商务英语情景口语之日常事务第二章电话 对话12

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Dialogue 1 对话一A: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy

speaking, how may I help you ? 您好,感谢您致电布拉德福家庭公司。我是特蕾西,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?B: Hello, I would like to speak to your director of human

resources, Ms. Jenkins, please. 你好,我想找你们的人力资源部主任詹金思小姐通话。

A: Just a moment, I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling? 稍等,我去看看她是否在办公室。请问您是哪位?

B: This is bill burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday. 我是米尔福德保险公司的

比尔·伯顿,我想问一下有关下周二我们见面的事。A: Thank you , Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment?

I'll check to see if she is available. 谢谢你,伯顿先生。请您先等一会好吗?我去看看她是否在办公室。B: No problem. 没问题。

A: I'm sorry, Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her? 非常


B: Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office. It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today; she can reach me at my office number, 635-8799. 好的,请她回办公室后给我来电话。如果今天下午3点以前能与我联系的话就再好不过了,打办公室电话635-8799就可以找到我。

A: I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that, could you please repeat the number? 对不起,我没跟上,您能再重复一下电话号码吗?B: No problem. My office number is 635-8799. Tell her to ask for extension 31. 没问题。我办公室的电话是635-8799,然后再接31分机。

A: I'm sorry, Mr. Burton, just to confirm, your name is spelled

B-U-R-T-O-N, is that correct? 伯顿先生,不好意思。我想确认一下吗?您的名字是B-U-R-T-O-N B: Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance. 是的,我是米尔福德保险公司的。

A: I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3 pm this afternoon. 我会把您的口信告点以前给您回电话。3诉詹金思小姐,让她在今天下午B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

Dialogue 2 对话二

A: Hello, Pasadena inn, this is sandy, how may I direct your call?


B: I'd like to speak to someone about reservations. 我想找负责预订房间的主管。

A: I can help you with that. What date would you like to make a reservation for?我就能帮您的忙。您想订哪一天的房?

th , but I 12would like to make B: We'll be arriving may reservations for the pent-house. 我们5月12日到这儿,可是我想预订的是顶层公寓。

A: Oh, I'm sorry sir. I only handle bookings for our standard rooms .the person you need to speak with is Tony Parker , he makes all the arrangements for our name and number and have him get back to you ? 噢,对不起,先生。我只负责预订标准间。你需要找一下托尼·帕克,他负责全面安排高级客户。不巧的是,他现在不在这儿。您能把名字和电话留下吗?我让他给您回电话。B: When do you expect him back in ? 你估计他什么时候能回来?A: He'll be out all afternoon; he might not be able to return your call until tomorrow .will that be alright? 他一下午都不在办公室,恐怕明天他才能给您回电话。那样没问题吧?

B: Yes , I suppose.my name is Sam Darcy .he can contact me at 660-843-3235. 我想,应该没问题。我叫萨姆·达西,打电话660-843-3235 就能找到我。A: Could you please spell your last name for me? 请拼一下您的姓,好吗?
