Public key based uniform access framework in 3G systems
The operation formerly known as MOUNT
NFS: Its applications and future - LISA '04
NFS Version 4 is secure
Mandatory to implement
NFSv3, was published in 1994
– Extended to 64-bit files & improved write caching – It is perhaps the most commonly used protocol for sharing files on *NIX/Linux LANs today
With occasional sidetracks…
NFS: Its applications and future - LISA '04
What is NFS?
NFS: Its applications and future - LISA '04
What is NFS?
NFS is a protocol for a distributed filesystem.
Strong security
– Public and Private key – Fine-grained access control
Improved multi-platform support Extensible
– Lays groundwork for migration/replication and global naming
NFS: Its applications and future - LISA '04
限的方 式不仅很好的避免 了权限表急剧膨胀的问题 ,而且使得授权流程更加简单和高效 。
关键 词 R AC;权 限认证;权限管理 ;角色管理 ;L B AMP
中图分 类号
T 995 N2.
文献标 识 码
文章 编号
10— 59(02 0 — 02 0 0 8 59 21 ) 9 08 4
制 ( AC 和强制访 问控制 ( D ) MAC 。 ) J
密码的方式来实现访 问控制的策略 ,由于其没有资源 的 概念 ,扩展性和通 用性弱 ,管理效率低下等缺点 ,在 现
在大型 的 We b系统 的设计与开发 中占有越来越重要 的
收稿 日 :02 0 8 期 21 82
图1 R A 模型 图 B C
权限控制组件必须能够针对 不同的用户主体进 行细 分 ,并能够针对不同的用户主体群配置不同的操作权限
在 R AC模 型 中,Wh 、Wh t o 构成 了访 B o a 、H w
集合 ,在资源层面能够实现针对不 同用户主体对不同资 源的访 问控制 ,本文就是在此需 求的基础上 实现一个扩 展性高、可移植性强、配置性高 的访 问控制组件来实现
可以 自主地把 自己所拥有客体 的访 问权限授予其它主体
或者 从其它主体收 回所授予的权 限,访问通常基于访 问 控 制表 ( L ,但 是访 问控制表 的修改异常 困难 ,采 AC ) 用 AC L机制管理授 权处于一个较低级 的层 次,管理复
杂 、代价 高以至易于 出错。 强制访 问控制用于将系统 中的信息分密级和类进行
不考虑分配给特定的用户而给组 。组可以包括组 ( 以实
publickey,gssapi-with-mic意思Public Key和GSSAPI-with-MIC是两个安全协议,广泛应用于计算机网络中,保证网络中数据的安全传输和用户身份的认证。
一、Public KeyPublic Key,即公钥,是一种应用于加密与解密的算法,指的是用户可以公开分享的加密密钥。
利用Public Key算法,可以实现诸如数字签名、数据加密、密钥协商等安全技术,尤其在网络安全中广泛使用。
在使用Public Key时,需要特别注意保护私钥的安全,否则将有可能导致非法使用者冒用合法用户身份,造成严重的安全威胁。
二、GSSAPI-with-MICGSSAPI(Generic Security Services Application ProgramInterface)是一种通用的安全应用程序编程接口,提供了一系列认证、加密、密钥管理等安全功能,使得应用程序可以在不知道底层实现细节的情况下使用各种不同的安全机制。
GSSAPI-with-MIC,则是在GSSAPI的基础上增强了消息完整性保护(Message Integrity Check,MIC)的功能,通过对消息进行哈希算法计算,生成消息摘要,从而在传输过程中保证消息的完整性和不可伪造性。
De i n a d a ia in fLe k g -Re i e d n iy-Ba e sg n Re l to o a a e z sl ntI e tt i sd
Pu l y En r p in S se b i Ke c y to y t m c
W AN G ng- i g, Ti tn ZH U n- i Ya q n
作者简 介: 王婷婷 ( 90 ) 女 , 19 一 , 研究方 向为网络安全 ; 艳琴 , 朱 教授 研究方 向为计算机 网络 、 信息安全技术 、 应用密码学等 。
l6・ 8
计算机技术 与发展
第2 2卷
() 1 双线性 ( in ry : bl ai ) 对于任 意的 Ⅱ ∈G a i t , 和 ,
) 出的消息 m ( ∈G ) 发送者生成随机数 S∈ 发 m ,
并且发送密文 :
C:( 。 。e g g m ・ ( h ) g s 。 ,( , ), eg,) g
当群 G内的运算 可以高效地执行 , 并且存在一 个 具有如上所 述性质 的群 G 和一个 高效 的双 线性 映射 e G×G— G 时 , G被称为双线性群 ( : 群 运算 e 是对称
b∈Z , e 。v) ( 。 p 有 ( , =e ,)
() 2 非退 化 性 ( o d gn rc )e g g ≠ 1 即 n n— ee eay :( , ) , 如 果 g是 G的生 成 元 , eg g G 是 G 的 生成 元 。 则 ( ,)
元 g h∈G 随机数 ∈ , g =gO ∈G, , 和 设 。 t 则公共
参数 prm 和私有的主密钥( at — e ) aa s m s r ky 如下 : e
[生活]计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全(J-Z)2010年01月06日星期三 12:47J J2EE — Java 2 Enterprise Edition J2ME — Java 2 Micro Edition J2SE — Java 2 Standard Edition JAXB — Java Architecture for XML Binding JAX-RPC — Java XML for Remote Procedure Calls JAXP — Java API for XML Processing JBOD — Just a Bunch of Disks JCE — Java Cryptography Extension JCL — Job Control Language JCP — Java Community Process JDBC — Java Database Connectivity JDK — Java Development KitJES — Job Entry SubsystemJDS — Java Desktop SystemJFC — Java Foundation Classes JFET — Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFS — IBM Journaling File System JINI — Jini Is Not InitialsJIT — Just-In-TimeJMX — Java Management Extensions JMS — Java Message Service JNDI — Java Naming and Directory Interface JNI — Java Native InterfaceJPEG — Joint Photographic Experts Group JRE — Java Runtime Environment JS — JavaScriptJSON — JavaScript Object NotationJSP — Jackson Structured Programming JSP — JavaServer PagesJTAG — Joint Test Action Group JUG — Java Users Group JVM — Java Virtual Machine jwz — Jamie ZawinskiKK&R — Kernighan and Ritchie KB — KeyboardKb — KilobitKB — KilobyteKB — Knowledge BaseKDE — K Desktop Environment kHz — KilohertzKISS — Keep It Simple, Stupid KVM — Keyboard, Video, Mouse LL10N — LocalizationL2TP — Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL Perl LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL PHP LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL Python LAN —Local Area Network LBA — Logical Block Addressing LCD — Liquid Crystal Display LCOS — Liquid Crystal On Silicon LDAP — Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolLE — Logical ExtentsLED — Light-Emitting Diode LF — Line FeedLF — Low FrequencyLFS — Linux From Scratch lib — libraryLIF — Low Insertion Force LIFO — Last In First Out LILO — Linux LoaderLKML — Linux Kernel Mailing List LM — Lan ManagerLGPL — Lesser General Public License LOC — Lines of CodeLPI — Linux Professional Institute LPT — Line Print Terminal LSB — Least Significant Bit LSB — Linux Standard Base LSI — Large-Scale IntegrationLTL — Linear Temporal Logic LTR — Left-to-RightLUG — Linux User Group LUN — Logical Unit Number LV — Logical VolumeLVD — Low Voltage Differential LVM — Logical Volume Management LZW — Lempel-Ziv-Welch MMAC — Mandatory Access Control MAC — Media Access Control MAN —Metropolitan Area Network MANET — Mobile Ad-Hoc Network MAPI —Messaging Application Programming InterfaceMb — MegabitMB — MegabyteMBCS — Multi Byte Character Set MBR — Master Boot RecordMCA — Micro Channel Architecture MCSA — Microsoft Certified Systems AdministratorMCSD — Microsoft Certified Solution DeveloperMCSE — Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer MDA — Mail Delivery AgentMDA — Model-Driven Architecture MDA — Monochrome Display Adapter MDF — Main Distribution FrameMDI — Multiple Document Interface ME — [Windows] Millennium Edition MF — Medium FrequencyMFC — Microsoft Foundation Classes MFM — Modified Frequency Modulation MGCP — Media Gateway Control Protocol MHz — Megahertz MIB — Management Information Base MICR — Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MIDI — Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIMD —Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data MIMO — Multiple-Input Multiple-Output MIPS — Million Instructions Per Second MIPS — Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline StagesMIS — Management Information Systems MISD — Multiple Instruction, Single Data MIT — Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIME —Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsMMDS — Mortality Medical Data System MMI — Man Machine Interface. MMIO — Memory-Mapped I/OMMORPG — Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GameMMU — Memory Management Unit MMX — Multi-Media Extensions MNG —Multiple-image Network Graphics MoBo — MotherboardMOM — Message-Oriented Middleware MOO — MUD Object OrientedMOSFET — Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET MOTD — Message Of The Day MPAA — Motion Picture Association of America MPEG — Motion Pictures Experts Group MPL — Mozilla Public License MPLS —Multiprotocol Label Switching MPU — Microprocessor Unit MS — Memory StickMS — MicrosoftMSB — Most Significant Bit MS-DOS — Microsoft DOSMT — Machine TranslationMTA — Mail Transfer AgentMTU — Maximum Transmission Unit MSA — Mail Submission Agent MSDN — Microsoft Developer Network MSI — Medium-Scale Integration MSI — Microsoft InstallerMUA — Mail User AgentMUD — Multi-User DungeonMVC — Model-View-ControllerMVP — Most Valuable Professional MVS — Multiple Virtual Storage MX — Mail exchangeMXF — Material Exchange Format NNACK — Negative ACKnowledgement NAK — Negative AcKnowledge Character NAS — Network-Attached Storage NAT — Network Address Translation NCP — NetWare Core ProtocolNCQ — Native Command Queuing NCSA — National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsNDPS — Novell Distributed Print Services NDS — Novell Directory Services NEP — Network Equipment Provider NEXT — Near-End CrossTalk NFA — Nondeterministic Finite Automaton GNSCB — Next-Generation Secure Computing BaseNFS — Network File SystemNI — National InstrumentsNIC — Network Interface Controller NIM — No Internal Message NIO — New I/ONIST — National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNLP — Natural Language Processing NLS — Native Language Support NP — Non-Deterministic Polynomial-TimeNPL — Netscape Public License NPU — Network Processing Unit NS —NetscapeNSA — National Security Agency NSPR — Netscape Portable Runtime NMI — Non-Maskable Interrupt NNTP — Network News Transfer Protocol NOC — Network Operations Center NOP — No OPerationNOS — Network Operating System NPTL — Native POSIX Thread Library NSS — Novell Storage Service NSS — Network Security Services NSS —Name Service SwitchNT — New TechnologyNTFS — NT FilesystemNTLM — NT Lan ManagerNTP — Network Time Protocol NUMA — Non-Uniform Memory Access NURBS — Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline NVR - Network Video Recorder NVRAM — Non-Volatile Random Access Memory OOASIS — Organization for the Advancement of StructuredInformation StandardsOAT — Operational Acceptance Testing OBSAI — Open Base Station Architecture InitiativeODBC — Open Database Connectivity OEM — Original Equipment Manufacturer OES — Open Enterprise ServerOFTC — Open and Free Technology Community OLAP — Online Analytical Processing OLE — Object Linking and Embedding OLED — Organic LightEmitting Diode OLPC — One Laptop per Child OLTP — Online Transaction Processing OMG — Object Management Group OO — Object-Oriented OO — Open OfficeOOM — Out of memoryOOo — OOP — Object-Oriented Programming OPML — Outline Processor Markup Language ORB — Object Request Broker ORM — Oject-Relational Mapping OS — Open SourceOS — Operating SystemOSCON — O'Reilly Open Source Convention OSDN — Open Source Developer Network OSI — Open Source Initiative OSI — Open Systems Interconnection OSPF — Open Shortest Path First OSS — Open Sound SystemOSS — Open-Source SoftwareOSS — Operations Support System OSTG — Open Source Technology Group OUI — Organizationally Unique Identifier PP2P — Peer-To-PeerPAN — Personal Area Network PAP — Password Authentication Protocol PARC — Palo Alto Research Center PATA — Parallel ATAPC — Personal ComputerPCB — Printed Circuit BoardPCB — Process Control BlockPCI — Peripheral Component Interconnect PCIe — PCI ExpressPCL — Printer Command Language PCMCIA — Personal Computer Memory Card InternationalAssociationPCM — Pulse-Code ModulationPCRE — Perl Compatible Regular Expressions PD — Public Domain PDA — Personal Digital Assistant PDF — Portable Document Format PDP — Programmed Data Processor PE — Physical ExtentsPEBKAC — Problem Exists Between Keyboard And ChairPERL — Practical Extraction and Reporting LanguagePGA — Pin Grid ArrayPGO — Profile-Guided Optimization PGP — Pretty Good PrivacyPHP — PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor PIC — Peripheral Interface Controller PIC — Programmable Interrupt Controller PID — Proportional-Integral-Derivative PID — Process IDPIM — Personal Information Manager PINE — Program for Internet News & EmailPIO — Programmed Input/Output PKCS — Public Key Cryptography Standards PKI — Public Key Infrastructure PLC — Power Line Communication PLC — Programmable Logic Controller PLD — Programmable Logic Device PL/I — Programming Language One PL/M — Programming Language for MicrocomputersPL/P — Programming Language for Prime PLT — Power Line Telecoms PMM — POST Memory ManagerPNG — Portable Network Graphics PnP — Plug-and-PlayPoE — Power over EthernetPOP — Point of PresencePOP3 — Post Office Protocol v3 POSIX — Portable Operating System Interface POST — Power-On Self TestPPC — PowerPCPPI — Pixels Per InchPPP — Point-to-Point Protocol PPPoA — PPP over ATMPPPoE — PPP over EthernetPPTP — Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol PS — PostScriptPS/2 — Personal System/2PSU — Power Supply UnitPSVI — Post-Schema-Validation Infoset PV — Physical VolumePVG — Physical Volume GroupPVR — Personal Video RecorderPXE — Preboot Execution Environment PXI — PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation QQDR — Quad Data RateQA — Quality AssuranceQFP — Quad Flat PackageQoS — Quality of ServiceQOTD — Quote of the DayQt — Quasar ToolkitQTAM — Queued Teleprocessing Access Method RRACF — Resource Access Control Facility RAD — Rapid Application Development RADIUS — Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RAID — Redundant Array of Independent Disks RAID — Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAIT — Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes RAM —Random Access MemoryRARP — Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RAS — Remote Access ServiceRC — Region CodeRC — Release CandidateRC — Run CommandsRCS — Revision Control SystemRDBMS — Relational Database Management SystemRDF — Resource Description Framework RDM — Relational Data Model RDS — Remote Data ServicesREFAL — REcursive Functions Algorithmic LanguageREST — Representational State Transfer regex — Regular Expression regexp — Regular Expression RF — Radio FrequencyRFC — Request For CommentsRFI — Radio Frequency Interference RFID — Radio Frequency Identification RGB — Red, Green, BlueRGBA — Red, Green, Blue, Alpha RHL — Red Hat LinuxRHEL — Red Hat Enterprise Linux RIA — Rich Internet Application RIAA — Recording Industry Association of AmericaRIP — Raster Image Processor RIP — Routing Information Protocol RISC — Reduced Instruction Set Computer RLE — Run-Length Encoding RLL — Run-Length LimitedRMI — Remote Method Invocation RMS — Richard Matthew Stallman ROM — Read Only MemoryROMB — Read-Out Motherboard RPC — Remote Procedure Call RPG —Report Program Generator RPM — RPM Package ManagerRSA — Rivest Shamir Adleman RSI — Repetitive Strain Injury RSS —Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, or Really SimpleSyndicationRTC — Real-Time ClockRTE — Real-Time EnterpriseRTL — Right-to-LeftRTOS — Real Time Operating System RTP — Real-time Transport Protocol RTS — Ready To SendRTSP — Real Time Streaming Protocol SSaaS — Software as a Service SAN — Storage Area NetworkSAR — Search And Replace[1]SATA — Serial ATASAX — Simple API for XMLSBOD — Spinning Beachball of Death SBP-2 — Serial Bus Protocol 2 sbin — superuser binarySBU — Standard Build UnitSCADA — Supervisory Control And Data AcquisitionSCID — Source Code in Database SCM — Software Configuration Management SCM — Source Code Management SCP — Secure Copy SCPI — Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation SCSI — Small Computer System Interface SCTP — Stream Control Transmission Protocol SD — Secure DigitalSDDL — Security Descriptor Definition LanguageSDI — Single Document InterfaceSDIO — Secure Digital Input OutputSDK — Software Development KitSDL — Simple DirectMedia LayerSDN — Service Delivery NetworkSDP — Session Description ProtocolSDR — Software-Defined RadioSDRAM — Synchronous Dynamic Random Access MemorySDSL — Symmetric DSLSE — Single EndedSEAL — Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language SEI — Software Engineering InstituteSEO — Search Engine OptimizationSFTP — Secure FTPSFTP — Simple File Transfer ProtocolSFTP — SSH File Transfer ProtocolSGI — Silicon Graphics, IncorporatedSGML — Standard Generalized Markup LanguageSHA — Secure Hash AlgorithmSHDSL — Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber LineSIGCAT — Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications andTechnologySIGGRAPH — Special Interest Group on GraphicsSIMD — Single Instruction, Multiple DataSIMM — Single Inline Memory ModuleSIP — Session Initiation ProtocolSIP — Supplementary Ideographic PlaneSISD — Single Instruction, Single Data SLED — SUSE LinuxEnterprise Desktop SLES — SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLI — Scalable Link Interface SLIP — Serial Line Internet Protocol SLM — Service Level Management SLOC — Source Lines of Code SPMD — Single Program, Multiple Data SMA — SubMiniature version A SMB — Server Message Block SMBIOS — System Management BIOS SMIL — Synchronized Multimedia Integration LanguageS/MIME — Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsSMP — Supplementary Multilingual Plane SMP — Symmetric Multi-Processing SMS — Short Message Service SMS — System Management Server SMT — Simultaneous Multithreading SMTP — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNA — Systems Network Architecture SNMP — Simple Network Management Protocol SOA — Service-Oriented Architecture SOE — Standard Operating Environment SOAP — Simple Object Access Protocol SoC — System-on-a-ChipSO-DIMM — Small Outline DIMM SOHO — Small Office/Home OfficeSOI — Silicon On InsulatorSP — Service PackSPA — Single Page Application SPF — Sender Policy Framework SPI —Serial Peripheral Interface SPI — Stateful Packet Inspection SPARC —Scalable Processor Architecture SQL — Structured Query Language SRAM —Static Random Access Memory SSD — Software Specification Document SSD - Solid-State DriveSSE — Streaming SIMD Extensions SSH — Secure ShellSSI — Server Side Includes SSI — Single-System Image SSI — Small-Scale Integration SSID — Service Set Identifier SSL — Secure Socket Layer SSP — Supplementary Special-purpose Plane SSSE — Supplementary Streaming SIMD Extensionssu — superuserSUS — Single UNIX Specification SUSE — Software und System-Entwicklung SVC — Scalable Video Coding SVG — Scalable Vector Graphics SVGA — Super Video Graphics Array SVD — Structured VLSI Design SWF —Shock Wave FlashSWT — Standard Widget Toolkit Sysop — System operatorTTAO — Track-At-OnceTB — TerabyteTcl — Tool Command Language TCP — Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP — Transmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTCU — Telecommunication Control Unit TDMA — Time Division Multiple Access TFT — Thin Film Transistor TI — Texas Instruments TLA — Three-Letter Acronym TLD — Top-Level DomainTLS — Thread-Local Storage TLS — Transport Layer Security tmp —temporaryTNC — Terminal Node Controller TNC — Threaded Neill-Concelman connector TSO — Time Sharing OptionTSP — Traveling Salesman Problem TSR — Terminate and Stay Resident TTA — True Tap AudioTTF — TrueType FontTTL — Transistor-Transistor Logic TTL — Time To LiveTTS — Text-to-SpeechTTY — TeletypeTUCOWS — The Ultimate Collection of Winsock SoftwareTUG — TeX Users GroupTWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting NameUUAAG — User Agent Accessibility Guidelines UAC — User Account Control UART — Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UAT — User Acceptance Testing UCS — Universal Character SetUDDI — Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration UDMA — Ultra DMAUDP — User Datagram Protocol UE — User ExperienceUEFI — Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UHF — Ultra High Frequency UI — User InterfaceUL — UploadULA — Uncommitted Logic Array UMA — Upper Memory AreaUMB — Upper Memory BlockUML — Unified Modeling Language UML — User-Mode LinuxUMPC — Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer UNC — Universal Naming Convention UPS — Uninterruptible Power Supply URI — Uniform Resource Identifier URL — Uniform Resource Locator URN — Uniform Resource Name USB — Universal Serial Bus usr — userUSR — U.S. RoboticsUTC — Coordinated Universal Time UTF — Unicode Transformation FormatUTP — Unshielded Twisted Pair UUCP — Unix to Unix CopyUUID — Universally Unique Identifier UVC — Universal Virtual Computer Vvar — variableVAX — Virtual Address eXtension VCPI — Virtual Control Program Interface VR — Virtual RealityVRML — Virtual Reality Modeling Language VB — Visual BasicVBA — Visual Basic for Applications VBS — Visual Basic Script VDSL — Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber LineVESA — Video Electronics Standards AssociationVFAT — Virtual FATVFS — Virtual File SystemVG — Volume GroupVGA — Video Graphics ArrayVHF — Very High FrequencyVLAN — Virtual Local Area Network VLSM — Variable Length Subnet Mask VLB — Vesa Local BusVLF — Very Low FrequencyVLIW - Very Long Instruction Word— uinvac VLSI — Very-Large-Scale Integration VM — Virtual MachineVM — Virtual MemoryVOD — Video On DemandVoIP — Voice over Internet Protocol VPN — Virtual Private Network VPU — Visual Processing Unit VSAM — Virtual Storage Access Method VSAT — Very Small Aperture Terminal VT — Video Terminal?VTAM — Virtual Telecommunications Access MethodWW3C — World Wide Web Consortium WAFS — Wide Area File ServicesWAI — Web Accessibility Initiative WAIS — Wide Area Information Server WAN — Wide Area NetworkWAP — Wireless Access Point WAP — Wireless Application Protocol WAV — WAVEform audio format WBEM — Web-Based Enterprise Management WCAG — Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCF — Windows Communication Foundation WDM — Wavelength-Division Multiplexing WebDAV — WWW Distributed Authoring and VersioningWEP — Wired Equivalent Privacy Wi-Fi — Wireless FidelityWiMAX — Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave AccessWinFS — Windows Future Storage WINS- Windows Internet Name Service WLAN — Wireless Local Area Network WMA — Windows Media Audio WMV — Windows Media VideoWOL — Wake-on-LANWOM — Wake-on-ModemWOR — Wake-on-RingWPA — Wi-Fi Protected Access WPAN — Wireless Personal Area Network WPF — Windows Presentation Foundation WSDL — Web Services Description Language WSFL — Web Services Flow Language WUSB — Wireless Universal Serial Bus WWAN — Wireless Wide Area Network WWID — World Wide Identifier WWN — World Wide NameWWW — World Wide WebWYSIWYG — What You See Is What You Get WZC — Wireless Zero Configuration WFI — Wait For InterruptXXAG — XML Accessibility Guidelines XAML — eXtensible Application Markup LanguageXDM — X Window Display Manager XDMCP — X Display Manager Control Protocol XCBL — XML Common Business Library XHTML — eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language XILP — X Interactive ListProc XML —eXtensible Markup Language XMMS — X Multimedia SystemXMPP — eXtensible Messaging and Presence ProtocolXMS — Extended Memory SpecificationXNS — Xerox Network Systems XP — Cross-PlatformXP — Extreme ProgrammingXPCOM — Cross Platform Component Object ModelXPI — XPInstallXPIDL — Cross-Platform IDLXSD — XML Schema Definition XSL — eXtensible Stylesheet Language XSL-FO — eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects XSLT — eXtensible Stylesheet Language TransformationsXSS — Cross-Site ScriptingXTF — eXtensible Tag Framework XTF — eXtended Triton Format XUL —XML User Interface Language YY2K — Year Two ThousandYACC — Yet Another Compiler Compiler YAML — YAML Ain't Markup Language YAST — Yet Another Setup Tool ZZCAV — Zone Constant Angular Velocity ZCS — Zero Code Suppression ZIF — Zero Insertion ForceZIFS — Zero Insertion Force Socket ZISC — Zero Instruction Set Computer ZOPE — Z Object Publishing Environment ZMA — Zone Multicast Address。
计算机术语大全为了帮助大家学好计算机英语,提高计算机水平,下面小编给大家带来计算机术语大全,希望对大家有所帮助!计算机术语服务器c2c: card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交错存取cc-numa(cache-coherent non uniform memory access,连贯缓冲非统一内存寻址)chrp(common hardware reference platform,共用硬件平台,ibm 为powerpc制定的标准,可以兼容mac os, windows nt, solaris, os/2, linux和aix等多种操作系统)emp: emergency management port,紧急事件管理端口icmb: inter-chassis management bus, 内部管理总线mpp(massive parallel processing,巨量平行处理架构)mux: data path multiplexor,多重路径数据访问计算机术语视频3d:three dimensional,三维3ds(3d subsystem,三维子系统)ae(atmospheric effects,雾化效果)afr(alternate frame rendering,交替渲染技术)anisotropic filtering(各向异性过滤)appe(advanced packet parsing engine,增强形帧解析引擎)av(analog video,模拟视频)back buffer,后置缓冲backface culling(隐面消除)battle for eyeballs(眼球大战,各3d图形芯片公司为了争夺用户而作的竞争)bilinear filtering(双线性过滤)cem(cube environment mapping,立方环境映射)cg(computer graphics,计算机生成图像)clipping(剪贴纹理)clock synthesizer,时钟合成器compressed textures(压缩纹理)concurrent command engine,协作命令引擎center processing unit utilization,中央处理器占用率dac(digital to analog converter,数模传换器)decal(印花法,用于生成一些半透明效果,如:鲜血飞溅的场面) dfp(digital flat panel,数字式平面显示器)dfs: dynamic flat shading(动态平面描影),可用作加速dithering(抖动)directional light,方向性光源dme: direct memory execute(直接内存执行)dof(depth of field,多重境深)dot texture blending(点型纹理混和)double buffering(双缓冲区)dir(direct rendering infrastructure,基层直接渲染)dvi(digital video interface,数字视频接口)dxr: dynamicxtended resolution(动态可扩展分辨率)dxtc(direct x texture compress,directx纹理压缩,以s3tc为基础)dynamic z-buffering(动态z轴缓冲区),显示物体远近,可用作远景e-ddc(enhanced display data channel,增强形视频数据通道协议,定义了显示输出与主系统之间的通讯通道,能提高显示输出的画面质量)edge anti-aliasing,边缘抗锯齿失真e-edid(enhanced extended identification data,增强形扩充身份辨识数据,定义了电脑通讯视频主系统的数据格式)execute buffers,执行缓冲区environment mapped bump mapping(环境凹凸映射) extended burst transactions,增强式突发处理front buffer,前置缓冲flat(平面描影)frames rate is king(帧数为王)fsaa(full scene anti-aliasing,全景抗锯齿)fog(雾化效果)flip double buffered(反转双缓存)fog table quality(雾化表画质)gart(graphic address remappng table,图形地址重绘表) gouraud shading,高洛德描影,也称为内插法均匀涂色gpu(graphics processing unit,图形处理器)gtf(generalized timing formula,一般程序时间,定义了产生画面所需要的时间,包括了诸如画面刷新率等)hal(hardware abstraction layer,硬件抽像化层)hardware motion compensation(硬件运动补偿)hdtv(high definition television,高清晰度电视)hel: hardware emulation layer(硬件模拟层)high triangle count(复杂三角形计数)icd(installable client driver,可安装客户端驱动程序)idct(inverse discrete cosine transform,非连续反余弦变换,geforce的dvd硬件强化技术)immediate mode,直接模式ippr: image processing and pattern recognition(图像处理和模式识别)large textures(大型纹理)lf(linear filtering,线性过滤,即双线性过滤)lighting(光源)lightmap(光线映射)local peripheral bus(局域边缘总线)mipmapping(mip映射)modulate(调制混合)motion compensation,动态补偿motion blur(模糊移动)mpps:million pixels per second,百万个像素/秒multi-resolution mesh,多重分辨率组合multi threaded bus master,多重主控multitexture(多重纹理)nerest mipmap(邻近mip映射,又叫点采样技术)overdraw(透支,全景渲染造成的浪费)partial texture downloads(并行纹理传输)parallel processing perspective engine(平行透视处理器)pc(perspective correction,透视纠正)pgc(parallel graphics configuration,并行图像设置)pixel(picture element,图像元素,又称p像素,屏幕上的像素点) point light(一般点光源)point sampling(点采样技术,又叫邻近mip映射)precise pixel interpolation,精确像素插值procedural textures(可编程纹理)ramdac(random access memory digital to analog converter,随机存储器数/模转换器)reflection mapping(反射贴图)render(着色或渲染)s端子(seperate)s3(sight、sound、speed,视频、音频、速度)s3tc(s3 texture compress,s3纹理压缩,仅支持s3显卡)s3tl(s3 transformation text-align: left;">screen buffer(屏幕缓冲)sdtv(standard definition television,标准清晰度电视)sem(spherical environment mapping,球形环境映射) shading,描影single pass multi-texturing,单通道多纹理sli(scanline interleave,扫描线间插,3dfx的双voodoo 2配合技术)smart filter(智能过滤)soft shadows(柔和阴影)soft reflections(柔和反射)spot light(小型点光源)sra(symmetric rendering architecture,对称渲染架构)stencil buffers(模板缓冲)stream processor(流线处理)superscaler rendering,超标量渲染tbfb(tile based frame buffer,碎片纹理帧缓存)texel(t像素,纹理上的像素点)texture fidelity(纹理真实性)texture swapping(纹理交换)t text-align: left;">t- buffer(t缓冲,3dfx voodoo4的特效,包括全景反锯齿full-scene anti-aliasing、动态模糊motion blur、焦点模糊depth of field blur、柔和阴影soft shadows、柔和反射soft reflections)tca(twin cache architecture,双缓存结构)transparency(透明状效果)transformation(三角形转换)trilinear filtering(三线性过滤)texture modes,材质模式tmipm: trilinear mip mapping(三次线性mip材质贴图)uma(unified memory architecture,统一内存架构)visualize geometry engine,可视化几何引擎vertex lighting(顶点光源)vertical interpolation(垂直调变)vip(video interface port,视频接口)virge: video and rendering graphics engine(视频描写图形引擎) voxel(volume pixels,立体像素,novalogic的技术)vqtc(vector-quantization texture compression,向量纹理压缩) vsis(video signal standard,视频信号标准)v-sync(同步刷新)z buffer(z缓存)计算机术语通讯和游戏通信cti:computer telephone integration,计算机电话综合技术dbs: direct broadcast satellite,直接卫星广播dwdm: dense wavelength division multiplex,波长密集型复用技术mmds: multichannel multipoint distribution service,多波段多点分发服务pcm: pulse code modulation,脉冲编码调制pstn(public switched telephone network,公用交换式电话网)tapi: telephony application programming interface,电话应用程序接口tsapi: telephony services application programming interface,电话服务应用程序接口wdm: wavelength division multiplex,波分多路复用游戏act(action,动作类游戏)arpg(action role play games,动作角色扮演游戏)avg(adventure genre,冒险类游戏)dan(dance,跳舞类游戏,包括跳舞机、吉它机、打鼓机等)dc(dreamcast,世嘉64位游戏机)etc(etc,其它类游戏,包括模拟飞行)ffj: force feedback joystick(力量反匮式操纵杆)fpp(first person game,第一人称游戏)ftg(fighting game,格斗类游戏)gb(game boy,任天堂4位手提游戏机)gbc(game boy color,任天堂手提16色游戏机)gg(game gear,世嘉彩色手提游戏机)fc(famicom,任天堂8位游戏机)fps(frames per second,帧/秒)fr(frames rate,游戏运行帧数)mac(macintosh,苹果电脑)n64(nintendo 64,任天堂64位游戏机)sfc(super famicom,超级任天堂16位游戏机)slg(simulation game,模拟类游戏)spg(sports games,运动类游戏)srpg(strategies role play games,战略角色扮演游戏)stg(shoot game,射击类游戏)ss(sega saturn,世嘉土星32位游戏机)pc(personal computer,个人计算机)ps(play station,索尼32位游戏机)ps(pocket station,索尼手提游戏机)rac(race,赛车类游戏)rts(real time strategies,实时战略)rpg(role play games,角色扮演游戏)tab(table chess,桌棋类游戏)计算机术语编程和语言编程api(application programming interfaces,应用程序接口)ascii(american standard code for information interchange,美国国家标准信息交换代码)atl: activex template library(activex模板库)basic:beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code(初学者通用指令代码)com: component object model(组件对象模式)dna: distributed internet application(分布式因特网应用程序) mfc: microsoft foundation classes(微软基础类库)sdk(software development kit,软件开发工具包)windowsce(consumer electronics,消费电子)dcom: distributing component object model,构造物体模块dhcp: dynamic host configuration protocol,动态主机分配协议dmf: distribution media formatgdi(graphics device interface,图形设备接口)gui(graphics user interface,图形用户界面)gpf(general protect fault,一般保护性错误)hta: hypertext application,超文本应用程序inf file(information file,信息文件)ini file(initialization file,初始化文件)ndis: network driver interface specification,网络驱动程序接口规范nt(new technology,新技术)qos: quality of service,服务质量rrvp: resource reservation protocol(资源保留协议)rtos(real time operating systems,实时操作系统)sbfs: simple boot flag specification,简单引导标记规范vefat: virtual file allocation table(虚拟文件分配表)(vxd,virtual device drivers,虚拟设备驱动程序)wdm(windows driver model,视窗驱动程序模块)winsock: windows socket,视窗套接口whql: windows hardware quality labs,windows硬件质量实验室whs: windows Xing host,视窗脚本程序zam: zero administration for windows,零管理视窗系统加密ecc: elliptic curve crypto(椭圆曲线加密)set: secure electronic transaction(安全电子交易)语言css: cascading style sheets,层叠格式表dcd: X content deXion for xml: xml文件内容描述dtd: X type definition,文件类型定义html(hypertext markup language,超文本标记语言)jvm: X virtual machine, X虚拟机oji: open X vm interface,开放X虚拟机接口sgml: standard generalized markup language,标准通用标记语言smil: synchronous multimedia integrate language(同步多媒体集成语言)vrml:virtual reality makeup language,虚拟现实结构化语言vxml(voice extensible markup language,语音扩展标记语言) xml: extensible markup language(可扩展标记语言)xsl: extensible style sheet language(可扩展设计语言)计算机术语大全第11页共11页。
第三⽅使⽤公钥.crt加密后返回的内容,需要使⽤私钥解密.pem返回内容格式如下MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7m"Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name="smime.p7m"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 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解密开始,你需要提取内容部分,并去掉换⾏,让内容部分保持在⼀⾏⽐如:MIICEQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIICAjCCAf4CAQAxggFAMIIBPAIBADAkMBYxFDASBgNVBAMTC......maven pom.xml需要引⽤<dependency><groupId>org.bouncycastle</groupId><artifactId>bcpkix-jdk15on</artifactId><version>1.60</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.bouncycastle</groupId><artifactId>bcprov-jdk15on</artifactId><version>1.60</version></dependency>JAVA解密加密⼯具类package;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.util.Base64;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Iterator;import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSEnvelopedData;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSEnvelopedDataParser;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSProcessableByteArray;import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSTypedData;import org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientInformation;import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceCMSContentEncryptorBuilder;import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient;import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator;import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMDecryptorProvider;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMEncryptedKeyPair;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMParser;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcaPEMKeyConverter;import org.bouncycastle.openssl.jcajce.JcePEMDecryptorProviderBuilder;public class Pcks7EncryptOrDecryptUtil {private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = "/xxxx.pem";private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD="xxxx";public static final String PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="/xxx.crt";private static PrivateKey PRIVATE_KEY = null;private static RSAPublicKey PUBLIC_KEY = null;private static final char[] HEX_CHAR = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6','7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };static {Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider());}public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {String sendConent="<PaymentProcessRequest><version>3.0</version><timeStamp>161018173004</timeStamp><merchantID>764764000001350</merchantID><processType>R</processType><invoiceNo>THBPOps180808153209</inv String rsaPubEncrypt = encryptByRsaPub(PUBLIC_KEY_PATH,sendConent,"utf-8");//加密数据System.out.println(rsaPubEncrypt);System.out.println(decryptByContent(rsaPubEncrypt, PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD)); //解密数据//第三⽅返回的数据String encryptContent = "MIICcgYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIICYzCCAl8CAQA......";System.out.println(decryptByContent(encryptContent, PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD));}/*** 使⽤私钥加密*/public static String encryptByRsaPub(String content) {return encryptByRsaPub( PUBLIC_KEY_PATH,content,"utf-8");}/*** 使⽤私钥加密*/public static String encryptByRsaPub(String publicKeyPath , String content,String charSet) {try {X509Certificate cert = getX509Certificate(publicKeyPath);//添加数字信封CMSTypedData msg = new CMSProcessableByteArray(content.getBytes(charSet));CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator edGen = new CMSEnvelopedDataGenerator();edGen.addRecipientInfoGenerator(new JceKeyTransRecipientInfoGenerator(cert).setProvider("BC"));CMSEnvelopedData ed = edGen.generate(msg,new JceCMSContentEncryptorBuilder(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rc4).setProvider("BC").build());String rslt = new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(ed.getEncoded()));System.out.println(rslt);return rslt;} catch (CertificateEncodingException | CMSException | IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return null;}/*** 使⽤公钥解密* @param encryptContent ⽐如:MIICEQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIICAjCCAf4CAQAxggFAMIIBPAIBADAkMBYxFDASBgNVBAMTC......* @param privatePemKeyPath xxxx.pem* @param privatePemKeyPassword* @return*/public static String decryptByContent(String encryptContent,String privatePemKeyPath,String privatePemKeyPassword) {return decryptByContent(encryptContent,getPrivateKey(privatePemKeyPath, privatePemKeyPassword));}public static String decryptByContent(String encryptContent,PrivateKey privateKey) {return decryptByContent(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptContent),privateKey);}public static String decryptByContent(String encryptContent) {return decryptByContent(Base64.getDecoder().decode(encryptContent),getPrivateKey(PRIVATE_KEY_PATH, PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD)); }public static String decryptByContent(byte[] encryptContent,PrivateKey privateKey) {try {CMSEnvelopedDataParser cmsEnvelopedDataParser = new CMSEnvelopedDataParser(encryptContent);Collection<RecipientInformation> recInfos = cmsEnvelopedDataParser.getRecipientInfos().getRecipients();Iterator<RecipientInformation> recipientIterator = recInfos.iterator();if (recipientIterator.hasNext()) {RecipientInformation recipientInformation = (RecipientInformation);JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient jceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient = new JceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient(privateKey);byte[] contentBytes = recipientInformation.getContent(jceKeyTransEnvelopedRecipient);String decryptContent = new String(contentBytes);return decryptContent;}} catch (CMSException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("decrypt error");return null;}public static PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String pemFilePath, String password){if(PRIVATE_KEY != null) {return PRIVATE_KEY;}Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());KeyPair kp;try{kp = (KeyPair)initKeyPair(new File(pemFilePath), password.toCharArray());PrivateKey privateKey = kp.getPrivate();return (PRIVATE_KEY = privateKey);}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}return null;}public static KeyPair initKeyPair(File pemFile, char[] password) throws Exception{PEMParser pemParser = new PEMParser(new FileReader(pemFile));Object object = pemParser.readObject();pemParser.close();PEMDecryptorProvider decProv = new JcePEMDecryptorProviderBuilder().build(password);JcaPEMKeyConverter converter = new JcaPEMKeyConverter().setProvider("BC");//获得密钥对KeyPair kp = null;if(object instanceof PEMEncryptedKeyPair){kp = converter.getKeyPair(((PEMEncryptedKeyPair)object).decryptKeyPair(decProv));}else{kp = converter.getKeyPair((PEMKeyPair)object);}return kp;}public static RSAPublicKey getRSAPublicKey(String crtFileName) {if(PUBLIC_KEY != null) {return PUBLIC_KEY;}return (PUBLIC_KEY = (RSAPublicKey) getX509Certificate(crtFileName).getPublicKey());}/*** 获取公钥*/public static X509Certificate getX509Certificate(String crtFileName) {try {CertificateFactory certificatefactory;X509Certificate cert;// 使⽤公钥对对称密钥进⾏加密 //若此处不加参数 "BC" 会报异常:CertificateException -certificatefactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509", "BC");// 读取.crt⽂件;你可以读取绝对路径⽂件下的crt,返回⼀个InputStream(或其⼦类)即可。
EFS 加密文件系统EAP Extensible authentication protocol 扩展授权协议ESP 封装安全载荷FTAM File transfer access and managementFDM Frequency division multiplexing 频分多路复用FDMA 频分多址FSK 频移键控FSM File system mounter 文件系统安装器FECN 向前拥塞比特FLP Fast link pulse 快速链路脉冲FTP File transfer protocol 文件传输协议FDDI Fiber distributed data interface 光纤分布数据接口FHSS Frequency-Hopping spread spectrum 频率跳动扩展频谱FTTH Fiber to the home 光纤到户FTTC Fiber to the curb 光纤到楼群、光纤到路边FAQ Frequently asked question 常见问题FQDN Fully qualified domain name 主机域名全称FPNW File and print service for netwareFWA 固定无线接入FD 光纤结点FEC Fast Ethernet channel 快速以太网通道GTT Global title translation 全局名称翻译GFC General flow controlGACP Gateway access control protocolGEA Gibabit Ethernet alliance 千兆以太网联盟GEC Giga Ethernet channel 千兆以太网通道GSMP General switch management protocol 通用交换机管理协议GGP Gateway-to-gateway prtotcol 核心网关协议GSM Global systems for mobile communications 移动通信全球系统GCRA Generic cell rate algorithm 通用信元速率算法GSNW Gateway service for netware Netware网关服务GPO Group policy object 组策略对象GBE Giga band ethernet 千兆以太网GD Generic decryption 类属解密GPL General public license 通用公共许可协议GBIC 千兆位集成电路Hamming 海明HDLC High level data link control 高级数据链路控制协议HEC Header error check 头部错误控制HNS Host name server 主机名字服务HTML Hyper text Markup language 超文本标记语言HTTP Hyper text transfer protocol 超文本传输协议HIPPI High performance parallel interface 高性能并行接口HDTV High definition television 高清晰度电视HDT 主数字终端HFC Hybrid fiber coax 混合光纤/同轴电缆网HAL Hardware abstraction layer 硬件抽象层HCL 硬件认证程序HDSL High-bit-rate DSL 高速率DSLHFC Hybrid fiber/coax network 混合光纤-同轴电缆HE 视频前端HSDPA 高速下行包数据接入HSRP 热等待路由协议IR 指令寄存器ID 指令译码器IS Instruction Stream 指令流IS-IS 中间系统与中间系统ICN 互联网络IMP Interface Message Processor 接口信息处理机ISP Internet service provider 因特网服务供应商ICP Internet Content Provider 网络信息服务供应商IPX Internet protocol eXchangeILD Injection laser diode 注入式激光二极管IDP Internet datagram protocolISUP ISDN user partIDC International code designatorIDI Initial domain identifierILMI Interim local management interface 本地管理临时接口ISM Industrial scientific and medicalIR ifrared 红外线IRC Internet relay chatIFS Inter frame spqcing 帧间隔IP Internet protocol 网络互连协议IPSec Internet protocol Security Internet安全协议ICMP Internet control message protocol 互联网络报文控制协议IMAP Interim mail access protocolIGP Interior gateway protocol 内部网关协议IFMP Ipsilon flow management protocol 流管理协议IDN Integrated digital network 综合数字网IDU Interface data unit 接口数据单元IMP Interface message processor 接口信息处理机ITU International telecommunication union 国际电信联盟ISO International standards organization 国际标准化组织IEEE Institute of electrical and electronics engineers 电子电器工程师协会IAB Internet activities board 因特网活动委员会IAB Internet Architecture board Internet体系结构委员会IRTF Internet research task force 因特网研究特别任务组MPLS 多协议标记交换MD5 Message digest 5 报文摘要5MX Mail eXchanger 邮件服务器MUD 多用户检测技术MMDS Multichannel multipoint distribution system 多通道多点分配业务NBS 美国国家标准局NSF National Science Foundation 美国国家科学基金会NII National Information Infrastructure 美国国家信息基础设施NCFC 教育与科研示范网络NN Network node 网络结点NCP Netware core protocol Netware核心协议NCP Network control protocol 网络控制协议NAP Network access point 网络接入点NDS Netware directory services Netware目录服务NRZ Not return to zero 不归零码Nyquist 尼奎斯特NAK Negative acknowledgement 否定应答信号NRM Normal response mode 正常响应方式N-ISDN Narrowband integrated service digital network 窄带ISDNNLP Normal link pulse 正常链路脉冲NAT Network address translators 网络地址翻译NAPT Network address port translation 网络地址和端口翻译NVT Network virtual terminal 网络虚拟终端NCSA National center for supercomputing ApplicationsNFS 美国国家科学基金会NVP Network voice protocol 网络语音协议NSP Name service protocol 名字服务协议NIC Network information center 网络信心中心NIC Network interface card 网卡NOS Network operating system 网络操作系统NDIS Network driver interface specificationNREN National research and educational network 国家研究和教育网NIST National instrtute of standards and technology 国际标准和技术协会NNI Network network interface 网络-网络接口NNTP Network news transfer protocol 网络新闻传输协议NCSA National center for supercomputing applications 国家超级计算机应用中心NTSC National television standards committee 美国电视标准委员会NDIS Network drive interface specification 网络驱动程序接口规范NETBIOS 网络基本输入输出系统NETBEUI BetBIOS Extended user interface NETBIOS扩展用户界面NBI Network binding interface 网络关联接口NFS Network file system 网络文件系统NIST 美国国家标准和技术协会NCSC 国家计算机安全中心NNTP Network news transfer protocol 网络新闻传输协议NVOD Near video ondemand 影视点播业务NIU 网络接口单元NAS 网络接入服务NAS Network attached storage 网络连接存储OAM Operation and maintenance 操作和维护OSI/RM Open system interconnection/Reference model 开放系统互联参考模型OMAP Operations maintenance and administration part 运行、维护和管理部分OAM Operation and maintenanceOFDM Orthogonal frequency division multiplexingOSPF Open shortest path first 开放最短路径优先OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture 开放式网格服务架构ONU Optical network unit 光纤网络单元OLE 对象链接和嵌入ODI Open data link interface 开放数据链路接口ODBC 开放数据库连接OSA 开放的业务结构PC 程序计数器PEM 局部存储器PTT Post telephone&telegraphPLP 分组级协议PSK 相移键控PCM Pulse code modulation 脉码调制技术PAD Packet assembly and disassembly device 分组拆装设备PCS 个人通信服务PSE 分组交换机PDN Public data network 公共数据网PLP Packet layer protocolPVC Permanent virtual circuit 永久虚电路PBX Private branch eXchange 专用小交换机PMD Physical medium dependent sublayer 物理介质相关子层PTI Payload type 负载类型PAM 脉冲幅度调制PPM 脉冲位置调制PDM 脉宽度调制PDA Personal digital assistant 个人数字助理PAD Packet assembler-Disassembler 分组打包/解包PDU Protocol data unit 协议数据单元PLCP Physical layer convergence protocol 物理层会聚协议PMD Physical medium dependent 物理介质相关子层SPE Synchronous payload envelope 同步净荷包SIPP Simple internet protocol plus 增强的简单因特网协议SCR Sustained cell rate 持继信元速率SECBR Severly-errored cell block ratio 严重错误信元块比率SEAL Simple efficient adaptation layer 简单有效的适配层SSCOP Service specific connection oriented protocol 特定服务的面向连接协议SHA Secure hash algorithm 保密散列算法SMI Structer of management information 管理信息的结构SGML Standard generalized markup language 标准通用标记语言SBS Server based setupSAM Security account manager 安全帐号管理器SPS Standby power supplies 后备电源SPK Seeded public-Key 种子化公钥SDK Seeded double key 种子化双钥SLED Single large expensive driveSID 安全识别符SDSL Symmetric DSL 对称DSLSAT 安全访问令牌SMS System management server 系统管理服务器SSL 安全套接字层SQL 结构化查询语言STB Set top box 电视机顶盒SIPP Simple internet protocol plusSGML Standark generalized markup language 交换格式标准语言SN 业务接点接口SNI Service node interface 业务接点接口SOHO 小型办公室SIP Session initiation protocol 会话发起协议SCS Structured cabling system 结构化综合布线系统SMFs System management functions 系统管理功能SMI Structure of management information 管理信息结构SGMP Simple gateway monitoring protocol 简单网关监控协议SFT System fault tolerance 系统容错技术SAN Storage Area Network 存储区域网络TCP Transmission control protocol 传输控制协议TTY 电传打字机TDM Time division multiplexing 时分多路复用TDMA 时分多址TCM Trellis coded modulation 格码调制TCAP Transaction capabilities applications part 事务处理能力应用部分TE1 1型终端设备TE2 2型终端设备TA 终端适配器TC Transmission convergence 传输聚合子层TRT 令牌轮转计时器THT 令牌保持计时器TFTP Trivial file transfer protocol 小型文件传输协议TDI Transport driver interface 传输驱动程序接口TIP Terminal interface processor 终端接口处理机TPDU Transport protocol unit 传输协议数据单元TSAP Transport service access point 传输服务访问点TTL Time to live 使用的时间长短期TLS 运输层安全TAPI Telephone application programming interface 电话应用程序接口TTB Trusted tomputing base 可信计算基TCSEC Trusted computer system evaluation criteria 可信任计算机系统评量基准TMN Telecommunications management network 电信管理网TDD 低码片速率TIA 美国电信工业协会UTP Unshielede twisted pair 无屏蔽双绞电缆UTP Telephone user part 电话用户部分UDP User datagram protocol 用户数据报协议UA 无编号应答帧UI 无编号信息帧UNI User-network interface 用户网络接口UBR Unspecified bit rate 不定比特率U-NII Unlicensed national information infrastructureURL Uniform resource locator 通用资源访问地址统一资源定位器URI Universal resource identifiers 全球资源标识符UNC Universal naming convention 通用名称转换UPS Uninterruptible power supplies 不间断电源UDF Uniqueness database file 独一无二的数据库文件UE 终端USM User security mode 用户的安全模型VT Virtual terminal 虚拟终端VC Virtual circuit 虚电路VSAT Very small aperture terminal 甚小孔径终端系统Virtual path 虚通路Virtual channel 虚信道VPI Virtual path identifiers 虚通路标识符VCI Virtual channe identifiers 虚信道标识符VBR Variable bit rate 变化比特率VLSM Valiable length subnetwork mask 可变长子网掩码VOD Video on demand 视频点播CIX Commercial internet exchange 商业internet交换CAU Controlled access unit 中央访问单元CDDI Copper distributed data interfaceCDPD Celluar digital packet data 单元数字分组数据CS Convergence sublayer 汇集子层CDMA Code division multiple access 码分多址CBR Constant bit rate 恒定比特率CVDT Cell variation delay tolerance 信元可变延迟极值CLR Cell loss ratio 信元丢失比率CHAP Challenge handshake authentication protocol 挑战握手认证协议CTD Cell transfer delay 信元延迟变化CER Cell error ratio 信元错误比率CMR Cell misinsertion rate 错误目的地信元比率CPI Common part indicator 公用部分指示器CGI Common gateway interface 公共网关接口CLUT Color look up table 颜色查找表CCITT 国际电报电话咨询委会会CLSID 类标识符CCM 计算机配置管理CAP Carrierless amplitude-phase modulationCapture trigger 捕获触发器CSNW Client service for netware Netware客户服务CA 证书发放机构CRL Certificate revocation list 证书吊销列表CPK/CDK Conbined public or double key 组合公钥/双钥CAE 公共应用环境CM Cable modem 电缆调制解调器CMTS 局端系统CCIA 计算机工业协会CMIS Common management information service 公共管理信息服务CMIP Common management information protocol 公共管理信息协议CGMP 分组管理协议DBMS 数据库管理系统DS Data Stream 数据流DS Directory service 目录服务DSL Digital subscriber line 数字用户线路DSLAM DSL access multiplexerDSSS Direct swquence spread spectrum 直接序列扩展频谱DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局DNA Digital Network Architecture 数字网络体系结构DCA Distributed Communication Architecture 分布式通信体系结构DLC Data link control 数据链路控制功能DLCI Data link connection identifier 数据链路连接标识符DTE Data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DCE Date circuit equipment 数据电路设备DPSK Differential phase shift keying 差分相移键控DTMF 双音多频序列DCC Data county codeDSP Domain specific partDPSK 差分相移键控DQDB Distributed queue dual bus 分布队列双总线DFIR Diffused IR 漫反射红外线DCF Distributed coordination function 分布式协调功能DOD 美国国防部DNS Domain name system 域名系统DLS Directory location serviceDAT Dynamic address translation 动态地址翻译DCS Distributed computing systemDIS Draft internation standard 国际标准草案DSMA Digital sense multiple access 数字侦听多路访问DES Data encrytion standard 数据加密标准DSS Digital signature standard 数字签名标准DSA 目录服务代理DMSP Distributed mail system protocol 分布式电子邮件系统协议DPCM Differential pulse code modulation 差分脉冲码调制DCT Discrete cosine trasformation 离散余弦变换DVMRP Distant vector multicast routing protocol 距离向量多点播送路由协议DHCP Dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DFS 分布式文件系统DES 数据加密标准DCD 数据载波检测DSMN Directory server manager for netware Netware目录服务管理器DSL Digital subscriber line 数字用户线路DDN Digital data network 数字数据网DDR Dial on demand routing 按需拨号路由DOS Denial of service 拒绝服务DAS Direct attached storage 直接存储模式EDI Electronic data interchange 电子数据交换Enterprise network 企业网EN End node 端节点ES-IS 端系统和中间系统ECMA European computer manufacturers associationEIA Electronic industries association 美国电子工业协会ESI End system identifierESS Extended service set 扩展服务集EDLC Ethernet data link controller 以太网数据链路控制器EGP Exterior gateway protocol 外部网关协议AMI Alternate mark inversion 信号交替反转编码ALU 逻辑运算单元A/N 字符/数字方式ACF/VTAM Advanced communication facility/Virtual telecommunication access methodAPA 图形方式APPN Advanced peer-to-peer networking 高级点对点网络ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation 1 第一个抽象语法ASCE Association control service Element 联系控制服务元素ASE Application service element 应用服务元素ASK 幅度键控ACK 应答信号ARQ Automatic repeat request 自动重发请求ARP Address resolution protocol 地址分解协议ARIS Aggragate route-based IP switchingADCCP Advanced data communication control procedureATM Asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输模式ABM Asynchronous balanced mode 异步平衡方式ARM Asynchronous response mode 异步响应方式AFI Authority and format identifierABR Available bit rate 有效比特率AAL ATM adaptation layer ATM适配层AC Acknowledged connectionless 无连接应答帧ACL 访问控制清单AS Autonomous system 自治系统ABR Available bit rate 可用比特率AP Access point 接入点ANS Advanced network services 先进网络服务ARP Address resolution protocol 地址解析协议ANSI 美国国家标准协会AMPS Advanced mobile phone system 先进移动电话系统ARQ Automatic repeat request 自动重发请求ADCCP Advanced data communication control procedure 高级数据通信过程ACTS Advanced communication technology satellite 先进通信技术卫星ACR Actual cell rate 当前速率ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法符号1ADSL Asymmetric digital subscriber line 非对称数字用户线路ADSI Active directory scripting interfaceADC Analog digital converter 模数转换器API 应用程序接口ARPA Advanced research projects agency 美国高级研究规划局ACE 访问控制条目ASP Active server pagesARC Advanced RISC computingAH 认证头ADS Active directory service 活动目录服务ATU-C ADSL transmission Unit-Central 处于中心位置的ADSL Modem ATI-R ADSL transmission Unit-Remote 用户ADSL ModemBMP Burst mode protocol 突发模式协议BECN 向后拥塞比特B-ISDN Broadband integrated service digital network 宽带ISDNBSA Basic service area 基本业务区BSS Basic service set 基本业务区BGP Border gateway protocol 边界网关协议BER Basic encoding rules 基本编码规则BAP Bandwidth allocation protocol 动态带宽分配协议BACP Bandwidth allocation control protocol 动态带宽分配控制协议BRI Basic rate interface 基本速率接口BIND Berkeley internet name domain UNIX/Linux域名解析服务软件包BPDU Bridge protocol data unit 桥接协议数据单元BER Basic encoding ruleCRT 阴极射线管CCW 通道控制字CSWR 通道状字寄存器CAWR 通道地址字寄存器CN Campus network 校园网CNNIC 中国互联网络信息中心ChinaNET 中国公用计算机互联网CERNET 中国教育科研网CSTNET 中国科学技术网CHINAGBN 国家公用经济信息能信网络CCITT Consultative committee international telegraph and telephoneCEP Connection end point 连接端点CP Control point 控制点CONS 面向连接的服务CCR Commitment concurrency and recovery 并发和恢复服务元素CMIP Common management information protocol 公共管理信息协议CMIS Common management information service 公共管理信息服务CATV 有线电视系统CRC Cyclic redundancy check 循环冗余校验码CBC 密码块链接CLLM Consolidated link layer management 强化链路层管理CLP Cell loss priorityCSMA/CD Carrier sense multiple access/collision detection 带冲突检测介质访问控制CBR Constant bit rate 固定比特率CEPT 欧洲邮电委员会CCK Complementary code keyingCLNP Connectionless network protocol 无连接的网络协议CIDR Classless inter-domain routing 无类别的域间路由CERN The European center for Nuclear Research 欧洲核子研究中心CGI Common gateway interface 公共网关接口IPC Inter process communication 进程间通信IXC Interexchange carrier 内部交换电信公司IMTS Improved mobile telephone system 该进型移动电话系统IGMP Internet group management protocol 网组管理协议IDEA International data encryption Algorithm国际数据加密算法IMAP Interactive mail access protocol 交互式电子邮件访问协议IPRA Internet policy registration authority 因特网策略登记机构ISP 因特网服务提供商ICA 独立客户机结构IPX/SPX 互联网分组交换/顺序分组交换InterNIC Internet network information centerISM Internet service managerISAP Internet information server 应用程序编程接口IRC Internet relay chat 互联网中继交换ISL Inter switch link 内部交换链路IRP I/O请求分组IIS Internet information server Internet信息服务器ISU 综合业务单元ISDN Integrated service digital network 综合业务数字网IGRP Interior gateway routing protocol 内部网关路由协议JPEG Joint photographic experts group 图像专家联合小组KDC Key distribution center 密钥分发中心LCD 液晶显示器LIFO 后进先出LED Light emitting diode 发光二极管LEN Low-entry node 低级入口节点LNP Local number portability 市话号码移植LAP Link access procedure 链路访问过程LAP-B Link access procedure-BalancedLAN Local area networks 局域网LANE LAN emulated LAN仿真标准LEC LAN仿真客户机LES LAN emulaion server LAN仿真服务器LECS LAN仿真配置服务器LLC Logic link control 逻辑链路控制LC 迟到计数器LCP Link control protocol 链路控制协议LDAP Lightweight directory access protocolLSR 标记交换路由器LER 标记边缘路由器LDP 标记分发协议LATA Local access and transport areas 本地访问和传输区域LEC Local exchange carrier 本地交换电信公司LIS Logical IP subnet 逻辑IP子网LI Length indicator 长度指示LDAP Light directory access protocol 轻型目录访问协议LILO The Linux loaderL2TP Layer2 tunneling protocol 第2层通道协议LMI 本地管理接口LPK/LDK Lapped public or double key 多重公钥/双钥LMDS Local multipoint distribution services 本地多点分配业务LSA Link state advertisement 链路状态通告MAN Metropolitan area networks 城域网MISD 多指令流单数据流MIMD 多指令流多数据流MIMO 多输入输出天线系统MOTIS Message-oriented text interchange systemMC Manchester Code 曼彻斯特骗码Modulation and demodulation modem 调制解调器MTP Message transfer part 报文传输部分MAC Media access control 介质访问控制MAC Message authentication code 报文认证代码MAU Multi Access Unit 多访问部件MAP Manufacturing automation protocolMSP Message send protocol 报文发送协议MPLS Multi protocol label wsitching 多协议标记交换MFJ Modified final judgement 最终判决MTSO Mobile telephone switching office 移动电话交换站MSC Mobile switching center 移动交换中心MCS Master control station 主控站点MCR Minimum cell rate 最小信元速率MTU Maximum trasfer unit 最大传送单位MID Multiplexing ID 多路复用标识MIB Management information base 管理信息库MIME Multipurpose internet mail extensions 多用途因特网邮件扩展MPEG Moring picture experts group 移动图像专家组MIDI Music instrument digital interface 乐器数字接口MTU Maximum transfer unit 最大传输单元MCSE Microsoft 认证系统工程师MPR Multi protocol routing 多协议路由器MIBS 管理信息数据库MVL Multiple virtual line 多虚拟数字用户线PCF Point coordination function 点协调功能PPP Point to point protocol 点对点协议PSTN Public switched telephone network 公共电话交换网PSDN Packet Switched data network 公共分组数据网络Packet switching node 分组交换节点PAP Password authentication protocol 口令认证协议PAM Pluggable authentication modules 可插入认证模块POTS Plain old telephone service 老式电话服务PCS Personal communications service 个人通信服务PCN Personal communications network 个人通信网络PCR Peak cell rate 峰值信元速率POP Post office protocol 邮局协议PGP Pretty good privacy 相当好的保密性PCA Policy certification authorities 策略认证机构PPTP Point to point Tunneling protocol 点对点隧道协议POSIX 可移植性操作系统接口PTR 相关的指针PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy 准同步数字系列PPPoE Point-to-point protocol over ethernet 基于局域网的点对点通信协议PXC 数字交叉连接PRI Primary rate interface 主要率速接口QAM Quadrature amplitude modulation 正交副度调制QOS Quality of service 服务质量RTSE Reliable transfer service element 可靠传输服务元素ROSE Remote operations service element 远程操作服务元素RZ Return to zero 归零码Repeater 中继器RJE Remote job entry 远程作业RARP Reverse address resolution protocol 反向ARP协议RPC Remote procedure call 远程过程调用RFC Request for comments 请求评注RAID Redundant array of inexpensive disks 廉价磁盘冗余阵列RADIUS 远端验证拨入用户服务RAS Remote access services 远程访问服务RISC Reduced instruction set computer 最简指令系统RIP Routing information protocol 路由信息协议RRAS 路由与远程访问服务RDP 远程桌面协议RADSL 速率自适应用户数字线RAN 无线接入网RAS Remote access server 远程访问服务器RSVP Resource ReSerVation Protocol 资源预约协议SISD 单指令单流数据流SIMD 单指令多流数据流SP 堆栈指针寄存器SNA System Network Architecture 系统网络体系结构SNA/DS SNA Distribution service 异步分布处理系统SAP Service access point 服务访问点SAP Service advertising protocol 服务公告协议SPX Sequential packet eXchangeSNIC 子网无关的会聚功能SNDC 子网相关的会聚功能SNAC 子网访问功能SNACP Subnetwork access ptotocol 子网访问协议SNDCP SubNetwork dependent convergence protocol 子网相关的会聚协议SNICP SubNetwork independent convergence protocol 子网无关的会聚协议STP Shielded twisted pair 屏蔽双绞线STP Signal transfer point 信令传输点STP Spanning Tree Protocol 生成树协议SONET Synchronous optical networkSDH Synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系列SS7 Signaling system No.7SSP Service switching point 业务交换点SCP Service control point 业务控制点SCCP Signaling connection control part 信令连接控制部分SDLC Synchronous data link control 同步数据链路控制协议SIM 初始化方式命令SVC Switched virtual call 交换虚电路STM Synchronous transfer mode 同步传输模式SAR Segmentation and reassembly 分段和重装配SMTP Simple mail transfer protocol 简单邮件传送协议SFTP Simple file transfer protocolSNMP Simple network management 简单网络管理协议SNPP Simple network paging protocolSCSI 小型计算机系统接口SLIP Serial line IP 串行IP协议SMB Server message block 服务器报文快协议SRT Source routing transparent 源路径透明SDU Service data unit 服务数据单元SMDS Switched multimegabit data service 交换式多兆比特数据服务SAR Segmentation and reassembly 分解和重组SONET Synchronous optical network 同步光纤网络SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字分级结构STS-1 Synchronous transport signal-1 同步传输信号。
libmodsecurity原理libmodsecurity是一个开源的Web应用程序防火墙库,用于保护Web 应用程序免受各种攻击,如SQL注入、跨站脚本攻击等。
以下是libmodsecurity的主要原理:1. 规则引擎libmodsecurity基于规则引擎进行工作。
这些规则可以由用户自定义,也可以从其他来源获取,如OW ASP核心规则集。
2. 声明式语言libmodsecurity使用一种声明式语言(ModSecurity规则语言)来定义规则。
3. 阶段化处理libmodsecurity将Web请求处理过程划分为多个阶段,每个阶段都有不同的目的和行为。
4. 上下文感知libmodsecurity在处理Web请求时具有上下文感知能力。
5. 日志和事件libmodsecurity可以生成详细的日志和事件,记录检测到的安全事件和规则的触发情况。
6. 可扩展性和定制化libmodsecurity具有良好的可扩展性和定制化能力。
电子信息英文The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this standard. For dated references,only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.2.1 IEEE documentsIEEE Std 802, IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture.IEEE Std 802.15.2™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Telecommunications and Information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks—Specific Requirements—Part 15.2: Coexistence of Wireless Personal Area Networks with Other Wireless Devices Operating in Unlicensed Frequency Band.2.2 ISO documentsISO/IEC 3309, Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures — Frame structure.ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information technology —Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model.ISO/IEC 8802-2, Information technology —Telecommunicationsand information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks —Specific requirements —Part 2: Logical link control.ISO/IEC 10039, Information technology —Open Systems Interconnection — Local Area Networks —Medium Access Control (MAC) service definition.ISO/IEC 15802-1, Information technology —Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Local and metropolitan area networks —Common specifications —Part 1: Medium Access Control (MAC) service definition.2.3 ITU documentsITU-T Recommendation G.711, Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies.ITU-T Recommendation O.150, Digital test patterns for performance measurements on digital transmission equipment. ITU-T Recommendation O.153, Basic parameters for the measurement of error performance at bit rates below the primary rate.ITU-T Recommendation X.200, Information technology—Open systems interconnection—Basic reference model: The basic model.2.4 Other documentsIETF RFC 1363, A Proposed Flow Specification.IETF RFC 1661, The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).IrDA Object Exchange Protocol (IrOBEX), Version 1.23. DefinitionsFor the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition [B7], should be referenced for terms not defined in this clause.3.1 active slave broadcast (ASB): The logical transport that is used to transport Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) user traffic to all active devices in the piconet.3.2 ad hoc network: A network typically created in a spontaneous manner. An ad hoc network requires no formal infrastructure and is limited in temporal and spatial extent.3.3 authenticated device: A device whose identity has been verified during the lifetime of the current link,based on the authentication procedure.3.4 authentication: A generic procedure based on link management profile authentication that determines whether a link key exists or, on Link Manager Protocol (LMP) pairing, whether no link key exists.3.5 authorization: A procedure where a user of a device grants a specific (remote) device access to a specific service. Authorizationimplies that the identity of the remote device can be verified through authentication.3.6 authorize: The act of granting a specific device access to a specific service. It may be based upon user confirmation or given the existence of a trusted relationship.3.7 baseband (BB): The part of the system that specifies or implements the medium access control (MAC) layer and physical layer (PHY) procedures to support the exchange of real-time voice, data information streams, and ad hoc networking between devices.3.8 beacon train: A pattern of reserved slots within a basic or adapted piconet physical channel. Transmissions starting in these slots are used to resynchronize parked devices.3.9 Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR): The address used to identify a device conforming to this standard.3.10 Bluetooth wireless technology: The general term used to describe the technolgy orginally developed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). It defines a wireless communication link, operating in the unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band at 2.4 GHz using a frequency hopping transceiver.The link protocol is based on time slots.3.11 bond: A relation between two devices defined by creating, exchanging, and storing a common link key The bond is createdthrough the bonding or Link Manager Protocol (LMP) pairing procedures.3.12 channel: Either a physical channel or an Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel,depending on the context.3.13 connect (to service): The establishment of a connection to a service. If not already done, this also includes establishment of a physical link, logical transport, logical link, and Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel.3.14 connectable device: A device in range that periodically listens on its page scan physical channel and will respond to a page on that channel.3.15 connected devices: Two devices in the same piconet and witha physical link between them.3.16 connecting: A phase in the communication between devices when a connection between them is being established. (Connecting phase follows after the link establishment phase is completed.)3.17 connection: A connection between two peer applications or higher layer protocols mapped onto a Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel.3.18 connection establishment: A procedure for creating aconnection mapped onto a channel.3.19 controller: A subsystem containing the physical layer (PHY), baseband (BB), resource controller, link manager (LM), device manager, and a host controller interface (HCI) conforming to this standard.3.20 coverage area: The area where two devices can exchange messages with acceptable quality and performance.3.21 creation of a secure connection: A procedure of establishing a connection, including authentication and encryption.3.22 creation of a trusted relationship: A procedure where the remote device is marked as a trusted device.This includes storing a common link key for future authentication and pairing (if the link key is not available).3.23 device: A device that is capable of short-range wireless communications using this standard.3.24 device address: A 48-bit address used to identify each device.3.25 device discovery: A procedure for retrieving the device address, clock, class-of-device field, and used page scan mode from discoverable devices.3.26 discoverable device: A device in range that periodically listens on an inquiry scan physical channel and will respond to an inquiry on that channel. Discoverable devices are normally alsoconnectable.3.27 estimated clock (CLKE): Estimate of another device’s clock. CLKE may be a slave’s estimate of a master’s clock, a paging devices’s estimate of the paged device’s clock, or other such use.3.28 host: A computing device, peripheral, cellular telephone, access point to public switched telephone network (PSTN) or local area network (LAN), etc. A host attached to a controller may communicate with other hosts attached to their controllers as well.3.29 host controller interface (HCI): A command interface to the baseband (BB) controller and link manager (LM) that provides access to hardware status and control registers and provides a uniform method of accessing the BB capabilities.3.30 idle: Description of a device, as seen from a remote device, when no link is established between the devices.3.31 inquiring device: A device that is carrying out the inquiry procedure.3.32 inquiry: A procedure where a device transmits inquiry messages and listens for responses in order to discover the other devices that are within the coverage area.3.33 inquiry scan: A procedure where a device listens for inquiry messages received on its inquiry scan physical channel.3.34 isochronous data: Information in a stream where eachinformation entity in the stream is bound by a time relationship to previous and successive entities.3.35 known device: A device for which at least the Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR) is stored.3.36 link: Shorthand for a logical link.3.37 link establishment: A procedure for establishing the default ACL link and hierarchy of links and channels between devices.3.38 link key: A secret key that is known by two devices and is used in order to authenticate each device to the other.3.39 LMP authentication: A procedure on the Link Manager Protocol (LMP) level for verifying the identity of a remote device. The procedure is based on a challenge-response mechanism using a random number, a secret key, and the Bluetooth device address (BD_ADDR) of the noninitiating device. The secret key used can bea previously exchanged link key.3.40 LMP pairing: A procedure that authenticates two devices, based on a personal identification number (PIN), and subsequently creates a common link key that can be used as a basis for a trusted relationship or a (single) secure connection. The procedure consists of the following steps: creation of an initialization key (based on a random number and a PIN), creation and exchange of a common link key, and Link Manager Protocol (LMP)authentication based on the common link key.3.41 logical channel: Identical to a Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel, but deprecated due to inconsistent usage in IEEE Std802.15.1-2002.3.42 logical link: The lowest architectural level used to offer independent data transport services to clients of the system.3.43 logical transport: Used to represent commonality between different logical links due to shared acknowledgement protocol and link identifiers.3.44 L2CAP channel: A logical connection on the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) level between two devices serving a single application or higher layer protocol.3.45 L2CAP channel establishment: A procedure for establishing a logical connection on the Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) level.3.46 master clock (CLK): Native clock of the piconet’s master.3.47 mode: A set of directives that defines how a device will respond to certain events.3.48 name discovery: A procedure for retrieving the user-friendly name (the device name) of a connectable device.3.49 native clock (CLKN): A 28-bit clock internal to a controller subsystem that ticks every 312.5μs. The value of this clockdefines the slot numbering and timing in the various physical channels.3.50 packet: Format of aggregated bits that are transmitted on a physical channel.3.51 page: The initial phase of the connection procedure where a device transmits a train of page messages until a response is received from the target device or a timeout occurs.3.52 page scan: A procedure where a device listens for page messages received on its page scan physical channel.3.53 paging device: A device that is carrying out the page procedure.3.54 paired device: A device with which a link key has been exchanged (either before connection establishment was requested or during connecting phase).3.55 parked device: A device operating in a basic mode piconet that is synchronized to the master, but has given up its default ACL logical transport.3.56 parked slave broadcast (PSB): The logical transport that is used for communications from the master to parked slave devices. These communications may also be received by active devices. 3.57 participant in multiple piconets: A device that is concurrently a member of more than one piconet. It achieves this status using timedivision multiplexing (TDM) to interleave its activity on each piconet physical channel.3.58 personal identification number (PIN): A user-friendly number that can be used to authenticate connections to a device before pairing has taken place.3.59 physical channel: A channel characterized by synchronized occupancy of a sequence of radio frequency (RF) carriers by one or more devices. A number of physical channel types exist with characteristics defined for their different purposes.3.60 physical link: A connection on the baseband (BB) level between two devices established using paging.3.61 piconet: A collection of devices occupying a shared physical channel where one of the devices is the piconet master and the remaining devices are connected to it.3.62 piconet physical channel: A channel that is divided into time slots in which each slot is related to a radio frequency (RF) hop frequency. Consecutive hops normally correspond to different RF hop frequencies and occur at a standard hop rate of 1600 hop/s. These consecutive hops follow a pseudo-random hopping sequence, hopping through a 79-RF channel set, or optionally fewer channels when adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) is in used.3.63 piconet master: The device in a piconet whose clock anddevice address are used to define the piconet physical channel characteristics.3.64 piconet slave: Any device in a piconet that is not the piconet master, but is connected to the piconet master, and that controls piconet timing and access by its transmissions to slaves.3.65 prepaired device: A device with which a link key was exchanged and stored before link establishment.3.66 scatternet: Two or more piconets that include one or more devices participating in more than one piconet.3.67 service discovery (SD): Procedures for querying and browsing for services offered by or through another device.3.68 service layer protocol: A protocol that uses a Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) channel for transporting protocol data units (PDUs).3.69 silent device: A device appears as silent to a remote device if it does not respond to inquiries made by the remote device.3.70 trusted device: A paired device that is explicitly marked as trusted.3.71 unknown device: A device for which no information (e.g., device address, link key) is stored.3.72 unpaired device: A device for which there was no exchanged link key available before connection establishment was requested.6. ArchitectureThis standard is a formalization of Bluetooth wireless technology, a short-range communications system intended to replace the cable(s) connecting portable and/or fixed electronic devices. Key features are robustness,low power, and low cost. Many features of the core specification are optional, allowing product differentiation.The term core system is used in this clause to denote the combination of a radio frequency (RF) transceiver, BB, and protocol stack. The system offers services that enable the connection of devices and the exchange of a variety of classes of data between these devices.This clause of this standard provides an overview of the system architecture, communication topologies, and data transport features. This clause is informative.6.1 General descriptionThe RF (PHY) operates in the unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz.. The system employs a frequency hop transceiver to combat interference and fading and provides many frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) carriers. RF operation uses a shaped binary frequency modulation to minimize transceiver complexity. The symbol rate is 1 Msymbol/s supporting the bit rate of 1 Mb/s.During typical operation, a physical radio channel is shared by a group of devices that are synchronized to a common clock and frequency hopping pattern. One device provides the synchronization reference and is known as the master. All other devices are known as slaves. A group of devices synchronized in this fashion form a piconet. This is the fundamental form of communication in the technology.Devices in a piconet use a specific frequency hopping pattern, which is algorithmically determined by fields in the device address and the clock of the master. The basic hopping pattern is a pseudo-random ordering of the 79 frequencies in the ISM band. The hopping pattern may be adapted to exclude a portion of the frequencies that are used by interfering devices. The adaptive hopping technique improves coexistence with static (non hopping) ISM systems when these are collocated and implements some of the recommendations of IEEE Std 802.15.2-2003.The physical channel is subdivided into time units known as slots. Data are transmitted between devices in packets, which are positioned in these slots. When circumstances permit, a number of consecutive slots may be allocated to a single packet. Frequency hopping takes place between the transmission or the reception of packets. This standard provides the effect of full duplextransmission through the use of a time-division duplex (TDD) scheme.Above the physical channel, there is a layering of links and channels and associated control protocols. The hierarchy of channels and links from the physical channel upwards is physical channel, physical link, logical transport, logical link, and L2CAP channel. These are discussed in more detail in 6.4.4 through 6.5, but are introduced here to aid the understanding of the remainder of this clause.Within a physical channel, a physical link is formed between any two devices that transmit packets in either direction between them. In a piconet physical channel, there are restrictions on which devices may form a physical link. There is a physical link between each slave and the master. Physical links are not formed directly between the slaves in a piconet.The physical link is used as a transport for one or more logical links that support unicast synchronous, asynchronous and isochronous traffic, and broadcast traffic. Traffic on logical links is multiplexed onto the physical link by occupying slots assigned by a scheduling function in the resource manager.A control protocol for the BB layer and PHY is carried over logical links in addition to user data. This is the LMP. Devices thatare active in a piconet have a default asynchronous connection-oriented (ACL) logical transport that is used to transport the LMP signalling. For historical reasons, this is referred to as the ACL logical transport. The default ACL logical transport is the one that is created whenever a device joins a piconet. Additional logical transports may be created to transport synchronous data streams when this is required.The LM function uses LMP to control the operation of devices in the piconet and provide services to manage the lower architectural levels (i.e., PHY and BB). The LMP is carried only on the default ACL logical transport and the default broadcast logical transport.Above the BB, L2CAP provides a channel-based abstraction to applications and services. It carries out segmentation and reassembly (SAR) of application data and multiplexing and demultiplexing of multiple channels over a shared logical link. L2CAP has a protocol control channel that is carried over the default ACL logical transport. Application data submitted to the L2CAP may be carried on any logical link that supports the L2CAP.6.2 Core system architectureThe core system covers the four lowest segments and associated protocols defined by this standard, and the overallprofile requirements are specified in the generic access profile (GAP) (see Annex B). A complete application generally requires a number of additional service and higher layer protocols that are defined in the Bluetooth specification and are not described in this standard. The core system architecture is shown in Figure 1.Core system architecture shows the four lowest layers, each with its associated communication protocol. The lowest three layers are sometimes grouped into a subsystem (known as the controller). This is a common implementation involving a standard physical communications interface (i.e., the host controller interface or HCI) and remainder of the system. This includes the L2CAP, service, and higher layers (known as the host). Although this interface is optional, the architecture is designed to allow for its existence and characteristics. This standard enables interoperability between independent systems by defining the protocol messages exchanged between equivalent layers and also interoperability between independent subsystems by defining a common interface between controllers and hosts.A number of functional blocks are shown in Figure 1 and the path of services and data between these. The functional blocks shown in the diagram are informative; in general, this standard does not define the details of implementations except where this isrequired for interoperability. Thus the functional blocks in Figure 1 are shown in order to aid description of the system behavior. An implementation may be different from the system shown in Figure 1.Standard interactions are defined for all inter-device operation, where devices exchange protocol signalling according to this standard. The core system protocols are the Radio Frequency (RF) Protocol, Link Control Protocol (LCP), LMP, and L2CAP, all of which are fully defined in subsequent parts of this standard.The core system offers services through a number of service access points (SAPs) that are shown in Figure 1 as ellipses. These services consist of the basic primitives that control the core system. The services can be split into three types:— Device control services that modify the behavior and modes of a device— Transport control services that create, modify, and release traffic bearers (channels and links)— Data services that are used to submit data for transmission over traffic bearersIt is common to consider the first two as belonging to the C-plane and the last as belonging to the U-plane.Figure 1—Core system architectureA service interface to the controller subsystem is defined so that the controller may be considered a standard part. In this configuration, the controller operates the lowest three layers, and L2CAP is contained with the rest of the application in a host system. This standard interface is called the host controller interface (HCI), and its SAPs are represented by the ellipses on the upper edge of the controller subsystem in Figure 1. Implementation of this standard service interface is optional.As the architecture is defined with the possibility of separate host and controller communicating through an HCI, a number of general assumptions are made. The controller is assumed to have limited data buffering capabilities in comparison with the host. Therefore, L2CAP is expected to carry out some simple resource management when submitting L2CAP protocol data units (PDUs) to the controller for transport to a peer device. This includessegmentation of L2CAP service data units (SDUs) into more manageable PDUs and then the fragmentation of PDUs into start and continuation packets of a size suitable for the controller buffers, and management of the use of controller buffers to ensure availability for channels with quality of service (QoS) commitments.The BB protocol provides the basic ARQ Protocol. The L2CAP can optionally provide a further error detection and retransmission to the L2CAP PDUs. This feature is recommended for applications with requirements for a low probability of undetected errors in the user data. A further optional feature of L2CAP is a window-based flow control that can be used to manage buffer allocation in the receiving device. Both of these optional features augment the QoS performance in certain scenarios.6.3 Core architectural blocksThis subclause describes the function and responsibility of each of the blocks shown in Figure 1, which describes a possible implementation architecture. An implementation is not required to follow the architecture described in this clause.。
1.(DEC)CSMA/CD 载波监听多路访问/冲突检测2.(IBM)DNA 数字网络体系构3.access 访问4.access control 访问控制5.access matrix 访问矩阵6.account 帐号7.ACL(access control list)访问列表8.acquisition confirm 获取确认9.acquisition request 获取请求10.across certificate 交叉证书 激活12.address size 地址13.ADSL 对称数字用户服务线14.ADSL(asymmetric digital subscriber line) 不对称数字用户15.AFS(andrew file system) 分布式文件系统16.agent 代理17.AH(authentication header 鉴别报头18.ANSI 美国国家标准协会19.ASK(amplitude shift keying) 幅移键控法20.assume 担任21.asymmetric key cryptography 不对称加密22.ATM( Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 异步传输模式23.attempt limit 最大重传次数24.AUI 连接单元接口25.authenticated 已认证26.authentication 鉴别27.authentication mechanisms 路由控制机制28.authenticatior 身份认证29.awareness 互相感知30.back 前一步31.back off limit 避免算法参数32.BIOS(Basic—input—Output System) 基本输入输出系统33.bridge 网桥34.broadcast storm 广播风暴35.BtoC(B2C)business to consumer 企业对消费者36.BtoG(business to government 企业对政府37.CA(certificate authority) 证书权威机构38.Cable-modem 机顶盒39.catalog 目录手册40.CBX(computerized branch exchange)程控交换ITT 国际电报电话咨询委员会42.CDE(common desktop environment) 通用桌面环境43.CD-R 光盘刻录机44.CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱)45.cease 中止46.cell rate decoupling 信元率去耦48.certificate hierarchy 证书层次结构49.certificate verify 证书检验报文50.CGI(common gateway interface) 公用网关接口51.CHAP(challenge handshake authentication protocol)请求握手验证协议 闲谈53.chip 芯片54.ciphertext 脱密 点击56.Client/Server 客户机/服务器57.cluster 群集地址58.CMIS/CMIP 公共管理信息服务/协议59.CMISE 公共管理信息服务60.code 密码61.CODEC(Code decoder)编码解码器62.collaboration 协作63.collabration/cooperation 协调和协作方式64.collaspsed backone 折叠式主干网—located 同地协作66.column 行merce 主题patibility 兼容性puter language 计算机语言言70.configuration 配置71.content/message 内容72.cooperation 协同73.coordination 协调74.copy 复制75.CORBA 面向对象的分布系统应用76.COSE(common open software environment) 普通开放软件环境RPC远程过程调用77.COSE(common opensystem environment)通用开放系统环境78.course grained 粗粒度访问控制79.CPU(Central Processing Unit)央处理单元 漫游81.CSCL(Computer Supported Cooperative Learning)计算机支持的合作学习82.CSCW(computer supported cooperative work 计算机支持协同工作83.cut 剪切 数据 base 数据库 confidentiality 保密 integrity 数据完整性88.DBMS(Data Base Manage System) 数据库管理系统89.DBS(direct broadcast satellite)直播广播卫星90.DCE(distributed computing environment)分布计算环境91.DDCS 数据库管理和分布数据库连接服务92.debug 调试94.default receive windows) 预设接收窗口95.Demo 演示96.DES(data encryption standard)数据加密标准97.description 描述98.Destination Folder 目的文件夹 signature mechanisms 数据完整性100.distance education/learning 远程教育101.DNS(domain name service)域名服务102.double click 双击103.dummy 哑终端104.edit 编辑cational groupware system 教育组件系统106.EEI(extenal environment interface) 扩展环境接口107.EGP(exterior gateway protocol)扩展网关协议108.Email 电子邮件109.encapsulation 封装110.enciphermant 加密机制111.encopulation security payload 封装安全负载112.encryption 加密113.exception 异常114.execute 执行115.exit 退出116.FCS 帧校验序117.FDM 频分路复用118.find file 文件查寻119.fine grained 细粒度访问控制120.finish 结束121.Firewall 防火墙122.Fixed disk setup program 硬盘安装程序123.Floppy Disk 软盘124.folder 文件夹125.font 字体126.FSK(frequency shift eying)移键控法127.full screen 全屏128.function 函数129.gateway 网关 图形131.groupware 群件132.GSM(roup pecial mobile) 移动通讯133.GSS—API 通用安全服务134.GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面135.Hard Disk 硬盘136.HDSL(high bit rate)两对双绞线137.Homepage 主页138.HTML hypertext markup language 超文本语言139.HUB 集线器140.hyperlink 超级链接141.hypertext 超文本142.ICCC 国际计算机信会议143.ICMP internet 控制报文协议144.icon 图标145.ICQ 网上寻呼146.IDEA(international data encryption algorithm)国际加密算法147.IE(Internet Explorer) 微软公司的网络浏览器148.IGP(inter gateway protocol) 内部网关连接器协议149.IGP(interior gateway rotocol) 核心网关协议150.IIS(Internet Information server) internet 信息服务151.IKE(Internet key exchange)因特网密钥交换152.image 图像153.IMAP(internet message access protocol) 协议154.integrated model 集成模型155.Inter Frame Gap 帧156.interactive communication 交互通信157.interenterprise computing 企业间的计算158.interface 界面159.Internal web 内部环球网160.Internet 互联网161.internetworked enterprise 互联网上的企业162.interrupt 中断163.inverted 颠倒164.IP(Address)互联网议(地址) 165.IPSEC(IP security) 安全IP166.IPSP(IP security protocol) IP安全协议167.IRC(internet relay chat) 聊天168.ISO 国际标准化组织169.ISP(internet service provider) 服务商170.Jam size 阻塞参数171.KDC(key distribuetion center)密钥分发中心172.keyboard 键盘N 局域网PB(line access protocol balanced)链路访问协议平衡175.LDAP(light weight directory access protocol)轻量目录访问协议176.license 许可(证)177.LIP(serial line)IP 串行IP178.Lynx Mosaic Netscape Hotjava 浏览器179.mail lists 邮件列表180.mainboard 主板181.manual 指南182.MAU 介质连接口183.max frame size 最大帧184.MDI 介质相关接口185.medium grained 中粒度访问控制186.message systems 信报系统187.middleware 中间件188.MIPS PC的处理能力189.Modem(MOdulator-DEModulator)调制解调器190.monitor 监视器191.more flag 标识192.mouse 鼠标193.MSS(maximum segment size) 最大分段尺寸194.MTU(maximum transmission unit)最大传输单位195.multi homed 多宿主196.multicast 组播地址197.multimedia 多媒体198.NAT(network address translation) 网络地址转换199.Navigator 网景公司的浏览器200.NCP(network control protocol) 网络控制协议201.NDIS(network device interface specification) 网络设备接口work—based distance education 远程网络教育203.newgroups 新闻组 下一步205.nonlinear encoding 非线性编程206.non—reputation 防止否认207.notarization mechanisms 公证208.NRZ (Non return to zero) 不归零制209.NSP(name service protocol)域名服务协议210.NTDS(windows NT directory server) windows NT目录服务211.NWC(newwave computingHP) 新波形计算212.object 对象213.OCCA(open cooperative computing architecture)开放合作计算体系结构214.ODI 开放数据链路接口215.OEM 原始设备制造商216.offset 偏移217.On semble stackable 10BASE 可叠加组合型集线器 在线219.OO(Object—Oriented)面向对象220.option pack 功能补丁221.OSF 开放软件中心222.OSF(open software foundation)开放软件基金223.OSPF 开放最短径优先协议224.OSPF(open shortest path control protocol)开放的最短路径优先协议225.PABX(private automatic branch exchange)自动交换机226.PAD 填充字段227.pan 漫游228.PAP(password authentication protocol)密码验证协议229.paragraph 段落230.password 口令231.paste 粘贴232.PBX(private branch exchange) 专用换网233.PCM(pulse code modulation)脉冲代码调制234.PCS 便携式智能终端235.PCT(private communication technology)专网通信技术236.PIN(personal identification number) 个人标识符237.plaintext 明文238.platform 平台239.PMA 物理介质接口240.poll 轮询241.portable 便携242.P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用243.PPP(Point to Point protocol)点对点协议244.previous 前一个245.print preview 打印预览246.private 保密247.private key 私钥248.profit 利润249.program 程序250.progress 进展251.protocol 协议252.proxy server 代理服务器253.PSK(phase shift keying) 相移键控法254.PtoP(C2C)person to person 个人对个人255.public key 公钥256.PWS(peer web serviceWEB)服务器257.RADSL(rate adaptive DSL)速率自适应DSL 258.RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存) 259.RAS 远程访问服务260.realm 域261.redirector 重定向器262.reference monitor 引用监控器263.registration 登录264.release 发布265.remote 远程协作266.repeater 中继器267.Replace 替换268.reply attack 检测重放攻击269.restart 重新启动270.right click 右击271.RIP(routing information protocol) 路由信息协议272.RIP(Routing Information protocol)路由信息协议273.rogue programs 捣乱程序274.ROM(Read Only Memory) 只读存储器275.router 路由器276.row 列277.RR(resource record) 资源记录278.ruler 标尺279.SBS(source route switching)源路由交换网桥280.scable model 可伸缩模型281.SDH 同步数字复用282.SDSL(symmetric DSL) 单对双绞线283.seal 封装 查询285.Search Engine 搜索引擎 audit trail 安全审计跟踪 domain 安全领域 labels 安全标记 recovery 安全恢复 all 全选291.service pack 服务补丁292.session key 会话层密钥293.SET(secure electrionic transaction)安全电子传送294.settings 设置295.settop box 机顶盒296.setup 安装297.SFD 起始定界符298.SFT(system fault tolerant) 系统容错299.short cut 快捷方式300.sign 签名301.SMI(structer of management information)管理信息结构302.SMT(station management) 管理站303.SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol) 简单邮件传输304.SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol)简单邮件传输协议305.SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol) 简单邮件传输协议306.SNA 系统网络体系结构307.SNMP(simple network management protocol) 简单网管协议308.SNMP(simple network management protocol) 简单网络管理协议309.SNR(signal noise ratio)信噪比310.solttime 时间片311.SONENT(synchronous optical network) 同步光纤网络312.source routing bridge 源路径桥313.SPF(shortest path first)最短路径314.spoofing 欺骗315.SRT 源地址选择透明桥316.SRT(source route transparent) 源路由透明网桥317.status bar 状态条318.STDM 统计时分多路复用319.STLP(secure transport layer protocol) 安全传送层 风格321.symbol 符号322.symmetric key cryptography 对称加密323.table 表324.TDM 时分多路复用325.tele-access 远程访问326.TELEGP(exterior gateway protocol)外部网关连接器协议327.telemedicine 远程医疗328.tele-mentoring 远程辅导329.tele-sharing 远程共享330.Telnet 远程登录331.template 模版332.text 文本333.ticket 凭证334.timestamp 时间标记335.tool bar 工具条336.translation bridging 转换桥接方式337.transparent bridge 传输桥338.trusted function 可信339.TTL(time to live)留存时间340.UDP(user datagram protocol)用户数据报协议341.uninstall 卸载342.UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源343.URL(Uniform resource locator)同意资源定位符344.URL(uniform resource locator) 统一资源定位er 用户 conferencing 视频会议347.view 视图348.virtual classroom 虚拟教室349.virtual electronic commerce city 虚拟电子商城350.virtual electronic mall 虚拟电子商场351.virtual publishing 虚拟出版352.virtual store 虚拟商店353.virus 病毒354.VPN(virtual private networks) 虚拟专网355.WAN 广域网356.WAP(wireless application protocol)无线应用协议357.WDH 波分复用358.Webpage 网页 网站360.Windows NT 微软公司的网络操作系统361.workflow 工作流362.WWW(World Wide Web)万维网363.WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get)所见即所得364.xDSL(x digital subscriber line)数字用户线路365.zoom in 放大366.zoom out 缩小。
GSSAPI-with-MIC是一种网络安全通信协议,全称为Generic Security Service Application Program Interface with Message Integrity Code。
它是由IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)定义的一组标准协议。
这种方式通常被应用于SSH(Secure Shell)协议中。
1.[单选题]为什么必须很好地保护 Kerberos 服务器免受未经授权的访问?A)我不包含所有客户的密钥 。
B)它始终以根本 特权运作。
C)它包含所有服务的门票 。
D)它包含所有网络实体的互联网协议 (IP) 地址 。
答案:A解析:2.[单选题]Data backup verification efforts should:数据备份验证工作应该:A)Have the smallest scope possible.尽可能有最小的范围B)Be based on the threats to the organization.基于组织面临的各种威胁C)Maximize impact on business.最大化对业务的影响D)Focus on user data.关注用户数据答案:B解析:3.[单选题]审计期间将收集的数据量主要由A)审计范围。
B)审计师的经验 水平。
</p>5.[单选题]As a security manger which of the following is the MOST effective practice for providing value to an organization? 作为安全经理,以下哪项是为组织提供价值的最有效实践?A)Assess business risk and apply security resources accordingly. 评估业务风险并相应地应用安全资源。
B)Coordinate security implementations with internal audit. 协调安全实施与内部审计。
计 算 机 英 语 词 汇大全
计算机英语词汇1.artificial intelligence 人工智能2.paper-tape reader 纸空阅读机3.optical computer 光学计算机4.neural network 神经网络5.instruction set 指令集6.parallel processing 平行处理7.difference engine 差分机8.versatile logical element 通用逻辑器件9.silicon substrate 硅基10.vacuum tube 真空管(电子管)11.the storage and handling of data 数据的存储与处理12.very large-scale integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路13.central processing unit 中央处理器14.personal computer 个人计算机15.analogue computer 模拟计算机 computer 数字计算机17.general-purpose computer 通用计算机18.processor chip 处理器芯片19.operating instructions 操作指令20.input device 输入设备21.circuit board 电路板22.beta testing β测试23.thin-client computer 瘦客户机电脑24.cell phone 蜂窝电话(移动电话) video 数码摄像机,数码影视26.Pentium processor 奔腾处理器27.virtual screen 虚拟屏幕28.desktop computer specifications 台式计算机规格 frequency 射频30.Windows Registry 视窗注册表31.swap file 交换文件32.TMP file 临时文件33.power plug 电源插头 disk space 可用磁盘空间35.Control Panel 控制面板36.Start Menu 开始菜单37.Add/Remove Programs option 添加∕删除程序选项rmation retrieval 信息检索39.voice recognition module 语音识别模块40.touch-sensitive region 触感区,触摸区41.address bus 地址总线42.flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪 printer 点阵打印机(针式打印机)44.parallel connection 并行连接45.cathode ray tube 阴极射线管 game 电子游戏(港台亦称电玩) signal 音频信号48.operating system 操作系统49.LCD (liquid crystal display) 液晶显示(器)50.inkjet printer 喷墨打印机 bus 数据总线52.serial connection 串行连接53.volatile memory 易失性存储器ser printer 激光打印机55.disk drive 磁盘驱动器56.BIOS (Basic Input Output System) 基本输入输出系统 display 视频显示器 tape 录像带59.aspect ratio (电视、电影图像的)高宽比,纵横比60.CD-RW 可擦写光驱ser diode 激光二极管62.reflective layer反射层63.optical disk光盘64.high resolution高分辨率65.floppy disk 软盘66.ISA slot ISA总线槽67.configuration register 配置寄存器68.still camera 静物照相机69.token packet 令牌包70.expansion hub 扩展集线器B(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线72.root hub 根集线器73.I/O device 输入输出设备74.control frame 控制帧75.PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) 外部设备互连 tape 录像带77.aspect ratio (电视、电影图像的)高宽比,纵横比78.CD-RW 可擦写光驱ser diode 激光二极管80.reflective layer反射层81.optical disk光盘82.high resolution高分辨率83.floppy disk 软盘 set 数据集85.pointing device 指点设备86.graphical user interface 图形化用户界面87.time-slice multitasking 分时多任务处理88.object-oriented programming 面向对象编程 on an icon 点击图标90.context switching 上下文转换91.distributed system 分布式系统92.pull-down lists of commands 命令的下拉列表93.simultaneous access 同时访问mand-line interface 命令行界面95.multitasking environment 多任务化环境96.spreadsheet program 电子制表程序97.main memory 主存 media 存储介质99.disk file 磁盘文件mand interpreter 命令解释器work connection 网络连接102.DOS (disk operating system) 磁盘操作系统103.copy a data file 拷贝数据文件104.serial port 串行端口105.configuration utility 配置工具106.ISDN 综合业务数字网107.token ring 令牌环 Ethernet 快速以太网109.virtual memory 虚拟内存110.source code 源代码111.swap space 交换空间112.Internet protocol 因特网协议113.SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array) 超级视频图形阵列work throughput 网络吞吐量115.registry access 注册表存取116.scalable file server 规模可变的文件服务117.static Web page 静态网页118.physical memory 物理内存119.Plug and Play 即插即用work adapter 网络适配器121.SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) 对称多任务处理 register 存储寄存器123.function statement 函数语句124.program statement 程序语句125.object-oriented language 面向对象语言126.assembly language 汇编语言127.intermediate language 中间语言,中级语言128.relational language 关系(型)语言129.artificial language 人造语言 declaration 数据声明131.SQL 结构化查询语言132.executable program 可执行程序133.program module 程序模块134.conditional statement 条件语句135.assignment statement赋值语句136.logic language 逻辑语言137.machine language 机器语言138.procedural language 过程语言139.programming language 程序设计语言 a computer program 运行计算机程序puter programmer 计算机程序设计员142.artificial intelligence 人工智能143.paper-tape reader 纸空阅读机144.optical computer 光学计算机145.neural network 神经网络146.instruction set 指令集147.parallel processing 平行处理148.difference engine 差分机149.versatile logical element 通用逻辑器件150.silicon substrate 硅基151.vacuum tube 真空管(电子管)152.the storage and handling of data 数据的存储与处理153.very large-scale integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路154.central processing unit 中央处理器155.personal computer 个人计算机156.analogue computer 模拟计算机 computer 数字计算机158.general-purpose computer 通用计算机159.processor chip 处理器芯片160.operating instructions 操作指令161.input device 输入设备162.function call 函数调用163.event-driven programming 事件驱动编程 on a push button 点击按钮165.application window 应用程序窗口166.class hierarchy 类继承167.child window 子窗口168.application development environment 应用程序开发环境169.pull-down menu 下拉菜单170.dialog box 对话框171.scroll bar 滚动条172.native code 本机代码173.header file 头文件174.multithreaded program 多线程编程175.Java-enabled browser 支持Java的浏览器176.machine code 机器码177.assembly code 汇编码178.Trojan horse 特洛伊木马程序 package 软件包180.inference engine 推理机181.system call 系统调用piled language 编译语言183.parallel computing 平行计算184.pattern matching 模式匹配 memory 空闲内存186.interpreter program 解释程序187.library routine 库程序188.intermediate program 中间程序,过渡程序189.source file 源文件190.interpreted language 解释(性)语言191.device driver 设备驱动程序192.source program 源程序193.debugging program 调试程序194.object code 目标代码195.application program 应用程序196.utility program 实用程序197.logic program 逻辑程序 cartridge 墨盒199.program storage and execution 程序的存储与执行200.Windows socket Windows套接字接口201.Winsock interface Winsock接口202.file repository 文件属性203.client-side application 客户端应用程序204.HTML tag HTML标记205.Web browser 万维网浏览器206.hardware platform 硬件平台207.custom control 定制控件208.OLE (object linking and embedding) 对象链接和嵌入209.WAN (wide area network) 广域网 path 搜索路径211.dynamic library 动态链接库212.code set 代码集213.ancestor menu 祖辈菜单214.end user 最终用户 item 菜单项216.cross-platform application 跨平台应用程序217.character set 字符集218.procedure call 过程调用219.structured message protocol 结构化消息协议 protocol 安全协议working protocol 网络协议222.processing node 处理节点223.homogeneous system 同构系统224.cost effectiveness 成本效益225.message encryption 信息加密(术)226.message format 信息格式ponent code 组件编码228.sequential program 顺序程序229.multicast protocol 多址通信协议230.routing algorithm 路由算法 system 开放式系统232.heterogeneous environment 异构型环境233.distributed processing 分布式处理234.resource sharing 资源共享235.structured message passing 结构化信息传送munication(s) link 通信链路237.development tool 开发工具238.font server 字体服务器 management logic 数据管理逻辑规则240.disk space 磁盘空间241.conceptual model 概念模型242.client-server model 客户–服务器模型 display 图形显示244.general-purpose hardware 通用硬件245.system expandability 系统可扩展性nguage precompiler 程序语言预编译器 logic implementation 业务逻辑实现248.query processor 查询处理器 modeling 数据建模 engine 存储引擎251.tiered architecture 分层结构252.database manager 数据库管理员 presentation layer 数据表现层254.logical database design 逻辑上的数据库设计255.entity relationship diagram 实体关系图256.query language 查询语言 language 主机语言258.Data Modification Language (DML) 数据修改语言 redundancy 数据冗余260.relational database 关系数据库261.relational data model 关系数据模型262.database management system (DBMS) 数据库管理系统 element 数据元素 access 数据存取265.query optimization 查询优化266.coaxial cable 同轴电缆puter networking 计算机网络268.multiple-access network 多路访问网络 software 管理软件270.broadband connection 宽带连接271.confidential information 机密信息272.monolithic system 单片机系统 network 星型网络274.bus network 总线型网络275.ring network 环形网络work resources 网络资源277.public key system 公钥体制278.public telephone network 公用电话网 encryption system 数据加密系统rmation superhighway 信息高速公路rmation age 信息时代puter security 计算机安全 network 数据网 link 数据链路285.access protocol 存取协议 transfer 数据迁移287.header checksum 报头校验 delivery (数据)流发送289.virtual circuit 虚电路work layer 网络层291.full-duplex transmission 全双工传输292.ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解释协议293.list server 列表服务器294.transmission scheme 传输模式 packet 数据包296.Mbps 每秒兆字节297.hypermedia document 超媒体文档298.FTP 文件传输协议 network 主机网络300.dedicated access 专线访问 format 存储格式302.mail server 邮件服务器303.multimedia file 多媒体文件304.dial-up access 拨号访问N (local area network) 局域网306.retrieve files 检索文件307.ISP (Internet Service Provider) 因特网服务供应商308.WWW (World Wide Web) 万维网309.URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 统一资源定位符310.TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 传输控制协议 stream 数据流312.log on 登录313.plain text 纯文本314.destination address315.mail-user agent 邮件用户代理316.message transfer agent 消息传送代理 file318.analog signal 模拟信号319.domain name 域名320.text file 文本文件321.text editor 文本编辑器322.e-mail address 电子邮件地址323.sound card 声卡324.Web page 网页 camera 摄像机,摄像头326.plug-in software 嵌入软件327.input/output port 输入∕输出端口328.home page 主页 capture card 视频捕获卡 room 聊天室331.electric motor 电动机332.desktop publishing 桌面出版系统(台式出版系统)rmation-related services 信息相关服务rmation-based occupation 基于信息的职业rmation processor 信息处理336.textual data 文本的数据337.numerical data 数字的数据 data 音频数据339.fibre optics 纤维光学 thermometer 数字温度计rmation revolution 信息革命342.technological revolution 技术革命 market 全球市场344.IT (information technology) 信息技术345.multimedia product 多媒体产品rmation specialist 信息专家347.database management 数据库管理 data 视频数据rmation-processing system 信息处理系统350.telephone helpline 电话服务热线351.tabular data 表格数据352.raster image 光栅图像353.vector model 矢量模型354.statistical analysis system 统计分析系统355.model atmospheric circulation 模拟大气循环puter-based tool 基于计算机的工具357.geographic information system 地理信息系统358.database operation 数据库操作359.grid cell 网格单元360.closed loop 闭环361.domain-specific tag 特定(指定)域标记362.handheld terminal 手持终端设备 cycle 生命周期(生存周期) agent toolkit 移动代理工具包365.XML (eXtensible Markup Language) 扩展标签语言 mining 数据挖掘 theory 博弈论368.keyword-based text search(ing) 基于关键字的搜索er authentication 用户认证370.electronic purse 电子钱包rmation filter 信息过滤 integrity 数据完整性 card 智能卡374.HTML 超文本标记语言375.symmetric key cryptosystem 对称密钥密码系统376.message authentication code 信息鉴定码377.unauthorized access control 未授权访问控制378.electronic catalog 电子目录379.electronic money (或cash) 电子货币 engine 搜索引擎 signature 数字签名er interface 用户界面383.EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) 电子资金转帐384.public key cryptosystem 公钥密码系统385.PDA (personal digital assistant) 个人数字助理386.hypertext link 超文本链接387.3D image 三维图像 card 信用卡389.vendor-centric model 客户中心模式390.Web site 网站391.Web surfing 网上冲浪392.middleware server 中间件服务393.back-end platform 后端平台394.e-Business strategy 电子商务策略395.binary format 二进制格式396.customer-oriented e-Business system 面向客户的电子商务系统397.ISV (independent software vendor) 独立软件推销商rmation infrastructure 信息基础结构设施399.Web storefront 网上店面400.electronic press kit 电子版发行包 retail 在线零售402.multimedia demo 多媒体演示 access 联机访问404.value-added services 增值业务405.product promotion 产品推销munication medium 通信媒体407.PC-plus era PC影响力增强的时代408.cable modem 海底电缆409.universal PC model 通用PC模式410.multifunctional device 多功能设备rmation overload 信息过载,信息超负荷412.high-bandwidth connectivity 高带宽连通性413.consumer electronics 消费类电器414.investment portfolio 投资组合415.virtual convergence 虚拟整合416.tablet PC 便笺簿式个人电脑417.voice recognition 语音识别 television 智能电视419.R & D (research and development) 研究与开发 the Web 在网上冲浪421.Auto PC 自动个人计算机422.e-mail colleagues 给同事发电子邮件423.Web-enabled cell phone 具有上网功能的手机 technology 数字技术425.wireless technology 无线技术426.broadband communications 宽带通信working technology 网络技术428.assembly plant 组装厂429.state-owned enterprise 国有企业430.economic reform 经济改革 chain 供应链432.cable television 有线电视433.cost control 成本控制434.joint venture 合资企业435.application software 应用软件436.inventory management 库存管理437.inflection point 拐点,回折点 industry 媒体业439.mainframe computer 大型计算机440.problem diagnosis 问题诊断441.technological concept 技术概念442.ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) 自动柜员机443.memory chip 存储芯片petitive environment 竞争环境445.wearable computer 可佩带式计算机。
publickey,gssapi-with-mic意思公钥(public key)是用于加密和解密数据的密码学中的一种非对称密钥。
GSSAPI是一种通用安全服务应用程序接口(Generic Security Services Application Program Interface),其目标是为各种客户端/服务器应用程序提供可扩展且可重用的安全服务。
该接口定义了通用的安全交互协议,以便各种安全机制(例如Kerberos,Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)等)可以无缝地集成到应用程序中。
GSSAPI-with-Mic(Message Integrity Check)是GSSAPI的一个扩展,用于为传输的数据提供保密性和完整性。
例如,SSL(Security SocketLayer)和SSH(Secure Shell)协议使用了上述技术以确保通信安全。
jcasbin 案例
jcasbin 案例JCasbin是一个开源的访问控制库,用于在Java应用程序中实现访问控制。
我们可以使用文本编辑器创建一个模型文件,例如`rbac_`,并定义如下规则:```yaml[model]r = subject, object, action```接下来,我们需要定义策略。
我们可以创建一个策略文件,例如`rbac_`,并定义如下规则:p = user, object, actionu = alice, data1, readu = alice, data2, writeu = bob, data1, readu = bob, data3, write```这些规则表示:Alice可以读取数据1和写入数据2,Bob可以读取数据1和写入数据3。
我们可以在应用程序启动时进行初始化:```javaEnforcer enforcer = new Enforcer("rbac_", "rbac_");```接下来,我们可以在应用程序中的适当位置使用Enforcer对象来检查用户的访问权限。
例如,当用户尝试读取数据时,我们可以执行以下操作:String subject = "alice"; // 用户名String object = "data1"; // 受保护的资源String action = "read"; // 操作类型boolean isAllowed = (subject, object, action);if (isAllowed) {// 允许访问受保护的资源} else {// 拒绝访问请求,显示错误信息}```通过使用JCasbin,我们可以轻松地实现基于角色的访问控制(RBAC)模型,并在Java应用程序中进行访问控制。
一、保护码语者bug背景介绍保护码语者(Protected Code Talker)是一种对编程语言进行加密的技术。
rsapublickeyimpl类用法 -回复
javaKeyPairGenerator keyPairGenerator =KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");keyPairGenerator.initialize(2048);KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();在上面的代码中,我们使用了2048位的密钥长度。
密钥长度越大,RSA 算法的安全性越高,但是加解密的速度也会变慢。
javaRSAPublicKey publicKey = (RSAPublicKey) keyPair.getPublic();上述代码中,我们强制将KeyPair中的公钥转换为RSAPublicKey类型。
Environ RFiD Intelligent Locking System说明书
Environ RFiD Intelligent Locking System – with SouthcoRemote Lock and UnlockLocal monitoring with multi‐colour LED indicatorLock status outputs provided for remote monitoringIntegrate into building access control Built in RFID Reader system Fits 29U, 42U & 47U doorsMomentary or continuous lock actuationFeaturesRemote Lock and UnlockLocal monitoring with multi‐colour LED indicator Lock status outputs provided for remote monitoring Integrate into building access control Built in RFID Reader systemFits 29U, 42U & 47U doorsMomentary or continuous lock actuationIntegral key for manual over‐rideThe RFiD Intelligent Locking System provides intelligent electronic locking and monitoring capabilities, complete with a built‐in RFiD card reader for easy set up.The handle can be integrated a standalone controller or to any networked access control system for remote control, monitoring and reporting.The reader type is pre‐determined, by request at the time of order, to work with MIFARE ® or HID formats and comes fitted to the rack doors. All accessories and harness looms are located within the rack ready for fitting on site.Cable management adaptors are a key feature of the accessory kit, allowing for the cable looms to be situated and housed in the frame of the door, for a more atheistically pleasing installation.Mifare® Classic with Wiegand Data Output ‐ H3‐EM‐99‐500 HID 125kHz RFID with Wiegand Data Output ‐ H3‐EM‐99‐501Recommended operating voltage 12 VDC to 24 VDC Typical operating current: less than 200mA at 12 VDC Peak / stall operating current: 1Amp Standby current: 50mA Max Output Signal: 100mA Max loadSupply voltage: 12VDC to 24VDC with an operating current: 60mA Max Dimensions: 37mm wide x 262.5mm long x 54.75mm deepProduct OverviewReader types available:Actuator Operating PowerCard reader module:Cut out required: 25mm wide x 150mm longOperating Temp: 0 to 45 Degree CRod Kit(Additional part added as standard on all doors with rod fixing units) Used on all SR doors and ER rear doors.Actuator ModuleRFID Reader ModulePart Number InformationDescription542‐CR‐Configured Environ CR Configured rack RFID reader lock 544‐SR‐Configured Environ SR Configured rack RFID reader lock。
beacon帧字段结构最全总结(⼀)——beacon基本结构⼀.beacon帧主要结构⼆.MAC header1.Version:版本号,⽬前为⽌802.11只有⼀个版本,所以协议编号为02.Type:定义802.11帧类型,802.11帧分为管理帧(00),控制帧(01),数据帧(10)3.Subtype:定义帧的⼦类型,如管理帧中⼜分为很多类型的帧:具体见附表⼀4. Frame Control Flags帧控制字段注意:这部分在omnipeek中解析出来的顺序与实际帧中的排序不同,实际中应该是上图中从下⾄上排列的,我们这⾥暂时按照omnipeek的来解释(1).Order(排序字段):长度为1⽐特。
当在⼀个non-QoS数据帧中置为1时,表⽰该数据帧采⽤strictly ordered service class 传输⼀个MSDU或其⽚段(2).受保护帧字段:长度为1⽐特。
置为1时,表⽰帧体字段(Frame Body Field)字段已经被加密封装算法所加密。
该字段在所有当前MSDU, MPDU后以及分⽚的数据或管理帧中被设置为1。
⽽含有完整MSDU,MPDU以及含有⼀个MSDU或A-MSDU的最后⼀分⽚的MPDU中被设置为0.(7).from DS字段:置为1表⽰该帧是DS(分布式系统)向BSS发送的帧(8).to DS字段:置为1表明该帧是BSS向DS发送的帧5. Duration字段:16⽐特。