



河南禧隆机械采用功率为24V 800瓦的涡轮蜗杆电机,实测将近900瓦,内部为100%纯铜线圈机器缠绕,经过测试烧坏的几率几乎为0,并且电机为老款链条电机,个别地区会要求卷蓬安装为链条电机,并且电机安装的部位在车厢的前面安装,链条在驾驶位帽檐侧面链接。


河南禧隆机械选用的的功率为24V 800瓦,实测将近900瓦。




河南禧隆机械采用功率为24v 800瓦,实测将近900瓦的电机,13米车以下带动完全无压力运行,直拉电机,没有中间部分,在电机机头内圈中有一个电机轴和链轮,直接链条链接上主动齿轮轴的链轮,电机传动两链轮互相吃劲带动传动管,此款电机比行星齿轮电机外观更加美观。






控制器操作说明书2010年12月V 2.1首先感谢贵公司选用我公司的制冷机组产品.同时感谢您认真阅读本操作说明书。

一、 概述本机组使用的是触摸式操作显示屏。




本控制器中显示的参数单位:压力:Kpa A 绝压温度:℃电流:A液位:%设备在完全正常的情况下,10分钟内对屏幕无任何操作屏幕的灯光会自动关闭,以延长屏幕使用寿命。




温度巡检仪显示的是主电机的各点温度:CH01 前轴承温度CH02 后轴承温度CH03 A绕组温度CH04 B绕组温度CH05 C绕组温度二、 主界面屏幕的操作说明接通电源后屏幕将显示本说明书封面上的图案,触摸该图案一下,屏幕就显示如下:主界面。







♦启动过程:电脑首先检查无任何故障,再检查吸气压力应大于‘压缩机启动压力设定值’、‘高压电机柜允许’、‘停机到启动间隔时间到’等;电脑启动油泵,检查能量位置应小于 5%(否则自动减载)、喷油压差应大于150Kpa;释放主机停机信号,1秒钟后发主机启动命令。


1.1 概述........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 产品型号 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 规格等级 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 二,基本功能与技术规格说明 .......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 功能简述 .............................................................................................................................






三、定义1. 自卸汽车:指装有自卸装置的专用车辆,能够自动卸载物料。

2. 自卸装置:指安装在自卸汽车车厢上的装置,用于卸载物料。

3. 操作人员:指驾驶自卸汽车并进行卸载操作的人员。

四、操作要求1. 操作前准备1.1 检查自卸汽车的机械部件是否正常,如制动系统、转向系统、卸载装置等。

1.2 检查自卸汽车的液位,如燃油、润滑油、冷却液等。

1.3 检查自卸汽车的电器设备是否正常,如灯光、喇叭、仪表等。

1.4 检查自卸汽车的轮胎是否充气正常,胎面是否磨损严重。

1.5 确保自卸汽车的负载不超过额定载荷,并保持负载均匀分布。

1.6 确保自卸汽车的货物固定牢固,防止在行驶过程中倾倒或滑动。

2. 操作流程2.1 上车前,操作人员应穿戴好安全装备,如安全帽、安全鞋等。

2.2 上车后,调整座椅和后视镜,确保视野良好。

2.3 启动自卸汽车前,确认挂挡位置、手刹状态和转向灵活性。

2.4 启动自卸汽车后,先慢速行驶,检查刹车、转向和仪表是否正常。

2.5 行驶过程中,注意保持安全车距,遵守交通规则,避免超速行驶和猛刹车。

2.6 到达卸货地点后,停车前先拉紧手刹,然后挂空挡,并关闭发动机。

2.7 在卸货前,操作人员应确认卸载区域是否平坦稳固,避免自卸汽车倾倒或陷入。

2.8 卸货时,操作人员应按照卸载装置的操作步骤进行,确保卸载过程平稳顺利。

2.9 卸货后,操作人员应检查自卸汽车的车厢是否清洁,并关闭卸载装置。

3. 安全注意事项3.1 在操作自卸汽车时,严禁使用手机、耳机等影响注意力的设备。

3.2 在行驶过程中,遇到雨雪天气或路面湿滑时,应减速慢行,保持安全距离。

3.3 遇到紧急情况时,操作人员应迅速采取避让措施,确保自身和他人的安全。















36V 48V 可定制2、待机电流:15mA。

3、持续工作电流:40A 电流保护值:60A。


7、外形尺寸:L * W * H = 178mm * 178mm * 65mm8、重量:700g三、安装尺寸图:178*178*65渣土车篷布控制器尺寸四、接线说明:24V+:24V电瓶正极24V-:24V电瓶负极电机1:电机正极电机2:电机负极五、使用说明:1、开关说明:(遥控器和面板同步)单击“关”按键;电机运行,篷布关闭。







电动翻板机使用说明书1. 产品简介电动翻板机是一种用于翻转货物的机械设备,适用于工业生产和物流领域。


2. 安全须知在操作电动翻板机之前,请务必阅读以下安全须知,并严格遵守:2.1 熟悉机器结构和工作原理,避免擅自拆解或修改设备;2.2 使用前请检查设备是否正常运行,如发现异常请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务部门维修;2.3 操作人员应该接受专业培训,并持有相关操作证件;2.4 在操作过程中,穿戴合适的个人防护装备,包括安全帽、护目镜、耳塞等;2.5 使用设备时,必须确保周围没有其他人员,以防发生意外伤害;2.6 在翻转货物时,请确保货物稳定,避免倾斜或滑动。

3. 设备操作3.1 准备工作3.1.1 确保电动翻板机与电源相连,并处于通电状态;3.1.2 检查设备底座、固定架、翻板支架等部件是否完好;3.2 操作步骤3.2.1 将待翻转的货物放在翻板支架上,并确保货物与设备保持稳定接触;3.2.2 按下控制面板上的按钮,启动电动翻板机;3.2.3 设备开始运行后,可以通过控制面板上的按钮控制翻转方向和速度;3.2.4 当货物翻转到所需位置后,及时停止设备运行,并将货物从翻板支架上取下。

4. 注意事项4.1 使用时请注意设备运行状态,如发现异常噪音或震动等情况,请立即停止使用,并检查设备;4.2 设备需要定期进行维护保养,包括清洁、润滑等;4.3 设备长时间不用时,请切断电源并妥善存放;4.4 在使用过程中发现故障或需要更换零件时,请联系售后服务部门;4.5 未经授权人士禁止擅自操作设备,以免发生安全事故。

5. 常见故障及排查方法故障一:电动翻板机无法正常启动。



























1. 准备:将电动布料机连接到电源插座,并确保遥控器及其电池正常工作。

2. 开机:按下电动布料机上的电源按钮或拔下电动布料机的电源插头,使其处于开机状态。

3. 连接:按下电动布料机上的配对按钮,同时按住遥控器上的配对按钮,直到两者连接成功。

4. 选择模式:遥控器上通常有不同的模式按钮,根据需要选择适合的模式,比如前进、后退、左转、右转等。

5. 控制移动:使用遥控器上的方向控制按钮控制电动布料机的移动方向。


6. 调节速度:根据需要调节遥控器上的速度控制按钮,可以加速或减速电动布料机的移动速度。

7. 停止:停止电动布料机的移动,可以通过松开遥控器上的方向控制按钮,或按下停止按钮实现。




Read these instructions carefully. These instructions MUST stay with this product.USASERVICE OFFICE Dometic Corporation 1120 North Main Street CANADADometic Corporation 46 Zatonski, Unit 3Brantford, ON N3T 5L8SERVICE CENTER &DEALER LOCATIONS Please Visit:REVISION BForm No. 3312736.048 09/16(French 3312739.042_B)©2016 Dometic Corporation 9100POWER PATIO AWNINGHARDWARE895(X)(X)1.4(X)0(#) BASEMENT 895(X)(X)2.4(X)0(#) STANDARD 895(X)(X)3.4(X)0(#) REDUCED PITCHFRTAFABRIC ROLLER TUBE ASSEMBLY91(X)(XX)(YY).(XXX)(#)91(X)(XX)(YY).(XXX)(#)LRECORD THIS INFORMATION FOR FUTURE REFERENCE:FRTA Model Number FRTA Serial NumberHardware Model Number Hardware Serial Number Date PurchasedRetailer / Qualified InstallerO P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N SINTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................2DOCUMENT SYMBOLS ........................................................................................................................................................2IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .. (3)A. Recognize Safety Information ...................................................................................................................................3B. Understand Signal Words ..........................................................................................................................................3C. Supplemental Directives ............................................................................................................................................3D. General Safety Messages .........................................................................................................................................3OPEN AWNING . (4)A. Open Awning .............................................................................................................................................................4FEATURES AND ACCESSORIES .. (4)A. LED Light Strip (If Equipped) .....................................................................................................................................4SET AWNING POSITION . (5)A. Adjust Awning Pitch (Optional) ..................................................................................................................................5B. Prepare Awning To Shed Water .................................................................................................................................5CLOSE AWNING .. (6)A. Close Awning .............................................................................................................................................................6B. Prepare Awning For Travel ........................................................................................................................................7CLOSE AWNING MANUALLY (POWER FAILURE) (7)A. Auxiliary Power Method .............................................................................................................................................7B. Pull Strap Method ......................................................................................................................................................8GENERAL CARE AND USE (9)A. Precautions ................................................................................................................................................................9B. Hardware Maintenance .............................................................................................................................................9C. Fabric Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................9D. When To Get More Help .. (9)This awning (hereinafter referred to as “awning,” or “product”) is designed and intended for use on RVs with straight sides.For curved sides, please see the separate Hardware List in the Dealer Service Manual for the appropriate model. Use these instructions to ensure correct operation of product.Dometic Corporation reserves the right to modify appearances and specifications without notice.I ndicates additional information that is NOT related to physical injury.I ndicates step-by-step instructions.●This product MUST be [installed / serviced] by a qualified service technician. ●Do NOT modify this product in any way. Modifica -tion can be extremely hazardous. ●IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD. This product should be installed in a controlled environment (inside). Do NOT install product during windy conditions, or when wind is expected. Otherwise, product could move unpredictably, become un-stable, and could [detach / bend / collapse]. ●Frequently examine product for imbalance (un-even fit / sagging / loose parts); and signs of wear or damage to wiring (if applicable) and other criti-cal parts. Do NOT use product if adjustments or repairs are necessary.C ritical parts may include awning fabric, cables, arm assemblies, etc. ●Disconnect product from power supply (if ap-plicable), and do NOT operate product when maintenance (such as window cleaning) is being carried out in the vicinity. ●Do NOT allow anyone (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge to use this product, unless they have been given supervision or instruction (concerning use of this product) by a person responsible for their safety. ●Do NOT allow children to play with product or with fixed controls (if applicable). ●Keep remote controls (if applicable) away from children. ●IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD. NEVER leave an open awning unattended. Keep awning stowed (closed) when snow, heavy rain, wind, and severe weather conditions are expected. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury. ●IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD. Do NOT allow water to pool, snow to accumulate, or heavy debris on awning fabric. Do NOT hang or place anything on awning. The awning will become unstable, and could bend or collapse. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury. S12.B1.1 ●FIRE HAZARD. Keep sources of heat and fire (barbecue grills, portable heater, etc.) away from awning. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury. PINCH HAZARD. Maintain a hori-zontal distance of at least 16″ between fully open awning and any permanent object. Failure to obey this caution could result in injury.objects that may interfere with awning op-This manual has safety information and instructions to help you eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.A. Recognize Safety InformationT his is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential physical injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.B. Understand Signal WordsA signal word will identify safety messages and property damage messages, and will indicate the degree or level of hazard seriousness.indicates a hazardous situation that, if NOT avoided, could result in death or serious in-jury.indicates a hazardous situation that, if NOT avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.is used to address practices NOT related to physical injury.C. Supplemental DirectivesR ead and follow all safety information and instructions to avoid possible injury or death.Read and understand these instructions be-fore [installing / using / servicing / performing maintenance on] this product.Incorrect [installation / operation / servicing / maintaining] of this product can lead to seri-ous injury. Follow all instructions.The installation MUST comply with all ap-plicable local and national codes, including the latest edition of the following standards:U.S.A.●ANSI/NFPA70, National Electrical Code (NEC) ●ANSI/NFPA 1192, Recreational Vehicles Code CANADA●CSA C22.1, Parts l & ll, Canadian Electri-cal Code ●CSA Z240 RV Series, Recreational VehiclesD. General Safety MessagesFailure to obey the following warn-ings could result in death or serious injury:A. Open Awning1. PINCH HAZARD. Maintain ahorizontal distance of at least 16″ between fullyopen awning and any permanent object. Failureto obey this caution could result in injury.Press and hold toggle to extend (ON) position on (fixed/wired) remote awning switch until aw-ning is fully extended. See (FIG. 1).A wning will automatically stop when but-ton is released no matter how far awningis extended/retracted.2.IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD. Do NOT allow awning to remain in over-extend-ed position as this could trap heavy debris, or could cause water to pool or snow to accumu-late on awning fabric. This weight will cause aw-ning to become unstable, and bend or collapse. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Verify valance is in correct position, and adjust if necessary. If awning is over-extended, press toggle down (retract) briefly on (fixed/wired) re-mote awning switch until valance is in correct position. See (FIG. 1) & (FIG. 2).A. LED Light Strip (If Equipped)L ED switch operation and appearance mayvary depending on application.1. T urn LED switch to ON position to illuminateLED light strip.L ED light strip may be used while awningis open or closed.2. Turn LED switch to OFF position when LED lightstrip is not in use.B. Prepare Awning To Shed WaterIMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD. Do NOT allow water to pool or snow to accumulate on awning fabric. The awning will become unsta-ble, and could bend or collapse. Whenever heavy rain or snow is expected, place awning in stowed (closed) position. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Lowering one arm assembly into water shed posi-tion (to create a slope from other arm assembly) will allow water run-off during light rain.1. W ith awning fully extended, verify top arm as-sembly nearest entry door is fully extended, and that adjustable knob is tightened. See (FIG. 3).2. IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD.NEVER disengage adjustable knob during windy conditions, or with water pooled or snow accumulated on awning fabric. This could cause the awning to move unpredictably, become un-stable, and bend or collapse. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Do NOT allow corner of entry door to contact awning fabric. Otherwise, pre-mature wear or tearing of awning fabric could occur.A. Adjust Awning Pitch (Optional)The FRTA (fabric roller tube assembly) will be lower than RV’s awning rail when hardware is fully ex-tended. This pitch (slope) will help accommodate water runoff. If a steeper pitch is desired, the FRTA must be lowered.To lower FRTA:1. With awning fully extended, loosen adjustable knob on adjustable pitch arm assembly (bottom arm). See (FIG. 3).2. PINCH HAZARD. Keep C LEARof openings around adjustable pitch arm assem-bly while adjusting awning pitch (slope). Adjust-able pitch arm assembly (bottom arm) will tele-scope. Failure to obey this caution could result in injury.Do NOT allow corner of entry door to contact awning fabric. Otherwise, pre-mature wear or tearing of awning fabric could occur.Pull top arm assembly down to lower FRTA to desired height. See (FIG. 4).3. While holding top arm assembly in place, tightenadjustable knob to set pitch (slope). See (FIG. 3) & (FIG. 4).4. IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD.ALWAYS lower one side of hardware into wa-ter shed position when adjusting awning [pitch / slope]. Otherwise, water could pool on awning fabric. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Repeat steps (1) through (3) for opposite side.M ake sure the top arm assembly that’s farthest from entry door is lowered more than the other. See subsection, “B. Pre-pare Awning To Shed Water” on page (5).4. While holding top arm assembly in place, tightenadjustable knob to set in place. See (FIG. 4).Loosen adjustable knob on adjustable pitch arm assembly (bottom arm) that’s farthest from entry door. See (FIG. 3).L owering the arm assembly that’s nearest entry door could allow door to contact fab-ric. If awning pitch was previously adjust-ed lower, raising arm nearest entry door will provide more fabric clearance.3. PINCH HAZARD. Keep C LEARof openings around adjustable pitch arm assem-bly while adjusting awning pitch (slope). Adjust-able pitch arm assembly (bottom arm) will tele-scope. Failure to obey this caution could result in injury.Pull top arm assembly (farthest from entry door) down until awning slopes approximately 10°, or 9″ minimum from other arm assembly. See (FIG. 4) & (FIG. 5).T his slope requirement is in addition to the slope from RV’s awning rail.A. Close Awning1. L oosen adjustable knobs to allow awning to reset to original position. Then lightly tighten knobs on both arm assemblies to help ensure rattle-free travel. See (FIG. 3).P ull top arm assembly down to verify knob is NOT too tight. Adjustable pitch arm as-sembly MUST still slide as normal. See (FIG. 4).2. PINCH HAZARD. KeepC LEARof arm assemblies while closing awning. Arm as-semblies will [fold / close] against back channel. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Press and hold toggle to retract (ON) position on (fixed/wired) remote awning switch until awning is fully closed. See (FIG. 1) & (FIG. 6).A wning will automatically stop when but-ton is released no matter how far awning is extended/retracted.2. Disable awning for travel to service center:a. Close awning and remove fuse for powersource to awning.b. Retest ignition interlock. See step (1).c. If awning does NOT respond (remains closed), the awning is now disabled. Skip to step (f).d. If awning still operates, pull motor connectorfrom hardware connector to disconnect mo-tor wiring. See (FIG. 7).T he motor connector may be hard to reach when awning is closed. Pull wir-ing at RH top casting until wires dis-engage.e. Repeat step (1) to verify motor is disabled.f. Have awning repaired by a qualified service technician.3. Turn LED light strip (if equipped) OFF beforetravel. See “A. LED Light Strip (If Equipped)” on page (4).4. Verify awning is secure for travel.L ook for loose parts, and any sign of in-stability.B. Prepare Awning For Travel1. IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD.Make sure ignition interlock is working correctly before traveling with RV. If awning responds to switch with ignition in O N position, accidental operation during transit could occur. The awning MUST be disabled, then serviced by a qualified service technician. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.With awning fully closed, Test ignition interlock system:T esting of ignition interlock system is only applicable to motorhomes.a. With vehicle ignition in ON position, attemptto open awning.b. If awning does NOT respond (remainsclosed), the ignition interlock is functioning. Skip to step (3).c. If awning responds to switch (awning opens), there is a problem with the ignition interlock system. Proceed to step (2).In case of power failure, it may be necessary to close awning manually. There are two methods to close awning manually:Perform procedure under, “A. Auxiliary Power Method” on page (7) first. If this fails, perform procedure under, “B. Pull Strap Method” on page (8).R ule out simple causes for power failure (RV dis-connected from power, blown fuse, low/discharged battery, ignition interlock, etc.) before attempting to close awning manually. After awning is closed manually, it will require service by a qualified service technician.The LED light strip (if equipped) is on a separate circuit from awning motor. If LED lights work, but awning motor does not, check awning motor’s fuse (at fuse panel or converter) before closing awning manually.A. Auxiliary Power MethodWhen awning is in open position and 12 Vdc power has been lost, the awning may be closed by sup-plying auxiliary power (from external source) to aw-ning motor.A 12 Vdc automobile battery may be used as an external power source.1. L oosen adjustable knobs to allow awning to reset to original position. Then lightly tighten knobs on both arm assemblies to help ensure rattle-free travel. See (FIG. 3).2. ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD.Disconnect power from product before access-ing wiring connections. There may be issues mimicking a power failure with electric current still present, or power may return unexpectedly. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Disconnect 120 Vac power from RV, and 12 Vdc power to awning.3. Unplug motor connector from hardware connec-tor (located in upper part of RH arm assembly). See (FIG. 7).3. Insert pull strap (provided) into utility slot of FRTA,and slide to center (of FRTA). See (FIG. 8).4. IMPACT OR PINCH HAZARD.Hold pull strap firmly before removing screw(s) at top casting. The fabric roller tube is under spring tension, which will attempt to close the awning quickly and unexpectedly. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or seri-ous injury.While one person grasps pull strap firmly, remove the (2) screws at top and back of RH top casting. Save for reinstallation later. See (FIG. 8).5. PINCH HAZARD. Keep C LEARof arm assemblies while closing awning. Arm as-semblies will [fold / close] against back channel. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or serious injury.Move pull strap diagonally (to left or right) as awning rolls up. Otherwise, awning fabric may crease or form a bulge, and could permanently stretch fabric.Carefully and slowly awning to roll up (close).6. IMPACT OR CRUSH HAZARD.Reinstall screw(s) at top casting B EFORE trans-porting RV. Otherwise, awning could extend quickly and unexpectedly during transit. Failure to obey this warning could result in death or seri-ous injury.Align holes in RH top casting (where screws were removed), and reinstall the (2) screws to secure awning for travel.D o NOT reattach wiring. Awning will require service by a qualified service technician .4. Connect 16 Gauge (minimum) wire leads (usersupplied) to motor connector, and tape in place (with electrical tape).D o NOT connect to hardware connector.Match wire lead colors to motor wire col-ors (black to black, red to red).5. Disconnect power I MMEDIATE-LY after awning retracts. Otherwise, damage toawning motor could occur.Connect other end of wire leads to the 12 Vdc external power source, until awning retracts to its closed position:a. Connect red wire to positive (+) terminal.T he lead wire connected to positive (+) terminal MUST have a (3 A) in-line fuse installed.b. Connect black wire to negative (-) terminal.Disconnect wire leads from power source once awning fully retracts.T he awning will extend if wire leads are reversed (reversed polarity).6. If awning does not move (after confirming con -nections and charge on external power source), the motor may be defective. Proceed to subsec-tion, “B. Pull Strap Method” on page (8) for alternative method.B. Pull Strap MethodUse this procedure if prior method failed to close awning.T his procedure requires a 5/32″ hex key, and help from at least one other person.1. M ake sure adjustable knobs are only lightly tightened on both arm assemblies. See (FIG. 3).2. Make sure motor connector from hardware con-nector (located in upper part of RH arm assem-bly is unplugged. See (FIG. 7).1. To clean:a. M ix 1/4 cup dish soap and 1/4 cup bleach to 5 gallons of fresh water to use as cleaning solution.b. Do NOT use abrasive or cor-rosive cleaners, mildew removers, or hard bristle brushes on awning fabric.Liberally drench open awning fabric with cleaning solution.c. Close awning, let it soak for 5 minutes, then open awning again.d. Remove solution C OM-PLETELY from awning fabric. Bleach willdegrade awning fabric if NOT completely rinsed off.Thoroughly hose off top and bottom of fabric with clean water.R epeat as necessary to completely re-move solution.e. NEVER close awning (forstorage) when wet. The combination of moisture and dirt could result in mildew, dis-coloration, and stains.Allow awning to dry thoroughly before stow-ing (rolling up).2. To repair a pinhole, or if a spot of coating flakesoff from top layer of vinyl fabric:a. A pply a very small dab of VLP (Vinyl Liquid Patch) on tip of cotton swab.V LP is available from Dometic Cor-poration. Reference part number 3314216.000 when ordering.b. Gently roll cotton swab around pinhole. TheVLP will melt the coating (on fabric) and that will quickly fill in pinhole and blend with all colored vinyls.c. NEVER close (roll up) awning when vinyl liquid patch is wet. Otherwise, damage to other parts of awning fabric (melt-ing through layers) will occur.Allow VLP to dry thoroughly before stowing (rolling up) awning.D. When To Get More HelpIf malfunctions occur (that cannot be corrected by reviewing these instructions), contact a qualified service technician.A slight “travel line” may appear where door roller (if installed) contacts awning fabric. This is considered normal and does NOT af-fect the integrity of awning fabric.A. PrecautionsFailure to obey the following notices could damage product or property:●Do NOT use insecticides or other sprays near aw-ning fabric. These could cause stains, and could adversely affect fabric’s ability to repel water.●Do NOT expose awning to adverse environmental conditions, corrosive agents, or other harmful conditions. ●Do NOT allow corner of entry door to contact aw-ning fabric. Otherwise, premature wear or tearing of awning fabric could occur. ●NEVER close awning (for storage) when wet. The combination of moisture and dirt could result in mildew, discoloration, and stains.I f it is necessary to roll up awning (tem-porarily) while it’s wet, make sure you roll it out and let it dry (as soon as conditions allow) before rolling it up again. ●Do NOT allow dirt, leaves, or other debris to ac-cumulate on awning, which could cause abrasion and stains. Mildew could grow on dirt and organic debris causing permanent discoloration, stains, and odors to awning fabric.B. Hardware Maintenance1. Do NOT use strong chemicals orabrasives to clean parts, as their protective sur-faces will be damaged.Clean awning hardware (as needed) with a mild surface cleaner.2. Do NOT use silicone sprays nearlabels. Otherwise, the label’s adhesive bond to product surfaces could weaken.Apply silicone spray lubricant as needed to keep the fabric roller tube assembly’s moving parts operating smoothly.3. Lubricate all sliding surfaces of arm assemblieswith silicone spray as needed.C. Fabric MaintenanceVinyl fabric offers the advantage of durability and water resistance.W rinkling is a normal characteristic of vinyl. Wrinkling may be more noticeable when re-tracted, and after prolonged periods of stow-age (rolled up). Leave awning open during warm weather to minimize the wrinkling over a period of time.。
















轨道与池子同长,雨篷整体架在池子上方,伸展后完全覆盖池体,收缩后长度约4米左右,覆盖约一个池子宽度,影响暴晒蒸发效果,如下图:作者:座殿角作品编号48877446331144215458 创作日期:2020年12月20日。









2、液压倾卸机构的主要部件2.1取力器图1 液压举升系统工作示意图图2 气控液压举升机构工作原理图图3 沙罐车气控液压举升机构工作原理图取力器是汽车动力输出装置,可将汽车发动机的部分功率取出,由变速器输出动力,通过传动轴将力传给齿轮泵。


2.2 齿轮泵齿轮泵采用的是中高压齿轮泵,是液压举升系统的动力机构,它将取力器传来的机械能转变为液体的压力动能。









1、电源:使用电源:220VAC /50-60 Hz控制负荷电源:220V/380V2、最大负载功率:三相380V电源:≤10Kw三相鼠笼式电机(直接启动)单相220V电源:≤800W3、控制器自身消耗功率:≤5W4、控制方式:手动、遥控两用,手动控制:机箱面板触摸按键控制无线遥控:采用超高频无线信号经过编码加密传输控制指令,遥控器开阔地控制距离不小于50-100米。















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? 3)、保存:按一下停止键即可使用。


4) 更换摇控器:?出厂时遥控器都录过码,可直接使用。




4 擦除录码:若车辆互相控制,需要擦除录码。



