



























English Literature 英国文学主要分类一、The Old English Literature中古英国文学二、The Renaissance Period文艺复兴时期文学(伊丽莎白时代,14-16世纪)三、The 17 century English Literature17世纪英国文学四、The18 century English Literature18世纪英国文学(启蒙时期)五、Literature of Romantic Age浪漫主义时期文学六、Literature in Victoria Period维多利亚时期文学七、Literature in Modern Period现在时期英国文学The main content to know•Background knowledge (from history,culture atmosphere) •Important Literary Terms•Important Writers and Literary WorksThe Old English Literature(一)General Introduction(总体介绍)The Old English literature(which lasted from 499 to 1066)isexclusively a verse(诗篇)literature in oral form.There were two groups of English poetry in this period-the first was the pagan(异教的)poetry represented by Beowulf,the second was the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon and Cynewulf.In the 8th century,Anglo-Saxon prose appeared.The most famous prose writers of that period were Venerable bede and Alfred the Great.After the Norman Conques,three languages existed in England,which were French spoken by the Normans,English spoken by the lower class and Latin spoken by the scholars and clergymen. The prevailing from of literature in the feudal England was the Romance.The Romance prospered for 300 years(1200-1500)from which we see an epitome(缩影)of the Middle Ages.In the 15th century,English ballads became very popular and the only important writer was Thomas Malory.(二)Important Literary TermsOld English(古英语):language spoken by the Anglo-Saxons is called the Old English,which is the foundation of English language and literature.Romance(中世纪的传奇故事):The Romance was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages.It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.(三)Important Writers and Literary Works1.Beowulf(《贝奥武甫》)Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language and the most important spe-cimen of Anglo-Saxon literture.The main stories are based on the folk legends of the primitive northern tribes.2.Religious Poets(宗教诗人)Caedmon(卡德蒙,610-680)Caedmon is the first known religious poet of England.He is known as the father of English song, Caedmon’s Hymn (《卡德蒙的赞美诗》)is a praise poem in honor of god.Cynewulf(基涅武甫,公元九世纪)Cynewulf lived in the 9th century. He produced four poems, of which The Christ(《基督》)is the most characteristic. Throughout the poem, a deep love for Christ and reverence for Virgin Mary(圣母利亚)are expressed.3.Prose Writers(散文作家)Venerable Bede(可敬的比德,672-735)Bede,also referred to as Saint Bede(圣比德)or the Venerable Bede,is well known as an author and scholar,and his most famous work, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, or An Ecclesiastica History of the English People(《英吉利人教会史》),gained him the title “The Father of English History”(英国史学之父)Alfred the Great(阿尔弗雷德大帝,849-899)Alfred is the only English monarch to be accorded the epithet “the Great”(唯一一个被授予“大帝”名号额英格兰国王).He was the first King of the West Saxons to style himself “King of the Anglo-saxons”(将自己命名为“盎格鲁-撒克逊之王”的西撒克逊国王).The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》)is a collection of annals(年鉴)in Old English chronicling the history of the Anglo-Saxons. original manusript of the Chronicle was created late in the 9th century, probably in Wessex,duing the reign of Alfred the Great.4.The Romance(传奇)Sir Gawain and the Green Knight(《高文爵士与绿衣骑士》)It is a romance of 2,530 lines derived from Celtic legend(凯尔特骑士).Sir Cawain, nephew of King Arthur, accepted the challenge of the Green Knight in the Green Chapel(绿教堂). At last, he got a girdle (腰带)as a gift from the Knight and his story became widely known.5.Age of Chaucer(乔叟时代)The 14th century is called “Age of Chaucer”.Chaucer and Langland(朗格兰,1332-1400,英国诗人),were the most important writers of age.Ceoffrey Chaucer(杰弗里·乔叟,1343-1400)Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry”(英国诗歌之父),but also as “the father of English fiction (英国小说之父).His masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),is one of the most famous works in all literatures.Chaucer wrote in vivid and exact language; his poetry is full vigor and swiftness.Book of the Duchess 《公爵夫人之书》The House of Fame《声誉之宫》The Parliament of Fowls 《百鸟会议》The Legend of Good Women 《贤妇传说》Troilus and Criseyde 《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》6. The 15th Century Ballads(民歌,歌谣)Thomas Malory(托马斯·马洛礼,1405-1471)Tomas Malory wrote an important work called Le Morte d’Arthur(《亚瑟王之死》).The central concern is with the adventures of Arthur and his famous Knights of the Round Table(圆桌骑士).The book is very important in English literature.Its Arthurian materials have a strong influence on literature of later centuries.The Renaissance Period伊丽莎白时代,14—16世纪一)General Introduction(总体介绍)The Renaissance(文艺复兴)was a European phenomenon, which originated in Italy. The English Renaissance encouraged the reformation of the Church.In Elizabethan(伊丽莎白)period, English literature developed with great speed. The most distinctive achievement of Elizabethan literature is drama. Next to drama is the lyrical poetry(抒情诗),remarkable for its variety and freshness and romantic feeling.In that period, writing peotry became a fashion and England became “a nest of singing birds”. In tha same period, Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which make him one of the best essayists(散文家)in English literature.(二)Important Literary Terms1)Renaissance:In the Renaissance Period, scholars began to emphasize the capacities of human mind and the achievements of human culture. So humanism(人文主义)became the keynote of English Renaissance. English Renaissance is divied into three periods:①the 1st period from 1516 to 1578 is called the beginning of the Renaissance.②The 2nd period from1578 to 1625 is known as the flowering period.③The 3rd period from 1625 to 1660 is the epilogue(尾声)of the Renaissance.2) Spenserian Stanza(斯宾塞诗体)Spenser invented a new verse form. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter line.(每个诗节由九行组成,前八行为五步抑扬格,第九行为六步抑扬格。

a level英国文学

a level英国文学

a level英国文学
A-level 英国文学是英国中学阶段的高级水平考试科目之一。


A-level 英国文学的课程内容通常包括以下几个主要方面:
1. 文学史和文学流派:学生将研究英国文学的主要时期,如文艺复兴时期、启蒙时期、维多利亚时代等,并了解不同时期文学作品的特点和创作风格。

2. 文学分析和解读:学生将学习如何进行文学作品的分析和解读,包括理解作品的主题、情节、角色塑造等,以及理解作者在作品中传达的意图和观点。

3. 文学作品的背景和历史:学生将了解文学作品的背景和历史背景,包括作者的生活和时代背景对作品创作的影响。

4. 文学批评和评论:学生将学习如何进行文学批评和评论,包括对文学作品进行评价和分析,以及理解不同批评流派和观点的比较。

在 A-level 英国文学考试中,学生通常需要阅读和分析一些经典文学作品,包括莎士比亚的戏剧、奥斯汀的小说、雪莱的诗歌等。


通过 A-level 英国文学考试,学生可以进一步深入了解英国文学的各个方面,并为进一步学习相关专业如英语文学、文化研究等做准备。




英国文学主要分为六个时期一Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。

Old English: 450-1066头韵体诗歌(alliteration)<Beowulf>《贝奥武甫》the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsMedieval English:1066-14世纪中期1、Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟:英国诗歌之父t he father of English poetry<The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集首创英雄双韵体first time to use 'heroic couplet'2、William Langland 威廉·兰格伦:< Piers the Plowman>《农夫皮尔斯》二The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期(伊丽莎白时代)14-16世纪,始于意大利,核心是人文主义Humanism)Most famous dramatists: Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson1、Thomas More-Utopia 托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》2、Edmund Spenser: 埃德蒙·斯宾塞被人称为the poets' poet “诗人中的诗人”代表作《仙后》(The Farie Queene)被誉为英国文艺复兴时期―最杰出的史诗‖。


Spenserian stanza斯宾塞诗节:在其代表作《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)中首先使用这种诗体,遂以他的名字命名作品:<The Shepherdes Calender>牧羊人日历<The Faerie Queene>仙后3、Christopher Marlowe克里斯托夫·马洛– representative of ―University Wits‖, the pioneer of English drama英国戏剧先驱马洛是“大学才子派”―University Wits‖中最杰出的剧作家在英国文学中,素体诗blank verse是在马洛手里成为英诗中最富有表现力和最雄伟的格律形式的。



[英国文学作品]英国文学英国文学篇(1):10部英国经典小说10. 《名利场》Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848)威廉·梅克皮斯·萨克雷,1848年出版这部小说的主角或许就是英国文学史上最知名的非正统派女主角——贝奇·夏普,小说的情节围绕阶级、社会、跻身上流社会以及现代读者听来又熟悉又害怕的金融危机。

《名利场》这些要素全都具备, 讲述那个年代,也讲述着每一个年代。

9. 《科学怪人》Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1818)玛莉·雪莱,1818年出版这部先锋作品集科幻和哥特式恐怖于一身,营造了一个难以磨灭的“恶魔”主题,即科学家中的“现代普罗米修斯”,几世纪以来经久不衰。

8. 《大卫·科波菲尔》David Copperfield (Charles Dickens, 1850)查尔斯·狄更斯,1850年出版David Copperfield is populated by some of the most vivid characters ever created. They are as much a part of readers’ world, and their way of thinking about the world, as people they have actually met.《大卫·科波菲尔》人物形象众多,性格鲜活的角色云集。


7. 《呼啸山庄》Wuthering Heights (Emily Bront, 1847)艾米莉·勃朗特,1847年出版《呼啸山庄》“蕴含巨大的心理能量,没有其它书籍能够与之匹敌。


英国文学 英语专业

英国文学 英语专业











约翰逊, 约翰逊,Samuel Johnson, 170917091784 鲍斯威尔, James Boswell, 1740-1795
18世纪英国文坛 世纪英国文坛 盟主,诗人, 盟主,诗人,批评 传记家. 家,传记家.历经 8年之久独自编撰 年之久独自编撰 英文辞典》 了《英文辞典》, 奠定了其声誉.编 奠定了其声誉. 辑《莎士比亚戏剧 集》.晚年代表作 诗人传》 《诗人传》.
随着现代工商业的发展而产生和壮大起来的中产阶级需要 用一定的文学形式反映他们的观念和要求, 用一定的文学形式反映他们的观念和要求,而小说正生逢 其时地担当了这一重任. 其时地担当了这一重任. 17世纪以来 历史,传记,游记,日记, 世纪以来, 从17世纪以来,历史,传记,游记,日记,人物特写和期 刊文论等散文体裁的发展都为小说提供了有利的文学条件. 刊文论等散文体裁的发展都为小说提供了有利的文学条件. 妇女的参与. 妇女的参与.现代化生产的发展剥夺了妇女原来在家里做 手工或在作坊里劳动的机会,她们大多受过一定教育,是 手工或在作坊里劳动的机会,她们大多受过一定教育, 小说的理想读者. 小说的理想读者. 印刷和出版业的发展. 印刷和出版业的发展.
第二节 英国文学
一,18世纪早期文学:(古典主义)蒲柏时代, 18世纪早期文学:(古典主义 蒲柏时代, 世纪早期文学:(古典主义) 奥古斯都时代" "奥古斯都时代" 写实小说(兴起的原因):笛福,斯威夫特, ):笛福 二,写实小说(兴起的原因):笛福,斯威夫特, 理查逊,菲尔丁,斯摩莱特( 理查逊,菲尔丁,斯摩莱特(Tobias Smollett , 1721—1771) 1721—1771) 约翰逊时代 时代" 中后期) 三,"约翰逊时代"(中后期) 前浪漫主义文学:感伤主义文学 墓园诗派, 文学, 四,前浪漫主义文学:感伤主义文学,墓园诗派, 复古倾向与哥特小说;彭斯( 复古倾向与哥特小说;彭斯(Robert Burns, 1759-1796),布莱克( 1759-1796),布莱克(William Blake, ),布莱克 1757-1827) 1757-1827)











以下是一些英国文学中的经典作品,这里列举的仅仅是其中的一小部分,而英国文学中还有很多其他优秀的作品:1. 莎士比亚戏剧:- "哈姆雷特"(Hamlet)- "罗密欧与朱丽叶"(Romeo and Juliet)- "麦克白"(Macbeth)- "奥赛罗"(Othello)2. 经典小说:- "简·爱"(Jane Eyre)- 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)- "傲慢与偏见"(Pride and Prejudice)- 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)- "大卫·科波菲尔"(David Copperfield)- 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)- "汤姆·琼斯的历险"(The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling)- 亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding)3. 诗歌:- "抒情时代"(Lyrical Ballads)- 威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)和塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)合作- "诗的颂歌"(Songs of Innocence and of Experience)- 威廉·布莱克(William Blake)- "拜伦诗集"(Selected Poems of Lord Byron)- 乔治·戈登·拜伦(Lord Byron)4. 科幻文学:- "时间机器"(The Time Machine)- 威尔斯·赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(H.G. Wells)- "1984" - 乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)5. 战争文学:- "战争与和平"(War and Peace)- 列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)6. 现代文学:- "追风筝的人"(The Kite Runner)- 卡勒德·胡赛尼(Khaled Hosseini)- "哈利·波特"系列- J.K. 罗琳(J.K. Rowling)这仅仅是英国文学中的一些代表性作品,实际上英国文学涵盖了更广泛的时间和主题。





1. 《傲慢与偏见》–简·奥斯汀所著。


2. 《呼啸山庄》–勃朗特姐妹所著。



3. 《雾都孤儿》–查尔斯·狄更斯所著。



4. 《战争与和平》–列夫·托尔斯泰所著。



5. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》–丹尼尔·笛福所著。







一.古英语时期(Old English Literature 公元499—1066年)英国文学开山之作:头韵体诗歌(alliteration)《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)(该作属于epic民族英雄史诗)开德蒙(Caedmon):《赞美诗》(Anthem)琴涅武甫(Cynewulf):《十字架之梦》(Dream of the Rood)比德(Bede):《英吉利人教会史》(Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum)阿尔弗雷德大帝(King Alfred):《盎格鲁—撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),被誉为“英国散文之父”(Father of English Prose)二.中古英语时期(Medieval English Literature 公元1066年—15世纪)Romance (浪漫传奇) 《亚瑟王之死》头韵体诗歌:《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)英国民谣ballad:《罗宾汉名谣集》(The Robin Hood Ballads)威廉·兰格伦(William Langland):《农夫皮尔斯的幻想》(The Vision Concerning piers the Plowman)杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer):英国中世纪最伟大的诗人,享有“英国诗歌之父”的美誉(Father of English Poetry)。

代表作:八音节(octosyllabic)英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)诗歌《坎特布雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales).托马斯·马洛礼(Sir Thomas Malory):英国15世纪优秀的散文家,代表作为《亚瑟王之死》(Le Morte d’Arthur)三.文艺复兴时期(Renaissance 15世纪末—17世纪)托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More):伟大的人文主义者,代表作:《乌托邦》(Utopia),《国王爱德华五世悲戚的一生》(The painful Life of Edward Ⅴ).托马斯·魏厄特(Thomas Wyatt)和亨利·霍华德(Henry Howard)的十四行诗(Sonnet).前者将意大利十四行诗引入英国;后者在此基础上,发展了英国十四行诗歌。



英国文学The old periods450 —— 1066The medieval periods1066 —— mid-14th centuryThe renaissance periods14th century —— mid-17th centuryThe neoclassical periods1660 —— 1789(the return of the Stuarts to the English to publishment of Lyrical Ballads)The romantic periods1789 —— 1832(publishment of Lyrical Ballads to Sir Walter Scott’s death)The victorian periods1836 —— 1901The modern periodsthe second half of the 19th century —— the early of the 20th century英国文学— The old and medieval periods1.Beowuf这部作品Romance是这个时期最流行的文学形式;Chaucer第一个引进“英雄偶句”诗体。

Beowulf(贝奥武甫(八世纪初的一篇古英语史诗;该史诗中的主角)), a typical example of old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic (民族史诗) of the Anglo-Saxons. Literary position: The poem was originally in an oral form, it is written down in the 10th century. Thematically the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.Romance (骑士抒情诗),a popular literary form in the medieval period) uses narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or otherheroic deeds, whose motifs(主题, 主旨) of the quest is for truth, beauty and kindness.Chaucer(乔叟): whose masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》. The famous character of his works is the Wife of Bath. Chaucer employed the heroic coupletverse form (英雄双韵诗形式)with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature. He is the father of English poetry.英国文学—The renaissance periods1.《仙后》一部寓言(allegory), 人物象征意义与主题.The Faerie is an allegory.The Red-crosse Knight stands for St.George, the patron saint of England, and he also represent Holiness.A lovely Ladie, virgin Una, symbolizes the thruth or the true faith of religion.A milke white lambe reprents the God.Dragon and infernall feend refer the SatanThe theme is not “Arms and the man,” but something more romantic—“fiece warres and faithful loves”.2. 斯宾塞的诗歌特点The five main quailites of spenser’s poetry are:1) a perfect melody;2) a rare sense of beauty;3) a splendid imagination;4) a lofty purity and seriousness;5) a dedicated idealism.3.《浮士德》的主题Dr. Faustus is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil. The play’s dominant moral is human than religious. It celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness; it also reveals man’s frustration in realizing the high aspiration in a hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man’s condition.4.《威尼丝商人》的故事及主题The play has a double plot:1) Bassanio——Portia2) Antonio——ShylockThe traditional theme of the play is to praise the friendship betweem Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia as a heroine of greate beaulity, wit and loyalty, and to expose the insatiable greed and brutality of the Jew. Tody, many people tend to regard the play as a satire of the christians’ hypocrisy and their false standards of frindship and love, their cunning way of pursuing worldliness(俗心, 俗气) and their unreasoning prejudice against Jews.5.Milton的三部作品Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes.英国文学—The neoclassical periods1.Bunyan的《天路历程》是一部寓言(allegory),其主题及《名利场》的寓意The Pilgrim’s Progress is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggle with their own weakness and all kinds of social evils. Its predominant metaphor —life as a journey — is simple and familiar. The objects that Christian meets are homely and commonplace, and the scence presented a typical English ones, but throughout the allegory a spiritual signifiance is added to the commonplace details.The Vanity Fair symbolizes human world, for “All that cometh is vanity.”Everything and anything in this world is “vanity”, having no value and no meaning. The Vanity Fair, a “marcket selling nothingness” of all sorts, is a dirty place originally built up by devils, but, this town “lay”in the way to the Celestial City, meaning pilgrims had to resist the tempatations there way through. So, the depiction of the “Fair”in selling things worldly and in attracting people bad, represents John Bunyan’s rejection of the worldly seekings and pious longing for the pure and charming “Celestial City” his Christian ideal.2.鲁宾逊的意义Robinson is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century Enlish middle-class man, with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience and persistence in overcoming obstacles, in stuggling against the hostile natural environment. He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.3.Gulliver’s Travel的四个部分The book contains four parts.The first part —— LilliputThe second part —— BrobdingnagThe third part —— flying IslandThe fourth part —— Houyhnhnm land, YahooAs a whole, the book is one of the most effcetive and devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in then English and European life —socially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientifically, and morally.4.Fielding的贡献Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel”.He was first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a “comic epic in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and syle. Before him, the relating of a story in a novel was either the Episolary form or the picaresque form, but fielding adopted “the third-person narration,” in which the author become the “all-knowing God”.英国文学—The romantic periods1.Blake青春之歌与经验之歌的比较The Song of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and suffering.His Songs of Experiecnce paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with melancholy tone.The two “Chimney Sweeper”poems are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, i.e. the exploitation of child labor, and an ideological circumstance, i.e. the role played by religion in making compiant to exploitation. The poem from the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions which make religion a consolation, a prospect(景色, 前景) of “illusory happiness;” the poem from the Songs of the Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor child.2.拜伦式英雄Buyron’s chief contribution is his creation of the“Byronic hero,”a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burdens of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustilbe energies.3.KEATS的希腊古瓮颂的主题Ode on an grecian Urn shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transcience of human passion.4.奥丝丁的三种婚姻观Stories of love and marriage provide the major theme in all Jane Austen’s novels, in which female chatacters are always playing an active part. In their pursuit of a marriage, they ate usually categorize into three types according to their different attitudes: those who would marry for material wealth and social position, those who would marry just for beauty and passion, and those who would marry for true love with a consideration of the partner’s personal merit as well ad his economical and social status.5.《傲慢与偏见》的故事及主题Pride and Prejudice mainly tells of the love story between a rich, pround young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizaeth Bennet. None of the daughters can inherit the estate of the family for it has been entailed upon the nearest male heir, Willian Collins, Collins intends to marry and he decides to shoose Elizabeth as a way of making amends for inheriting the family’s estate. Collins is a preposterous(荒谬的) suitor, and Elizabeth rejects the proposal. Another young man called Darcy proposes her, but she has prejudice against him because she thinks that he has nothing but pride. After many twists and turns, they are happily united. This book tells us a great deal about attitude toward marriage in Austen’s time.Stories of love and marriage provide the major themes in all her novels, Jane Austen tries to say that it is wrong to marry just for money or for beauty, but it is also wrong to marry without it.as it is said in the book that it is a truth universally acknowledged that a singe man in possession of a good foutune must be in want of a wife.英国文学—The victorian periods1.Dickens小说的3种角色类型及创作生涯。



以强调理性和人权为特点,代表作品包括斯威夫特 的《格列佛游记》。
通过追求自然、个人情感和幻想,让艺术与内心相 互融合,如拜伦的诗歌作品。
文学流派 诗歌 小说 戏剧
代表作家 威廉·华兹华斯、塞缪尔·柯勒律治 简·奥斯汀、勃朗特姐妹 威廉·莎士比亚
反叙述、流派混合、内心意识流的表达方式,如弗 吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》。
后现代主义、魔幻现实主义、 女性文学、后殖民文学等。
伊恩·麦克尤恩、朱利安·巴恩 斯、萨尔曼·鲁西迪。
当代英国文学作品在全球范 围内受到广泛关注,引领潮 流并触及世界共同话题。
本PPT课件将带领大家一起探索英国文学的丰富历史和重要作家,以及各个时 期的文学流派和风格。
2 Influential and Enduring
3 Reflecting Society
从盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的《贝奥武夫》到中世纪的传说故事,古英语文学充满古 老而神秘的魅力。



英国文学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国文学史上第一位伟大的诗人是:A. 威廉·莎士比亚B. 乔叟C. 约翰·弥尔顿D. 托马斯·哈代2. 以下哪部作品是乔治·奥威尔所著?A. 《1984》B. 《简·爱》C. 《傲慢与偏见》D. 《呼啸山庄》3. 被称为“英国文学之父”的是:A. 约翰·多恩B. 亚历山大·波普C. 威廉·华兹华斯D. 乔叟4. 以下哪位作家是维多利亚时代的代表人物?A. 威廉·布莱克B. 查尔斯·狄更斯C. 托马斯·哈代D. 约翰·弥尔顿5. 英国浪漫主义文学的代表人物包括以下哪些?A. 威廉·华兹华斯和塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治B. 威廉·莎士比亚和本·琼森C. 托马斯·哈代和乔治·艾略特D. 奥斯卡·王尔德和罗伯特·布朗宁二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 威廉·莎士比亚的戏剧作品分为______、______和历史剧。

7. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是______。

8. 英国现代主义文学的代表人物之一是弗吉尼亚·______。

9. 《简·爱》的作者是______。

10. 《傲慢与偏见》的作者是简·奥斯汀,这部小说属于______文学。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 简述威廉·莎士比亚的四大悲剧及其主要特点。

12. 描述查尔斯·狄更斯的写作风格及其对社会的影响。

四、论述题(每题25分,共50分)13. 论述托马斯·哈代的自然主义在《德伯家的苔丝》中的体现。

14. 分析《1984》中乔治·奥威尔对极权主义社会的批判。

答案一、选择题1. B2. A3. D4. B5. A二、填空题6. 喜剧、悲剧7. 丹尼尔·笛福8. 伍尔夫9. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特10. 现实主义三、简答题11. 威廉·莎士比亚的四大悲剧包括《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》和《麦克白》。



英国文学知识上海新东方王海国一.古英语时期(Old English Literature 公元499—1066年)英国文学开山之作:头韵体诗歌(alliteration)《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)开德蒙(Caedmon):《赞美诗》(Anthem)琴涅武甫(Cynewulf):《十字架之梦》(Dream of the Rood)比德(Bede):《英吉利人教会史》(Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum)阿尔弗雷德大帝(King Alfred):《盎格鲁—撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),被誉为“英国散文之父”(Father of English Prose)二.中古英语时期(Medieval English Literature 公元1066年—15世纪)头韵体诗歌:《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)英国名谣:《罗宾汉名谣集》(The Robin Hood Ballads)威廉·兰格伦(William Langland):《农夫皮尔斯的幻想》(The Vision Concerning piers the Plowman)杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer):英国中世纪最伟大的诗人,享有“英国诗歌之父”的美誉(Father of English Poetry)。

代表作:八音节(octosyllabic)英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)诗歌《坎特布雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)。

托马斯·马洛礼(Sir Thomas Malory):英国15世纪优秀的散文家,代表作为《亚瑟王之死》(Le Morte d’Arthur)三.文艺复兴时期(Renaissance 15世纪末—17世纪)托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More):伟大的人文主义者,代表作:《乌托邦》(Utopia),《国王爱德华五世悲戚的一生》(The painful Life of Edwar d Ⅴ).托马斯·魏厄特(Thomas Wyatt)和亨利·霍华德(Henry Howard)的十四行诗(Sonnet)。

































通过阅读英国文学作品,可以培 养个人的审美观念、批判思维和
英国文学作品中所描绘的人物形 象和故事情节,有助于引导个人 树立正确的价值观、人生观和世
英国文学作品反映了社会历史的变迁 和人类文明的进步,促使人们对社会 问题进行深入反思。
英国文学作品中对社会问题的揭示和 批判,有助于激发人们对社会正义和 进步的思考,推动社会变革和进步。
,关注其思想内涵和人文精 神,了解当时的社会变革和
探讨中期文学作品所运用的文学技巧和创 新,如何推动文学的发展,以及在文学史 上的贡献。
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英国文学不仅是文化遗产,也是人类智慧的结晶。它提供了对人性、社会和人 类命运的深刻洞察,启发了人们对生活、道德和人性的思考。英国文学作品还 具有很高的审美价值,为读者提供了丰富的阅读体验。
当前英国文学的一个显著趋势是 多元化和包容性。越来越多的作 家来自不同背景,关注各种社会 议题,使英国文学更加丰富多彩
通过阅读英国文学作品,可以了解不 同社会背景和文化传统下人们的思想 观念和行为方式,促进跨文化交流和 理解。
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A great example of French influence. Comical, clever and bitter. No religious content (God is mentioned but only to make a point). Still read widely by students and scholars of British literature.

Magna Carta (1215)
Literature? Not strictly. But...

The most important English document ever? Paved the way for social justice and democracy. Laid out rules of what the king could/could not do. Gave rights to ordinary people.
Old English.
• Despite the name, Old English bears little resemblance to Modern English. • Old English was in use from around the 6th century until the Norman conquest in 1066 • Let's look at the opening to Beowulf to illustrate the difference between Old and Modern English.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle – an attempt to record events as they happened written over many years.
The Book of Life (1031) – a list of names and meanings from the 11th Century with interesting post-conquest changes.
The Owl and the Nightingale: extract.
Middle English
Vnwiȝt ho sede awei þu flo me is þe wurs þat ich þe so Iwis for þine vule lete
Modern English
‘Grotesque thing,’ she said, ‘fly away! I feel bad at the sight of you. Certainly I often have to stop singing because of your foul appearance. My heart sinks, and my tongue falters, when you are close to me. I’d rather spit than sing about your awful guggling.’
Norman conquest 1066.
Invasion always influences culture. Influences:

Simplified grammar.
Wider, richer vocabulary. Old English and French merge. The resulting new language:
Early Middle English writing.
The OБайду номын сангаасl and the Nightingale.
(c.1190) Author unknown.
Late 12th-early 13th century.
Earliest English example of a debate poem or verse contest. The description of an argument between and Owl and a Nightingale.

th 14
Key points:
Expansion in the range of British literature. Evolution of Middle English.

Textbooks and encyclopaedias. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Hwæt! we gardena in gear- dagum, þ eod cyninga þ rym gefrunon huð a æþ elingas ellen fremedon.
Lo! We spear-Danes in days of old heard the glory of the tribal kings, how the princes did courageous deeds.
• The oldest surviving manuscript in “English”.
Old English.
• Despite the name, Old English bears little resemblance to Modern English. • Old English was in use from around the 6th century until the Norman conquest in 1066. • Let's look at the opening to Beowulf to illustrate the difference between Old and Modern English.
wel oft ich mine song forlete
min horte atfliþ & falt mi tonge wonne þu art to me iþrunge
Me luste bet speten þane singe
of þine fule ȝoȝelinge
The Owl and the Nightingale
The oldest English writing: Beowulf.
• Author unknown. • Written approximately 1000 AD. • An epic poem 3,182 lines long. • Written in England it tells the story of a Scandinavian myth spanning many years.
Hwæt! we gardena in gear- dagum, þ eod cyninga þ rym gefrunon huð a æþ elingas ellen fremedon.
Lo! We spear-Danes in days of old heard the glory of the tribal kings, how the princes did courageous deeds.
A Conversation between a Latin teacher and his student.
The short extract shows us that students 1000 years ago thought the same way as us!
Other 11th century manuscripts of interest:
Influence of French Culture on England. The appearance of Middle English. Examples from this period: The Owl and the Nightingale. Magna Carta.
French influence.
Middle English medical science.
11th century manuscript.
Translation from Old English: Teacher: What are you trying to say? Student: What do we care what we say? As long as the speech is correct and useful?
th 11
Key events in Literature. Beginnings of Middle English Norman Conquest
Key Texts. First recorded conversation
The Oldest recorded Conversation

Middle English.
Middle English
A new form of English used by common people and the ruling classes. Middle English starts to use words we can still recognise today, but is still hard to understand. Gave both Normans and ethnic British people a common language – birth of modern Britain?
Important changes to Middle English.

Middle English is used as the main teaching language. Books, records, notices are now accessible to the masses. Middle English becomes standardised, but... Regional dialects appear (in the same language)