
结果表明,聚合物分子量增大及浓度的提高均会提高油相的粘度从而增大微球的平均粒径,载药量,并降低突释率;投药比超过1:15时会在微球表面产生:V DCM = 0、1:10、药物结晶且突释率增大;随着油相中石油醚比例的增大(V石油醚1:8、1:4、1:2),微球的固化速率有不同程度的增大,从而影响微球的载药能力与体外释放等特性。
正交优化后,微球包封率(EE)相对于优化前提高52.2%,突释率相对降低58.8%,所得微球粒度分布均匀,外表光滑致密,缓释效果增强(25 d后累积释药率约80%),体外释药动力学研究结果表明药物释放遵循扩散和骨架溶蚀共同控制的机制,且工艺重现性良好;优化组载药微球与以DCM为单一溶剂制得的微球相比,包封率有小幅提高,形态改善显著;另外,石油醚的使用未改变药物与聚合物的物理存在状态,而在较小程度上降低了聚合物的玻璃化转变温度(T g)。
利用减压去除溶剂法,所得微球包封率较常压下高(EE>50%),但因其表面的少量结晶,体外释放速率较快(18 d时累积释药率即可达到80%左右)。

plga微球制备方法嘿,朋友们!今天咱就来聊聊 PLGA 微球制备方法。
这可真是个有意思的事儿呢!PLGA 微球啊,就像是一个个小小的魔法球,里面藏着各种奇妙的可能性。
PLGA 就是我们的主角啦,把它准备好,这可是基础。
制备 PLGA 微球可不只是在实验室里玩玩哦,它在医药领域可有大用处呢!可以让药物慢慢地释放,就像细水长流一样,持续发挥作用。
你们说,这 PLGA 微球制备方法是不是很神奇?是不是很值得我们去深入研究和探索呀?咱可不能小瞧了这些小小的微球,它们说不定能给我们的生活带来大变化呢!所以呀,大家都来了解了解,说不定哪天你也能成为这方面的专家呢!。

具体包括以下内容:1. PLGA微球的制备方法优化:考虑到影响微球质量和性能的因素较多,本研究将综合考虑多种方法,包括单一乳化法、双乳化法、水/油/水(W/O/W)乳化法等,探讨不同方法对微球质量和性能的影响。
2. PLGA微球的表征:采用多种分析方法,如扫描电镜、透射电镜、动态光散射等手段对微球的形貌、粒径、分散性和稳定性进行表征,以确保微球的质量和稳定性。
3. PLGA微球的药物包埋率和释放性能:通过调整共聚物比例、溶剂选择和添加剂等方法,探究PLGA微球对不同类型药物包埋率的影响,并研究微球的药物释放性能。
4. PLGA微球在肿瘤治疗中的应用:选用常见的化疗药物如多柔比星和紫杉醇等作为模型药物,探讨不同类型和尺寸的PLGA微球对肿瘤细胞的细胞毒性和抑制作用,比较不同治疗方案的效果。

通过调节乳化剂的种类和浓度、油相和水相的比例以及反应条件,可以制备出直径在10-100 μm之间的PLGA微球。
关键词:PLGA微球;单体油包水乳液;制备方法;载体材料1.引言PLGA(Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid))是一种常用的生物可降解聚合物,在生物医学领域中有广泛的应用。
2.2制备PLGA微球2.2.1 PLGA溶液的制备将PLGA粉末加入到DMSO中,搅拌至PLGA完全溶解,得到PLGA/DMSO溶液。
2.2.2 单体油包水乳液的制备将PLGA/DMSO溶液加入到磷酸盐缓冲液中,得到PLGA/DMSO/water乳液。
2.2.3 PLGA微球的制备将单体油包水乳液加入到无水乙醚中,搅拌至PLGA微球从乳液中析出。
2.2.4 PLGA微球的表征使用扫描电镜(SEM)观察PLGA微球的形貌;使用动态光散射(DLS)测量PLGA微球的粒径分布。

材料与方法材料:PLGA(50:50,分子量为10,000)、聚乙烯醇(PVA,分子量为9,000-10,000)、乙酸乙酯、石油醚、无水乙醇、荧光素(用于荧光显微镜观察)方法:1. 制备PLGA溶液:将PLGA加入乙酸乙酯中,浓度为10 mg/mL。
2. 制备PVA溶液:将PVA加入无水乙醇中,浓度为1%。
3. 制备PLGA微球:将PLGA溶液滴加入PVA溶液中,以形成水-油-水(W/O/W)乳液。
使用高速离心机将乳液离心,以分离出PLGA 微球。
例如,当PLGA浓度为10 mg/mL,PVA浓度为1%时,制备的PLGA微球平均直径为20 μm。
当PLGA浓度为5 mg/mL,PVA浓度为1%时,制备的PLGA微球平均直径为10 μm。
荧光显微镜观察表明,标记的PLGA 微球具有良好的荧光性能,可以用于药物追踪和显微镜观察。
3.4 PLGA 降 解 曲 线
计 算 出 其 中 PLGA 的 量 为 0.0792g , 加 入 100mLPBS 缓冲溶液磁力搅拌,按下列时间将不溶物过滤,干
Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Æ Å Ä Ã Â Á ! " # $ % & ' Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Æ Å Ä Ã Â Á Â ! " # $ % Æ È Å Â É Á È Å Â Ç
( R=H: 乙 交 酯 , R=CH3: 丙 交 酯 ) 图 1 PLGA 的 分 子 结 构 式
巴 比 妥 ( barbitone , 图 2 ) 分 子 式 C8H12N2O3 , 白 色
2 实验方法
作者简介 : 吴 玉 彬 ( 1984 — ) , 男 , 山 东 济 南 人 , 硕 士 研 究 生 , 主要从事高分子功能材料的研究。
× 100%=
3 实验结果及讨论 3.1 巴 比 妥 标 准 曲 线 的 测 定 3.1.1 PH=7.4 PBS 缓 冲 溶 液 的 制 备 蒸 馏 水 中 溶 解 8gNaCl,0.2gKCl,1.44gNa2HPO4
和 0.24gKH2PO4 , 加 水 定 容 至 1000ml 。 理论载药率=
GA ( 图 1) 有 良 好 的 生 物 相 容 性 和 安 全 性 , 因 其 含
有亲水性基团,所以 在 体 内 降 解 为 二 氧 化 碳 和 水 , 故 常 用 于 制 备 注 射 微 球 制 剂 。 PLGA 可 由 乳 酸 和 羟 基乙酸聚合, 或用丙交酯和乙交酯经有机锡催化 聚 合 。 由 于 合 成 工 艺 不 同 , 制 得 的 PLGA 分 子 量 、 丙交酯-乙交酯摩尔比、光学活性、链末端结构不 同,可能影响药物释放。 由于控缓释材料难于满足 不同药物不同释放速率要求, 因此限制了药物控 缓 释 材 料 的 发 展 [2] 。 但 PLGA 可 以 通 过 改 变 自 身 共 聚 物 中 乳 酸 LA 与 羟 基 乙 酸 GA 的 比 例 很 容 易 地 改 变 共 聚 物 材 料 PLGA 的 物 理 化 学 性 质 [3] 。 因 而 可 以控制其降解速率, 使其降解时间满足所包埋药 物 的 要 求 [4] 。

第40卷㊀第2期2016年3月南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)JournalofNanjingForestryUniversity(NaturalSciencesEdition)Vol.40,No.2Mar.,2016doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2016.02.016㊀收稿日期:2015-05-28㊀㊀㊀㊀修回日期:2015-10-21㊀基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31200451);大学生实践创新训练计划项目(2013);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)㊀第一作者:王芳(wangfang@njfu.edu.cn),副教授,博士㊂㊀引文格式:王芳,袁健,刘秀秀,等.PLGA基载药复合微球的制备及其释放性能[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(2):95-99.PLGA基载药复合微球的制备及其释放性能王㊀芳,袁㊀健,刘秀秀,方㊀兵,杨思倩,高勤卫(南京林业大学化学工程学院,江苏㊀南京㊀210037)摘要:以聚乳酸-羟基乙酸(PLGA)为载体材料,牛血清蛋白(BSA)为蛋白模型药物,采用复相乳化溶剂法制备PLGA载药微球,探索载药微球制备过程中囊芯比㊁初乳水油比㊁分散剂浓度㊁超声乳化时间对微球粒径大小㊁载药率㊁包封率的影响㊂结果表明,最优载药微球的制备条件为:囊芯比1ʒ1,初乳水油比3ʒ5,分散剂质量分数0 5%,超声乳化时间2min㊂在此条件下,所得PLGA微球的粒径为268.7nm,载药率30.88%,包封率46.95%;电镜照片表明微球表面连续光滑,粒径分布较均匀㊂采用静电吸附法用阳离子聚电解质壳聚糖对最佳条件下的PLGA载药微球进行表面修饰,扫描电镜表明复合后微球粒径变大,能谱分析表明复合后微球中有N元素存在,即复合微球中存在壳聚糖,电荷测试表明微球表面带正电;体外释放实验表明PLGA-CS复合载药微球的缓释时间延长,释药初期的突释性明显改善㊂关键词:聚乳酸-羟基乙酸(PLGA);牛血清蛋白(BSA);壳聚糖;微球;药物释放中图分类号:TQ463㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A文章编号:1000-2006(2016)02-0095-05PreparationanddrugreleasepropertiesofPLGAcomplexmicroparticlesWANGFang,YUANJian,LIUXiuxiu,FANGBing,YANGSiqian,GAOQinwei(CollegeofChemicalEngineering,NanjingForestryUniversity,Nanjing210037,China)Abstract:Poly(lactic⁃co⁃glycolicacid)(PLGA)microparticleswerepreparedbyanemulsion⁃solventevaporationtech⁃niqueusingbovineserumalbumin(BSA)asmodeldrug.Whentheratioofshelltocorewas1ʒ1,ratioofwatertooil3ʒ5,dispersantconcentration0.5%,andtheultrasonicemulsificationtime2min,PLGAmicroparticleswere268.7nmindiameter,characterizedbythelaserlightscatteringtechnique,andthedrugcontentanddrugencapsulationefficiencyinthiscasewere30.88%and46.95%,respectively.Scanningelectronmicroscopy(SEM)andtransmissionelectronmi⁃croscope(TEM)showedtheproductsweresphericalinshapeanduniformindimension.WhenthePLGAmicroparticlessurfacewasmodifiedwithchitosan(CS)byadsorptiontechnique,themicroparticlebecamelargerindiameter.ThepresenceofNelementandthepositivezetapotentialofmodifiedmicroparticlesrevealedthepresenceofCSonthesur⁃faceofthePLGAmicroparticles.InvitrodrugreleasetestshowedthattheburstreleaseofmodifiedmicroparticleseasedandthereleasetimewasprolongedcomparedwithunmodifiedPLGAmicroparticles.Keywords:poly(lactide⁃co⁃glycolicacid)(PLGA);bovineserumalbumin(BSA);chitosan;microparticle;drugrelease㊀㊀随着医药等行业的迅速发展,越来越多的多肽及蛋白类药物在诊断㊁治疗和预防疾病等方面都发挥着很重要的作用㊂常用于临床给药的方法是将药物静脉注射或冻干粉剂口服,但需要频繁给药,这给病人带来很多不便,且药物利用率低㊁治疗费用高[1-4]㊂因此,将蛋白类大分子制成药物缓释制剂,通过载体材料的降解,药物缓慢地释放于相应部位,不仅能有效防止药物在体内过快地被降解,又能提高药物的利用率,减少给药次数[5-9]㊂聚乳酸-羟基乙酸(PLGA)是由乳酸与乙醇酸(GA)共聚而成,它兼有两种聚酯材料的优势,是一种极具应用价值的生物降解高分子材料,而且PLGA已经得到美国FDA的批准,成功地应用于临床骨科及缝合线等领域[10-16]㊂笔者以牛血清蛋白(BSA)为蛋白模型药物,探索PLGA载药微球的制备工艺,针对PLGA微球释药初期速度过快的缺南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)第40卷点,进一步利用天然高分子壳聚糖对其表面进行修饰,制备PLGA-CS复合载药微球,并对其释药性能进行探讨㊂1㊀材料与方法1.1㊀试材聚乳酸-羟基乙酸(PLGA,济南代罡生物科技有限公司);壳聚糖(CS,脱乙酰度(DD)ȡ90%,北京索莱宝生物科技有限公司);牛血清蛋白(BSA,南京生兴生物科技有限公司);聚乙烯醇(PVA,国药集团化学试剂有限公司);二氯甲烷(DCM)㊁吐温-80㊁磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)和十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)等均为分析纯㊂1.2㊀载BSA的PLGA微球制备称取一定质量的PLGA溶解于二氯甲烷中,将配制好的BSA溶液倒入PLGA的二氯甲烷溶液中,在冰浴条件下超声乳化2min形成初乳(W/O),将初乳液倒入含有PVA的去离子水中,再次超声乳化形成复乳(W/O/W)㊂将复乳液置于25ħ水浴条件下,磁力搅拌3.0h至二氯甲烷完全挥发,离心㊁去离子水洗涤重复3次,冷冻干燥得到PLGA载药微球㊂1.3㊀载BSA的PLGA-CS复合载药微球制备按上述过程将超声乳化完成的初乳(W/O)倒入含有PVA及2mg/mL的CS溶液中,再次超声乳化2min形成复乳(W/O/W)㊂将复乳液置于25ħ水浴条件下,磁力搅拌3.0h至二氯甲烷挥发完全后,离心㊁洗涤,重复3次,冷冻干燥得到PLGA-CS复合微球㊂1.4㊀微球粒径及Zeta电位的测定利用Nano-ZS马尔文粒度仪对微球的粒径及Zeta电位进行测定,将稀释后的样品置于样品槽中,在25ħ下重复测3次㊂1.5㊀微球形貌观察将冻干的微球置于JSM-7600F扫描电镜(SEM)及JEM-1400透射电镜(TEM)下观察其形貌㊂1.6㊀微球载药率和包封率测定称取定量制备好的微球置于5mL质量分数为5%的SDS溶液中,在37ħ下恒温振荡待其全部溶解,于UV-2450紫外分光光度计测定微球中BSA的含量,并根据公式计算微球的载药率ρ(DL)和包封率ρ(EE)㊂ρ(DL)=微球中BSA的含量微球的质量ˑ100%;ρ(EE)=微球中BSA的含量所投BSA的含量ˑ100%㊂1.7㊀微球的红外光谱分析采用KBr压片分别对PLGA微球及其与壳聚糖复合微球在500 4000cm-1进行红外光谱扫描㊂1.8㊀微球的药物缓释测定称取50mg的微球置于透析袋中,密封后放入200mL装有pH7.4的PBS缓冲液中,置于37ħ恒温振荡透析,每隔一定时间取4mL的透析液,于紫外分光光度计测量吸光度,同时补充等体积相应的缓冲液,根据BSA标准曲线计算测试样品的累积释药量,并绘制释放曲线㊂2㊀结果与分析2.1㊀囊芯比对微球性能的影响在水油质量比为6ʒ10,PVA质量分数为1%,乳化时间2min的条件下,改变囊芯比(m(PLGA)ʒm(BSA))制备PLGA载药微球,测试粒径㊁载药率㊁包封率,结果见表1㊂实验结果表明,随着投药量的增加,微球的载药率相应增加,当囊芯比为1ʒ1时,药物包载量达到饱和,此时微球的载药率最高达到37.82%,包封率为26.70%,粒径达到最小为271.1nm㊂这是由于随着囊芯比的增加,PLGA溶液的黏度增加,在搅拌转速相同,即乳液滴所受剪切力相同的情况下,高黏度的乳液不易破碎形成小乳滴,从而增大微球的粒径㊂当囊芯比过小时,初乳黏度较小,在加入外水相之后剪切力过大,小乳滴容易团聚或者堆积起来,粒径分布很宽,多分散系数(IPD)值较高㊂表1㊀囊芯比对粒径㊁载药率和包封率的影响Table1㊀Effectsofshell/coreratioonparticlesize,drugcontentanddrugencapsulationm(PLGA)ʒm(BSA)粒径/nmparticlesizeIPDρ(DL)/%ρ(EE)/%4ʒ1280.30.14912.1535.003ʒ1276.90.20712.3826.602ʒ1276.70.14419.5828.351ʒ1271.10.17137.8226.701ʒ2285.10.55130.7410.882.2㊀水油比对微球性能的影响固定囊芯比2ʒ1,分散剂PVA质量分数为1%,乳化时间2min,改变初乳中水相和油相的体积比制备PLGA载药微球,结果如表2所示㊂69㊀第2期王㊀芳,等:PLGA基载药复合微球的制备及其释放性能表2㊀水油比对粒径㊁载药率和包封率的影响Table2㊀Effectsofwater/oilratioonparticlesize,drugcontentanddrugencapsulationm(水)ʒm(油)粒径/nmparticlesizeIPDρ(DL)/%ρ(EE)/%1ʒ5288.50.23313.6020.552ʒ5281.60.23612.2519.203ʒ5276.70.14419.5828.354ʒ5256.10.17014.1120.555ʒ5275.40.1978.4213.05㊀㊀从表2中可以看出,随着初乳水相用量的增大,投药量相应增加,载药率也得到提高,当水油比高于3ʒ5时,继续增大水相体积,形成的油包水(W/O)乳化效果降低,从而影响微球的载药率㊁包封率;而当水油比过小时,整个体系的黏度相对较高,搅拌产生的剪切力较小,使大乳滴不易破碎形成粒径较小的液滴,所以粒径偏大㊂而当水油比过高时,制备复乳时相同搅拌速度产生的剪切效率降低,容易形成较大的乳滴㊂因此,选择初乳水油比为3ʒ5,此时,所得产物的载药率及包封率最佳,分别为19.58%和20.55%,同时微球粒径分布较均匀,粒径较小㊂2.3㊀分散剂浓度对微球性能的影响当囊芯比2ʒ1,水油比为6ʒ10,超声乳化时间2min时,通过改变聚乙烯醇(PVA)分散剂的浓度来研究其对PLGA在药微球各性能的影响,结果如表3所示㊂表3㊀分散剂质量分数对粒径㊁载药率和包封率的影响Table3㊀EffectsofPVAcontentonparticlesize,drugcontentanddrugencapsulationPVA质量分数/%contentofPVA粒径/nmparticlesizeIPDρ(DL)/%ρ(EE)/%0.25293.30.23617.4025.050.50288.10.32723.4835.251276.70.14419.5828.352276.40.15611.0414.13341.90.28411.9816.5㊀㊀PVA作为高分子分散稳定剂,其分散机理为通过形成吸附膜,产生空间位阻效应来达到分散目的,但当分散剂浓度过低时,对微球表面形成的吸附膜也较脆弱,在搅拌作用下容易导致微球破裂;当分散剂浓度偏高,导致外水相过于黏稠,在超声乳化过程中外水相流动性差,液滴不易被打碎成小液滴,制备的微球尺寸也较大,同时在微球洗涤过程中也不易清洗㊂从表3中可以看出,当PVA质量分数为0 50%时,微球的载药率和包封率达到最大,分别为23.48%和35.25%,且微球的平均粒径较小㊂2.4㊀乳化时间对微球性能的影响在微球的囊芯比为2ʒ1,初乳水油比为3ʒ5,分散剂(PVA)质量分数为0 5%条件下,研究超声乳化时间对PLGA载药微球性能的影响,结果见表4㊂从表4可以看出,随着超声乳化时间的延长,微球的粒径逐渐减小,但乳化时间过长,会造成微球的破损,使载药率及包封率下降㊂综合考虑,当乳化时间2min时,所得产物的粒径较小,载药率㊁包封率较高㊂表4㊀乳化时间对粒径㊁载药率和包封率的影响Table4㊀Effectsofultrasonicemulsiontimeonparticlesize,drugcontentanddrugencapsulation乳化时间/minemulsiontime粒径/nmparticlesizeIPDρ(DL)/%ρ(EE)/%0396.00.4315.659.001316.00.26220.0230.452274.50.18218.5126.253259.30.17011.6515.154247.30.1178.4213.052.5㊀优化条件下制备的微球形貌观察通过对PLGA微球载药率㊁包封率㊁粒径及其分布的测试,确定其最优制备条件为:囊芯比1ʒ1,初乳水油比3ʒ5,分散剂(PVA)质量分数0.5%,超声乳化时间2min㊂在此条件下,所得产物的平均粒径为268.7nm,载药率为30.88%,包封率为46 95%㊂对其形貌进行观测,结果见图1㊂从图1可以看出,优化条件下制备的微球表面连续光滑,成球性较好,且粒径均匀㊁分散性较好㊂2.6㊀PLGA-CS复合载药微球的分析PLGA-CS复合载药微球的扫描电镜图及能谱图见图2,SEM图片可以看出经过壳聚糖修饰后,载药微球的粒径变大,均匀性变差㊂这是因为含有CS的PVA溶液黏度比PVA溶液黏度大,搅拌时的剪切力相对应也会减小,使得初乳在挥发二氯甲烷时,不能均匀分散,从而导致固化后的微球粒径分布不均㊂从能谱图中N元素的存在可以看出复合微球中有壳聚糖的存在㊂PLGA-CS复合载药微球的平均粒径(Z-Ave)有所增大,由268.7nm增大到471.2nm,表面电位由-23.8mV变为7.86mV,也可定性看出PLGA微球表面被带正电的壳79南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)第40卷聚糖所包覆,表明壳聚糖通过静电吸附作用被成功修饰在PLGA载药微球表面㊂图1㊀PLGA载药微球的形貌观察Fig.1㊀Scanningelectronmicrographs(SEM)andtransmissionelectronmicroscope(TEM)ofPLGAmicroparticles图2㊀PLGA-CS复合载药微球的SEM及能谱图Fig.2㊀Scanningelectronmicrographs(SEM)andenergyspectrumofPLGA-CSmicroparticles图3㊀PLGA微球及PLGA-CS复合微球的药物释放率Fig.3㊀DrugreleasecurveofPLGAandPLGA-CSmicroparticlesinvitro2.7㊀PLGA微球及其复合微球的体外释药性能对最佳制备条件下得到的PLGA载药微球及其PLGA-CS复合载药微球进行体外缓释测试,结果如图3所示㊂从图3中可以看出,经过壳聚糖修饰后的PLGA载药微球在释放初期的 突释 性明显降低,第1小时的释药率由56.03%下降到25 64%㊂这是因为PLGA-CS复合载药微球表面的壳聚糖具有亲水性,能够有效延缓水与PLGA接触导致的微球表面崩解,从而降低药物释放初期的释放量,并且由于突释效应的减缓,使得药物释放时间更长,PLGA载药微球的释药性能得到改善㊂3㊀结㊀论1)采用复相乳液溶剂法制备了PLGA载药微球,单因素实验确定其最佳制备工艺条件为:囊芯质量比1ʒ1,初乳水油质量比3ʒ5,分散剂质量分数0.5%,超声乳化时间2min㊂所得产物的平均粒径为268.7nm,载药率30.88%,包封率46.95%㊂电镜照片表明,产物成球性规则,微球表面连续光滑,分布较均匀㊂2)采用静电吸附法将阳离子聚合物壳聚糖修饰在PLGA微球表面,制备PLGA-CS复合载药微球㊂扫描电镜表明,产物具有较好的球形结构,粒径有所增大,能谱及表面电荷表明,复合微球表面为壳聚糖㊂体外释放结果表明复合后PLGA载药微球的缓释时间延长,释放初期的突释性得到明显改善㊂参考文献(reference):[1]刘红,马玉樊,高剑利,等.高分子聚合物包裹胰岛素微球的89㊀第2期王㊀芳,等:PLGA基载药复合微球的制备及其释放性能制备及其体外质量评价[J].药物分析杂志,2014,34(7):1321-1326.LiuH,MaYF,GaoJL,etal.Preparationofpolymercoatedin⁃sulinmicrospheresandtheinvitroqualityevaluation[J].ChineseJournalofPharmaceuticalAnalysis,2014,34(7):1321-1326.[2]陈红丽,王永学,郭伟云,等.提高PLGA微球载蛋白多肽类药物稳定性添加剂的研究进展[J].国际生物医学工程杂志,2012,35(3):185-188.ChenHL,WangYX,GuoWY,etal.Researchprogressofad⁃ditivesforimprovingtherapeuticpeptidesandproteinsstabilityinPLGAmicrospheres[J].InternationalJorunalofBiomedicalEn⁃gineering,2012,35(3):185-188.[3]金启星,成晓岚,罗宇燕,等.工艺因素对复乳法制备的载牛血清白蛋白PLGA微球形态与释放行为的影响[J].广东药学院学报,2014,30(5):539-543.JinQX,ChengXL,LuoYY,etal.EffectofprocessparametersonmorphologyandreleaseofproteinloadedPLGAmi⁃crospheresmadebyW/O/Wmethod[J].JournalofGuangdongPharmaceuticalUniversity,2014,30(5):539-543.[4]封硕.生物可降解高分子材料研究综述[J].中山大学研究生学刊(自然科学与医学版),2012,33(1):29-33.FengS.Researchanddevelopmentofbiodegradablepolymerma⁃terials[J].JournaloftheGraduatesSunYAT-SENUniversity(NaturalSciencesMedicine),2012,33(1):29-33.[5]ChenYC,HsiehWY.EffectsofsurfacemodificationofPLGA-PEG⁃PLGAnanoparticlesonloperamidedeliveryefficiencyacrosstheblood⁃brainbarrier[J].JournalofBiomaterialsApplications,2013,27(7):909-922.[6]NafeeN,TaetzS,SchneiderM,etal.Chitosan⁃coatedPLGAnanoparticlesforDNA/RNAdelivery:effectoftheformulationparametersoncomplexationandtransfectionofantisenseoligonu⁃cleotides[J].Nanotechnology,BiologyandMedicine,2007,3(3):173-183.[7]杨帆,汪朝阳,潘育方,等.聚乳酸-乙醇酸的合成及在药物缓释微球中的应用[J].高分子材料科学与工程,2005,21(3):77-80.YangF,WangCY,PanYF,etal.Studiesonthedirectsynthe⁃sisofpoly(lacticacid⁃glycolicacid)anditsapplicationindrugdeliverymicrospheres[J].PolymerMaterialsScienceandEngi⁃neering,2005,21(3):77-80.[8]陆春燕,龙伟,温露,等.载牛血清白蛋白PLGA微球的包封率测定及体外表征[J].海峡药学,2014,26(9):141-143.LuCY,LongW,WenL,etal.DeterminationofencapsulationefficiencyofPLGAmicrospheresloadedwithbovineserumalbuminandtheirinvitrocharacterization[J].StraitPharmaceu⁃ticalJournal,2014,26(9):141-143.[9]AnandP.Designofcurcumin⁃loadedPLGAnanoparticlesformu⁃lationwithenhancedcellularuptake,andincreasedbioactivityinvitroandsuperiorbioavailabilityinvivo[J].BiochemicalPhar⁃macology,2010,79(3):330-338.[10]WangY,LiP,KongL,etal.Chitosan⁃modifiedPLGAnanopar⁃ticleswithversatilesurfaceforimproveddrugdelivery[J].AapsPharmscitech,2013,14(2):585-592.[11]李卫红,司鹏,雷文.药用合成高分子缓㊁控释材料研究进展[J].高分子通报,2015(1):56-59.LiWH,SiP,LeiW,etal.Developmentofsyntheticpolymermaterialsusedassustainedandcontrolleddrug⁃releasesystems[J].PolymerBulletin,2015(1):56-59.[12]AsteteCE,SabliovCM.SynthesisandcharacterizationofPLGAnanoparticles[J].JournalofBiomaterialsSciencePolymerEdi⁃tion,2006,17(3):247-289.[13]甘盛龙,路振平,杨哲,等.壳交联pH响应型PLGA载药微球的制备与研究[J].高分子学报,2015(2):228-235.GanSL,LuZP,YangZ,etal.Preparationandcharacterizationofshellcross⁃linkedPLGAnanoparticleswithpH⁃responsivenessfordrugdelivery[J].ActaPolymericaSinica,2015(2):228-235.[14]YallapuMM,GuptaBK,JaggiM,etal.FabricationofcurcuminencapsulatedPLGAnanoparticlesforimprovedthera⁃peuticeffectsinmetastaticcancercells[J].JournalofColloid&InterfaceScience,2010,351(1):19-29.[15]高勤卫,何刚,李明子,等.氯化亚锡/萘二磺酸对D,L-乳酸聚合物微结构的影响[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2009,33(3):111-115.Doi:10.3969/j.issn-1000-2006.2009.03.026.GaoQW,HeG,LiMZ,etal.TheeffectsofSnCl2/naphthalenedisulphonicacidonthemicrostructureofpolymerspreparedfromD,L-lacticacid[J].JournalofNanjingForestryUniversity(NaturalSciencesEdition),2009,33(3):111-115.[16]MirakabadF,AkbarzadehA,ZarghamiN,etal.PLGA⁃basednanoparticlesascancerdrugdeliverysystems[J].AsianPacificJournalofCancerPreventionApjcp,2014,15(2):517-535.(责任编辑㊀李燕文)99。
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plga微球制备 微流控

plga微球制备微流控P L G A微球制备是一种常见的微流控技术,广泛应用于药物递送、组织工程和仿生材料制备等领域。
本文将一步一步回答如何利用微流控技术制备P L G A微球的过程。
第一步:材料准备制备P L G A微球的关键材料是聚乳酸-羟基乳酸共聚物(P L G A)。
选择合适的P L G A材料,其特性包括聚合度、分子量和乳酸与羟基乳酸单体的比例。
第二步:微流控芯片设计与制备为了制备P L G A微球,我们需要设计一个微流控芯片,用于控制药物溶液和乳化剂的流动。
常见的微流控芯片材料包括聚二甲基硅氧烷(P D M S),具有良好的弹性和透明度。
可以使用计算机辅助设计软件(C A D)进行芯片结构设计,并利用光刻和聚合技术制备PD M S芯片。
第三步:药物溶液和乳化剂的准备P L G A微球中常常包含药物,因此我们需要准备药物溶液。
第四步:微流控芯片组装将制备好的PD M S芯片与玻璃底片或者其他适合的基底材料进行粘合,以形成微流控芯片。
最后,通过主通道中加入固化溶液或光聚合剂,使液滴中的PL G A聚合并固化成球形微粒。
第七步:微球收集与处理制备好的P L G A微球通过芯片出口处收集,并进行处理。

一种plga药物控释微球的制备方法及装置**《一种 PLGA 药物控释微球的制备方法及装置》**嘿,朋友!今天我要给你分享一个超厉害的东西,那就是 PLGA 药物控释微球的制备方法及装置,准备好和我一起探索这个神奇的领域啦!首先,咱们得把材料都准备好,这就好比要去打仗,弹药得充足不是?咱们需要 PLGA 聚合物、药物、有机溶剂,还有一堆像乳化剂这样的“小兵小将”。
想象一下,药物分子在有机溶剂里欢快地游泳,多欢乐呀!然后,把 PLGA 聚合物也加进去,搅拌搅拌。
最后,经过离心、洗涤、干燥这些步骤,咱们心心念念的 PLGA 药物控释微球就大功告成啦!再来说说装置,咱们得有个能精准控制温度、搅拌速度的设备,这就像是厨房的炉灶和打蛋器,温度不对,搅拌速度不合适,那可都做不出美味的“菜肴”。
载 BDNF 基因 PEG-PLGA 纳米微球的制备及其转染外源性神经干细胞的研究

载 BDNF 基因 PEG-PLGA 纳米微球的制备及其转染外源性神经干细胞的研究YU Yong-bo;TANG Jian;ZHANG Gui-long【摘要】目的构建转染后能表达神经修复功能蛋白的载脑源性神经营养因子( brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)基因的聚乙二醇-聚乳酸-羟基乙酸纳米微球[ poly ( ethylene glycol )-poly ( lactin-co-glycolic acid)-BDNF-nanoparticles,PEG-PLGA-BDNF-NPs];探讨其转染外源性神经干细胞( neural stem cells, NSCs)后对细胞生物学功能的影响.方法采用W/O/W复乳溶剂挥发法制备装载BDNF基因质粒的PEG-PLGA纳米微球转染复合体.用扫描电镜和透射电镜表征纳米微球的形貌,粒度电位分析仪测量纳米微球的粒径及Zeta电位.测定纳米微球对BDNF基因质粒的包封率和载药量;检测PEG-PLGA纳米微球转染复合体的体外缓释质粒的情况.倒置显微镜观察纳米微球转染复合体对NSCs形态的影响;并用CCK-8法检测其对NSCs增殖的影响.荧光倒置显微镜观察NSCs胞吞纳米微球转染复合体后的分泌作用;Western-blot及RT-PCR检测其BDNF的分泌能力.结果 (1)制备了包载BDNF基因的PEG-PLGA纳米微球,微球的粒径约为200 nm,粒径均一;包封率及载药量均较高,具有一定的缓释效果. (2)分离培养出了具有不断增殖能力,表达神经巢蛋白的NSCs;并能经过诱导分化为神经元和神经胶质细胞. (3)载BDNF基因的PEG-PLGA纳米微球高效转染NSCs,且转染不会引起显著细胞毒性;Western-blot及RT-PCR检测显示其大量表达BDNF.结论采用W/O /W复乳溶剂挥发法制备得到安全高效的PEG-PLGA-BDNF纳米微球.并首次构建了装载PEG-PLGA-BDNF-NPs,能表达具有神经修复功能的BDNF的外源性NSCs系.%Objective To construct nano-gene microspheres(PEG-PLGA-BDNF-NPs) with the function of express nerve repair protein , and explorethe effects of transfection on exogenous neural stem cells ( NSCs) on their biological functions.Methods PEG-PLGA nanoparticles transfected with BDNF gene plasmids were prepared by double emulsion-solvent evaporation method.The morphology of nanoparticles was observed by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscope.The particle size and Zeta potential of nanoparticles were measured by laser particle size analyzer.The entrapment efficiency of PEG-PLGA nanoparticles and the drug loading of BDNF gene plasmids were examined.The in vitro release plasmid of PEG-PLGA nanoparticle transfection complex was tested.The biocompatibility of the nanoparticle transfection complex and the effect of the nanoparticle complex on the morphology of NSCs were detected by CCK-8.The secretion of neural stem cells after transfection of nanoparticles transfected complex was observed by inverted fluorescence microscope.Western blot and quantitative RT-PCR were used to detect the secretion of BDNF.Results (1) The gene-loaded PEG-PLGA nanoparticles were prepared.The encapsulation efficiency and drug loading were high , which had a certain sustained release effect.(2) The neural stem cells with the ability to proliferate and express the nestin protein are isolated and cultured , and can be induced to differentiate into neurons and glial cells.(3) PEG-PLGA nanoparticles containing BDNF gene were highly transfected into neural stem cells , and transfection did not cause significant cytotoxicity.Western-blot and RT-PCR showed that BDNF was abundantly expressed in these stem cells.Conclusions The rat neural stem cells were successfully extracted and cultured , and the PEG-PLGA-BDNF-NPs wereprepared.An exogenous neural stem cell line loaded with PEG-PLGA-BDNF-NPs was first constructed to express BDNF protein with neurorestorative function .【期刊名称】《临床神经外科杂志》【年(卷),期】2019(000)002【总页数】6页(P109-114)【关键词】纳米微球;神经干细胞;基因治疗;转染【作者】YU Yong-bo;TANG Jian;ZHANG Gui-long【作者单位】Department ofNeurosurgery, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China;Department ofNeurosurgery, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China;Department ofNeurosurgery, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China【正文语种】中文【中图分类】RQ78;Q291近年来研究证实,外源性神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)可以在某些炎性趋化因子的引导下有效地靶向、远程迁移至脑缺血区,并发挥修复作用[1-2]。

一、药物分析方法学的建立1、标准曲线的绘制:取标准品10mg(实际称取量为9.5mg),加入10ml 容量瓶中,以甲醇为稀释剂,定容至刻度,定容后即为1mg/mL的标准品溶液。
图1 标准曲线2、HPLC色谱条件:流动相为A: Water (0.05% TFA):B: Acetonitrile=7:3;流速为1mL/min;检测波长为264nm;进样量为20uL;最大压力200bar;柱温为室温。
3、HPLC测定图谱abc图2 HPLC色谱图:a)为Flavopiridol标准品的图谱;b)为Flavopiridol的PLGA微球的图谱;c)为空白PLGA微球的图谱由图谱可知,在Flavopiridol的出峰时间处,无空白干扰。
二、药物的PLGA微球制备1、配制PV A17-88的水溶液(1%);2、取100mgPLGA(LA/GA=50/50,分子量5.5万),溶于1mL的氯仿中;另取10mg药物,加入此氯仿中,加入10uL三乙胺,静置10min,观察是否溶解,若不溶解继续加5uL 即可。
3、在1000rpm不停搅拌下,取上述氯仿溶液,逐滴加于含PV A17-88的水溶液中,水溶液的体积是氯仿体积的25倍,加完后,高速(7000rpm)均质15s。
PEAK(nm) PDI指标Z-A VERAGESIZE(nm)1080 867 0.0632、含量测定称取制剂11.5mg,置于10mL容量瓶中,以氯仿定容至刻度,HPLC测定含量。

以乙二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯(EGDMA)为交联剂,采用悬浮聚合法制备了平均粒径为100 μm的交联聚甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯(CPGMA)微球,然后通过胺基与环氧键之间的开环反应,将聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)偶合接枝在微球表面,制得了表面接枝PEI的功能微球PEI-CPGMA.研究了功能微球对胆红素的吸附性能,考察了接枝度、介质pH、离子强度等因素对微球吸附性能的影响.静态吸附实验结果表明:功能微球对胆红素具有强吸附能力,等温吸附满足Freundlich吸附方程,饱和吸附量可达14.1 mg/g;介质的pH对微球吸附性能有很大的影响,在近中性(pH=6)溶液中,接枝微球对胆红素的吸附能力最强,而在酸性与碱性溶液中吸附能力都比较弱;离子强度对吸附作用表现出微弱的增效作用;微球表面PEI的接枝度越高,吸附能力越强.
作者:陈志萍高保娇杨晓峰CHEN Zhi-ping GAO Bao-jiao YANG Xiao-feng 作者单位:中北大学化学工程系,太原,030051 刊名:功能高分子学报 ISTIC PKU英文刊名:JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS 年,卷(期):2008 21(2) 分类号:O647 关键词:胆红素聚乙烯亚胺甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯吸附微球。

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复旦学报(医学版)Fudan Univ J Med Sci2006J an.,33(1)重组双功能水蛭素PL GA 微球的制备及其特性郁 琴 贺进田 莫 炜 张艳玲 王龙生 吴婴君 宋后燕(复旦大学上海医学院生物化学与分子生物学系-分子医学教育部重点室验室 上海 200032)【摘要】 目的 ①建立R G D 2Hirudin 微球制备工艺;②建立缓释微球制剂中药物活性、含量的测定方法;③分析微球制备工艺中的各个关键参数对微球质量的各个指标的影响情况。
方法 选择聚乙烯醇(PVA )作为助乳剂,聚乳酸聚羟基乙酸(PL GA )作为微球的生物可降解载体,二氯甲烷作为有机溶剂,溶剂蒸发温度为室温,运用溶剂挥发法制备W/O/W 的双乳微球制剂。
在微球的制备工艺研究中,考察内水相中水油比例对微球粒径以及收率的影响,助乳剂PVA 浓度对微球外观以及微球的包封率和收率的影响,超声次数对微球成球率以及药物活性的影响,挥发搅拌速度对微球的成球率以及外观的影响,不同黏度的PL GA 对微球的外观以及分散度的影响,NaCl 浓度对微球的包封率、收率以及载药量的影响等。
结果 利用颗粒粒径系统(PSS )对所制备微球样品的分析得出,微球平均粒径81.38μm ,适合作进一步体内研究。
其中NaCl 浓度、PVA 浓度对微球包封率的影响比较明显。
结论 微球的稳定性实验表明,微球释放率稳定,并且释放的重组双功能水蛭素(RG D 2Hiru 2din )活性稳定性保持良好,体外释放实验得出其具有缓慢释放的效果,为进一步做动物体内实验打下了基础。
【关键词】 重组双功能水蛭素; 生物可降解材料; 溶剂挥发法; 包封率; 控释制剂; 微球【中图分类号】 R 945 【文献标识码】 APreparation and characterization of poly (lactic 2co 2glycolic acid)microspheres containing RG D 2hirudinYU Qin ,H E J IN 2tian ,MO Wei ,ZHAN G Yan 2ling ,WAN G Long 2sheng ,WU Y ing 2jun ,SON G Hou 2yan(Key L aboratory of Molecular Medicine ,Minist ry of Education 2Departmant of B iochemist ry and MolecularB iology ,S hanghai Medical College Fudan Universit y S hanghai 200032,China )【Abstract 】 Purpose The main purposes of our research were to :1.set up t he met hod of t he R G D 2Hirudin microsphere preparation ;2.set up t he met hod to test t he activity and t he content of t he medi 2cine contained in t he microsphere ;3.analyse t he key factors on t he quality of the microsphere prepara 2tion. Methods Co 2poly lactic acid glycolic acid (PL GA )microsphere was prepared by a modified sol 2vent evaporation met hod by a double emulsion wit h t he use of polyvinylalcohol (PVA )as emulsifica 2tion ;PL GA was used as biodegradable material and dichloromet hane as organic solvent.The influence of formulation factors including the W 1/O on microsphere diameter distribution and yield coefficient ;PVA concentration on microsphere appearance ,encapsulation and yield coefficient ;ultrasound on spherulization average and medicine activity ;stirring speed on spherulization average and microsphere appearance ;PL GA on microsphere appearance and microsphere dispersity ;concentration of NaCl on encap sulation efficiency ,yield coefficient and medicine content etc were st udied. R esults The size of all t he fabricated microsphere was measured according to the several factors t hat affect t he particle size.The average diameter was 81.38μm ,which is good for furt her research.The medicine content and t he percent yield of all t he microsphere was high ,which ranged from 83.92%-96.3%and79.93%-95.05%respectively.The encapsulation efficiency was about 23.95%-65.13%.We foundt hat t he concentration of t he NaCl and PVA were t he very important factors to t he encapsulation effi 2ciency.Physiological activity of R G D 2Hirudin containing in t he microsphere and the release rate of the microsphere were controlled.Furt hermore ,t he release rate was stable. Conclusions The physio 271复旦学报(医学版) 2006年1月,33(1) logic activity of R G D2Hirudin released from t he microspheres was stable.PL GA2R G D2Hirudin micro2 spheres were controlled released by t he i n vit ro st udies.Therefore,the i n vivo experiment was well grounded.【K ey w ords】 R G D2Hirudin; biogradable material; solvent evaporation met hod; encapsulation efficiency; controlled released preparation; microsphereIntroductionHirudin was originally isolated fro m leeches, and it is now available in recombinant forms. R GD2Hirudin,an analogue of t he Hirudin,exhib2 it s two main f unctions.It is t he mo st potent spe2 cific inhibitor of t hrombin and is used mainly in t he management of t hrombus,such as in t he treat ment and p revention of various forms of acute coronary syndromes.It is also t he mo st potent specific in2 hibitor of agglomeration of t hrombocytes.Micro sp here was one of t he multiparticulate delivery systems and was p repared to obtain pro2 longed or cont rolled drug delivery.It is understood t hat micro sp heres will be able to improve bioavail2 ability or stability and to target drug to specific sites.Micro sp heres can also offer advantages like limiting fluct uatio n wit hin t herapeutic range,re2 ducing side effect s,decreasing do sing frequency and improving patient compliance.We prepared co2poly lactic acid/glycolic acid (PL GA)micro sp heres containing water2soluble p roteins,R GD2Hirudin to achieve a cont rolled drug release p rofile suitable via injection subcuta2 neously.Firstly,we investigated some formulation variables to obtain sp herical particles,and t hen an2 alyzed t he yield of production,particle size dist ri2 bution,encap sulation efficiency,surface properties and i n vit ro release rate f rom microsp heres.The influences of formulation variables on t he micro2 sp here p roperties were examined,t he microsp here formulations suitable to achieve our goal were de2 termined as well.Materials and methodsPL GA,wit h a75∶25ratio of lactic to glycolic acid,0.3-0.75dL/g of viscosity and130000D of a weight2average molecular weight(MW)were used for t he microsp here preparation.Polyvinylal2 cohol(PVA)wit h average M r′s77000-79000, 88%hydrolyzed,was p urchased f rom Aldrich Chemical Co.and ot her materials and reagent s used were all of p harmaceutical grade.Microsphere preparationPL GA microsp heres were prepared by a modi2 fied solvent evaporation met hod by double emul2 sion.Briefly,2.0mg of R GD2Hirudin dissolved in distilled,deionized water or0.5%~2.0%W/V PVA(W1p hase,250μL)was poured into200~300mg PL GA dissolved in2.5-3.0mL of dichlo2 romet hane in a test t ube to create t he original e2 mulsion.The entire mixt ure was mixed for1min by vortex at maximum speed(Vortex Genie,Sci2 entifin Inc.),or probe sonicated(J Y922I)at out2 p ut80w for40sec to form t he original inner emul2 sion(W1/O).The emulsion was poured,under vigorous mixing using a magnetic bar into a350 mL glass beaker containing75mL of an aqueo us PVA solution(0.5%-2%W/V).The beaker was placed on a magnetic stirrer and beat up at t he speed of500-600r/min for1min to form t he final emulsion[(W1/O)/W2].The resulting double e2 mulsion was poured into225mL of distilled,dei2 onized water wit h t he whole300ml of solution containing0.5%-5%W/V NaCl and beat up at t he speed of300-350r/min for3-4h at room temperat ure until most of t he dichloromet hane e2 vaporated,resulting in precipitation of t he dis2 solved PL GA and subsequently t he formation of t he micro sp heres.The microsp heres were t hen col2 lected by cent rif ugation,washed wit h distilled,de2 ionized water,and finally vacuum2dried(AlpahⅠ2 6).This met hod p roduced a free2flowing powder t hat could be easily handled and stored at-20℃before use.All micro sp heres formulations were prepared in t riplicate.Microsperes dried at room temperat ure were81 郁琴,等.重组双功能水蛭素PL GA微球的制备及其特性t hen weighed and t he yield of micro sp here prepara2 tion was calculated using t he formula:Percentage yield: =The amount of microspheres obtained(g)The theoretical amount(g)×100% Encap sulation efficiency:=The amount of microsp heres obtained (g)×drug efficiency(%)The t heoretical amount of t he drug(g)×100% Drug loading: =Drug amount of t he microsp here (g)The amount of t he microsp here(g)×100% Morphology of the microspheresThe surface morp hology of t he micro sp heres was observed by scanning elect ron micro scopy (SEM,S2520).Dry microsp heres were mounted onto metal st ubs using double2sided adhesive tape and sp utter coated for1min wit h a50∶50gold/ platinum mixt ure.Size distributionThe diameter of microsp heres and dimension of t he scale bar were measured on micrograp hs wit h1500×magnificatio n SEM pict ure.And t he size dist ribution analysed wit h t he met hod of Parti2 cle Sizing Systems(PSS,Santa Barbara,CA., U SA).The mean microsp here volume in microns was reported f rom at least t hree micrograp hs each containing1000-55000microsp heres.E ncapsulation eff iciency and percentage yieldThe percentage yield of t he microsp here was investigated comparing t he amount of micro sp heres to t heoretical calculation.The ent rap ment efficien2 cy of R GD2Hirudin in t he microsp heres was deter2 mined by comparing t he starting amount of R GD2 Hirudin wit h t he quantity co ntained by t he micro2 sp heres after t he solvent evaporation met hod.En2 cap sulated R GD2Hirudin was determined by dissol2 ving15mg of microsp heres crushed and powdered by using a mortar in t he mixt ure of0.5mL dichlo2 romet hane and0.2mL0.1mol/L hydrochloric acid,and t he drug R GD2Hirudin will ext racted to t he layer part of hydrochloric acid.The R GD2Hir2 udin concentration was determined by BCA p rotein quantitative analysis met hod and absorbed at570 nm in a microplate reader(Bio2Rad model500, U SA).Calibration curves were used for t he deter2 mination of t he amount s dissolved.Physiologic stability of RG D2HirudinR GD2Hirudin in an amount of excess of it s solubility was added to15mL of dissolution medi2um in a20mL bottle maintained at(37±5)℃and shaken in a constant temperat ure water bat h for48 h.At app ropriate times aliquot s of1mL were taken f rom t he dissolution medium,filtered and t hen diluted to100mL.Drug content of t he sam2 ples were analyzed wit h t he BCA2100protein quan2 titative analysis met hod and were assayed wit h t he microplate reader(Bio2Rad model500,U SA)at50 nm.Calibration curves were used for t he determi2 nation of t he amount s dissolved.I n vit ro releasing studiesPL GA microsp heres(50mg)were suspended in4mL0.033mol/L p hosp hate buffer,p H7.2;0.02%Tween80was added to p revent t he micro2 sp heres f rom clumping.Releasing st udies were conducted in a rotating10mL polypropylene bottle at(37±0.5)℃and250r/min in an air incubating shaker(SCS224shaker).The samples were col2 lected periodically,cent rif uged for10min at2000 r/min,and analyzed for t he released R GD2Hirudin wit h t he BCA protein quantitative analysis met hod after suitable dilution and t he absorbance was mo2 nitored at570nm.R esultsDifferent factors affecting the preparation of microsphereChoise of t he PV A concent rationPVA,as t he emulsification,affected t he sur2 face morp hology and t he encap sulatio n efficiency of t he microsp here.We chose t hree different concen2 t ration of PVA:0.5%,2%,4%(W/V)respec2 tively.The scanning elect ron micrograp hs showed us t hat when t he concent ration of PVA increased, t he dispersivity of t he microsp heres went bad (Fig1).And we also found t hat t he PVA concen2 t ration affected t he percentage yield and t he encap2 sulation efficiency(Tab1).When PV A concentration increased,dispersivity of microsphere went bad,especially with the concentra291复旦学报(医学版) 2006年1月,33(1) tion of 4%(W/V ),the microspheressuperposed.Fig 1 A ffection of PVAconcentrationto surface morphologyT ab 1 A ffection of PVA concentration to percentage yield and the encapsulation eff iciency of microspherePVA concentration[W/V )%]Encapsulation efficiency (%)Percentage yield (%)0.539.8782.782.065.1395.05Tab 1showed us t hat ,when PVA concentra 2tion was 2%(W/V ),t hepercentage yield and t he encap sulation efficiency of t he microsp heres werebot h higher t hat t ho se of 0.5%(W/V ).A f f ection of ult rasonic t reatment ti mesUlt rasonic t reat ment affected t he emulsifica 2tion.When t he ult rasonic t reat ment times in 2creased ,t he glomeration rate of t he micro sp heres deseased (Fig 2,3).A f f ection of sti rri ng s peedDuring t he stage of glomeration ,we chose two different stirring speeds as 600r/min and 800r/min (Fig 4,5).Fig 2 A ffection of ultrasonic treatment times toglomeration rateKeeping t he ot her ultrasonic factors t he same (ultrasonic worktime 1s ,ult rasonic interval time 1s ,power 80W )Fig 3 A ffection of ultrasonic treatment times to formeremulsion activityWe set t he activity of t he former emulsion as 100%,t he activity of t he former emulsion under t he 20,40,80ultrasonic treat menttimes is 88.89%,94.45%,and 22.22%respectively■Former emulsion wit h different ultrasonic treat ment times□Former emulsion wit hout ultrasonic treat mentFig 4 Affection of stirring speed to glomeration rateWit h t he 600r/min ,t he glomeration rate washigher t hat t hat wit h 800r/minA f f ection of PL GA t y peWe chose the two PL G A with the different vis 2cosity ,one was 75∶25with the viscosity of 0.082-0.098dL/g ,the other was 50∶50with the viscosity of 0.154-0.186dL/g.When the viscosity increased ,2 郁琴,等.重组双功能水蛭素PL GA 微球的制备及其特性the surface of the microsphere became less smooth (Fig 6),and the dispersivity of the microsphere were differ 2ent (Fig 7).Fig 5 A ffection of stirring sp eed to su rface morphology (SEM)The microspher of picture B was smoot her t han t hat of pictureAFig 6 A ffection of P LG A viscosity to su rface morphology (SEM)S ingle microsphere in picture B was less smooth than that in pictureAFig 7 A ffection of P LG A dispersivity to microsph ere viscositivityWit h t he lower viscosity of t he PL GA ,t he microspheresin picture A had better dispersivityN aCl concentrationWit h t he change of t he NaCl concent ration in W 2,t he drug loading (Fig 8),encap sulation effi 2ciency (Fig 9)and t he percentage field (Fig 10)changed.Fig 8 Affection of N aCl concentration to drug loadingDrug loading was between 82.93%and 96.3%under t he different NaClconcentrationFig 9 A ffection of N aCl concentration toencapsulation eff iciencyEncapsulation efficiency was between 23.95%and 65.13%under t he different NaClconcentrationFig 10 Affection of N aCl concentration to percentage f ieldPercentage field was between 79.93%and 95.05%under t he different NaCl concent ration.Size distributionAll fabricated microspheres prepared according to the several factors were between 4.98μm and 192.78μm in diameter and the average sizes for the 55000micro sp heres formulations wit h t he particle sizing system analysis met hod was 81.38μm.Fig 5showed us t he volume percent of t he microparticles p repared.The size dist ribution was good for our f urt her st udies i n vi vo .Physiologic stability of RG D 2HirudinThe st udy showed us t hat t he p ure R GD 2Hir 2udin was basically stable during t he period time of1mont h.Thus ,it is possible to co mpare t he p ureR GD 2Hirudin and t he micorsp here containingR GD 2Hirudin.Fig 12showed us t hat t he concern 212复旦学报(医学版) 2006年1月,33(1) t ration of t he R GD 2Hirudin compared to t he total drug was between 3.75%and 9.36%..Fig 11 P article sizingdistributionFig 12 physiologic stabilityThe physiologic stability of t he R GD 2Hirudin was comparatively good wit h t he daily release rate between 3.75%and 9.36%I n vit ro release studies of microspheresThe PL GA microsp heres were cont rolled re 2leased slowly and t he Fig 13showed us t hat t he av 2erage amount of released drug f rom t he micro 2sp heres was 98.16%at t he 30t h paring to t he p hysiologic activity of t he p ure drug ,t he re 2lease rate of t he micro sp heres were cont rolled re 2leased and t he release rate was stable.Thus ,it could be easily used in t he clinical medicine to con 2t rol t he drug concent ration in t heblood.Fig 13 I n vit ro release studies of microspheresThe average amount of released drug from t he microspheres was 98.16%at t he 30th dayDiscussion and ConclusionsPL GA micro sp heres were prepared successf ul 2ly using modified solvent evaporation met hod usingdo uble emulsion.The type of PL GA ,concentra 2tion of NaCl and PVA ,stirring speed and stirring time were t he important factors to o btain sp herical particles wit h smoot h surface.The percentageyields of p reparation ,t he drug loading and t he en 2cap sulation efficiency was different wit h t he differ 2ent factors especially t he concent ration of NaCl in W 2.PVA ,emulsion of t he preparation ,affected t he dispersivity of t he micro sp heres.When t he concent ration of t he PVA increased ,t he dispersivi 2ty of t he microsp heres become conglutination ;while t he concentration become low ,t he percent 2age yield and t he encap sulation efficiency de 2creased.So we chose t he 2%(W/V )as t he best concent ration.The first stirring stage was t he glomeration stage.If t he stirring speed was too low ,t here was no enough power to form t he mi 2cro sp here ;but if t he stirring speed was too high ,t here were too many broken microsp heres.Finally we cho se t he 600r/min ×1min ,and t he glomera 2tion of t he micro sp here was perfect.And to our happiness ,t he drug loading was between 83.92%and 96.3%;percentage field was between 79.93%and 95.05%,quite high as well.And when t he concent ration of t he NaCl was 1.5%(W/V ),t he encap sulation efficiency and t he percentage field were bot h at t he peak value.The microsp heres obtained t he cont rolled re 2leased effect comparing t he p ure drug t hrough t he in vit ro st udies.And f urt her st udies should be car 2ried out to investigate t he microsp hers obtained in t he in vivo st udies.R eferences[1] Haznedar S ,Dortunc B.Preparation and in vit ro evaluationof Eudragit microspheres containing acetazolamide [J ].I nt JPharm ,2004,269(3):131[2] Kempen D HR ,L u LC.Development of biodegradable poly(propylene fumarate )/poly (lactic 2co 2glycolic acid )blend mi 2crospheres preparation and charaterization [J ].W iley Perio 2dicals ,2004,216(7):283h[3] Couvreur P ,Puisieux F.Nano 2and microparticles for t he de 2livery of polypeptides and proteins ,Adv[J ].D ru g DeliveryRev 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