
4 一般要求 可能会影响气态污染物排放、CO2排放和燃油消耗的部件在设计、制造和组装时应确保车辆在正常使
用过程中,在受到震动的情况下,也能够符合本法规的要求。 5 性能要求
在将本 gtr 中的试验规程作为本国立法的一部分进行实施时,缔约方所使用的限值水平至少要与其现 行法规中的限值水平保持一致。《1998 年协定书》的管理委员会(AC.3)正在对限值进行协调,协调的结 果将在今后引入到本 gtr 中。 6 试验条件 6.1 试验间和浸车区域 6.1.1 试验间
本 gtr 的制定工作开始于 2000 年 5 月,建立了 WMTC 非正式工作组。在 2003 年 1 月召开的 GRPE 第 45 次会议上,由德国提交的关于制定 gtr 的正式 建议案被批准提交《1998 年协定书》的管理委员会(AC.3)。2003 年 11 月 13 日,在 AC.3 会议上,德国 的建议案被批准为 gtr 项目。
因此,我们希望应用本 gtr 通过认证规程限制排放将会获得更严格的排放要求以及与在用车排放更强 的关联度。 (b)潜在的成本效率
本 gtr 明确的成本效率还未进行计算。《1998 年协定书》的管理委员会关于在没有限值要求的情况下推 出本 gtr 的决定是未完成成本效率分析的关键原因。根据《1998 年协定书》的要求,明确的成本效率分析 不必立即给出。但是,出于对将把本法规引入国家要求的考虑以及为了支持下一步在本 gtr 中制定协调的 限值要求,我们希望能够得到相关的信息。例如,每个将本 gtr 引入其本国法规的缔约方希望确定恰当的 与使用这些试验规程有关的限值的严厉程度,这些新限值的严厉程度至少要能够与现有的要求相比较。同 时,摩托车行业可以获得与使用该试验规程有关的任何成本上和成本节约上的经验。这些成本和排放性能 数据可以作为下一步本 gtr 发展的一部分加以分析,在确定协调的限值的同时确定现在所要采用的试验规 程的成本效率。虽然没有计算过每吨所需的成本,但技术组相信本法规会带来明显的利益。

该协定书在法律地位上明确原UN/ECE/WP29(联合国欧洲经济委员会车辆结构工作组)作为开展全球汽车技术法规协调和统一工作的国际组织,UN/ECE/WP29的名称随之更改为:“世界车辆法规协调论坛”(World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations),仍简称为WP29,开始按照《全球汽车技术法规协定书》中规定的程序规则制定全球统一的汽车技术法规,到目前,《1998年协定书》的正式缔约方共计31个[2]。
GTR No 1

ECE/TRANS/180/Add.11 April 2005GLOBAL REGISTRYCreated on 18 November 2004, pursuant to Article 6 of the AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHING OF GLOBAL TECHNICAL REGULATIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES(ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1)Done at Geneva on 25 June 1998AddendumGlobal technical regulation No. 1DOOR LOCKS AND DOOR RETENTION COMPONENTS(Established in the Global Registry on 18 November 2004)UNITED NATIONSECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 3TABLE OF CONTENTSA. STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL RATIONALE AND JUSTIFICATION (4)B. TEXT OF REGULATION (17)1. SCOPE AND PURPOSE (17)2. APPLICATION (17)3. DEFINITIONS (17)REQUIREMENTS (19)4. GENERALREQUIREMENTS (19)5. PERFORMANCECONDITIONS (23)6. TESTPROCEDURE (23)7. TESTANNEXESAnnex 1 Latch Test for Load Test One, Two, and Three Force Applications (25)Annex 2 Inertial Test Procedures (31)Annex 3 Hinge Test Procedure (39)Annex 4 Sliding Side Door, Full Door Test (44)Annex 5 Vehicle Category Definitions (48)* * *ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 4A. Statement of Technical Rationale and JustificationI. IntroductionCurrent regulations were designed to test for door openings in vehicles that were built in the 1960s. Aside from changes made to United States of America and Canadian requirements in the early to mid-1990s to address rear door openings, no significant changes have been made to any of the current regulations. While existing regulations governing door openings have proven largely effective, door openings continue to present a risk of serious injury or death to vehicle occupants, particularly when an occupant is unbelted.The precise size of the safety problem posed by inadvertent door openings is difficult to quantify because very few jurisdictions gather the type of crash data needed to evaluate the problem. This task is further compounded by the effect of occupant belt use on injury risk. Notwithstanding the difficulty in quantifying the overall benefit associated with the establishment of a global technical regulation internationally, the types of changes to door retention components needed to upgrade existing regulations and standards appear to be quite small. Additionally, vehicle manufacturers and the ultimate consumers of motor vehicles can expect to achieve further cost savings through the formal harmonization of differing sets of regulations and standards that already largely replicate each other.Research conducted by the United States of America indicates that there are approximately 42,000 door openings in crashes in the United States of America per year. 1/ While this number corresponds to less than one per cent of the roughly six million crashes that occur in that country each year, the majority of those crashes do not occur at speeds where a door opening is likely. Rather, door failures appear to be most common in moderate- to high-speed crashes. 2/ Structural failures of the latch and striker are the leading cause of door openings. The United States of America’s evaluation of its data indicates that about two-thirds (64.5 per cent) of door openings involve damage to the latch or striker, either alone or in combination with damage to one or more hinges. The next most likely causes of a door opening are the failure of the vehicle structure holding the door in place or the door itself. In 8.37 per cent of the evaluated cases, the door support, e.g., B-pillar or C-pillar, was damaged; while in 9.68 per cent of the evaluated cases, the door structure caused the door to open without damaging the actual door retention components. Only rarely did a door open with no damage to the door whatsoever (2.15 per cent). 1/ At the request of the Working Party on Passive Safety, the United States of America provided data on the magnitude of the door ejections and door openings based on 1994-99 National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) and Fatal Analysis Reporting System (FARS) annual estimates. No data from other jurisdictions were presented.2/ In the United States of America the average change of velocity (delta V) for crashes where a door opens is approximately 30.5 km/h; the average delta V for crashes where there is no failure of the door retention system is approximately 21 km/h.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.15pageThe type of crash also has an impact on the likely type of door failure. The primary source offailure in side impact crashes was damage to the latch/striker assembly, while damage to the doorsupports was a distant secondary source. In rollover crashes, non-structural failures, i.e., thosewhere there is no damage to the door, are more common.In 1991, the United States of America conducted an engineering analysis of door latch systems incases involving vehicle side door openings to determine the loading conditions and failure modesof door latch systems in crashes. 3/ This analysis revealed the following four distinct failuremodes:Structural FailuresStructural failures are characterized as physical damage to the latch, striker, or hinges. Othertypes of structural failures include broken attachment hardware or separation of a latch, striker, orhinge from its support structure.Detent Lever-Fork Bolt Misalignment (Bypass) FailuresDetent lever-fork bolt misalignment (bypass) failures may occur when the striker is subjected tolongitudinal forces in conjunction with lateral forces. These forces cause the fork bolt to moveand become misaligned with the detent lever, causing the latch to open. These forces mosttypically occur in frontal and oblique frontal impacts.Linkage Actuation FailuresLinkage actuation failures are caused by forces being transmitted to the door’s linkage system(i.e., the connection between the door handle and the door latch) due to vehicle deformationduring a crash. It may be possible to observe some bowing of the door after a linkage actuationfailure.Inertial Force FailuresInertial force failures are latch openings due to acceleration of latch system components relative toeach other, which produce sufficient inertial force to activate the latch. Often, there is no visibledamage to the latch or striker system. Inertial loading typically occurs in rollover crashes or whena portion of the vehicle other than the door is impacted at a high speed.These four failure modes can be categorized as either structural failures or actuation failures.Structural failures usually leave clear evidence of the component failure and result in aninoperable door retention system. Actuation failures consist of latch by-pass, linkage actuation,and inertial force failures. Often a door opening caused by an actuation failure will not leave anyreadily visible evidence that the crash caused the door to open and will not affect the retentionsystem’s subsequent ability to open and close correctly. Thus, many of the failures associatedwith a latch by-pass, linkage actuation, or inertial force failure will be represented by the 2.15 percent of crashes where no damage to the door was observed.3/ Door Latch Integrity Study: Engineering Analysis and NASS Case Review,December, 1991, Docket No. NHTSA-1998-3705.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 6According to the United States of America statistics, less than one per cent of occupants who sustain serious and fatal injuries in tow-away crashes are ejected through doors. Yet, despite the relatively rare occurrence of door ejections in crashes, the risk of serious or fatal injury is high when ejection does occur. Door ejections are the second leading source of ejections in all crashes in the United States of America. They are particularly likely in rollover crashes. Door ejections constitute 19 per cent (1,668) of all ejection fatalities and 22 per cent (1,976) of all ejection serious injuries in the United States of America each year. Of the approximately 42,000 door openings in the United States of America each year, side door openings constitute approximately 90 per cent (1,501) of all door ejection fatalities and 93 per cent (1,838) of the serious injuries.The rate of ejections through doors is heavily dependent on belt use. 94 per cent of serious injuries and fatalities attributable to ejections through doors in the United States of America involve unbelted occupants. While the risk of ejection will likely vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, based on differing rates of belt use, the incidence of door openings should be relatively constant among various jurisdictions given the similarity in door designs and the lack of occupant behaviour patterns as a factor in door failures.BackgroundII. ProceduralDuring the one-hundred-and-twenty-sixth session of WP.29 of March 2002, the Executive Committee (AC.3) of the 1998 Global Agreement (1998 Agreement) adopted a Programme of Work, which includes the development of a global technical regulation (gtr) to address inadvertent door opening in crashes. The Executive Committee also charged the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) to form an informal working group to discuss and evaluate relevant issues concerning requirements for door locks and door retention components to make recommendations regarding a potential gtr.The informal working group was established in September 2002. The United States of America volunteered to lead the group’s efforts and develop a document detailing the recommended requirements for the gtr. The United States of America presented a formal proposal to the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement, which was adopted in June 2003 (TRANS/WP.29/2003/49). The GRSP developed the door locks and door retention gtr. At its May 2004 session, the GRSP concluded its work and agreed to recommend the establishment of this gtr to the Executive Committee.III. Existing Regulations, Directives, and International Voluntary StandardsThere are several existing regulations, directives, and standards that pertain to door locks and door retention components. All share similarities. The Canadian and US regulations are very similar to each other and the Japanese and UNECE regulations are very similar to each other. The European Union Directive is an exact alternative of the UNECE regulation requirements. The Australian regulation has commonalities to both of the above-mentioned pairs. A preliminary analysis has been made to identify the differences in the application, requirements, and test procedures of the North American and UNECE Regulations (TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2001/1 and TRANS/WP.29/2003/49). There are no apparent conflicts between the gtr and other existing international regulations or standards. However, the gtr does incorporate aspects of the existing regulations, directives and standards that are not common to all existing requirements. Given theECE/TRANS/180/Add.17pagegenerally minor variability in the door retention designs among these jurisdictions that currentlyregulate door design, it is not expected that the additional requirements imposed by the gtr arelikely to drive major, costly changes to existing door retention designs.IV. Discussion of Issues Addressed by the gtrThe proposed gtr provides that certain door retention components on any door leading directlyinto an occupant compartment, i.e., a compartment containing one or more seatingaccommodations, must comply with the requirements of the gtr. Tractor trailers are excludedbecause they do not meet this criterion. Likewise, doors leading into cargo compartments that areseparated by a barrier would not be regulated since an individual could not access the occupantcompartment through those doors. The gtr excludes folding doors, roll-up doors, detachabledoors, and doors that provide emergency egress, as these types of doors would require entirelynew test procedures and are not in such common use as to justify the development of newrequirements and test procedures. Thus, for certain vehicle designs, some, but not all doors wouldbe regulated by the gtr.During the development of the gtr, all issues were thoroughly discussed. The followingdiscussions reflect the evaluation of the issues that lead to the final recommendations.(a) ApplicabilityThe application of the requirements of this gtr refers, to the extent possible, to the revised vehicleclassification and definitions that the Working Party on General Safety (GRSG) Common TaskInformal Group has prepared. Difficulties were encountered in determining which vehicles wouldbe covered. Currently, UNECE Regulations only apply to M1 vehicles (passenger vehicles withup to 9 seats in total) and N1 vehicles (goods vehicles weighing up to 3,500 kg gross vehiclemass). It was posited that it would be difficult to apply full door tests, such as the proposedinertial load, to large trucks and specialized vehicles. With the decision not to propose theinclusion of two full door tests, discussed in greater detail below, these concerns were largelyresolved. Likewise, the retention of a calculation for meeting the inertial load requirements wouldallow a jurisdiction to avoid applying a full-door inertial load test for doors on heavier vehicles.To address concerns about the applicability of door retention requirements to heavier vehicles, itwas proposed that the gtr only apply to passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and vans andthat other vehicles be excluded initially, then added in the future after further evaluation ofvarious door designs. The argument in favour of a more inclusive gtr focuses attention on thecurrent United States of America, Canadian, Japanese, and Australian requirements that alreadyapply to all vehicles other than buses (M2 and M3 vehicles) and that the applicability of existingrequirements to commercial trucks has not proven problematic for vehicle manufacturers. Thisargument supports the exclusion of specific door types rather than entire classes of vehicles.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 8Heavy trucks in the United States of America have been subject to that country’s door retention requirements since 1972. The United States of America requirement was extended to trucks because researchers from a major United States of America university determined in a study published in 1969 that the rate of door ejection from truck doors was approximately twice that from doors on passenger cars that met the door retention requirements. The authors of the study concluded that at 40.3 per cent, the level of door failure in the truck fleet was approximately four times the failure rate of regulated passenger cars and roughly equivalent to the rate of failure in passenger cars manufactured before 1956. They also concluded that insufficient door retention was a problem across vehicle weight classifications, with pick-up trucks, medium-weight trucks and tractor trailers all exhibiting a door failure rate in excess of 33 per cent.To accommodate both positions, the gtr will apply to all vehicles except buses, with exceptions for specific door designs. The gtr incorporates the definitions of Category 1-1 vehicles and Category 2 vehicles developed in draft Special Resolution 1 (S.R. 1) concerning common definitions and procedures to be used in global technical regulations, which will be submitted as an informal document at the one-hundred-and-thirty-fourth WP.29 session and with an expected adoption at the one-hundred-and-thirty-fifth WP.29 session. If a jurisdiction determines that its domestic regulatory scheme is such that full applicability is inappropriate, it may limit domestic regulation to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 3,500 kg or less. The jurisdiction could also decide to phase-in the door retention requirements for heavier vehicles, delay implementation for a few years, or even to impose only some of the gtr requirements to these heavier vehicles. For example, it is unlikely that a jurisdiction would want to require heavier truck doors to meet the dynamic inertial test rather than the calculation. On the other hand, the longitudinal and transverse load requirements have been applicable to heavy trucks in the United States of America and Canada for over thirty years without imposing any hardship on vehicle manufacturers.(b) DefinitionsDefinitions, used in this gtr, are defined in section B, paragraph 3. of this regulation, with the exception of those related to the applicability. Definitions that relate to the applicability are drawn from a draft version of S.R. 1 and are listed in Annex 5.(c) General RequirementsGRSP agreed to recommend that the gtr should specify requirements for side and back doors, door retention components and door locks. The United States of America, Canadian, and Australian regulations have provisions for back doors and door locks, the UNECE Regulations do not. Currently, UNECE Regulations require that the sliding door systems be tested in a fully latched position and an intermediate latched position. If there is no intermediate position, when unlatched, the door must move into an apparent open position. The United States of America and Canadian regulations have no latching system requirements for the sliding doors. The Working Party decided that it was appropriate to regulate the sliding side door latching system, but recognized that the existing UNECE requirement to determine whether a sliding side door was unlatched was too subjective. Accordingly, the gtr specifies a door closure warning system that activates when the sliding side door is not latched and there is no intermediate/secondary latching position.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.19pageThe inclusion of a requirement in the gtr that side doors remain shut during vehicle dynamic crashtests, as well as a requirement that at least one door per row be operable following a crash test,was considered. Existing UNECE Regulations with dynamic crash test components alreadyrequire all doors to stay closed during the test and at least one door per seat row to be operableafterwards. It is believed that it is unnecessary to repeat this requirement in the gtr and itsinclusion would make the certification process under this regulation very difficult. However,recognizing the value of such a requirement, non-UNECE countries have agreed to considerincluding a similar requirement in their domestic regulations. This will result in a harmonizedrequirement outside of the context of the gtr.Force levels identified in the current component static tests for latches and hinges have beenharmonized to eliminate variations due to rounding of unit conversions.(d) Performance Requirements(i) Hinged Doors IssuesCurrently, UNECE Regulation No. 11 has similar hinged door requirements to the NorthAmerican regulations, although UNECE Regulation No. 11 does not distinguish between cargoand non-cargo door latches. The Working Party agreed to recommend that cargo doors (i.e.,double doors) meet the same requirements as hinged doors if they provide access to the occupantseating compartment. Additionally, the term "cargo door" has been eliminated to clarify thatdoors that do not lead into an occupant compartment with one or more seat positions are notregulated by the gtr.(ii) Load TestsBoth regulations require load tests of the hinge systems in the longitudinal and transversedirections. These tests remain, but have been reworded such that the loads are applied based onthe alignment of the hinge system and not the alignment of the vehicle. A load test in the verticaldirection was evaluated and ultimately rejected except for back doors. Since a large number ofdoor openings occur during vehicle rollovers, it was suggested that perhaps a load test in thevertical direction would help reduce these types of openings. However, it was ultimatelydetermined that the addition of a load test conducted in a direction orthogonal to the existing testscould not be justified at the present time. Those countries concerned about protecting againstrollover crash door openings may determine that such a test would be useful outside the context ofthe gtr.ECE/TRANS/180/Add.1page 10(iii) Inertial TestA dynamic inertial test requirement was added to the gtr, as an option to the inertial calculation. There are provisions for this type of testing in both the UNECE and North American regulations, but there is no specified test procedure. A test procedure was developed based on the testing currently conducted for the UNECE requirement and validated by the United States of America and Canada. In addition to the longitudinal and transverse tests, tests in the vertical direction were considered. Conducting the inertial test in the vertical direction is feasible, but it is much more difficult to conduct than the tests in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Since the most common failure mode demonstrated in the inertial tests conducted by Canada was in the direction of door opening, it was determined that a test in the vertical direction appeared to be beneficial only for back door designs, which commonly open in the vertical direction. However, those countries concerned about protecting against rollover crash door openings may determine that such a test would be useful outside the context of the gtr.(iv) New Combination Component TestThe United States of America developed a new combination test procedure for hinged side doors that is representative of the combination of longitudinal compressive and lateral tensile forces that occur in real-world latch failures. Currently, no regulation, directive, or international voluntary standard has such a requirement, although it is possible that a test developed by one vehicle manufacturer may be suitable for substitution once it has been fully evaluated and a benefits correlation has been conducted.Examples of the types of crashes in which forces addressed by the combination test could occur are crashes in which either the front or the rear of the vehicle is impacted (including in an offset mode). The proposed combination test procedure was a static bench test capable of evaluating the strength of the latching systems and designed to detect fork bolt detent bypass failures. No other test procedure within the gtr simulates these types of latch failure conditions.In the combination test, the latch is mounted on a flat steel plate that moves horizontally and the striker is mounted on a vertically moving ram device. During the test, the latch and striker, while in their primary coupled position, are simultaneously moved such that lateral tension (i.e., force applied perpendicularly to the coupled latch and striker) and longitudinal compressive forces (i.e., force applied against the latch toward the striker) are applied at their interface.The required forces for the primary position of the hinged side door latching systems would be simultaneous forces of 16,000 N longitudinal compressive force and 6,650 N lateral tensile force. The longitudinal force application device is moved at a rate of one centimeter per minute until the longitudinal force is achieved.There is widespread support for a test that addresses the door failure modes represented by this test. However, in some vehicles, the test setup is such that the striker cannot interface with the faceplate of the latch, rendering the test meaningless. While it is possible to modify the striker portion of the latch system so that the test can be conducted, there is strong concern regarding the adoption of this type of procedure and its potential for enforceability questions.The adoption of the combination test into the gtr is not supported at this time due to the technical difficulties in conducting the test. Instead, the Working Party delegates and representatives will continue to review work on the modification of the United States of America-based procedure, or the development of a new procedure, to capture the benefits associated with a test addressing door failures due to simultaneous compressive longitudinal and tensile lateral loading of latch systems in real world crashes. Any acceptable procedure developed could then be added to the gtr as an amendment.(v) Door HingesBoth the UNECE and North American regulations have the same load testing requirements for door hinges. The current side door requirements for hinges, which are based on SAE Recommended Practice J934, Vehicle Passenger Door Hinge Systems, appear to test adequately the strength and design of door hinges. The United States of America’s comprehensive analysis of its data and possible failure modes has not revealed problems with door hinges. Accordingly, these requirements have been included in the gtr. The current UNECE requirements only allow for the hinges to be mounted on the forward edge in the direction of travel. This requirement was based on the safety concern of a possible inadvertent opening while the vehicle is in motion. This requirement, as stated, was found to be design restrictive and the safety concerns were resolved by developing text to regulate the design and not prohibit it.(vi) Hinged Side Door System Tests (Full Door Tests)A new series of test procedures was designed to simulate real world door openings in crashes. These tests consist of door-in-frame quasi-static (full door) tests in both longitudinal and lateral directions, independent from the door system.The lateral full door test is designed to simulate latch failures in crashes that produce outwards forces on the door (i.e., through occupant loading or inertial loading) such as side crashes that result in vehicle spin and rollover. The longitudinal full door test is designed to simulate a collision in which the side of the vehicle is stretched, leading to the possibility that the striker could be torn from its mated latch (i.e., far side door in side impacts, and front and rear offset crashes on the opposite side door).The inclusion of the full door tests in the gtr was not supported because the tests raise concerns about unduly restricting door designs, developing a repeatable and enforceable test procedure, and addressing door openings under real world conditions. Because of the current UNECE requirement for both the component tests and a door closure requirement in dynamic tests, there is some question as to whether a full door test provides any additional value. In an analysis of the proposed tests using its FARS and NASS databases, the United States of America was unable to correlate the proposed tests with a reduction on door openings in real world crashes at a level that was statistically significant.The contemplated test procedures were evaluated and concerns were expressed that the new procedure will end up being unduly design restrictive, given the limitations of the test frame. For example, it may be that multiple test frames would be required to ensure an appropriate "fit" between the door and the test frame. This is because placement of the test load relative to the latch mechanism may be sufficiently different to produce significantly different results, andbecause door specific holes must be drilled into the test frame. Additionally, the test frame may not adequately address new latch designs that may be mounted in non-traditional locations. Likewise, the procedure does not allow manufacturers the benefit of non-latch attachments that are primarily used for side impact purposes but also may have a positive effect on door closure. Concerns were voiced that conducting the proposed tests on a test frame rather than on the full vehicle is impractical because not all loads can be applied to a closed door. However, it may be possible to cut the door frame and attach it to the test fixture, although such an approach may not fully replicate the actual door-in-frame as installed in the vehicle since cutting the door frame may change its characteristics. Such an approach may address the fit between the latch and striker, as well as the physical characteristics of the door and the doorframe. Accordingly, it was finally agreed not to include these proposals.(vii) Side Sliding Doors IssuesThe requirements and test procedures in both UNECE Regulation No. 11 and the North American standards for the track and slide combinations of side sliding doors are included in the gtr. The latch/striker system requirements of UNECE Regulation No. 11 are also included. However, neither regulation has a detailed full vehicle sliding door test procedure that simulates real world door openings in crashes.Simply testing the strength of the latch fails to fully account for the design of a sliding door. The current regulations for hinged doors adequately address door retention components because they test both the latch system and the hinge system. Since a sliding door has no hinges, only the latch is evaluated. The lack of a test for retention components other than the latch is an obvious weakness in the existing standards. Yet evaluating these components through a bench test would be impossible. The retention components simply are not amenable to a component test. The full-door test overcomes the lack of a component test similar to the hinge test for other doors by evaluating all retention components while the door interfaces with the doorframe.The procedure involves a full vehicle test in which a sliding door is tested by applying force against the two edges of the door. The test setup is initiated by placing two loading plates against the interior of the door. The loading plates are placed adjacent to the latch/striker system located at the door edge. If the door edge has two latch/striker systems, the loading plate is placed between the two systems. If a door edge does not have a latch/striker system, the loading plate is placed at a point midway along the length of the door edge. An outward lateral force of 18,000 N total is then applied to the loading plates, placing force against the two door edges. A test failure would be indicated by a 100 mm separation of the interior of door from the exterior of the vehicle’s doorframe at any point or either force application device reaching a total displacement of 300 mm. The gtr requires that there be no more than 100 mm of separation, even if the latch system does not fail, because, unlike hinged doors, the configuration of sliding doors allows for separation of the door from the frame without the latch system failing. The 100 mm limit is based on a commonly used measurement for maximum allowable open space in the United States of America and Canada for school bus opening requirements.The sliding door test procedure specifies that the test be conducted with force application devices that, when installed as part of the test setup, are each capable of reaching a total displacement of at least 300 mm after placement of the loading plates against the interior of the door. Under the test,。

关于GTR文案GTR(Global Time Reckoning)是一种全球时间记录系统,旨在统一世界各地的时间标准,使全球各地的时间统一起来。

C1 C2 C3
C1 C2 C3
表1 最大值(千克/吨)
第 1 阶段 12 10.5 8.0 表2
第 2 阶段 10.5 9.0 6.5
不同类型轮胎按照滚动阻力系数大小,分为 A 到 G 共 7 个等级,具体分级
情况如下见表 3。
等级 RRC in kg/t
不符合表 2 的 C3 轮胎 禁止销售和 使用
对于有关滚动阻力等级、湿路面抓着性能等级及噪声等级的轮胎标 签要求 2012 年 7 月 1 日开始实施。
1.6 轮胎标签的样式 在欧盟法规中对于轮胎燃油效率标签做出了详细的规定,包括样式图
-7- 漏气瘪胎行驶标志 如果轮胎为"跑气保用run flat"轮胎或者"自支撑self supporting"轮胎,
并且达到跑气保用行驶性能要求(参见国际标准ISO 16992),则下示图里符号 "h"至少应为12 mm 。
2.3 外缘尺寸:
1.2 滚动阻力要求
综合 EC661/2009 和 EC1222/2009 来看,欧洲实施的是滚动阻力系数最高限值的分级标准体系。在 EC661/2009 中规定了两个不同阶段的滚动阻力系数的最高限值,对于不同阶段的规定见本文 2.5 的说 明,在 EC1222/2009 则规定了具体的分级标准。
对于每种轮胎类型滚动阻力系数,根据标准 ISO 28580 测得的最大值不应超过表 1 及表 2 值:

2008年国际GTR法规及欧洲ECE法规发展动态2008-05-21 [ 字体:大中小 ] 作者:朱毅一、国际汽车技术法规的发展1.2008年3月通过两项新的GTR2008年3月,联合国世界车辆法规协调论坛(UN/WP29)第144次会议在日内瓦联合国总部召开,在此次会议上,经《1998年协定书》缔约方管理委员会(AC3)审议和投票表决,通过两项新的全球统一汽车技术法规,具体情况见表1。
表1 UN/WP29新通过的两项GTR这样,截止到2008年5月,在联合国世界车辆法规协调论坛《1998年协定书》的框架下,共有7项GTR和一项特别决议(S.R.1)出台。
根据美国代表的提案,WP29在第141次会议(2007年3月)上一致同意将车辆电子稳定控制系统ESC列为新的全球技术法规(GTR)制定项目,在制动与行走系工作组(GRRF)内成立开展ESC GTR制定工作的非正式工作小组,美国担任该非正式小组的主席。
在ESC全球法规的起草过程中,我国组织相关专家和人员直接参与了该GTR的起草工作,并结合我国汽车行业的具体情况,对ESC相关条款提出了我国的意见和建议,基本上被WP29所采纳,反映在具体的法规文本中,我国提出的意见和建议包括:·针对该法规的使用范围提出了提案,建议将该全球技术法规的适用范围限定为安装有电子稳定性控制系统并且最大设计总质量在4536kg 以下的1-1、1-2和2类车辆,在内容上只规定电子稳定性控制系统的功能和性能要求以及对应的试验要求和试验规程,由各签约国根据本国国情自行决定哪些车辆需要强制安装ESC。

√ 豁免
正常使用 滥用、失效 模拟碰撞
电动汽车安全球技术 法规 (EVS -GTR)
直接触防护 间接触防护
标识要求 遮拦 /外壳防护等级
高压连接器要求 维修断开装置 电位均衡要求 绝缘电阻要求
一般汽车(主要 为乘用车)
√ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √(考虑顶部充电技术)
√ √ √ √ √
驱动反向提示 要求
驱动方向提示 要求
车辆和外部电 车辆与位置固定的外部电源传导连接时,车 源的物理连接 辆不应通过其自身的驱动
EVS -GTR 整车安全测试技术:绝缘电阻测量 使用车载REESS作为直流电压源的测量方法
测试电压应不小于 B 级 电力系统的最大工作电 压一半的直流电压,使 用绝缘电阻测试仪加载 在相互连接的 B 级电压 电力系统带电部分和电 平台之间并施加足够长 的时间(至少30s)以 获得稳定的读数
电动汽车安全球技术 法规 (EVS -GTR)-防水要求

收稿日期: 2018-03-20 基金项目: 国家重点研究计划项目 (2016YFB0101400) 作者简介: 赵志成, 男, 工程师, 研究方向为汽车技术开发及管理。 E⁃mail: zhaozhicheng@ catarc������ ac������ cn。
C பைடு நூலகம் Y K
表 1 压缩氢气储存系统性能验证试验
严格测试。 其中基本性能测试用来确定爆破压力中值和压力循 环寿命; 液压顺序试验实际上是道路性能的耐久验证试验; 气 压顺序试验实际是系统期望的道路性能验证试验; 使用终止验 证试验是用来验证氢气不能继续储存的极端严重情况下的防 破裂性能。 氢气储存系统的标签不是储氢系统的性能之一, 但作为使用要求必须具备, 因此文中把标签要求附加在性能 要求部分。 压缩氢气储存系统性能验证试主要内容验如表 1 所示。
1 压缩氢气储存系统
这部分规定了压缩氢气储存系统完整性的要求。 用于道路 车辆的新 型 压 缩 氢 储 存 系 统, 其 标 称 工 作 压 力 不 应 高 于 70 MPa, 使用寿命不超过 15 年。
1������ 1 压缩氢气储存系统性能试验要求 作为一个完整的汽车子系统, 氢气储存系统的性能要经过
DOI: 10������ 19466 / j������ cnki������ 1674-1986������ 2018������ 06������ 017
GTR 13 和 ECE R134 的主要内容简析
赵志成, 王微, 王仁广, 郝冬, 王晓兵, 朱凯
( 中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司, 天津 300300)
关键词: 燃料电池汽车; 氢气储存系统; 标准与法规 中图分类号: U473������ 4 文献标志码: B 文章编号: 1674-1986 (2018) 06-073-07


该协定书在法律地位上明确原UN/ECE/WP29(联合国欧洲经济委员会车辆结构⼯作组)作为开展全球汽车技术法规协调和统⼀⼯作的国际组织,UN/ECE/WP29的名称随之更改为:“世界车辆法规协调论坛”(World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations),仍简称为WP29,开始按照《全球汽车技术法规协定书》中规定的程序规则制定全球统⼀的汽车技术法规,到⽬前,《1998年协定书》的正式缔约⽅共计31个[2]。

表 1所属的专 家工作组 项目名称 提案提出国GRRF 摩托车制动 加拿大全球统一的重型发动机 认证规程(WHDC) 欧洲 联盟GRPE重型发动机的车载诊断系统(WWH-OBD)美国1 摩托车制动全球统一技术法规的建立1.1摩托车制动GTR制定的基本情况WP29在第129次会议(2003年3月)上批准此份全球统一汽车技术法规的制定提案,加拿大为该项目的提案提出国,目前已完成法规文本起草工作。
该GTR在制定起草过程中,考虑并协调如下国际上现有的摩托车制动法规和国际标准:z ECE R78:关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定;z美国联邦法规集(CFR)第49篇第571部分,FMVSS 122:摩托车制动系统;z加拿大机动车辆安全法规CMVSS 122:摩托车制动系统;z日本安全标准JSS12-61;z澳大利亚设计规则ADR 33/00:摩托车和轻便摩托车的制动系统;z ISO8710:1995 摩托车——制动和制动装置——试验和测量方法;z ISO12364:2001 两轮摩托车——防抱制动系统(ABS)——试验和测量方法;z ISO8709:1995 轻便摩托车——制动和制动装置——试验和测量方法;z ISO12366:2001 两轮轻便摩托车——防抱制动系统(ABS)——试验和测量方法。
1.2摩托车制动GTR的主要内容、分歧及解决摩托车制动GTR主要是在综合了欧美日法规的相关内容基础上制定而成,内容包括如下的试验规程以及相应的性能要求:1.单独操作每一个行车制动控制器时的干制动试验(基于ECE R78 / JSS12-61);2.所有行车制动系统同时促动的干制动试验(基于FMVSS 122);3.高速试验(JSS12-61);4.湿制动试验(基于ECE R78 / JSS12-61);5.热衰退试验(基于ECE R78 / JSS12-61);6.驻车制动试验(基于ECE R78/JSS12-61);7.ABS试验(基于ECE R78 /JSS12-61);8.部分失效试验—分立行车制动系统(基于FMVSS 122);9.伺服失效试验。

《在全球技术法规中使用的统一定义和规程的特别决议(S.R.1)》1 范围1.1 本文件包含了在制定《关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定全球性技术法规的协定书》(1998年协定书,ECE/TRANS/132)所涵盖的所有轮式车辆、装备和部件的全球技术法规(gtr)时所使用的统一术语的定义。
1.2 缔约方可以不在其自身的车辆技术法规中采用本文件中的统一术语的定义。
2 一般规定2.1在起草新的gtr或对任何gtr的条款进行修正时,《1998年协定书》的缔约方要根据本决议的规定起草该gtr或进行任何修正工作。
2.2 对于等同于本决议规定的车辆类型,以及豁免采用gtr的车型,缔约方可以继续使用本国或本地区的定义和规程1。
2.4 S.R.1的修正本2.4.1对S.R.1的修正要符合1998年协定书第6章第6.4条的规定。
2.5除非另有规定,gtr中引用的所有测量单位及相关符号必须使用ISO 1000:1992规定的SI单位。
3 特殊规定3.1gtr中使用的一般定义要符合附件1的规定。
附件1 一般定义1机动车辆(power driven vehicle):指设计和构造用于在道路上使用、至少装有2个车轮的所有自驱动车辆。

(2013.2.1) (2018.01.01起)
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
第Ⅲ阶段 国三带OBD:
DB 11-946-2013 北京五阶段
Ⅵ(-7度) 噪声
无 GB1495-2002
三、汽车3C认证 3C关键外购件
三、汽车3C认证 3C认证模式
为履行加入WTO时政府的承诺,国家认监委将进口汽车 管理CCIB许可证改为CCC强制性产品认证,同时要求国产车 也要进行CCC认证,实施时间从2003年5月1日所有汽车产品 必须符合CCC认证要求并通过认证,未通过认证的产品不得 生产和销售。
• 中机中心根据各厂家申报的车型的数量拟定每月申报截止日期,一般情况每月截至日期为10 日。之后中机中心将组织专家进行公告综合技术审查工作。每月25日后,企业可以从网上下 载专家审查结果。如果企业对审查结果有异议可在15日内提出申诉。申诉应以正式书面文件 的形式报中中心,并注明联系人及联系电话。
三、汽车3C认证 3C申报流程:
三、汽车3C认证 汽车3C认证具体工作过程

20综述SUMMARYGTR TYRE 第21次会议围绕六大议题展开讨论作者 杨 振 谢东明2019年1月21~22日,轮胎全球技术法规(GTR TYRE )第21次会议在日内瓦召开。
加拿大交通部、美国高速公路安全管理局(NHTSA )、俄罗斯国家汽车工程研究院(NAMI )、日本汽车标准化国际中心(JASIC )、中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司(CATARC )等政府及政府相关研究机构,以及美国轮胎制造商协会(USTMA )、欧洲轮胎轮辋技术组织(ETRTO )、日本汽车轮胎协会(JATMA )、印度机动车辆研究协会(ARAI )等国际组织的专家共计20余人参加了会议。
Andrei V. Bocharov 博士作为GTR TYRE 第二阶段法规协调非正式工作组主席主持了本次会议,ETRTO 秘书长Nicolas deMahieu 担任会议秘书。
据了解,2017年在莫斯科召开的GTR TYRE 第16次工作组会议上,中国代表团将中国轮胎国家标准体系成功导入GTR ,并就第二阶段轮胎法规协调内容组织行业专家搭建系统框架。
至此,美国FMVSS 、联合国UN ECE 、中国GB 三大轮胎法规体系成为GTR 法规协调的主要方向。
GTR TYRE 第二阶段法规协调主要方向是制定开发UN GTR No.16第二修正案,主要围绕轻型载重汽车轮胎(LT/C )耐久试验和引入全球轮胎标识,以及对磨耗标识、轮胎尺寸、高速试验、耐久试验、低气压试验等内容进行协调。
其中,高速、耐久、低气压测试在联合国UN ECE 及美国FMVSS 两大法规体系下存在较大差异,中国标准溯源ISO ,但在具体测试内容上又不同于以上两大标准体系,如何在三大标准法规体系下进行兼容性协调,成为GTR TYRE IWG (非正式工作组)面临的挑战。

GT-R 一代1969年2月左右1969年至1972年间创下50场不败记录,因此成为性能车迷心目中的战神。
车型编号PGC10 & KPGC10 (双门版本) 引擎1989CC 直列式6缸DOHC自然吸气引擎最大马力160匹最大扭力180N.m 驱动系统FRGT-R 二代1973年1月推出外型采用以往的造型,前后四圆灯设计,但由于车体大幅增大,而动力单元基本没变。
车型编号KPGC110 引擎S20 2.0L引擎(与一代GT-R相同) 驱动系统FRGT-R 三代1989年8月推出继承了日产著名赛车系列SKYLINE血统,配合最新技术,夺得"无敌战神"及"公路之王"的美誉,因此R32是GT-R系列车中性能取向最纯粹的版本。
头文字D中中里毅便是驾驶车型编号BNR32 引擎RB26DETT 2568cc twinturbo最大马力280匹(日本马力上限) 最大扭矩360N.m 驱动系统4WD GT-R32的动力搭配令当时可以说无人能敌,也因此在赛道重新回到了王者地位。
GT-R 四代1995年1月推出车型编号BCNR33 引擎RB26DETT 2568cc twinturbo最大马力280匹(日本马力上限) 最大扭矩375N.m(扭力较旧款提升15N.m) 驱动系统4WD R33 GT-R在各方面都有所进步,但在整体战斗力方面,其实并不如上代R32 GT-R来的优秀。
GT-R 五代1999年1月推出车型编号BNR34 引擎RB26DETT 2568cc twinturbo最大马力280匹(日本马力上限) 最大扭矩400N.m(扭力较旧款提升25N.m) 驱动系统4WDGT-R 六代2007年10月推出车型编号GT-R R35 引擎形式V6 排气量(c.c.) 3,799 压缩比9.0 最大马力(hp/rpm) 480/6400 最大扭力(kgm/rpm) 60.0/3200~5200 马力重量比(kg/hp) 3.625 驱动方式AWD 排档型式序列式六速自手排长宽高(mm) 4650*1895*1370车重(kg) 1740 油箱容量(l) 74 2010 NISSAN GT-R (CBA-R35)引擎型号:VR38DETT 引擎位置驱动方式:前中置(变速箱位于后桥)ATTESA E-TS全轮驱动(AWD)最大马力(匹):485(官方公布数据)最大扭力(牛-米):588 车体尺寸(长宽高mm):4650×1895×1370 车重(kg):1750 最高速度(km/h):310 0至100公里加速(秒):3.5 GTR35 Switzer P800 引擎形式V6 排气量(c.c.) 3,799 压缩比9.0 最大马力(hp/rpm) 800/6400 最大扭力(kgm/rpm)94.8/3200~5200 0至100公里加速2.9(秒) 曾经有50场连赢不败纪录,5次连胜JTCC总冠军。
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该协定书在法律地位上明确原UN/ECE/WP29(联合国欧洲经济委员会车辆结构工作组)作为开展全球汽车技术法规协调和统一工作的国际组织,UN/ECE/WP29的名称随之更改为:“世界车辆法规协调论坛”(World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations),仍简称为WP29,开始按照《全球汽车技术法规协定书》中规定的程序规则制定全球统一的汽车技术法规,到目前,《1998年协定书》的正式缔约方共计31个[2]。
2. GTR法规制修订成果
表1 WP29已出台的GTR项目及其修订情况
我国也不例外,近年来,我国根据汽车产业和标准化工作发展的实际情况和需要,在我国汽车标准的制修订工作中积极采用GTR,目前已采用GTR9制定我国国家推荐性标准:GB/T 24550-2009 汽车对行人的碰撞保护,该标准于2009年10月30日发布,2010年7月1日实施,今后将根据发展情况将其转化为强制性国家标准。
[1] 该协定书全称为《关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件制定全球性技术法规协定书》
[2] 美国、加拿大、日本、法国、英国、欧洲联盟、德国、俄罗斯、中国、韩国、意大利、南非、芬兰、匈牙利、土耳其、斯洛伐克、新西兰、荷兰、阿塞拜疆、西班牙、罗马尼亚、瑞典、挪威、塞浦路斯、卢森堡、马来西亚、印度、立陶宛、摩尔多瓦、突尼斯、澳大利亚。