
化学工业发展的标志 • 18-19世纪:人们长时间内把硫酸产量作为一个国 家化学工业发展的标志。
• 20世纪:乙烯成为化学工业标志性产品,人们把 乙烯作为一个国家化学工业发展的标志。 • 21世纪:目前精细化率成为一个国家的化学工业 发展标志。
现代化学工业(1) --概述
• 20世纪是化学工业飞速发展时期,至60年代是化 学工业真正成为大规模生产的主要阶段。 • 在此阶段合成氨(包括化肥)和石油化工得到了 飞速发展。 • 高分子化工从无到有,品种基本配齐,形成了大 规模化。精细化工也逐渐兴起。
单位 ℃ MPa ℃ MPa M3/h ℃ Pa % ℃
主 要 操 作 参 数
近代化学工业的兴起(4) ---- 炼油工业开始 • 1854年美国建立最早的原油分馏装置。 • 1860年在美国建立第一个炼油厂。
• 19世纪后期,在世界已建设了许多炼油厂或炼油 装置,主要生产照明用的煤油,而汽油及重质油 还是用处不大的“副产”。直至80年代,电灯的 发明大大减少了煤油的重要性,汽油和柴油因汽 车工业的发展而成为主要炼油产品。
现代化学工业(4) --石油化工中合成树脂与纤维工业 • 1928年:生产了第一个无色树脂(脲醛树脂)。 • 30年代:本体聚合法生产苯乙烯成功;有机玻璃,聚 氯乙烯,低密度聚乙烯。
• 1922年人造纤维产量已超过真丝纤维。 • 1939年美国杜邦公司实现聚酰胺66纤维的工业化。 • 1941、1946年德国分别进行聚酰胺6纤维、聚氨乙烯纤 维的工业化生产。 • 1950年以后,聚乙烯醇纤维、聚丙烯腈纤维、聚酯纤 维等合成纤维相继工业化。基本上也配齐了合成纤维 的品种。
现代化学工业(7) --发展精细化学品 • 发展精细化学品生产也是一个明显的趋势。有些大 化学工业联合企业已把重点转移到此类生产部门。 • 精细化学品不但品种多,而且变化快,产品换代周 期短,因此需要更大的科研投入,白领(研究)人 员多于兰领(生产)人员。 • 精细化率代表精细化学品的产值与整个化学工业产 值的比例,发达国家的精细化率已超过50%。目前 精细化率也可成为新的化学工业发展标志。

式中 M A、M B ——分别为组分A、B的分子量。
2.质量比与摩尔比 质量比是指混合物中某组分A的质量与惰性组分B(不参加传质的组 分)的质量之比,其定义式为 mA A mB 摩尔比是指混合物中某组分A的摩尔数与惰性组分B(不参加传质的 组分)的摩尔数之比,其定义式为
nA YA nB
第四章 质量传递
4.1.1 概述化工生产中的传质过程相组成表示法化工生产中的传质过程
动量传递 化工三传 热量传递 质量传递
是指物质在浓度差、温度差、压力差等推动力作用下,从 一处向另一处的转移,包括相内传质和相际传质两类。
1.传质分离过程:利用物系中不同组分的物理性质或化学性质的 差异来造成一个两相物系,使其中某一组分或某些组分从一相转移 到另一相,达到分离的目的,这一过程称为传质分离过程。 以传质分离过程为特征的基本单元操作在化工生产中很多,有:
pG 气相主体
液相主体 传质方向
Ci CL 空气+氨气 吸收
板式塔 3. 汽液传质塔设备 填料塔
(1) 板式塔
无溢流塔板:结构简单 、压降小、塔板面积利 用率高、 弹性小、效率低 有溢流塔板: 气液两相在设备中要有良好的接触: 接触充分,接触面大,相界面不断更新 无溢流塔板
解: 混合气可视为理想气体,以下标2表示出塔气体的状态。
y A2 0.02
YA2 y A2 0.02 0.02 1 - y A2 1 0.02
pA2 pyA2 101.3 0.02 2.026kPa
cA2 nA2 p A2 2.026 8.018 104 kmol/m3 V RT 8.314 298

❖ 化工可以分别指化学工业、化学工程和化学工 艺,也可指其综合。
(1)按原料分:石油化学工业、煤化学工业、生物 化学工业、农林化学工业等 .
(2)按产品吨位分:大吨位产品、精细化学品,前 者指产量大对国民经济影响大的一些产品,如氨、 乙烯、甲醇,后者指产量小、品种多,但价值高 的产品,如药品、染料等。
N2+H2→NH3 合成氨的研制成功和大规模生产使得氮肥满足了农 作物的生长需要 。
1.3.1 化工与农业
❖农药: 它是化学工业对农业的又一大贡献
粮食 产量
杀虫剂 除草剂 杀菌剂
有害昆虫:10000 种 有害线虫: 3000 种 杂草: 30000 种
• DTT,六六六 • 有机磷杀虫剂
世界:石油占第一位,煤炭和天然气分占第二、三位 中国:煤炭占据首位,石油和天然气的比重较低 由于中国是以煤炭为主的能源结构,造成较严重的环境污 染和较低的能源利用效率
1.3.3 化工与能源
形式,除火电外,主要是指化学加工得到的汽油、柴油、 煤油、重油、渣油和人造汽油等液体燃料,煤气、液化 石油气等气体燃料。
行分离,除去副产物或杂质,以获得符合组成 规格的产品。
甲醇的生产:原料气制备及净化、甲醇合成和甲醇精制等 步骤
❖ 教育部颁部的普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍 设立的化学工程与工艺专业,则覆盖了现有的化学工 程、化学工艺、高分子化工、精细化工、生物化工 (部分)、工业分析、电化学工程、工业催化、化学 工程与工艺、高分子材料及化工(部分)、生物化学 工程(部分)等专业,几乎包括化学工业的各个领域。
现代化工与高新技术课件 第10章--1-化工导论

中。 3. 设计合成方法时,只要可能,不论原料、中间产物和最终产品,均
应对人体健康和环境无毒、无害(包括极小毒性和无毒)。 4. 化工产品设计时,必须使其具有高效的功能,同时也要减少其毒性。 5. 应尽可能避免使用溶剂、分离试剂等助剂,如不可避免,也要选用
氯醇法二步制备原子利用率: 31%。
H2O2 + CH3 CH =CH2
新工艺 原子利用率: 76.32%。 新型钛硅(TS-1)催化剂的使用
CH2 + H2O
10.3.2 使用无毒无害原料及可再生资源
[例10-4] 利用苄氯羰化合成苯乙酸新工艺 (取代氢氰酸路线)
[例10-5] 生物质原料(淀粉、纤维素)合成乙醇等有机品
人类从过于自信人类自己的创造力,忽视自然对人类的反 作用到重视环保、倡导社会与经济协调发展的道路,正是 社会与文明的进步。
10.2 绿色化学的兴起
10.2.1 绿色化学的兴起与原则 环保治理的三个发展阶段 绿色化学的基本原则
10.2.2 绿色化学与化工的定义 10.2.3 世界各国重视绿色化学与化工
煤 840 21.8 5720 13440 262 617
* R2=R1+尚未发现的储量
警钟: 非再生资源的有限性,开源节流必要性
10.1 传统化工面临的挑战
10.1.2 传统化工对生态环境的污染
化工三废对生态环境的影响 废气: CO2的超量排放使地球变暖;含硫气体的超量排放形成酸雨;
氯烃对臭氧层的破坏, 挥发性有机溶剂形成光化学雾…….


第二节 化学反应工程
化学反应工程主要研究内容有 两方面,一是对化学反应规律的 研究,二是对反应器中传递规律 的研究。
它的作用是测量实际温度(或其它物理量),并将其转 换成统一的标准信号。
它接收变送器送来的温度信号,与事先设定的希望温度 值进行比较得出偏差,然后按照一定的运算规律进行运算 ,并将运算得出的调节命令用统一标准信号发送出去。
通常指自动调节阀,它和普通阀门(手动阀门)功能一 样,只不过它能自动地根据调节器送来的调节命令改变阀 门的开度。
(一)数据采集和数据处理系统 (二)直接数字控制系统
(Direct Digital Control)
第四节 化工技术与经济
技术经济的基本任务是研究技术和经济 的相互关系,技术经济分析的目标是寻求 技术与经济的最佳结合。
往往同时涉及社会、环境、资源等方面 的问题,甚至有时还涉及政治、国防、生 态等问题。
A.增加产出的价值; B.减少投入,降低消耗,降低成本。
<第六章 习题>
简答题 1、化工基本单元操作理论基础在于三种传递过程,说
出这三种传递过程是什么。 2、化工单元操作基本定义是什么?列举六种化学工业
中常见的单元操作。 3、化工自动控制的基本原理是什么? 4、常见的化学反应器有哪三种形式? 5、简答蒸馏单元操作的基本原理和目的。 6、吸收单元操作的原理是什么? 7、化学反应有哪两种基本操作方式,说出它们的特点

1.主干学科 化学、化学工程、化学工艺
2.主要课程 无机及分析化学、有机化学、物理化学、化工原理、精
细化工生产工艺学、无机化工工艺学、有机合成单元反应等。 3.主要实践环节
包括无机及分析化学实验、有机化学实验、物理化学实 验、化工原理实验、生产认识实习、毕业实习及毕业大作业 等。
3) 按化学特性分:分为无机化学工业和有机化学工业
4)我国统计的方法把化学工业划分为下列各种工业: 合成氨及肥料工业、硫酸工业、制碱工业、无机物 工业(包括无机盐及单质),基本有机原料工业、 染料及中间体工业等。
· 主要运用化工技术或化学生产技术,将原物料主要 经过化学反应转变为产品的方法和过程,包括实现 这一转变的全部措施。通常包括无机化工工艺、有 机化工工艺、高分子化工工艺、精细化工工艺和生 物化工工艺等。
· 对工程师的要求 1 应具有扎实的基础知识和良好的主动获取知识的能
力和分析解决问题的能力。 2 应具备很好的综合和集成的能力及创新意识 3 由于人与环境、人与社会的关系越来越密切,工程
师的知识结构不应仅限于科学和技术本身,工程师 在解决问题的时候必须全面考虑和综合资源、环境 、经济、政治等多方面的因素。
第6章 环境化工 第7章 现代化工的发展趋势 第8章 化工高等教育
· 目的
(1)使化工专业新生通过本课程认识到化工在国民经济中 的支柱地位与作用,了解化工专业各领域,并对化工 高等教育的科学体系有基本了解。。
(2)该课程作为本科生必修课强调专业教育与人文素质教 育的紧密结合,达到提高学生对化工专业的认识和热 爱,培养学生树立正确的学习观和事业观。
序 性 环节 号 质 编号
现代化工导论 ppt课件

▪ 切尔诺贝利核电站位于前苏联基辅市北130公里的地方,是前苏联1973年开始修建, 1977年启动的最大的核电站。
▪ 1986年4月25日,切尔诺贝利核电站的4号动力站开始按计划进行定期维修。然而由 于连续的操作失误,4号站反应堆状态十分不稳定。1986年4月26日对于切尔诺贝利 核电站来说是悲剧开始的日子。凌晨1点23分,两声沉闷的爆炸声打破了周围的宁静。 随着爆炸声,一条30多米高的火柱掀开了反应堆的外壳,冲向天空。反应堆的防护结 构和各种设备整个被掀起,高达2000℃的烈焰吞噬着机房,熔化了粗大的钢架。携 带着高放射性物质的水蒸气和尘埃随着浓烟升腾、弥漫,遮天蔽日。虽然事故发生6 分钟后消防人员就赶到了现场,但强烈的热辐射使人难以靠近,只能靠直升飞机从空
▪ 1968年3月,日本的九州、四国等地区的几十万只鸡突然死亡。经调 查,发现是饲料中毒,但因当时没有弄清毒物的来源,也就没有对此 进行追究。然而,事情并没有就此完结,当年6-10月,有4家门人因 患原因不明的皮肤病到九州大学附属医院就诊,患者初期症状为痤疮 样皮疹,指甲发黑,皮肤色素沉着,眼结膜充血等。此后3个月内,又 确诊了112个家庭325名患者,之后在全国各地仍木断出现。至1977年, 因此病死亡人数达州余人,1978年,确诊患者累计达1684人。
▪ 博帕尔农药厂是美国联合碳化物公司于1969年在印度博帕尔市建起来 的,用于生产西维因、滴灭威等农药。制造这些农药的原料是一种叫做 异氰酸甲酯(MIC)的剧毒气体。这种气体只要有极少量短时间停留在 空气中,就会使人感到眼睛疼痛,若浓度稍大,就会使人窒息。二战期 间德国法西斯正是用这种毒气杀害过大批关在集中营的犹太人。在博帕 尔农药厂,这种令人毛骨悚然的剧毒化合物被冷却成液态后,贮存在一 个地下不锈钢储藏罐里,达45吨之多。

第三章 无机化工
• 无机化工的原料:
• 空气、水、 化学矿物、 化石燃料、工农业副产品
• 无机化工的主要产品 • 1 酸、 碱、盐:三酸 两碱 无机盐(食盐 明矾 漂白粉 小
• 电脱盐-脱去原油中的水和盐及其他杂质。
• 异辛烷(2,2,4-三甲基戊烷)辛烷值为100。正庚烷辛烷值 为0。
பைடு நூலகம் 催化裂化
• 最重要的原油二次加工过程-流化催化裂化
• 常用催化剂:分子筛 • 主要产品:催化柴油、稳定汽油、液化气
• 酸性气杂质的来源:
• • • • • • • • • 气体裂解原料带入。 液体裂解原料中硫化物的反应。 结炭与水蒸气的反应。 氧与烃类的反应。 酸性气体的危害: 腐蚀设备 堵塞管路 催化剂中毒 后续产品质量受影响
第一章 绪论
• 化工的特点
• • • • • • • • 1.生产方法的多样性和复杂性 2.能耗大 3.生产过程条件变化大 4.知识密集、技术密集、资金密集 1.装置大规模化 2.精细化率提高 3.新技术新材料的发展 4.生物化工的发展
• 现代化学工业
第二章 化学工程与工艺的科学基础
• 化学工程的研究内容
• • • • • • 食品添加剂 玻璃 皮革工业 水玻璃等 肥皂、洗涤剂 化学试剂
第四章 石油炼制与石油化工
• • • • • 石油-“工业血液” 石油化工产品: 1、基本有机化工产品: “三苯” “三烯” 2、 有机化工产品:醇、醛、酮、酸等 3、高分子化工产品:合成树脂 、合成橡胶、合成
现代绿色化学与化工概述(ppt 24页)PPT学习课件

詹姆士 H。克拉克
1.1 化学-过去、现在的和未来 1.2 废弃物的费用 1.3 化学的绿皮苹果
永续发展, 较干净的生产, 原子经济, E 因素, 绿色化学的原则, 生命周期评估
1.1 化学-过去、现在的和未来
化学的产品作对我们生命中质量的无价贡献而且担任几乎现代社会 的每个方面的一个基本的角色。
原子经济: 多少原子出发材料被转换到有用的产品和该浪费多少。
典型的氧化反应: 酒精-> 一种含有羧基的酸 铬 (6)当做 stoichiometric 氧化剂
表 1.1" 原子解释 " 为典型的部分氧化反应使用铬酸盐
如果原子 Utilization=100%
较多的废弃物形成 这更严重的污染
环境的 因素
The amount of waste
E= The amount of target product
表 1.2 不同化学药品的相对效率制造部门
油精炼 大量的化学药品 罚款化学药品
物和花费试药; 使再循环溶剂哪里经济上能养活的。 • (6) 在全世界运输产品,时常为长期的储藏。 • (7) 释放产品进入它的长期效果的在适当评估生态系统。
• (1) 设计分子有对于环境最小的影响. (短住宅时间,可自然腐化 的)
• (2) 一个可重新开始的给料的产品(举例来说碳水化合物). • (3) 使用一个长生活催化剂。 • (4) 没有使用溶剂或一完全地 recyclable 良性的溶剂。 • (5) 在综合中使用步骤的最小的可能数字。 • (6) 制造依照需要的产品和尽可能接近对它被需要的地方。

欢迎来到《现代化学基础》PPT课件!在这个课程中,我们将带您探索化学 的奥秘,了解化学的定义、方法、化学元素和化合物,以及化学方程式。
了解原子的组成和结构,探索原 子的粒子和能级结构。
探索元素周期表,了解元素的周 期性和趋势。
研究分子的组成和分子结构,探 索它们的属性和相互作用。
了解热力学的基本概念,包括 内能、焓和熵。
学习能量守恒定律,解释化学 反应中能量的转化和守恒。
探索焓、熵和自由能的概念, 了解它们在化学反应中的作用。
3 物性与化学性质

生物化工技术利用微生物或酶作为催化剂 ,将可再生原料转化为燃料、化学品或高 分子材料。该技术具有高效、环保、可持 续等优点,在能源、食品、医药等领域有 广泛应用。
环境友好型化工技术包括高效分离技术、新型反应技术、废弃物资源化利用技术等。这些技术能够降 低能耗、减少废弃物排放,同时提高生产效率和产品质量,为化工行业的可持续发展提供有力支持。
根据工艺要求和原料特性 选择合适的反应器类型和 规格。
通过控制温度、压力、物 料流量等工艺参数,确保 化学反应的顺利进行。
根据产品特性和分离要求选择合 适的分离方法,如蒸馏、萃取、
通过添加化学试剂或采用特定工 艺对产品进行精制,以提高产品
介绍常用化工生产安全技术,如防爆技术、 防火技术、工业卫生等。
阐述如何对化工生产过程中的危险源进行辨 识和评估,以及风险控制措施的制定。
探讨应急救援体系的建立、应急预案的制定 和实施,以及事故调查与处理的方法。
化工是国民经济的基础产业之一,涉及到能源、环保、农业、医药、轻工、冶 金等领域,对国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高有着重要的影响。
古代的化工技术以酿造、染色、 陶瓷、冶金等为主,这些技术为 人类文明的发展做出了重要贡献。

定期的维护和保养是保证化工设备正常运行 的重要措施。
化工设备的维护和保养包括日常检查、定期 检修、清洗、更换易损件等。通过这些措施 ,可以及时发现并解决设备存在的问题,延 长设备的使用寿命,保证生产的稳定性和安 全性。同时,也需要注意设备的润滑和防腐 工作,以减少设备的磨损和腐蚀。
化工安全是指在化工生产过程中 ,为确保人员和设备安全而采取
化工生产过程中涉及大量易燃、易 爆、有毒、有害物质,一旦发生事 故,后果严重。因此,化工安全至 关重要。
化工企业应建立完善的安全管理体 系,包括安全生产责任制、安全培 训、危险化学品管理、应急预案等 。
化工产业将更加注重环保 和可持续发展,推动绿色 化工的发展,实现经济和 环境的双赢。
培养具备化学工程与工艺基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,具有创 新意识、实践能力和国际视野的高素质专门人才。
主要包括化学工程与工艺、化学实验、化工设计、化工生产实习等 方面的知识和技能。
采用多种教育方式,包括理论教学、实验教学和实践教学等,注重培 养学生的实践能力和创新能力。
化工学导论PPT (36)

Edited by: AndréRicardo Lima Damasio, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,BrazilReviewed by:Elizabeth Bilsland, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,BrazilJean Marie François, UMR5504Laboratoire d’Ingénieriedes Systèmes Biologiques et desProcédés(LISBP),France*Correspondence:Rafael Silva-Rochasilvarochar@Specialty section:This article was submitted toBioenergy and Biofuels,a section of the journalFrontiers in Bioengineering andBiotechnologyReceived:09April2018Accepted:02August2018Published:03October2018Citation: Martins-Santana L,Nora LC, Sanches-Medeiros A,Lovate GL,Cassiano MHA and Silva-Rocha R (2018)Systems and Synthetic Biology Approaches to Engineer Fungi for FineChemical Production.Front.Bioeng.Biotechnol.6:117.doi:10.3389/fbioe.2018.00117Systems and Synthetic Biology Approaches to Engineer Fungi for Fine Chemical ProductionLeonardo Martins-Santana,Luisa C.Nora,Ananda Sanches-Medeiros,Gabriel L.Lovate, Murilo H.A.Cassiano and Rafael Silva-Rocha*Systems and Synthetic Biology Laboratory,Cell and Molecular Biology Department,Ribeirão Preto Medical School,São Paulo University(FMRP-USP),Ribeirão Preto,BrazilSince the advent of systems and synthetic biology,many studies have sought to harness microbes as cell factories through genetic and metabolic engineering approaches.Yeast andfilamentous fungi have been successfully harnessed to producefine and high value-added chemical products.In this review,we present some of the most promising advances from recent years in the use of fungi for this purpose,focusing on the manipulation of fungal strains using systems and synthetic biology tools to improve metabolicflow and theflow of secondary metabolites by pathway redesign.We also review the roles of bioinformatics analysis and predictions in synthetic circuits,highlighting in silico systemic approaches to improve the efficiency of synthetic modules.Keywords:synthetic biology,yeast,filamentous fungi,genetic engineering,bioinformatics,biotechnology OVERVIEWSystems biology has risen as a relevant approach to encompass the phenomena that occur concomitantly in determined environments.Since its advent,research was modeled after a global perception of biological systems operation.Systems biology presents scientific possibilities to understand processes as a whole and to integrate new data and new analytical tools that are intended to solve biological problems by integrating parts and modules.Specifically,systems biology offers us the possibility to study the combination of individual parts which can play different roles in the behavior of the biological system depending on the context.On the order hand,synthetic biology refers to the use of rational approaches that provide us with the possibility to study a unique part from a module or a system in a minimalist manner to understand how the creation of nonexistent parts could enable us to engineer biological circuits, for the engineering of microbes as cell factories.These approaches seek to address the growing industrial demand for biotechnological processes that manufacture products in the required scale in an economically efficient manner.Many efforts in the genetics and metabolic engineeringfields have explored the use of viable fungal cells to generatefine chemicals.Synthetic biology plays a central role in these efforts by means of innovating the use of the components of biological circuits,pathway,or processes and ultimately of systematically harnessing these modules to achieve the goals of industrial scale production.The advent of the bioinformatics era has allowed the redesigning of living information in the cell environment.This has significantly contributed to the development of new strategies based on systems biology approaches,mainly computational and rational ones.Since all these advances in single parts of a system and integrative modules direct efforts toward a common goal,systems and synthetic biology permit the deeper exploration and elucidation of cellular mechanisms,mainly the genetic and metabolic engineering of fungal cells in an integrativeway.Here,we review and discuss the most promising recent advances in this field,focusing on the use of single module,genetic and metabolic designs to engineer filamentous fungi and yeasts for industrial biotechnological processes.We describe some of the most promising industrially relevant tools for this purpose.Also,a list of significant studies that have used synthetic biology approaches to engineer fungi is provided in Table 1.MOLECULAR ENGINEERING TOOLS Synthetic PromotersTranscriptional control redesign is a general term encompassing processes used to engineer fungi that have been the most intensively studied ones.Many single modules that are involved are pivotal to drive heterologous protein expression.Advances in synthetic promoter design have significantly contributed to the creation of engineered strains.In this sense,Ata et al.(2017)recently reported the construction of a synthetic promoter library based on the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH)promoter in Pichia pastoris ,a well-known methylotrophic yeast model.The study adopted a robust strategy of simultaneous deletions and duplications of transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs)to control expression of transcription factor (TF)genes to understand the transcriptional dynamics in these cells.This is a promising approach to unravel the mechanisms of transcriptional dynamics that could be potentially expanded to further investigations of the transcriptionTABLE 1|Synthetic biology approaches for fine chemical production with filamentous fungi and yeast as cell biofactories.ApproachOrganism StrategyReferences Promoter library constructionP .pastoris Synthetic promoter engineering Ata et al.,2017Transcriptional circuit sensitive to xylose A.gossypii Synthetic promoter engineering Hector and Mertens,2017Cellulase optimization promoter dynamics T.reesei Synthetic promoter engineering Kiesenhofer et al.,2017Improvement of promoter strengthS.cerevisiae Intronic sequences in promoters Hoshida et al.,2017Evaluation of terminators function improvement S.cerevisiae Nucleosome occupancy arrangement predictions Morse et al.,2017Galactaric acid production improvement A.niger CRISPR/Cas9Kuivanen et al.,2016Yeast genome engineering P .pastoris Optimized codons for Cas9and RNA polymerases promoter sequences Weninger et al.,2016Synthetic biopathway controlS.cerevisiae CRISPR/dCas9Jensen et al.,2017Improvement of production and tolerance to ethanolS.cerevisiae Polymerase engineering Qiu and Jiang,2017Expression of cellulase genes through a copper responsive promoter T.reesei RNA interferenceWang et al.,2018Stable segregation of vectors S.stipiti Episomal vector optimization Cao et al.,2017Tolerant acetic acid mutant yeast S.cerevisiae Direct evolution approach González-Ramos et al.,2016Responsiveness to low-pH conditions S.cerevisiae Synthetic promoter engineering Rajkumar et al.,2016Redirected carbon flux from acetyl-CoA to ß-carotene productionY.lipolytica Fine-tuning expression of synthetic genesGao et al.,2017Production of terpenes production R.toruloides Codon optimization of biosynthetic enzyme coding genesYaegashi et al.,2017Isobutanol productionS.cerevisiae Mitochondrial compartmentalization pathwayPark et al.,2016Controlling accumulation of free fatty acids S.cerevisiae Dynamic regulatory circuits Teixeira et al.,2017Production of alkaloidsS.cerevisiaeProof-of-concept synthetic circuitGalanie et al.,2015logic in yeast,with the ultimate goal of robust and improved strain engineering.This strategy allows the creation of promoter variants with different strengths in the presence or in the absence of critical regulators.It relies on the premise that these dynamics directly influence the transcriptional response and the regulation logic.Approaches like these are the most common and robust tools for understanding the dynamics of regulation in yeast cells.The design of a set of promoters that rely on different architectural compositions is crucial for the systemic understanding of regulation dynamics and is a convenient application for more detailed studies to engineer strains for industrial purposes (Figure 1A ).Although the potential of the approach in yeast engineering is clear,further studies are required for its successful application in the engineering of filamentous fungi.Another elegant strategy to engineer fungal promoters consists of a series of molecular designs to obtain hybrid promoters using bacterial modules.Standard tools from bacteria could be easily implemented to investigate transcriptional behavior in eukaryotic cells.This approach was proposed in a recent study that reported the construction of synthetic promoters based on the Ashbya gossypii translation elongation factor (TEF)promoter architecture (Hector and Mertens,2017).In this study,the authors used the negative regulator xylR from the gram-negative bacterium,Caulobacter crescentus ,to construct a xylose-sensitive transcriptional circuit.For this,the authors replaced specific TF recognition regionsFIGURE1|Synthetic biology approaches and strategies for engineering fungi.(A)Construction of synthetic promoters through replacement of protein binding domains at the corresponding DNA sequence.ISs,intronic sequences.(B)Synthetic terminators constructed through mutational approaches of DNA untranslated regions.TBS,terminator basic sequences for transcriptional termination;UTR,untranslated region;(C)Genome editing through CRISPR/Cas9strategies and its respective DNA double strand repair mechanism.(D)CRISPR/dCas9fused to a TF system aimed at activation or repression of a promoter.of the promoter using the bacterial DNA,which involved the modification of upstream and downstream TATA flanking regions.This strategy proved to be relevant for the engineering of yeast for use infine chemical production, mainly in biomass conversion processes(Hector and Mertens, 2017).The replacement and new insertions of(TFBSs)are elegant ways to engineer promoters,as are combinatorial fusions of regulatory elements creating novel,promoter architectures.Both approaches could optimize transcription in fungal cells.One of the greatest benefits of this approach is the possibility to supply the industrial demand for metabolites orfine chemicals, which is currently limited by extreme chemical conditions,such as low pH.A systematic and expansive molecular strategy to overcome the limits of transcriptional regulation is needed to increase the level of production of high-value added products. To this end,a construct based on the core architecture of G3PDH gene promoter complementary with the upstream activating sequence of the guanylate kinase gene promoter was explored to guarantee transcriptional responsiveness to pH oscillations in Candida glycerinogenes.The resultant promoter was used for the expression of an industrially valuable enzyme, xylose dehydrogenase,in low pH conditions,heralding the approach as a relevant strategy for metabolic bioprocess in such conditions(Ji et al.,2017).The same logic could be applied for other purposes in processes that take place in a basic pH environment or in the presence of various stress conditions.Although promoter engineering is a promising approach, new engineering technologies and strategies are required especially forfilamentous fungi.Some studies have explored the optimization of transcriptional regulation systems to understand how the disposition and repetition of TFBSs in DNA can influence the dynamics of regulation.A recent study reported the construction of engineered promoters from two wild type Trichoderma reesei promoters,the most utilized fungus for the production of cellulases(Kiesenhofer et al.,2017).Thefindings of this work have indicated the relevance of the number of repeated TFBSs for transcription regulation and that the disposition of the recognition sites plays a major role in thefinal response of the system.This strategy could be further explored to engineer fungi with redesigned metabolicflow and to investigate regulatory complexity in these organisms.Effects of Introns in Transcriptional Regulation Synthetic promoters can also be engineered with the use of portions of a gene.Insertion of introns upstream of specific promoter sequences is a typical example of this form of engineering(Figure1A).Molecular recognition by the transcriptional cell machinery has been recently used to promote a transcriptional response following the integration of intron sequences upstream of a promoter sequence.One example is the insertion of introns in promoter regions of relevant genes involved in lipid biosynthesis in Rhodosporidium toruloides(Liu et al.,2016).With a vector containing a luciferase gene under the transcriptional control of the promoters in the study,the authorssuccessfully harnessed the intronic sequences to modulate the promoter strength.As a result,the promoter activity of synthetic promoters was3-fold higher when compared with some wild type sequences.The improvement in the strength of the modified promoters of perilipin/lipid droplet protein1gene,acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene,and fatty acid synthase subunitβgene,makes this strategy feasible for the engineering of yeast promoters for industrial applications(Liu et al.,2016).Another recent study investigated the influence of introns in promoter sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.In this case, the authors demonstrated that the presence of5′untranslated regions(UTRs)of intronic sequences in the promoter of genes encoding40S ribosomal proteins(RPs)increased the strength of the promoter.The luciferase activity was17-fold higher when an intronic promoter was used to drive expression when compared with the strong wild type TDH3promoter in S.cerevisiae (Hoshida et al.,2017).Furthermore,when the RPS25A intronic promoter and TDH3promoter were merged,the luciferase activity increased,approximately,by50-fold when compared with the control of the TDH3promoter alone(Hoshida et al., 2017).Further studies on these combinations will alleviate the remaining bottlenecks due to intron off-effects and expand the strategy to the engineering offilamentous fungi.Synthetic TerminatorsTerminator sequences constitute an important part of molecular regulatory modules in a circuit.These sequences are pivotal in the final steps of transcription and are required for the complete and successful generation of the mRNA machinery,owing to their involvement in mRNA stability,and even as insulators in genetic circuits(Curran et al.,2013;Geisberg et al.,2014;Song et al., 2016).In synthetic biology,terminators are significant modules that guarantee precise and controlled regulation.These functions have heightened the research focus on terminator sequences. Decades ago,scientists had already focused their efforts on creating synthetic and minimal terminators to study how these elements could influence transcription and mRNA half-life(Guo and Sherman,1996).In the intervening decades,further studies have demonstrated the use of engineered terminators as suitable tools for synthetic biology applications.In this context,the direct relationship of a3′UTR of S.cerevisiae dityrosine-deficient1 (DIT1)terminator to increased protein expression was described as a process mediated by NAB6p and PAP1p trans-acting RNA-binding proteins.This relationship was demonstrated by the analysis of mutations of the DIT1terminator sequence.The mutations that were introduced improved the terminator activity by500%when compared with an internal terminator used as the control(Ito et al.,2016).This approach is relevant for the study of post-transcriptional control mechanisms,and it demonstrates the influence of terminators on mRNA stability and the levels of protein production in vivo.With evidence from multiple studies that the half-life of mRNA could be affected by terminator sequences,the idea that molecular arrangements in DNA strands may reflect that the distribution of terminators has gained acceptance in the scientific community.Recently,Morse et al.(2017)described that the function of S.cerevisiae terminators could be modulated based on the predicted nucleosome occupancy arrangements.The study exploited thefluorescence emission that occurred under the control of designated promoters to demonstrate that the engineered minimal terminators of the cyc1and adh1 genes may positively influence protein production via decreased nucleosome affinity(Morse et al.,2017).The authors also explored the hypothesis that terminators behave as antisense promoters in the generation of noncoding RNA molecules. To investigate this,the authors reversed the orientation of the yECitrinefluorescence reporter gene to evaluate a possible transcriptional control of the synthetic terminator in question. However,the results that were obtained failed to confirm the hypothesis of a terminator acting as an antisense promoter in this case.The authors suggested alternative mechanisms for the absence of differential trends of the described synthetic terminators in the study,and the data supporting these alternatives could be found in the literature(Morse et al.,2017).Fewer studies have addressed the activity and influence of terminators on transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation when compared to the studies describing promoter engineering.Therefore,further investigations are necessary to gain a full understanding of the properties of terminators. However,the present knowledge indicates that the intrinsic properties of terminators make them a suitable tool for synthetic biology approaches that will be useful for industrial applications in the not too distant future(Figure1B).CRISPR/Cas9ToolsClustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)tools for the engineering of microbes as cell factories are an efficient and reliable strategy in synthetic biology. Fungal cells,evenfilamentous species,have already been modified for their successful use in industrial bioprocesses. The CRISPR/CRISPR-associated protein9(Cas9)technique, basically,consists of using a Cas9endonuclease-guided RNA to target a DNA sequence,which allows the precisely targeted disruption of this sequence and the activation of repair mechanisms in cells.This strategyfits a chimeric single guide RNA(sgRNA)and a Cas9into a unique and easily manipulatable plasmid vector.Since the appearance of CRISPR/Cas9,numerous efforts have aimed to engineer fungal cells for industrial purposes (Figure1C).Recent advances deserve special attention and are addressed in this review.For instance,thefilamentous fungi Aspergillus niger was engineered with CRISPR/Cas9to create a strain capable of producing galactaric acid from galacturonic acid,a representative molecule present in pectinfibers.In this study,authors bring to light the fact that galactaric acid can be used as a carbon source for A.niger.To create a strain capable of retaining this molecule,the CRISP/Cas9system was used to efficiently disrupt the metabolic pathway for this compound (Kuivanen et al.,2016).This is a remarkable study in thefield, considering the fact that fungi from the Aspergillus genus have a considerable genetic capability to produce enzymes for hydrolysis of biomass content such as pectin,as well as established raw material for industrial applications.A major advantage of using the CRISPR/Cas9system to edit genomes is the system’s plasticity for repairing double-strand DNA breaks.Led by sgRNA,Cas9cleaves the target DNA,which activates a repair mechanism in eukaryotic cells.Therefore,the nonhomologous end joining system of repair is considered an error-prone method forfixing broken sequences and may generate disruptions in these sequences by deleting or incorporating small DNA molecules to the site of damage. This type of repair system is a suitable alternative to generate knock down strains or to disrupt an open reading frame (ORF)of the gene of interest.Additionally,the repair promoted by homologous recombination provides an error-free system through the incorporation of a faithful donor DNA sequence, which is a valuable strategy when the goal is to replace a sequence of interest.The CRISPR/Cas9system can be applied for both yeast and filamentous fungi strains,even with the considerable genetic and morphological differences between the two groups.Despite the limitations of recombination,this technology has been used to create a series of functional constructs of P.pastoris in a precise and efficient manner(Weninger et al.,2016).In this case,the authors tested combinations of single modules in a robust system featuring optimized codons for Cas9,as well as optimized RNA polymerase II and III promoter sequences (Weninger et al.,2016).This approach is promising for future applications in yeast genome editing and is anticipated to allow the creation of efficient standardized strategies for the engineering offilamentous fungi.In addition to this case,recent studies have demonstrated the application of this technology to Yarrowia lipolytica(Schwartz et al.,2017),A.oryaze(Katayama et al.,2016), A.fumigatus(Zhang et al.,2016), C.albicans (Shapiro et al.,2017),Penicillium chrysogenum(Pohl et al.,2016), for the hyper-expression of cellulase using Myceliophthora species (Liu et al.,2017),and even for the creation of broad spectrum promoters(Yang et al.,2017).Therefore,it becomes clear that this tool will be increasingly important for the generation of new strains with the improvement of the functions that are required for biotechnological applications.CRISPR/Cas9and Transcription Regulation As addressed before,breakthroughs using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique have been achieved even with the inherent limitations of the method,such as the occurrence of low recombination rates and off-targets in the genome.One of the most important improvements generated recently has been the coupling of a transcription factor to a mutated/dead Cas9,which is generally termed dCas9(Figure1D).This technique leads to a CRISPR/Cas9system but with the power of inhibiting transcription when Cas9blocks the sites for RNA polymerase anchoring in promoters,reducing the number of transcripts in a system.Additionally,molecular approaches have also been employed to fuse transcription regulatory domains of proteins to promote the enhancement or repression of transcription.Singular approaches have also been developed that combine a dCas9and engineered genomic RNA,as discussed by Jensen et al.(2017).In this case,the authors described the creation of different systems of transcriptional response that were modulated using dCas9to control synthetic pathways in S.cerevisiae. They also proposed that differently predicted genomic RNAs could influence the reprogramming regulation in different promoters of the yeast(Jensen et al.,2017).The results indicated that the occurrence of multiplex reprogramming strategies to engineer yeast for the production of triacylglycerols(TAGs)and isoprenoid compounds,but further studies are required for the expansion and optimization of industrial applications. Molecular Tools for Transcriptional RegulationA wide array of possible molecular fungal engineering tools is available in the literature.Here,we briefly review the more notable and the newest synthetic biology approaches to engineer fungi forfine chemical production.RNA Interference(RNAi)Post-transcriptional control is also a point of study for synthetic biologists to understand how mRNA or non-coding RNAs may behave as knockdown agents for the regulation of protein expression(Figure2A).In this sense,Wang et al.(2018)reported the use of RNAi in T.reesei to successfully create a system for the inhibition and derepression of cellulase genes under transcriptional control of the copper responsive tcu1promoter. In this system,the absence of copper in the medium promoted the transcription of a hairpin RNA for the genes of interest.The presence of copper in the medium also repressed transcription in a system of toggle modulation for post-transcriptional control (Wang et al.,2018).Polymerase EngineeringProtein engineering is a reliable strategy for industrial synthetic biology(Figure2B).With this method,it is possible to create a library of mutant protein domains in order to improve the catalytical potential of any given enzyme to be further applied in industrial processes.Recently,it was reported that mutations on subunit Rpb7of RNA polymerase II(generated by error-prone PCR)in S.cerevisiae improves the production and tolerance to ethanol in bioprocesses(Qiu and Jiang,2017).This study highlighted a simple but very efficient technique for strain engineering.This was thefirst study to describe the engineering of eukaryotic polymerases to modulate transcriptional responses in yeast(Qiu and Jiang,2017).The study additionally highlights the elegance of simple approaches for synthetic biology and paves the way for more investigations that will make it possible to engineer the same procedure infilamentous fungi for industrial purposes.Episomal OptimizationCao et al.(2017)usedfine engineering to improve episomal expression.The authors identified minimal regions in centromeres that were capable of promoting the stable segregation of vectors in Scheffersomyces stipitis,an unconventional yeast that the authors studied for the production of shikimate pathway-derived compounds owing to the native capacity of the yeast to metabolize xylose.This is a remarkable milestone in thefield of synthetic biology,both for the identification of centromere functional minimal regions and for the successful application of CRISPR/Cas9for an unconventional yeast species,paving the way for novel strategies to engineer novel strains for industrial purposes(Cao et al.,2017).FIGURE2|Synthetic tools for the fungal genetics and metabolic engineering cited in this review.(A)Post-transcriptional regulation mediated by translation block for the action of cell machinery processed microRNAs(miRNAs)as interference RNA molecules.(B)Engineering of proteins through mutational approaches mediated by vector amplification containing the mutated gene sequence in a library of DNA mutated sequences for protein domains.Monomeric structure of S.cerevisiae RNA polymerase is available in the5LMX Protein DataBank access code;Torreira et al.(2017).Orthogonality by Engineered TFsEngineered TFs can be used to improve the transcriptional response in living cells.A recent and innovative study used engineered TFs with yeast,virus,and plant activation domains that were fused to a nuclear localization signal and a full-length TF or its DNA binding domain.In this case,the authors noticed that transcription of a yeast-enhanced greenfluorescent protein reporter gene under the control of a yeast promoter was differentially modulated by each domain(Naseri et al.,2017).The authors also discussed the influence of the number of binding sites embedded in such promoters and noticed that some artificial TFs derived from Arabidopsis thaliana could also modulate the transcription of thefluorescence pattern in the presence/absence of an inducer(Naseri et al.,2017).This approach expands the possibilities for the future application of synthetic biology in other eukaryotic cells.METABOLIC ENGINEERINGMetabolic engineering is an ongoing challenge in the microbial production offine chemicals from sustainable biomass.For many years,metabolic engineers had to rely on random mutagenesis and screening of strains,meaning that any adverse characteristics could not be easily detected(Campbell et al., 2017).However,with the advent of synthetic biology,it has become possible to circumvent most of these constraints and improve bioprocesses,allowing the enhanced manipulation of carbonflux in fungal strains for the production of chemicalas, food additives,pharmaceutical products,and other molecules of interest(Wang et al.,2016).A relevant example of metabolic engineering applied to fungal strains is the production offine chemicals through plant biomass hydrolysis.Plant biomass is mainly composed of lignin,cellulose,and hemicellulose.These compounds,frequently present in agro-industrial wastes,can be hydrolyzed to fermentable sugars thought the action of a number of specific enzymes.For this purpose,fungal strains can be engineered to produce those enzymes that can break specific bonds in such polymers and generate sugars,such as glucose and xylose,which can be directed to the production of ethanol, butanol,fatty acids,and aromatic compounds.The base of biotechnological production from biomass is cellulose and hemicellulose.When hydrolyzed,they generate pentoses and hexoses,which can be converted to generate biosustainable commodities(Guerriero et al.,2016;Gupta et al., 2016).There are two different approaches to obtain these products from fungi.One approach is for the production of non-oleaginous biofuels and chemicals and the other is for the production of oleaginous compounds.For the non-oleaginous bioproducts,synthetic biology approaches focus on the glycolysis of C5and C6sugars and their further conversion to the product of interest,in which the pyruvateflux is redirected to alternative pathways(Chen and Nielsen,2016).Examples include lactic acid, succinic acid,cis-muconic acid,and ethanol,which are molecules important for polymer production and for applications in the cosmetic,food,chemical,and biofuel industries(for further details,please refer Chen and Nielsen,2016).Metabolic engineering for the production of oleaginous compounds is focuse on the central carbon metabolism,with the aim of increasing the molecular levels of acetyl-CoA,malonyl-CoA,and acyl-CoA.This generates precursors for the production of fatty acids that are used for the manufacture of detergents, lubricants,biodiesel,plastics,and coatings(Marella et al.,2018).。
现代化工与高新技术课件 第10章--1-化工导论

中。 3. 设计合成方法时,只要可能,不论原料、中间产物和最终产品,均
应对人体健康和环境无毒、无害(包括极小毒性和无毒)。 4. 化工产品设计时,必须使其具有高效的功能,同时也要减少其毒性。 5. 应尽可能避免使用溶剂、分离试剂等助剂,如不可避免,也要选用
10.1.3 科技发展的基本思考—可持续性发展
3. 人类生存安全
可持续性发展--即倡导社会与经 济协调发展的道路
2. 人类生存质量 1. 人类生存
➢ 可持续性发展要依赖科技进步; ➢ 但并非一切科技都支持可持续
性发展。 ➢ 只有满足人类生存、生存质量
吸收了当代化学、物理、生物、材料、信 息等科学的最新理论和技术,是具有明确 的社会需求和科学目标的新兴交叉学科。
是未来化学工业发展的方向和基础, 越来 越受到各国政府、企业和学术界的关注。
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近代化学工业的兴起(5) ----传统与化学制药及染料工业等
• 19世纪初至60年代,科学家先后从传统的药用植 物中分离得到纯的化学成分。
• 1846年硝化棉、硝化甘油问世,1862年瑞典人诺 贝尔开设了第一个硝化甘油工厂,1863年发明了 TNT。
• 1856年第一个染料问世,次年设厂生产,至世纪 末已有很多种染料被发明,并被投入使用。
• 追溯到远古及古代: 没有工业,但化学加工方法已 开始影响到人们生活。如制陶、酿造、染色、冶炼、 制漆、造纸以及医药、火药、肥皂等。
• 酒: 至少在公元前20世纪中国的夏禹已用酒祭祀。 • 公元前21世纪中国就进入青铜器时代,公元前5世
• 18-19世纪:人们长时间内把硫酸产量作为一个国 家化学工业发展的标志。
• 20世纪:乙烯成为化学工业标志性产品,人们把 乙烯作为一个国家化学工业发展的标志。
• 21世纪:目前精细化率成为一个国家的化学工业 发展标志。
现代化学工业(1) --概述
• 20世纪是化学工业飞速发展时期,至60年代是化 学工业真正成为大规模生产的主要阶段。
• 18世纪后期,炼铁用焦碳大大增加,使煤化工产 生。
• 1763年,在英国产生了蜂窝式煤气炉,提供了大 量焦碳。
• 1792年,开始用煤生产民用煤气。
近代化学工业的兴起(2) ----煤化工的发展
• 1812年,欧洲干馏煤气用于街道照明。 • 1816年,美国煤干馏法生产煤气。 • 1825年英国人从煤焦油中分离出苯、甲苯、萘等。 • 19世纪中叶,欧洲已有许多国家建立了炼焦厂,德 国成功地建立了有机化学品回收装置的炼焦炉,由煤 焦油中提取了大量的芳烃,作为医药、农药、染料等 工业的原料。
化工系 翟彦青
1.1 现代化工导论的内容和目的
1. 课程性质
《现代化工导论》是一门概述性质的课程,是对 “化工”学科和专业的综合性介绍。它作为学生学 习化工专业课程之前的入门知识,对化工专业人才 的培养起到重要的“启蒙作用”。
2. 内容
主要包括:绪论,化工在国民经济中的地位 和作用, 化学工程师,化工工艺,化学工程, 创新是化工发展的动力,现代化工发展前景。
.3参考书1.戴猷元主编 《化工概论》 北京:化学工 业出版社 2006年6月出版
2.李健秀 王文涛 文福姬编著 《化工概 论》 北京:化学工业出版社 2005年8月出 版
学工业出版社 2004年9月出版
1.总学时16学时,全部课堂讲授。 2.成绩评定:论文和平时成绩相结合。平时成 绩由出勤率以及课堂表现综合得出,占总成绩 的20%。论文要求3000字左右的与现代化工相 关综述报告,占总成绩的80%。总成绩最后按
1.2 “化工”概念的内涵
2.实际是化学工业、化学工艺和化学工程 的总称。化工,在不同的场合有不同的 含义。
2. 化学工业
又称化学加工工业(Chemical Industry),指运用化 学工艺、化学工程及设备,通过各种化学反应及原料 和产品的分离,能量和物料的传递和混合,高效、节 能、经济和安全地生产化学品的特定生产部门,包括 基本化学工业和塑料、合成纤维、石油、橡胶、药剂、 染料工业等。
仍被认为是化学纤维工业. 的开始。
近代化学工业的兴起(4) ---- 炼油工业开始
• 1854年美国建立最早的原油分馏装置。
• 1860年在美国建立第一个炼油厂。
• 19世纪后期,在世界已建设了许多炼油厂或炼油 装置,主要生产照明用的煤油,而汽油及重质油 还是用处不大的“副产”。直至80年代,电灯的 发明大大减少了煤油的重要性,汽油和柴油因汽 车工业的发展而成为主要炼油产品。
• 在此阶段合成氨(包括化肥)和石油化工得到了 飞速发展。
• 高分子化工从无到有,品种基本配齐,形成了大 规模化。精细化工也逐渐兴起。
现代化学工业(2) --合成氨、石油化学品
• 1913年德国哈柏法合成氨投产,该工艺在高温、高 压、气体循环下实现。
• 1916年实现了氨氧化制硝酸。
近代化学工业的兴起(3) ----三大化工材料工业的开始
• 1839年美国人固特异用硫磺硫化天然橡胶,应用 于轮胎及其它橡胶制品--第一个人工加工的高分 子橡胶产品。
• 1872年美国开始生产赛璐珞,被认为是第一个天 然加工高分子的塑料产品--开创了塑料工业。
• 1891年在法国建立了人造纤维(硝酸酯纤维)工
化学工业有以下几种分类方法: (1)按原料分:石油化学工业、煤化学工业、生物 化学工业、农林化学工业等。 (2)按产品吨位分:大吨位产品、精细化学品 (3)按化学特性分:无机化学工业和有机化学工业 等。 (4)我国统计的方法把化学工业划分为下列各种工 业:合成氨及肥料工业、硫酸工业、制碱工业、无机 物工业(包括无机盐及单质),基本有机原料工业、 染料及中间体工业等。
• 公元前后,中国和欧洲进入炼丹术、炼金术时期, 也带动了冶炼及制药的发展。
• 随着产业革命在西欧开始,首先无机化学工业开 始形成及发展。
• 1749年,英国建立用铅室法生产硫酸的工厂。
• 1771年,吕布兰以食盐为原料制得纯碱,副产氯 化氢制盐酸、氧气、漂白粉等,纯碱又经苛化生 成烧碱。
3. 目的
(1)《现代化工导论》主要是介绍化学工业的 发展,化工工艺和单元操作及设备的发展,化 工学科及专业的发展,调动学生学习积极性。 (2)使学生了解作为“创新主体、投资主体和 经营主体”的化工企业的现状,展望化工发展 的明天。 (3)明确21世纪化工人才培养的规格要求和创 新能力,明确“做什么”和“怎么做”等问题, 明确学习目的 。