21世纪英语报精读"Is It Possible to Achieve Work-Life Balance in the Digital Age?"In today's rapidly advancing digital age, it has become increasingly challenging to achieve work-life balance. As technology continues to evolve, we find ourselves constantly connected and accessible, blurring the boundaries between work and personal life. However, with careful planning, self-discipline, and the right mindset, it is still possible to achieve a harmonious work-life balance.To begin with, it is important to recognize the concept of work-life balance and understand its significance. Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between professional obligations and personal responsibilities, allowing individuals to thrive in both aspects without considerable detriment to either. Achieving this balance is crucial for overall well-being, as it enhances job satisfaction, reduces stress, improves mental and physical health, and strengthens relationships.The first step towards attaining work-life balance in the digital age is to set clear boundaries. It is necessary to establish distinctperiods of work and personal time, ensuring that they do not permeate into each other. This can be achieved by defining specific work hours and sticking to them as closely as possible. During these hours, individuals should focus solely on work-related tasks, avoiding any distractions that may arise from personal commitments.Additionally, it is essential to embrace the power of technology in managing work-life balance. While it may seem ironic, technology can actually aid in achieving a healthier integration of work and personal life. Utilizing productivity tools, project management software, and communication apps can streamline work processes, thus reducing the time spent on certain tasks and allowing for more free time. Moreover, through the effective use of technology, individuals can have greater control over their workload, prioritizing tasks and delegating when necessary.However, it is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship with technology. As digital devices become ubiquitous, it is easy to fall into the trap of constant connectivity. To combat this, it is necessary to practice digital detox regularly. Allocating specific time slots throughout the day to disconnect from technology andengage in activities that promote relaxation and self-care is essential. This eliminates the incessant distractions and allows individuals to rejuvenate and recharge, leading to increased productivity during work hours.Another aspect to consider in achieving work-life balance is the importance of time management. Effectively managing time ensures that both work and personal life receive adequate attention. Prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and avoiding procrastination are crucial in ensuring that work does not spill over into personal time. By adhering to a structured schedule and efficiently utilizing time, individuals can achieve a more balanced lifestyle.Furthermore, integrating self-care practices into daily routines is vital for work-life balance. Engaging in activities that promote physical exercise, mindfulness, and leisure time can significantly reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. By taking care of their physical and mental health, individuals can approach work and personal life with more energy and a positive mindset, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction in both areas.Ultimately, achieving work-life balance in the digital age requires a shift in mindset. It is essential to recognize that work-life balance is not about achieving perfection in both domains simultaneously but rather finding a sustainable and satisfactory equilibrium. Each individual must define their own balance based on their unique circumstances and take proactive steps to maintain it.In conclusion, while the digital age presents its challenges, it is still possible to achieve work-life balance. By setting clear boundaries, embracing technology, practicing digital detox, managing time efficiently, and prioritizing self-care, individuals can navigate the complexities of the modern workplace and personal life successfully. Work-life balance is a crucial aspect of personal well-being, and with conscious efforts, it is attainable for everyone in this digital age.。
宝 石 算术题 火 箭 跳 跃
emerald sum rocket
hop actually
抓 紧 榜 样 新鲜的 吉祥物
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实际n't the same when Miss Green is teaching… and yes,she is actually green!
Miss Green:Good morning,children.I am Miss Green. Wilfred:Where is Mr Bell,Miss? Miss Green:Mr Bell is ill today. Bob:Are you ill too,Miss?You look a bit green. Miss Green:That is because I am from Planet Emerald.
Miss Green:Now,let's do some painting! Rob:Good.I like painting. Wilfred:So do I! Naveed:Do you like my painting,Miss? Miss Green:Well,I like the green grass.But what's this white thing? Neveed:It's a sheep. Miss Green:Then paint it green. Alex:But sheep are white! Miss Green:On Planet Emerald,the sheep are green. Wilfred:Green sheep?Is everything on Planet Emerald green? Miss Green:Yes.The houses are green.The shops are green.So are the cats and dogs.
Detailed Study
A recent New York Times article says the boundary between geek culture and mainstream culture has never before been so blurred. Blur vt. 涂污;使…模糊不清;使暗淡;玷污 n. 污迹;模糊不清的事物 Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass. The doors and windows were blurred with soot. 从眼角我看见了玻璃窗另一边一个移动的模糊身影。 那些门窗被煤烟弄得很脏。
4. Why geek culture has become mainstream?
One reason geek culture has become mainstream is because technology has become a ubiquitous part of nearly everyone’s daily life. In one sense, you could say the mainstream is just catching up to how geeks have lived for years.
Find more about it on
In computers and the Internet, a geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with technology. As computer technology becomes less frightening to larger numbers of people, society seems to be developing a more tolerant, even benevolent view of the geek. Historically, a geek was a circus person in the sideshow who performed some bizarre feat. Over time, the meaning of geek has changed to include anyone with an obsession that places him outside mainstream society.
学习者传递全球最前沿的英 语教学动态和学习信息。
与中央教育科学研究所合作, 承担教育部课题。 在全国范围内建立了近600所英 语报刊阅读实验学校。 带动更多的老师利用我报开发 教学资源。 给学生提供更加贴近生活、贴 近时代的时事读物。
全国中学英语报刊 阅读实验学校
级英文日报,创刊于1981年6月1日。 《中国日报》发行至150多个国家和地区。日均发行量20余万份,三分之一 在海外;“中国日报网站”为国家重点新闻网站,日均访问量600万人次, 三分之二在海外。 《中国日报》是中国目前唯一进入西方主流社会和被国外媒体转载最多的 报纸,据不完全统计,月平均被转载500余篇次。 《中国日报》报系拥有《中国日报》、《中国商业周刊》、《中国日报香 港版》、《中国日报电子版》、《上海英文星报》、《中国专稿》、《北 京周末》和面向国民教育领域发行逾百万份的《21世纪报》、《21世纪高 中生报》、《21世纪初中生报》、《21世纪小学生报》。 《中国日报》国内读者:在华的外国人,包括外交人员、驻华工商界人 士、跨国企业、国际组织及民间驻华机构、专家、留学生和旅游者;中 国高端读者,包括中央和地方政府的决策者、工商界高层管理者、科研 人员、专家学者、高级白领、专业人士等。
一等奖的选手分别获得赴英、澳、新加 坡等国家修学访问的机会。
The 21st century English newspapers which was be founded in 1993, for Chinese people learning English , trying to became the most widely circulated daily newspaper in China.on October 13,2010,the 21st century English newspaper has been corrected. The new paper has ten sections, total sixteen pages.The first section(P1) was Cover, usually published the focus of attention presently,with a significant pictures and headline on the front page. The editors select news stories always need through a long selection process to choice the last works, which must be surprise, present and interesting. In bottom of front page also have some small titles, which the most important news.The second section(P2)was buzz, which introduction some key words about news at home and abroad. It uses bilingual language to explain the secret of language and culture.The third section(P3)was Opinion, which debate the popular events by readers, with the different opinions to widen our view.The fourth section(P4-P5)was Focus, which depth description some important, present hop news, outstanding the different between Chinese and foreign young people unique point of views.The fifth section(P6-P7)was Culture, with the new field of vision to display classical and popular foreign culture, and frontier science and technology.The sixth section(P8)was Campus, visit the tower of ivory in life, learn peer’s survival condition, and the struggle story about the students.The seven section(P9)was Career, which to explain some information about career objective and development, even the latest recruitment information ,interview guide about the world’ top 500.The eighth section(P10)was Test , give some answers about doubts which usually come up in our life, and exclusive offered the simulated test questions by new Oriental.The ninth section(P11)was Extra Credit, reading original English later to learning the most practical English.。
For the last couple of years, young adult romance films, adapted from online fiction by mainland producers/directors, have become a *synonym for poor quality. Soulmate (《七月与安生》), which hit cinemas on Sept 15, however, is trying to change all this.Soulmate is based on best-selling coming-of-age story of the same name by novelist Li Jie, who’s better known by her pen name Anni Baobei. It revolves around the relationship between two girls, *rebellious and *erratic Li Ansheng (Zhou Dongyu) and disciplined goody two-shoes Lin Qiyue (Ma Sichun). They have been best friends since they were 13 but their friendship is put to the test when a man bursts into their lives and changes everything.As of Sept 19, the film has *garnered a very respectable 7.7 points out of 10 at review site , which is by far the highest score a domestic film has managed this year.The *premise of a love triangle sounds like just another tired Chinese youth film. But Soulmate decides to *ditch the done-to-death plotlines, instead of focusing on something that it hopes will offer better resonance with its target audience.The movie centers around the two girls’ intense friendship with one another. While Li’s w orks are famous for being filled with *rhetorical flourishes, the film is brimming with small details which help bring the story to life and make it more relatable to a female audience.Ansheng and Qiyue sleep in the same bed, take a bath in the same tub, they are even familiar with each other’s bra size. They know each other inside out and are willing to do anything for one another. But at the same time they find themselves forced to choose between what matters the most – their long-standing friendship or their newly found romance. The man whom the two girls fall in love with acts more like a *catalyst for the *deterioration and restoration of their friendship.Producer Peter Chan (陈可辛) calls Derek Tsang (曾国祥) “a director who best understands females,” and whoever has watched the film would agree.More than simply trying to move the audience with *nuanced *sentiments, Soulmate is also thought provoking. Ansheng and Qiyue live completely *intertwined lives–they are the same person’s left hand and right hand–as one online commenter puts it – but they still yearn for a deeper love outside of their friendship. The original novel which the movie is based upon ends seemingly positively: The “good” girl settles down into a “good” life with her first love. But the film totally twists the pair’s stories. The beautifully composed closing scene of the film shows viewers a more complex side to Ansheng and Qiyue and even provokes viewers to question themselves, asking: Who actually are we and who do we want to be?Modest megastar小岳岳:相声界的阿甘导读:他内向、害羞、寡言少语,许多人都认为他并不适合相声这门艺术。
二版:Face value 明星效应 从语言角度剖析个性名人,嬉笑怒骂中学习地道词汇。 三版:TV 剧透 跟着热播美剧学习最新流行语,透视西方社会百态。 四、五版:Images wise 读图 欣赏摄影精品,感受视觉冲击,漫步世界文化。
十二、十三版:Extra credit 美文赏析 赏析原版美文,专家答疑解惑,学习最实用的英语。 十四、十五版:Cracking CET或者TOEFL/IELTS Time、四六级/托福雅思精解、新东方专家解答疑惑, 并独家提供模拟试题。 十六版:Hotshots 热点人物 从语言的角度着手观察一周热点人物,学会如何描述不 同的人生。
这三种知识结构的拓宽、三种能力的培养和三种素质的 提高构成了英语人才培养、英语教学改革和英语学生整 体教学质量提高的总框架。
大纲在课程设置中与人文有关的课程排了近30门课,在教学要求上 也做出了具体的制定,在专门安排的文化素养一栏里要求学生在大 学期间: l 熟悉中国文化传统; l 具有一定的艺术修养; l 熟悉英语国家的地理、历史、发展现状、文化传统、风俗习惯; l 具有较多的人文知识和科技知识 没有广泛的阅读何来人文知识的拓宽,文化素质的提高!
阅读是获取语言知识最直接和最有效的途径; 利用读报课推进阅读兴趣和能力、加强交叉学科之间的合 作、培养团队合作意识; 任重道远;为提高同学们适应力(resilience)一起努力!
《21世纪英文报》共二十四个版面。 P1-16版着重于新闻热点、实用资讯,并激发思辨。 新推出Vibe乐学增刊,共八个版面,融合电影、电 视、书籍、文化现象、网络生活、游戏、时尚、科技、 幽默、体育,配以中英双语点评,为读者提供最地道、 最直接、最时髦的英语学习素材和帮助。
Have you ever worked any part-time jobs?
Do you think it is possible for a teenager to start his/her own business?
21st Century
While reading
Answer the following questions:
Do you know of any other interesting places in the UK? Where would you like to visit?
21st Century
Thank you. Have a nice day!
21st Century
21st Century
Can you give Riley some advice on how to fit in l starts jewelry business (P3)
21st Century
For Junior 1 2015~2016
Emotions fight (P1)
21st Century
What emotions do you have?
Can you tell how these people in the poster feel?
21st Century
UK palace full of history (P5)
21st Century
What do you know about Buckingham Palace? Have you heard of any stories about it?
2 二十一世纪英文报介绍
一版: 一版:Cover 要闻导读 多幅照片锁定瞬间, 多幅照片锁定瞬间,双语导读指引精彩 二版: 二版:Buzz 新闻关键词 国际国内热点词汇大集合, 国际国内热点词汇大集合,双语探析新闻背后的语言和文化秘密 三版: 三版: Issues 新闻 详细解读重大新闻, 详细解读重大新闻,相关领域最新词汇 四、五版:Focus 焦点 五版: 深度剖析热点话题,文化对比展现异域视角, 深度剖析热点话题,文化对比展现异域视角,突出中外年轻人独特 的观点。 的观点。
Vibe 增刊
六版: 六版:Click 网络生活 探究网络生活潮流给我们带来的灵感与智慧。 探究网络生活潮流给我们带来的灵感与智慧。 七版:Wit轻松时刻 (Offbeat) 七版: 轻松时刻 幽默英文邮件、爆笑囧图集锦、神秘星座解读。 幽默英文邮件、爆笑囧图集锦、神秘星座解读。 八版:Sports 体育 八版: 精彩体育赛事原文赏析,领会字里行间的动感与活力。 精彩体育赛事原文赏析,领会字里行间的动感与活力。
六、七版: Opinion & Forum 观点 七版: 辩论热门时事,探讨身边话题,用不同的观点开阔自己的视野。 辩论热门时事,探讨身边话题,用不同的观点开阔自己的视野。 八版: 新视野(Culture, Science, Fashion) 八版:New Horizon 新视野 展示经典与流行的异域文化、前沿科技和时尚生活 展示经典与流行的异域文化、 九版: 前程( 九版:Get ahead 前程(Career, Society) 世界500强最新招聘信息,面试指南,炙手可热的海外实习职位, 500强最新招聘信息 世界500强最新招聘信息,面试指南,炙手可热的海外实习职位, 尽在职场版 十、十一版: Campus 校园生活 十一版: 探访象牙塔里的生活,解析同龄人的生存状态, 探访象牙塔里的生活,解析同龄人的生存状态,讲述莘莘学子的奋 斗故事
高一英语21世纪报Here's an example of an article written in an informal, conversational style for a high school English newspaper like 21st Century:Oh, man, did you hear about the school's latest sports tournament? It was crazy! The basketball game between our team and the rivals was so intense. I swear, the crowd was on the edge of their seats the whole time.Remember that cool workshop on coding last week? Itried my hand at it, and it was surprisingly fun. I never thought I'd enjoy coding, but now I'm thinking of joining the school's tech club. Who knows, maybe I'll become the next big techie!Did you get a chance to try out the new cafeteria menu? There's this amazing veggie burger that's to die for. And the smoothie bar is serving up some incredible fruity concoctions. I'm telling you, the food here is gettingbetter and better.Hey, have you seen the latest issue of our school magazine? It's all about environmental sustainability. There's an article about how students are making a difference in their own little way, like recycling and reducing waste. It's inspiring to see everyone pitching in.I'm so excited for the upcoming school trip to the museum. I've heard they've got some incredible exhibitsthis season. I'm hoping to learn a lot and maybe even get some ideas for my next art project. Can't wait to seewhat's in store!。
21st Century
While reading
3. The teacher recorded the dance to _____. A. tell the dancers how badly they did B. show them how to improve their dance C. give confidence to the dancers D. show it to their parents
21st Century
While reading
4. From the last two paragraphs, we learn that _____. A. scientists are sure to have found life on Mars B. methane is the basic form of life C. there are no rocks and water on Mars D. there is more to learn about Mars
While reading
2. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. The distance they should cover. B. The relationship between the two boys. C. The results of the twins’ competition. D. The rules for the competition.
21世纪报'Unfinished' men learn social skillsYOU need to be well versed in ballroom dancing, proficient in self-defence, and capable of making small talk if you want to fit into polite society.Prince William's good manners make him an ideal gentleman.And you have to learn how to send and reply to invitations and speak in public, according to Britain's first finishing school for gentlemen.The first students at the "etiquette college," in a castle in Scotland, will also learn the basics of fly fishing, golf and shooting.The school opened earlier this month, following complaints from students at a female finishing school that their boyfriends were unable to talk politely, and "only grunt" at them.It aims to teach its customers social skills that were once taken for granted, and to counter an increasingly "rude" society.The plan is to send men who are more like Prince William than Prince Harry into the world.Crash courseThe three-day course charges £650 (9,300 yuan) a head. The would-be gentlemen ?eager to boost their job prospects, or sent along by despairing mothers and girlfriends —are given a crash course on how to fit in high society. It has now attracted would-be candidates of different social backgrounds from Canada, Pakistan and Japan.In the morning, they start with learning which knife and fork to pick up at a formal dinner. By lunchtime they could perform the Tony Blair "power handshake" —firm, but not too firm, with a twist of the wrist to keep his hand on top.In the afternoon, they move on to public speaking, basic car maintenance and networking. This included a guide on how close you should stand to a new acquaintance — the distance of two metres is comfortable, but 0.6 metre is virtually assault.Then there was advice on how to use body language to escape boredom at parties, and how to tell whether a member of the opposite sex was attracted to you.The school, which will be held once a month at a castle north of Aberdeen, Scotland, was set up by Diana Mather, a former BBC presenter, and her business partner Penny Edge.EssentialsThey already run The Finishing Academy for girls, in Cheshire. Under the motto "teaching life's essentials", they aim to attract a wide range of "unfinished" men.Mather said: "People are so rude and arrogant these days. Everyone is out for themselves, it is all 'me, me, me'."Good manners are ageless, priceless and classless," said Mather. "We received floods of requests from wives, girlfriends and mothers to create a finishing school for men."The British fear their once famously polite nation is now more renowned for binge drinking and rude behaviour than for the popular image of the rolled umbrella and the stiff upper lip."Good manners are not taught in schools or most homes. Children with no discipline are insecure," Mather complained.---------------------------------------acquaintance: 熟人binge drinking: 狂饮grunt: 咕哝New residence rule gives hopeELEVEN provinces in China announced plans last week toabolish the term "rural residents" and "urban residents" and create a unified management system on permanent residence registration, hukou.Rural students will have more choices about life after graduation.The move comes after a recent policy change disclosed by Deputy Minister of Public Security Liu Jinguo. Liu said last week the government will further loosen restrictions on changing registered permanent residence from rural areas to medium-sized and large cities.The changes are made in a hope to address the rural-urban wealth divide. Western China is trapped in poverty, while east coast residents' lives have improved with economic development.China has more than 900 million farmers and 400 million urban residents. But farmers have lower status, fewer resources, less education and social welfare.Statistics indicate farmers' per capita income in 2003 was 2,622 yuan. Urban residents' per capita income was almost four times as much — 8,500 yuan.Urban shiftFarmers want to move to cities to get better jobs, education or housing. But the residence registration system, called hukou, restricts people from moving freely around the country."Population movement is an inevitable social phenomenon," said Huang Keke, a researcher at the Institute of World History Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.China's population flow has generally benefited the country's social development, said the researcher.That's why the government is tackling rural migrants' employment, residence, social security, health and educationproblems, Liu Jingguo said."It is imperative that we see a gradual equal-employment system developing between all residents," he added.Liu said the next steps in managing nationwide migration will be people-centred. This means relevant authorities should change their focus from merely "managing" to "managing and providing services".However, Liu did not specify whether or when the capital city Beijing which now has 14.92 million residents, including 3.599 million migrants will have an unified hukou system.Rural welfare system* Less than 20 per cent of the rural labour force have pension schemes.* Rural medical insurance only covers about 20 per cent of the whole population.* Minimum living standard assistance system is only in effect in some provinces, most coastal. And the amount of money farmers get is less than urban residents.disclose: 透露imperative: 必要的flag up: 强调loosen: 放松Feel-good film lacks focusWHAT'S the difference between a failure and a fiasco? That's the first question British actor Orlando Bloom's character, Drew Baylor, asks himself at the beginning of "Elizabethtown". A fiasco, he notes, is "a disaster of mythic proportions"."Elizabethtown" isn't that bad. In some way, it's a mess of a movie, losing its focus from time to time. But it's a warm, friendly mess.Opening in the US on October 14, the film follows the story of Drew, a once great shoe designer who just lost his company nearly US$1 billion. Yeah, a fiasco.But just before he gives up on life completely, he learns that his father died while visiting relatives in his hometown, Elizabethtown in Kentucky. As the oldest son, Drew is expected to go there and take care of the funeral arrangements.On the flight to Kentucky, Drew meets flight attendant Claire (Kirsten Dunst). She keeps chatting with him and insists he move up to first class.Their relationship continues with an all-night phone call. From here, the movie becomes all about the couple's fresh romance and Drew coming to terms with his own shortcomings and failures.The film's best moments are pure expressions of feeling: Drew melting down in the car after failing to find his freeway exit for seemingly the hundredth time; Drew and Claire walking up to each other on the morning after their all-night talk, cellphones still stuck to their ears, Claire asking, "Can we hang up now?"Bloom is surprisingly comfortable in the role of Drew, coming off as sweet, warm and easygoing, despite the depression lurking underneath."Elizabethtown" is nowhere near one of US director Cameron Crowe's great films like "Almost Famous". It tries to discuss a number of subjects - love and life, success and failure.But the overall effect is marred by a distinct lack of focus. But it is sweet and good-hearted and has some real laughs.-------------------------attendant: 服务员fiasco: 惨败mar: 损害mythic: 神话的synonymous: 同义的Cruel, tough, Bond is backTHE search for a new James Bond began on a cold and wet November evening last year.The location was at a gentlemen's club in London. Among the leather armchairs and whisky glasses, a group of film producers were discussing who would be the right face for the latest version of the story of the world's best-known spy.Irish actor Pierce Brosnan's salary negotiations had collapsed, amid rumours that he had demanded US$30 million to star in the 21st film in the series, "Casino Royale".So who is the sixth James Bond then? It's Craig, Daniel Craig.The 37-year-old British actor recently proved his ladykilling skills. He starred in the tabloids by seducing Sienna Miller from under the nose of his friend, Jude Law.The choice signals a radical change in direction for the Bond films.Ever since the release of "Moonraker" in 1980, James Bond movies have been closer to science fiction than spy thrillers.With audiences tiring of the over-the-top action sequences and high-tech gadgets, producers decided to bring them back down to earth. The tough, even cruel Bond of his creator, British writer Ian Fleming, is back."The James Bond of the novels is a tougher man," says Henry Chancellor, author of "James Bond: The Man and His World"."He is an assassin and he operates in a serious world. He'd make no attempt to make the audience like him. They should dislike him until they get to know him, and appreciate he is their idea of an efficient agent."According to Bond producer Michael Wilson, Craig was chosen from a field of more than 200 potential 007s.Craig might be a bit "rough looking", but except for his blond hair, Craig is closer to Fleming's original physical description of British Secret Agent 007 than others who have played the part.In his book, Fleming described Bond as: "Height: 183cm, weight: 76kg; slim build; eyes: blue; hair: black;scar down right cheek and on left shoulder; all-roundathlete; expert pistol shot, boxer, knife-thrower; does not use disguises. Smokes heavily. Vices: drink, but not to excess, and women".New Zealand-born director Martin Campbell said the movie would be "tougher and grittier" with "more character and less gadgets".Craig promises to bring something new to the role."It's not a question of redefining, but a question of taking it somewhere maybe where it's never gone before".---------------------------------------assassin: 刺客blond: 金发的whisky: 威士忌酒gadget: 小器具gritty: 坚忍不拔的seduce: 勾引scar: 伤疤over-the-top: 过火的vice: 恶习Bond in pop cultureBOND'S tastes have entered popular culture. His favourite drink - a vodka martini "shaken, not stirred" - is a symbol of classy sophistication.He introduces himself as "Bond ... James Bond", a trademarkcool self-introduction. But his frequent affairs with glamorous leading ladies have also earned him a reputation as a sexist womanizer.007 key wordsMI6: the international arm of the British Secret Intelligence Service, responsible for gathering intelligence overseas.007: (pronounced "double-oh seven"), James Bond's code number. The 'double-oh' prefix indicates his discretionary licence to kill in the performance of his duties.---------------------discretionary: 任意的,自由决定的martini: 马提尼酒(一种鸡尾酒)prefix: 前缀vodka: 伏特加酒Vulnerable in UKCHINESE in Britain do well at school, but that does not mean their lives aren't afflicted by racism. This is a comment from the UK-based Guardian newspaper last week."Most say that the Chinese are doing best among the 'ethnic British' because they're the most educated. Most under 30 are university graduates. And who doesn't likeChinese food? They are good citizens in this multicultural society because they contribute to the economy and stay out of trouble."But this summer a report revealed that Chinese in the UK face many racist attacks. The victims are young and old, men and women, running takeaways and restaurants across Britain."The report also says police failed to respond to attacks, and in some cases even arrested the victims."Many have started to ask: why is this happening to the Chinese? They work hard. There are only about 250,000 of them,and they never pose a threat."Some believe that the Chinese are attacked exactly because they are so few, and so isolated. And they are isolated because they are self-sufficient. And they became self-sufficient because, from the time their migrant generation arrived here in the mid-19th century, and again in the 1960s, they were isolated. This vicious circle has shaped their history in Britain."A survey earlier this year reflected the low level of 'integration' among Chinese people. They felt least British among all racial-minority groups."Many people spent their working lives behind the restaurant counter or in the kitchen. Even today, when they retire the only social contact they have is with older Chinese people in Cantonese-speaking associations."The new generation of British-born Chinese ?despite growing up and being educated here and living a 'British lifestyle' ? still struggle with their identity. Young people often search for cultural 'roots' to fill a gap left by being British but not really being treated as such."Some are beginning to fight for the rights of the less privileged, such as the undocumented workers, and challenging the British politics that has alienated so many. These are just the sort of good citizens the whole Chinese society in the UK needs."---------------------------------------vulnerable易受攻击的, 易受...的攻击afflict: 折磨racism: 民族主义ethnic人种的, 种族的, 异教徒的victim受害人, 牺牲者, 牺牲品takeaway (饭菜)卖出外吃的, 外卖饭菜的pose 姿势, 姿态v.(使...)摆好姿势, 形成, 引起, 造成vi.摆姿势, 佯装, 矫揉造作self-sufficient 自给自足的, 过于自信的migrant候鸟, 移居者survey测量, 调查, 俯瞰, 概观, 纵览, 视察vt.调查(收入,民意等) 测量, 勘定, 审视, 视察, 俯瞰, 通盘考虑vi.测量土地felt.毡, 毡制品, (造纸用的)毛布vt.把...制成毡, 使粘结vi.粘结.feel 的过去式和过去分词integration综合strugglen.竞争, 努力, 奋斗vi.努力, 奋斗, 挣扎vt.尽力使得, 使劲移动alienate: 疏远despite.不管, 尽管, 不论Cantonese: 粤语takeaway: 外卖餐馆vicious circle: 恶性循环privileged 有特权的, 有特别恩典的undocumented.无正式文件的, 无事实证明的alienated.疏离的v.使疏离vbl.使疏离Tune into the new DIY techno trendIN the golden days of radio, the wireless was the centre of people's lives. Whole families tuned in together to their favorite radio programmes.The newly-launched video iPod may combine podcasting with TV content.But times have changed. Technological advancements have people listing by mini radio receiver, in the car or while walking down the street.Now radio is changing again. Instead of simply listening to the radio, people are also making it themselves.The podcasting revolution–a new DIY (or do it yourself) techno fad–took off among young people in Europe and the United States last year.Though its name sounds complicated and futuristic,podcasting is relatively low-tech. Making your own podcast became popular after large storage personal media players, led by Apple's iPod, slipped into people's everyday lives.Meanwhile, the key radio operation kit –a microphone,recording equipment and mixing desk –became common, inexpensive and easily used on a home computer.Once the technology was available, the next step became obvious: why not make radio programmes that can be downloaded to MP3 players?And there came podcasting.It is still in its early days, but two distinct podcasting trends have already emerged. On one side stands a group of enthusiastic fans who produce podcasts as a hobby. On the other lie well-established media companies who see them as a great way to reach young ears. The BBC, for example, podcasts many of its radio shows – and it's set to put video content online too.For amateurs, however, producing broadcast quality material is not the point. It is an outlet for personal expression, much like blogging.---------------------------------------revolution.革命, 旋转fad.时尚, 一时流行的狂热, 一时的爱好futuristic未来派的amateur: 业余爱好者blog: 写网络日志compatible: 兼容的kit: 一套装备subscribe: 订阅Podcasting FAQWhat is podcasting?A podcast is a downloadable radio show ? music, speech, or any other soundrecord. The name combines "broadcast" and "iPod", although you can enjoy it through any kind of personal digital music player, not just iPod.How to create podcasts?You can do the basics with just a computer, a microphone and certain sound-mixing software. After recording your podcast, find Web space to store it.How to listen to them?Some podcasters make shows available directly from their websites. You can find others by using tools such as Apple's iTunes or Yahoo. Then "subscribe" to yourfavourites. Each time you dock your MP3 player, it will update the latest episodes.episode一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件E-bike escape routeSEVEN thirty on a weekday morning and Beijingers are hitting the roads.Can hydrogen e-bikes end pollution and traffic jam?In a scene played out in cities all over China,messy gridlock is not far away. Fruit sellers ride three-wheeled bikes piled high with peaches and grapes.Cyclists in orange overalls pull blue rubbish bins. Overloaded buses and single occupant cars crawl along the road.But close to the gutters,zipping through the bike lanes, are a colourful new breed.China's electric bikes (or e-bikes,) have politicians, scientists, environmentalists and entrepreneurs very excited.As they speed along, the average e-bike rider may not be thinking of much. But for "leapfrog" believers, they symbolize an escape route: An alternative to the environmental dead end of increasing traffic jams and foul fumes. The conditions that make China home to six of the world's 10 most polluted cities, according to the World Health Organization.Leapfrogging here means the "hydrogen leapfrog". Rather than following the West's energy path, China should avoid dependency on oil and hydrocarbons, and go straight to clean hydrogen-fuels.The environmental and economic benefits are clear: The China Academy for Environmental Planning reports that air pollution-related illness already eats into 2-3 per cent of gross domestic product. It forecasts that by 2020, that figure will rise to 13 per cent.And there's an international issue: China is currently the world's second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases. More cars mean more greenhouse gases heating up the globe.With car sales rising, the clock is ticking, says US non-governmental organization Natural Resources Defence Council's Barbara Finamore: "China is already losing more money due to the environmental and health costs of pollution than it spends on environmental protection".Here again, eco-friendly hydrogen's hard to fault. It's reverse electrolysis process produces water and power, but no pollution. Small, lightweight bikes, easily adapted to hydrogen cells, are predicted to be hydrogen's first commercial application.And the idea's attractive to the public. Ask anyone who's had to get out of a taxistuck in traffic and run down a fume-filled sidewalk on a night out, and they'll say we need to find a better way forward. While they're not the final answer, e-bikes and the coming hydrogen cars are a step in the right direction.In August the China Bicycle Association, estimated e-bike production had soared from 54,000 in 1998 to less than 6.8 million annually in 2004.The 14 billion yuan industry is said to be growing three times as fast as the most optimistic projections for car sales. At 1,500 to 3,000 yuan for an electric bike, they're also a lot cheaper than small cars, which start at around 50,000 yuan.So, which horse are you backing —the carbon death-trap, or the fuel of the future?---------------------------------------hydrogen氢e-bike电动车messy.肮脏的, 凌乱的, 杂乱grid.格子, 栅格cyclist 骑脚踏车的人peach .桃子, 桃树, 桃色, <美俚>受人喜欢的人(或物)vt.告发vi.告密grape葡萄, 葡萄树crawl.爬行, 蠕动, 徐徐行进n.爬行, 蠕动, 缓慢的行进gutter水槽, 檐槽, 排水沟, 槽, 贫民区vt.开沟于vi.流n.装订线zip拉链拉开或拉上lane(乡间)小路, 巷, 里弄, 狭窄的通道, 航线foul.污秽的, 邪恶的, 肮脏的, 淤塞的, 恶劣的vt.弄脏, 妨害, 污蔑, 犯规, 淤塞vi.腐烂, 犯规, 缠结n.犯规, 缠绕adv.违反规则地, 不正当地fume浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体, 一阵愤怒(或不安)v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒electrolysis: 电解leapfrog .跳背游戏(分开两腿从背弯站立者身上跳过), [军](两支部队)交互跃进, 竞相提高vi.跳背, 交替前进vt.跃过greenhouse温室, 花房eco-friendly [对生态环境友好的,不妨害生态环境的gutter: 街沟hydrocarbon:碳氢化合物lane: 车道leapfrog: 跃过messy: 混乱的occupant: 占有人zip: 快速的行驶The making of a heroWHEN the "Legend of Zorro" opens worldwide in late October, the film will become Zorro's 17th appearance on the big screen.What is it about this fictional black-masked outlaw that has pulled audiences to the theatre for more than 85 years?Zorro lived in a world we wish existed."The characters inhabit a world we wish existed: a world ofswordfights, horse chases and romantic love," wrote Australian Andrew Howe on movie fan site/doc/9a7909661.html, about the 1998 "The Mask of Zorro左罗." "It's a simple story about justice conquering oppression."But it isn't as simple as many fans believe. Zorro's character both draws on historical heroes and serves as an inspiration for later comic book stars such as Spiderman蜘蛛人and Superman 超人.Just as in the movie, Zorro has a real life identity – Don Diego de la Vega, the fictional masked hero actually has a historical counterpart.Secret identityZorro is based on Joaquin Murieta, a 19th century California gold rush outlaw who lead a band of thieves and steal US$100,000 in gold and killing 19 people.This "Z"-slashing star made his first screen appearance in the 1920 silent film "The Mask of Zorro". He has become the precursor to later American comic book heroes.Zorro wears a black cape, a wide brim hat and an eye-covering mask to protect his identity. No one must discover that he is really wealthy, fashionable Spanish count "Don Diego". Sound familiar?If so, that is because Zorro highly influenced Bob Kane's creation of Batman in 1930s. Like Zorro, Batman is a hero with an alter-ego who spends his money to help fight evil. By day, he is Bruce Wayne, an irresponsible, rich playboy, and by night he is crime-fighting Batman. Some other alter-ego heroes include Superman and Spiderman .Good-heartedZorro is not the first hero to live outside the law.The British medieval folklore figure, Robin Hood, became legendary for his "stealing from the rich to give to the poor".Both bad-boy heroes win audiences by following their own morals, even when it means countering authority.Some other heroic outlaws include Australian hero Ned Kelly and China's Wu Song.---------------------------------------fictional虚构的, 小说式的, 编造的outlaw歹徒, 逃犯, 丧失公权者v.将...放逐,宣布...为不合法inhabit居住于, 存在于, 占据, 栖息habit习惯, 习性habitable可居住的justice正义, 正当, 公平, 正确, 司法, 审判, 欣赏conquer征服, 战胜, 占领, 克服(困难等), 破(坏习惯等)oppression 压迫, 镇压, 压抑, 苦恼inspiration灵感identity同一性, 身份, 一致, 特性, 恒等式counterpart.副本, 极相似的人或物, 配对物slashing.尖锐的, 苛刻的, 鲜明的, 乱砍的precursor先驱alter-ego: 个性的另一面irresponsible不负责任的, 不可靠的good-hearted好心肠的, 宽大的, 体谅的legendary传奇故事书, 传奇文学moral道德(上)的, 精神的n.道德adj.传说中的brim: 边,沿cape: 斗篷count: 伯爵counterpart: 相似的人gold rush:淘金热oppression: 压迫outlaw: 反叛者slash: 挥砍medieval: 中世纪的folklore: 民间传说precursor: 先驱Is fatness progress?OBESITY is a hot topic nowadays. Experts everywhere are debating how to eradicate it. But British newspaper The Guardian has taken an original point of view.It's no mystery why we're getting fat.It published an article on Tuesday with the headline of "Fuss is a fat lot of good".Here is an excerpt:"Nobody wants to be fat. Nobody wants anybody else to be fat. And still we get fatter."That's probably just because we eat too much by accident."Dame Deirdre Hutton, chair of the Food Standards Agency, has delineated how these accidents happen."We eat too much processed food - most at risk are teenage girls, male city workers, 'people in poorer communities' and the over-50s. Her first hurdle is to force packaged-food manufacturers into making food healthier. Or, if they won't do that, put big, red warning labels on the boxes."Burger King told her where to stick it. (They want their customers to 'take responsibility for their own health' - how sweet). Others will be more co-operative, I feel sure, but this is a pointless battle."Processed food is sugar-, salt- and fat-loaded because it doesn't taste nice otherwise; it's been sitting around too long."Healthy processed food will always taste like self-denial; to get people eating well without feeling hard, they need fresh food."How do you achieve this? Well, 'male city workers' are time-poor, you need to supply them with a helpmeet: a wife, for instance."In other words, you'd need to reverse a trend of the past 50years and bring back the doubly occupied single-income unit. That would be tricky, no?"'People in poor communities' would eat better if they had more money. How do you make the poor less poor? With redistributive taxation. How amazingly unfashionable."Teenagers tend to be either undereating or overeating.This is mainly for psychological reasons. You could change this by outlawing images in which an unattainable body shape is shone as normal. You also need to strengthening teen girls sense of self, so they don't feel like sex objects. That sounds hard as well."For the over-50s, let's imagine that the erosion of the family unit has left people isolated, and home-cooking is an activity people rarely undertake alone. The answerwould be to repeal all divorce laws so that people had to stay together. It's an idea, but I don't fancy your chances."Obesity, in the end, is a function of social progress. I say we bring back rationing. It might sound extreme, but given the alternatives it also sounds surprisingly manageable."--------------------------------obesity: 肥胖nowadays现今, 现在debate.争论, 辩论n.争论, 辩论eradicate: 根除fuss n.忙乱, 大惊小怪, 大惊小怪的人v.忙乱, 大惊小怪fuse, fuse .保险丝, 熔v.熔合,excerpt: 摘录delineate: 描绘self-denial .克己, 忘我, 自我否定tricky .狡猾的, 机警的psychological心理(上)的helpmeet: 伙伴outlaw歹徒, 逃犯, 丧失公权者v.将...放逐, 宣布...为不合法hurdle: 障碍erosion腐蚀, 侵蚀undertake承担, 担任, 许诺, 保证v.采取divorce离婚, 脱离vt.使离婚, 与...脱离repeal: 废除redistributive: 再分配的unattainable: 难以达到的rationing: 食物配给制度extreme.尽头的, 极端的, 极度的, 偏激的, 最后的n.极端, 极端的事物伊顿法士特齿轮(西安)有限公司公司简介:伊顿法士特公司是由世界著名的美国伊顿公司和中国知名企业陕西法士特公司,湘火炬公司共同投资组建的合资公司,投资总额为2980万美元,公司将形成150000台重型变速箱的生产能力,实现30亿的销售额,是西安高新开发区内最大的企业之一。