小学教育知识与能力 第四章 英语学科知识(练习答案)知识讲解

这种新型教学组织形式称为(??)A.在线课堂B.网络课堂C.虚拟课堂D.翻转课堂【答案】 D2、孔子说“始吾于人也,听其言而信其行;今吾于人也,听其言而观其行。
A.知行统一B.渗透熏陶C.集体教育D.因材施教【答案】 A3、校本课程开发的主要力量是()。
A.教师B.学生C.教育专家D.社区人员【答案】 A4、黄赤交角的度数为()。
A.30°B.0°C.20°D.23°26′【答案】 D5、相同要素说的提出者是()。
A.桑代克B.杜威C.贾德D.班杜拉【答案】 A6、教育目的与培养目标是()的关系。
A.普遍与特殊B.相互独立C.具体与抽象D.层层递进【答案】 A7、马克思认为,造成人的片面发展的根本的原因是()。
A.个人天赋B.社会分工C.国家性质D.教育水平【答案】 B8、“君子欲化民成俗,其必由学乎”、“古之王者,建国君民,教学为先”体现了()的教育目的观。
A.教育无目的论B.社会本位论C.科学本位论D.个人本位论【答案】 B9、某版教科书《敬业与乐业》课后有一段补白,介绍了“因果类复句”的特点。
这段补白属于教科书的什么系统( )A.练习系统B.知识系统C.助读系统D.选文系统【答案】 C10、一般在教学开始前使用()来摸清学生的现有水平及个别差异。
A.诊断性评价B.形成性评价C.终结性评价D.绝对性评价【答案】 A11、我国现在实施的义务教育的年限是( )年。
A.十B.六C.九D.十二【答案】 C12、中国最早的学校教育形态出现在( )。
A.夏朝B.殷商C.西周D.春秋战国【答案】 A13、颜回说:“夫子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。

二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握小学英语历年真题的题型及解题技巧。
2. 能够运用所学教学方法,提高自身英语教学能力。
3. 培养学生的英语思维能力,提高英语综合素质。
五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)教师通过播放一段小学英语课堂教学视频,引导学生关注小学英语教学方法,激发学习兴趣。
2. 知识讲解(10分钟)教师详细讲解历年真题的题型及解题技巧,分析各种教学方法的优缺点。
3. 实践情景引入(15分钟)教师设计一个小学英语课堂教学情境,让学生分组讨论,选择合适的教学方法进行教学。
4. 例题讲解(10分钟)教师选取一道历年真题,进行详细讲解,引导学生运用所学教学方法解题。
5. 随堂练习(10分钟)学生独立完成一道历年真题,教师巡回指导,解答学生疑问。
6. 小组讨论(15分钟)六、板书设计1. 历年真题题型及解题技巧2. 小学英语教学方法听力教学口语教学阅读教学写作教学七、作业设计1. 完成课后练习题,题目如下:(1)分析一道历年真题,写出解题过程及答案。
2. 作业答案:(2)答案开放,可根据实际情况自拟。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 教师反思:本节课的教学效果,学生的参与度,教学方法的适用性等。
2. 学生反思:学习方法的选择,解题技巧的掌握,教学活动的实施等。
3. 拓展延伸:推荐阅读相关教学书籍,参加教学研讨会,提高自身教学水平。
重点和难点解析1. 教学难点与重点的确定。

10.【答案】A A元认知就是个体关于自己的认知过程的知识和调节这些过程的能力。

这是指心理发展的( )。
2.小学生因上课专心听讲受到老师表扬而逐步养成上课专心听讲的习惯属于( )。
3.在下列认知风格中,容易给学习带来不利影响的认知风格是( )。
4.个体根据家庭、社会的期望和要求而行事,不考虑行为所产生的直接和明显的后果,这属于道德的( )水平。
5.学生经常利用画表格的方式来对学习内容进行整理归类,这是运用了( )。
6.课外活动不包括( )。
7.以实践作业为主的兴趣小组属于( )。
8.班级管理方法中最早提出目标管理的是( )A.德鲁克B.马卡连柯C.杜威D.布鲁纳【答案】A。
9.对学生日常学习生活进行管理的目标属于( )。

A.态度B.行为C.意志D.情感【答案】 A2、马克思主义教育学在教育起源问题上坚持()。
A.劳动起源论B.生物起源论C.心理起源论D.生物进化论【答案】 A3、王老师观察到。
A.场独立型B.冲动型C.沉思型D.场依存型【答案】 D4、下列选项中,体现德育方法中的榜样示范法的是()。
A.惩前毖后,治病救人B.言者无罪,闻者足戒C.有则改之,无则加勉D.桃李不言,下自成蹊【答案】 D5、心理学成为一门独立的学科是以德国学者冯特( )年在莱比锡大学建立了世界上第一个心理实验室为标志的。
A.1879B.1897C.1789D.1798【答案】 A6、(2020年真题)1990年联合国教科文组织在宗迪恩会议上提出:“每一个人一无论他是儿童、青年还是成人一都应能获益于旨在满足其基本学习需要的受教育机会。
A.全面性B.全民性C.基础性D.义务性【答案】 B7、以个体认识论为基础提出教学理论的教育家是( )。
A.孔子B.昆体良C.赫尔巴特D.夸美纽斯【答案】 D8、小红非常喜欢文学作品,所以上语文课时特别认真,这种学习动机属于()。
A.认知的内驱力B.附属的内驱力C.生理的内驱力D.自我提高的内驱力【答案】 A9、教学情境是教师根据( )和教学内容,有目的地创设服务于学生学习的一种特殊的教学环境。
A.教学方法B.教学目标C.教学评价D.教学策略【答案】 B10、小学各科教学中经常运用的一种教学方法是( )。
A.参观法B.实验法C.练习法D.实习法【答案】 C11、小敏是班上的学习委员,学习一直非常努力,成绩名列前茅。

2024年教师资格之小学教育教学知识与能力题库附答案(典型题)单选题(共40题)1、根据教学评价的参照指标,可分为( )A.内部评价和外部评价B.形成性评价和总结性评价C.个体内差异评价和诊断性评价D.相对性评价、绝对性评价和个体内差异评价【答案】 D2、“班级”一词最早是由()提出的。
A.埃拉斯莫斯B.杰克逊C.德鲁克D.夸美纽斯【答案】 A3、一般来说,偏爱自然科学,且自尊心较强的学生的认知风格属于()。
A.场依存型B.场独立型C.沉思型D.冲动型【答案】 B4、在学习过程中.学习者通过观察榜样的行为受到强化.从而在自己身上也产生了类似的强化效果,班杜拉称这种现象为()。
A.自我强化B.内部强化C.替代性强化D.负强化【答案】 C5、“开其意,达其辞”体现的教学原则是()。
A.循序渐进原则B.因材施教原则C.启发性原则D.直观性原则【答案】 C6、认为人的心灵如同白板,观念和知识都来自后天,并且得出结论,天赋的智力人人平等。
A.卢梭B.杜威C.福禄贝尔D.洛克【答案】 D7、()不属于智力的群体差异表现。
A.性别差异B.年龄差异C.种族差异D.水平差异【答案】 D8、学生在课堂前借助网络平台观看微视频进行自主学习,课堂上子啊教师指导下分组讨论,合作探究。
这种新型教学组织形式称为()A.在线课堂B.网络课堂C.虚拟课堂D.翻转课堂【答案】 D9、李老师是三年级数学老师,在教授《测量》一课时,安排学生在课后测量教室里桌椅、讲台的长、宽、高等数据,这种教学方法属于()A.实物演示法B.社会实践法C.情境教学法D.实习作业法【答案】 D10、被称为班集体的“凝聚剂”的是()。
A.班集体纪律B.班集体舆论C.班集体活动D.班干部【答案】 B11、一个测验能测出它所要测量的属性或特点的程度,称为测验的()。
A.信度B.难度C.区分度D.效度【答案】 D12、在教学《长方形和正方形周长》时,张老师[亿师学教师考试研究院提供]将:“能够正确计算长方形和正方形的周长”拟定为教学目标之一。
小学教育知识与能力 第四章 英语学科知识(练习答案)

小学教育知识与能力 第四章 语文学科知识(练习答案)


- 拼音规则及应用
- 四声规律和变调规律
- 音节结构、重读和轻读
- 特殊音(拼音中特有的音)
- 声调的意义、类型及区分
- 浊音、清音的发音及特点
- 同音异调、同调异音、多音字及其应用
- 外语中的读音规律及英语中重读音节规律
- 中文句子成分及其功能
- 并列句、复合句和简单句的概念、特征、类型和结构
- 句子的语序及其特点
- 语法关系(主谓关系、动宾关系、定状补关系、并列关系、从属关系)
- 助动词的种类、用法及其含义
- 外语语法中的基本句型和时态
- 词类及其区分
- 同义词、反义词的辨析
- 单词的构成及其排序
- 多义词、近义词和错误词用法
- 思维的类型和层次
- 思维技巧的种类和难点
- 外教教学中的情景语言(简介、道歉、询问等常用情景)
- 外教教学中的听说技巧(如声音的语调、正确发音等)
- 教学中的情态动词(如“可以”、“应该”等)
- 研究的目标和难点
- 研究的心态
小学教育知识与能力 重要知识点

1. 基础学科知识:数学、语文、英语等基础学科的知识是小学教育中的重要内容,包
2. 科学常识:小学阶段培养学生对于科学现象的观察、实验、探究能力,促进学生对
3. 社会与人文知识:对于社会、历史、地理等方面的知识的学习,培养学生的社会意
4. 健康与安全教育:培养学生的健康意识,教授基本的健康常识和生活技能,如饮食、运动、安全等。
5. 艺术与体育:培养学生对于音乐、美术、体育等方面的兴趣与审美能力,开发学生
6. 信息技术教育:教授学生基本的科技知识和技能,培养学生的信息获取、处理和表
7. 学习方法与思维能力:教授学生学习方法与学习策略,培养学生的观察、思考、分
8. 社交与情感发展:培养学生良好的人际交往和表达能力,促进学生自尊、自信、自
9. 实践与体验教育:通过实践和体验教育活动,培养学生的动手能力和实践能力。
10. 创新与创造能力:通过启发学生的创新思维和培养创造力,培养学生的创新能力和创业精神。

A.杰克逊B.博比特C.泰勒D.杜威【答案】 A2、“一两的遗传胜过一吨的教育”是()的观点。
A.遗传决定论B.教育万能论C.二因素论D.环境决定论【答案】 A3、“山笑水笑人欢笑”体现的情绪状态是( )。
A.应激B.心境C.激情D.高兴【答案】 B4、听说法认为小学英语教学应听力先行,这要求教师必须()A.具有较快的听说速度B.进行大量的听力自我练习C.具备标准的英式英语语音语调D.提高自身的辨音能力和听力教学修养【答案】 D5、“班级”一词最早是由( )提出来的。
A.埃拉斯莫斯B.杰克逊C.德鲁克D.夸美纽斯【答案】 A6、同学们正在教室里聚精会神地听课,突然从外面飞进来一只蝴蝶,大家都把视线转向它。
A.有意注意B.无意注意C.随意注意D.有意后注意【答案】 B7、教育的特质是( )。
A.认识活动B.生存活动C.传递活动D.培养人的社会实践活动【答案】 D8、新课程改革中提出的课程“三维目标”是指( )A.知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观B.知识、智力、能力C.基本知识、基本技能、基础性学力D.知识、智力、情感【答案】 A9、发挥教育合力必须注意H种教育形态的有机结合,这三种教育形态是以下哪三种?A.①②④B.①③④C.①②③D.②③④【答案】 C10、课堂教学中,课堂椅摆放方式会影响教学方法的运用效果。
A.实验法B.讲授法C.探究法【答案】 B11、以下符合2001年颁布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的基本要求是()A.小学以分科课程为主?B.初中以综合课程为主?C.在小学到高中开设综合实践活动课程并作为选修课程?D.形成国家、地方、学校三级课程管理【答案】 D12、学“角”这一概念,对“钝角”“锐角”“直角”概念的学习产生的影响属于( )。



(完整版)《小学教育教学知识与能力》试题与答案《小学教育教学知识与能力》试题题及答案一、单项挑选题(本大题共20题,每小题2分,共40分)1.儿童身心进展具有明显的差异性,这特点决定了教育工作要( )。
A.循序渐进B.因材施教C.教学相长D.求同存异【解析】B 。
首次提出这一教育观点的教育家是( )。
这反映了教师劳动具有( )。
6.小学生的手指别小心被教师的门夹伤,教师首先应采取的措施是给学生( )。
7.教育研究主体经过对故意义的教育教学事件的描述与分析,发掘或揭示内隐于日常事件、日子和行为背后的意义、思想或理念的研究办法是( )。
小学教育知识与能力 第四章 数学学科知识(练习答案)


2021上半年全国统考教师资格证真题《教育教学知识与能力》(小学)解析英文版Each item in the list of the four alternatives, there is only one is in conformity with the requirements of the subject with a 2 b pencil, please put the sheet on the corresponding topic answer letters painted black as required.Wrong to choose, multiple-choice or not no points.1. Pei si tayloe believes that the purpose of education is to all the talents of all-round harmonious development strength and ability, make the person of the ability to get the progress of the natural and balanced development.Its value orientation are ()A. personal standard theoryB. the social standard theoryC. the cultural standard theoryD. life standard theoryAnswer: A,2. "ZhiPin ZhiYu first".Education poverty alleviation can block the intergenerational transmission of poverty, it is because education is ()A. political functionsB. economic functionC. the ecological functionD. population functionAnswer: D3. The case of the self "identical twin gym experiment showed that the children's effective learning and accept education is the premise of ()A. the genetic qualityB. learning trainingC. coaching techniquesD. degree of maturityAnswer: DSome students in class 4. Three (3) as long as the work a little bit difficult, there are some students in the class activities often call tired.To this, the teacher in charge to strengthen students in the class ()A. mood emotion educationB. will quality trainingC. interpersonal communication educationD. the cultivation of thinking qualityAnswer: B5. The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in the education, wealth is the report, "four pillars" of education in the 21st centuryis the ()(1) to learn to survive (2) learn cognitive (3) learn to do things (4) to create 5. Learn to live togetherA.①②③④B.①②③⑤C.①②④⑤D.②③④⑤Answer: B6. In addition to the insurance for the authority influence in the influenceof the teacher in charge, more important is ()A. age influenceB. gender influenceC. personality influenceD. knowledge influenceAnswer: C7. Eye exercises is one of the primary school pupils myopia prevention health care methods, including ()(1) crowded according to knead sunny hole (2) according to the four white hole(3) rubbing his temples and close the round eyes(4) rubbing, yongquan point (5) rubbing the wind pool hole 6 eyes dry washyour faceA.①②③④⑤B.①②③⑤⑥C.①②③④⑥D.②③④⑤⑥Answer: B8. Teachers in the classroom teaching, while blackboard writing, at the same time pay attention to students' reaction.This note quality belongs to ()A. attention spanB. Pay attention to the transferC. the distribution of attentionD. attention to stabilityAnswer: C9. The small army because like the king of the teacher in charge teacher, so love her class and her organization's activities, this kind of psychological phenomenon belongs to ()A. A generalizationB. strengthenC. differentiationD. fadeAnswer: A,10. When many people booing, usually quiet students also tend to be involved in this kind of behavior is ()A. obeyingB. imitateC. conformityD. obedienceAnswer: C11. Xiao yong think learning result is bad because I not smart enough, according to weiner's attribution theory, which belongs to ()A. internal, stable attributionB. external and stable attributionC. internal, unstable attributionD. external, unstable attributionAnswer: A,12. Primary school mental health education of object is ()A. all the studentsB. students with behavior disorderC. students with poor academic performanceD. students with psychological problemsAnswer: A,13. 1918 published book course and has been hailed as a "modern curriculum theory pioneers" scholar is ()A. John DeweyB. bobbyC. chartersD. TaylorAnswer: B14. In the process of curriculum content organization, consideration should be given ()A. logical orderB. mental orderC. logical order and mental orderD. logical sequence and time sequenceAnswer: C15. The teacher set up records students' learning achievement, continuous improvement, a series of performance information, works and other related information file cover, on the basis of evaluation for students.This kind of evaluation belongs to ()A. absolute evaluationB. the relative evaluationC. process evaluationD. summative evaluationAnswer: C16. Miss zhao in the teaching the first snow, play the video of the northern sky snow, lets the student feel the snow scene, he used teaching method belongs to ()A. physical intuitiveB. die as intuitiveC. language intuitionD. the virtual intuitiveAnswer: B17. The following classical education in ancient China, reflects the step-by-step teaching principle is ()A. considerB. not angry not rev, unable to express or explain oneself not to sendC. not shi ling sectionD. erudite text, some with courtesyAnswer: C18. A primary school in a planned way to local folk songs in Chinese curriculum.This is ()A. countries in school-based curriculumB. school-based curriculum developmentC. national curriculum localizationD. the local curriculum developmentAnswer: A,19. The collective lesson preparation, the teacher in teaching goal setting and content choice as there are disagreements, should first follow ()A. teaching material arrangementB. the curriculum standardC. teacher experienceD. the teaching instructionAnswer: B20. As a kind of commonly used teaching method, teaching method, the main limitation is that ()A. it is difficult to present subject knowledge systemB. it is difficult to control the teaching timeC. it is difficult to play teachers' leading roleD. it is difficult to do it according to their aptitudeAnswer: DSecond, the short answer (3 item in this topic, each item 10, a total of 30 points)21. The basic goal of primary labor educationThe main content of the labor education are: education students set up correct concept of labor, to know the meaning of labor and value;Training students' love of labor and labor people's emotion, to develop good habits of labor;Learning is the main labor, student education to students love learning, studyingdiligently;Take good care of public property and the work achievement, education students against waste, advocate thrift.22. The paper teachers how to cultivate the students' self-efficacySelf-efficacy refers to the individual for his behavior of subjective judgment can be engaged in a certain achievement.As a teacher, we for the cultivation of the students self-efficacy from the following several aspects.(1) directly the success or failure experience: self-efficacy of the biggest influence the efficiency of the information source, the successful experience can improve the efficiency of the expectations, actively correct attribution of auxiliary methods, can improve students' self-efficacy.As a teacher we can encourage students to participate in some practical activities, success in the practical activities.(2) the indirect alternative experience: as a teacher, we can with the same level set an example for the students, through the role of the demonstration example, to make the student to obtain the successful experience of alternative, to a certain extent can be incentivised to students, improve their self-efficacy.(3) the verbal persuasion: lower self-efficacy of the students, we can through conversation method and other methods to on the verbal guidance, encouragement, and thus increase their self-efficacy.(4) emotional arousal: good for self-efficacy also have influence on the mood.As teachers we can through a variety of ways to make students keep a goodemotional state, under the influence of positive emotions, the self-efficacy will increase.23. The general steps of education narrative research(1) determine the research problem;(2) select the object of study;(3) into the research field;(4) to observe about:(5) sorting analysis data(6) to write research report.Three, the material analysis topic (each item 2 item in this topic, 20 points,a total of 40 minutes)24. Material:In the 90 s, never dry states successively enact decrees, indiscipline clear punishment principle for students.Such as, to student's discipline is divided into 9 levels, including allocution, academic sanctions, short-term suspension,punitive transfer, etc.Sensitive area of education punishment is management center in China.In the face of student misconduct, disciplinary or not, how to punish, due to the improper punishment, the aftermath of the issue is to schools andteachers.Therefore, many teachers in the classroom management can't use education discipline, lest cause the conflict between teachers and students, parent-school contradiction.Formulated in 2020, the Ministry of Education promulgated the primary and secondary school education disciplinary rules (practice), the system provides education disciplinary attributes, scope of application and implementation of rules, procedures, methods, requirements and so on, provide the basis for the implementation of education disciplinary.Question:Combined with the material about your understanding of punishment as a means of education.(10)This paper primary school teachers use education disciplinary matters needing attention.(10)(1) education discipline, is refers to the school, the teacher remarks education goal, the disciplinary violations, students management, find, or shallbe correct and in the manner provided by encourage students to take, recognize and correct the wrong education behavior.Clear education punishment is not punishment, but a way of education, emphasize education disciplinary attributes of educating people, is the school, teachers the right to education, management, evaluation of specific ways.Materials, the teacher can't use education discipline, afraid of cause, parent-school contradiction, the conflict between teachers and students the behavior rather than stop the bad behavior of students, it will encourage the evil trends."Primary and secondary school education disciplinary rules (trial)", the teacher to regain "ruler", is helpful to establish a good school ethos.Secondly, the primary and secondary school education disciplinary rules (try out) "the implementation of the refinement of the education disciplinary boundary, let the teacher's disciplinary rules can depend on, to better grasp the scale, temperature, and limit.(2) (1) specification.(2) pay attention to methods.(3) education for the purpose.(4) no harm to the physical and mental health of students, the student must be able to accept or take.25. Material:Chen and wang teacher in each class teaching "three dozen bones jing in the Monkey King" a class, are put forward such a question: "do you like.In this paper, the who?Why?"Some students say that like the Monkey King, some...Like tang's monk said...Surprisingly, the two are students in the class like bones jing said, the reason is that meat bones jing to eat to tang's monk does not fear the difficulty, perseverance.However, the two teachers approach was different.Chen teacher's response was: "your idea is very unique and creative.The king of the teacher asked the students: "bones jing is a good thing or a bad thing to do?"Students wanted to think, replied: "bad."The king the teacher then asked: "bones jing does not fearthe difficulty, perseverance to do bad things, you also like her?"Students red-faced shook his head.Question:To two teachers of different sort a evaluation.(8)Combined with the material about the function of classroom teaching evaluation.(12 points)(1) the king of the teacher of a more reasonable, embodies the principle of combining scientific and ideological content.Principle of combining scientific and thoughtful refers both to the modern advanced science to impart the basic knowledge and basic skills of students, and combining with the knowledge, skills, in the inner factors of moral education, undertake to the student political and ideological education and moral quality education.The essence of which is required in the teaching activities of the organic combination of teaching and educating.Materials, teacher Chen just praise the student the idea of unique, creative, but there was no further guide the student to set up the correct values;And teacher wang through the rhetorical question, make students understand the bones jing though perseverance, is a bad thing, but she do not worth learning, undertake to the student the ideological and moral education, therefore better education.(2) (1) diagnosis functionThrough the teaching evaluation, teachers can understand the teaching goals to determine whether reasonable, the teaching methods of teaching means are used appropriately, can also understand students in such aspects as knowledge, skills, and ability has reached the level of and the existing problems, and targeted to solve various problems existing in the teaching.(2) feedback functionTeaching evaluation results, not only can determine teaching for teachers to provide a lot of feedback information, can also provide students understand their learning quality fit and unfit quality directly feedback.(3) guide functionTeaching evaluation oriented function refers to the evaluation object in the function of the ideal goal.(4) motivation functionEvaluation of incentive function refers to the evaluation can improvestudents' learning attitude, emotion and values.(5) identification functionIn teaching activities, teachers' teaching level and teaching effect, students will master the necessary basic knowledge and basic skills, teaching goals are realized, these must be check by means of teaching evaluation and validation.Four, teaching design problem (this big items have 6 item, choose answer (1 item, more than a score according to the first item and only 40 minutes.Candidates can according to the specialty direction, select the answer.26 for Chinese language and society, 27 for math and science, English is the 28, 29 for music, 30 for the sports, 31 for the fine arts) use a 2 b pencil in the sheet will be the topic purpose qid blackening, coating or coating are invalid.26. Please read the following materials and answer as required.Oblique, long marchMao ZedongThe reds are not afraid of expedition difficult,The long march to pay,The five ridges, which lists the small waves,Wumeng (2) the majestic drawing-board,Sands of water shoot high cliff,Big bridge cross cable cold,More like minshan snow thousands of miles,The armed forces after the blossoming smile.Note:(1) the five ridges: namely, yuecheng mountains, DouPangLing, sprouting in zhu ling, riding Tian Ling, big g the floorboard of the ridge.In four provinces of hunan, jiangxi, guangdong, guangxi border.(2) wumeng: namely WuMengShan, located in guizhou, yunnan provinces at the junction.According to the above materials to complete the following tasks:(1) primary school Chinese poetry study should focus on from what aspects?(9)(2) the induction to the full period of students learning, this article triesto determine the teaching difficult point.(9)(3) talk about your "warm sands of water shoot high cliff, big bridge cross cable cold" the understanding of the poem, and design the teaching process of the poem.(22 points)(1)Belongs to a part of the reading teaching, poetry teaching of primary school Chinese poetry teaching purpose is to enhance students' language ability,inheriting the excellent traditional culture in our country, as a kind oftraditional literature and poetry forms, is the focus of Chinese teaching. Poetry teaching can enhance students' culture, improve their literary accomplishment, stimulating their emotions.Teachers should pay attention to:(1) poetry is teaching students, the teachers, the textbook editors and the process of dialogue between the text.Reading poetry is the personalized behaviorof students.Reading teaching should guide the student to study the text, in active thinking and emotional activities, to deepen understanding and experience, feeling and thinking, emotional edification, thought enlightenment, enjoyaesthetic.Students to cherish the unique feeling, experience andunderstanding.Teachers should strengthen the guidance and inspiration, reading guidance for students, but should not be in the teacher's analysis instead of a student's reading practice, should not be modeled reading instead of the student experience and thinking;Be good at learning to solve problems in reading through cooperation, but also to prevent use group discussion instead of individual reading.(2) should pay attention to cultivate students' ability of feeling, understanding, appreciation and evaluation.Emotion is primary school students understand the difficult point in poetry, teachers should use various teaching methods, guide students to appreciate poetry emotion.(3) on the basis of the understanding of poetry, advocates the multiple perspectives and creative reading, reading expectation, reading reflection and criticism, expand the thinking space, improve the quality of reading.Word for word, but to prevent the excessive play a deep analysis and away from the text.(4) poetry teaching should attach importance to read and read silently.To let students in reading through language, taste experience the emotional attitude of the author and work, study with appropriate tone reading aloud, show your understanding of the authors and their works emotional attitude.Read aloud to advocate natural, to abandon the melodramatic affectation of the tone.(5) to attach importance to cultivate the students' interest in the extensive reading, reading is expanding, increase the reading quantity, improve reading quality.(2) the teaching important points: understand the profound meaning of key words in the poem, feeling the author express feelings.Teaching difficult points: understand the soldiers of the red army long march on the way of heroism and the revolutionary optimism spirit.(3) the poem "warm sands of water shoot high cliff, big bridge cross existing cold" the understanding: warm sands of water shoot high cliff, big bridge cross existing cold refers to the jinsha river on both sides of cliffs, turbulent water slapping on both sides of the towering cliffs, give a person with warm feeling, suggesting that the reds after QiaoDu jinshajiang cheerful mood.Dadu river in luding bridge across the Pacific, with only a dozen iron chain, make the person feels a deep chill, suggest the reds FeiDuo luding bridge of thrilling andtragic.This poetry is GengLian, it continues the "water".A "warm" a "cold", wrote the weather already, write the feelings again.The author in two feeling contrast each other, both the joy of the red army crossed the Yangtze river, the shows the dramatic capture luding bridge again, it serves to show the middle of the red army.A "take" a "cross" is to move to write static methods.The parallelism nature, neat, in a natural environment embodies the infinite regrets, great momentum.The teaching process:A, import,Background introduction, the teacher through multimedia, together with the students understand the red army long march twenty-five thousand li difficult feat?Cause students to discuss, the oblique march in which subject.Second, the early readingAutonomous learning + check feedback: silent reading, read aloud(1) for students is easy to read, easy to write wrong, don't understand the word for emphasis.Such as spills, majestic, etc.(2) the main content of the inductive poetry: this poem vividly generalizes the battle of the red army long march, enthusiastically praised the Chinese red army of workers and peasants take the bull by the horns, heroism spirit of revolutionary heroism and optimism.Three, analysis to read:Team cooperation discussion for the unit: "warm sands of water shoot high cliff, big bridge cross existing cold" the understanding.Warm sands of water shoot high cliff, large bridge across paying out coldTeachers' questions:(1) to read this poem, you find out?(t: "warm sands of water shoot high cliff, large bridge across paying out cold.")(2) the key words of poetry is what?Reflected?Clear:Warm."Warm" of the image of the words summed up that kind of warm boiling sights and the soldiers victory, the joyful mood.Cold.The image of the word "cold" wrote force dadu river FeiDuo luding bridge this a battle of hard competitive, thrilling, wrote the reds heroic tenacious fighting spirit.(3) a warm a cold what is the purpose?Please discuss between deskmate.Clear: "warm" and "cold" this a pair of antonyms(4) you can use your own words about your understanding of the poem?Clear: jinsha river on both sides of cliffs, turbulent water slapping on both sides of the towering cliffs, give a person with warm feeling, suggesting that the reds after QiaoDu jinshajiang cheerful mood;Dadu river in luding bridge across the Pacific, with only a dozen iron chain, make the person feels a deep chill, suggest the reds FeiDuo luding bridge of thrilling and tragic.5. (t: : FeiDuo luding bridge and artful seize the jinsha river), as everyone thought at this moment, the feeling of the soldiers in the mind again how?Clear: the students talk about their own ideas, share with students6. The two poem, use what method?Clear: this two sentences is through the scenery to remember, remember to show the heroism of the red army.At the same time using the dual sentence of symmetry, to read catchy, rich beauty of musicTeaching methods: reading method, the team cooperation discussion method, imagination method.Four, read: combining multimedia video display of the red army long march,talk about your understanding and comprehension of the long march.5, summary: students report harvest in this lesson, the teacher questions.Six, homework: try to recite the whole poemSeven, blackboard writing:The long marchSands of water shoot high cliff warm, warm, victory, the joyful moodBig bridge cross existing cold, cold, the brave, indomitable spirit27. Please read the following materials and answer as required.According to the above materials to complete the following tasks:(1) according to schedule, briefly describes the elementary school mathematics teaching activities of the basic requirements.(2) such as guide students learning the content at the intermediate level, try to formulate the teaching goal.(3) the basis to formulate the teaching goal, design new teaching link of teaching activities and explain the reasons.The first question answer:(1) elementary school mathematics teaching activities to pay attention to the overall curriculum goal realization(2) pay more attention to the subject status of students in learningactivities(3) pay attention to the student to understand and grasp the basic knowledge, basic skills(4) to comprehend mathematical thought, mathematical activity experience(5) pay attention to the development of students' emotional attitude(6) a reasonable grasp the implementation of the "integrated with practice(7) should pay attention to the relation in teaching: (1) the relationship between the "default" and "generation";(2) for all students and pay attention to students' individual differences;(3) reasoning and deductive reasoning relationship;(4) the use of modern information technology and the diversificationof teaching means.Ask the answer 2:Aim: knowledge and skills students to grasp the concept of distance betweentwo points, and understand the triangle arbitrary on both sides and is greaterthan the third side.Process and method goal: through operation, guess, validation, cooperation and exchange activities, the students hands-on ability, reasoning ability was improved.Emotional attitude and values goal: feel mathematics and the life of closely linked, realized that the mathematics widely application value.Ask the answer 3:First, establishment situation, guess1, the present situation."There are a few routes from xiao Ming's home to school, go which way recently?How do you think?(the teacher named student answer) Conclusion: teachers all connection line in the shortest between two points, the length of the line is called the distance between two points.2, please students observing images: connection xiao Ming's home, shops, schools, similar to a graphic?Connection xiao Ming's home, the post office, school, approximate a what shape?3, teachers guide students to guess: xiao Ming home directly to the schoolthis road is a side of the triangle, and from xiao Ming's home to the post officeto go to school this route is triangle and two arms, from xiao Ming's home to the store to go to school this route is triangle and two side, so if there are:triangle arbitrary two arms length and must be greater than the third side?【 design intent: starting from the life experience of students, to students create life scene, naturally the introduction of the topic, easy to createaffinity. But then knowledge barriers to let the students feel with the previous knowledge can't solve the problem, have to use a new knowledge to solve, so as to stimulate curiosity, to further explore the new knowledge."Hands-on, independent inquirySecond, hands-on, explore new knowledgeHands-on: divide students into several groups, give each group to issue prepared four small sticks (length is 3 cm, 4 cm, 5 cm respectively, 8 cm) and a table, produce experiment courseware requirements: (1) to select three small sticks, hands-on, see if I can round into a triangle;(2) the deskmate cooperation, one operator, one person fill out the form, make records;(3) the four experiments.Fill out the form teacher questions: observation, find out?(named student answer: on both sides of a triangle is greater than the sum of the third side) According to the situation of the students, random use cannot be formed a set of data, such as "3, 4, 8" example: 3 + 8 > 4, why not form a triangle?And then to improve the conclusion: triangle arbitrary on both sides of the sum is greater than the third side.2. Verify the prehensive this conclusion?Is suitable for any a triangle?Please draw a triangle arbitrary, measuring the length of the trilateral, verify.Conclusion: both teachers and students to arbitrary on both sides of the sum of a triangle were greater than the third (blackboard writing)."Design intent" set operation link, the development of students' operation ability, lets the student experience the joy of independent found knowledge at the same time, the student experience - guess - test, developing students' ability of logical reasoning.28. Please read the following materials and answer as required.Please according to the above materials to complete the following tasks:(1) the types of classes and homework and its basic operation mode.(2) such as guiding students learning, this paper tries to formulate the teaching goal.(3) the basis to formulate the teaching goal, "said read or read write" language practice link, and explain the reasons.(1), effective homework in primary school English teaching, not only can consolidate students class required to master the knowledge, but also can stimulate interest in learning, to develop the ability to analyze and solve。

2025年上半年教师资格考试小学教育教学知识与能力测试试题及答案解析一、单项选择题(本大题有20小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.在小学教育教学过程中,教师应当如何对待学生的个体差异?A. 忽视差异,统一教学B. 过度关注差异,导致教学混乱C. 尊重差异,因材施教D. 刻意放大差异,以区分学生答案:C解析:在小学教育教学中,教师应当充分认识到并尊重每位学生的个体差异。
2.下列哪项不属于小学德育的基本内容?A. 爱国主义教育B. 集体主义教育C. 心理健康教育D. 高等数学教育答案:D解析:小学德育的基本内容主要包括爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、社会主义教育、劳动教育、纪律与法制教育、心理健康教育等。
3.下列关于小学班级管理的说法,错误的是:A. 班级管理应以促进学生的全面发展为目标B. 班主任是班级管理的核心人物C. 班级管理应完全由班主任负责,学生无需参与D. 班级管理制度应体现民主、公平原则答案:C解析:小学班级管理是一个复杂而细致的过程,旨在促进学生的全面发展。
选项A 正确指出了班级管理的目标;选项B强调了班主任在班级管理中的核心作用;选项D则体现了班级管理制度应遵循的基本原则。

2023年-2024年教师资格之小学教育教学知识与能力通关题库(附带答案)单选题(共40题)1、在《金色的鱼钩》教学开始时,张老师说:“同学们,前面我们通过学习《七律长征诗》,领略了红军长征的非凡气概,今天我们再来感受一下红军过草地的艰难困苦"这种授课的导入方式属于( )A.设疑导入B.温故导入C.情境导入D.故事导入【答案】 B2、班主任的影响力除表现职权影响力外,更重要的表现力为( )。
A.年龄影响力B.性别影响力C.人格影响力D.知识影响力【答案】 C3、特级教师周老师的班级是全校纪律最好的班级,在教务会议上周老师和大家一起分享了他的管理模式,他总是先对班级进行一个总体的管理,通过班集体再去影响每一个同学,反过来通过对每个学生的管理来影响整个班集体。
A.常规管理B.平行管理C.民主管理D.目标管理【答案】 B4、主张“绅士教育”的教育家是( )。
A.裴斯泰洛齐B.卢梭C.康德D.洛克【答案】 D5、教师要经常恰当地处理教学中生成的问题,这体现了教师劳动的()特点。
A.示范性B.目的性C.主体性D.创造性【答案】 D6、在教育调查研究中,最基本、使用最广泛的方法是()A.访谈调查B.调查表法C.查阅资料法D.问卷调查【答案】 D7、下列哪位科学家提出了原子论()。
A.道尔顿B.阿佛伽C.盖·吕萨克D.波义耳罗【答案】 A8、“我们敢说日常所见的人中,十分之九都是他们的教育所决定的。
”这一观点出自洛克的( )。
A.《大教学论》B.《教育漫话》C.《爱弥儿》D.《普通教育学》【答案】 B9、根据现代基础教育的学校教学活动领域所涉及的主要问题,教学设计的三个层面分别是()。
A.学科课程教学设计、单元教学设计和课堂教学设计B.学科课程教学设计、学期教学设计和单元教学设计C.学校教学系统设计、单元教学设计和课堂教学设计D.学校教学系统设计、学科课程教学设计和单元教学设计【答案】 A10、遗忘曲线的首先提出者是()。
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A.体现学生在评价中的主体地位8.注意评价方法的合理性和多样性C.注意处理教学与评价的关系D.小学的评价应以评价学生成绩为主13. Nowadays peop1e have to pass various tests for professiona1 so that they can be qua1ified for a we11-paid job. ()A. certificateB. permissionC. admissionD. chance14. If Roseher diamond in a safer p1ace, itsto1en. ()A. had put; might beB. had put ; might not have beenC. had pur1 cou1d beD. had not put; cou1d not have been15. We went through a period communications were very difficu1t in the rura1 areas. ()A. whichB. whoseC. in whichD. with which二、材料分析题1.阅读下列材料,回答问题。
“My friends”教学设计片段教材依据:PEP小学英语(四年级上册)Unit 3 Part B 1et's ta1k知识目标:(1)让学生初步掌握1et’s ta1k中的句子“He’s/She’s…He/She has…He/She 1ikes…”。
(2)理解会说1et’s chant中的内容。
professional certificate意为“职业证书”,为固定表达。
permission准许,许可;admission(机构、组织等)准许加入,进入权;chance 机会。
从句中不缺主要成分,故选关系副词,排除关系代词A项和作定语的8项;先行词a period可与in构成in a period。
(3)常用句式及相关短语:①How much…?多少钱?②Can I help you?您想买点什么?③What c an I do for you?你想买点什么?④Here is your change.找你零钱。
⑤I’m afraid it’s too expensive.太贵了。
⑥I’ll take it.我买了。
⑦Let me have a look at your pen.让我看看你的钢笔。
如:How much is the meat?肉多少钱?How much are the pants?这条裤子多少钱?参考范文:Assistant:Can I help you?售货员:您想买点什么?Tom:Yes,please.1 want a sweater for my mom.汤姆:我想为妈妈买件毛衣。
Assistant:How about this one?售货员:这件怎么样?Tom:No,she doesn’t like red.She likes blue.汤姆:不,她不喜欢红色。
Assistant:OK.Is this one all right?售货员:好的,这件好吗?Tom:Yes,it is.How much is it?汤姆:很好,多少钱?Assistant:It’s 50 yuan.售货员:50元。
Tom:OK,I’ll take it.汤姆:好的,我买了。
(1)从知识目标看,这是一节以对话教学为主的课,“He’s/She’s…He/She has…He/She likes…”是本课的核心句型,要求学生达到掌握的层次,并适当进行拓展,符合《课标》的要求。