IMDS 培训教材 ppt课件
全球范围内的环保法规对汽车制造过程中的材料使用、回收和处理提出了严格 要求。IMDS有助于企业遵守这些法规,如欧盟的ELV指令、RoHS指令等。
汽车行业普遍采用的材料数据交换标准,如AECMA(欧洲汽车制造商协会)和 AIAG(美国汽车工业行动集团)的相关标准,要求在供应链中实施IMDS。
IMDS(International Material Data System)是一个国际 性的材料数据系统,用于在供应链中收集和交换关于汽车零 部件和材料的信息。
IMDS提供了一个统一的平台,使得汽车制造商、供应商和原 材料生产商能够更有效地管理和共享材料数据,以确保符合 环保和法规要求,同时优化产品设计和制造过程。
介绍协同工作平台的登录方式、用户名和 密码的设置与找回等。
详细阐述协同工作平台各功能模块的作用 和使用方法,包括订单管理、库存管理、 质量管理、物流管理、财务管理等。
通过实例演示协同工作平台的操作流程, 包括订单的创建、审批、执行和关闭等环 节。
将审核结果通知供应商,告知是否通过审核以及后续操作 指南。
采用国际通用的EDI(电子数据 交换)格式,确保数据的准确性
明确数据字段的定义、长度、类 型等,确保数据的规范性和可读
采用加密技术对敏感数据进行保 护,确保数据传输的安全性。
允许用户自定义查询条件和数据展示方式,提供 更加灵活的数据分析体验。设计时应注重用户友 好性和易用性。
第四部分 基础
屏幕指南 树型结构 & 零件定义 基本功能
1. 请到 网页. 选择 [访问系统]
2. 选择“登录”以 进入系统
3. 输入用户名和密码 4. 然后点击 “登陆”.
: 如果你公司还没有用户名和账号请参考注册流程进行注册
审核 保存
创建: 创建材料数据表或组件单元 查找: 搜索自己公司的/公开发布的/已被接受的供应 商的材料数据表或组件单元 分析: 分析材料数据表是否符合要求 已发送的: 已发送给客户的材料数据表 已接收的: 供应商递交的材料数据表 跟踪: 跟踪有问题的材料数据表 材料数据表的请求 管理:客户管理员可使用此菜单管理用户等 短讯: 内有客户/供应商递交材料的通知 准则: 对于使用该系统的要求及建议 设置: 系统的设置 退出: 退出系统 新短讯:如果有新信息的话, 该项目会显示
“ 在线注册完成” ,注册完成后
客户管理员的邮箱也将会收到一封 确认注册的. 邮件中包含登陆系统
在客户管理员的帐户中请找出从 () 寄出的. 其 中的 “ ” 将会把您带到以上的网页. 请按 ””接受注册.
当您按下””后, 您的用户名和初始密 码将会产生.用户名和初始密码是在 网页登陆时所需要的(着过网页只 能出现一次,所以请将用户名和密 码记录下来),初始的密码必须在 第一次登陆时更改
部件 次级零件:部件
材料 基本物质
• 部件
பைடு நூலகம்
• 半成部件
• 材料
TrainingEDS Electronic Data SystemsEDS Operations Services GmbHEisenstraße 56D-65428 Rüsselsheim/Aim:The aim of this document is to inform the users about the functionality of the International Material Data System (IMDS) and to show the related security concepts. Particularly, the underlying data protection of the Material Data Sheet (MDS) and its confidential use are explained. Typical examples and processes are shown as well as the use of the various functions and features of the system. After reviewing the information contained here, the user should better understand the commands of the IMDS and be able to efficiently use them.For further questions not answered in this manual, please, have a look at the Public Pages of our Internet page:•Under FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) you might find answers to your specific problem, that is not explicitly mentioned here as the FAQ section is regularly up-dated.•Under News you find information about changes in a new IMDS release.•Under Training you can register for classroom training or online training.•The technical requirements for using the IMDS are to be found underPublic pages Æ System Æ System requirements.V 5.0e070301Contents1.IMDS – GENERAL INTRODUCTION (5)2.SECURITY (5)2.1.P HYSICAL S ECURITY (5)2.2.O PERATING S YSTEM S ECURITY (5)2.3.D ATABASE S ECURITY (6)2.4.N ETWORK S ECURITY (6)2.4.1.Firewall Security (6)2.4.2.Data Transfer (6)2.4.3.Web Server (6)2.5.A PPLICATION S ECURITY (6)3.IMDS - GETTING STARTED (8)3.1.B ASIC R EQUIREMENTS (8)3.2.O NLINE R EGISTRATION PROCEDURE (8)3.3.W AYS TO USE THE S YSTEM (12)3.4.S YSTEM ACCESS (12)erID /Password Forgotten (15)3.4.2.Main Menu (16)3.4.3.Working Area (16)3.4.4.Taskbar (17)4.IMDS – CREATE (18)4.1.R ECOMMENDATIONS (18)4.2.B ASIC SUBSTANCES IN IMDS (18)4.3.M ENU OPTION “C REATE” (19)4.3.1.Creating a Material Data Sheet (MDS) (20)4.3.2.Ingredients (21)4.3.3.Recyclate Information (32)4.3.4.Supplier Data (36)4.3.5.Recipient Data (36)4.3.6.Special processes creating a material MDS (40)5.MAKING THE MDS PRODUCTIVE (INTERNAL/SEND/PROPOSE/PUBLISH) (42)5.1.D ATA T RANSFER FROM S UPPLIER TO R ECIPIENT (42)5.2.MDS C ONFIDENTIALITY (42)5.3.MDS R EQUEST (43)5.4.MDS D ATA H ANDLING (46)5.5.A CTIONS (46)5.5.1.Internal (46)5.5.2.Send (46)5.5.3.Propose (46)5.5.4.Publish (46)5.5.5.Forward (47)5.6.T HE CHECK PROCEDURE (47)6.THE WINDOW “SENT” (50)6.1.P REVIEW -T HE M ATERIAL D ATA S HEET AND THE MDS R EPORT (51)7.IMDS – RECEIVE/ACCEPT/REJECT (53)7.1.T HE W INDOW “R ECEIVED” (53)7.2.R EJECT AN MDS (54)7.3.MDS F OLLOW U P (55)8.OTHER ACTIONS (56)8.1.S EARCH (56)8.1.1.Copying MDSs (57)8.1.2.Delete MDSs (58)8.1.3.Deletion of a recipient (58)8.1.4.Copying an MDS with a logically deleted reference or confidential substances (59)8.2.C REATING A M ODULE -T HE "C ONSTRUCTION K IT“S YSTEM (59)8.3.C OPY AND P ASTE (59)9.IMDS - ANALYSIS (60)9.1.D ETAILED MDS-A NALYSIS (60)9.1.1.Material (61)9.1.2.Classification (61)9.1.3.Basic Substances (61)9.2.C ERTIFICATE OF E XPENDITURE (61)9.2.1.Rule-Based Selection (62)9.2.2.Non-standard Selection (62)9.2.3.Specific Substance Certificate of Expenditure (63)9.2.4.Substance List Certificate of Expenditure (64)9.2.5.Classification Certificate of Expenditure (66)9.2.6.MDS/Module Certificate of Expenditure (66)9.2.7.GADSL Classification Certificate of Expenditure (67)10.IMDS - ADMINISTRATION (69)10.1.S ETTINGS (69)10.2.MDS S TATISTICS (69)10.3.C REATE AND A SSIGN O RGANISATION U NITS TO THE C OMPANY (70)10.4.A SSIGN U SERS TO O RGANISATION U NITS (71)10.5.A SSIGN MDS S TO O RGANISATION U NITS (72)10.6.R EPORT O RGANISATION U NITS WITHOUT U SERS –O RG.-U NIT R EPORT (72)10.7.C REATE AND U PDATE U SERS (73)10.8.C REATE AND U PDATE C ONTACT P ERSONS (75)11.DAIMLERCHRYSLER - EXTENSIONS (76)12.FORD MOTOR COMPANY EXTENSIONS (76)12.1.C ERTIFICATION (76)12.2.F ORD-SPECIFIC PART NUMBERS (77)13.GENERAL MOTORS - EXTENSIONS (78)14.MAZDA – EXTENSIONS (78)15.RENAULT - EXTENSIONS (78)16.TOYOTA - EXTENSIONS (80)17.IMDS – ADD-ON SERVICES (82)17.1.P ROJECT S UPPORT (82)17.2.ICM2 (82)17.3.IMDS-A2 (83)17.4.A DVANCED I NTERFACE (IMDS-AI) (83)17.5.SAP I NTERFACE (83)18.IMDS – TIPS & TRICKS (84)19.GLOSSARY (86)EFUL INFORMATION (90)1. IMDS – General introductionBy the year 2015, whoever wants to re-use 95% of a vehicle in accordance with the requirements, must already understand exactly how his product is put together.In the future, every supplier of a product, because of national and international environmental legislation (for example the EU Directive on End-of life vehicles, hazardous material legislation etc.) may be responsible for the product for its entire life (operations, use, removal, disposal etc.). In addition to this, the suppliers will have to provide information about the material used in the product in order to deconstruct the commonly used materials, provide input for scientific analysis of the composition, in addition to classifying levels of danger related to the material. This requires a detailed knowledge about the composition of the materials used.The German Automobile Industry Association ("Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA)") decided to include the initial sample report for a product as a file entitled “Composition of Purchased Parts”. This list is in accordance with the VDA-Handbook “Quality Management in the Automobile Industry” Volume 2, “Quality Assurance” and is called “Material Data Sheet (MDS)".In a joint venture project, the companies Audi, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Ford Motor Company, Opel, Porsche, Volvo, VW and EDS formed the team “Material Data Sheet EDI” (EDI = Electronic Data Interchange) based on using Information Technology (IT) to collect the required MDS data from a supplier.The concept was realised with the internet-based International Material Data System (IMDS) with a central database maintained by EDS that allows the Automobile manufacturers and parts suppliers to standardise the process and to enable efficient data collection. (This concept supports just-in-time data collection.) Over the years, the original team has expanded to include almost all automobile manufacturers.2. SecurityOne of the car manufacturers’ basic requirements is the ability to view and analyse all data of a material data sheet (MDS) sent to them. It is important that a maximum amount of information is displayed and, at the same time, provide the required data security. The data needs to be available in an on-line system as well as for the “data download” interface to off-line systems. In order to protect the material data sheet from unauthorized access, data access is limited within the system and the system itself is protected from unauthorized infiltration.The following paragraphs describe the system’s protection from external tampering and the mechanisms within the application which guarantee authorised data access only.2.1. Physical SecurityIMDS computers are kept in the EDS’s own Service Management Centre (SMC). The EDS SMC ensures the servers’ physical safety and provides the appropriate infrastructure (network availability, protection against system failure, etc.). Only authorised persons (operating and system administrators) have access to these machines, making physical manipulation or impairment of the operating system extremely difficult and unlikely.2.2. Operating System SecurityThe IMDS system uses the Unix operating system. Only EDS administrators are allowed to access at an operating system level. EDS standard procedures guarantee protection against external attempts to gain access to the system.2.3. Database SecurityThe IMDS system uses an Oracle database. Access to this database is only allowed to system and database administrators. All persons are subject to data secrecy as per §5 BDSG (German Data Privacy Act).2.4. Network SecurityNetwork security needs to be considered at three levels: Firewall security, Data transfer and Web Server.2.4.1. Firewall SecurityA firewall is a system or a group of systems controlling access between two networks. The firewall uses two mechanisms: one for rejecting data and another for enabling the data flow. Firewalls shield internal, non-public networks from public networks and, at the same time, serve as filters for authorised communication. In this case, the firewall also acts as the first buffer between possible infiltrators and the IMDS system data requiring protection. All access to the IMDS system is logged and can be analysed. The actual application servers are located in a “demilitarised zone”1 (DMZ) and are protected by the firewall. Communication between the firewall and the IMDS components is defined precisely.2.4.2. Data TransferThe IMDS system is accessible via the Internet and protected from unauthorized entry by a firewall. The firewall configuration ensures that only authorised users are able to access the IMDS application via a browser. The system uses the HTTPS and FTP protocols. Safe transmission of data over the Internet can only be guaranteed when the data is appropriately encrypted. At this point the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Protocol comes into play. SSL ensures that no one is able to read the data (encrypting) and that any data change is noticed (using a hash code). Finally, the server’s specific identity is also secured.2.4.3. Web ServerThe selected ‘Bea WebLogic Server’ provides another means of protecting customer data. The protective features are employed in conjunction with the EJB architecture (Enterprise Java Beans) that is implemented in the application.As a rule, access to IMDS data is only allowed for authorized users or users who have special rights within a certain application. Authentication via user ID/password allows access to specific web areas depending on the user or application profile in question.Furthermore, the server provides encoding support in form of an SSL protocol.2.5. Application SecurityThe supplier companies in IMDS have to register their users with EDS. The users get passwords which expire every 90 days or after a password reset.New passwords must be different from the previous one and contain between 6 and 10 characters (capital and lower cases) including at least one digit (special characters such as ampersand (&), spaces, etc. are not allowed).All these measures guarantee that only registered users can access IMDS.1 A “demilitarised zone” is a part of the network belonging neither to the internal network nor being directly a part of the Internet. Typically, this is the area between the Internet access routers. The access routers are assigned an access check list, which enables only those external LAN services recognised and managed by the system to be accessed via the Internet (blocking of TCP ports not required by the system).IMDS application security is ensured with the aid of a dedicated user authorisation concept. Only users with a specific profile are allowed to execute certain actions in the application.Client ManagersClient managers do not have to be data entry users – they support the user management process – creating user IDs and contact persons, and requesting password changes. Client managers are customer representatives and are listed by name. Changes to the client managers are considered contractual issues and are therefore not discussed here. Client managers have e.g. the profile for creating Organisational units and assigning users to them.It is recommended that each IMDS company have a minimum of two (2) Client Managers for backup purposes. It is the responsibility of the Client Managers to maintain the accuracy of the User and Contact Person email and phone contact information.IMDS UsersThe IMDS users must be designated by the client manager. The IMDS user creates and sends, proposes, or publishes material data sheets. The IMDS users do not have access to administration tasks although each user has the capability to update their phone and email on their ID.Read-Only UsersThis profile can be given to special users by the client manager. With this profile the user can view, but not change, datasheets created by their own company, view published data, and view datasheets received and accepted by their company. Additionally each user has the capability to update the phone and email information on their ID.Public UsersThe public users do not need to be set up explicitly and have no system rights. They can only view the public areas of the IMDS site. They can not access the actual IMDS.3. IMDS - Getting started3.1. Basic RequirementsFor accessing the IMDS you need an internet connection and a browser. Please use one of the browser versions supported by EDS (you find these versions on the IMDS Public pages, Æ Public pages Æ System Æ System requirements) e.g. the Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0, or Netscape Navigator Version 7.1 or higher. It is highly recommended that you not use a pop-up blocker. If using Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), a popup blocker is automatically installed and this must be disabled before using IMDS. Additionally, if using XP SP2, you must allow script initiated windows under security settings. If using Internet Explorer, you may have problems if the Privacy setting is set higher than Medium or all ActiveX controls are disabled.In the internet options of the browser, please, enable Java Scripting. If this is not correctly set up, you will not be able to continue actions in the application. Follow the prompts to complete the process. To avoid errors, please, do not use the browser specified keys, for example “back”.Note: To ensure maximum security it is necessary to exactly follow the directions in the security section of the International Material Data Systems’ homepage.3.2. Online Registration procedureNote: Only client managers should register their company and create a user account for themselves. In the actual IMDS application users and other client managers can be registered by the client manager.The future client manager of the company to be registered can register on-line his/her company at our homepage Public Pages Æ System. At this time, there are over 50,000 companies registered. Please do not register your company a second time as it only causes confusion. To check if someone in your company has registered, please contact your local IMDS Service Centre PRIOR to attempting online registration. Even if you are sure no one has registered, please contact the Service Center. IMDS has been in existence since 2001 and the probability is high that someone in your company has registered.On the following page you get all information about the on-line registration procedure.By clicking the “Next” button you get the screen where you can fill in all the data necessary for on-line registration.The user can enter the company data and at least one contact person. The contact person data will be copied into the respective fields for the client manager (if blank). Automatically a check is carried out which does not allow similar company names or similar domain names because double registration of the same company is neither wanted nor necessary. It is recommended that the person registering the company be one of the client managers if they will be entering data. After registration, an email will be sent to the client manager to complete the registration and give a URL to the ID. Contact persons and Users are contained on two separate lists. A contact person does not necessarily have an ID.Note: Please make sure, that the email address field is filled with the correct address, because this is the account where the confirmation mail is sent to.By clicking “Next” again you get the screen for checking if your entries are correct. The entries are confirmed with “Register”.Then you get a confirmation screen.The application generates an email to the client managers email address. This mail will contain a URL where he/she can see his/her user ID and password in a secure environment.Note: sometimes email applications will insert a carriage return instead of wrapping the URL. If your URL doesn’t work, there will probably be a few random characters on the line below the URL. These are part of the key. Copy both lines into an application where you can remove the paragraph mark between them to create a longer URL and click on it.Accessing this URL you get the possibility of accepting or cancelling the registration with IMDS.Note: You have two weeks time for accessing the URL sent to you. If the URL has not been visited for two weeks the entries for your company will automatically be deleted.ANDThe page with your User ID and your password will be displayed only ONCE for security reasons – please note User ID and password for accessing the IMDS – at your initial log-on you have to change the password.As a client manager you are now allowed to- create users for (only) your own company- change users within your company- carry out password changes for your users- create contact persons for your own company- change contact persons for your companyWhen a user is created, a password is generated and a mail is sent to the Client Manager containing a URL, where the new user’s access data can be seen.Note: it is the responsibility of each company’s client managers to maintain the accuracy of the user and contact person data. For system security, no one should be using another user’s ID and the helpdesk will not reset passwords unless the contact information on the ID, including user name, matches with the requestor information.3.3. Ways to use the SystemThere are two ways to use the system:The standard method uses the browser to create and process MDSs and all actions take place online.The alternative method includes extended functions and allows the user to communicate with the system outside of the browser interface. This method is currently reserved for companies who pay a fee.3.4. System accessTo use the IMDS test system, direct the browser to the URL . Then click the button “System Login”. The system may also be accessed through the link on the Public Pages, Public Pages ÆSystem and then click on the “System Access” link at the bottom of the window.The start window will appear.If you select the Log-on button you get the actual Log-on screen:After registration (see 4.2 Online Registration procedure) the users get initial passwords which have to be changed at first log-on. After a password is changed it expires every 90 days or after a password reset by the service centre.The new password must be different to the previous one and contain between 6 and 10 characters (capital and lower cases) including at least one digit (special characters like ampersand (&) etc. are not allowed). Both IDs and passwords are case sensitive.If you enter your IMDS user name and password, you then access the actual IMDS. Here you can chose the language of the application (German, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, or Korean) and change your password.If this is your first login, you need to accept the IMDS Terms of Use before you can gain access to the system. If you have a popup blocker, you will have problems viewing this page. Click Yes after reading the Terms of Use to proceed. If all you see is logoff and you do not see the Terms of Use then you either have a popup blocker installed or your privacy settings are set too high. Please review section 3.1 Basic Requirements.The window you get after your Log-on is the starting page of the IMDS.The browser-window consists of 3 parts: the Taskbar in the upper part, the Main menu in the left part and the(actualWorkingareamenuMain3.4.1. UserID /Password ForgottenEvery user can request sending his/her own User-ID(s) to him/her in the login screen. If the password was forgotten a new one can be requested. This new password is sent to the email address associated with the ID in the system. Therefore, it is extremely important to always have the up-to-date email address available in the IMDS.3.4.2. Main MenuThe Main Menu presents all options that your user profile has access to. This menu is inter-active which means the cursor highlights the chosen menu options. Upon clicking an option, the results will be displayed in the working area.3.4.3. Working AreaThis is the area where all the input and commands are executed. After choosing your category, the working area will display the fields and you can continue with your input. Commands can be clicked on with your mouse or use the keyboard. The meaning and use of the main menu options will be further explained in chapter TaskbarThe taskbar appears on top of the screen. The symbols (icons) have the following meaning:Save Saves changes to an MDS.You also find Save buttons in the working area CheckPerformsa checkfor thedataentered.After thedatainput foran MDSiscompletethis isautomati-callystartedPreviewDisplaystheinforma-tion forprinting.ViewOpenstheselecteditem forviewing.Nochangescan bemade onthedisplayeditem.EditChangescan becarriedout fortheselectedor currentitem.AnalysisAn MDScan beanalysedaccordingto differentparameters.An analysisof 2+ MDSsis possibleaccordingto a set ofparameters.CopyCopiesa datasheetor apart ofthedatasheetinto thecache.PasteRelea-ses thecachedcon-tentsinto thecurrentscreenorloca-tion.PrintPrintsthecurrentresults,e.g.analysisor thepreview.HelpContainstheReleaseNotes ofthecurrentRelease,the Usermanualand a linkfromwhich thenetworkperfor-mancecan betested.At any particular time, only the commands displayed in Orange are active (applicable in the active option).4. IMDS – Create4.1. RecommendationsFor creating MDSs the IMDS Steering Committee has published several recommendations. In these recommendations, the guidelines for MDSs in different categories are defined. You can find the recommendations under Recommendations in the left navigation menu.Note: recommendations are frequently added and updated so it’s a good idea to check here every time you login.4.2. Basic substances in IMDSCurrently, IMDS contains more than 7,200 active and more than 250 deactivated basic substances. Besides the common information, the basic substance contains the GADSL-flags “duty-to-declare” and “prohibited”. All substances with either of the flags form the GADSL basic substance list. Other groups of substances can be defined with the basic substance list.In Release 4.0 it will be distinguished between declarable and prohibited substances with the following color differences in the MDS chapter 1 - ingredients:•substances which are marked declarable (D) will appear in blue in the product structure tree,•substances which are declarable (D) and prohibited (P) or only prohibited (P) will continue to appear in red.A basic substance can have the following characteristics:- active- deleted/deactivated- hiddenA deactivated substance leads to a warning message in the check procedure when used in an MDS. In a copy of a material the deactivated substances are removed. Additionally, they can’t be maintained any more. It is not possible to update them, although there might be reasons to do this (for old references).Furthermore, it is possible to hide a substance, so it can’t be used (inserted in a MDS) any more, but without leading to a warning message and without being removed when a copy is created. A substance can be hidden, when the usage of the substance is valid but it should not be used in future.With Release 4.0, the user can use substance groups to specify a more customized search for basic substances. A new search screen will replace the BSC document. In this screen the user can search for hidden, deleted or active basic substances.In this screen, a time period can be specified to look up changes in this period. The result list will contain information on the changes, categorized like the following:•Details (name, synonym, CAS no., etc.)• GADSL•status (active, hidden, deleted)The detailed description by clicking on any of the listed substances does show a history for this basic substance. However, there has to be a remark that the history only goes back to when it was introduced, i.e. Release 2.2 (December 2004).4.3. Menu option “Create”By clicking on “Create” you get a screen for choosing the type of MDS. There you can choose between a component, a semi-component and a material.In the main menu you can then chose between two sub-menus:1. MDS2. Module (see 8.2 Creating a Module - The "Construction Kit“ System)4.3.1. Creating a Material Data Sheet (MDS)Each type of MDS (for a component, semi-component or a material) is characterised by the same tree structure - the top level node of the structure tree equals the identity of the selected MDS type. Furthermore, the MDS types have a hierarchy and follow a parent/child structure. Components may have other components, semi-components, and materials as children.. Semi-Components may only have other semi-components and materials as children. Materials may only have other materials or basic substances as children.Components, Semi-Components, and MaterialsThe starting point for creating an entry is the material(s). Materials can either be entered by a user, an IMDS entry revceived from a user's supplier via send/propose (and accepted by someone in the user's company), or selected from the published materials list (we strongly suggest selecting only those published by the user's supplier and/or the manufacturer of the material or published by one of the IMDS – Committee companies). All materials are made of basic substances. The sum of the basic substance percentages must = 100. We strongly recommend not using an MSDS sheet to create a material. Firstly, the substances on an MSDS sheet do not total 100%. Additionally, if the person creating the MSDS sheet may not list all GADSL declarable/reportable substances.If what the user needs to create in IMDS is physically used in whole on a single assembly and the weight remains constant (no trimming) then it should be represented by a component.Otherwise, if what the user needs to create physically comes in a length or in a container and only part of it is used on an assembly - it should be represented by a semi-component.After choosing one of the three types, the following structure will appear in the main menu on the left-hand side:1. IngredientsInformation2. RecyclateData3. SupplierData4. RecipientThese represent the four “chapters” of an MDS. Each will be explained in the following sections. Generating an MDS automatically starts with the first chapter “Ingredients”.。
点击“recd”可查看数据表单被拒绝 的原因,另外还可以查看数据表在 “接收状态信息”栏“查看”
Exercise 1 Which component contains Hexavalent Chrome? 哪个部件含有六价铬?
GMIR Suppler Portal GMIR 供应商入口
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汇总信息 (IMDS)
OEM纪录 tier 1 OEM 和向下级传达培训 Tier 1 记录 tier 2 和向下级传达需求 Tier 1 Tier 2 记录 tier 3 零件数据 和向下级传达需求 Tier 2
GADSL Global Automotive Declarable Substance List 全球汽车物质申报清单
GADSL is available at:
What is IMDS?
点击“查看”以浏览数据表 NOTE: 请善加利用“拷贝”功能
点击“拷贝”可对数据表进行复制 新版本:标识符不变,只是版本发生变化,即更新版本 拷贝:标识符发生变化,相当于产生了全新的数据表
查找已提交给一定客户的数据表 追踪已提交数据表的状态
• • • • • Material Classification 材料分类 Materials Symbols 材料代号(仅供塑料件) Std. Mat. No°标准材料号(仅供金属件) Adding Basic Substances 增加基础物质 Flagging substances as confidential 标记保密基本物质 • Using Wildcards 使用通配符 • Quality Checking 质量检查
7.对公司及客户经理等信息进行确认,如无误,点击“注册”,进入下面的界 面
12.下面开始使用以上帐号输入表单。首先也需键入,进入公共网页,点击公共网页, 进入下一个页面
16. 输入新密码,点击“修改”,进入下一个界面
。2021年1月10日星期日下午7时40分41秒19:40:4121.1.10 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2021年1月下午7时40分21.1.1019:40January 10, 2021 16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2021年1月10日星期日7时40分41秒19:40:4110 January 2021 17、一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。下午7时40分41秒下午7时40分19:40:4121.1.10
• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other fam ous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
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提高了手机的质感和耐用性,满足了消费者需求 。
某电脑制造商需要选择一种高效散热、轻质的散 热片材料。
列举在数据录入、编辑和提交过程中 可能遇到的常见问题,并提供相应的 解决方案和技巧。
介绍如何在IMDS中对已录入的数据 进行编辑和修改,包括修改数据内容 、添加新数据和删除无用数据等。
阐述IMDS中的数据提交流程,包括 提交前的数据检查、选择提交目标和 确认提交等步骤。
按照数据来源和性质,材料数据 可分为实验数据、计算数据、文 献数据和标准数据等。
材料数据编码应遵循唯一性、可扩展 性、易读性和稳定性等原则,确保数 据的准确识别和信息交换。
常见的材料数据编码方法包括数字编 码、字母编码和混合编码等,具体选 择应根据实际情况和需求进行。
通过IMDS,企业可以更有效地管理和交流有关汽车零部件的材料组成、物质含 量和合规性信息,以确保产品符合全球各地的法规和标准要求。
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IMDS起源于欧洲汽车工业协会(ACEA)的一个项目,旨在 创建一个统一的数据库来管理汽车材料数据。
随着全球汽车市场的不断扩大和法规要求的日益严格, IMDS逐渐发展成为一个国际性的标准系统,吸引了越来越 多的汽车制造商和供应商加入。
IMDS国际材料数据系统培训 PPT课件
2020/1/9 2
2020/1/9 3
2020/1/9 4
2020/1/9 5
2020/1/9 6
2020/1/9 7
2020/1/9 8
输部件名称 零件号 部件重量
2020/1/9 19
输部件重量 输部件数量
2020/1/9 20
2020/1/9 21
2020/1/9 22
选择材料代 号
2020/1/9 23
点击此处进 行内部审核
2020/1/9 30
完成后点击 此处
2020/1/9 31
点击添加客 户信息
2020/1/9 32
Chrysler ID 点击查找
2020/1/9 33
2020/1/9 34
显示已增加 的客户信息
2020/1/9 24
重复建部件 重复选材料
2020/1/9 25
完成所有部 件和材料
2020/1/9 26
2020/1/9 27
IMDS培训资料(ppt 57页)
10. 资料已被储存, 数据表的树 型结构中已加入了 “Test Component”
11. 如要加基础部件 “subcomponent” 在结构内, 请按树 型结构中的 “Test Component”, 然后选择 “Add Component” 加入部件.
福特为何会使用 IMDS
福特从1998年起就开始和IMDS合作. 我们主动参与了这项产品的开发. 现在IMDS以被美 国, 欧洲和亚洲大量的OEM厂家运用. 这项系统将给我们和供应商带来不少的方便和利益. 以下是几个例子:
- IMDS 以被各个工业厂商和供应商认定为原料数据标准 - 7500 以上的供应商现已注册 - 供应商只需使用IMDS一个系统便可向多个厂商提供零件资料 - 只使用一个中心系统可使供应商减低成本 - 我们公司本身的数据库可以接收IMDS的资料结构,以便改善其功能 - IMDS 可以帮助符合全国和欧洲 (such as the European End-of-Life Vehicles Directive
如果我们利用IMDS和它所拥有的资料, 便可以清楚的查讯和找到产品的每一个 物质, 也可以确保我们公司符合现在和以 后的法律检验.
如何使用 IMDS
IMDS 的资料输入程序并不困难. 供应商只需要按照以下的步骤就可以了:
- IMDS的注册 - 收集资料 - 输入资料 - 建立原材料数据表 - 向福特传送资料 - 跟进资料是否被接受 - 更新零件资料
IMDS 供应商训练
• 请把这个演说改为幻灯片的格式. (Slide Mode)
• 在每页左下角的 目录
Байду номын сангаас
xiexie! 38、我这个人走得很慢,但是我从不后退。——亚伯拉罕·林肯
11、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。—— 希腊
12、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。在每件事上,她都不徇私情。—— 托马斯
13、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事 情。——弗劳德
14、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。——爱略特 15、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。——伯克
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) 电子数据系统 Mandatory Part of the PPAP Process for OEMs. OEM的PPAP流程中的强制性的部分
IMDS 培训教材
• 车辆的再循环利用. • 顾客的 舒适 和 安全. • 职业健康和安全. • 环境保护.
审核 保存
IMDS 培训教材 创建: 创建材料数据表或组件单元
查找: 搜索自己公司的/公开发布的/已被接受的供应 商的材料数据表或组件单元 分析: 分析材料数据表是否符合要求 已发送的: 已发送给客户的材料数据表 已接收的: 供应商递交的材料数据表 跟踪: 跟踪有问题的材料数据表 材料数据表的请求 管理:客户管理员可使用此菜单管理用户等 短讯: 内有客户/供应商递交材料的通知 准则: IMDS对于使用该系统的要求及建议 设置: IMDS系统的设置 退出: 退出IMDS系统 新短讯:如果有新信息的话, 该项目会显示
IMDS 培训教材
在公共网页中点击 “系统”, 链接 会 带
领你来到此界面. 接下来, 点击 “在线注册” 链接进行注
IMDS 培训教材
确认您的企业没有在IMDS中注册 过,以免重复注册
IMDS 培训教材
填入所有有关公司的信息, 客户经理和联系人信息, 请注意确保邮箱地址正确. 点击 “Next“ 按钮继续进
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培Байду номын сангаас教材
YFJC内部零件 由YFJC各部件工厂制造组装
树形结构信息 (总成) 零件名称 零件号 材料 质量
树形结构信息(总成) OEM 零件号 OEM 图纸号
OEM 图纸版本 供应商代码
IMDS 系统的网址: 在“IMDS公共网页”中可进行注册
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
查找: 搜索自己公司的/公开发布的/ 已被接受的材料数据表或组件单元
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
点击“查看”以浏览数据表 NOTE: 请善加利用“拷贝”功能
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
部件 次级零件:部件 “Sub-Components”
材料 基本物质
• 部件
IMDS 培训教材
• 半成部件
• 材料
IMDS 培训教材
• 基本物质
IMDS 培训教材
1 Search 搜索查询 2 View 察看 3 Analyse 分析 4 Sent 已发送的 5 Received 已接收的 6 Recommendation 准则
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
车辆 BOM
零部件 材料 成分
国际材料数据系统 (IMDS)
Material Data
Sheet 材料数据报告
全球材料综合报告 (GMIR)
统一的 车辆材料
GMIR Suppler Portal
GMIR 供应商入口
零件现状报告 (供应商提供)
OEM 部件数据
OEM 记录 tier 1 向下传达培训
Tier 1
Tier 1 向所有下级供 应商获取数据
并且输入进 IMDS
Tier 2
Tier 3
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 系统 创建
状态: nsen: 还未被浏览 prec: 正被接受者处理 acpt: 已被批准的 recd: 已被拒绝的
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 屏幕指南 IMDS 树型结构 & 零件定义 IMDS 基本功能
1. 请到 网页. 选择 [访问系统]
2. 选择“登录” 以进入系统
3. 输入用户名和密码 4. 然后点击 “登陆”.
NOTE: 如果你公司还没有用户名和账号请参考注册流程进行注册
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
GADSL Global Automotive Declarable Substance
List 全球汽车物质申报清单
GADSL is available at:
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS International Materials Data System
IMDS 培训教材
国际材料数据系统的介绍 IMDS
IMDS 培训教材
OEM 部件数据
OEM纪录 tier 1
和向下级传达培训 Tier 1 记录 tier 2 和向下级传达需求
Tier 1
Tier 2 记录 tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 3
IMDS 培训教材
包含登陆系统的用户名与账号获取 链接
在客户管理员的EMAIL帐户中请找出从 (imds-boarding@) 寄出的EMAIL. 其中的 “ACTIVATION LINK” 将会把您带到 以上的网页. 请按”ACCEPT”接受注册.
当您按下”ACCEPT”后, 您的用户名 和初始密码将会产生.用户名和初始 密码是在网页登陆时所需要的(着 过网页只能出现一次,所以请将用 户名和密码记录下来),初始的密 码必须在第一次登陆时更改
确定注册的网页将会出现. 请仔细检阅所有资 料. 如需要修改任何资料, 请按”BACK/返回” 回上一页. 确定所有资料都正确后, 请按注册
“Online Registration Completed/在线注册完成” ,注 册完成后 客户管理员的邮箱也将会
收到一封确认注册的email. 邮件中
IMDS 培训教材
IMDS 培训教材
点击“拷贝”可对数据表进行复制 新版本:标识符不变,只是版本发生变化,即更新版本
IMDS 培训教材
查找已提交给一定客户的数据表 追踪已提交数据表的状态
IMDS 培训教材
点击“recd”可查看数据表单被拒绝 的原因,另外还可以查看数据表在 “接收状态信息”栏“查看”