同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2006—2007学年第一学期命题教师签名:审核教师签名: 课号:课名:工程力学考试考查:此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试()、重考()试卷 年级专业学号姓名得分=10m/s 2,成60度mm 计)2_;计的刚当无初B 的12C5均质细杆AB 重P ,长L ,置于水平位置,若在绳BC 突然剪断瞬时有角加速度?,则杆上各点惯性力的合力的大小为_gPL 2α,(铅直向上)_,作用点的位置在离A 端_32L_处,并在图中画出该惯性力。
6铅垂悬挂的质量--弹簧系统,其质量为m ,弹簧刚度系数为k ,若坐标原点分别取在弹簧静伸长处和未伸长处,则质点的运动微分方程可分别写成_0=+kx x m _和_mg kx x m =+ _。
二、计算题(10分)图示系统中,曲柄OA 以匀角速度?绕O 轴转动,通过滑块A 带动半圆形滑道BC 作铅垂平动。
已知:OA?=?r?=?10?cm ,??=?1?rad/s ,R?=?20?cm 。
试求??=?60°时杆BC 的加速度。
解:动点:滑块A ,动系:滑道BC ,牵连平动 由正弦定理得: 34.34=βcm/s 55.566.115sin 2r =︒=AA v v [5分]向ζ方向投影:2cm/s 45.7=[10分]三、计算题(15分)图示半径为R 的绕线轮沿固定水平直线轨道作纯滚动,杆端点D 沿轨道滑动。
已知:轮轴半径为r ,杆CD 长为4R ,线段AB 保持水平。
在图示位置时,线端A 的速度为v ,加速度为a,铰链C 处于最高位置。
试求该瞬时杆端点D 的速度和加速度。
解: 轮C 平面运动,速度瞬心P 点CO [8分](1) 物块下落距离时轮中心的速度与加速度; (2) 绳子AD段的张力。
解:研究系统:T 2-T 1=ΣW i223C v m +21J C ω2+21J B ω2+221A vm =m 1gs [5分] 式中:2321r m J C =,22ρm J B =代入得:v C =23222113222r m ρm R m gsm r++[7分]式两边对t 求导得:a C =23222113222r m ρm R m grRm ++[10分]对物A:m a=ΣF ,即:m 1a A =m 1g -F AD F AD =m 1g -m 1a A =m 1g -ra R m C⋅1[15分][15六、计算题(15分)在图示系统中,已知:匀质圆柱A 的质量为m1,半径为r ,物块B 质量为m 2,光滑斜面的倾角为?,滑车质量忽略不计,并假设斜绳段平行斜面。
同济大学2007-2008学年第一学期系统解剖学期末考试试题A一、一名词解释(每小题5分,共25分)(总题数:5,分数:25.00)1.medial lemniscus__________________________________________________________________________________________ 内侧丘系(medial lemniscus):薄束核(0.5),楔束核(0.5),丘系交叉(1), 中线两侧、锥体束后方(1),背侧丘脑(1),功能(0.5),损伤(0.5))2.hypoglossal nucleus__________________________________________________________________________________________ 舌下神经核(hypoglossal nucleus): 舌下神经三角深面(1),接收纤维(1),发出纤维(0.5),经锥体与橄榄之间(1),舌内外肌(1),损伤(0.5) )3.coronary sinus__________________________________________________________________________________________ 冠状窦:心膈面、左房室之间的冠状沟(1),心大、中、小静脉(各1分),开口(1分) )4.cavernous sinus__________________________________________________________________________________________ 海绵窦:蝶鞍(0.5分),两层硬脑膜间的间隙(0.5),内容:颈内动脉(0.5)、展神经(0.5),三叉(0.5)、滑车(0.5)、V1(0.5),V2(0.5),交通(1分)。
)5.hepatic porta__________________________________________________________________________________________ 肝门:脏面(0.5分),横沟(1分).肝左右管(1分), 肝固有动脉(1分),门静脉(1分),神经,淋巴管(0.5分).)二、二填空题(每空1分,共25分)(总题数:10,分数:25.00)6.椎动脉发自,与肱深动脉伴行的神经是(分数:2.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:锁骨下动脉、桡神经)7.inferior mesenteric artery 发出、和三分支(分数:2.50)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:左结肠动脉、乙状结肠动脉、直肠上动脉)8.E-W核的节后纤维分布于和肌。
A. ( f (b) − f (a))( g(b) − g(a)) < 0
f '(x) g '(x) < 0
C. ∫ f (x)dx∫ g(x)dx < 0
D. ∫a f (x)dx∫a g(x)dx < 0
9) If F (x) is an antiderivative of f (x) , C is any constant, then ____ is correct.
A. F (x) = C∫ f (x)dx
C. F '(x) = f (x) +C
∫ B. F (x) = f (x)dx C
D. F (x) = lim f (x + h) − f (x)
10) a and b are in the domains of f (x) and g(x) , then ___ is correct.
7) If l= im f (x) li= m f '(x) 0, lim f ''(x) ≠ 0 but exists, then ________.
A. lim f (x) = 0, x→a f '(x)
B. lim f (x) ≠ 0 but exists, x→a f '(x)
C. lim f (x) = ∞, x→a f '(x)
D. lim f (x) ≠ ∞ but does not exist. x→a f '(x)
8) If f (x) is a continuous on interval [a,b], then in [a,b], f (x) at least have_ __
正畸学考试试题(一)参考答案一.名词解释(20分 每题5分)1.潜行性骨吸收 在压力侧牙槽骨部分区域出现透明样变,在相对于透明样变区内的骨质和透明样变周围的骨质中出现大量破骨细胞、骨质吸收,这种骨质吸收的方式称为潜行性骨吸收。
稳定支抗 同一个或同一组牙齿发生整体移动比发生倾斜移动所需的力大,利用一个或一组牙的整体移动来支持一个或一组牙的倾斜移动,使整体移动的部分不动或仅移动少量,而倾斜移动的部分达到理想的移动效果。
3.生长中心 在骨的生长过程中,速度快、较活跃的部分称为生长区;而某些受遗传控制并独立进行生长的生长区称为生长中心。
4.Bolton指数 指上下前牙牙冠宽度总和的比例关系与上下牙弓全部牙牙冠宽度总和的比例关系,由Bolton首先提出。
二、问答题 (80分)1、矫治后复发的因素有哪些?(10分)答 (1)、肌动力平衡的最终改建尚未完成。
(2) 牙周膜纤维张力未恢复平衡。
(3) 牙合的平衡尚未建立。
(4) 口腔不良习惯未破除。
同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2006— 2007学年第一学期命题教师签名: 审核教师签名:课号: 课名:工程力学 考试考查:此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试( )、重考( )试卷年级 专业 学号 姓名 得分一、 填空题(每题5分,共30分)1刚体绕O Z 轴转动,在垂直于转动轴的某平面上有A ,B 两点,已知O Z A =2O Z B ,某瞬时a A =10m/s 2,方向如图所示。
则此时B 点加速度的大小为__5m/s 2 ;(方向要在图上表示出来)。
与O z B 成60度角。
2刻有直槽OB 的正方形板OABC 在图示平面内绕O 轴转动,点M 以r =OM =50t 2(r 以mm 计)的规律在槽内运动,若t 2=ω(ω以rad/s 计),则当t =1s 时,点M 的相对加速度的大小为_0.1m/s 2_;牵连加速度的大小为__1.6248m/s 2__。
科氏加速度为_22.0m/s 2_,方向应在图中画出。
方向垂直OB ,指向左上方。
3质量分别为m1=m ,m 2=2m 的两个小球M 1,M 2用长为L 而重量不计的刚杆相连。
现将M 1置于光滑水平面上,且M 1M 2与水平面成︒60角。
则当无初速释放,M 2球落地时,M 1球移动的水平距离为___(1)___。
(1)3L; (2)4L; (3)6L; (4)0。
4已知OA =AB =L ,ω=常数,均质连杆AB 的质量为m ,曲柄OA ,滑块B 的质量不计。
则图示瞬时,相对于杆AB 的质心C 的动量矩的大小为__122ωm L L C =,(顺时针方向)___。
5均质细杆AB 重P ,长L ,置于水平位置,若在绳BC 突然剪断瞬时有角加速度α,则杆上各点惯性力的合力的大小为_gPL 2α,(铅直向上)_,作用点的位置在离A 端_32L _处,并在图中画出该惯性力。
6铅垂悬挂的质量--弹簧系统,其质量为m ,弹簧刚度系数为k ,若坐标原点分别取在弹簧静伸长处和未伸长处,则质点的运动微分方程可分别写成_0=+kx x m_和_mg kx x m =+ _。
同济⼤学课程考核试卷A卷试题及答案同济⼤学课程考核试卷(A卷)答案2013 — 2014 学年第⼆学期命题教师签名:审核教师签名:课号:课名:建筑混凝⼟结构设计考试(√)考查()此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试(√)、重考( )试卷,开卷()、闭卷(√)年级专业学号姓名得分⼀、填空题(共15题,每题1分,共15分):1.常见的楼盖结构型式有:肋梁楼盖、井式楼盖、⽆梁楼盖、密肋楼盖和扁梁楼盖(3个即可)等2.楼盖结构的板⼀般不进⾏抗剪承载⼒验算,这是因为(⼤意)楼盖结构的板⼀般属于薄板,⽽根据弹性薄板理论和钢筋混凝⼟板试验结果,楼盖结构的板破坏⼀般由受弯控制,受剪破坏不起控制作⽤。
同济大学课程考试试卷(A卷)2006-2007学年第一学期命题教师签字:审核教师签字:课号:14019 课名:口腔正畸学考试考查:考查此卷选为:期中考试()、期终考试()、重考考试()年级___________ 专业_____________ 学号_____________姓名_____________ 得分_____________一、名词解释(共计32分,4分一个)1. 错合畸形 (英文名称:):2. 替牙间隙(英文名称:):3. 差动力原理4. 咬合重建5. 锁牙合6. 辅助性正畸7. 阻抗中心8. 直接性骨吸收二、简答题(共计28分,7分一个)1.简述常见牙移动类型。
3. 如何诊断骨性前牙反牙合?4. 牙列拥挤矫治时改变牙量和骨量不调的原则和方法?三、问答题(共计40分,第一题10分,第二、三题每题15分)1.你认为哪些因素可导致正畸治疗后复发?2.在正畸拔牙时应考虑的因素有哪些?3.试列举反应牙齿、颌骨及面部软组织结构前后向位置及相互关系的X线头影测量项目十项,并解释其临床意义。
06/07学年第一学期20XX级口腔医学本科生口腔正畸学(A卷答案)一、名词解释(共计32分,4分一个)1.错合畸形(英文名称:malocclusion ):是指儿童在生长发育过程中,由先天的遗传因素或后天的环境因素,如疾病、口腔不良习惯、替牙异常等导致的牙齿、颌骨、颅面的畸形,如牙齿排列不齐。
2.替牙间隙(英文名称:leeway space ):(4分)乳尖牙及第一、二乳磨牙的牙冠宽度总和,比替换后的恒尖牙合第一、二前磨牙大,这个差值称为替牙间隙,即替牙间隙=(Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ)-(3+4+5)。
3. 差动力原理1956年Begg介绍了差动力概念。
第一部分:单项选择题(共40道题,每题1分,共40分)1. 口腔细菌感染最常见的途径是:A. 接触传播B. 空气传播C. 血液传播D. 垂直传播答案:A2. 下列哪种细菌是牙周炎的病原菌:A. 口腔链球菌B. 绿脓杆菌C. 麻风杆菌D. 法氏耶尔森菌答案:B3. 智齿的正常发生年龄是:A. 16-19岁B. 20-25岁C. 26-31岁D. 32-35岁答案:B4. 口腔癌最常发生的部位是:A. 唇部B. 舌部C. 颌骨D. 牙龈答案:B......第二部分:问答题(共5道题,每题10分,共50分)1. 请简要说明牙周炎的病因和分类。
2. 请列举常见的口腔癌症状和早期诊断方法。
3. 请解释下列术语:牙髓炎、根尖周炎、牙龈炎。
二、(12 分)
⎪ ⎨
x1 (1 − λ)x1
+ +
x2 (1 − λ)x2
+ +
(1 − λ)x3 x3
=1 =1 ,
⎪⎩(5 − 3λ)x1 + (1 − λ)x2 +
x3 = λ
问 λ 取何值时,该方程组有唯一解、无解或有无穷多解?当解不唯一时,求出所有的解.
R(A) =
⎛ 1 0 2⎞
⎜ ⎜
⎟ ⎟
⎜⎝ −1 0 4 ⎟⎠
7 、 设 向 量 组 α1 , α2 , α3 线 性 相 关 , 向 量 β = α1 + α2 + α3 , 则 下 面 说 法 正 确 的
(A) 向量组 β ,α2 ,α3 线性无关.
同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷)
2009—2010 学年第二学期
一、(24 分) 填空与选择题,其中选择题均为单选题.
⎛6 y 5⎞
⎜ ⎜⎜⎝
1 x
0 2
4 3
⎟ ⎟⎟⎠
⎛1 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎜
⎟ ⎟
同济大学《大学英语》2019-2020第二学期期末试卷课程名称专业班级备注:学生不得在试题纸上答题(含填空题,选择题等客观题)English Test PaperPartl. From the four choices given,choose the one that best completes the sentence. (%0c)1.As the fire was nearty out and i was getting late,they prepared to__for the night.A.sit upB.retire D.retumC.stay up2.Tension within a family__or eliminated when the family,as a whole,is threatened by an extemal force.A.is often relivedB.often relaxedC.Is often relievedD.ofen released3. He picked up his__and put it in hNis pocket.A.resolutionB.resolveC.determinationD.revolver4.The mosquitoes that pass on malaria are becoming resistant to the__now used against them.A.poisonsB.capsulesC.chemicalD.pills5.__she saw the serlous concem on Li Gong's face that she agreed to let him try again.A.It was not untilB.UntilC.It was untilD.Not until6.__whether I am going to China.A. It is not already settledB.It is yet settledC.It is not yet setledD.It is still settled7.There remained nothing but to get the canoe into the water.However,all my__to get i into the water failed.A.equipmentB.toolsC.instrumentD.devices8. It is I__want to leave you,__I have to.A.not that hactause ofB.becausebutC.not that--·butD.not because--because9.Toms styie of travel was interesting-he must__the land as much as possible.A. live off D.be fed onB.be fed up withC.be lived on10.The name of Chaplin__the image of a littie tramp with a brush mustache.A.conjures upB.occurs toes uponD.runs through11.With night__We started for home.A.moving alongB.went bying onD.dragged on12.Will this new oil recovery technique be financially__A.representationB.feasibleC.characteristicsD.diffusion13.Today.getting a new heart is no longer silly. It is now a__A curiosity B.novety C.reality D.application14.Obviously,the white bird in the story has a___meaning of freedom.A.symbolicB.symbolC.symbolizeD.symbolism15.The search was__when the fog got thicker.A started B.called off C.postponed D.continued16.Let's__our resources and get the job done quickly.e upB.poolC.conserveD.store up17.Mrs.Jones__the suspect by the scar on his face.A. identifiedB.found outC.discoveredD.coincided18.The landlady could not__because al her rooms were bookedB.put up with usA.adapt us C.accommodate us D.hetp us19.The economic crisis has serously__French exports.A.stimutatedB.simulatedC.affectedD.increased20.What___is simply that he is not wiling to give us his support.A amounts to B.matters C.teaches D.signals21.The train will__from Platform 2 at 3:45 on Tuesday moming.A.arriveB.stopC.departD.deral22.The young girl took the cheese and__to eat.mencedmendedC.renouncedmented23.A judge must be-when weighing evidence.B.detachedA.interested C.separated D.disconnected24.These courses,f property conducted,will___the minds of the students.A.refreshB.renewC.stimulateD.encourage25.That way of speaking is__people in this part of the country.A.strange toB.odd toC.peculiar tbD.particular about26.He___as though he had never in his life seen me before.A.went pass meB.avoided meC.passed me byD.went away from me27.He had been__to give up much of his time to housework.A.orderedD.fnightenedpelledC.persuaded28.He__that he could create live fish out of chemicals.A.daimedB.demandedC.arguedD.announced29.The best students are___special scholarships.A.rewardedB.awardedpensatedD.refused30.Living on an isolated farm,they do not see anybody for weeksA.in the endB.on endC.off and onD.endlesslyPart Il. Reading Comprehension(40%)Passage oneIf you are like most people,your intelligence varles from season to season. Your are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year.A noted scientist,Ellsworth Huntington,conduded from other men' svork and his own among peoples in different climates and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year.It does mean,however,that the mental abilties of large numbers of people tend to be lowest in summer.Spring appears to be the beat period of the year for thinking.One reason may be that in the spring man' s mentalbilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes in all nature. Fall is the nexl-best season,then winter.As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation ftrom thinking31.According to the passage,man' intelligenceA Stays the same throughout the yearB.Varies from day to dayC.Changes with the seasonsD.Changes from year to year32.Elsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature haveAa great effect on everyone intelligeneeB. some effect on most people intelligenceC. some effect on a few people InteligenceD. no effect on most people intelligence33.Elsworth Huntington s conclusion was based onA variations of his own mental abilities from season to seasonB.the results of research done by him and other scientists among peoples in different climatesC.detailed records of temperature changes in different placesD.detailed records of different ways of thinking among peoples on different climates34.Why does the author say summer is a good time to take a long vacation from thinking?A. Because a long vacation in summer helps to Improve people ·poventalB.Because people tend to be less creative during summer.C.Because summer is a good time for outdoor activitiesD.Because mental exertion in the summer heat taxes too much of people energy.35.The central idea of this passage isA.man' s mental abilities change from season toseasonB.man' s intelligence varies from place toplaceC.man should take a long vacation in summerD.if you want to do creative thinking.go to a cool placePassage TwoOn November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoin went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery The Civi War was still going on.There was much criticism of President Lincoln at the time He was not at all popular.He had been Invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of courtesy.The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett,a famous statesman and speaker of theday.Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.It is said that Lincoin prepared his speech on the train while going to te that night,alone in his hotel room and tire out,he again worked briefly on the speech.The nextday Everett spoke first. Ho spoke for an hour and 57 minutes.His speech was a perfectexample of the rich oratory of the day.Then Lincoln rose.The crowd of 15.000 people atfirst paid llttle attention to him.He spoke lor only nine minutes.Al the end there was ittle applause.Lincoln tumed to a friend and remarked.I have failed again. to Washington he commented sadly.“Thatpeech was a fat failure,and the people are disappointed.-On ttSome newspapers at first criticized the speech.But little by Ittle,as people read the speech, they began tb understand better.They began to appreciate ts simplicity and its deep meaning. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.Today,every Amencan school child leams Lincoln urg Addeetystear. Now everyone thinks of t as one of the greatest orations ever given in American history.36.In 1863,Abraham Lincoln wasA.very criticalB.unpopularC.very popularD.very courteous37.Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery Because he wasA.a famous oratorB.very handsomeC.President of the United States at the timeD.a poputar statesman38.It can be inferred from the text thatA.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to GettysburgB.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn t have much time sperobare hisC.Lncolns speech was ful of richatoryD.Lincolns speech was vinyg39.Lincoln's speecsA.An immediate successB.Warmly applaudedC.A total falureD.Not well-received at first40.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has deepaning.B.Lincolns Gettysburg Address is simple btyleC.Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American schoohild.D.Lincolns Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the Unit6cates. Passage ThreeA flag is more than a piece of coth.It stands for a nation beople-their land,history,and ideals.Iceland lag,for instance,stands for features of the land.Red is for the fire of Iceland Voicanoes.(火山)White is for ice.Blue is for te mountains.On India nag.the blue wheel stands for peace and progress.The white stripe(条纹)behind it is for truth.The black stripe on the fag of Malawi stands for the Negro people of that African tand.The red stripe represents(f代表)the blood they shed to free themselves from foreign rule.When the people of any nation see their flag fying.they feel proud.They love and honor the flag as the symbal(象征)of their country.41.The nag of Iceland isA.red and whiteB.blue and greenC.black,white,and redD.red,white,and blue42.The white stripe on India's fing standsA. ice and mountainsB.peace and progressC.waterfallsD.truth43.India 's flag stands mostly ttreA feature of the land B.riches of the sollC.ideals of the peopleD.history of the country44.The red on Malawl s fag reminds the penfpleA.the many volcanoes in their landB.the beauty of their countrysideC.their fight for freedomD.their need to make progress45.The most important thing about a flag isA. what it stands forB.when it is usedC.what it is made ofD.how big it isPassage FourWarm water freezes more quickly than cold. Sir Francis Bacon said that almost four hundred years ago.But few people believed him -till 1970.In that year Canadian scientist George Kell proved the English scholar was right.Dr.Kel filled an open pail with cold water. He exposed both to the same low temperature.The warm water troze first.The lack (缺少)of covers on the pails was the secret.Some of the warm water changed to vapor. (水蒸气()It evaporated(蒸发)Into the air.This meant that less of the warm water was left to freeze.And so the wam water froze faster than the cold water -even though it had a greater temperature drop to make.46.Sr Francis Bacon wasA.an American experimenterB.a Canadian scientistC.an English scholarD.an Austraian writer47.Dr.Kells pails webethA.filled wlth waterB.left uncoveredC.exposed to the same temperatureD.all of the above48.The second paragraph tells whyA.Dr.Kell was studying waterB.the warm water froze firstC.Dr.Kell used pails in his workD.water freezes in underground pipes49.No water vapor would have escaped into the air if the pails had beenA.warmedB.coveredC.shakenD.filed50.The cold water troze more slowty becauseA. salt was added to nB.its pail was smallerC.there was more of it leftD.the air near it was moving111.Cloze(10%)I've really got to do something to lose weight.because l'm geting much too fat.I w worrled aboutt_51_I went to see the doctor.He told me that I'probably have a heart _52_unless I started eating less.When you·reon a diet faave toptation to eat 54though you feel hungry.This may be very hard to do and you certainly need a lot of strength to succeed.So 1'going to a health farm for a month where l won' be able to eat and sol"ha_to my diet They will also 56 me take plenty of exercise, 57_won' t do me any harm either.Both the diet andthe exercise will 58 me to lose weight and feel itter.I'm temibly easily Inffuenced by other people.Wheneverl see someone having a drink in a TV program,I feel 59_a drink myself and it's the same with cigarettes and food.So wish me luck,when you see me again,1_60_diffdrbetlooked that you won'trecogniebB.aferC.before51.A although D.until52.A disease B.break C.attack D.damage53.A bear B.resist C.endure D.retreat54,A.as B.even C.H D.despite 55.A.Insist B.holdC.stickD.keep56.A advise B.force C.make D.instruct57.A this B.that C.what D.which58.A make B.help C.assure D.causeB.lke59.A desire C.want D.hope60.A also B.too C.so D muchIV.Translation:(20%)1.她行医至今已有三年零四个月了。
同济大学课程考核试卷(A 卷) 2006— 2007学年第一学期命题教师签名: 审核教师签名:课号: 课名:工程力学 考试考查:此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试( )、重考( )试卷年级 专业 学号 姓名 得分一、 填空题(每题5分,共30分)1刚体绕O Z 轴转动,在垂直于转动轴的某平面上有A ,B 两点,已知O Z A =2O Z B ,某瞬时a A =10m/s 2,方向如图所示。
则此时B 点加速度的大小为__5m/s 2 ;(方向要在图上表示出来)。
与O z B 成60度角。
2刻有直槽OB 的正方形板OABC 在图示平面内绕O 轴转动,点M 以r =OM =50t 2(r 以mm 计)的规律在槽内运动,若t 2=ω(ω以rad/s 计),则当t =1s 时,点M 的相对加速度的大小为_0.1m/s 2_;牵连加速度的大小为__1.6248m/s 2__。
科氏加速度为_22.0m/s 2_,方向应在图中画出。
方向垂直OB ,指向左上方。
3质量分别为m1=m ,m 2=2m 的两个小球M 1,M 2用长为L 而重量不计的刚杆相连。
现将M 1置于光滑水平面上,且M 1M 2与水平面成︒60角。
则当无初速释放,M 2球落地时,M 1球移动的水平距离为___(1)___。
(1)3L; (2)4L; (3)6L; (4)0。
4已知OA =AB =L ,ω=常数,均质连杆AB 的质量为m ,曲柄OA ,滑块B 的质量不计。
则图示瞬时,相对于杆AB 的质心C 的动量矩的大小为__122ωmL L C =,(顺时针方向)___。
5均质细杆AB 重P ,长L ,置于水平位置,若在绳BC 突然剪断瞬时有角加速度α,则杆上各点惯性力的合力的大小为_g PL 2α,(铅直向上)_,作用点的位置在离A 端_32L_处,并在图中画出该惯性力。
6铅垂悬挂的质量--弹簧系统,其质量为m ,弹簧刚度系数为k ,若坐标原点分别取在弹簧静伸长处和未伸长处,则质点的运动微分方程可分别写成_0=+kx xm _和_mg kx x m =+ _。
”Ⅰ、Chose the best answer of each question. (1’×20)1. Please select the nerve that should be blocked during the extraction of upper 1st molarA. Anterior palatal N., posterior superior alveolar N., nasoplatine N.B. Posterior superior alveolar N., middle superior alveolar N., anterior palatal N.C. Anterior palatal N., middle superior alveolar N.D. Anterior palatal N., posterior superior alveolar N.E. Nasopalatal N., posterior superior alveolar N., middle superior alveolar N.2. Please select the nerve that should be blocked during the extraction of lower 1stmolarA. Infraorbital N., buccal N., lingual N.B. Mental N., lingual N., buccal N.C. Sublingual N, buccal N, inferior alveolar ND. Lingual N, buccal N, inferior alveolar NE. Posterior superior alveolar N, lingual N, buccal N3. All of the following injections can be used for local infiltration anesthesia exceptA. ProcaineB. LidaocaineC. BupivacaineD. DicaineE. Articaine4. As to the character of general anesthesia in oral and maxillofacial surgery, which answer is false?A. General anesthesia often interferes with operationB. I t’s difficult to keep straightway tracheaC. There is more hemorrhage in operationD. There is less complication in anesthesia convalescenceE. There is a large proportion of the older and enfant in oral and maxillofacial surgery5. The role of the vasoconstrictor is the following exceptA. Prolong the anesthesia timeB. Decrease toxicityC. Prevent allergyD. Decrease hemorrhageE. Decrease absorption6. The main factor which will affect mandibular fracture shift isA. fracture positionB. size and direction of forceC. tooth in fractureD. traction of muscleE. direction of fracture7. As to the order we should comply in check-up of oral and maxillofacial, which answer is false ?A. from front to backB. from out to insideC. from shallow to deepD. compared with left and rightE. compared with upper and lower8. The branches of facial nerve which govern closing eyes areA. Temporal brachesB. Zygomatic branchesC. Buccal branchesD. Marginal mandibular branchesE. Cervical branches9. The inferior alveolar artery is fromA . Maxillary arteryB. External carotid arteryC. Internal carotid arteryD. Facial arteryE. Superficial temporal artery10. The nerve which governs lingual movement isA. Lingual nerveB. Hypoglossal nerveC. Inferior alveolar nerveD. Buccal nerveE. Facial nerve11. Classification system of impacted teeth listed below employs a description of the angulation of the long axis of the impacted third molar with respect to the long axis of the second molar, exceptA. Vertical impactionB. Mesioangular impactionC. Inverted impactionD. Meso- impactionE. Linguoangular impaction12. Which one of the followings is not odontogenic cystA. Periapical cystB. Dentigerous cystC. Odontogenic keratocystD. Nasopalatine cystE. Primordial cyst13. Which one of the following lesions is not real tumorA. FibromaB. CementomaC. EpulisD. OdontomaE. Myxoma14. The oral carcinoma include all of the following excepted forA. Carcinoma of the facial skinB. Carcinoma of the tongueC. Carcinoma of the gingivaD. Carcinoma of the buccal mucosaE. Carcinoma of the hard palate15. For the clinical characteristics of ameloblastoma, the wrong statement isA. commonly occurred in mandibleB. occasionally occurred in fibular boneC. might present as cystic or solid lesionD. occasionally become sarcomaE. not easy to relapse16. Tumor was located in the left edge of tongue and measured as 3cm × 4.5cm in dimension. The mandible was not invaded. An enlarged lymph node was palpated in left submandibular region. The node was measured as 2.5cm. X-ray examination found no distant metastasis. The TNM classification isA. T2N1M0B. T3N1M0C. T2N2M0D. T3N2M0E. T2N1M117. The most common tumor in oral and maxillofacial region is:A. Carcinoma of the tongueB. Carcinoma of the gingivaC. Carcinoma of the buccal mucosaD. Carcinoma of the palateE. Carcinoma of the lip18. In which disease, Sulfur granule can be seen in pus?A. Tuberculosis,B. Actinomycosis;C. SarcoidosisD. Acute pyogenic (Suppurative) parotitisE. Chronic recurrent parotitis19. Which of TMD has trigger points?A. Hypermyofuncioning of lateral pterygoid muscleB. Spasm of lateral ptergoid muscleC. Masticatory muscles spasmD. Myofasicial painE. Symovitis20. The signs and symptoms of anterior disc displacement without reduction are similar to those of spasm of lateral pterygoid muscle, except thatA. There is no spontaneous pain in anterior disc displacement without reductionB. The forced maximum aperture is equal to unforced maximum aperture in anterior disc displacement without reductionC. There is palpation pain in anterior condylar in anterior disc displacement without reductionD. The mandibular movement trajectory in maximum aperture follows a deviation lineE. The mandibular movements are middlingly restricted in anterior discdisplacement without reduction选题答题处Ⅱ. T erm explain. (4’×5)1.Block Anesthesia2.Impacted Tooth3.Functional Neck Dissection4.TMD5.Gustatory Sweating SyndromeⅢ. Answer briefly. ( 6’×5 )1.How to avoid tumor cell being implanted during the operation2.Please describe purpose of incision and drainage of abscess3.Describing the symptom and the treatment principle of trigeminal neuralgia4.Describing the causation of asphyxia of maxillofacial trauma patients5.Describing the healing processes of tooth extraction woundsⅣ.Essay questions. ( 10’×3 )1.State the clinical characters of oral and maxillofacial trauma.2.State the treatment principle of the tumors occurred in oral andmaxillofacial region.3.List the differential diagnosis of ankylosis of temporomandibular andintermaxilliary contraction。
2006 —2007 学年第二学期
课号:140277 课名:牙合学考试考查:考查此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试(√)、重考( ) 试卷
7. 伤害性反射
8. 早接触
9. 创伤性牙合
10. 松弛咬合板
1. 试述确定铰链轴的临床意义。
2. 调牙合的目的是什么?
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1. 咬合
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 正确答案:(
RCP:正常情况下是一个张力性边缘位置,位于ICP的后下方,水平向距离约为0.5-1.5mm,垂直向约为1- 1.5mm,距离的大小和方向与后牙的牙尖高度有关。
) 解析:
4. 下颌姿势位
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 正确答案:(
5. 牙合音
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 正确答案:(牙合音:是受测者在空口状态下循习惯开闭口位叩齿时发出的牙合接触音。
6. 开口绞锁
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 正确答案:(开口绞锁:开口后有阻碍,不能闭口,也称为特发性脱位。
7. 伤害性反射
______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 正确答案:(伤害性反射:咀嚼系统受到伤害性刺激,下颌都会反射性张开,这属于一种自身保护性反射,又称开颌反射。