SAVAGE GARDEN我翻译的presention的内容






































泰戈尔《园丁集》The Gardener园丁集The Gardener--------------------------------------------------------------------------------园丁集The Gardener1Servant仆人HA VE mercy upon your servant,my queen!请对您的仆人开恩吧,我的女王!Queen女王The assembly is over and my servants are all gone. Why do you come at this late hour?集会已经开过,我的仆人们都走了。

你为什么来得这么晚呢?Servant仆人When you have finished with others,that is my time.I come to ask what remains for your last servant to do.您同别人谈过以后,就是我的时间了。


Queen女王What can you expect when it is too late?在这么晚的时间你还想做什么呢?Servant仆人Make me the gardener of your flower garden.让我做您花园里的园丁吧Queen女王What folly is this?这是什么傻想头呢?Servant仆人I will give up my other work.I throw my swords and lances down in the dust. Do not send me to distant courts;do not bid me undertake new conquests. But make me the gardener of your flower garden.我要搁下别的工作。

Down by the salley garden

Down by the salley garden

Down by the salley garden演唱:藤田惠美& Rita Eriksen 选自专辑《挪威甘菊》时间:2003-03-00 作词:Yeats(叶慈,1865-1939,爱尔兰剧作家、诗人,获1923年诺贝尔文学奖)Down by the Salley Gardens 走进莎莉花园My love and I did meet 我和我的爱人相遇She passed the Salley Gardens 她穿越莎莉花园With little snow-white feet 踏著雪白的纤足She bid me take love easy 她请我轻柔的对待这份情As the leaves grow on the tree 像依偎在树上的群叶But I being young and foolish 但我是如此年轻而无知With her did not agree 不曾细听她的心声In a field by the river 在河流畔的旷野My love and I did stand 我和我的爱人并肩伫立And on my leaning shoulder 在我的微倾的肩膀She laid her snow-white hand 是她柔白的手所倚She bid me take life easy 她请我珍重生命As the grass grows on the weirs 像生长在河堰的韧草But I was young and foolish 但我是如此年轻而无知And now am full of tears 如今只剩下无限的泪水Down by the Salley Gardens 走进莎莉花园My love and I did meet 我和我的爱人相遇She passed the Salley Gardens 她穿越莎莉花园With little snow-white feet 踏著雪白的孅足She bid me take love easy她请我轻柔的对待这份情As the leaves grow on the tree 像依偎在树上的群叶But I being young and foolish 但我是如此年轻而无知With her did not agree 不曾细听她的心声But I was young and foolish 但我是如此年轻而无知And now am full of tears 如今只剩下无限的泪水。



初二年级第9册秘密花园英文版及翻译"Secret Garden" is the American writer Frances. Burnett's work. The story of a mysterious and legendary input on the old manor house as the background color through a day lost parents in the small Mary across the ocean, came to the UK from India who defected to the face value of their uncle's manor incredible series mystery, revealing the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history.Mary grew up because his parents died and, after seeking refuge with her uncle. Her bad temper, capricious, and selfish, so no one like her. One day, she found a key, which opened the dusty garden, made her life from a 360 degree turn, open the secret garden in Mary, but also the good side of her heart open, because the parent mother's departure, she will stay warm and kind-hearted own hidden in her secret garden to find the key, they also are the key to open the Mary guard.But in the end, she changed her own, indirectly, to change her own life and the lives of other people around her to change her view of the world, ideas, and even helped many people. Not only the secret garden back to life, but also to Colin back to health and self-confidence. From the manor filled with happiness and joy. Between people to encourage each other,trust.When God closes a door, you will surely open another window for you "things are out of their own inner beauty and ugliness, happiness is a day of sorrow is one day, why should it have been to sorrow? As a happy, happy to spend every day!《秘密花园》是美国女作家弗朗西丝.伯内特的作品.故事以一座颇富神秘和传奇色的古老庄园为背景,透过一位在一天中丧失了双亲的小玛莉远渡重洋,从印度来到英国投奔其姑父庄园主人所耳闻目睹的一连串不可思议的神秘事件,揭示了这座古老庄园的隐秘的沧桑历史.玛莉从小就因为父母双亡,辗转投靠了她的姑丈.她的脾气暴躁、任性、又自私,所以没有人喜欢她。

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT10 Mandela's Garden 课文翻译

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT10 Mandela's Garden 课文翻译

2014101018第十单元Translation of Text A曼德拉的菜园1 1977年初,当局宣布解除集体劳动,给我们安排了一些院内的工作,因此我们可以在自己的这片区域里打发时间了。




2 为了在狱中生存,你必须使自己在日常生活中得到满足。



3 几乎刚在罗本岛被判刑时起,我就向当局提出申请,我在院子里开垦一块菜园。



4 院子里的土壤很干,而且石头很多。



5 狱方给我提供了种子。




6 虽然我一直喜爱园艺,但直到入狱后我才得到一片属于自己的菜园。



7 我开始订阅一些关于园艺方面的书籍。

rose garden - lynn anderson歌词译文

rose garden - lynn anderson歌词译文

rose garden - lynn anderson歌词译文













失乐园-弥尔顿中英对照翻译.docMilton, John, 1608-1674. 密尔顿,约翰,1608-1674 Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library 1: Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit⼈类最初的违抗,还有那禁果2: Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast它那必死的味道3: Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,将死亡带到世上,连同我们所有的悲哀4: With loss of EDEN, till one greater Man⾃伊甸园失去,到更伟⼤的⼈5: Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,修复我们,让我们重回福地6: Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top唱天堂般的⾳乐,在神秘的欧瑞伯⼭顶7: Of OREB, or of SINAI, didst inspire和西耐⼭顶,真正赋予那牧者灵感8: That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,第⼀个教晓那些被选出的种⼦9: In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth最初天堂与⼤地是如何10: Rose out of CHAOS: Or if SION Hill在⼀⽚混沌中出现:或假如锡安⼭11: Delight thee more, and SILOA'S Brook that flow'd更喜爱你,那地底的溪流12: Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence恰带来神谕;我从此13: Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,让你助我完成那冒险之歌14: That with no middle flight intends to soar平庸者所不敢飞越的⾼度15: Above th' AONIAN Mount, while it pursues翻越阿诺安⼭,追逐着16: Things unattempted yet in Prose or Rhime.诗歌与散⽂⾥未曾尝试之事17: And chiefly Thou O Spirit, that dost prefer你,灵魂做主,更爱18: Before all Temples th' upright heart and pure,在所有庙宇之前,以正直纯粹之⼼19: Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first指引我,因你知道:你⾃最初20: Wast present, and with mighty wings outspread即已在此,伸开有⼒的双翼21: Dove-like satst brooding on the vast Abyss鸽⼦般安坐在巨⼤的深渊前沉思22: And mad'st it pregnant: What in me is dark看穿我内⼼的⿊暗23: Illumine, what is low raise and support;照亮那卑微,唤起并⽀持着我24: That to the highth of this great Argument直到这伟⼤的辩论25: I may assert th' Eternal Providence,我可断⾔永恒的天意26: And justifie the wayes of God to men.证明神对世⼈的⽅式27: Say first, for Heav'n hides nothing from thy view 预⾔,因天对⼈⽆所隐藏28: Nor the deep Tract of Hell, say first what cause 地狱亦是如此,⾔明何因29: Mov'd our Grand Parents in that happy State, 令我们的祖先⾃那欢乐境界30: Favour'd of Heav'n so highly, to fall off先得天宠,因违背其意31: From their Creator, and transgress his Will从他们的创造者那⾥堕落32: For one restraint, Lords of the World besides? 世界的主宰们竟然失去耐性33: Who first seduc'd them to that fowl revolt?引他们发动家禽般的反抗34: Th' infernal Serpent; he it was, whose guile邪恶的魔⿁,他的诡计35: Stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv'd因嫉妒和复仇⽽起,欺骗了36: The Mother of Mankinde, what time his Pride⼈类的母亲,当他的⾃尊37: Had cast him out from Heav'n, with all his Host 将他⾃天堂抛弃,以他为⾸的38: Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring叛逆天使,因他们的热情39: To set himself in Glory above his Peers,赋予他⾼于同类的光荣40: He trusted to have equal'd the most High,相信他具有与最⾼者同等的地位41: If he oppos'd; and with ambitious aim他野⼼勃勃42: Against the Throne and Monarchy of God反抗神的王座和权⼒43: Rais'd impious War in Heav'n and Battel proud徒然在天堂骄傲的发起不敬的战争44: With vain attempt. Him the Almighty Power全能的⼒量45: Hurld headlong flaming from th' Ethereal Skie⾃天上投射熊熊烈⽕46: With hideous ruine and combustion down可怕的毁灭和燃烧降临47: To bottomless perdition, there to dwell⽆尽的毁灭,若⽆休⽌48: In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire,坚硬的锁链和惩罚之⽕49: Who durst defie th' Omnipotent to Arms.加于敢对全能之神挑战者50: Nine times the Space that measures Day and Night 九倍于凡⼈以⽇夜计算的时间51: To mortal men, he with his horrid crew他和他可怕的队伍52: Lay vanquisht, rowling in the fiery Gulfe被击溃,倒在烈⽕的深渊53: Confounded though immortal: But his doom虽不死却充满困惑:但他的厄运54: Reserv'd him to more wrath; for now the thought使他更加愤怒;想起55: Both of lost happiness and lasting pain失去的快乐和永恒的痛苦折磨56: Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes他以邪恶的眼神望向四周57: That witness'd huge affliction and dismay只看到巨⼤的痛苦和沮丧58: Mixt with obdurate pride and stedfast hate:混合着冷酷的骄傲和笃实的憎恨59: At once as far as Angels kenn he views旋以天使之眼看到60: The dismal Situation waste and wilde,荒芜凄惨的境遇61: A Dungeon horrible, on all sides round四周皆是恐怖的地牢62: As one great Furnace flam'd, yet from those flames 如巨⼤的洪炉,那⽕焰之中63: No light, but rather darkness visible没有光,只有看的见的⿊暗64: Serv'd only to discover sights of woe,只为让你看见悲哀的景象65: Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace 悲痛的领域,阴沉的影⼦,66: And rest can never dwell, hope never comes永⽆和平与休息,⼈⼈都有的希望在这⾥67: That comes to all; but torture without end永不来临,只有⽆穷的折磨68: Still urges, and a fiery Deluge, fed仍在以燃烧不尽的硫磺,69: With ever-burning Sulphur unconsum'd:持续那烈⽕的狂潮70: Such place Eternal Justice had prepar'd这样的地⽅是永恒的正义71: For those rebellious, here their Prison ordain'd为反叛者所准备,这⾥注定是他们的监狱72: In utter darkness, and their portion set在绝对的⿊暗中,他们的⾝体73: As far remov'd from God and light of Heav'n被置于离神和天堂的光明⽞远之地74: As from the Center thrice to th' utmost Pole.三倍于天堂的中⼼到最远⽀柱的距离75: O how unlike the place from whence they fell!与他们坠落的地⽅多么的不同76: There the companions of his fall, o'rewhelm'd那和他⼀起坠落的,是⽆法抗拒的77: With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire, 有如洪⽔旋风般的狂暴的⽕焰78: He soon discerns, and weltring by his side他很快辨认出,在他之旁79: One next himself in power, and next in crime,和他⼀样具有权⼒和罪⾏的80: Long after known in PALESTINE, and nam'd那以后很久才在巴勒斯坦被名以81: BEELZEBUB. To whom th' Arch-Enemy,别⼘西以及他们头号敌⼈的82: And thence in Heav'n call'd Satan, with bold words 当时在天堂被称作撒旦的,83: Breaking the horrid silence thus began.以⼤胆⾔辞打破恐怖的沉默的魔王。










































thegardenparty中英对照原文The Garden Party 花园派对原文:And after all the weather was ideal. They could not have had a more perfect day for a garden-party if they had ordered it. Windless, warm, the sky without a cloud. Only the blue was veiled with a haze of light gold, as it is sometimes in early summer. The gardener had been up since dawn, mowing the lawns and sweeping them, until the grass and the dark flat rosettes where the daisy plants had been seemed to shine. As for the roses, you could not help feeling they understood that roses are the only flowers that impress people at garden-parties; the only flowers that everybody is certain of knowing. Hundreds, yes, literally hundreds, had come out in a single night; the green bushes bowed down as though they had been visited by archangels.译文:而且,天气真是理想。




天使圣器骸骨之城我知道Yeah, no, I know,只要你开口我都会去办的but when you tell me to do something, i'm gonna do it, 所以我正在给他写邮件so I'm e-mailing him right now.我不知道他要多久才回来Well, I don't know how quick he's gonna get back你也知道他不经常查收邮件'cause you know sometimes he doesn't check, so...没错诵诗会之后我不会直接回家Yeah, and after the poetry reading, I'm not going home. 那天是我生日我想去夜店狂欢一下I mean, it's my birthday, so I want to go to a club.不西蒙我才不会骗她No, Simon, I'm not gonna lie to her.我只是不告诉她而已I'm just not gonna tell her.我先去把卡车停好Let me go park the truck.-待会儿见 -好的- See you later, all right? - Okay.萝西娅最近好吗Hi, Dorothea, how are you?我是挺好的谢谢关心I'm good, thanks for asking.我打算打个电♥话♥ 再要几张票So I'll just call, I guess, and get extra tickets.对当然Yeah, sure.-我马上就办 -你在呢- I'll do it right now. - Hey, you.是西蒙Simon.对啊Yeah.-你好西蒙 -没错- Hi, Simon. - Yeah.他说 "打给我"He says, "Call me."对对她刚到家Yeah, yeah, she just got home.她肯定能听到你她就在我旁边I'm sure she can hear you, she's standing right here. -你好卢克 -你好吗克莱莉- Hey, Luke. - How's it going, Clary?不我很快换好衣服No, I'll get dressed quick.要咖啡吗Do you want some coffee?再聊下去我会迟到的If we keep talking, I'm gonna be late.好那里见拜拜Yeah, I'll meet you there. Bye.刚刚你是不是用了...Did you just use the...你感觉怎么样How are you feeling?挺好的怎么了Fine, why?你保证今晚直接回家You make sure you come straight home tonight.妈妈拜托只是个诵诗会而已Mom, come on. Just a poetry reading.我知道I know.再见Bye.你得和她谈谈乔瑟琳You need to talk to her, Jocelyn.她还没准备好至少现在没有She's not ready, not yet.不她准备好了Yes, she is.是你没准备好You're not.对了谢谢你能过来By the way, thanks for doing this.他的诗歌♥对他意义重大His poetry means a lot to him.朋友就该相互支持嘛That's what friends are for."来吧""Come"我体内强大的伪神主啊""My faux juggernaut"我腰间的邪恶""My nefarious loins"每一次的喷涌""Slather"都覆盖着厚厚枯涸的热情""Every protuberance with arid zeal"苦痛""Agony"苦痛""Agony"折磨""Torment"我听不下去了你要不要再来杯咖啡I can't listen to this. You want another coffee?好啊Yeah."如同片片娇弱的番红花瓣呓语着死亡""Like tiny crocus petals whisper death"卡布奇诺和意式浓咖啡Cappuccino and espresso."大地溺死在雨中""Rain drowns the earth"颤栗的微风穿过病态的绣帷""Shivering breezes weave through a morbid tapestry "弥漫着溃烂的气息""Of festering disease"肿胀折磨着我""Turgid is my torment"给你There you go.谢谢Thank you."大地溺死在雨中...""Rain drowns the earth..."那边的金发美女在对你抛媚眼That blonde girl over there was totally flirting with you.约她出去Ask her out.-不那可不行 -为什么- Nah, it wouldn't be fair. - Why?因为...Well, because...因为我心里有别人了because I'm saving myself for someone else.谁Who?"...折磨着我""...Is my torment."谢谢非常感谢Thank you, thank you very much.谢谢Thank you.感觉他的诗越来越糟了Think he's getting worse.作为他的朋友你应该告诉他实情As his friend, you should probably tell him.也许他的诗确实很棒Maybe his poetry is great,只是我们不懂得欣赏而已we just don't know it yet.咱们进这里玩吧Let's go in here.我想问问那个符号♥是什么意思I want to ask what that symbol means.克莱莉我们进不去的Clary, we'll never get in.乐观点好不好Such the eternal optimist.这太不像你了This is so not like you.就放纵一次嘛Just go with it for once.请问那个符号♥是什么意思Hi. What does that symbol mean?-什么符号♥ -对呀哪有什么符号♥ - What symbol? - Yeah, what symbol?-就在上面你没看见吗 -没有- It's right there. You don't... You don't see it? - No. 厉害啊Hey, that was cool.我们很融入嘛Yeah, we're fitting in.跳吧跟着感觉走Move it, go with it.克莱莉你想要点喝的吗Clary, you want a drink?好啊Yeah.克莱莉克莱莉你怎么了Clary, Clary, what is it?你没看见吗You didn't see that?我知道我看到了什么I know what I saw.他们杀了那个让我们进去的男人They killed the guy that let us in the club.-你喝了什么吗 -对不西蒙- Did you drink something? - Yeah... No, Simon.我听说有时候You know, I've heard sometimes他们会从通风口泵入迷幻剂之类的东西they pump hallucinogenic stuff into the air vents 好让人们玩得更尽兴to make sure people have a good time.如果是那样的话你怎么没事Okay, then how come you're fine?难道我们吸的不是同一种空气Did we breathe different air?我不知道还是快回家吧I don't know. Let's just go home.-你还好吗 -我很好- You okay? - Yeah, fine.你睡了一整天You've been sleeping all day.而且你昨晚很晚才回来And you didn't come home till late last night.是但我回来了好吗Yeah, well, I'm home, okay?Well, you can't go.我又卖♥♥出了一幅画Well, I sold another painting.我想和你一起庆祝I wanted to celebrate with you.庆祝什么你就那么一个买♥♥家To what, your one buyer?那个家伙到底是谁Who is this guy anyway?他买♥♥你的画可能只是因为对你有意思He probably just buys your stuff 'cause he's into you.我敢肯定你会像拴住卢克那样拴着他I'm sure you'll just string him along like you do with Luke. 你真的想跟我谈这个You really want to have that conversation?什么意思What's that supposed to mean?-西蒙 -他对我来说就像哥哥一样- Simon. - He's like my brother.我不觉得他是这么想的I doubt he feels that way.我要出去了Okay, well, I'm gonna go.不不你不能出去No, no, you can't.你真是无理取闹This is ridiculous.你要去哪Where are you going?只是去爪哇琼斯咖啡店而已I'm just going to Java Jones.-我的上帝 -别慌是我- Jesus! - No, just me.走吧西蒙Come on, Simon.克莱莉我有事要告诉你好吗Clary. There's something I want to tell you, okay?我们可以晚点再谈We can talk about this later.再见费瑞太太看我突然画了上百张这样的符号♥Look, suddenly I'm drawing hundreds of these things,而我根本不知道这是什么and I have no idea what they are.我不明白我看我是要疯了I don't know. I think I'm going out of my mind.也许你就像《第三类接触》里的主角一样You know, maybe you're like the guy in Close Encounters. 所有人都觉得他得了妄想症Everybody thought he was paranoid,但结果发现是UFOand then there turned out to be, well, UFO,凡事都讲得通的比如...reasonable, like...上帝啊这不是真的Oh, God, this isn't happening.-怎么了 -这不是真的- What? - This isn't happening.现在你真吓到我了Okay, now you're freaking me out.克莱莉你是不是...Clary, are you...你在看什么what are you looking at?在这等着Wait here.圣杯在哪里乔瑟Where's the Cup, Jocie?你怎么找到我的How did you find me?那可多亏了你的女儿You can thank your daughter for that.为什么只有我能看见你Why can I see you and no one else can?我也想问你同样的问题I was going to ask you the same question.我都不知道我为什么在跟你讲话I don't even know why I'm talking to you.你是个杀人凶手残酷无情的杀手You're a killer, a cold-blooded killer.所以还有和平有爱的杀手吗As opposed to a peace-loving killer?我知道我看到了什么I know what I saw.你觉得你知道You think you know.我为什么会画这个Why am I drawing this?看来我是对的你不是凡人So I was right, you're not a mundane.什么凡人是什么意思Excuse me? What's a mundane?凡世间的普通人类Someone from the human world.如果我不是普通的人类那我是什么If I'm not a human, then what am I?去找圣杯Go find the Cup.你这是从什么时候开始的When did this start?不我为什么会画这个No, no. Why am I drawing this?回答我Answer me!西蒙Simon.克莱莉母亲来电拒绝也许你该接电♥话♥ 可能是你男朋友Maybe you should answer that. Could be your boyfriend. -他不是我男朋友 -那他知道吗- He's not my boyfriend. - Does he know that?拜托快接很吵Please. It's annoying.妈妈我马上回来Mom, I'm coming home.不不不行你不能回家No, no, no. You can't come home.明白吗你不要回家You understand me? You don't come home.打电♥话♥给卢克You call Luke.告诉他瓦伦莱还活着他找到我了Tell him Valentine's alive and that he found me.我爱你I love you.-妈妈 -不不要- Mom! - No, no!妈妈Mom!告诉瓦伦莱他永远不可能得到圣杯You tell Valentine he'll never have the Cup.别喝过来别什么Don't you... Don't drink... Come here! Don't... What? 快接电♥话♥Come on.对不起对不起你还好吗I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You okay?还好吗听着别动All right, look, don't move, all right?妈妈Mom?妈Mom?好了起来吧Come on. Come on.够了可以了可以了That's enough! That's enough. That's enough.它已经死了It's dead.那玩意是什么What the hell was that?我说了你也不会信的You wouldn't believe me if I told you.说说看Try me.那是个恶魔It was a demon.你说得对You're right.我不相信I don't believe you.还有那个And that thing,你看见我在夜店里杀死的那个that you saw me kill at the club, that...也是恶魔That was also a demon.恶魔能寄主在任何生灵身上Demons can take possession of any living creature.任何人你都不能相信You can't trust anyone.甚至是你自以为了解的人Even people you think you know.那我为什么要相信你So, why should I trust you?我刚刚救了你的命啊I did just save your life.萝西娅开门拜托Dorothea, open up, please.你能不能...Can you...你知道我妈妈到底出什么事了吗Do you know what happened to my mom?你知道吗Do you?等等你看得见这家伙吗Wait, you can see this guy?她当然可以她是女巫Of course she can. She's a witch.怎么从姜饼屋搬到这么简陋的一居室了Downgraded from a gingerbread house to a one-bedroom? 你知道我妈妈去哪了吗Do you know where my mom is?对不起我不知道Sorry. I have no idea.她提到了一个人叫瓦伦莱Well, she mentioned a name... Valentine.-你还是走吧 -不要求你了- You better leave. - No, please.你必须告诉我什么都行Not until you tell me something, anything.看看塔罗牌怎么说吧Let's see what the cards have to say.不好意思但是我不相信这些I'm sorry, but you know that I don't believe in any of...坐下Sit.让手在所有牌上扫过Run your hands over the cards.这套♥牌♥是我妈妈画的My mom painted these.对是送我的礼物Yes. They were a gift.看哪张牌会被选中Let's see which card gets picked.圣杯牌The Ace of Cups.-那是天使圣杯 -所以呢- That's the Mortal Cup. - So?别理他Ignore him.那是天使圣器It's a Mortal Instrument,我们族人的三大圣物之一one of the three holy objects of my people.这跟它有什么关系What's it doing here?这关我妈什么事I don't understand what any of this has to do with my mom. 你妈妈曾是一名暗影猎人和他一样Your mother was a Shadowhunter, like him.不对我妈妈是个画家No, my mom is a painter.她从没跟你提过这些是不是She never told you any of this, did she?我只知道她失踪了All I know is that she's gone,而我不知道要从何找起and I have no idea where to start looking for her.让我来为你读心Let me read you.有什么东西封住了你的记忆There's something blocking your mind.我猜是你妈妈为了保护你My guess is your mother hired someone找了法术高超的人帮忙very skilled to protect you.-保护我什么 -你自己的回忆- From what? - Your own memories.为什么Why?我有什么回忆她会希望我忘掉I don't remember anything she'd want me to forget. 等等Wait.很高兴认识你Nice to meet you.搞什么鬼What the hell?你吓到我了You scared me.这里发生了什么What the hell happened here?-我妈妈不见了 -什么- My mom's missing. - What?有人劫走了她还把这里毁了Someone took her and destroyed the place.现在这个家伙在帮我找她This guy is helping me find her,但是你看不见他而且他...but you can't see him, and he...克莱莉Clary.好极了Great.现在连我也看不见他了Okay, now I can't see him, either.我是杰斯·威兰德恶魔猎人Jace Wayland, demon hunter.我是西蒙·路易斯钥匙大♥师♥ Simon Lewis, Keymaster.电影《捉鬼敢死队》的角色被恶魔附身你是守卫者吗Are you the Gatekeeper?我听不懂你在说什么I have no idea what you're talking about.什么情况你现在能看见他吗Wait. What, so you can see him now?-什么我当然看得见 -我以为...- What? Of course I can see him. - But I thought...-不是 -你在说什么呢- No... - What are you talking about?太混乱了This is so confusing.这人是谁Who's this?是我爸爸我两岁的时候他就去世了That's my dad. He died when I was two.克莱莉过来一下Clary, a moment.你妈妈刚刚失踪So, wait, your mom is gone,你就跟这个染着黄发的哥特怪人混在了一起and you're hanging around with some dyed-blond wannabe Goth weirdo? 你在哪里遇到的这个家伙Where'd you come across this guy?不是是他来找的我No, I didn't. He found me.什么他找的你What? He found you?-我知道这听上去...-你得看看这个- No, I know it sounds... - You should check this.顺便说明我的金发是天生的And for the record, my hair is naturally blond.克莱莉克莱莉克莱莉西蒙Clary, Clary, Clary... Simon?她给你打电♥话♥了吗She called you?你怎么没接Why didn't you pick up?如果知道事情这么严重我肯定就接了If I'd known it was serious, I would have picked up.你不接怎么知道严不严重Well, how would you know if you didn't pick it up?那是什么不是什么好东西Nothing good.你知道她从哪弄到的这东西吗Do you have any idea where she got this?我得去找卢克I've got to find Luke.好奇怪他的车在这It's so weird. His truck's here.来这边走Come on. This way.-你在这里等 -凭什么听你指挥- No, you wait here. - Who made you the boss?没关系如果有人来了告诉我们一声It's okay. Just let us know if anyone comes.我认识卢克这么多年I've known Luke all these years,但从没有来过这下面but I've never been down here.什么What?说啊伙计Come on, mate!听好了Now, listen...我们只需要你实话实说伙计All you got to do, mate, is tell me the truth.我告诉你了我不知道圣杯在哪里I'm telling you, I don't know where the Cup is.我知道你和乔瑟关系亲密I know you and Jocie are close.我可不傻对吧I'm not stupid, am I?不用你回答我Don't answer that.仔细听好了只要说出天使圣杯在哪里Listen to me, mate. Just tell me where the Mortal Cup is. 乔瑟就不会有事And then Jocie will be fine.-卢克说吧说实话 -我不知道- Lukey, tell me. Tell me the truth. - I don't know.You don't want to make me angry.-我说过了 -是吗- I'm telling you... - Do you?我再问一遍圣杯在哪里I'm going to ask you again, mate, where's the Cup, huh? 我不知道I don't know.我们要找的不是同一个东西吗小卢克We all want the same thing, Lukey boy, don't we?区别在于我认为你知道东西在哪Difference is, I think you know where it is.对不对呀Don't You?快点快点说呀Come on. Come on. Talk!我们得走了We need to go.不拜托你得帮帮他No, please, you have to help him.你不明白You don't understand.他们是瓦伦莱的手下They work for Valentine.他死定了我帮不了他He's a dead man. I can't help him.他就像我的家人一样He's like family.真是不可思议You know what's really amazing你看起来还真的很像人类is how much you actually look like a human.很不错啊Isn't it great?求求你Please.你不生气吗不变身吗Are you gonna get mad? You're going to change?我想看你变身的样子I want to see you change.快点让我看看你怎么变身Show me how you can change. Huh?快看啊快看啊Look at that. Look at that.狗娃就要现形了Dog boy's coming on.你想抱我的腿吗You want to hump my leg?抱人的腿你喜欢这个吧You hump legs? You like that?你想嗅我的屁♥股♥吗You want to smell my derriere?赶快给我变身I want to see you change!你只需要说出乔瑟琳藏匿圣杯的地方You just got to tell me where Jocelyn hid the Cup. 我们就把她还给你Then you can have her back.保证她安然无恙地回来She'll be safe and sound.我不想让她回来I don't want her back.我一点都不在乎I couldn't care less.为了得到天使圣杯I have spent years cozying up我花了那么多年亲近她跟她的孩子to that woman and her brat for the Mortal Cup. 潘伯恩说真心话Pangborn, listen to me.我真希望亲手把她交给瓦伦莱I want to be the one to give her to Valentine.是啊没错Yeah, right.你犯了个大错You are making a big mistake.我不相信你说的话你相信他吗I don't believe you. Do you believe him?-克莱莉快逃 -克莱莉听我说- Clary, run! - Clary, listen!对不起警官Excuse me. Officer?我想举报一起入室抢劫事件I'd like to report a break-in.还有人口失踪And a missing person.我朋友的家被人非法闯入My friend's house got broken into, and...-她妈妈不见了 -不不- Her mom's missing. - Oh, no.快跑Run!-你居然杀了两个警♥察♥ -他们不是警♥察♥ - You killed two cops! - They weren't cops.快走Let's go!克莱莉Clary.你不能待在这里他们会找到你的You can't stay here. They'll find you.卢克怎么能说他不在乎呢How could Luke say that he didn't care?我从记事起就认识他了I've known him for as long as I can remember.过去他每天晚上都读书给我听He used to read to me every night.这么多年来一直接我放学He's been picking me up at school for years.可能那些回忆都不是真的Look, maybe those memories aren't real.还记得我跟你说的吗Do you remember what I told you?任何人你都不能相信You can't trust anyone.不行我要找到我妈妈我得回家No, I need to find my mom. I have to go home.我肯定漏掉了什么There must be something that I missed!听我一句话Listen to me, okay?我们会想办法解决的We'll figure this out,但不是在这里也不是现在but not here and not now.我们得把你带到安全的地方We need to get you to a safe place.我是暗影猎人克莱莉I'm a Shadowhunter, Clary,我会用我的生命保护你and I will protect you with my life.你们在这呢我以为你们就在后面There you guys are. I thought you were right behind me. 还以为把你们弄丢了I thought I'd lost you.好吧我跟你走Okay. I'll follow you.你确定吗他刚才杀了两个警♥察♥Are you sure about that? 'Cause he just killed two cops. 他们可不是警♥察♥Yeah, they weren't cops.我看他们就是警♥察♥They looked like real cops to me.他们不是真正的警♥察♥They weren't real cops.那他们哪来的警车So, where did they get the car?他们不是警♥察♥They weren't real cops.学院到这里就安全了We'll be safe in here.这是什么破地方What is this dump?这可不是破地方This isn't a dump.只是你看不到而已You just can't see it.怎么回事他们来这干什么What the hell is going on? What are they doing in here? -被恶魔咬伤了 -克莱莉-It's a demon bite. - Clary.杰斯快想办法Jace, do something!现在你是不是应该Is this the part when you start撕下衣服给我包扎伤口tearing off pieces of your shirt to bind my wounds?你要是想让我脱衣服If you wanted me to take my clothes off,直说就是了you should've just asked.发烧而已It's just a fever.她醒了Hey. Hey, she's waking up.我昏过去了你们就给我弄了个纹身I passed out, and you guys tattooed me?我以为只有在拉斯维加斯才会发生这种事Thought that only happened in Vegas.-那不是纹身 -是咒符- It's not a tattoo. -It's a rune.他们什么样的咒符都有They have them for everything,隐形强化治愈they make you invisible, strong, they heal.当然也有显形的咒符They also make you visible.所以我才突然能看见他That's why I could suddenly see him.-就连饿的时候... -不- Even if you're hungry... - No.咒符对你有效The fact that the rune had an effect on you正好解释了你为什么能看见我们explains why you can see us.我不明白I don't get it.凡人无法承受咒符的力量Mundanes can't survive the process.咒符对他们来说太过强大所以...The runes are too strong for them, so...现在我们百分百确定你有暗影猎人血统了Now we definitely know you have Shadowhunter blood. 等等之前不确定吗Wait, it wasn't definite before?是的她没死所以现在确定了Well, it became definite when she didn't die. Yes.给看看合不合身Here, see if these fit.这里可不经常有客人来It's not every day we get guests in here.尤其是女生Especially not girls.对了Oh, Yeah.我们不该报♥警♥吗Shouldn't we call the cops?我是说那些真警♥察♥I mean, the real ones.真是个好主意That's a great idea.我们在过去的一千年里I just don't know why we haven't thought of that怎么就没想到要这么做呢for the past thousand years.霍奇准备好见她了Hodge is ready for her.他想在图书馆单独见她He wants to see her alone in the library.霍奇是谁Who's Hodge?整个学院由他负责He's in charge of the Institute.好吧咱们走Okay, let's go.过去无数暗影猎人到这里寻求庇护Hundreds of Shadowhunters used to seek asylum here. 但如你所见But, as you can see,现在只剩我们几个了right now, we're the only ones.没有了天使圣杯我们正走向灭亡Without the Mortal Cup, we're a dying breed.如果你不是天生的暗影猎人Either you're born of a Shadowhunter,就得喝下圣杯里的血才能变为其中一员or you have to drink from the Mortal Cup.走不走You coming?感觉离布鲁克林很遥远吧Pretty far from Brooklyn, isn't it?离杰斯远点Stay away from Jace.霍奇可能有些古怪You may find Hodge a little eccentric,但他是史上最伟大的暗影猎人之一but he's one of the greatest Shadowhunters that's ever lived. 把这个给我Here, give me that.把一个陌生人带到学院的中心之地Don't you think it's a bit risky inviting你不觉得有点冒险吗a complete stranger into the heart of the Institute?不我觉得我们能信任她No. I think we can trust her.她那个凡人朋友呢And what about her mundane friend?那是一时冲动Well, that was impulsive.你一冲动就容易出事When you're impulsive, things go badly.小心点Just be careful,治疗心碎的咒符可是最痛苦的the rune to fix a broken heart is the most painful one.他们明天就会离开的我保证They'll be out of here in a day, I promise.杰斯Jace.她曾是最杰出的暗影猎人之一She was one of the best,你母亲your mum.可我不明白...But I don't understand why...昨天你还只是个普通的女孩Yesterday you were just a normal girl.今天你觉得你的世界Today you feel as though your whole world发生了翻天覆地的变化has been turned upside down.你只需要知道一件事There's only one thing you need to know.你小时候听到的故事The stories you were told as a little girl怪兽噩梦about monsters, nightmares,篝火边低语的传说legends whispered around campfires...都是真的They're all true.-这是恶魔吗 -没错- Demon? - Yes.这个也是恶魔吗Demon?不狼人不是恶魔No. Werewolves aren't demons.我们跟地下生物达成了和平公约We have a truce with Downworlders.地下生物Downwolriders?住在14街以南的人吗What is that, like people below 14th Street?纽约市14街以南的区域称为downtown地下生物指代所有其他族群Well, "Downworlders" pretty much sums everything up, 吸血鬼狼人术士vampires, werewolves, Warlocks.术士酷Warlocks. Cool.要怎么才能杀死僵尸呢So, how do you kill a zombie?我们不杀僵尸We don't.当然了他们本来就是死人Of course, they're already dead.不他们根本不存在No. They don't exist.那就是大名鼎鼎的圣杯啊So, that's the famous Cup everyone's talking about. 没错不过那是复♥制♥品A replica. But yes.杰斯总是一副愤世嫉俗的样子You know, Jace has got a real chip on his shoulder. 如果你小时候亲眼见到自己父亲被杀害You would, too, if you saw your father murdered 你也会这样的when you were a child.如果不是他我们早就死了If it weren't for him, we'd be dead.虽然不想承认但他多次救过我们的命He saved our lives more times than I care to admit. 好吧Right.传说The legend goes,十字军战士召唤了一位天使the Crusaders summoned an angel,天使拉杰尔the Angel Raziel.拉杰尔将其鲜血倾入杯中Raziel poured his blood into a cup,他们饮下杯中之血and those who drank from it成为一半人类一半天使became half angel, half human.就是暗影猎人Shadowhunters.他们的子孙后代沿承这个血脉As did their children and their children's children. 我们拥有强大的力量Beings of immense power,足以维持世间平衡strong enough to restore balance保护世界与邪恶为战and protect the world in a war against evil.这是一场没有胜利的战争A war that can never be won,但战斗不能停止but must always be fought.恶魔不会轻易灭亡Demons don't die easily.而我们Whereas we,我们终有一死we remained all too mortal.为什么不用圣杯创造更多的暗影猎人呢Why didn't they just use the Cup to create more Shadowhunters? 瓦伦莱也是这么说的Valentine's exact words.圣钥会是圣杯的守护者The Clave, the keepers of the Cup,他们害怕使用圣杯的力量they were afraid of using its power.他们知道They knew喝了圣杯之血的人很少能够活下来that hardly anyone who drank from it survived.瓦伦莱·摩根斯顿集结了一伙朋友Valentine Morgenstern drew a circle of friends together,一群年轻的充满理想的暗影猎人young, idealistic Shadowhunters,帮助他从圣钥会那里窃取了天使圣杯to help him steal the Mortal Cup from the Clave.然而他并不想保护人类But he didn't want to protect humanity.他坚信暗影猎人必须要进化He believed there had to be an evolution of Shadowhunters,成为更加强大的种族something more powerful.于是他开始用天使圣杯做实验He began experimenting, using the Mortal Cup.他学会了召唤恶魔He learned how to summon demons.甚至给自己注射恶魔之血He even injected himself with demon blood来控制恶魔so he could control them.他想要统治一切He wanted to rule.你的母亲为了阻止他Your mother, to prevent that,偷走了圣杯stole the Cup from him,消失得无影无踪and vanished into thin air.可如果只有她知道圣杯在哪...But if she's the only one that knows where the Cup is, then... 也许她不是唯一知情者Maybe she isn't.也许她告诉了别人Maybe she told someone else.只是当事人自己不知道而已Someone who doesn't know she knows.寂言兄弟准备好见她了The Silent Brothers are ready for her.霍奇怎么不一起来Why didn't Hodge come with us?他有很多年没离开过学院了He hasn't left the Institute in years.听说是因为一个咒语Some say it's a spell.他有旷野恐惧症吧He's agoraphobic.就是他吗Is that him?不那是守墓人哈罗德No, that's Harold, the groundskeeper.那才是That's him.你确定要这么做吗Are you sure you want to go through with this?我们会帮助你恢复记忆We will help you to remember.你会惊醒死灵的You'll wake the dead.真不敢相信这地方就在城市边上I can't believe this place is just outside the city.欢迎来到骸骨之城Welcome to the City of Bones.寂言兄弟就是在这里This is where the Silent Brothers draw their power, 从暗影猎人的尸骨和骨灰中获取力量from the bones and ashes of Shadowhunters.他们都葬在这里吗All of them are buried here?是的Yes.未来某天我会在这里One day, that's gonna be me.我只能送你到这了This is as far as I go.你会没事的You'll be fine.你之前也这么做过吗So you've done this before?没有No.你要听从自己的内心You must listen with your mind.妈妈Mom?妈妈Mom?出去出去Go. Go.克莱莉这是卢克Clary, this is Luke,我最好的朋友my dearest friend.你可以信任他You can trust him.你好克莱莉Hi, Clary.不要跟别人说Don't tell.不要碰那件旧东西Don't touch that old thing.只是个旧杯子而已克莱莉It's just an old cup, Clary.克莱莉克莱莉你没事吧Clary! Clary, are you okay?。




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萨拉·蒂斯代尔诗《因为》《被埋葬的爱情》《我想起了你》汉译By Sara Teasdale Tr. By Lily诗/萨拉·蒂斯代尔译/黎历Because因为Oh, because you never triedTo bow my will or break my pride,And nothing of the cave-man madeYou want to keep me half afraid,Nor ever with a conquering airYou thought to draw me unaware --Take me, for I love you moreThan I ever loved before.哦,因为你从没尝试折弯我的意志或击碎我的骄傲这些洞⽳⼈从不奢望的事你想让我保持⼀定的恐惧曾经⽆坚不摧的空⽓都⽆法做到的你想在我不知情时征服我-征服我吧,因为我⽐以往任何时候更爱你And since the body's maidenhoodAlone were neither rare nor goodUnless with it I gave to youA spirit still untrammeled, too,Take my dreams and take my mindThat were masterless as wind;And "Master!" I shall say to you我的处⼥之⾝既不稀罕也⽆益处除⾮我将她奉献给你我仍然是个不受约束的精灵也带⾛我的梦想带⾛我的⼼灵吧它们犹如⽆主的轻风‘主⼈’!是我对你的称呼Buried Love被埋葬的爱情I have come to bury Love Beneath a tree,In the forest tall and black Where none can see.在⾼⼤幽深的树林⾥⽆⼈可以看到我的地⽅在⼀株树下我来埋葬爱情I shall put no flowers at his head, Nor stone at his feet,For the mouth I loved so much Was bittersweet.我不会在她的头上放置鲜花也不会将⽯头放在她的脚下因为那只我爱得那么深切的嘴曾经是苦乐参半I shall go no more to his grave, For the woods are cold.I shall gather as much of joyAs my hands can hold.我不会再到她的坟前因为树林很冷漠我会尽可能多地采集欢乐只要我的⼿还可以握住I shall stay all day in the sunWhere the wide winds blow, --But oh, I shall cry at nightWhen none will know.我会整天呆在阳光下尽管那⾥狂风尽吹-但是,唉,我会在夜晚哭泣在没⼈知道的时候I Thought Of You我想起了你I thought of you and how you love this beauty, And walking up the long beach all aloneI heard the waves breaking in measured thunder As you and I once heard their monotone.我想到了你你怎会爱这美景独⾃⼀⼈漫步在长长的海滩我听到浪花拍岸如雷轰鸣声⾳犹如你和我曾听到的那么单调Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me The cold and sparkling silver of the sea --We two will pass through death and ages lengthenBefore you hear that sound again with me.我周围是呼应的沙丘越过我是那寒冷和波光粼粼的⼤海-在你与我再次听到涛声之前我们俩将经历死亡和苍⽼。



1. Welcome to the hypnotic garden.欢迎来到催眠的花园。

2. The latest scientific investigations of the mind have been able to prove the ancient wisdom.有最近对人类心灵的科学调查已经可以证明古代的智慧。

3 The fact of the intimate connection between the mind and body.那就是我们心灵和身体之间有着密不可分的关系。

4The body produces what the mind dictates.身体会听从心灵的命令去生产和制造。

5 Whatever is held in the mind, the physical body will produce.不管心灵想的是什么,身体都会随着产生变化。

6 The diseases of the body can and mostly are caused by ill feelings, or bitterness towards another person.大多数身体上的疾病情都和负面的情绪有关,例如老想着自己生病了,对人有所怨恨。

7 All of the emotions: intense passion, hatred and longstanding jealousy, affect the body negatively.被强烈的感情所淹没,憎恨或长期的嫉妒,都对我们的身体有着负面的影响。

8 And corroding anxiety and bad temper actual induce physical diseases.而焦虑和坏脾气更是会侵蚀我们的健康。

9 The heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, stomach, and body cells are destroyed.破坏身体的细胞,产生和心脏,肝脏,肾脏,脾脏及胃相关的疾病。


野人ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ园(SavageGarden):永不逝去的经典
野人花园(Savage Garden)
野人花园(Savage Garden)是一组已经解散的澳大利亚双人音乐团体,由主唱戴伦·海斯(Darren Hayes)和吉他手兼键盘手丹尼尔·琼斯(Daniel Jones)组成。戴伦·海斯当时着迷于安·莱斯的吸血鬼编年史系列小说,其中的《夜访吸血鬼》和《吸血鬼黎斯特》都提到了Savage Garden,那是一个蛮荒、嗜血的失乐园,后来他们就用Savage Garden当成乐团的名称。
野人花园先后推出同名专辑Savage Garden、Affirmation(认定),2001年就在野人花园音乐事业正大红大紫时,团员丹尼尔·琼斯宣告退出,野人花园随即宣告解散。解散后四年,2005年11月,野人花园推出野人花园最终精选Truly Madly Completely──The Best of Savage Garden,其中包含野人花园冠军畅销歌曲及戴伦·海斯单飞后新作,算是替仓促解散的野人花园画下完满的句点。
savage garden的歌充满活力,又不忘带一丝深情。希望大家喜欢海子推荐的这几首歌曲。
今天海子和大家分享一下来自野人花园最终精选Truly Madly Completely──The Best of Savage Garden里的一些歌曲。
Truly Madly Deeply,这首歌是在Darren和Daniel外出时,写给Darren的妻子Colby的歌曲,对妻子的无尽思恋在歌曲中表现得淋漓尽致。



萨拉·蒂斯代尔诗《梦想的房屋》《将它遗忘》《我记起了》《来吧》《爱情与死亡》汉译By Sara Teasdale /Tr. By Lily诗/萨拉·蒂斯代尔译/黎历Houses Of Dreams梦想的房屋You took my empty dreamsAnd filled them every oneWith tenderness and nobleness,April and the sun.你带⾛了我空虚的梦想并⽤温柔和⾼贵四⽉和太阳填满了其中每个梦境The old empty dreamsWhere my thoughts would throngAre far too full of happinessTo even hold a song.我那些虚⽆飘渺的旧梦那⾥我的思想曾经蜂拥⽽⾄现在却幸福满溢甚⾄容不下⼀⾸歌Oh, the empty dreams were dimAnd the empty dreams were wide,They were sweet and shadowy housesWhere my thoughts could hide.哦,虚幻之梦暗淡虚幻之梦宽⼴他们是甜蜜和阴暗的房屋那⾥我的思想可以隐藏But you took my dreams awayAnd you made them all come true --My thoughts have no place now to play,And nothing now to do.但是你带⾛了我的梦想你让所有的梦想实现-我的思绪现在⽆地可玩⽽且现在我也⽆所事事Let It Be Forgotten将它遗忘Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. Let it be forgotten forever and ever,Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.将它遗忘,犹如花⼉被⼈遗忘犹如遗忘曾经歌唱黄⾦的⽕焰将它永远永远地遗忘时间是⼀种朋友,他让我们⽼去If anyone asks, say it was forgottenLong and long ago,As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfallIn a long-forgotten snow.如果有⼈问,就说很久很久以前作为⼀朵花,作为⼀簇⽕焰作为⼀个悄⽆声息的脚步,已被遗忘在⼀个早已被遗忘的雪地⾥I Remembered我记起了There never was a mood of mine,Gay or heart-broken, luminous or dull,But you could ease me of its feverAnd give it back to me more beautiful.In many a another soul I broke the bread,And drank the wine and played the happy guest, But I was lonely, I remembered you;The heart belongs to him who knew it best.我从来就没有情绪⽆论是欢乐还是伤⼼,明朗还是暗淡但你可以缓解我的狂热⽽且回馈我更美丽的温馨我与许多其他⼈进餐喝酒,扮成快乐的过客但我很孤独,我想起了你我的⼼属于你最懂它的⼈Come来吧Come, when the pale moon like a petalFloats in the pearly dusk of spring,Come with arms outstretched to take me,Come with lips pursed up to cling.来吧,当苍⽩的⽉光像花瓣漂浮在春天珍珠般的黄昏⾥来吧,向我伸出来臂弯来吧,撅起缠绵的嘴唇Come, for life is a frail moth flying,Caught in the web of the years that pass,And soon we two, so warm and eager,Will be as the gray stones in the grass.来吧,⽣命是脆弱的飞蛾沦陷于流逝岁⽉张开的⼀张⽹络很快我们俩,这样地温暖和渴望将成为草丛中的灰⾊⽯头Love And Death爱情与死亡Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep,And shall my soul that lies within your hand Remember nothing, as the blowing sand Forgets the palm where long blue shadows creep When winds along the darkened desert sweep?难道我们睡醒起床后就健忘难道我执于你⼿中的灵魂什么都⽆法记起,犹如狂风横扫⿊暗沙漠时,风沙忘记悠长绿影婉延的棕榈?Or would it still remember, tho' it spannedA thousand heavens, while the planets fannedThe vacant either with their voices deep? Soul of my soul, no word shall be forgot, Nor yet alone, beloved, shall we see或者风沙依然记得,当它横扫⼀千个天堂时,⽽星球⽤深沉的嗓⾳填补留下的空虚?我灵魂的灵魂,话语不会被忘记亲爱的,也⾮只有我们会看见The desolation of extinguished suns,Nor fear the void wherethro' our planet runs, For still together shall we go and notFare forth alone to front eternity.太阳熄灭后的苍凉也不惧怕我们星球运⾏于空⽩因为我们会⼀起跋涉不会独⾃启程前⾏⾄永恒。



SavageGarden《ToTheMoonBack》954美添音乐Everyday music第954天两倍明亮的光芒,只能燃烧一倍的寿命。

——《银翼杀手》歌名:《T o The Moon & Back》歌者:Savage Garden词曲:Savage Garden流派:流行摇滚推荐理由非常棒的双人组合,音乐有特点,很吸引人。

歌词[Verse 1]She's taking her time, making up the reasonsTo justify all the hurt insideGuess she knows from the smiles and the look in their eyes Everyone's got a theory about the bitter one[Verse 2]They're saying"Mama never loved her much and Daddy never keeps in touchThat's why she shies away from human affection."But somewhere in a private placeShe packs her bags for outer spaceAnd now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come(And she'll say to him)She's sayingI would fly you to the moon and backIf you'll be, if you'll be my babyI've got a ticket for a world where we belongSo would you be my baby?[Post-Chorus]Ooh-oohOoh-ooh[Verse 3]She can't remember a timeWhen she felt neededIf love was red, then she was color blindAll her friends, they've been tried for treasonAnd crimes that were never defined[Verse 4]She's saying, "Love is like a barren placeAnd reaching out for human faith isIs like a journey I just don't have a map for."[Pre-Chorus]So, baby's gonna take a diveAnd push the shift to overdriveSend a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on the stars (What a pleasant dream)She's saying[Chorus]I would fly you to the moon and backIf you'll be, if you'll be my babyI've got a ticket for a world where we belongSo would you be my baby?[Bridge]Hold on (Five, four, three, two, one)[Bridge]"Mama never loved her much and Daddy never keeps in touchThat's why she shies away from human affection."But somewhere in a private placeShe packs her bags for outer spaceAnd now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot to come(And she'll say to him)Just saying[Chorus]I would fly you to the moon and backIf you'll be, if you'll be my babyI've got a ticket for a world where we belongSo would you be my baby?[Outro]I would fly you to the moon and backIf you'll be, if you'll be my babyI've got a ticket for a worldWhere we belongSo would you be my baby? Yeah————————多添一点:今天来首澳大利亚双人组合Savage Garden的歌曲《T o The Moon & Back》。






















是“荒れた庭”啦英文是叫做The Neglocted Garden歌词:so many years have passed好多年过去了the dew is still on the roses露珠仍然闪耀在玫瑰花瓣上I left my childhood我把童年in a gardon green留在了翠绿的花园里come in the gardon来到花园and look at the trees看看那些树I used to play there when I was a child 儿时我曾在那里玩耍squirrels and birds松鼠和鸟儿little fairies还有小仙女们settle down there long ago曾在那里安家so many years have passed好多年过去了the dew is still on the roses露珠仍然闪耀在玫瑰花瓣上I left my childhood我把童年in a gardon green留在了翠绿的花园里come in the gardon来到花园and sit on the grass坐在草地上I used to sit there when I was a child 儿时我曾在那里坐过ivy and moss藤蔓和苔藓little daisies还有小雏菊们covered the lane long ago曾铺遍了这条小路so many years have passed好多年过去了the dew is still on the roses露珠仍然闪耀在玫瑰花瓣上I kept my memories我把记忆in that gardon green留在了翠绿的花园里I kept my memories我把记忆in that gardon green留在了翠绿的花园里。



All over my garden I’ve planted nothing but roses, fragrant and—if looked at from afar—ablaze with color like sunset clouds, I’d be very happy if anyone of my visiting friends should desire to pick and take some for their homes. I trust that any friend of mine carrying the rose would vanish into the distance feeling that his emotions had been rekindled.A close friend came for a visit the other day. I know her to be a lover of flowers and plants. And for that reason I told her at her departure that she should pick a bunch of roses to grace her boudoir. I promised that the scent of the roses would be wafted far, far away.That girl friend of mine, tiptoeing into the garden in high spirits, sniffed here and smelt there, but in the end she didn’t pick a single rose. I said there were so many of them that she would pick as many as she’d like to; I told her that I was not a florist and didn’t make a living out of them. Saying so I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no!To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one, she said. With her hands clutching at my sleeves, she told me that by no means should they be cut. Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so iron-hearted as to destroy a smile so intoxicating?My mind was thoroughly boggled: the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth—it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people.翻译:我在花园⾥种了芬芳的玫瑰花,远远望去,像⼀⽚燃烧的晚霞。

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They had a string of hits in the late nineties, and are best remembered today for their ballad " Truly Madly Deeply", which is considered their signature song, and the songs "To the Moon and Back", "I Knew I Loved You", "Crash and Burn", "I Want You" and "Affirmation".
Daniel Jones (the right one) loved reading Anne Rice’s fictions. She described the whole world as a
deserted and bloody garden belongs to savages in one of her books. This was why their bend was named Savage Garden.
<New words: string一连串 ballad民谣 民谣> 一连串 民谣
However, when they were still at the zenith of their fame in the year 2001,Daniel Jones suddenly declared that he did not want to go on. Differed from his partner Darren’s out-going character, he was a little withdraw and didn’t enjoy being famous.
My question is
Which choice would you like to advocate? Darren’s seizing his fame and continuing bringing people his songs as audience expected, or Daniel’s ways of being low profile(不引人注意的人物) and work quietly? In other word, are you dreaming of being famous?Or only work behind the scene?
The sound went away with the wind-----
Savage garden
Still be my favourate bend
Savage Garden was an Australian pop duo that enjoyed major international success between 1997 and 2000. The band was composed of Darren Hayes (vocals) and Daniel Jones (keyboards, sequencing, and guitar). <New words: duo二人组 vocal主唱 主唱> 二人组 主唱
(above:some covers of their ablums)
Left: Darren Hayes
Right: Daniel Jones
Some introduction
Darren Hayes
Born on May 8th ,1972 A vegetarian. Dislikes wine. Liked imitating Michael Jackson when he was a child. Before became a professional singer (year 1993), he taught in a kindergarten. What attracted his audiences most was his big leaps and bounds as well as his special voice. <New word: Vegetarian 素食主义者> 素食主义者
So the band fell out. That was just the close of Savage Garden.
Later, Darren continued his singing life, while Daniel chose to do work behind the scene. <New word: zenith 顶端;巅峰 顶端;巅峰>
In those years, they had broken many Australian records because of the widely spreaded songs all over the world.
Till today, the number of their sold albums is over 23 milBorn on July 22nd,1973 Liked football when he was small and was said to looking forward to being a member of Liverpool’s team. His mastered instruments in his bend, and sometimes he might go to the middle of the stage, making an interesting gesture with his guitar.