8A Unit7 seasons task 学案 comic

牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(task)说课稿1一. 教材分析牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》主要介绍季节的变化以及与季节相关的天气、活动等。
二. 学情分析根据学生的学习情况,大部分学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够听懂并运用基本的英语进行交流。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握与季节相关的词汇和表达方式,如spring,summer, autumn, winter, warm, cold, sunny, rny等。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:季节相关的词汇和表达方式的运用。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.任务驱动法:通过设定具体任务,引导学生运用所学知识进行实际的语言输出和交流。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示四季变化的图片,引导学生谈论季节变化,激发学生的学习兴趣。
译林版八年级英语上册Unit 7 Seasons Task学案

Unit 7 task学习目标1、学会在写作前先列提纲2、学习如何写作自己喜欢的季节。
1.我最喜欢的季节_________________________2.零度以下__________________________3.用厚厚的白雪覆盖________________________4.看见了美丽的花_____________________5.在外面玩______________________________6.打雪仗__________________________7.扔雪球_____________________________ 8.堆雪人____________________________9.冰节_____________________________ 10.在这个季节中__________________________二、你最喜爱什么季节?小组讨论回答p91 Part B的问题。
【课堂导学】一、阅读task‘I love winter’,思考文章的结构脉络,写出各部分的大意。
the opinion Para ________________the reasons Para________________the feelings Para________________三、在文中找出有用的表达方式以及过渡语,划出来,做标记,识记运用。
【课堂检测】A层:一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. It will be _______ (cloud) here and _______ (rain) in South China.2. It will be ______ (wind) in Sanya tomorrow.3. What a ______ (snow) day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere.4. It was _________ (fog) this morning, there was much ______ (fog) on the window.5.On a _______(frost) morning, the boy died in his mother’s arms .二、当堂作文展示。
8A Unit 7 Seasons教学设计-优秀教案

Ask a question:
Can you work out the rule?
Work out the rules:
Howto form adjectives?
To master the suffix-y
A short test
Please write the missing words.
Listen and answer3questions.
To improve ss’listening skills.
4 mins
Have ss practice Hobo and Eddie’s dialogue in pairs.
Work in pairs to practice and act out the dialogue.
To use the new words
5பைடு நூலகம்
Let’s play a guessing game!
Guess the riddles about seasons.
To know something aboutdifferent seasons.
5 mins
Have sslisten and answer3questions.(Welcome to the unit, Part B)
Teaching strategies
Teaching aids
Teaching Procedures
Teacher’s activities
牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(task)教学设计1

牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(task)教学设计1一. 教材分析牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》主要介绍了四季的变化,以及不同季节的特点和活动。
二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备一定的英语基础,对于日常生活话题有一定的了解。
三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握季节相关的词汇和表达方式,如spring,summer, autumn, winter, warm, cold, sunny, rny等;2.能力目标:学生能够用英语描述不同季节的特点和活动,提高学生的语言运用能力;3.情感目标:培养学生热爱生活、珍惜时间的积极情感。
四. 教学重难点1.重点:季节相关的词汇和表达方式;2.难点:描述季节特点和活动的语言表达。
五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过完成具体任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用语言;2.情境教学法:创设真实的生活情境,激发学生的学习兴趣;3.合作学习法:鼓励学生分组讨论,培养学生的团队协作能力。
六. 教学准备1.教材:牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》;2.多媒体设备:电脑、投影仪、音响等;3.教学素材:图片、视频、PPT等;4.课堂活动用品:卡片、贴纸等。
七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)教师通过展示四季变化的图片,引导学生谈论各自喜欢的季节,激发学生的学习兴趣。
8A Unit7 Task教案

Discuss how to write an article about your favourite seasonin groups?
Step 6:Writing
1. Writing time
Para1: which is your favourie season? your opinion
And when you are writing, please remember: (PPT)
Present your opinion at the beginning,亮出观点在开头。
Tell the reasons during your writing,陈述理由在中间,
Express your feelings in the ending.表达感情在结尾。
(4). Why do you like this season?
(5). Are there any holidays or festivals during this season?
(6). What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?
2. What is each paragraph about?
3. What do you think of his / her ideas? (cool, wonderful, attractive, special…)
4. How is his / her handwriting? (beautiful, tidy, not bad, so-so not good enough, untidy…)
8AUnit 7 Seasons(Task)

Unit 7 SeasonsTaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. write an outline about our favourite season;2. write an article about our favourite season.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: deep, frozen, land, exciting, throw, scream, snowman(snowmen), ice,everywhere,be covered in deep white snow, have snowballfights, throw snowballs, at each other, make snowmen, usecarrots for their noses, ice lanterns2. New structure: Moreover, I enjoy…It’s exciting to…We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.It’s often sunny/windy/rainy…III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDevelop the students’ writing ability.IV.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inWatch a video about the four seasonsT: Today we’ll learn Unit 7 Task. First watch a video, please.【设计意图】观看视频,激活旧知,提高兴趣,导入新课。

从学生生活 实际出发, 创设情境, 鼓励学生活 学活用所学 语言知识, 大胆创新和 时间提高口 语表达能 力,勇于展 示自我。 适当合理的 家庭作业既 能及时巩固 当天所学内 容达到温故 而知新,同 时将课内外 阅读相融 合,有利于 学生阅读能 力提升及长 远发展。
第二课时 Reading 1
一、教学分析 教学内容 Reading(第 82 页),本课时主要学习 Reading A 文章的内容。 教材分析 Reading 板块通过一篇描写四季的诗歌,体会诗歌的“意象美、
8A Unit 7 Seasons 教学设计
建湖县宝塔初中 李荣聂
第一课时 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 一、教学分析
教学内容 8A Unit 7 Seasons Comic strip & Welcome to the unit(第 80~81 页),通过

T: Yes, the leaves turn red, yellow, golden and brown in autumn, and they fall intopilesuponthe ground. This is a pile of leaves.What do farmers do? Do they harvest crops? Farmersharvest cropsin Autumn.
Step 3. Listen and answer
1. Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions.
1) What does Eddie ask hobo to do?
2) Is it cold today?
3) Does hobo think Eddie look cool?
T: Now, let’s match. Group One, read description A together, which season? ……
T: This time, please read the passage quickly and silently, and then find out six mistakes in Shirley and Amy’s conversation. Please read.两分钟之后Now, you can discuss in groups, try to find out the mistakes and correct them.
1) Which season does Simon like best?
8AUnit7 Seasons教案

Teaching planUnit 7 SeasonsPeriod One: Comic strip and welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims1. Knowledge and skills1) KnowledgeWords: rainy snowy bet foggyPhrases: look cool with nothing onSentences: Which season do you like best?It’s the best time to play football outside.Which is your favourite season?2) SkillsListen: The students can get the general idea and some more details by listening.Speak: They can talk about their favourite weather and seasons with their partners in English.Read: They can read the texts correctly and fluently and they can read after the tape and pay attention to their pronunciation andintonation.Write: They can write a composition about their favourite season.2. Process and methods1) Play a song to the students and encourage them to sing after the videotogether.2) Ask and answer. In this part, students can learn how to ask the weather and how to answer it.3) Present the pictures of different seasons and lead students to judge which seasons they are and what weather is like in each season and think about what they can do in each season.4) Practice the conversation with their partners about their preference to the seasons.5) Write a composition about their favourite seasons.3. Emotion, attitude and value1) Arouse the students’ interest in seasons and weather and educate them to find the beauty in each season.2) Advise them to keep safe when they do activities in some special weather.II. Teaching key and difficult points1. Key points:1) The relevant words, phrases and sentence structures.2) Be able to talk about the weather and seasons with their partners.2. Difficult points1) Encourage students to write a composition about their favouriteseasons.2) Think about different activities they can do in different seasons.III. Teaching methods1. Multimedia teaching method.2. Communicational teaching method.3. Task- based teaching method.IV. Teaching aidsMultimedia tape- recorder PPTV. Teaching type: Listening and speaking lessonVI. Teaching proceduresStep1. Lead- in1. Ask and answer:Do you like the study?Do you like studying English?Do you like me?Purpose: By asking these questions, the teacher can arouse the students’interest in learning English and grasp their attention easily.2. Ask something about the weather:T: What’s the weather like today? / How’s the weather?T: Do you like this weather? Why?T: What can you do in this weather?3. Play a song. The teacher plays a song How’s the weather to students and encourager them to sing it together.4. Conclude: How many kinds of weather are there in this song? What arethey? Let’s get to know them one by one.Step2. Presentation1. Present three kinds of weather they have learnt to them: sunny, cloudy and windy.In this period, the teacher can ask some questions as follows:—What’s the weather like in this picture?—Do you like a sunny day?—What can you do in a sunny day?2. Present three more kinds of weather: rainy, foggy and snowy.In this part, the teacher can also prepare some questions:Rainy: What should you take or wear when it rains?Foggy: Which city is famous for its foggy weather in Britain? What about in China?Can you see clearly in a foggy day?Can you drive your car or ride you bike so quickly in a foggyday?Snowy: Do you like a snowy day?What can you do in a snowy day?3. Lead the student to read these words about weather and ask them to pay attention to the pronunciation. Then check if they can read these words correctly. If wrong, help them to correct in time. In this part, the teacher can present 6 pictures of these 6 kinds of weather to thestudents and point one then they should judge what weather it is.4. Extent more kinds of weather.Present 3more pictures and some questions to help them guess what the weather is like in each picture.Frozen: When will water change into ice?Frosty: Which season will have a frosty day?What can you see in the tree branches and grasses? Stormy: Is the rain heavy and the wind strong in a storm day?Which season do stormy days happen in?5. Work out the rules that some nouns change into adjectives by adding the suffix- y.sun + y —sunnywind+ y —windycloud + y —cloudyrain + y —rainysnow + y —snowyfrost + y —frostystorm + y —stormyStep4. Practice1. Do a relay race. The first student will show the second student a weather card and ask him or her the question “ What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather?” The second student will answer the question andthen ask the third student the same question. Which group complete the game in the shortest time is the winner.2. Hold a short discussion with their groupmates:How’s the weather in each season?Step5. Presentation1. Present 4 pictures of seasons and prepare some similar questions to help students to get further known about seasons:What colour is each season?What’s the weather like in each season?What can you see in each season?What can you do in each season?2. Teach students a sentence structure :It’s the best time for sb. to do sth.It’s the best time for doing sth.3. Complete the blanks according to the pictures using the sentencestructure above.Step6. Practice1. Play a listening material to students twice and ask them to find out thedetails to fill in the blanks.2. Check the answers.3. Divide the whole class into 2 parts. The first part acts Amy and thesecond part acts Simon. Then exchange the roles.4. Encourage students to make a similar conversation with their partnersaccording to the model on page81. Finally, invite some pairs to show their conversations.Step7. Emotional educationWe have four seasons and we can do many activities in each season.But we must keep away from danger.Picture1: In spring, we like to fly kites. But please fly kites far away from the electric wire, especially the high voltage.Picture2: In summer, most of you like swimming. But please don’t swim alone in a deep river or lake.Picture3: In winter, you like skating or skiing. You must be more careful or you’ll fall down easily.Step8. ProductionEncourage students to write a composition about their favourite season.Task: 1. Each group will be asked to describe one season.2. Each group will get a paper sheet and they can complete thecomposition with their groupmates.3. Each group write will choose one student to read and showtheir composition.4. Which group will write best and fastest will be the winner andget the present.Step9. Comic strip1. Present the pictures and ask 3 questions as follows:1) How’s the weather?2) What does Eddie want to do?3) Does Eddie look cool with the clothes?2. Play the video twice and check the answers.3. Analyze the key points.bet with nothing on4. Ask the students to read the text in roles and then invite some pairsto act it out .5. Play a song video We wish you a Merry Christmas to students andencourage them to sing it together.T: Today is Dec 15th. Ten days later is Christmas Day. I wish all of you to have a happy Christmas Day! Now close your eyes and make a wish together now. OK, please keep it in your heart and Ihope your wishes can come true one day. Ok, that’s all for today’slesson. Goodbye, see you tomorrow!Step10. Homework1. Remember and recite the words, phrases and sentence structures in this period.2. Try to talk about the seasons and weather in daily life.3. Ask students to write a composition about their favourite season by themselves. Then try to make a poster to introduce their favourite season.4. Preview Reading part.。
牛津译林版8A Unit7 Seasons全部导学案

____________8年级上册Unit7表天气的名词+ y (+ y)→形容词8 上Unit 7 单元测验一、单项选择:(15%)( )1. It’s ________. The ground is all white.A. rainyB. sunnyC. windyD. snowy( )2. “bright” does not rhymes with _________.A. kite B quiet C right D quite( )3. “We have four seasons.” Which sentence structure does the sentence belong to?A S+V+PB S+VC S+V+OD S+V+IO+DO( )4. Summer is usually very hot. Sometimes the temperatures are__________.A within thirtiesB in the thirtiethC in the thirtiesD in the thirty( )5. Mum bought us some books. Two are for me, the rest of them ________ for my brother.A isB areC amD was( )6. Leaves start to turn brown, the temperature drops. Farmers work hard to harvest crops. What season is it?A springB summerC autumnD winter( )7. Helen had a cold, then had a fever, she coughed a lot. It was __________ day for her.A a awfulB an terribleC an awfulD an exciting( )8. The bottle is __________ juice.A full withB full ofC fill withD fill with( )9. I know him better ________ time flies.A asB whileC whenD for( )10. I have nothing ________ in my pocket.A to leaveB leftC leavingD leaves( )11. Will you please ________ your dictionary to school this afternoon if you come to school?A takeB to bringC to takeD bring( )12. They will go to the park ________ Sunday afternoon.A inB atC onD of( )13. I was ________ when I heard what the teacher said.A surprisingB excitedC excitingD boring( )14. They enjoy _________ the piano.A playB to playingC to playD playing( )15. The food on the table tastes _______.A deliciousB willC badlyD nicely二、完形填空:(15%)Suppose(假如) you are going to Boston, and you ___1____ the city before. If someone____2___ you about the interesting places in the city, you ___3__ to get some ideas of what you will see. But don’t have a ___4__ idea of where these places are or of how to find ___5____. However, ___6____ someone has a map of the city and ___7___ you the main roads and buildings, you maysay, “Oh, now I see. I can find my way with ___8___ trouble at all.” Working in maths is somewhat(有点儿) like trying to find your way ___9____ a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have ___10___ it, but you can’t see any clear road ___11___ the answers.Maybe you ___12___ a kind of map of the main roads in maths ____13___ you find your way. Explore(探究) what likes in maths, and___14___ to find the main roads. They will __15___ you to the answer. If you can find the “map”, the maths problems will be easily worked out.( )1. A are going to visit B once visited C have never visited D have ever visit( )2. A answers B shows C meets D tells( )3. A begin B like C learn D refuse( )4. A clever B clear C strange D wrong( )5. A someone B Boston C them D it( )6. A if B though C whether D since( )7. A helps B gives C passes D shows( )8. A not B no C some D much( )9. A of B to C in D around( )10. A thought over B heard about C written down D talked with( )11. A with B for C of D to( )12. A need to have B don’t need C needn’t D in need of( )13. A help B to help C helps D help with( )14. A try your best B take your place C look up D walk on( )15. A keep B send C lead D ask三.阅读理解:(20%)(A)Scientists have helped people understand the dangers facing the earth. As people live on the earth, we should be fully ready to deal with the dangers. If we do not pay more attention to the problems caused by air pollution, our earth may no longer be a healthy place for plants, animals, and people to live.Cleaning up the air is a job that all countries must work on. The problems caused by air pollution can be solved, but a lot of work needs to be done. Governments around the world are beginning to work together to lower the levels of dangerous gases in the atmosphere(大气层). If this can be done well, the ozone layer (臭氧层) can rebuild itself, global warming can be controlled, and acid rain can be reduced.In 1967, the government of the United States passed the Clean Air Act. More parts were added to the act in 1970,1977 and 1990. as a result of these laws, cars now must reduce the amounts of harmful gases. Power factories must use “clean coal” methods to reduce acid rain they produce.In 1970, the Environment Protection Agency(EPA) was set up. The EPA’s job is to make sure that environmental laws are being followed and to find out new dangers and offer solutions. The first Earth Day was also celebrated in 1970.While it is very important to address air pollution on a global scale, each person can also do something to protect the Earth. Here are some things you can do every day:1. Turn down the heat and air conditioning.2. Use the dishwasher only when they are full of dishes.3. practice the 3 Rs: recycle, reuse and reduce.4. Plant a tree.5. Walk or ride your bike.( )1. If we don’t care about _______ proble ms, our earth may no longer be a healthy place.A air pollutionB water pollutionC noise pollution( )2. Every country should _________ to solve the problems causes by air pollution.A rebuild the ozone layerB clean up the airC produce harmful gases( )3. All the things the EPA can do is to ___________.A make more lawsB find out new dangersC protect the environment( )4. The Clean Air Act was passed _________ by the American government.A in 1967B in 1970C in 1977( )5. In our daily life, we can do something to protect the earth by _________.A using more carsB riding the bikesC cutting down trees(B)Long, long ago people made fires from lightening(闪电). But they had to keep the fire burning, for they couldn’t start is again if there was no lightening. Later, they found out hitting two pieces of stone together could make a spark(火花). The spark could fire dry leaves. In the way they could make fire again if it went out. Then people also leaned to make a fire by rubbing(摩擦). They made a hole in piece of wood and put a smaller stick into the hole. They turned the stick again and again. After a few minutes they got fire.Years went by, people learned other ways to make a fire. Sometimes they uses the heat from the sun. they held a piece of glass in the right way and made a piece of paper on fire.About two centuries ago, people began to make matches. Matches brought people a quick and easy way to make fires. Today matches are still being used, but people have more new ways to make fires. One of them is to use an electric fire starter. Of course an electric fire starter is much more expensive than a box of matches. But it is very useful..( )1. From the text, we know that a spark can ________.A fire any leavesB burn anythingC burn day leavesD keep fire burning ( )2. We can also get a fire by _________.A making a hole in a big piece of woodB putting a smaller stick into the holeC turning the stick hard for a whileD doing all the above in order( )3. Matches have been used _____________.A for about two thousand yearB for about two hundred yearsC since people began to use fire for cookingD since people used the heat from the sun( )4. From the passage, we know that ________.A electric fire starters are widely usedB some forest fires happen from lighteningC today there are only two ways to make a fireD people haven’t used matches since they had electric fire starters( )5. Which of the following is the right order of the ways to make fires that people got to know?a. with a matchb. from the sunc. from lighteningd. by rubbinge. with an electric fire starterf. by hitting two pieces of stoneA b-a-d-e-fB b-c-a-e-d-fC c-f-d-b-aD c-d-a-f-b-e四.词汇。
牛津8A Unit 7 Seasons Task导学案

8A Unit 7 Seasons Task导学案【教学目标】1.学习在写作前先列提纲。
3.学会写作文“My favourite season”.【课前准备】预习并翻译短语:1.在哈尔滨的天气____________________2.在网上看文章_____________________________3.互相扔雪球_______________________4.被埋在深深的白雪中_______________________5.打雪仗___________________________6.用胡萝卜当他们的鼻_______________________7.冰雪节___________________________8.美丽的冰灯_______________________________9. 堆雪人__________________________10.在冰冻的湖面上__________________________11.穿厚的保暖衣_____________________12.什么活动_______________________________【教学过程】Step 1 Warming-up and presentation1. New wordsHello, everyone! I’m your new English teacher . Nice to meet you. Do you like winter? Yes. So exciting. Many people like winter because of the exciting sport, do you think so? Which season do I like? Can you guess? Look, I like winter, too. Look, I am making a snowman. It’s exciting to make a snowman. Look at the pictures. The land is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. Look at the boy, what is he doing? He is throw ing snowballs at each other with his father. They are scream ing and laughing happily.We love winter becaus e “ Winter days are full of snow, w hen trees and flowers forget to grow, and the birds fly far away, to find a warm and sunny day.”2. Read the article about the winter in Harbin and match the paragraphs with the correct descriptions.the author’s opinion Para 1What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?the reasons Para 2 How do you find the season?Para 3 What is the weather like and what’s the city like then?the author’s feelings Para 4 Which is your favourite season?3. Do asking and answering.1)Do you love winter in Harbin? 2)Why or why not?4.作者用了一些好词,请归纳总结:形容词: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________动词:___________________________________________________________________连词和副词:______________________________________________________________( Do you want to write an article about your favourite season? )Step 2 Practice To be a thinker2. Show timeLet’s share your wonderful ideas. I’ll write them down your keywords on the blackboard.3. Writing time (要求:写出你的观点,你的理由,你的感受)学生写完后教师根据学生所写的不同季节重新分组讨论,写相同季节的学生组成四人小组展开讨论,推出优作展示,其他组同学发表观点评价。
【最新】牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit7《Seasons》Task 导学案

Unit 7 Seasons 第七课时Task 导学案活动一、课前预习导学(1)学习目标: 1. 了解并掌握课文大意。
2. 根据课文内容和形式写一篇相同的文章。
3.掌握词汇:deep frozen land exciting throw scream snowman ice everywhere词组: have to wear thick warm clothes throw snowballs at each other make s no wmen句型: Winter is my favourite season.We throw snowballs at each other, screamin g and laughing.They look funny.(2)课前预习Task1根据课文内容回答问题:1. Which is the writer’s favourite season?2. What is the weather like in winter in Harbin?3. What does the writer’s city look like?4. What do the writer and the friends do in winter?活动二、课堂合作探究1. 分组讨论短文的难点,并试着解决问题。
2. 讨论短文的写法, 并根据实际情况讨论最喜欢的季节。
活动三、课内练习巩固Task2根据课文内容完成文章:Winter is my ________ season. It is very ________ and everyone has to wear _____ clothes, but I always ________ the winter here in HarbinThe ____________ is usually below zero and it is often________. Everything is _________in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. During this season, you cannot see beautiful_________ _______ green _______, but the land is quite and _________.My friends and I love __________ outside in winter. It is _________ to _________ big snowball fights. We throw snowballs ________ each _________, screaming and ________. We also make ________ and use carrots for their ________. They look _________. Moreover, I enjoy the Ice Festival each year. There _________ beautiful ice ___________. It is really wonderful.活动四、达标测试Task3一、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. I hope _________ (have) a toy plane at Christmas.2. He always wants __________(be) the best student in class.3. Linda planned ______________ (travel) by bike.4. He tells funny jokes and makes me ____________(laugh).5. You are not a kid any more, you should learn ____________(take) care of yourself.6. Let him _________(go) first. He has something important to do.7. Please remember __________ (close) the window when you leave.8. The mother made the poor girl __________ (play) the piano for eight hours a day. Task4二、选择填空。
八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Seasons》导学案(新版)牛津版

八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Seasons》导学案(新版)牛津版Comic strip &Welcome【预习探究】词汇过关。
3、我们看着中文,自己来默写一遍吧,别忘了默完自己校对并订正哦!_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________4、完成P81 Part A 家长签字________________第二课时Reading【预习探究】1、词汇过关。
3、完成课本P83-84 B(B1,B2,B3 and B4)家长签字________________第三课时 Grammar【预习探究】1、词汇过关。
苏教译林8上Unit 7 Seasons(Task )教学设计

3.Ask students to read the article again.
1.Learn the new words, phrases and sentences by following the teacher.
2.Work in pairs. Read the article again , then think of questions tomatch the information in the article.
3.Read the questions together.
1. Discuss with the group members. Then find out the answer.
初中牛津英语8AUnit 7 Seasons ---------Task
Teaching aims :
1.Knowledge aims:deep land exciting throw ice everywhere
be covered in deep white snow throw snowballs at each other
Then write down the answers.
1.Ask students towrite an article about your favourite seasons with your own information.
牛津译林版八年级英语上册《nit 7 Seasons Task: My favourite season》赛课导学案_20

8A Unit 7 Seasons Task 教案教学目标:1.学生能够从听、说、读、写四个方面来掌握本课的重要词汇deep, frozen, land, exciting, throw, scream, snowman, ice, everywhere2.学生能够利用所学描写四季的词汇和句型进行写作。
Step1: Warming up& Revision:1. listen to the English song Jingle bells, teacher says: Are you happy to hear the song? What season is in the song? What festival is coming soon?( Christmas Day) I like winter best because Christmas Day is in winter. Ask : Which season is your favourite? Why do you like it ?2. Make a conversation about your favourite season with your partner. Try to use the words an phrases in this Unit.Step2: Presentation:Teacher says: Winter has come here. Have you seen a heavy snow in winter? Look at the pictures, what a heavy sanow!1. Present new words and read them together.deep, frozen, land, exciting, throw, scream, snowman, ice, everywhere2.Simon has many online friends. One of them is from Harbin. He is telling Simon about his favourite season.Step 3. .Listening to the article on Page 90, with these questions:Which season is the writer’s favorite?What is the weather like?What does the city look like then?Why does the writer like this season?What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?Step 4. Rading the article1.Students read the article quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.2. Teacher explains the steps for a good composition: to be a thinker; to be an editor; to be a writer.. Group work: to be a thinker . Discuss the following questions:( book, Page 91)Which is your favorite season?What is the weather like?Why do you like this season?What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?3. To be an editor:organize the structure of the articleAsk students to look through the article and find out the structure of the article.Part 1 ( Para. 1) the opinion: Winter is the writer’s favorite.Part 2 ( Para. 2-3) the reasons: Why does the writer like winter?It tells us what Harbin looks like. (para.2)It tells us what activities people enjoy doing.(para.3)Part 3 (Para.4) the feelings: Winter is great!4. To be a writer: make the article attractive,Ask Ss to read the article by themselves andfind useful sentences(book, page 90)Step5. ActivityAnother friend of Simon’s is from Kunming..He also tells Simon about his favourite season. then complete the article.Step 6. Writing:Simon’s another friend comes from Sanya. He wants to tell Simon his favourite season. Use the article on page 90 as a model.Step 7. Checking:1. Ask Ss to check their articles by themselves.2. Pair work: Help your partner to check his/her composition.3. Show the class some students’ compositions.Step8. Summary:The structure of the articleThe article has 3 parts:Part 1 ( Para. 1) the opinion : ____________ is the writer’s favorite season.Part 2 ( Para. 2-3) the reasons: about the weather and activitiesPart 3 (Para.4) the feelings: ________ is great/ wonderful / exciting!(板书)Step 9. homework1.Try to recite the article on page 90.2.Finish your article about your favourite season.3. Finish the learning paper。
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8A Unit 7 Seasons Task
备课:2014-11-21 上课:月日主备:赵颖审核:备课组八()班姓名:
1.Which season does th e author like best?
2.Why does t he author like winter?
3.What is the weather like?
4.Can you see beautiful flowers and green trees during this season?
5.What else does the author enjoy in winter? Why?
问题1______________________________________________________________ 问题2______________________________________________________________
( )1.Look! Some kids _______ stones_________ the window.
A. throw; at
B. threw; to
C. are throwing; at
D.are throwing; to ( )2.I need to buy myself a thick coat. The temperature will be much ________ tomorrow.
A. colder
B. warmer
C. higher
D. lower
( )3.I looked for my mobile phone _______, but I couldn’t find it __________.
A. anywhere; everywhere
B. somewhere; everywhere
C. everywhere; anywhere
D. everywhere; somewhere
( )4.We kept _______ the field_________ a good harvest.
A. to water; when we got
B. watering; while we got
C. watering; in order to get
D. to water; before we got
( )5. --_________________? --It is sunny but a little windy.
A. How was the weather yesterday?
B. How are you doing?
C. What fine weather!
D. What is the weather like today?
1. 夏天是我最喜爱的季节。
Summer is ___________________ season.
The temperature is usually _______________ .
The fish in the river _____________ .
It is ___________ to have _________________________ .
We _____________ at each other, __________ and ____________ .
There are beautiful ________________________ .
What _____________ do people _____________ i n this season?
There are _____________________________________, it ____________________________.
What’s your favorite kind of w__1__r? Do you like sunny or r__2__ days? Many people like sunshine a lot. They don’t like rain. They think rain will make t__3__ feel sad.
D__4__ a long holiday, they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. Sunshine can make them feel good and happy. I like sunshine very much, but I enjoy rain b__5__ than the sunshine.
I enjoy the sound of rain. It can make me feel relaxed(放松的). On rainy days, I like listening to music and doing some r__6__, or just looking at the r__7__ and daydreaming(做白日梦). When you daydream, you don’t have to t__8__ about other things.
I think it’s a good w__9__ to relax when it rains.
Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one quiet. So I hope you can feel happy whether it rains or s__10__.
9.______________ 10.____________