⑤ 产品生产的阶段性决定了职业健康安全与环境管理的持
⑥ 产品的时代性和社会性决定了职业健康安全与环境管理
2.建设工程职业健康安全与环境管理的特点 (1)建筑产品的固定性和生产的流动性及受外部环境影响因素多,决定了职 业健康安全与环境管理的复杂性 1)建筑产品生产过程中生产人员、工具与设备的流动性,主要表现为: ①同一工地不同建筑之间流动; ②同一建筑不同建筑部位上流动; ③一个建筑工程项目完成后,又要向另一新项目动迁的流动。 2)建筑产品受不同外部环境影响的因素多,主要表现为: ①露天作业多; ②气候条件变化的影响; ③工程地质和水文条件的变化; ④地理条件和地域资源的影响。 由于生产人员、工具和设备的交叉和流动作业,受不同外部环境的影响因隶 多,使健康安全与环境管理很复杂,稍有考虑不周就会证
① 建筑产品的固定性和生产的流动性及外部环境影响因 素多,决定了职业健康安全与环境管理的复杂性。
② 产品的多样性和生产的单件性决定了职业健康安全与
③ 产品生产过程的连续性和分工性决定了职业健康安全 与环境管理的协调性。 ④ 产品的委托性决定了职业健康安全与环境管理的不符 合性。
• ⑥ 对查出的安全隐患要做到“五定”,即定整改责任人、 定整改措施、定整改完成时间、定整改完成人、定整改 验收人。 • ⑦ 必须把好安全生产“六关”,即措施关、交底关、教 育关、防护关、检查关、改进关。 • ⑧ 施工现场安全设施齐全,并符合国家及地方有关规定。 • ⑨ 施工机械(特别是现场安设的起重设备等)必须经安全 检查合格后方可使用。 • 10 保证安全技术措施费用的落实,不得挪作他用。
防爆接线盒 安装方式 不正确
私自改装防爆接 线盒,线头出口
causes analysis
1接线盒安装位置不对,导致电缆不能正常从接线孔通过 The junction box was installed in wrong position so that the electric cable counld’t go through
4、属地管理未落到实处,司钻对属地内的隐患视而不见;Apanage management did not implement well, for example the driller ignored hidden safety problem within the territory;
5、现场管理人员对存在的安全隐患不能正确识别,安全管理能力有待提高;5, Site management personnel was not able to identify the hidden safety problem, would have great room for improvement of safety management
1、按照井场电气安装标准,对设施正确安装,达到防火防爆要求; Install the facilities according to the well site electrical installation standard in order to meet requirements for fire and explosion prevention
SAFETY PRACTICE DURING CONSTRUCTION施工期间的安全措施CONTENTS内容SECTION DESCRIPTION章节描述1.0 INTRODUCTION1.0 介绍2.0 SCOPE2.0 范围3.0 DEFINITIONS3.0 定义4.1 GENERAL DUTIES4.1 一般职责4.2 GENERAL DUTIES OF EXECUTION AGENCIES4.2 执行机构的一般职责4.3 GENERAL DUTIES OF OWNERS4.3 业主的一般职责5.0 SAFETY PRACTICES AT WORK PLACES5.0 工作场所的安全措施5.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS5.1 一般规定5.2 MEANS OF ACCESS AND EGRESS5.2 进入和出去的方式5.3 HOUSEKEEPING5.3 内务管理5.4 PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE FALL OF MATERIALS AND PERSONS AND COLLAPSE OFSTRUCTURES5.4 对材料、人员的坠落以及建筑物倒塌的预防5.5 PREVENTION OF UNAUTHORISED ENTRY5.5 对未经授权而私自进入的预防5.6 FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE FIGHTING5.6 防火和消防5.7 LIGHTING5.7 照明5.8 PLANT, MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND HAND TOOLS5.8 设备、机械、器械和手工工具6.0 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES6.0 施工活动6.1 EXCAVATION6.1 挖掘6.2 SCAFFOLDING, PLATFORMS & LADDERS6.2 脚手架、平台和梯子6.3 STRUCTURAL WORK, LAYING OF REINFORCEMENT & CONCRETING6.3 建筑结构工程、铺设钢筋和浇灌混凝土6.4 ROAD WORK6.4 道路施工6.5 CUTTING/WELDING6.5 切割/焊接6.6 WORKING IN CONFINED SPACES6.6 在密闭的空间内工作6.7 PROOF/PRESSURE TESTING6.7 压力测试6.8 WORKING AT HEIGHTS6.8 高空作业6.9 HANDLING AND LIFTING EQUIPMENT6.9 装卸设备和起重设备6.10 VEHICLE MOVEMENT6.10 车辆行驶6.11 ELECTRICAL6.11 电气6.12 OFFSHORE6.12 近海6.13 DEMOLITION6.13 拆除6.14 RADIOGRAPHY6.14 射线6.15 SAND/SHOT BLASTING/SPRAY PAINTING6.15 喷砂/喷丸处理/喷涂6.16 WORK ABOVE WATER6.16 水上作业7.0 ADDITIONAL SAFETY PRECAUTION FOR UNITS WITH HYDROCARBONS7.0 额外安全预防措施(使用碳氢化合物)8.0 FIRST8.0 急救9.0 DOCUMENTATION9.0 文件10.0 SAFETY AWARENESS & TRAINING10.0 安全意识和培训Dangote Petroleum Refining & Petrochemical Company Ltd.SAFETY PRACTICES DURINGCONSTRUCTION施工期间的安全措施1.0INTRODUCTION1.0 介绍Safety in Construction Management deserves utmost attention especially in the hydrocarbon industry, such as Exploration, Refineries, Pipelines and Marketing installations, Gas Processing units etc.Construction is widely recognised as one of the accident prone activities. Most of the accidents are caused by inadequate planning, failure during the construction process and/or because of design deficiencies. Besides property loss, accidents also result in injuries and fatalities to the personnel; same needs to be prevented.在施工管理中的安全极其值得关注特别是在石油化工行业,如勘探、炼油厂、管道和营销设施、天燃气处理标段等的施工被广泛认为是事故易发活动之一。
HSE,全称是Health, Safety and Environment,即健康、安全与环境。
石 油天然 气工业健康 、 安全 与环境 管理体系 , 经过
国外石化行业HS E 管理体 系特点
各 国石 油公司 的HS E管理体 系各 具特 色 , 但其
共 同特 点为 :
十多年 的发展 , 我国三大石 油石化集 团 ( 中石油 、 中 石化 、 中海油 集 团公司 ) 都 在推行 这一体 系 , 各个 集 团分 别颁布 了各 自的HS E管理体 系标 准 , 对各 自建 立 的HS E管 理体 系进 行 了规 范 。 目前存 在的 问题 主
大量仿 真软 件加 强 员工的培 训实践 , 使 员工 准确掌 握 HS E管理 内容 , 为HS E管理体 系的成功奠定 了坚
实的基础 。
国 内石化行业H S E 管理体 系存在的问题
早在1 9 9 7年 , 我 国就 颁 布 了S Y/ T6 2 7 6 —1 9 9 7
目前 建立 和持 续 改进 HS E管 理体 系 已成 为 国
三是方针 、 程序、 决定的一 致性 。 HS E取得成 功 的关 键之 一就 是方 针 、 程序 、 决 定的 一致程 度 。 最 有 效 的HS E管理 要 求所 制 定的 所 有方 针 、 程序、 决 定 要 简单 、 一致 , 且易 于接受 , 在 强调 健康 、 安全、 环 保
要求时 要做到一致 。
四是 注重持 续发 展。 各公 司的管 理体 系的基 本 思想 和 出发点 都是 为 了实 施持 续改 进 , 即在 公司 的 HS E方 针 指 导 下 , 按 照P DC A ( 计划、 执 行、 检查、 改进 ) 过程进 行周而复 始的循环 , 进而 得到不断 的修
正和完 善。
Story by Dr. Halidou I. HIMA-HSE Advisor at GWDC Niger SARL TITLE: My first car accident In the year 1989 back to the time my father was teaching me how to drive with his own PEUGEOT 504 French brand car, I had an experience that stick to mind as a life time lesson and reminder for making the right decision. I was barely sixteen at that time and was kin to driving as were almost all young boys having my age. My father has been teaching me lessons on steps to take to drive a car safely for almost one year, and I was by that time able to drive in town alone without having any accident! Although I didn’t have any driving license, I was never stopped by the police, which made me believe that I was good at driving. It didn’t take too long before I got to realize my mistake as one day my father decided to let me drive on high way which I never did before. We were on our way back to Zinder, a western town of Niger (which by the way was the very first Capital city of the country) coming back from Tanut a small village located at North-Eastern Zinder. My father let me speed up to 110 km/hour as he noticed that I was curious to know how fast the car can go, and he was not making any comment as he used to when teaching me. I was very happy because I was sure that I was doing everything the right way, not a single time I had a doubt about what was waiting for me some kilometers later. All of the sudden, in the middle of the trip, right there on the road standing, was standing a donkey staring at the car coming straight onto it but not willing to move at all. For a few seconds I wondered if that animal was afraid or just curious about the car, but then I taught that it was going to be scared and would run away to safety anyway. I was totally wrong, the donkey stayed there staring at our car until the very last moment when I realized that I was going to hit it. I hit the car’s breaks, the wheels made a very scary noise, but nothing to do, that donkey was determined not to move from its position and I drove into the poor animal badly hurting its rear leg, breaking one light and making serious damages to the paint at the driver’s side wing. After the car finally stopped, my father looked at me as to say “you need more driving lessons before you can get that driving license” and didn’t let any word out of his mouth. I stepped out the car, checked and reported the damages to him, as for the donkey it was so stunned that it disappears in the bush despite its wounded rear leg. I learn from that memorable day that no matter how good you think you are in doing things the right way, you should always better reconsider your taught before making any decision. Doing so could indeed have saved me from making that terrible decision making mistake and therefore avoided me from causing all these damages I made.
二、HSE体系基础知识及体系推进工作要求安全管理阶段安全管理的发展过程順從;只注意死亡事故;反應型的;生產力導向;不遵守規則;不分享安全目標;管理層的承諾;害怕/懲戒;規則/程序;安全「政策」;注重設備安全;管理層設立目標;所有员工對安全的承諾;安全內在化;自我管理;練習、養成習慣;注重自身的行為;互相幫助遵守安全;為他人的保護者;網路的貢獻者;關心他人;為組織的榮耀;全體接受「目標為零」;文化管理-- 突出的是“团队”体系管理——突出的是“全面"制度管理-- 突出的是“严格"三、金字塔原理四、冰山理论五、中国石油反违章禁令1.严禁特种作业无有效操作证人员上岗作业.2.严禁违反操作规程操作;3.严禁无票证从事危险作业;4。
门岗hse工作总结英文回答:As an HSE officer at the gate, my main responsibilities include ensuring the safety and security of the premises, monitoring the entry and exit of vehicles and personnel, and conducting regular safety inspections. One of the most important aspects of my job is to enforce safety regulations and ensure that all visitors and employees adhere to the safety protocols.I start my shift by conducting a thorough inspection of the gate area to ensure that all safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits, are in place and in good working condition. I also check the security cameras and alarms to make sure they are functioning properly. Throughout the day, I greet and screen visitors, ensuring that they are authorized to enter the premises and providing them with safety instructions if necessary.In addition to my regular duties, I also conduct safety training sessions for new employees and contractors. I use real-life examples and scenarios to make the training more engaging and relatable. For example, I might share a story about how a simple safety precaution prevented a serious accident at a previous job site.I also take the time to build relationships with the employees and contractors who pass through the gate on a daily basis. By being friendly and approachable, I encourage them to come to me with any safety concerns or issues they may have encountered. This open communication helps me to identify potential safety hazards before they become serious problems.At the end of my shift, I always take the time to debrief with my colleagues and share any safety concerns or incidents that occurred during the day. This helps to ensure that everyone is aware of potential hazards and can work together to prevent accidents in the future.中文回答:作为门岗的HSE官员,我的主要责任包括确保场地的安全和安全,监控车辆和人员的出入,定期进行安全检查。
安全生产的经验介绍英文Experience in Safety ProductionSafety production is an essential aspect in any workplace, ensuring the well-being and protection of employees and preventing accidents and incidents. Over the years, I have gained valuable experience in managing safety production in various organizations. In this essay, I will share my experience and the strategies I have implemented to promote safety in the workplace.First and foremost, establishing a strong safety culture is crucial in ensuring the success of safety production. This involves creating an environment where safety is prioritized and valued by everyone in the organization – from top management to frontline workers. By constantly promoting safety awareness and providing comprehensive training programs, employees become actively engaged in safety measures and contribute to reducing hazards and risks. In my experience, organizing safety training sessions and workshops, coupled with regular safety drills and exercises, have proven effective in increasing safety consciousness among employees.Another key aspect of safety production is effective risk management. Identifying potential risks and taking necessary actions to mitigate them is essential to prevent accidents. Regular risk assessments and inspections help identify hazards and prioritize control measures. It is important to involve employees in risk management processes as they possess valuable knowledge and insights about the workplace. In my previous role, I established a safety committee consisting of representatives fromdifferent departments. This committee was responsible for conducting regular safety inspections, identifying hazards, and proposing control measures. Collaborating with employees in risk management not only enhances the effectiveness of safety measures but also instills a sense of ownership and responsibility among them.Furthermore, clear and comprehensive safety procedures and guidelines are significant for ensuring safety production. Documenting standard operating procedures (SOPs) and emergency response plans aids in guiding employees during routine tasks and critical situations. These procedures should be easily accessible to all employees and regularly updated to reflect any changes in work processes or regulations. At my previous workplace, I introduced a digital platform where employees could access SOPs and emergency response plans from their mobile devices. This enabled them to have quick and easy access to the necessary safety information anytime, anywhere, enhancing their ability to respond appropriately during emergencies.In addition to preventive measures, effective communication channels play a vital role in safety production. It is important to establish open lines of communication between all levels of the organization, allowing for the prompt reporting of safety concerns and incidents. Reporting systems should be simple, confidential, and non-punitive to encourage employees to report hazards and near misses without fear of reprisal. Implementing a system for reporting near misses can provide valuable insights into potential risks and help prevent future accidents. In my experience, I established an anonymous reporting system where employeescould report safety concerns without revealing their identities. This contributed to an increase in the reporting of hazards and near misses, enabling us to address them proactively.Lastly, continuous improvement is crucial in maintaining a high standard of safety production. Regular evaluations and reviews of safety programs and procedures help identify areas that require improvement and enable the implementation of necessary changes. Benchmarking against industry best practices and staying up-to-date with the latest safety regulations and advancements is also essential. By regularly reviewing and updating safety measures, organizations can adapt to new challenges and ensure a safe working environment.In conclusion, my experience in safety production has taught me the importance of establishing a strong safety culture, effective risk management, clear procedures and guidelines, open communication channels, and continuous improvement. By following these strategies, organizations can create a safe and secure workplace for their employees and reduce the risk of accidents and incidents. Safety production is an ongoing effort that requires commitment from all levels of the organization, and I have seen firsthand the positive impact it can have on employee well-being and productivity.。
hse工作总结报告英文回答:HSE Work Summary Report.Introduction:Over the past year, I have been working as a Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) officer in my company. Inthis report, I will provide a summary of my work, highlighting the challenges I faced, the accomplishments I achieved, and the lessons I learned.Challenges:One of the main challenges I encountered in my role was ensuring compliance with safety regulations and procedures. This involved conducting regular inspections, identifying potential hazards, and implementing corrective actions. For example, during a routine inspection, I discovered thatsome employees were not wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) while operating machinery. I immediately addressed this issue by conducting a training session on the importance of PPE and its proper usage.Another challenge was promoting a safety culture among employees. It was crucial to create awareness and encourage everyone to prioritize safety in their daily activities. To achieve this, I organized safety awareness campaigns and toolbox talks. I also implemented a reward system to recognize and appreciate employees who consistently followed safety protocols. As a result, the number of safety incidents decreased significantly.Accomplishments:One of my major accomplishments was successfully implementing a new safety management system. This involved conducting a thorough analysis of the existing system, identifying its shortcomings, and proposing improvements. I collaborated with the IT department to develop a user-friendly software that streamlined safety reporting andtracking. This not only improved efficiency but also enhanced data accuracy and accessibility.Additionally, I conducted regular safety training sessions for employees. These sessions covered topics such as emergency response, hazard identification, and incident reporting. I received positive feedback from participants, who reported feeling more confident and knowledgeable about safety practices. This showed that my efforts were making a significant impact on employee safety awareness.Lessons Learned:Throughout my tenure as an HSE officer, I have learned several valuable lessons. Firstly, effective communication is key to ensuring safety. It is important to clearly convey safety instructions and expectations to employees, and to listen to their concerns and suggestions. Secondly, leading by example is crucial. By consistently following safety protocols myself, I was able to influence others to do the same. Lastly, continuous improvement is essential. Regularly reviewing and updating safety procedures andsystems helps to adapt to changing circumstances and prevent complacency.中文回答:HSE工作总结报告。
英文消防安全小知识Fire Safety Tips for EveryoneIntroduction:Fire safety is an essential aspect of our lives that we often overlook. Many unforeseen circumstances can cause a fire to break out, soit's crucial to educate ourselves and others on fire prevention and safety measures. In this article, we will discuss various fire safety tips that everyone should be familiar with to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their belongings from potential fire hazards.I. Create and practice a fire escape plan:1. Understand the layout of your premises:- Ensure you are familiar with all possible exit points, including windows and doors.- Identify the main routes and alternative escape routes in case of blocked exits.2. Develop a fire escape plan:- Discuss with all family members the importance of having a fire escape plan.- Sketch a floor plan of your home, highlighting all possible escape routes.- Establish a meeting point outside the building.- Assign responsibilities to family members (e.g., taking care of young children or helping elderly family members).3. Practice the fire escape plan:- Regularly practice your fire escape plan, including different scenarios like blocked exits or limited visibility.- Teach children how to unlock and open windows and doors, if applicable.- Ensure everyone knows how to crawl low under smoke and test doorknobs for heat before opening a door.- Conduct drills during both day and night to simulate realistic emergency situations.II. Install and maintain smoke alarms:1. Install smoke alarms:- Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, including the basement.- Place smoke alarms near bedrooms and inside every sleeping area.- Opt for interconnected smoke alarms so that when one alarm sounds, they all sound.2. Test and maintain smoke alarms:- Test smoke alarms at least once a month to ensure they are functioning properly.- Replace batteries in smoke alarms twice a year. An easy way to remember this is to change batteries during daylight saving time.3. Clean smoke alarms:- Regularly clean smoke alarms to remove any accumulated dust or debris that may hinder their proper functioning.- Use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to gently clean the smoke alarms.III. Prevent indoor fire hazards:1. Be cautious with candles:- Never leave a burning candle unattended, and keep them away from flammable objects.- Use sturdy candle holders that won't tip over easily.- Consider using flameless LED candles as a safer alternative. 2. Handle cooking safely:- Never leave the kitchen unattended while cooking, particularly if you are using oil or high heat.- Keep flammable materials, such as kitchen towels, away from the stove.- Maintain a clean cooking area to avoid the accumulation of grease.3. Be mindful of electrical appliances:- Inspect electrical cords regularly for any signs of fraying or damage. Replace damaged cords immediately.- Unplug electrical appliances when they are not in use.- Do not overload electrical outlets or extension cords.IV. Prepare for a fire emergency:1. Keep a fire extinguisher:- Purchase a fire extinguisher suitable for your home and learn how to use it correctly.- Place the fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location, away from potential fire hazards.- Regularly inspect the pressure gauge to ensure the fire extinguisher is fully charged.2. Know when to evacuate:- If smoke is present, crawling low under the smoke is the safest option.- If the fire is spreading rapidly, evacuate immediately and call the fire department.3. Stop, drop, and roll (for clothing fires):- If your clothing catches fire, remember to stop where you are, drop to the ground, and roll back and forth until the fire is extinguished.- Smother the flames with a heavy blanket or use your hands to smother small areas if no blanket is available.Conclusion:Fire safety is a responsibility that should be taken seriously by everyone. By implementing and practicing the fire safety tips discussed in this article, we can significantly reduce the risk of fires and protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our properties. Remember, fire prevention is always better than fire fighting. Stay vigilant and share this knowledge with others to create a safer environment for everyone.。
HSE管理体系及保障措施1. 什么是HSE管理体系?HSE是英文Health, Safety, Environment三个单词的缩写,翻译成中文即健康、安全、环境。
2. HSE管理体系的好处HSE管理体系的实施有很多好处,如下所示:2.1. 保障员工的健康和安全HSE管理体系的实施,能够对员工的健康和安全提供有效的保护措施。
2.2. 减少环境污染HSE管理体系不仅仅只是保障员工的健康和安全,它还包括了对环境的保护。
2.3. 符合政府法规在如今政府法规愈来愈严格的环境下,实施HSE管理体系可以保证企业与相关法规要求相符,防止因未遵守法律法规而造成的经济和社会损失。
2.4. 节约成本HSE管理体系的实施,能够促进企业节约成本。
3. HSE管理体系的保障措施为了保证HSE管理体系的有效性,需要实施以下保障措施:3.1. 为HSE管理建立相应的法规和规程制定适用法规和规章制度是HSE管理实践的基础。
3.2. 为HSE管理建立官方组织机构HSE管理应该由专门的人员管理。
3.3. 为HSE管理建立差异化的培训计划人员培训是HSE管理的关键,每种类型的员工都应该接受到适当的培训课程。
HSE,即Health,Safety and Environment的缩写,是指健康、安全和环境保护,是我们公司在生产经营过程中非常重要的一项工作。
周HSE工作总结"英文回答,"As the week comes to an end, I would like to summarize the HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) work that I have been involved in. This week has been quite eventful in terms of HSE activities, and I am glad to share my experiences.One of the major tasks that I completed this week was conducting a safety audit in the manufacturing plant. During the audit, I identified several areas for improvement and provided recommendations to the management. For example, I noticed that some of the workers were not wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) while operating machinery. I immediately addressed this issue with the supervisor and emphasized the importance of PPE to prevent accidents and injuries.In addition to the safety audit, I also organized asafety training session for the new employees. I used real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the importance of following safety procedures and protocols. I also encouraged the new hires to speak up if they notice any unsafe practices in the workplace. By the end of the training, the employees were more aware of the potential hazards and were equipped with the knowledge to mitigate risks.Furthermore, I collaborated with the environmental team to implement a waste management program in the office. We introduced recycling bins for paper, plastic, and glass,and educated the staff on the importance of reducing waste and conserving resources. I also shared some practical tips, such as using reusable water bottles and turning off lights when not in use, to promote a sustainable workplace environment.Overall, it has been a fulfilling week in terms of HSE activities. I believe that my efforts have contributed to creating a safer and healthier work environment for everyone."中文回答,"这个星期的HSE(健康、安全和环境)工作总结起来相当丰富多彩,我很高兴能分享我的经历。
Health、Safety、EnvironmentHonorable gentlemen:For each of us, life only have once, there’s no doubt that life is precious; How to protect ourselves from injury, how to make use of our limited life to show the meaning of life, it is worth every one of us to think deeply; Combined with the recent training about health, safety,environmentand our company pour acid events taking place in Iraq, I will make a speech about the importance of health, safety and environment!尊敬的各位同事:对于我们每个人,生命只有一次,生命的珍贵,毋庸置疑;如何保护我们自己免受伤害,如何利用我们有限的生命去展现生命的意义,是值得我们每个人去深思的;结合最近我们的健康、安全、环境培训,以及我们公司发生在伊拉克的倒酸事件,我将做一个关于健康、安全、环境的重要性的演讲!HealthWhich is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. OnceI can hardly answer this question.健康健康和财富哪个更重要?这是人们常爱谈论的一个话题。
There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth than all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don’t hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you have.很多人都认为财富比健康更重要。