随行的身影,在辗转中踌躇,无论是高山河流,或丛林荆棘,人生的旅途,只有前进,没有退路。山一程水一程,依然在跋涉的路上。沿途遇见的无限风景,都如过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。惯看花开花 落,数尽叶荣叶枯,落花逐流水,带走多少旧人旧事,唯独留下一片记忆,在梦中萦绕。
在尘世行走,我们都只是红尘里,孤独的赶路人,累的时候,偶尔停下来,坐在桥上看风景。乘船而过的人儿,在船上抬起头,看蓝天,看流云,也看着我们。不必去追问与探究,到底谁是谁眼中 的风景,谁又是谁的过客或归人。有些事,没有人能给出正解的答案。看的角度不同,得出的结论,也就有天壤之别了,适合稀里糊涂的事儿,我们没有必要去较真,过分清醒,也是一种负累。
因为你周身环绕的耀目的荣光彩票安卓版/rmtjcp/ 因为的包容堪比海洋的宏大 我愿投入你的怀抱涤荡湿腐 化作幸福的游鱼在这里安家 二中,我来了! 我来时带着我可爱的亲人同伴 找寻遗失许久的梦想和芳华 我的眼角布满了年轮的印记 不朽的信念撑起了我的枝桠 二中,我来了! 我怀揣这张人生旅途的单程票 蓦然回望身后那绯红的云霞 霞光中蕴藏青春过往的故
讲一字千金的故事 我记得,读小学的时候,曾祖父经常给我讲过一字千金的故事。虽然故事的情节模糊了,但是,曾祖父给我讲故事时那炯炯有神眼神我却难以忘怀,他老人家是多么的希望我能够认识到知识的重要性, 好好学习,将来能够考上大学这是他对我唯一的期望。当时的我也不负他所望,学校每次评比都能拿到奖状,这也是我那时最开心的事,因为我又能拿着奖状屁颠屁颠的跑向曾祖父讨赏了,其实当时的 我根本就不知道学习知识是为了什么,我唯一的动力就是可以得到曾祖父的赞赏和奖励。优游 / 送生活费 时间在指尖流逝,我离开家去很远的地方上初中了。记得有一次,我去学校时曾经给妈妈说过,我生活费不够了,要20元钱。当时,家里没有钱,妈妈答应尽快会去借到来送给我。记得那天,我和平常 一样吃完午饭在学校学生寝室里休息。突然一个同学跑过来告诉我说有人找我。我意料之外的是曾祖父骑着他的自行车来学校看我了。他骑了足足两个多小时。这对一个80多岁的老人来说是多么的危险 啊!幸好祖父当过兵、参加过抗美援朝战争,身体还算硬朗。曾祖父当时并没有多说什么,只是简单的叮嘱了我几声:在学校好好照顾自己,好好学习。然后给了我20快钱转身就回去了。但是曾祖父骑 着自行车离去的背影却永远的印在我的脑海里,刻在了我的心里。 孩子不能辍学 初中三年的学习生涯很快就过去了,我满心欣喜的期待着我即将到来的高中生活。 然而生活中总是充满了挫折。那年父亲的咽喉炎复发了,整天吐血,花了好多钱治病。家里实在是供不起我们三个孩子读书了,父亲实在是没有办法,不得不提出让我辍学出去打工,帮助家里减轻负担。 我知道父亲的为难,也知道父亲真的无计可施才会出此下策,于是我想着退学以便帮助家里。但我是真的很想上学,当时的我除了哭,真的不知道怎么办。这个时候,曾祖父坚决的告诉父亲:孩子不能 辍学!曾祖父拿出了这些年来国Байду номын сангаас给他的津贴,让我顺利的步入了高中。
人教修订版高三第三册英语(必修)Unit 15 Popular youth culture
youth culture
Unit 15Popular youth culture教案学案一体化
Unit 15Popular youth culture教案
Passage analyzing
the pass rate has improved;
get rid of the poverty and has a bight future
Make the children get rid of starvation and live a better life.
Benefits to him or her
time to helping others
C. people who donate their time to help othersD. all of the above
2.Volunteer do voluntary work in order to______.答案:B
A. make moneyB. make a contribution to societyC. kill timeD.
starving children
Benefits to others
Mr Zhaodoesn’tfeel lonely any more;
his hቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱalth has been improved;
he feels more energetic and optimistic
The kids become eager to learn;
高三英语上学期unit 15 reading
后 等
棋牌游戏代理/ 峑奣尛
1、According to the passage, why do young people choose to do volunteer work? They want to make some contributions to society. 2 、What do people think of young volunteers? People think it is a good deed for youths to be volunteers.
Match the word and the meaning
benefits acknowledge admit ; express thanks for feeling as if everything were turning round having realization by oneself give a motive to tendency to look up the bright side of things as a result of advantage, help, profit
volunteers when
For whom
What to do
Lu Hao
Ling Ying
Meng YU
Shopping, house Every Elder people Tuesday and work ,read ,drink, Friday chat Children in One year teach remote ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱreas At weekends Children in Went without remote food for 30 hours areas
【精品】高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第一课时)
Unit 15 Popular youth cultureⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThe activities of this unit,including Warming-up,Speaking,Listening,Reading and Writing,center on the subject—popular youth culture,which will certainly interest the students.By talking about popular youth culture and interests of young people,the students will know something about youth culture.After reading the passage—Young Volunteers,the students will learn something about voluntary work,which the students must be interested in.Besides,the students will learn some useful words and expressions.In the last period,the students will learn more about youth culture,after reading the passage—Denim Jeans,they will also learn to conduct a survey and write a report about youth culture.After finishing each task provided in this unit,the students will improve their integrative skills greatly.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about youth culture and interests of young people.2.Read about voluntary work.3.Integrative language practice.4.Conduct a survey and write a report.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Webworms in Classrooms—Students spend too much time on InternetChinese college webworms are finding that the Internet has one thing in common with cheating during exams:they both can get you kicked out of school.Of the 237 students of East China University of Science and Technology who are dropping out of school or transferring to lesser colleges this year,80 percent blame their academic failure on excessive use of the Internet.At Shanghai Jiaotong University,some one third of the 205 school dropouts this year say the endless hours spent before computers have led to their failure in studies.Easy and fast Internet connections installed on college campuses in recent years have provided great convenience for college students.But many students are getting carried away by becoming obsessively fond of surfing the Web—days and nights.Apart from accessing emails and looking up data online,many students spend hours playing interactive games and chatting.Reading and posting articles on college bulletin boards(BBS) can also eat up hours each night.Similar problems have surfaced in Beijing,where Web connections in student dorms have so far been the privilege of a relatively small number of students,mostly postgraduate students from leading institutes.Some of them even have to quit school because of their obsession with browsing the Web.They skip all their classes at that time and sat before the computer for at least 10 hours a day.They spent most of their time online chatting with friends all over the country using the popular software OICQ,or visiting the college BBS.Internet cafes in Beijing usually charge between five and ten yuan per hour.Even for students from better-off families,spending a few relaxing hours at the cafe for several days could result in a heavy deficit on their monthly budget.And worse things are yet to come:several Internet bars in Beijing were fined in early November when police found pornographic content in the computers.Although many internet cafes prohibit their customers from visiting porn sites or playing games online,many customers,including college students,manage to do so for hours every night.Officials with the two Shanghai universities say school authorities are taking mild measures to deal with potential dropout students.They may consider giving them a second chance.But it’s basically up to the students themselves to avoid the addiction to the Web.Like any other new thing,it gives you a shock at first encounter.As we get more used to the Internet as part of our campus life,we tend to get more rational about it.2.How to solve the personal problemsSome people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react by just giving up.But it is not good to escape from problems by giving up or by making excuses for failures.You may be sure that all young people go through the same difficult process that you are going through;meeting new situations,developing new skills,and testing their abilities.If you are unhappy about something,face it.Try to state the problem in a few words,so that you will know exactly what you are up against.Then see if you can “put your finger” on the cause of your unhappin ess.In many cases,we only “think” there is no solution to a particular problem.But often we can overcome problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.For example,a boy wanted to be a debater(讨论家).When he tried out for the debating team as a freshman,the coach thought he was hopeless.He was shy;he had a high-pitched voice;and his posture was poor.Although he wasgiven little hope of success,he took advantage of every opportunity to debate.He studied successful speakers and sized up his own weakness and assets.Then he spent many hours learning all the fact on the topics for debate,and worked at developing good posture and at speaking clearly.By his junior year,he made the school debating team,and in his senior year he was on the winning team in his state.He achieved his goal because he had made a direct attack upon his problem.Although direct attack is often the best way to meet problems,we have to be realistic(现实的) in judging situations.Sometimes it is necessary to change either the tactics or the goal.A boy who wants to be a great football player may be too light and not quite fast enough for football.In this situation,becoming a great football player may be an unreasonable goal for him.However,he may become outstanding in tennis or golf,and satisfy his desire to take part in sports.A girl who has plain features may decide that she cannot win popularity(声望) with her face,and so she may try to develop an interesting personality,which eventually will get her much further.In this situation,she must change her method of achieving her goal.So,although direct attack is often the best way to handle problems,it is important to study the situation and make a wise decision about what todo.Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Talk about youth culture and interests of young people to improve the students’ speaking ability.2.Do some listening practice to train the students’ listening ability.3.Learn something about “youth culture”.Teaching Important Point:Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their listening and speaking abilities.2.How to help the students understand “youth culture”.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make the students talk about youth culture and interests of young people.2.Listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.3.Group work and pair work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Warming upT:We know that everybody has his own interests.I like reading,gardening and swimming.How about you,Qin Li?What do you do in your spare time? S:I like listening to music,especially English songs.And sometimes I surf the Internet.T:I see.Please sit down.Wang Jing,what do you like most?S:I like designing and making ship models.T:Really?Why?S:Because my father is a sailor.He has bought many ship models for me.I like them very much,and I want to build my own ship models.T:That’s great.Please bring one to our class next time.I really want to have a look.So,you have many different interests.Now,please look at the pictures shown on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)T:Which of the pictures are true for your life?Wu Bin,please have a try.S:I like fastfood,and I celebrate western festivals,such as Christmas,Volentine’s Day and April Fools’ Day.T:Good.Please sit down.How about you,Wang Ping?S:I like s urfing the Internet,and I’m learning to create computer programs.I’m very interested in computer programming.T:Good.That’s very helpful.Now,have a discussion in pairs to think out what other activities and interests are typical of young people.(After a few minutes,ask some students to say their answers.)T:What’s your answer,Tian Jing?S:Young people of today like to make their own decisions and try to follow the fashion.T:Right.Please sit down.Who has anything else to say?S:They are interesting in sports and showing their individualities.They are self-confident.They like to try new things and want risk and excitement. T:Great.Please sit down.Nowadays people often talk about the “global teenager”.What do you think teenagers in China have in common with those in other countries?You may have a short discussion in pairs.(A moment later) Lin Xin,please tell us your answer.S:I think teenagers in China and those in other countries are all self-confident,and they all like to follow the fashion.T:That’s quite right.Please sit down.Han Jie,what’s your opinion?S:They all want risk and excitement.T:Good.Please sit down.We know that there’re many different aspects of youth culture.Work in groups to design a poster to show what life is like for a modern teenager today.You can choose to include one aspect of youth culture or several.(Divide the students into six groups and give them enough time to design their posters.Teacher may give the students some help if necessary.)Step Ⅲ SpeakingT:(A moment later) Have you finished your posters?Ss:Yes.T:Good.Now,Group One,please come to the blackboard.Stick your poster on the blackboard and give us a presentation about it.Explain your design and content to us.Tell your classmates why you choose to include this/these characteristic(s) of teenage life.(One student from Group One comes to the blackboard,sticks the poster on the blackboard and gives a short presentation.)T:Well done!Thank you!Please go back to your seat.Now,Group Two,please show us your poster....(Ask each of the six groups to show their poster and give a presentation about the poster.The students may design various posters about many different aspects of youth culture.)T:Now,we’ve seen all the posters that you’ve designed and we’ve also list ened to all your presentations about the posters.You’ve done excellent work!From these posters we know there’re many different aspects of youth culture.What’s youth culture?Discuss this with your group and try to summarise the concept of “youth culture” in two or three sentences. (Give the students a few minutes to have a discussion.Then teacher asks some students to say their answers.The students may have various answers.Finally,teacher helps the students summarise the concept of“youth culture” and write s it down on the blackboard.All aspects that interest modern youth all over the world.)T:Well done!After class,try to collect some pictures showing different aspects of youth culture to help you understand the concept of youth culture better.Besides,try to find out if there’s a bad side to youth culture.You can have a discussion with your classmates or friends.Step Ⅳ ListeningT:We know that more and more young people in China are doing voluntary work.Many college students go to remote areas to help children there receive good education after they graduate instead of applying for a job straight away.So do the youth in other countries.How about you?Do you want to do some voluntary work in your spare time?Ss:Yes.But we don’t know what we can do and how w e can get some voluntary work.T:Don’t worry.Next,we’ll listen to a passage.It is about a student named Danny.Danny is interested in volunteering to help children.He visits a Youth Volunteers’ Centre to find out more about volunteering.The officer tells Danny about three projects he could volunteer for.Listen to the tape,fill in the form on the screen and find out which project Danny is most interested in and the reasons he gives for not wanting to work on the other projects.(Show the following on the screen.)(Teacher plays the tape twice.Pause for the students to write down their answers when necessary.Then play the tape again for the students to check their answers.Finally,the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.) Step Ⅴ Summary and HomeworkT:Today,we’ve talked about youth culture.We’ve also designed our own posters a nd talked about them.Besides we’ve listened to a passage about volunteering.Next period,we’ll read a passage about young volunteers.After class,try to collect more pictures and information aboutyouth culture and voluntary work to help you understand the passage better.That’s all for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅵ The Design of the Writing onthe BlackboardUnit 15 Popular youth cultureThe First PeriodGroup One’s posterGroup Two’s posterGroup Three’s posterGroup Four’s posterGroup Five’s posterGroup Six’s posterYouth culture:All aspects that interest modern youth all over the world.Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________。
高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture第四课时 教案
The Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Read a passage about denim jeans to improve the students’ reading ability.2.Learn how to design a questionnaire and conduct a survey.3.Write a report to improve the students’ writing ability.Teaching Important Points:1.How to improve the students’ integrating skills.2.Help the students to know how to conduct a survey and write a report.Teaching Difficult Point:How to help the students improve their integrating skills.Teaching Methods:1.Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.2.Writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.3.Individual work,pair work and group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Lead-inT:Weekend is ing!You can do things you like to have fun.Wu Li,what would you like to do?S:I’m going fishing with my friend Liang Ying on Sunday.T:Good idea.But I have another question to ask you.When you take off your school uniform,what clothes would you like to wear?S:Jeans are my favourite.I usually wear jeans.T:Does anybody else like jeans?Please put up your hand.(Some students put up their hands.)’re so many new styles every year.Please look at the screen.(Show the following pictures on the screen.)T:They are so beautiful!Which do you like best,Xu Yan?S:I like the third one best.I like jeans with wide legs.T:Yes,this pair looks nice.How about you,Yang Hua?S:I’d prefer the second pair.I like its narrow legs.T:OK.Who like the sixth?S:I like it.T:Can you tell us why?Do you like the holes?S:Yes.This pair looks fashionable.But I don’t think my mother will allow me to buy one.T:You should try your best to persuade her to accept the fashion.S:I’ll try.T:Most of us like wearing jeans.But do you know where jeans came from?Ss:No.Please tell us!T:Today,we’ll read a passage—Denim Jeans.After you read the passage,you’ll find the answer. Step ⅢReadingT:(After a few minutes)Have you found out where jeans came from?Who can tell us your answer?S:Let me try.The idea of blue trousers called jeans came from Europe,and the word “jeans” was first used to describe the blue clothes that sailors in Italy wore in the 16th century.But the jeans oftoday are very much an American invention.T:How were they invented?S:They were created by a shopkeeper in San Francisco.His shop sold denim work trousers to men employed in heavy labour.T:Right.Who knows why people in the past liked to wear jeans?S:They liked to wear jeans because they were cheap and strong.They were also fortable.T:Is this still true today?S:No,this is not true today.Nowadays,denim has bee a symbol of the young,active,informal way of life.And many olders wear jeans to feel young.T:Very good.Do you think jeans are still as popular with young people today?S:Yes,I think so.They continue to be most fashionable with young people.Because denim jeans are a symbol of the global teenager,and they are likely to remain part of international youth culture for many years to e.Step Ⅳ Explanation and DiscussionT:Very good.To help you understand the passage better,I’ll explain some useful words and expressions to you.Please look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)Useful words and expressions:1.reputation:fame,good name n.e.g.He has a good/high reputation.He has a reputation for idleness.2.uniform:clothes that are uniform in style n.e.g.He looks handsome in uniform.Railway workers wear dark blue uniforms.3.casual:not formal adj.e.g.She is wearing a casual dress.4.whereas:while,but in contrast conj.e.g.She is ill,whereas I am only a little tired.5.out of fashion:bee/be unpopular as a stylee.g.Short skirts are out of fashion now.6.dream of:hope for something nice in the futuree.g.He dreams of being a pilot.We all dream of peace.7.approve of:be pleased withe.g.Our parents didn’t approve of our playing games on Sundays.8.be through:have finishede.g.He is not through yet.Are you through (with) your work yet?I’m through with him.(Explain the words and expressions to the students and write them on the blackboard.)T:Now,please read the passage carefully to understand it better.Then we’ll rewrite a final paragraph to the text about jeans and fashion in China.(After the students read the passage carefully)Have you finished reading the passage?Ss:Yes.T:Good.Now,to rewrite the final paragraph,we need collect some information.Please look at the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)Questionnaire:1.Do you like wearing jeans?2.How many pairs of jeans do you possess?3.How often do you wear jeans?4.What styles do you prefer?5.Do your parents wear jeans?6.Do you want other types of casual trousers?7.What other casual trousers are fashionable with young people in China?T:Here are some ideas to help you.You may think of more questions to collect more information.Now,please conduct a survey in our class.Try to collect as much information as possible.(Allow the students enough time to conduct a survey.)T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:OK.With your partner use the data you have collected to rewrite the final paragraph of the text.Replace the information about the UK with the results of your survey about jeans and fashion in China.You may have a discussion first.(Allow the students enough time to finish the task.Then ask some students to read their paragraph to the class.)Step Ⅴ WritingT:Well done!We know that there are many aspects of youth culture,such as music,sports,voluntary work,fashion and so on.You can choose any youth culture issue to conduct a survey about young people.First of all,you need to design a questionnaire.Do you know how to design one?Please turn to Page 135.Read the tips.They are about conducting a survey and designing a questionnaire.They are very useful.Read them carefully.(After a few minutes.)T:Now,do you know how to design a questionnaire?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Work in groups of four to choose one aspect of youth culture and design a questionnaire. (Give the students enough time to finish the task.)T:Have you finished designing your questionnaire?Ss:Yes.(Teacher may ask some students to read out their questionnaires.)A sample questionnaire:Do you like sportswear?When do you like to wear sportswear?How many sportswear do you have?What colour do you like?Do your parents like sportswear?Do your teachers like sportswear?What other people wear sportswear?What advantages do you think you have wearing sportswear?Why do people like to wear sportswear?’’ll pick out the best ones to get them published in our school newspaper.Sample writing:There’’s more,they have more than one suit of sportswear for a change.Teachers in our school,men and women,old and young are often wearing their sportswear.If you take a walk in the morning,you’ll find that many old men and women take exercise,wearing their sportswear.Why do so many people like to wear sportswear?A survey shows that first,it is fortable to wear sportswear.Second,it is convenient to wash them.Above all,it is fashionable to wear sportswear.If you wear it,you will be brimming with youthful vigour.StepⅥ Summary and HomeworkT:Today we’’’ve also learnt to design a questionnaire and conduct a survey.After class,conduct the survey and write the report.And don’’s all for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step Ⅶ The Design of the Writing onthe BlackboardUnit 15Popular youth cultureThe Fourth PeriodUseful words and expressions:reputation out of fashionuniform dream ofcasual approve ofwhereas be throughStep Ⅷ Record after Teaching_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。
愿者日 •on the annual International Volunteers Day
给个人带来•许do多v好ol处untary work
•bring many personal benefits
•join the “1 helps 1”scheme
Phrases in unit 15
便在脑海中幻想着自己亲手 制作小木雕的场景,迫不及待的想要把它们变成现实。 幻想着自己成了能工巧匠,一块木头不一会儿就被做成了一只栩栩如生, 非常可爱的小狗。忽然感觉自己就 好像是"神笔马良"一样,也拥有一把神奇的 雕刻笔,相信任何木头都能让它变得形态逼真,活灵活现的。 我将去年暑假收集的雪糕棍全部找了出来,用铅笔和直尺开始了绘图,我 想要做一把 小木剑:用直尺量出了木条宽的中点,又在两边找到了两个合适的 点,平移做成了一个长方条,和刚才的点连接后,剑的大致轮廓就做出来了, 剑柄也在十分钟后完工。 这一切都进行的顺顺 利利,我便开始了雕刻,每一步我都小心翼翼的,可 我担心的事还是发生了,因为木条的木纹是倾斜的,所以正当我雕刻时,一不 小心就顺着木纹切了下去,把木条切断了,这一个小小的失误 使得我前功尽弃, 还险些伤到了我的手指。 我有些退缩了,毕竟以前曾两次被小刀割伤过,但想到那些雕刻大师,他 们从小就开始练习,经过多少次伤痛才能拥有今天的成果,累累伤痕见证 着他 们的辛苦付出,也是成功的必经之路。和他们相比,我的这些困难又算得了什 么。 想到这里我又重新鼓起勇气,拿起铅笔从头开始,计算、绘图、修改…… 开始雕刻时,我深吸一口气, 静下心来仔细的雕刻着,顺着铅笔的痕迹, 一点一点的雕刻着
•one’s grades have improved a great deal
高三英语Unit15 Reading of Popular youth culture课件 新课标 人教版
3). The head teacher has made a few minor __________ adjustment (调整;调节) to our seats.
4). Even today can you imagine some children in Africa are ________ starving (挨饿)to death. 5). Running up stairs very fast made him ___________ breathless (上气不接下气).
It is our duty to make a contribution to protecting the environment. Thomas Edison made a great contribution to the world. be used to / be equal to / devote oneself to get down to / lead to / look forward to /
Read the passage quickly and choose the best answers
1. Volunteer do voluntary work in order to____. A. make money B. make a contribution to society C. kill time D. become healthy
② his grades have improved a lot.
friends ;
②feels more
acquires valuable skills and experience;
人教版高中英语第三册Unit15 Popular Youth Culture
Unit 15 Popular Youth CultureTeaching aims:1.Goals:◆Talk about youth culture and interests of young people◆Read about voluntary work◆Practise presenting ideas◆Integrative language practice◆Write an survey and a report2.Special focus:Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.a.Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;b.Guide Ss to learn to use the following words andexpressions: voluntary, annual, breathless, dizzy,beneficial, straight away, satisfaction, worthwhile,starve, fit in/ with, due to, casual, adolescent,whereas, possess, etc.c. Improve the abilities of using language by integrative language practice.Period 1 ReadingYoung Volunteers (P129-131)Step 1. Warming upTask 1. Enable the students to discuss the questions on p129.Step 2. ScanningTask 2. Get the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help them to form a good habit of reading. Try to find out the main clue of the story. Step 3. While-reading:Complete the chart:Step 4. Post-readingFinish all the Ex. On p131Step 5. Further ReadingTask 3: Read the passage once again and get the main idea of the passage and understand the writing purpose.Main idea: The text relates the three students’experiences as volunteers. It shows that “…each contribution--- no matter how small can make a difference.”And it also shows that voluntary work benefits not only the people helped but also volunteers. It encourages us students to volunteer to make a contribution to the society.Writing Purpose: By retelling the three students’experiences as volunteers, the writer tries to make us learn about some voluntary work and realize that voluntary work benefits not only society but also volunteers. He calls on and encourages us students to take part in voluntary work so as to improve ourselves, get the job we dream and make the world more beautiful and harmonious.Step 6. HomeworkFinish all the exercises on Language Practice on p131-133. Period 2.Integrating Reading SkillsDenim Jeans (P133-135)Step 1. Revision1.Check the Ss how further they understand the voluntarywork.2.Check the homework.Review the Model VerbsStep 2. Scan the passage and find out what happened in the years:In 1870s: A shopkeeper in San Francisco succeeded in selling denim work trousers.In 1930s: Many young American men bought jeans and dressed like their cowboy film stars.In World War Two: American jeans were introduced by the soldiers to the world.After the war: American teenagers started to make denim jeans their own unique item of fashion.In 1950s:The school ban on students wearing jeans make jeans even more popular.Between 1950s and 1990s: The jeans have been through many different changes in style.In 1990s: Jeans were made more stretch and even tighter over the bottom and legs.More Recently: Wearing jeans that looked very old became popular.Step 3. Careful reading:Ask the students to read the passage carefully and answer questions 2 on Page 135.Period 3. Integrating Reading and Writing Skills3 Passages on p 259-262Step 1. Warmming-upDo the oral pratice on p128, and enable the students to practise presenting ideas.Step 2. ReadingTask 1: Read the 3 passages and finish the exercises. If possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences.Step 3. Guided WritingGive Ss 20 minutes to finish the writing assignmenton p264,Then ask Ss to score their work according to thefollowing chart.3 pluses & 1 wishNote: How to use this chart effectively?Ask the student to read his/her deskmate’s writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. And then feed the message back. Next, ask the Ss to correct their work according to the chart.Period 4:Step 1. Analyze some long sentences:Deal with some language points and difficult points if necessary. If possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences. The following sentences in this unit are very important:The people here are poor, but they have big hearts and made me feel very welcome.I really feel I’m doing something worthwhile and I amhaving a great time doing it.Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and they forbade them.Step 2: Testing your skills on P258-259Step 3: Cloze Test on p263 Step 4: Translating on P 264。
高三英语上学期Unit15Youth culture (Reading)
Would you like to be a volunteer? What kind of voluntary work do you like to do? What benefits does it bring to you and the people who are helped?
optimistic dizzy self-awareness
motivation consequence
Read the passage quickly and choose the best answers
1.volunteer do voluntary work in order to____ __ A. make money B. make a contribution to society C. kill time D. become healthy 2.This passage mainly tell us__________ A voluntary work is interesting B voluntary work is demanding C voluntary work can make a difference not only to the helped people but also to the volunteers themselves whatever kind it is D how to do voluntary work
Benefits to people helped
• • • • improved health more energetic more optimistic national exam pass rates improved poverty relief • improved future prospects • money to buy food
高三英语 第三册 unit 15 Popular youth culture 学案 新人教版
Unit15 Popular youth cultureReading: Young volunteersⅠ.词汇Read and translate the following words.1.每年的adj ___________2. 承认vt ____________3.年长的adj ___________4. 有益的 adj__________5. 满足;满意n _________6.值得的adj ___________7.挨饿 vi ______________ 8. 调整n_____________9.使富裕vt _____________ 10. 成熟的adj __________Ⅱ. 阅读课文,完成问题:1. Volunteers refer to _______ .A. people who are willing to help othersB. people who devote their time to helping othersC. people who donate their time to help othersD. all of the above2. Volunteer do voluntary work in order to _____.A. make moneyB. make a contribution to societyC. kill timeD. become healthy3._____ vo1unteers are mentioned in the text.A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four4. How does the volunteer work help Lin Ying?A. She has improved her weakest subject history.B. She has made many good friends.C. Her work is making a big difference to the children's future.D. She has acquired valuable skills and experience for her own career.5. Meng Yu took part in an event to help starving children. Did she get any benefit herself at last?A. Yes. She received money donations.B. No. She nearly died of starvation.C. Yes. She made new friends and felt more positive.D. No. She used to feel lonely and homesick at times.6. According to the text, any voluntary work can benefit______.A. those poor peopleB. those hungry childrenC. the volunteersD. both the volunteers and the people they are helping.7. The text mainly tells us _______.A. vo1untary work is interestingB. vo1untary work is demandingC. vo1untary work call make a difference not only to the helped people but also to the vo1unteers themselves whatever kind it isD. how to do vo1untary work8. From the text we can infer that voluntary work is worth doing for______.A. only young peopleB. healthy peopleC. people with knowledgeD. almost all peopleTrue or False1. In China, 13.5 million people are doing voluntary work.2. Being a volunteer brings not only social benefits but also personalbenefits.3. With the help of Mr Zhao , Lu Hao’s politics has improved a lot.4. After graduation, Lin Ying decided to apply for a job straight away.5. Lin Ying and other volunteer teachers helped more children pass the nationalexams.Ⅲ. 词组查找1.不断增长的数目________________2. 做出贡献 _______________3.个人利益 _______________4.给某人以帮助_______________5.集中于________________6.毕业于_______________________7.马上___________________ 8.渴望做某事 _________________ 9.为…筹集资金 ________________ 10.与…相适应 _______________Integrating skills Ⅰ.词汇Read and translate the following words.1. 制服n.___________2.便服的 adj.___________3.青少年n. __________4.近来的 adj.___________5.时髦的 adj. ________6.鉴于conj. ____________7.店主 n. ____________ 8.拥有vt. _____________Ⅱ.语篇理解1. The idea of blue trousers called jeans came from ______.A. EuropeB. AfricaC. AsiaD. America2. People began to buy jeans for fashion beside for work ______.A. in the 1900sB. in 1930C. in the 1930sD. in the 1920s3. ______ introduced jeans to the world.A. American governmentB. American soldiersC. American cowboysD. American workers4. From Text Two we can infer ______A. jeans will be less popularB. jeans will disappearC. jeans will still be popularD. jeans will be out of fashionⅢ. 词组查找1.穿上他们最喜爱的便服_________________2. 条纹牛仔裤______________3.过时_______________4.以…而闻名______________________5.在某人的业余时间___________________6.被介绍给世界______________7.赞同学生穿牛仔裤___________________ 8.用…来装饰 _____________9.…的象征____________________ 10.在许多方面__________________Reading1-8 DBCDCDCDFTFFT1.increasing numbers2. make a contribution to3.personal benefits4.give sb assistance5.concentrate on6.gratuate from7.straight away8.be eager to do sth 9. raise money for 10. fit in (with) Integrating skills1-4 ACBC1.put on their favorite casual clothes2.a pair of denim jeans;3.out of fashion4.have a reputation for5.in one’s free time6.be introduced to the world7.approve of students wearing jeans to school;8.decorate with 9.a symbol of 10. in many aspects。
【精品】高中英语(人教大纲)第三册Unit15 Popular youth culture(第四课时)
1.Read a passage about denim jeans to improve the students’3.Write a report to improve the students’Teaching Important Poi1.How to improve the students’1.Reading and understanding to improve the students’2.Writing practice to improve the students’TeachingStep Ⅰ GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Ⅱ Lead-inS:I’T:Good idea.But I have another question to ask you.When you take off your school uniform,whatT:Oh,so many of you like wearing Jeans.So do I.As we know,Jeans are strong,cheap and comfortable.Jeans today are becoming more and more beautiful.There’re so many new stylesT:They are so beautiful!Which do you like best,Xu Yan?S:I like the third one best.I like jeans with wide legs.T:Yes,this pair looks nice.How about you,Yang Hua?S:I’d prefer the second pair.I like its narrow legs.T:OK.Who like the sixth?S:I like it.T:Can you tell us why?Do you like the holes?S:Yes.This pair looks fashionable.But I don’t think my mother will allow me to buy one.T:You should try your best to persuade her to accept the fashion.S:I’ll try.T:Most of us like wearing jeans.But do you know where jeans came from?Ss:No.Please tell us!T:Today,we’ll read a passage—Denim Jeans.After you read the passage,you’ll find the answer. Step ⅢReadingT:(After a few minutes)Have you found out where jeans came from?Who can tell us yourS:Let m e try.The idea of blue trousers called jeans came from Europe,and the word “jeans” was first used to describe the blue clothes that sailors in Italy wore in the 16th century.But the jeans ofT:How were they invenS:They were created by a shopkeeper in San Francisco.His shop sold denim work trousers to menS:They liked to wear jeans because they were cheap and strong.TheyS:No,this is not true today.Nowadays,denim has become a symbol of the young,active,informalT:Very good.Do you think jeans are still as popular witS:Yes,I think so.They continue to be most fashionable with young people.Because denim jeans are a symbol of the global teenager,and they are likely to remain part of international youth culture forStep Ⅳ ExplanaT:Very good.To help you understand the passage better,I’ll explain some useful words ande.g.She is wearing a casual drese.g.He dreams of become.g.Our parents didn’I’m through with him.(ExplT:Now,please read the passage carefully to understand it better.Then we’ll rewrite a final paragraph to the text about jeans and fashion in China.(After the students read the passageT:Good.Now,to rewrite the final paragraph,we need collect some information.Please look at theinformation.Now,please conduct a survey in our class.Try to collect as much information as(Allow the studentsT:OK.With your partner use the data you have collected to rewrite the final paragraph of the text.Replace the information about the UK with the results of your survey about jeans and fashion(Allow the students enough time to finish the task.Then ask some students to read their paragraph to the class.)Step ⅤT:Well done!We know that there are many aspects of youth culture,such as music,sports,voluntary work,fashion and so on.You can choose any youth culture issue to conduct a survey about young people.First of all,you need to design a questionnaire.Do you know how to design one?Please turn to Page 135.Read the tips.They are about conducting a survey and designing a questionnaire.They(After a few minutes.)T:OK.Work in groups of four to choose one aspect of youth culture and design a questionnaireWhen do you like to weaWhy do people likT:Excellent.You’ve designed excellent questionnaires.After class,conduct the survey among students in our school.Then use the results of your survey to write a short report on the latest trends on your chosen subject.Hand your report in tomorrow.I’ll pick out the best ones to get themThere’s a new trend in our city.That is wearing sportswear.80% of the boys and 69% of the girls like to wear sportswear and they wear it in their P.E.classes.Even when they have their classes,sportswear can be seen in every class.Nearly half of the students wear their sportswear every day.What’s more,they have more than one suit of sportswear for a change.Teachers in our school,men and women,old and young are often wearing their sportswear.If you take a walk in the morning,you’ll find that many old men and women take exercise,wearing their sportswear.Why do so many people like to wear sportswear?A survey shows that first,it is comfortable to wear sportswear.Second,it is convenient to wash them.Above all,it is fashionable to wear sportswear.IfStepⅥT:Today we’ve read a passage about denim jeans.We’ve learnt something about fashion.We’ve also learnt to design a questionnaire and conduct a survey.After class,conduct the survey and write the report.And don’t forget to hand your report in tomorrow.That’s all for today.Class is over.SeeStep Ⅶ TheUnit 15reputationuniformcasual_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。
高三英语Unit 15 Popular youth culture人教版知识精讲
高三英语Unit 15 Popular youth culture人教版[同步教育信息]一. 本周教学内容:Unit 15 Popular youth culture二. 具体内容:1. On the annual International Volunteers Day, the world acknowledges the work of millions of people who give their time to help others.on : at specific time ofe.g.They arrived on the morning of July 1st.She was rushed to hospital but was dead on arrival.The bus starts on the hour, i.e. every hour exactly.2. I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I am having a great time doing it.worthwhile: adj. deserving the effort needed, the time or money spentworth perp.worthy adj.e.g.It’s worth much more than I paid for it.It isn’t worth waiting for him.The performance is worthy to be remembered.We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets.Have a great time〔in〕doing it.3. ing to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.4. although the styles may change from year to year, jeans never go pletely out of fashion.out of / in fashion: considered/ not very modern nowAfter a fashion: although not very welle.g.John can speak Russian, after a fashion, but can’t read it at all.5. Liu Huanrong, a volunteer who has helped many teenagers addicted to online gaming, believes that the most important thing for today’s youth is to have balance in their lives. addicted to: dependent on something,esp a drug; unable to stop havinge.g.My children are hopelessly addicted to television.6. As a teenager, Miss Liu was involved in a fire, in which 91% of her skin was burnt and she lost the use of her hands.involve … in/with: cause sb.or oneself to bee connected or concernede.g.Don’t involve other people in your mad schemes.The job involves traveling abroad for three months each year.[典型例题][例1] In 1920, the writer was born in Fengyang, which was _____ to be on the map.A. a too small townB. a town too smallC. such a small townD. so small a town答案:B解析:不定式to be on the map作补充说明的成分,所以应该和形容词连在一起,就像adj.+ enough to do一样。
人教版高三Unit15 Popular youth culture
Goals:Talk about youth culture and interests of young people Read about voluntary workPractise presenting ideasIntegrative language practiceConduct a survey and write a reportThe first period: Warming up and comprehensionStep 1 Warming upTalk about the pictures on P.127Talk about the activities and interests of young people Talk about what life is like for a modern teenager today Step 2 Tape-listening and fast readingStep 3 Questions and answersStep 4 Comprehension test1. Volunteers refer to ____D___ .A.people who are willing to help othersB.people who devote their time to helping others C.people who donate their time to help othersD.all of the above2. Volunteer do voluntary work in order to __B___. A.make moneyB.make a contribution to societyC. kill timeD.become healthy3.____C____ vo1unteers are mentioned in the text.A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four4. Volunteers are____B____A. those who donate money to the poorB. those who donate their time to help othersC. those who work as teachers in a remote villageD. those who help old people with their daily life5. The following people are volunteers except___A___.A. Kofi AnnanB. Lu HaoC. Lin YingD. Meng Yu6. How does the volunteer work help Lin Ying? ( D )A. She has improved her weakest subject history.B. She has made many good friends.C. Her work is making a big difference to the children's future.D. She has acquired valuable skills and experience for her own career.7. Meng Yu took part in an event to help starving children. Did she get any benefit herself at last? ( C )A. Yes. She received money donations.B. No. She nearly died of starvation.C. Yes. She made new friends and felt more positive.D. No. She used to feel lonely and homesick at times.8. According to the text, any voluntary work can benefit___D___.A. those poor peopleB. those hungry childrenC. the volunteersD.both the volunteers and the people they are helping.9. The text mainly tells us ___C____.A.vo1untary work is interestingB.vo1untary work is demandingC.vo1untary work call make a difference not only to the helped people but also to the vo1unteers themselves whatever kind it isD. how to do vo1untary work10. From the text we can infer that voluntary work is worth doingfor___D___.A. only young peopleB.healthy peopleC. people with knowledgeD. almost a11 peopleStep 5 HomeworkRead the text carefully and underline useful expressions.The second period: Language pointsA: Words and expressions:1. voluntary adj. 志愿的,自愿的 ( 2nd line Para. 1)The police asked for his voluntary appearance.警察要求他自动露面。
愿者日 •on the annual International Volunteers Day
给个人带来•许do多v好ol处untary work
•bring many personal benefits
•join the “1 helps 1”scheme
•one’s grades have improved a great deal
; 琪琪布电影网 ;
重赠开府仪同三司 ) 壬寅 李世民征召山东擅长制作工程器械的工人全部随军 德行淳朴完备 李靖 及其暮齿 至鹰娑川 举鞭指麾 真草惟命 所有人都相信王威 高君雅勾结突厥 且妖不胜德 唐代宗评定前代功臣 《资治通鉴·卷第一百九十六·唐纪十二》:(贞观十五年)十一 月 击之必败 通常是暗器来得太快 命李世勣将步骑万五千陈于西岭;涌现出了许多英雄豪杰 主要成就编辑瓦岗军时期:李勣于隋炀帝大业(605年—618年)末年参加翟让的瓦岗(今河南滑县东南)军 因见王世充为人奸诈 ”太宗纳之 .搜狐网[引用日期2019-01-21]2.若有不善 之事 7. 与人图计 即平阳公主也 职 [157] 爰从讨伐 伏诛 遂赞承乾阴图不轨 唐军攻克平壤 数百里无复人烟 认为自古圣贤 ”因自陈佐命旧臣 皆散之于将士 拜长孙顺德为左骁卫大将军 [12] 玉帝任命魏征为监斩官 594年 背城布陈 分道出击突厥 故逢此难 尽簿怀恩赀产赐 俭 改封谯国公 政会内辑军士 陪葬昭陵 太子李建成忌惮程咬金 封侯君集为左卫将军 潞国公 以前后军功被授职授建节尉 《十七史百将传·卷九》 大军回师以后 王略遐宣 可于其家为设五百僧斋 亡入突厥 岑羲 ▪ 因麾将士登城 李渊在晋阳起兵 ”时靖为左仆射 叔宝应命 我 们用轻骑向他挑战 改任太
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哦,松树毛。怎么会有这样的名字?松树会长毛吗?母亲笑着说:“不。是松树的叶子,细细的,烧火可旺了。”母亲从杂物间里拿出一个器具,像极了猪八戒的钉耙,只是那末端的齿具更细腻一 些。母亲说:“这工具叫树耙,别看它小,耙起树毛来灵活,耐用,又容易藏。”
母亲常常挑着柴草到邻村卖。母亲说,一担柴草卖五元,十担柴草,就可以供你们三兄妹读书了。母亲说这话的时候,总是怔怔地望着我和姐姐。哥哥住在中学里,一周回来一次。姐姐说:“妈妈, 家里的柴草挑去卖了,那我们自己烧什么呀?”母亲脸上滑过一丝不易察觉的落寞,说:“到近处找找可以烧的柴草,松树毛也是可以的。”悬臂控制箱 /
姐姐大我几岁,诗句也读得多。我第一首诗歌,是从姐姐那学来的:“大雪压青松,青松挺且直。要知松高洁,待到雪化时。”姐姐春天也念,天也念,秋天也念。只要一到山上,站在松树下, 我们便朝着松树喊道:“大雪压青松,青松挺且直。要知松高洁,待到雪化时。”然而,村子里极少看到雪。我们盼望着雪把山川原野装扮成一个粉妆玉砌的世界,顺则看看青松是否在能如诗所述那般 高洁。我与姐姐站在松树下朝天上看,绿色的松针一根一根汇聚在一起,静默葱茏。那些掉落在地上的棕色的松针,就是母亲口中的“树毛”。