第10章 用VBNET访问XML文档







关键词:XML数据库.NET访问XML (ExtensibleMarkupLanguage) 是可扩展标记语言,用于标记电子文件使其具有结构性的标记语言,可以用来标记数据、定义数据类型,是一种允许用户对自己的标记语言进行定义的源语言。

XML 是SGML (StandardGen2eralized Markup Language) 的子集,XML 在1998 年 2 月已被W3C 确认为国际标准, 目前XML已被大量应用于异构系统间的数据交换,数据集成,数据共享,将同一数据以不同的形式表现出来等。

1.XML 的特点XML 语言具有三个显著特点:内容和形式分离、良好的可扩展性、良好的可移植性和良好的描述性。



当只想改变数据的表现形式时,只需修改从XML 文档中分离出的用于数据表现的样式单即可。

如XSL 技术,正是由于XML文件的内容和结构分离,XSL才可以在不影响内容的情况下改变XML文件结构。



XML 允许程序员制定自己的标记集,对于一个行业或一特定群也可以制定在自己范围内的通用标记,使得XML 可以轻松适应每一个领域。



XML具有统一的标准语法,只要交换数据的平台能处理XML 文档,就能处理由XML 标记的各种格式的数据这样就使得XML具有了跨平台跨系统的特性。




下面将介绍一些常用的方法:1. 创建XML文档:可以使用XMLTextWriter类或XDocument类来创建XML文档。

使用XMLTextWriter类:```vbDim writer As New XmlTextWriter("C:\path\to\file.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)writer.WriteStartDocument(True)writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indentedwriter.Indentation = 2writer.WriteStartElement("RootElement")writer.WriteEndElementwriter.WriteEndDocumentwriter.Close```使用XDocument类:```vbDim doc As XDocument = New XDocumentNew XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),New XElement("RootElement")doc.Save("C:\path\to\file.xml")```2. 读取XML文档:可以使用XmlDocument类、XmlReader类或XDocument类来读取XML文档。

使用XmlDocument类:```vbDim doc As New XmlDocumentdoc.Load("C:\path\to\file.xml")Dim root As XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("RootElement")```使用XmlReader类:```vbDim reader As XmlReader =XmlReader.Create("C:\path\to\file.xml")While reader.ReadIf reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element AndAlso = "RootElement" Then'处理根元素End IfEnd Whilereader.Close```使用XDocument类:```vbDim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("C:\path\to\file.xml") Dim root As XElement = doc.Element("RootElement")```使用XmlDocument类:```vbDim doc As New XmlDocumentdoc.Load("C:\path\to\file.xml")Dim root As XmlNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("RootElement")Dim childElement As XmlElement =doc.CreateElement("ChildElement")Dim attribute As XmlAttribute =doc.CreateAttribute("AttributeName")attribute.Value = "AttributeValue"childElement.Attributes.Append(attribute)root.AppendChild(childElement)doc.Save("C:\path\to\file.xml")```使用XmlReader类:```vbDim reader As XmlReader =XmlReader.Create("C:\path\to\file.xml")While reader.ReadIf reader.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element AndAlso = "RootElement" ThenDim childElement As XmlWriter =reader.CreateElement("ChildElement")writer.WriteAttributeString("AttributeName", "AttributeValue")writer.WriteEndElementEnd IfEnd Whilereader.Close```使用XDocument类:```vbDim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("C:\path\to\file.xml") doc.Root.Add(New XElement("ChildElement", NewXAttribute("AttributeName", "AttributeValue")))doc.Save("C:\path\to\file.xml")```以上是操作XML数据的一些基本方法,可以根据需求进行扩展。

vb.net xml 转义方法

vb.net xml 转义方法


在处理XML 数据时,转义是一个非常重要的问题。






下面是五个特殊字符在XML中的实体引用:1. 转义为 amp;2. < 转义为 lt;3. > 转义为 gt;4. " 转义为 quot;5. ' 转义为 apos;二、在中进行XML转义在中进行XML转义非常简单。

可以使用System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape方法来对字符串进行XML 转义。


示例代码如下所示:```Dim originalString As String = "This is a lt;testgt; string with quot;specialquot; characters"Dim escapedString As String =System.Security.SecurityElement.Escape(originalString) Console.WriteLine(escapedString)```运行以上代码,会得到如下输出:```textThis is a amp;lt;testamp;gt; string withamp;quot;specialamp;quot; characters```从输出结果可以看出,原始字符串中的特殊字符已经被成功转义为对应的实体引用。

第10章VB NET数据库访问技术

第10章VB NET数据库访问技术

2.常用方法 (1)Close 该方法关闭与数据库的连接,这时关闭任何打开连接的首 选方法,例如关闭Conn对象的连接:Conn.Close( ) (2)Open 该方法打开OleDbConnection对象使用ConnectionString属 性所指定的打开数据库连接,例如:Conn.Open( ) (3)CreateCommand 该方法创建并返回一个与该Connection关联的Command对 象。 (4)Dispose 该方法释放ponent使用的所 有资源。 (5)ChangeDatabase 该方法为打开的Connection更改当前数据库。

DataSet是离线数据访问模型中的 核心对象,它设计的目的主要是为了实现独 立于任何数据源的访问。它其实就是一个存 放在内存中的数据暂存区,这些数据必须通 过DataAdapter对象与数据库做数据交换。 在DataSet内部允许同时存放一个或多个不同 的数据表对象。可以说DataSet的作用就像内 存中的数据库管理系统,离线时,它也能独 自完成数据的新建、修改、删除和查询等操 作,而不必一直局限在和数据库联机时才能 做数据维护的工作。
1. OleDbCommand常用属性 (1)CommandText
该属性获取或设置一个指示如何解释CommandText属性, 可取值如下: CommandType.StoredProcedure,指定存储过程 CommandType.TableDirect,指定表 CommandType.Text,指定文本SQL命令 例如指定SQL文本命令操作数据源: Mycmd. CommandType = CommandType.Text



读写XML配置⽂件XML配置⽂件代替INI()Imports System.DataPublic Class CLSReadXMLPrivate servername As String'服务器名Private Dbname As String'数据库名称Private Uid As String'数据库⽤户名Private pwd As String'数据库密码Private DSXml As New DataSetPrivate Xpath As String'Xml⽂件路径Sub New(ByVal str As String)Xpath = str'获得xml⽂件存储路径End Sub#Region "属性⽤于写⼊和得到xml⽂件内容的属性"Public Property Getserver()GetReturn servernameEnd GetSet(ByVal Value)servername = ValueEnd SetEnd PropertyPublic Property Getdbname()GetReturn DbnameEnd GetSet(ByVal Value)Dbname = ValueEnd SetEnd PropertyPublic Property Getpwd()GetReturn pwdEnd GetSet(ByVal Value)pwd = ValueEnd SetEnd PropertyPublic Property GetdUid()GetReturn UidEnd GetSet(ByVal Value)Uid = ValueEnd SetEnd Property#End Region#Region "⽅法读写xml⽂件的⽅法当xml⽂件不存在时⾃动创建⼀xml⽂件"'读取xml⽂件内容Public Function ReadXml() As BooleanTryDSXml.ReadXml(Xpath)servername = DSXml.Tables(0).Rows(0)("server")Dbname = DSXml.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("Dbname")Uid = DSXml.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("uid")pwd = DSXml.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("pwd")Return TrueCatch ex As ExceptionThrow exReturn FalseEnd TryEnd Function'如果xml⽂件不存在的时候创建⼀xml⽂件Public Function WriteXml() As BooleanDim DT As New DataTableTryDSXml.Tables.Clear()DSXml.Clear()'给定table列框架DT.Columns.Add("server", GetType(String))Dt.Columns.Add("DBname", GetType(String))Dt.Columns.Add("uid", GetType(String))Dt.Columns.Add("pwd", GetType(String))Dim DR As DataRowDR = Dt.NewRowDR.Item("server") = servername DR.Item("DBname") = Dbname DR.Item("uid") = UidDR.Item("pwd") = pwdDt.Rows.Add(DR)DSXml.Tables.Add(Dt)DSXml.AcceptChanges()DSXml.WriteXml(Xpath)Return TrueCatch ex As ExceptionThrow exReturn FalseEnd TryEnd Function#End RegionEnd Class。



读取写入XML文件Public Class CSysXMLDim mXmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocumentPublic XmlFile As StringPublic Sub New(ByVal File As String)MyClass.XmlFile = FileMyClass.mXmlDoc.Load(MyClass.XmlFile) '加载配置文件End Sub'功能:取得元素值'参数:node--节点 element--元素名'返回:元素值字符型' $--表示出错误Public Function GetElement(ByVal node As String, ByVal element As String) As StringOn Error GoTo ErrDim mXmlNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = mXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//" + node)'读数据Dim xmlNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = mXmlNode.SelectSingleNode(element)Return xmlNode.InnerText.T oStringErr:Return "$"End Function''功能:保存元素值'参数:node--节点名称 element--元素名 val--值'返回:True--保存成功 False--保存失败Public Function SaveElement(ByVal node As String, ByValelement As String, ByVal val As String) As BooleanOn Error GoTo errDim mXmlNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = mXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//" + node)Dim xmlNodeNew As System.Xml.XmlNodexmlNodeNew = mXmlNode.SelectSingleNode(element)xmlNodeNew.InnerText = valmXmlDoc.Save(MyClass.XmlFile)Return Trueerr:Return FalseEnd FunctionEnd Class例如:XML:程序调用:Public Class Form1Dim xml As New CSysXML("IP.xml")Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim str As String = xml.GetElement("IP", "num")TextBox1.Text = strEnd SubEnd Class。



2. 数据交换和数据整合,这是XML最激动人心的应用。
3. 媒体无关的数据发布
4. 智能代理和本地计算
5. 精确搜索
6. 文件保值
概述:这篇文章为计划将他们的应用程序更新到Visual 的微软Visual Basic 开发用户提供一些关于XML的建议。主要包括Visual Basic 6和Visual 对XML操作的不同之处,以及Visual 关于这方面新增工具的应用。 概述:这篇文章为计划将他们的应用程序更新到Visual 的微软Visual Basic 开发用户提供一些关于XML的建议。主要包括Visual Basic 6和Visual 对XML操作的不同之处,以及Visual 关于这方面新增工具的应用。
1. 设计标记语言,如CML,MathML, WML等。
<web type=”Homepage”></web>



与XML的实例操作再建⽴项⽬的⽂件夹的bin⽂件夹下 '创建两个⽂件 '⼀个是"myxml.xml" '⼀个是"myxml.mdb" '这⾥⾯有⼀个表"users"三个字段名"nameid","age","faverity" '再转到图形界⾯ '单击"⼯具箱"的"数据"把"OleDbConnection"," OleDbComman","DataSet","OleDbDataAdapter" '拉⼊窗体界⾯ '依次对这⼏个控件进⾏操作 '我的⽂件夹是D:\vbproject\WindowsApplication1 'D:\vbproject\WindowsApplication1/bin/myxml.xml 'D:\vbproject\WindowsApplication1/bin/myxml.mdb //======================准备结束============== (1)⾸先在机⼦上要有.Net FrameWork 打开依次展开:⽂件-新建-项⽬; 再选择VISUAL-BASIC-项⽬-Windows应⽤程序 这就是所需要⼀个⼩界⾯ 现在⼀步步的来写代码,完成它的功能 ⾸先来完成添加功能: 我们⽬标是:通过这三个⽂本框(姓名,年龄,爱好)来添加到数据库中。

然后再把这个数据库的表保存成XML格式 双击"添加"按钮 在⾥⾯写下以下这些代:(VB写的语⾔,不是C#) If TextBox1.Text <> "" And TextBox2.Text <> "" And TextBox3.Text <> "" Then '在三个⽂本框都不为空时,执⾏以下操作, '否则出错 Dim strsel As String strsel = "select * from users where nameid='" & TextBox1.Text & "'" '建⽴⼀个查询字符串,看要要添加的姓名,是否已在数据中存在,如果不存在就可以添加 OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = strsel Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = OleDbConnection1 OleDbConnection1.Open() Try '进⾏异常处理 Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader() If reader.Read() Then '通过DataReader来读取,如果读得到,表明数据在有这个姓名存在,不添加; ListBox1.Items.Add("已经有该记录!") Else reader.Close() '要对数据库进⾏操作,⾸先把DataReader关掉; Dim insert As String insert = "insert into users(nameid,age,faverity) values('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "')" '建⽴⼀个插⼊字符串 OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = insert Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = Me.OleDbConnection1 Me.OleDbCommand1.ExecuteNonQuery() ListBox1.Items.Add("添加成功!!") '以下是把数据库的数据保存为XML格式 DataSet1 = New DataSet OleDbDataAdapter1 = New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from users", OleDbConnection1) OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet1, "users") DataSet1.WriteXml("myxml.xml") End If Catch ex As Exception ListBox1.Items.Add("Errors!") End Try OleDbConnection1.Close() Else MessageBox.Show("请输⼊完整!!") End If //==================接下来是对数据库进⾏查询=================== '双击"查找"按钮 '写⼊以下代码 If TextBox4.Text <> "" Then '还是和上⾯⼀样如果⽂本框为空,就不执⾏,如果不为空,就执⾏下⾯的操作 ListBox1.Items.Clear() '⾸先把listBox清空 Dim searchtext As String searchtext = TextBox4.Text OleDbConnection1.Open() Dim selstring As String selstring = "select * from users where nameid like '%" & searchtext & "%'" ' 建⽴查询字符串,可以⽀持模糊查询 OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = selstring Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = OleDbConnection1 '以下⼏句是显⽰匹配的条数 DataSet1 = New DataSet OleDbDataAdapter1 = New OleDbDataAdapter(selstring, OleDbConnection1) OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet1, "users") ListBox1.Items.Add("共有" & DataSet1.Tables("users").Rows.Count & "条匹配的记录") ListBox1.Items.Add("-------------------------------------------------------------") Try '进⾏异常处理 Dim cmdreader As OleDbDataReader = OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader() While cmdreader.Read '注意这⾥要⽤while '不然就⽆法进⾏循环,就只能进⾏⼀次查询 ListBox1.Items.Add(cmdreader("nameid").ToString()) ListBox1.Items.Add(cmdreader("age").ToString()) ListBox1.Items.Add(cmdreader("faverity").ToString()) ListBox1.Items.Add("----------------------------------") End While cmdreader.Close() OleDbConnection1.Close() Catch ex As Exception ListBox1.Items.Add("Errors") End Try Else End If //================再把来XML⽂档,以XML形式显⽰在ListBox⾥⾯ 双击"XML⽂档" 写进下⾯这些代码: ListBox1.Items.Clear() ' 清空listBox Dim xtr As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader("myxml.xml") '创建成⼀个XmlTextReader读取"myxml.xml"⽂档 While xtr.Read Select Case (xtr.NodeType) ' 咱们⽤select case 形式来选择xml节点类型 Case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration '先从ListBox⾥写进xml声明=====xmldeclaration ListBox1.Items.Add("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='gb2312'?>") '再依次显⽰节点的名称,值 '包括根节点 Case XmlNodeType.Element ListBox1.Items.Add("<" & & ">") Case XmlNodeType.Text ListBox1.Items.Add(xtr.Value) Case XmlNodeType.EndElement ListBox1.Items.Add("</" & & ">") End Select End While xtr.Close() '关闭xmlTextReader //========再把数据库中所有数据显⽰在ListBox中======== '双击"查看全部"按钮 '写⼊下⾯的⼀些代码: ListBox1.Items.Clear() '这些代码⼤家应该可以看得懂了 OleDbConnection1.Open() Dim selall As String selall = "select * from users" OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = selall Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = OleDbConnection1 Try Dim creader As OleDbDataReader = OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader() While creader.Read ListBox1.Items.Add("name: " & creader("nameid").ToString() & "; age :" & creader("age").ToString() & "; faverity :" & creader("faverity").ToString()) End While creader.Close() Catch ex As Exception ListBox1.Items.Add("Errors") End Try OleDbConnection1.Close() //==========================再来进完成删除按钮================= '双击"删除"按钮 '写⼊以下的代码 If TextBox4.Text <> "" Then '如果不为空,进⾏以下操作 ListBox1.Items.Clear() '先清空ListBox OleDbConnection1.Open() ' 建⽴连接 Dim delstring As String delstring = TextBox4.Text Dim delsel As String delsel = "select * from users where nameid='" & delstring & "'" '创建查询字符串 OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = delsel Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = OleDbConnection1 Try Dim selreader As OleDbDataReader = OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader() If Not selreader.Read Then '假如读不到,就表明数据库⽆此数据,⽆法进⾏删除操作 MessageBox.Show("数据库中⽆该记录!") Else selreader.Close() '要对数据进⾏操作,必须⾸把DataReader关掉 Dim delrecord As String delrecord = "delete * from users where nameid='" & delstring & "'" '建⽴删除字符串sql语句,以上都是 OleDbCommand1 = New OleDbCommand mandText = delrecord Me.OleDbCommand1.Connection = OleDbConnection1 Me.OleDbCommand1.ExecuteNonQuery() MessageBox.Show("删除成功!!") '再把进⾏删除操作的数据库,再次把数据库中数据保存成XML⽂档 DataSet1 = New DataSet OleDbDataAdapter1 = New OleDbDataAdapter("select * from users", OleDbConnection1) OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(DataSet1, "users") DataSet1.WriteXml("myxml.xml") End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) Finally OleDbConnection1.Close() End Try Else MessageBox.Show("请输⼊你想删除的记录!") End If //======================= 重设按钮===== TextBox1.Text = "" TextBox2.Text = "" TextBox3.Text = "" ListBox1.Items.Clear() //============================关闭=============== me.Close() '好了这个⼩软件完成了,有问题的话留⾔ '本程序在.net framework 2003创建 '已经进⾏过测试,完全可以运⾏。



.Net读取配置⽂件xml直接解析XML⽂件在直接读取⽂件的时候由于⼿动getAttribute很⿇烦,⽽且容易出错,attribute可以参考log4net的⽅式,全部做成宏定义:使⽤.Net提供的的⽅式(ConfigurationManager类,⽀持.Net Core 2)特别说明:using System.Configuration 之后可能还要⼿动勾选,如下图:使⽤.Net 提供的⽅法读取有时候会很⽅便,可以直接将配置信息填写在app.config ⽂件中例如下⾯的配置⽂件读取的时候:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration><startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" /></startup><appSettings><add key="name" value="kun"/><add key="name2" value="kun"/></appSettings><connectionStrings><add name="WingtipToys" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=WingtipToys;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False" /> </connectionStrings></configuration>static void ReadAllSettings(){try{var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;if (appSettings.Count == 0){Console.WriteLine("AppSettings is empty.");}else{foreach (var key in appSettings.AllKeys.Where((key) => key == "name")){Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, appSettings[key]);}}}catch (ConfigurationErrorsException){Console.WriteLine("Error reading app settings");}}static void ReadSetting(string key){try{var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;string result = appSettings[key] ?? "Not Found";Console.WriteLine(result);}catch (ConfigurationErrorsException){Console.WriteLine("Error reading app settings");}}读取数据库连接信息也可以只⽤⼀句代码:var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WingtipToys"].ConnectionString;对于这种简单key/Value⽅式的配置,使⽤ConfigurationManager类还是很⽅便的。



读写XML配置文件2009-04-08 16:58在WinCE中不能使用相对路径,必须获得配置文件的绝对路径WinCE中不支持System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()Dim curDir As StringcurDir =System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecuti ngAssembly().GetName().CodeBase)Dim strFileName As String = curDir + "\config.xml"Dim fileInfo As New IO.FileInfo(strFileName)Dim xmlReader As System.Xml.XmlDocumentxmlReader = New Xml.XmlDocumentDim nodeList As Xml.XmlNodeListIf Not fileInfo.Exists ThenMessageBox.Show(strFileName + " does not exist") ElsexmlReader.Load(strFileName)nodeList =xmlReader.GetElementsByTagName("SystemName")MessageBox.Show(nodeList(0).Attributes(0).Valu e.ToString)End If---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim strFileName As String = "\Config.xml"Dim strFileFullPath As String =Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + strFileNameDim strFile As FileInfo = New FileInfo(strFileFullPath)If strFile.Exists ThenConsole.WriteLine(strFileName + " Exists !") ElseConsole.WriteLine(strFileName + " Not Exists !") End IfDim xmlReader As Xml.XmlDocument = New Xml.XmlDocumentxmlReader.Load(strFileFullPath)Dim root As Xml.XmlNode = xmlReader.DocumentElementConsole.WriteLine(" Root = " + )Console.WriteLine(" Root ChildNotes is {0:D}",root.ChildNodes(1).Attributes(0).Value)root.ChildNodes(1).Attributes(0).Value = "123456789"xmlReader.Save(strFileFullPath)配置文件config.xml和程序放在同一个目录下,具体数据如下:<DMConfig><TSServer value="abcdefg" /><SystemName value="444444444444444" /><LogsPath value="2222222222222222" /><USBStickName value="33333333333333" /><USBSleepTimer value="25" /><IntroFilePath value="fffffffffffffff" /><AppFilePath value="ddddddddddddddd" /></DMConfig>。



VB和中的XML操作(5)3. 数据集的InferXmlSchema方法根据传递给它的XML数据的结构派生出数据集架构。



Dim newDS As New System.Data.DataSet()Dim nsStr()As stringnewDS.InferXmlSchema("dataOnly.xml",nsStr))Me.daCategories.Fill(newDS.Tables("Categories"))Me.daProducts.Fill(newDS.Tables(Products"))newDS.Relations.Add("CategoriesProducts", _newDS.Tables("Categories").Columns("CategoryID"), _newDS.Tables("Products").Columns("CategoryID"))前两行代码声明了数据集和String数组变量,第3行将结果传递到InferXmlSchema方法中。




Me.dsMaster1.WriteXmlSchema("testSchema.xsd")Messagebox.Show("Finished","WriteXmlSchema")5. 与ReadXml类似,数据集的WriteXml方法也可将XML数据或可选的数据集架构信息写到指定输出中。



使⽤.NET读取XML⽂件1. 介绍本⽂中我将介绍在应⽤程序中如何读取XML⽂件,这是⼀个⼗分有⽤的技巧。













代码列表private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(Server.MapPath("mycompany.xml"));reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.None;XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();//将⽂件加载到XmlDocument对象中xmlDoc.Load(reader);//关闭连接reader.Close();//向listbox中添加代表⽂档的元素lbNodes.Items.Add("XML Document");//查找根节点,并将它及它的⼦节点⼀同添加到listbox中XmlNode xnod = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;AddWithChildren(xnod,1);}private void AddWithChildren(XmlNode xnod, Int32 intLevel){//将节点及它的⼦节点⼀同添加到listbox中//intLevel 控制缩进的深度XmlNode xnodWorking;String strIndent = new string('' '',2 * intLevel);//如果节点有值,读取它的值string strValue = (string) xnod.Value;if(strValue != null){strValue = " : " + strValue;}//将节点的详细信息添加到ListBox中lbNodes.Items.Add(strIndent + + strValue); //如果是元素节点,获取它的属性if (xnod.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element){XmlNamedNodeMap mapAttributes = xnod.Attributes;//将节点属性添加到ListBox中foreach(XmlNode xnodAttribute in mapAttributes){lbNodes.Items.Add(strIndent + " " + + " : " + xnodAttribute.Value);}//如果还有⼦节点,就递归地调⽤这个程序if(xnod.HasChildNodes){xnodWorking = xnod.FirstChild;while (xnodWorking != null){AddWithChildren(xnodWorking, intLevel +1); xnodWorking = xnodWorking.NextSibling;}}}}}。










5.使用XmlDocument对象的SelectSingleNode方法,可以获取xml 文件中指定标签下的第一个节点。


7.使用XmlDocument对象的WriteXml方法,可以将数据写入到xml 文件中。



vbnet读取xml 的方法可以用于从xml文件中获取数据,并将其转换为可读的数据结构。





使用XmlDocument 对象的SelectNodes方法,可以获取xml文件中指定标签下的所有节点。




Public Class Form1Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System. EventArgs) Handles Button2.ClickDim path As String = "d:\cong.XML"'写入XML失败,则先初始化,后写入If WriteXML(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, path) = False ThenResetXML(path)WriteXML(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, path)End IfEnd SubEnd ClassImports System.XmlModule Module1Public Function WriteXML(ByVal nameStr As String, ByVal valueStr As String, ByVal path As String) As BooleanTryDim doc As New XmlDocumentDim RootNode As XmlElementDim mBound, i As IntegerDim isExit As Boolean = Falsedoc.Load(path)'循环体遍历子节点RootNode = doc.DocumentElementmBound = RootNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1For i = 0 To mBoundIf RootNode.ChildNodes(i).Name = nameStr ThenRootNode.ChildNodes(i).InnerText = valueStrisExit = TrueExit ForEnd IfNext'如果修改失败,则创建节点If isExit = False ThenDim xn As XmlNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Ele ment, nameStr, "")RootNode.AppendChild(xn)xn.InnerText = valueStrEnd Ifdoc.Save(path)Return TrueCatch ex As ExceptionReturn False '如果XML文件遭到破坏,则返回False End TryEnd FunctionPublic Function GetXML(ByVal nameStr As String, ByVal faultStr As String, ByVal path As String) As String'节点或XML不存在都会返回faultStrTryDim valueStr As String = faultStrDim xtr As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(path)While xtr.ReadIf = nameStr ThenvalueStr = xtr.ReadStringExit WhileEnd IfEnd Whilextr.Close()Return valueStrCatch ex As ExceptionReturn faultStrEnd TryEnd FunctionPublic Function ResetXML(ByVal path As String) As BooleanTryDim xmlInit As StringxmlInit = "<?xml version=" & Chr(34) & "1.0" & Chr(34) & " encoding=" & Chr(34) & "gb2312" & Chr(34) & "?>" & vbCrLf _& "<config>" & vbCrLf _& "</config>"puter.FileSystem.WriteAllText(path, xmlInit, False, S ystem.Text.Encoding.Default)Return TrueCatch ex As ExceptionReturn FalseEnd TryEnd FunctionEnd Module<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?><config><hostsq>698</hostsq><hosts>258</hosts><price>369</price></config>。

利用vb操作xml数据(Using VB to operate XML data)

利用vb操作xml数据(Using VB to operate XML data)

利用vb操作xml数据(Using VB to operate XML data)What is XML?The extensible markup language XML is a simple data storage language, using a series of simple tags to describe data, and these markers can be used to establish a convenient way, although the XML space to occupy more space than the binary data, but XML is extremely simple and easy to master and use.XML and Access, Oracle and SQL Server database, the database provides the data storage and analysis capabilities, more powerful such as data indexing, sorting, searching, consistency, XML is only the display of data. In fact, the biggest difference between XML and other forms of data is that he is extremely simple. This is a look a little petty advantages, but it is in this respect that XML out of the ordinary.Simple XML to make it easy to read and write data in any application, the XML soon became the only common language of data exchange, although different applications also support other data exchange format, but soon they will support XML, it means that the program can be more easily with Windows, Mac OS Linux, and other platforms combined with the information, and then can easily load XML data into the program and his analysis, and XML format output results.Advantages of XMLWe talked about XML longer than the exchange of data between different applications, the XML file is to facilitate the construction of a small database, not long ago, the use of INIfile storage software configuration information, user preferences and other information, then Microsoft introduced the system registry, then Microsoft told we should not use the INI file, since then Visual Basic of the INI file support weakened. Unfortunately, the registry has several fatal drawbacks: it is not a simple text file to read and write, may become large and slow, if the registry is somehow there is a problem, it may cause system crashes.The configuration information in the XML file to avoid these problems, even the XML file can be set to a file sharing in different computer users can share data, which is incomparable to the registry.In the that is called the next generation ASP, you can use XML directly in the WEB page. You can bind data directly and automatically display using the data bound controls.Of course, you can not choose XML, the use of text files, registry, database, you can complete the task XML can complete, XML is just another tool you store and restore data.A brief introduction to XML grammarThe XML syntax is very simple, XML document consists of nodes, the use of open and close nodes in the format and description tags, HTML tags are very similar, the biggest difference between them is free to define the tag name XML. For example, the following tag describes a telephone number:< Phone > 987-654-3210 < /Phone >But no statement can use the tag name.The start and end tags must be the same, and the XML is case sensitive, so the markup must be the same. For example, in the above example, the beginning of < Phone > mark must end with < /Phone > mark, but not < /phone > or < /PHONE >Node tags can contain attributes, such as the Phone node in the code below contains the attribute Type, whose value is WorkFax:< Phone Type= "WorkFax" > 987-654-3210 < Phone >If you do not want to contain a value in the node, then do not need to mark the end, with a slash in the back to mark the beginning of the end node, in the following example, the Number attribute of the Phone tag is stored in a telephone number, there is no need for an end tag:< Phone Type= "WorkFax" Number= "987-654-3210" / >The structure of a XML document is a tree hierarchy. The document must have a unique root node,The root node contains all the other nodes. Let's give you a more complete example:< Addresses >< Entry Type= "Personal" >< FirstName > Andy < /FirstName >< LastName > Fickle < /LastName >< Street > 1234 Programmer Place < /Street >< City > Bugsville < /City >< State > CO < /State >< Zip > 82379 < /Zip >< Phone Type= "Home" > 354-493-9489 < /Phone >< /Entry >< Entry Type= "Work" >< FirstName > Betty < /FirstName >< LastName > Masterson < /LastName >< Phone Type= "Work" > 937-878-4958 < /Phone >< Phone Type= "WorkFax" > 937-878-4900 < /Phone > < /Entry >...< /Addresses >Note that similar nodes do not need to contain the same information, such as the first Entry node contains address information and home telephone number, the second Entry node contains the Work and WorkFax phone number, but does not include the first Entry node contains information.XML toolsAs in the previous example, the XML syntax is you can make a XML parser in a very short time so simple that, fortunately you do not have to do so, because the XML tool can be run on various platforms, including the Visual Basic Windows can be installed.It is these L tools, not the XML itself, that make XML more powerful and complex. Different parsers allow you to load the entire XML document at any point or just load a node. On the contrary, XML Writer can create an XML document and a node at the same time.The DOM parser enables us to easily load, copy, sort, modify, and store XML files, traverse the nodes to obtain names or attributes, and sort the results. Although their functions are not really relational, databases are powerful, but these features of DOM are still very useful.XSD defines the format of XML documents, and the XSL extended style sheet defines how to convert XML documents into other file formats that can be browsed in WEB browsers, such as HTML files.These tools are actually more complex than XML itself, so allof the books explaining XML have taken a lot of space to explain these XML tools. But this is beyond the scope of this article, interested readers can refer to the relevant information.Visual provides a complete tool for using XML, XSL, and other XML tools. But without waiting for , Microsoft XML core services (MSXML) version 4 provides tools to load and store XML documents from Visual Basic6.0.Download the latest version of MSXML in/xml/default.asp and install it on the computer. In Visual Basic 6 Microsoft XML V4.0 used as references to other objects, first select the reference menu item in the Project menu, select Microsoft V4.0, click OK, after the completion of all you can now add the XML object in the VB application.Class DOMDocumentThe document object model (DOM) uses a series of corresponding objects to describe the hierarchical state of the XML document, and the DOMDocument class is a MSXML class that describes the DOM structure of the XML document.The DOMDocument class provides only a few useful properties and methods. The Load method loads a XML file, and the loadxml method adds the string as the XML data to the object. For example, the following code adds a small XML file to a document called xml_document.Dim xml_document As New DOMDocumentXml_document.loadXML _“<人>”vbcrlf和_“<FirstName>杆</名>”vbcrlf和_“<姓>斯蒂芬斯</姓>”vbcrlf和_“</人>”属性返回文档的DOMDocument的XML XML描述,可以显示这些返回值看看这些文档究竟是什么样子,也可以将它存储为一个文件,但这完全不必要,因为DOMDocument对象的救方法已经自动将他们存储了。



创建、修改、读取XML的方法''' <summary>''' 创建XML文件''' </summary>''' <param name="xmlFileName">要创建的XML文件名</param>''' <remarks></remarks>Private Sub createXML(ByVal xmlFileName As String)TryDim writer As New Xml.XmlTextWriter(Application.StartupPa th & "" & xmlFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"))'使用自动缩进便于阅读writer.Formatting = Xml.Formatting.Indentedwriter.WriteRaw("<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>")'书写根元素()writer.WriteStartElement("Config")'添加次级元素writer.WriteStartElement("DatabaseSetting")'添加子元素()writer.WriteElementString("DataSource", Me.cmbHostName. SelectedItem.ToString.Trim)'为Datasource添加一个属性为value,值为test 的属性'writer.WriteAttributeString("value","test")writer.WriteElementString("InitialCatalog", Me.cmbDatabase Name.SelectedItem.ToString.Trim)writer.WriteElementString("UserID", Me.txtUserName.T ext.Tri m)writer.WriteElementString("Password", Me.txtPassword.T ext. Trim)'关闭次级元素DatabaseSettingwriter.WriteEndElement()'添加次级元素StationSettingwriter.WriteStartElement("StationSetting")'添加子元素writer.WriteElementString("StoreID", Me.cmbStoreID.Selecte dItem.ToString.Trim)writer.WriteElementString("StationID", Me.cmbStationID.Sel ectedItem.ToString.Trim)'关闭次级元素StationSettingwriter.WriteEndElement()'关闭根元素writer.WriteFullEndElement()'将XML写入文件并关闭writerwriter.Close()Catch ex As ExceptionMsgBox(ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace)End TryEnd Sub''' <summary>''' 修改XML''' </summary>''' <param name="xmlFileName">要修改的XML文件名</param>''' <param name="rootName">XML文件中的根元素名称</param>''' <param name="elementNameArry">要修改的元素数组</param>''' <param name="innerTextArry">对应于要修改的元素数组的修改文本数组</param>''' <remarks></remarks>Public Sub modifXML(ByVal xmlFileName As String, ByVal ro otName As String, ByVal elementNameArry() As String, ByVal in nerTextArry() As String)If puter.FileSystem.FileExists(Application.StartupPat h.Trim & "" & xmlFileName) ThenDim doc As New Xml.XmlDocumentdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath.Trim & "" & xmlFileName) Dim list As Xml.XmlNodeList = doc.SelectSingleNode(rootN ame).ChildNodesFor Each xn As Xml.XmlNode In listDim xe As Xml.XmlElementxe = xnDim nls As Xml.XmlNodeList = xe.ChildNodesFor Each xn1 As Xml.XmlNode In nlsDim xe2 As Xml.XmlElementxe2 = xn1For i As Integer = 0 To elementNameArry.Length - 1If = elementNameArry(i) Thenxe2.InnerText = innerTextArry(i)End IfNextNextNextdoc.Save(Application.StartupPath.Trim & "" & xmlFileName) End IfEnd Sub''' <summary>''' 读取XML文件''' </summary>''' <param name="xmlFileName">要读取的XML文件名</param>''' <remarks></remarks>Private Sub readXMl(ByVal xmlFileName As String)TryIf puter.FileSystem.FileExists(Application.StartupPat h & "" & xmlFileName) ThenDim doc As New Xml.XmlDocumentdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath.Trim & "" & xmlFileName) Dim re As Xml.XmlNodeReader = New Xml.XmlNodeReader (doc)Dim tmpStr As String = ""Dim name As StringWhile re.ReadSelect Case re.NodeTypeCase Xml.XmlNodeType.Elementname = Case Xml.XmlNodeType.TextIf name.Equals("DataSource") ThentmpStr = tmpStr & "Data Source=" & re.ValueEnd IfIf name.Equals("InitialCatalog") ThentmpStr = tmpStr & ";Initial Catalog=" & re.ValueEnd IfIf name.Equals("UserID") ThentmpStr = tmpStr & ";User ID=" & re.ValueEnd IfIf name.Equals("Password") ThentmpStr = tmpStr & ";Password=" & re.Value End IfEnd SelectEnd WhileEnd IfCatch ex As ExceptionMsgBox(ex.Message & vbCrLf & ex.StackTrace) End TryEnd Sub。



VBA处理XML文件VBA实例教程除非注明,文章均为战战如疯原创,转载请保留链接: /cat4/522.html,VBA交流群273624828。



现在我手上有一个名为Rawdata.xml的XML文件,现在我想要把该文件中所有的数据都取到Excel中,直接看代码Private Sub OpenXml1()Dim objDOM, n, nodes As Object, ns,i, jSet objDOM =CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")objDOM.Load (ThisWorkbook.Path &"\Rawdata.xml")objDOM.async = FalseSet ns =objDOM.SelectNodes("//extraction") '取节点extraction,即行Set n =objDOM.SelectSingleNode("//extraction")'取单个Extraction,其长度即列For i = 1 To ns.LengthFor j = 1 To n.ChildNodes.LengthCells(i, j) = ns.Item(i - 1).ChildNodes(j- 1).TextNextNextDebug.Print n.ChildNodes.LengthDebug.Print ns.LengthDebug.Print ns.Item(0).T extSet objDOM = NothingEnd Sub代码稍微解释一下,先建立一个DOM对象,然后用Load方法将XML文件内容载入。




在这些文件被添加到当前项目中后,它们会被放到项目中的Resources 目录下,通过适当的方法,我们就可以在程序中访问这些文件,本文旨在介绍如何访问这些资源。



假如现在有一程序,其主界面的背景是一张很漂亮的风景图片,而它正是通过Image.FromFile("这张图片的相对路径") 来获取的,那么,如果用户不小心或者故意将这张图片从硬盘中删掉。


而将这些文件添加到项目中,则会被编译到项目的输出文件中( exe文件或 dll文件),这样就完全杜绝了上述隐患。

第二个好处是,它可以减少程序的 IO 的访问。

在文件被编译进程序的情况下,在程序启动时,这些资料就会同时被载入到内存中,这样,就减少了对 IO 的操作。




访问项目内资源在 中访问项目内资源是十分方便的,这是因为有 My 命名空间的存在。

使用 My.Resources.资源名即可访问,如:'b_71FE6A8F3E197492是一张图片文件的资源名称Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.b_71FE6A8F3E197492访问项目外资源为了减少项目输出文件的体积,可以将资源文件与代码独立出来,即,将项目使用的资源文件编译到另外一个项目。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Dim Conn As SqlConnection Dim selectCMD As SqlCommand SqlConnection=New SqlConnection(connString) SqlCommand=New SqlCommand("SELECT BookISBN,BookName,Price,Qty FROM Book where Qty<5 and ProviderID='Jh2007'", Conn) Dim BookDA As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter BookDA.SelectCommand = selectCMD Conn.Open() Dim BookDS As DataSet = New DataSet BookDA.Fill(BookDS, "book") BookDS.WriteXml("books.xml")
第三单元 数据集与XML文档

数据集实际上是以XML形式表示的一种数据关 系视图。 因此,数据集DataSet类有用于读写XML的方法,使用 DataSet 对象的 ReadXml 方法,可以用XML中的数据填 充 DataSet,使用 DataSet 对象的 WriteXml 方法,可以 DataSet中有数据写入XML文档中。
第10章 用访问XML文档
第一单元 XML文 档

可扩展标记语言(XML) 提供一组描述结构化数据的规范, XML文档就是遵守XML规范的文本格式文档,由多对标记 及标记内容构成,包含有以下项目:

XML声明 注释 元素 子元素 属性


<Book> <BookISBN>7-302-03367-9</BookISBN> <BookName>网络程序设计大全</BookName> <Publishor>清华大学出版社</Publishor> <Price>68.00</Price> <Qty>5</Qty> </Book>
第二单元 使用DOM访问XML文档

文档对象模型 (DOM) 类是XML文档的在内存中表示形式。 通过程序访问和操作XML文档是DOM 的主要功能,DOM 使我们能够以编程方式读取、导航和修改XML文档。 DOM是由XML文件中不同的项组成,是一个树形结构。 DOM装载XML文档的过程,就是把XML文档装载入内存, XML解析器解析出各标记内容,生成节点,组成DOM树 的过程。