3.4.9膜片弹簧工作位置的选择: (21)3.5 膜片弹簧的优化设计 (21)3.6 扭转减振器设计 (22)3.7 减振弹簧的设计 (23)3.7.1.减振弹簧的安装位置 (23)3.7.2.全部减振弹簧总的工作负荷Z P (23)3.7.3.单个减振弹簧的工作负荷P (23)3.7.4.减振弹簧尺寸 (24)3.8从动盘毂 (25)3.9 压盘的确定 (26)3.10 传动片 (28)3.11 分离杠杆装置 (28)3.12 支承环 ........................................................................................................................................................ 29 第四章 PRO/ENGINEE 软件 .. (30)4.1 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0简介 (30)4.1.1计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术及常用CAD 软件 (30)4.1.2 Pro/ENGINEER 的发展历程 (30)4.1.3 Pro/ENGINEER 的主要模块及应用领域 (31)4.1.4 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0的新增功能 (31)4.1.5 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0核心设计思想 (32)结 论 (34)参考文献 (35)致谢 (36)第1章绪论1.1 汽车离合器的研究现状及发展趋势汽车是作为一种交通工具而产生的,但是汽车发展到今天已经不能把它理解为单纯的“行”的手段。



第一章汽车离合器1.1 概述以内燃机作为动力的机械传动汽车中,无论是AMT或MT,离合器都作为一个独立的部件而存在。




1.2 汽车离合器的基本作用离合器是汽车传动系的组成部件之一,在以内燃机为动力的汽车机械传动中,它通常装在发动机飞轮的后端,传动系通过它与发动机相联系,即其主动部分与发动机飞轮连接,从动部分与变速器相连接。





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关键词:离合器;膜片弹簧;摩擦片;操纵机构;设计ABSTRACTVehicle industry in China, compared with other advanced countries in the world is still relatively backward, although many new products, new technologies introduced from abroad, but from a comprehensive grasp core technology still has a long gap. This design is mainly to the current common car auto technology parameters as the basis, carries on the diaphragm spring clutch design. Hope to be able to make their independent development ability and product design of clutch level be improved.Hyundai motor friction clutch according to the category of vehicles in the design, application requirements, and engine matching requirements, manufacturing conditions and the requirements on standardization, generalization and seriation, reasonable design the structure of the clutch assembly is particularly important. This paper studies the clutch of knowledge structure, design idea and method, etc. And main parts of the clutch and its operating mechanism has carried on the detailed design and calculation, which focuses on the design of the diaphragm spring, torsion damper and friction plate method, train of thought and theory. Analysis of structural components, the determination of main parameters and parts load, strength calculation method are detailed introduction.The design, can the original clutch design optimization and modification Suggestions, plays a role of reference of the design process in the future. Through this design achieved by improving the original clutch, improve the type of car use, comfort, and improve the efficiency of the car.Key words:clutch; Diaphragm spring. Friction slices. Operating mechanism; design目录第一章绪论................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 前言 (6)1.2 雪佛兰新赛欧1.4L介绍 (8)1.3课程设计目的 (9)1.4 设计要求 (10)第二章离合器方案的确定 (11)2.1 方案选择 (11)2.1.1从动盘数的选择:单片离合器 (11)2.1.2压紧弹簧和布置形式的选择:推式膜片弹簧离合器 (11)2.1.3膜片弹簧的支撑形式选择:双支承环形式 (12)2.1.4 扭转减振器 (13)2.1.5膜片弹簧离合器的工作原理 (13)第三章离合器基本参数的确定 (14)3.1 后备系数β (14)3.2 单位压力P0 (15)3.3 摩擦片外径D、内径d和厚度b (16)3.4 摩擦因数f、摩擦面数Z和离合器间隙△t (17)第四章离合器基本参数的优化 (18)4.1 摩擦片外径D(mm) (18)4.2 摩擦片的内、外径比c (18)4.3 后备系数β (18)4.4 摩擦片内径d (18)4.5单位摩擦面积传递的转矩Tco (19)4.7离合器单位摩擦面积滑磨功 (19)第五章离合器零件的结构选型及设计 (20)5.1 从动盘总成设计 (20)5.1.1 从动盘总成的结构型式的选择 (20)5.1.2 从动片结构型式的选择 (20)5.1.3 从动盘毂的设计 (20)5.2 离合器盖总成设计 (22)5.2.1 离合器盖设计 (22)5.2.2 压盘设计 (22)5.3离合器分离装置设计 (23)5.3.1 分离轴承和分离套筒 (23)5.4 膜片弹簧的设计 (23)5.4.1 膜片弹簧基本参数的选择 (24)5.4.2膜片弹簧基本参数约束条件的检验 (25)5.4.3 膜片弹簧材料及制造工艺 (26)5.5 扭转减振器 (27)5.5.1 扭转减振器的功用 (27)5.5.2减振器的结构设计 (27)第六章离合器输出轴的设计....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

谢辞 (31)参考资料......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第一章绪论1.1 前言对于内燃机为驱动力的汽车,离合器在机械传动系中是作为一个独立的总成而存在的,它是汽车传动系中直接与发动机相连接的总成。
