

微生物英文课件-metabolism B

微生物英文课件-metabolism B
• Yields a small amount of ATP, ATP is formed by substratelevel phosphorylation only .
• Production of ethyl alcohol by yeasts acting on glucose • Formation of acid, gas & other products by the action of various
– Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate can be converted into precursors for amino acids, carbohydrates and fats
An amphibolic view of metabolism
2. Using the following simplifi ed chart, fill in a summary of the major starting compounds required and the products given off by each phase of metabolism. Use arrows to pinpoint approximately l where the reactions take place on the pathways.
The Synthesis of Purines, Pyrimidines, and Nucleotides
Lipids Synthesis
Fatty acids are synthesized using the substrates acetyl-CoA and malonyl(丙二醯)-CoA, the reductant NADPH, and a small protein called an acyl carrier protein to carry the growing fatty acid

Chapter 8 Microbial genetics 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 8 Microbial  genetics  微生物学 教学课件 英文版

A number of prokaryotes have been found to be naturally transformable
• certain species of G+ and G- Bacteria
• some species of Archaea
However, even within transformable genera, only certain strains or species are transformable
8.2 Genetic recombination
Genetic recombination is the process by which genetic elements contained in two separate genomes are brought together in one unit.
❖ Value in industry
• Antibiotics
• Increase yields and improve manufacturing processes ❖ Diseases
• Understanding the genetics of disease-causing microorganisms
• The colonies not appearing on the replica plate are marked with an X
• The replica plate lacked one nutrient (leucine) present in the master plate
• Therefore, the colonies marked with an X are leucine auxotrophs

最新医学微生物学英文课件 Ch1-1 细菌形态、结构

最新医学微生物学英文课件 Ch1-1 细菌形态、结构

Coccus: sphere, 1μm diplo~, strepto~ , tetrad, sarcina , staphylo~ Bacillus: rods , 0.5-1 μm in width ~1-10 μm in length Spiral bacterium: 1~3 μm in length and 0.3-0.6 μm in width
(Absolute alcohol)
G- (Gram-negative)
G+ (Gram-positive)
Structure of Bacterium
Structure of Bacterium
Basic structures
cell wall 细胞壁 cell membrane 细胞膜
Chapter 1 Basic Characters of Bacteria
Section 1
Morphology and Structure of Bacteria
Varies with species of bacteria, as small as about 0.2 μm in diameter to those more than 700 μm in diameter, and also related to their age and external environment.
螺形菌(spiral bacterium)



# 1 Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: Viruses•Viruses -non-living infectious agents that may infect all living things.•Commonly named according to which host is infected.•Terms–Virion: virus particle consisting of protein coat/nucleicacid.–Capsid: term for viral protein coat–Capsomere: identical protein subunits of the capsid–Nucleocapsid: Viral capsid along with tightly packednucleic acid.–Envelope: Double layer of lipid surrounding the capsid.Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: VirusesShape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2 Shape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2Shape and Classification of DNA Viruses # 2Relative Size of Viruses •Viruses 100-1000X smallerthan hosts: 10-500 nm.•Attachment via–Spikes (attachment proteinsproject from tailless capsid)–Tails (tail fibers used )–Not needed for plant viruses•Viral genome may be–Single or double stranded,DNA or RNA–DNA may be circular or linear–Very small genome.# 3/4/5Requirement for Viruses To Grow Inside Living Cells •Must have actively multiplying host cell for viral replication.•Viruses lack enzymes to make either enzymes or proteins.•Necessary to use host enzymes and cell structures for viral reproduction.•Two phases of viruses –Outside living cells: viruses are inert macromolecules –Inside living cells: viruses redirect host metabolism for viral reproduction.•Necessary Genetic Information Needed by Viruses –Viral protein coat –Replication for Viral nucleic acid–Movement of virus in and out of host.# 6# 7 Outcomes of Viral Infection of Bacteria1) Virulent or lytic phage, e.g.,T4–Redirect cell to make more phage and lyse the cell.2) Non-lytic phage, e.g.,filamentous phage -M13–Partial takover of cell metabolism to make more phagethen leak out into environment without killing cell.3) Temperate phage, e.g. Lambda (λ) phage–Produce “latent “ infections as they are incorporated intobacterial genome.–Replicate along with the host–Produce “lysogenic conversion” -coding for proteinsdifferent than those native to the host, e.g., C. diphtheriae Outcomes of Phage Infection of Bacteria# 7Bacterial Infection with Virulent TLytic Phage# 84Bacterial Infection with Temperate λ Phage# 9Transduction Review# 10•Bacterial gene transfer via bacteriophage.•General vs. specialized.–General: Any gene of the donor cell is transferred–Specialized:•Only selected genes from donor cell are transferred.•Only temperate phages are involved in transduction•Phage integrates at certain sites into the bacterialchromosome.•Examples are Lambda phage in E. coli and toxinproduction in Corynebacterium diphtheriaeGene Transfer in Bacteria -Transduction# 10Specialized Transduction Via Temperate Phage# 10 Virulent Properties Conferred to Bacterial HostsVia ProphageHost Ranges of Bacteriophage# 11•Host range of phage limited to specific bacterial species and often to only a few strains.•Important limitation factors:–Phage needs specific receptor sites on host cell surface•Receptor sites may be altered via mutation or lysogenic conversion.–Restriction modification system on host cell must be overcome •Host bacteria have 2 adjacent genes–Restriction enzyme–Modification enzyme.•Because of limited host range, DNA rarely transferred between species.。

Chapter 5 Viruses 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 5  Viruses  微生物学 教学课件 英文版

General morphology
Three main classes - animal viruses, bacterial viruses (bacteriophages), and plant viruses.
Viruses vary considerably in size. Although most are quite a bit smaller than bacteria, some of the larger viruses (such as the smallpox virus) are about the same size as some very small bacteria (such as the mycoplasmas, rickettsias, and chlamydias).
A virus can have either DNA or RNA but never both !!
Structure of viruses
• Most viruses are too small to be seen under light microscope. • All viruses consists of an RNA or DNA core genome surrounded by a protein coat capsid.
Genome in virion
The genomes of viruses can be composed of either DNA or RNA, and some use both as their genomic material at different stages in their life cycle. However , only one type of nucleic acid is found in the virion of any particular type of virus.



Microorganisms are responsible for many of the changes observed in organic and inorganic matter (e.g., fermentation and the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles that occurred in nature.
Microbiology is a large discipline, which has a
1.1 What is a microbe?
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe an organism that is so small that can not be seen without the use of a microscope. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all included in this category.
Microbial world
Infectious agents (non-living) viruses viroids prions
Prokaryotes (unicellular)
Algae (unicellular or multicellular)
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Microbiology
pter outline
1.1 What is a microbe? 1.2 The importance of Microbiology 1.3 Microbes in our lives 1.4 The history of microbiology 1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology

微生物英文课件-gentic A

微生物英文课件-gentic A

I. Point mutations
-involve addition, deletion, or substitution of single bases
1. Silent mutations (same-sense mutations) are alterations
Genetics – the study of heredity
1. transmission of biological traits from parent to offspring
2. expression & variation of those traits 3. structure & function of genetic material 4. how this material changes or evolves
Chapter Eight Microbial genetics
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes 8.2 Mutations 8.3 DNA recombination events
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes
Levels of genetic study
Levels of structure & function of the genome
• genome – sum total of genetic material of an organism (chromosomes + mitochondria/chloroplasts and/or plasmids)
1 mm; 1,000X longer than cell • Human cell – 46 chromosomes containing 31,000

微生物学英文课件-Growth of Microbes

微生物学英文课件-Growth of Microbes
• N=2n • N is number of cells • n is the generations
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Exponential growth
• Example
– Starting population
• 1,000 cells
– Doubling time
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Generation time
• Time required for a cell to divide or for a population of cells to double in number • Mathematical expressions of growth:
Laboratory and natural growth
• Colony growth
– Mass of cells – On laboratory media – Not same as in natural environment – Used to study characteristics of microorganisms
– chromosomes move apart
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Binary fission
• Septum formation
– inward formation
• membrane • cell wall
• Formation of two cells
– Describes how fast a culture is growing. Can be expressed by the equation:

Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 3  The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

3.2 Actinomycetes
Actinomycetes are filamentous bacteria. Their morphology resembles that of the filamentous fungi; however, the filaments of actinomycetes consist of procaryotic cells. Some actinomycetes resemble molds by forming externally carried asexual spores for reproduction.
Chain of conidiospores
Aerial hyphae
Agar surface
Substrate mycelium
The cross section of an actinomycete colony showing the substrate mycelium and aerial mycelium with chains of conidiospores
Rod-shaped bacteria
Bacilli divide only across their short axis, so there are fewer groupings of bacilli than of cocci.
Single bacillus
Some bacteria are shaped like long rods twisted into spirals or helices; they are called vibrios (like commas or incomplete spirals), spirilla if rigid and spirochetes when flexable.

Chapter 7 Microbial Growth and Growth control 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 7  Microbial Growth and Growth control  微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Phase called miosis during which the microtubular
apparatus is associated and subsequently used to pull apart the
sister chromosomes.
Eukaryotic cell: G1 S
Exponential Phase
It is a consequence of the fact that each cell divides to form two cells, each of which also divides to form two more cells, and so on.
Most unicellular microorganisms grow exponentially, but rates of exponential growth vary greatly. In general, prokaryotes grow faster than eukaryotic microorganisms
Prokaryotic cell: G1 R D
Binary fision
Most bacterial cells reproduce asexually by binary fision, a process in which a cell divides to produce two nearly equal-sized progeny cells.
• Solid objects can be sterilized by physical agents such as heat and radiation; Liquids and gases are sterilized by heat, radiation, and filtration through the proper filter.


2. Facultative anaerobes do not require O2 for growth, but do grow better in its presence (兼性厭氧菌)
3. Aerotolerant anaerobes ignore O2 and grow equally well whether it is present or not (耐氧的厭氧菌)
by causing the formation of thymine dimers in DNA
a. Photoreactivation repairs thymine dimers by direct splitting when the cells are exposed to blue light
2 HSCH2CO2H + "O" → [SCH2CO2H]2 + H2O
Foundations, P202
Brock, P145
Effects of pH
a. Acidophiles嗜酸菌 grow best between pH 0 and 5.5 b. Neutrophiles嗜中性菌 grow best between pH 5.5 and 8.0 c. Alkalinophiles專性嗜堿菌grow best between pH 8.5 and 11.5 d. Extreme alkalinophiles grow best at pH 10.0 or higher
2. Mesophiles – optimum temperature 20o-40oC, most human pathogens(嗜溫菌)
3. Thermophiles – optimum temperature greater than 45oC (耐熱菌)


Chemotaxis (趨化性):chemo, chemical; taxis, an ordering or arrangement
1. Stab the cell into semisolid medium in a test tube
2. Observe the cell under the microscope with a hanging drop slide
Flagellar structure
(Brock, P75)
Filament 鞭毛絲 --
long, thin, helical structure composed of proteins
Hook 鉤形鞘-- curved sheath
Basal body 基體-- stack of rings firmly anchored
Peptidoglycan structure
(Brock, P60)
• Back bone: repeating disaccharides of NAM and NAG
• Tetrapeptide (4 alternating D- and L- aa): attached to NAM
• Peptide cross link:
Structure of the cell wall
gram-negative cell
The cell wall helps determine the shape of a bacterium, provides the kind of strong structural support necessary to keep a bacterium from bursting or collapsing because of changes in osmotic pressure

Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 3  The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Over 500 distinct antibiotic substances have been shown to be produced by streptomycete.
Most antibiotics are efficient against different bacteria.
More than 50 antibiotics have been used in human and veterinary medicine, agriculture and industry
Staphylococcus - facultatively anaerobic, grampositive, usually form irregular clusters, nonmotile, catalase positive but oxidase negative, ferment glucose anaerobically.
• Streptomyces require a lower water potential for growth than many other soil bacteria.
• Media often selective for Streptomyces contain the usual assortment of inorganic salts
Байду номын сангаас
• The streptonycetes are a large group of filamentous, gram positive bacteria that form spores at the end of aerial filaments. • They have the highest GC percentagein the DNA base composition of any bacteria known. • Many clinically important antibiotics have come from Streptomycetes species



• Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)– originates from the outer membrane of the nuclear envelop & extends in a continuous network through cytoplasm; rough due to ribosomes, proteins are synthesized & shunted into the ER for packaging & transport. First step in secretory pathway.
4.2.4. The cell membrane
- typical bilayer of phospholipids and proteins
- Sterols (固醇) confer stability - serve as selectively permeable barriers in transport; involved in cell-cell recognition, endo- and exocytosis and adhesion to surface; transport system is located in membrane
-Eukaryotic cells also contain membrane-bound organelles that account for 60-80% of their volume
•The most obvious difference between Eukaryotic cells and procaryotic cells is in their use of membranes.

Chapter 6 Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism 微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Chapter 6 Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism  微生物学 教学课件 英文版

Alcaligens and Pseudomonas sp. Nitrobacter Nitrosomonas Desulfovibrio
Thiobacillus denitrificans
Electron donor H2
NO2NH4+ H2 S0. H2S
Thiobacillus ferrooxidans Fe2+
Chemoheterotroph (Chenoorganotroph)
Sources of energy, hydrogen/electrons,
Representative microorganisms
and carbon
Light energy, inorganic
Algae, Purple and
Chemical energy source
Most bacteria, fungi,
(organic), Organic H/e- donor, protozoa
Organic carbon source
Algae, Cyanobacteria
CO2 + H2O Light + Chlorophyll (CH2O) +O2
Purple and green bacteria
CO2 + 2H2S Light + bacteriochlorophyll (CH2O) + H2O + 2S
Purple nonsulfur bacteria (Rhodospirillum)
CO2 + 2CH3CHOHCH3 Light + bacteriochlorophyll (CH2O) + H2O + 2CH3COCH3
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Compact Dry SL (Salmonella)
• Salmonella form green colonies/aereas and change the medium to yellow
-> Salmonella decarboxylase alkalizes the medium and changes the medium from purple to yellow
3M Petrifilm • flexible film -> not stackable
-> elaborate closing procedure
-> 3-dimensional growth impos • different technology -> squeezer causes problems with air bubbles
Benefits compared to the 3M Petrifilm concept
Compact Dry • solid cartridge -> unlimited stackable -> safe, closed cover -> 3-dimensional growth of molds • similar to petridish -> higher acceptance for conventional microbiology customer -> colony picking is possible
-> risk of contamination during inoculation procedure
Benefits compared to the 3M Petrifilm concept
Compact Dry • 4 unit packaging -> safe storage -> storage between 1-30 °C -> storage everywhere
-> greening of the colonies occur due to the decomposition capacity of Salmonella for a chromogenic substrate -> The motility of Salmonella is monitored; positive colonies/areas are apart from the inoculation point
Compact Dry YM (Yeast and Mold)
• Yeast form blue colonies due to the chromogenic substrate X-Phos • Molds form fluffy colonies with typical colors • The medium contains antibiotics to inhibit bacterial growth
Swab for Dry Areas
• Ready-to-use humid swab system: -> sterile -> long shelf life -> 1 ml buffer container -> release tip • surfaces can be easily investigated
Compact Dry SA (Staphylococcus aureus)
• S. aureus forms yellow colonies with turbid halos • S. aureus generates yellow pigments with the mannitol-salt medium • The S. aureus-lipase reacts with the lecithin of the egg yolk and forms turbid halos • Other Staphyloccus species show growth but no egg yolk reaction
3M Petrifilm • 25 unit packaging
-> limited storage after openin
-> storage in the refridge nece
-> storage outside the refridge after opening • convenience
Compact Dry – Easy Test Method for Counting Micoorganisms in Food • Ready-to-use dry media sheets: -> sterile
-> up to 18 months shelf life at R -> solid cartridge -> counting grid • liquid sample can be directly appliedve
Compact Dry EC (E. coli and Coliforms)
• Bacteria form blue and red colonies due to the chromogenic substrates -> X-Gluc: blue E.coli colonies -> Magenta-Gal: red coliform colonies • The medium is selective for the coliform group and E. coli
Compact Dry VP (Vibrio parahaemolyticus)
• V. parahaemolyticus forms blue colonies • Other vibrios form white colonies • The medium is selective for vibrios
• convenience -> 70 seconds hands-on time -> selfdiffusible
-> 77 seconds hands-on time
-> sample spreading required
Dilution Rack and Opener
• Ready-to-use dilution system: -> sterile dilution buffer -> long shelf life -> appropriate buffer volume for decimal dilutions -> stainless steel opener • surface can be easily investigated
Compact Dry TC (Total Count)
• Metabolizing bacteria form red colonies due to the redox indicator tetrazolium salt • Food residues are easily to distinguish, because they do not change the color • With this medium total aerobic counts of food samples are measurable
Compact Dry CF (Coliforms)
• Coliforms form blue/blue green colonies due to the chromogenic substrate X-Gal • The medium is mainly selective for coliforms • Non-coliforms never form any colored colonies