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Understanding Short Conversations (Unit 6-10)

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.


A. Fail to keep her home locked up.

B. Rob people she knows.

C. Turn the car around and go home.

D. Become afraid of someone robbing her.


A. The police have already been called.

B. The speakers haven't entered the man's home.

C. The woman robbed the man's home.

D. The robber is still inside the house.


A. A tax agency.

B. A few tax figures.

C. A tax cheat.

D. A check of the woman's taxes.


A. The students' money.

B. The woman's son.

C. A call to Mrs. Watkins.

D. A lesson in stealing.


A. They don't have certain gifts or opportunities.

B. They don't know it's easier.

C. They take to the streets and sell drugs.

D. They have a dangerous lifestyle.


A. The woman is happy at last.

B. The young man hasn't stolen anything.

C. The young man was excused from emptying his pockets.

D. The woman didn't think the young man stole anything.


A. Brother and sister.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Mother and son.

D. Father and daughter.


A. A library.

B. A restaurant.

C. A home.

D. A hotel.


A. The woman has an angel.

B. The woman is a new mother.

C. The woman is perfect.

D. The woman is like a baby.


A. The baby has to worry a lot about little accidents.

B. The man has baby-proofed his home.

C. An unsafe home is good for a baby.

D. The woman is more worried about her baby.


A. People are more similar than different.

B. Chinese people seem different to Americans.

C. Chinese people are very different from Americans.

D. People all around the world try to be honest.


A. The sound of languages.

B. The singing in different countries.

C. The Chinese way of speaking.

D. The things spoken about in different countries.


A. Leaving school early to go to college.

B. A parent not being supportive about going to college.

C. Leaving home with a young son.

D. A child leaving the home at a young age.


A. The man has taken tours of Europe.

B. The woman is better than normal.

C. Mozart was a genius.

D. Mozart was better than all others.


A. Football.

B. Baseball.

C. Basketball.

D. Badminton.


A. A library.

B. A classroom.

C. An office.

D. A laboratory.


A. People disapprove of it.

B. People consider it popular.

C. People enjoy it.

D. People only like it in movies.


A. There is discrimination in hiring.

B. Blacks get jobs as cleaners and food servers.

C. Black teachers don't have much practice.

D. White and Indian teachers get all the jobs.


A. He's been using makeup.

B. He's changed what he eats.

C. He's on a diet.

D. He refuses to use makeup.


A. The man is old.

B. The man was in the Olympics.

C. The man is very special.

D. The man is quite a runner.


A. The man thinks the movie has won a lot of awards.

B. The man thinks movies are better to young people.

C. The man doesn't like to compare movies.

D. The man doesn't like the movie as much as the woman does.


A. He isn't that old.

B. He promised her he would.

C. Her favorite song is being played.

D. He needs a break.


A. Mother and son.

B. Father and daughter.

C. Employer and employee.

D. Husband and wife.


A. The man hates the woman working.

B. The man is a boss.
