G 家 U 专 U C 航 领 训 培 E L C A
49. Examine these facts about a database: 1. USER is the database default tablespace. 2. USER1, USER2, and USER3 have the CREATE SESSION privilege. 3. They also have UNLIMITED QUOTA on the default tablespace USERS. 4. They have no other privileges. Examine these commands:
G 家 U 专 U C 航 领 训 培 E L C A
53. IN one of your databases; • The database default tablespace is EXAMPLE. • DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION IS FALSE. Examine these commands; SQL> CREATE USER user1 IDENTIFIED BY oracle_4U; User created. SQL>GRANT CREATE SESSION TO user1; User altered Which two are true? A) USER1 can create tables in EXAMPLE tablespace B) USER1 must change their password at first login C) USER1 can create tables in the EXAMPLE tablespace D) USER1 can be granted access to tables in other schemas E) USER1 can log in to the database instance. Answer:DE
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析-20180727题库新特点:更加灵活,题库的顺序与考试时的顺序每场都在变化更加考验知识点的掌握,题库答案为二,考试时要求选择最佳一个答案整理:CUUG七. Storage Structures19. Which three structures can span multiple data files?A) migrated rowsB) table extentsC) temporary segment extentsD) index extentsE) chained rowsF) segmentsAnswer:AEF20. Which structure can span multiple data files?A) a bigfile tablespaceB) a permanent tablespaceC) a segmentD) a temporary tablespaceE) an extentAnswer:C21. Which four database objects never have any segments?A) A partitioned indexB) A view selecting from a populated tableC) An empty indexD) An Oracle Loader type external tableE) An empty tableF) A view selecting from an empty tableG) An Oracle Data Pump type external tableAnswer:BDFG22. Which three of these must be accessible to keep a database open?A) Control file.B) All members of a redo log group.C) SYSTEM tablespace.D) SYSAUX tablespace.E) spfileAnswer:ABC23. Which two of these must be available READ/WRITE to keep a database open?A) all copies of the control file.B) the password file.C) all members of the current redo log group.D) spfile.E) TEMP tablespaceF) SYSAUX tablespaceAnswer:AC24. Archivelog mode is enabled for your database and DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST is set to ‘/u01/oracle/db01’.The parameters, DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DESN_n and DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST, and not specified.Which four are stored in the location specified by DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST?A) audit logsB) control filesC) redo logsD) audit filesE) data filesF) archived redo logsG) temp filesH) RMAN backupsAnswer:BCEG八. Checkpoint25. When does an incremental checkpoint occur ?A) when an online redo log switch occurs.B) when DBWn writes dirty buffers as part of its normal processing.C) when the ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT statement is executed.D) when a user tablespace is tabken offline.Answer:A九. Inventory Directory24. Which two are true about the Inventory directory?A) It is shared by all Oracle software installations on a single server.B) It is required only for Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database software Installations.C) It can be created only if the ORACLE_BASE environment variable is set.D) It should be created before installing Oracle software for the first time on a server.E) It is owned by the oinstall group, which must be created before installing Oracle software for the first time on a server.Answer:AD⼗. Administer Database25. which four are true about the tools used to administer Oracle database?A) the Data Pump utility can be used to load data from text files.B) SRVCTL can be used to shut down Oracle instances.C) SQL* Plus can be used to create databases.D) SQL*Plus can be used to startup Oracle instances.E) DBCA can be used to upgrade databases.F) RMAN can be used to startup Oracle instances.Answer:BCDF⼗一.Archivelog26. Which state must a database be to enable ARCHIVELOG ?A) NOMOUNTB) OPEN IN READ WRITE modeC) OPEN IN READ ONLY modeD) OPEN IN RESTRICTED modeE) MOUNTAnswer: E⼗二.Data Pump27. Which two can be exported by a non-administrative account by using Data Pump?A) directory objectsB) tablesC) tablespacesD) schemasE) DatabaseAnswer:BD28. Where is an expdp operation tracked?A) dump filesB) control fileC) log filesD) Automatic Diagnostic Repository(ADR)E) master table (MT)Answer:E29. Which two are true about Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 11g Release 2?A) If the directory used in the export operation has existing dump files, it overwrites them.B) It allows encryption to be performed without using a password.C) It supports the export of specific views as tables.D) It allows compression levels to be defined for the export.E) It supports the renaming of tables during import.Answer:AE11g expdp工具支持压缩和加密功能,但是加密的时候需要用到密码。
extensible adj. 可延长的;可扩张的
In an OLTP system, the user SCOTT has started a query on a large table in the peak transactional hour
abbr. 联机事务处理
adj. 最高的;最大值的
Answer: CD adj. 镇定的;收集成的
thereby adv. 从而,因此;在那附近;在那方面
3. While observing the index statistics, you find that an index is highly fragmented, thereby resulting in
C.There is not enough free space in the flashback archive.
consistent adj. 始终如一的,一致的;坚持的
D.The query is unable to place data blocks in undo tablespace
v. 影响(affect的ing形式) n. 破碎;分裂;[计] 存储残片
A.Validate the index structure using the ANALYZE...INDEX command.
vt. 证实,验证;确认;使生效
B.Rebuild the index using the ALTER INDEX..REBUILD ONLINE command.
v. 观察;遵守
n. 统计;
v. 分裂;使成碎片
poor database performance. Which option would you use to reduce fragmentation without affecting the
052题库解析OCP考试052最新考试题库原题-8-20180727题库新特点: 最原有的题库基础上有添加了新的题库七. Storage Structures19.Whichthreestructures canspanmultipledatafiles?A) migratedrowsB) tableextentsC) temporarysegmentextentsD) indexextents E)chainedrowsF)segments Answer:AEF20.Whichstructure canspan multipledatafiles?A)a bigfile tablespaceB) apermanenttablespaceC)asegmentD) a temporarytablespaceE) an extent Answer:C21.Whichfourdatabaseobjectsneverhaveanysegments?A)ApartitionedindexB)Aviewselectingfroma populatedtableC)AnemptyindexD)AnOracle LoadertypeexternaltableE)AnemptytableF)Aviewselectingfrom anemptytableG)AnOracle DataPump typeexternaltableAnswer:BDFG22.Which threeof thesemust beaccessibleto keepa databaseopen?A)Controlfile.B)Allmembers ofa redologgroup.C) SYSTEMtablespace.D) SYSAUXtablespace.E)spfileAnswer:ABC23.Whichtwoofthese mustbeavailableREAD/WRITEtokeep adatabase open?A)allcopiesof the controlfile. B)thepasswordfile.C) allmembers ofthecurrentredologgroup. D)spfile.E)TEMPtablespaceF)SYSAUXtablespaceAnswer:AC24.Archivelogmodeis enabledfor yourdatabaseandDB_CREATE_FILE_DESTis set to‘/u01/oracle/db01’.The parameters,DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DESN_nandDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST, andnot specified.Whichfour arestored inthelocation specified by DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST? A) auditlogs B) control files C) redologs D) auditfiles E) data filesF) archivedredologsG) temp filesH) RMAN backupsAnswer:BCEG八.Checkpoint25. When doesanincrementalcheckpointoccur?A)whenanonlineredologswitchoccurs.B)whenDBWnwrites dirty buffersas partofitsnormal processing.C)whentheALTERSYSTEMCHECKPOINTstatement is executed.D)whena usertablespaceis tabken offline.Answer:A九. InventoryDirectory24.WhichtwoaretrueabouttheInventorydirectory?A) Itissharedby allOraclesoftwareinstallationsona singleserver.B) Itisrequiredonlyfor Oracle Grid InfrastructureandOracleDatabase softwareInstallations.C) Itcanbecreatedonlyif theORACLE_BASE environmentvariableisset.D) It shouldbecreatedbeforeinstallingOraclesoftwareforthefirsttime onaserver.E) Itisownedbytheoinstallgroup,whichmust becreatedbeforeinstallingOraclesoftwareforthe first timeon a server.Answer:AD⼗.Administer Database25.whichfourare true aboutthe toolsusedtoadministerOracle database?A)the DataPumputilitycan beused to loaddatafromtextfiles.B) SRVCTLcanbeusedto shutdownOracleinstances.C) SQL* Plus canbeusedtocreatedatabases.D)SQL*Pluscan beusedto startupOracleinstances.E) DBCAcanbeusedto upgradedatabases.F) RMANcanbeusedto startup Oracle instances.Answer:BCDF⼗一.Archivelog26.Which statemusta databasebe to enableARCHIVELOG?A)NOMOUNTB) OPENIN READ WRITEmodeC) OPEN INREADONLYmodeD) OPEN INRESTRICTEDmodeE)MOUNTAnswer:E⼗二.DataPump27.Whichtwocanbeexportedbyanon-administrativeaccountby usingDataPump?A)directoryobjectsB) tablesC) tablespacesD)schemas E)DatabaseAnswer:BD28.Where isanexpdpoperationtracked?A)dumpfiles B) control file C) logfilesD)Automatic DiagnosticRepository(ADR)E) master table(MT)Answer:E29.Whichtwoaretrue aboutOracleDataPumpinOracleDatabase11gRelease2?A) Ifthedirectory usedinthe exportoperationhasexistingdumpfiles,it overwritesthem.B) Itallowsencryptionto beperformedwithoutusinga password. C) It supportsthe exportof specific viewsas tables.D) Itallowscompressionlevelsto be defined for theexport. E)Itsupportsthe renamingoftablesduringimport.Answer:AE11g expdp工具支持压缩和加密功能,但是加密的时候需要用到密码。
G 家 U 专 U C 航 领 训 培 E L C A
2、In which state must a database be to enable ARCHIVELOG? • A. NOMOUNT • B. OPEN in RESTRICTED mode • C. OPEN in READ WRITE mode • D. MOUNT • E. OPEN in READ ONLY mode • Correct Answer: D
G 家 U 专 U C 航 领 最新15道题 训 培 E L C A
1、Which two can be configured with profiles?
• • • • • • • A. tablespace quotas for users B. the time after which an idle session is terminated C. default tablespace for users D. default object privileges for users E. session CPU limits F. default system privileges for users Correct Answer: BE
G 家 U 专 U C 航 领 训 培 E L C A
4、Which three are true about Oracle database security?
• • • • • • A. By default, SYSDBA connections have access to all schema objects. B. SYSDBA connections are always subject to mandatory auditing. C. By default, SYSOPER connections have access to the data dictionary. D. Fine Grained Auditing can be used to restrict access to sensitive data. E. SYSOPER connections are always subject to mandatory auditing. F. Mandatory auditing is enabled by setting AUDIT_SYS OPERATIONS to TRUE. • Correct Answer: ABE
2018年全国计算机行业人才认证考试(电子商务)试卷及答案一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1、入驻京东平台在哪里进入( )A、卖家中心B、打电话C、京东客服服务商家入驻D、京东客服服务合作招商2、京东上传主图最多可以传多少张( )A、3张B、6张C、5张D、8张3、一个店铺充当销售人员的职位叫什么()A、客服B、推广C、运营D、设计4、电商常用述语中UV指的是什么意思()A、浏览量B、客单价C、独立访客D、转化率5、淘宝直通车推广收费方式是()A、按点击收费B、按日收费C、按千次展现收费D、按小时收费6、如下属域名中政府官网域名的是()A、.CNB、C、.COMD、7、产品文案推广过程中,下列不属于Y型文案特点()A、视觉化B、简单行动C、诗意华美D、直指利益8、网站备案主管国家部门是()A、中国电信B、工信部C、人社部D、商务部9、决定社群的价值是()A、同好B、输出C、运营D、结构10、在政策法规范围内阿里、京东等电商平台通过金融方式建立电商生态,京东分期付款的产品叫()A、京东分期B、京东白条C、花呗D、微粒贷二、多项选择题(在每小题四个备选答案中选出二至四个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填入题中的括号内,错选、多选、漏选均不得分。
每小题3分,共30分)1、下列属于产品呈现要素的是( )A、视频B、文字C、图片D、客服2、下列属于产品使用三要素要素的是( )A、人群B、场景C、渠道D、时间3、可以进行网站域名注册的平台有()A、京东B、阿里云C、新网D、腾讯云4、下列决定社群存活因素有( )A、优质的成员B、自愿加入C、规范管理D、富翁站台5、以下是O2O电商平台形式的有()A、饿了么B、天猫C、京东D、美团6、京东开店铺要需要缴纳哪些费用()A、技术服务费B、保证金C、平台使用费D、平台扣点7、以下属于社群建群之术的有()A、找同好B、定结构C、产输出D、巧运营8、网店客服的作要意义()A、塑造店铺形象B、提高成交率C、提高客户回头率D、提高点击率9、一个店铺刚开始进行运营进行店铺位时包括哪些方面的定位()A、人群定位B、品牌定位C、产品定位D、价格定位10、京东入驻流程包括以下哪些环节( )A、注册帐号B、填写和提交资料C、审核D、开店,缴费三、填空题(每小题4分,共24分)1、京东的三大业务板块:、、。
OCP考试052最新考试题库原题 (2)
实用文档052题库解析OCP考试052最新考试题库原题-11-20180817⼆十.Initialization parameter70. which is true about initialization parameter administration?A) Some Dynamic parameter values can be modified to affect only onesessionB) Dynamic parameters, when modified, always revert to their originalvalues after the database instance is restartedC) Static parameter values can be changed in the spfile only by usingthe alter system command with scope=spfile when the database isclosedD) Static parameter values can be changed for the current instance byusing alter system command with scope=memoryAnswer:A(验证过)71. You want to use the ALTER SYSTEM statement with SCOPE=MEMORY to change an initialization parameter value.Which is true?A) It can be used only if a pfile is used.B) The change occurs immediately in memory for static parameters but it is not persistent afterinstance restart.C) The change occurs immediate in memory for dynamic parameters but it is not persistent afterinstance restart.D) In can be used only if an spfile is used.Answer:C72. which three statements are true about initialization parameters and files?A) An idle instance must start with a PFILE.B) Session modifiable initialization parameters can only be changed by a user with the DBA role.C) The ALTER SYSTEM command can be used to change parameter values for an instance startedusing a PFILE.D) An SPFILE can be created from an idle instance.E) Session modifiable initialization parameters can only be changed once per session.F) The ALTER SYSTEM command can be used to change parameter values for an instance startedusing an SPFILEG) System modifiable initialization parameters can only be changed by the SYS user.Answer:DFG⼆十⼆一.Backup73. Table EMP resides in the USERS tablespace. Examine this command:SQL> DROP TABLE emp PURGE;Which two methods would you use to recover EMP?A) Flashback Table.B) re-creating the table and reinserting the rows.C) performing a tablespace point in time recovery of USERS.D) Flashback Transaction Backout.E) Flashback Drop.Answer:BC实用文档74. Which two are true about consistent database backups?A) They can only be taken by using RMAN commands.B) They can only be taken by using RMAN when the database is in MOUNT state.C) They can only be taken when a RECOVERY CATALOG is used.D) They can only be taken if the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.E) They can only be taken if a NORMAL, TRANSACTIONAL, or IMMEDIATE shutdown has been performed and the backup is taken before the database is reopened.Answer:BE75. Which four are true about consistent database backups?A) They can only be taken using O/S utilities if the database is in mount state.B) They can only be taken using RMAN when the database is in mount state.C) They can be taken using O/S utilities.D) They can only be taken using RMAN when the database instance is shut down.E) They can be taken if the database is in archivelog mode.F) They can be taken by using rman commands.G) They can be taken if the database is in noarchivelog mode. Answer:CEFG76. Which three can be used to schedule automated backups of the database?A) a cron jobB) Enterprise Manager Database ControlC) DBMS_SCHEDULERD) DBMS_BACKUP_RESTOREE) expdp F) RMANAnswer:ABC77. Which four can be used to schedule automated backups of an Oracle database?A) data GuardB) DBMS_JOBC) Enterprise ManagerD) anacron jobsE) cron jobsF) Automatic Storage Management (ASM)Answer:BCDE78. Which two tools or utilities can be used to configure and schedule on- line database backups to run automatically?A) the RMAN command line utilityB) SQL*PLUSC) Enterprise Manager Cloud ControlD) The Database Configuration Assistant(DBCA)E) the DBMS_SCHEDULER packageAnswer:CE79. Your database is open in ARCHIVELOG mode.LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST is set to Fast Recovery Area (FRA) and it is 100% full when a log switch takesplace. No alternative or optional archive destinations are defined.What is the outcome?A) All active sessions hang until the database administrator (DBA)makes space available in the FRAB) B) No archivelogs are generated.C) The archivelog entries are made in the diagnostic destination andwhen space is available, newarchivelog are generated.D) All active sessions are disconnected and their transactions rolledback.E) Obsolete backups are automatically deleted and new archivelogs aregenerated.Answer:E(验证过)80. In which two cases is a consistent database backup created ?A) when the RMAN BACKUP AS COPY command is used while the database is openB) when the RMAN BACKUP command is used while the database is OPEN READ ONLYC) when the RMAN BACKUP AS COPY command is used while the database is OPEN RESTRICTEDD) when the RMAN BACKUP command is used while the database is MOUNTEDE) when O/S commands are used to copy database files after a database instance is shut down normallyAnswer:DE81. Which command is used to display files that no longer conform to the backup retention policy?A) LIST EXPIRED BACKUPB) REPORT OBSOLETE.C) SHOW DATAFILE BACKUP COPIES.D) CROSSCHECK BACKUP.Answer:B⼆十⼆Recover82. Which two affect the time taken for instance recovery?A) Size of archivelogs.B) Size of existing RMAN backupsets.C) FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET value.D) Size of UNDO tablespace.E) UNDO_RETENTION value.F) Size of redo logs.Answer:CF⼆十三.Tablespace83. Which two are true about space management in tablespaces?A) Free lists are used for managing free space for segments in locallymanaged tablespaces.B) Locally managed tablespaces track adjacent free space automaticallyby using bitmaps.C) Locally managed tablespaces have either ASSM or manual segmentspace management (MSSM),and all the segments in these tablespace are managed one way or the other.D) Extent allocation must be specified as automatic for automaticsegment space management (ASSM) tablespaces.E) ASSM tablespaces prevent row chaining.Answer:BC84. Which four statements are true about tablespace space management?A) ASSM prevents row chaining.B) Locally managed tablespaces track adjacent free space using bitmaps.C) Locally managed tablespaces can manage segments with automatic segment space management(ASSM).D) Locally managed tablespaces track adjacent allocated space using bitmaps.E) ASSM prevents row migration.F) Locally managed tablespaces can manage segments with freelistsG) Bigfile tablespaces can be dictionary or locally managed.Answer:BCFG85. Your database is configured in archivelog mode. The USERS01 tablespace is currently online.You are required to take the tablespace offline.Which clause or clauses ensure that no media recovery is required when the tablespace is brought back online?A) either the NORMAL or the TEMPORARY clauseB) only the TEMPORARY clauseC) only the NORMAL clauseD) either the NORMAL or the IMMEDIATE clauseE) only the IMMEDIATE clause.Answer:C(验证过)86. which two statements are true about tablespaces?A) A database can contain multiple undo tablespaces.B) A database instance stores undo data in the SYSTEM tablespace if no undo tablespace exists.C) A database instance hangs if the SYSAUX tablespace becomes unavailable.D) A database can contain only a single temporary tablespace.E) A database with a locally managed SYSTEM tablespace can have dictionary-managed user tablespaces.Answer:AE87. which four statements are true about tablespaces?A) A single instance database can have multiple temp tablespaces created.B) A single instance database can have multiple temp tablespace used simultaneously by the instance. C) The SYSAUX tablespace can be altered OFFLINE.D) A single instance database can have multiple undo tablespaces used simultaneously by the instance.E) The SYSTEM tablespace can be altered OFFLINE FOR RECOVERY.F) A single instance database can have multiple undo tablespace created.G) The SYSAUX tablespace can be altered READ ONLY.(验证过)Answer:ABCF88. Which is true about enabling AUTOEXTEND for data files?A) It can be enabled for a new data file that is added to a tablespace only if the existing data files in that tablesapce have autoextend enabled.B) It can be enabled only for data files in non-OMF tablespaces.C) It can be enabled for data files only in bigfile tablespaces.D) It can be enabled for data files only in smallfile tablespaces.E) It can be enabled for an existing data file in a tablespace by using the ALTER TABLESPACE command.Answer:E89. Which is true about the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces?A) Both tablespaces must be online for a database to be accessible .B) The SYSAUX tablespace can be made read-only but the SYSTEM tablespace can not.C) Only the SYSTEM tablespace contains data dictionary tables.D) Both tablespaces can be used for temporary storage if no temporary tablespace is defined.Answer:C90. Which three tablespace can be set to OFFLINE IMMEDIATE in an Oracle Database?A) The SYSTEM tablespace.B) The Undo tablespace currently used by the instance.C) A tablespace containing an RMAN CATALOG.D) A tablespace containing an Enterprise Manager repository.E) The SYSAUX tablespace (除非启用了介质恢复, 否则不允许立即脱机)Answer:CDE91. Examine these facts about a database.1. The database default tabpespace is USERS.2. DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION is TRUE.3. The default tablespace of USER1 is tbs1.4. USER1 has only these privileges:• CREATE SESSION• CREATE TABLE• UNLIMITED quota on tbs1Examine these commands executed by USER1:SQL> CREATE TABLE emp (eno NUMBER, ename VARCHAR2(20)) TABLESPACE TBS1;Table created.SQL> CREATE INDEX emp_inx ON emo(eno) TABLESPACE USERS;Index created.SQL> INSERT INTO emp VALUES (NULL,’Alan’);What will be the outcome of the INSERT operation and why?A) It will fail because an indexed column cannot have NULL values.B) A row will be inserted into EMP and an index entry will be made into EMP_IDX.C) It will fail because USER1 has no quota on USERS.实用文档D) A row will be inserted into EMP and an index entry will be inserted into a virtualcolumn of EMP because USER1 has no quota an USERS.E) A row will be inserted into EMP but no index entry will be made into EXP_IDX.Answer:C实用文档92. SCOTT.CUST is in the SALES tablespace. SCOTT executes these commands:SQL> INSERT INTO cost VALUES(101,’JACK’); 1 row created.SQL> INSERT INTO cost VALUES(102,’SMITH’); 1 row created.AS a DBA, do this in a different session: ALTER TABLESPACE sales READ ONLY; Which two statements are true?A) Scott’s transaction is automatically rolled back and the tablespace becomes read-only.B) The ALTER TABLESPACE command fails.C) Scott’s transaction is automatically committed and the tablespace becomes read-only.D) The command hangs and the hang will end if the transaction is committed.E) The command hangs and the hang will end if the transaction is rolled back. Answer:DE (已验证。
052题库解析OCP考试052最新考试题库原题-6-20180615题库新特点:●更加灵活,题库的顺序与考试时的顺序每场都在变化●更加考验知识点的掌握,题库答案为二,考试时要求选择最佳一个答案●不断有新的考题出现,目前最新已经更新到130道题1、Which twocanbe configuredwithprofiles?•A.tablespacequotasforusers•B.the timeafterwhichan idlesessionisterminated •C.defaulttablespaceforusers•D.defaultobject privileges forusers•E. session CPUlimits•F.defaultsystemprivileges forusers •CorrectAnswer: BE2、Inwhichstatemusta database be toenable ARCHIVELOG? •A.NOMOUNT•B.OPENin RESTRICTEDmode•C.OPENinREADWRITE mode•D.MOUNT•E. OPENinREADONLYmode•CorrectAnswer: D3、Yourdatabase is openin ARCHIVELOGmode.LOG_ARCHIVE_DESTissettoFastRecovery Area(FRA) anditis100%full when alogswitchtakesplace.Noalternativeor optionalarchivedestinationsaredefined.What istheoutcome?•A.Obsoletebackupsareautomaticallydeletedand now archivelogsare generated.•B.Thearchivelogentriesaremadeinthediagnosticdestinationand when space isavailable,nowarchivelogsaregenerated.•C.Noarchivelogsaregenerated.•D.Allactivesessionsaredisconnectedand theirtransactionsrolledback.•E.Allactivesessionshanguntil thedatabaseadministrator(DBA) makes spaceavailablein theFRA.•CorrectAnswer:E4、Whichthreearetrue aboutOracledatabasesecurity?•A.Bydefault,SYSDBAconnections haveaccesstoallschema objects. •B. SYSDBAconnectionsarealwayssubjecttomandatoryauditing. •C.Bydefault,SYSOPERconnections haveaccesstothedatadictionary. •D.Fine GrainedAuditingcanbeused torestrictaccess tosensitivedata. •E.SYSOPERconnectionsarealwayssubjecttomandatoryauditing. •F.Mandatoryauditingisenabled bysettingAUDIT_SYSOPERATIONSto TRUE.•CorrectAnswer: ABE5.Whichthreestructures canspan multipledatafiles? •A.chainedrows•B.segments•C.temporarysegmentextents•D.indexextents•E. table extents•F.migratedrows•CorrectAnswer: ABF6、Examine these SQLstatementsand theiroutput:A.Inactiveundowillneverberetainedformorethan15 minutes.B.Theundotablespacecangrowautomaticallyifthereisnotenoughspacetoretainactiveundo.C. Inactive undowillberetainedaslongaspossible withinthelimitsofthe currentsizeoftheundotablespace.D.Inactiveundowillalwaysberetainedforatleast15minutes.E. Activeundowillberetainedaslongasneededbytransactions.CorrectAnswer:BE•7Which threecanreducelock contention in an Oracle database?A.TheDatabaseResourceManagerB.profilesC.scheduling OLTPand batchworkloadsatdifferenttimesD.manuallockingofdatabase objects forDMLstatementsE. committingtransactionsin atimelymanner CorrectAnswer: CDE8、Whichtwoaretrueaboutthe Inventorydirectory?•A.Itis ownedbythe oinstallgroup, which mustbe created beforeinstallingOraclesoftwareforthefirst timeona server. •B.Itissharedbyall Oracle softwareinstallationson asingle server.•C.Itshould becreatedbeforeinstallingOraclesoftwareforthe first timeon a server.•D.Itis requiredonlyforOracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database softwareinstallations.•E. It canbe created onlyif the ORACLE_BASEenvironment variableis set.•CorrectAnswer: AB9、Whichis trueaboutunusableindexes?•A.Rebuildingan unusableindexalwaysrequiresatleasttwice the spaceof the original index•B.Rebuildingan unusableindexalways allowsDML statements on the index’s table during the rebuild.•C.Rebuildingoccursautomaticallywhen anunusableindex is chosenbytheoptimizer when creatingan executionplan •D.Rebuilding an unusable index creates a newsegment after droppingthe unusableindex.•CorrectAnswer: D10、Whichtwoaretrueaboutspacemanagementintablespaces? •A. Freelistsareused formanagingfreespaceforsegmentsin locally managed tablespaces.•B.Extentallocation mustbe specified as automaticfor automaticsegmentspace management(ASSM)tablespaces. •C.ASSMtablespacespreventrowchaining.•D.Locally managedtablespacestrack adjacentfreespace automaticallybyusing bitmaps.•E. Locally managed tablespaceshaveeitherASSMor manual segmentspacemanagement(MSSM),and allthe segmentsin thesetablespacesaremanagedonewayorthe other. •CorrectAnswer: DE11、Whichcommandis used todisplayfiles thatno longer conformtothebackup retentionpolicy?•A.CROSSCHECKBACKUP•B.REPORTOBSOLETE•C.LISTEXPIRED BACKUP•D.SHOWDATAFILEBACKUPCOPIES •Answer: B12TableEMP residesintheUSERStablespace.Examine thiscommand:SQL>DROPTABLEempPURGE;Which twomethods wouldyou use torecoverEMP?•A.FlashbackDrop•B.re-creating thetable and reinsertingthe rows•C.performingatablespace pointin time recoveryof USERS •D.FlashbackTransactionBackout•E.FlashbackTable•Answer: BC12Whichistrue aboutenablingAUTOEXTENDfordatafiles?•A.Itcanbe enabledfordatafiles onlyinsmallfiletablespaces. •B.It canbe enabled foran existingdata file in a tablespace byusingtheALTERTABLESPACEcommand.•C.Itcanbe enabled onlyfordatafiles in non-OMFtablespaces. •D.Itcanbe enabled fordata files onlyin bigfiletablespaces. •E. It canbe enabledforanewdatafile thatis added toa tablespaceonly ifthe existingdatafiles in thattablespacehave autoextendenabled.•Answer:B13In oneof yourdatabases: ••ThedatabasedefaulttablespaceisEXAMPLE.••DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATIONisFALSE.•Examinethese commands:•SQL>CREATEUSER user1IDENTIFIEDBYoracle_4UPASSWORDEXPIRE; •User created.•SQL>ALTERUSERuser1 ACCOUUNTUNLOCK;•User altered.•SQL>GRANTCREATESESSIONtouser1;•Grantsucceeded.•SQL>GRANTCREATETABLETOuser1 WITHADMIN OPTION; •Grantsucceeded.•Whichthreearetrue?•ER1cangranttheCREATETABLEprivilegetootherusers.•ER1canlogintothe databaseinstance.•C. USER1 cancreatetablesintheEXAMPLEtablespace.•ER1 cancreateindexesinEXAMPLEtablespace•E. USER1mustchange it‟s passwordatfirstlogin.•Answer:ABE14Whichtwo canbe exportedbya non-administrativeaccount byusing DataPump?•A.tables•B.database•C.directory objects•D.tablespaces•E. schemas•Answer: AE15Yourdatabase is usingAutomaticMemoryManagement. Which twoSGAcomponentsmustbe managedmanually? •A. redologbuffer•B. keepbufferpool•C. largepool•D.sharedpool•E. defaultbufferCache•Answer: AB。
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析-20180525题库新特点:更加灵活,题库的顺序与考试时的顺序每场都在变化更加考验知识点的掌握,题库答案为二,考试时要求选择最佳一个答案整理:CUUG•1、Which two events always request the LGWR to write?•❑A) when LGWR is notified by a server process that performs a Commit or ROLLBACK •❑B) When PMON restarts a server process•❑C) when DBWn writes dirty buffers•❑D) when a log switch occurs•❑E) when a checkpoint occurs•Answer:CD•2、Examine these commands and their output:•SQL> SELECT * FROM emp;•ENO ENAME•---- -----•100 Adam•101 Alan•SQL> INSERT INTO emp VALUES(102,'Ben");• 1 row created.•SQL> COMMIT;•Commit completed.•SQL> UPDATE emp SET ename='Bryan' WHERE eno=102;• 1 row updated.• A power failure occurs. The Instance Is restarted and this query Is executed.•SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp;•What Is the outcome?•❑A) Only Adam and Alan are displayed.•❑B) Only Adam, Alan, and Bryan are displayed.•❑C) Adam, Alan, Ben, and Bryan are displayed.•❑D) No rows are returned.•❑E) Only Adam, Alan, and Ben are displayed.•Answer:E•3、Where Is backup metadata stored for use by Recovery Manager (RMAN)?•❑A) In the control file•❑B) In the SYSAUX tablespace•❑C) in the SPFILE•❑D) in the SYSTEM tablespace•❑E) In the diagnostic destination flies•Answer:A•4、Which two can be backed up by using RMAN when a database Is open in ARCHIVELOG mode, so that media recovery can be performed If required?•❑A) control files•❑B) password file•❑C) pfile•❑D) online redo logs•❑E) flashback logs•❑F) data files•Answer:AF5、Your database is using Automatic Memory Management.Which two SGA components must be managed manually?•❑A) default buffer cache•❑B) redo log buffer•❑C) large pool•❑D) shared pool•❑E) keep buffer pool•Answer:BE6、Which two are true about roles?•❑A) A role can be granted a combination of system and object privileges and other roles.•❑B) The CONNECT role Is granted automatically to a user when It Is created.•❑C) Roles are owned by SYSTEM.•❑D) The RESOURCE role Is granted the CREATE SESSION privilege.•❑E) A secure application role can be set only by Its associated PL/SQL package.•Answer:AE7、USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDA TE privileges on USER1. EMP to USER2.SYS executes this command:SQL> REVOKE UPDATE ON user1.emp FROM user1;What will be the outcome?•❑A) It will succeed and only USER2 will be unable to perform SELECT,INSERT, Or UPDATE on USER1. EMU.•❑B) It will succeed and only USER1 will be unable to perform SELECT,INSERT, Or UPDATE on USER1. EMP.•❑C) It will succeed but neither USER1 nor USER2 will be able to perform SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE on USER1. EMP. 0•❑D) It will fall because USER1 Is the owner of USER1. EMP.•❑E) It will succeed and neither USER1 nor USER2 will be able to perform INSERT or UPDATE on USER1. EMP, but both will be able to query USER1.EMP).•Answer:D8、Which three are true about the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)?•❑A) Its findings are accessible only by using Oracle Enterprise Manager.•❑B) It improves database performance by automatically implementing Oracle's best practices. •❑C) It can assist the DBA in diagnosing database instance startup failures.•❑D) It can be used by executing the PL/SQL procedures in the DBMS_ADDM package.•❑E) It runs automatically after each Automatic Workload Repository snapshot is created.•❑F) It provides recommendations to improve database performance.•Answer:DEF9、Examine these components:• 1. Execution plan for a non-embedded SQL statement• 2. Local, global, and package variables for a session• 3. Execution plan for a SQL statement contained In a PL/SQL program unit• 4. Results of executed queries and query fragments S. PL/SQL function result sets•Which of these are stored in the shared SQL area?•❑A) 1 and 4•❑B) 1, 2 and 3•❑C) 1 and 3•❑D) 1, 3, 4, and 5•Answer:C•10、Examine this LISTENER. ORA file:•LISTENER =•(DESCRIPTION_LIST =•(DESCRIPTION =•(ADDRESS_LIST =•(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = )(PORT = 1522))•) ) )•SID LIST LISTENER =•(SID LIST =•(SID_DESC =•(GLOBAL_DBNAME = )•(ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1)•(SID_NAME = orcl)•) )•How should you configure an additional listener LISTENER2 that listens for the same SID?•❑A) Add relevant details In DESCRTPTION under the existing LTRTENER with a different port number in LISTENER.ORA.•❑B) Create another configuration file called LISTENER2.ORA with only LISTENER2 details in it. •❑C) Add relevant details in SID_LIST_LISTENER under the existing LISTENER in LISTENER. ORA •❑D) Add LISTENER2 and its SID_LIST details separately under the name LISTENER2 in LISTENER. ORA•Answer:D11、Your database Is open in ARCHIVELOG mode.•LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST Is set to Fast Recovery Area (FRA) and it Is 100% full when a log switch takes place.•No alternative or optional archive destinations are defined.•What Is the outcome?•❑A) All active sessions are disconnected and their transactions rolled back.•❑B) The archivelog entries are made in the diagnostic destination and when space Is available, new archivelogs are generated.•❑C) No archivelogs are generated.•❑D) Obsolete backups are automatically deleted and new archivelogs are generated.•❑E) All active sessions hang until the database administrator (DBA) makes space available In the FRA.•Answer:E12、Which two are true about data dictionary views?•❑A) ALL or USER prefixed views display output that are subsets of the output from the DBA prefixed data views.•❑B) DBA prefixed views are accessible when a database is In mount state.•❑C) A user may not necessarily be the owner of all objects that can be viewed by using the ALL prefixed views.•❑D) A user can query the DBA prefixed views only if they have the SYSDBA privilege•❑E) All data dictionary views are prefixed with DBA. Or ALL or USER•Answer:AD13、USER1. EMP has a referential Integrity constraint defined on EMP. DNO that references USER1. DEPT. DNO.•user1 executes these commands:•SQL> UPDATE dept SET 1oc=’UK’where dno=1;• 1 row updated•SQL> UPDATE emp SET sal=1000 whore eno=100;• 1 row updated•SQL> ALTER TABLE dept DROP(dno);•What will be the outcome and why?•❑A) It will fail because a referential Integrity constraint Is defined on USER1. EMP.•❑B) It will fall because there Is an uncommitted transaction on USER1. EMP.•❑C) It will fail because there is an uncommitted transaction on USER1. DEPT.•❑D) It will execute successfully and drop DEPT. DNO.•❑E) It will execute successfully and drop the DEPT. DNO and EMP. DNO columns.•Answer:A14、Which two are true about undo tablespaces?•❑A) They always retain undo for the time period defined by UNDO_RETENTION. •❑B) They must have only one data file.•❑C) They can be recovered only when an Instance Is In MOUNT state.•❑D) Tables can be created In undo tablespaces by SYS.•❑E) Single-Instance databases can have only one active undo tablespace. •Answer:CE15、Which four are true about the tools used to administer Oracle databases?•❑A) SQL*Plus can be used to create databases.•❑B) RMAN can be used to start up Oracle Instances.•❑C) DBCA can be used to upgrade databases.•❑D) The Data Pump utility can be used to load data from text files.•❑E) SQL*Plus can be used to start up Oracle instances.•❑F) SRVCTL can be used to shut down Oracle instances.•Answer:ABEF。
2018ocp 052最新题库及答案整理--6月8日
OCP 052题库解析-6.8题库新特点:更加灵活,题库的顺序与考试时的顺序每场都在变化更加考验知识点的掌握,题库答案为二,考试时要求选择最佳一个答案新版 OCP 题库解析公开课地址:/course/307596收看直播 = 了解一手 OCP 考试消息 + 学技术涨经验 + 过关考试 + 技术解答更多 OCP的新题解析资料群:569933648 验证码:ocp1、Which three are true about undo segments and undo tablespaces in the same database and instance? • A. Multiple transactions run by the same Oracle user can share a single undo segment.• B. Multiple transactions run by different Oracle users can share a single undo segment.• C. A serial transaction can u se multiple undo segments.• D. Undo segments are automatically dropped shortly after transactions that use them commit.• E. A new undo segment is always created for each transaction.• F. A database can have multiple undo tablespaces.• Correct Answer: A BF2、Which two are true about the Data Recovery Advisor?• A. It can be used only for databases that are running inARCHIVELOG mode.• B. It can be used when the database is closed.• C. It can be used to validate database recovery strategies.• D. It provides intelligent database problem analysis.• E. It can be used to validate database backup strategies.• F. It can be used only for databases with FLASHBACK enabled.• Correct Answer: CD3、Which two are true about Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 11g Release 2?• A. If the directory used in the export operation has existing dump files, it overwrites them.• B. It allows encryption to be performed without using a password.• C. It supports the renaming of tables during import.• D. It supports the export of specific views as tables.• E. It allows compression levels to be defined for the export.• Correct Answer: BE4、 For your ORCL database.1. The instance is started using an spfile.2. The database is opened.3. It is in ARCHIVELOG mode.4. CONTROL FILE AUTOBACKUP IS ON.Examine this command:RMAN> backup as copy datafile ‘users01.dbf’,’example01.dbf’; Which four files are backed up?• A. spfile• B. undo01.dbf• C. users01.dbf• D. archivelogs• E. sysaux01.dbf• F. control file• G. system01.dbf• H. example01.dbfCorrect Answer: ACFH5、 When does an incremental checkpoint occur?• A. when DBWn writes dirty buffers as part of its normal process • B. when the alter system checkpoint statement is executed.• C. when a use r tablespace is taken offline• D. when an online redo log switch occurs• Correct Answer: A6、 Examine this query and its output:Which two are true?• A. The blocked session is waiting on a shared table lock.• B. The blocked session is waiting on an enqueue.• C. The blocking session is waiting on a row-level lock.• D. Session 105 is blocked by session 15.• E. Session 105 is blocking session 15.• Correct Answer: BD• 7、 In one of your databases:1. USER1 and USER2 have no system privileges.2. ROLE1 only has these privileges:* create session* create table* create viewExamine these commands:7、Which command would you execute and as which user, to revoke the create table privilege from USER2?• A. Revoke create table from user2 as user1• B. Revoke create table from user1 as sys• C. Revoke create table from role1 as user1• D. Revoke create table from role1 as sys• E. Revoke create table from user2 as sys• Correct Answer: D如果用user1回收角色的权限,会报错:SQL> revoke create session from role1;revoke create session from role1*ERROR at line 1:ORA-01031: insufficient privileges8、 Which two are true about server-generated alerts?• A. Stateful alerts must always be cleared manually.• B. They are visible in Oracle Enterprise Manager by default. • C. All stateful alerts can be found in DBA_ALERT_HISTORY.• D. They can be based only on database metrics.• E. Stateless alerts cannot be found in DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS.• F. They can be based only on instance metrics.• Correct Ans wer: BE9、 Your database instance is in NOMOUNT state.Your select the delete option in the database configuration assistant (DBCA) for your database.What is the outcome?• A. DBCA is able to delete the data files but not the services.• B. DBCA shuts down the instance and deletes the database.• C. DBCA is able to delete the services but not the data files.• D. DBCA prompts you to open the database, and then proceeds with the deletion.Correct Answer: D10、 Which is true when a database instance is shut down?• A. IMMEIATE, TRANSACTIONAL, and NORMAL modes wait for all uncommitted transactions either to commit or rollback and then close the database• B. IMMEIATE, TRANSACTIONAL, and NORMAL modes all result in a checkpoint• C. Onl y TRANSACTIONAL, and NORMAL modes wait for all uncommitted transactions to commit or rollback and then close the database• D. Neither the IMMEDIATE nor the ABORT mode rolls back uncommitted transactions.Correct Answer: B11 、 The ORCL database has CONTROL FILE AUTOBACKUP and BACKUP OPTIMIZATION enabled. USER1.EMP is a table in tablespace TBS1.There are no existing backups of the database.Examine these commands:• What is the outcome?• A. It takes a level 0 incremental backup of ORCL with TB S1.• B. It takes a level 1 incremental backup of ORCL without TBS1.• C. It takes a level 0 incremental backup of ORCL without TBS1.• D. It takes a level 1 incremental backup of ORCL with TBS1.• Correct Answer: C12、 Which two statements are true about dispatchers used by the Oracle shared server? • A. Multiple user processes can connect to a single dispatcher.• B. They return completed requests to the appropriate user processes.• C. A dispatcher is created for each user process.• D. Multip le dispatchers can connect to a single server process.• E. They pull requests from the requests queue and process them until they are complete.• Correct Answer: AB13、 Examine this session output:Which two will generate an audit record?• A. eve ry DDL statement executed by SCOTT that affects SCOTT.EMP• B. every UPDATE statement executed by SCOTT that updates SCOTT.EMP• C. only the first SELECT statement executed by SCOTT is a session on SCOTT.EMP• D. only the first DML statement executed by SY STEM in a session on SCOTT.EMP• E. every UPDATE statement executed by SCOTT that updates HR.EMP• F. any DML statement executed by SYS on SCOTT.EMP• Correct Answer: AB14、In which two cases is a consistent database backup created?• A. when the RMAN BACKUP command is used while the database is OPEN READ ONLY• B. when the RMAN BACKUP AS COPY command is used while the database is OPEN RESTRICTED• C. when the RMAN BACKUP AS COPY command is used while the database is OPEN• D. when O/S commands are used to copy database files after a database instance is shut down normally• E. when the RMAN BACKUP command is used while the database is mountedCorrect Answer: AD只读表空间下用rman备份时没有发生检查点,无需更改数据文件头部,所以可以备份数据库。
最新科目一考试题库【【CUUG内部资料】OCP最新考试题库-1Z0-062(3)】【CUUG内部资料】OCP讨论群:1015267481 【CUUG 内部资料】OCP 最新考试题库-1Z0-062(1) 序:OCP 认证是Oracle 的一个中级认证,对于升职加薪跳槽都有很大的帮助,但是想考OCP 证书其实有一定的难度,比如考试题的内容全部都是英文题、考题的内容会有稍微修改、考题的答案顺序并不固定、不定时的出现新考题等。
QUESTION 31 Which two are true concerning a multitenant container database with three pluggable database? A. All administration tasks must be done to a specific pluggable database. B. The pluggable databases increase patching time. C. The pluggable databases reduce administration effort. D. The pluggable databases are patched together. E. Pluggable databases are only used for database consolidation. Correct Answer: CE QUESTION 32 Examine the current value for the following parameters in your database instance: SGA_MAX_SIZE = 1024M SGA_TARGET = 700M DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE = 124M LOG_BUFFER = 200M You issue the following command to increase the value of DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE: SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE=140M; Which statement is true? A. It fails because the DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE parameter cannot be changed dynamically. B. It succeeds only if memory is available from the autotuned components if SGA. C. It fails because an increase in DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE cannot be accommodated within SGA_TARGET. D. It fails because an increase in DB_8K_CACHE_SIZE cannot be accommodated within SGA_MAX_SIZE. Correct Answer: B QUESTION 33 Which three statements are true concerning unplugging a pluggable database (PDB)? A. The PDB must be open in read only mode. B. The PDB must be closed. C. The unplugged PDB becomes a non-CDB. D. The unplugged PDB can be plugged into the same multitenant container database (CDB) E. The unplugged PDB can be plugged into another CDB. F. The PDB data files are automatically removed from disk. Correct Answer: BDE QUESTION 34 Examine the following command: CREATE TABLE (prod_id number(4), Prod_name varchar2 (20), Category_id number(30), Quantity_on_hand number (3) INVISIBLE); Which three statements are true about using an invisible column in t he PRODUCTS table? A. The %ROWTYPE attribute declarations in PL/SQL to access a row will not display the invisible column in the output. B. The DESCRIBE commands in SQL *Plus will not display the invisible column in t he output. C. Referential integrity constraint cannot be set on t he invisible column. D. The invisible column cannot be made visible and can only be marked as unused. E. A primary key constraint can be added on t he invisible column. Correct Answer: ABE (解析:一般来说,看不见列帮助迁移和发展在线应用程序。
十五.External Table 37. which is true about external tables? A) Segments are allocated for external tables. B) They may have indexes. C) They do not support partitioning. D) The ORACLE_DATAPUMP access driver can be used to write data to external tables. E) DML operations may be performed on external tables. Answer:D
33. Which three are true about auditing? A) Auditing is active only when the database is OPEN. B) Audit records are always stored in the database. C) Audit of the use of system privileges can be enabled for individual database users. D) DDL statements can be audited when they fail to execute. E) All Oracle auditing operations occur by default. F) DML statements can be audited when they execute successfully.
34. Which four are true about auditing? A) DML statements can be audited when they fail to execute B) Select statements can be audited when they execute successfully. C) All Oracle auditing operations occur by default. D) No Oracle auditing operations occur by default. E) DDL statements can be audited when they fail to execute. F) Some auditing is active before the database is open. G) Audit records are never stored in the database. H) Audit records are always stored in the database. Answer:ABEF
百度初级认证考核试题题库及答案一、选择题(每题5分,共25题,满分125分)1. 以下哪项不是百度搜索引擎的核心算法?()A. 网页排名算法B. 词频算法C. 向量空间模型D. 机器学习算法2. 百度关键词规划师工具中,以下哪项功能可以帮助我们找到适合我们广告的关键词?()A. 关键词建议B. 关键词竞争对手分析C. 关键词搜索量分析D. 关键词广告效果预测3. 百度推广中,以下哪个功能可以帮助我们创建和管理我们的广告?()A. 推广计划B. 推广创意C. 推广关键词D. 推广效果分析4. 在百度推广中,以下哪个功能可以帮助我们了解我们的广告效果?()A. 推广计划B. 推广创意C. 推广关键词D. 推广效果分析5. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的核心应用?()A. 百度智能云B. 百度大数据C. 百度AID. 百度网盘6. 以下哪个不是百度AI的核心技术?()A. 自然语言处理B. 计算机视觉C. 语音识别D. 区块链技术7. 以下哪个不是百度大数据的核心应用?()A. 百度统计B. 百度云分析C. 百度指数D. 百度地图大数据8. 以下哪个不是百度搜索引擎的优点?()A. 搜索结果精准B. 广告投放效果好C. 拥有海量的数据D. 能够实时更新网页排名9. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的优点?()A. 安全稳定B. 高效便捷C. 价格实惠D. 支持定制化开发10. 以下哪个不是百度AI的优点?()A. 准确率高B. 响应速度快C. 易于部署D. 完全免费11. 以下哪个不是百度大数据的优点?()A. 数据量大B. 数据更新快C. 数据分析精准D. 完全免费12. 以下哪个不是百度搜索引擎的缺点?()A. 搜索结果广告太多B. 搜索结果不够精准C. 数据更新不够及时D. 需要付费才能使用高级功能13. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的缺点?()A. 需要付费才能使用B. 部署和使用有一定门槛C. 部分产品价格较高D. 稳定性略有不足14. 以下哪个不是百度AI的缺点?()A. 需要专业人员开发和维护B. 部分技术应用成本较高C. 需要大量数据训练D. 完全免费15. 以下哪个不是百度大数据的缺点?()A. 数据隐私和安全问题B. 数据分析需要专业技能C. 部分服务价格较高D. 完全免费16. 以下哪个不是百度搜索引擎的工作原理?()A. 爬取网页B. 索引建立C. 网页排名算法D. 关键词广告投放17. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的工作原理?()A. 云计算B. 大数据处理C. AI技术应用D. 网页排名算法18. 以下哪个不是百度AI的工作原理?()A. 机器学习B. 深度学习C. 自然语言处理D. 网页排名算法19. 以下哪个不是百度大数据的工作原理?()A. 数据采集B. 数据存储C. 数据分析D. 网页排名算法20. 以下哪个不是百度搜索引擎的优势?()A. 搜索结果丰富B. 搜索速度快C. 支持多种语言搜索D. 能够实时更新网页排名21. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的优势?()A. 安全稳定B. 高效便捷C. 价格实惠D. 支持定制化开发22. 以下哪个不是百度AI的优势?()A. 准确率高B. 响应速度快C. 易于部署D. 完全免费23. 以下哪个不是百度大数据的优势?()A. 数据量大B. 数据更新快C. 数据分析精准D. 完全免费24. 以下哪个不是百度搜索引擎的局限性?()A. 搜索结果广告太多B. 搜索结果不够精准C. 数据更新不够及时D. 需要付费才能使用高级功能25. 以下哪个不是百度云产品的局限性?()A. 需要付费才能使用B. 部署和使用有一定门槛C. 部分产品价格较高D. 稳定性略有不足二、判断题(每题5分,共20题,满分100分)1. 百度搜索引擎的核心算法包括网页排名算法、词频算法、向量空间模型和机器学习算法。
• Answer:A
6、 Which two are true about roles? • ❑ A) A role can be password-protected. • ❑ B) A role can be granted to another role. • ❑ C) Only one default role can be granted to
tablespace becomes unavailable. • ❑ E) A database with a locally managed SYSTEM
tablespace can have dictionary-managed user tablepaces.
• An 3、You want to Install Oracle 11g database software and create a database on ASM Immediately after the Install.
3 offline temporary 表空间时,对于离线表空间之前已经offline的数据文件,则online该表空间时, offline数
• 2、Which two statements are true about tablespaces? • ❑ A) A database can contain multiple undo
You are required to take the tablespace offline.
Which clause or clauses ensure that no media recovery is required
1.[单项选择题- 2分]:量子恒道店铺记录中旳浏览回头客是指A. 曾经来店铺浏览过旳客户B. 近一年内来店铺浏览过旳客户C 6.日内来店铺内浏览过旳客户D. 2个小时内来店铺内浏览过旳客户2.[单项选择题2分]:小明想要领取店铺旳优惠劵,但他不可能领到旳券面额为多少元旳优惠卷呢?A.5元B.50元C.60元D.100元3.[单项选择题- 2分:对已经在淘宝客推广中旳商品,可以做哪些动作?A.修改商品价格B.修改佣金C.修改库存D.以上都可以4.[单项选择题- 2分]:关联销售可以降低店铺旳A.转化率B.响应速度C.流量D.推广成本5.[单项选择题2分]:快下架旳宝贝太多了,橱窗推荐位不够用,我们应该优先推荐什么样旳产品呢?A.宝贝描述比较多旳B.评价一般旳C.销量高旳,转化率高旳D.价格最高旳6.[单项选择题- 2分]:小明参加每天特价报名活动失败了,因为每天特价规定宝贝是实物交易旳到达多少比例以上?A.没有规定B.10%C.20%D.90%7.[单项选择题- 2分]:钻石展位投放数据中旳CPM指旳是A.每千次浏览单价B.每千次点击收费C.每次点击单价D.每次浏览单价8.[单项选择题- 2分]:sns营销类型不对旳旳是()A.为目标受众群定制旳显示广告B.与社交游戏场景融合旳植入广告C.运用口碑传播旳体验型广告D.就是一般旳广告,和此前旳形式没有差异。
9.[单项选择题- 2分]:哪些措施能使自己旳手机店铺流量增加?A.用一阳指装修手机店铺,并将手机店铺告知客户B.在PC端店铺增加旺铺无线二维码模块C.报名参加手机淘宝官方活动D.以上都可以10.[单项选择题2分]:淘宝上旳宝贝标题是多少个字构成旳?A.20个B.30个中文,60个字符,标点符号是1个字符,中文是2个字符C.10个D.60个11.[单项选择题- 2分]:店铺流量中旳免费搜索包括哪些搜索?A.广告投放B.类目搜索和关键词搜索C.关键词搜索D.类目搜索12.[单项选择题- 2分]:某宝贝7天总流量是个,这段时间总成交了40笔,每笔旳利润是20元,请问,该宝贝旳流量价值是多少?A.0.4B.0.2C.0.1D 0.513.[单项选择题- 2分]:使用直通车引流,一种掌柜最多能推广多少个宝贝?A.没有限制B.10个C.100个D.200个14.[单项选择题- 2分]:量子恒道店铺记录中旳访问深度是指A.顾客一次持续访问旳总时长B.顾客一次持续访问旳页面数C.当日店铺旳浏览量D.当日店铺旳访客数15.[单项选择题- 2分]:淘词是在哪个软件里旳功能?A.小艾分析B.淘宝后台C.生意经D.数据魔方16.[单项选择题- 2分]:下面哪一项能力对于推广人员是不重要旳A.数据分析能力B.运行意识C.营销意识D.产品图片设计17.[单项选择题- 2分]:对量子恒道中按小时流量分析功能描述不对旳旳是A.可以看哪一小时旳浏览量和访客数最多B.可以进行两天旳数据对比C.只能看昨天此前旳数据D.可以据此合适旳调整安排客服工作18.[单项选择题- 2分]:钻石展位按照什么次序进行展现A.预算多少B.出价高下C.创意多少D.点击率高下19.[单项选择题- 2分]:淘宝客在哪里获取到卖家商品旳推广链接?A.卖家店铺B.自己店铺C.淘宝联盟D.与店铺主旺旺联络20.[单项选择题- 2分]:当我们要看直通车旳投入产出比时,我们要看什么数据?A.销售排行榜B.访客分析C.客户流失分析D.转化数据21.[单项选择题- 2分]:直通车引流,在设置地区时,可以投放到哪一级旳地区?A.可以投放到市级地区B.只能投放全国C.只能投放到省D.可以投放县级地区22.[单项选择题- 2分]:关键词堆砌属于关键词三宗罪中旳那一罪?A.错字B.滥用C.违规D.反复23.[单项选择题- 2分]:淘宝客推广是哪种付费模式?A.CPCB.CPTC.CPSD.CPM24.[单项选择题- 2分]:推广最重要旳工作职责是A.引进流量B.销售接单C.图片设计D.店铺客服25.[单项选择题- 2分]:下列哪个原因不会影响钻展流量旳购置A.预算B.出价C.定向加价D.店铺信誉1.[判断题- 1分]:对于店铺中旳发售中宝贝,可以设置手机专享价格。
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2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• • • • 9、Examine these components: 1. Execution plan for a non-embedded SQL statement 2. Local, global, and package variables for a session 3. Execution plan for a SQL statement contained In a PL/SQL program unit 4. Results of executed queries and query fragments S. PL/SQL function result sets Which of these are stored in the shared SQL area? ❑ A) 1 and 4 ❑ B) 1, 2 and 3 ❑ C) 1 and 3 ❑ D) 1, 3, 4, and 5 Answer:C
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• 3、Where Is backup metadata stored for use by Recovery Manager (RMAN)? • ❑ A) In the control file • ❑ B) In the SYSAUX tablespace • ❑ C) in the SPFILE • ❑ D) in the SYSTEM tablespace • ❑ E) In the diagnostic destination flies • Answer:A •
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• 6、Which two are true about roles? • ❑ A) A role can be granted a combination of system and object privileges and other roles. • ❑ B) The CONNECT role Is granted automatically to a user when It Is created. • ❑ C) Roles are owned by SYSTEM. • ❑ D) The RESOURCE role Is granted the CREATE SESSION privilege. • ❑ E) A secure application role can be set only by Its associated PL/SQL package. • Answer:AE
• • • • • •
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10、Examine this LISTENER. ORA file: LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST = )(PORT = 1522)) ))) SID LIST LISTENER = (SID LIST = (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = ) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1) (SID_NAME = orcl) )) How should you configure an additional listener LISTENER2 that listens for the same SID? ❑ A) Add relevant details In DESCRTPTION under the existing LTRTENER with a different port number in LISTENER.ORA. ❑ B) Create another configuration file called LISTENER2.ORA with only LISTENER2 details in it. ❑ C) Add relevant details in SID_LIST_LISTENER under the existing LISTENER in LISTENER. ORA ❑ D) Add LISTENER2 and its SID_LIST details separately under the name LISTENER2 in LISTENER. ORA Answer:D
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• 7、USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on USER1. EMP to USER2.SYS executes this command: • SQL> REVOKE UPDATE ON user1.emp FROM user1; • What will be the outcome? • ❑ A) It will succeed and only USER2 will be unable to perform SELECT,INSERT, Or UPDATE on USER1. EMU. • ❑ B) It will succeed and only USER1 will be unable to perform SELECT,INSERT, Or UPDATE on USER1. EMP. • ❑ C) It will succeed but neither USER1 nor USER2 will be able to perform SELECT, INSERT, or UPDATE on USER1. EMP. 0 • ❑ D) It will fall because USER1 Is the owner of USER1. EMP. • ❑ E) It will succeed and neither USER1 nor USER2 will be able to perform INSERT or UPDATE on USER1. EMP, but both will be able to query USER1.EMP). • Answer:D
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• 8、Which three are true about the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)? • ❑ A) Its findings are accessible only by using Oracle Enterprise Manager. • ❑ B) It improves database performance by automatically implementing Oracle's best practices. • ❑ C) It can assist the DBA in diagnosing database instance startup failures. • ❑ D) It can be used by executing the PL/SQL procedures in the DBMS_ADDM package. • ❑ E) It runs automatically after each Automatic Workload Repository snapshot is created. • ❑ F) It provides recommendations to improve database performance. • Answer:DEF
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• 4、Which two can be backed up by using RMAN when a database Is open in ARCHIVELOG mode, so that media recovery can be performed If required? • ❑ A) control files • ❑ B) password file • ❑ C) pfile • ❑ D) online redo logs • ❑ E) flashback logs • ❑ F) data files • Answer:AF
2018年OCP 052最新考试题库解析20180525
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2、 Examine these commands and their output: SQL> SELECT * FROM emp; ENO ENAME ---- ----100 Adam 101 Alan SQL> INSERT INTO emp VALUES(102,'Ben"); 1 row created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit completed. SQL> UPDATE emp SET ename='Bryan' WHERE eno=102; 1 row updated. A power failure occurs. The Instance Is restarted and this query Is executed. SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp; What Is the outcome? ❑ A) Only Adam and Alan are displayed. ❑ B) Only Adam, Alan, and Bryan are displayed. ❑ C) Adam, Alan, Ben, and Bryan are displayed. ❑ D) No rows are returned. ❑ E) Only Adam, Alan, and Ben are displayed. Answer:E