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C.A.T.S plus

1.0 Blood Collection 血液收集

Unpack the reservoir from the sterile packaging.

Keep the extra caps to close the reservoir ports

when discarding the set to avoid leakage after

use. Place the reservoir in the yellow reservoir

holder at the I.V. pole.





Close the red clamp of the blood outlet port at

the bottom of the reservoir.



Remove the yellow cap. Connect the vacuum

line to the vacuum port of the reservoir.




Prepare 1 litre of saline with 30.000 (thirty

thousand) units of heparin. Instead of

heparinised saline you may also use citrate

solution. ACD and hang it on the upper left

hook of the I.V. pole.



The double lumen suction line must be unpacked and prepared starting at the sterile field.

Open the outer packaging. The sterile nurse should take the inner sterile packaging without touching the outer blister pack. The ATS suction line can be unpacked and prepared with a suction tip at the sterile field. The reservoir connection and drip chamber with spike should be handed to the anaesthesia team out over the towel . Connect the quarter inch adaptor to one of the reservoir ports –blue cap – connect the drip chamber to the anticoagulant solution bag using the spike.


Adjust the vacuum to 100 mm of mercury or minus 0.2 (zero point two) bar. Do not exceed 200 mm of mercury at any time. If the vacuum regulator is closed the safety valve on top of the reservoir will limit the negative pressure to 200 mm of mercury or minus 0.3 (zero point three) bar.


When suction has begun, open the roller clamp below the drip chamber, and prime the suction line and reservoir with approximately 250 ml of anticoagulant. Afterwards, adjust the flow to a drip rate of

60 drops per minute.

●当开始收集血液时,打开抗凝剂管路滴壶下方的输液流速调节器,快速预充血液收集管路及血液储存器,需要约250毫升抗凝液体。预充结束后将抗凝剂的流速调到约60滴/分钟。During suction, avoid aspiration of too much air into the suction tip. Mixing blood and air in the suction tip and suction line activates clotting and causes hemolysis.


Bone chips and tissue that become lodged in the suction line during surgery can al so negatively affect the quantity of red cells salvaged.


Please keep in mind that the red cells are very sensitive to shear forces.


2.0 Blood Processing Procedure 血液处理过程

2.1 Device Start 开机

Switch on the C.A.T.S device by pressing the start key. Select the required washing program and press the continue key to enter the install phase of the AT1 set.

●按开始键,启动C.A.T.S 。可选择所需要的清洗程序,按继续键进入,安装AT1分离清洗套件。

Press the “open centrifuge lid” key and raise the centrifuge lid to upright position.


Remove the plastic bag from the AT1 Autotransfusion Set and place the packing tray with the waste bag on the right hand side of the centrifuge. The washing set has to be installed from the top downwards. Remove the reinfusion bag from the packing shell and suspend it from the upper arm of the I.V. pole. Remove the waste bag from the packing shell and suspend it from the three fixing hooks on the right of the device.


Remove the connection lines for the saline solution – white clamps - and the blood line – red clamp - from the packing shell and place them over the handle.


Remove the pump-adaptor from the packing shell. Insert the pump-adaptor into the pump bed. The adaptor must be pushed into the guiding spike in the centre of the pump bed. Press the “load pumps” key and monitor the loading procedure. Caution, keep hands out of the pump bed!
