1. 故事概述《美女与野兽》讲述了一个自负而自私的王子因傲慢地拒绝给一个老乞丐提供庇护而被诅咒成为野兽。
2. 爱与美的力量2.1 美的定义《美女与野兽》中并没有依据外貌来定义“美”。
2.2 爱的力量故事中,王子被诅咒成为野兽,并且只有在得到他人真爱接受之前可以解除诅咒。
3. 启示与意义3.1 不应以貌取人《美女与野兽》告诉我们不要仅仅以外在条件来评判他人。
3.2 爱能战胜一切故事中展现了爱的力量是如此强大,它能够超越外表、地位或其他表面因素。
3.3 接受自我与他人贝尔与野兽之间的爱情故事也告诉我们要接受自己和他人的不完美之处。
目前,俄罗斯统一党议会成员Vitaly Milonov正极力督促文化部长在遵守反同法律的基础上将此片搬上大银幕。
据了解,设置这个同志角色,是为了纪念著名音乐人、《美女与野兽》原版动画歌曲的词作者Howard Ashman,他也是位同志,不幸的是在原版动画上映前就因艾滋病去世了,他把片中野兽的遭遇看作“艾滋的象征”。
美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast中英剧本很久很久以前在法国深处Once upon a time,in the hidden heart of France...有个英俊的小王子a handsome young prince...住在一座美丽的城堡里lived in a beautiful castle.虽然拥有想要的一切Although he had everything his heart desired...王子却十分自私刻薄the prince was selfish and unkind.主人时间到了Master,it's time.他向村民收税He taxed the village...买来最美丽的东西放在城堡里to fill his castle with the most beautiful objects.他的宴会也只要最美丽的人参加And his parties with the most beautiful people.♪多么神圣♪♪Oh,how divine♪♪魅力音乐与魔法相伴♪♪Glamour,music and magic combine♪♪少女们心急地展现着美好♪♪See the maidens so anxious to shine♪♪希望得到青睐♪♪Look for a sign that enhances chances♪♪成为他的恋人♪♪She'll be his special one♪♪热闹非法♪♪What a display♪♪阵势浩大叹为观止♪♪What a breathtaking,thrilling array♪♪每个王子甚至宠物狗都快乐无比♪♪Ev'ry prince Ev'ry dog has his day♪♪让我们在欢乐中高歌纵情欢闹♪♪Let us sing with passion,gusto,fit to bust,oh♪♪就像世界不复存在♪♪Not a care in the world♪后来有一天晚上Then one night...城堡里来了位不速之客an unexpected intruder arrived at the castle...想寻个落脚地躲避风暴seeking shelter from the bitter storm.作为礼物她送给王子一支玫瑰As a gift,she offered the prince,a single rose.因为嫌恶她相貌丑陋Repulsed by her haggard appearance...王子拒绝了老妇人the prince turned the woman away.但她提醒他不要被外表迷惑But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances.因为真正的美在心里For beauty is found within.王子再次想驱逐她When he dismissed her again...老妇人丑陋的外表慢慢退去the old woman's outward appearance melted away.变成了To reveal...一个美丽的女巫a beautiful enchantress.王子请求宽恕The prince begged for forgiveness,但为时已晚but it was too late.她已看出他心里没有丝毫的爱For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.阿齐阿齐天呐Chip!Chip!Oh,my!作为惩罚As punishment...她把他变成了一个极丑的野兽she transformed him into a hideous beast.并对城堡和城堡里所有的人And placed a powerful spell on the castle...施下了可怕的诅咒and all who lived there.日复一日年复一年As days bled into years...王子和仆人们已被世界遗忘the prince and his servants were forgotten by the world.因为女巫把他们所有人For the enchantress had erased all memory of them...都从他们所爱之人的脑海中抹去了from the minds of the people they loved.但那支玫瑰是被施过魔法的But the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose.如果他能学会爱别人If he could learn to love another...并在最后一片玫瑰花瓣落下前得到那人的爱and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell...诅咒就会解除the spell would be broken.如果不能他将永远不能变回人类If not,he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.一年年过去As the years passed...他渐渐陷入了绝望he fell into despair and lost all hope.因为有谁会爱上一只野兽呢For who could ever learn to love a beast?♪小镇很安静♪♪Little town It's a quiet village♪♪每天都一如昨日♪♪Ev'ry day like the one before♪♪小镇住满了居民♪♪Little town Full of little people♪♪每天醒来就会说...♪♪Waking up to say♪-早安-早安-Bonjour!-Bonjour!早安Bonjour!♪面包师傅抱托盘♪♪There goes the baker with his tray like always♪♪每天都卖一样的面包法棒♪♪The same old bread and rolls to sell♪♪每天都一模一样♪♪Every morning just the same♪♪自从我们来到这偏僻小镇♪♪Since the morning that we came♪♪每天早晨都在简单地重复♪♪To this poor provincial town♪早上好贝儿Good morning,Belle!早上好让先生又丢东西了吗Good morning,Monsieur Jean!Have you lost something again?我想是的Well,I believe I have.问题是我想不起来丢了什么The problem is,I can't remember what!总会想起来的Oh,well.I'm sure it will come to me.你要去哪儿Where are you off to?去把这本书还给罗伯特神父To return this book to Père Robert.讲的是维罗那的一对恋人It's about two lovers in fair Verona.听着就无聊Sounds boring.♪快看那个女孩♪♪Look there she goes♪♪那个女孩真是怪♪♪That girl is strange,no question♪♪一眼就能看出她迷迷糊糊♪♪Dazed and distracted Can't you tell?♪♪从来不和人打交道♪♪Never part of any crowd♪♪因为她脑袋里都是胡思乱想♪♪'Cause her head's up on some cloud♪♪那个贝儿真是个怪女孩♪♪No denying she's a funny girl that Belle♪♪早上好你家人还好吗♪♪Bonjour,good day,how is your family?♪♪早上好你妻子好吗♪♪Bonjour,good day,how is your wife?♪♪我需要六个鸡蛋那太贵了♪♪I need six eggs That's too expensive♪♪小镇之外肯定还有更精彩的世界♪♪There must be more than this provincial life♪这不是镇上唯一一只小书虫吗Ah,if it isn't the only bookworm in town.你这周又在书中游览了哪个地方So,where did you run off to this week?意大利北部的两座城Two cities in Northern Italy.我都不想回来了I didn't want to come back!你还有新的地方推荐吗Have you got any new places to go?恐怕没有了I'm afraid not.但你可以再看一遍以前看过的书But you may reread any of the old ones that you'd like.谢谢Thank you.你的图书馆让我们的小世界大了很多Your library makes our small corner of the world feel big.拜拜Bye.♪快看这就是那个奇怪的女孩♪♪Look,there she goes the girl is so peculiar♪不知道她是不是不舒服♪♪I wonder if she's feeling well♪♪她总是迷迷糊糊脑袋埋在书本里♪♪With a dreamy far off look And her nose stuck in a book♪♪我们真是搞不懂贝儿♪♪What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle♪♪天啊多么美好♪♪Oh!Isn't this amazing♪♪这是我的最爱因为♪♪It's my favorite part because you'll see♪♪她遇到了白马王子♪♪Here's where she meets Prince Charming♪♪但她还认不出他来♪♪But she won't discover that it's him♪♪那要等到第三章♪♪'Til chapter three♪♪怪不得她的名字语意是美丽♪♪Now it's no wonder that her name means"Beauty"♪♪她美得无与伦比♪♪Her looks have got no parallel♪♪虽然脸蛋漂亮为人却很古怪♪♪But behind that fair façade I'm afraid she's rather odd♪♪和我们截然不同♪♪Very different from the rest of us♪♪和我们截然不同♪♪She's nothing like the rest of us♪♪没错和我们截然不同♪♪Yes,different from the rest of us♪♪那就是贝儿♪♪Is Belle♪瞧瞧她乐福Look at her,LeFou.那就是我未来的妻子My future wife.贝儿是村里最美的姑娘Belle is the most beautiful girl in the village.所以她就是最好的That makes her the best.但她学识太广了But she's so well-read.而你And you're so...-更爱运动-我知道-athletically inclined.-I know.贝儿争论起来也无人能比Belle can be as argumentative as she is beautiful.没错你都有我们了谁还要她呀Exactly!Who needs her when you've got us!是啊Yes...但自从战争后But ever since the war,我总觉得缺了点什么I've felt like I've been missing something.她是唯一一个能让我有那种感觉的...And she's the only girl that gives me that sense of...我不知道那是什么意思I don't know what that means.♪从我第一眼♪♪Right from the moment♪♪遇到她看到她♪♪When I met her,saw her♪♪我说她好美于是就此倾心♪♪I said she's gorgeous and I fell♪♪她是小镇上唯一配得上我英俊容貌的女孩♪♪Here in town there's only she who is beautiful as me♪♪所以我要追求她我要娶贝儿♪♪So I'm making plans to woo and marry Belle♪♪快看他♪♪Look there he goes♪♪简直如美梦一般♪♪Isn't he dreamy♪♪加斯顿先生他多么帅气♪♪Monsieur Gaston,oh,he's so cute♪♪镇定心跳加速我无法呼吸♪♪Be still,my heart I'm hardly breathing♪♪他身材高大强壮又俊朗♪♪He's such a tall,dark Strong and handsome brute♪没可能的小姐们It's never gonna happen,ladies.♪-早安-什么♪♪-Bonjour-Pardon♪♪-早安-但是♪♪-Good day-Mais,oui♪♪-这能叫培根吗-多美的花♪♪-You call this bacon-What lovely flowers♪♪-来点芝士-十码♪♪-Some cheese-Ten yards♪♪-一磅-抱歉♪♪-One pound-'Scuse me♪♪-我去拿刀-借过♪♪-I'll get the knife-Please let me through♪♪-面包-鱼♪♪-This bread-Those fish♪♪-不新鲜了-真的很臭♪♪-It's stale-They smell♪♪-你错了-也许吧♪♪-Madame's mistaken-Well,maybe so♪♪小镇之外肯定还有更精彩的世界♪♪There must be more than this provincial life♪♪看我怎么把贝儿娶回家♪♪Just watch I'm going to make Belle my wife♪♪看那个奇怪又独特的女孩♪♪Look there she goes A girl who's strange but special♪♪一位古怪的小姐♪♪A most peculiar mademoiselle♪♪她格格不入多么可惜可悲♪♪It's a pity and a sin She doesn't quite fit in♪♪但她真的很奇怪很美但是很奇怪♪♪But she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl ♪♪她真是个奇怪的女孩♪♪She really is a funny girl♪♪那个贝儿♪♪That Belle♪早上好贝儿Good morning,Belle!你拿的真是本好书Wonderful book you have there.你读过吗Have you read it?这本没有但是我读过书Well,not that one.But,you know,books...送你放在餐桌上的For your dinner table.你愿意和我共进晚餐吗Shall I join you this evening?抱歉今晚不行Sorry,not this evening.你有事吗Busy?不是No...有进展吗So,moving on?没有乐福No,LeFou.那些故作矜持的女孩It's the ones who play hard to get才是最值得拥有的猎物that are always the sweetest prey.所以贝儿才这么吸引我That's what makes Belle so appealing.她不会用傻乎乎的举动She hasn't made a fool of herself吸引我的注意just to gain my favor.这叫什么What would you call that?尊严吗Dignity?特别有魅力不是吗It's outrageously attractive,isn't it?加斯顿Gaston!♪如何让一刻永恒♪♪How does a moment last forever♪♪如何让一个故事永久流传♪♪How can a story never die♪♪最该紧紧握住的是爱♪♪It is love we must hold on to♪♪虽然很难但也要尽力♪♪Never easy but we try♪♪有时我们能留住幸福♪♪Sometimes our happiness is captured♪♪有时一刻时光得以永存♪♪Somehow a time and place stand still♪♪爱活在我们心中♪♪Love lives on inside our hearts♪♪永远不灭♪♪And always will♪贝儿Belle.你能...Could you...递给我一个...Hand me a...谢谢Thank you.我还需要...And I also need...不不不是No.No.No.其实Actually...没错这就是我要的谢谢yes,that's exactly what I need.Thank you.-爸爸你觉得我古怪吗-古怪-Papa,do you think I'm odd?-Odd?我女儿怎么会古怪My daughter?Odd?你怎么会这么想呢Where did you get an idea like that?我也不知道大家都这么说I don't know.People talk.这是个很小的村子This is a small village,you know.思维也狭隘Small minded as well.但小也意味着安全But small also means safe.当年在巴黎时Even back in Paris,我认识一个很像你的女孩特别...I knew a girl like you,who was so...超前ahead of her time.与众不同So different.大家都嘲笑她People mocked her.直到有天他们发现大家都开始模仿她Until the day they all found themselves imitating her.跟我多说一点关于她的事吧Please,just tell me one more thing about her.你母亲...Your mother was...无畏fearless.无惧Fearless.那么...So...要我在市场给你买什么what can I bring you from the market?一支玫瑰就像画里的那样A rose.Like the one in the painting.你每年都要这个You ask for that every year!你也每年都会带给我And every year you bring it.那我就再带给你一支Then I shall bring you another.我保证You have my word.-再见爸爸-再见贝儿-Goodbye,Papa.-Goodbye,Belle.走了菲利普Come on,Philippe.你认识路的You know the way.明天见I'll see you tomorrow!好的明天我会带玫瑰回来Right.Tomorrow,with the rose.路上小心Stay safe.你在干什么What are you doing?洗衣服The laundry.过来过来Come!Come!蓝色的鸟"The blue bird..."从这里"That flies...飞过黑暗的..."Over the dark...森林"Wood."真厉害That was amazing!你在搞什么鬼What on earth are you doing?居然开始教别的女孩识字了Teaching another girl to read?有你一个还不够吗Isn't one enough?我们得采取点措施了We have to do something.你是我见过的You are the wildest...最美最狂野的存在most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.没人配得上你Nobody deserves you.但至少我们的孩子肯定很漂亮But at least I know our children will be beautiful.我来的不是时候吗Am I catching you at a bad time?怎么了乐福What is it,LeFou?某个少女落难了A certain damsel is in distress.该英雄出场了It's hero time.我跟你还没完呢I'm not done with you yet.我跟你也没完Me,neither.贝儿我听说你和村长闹矛盾了Belle!I heard you had trouble with the Headmaster.他也不喜欢我He never liked me either.关于那些村民我能给你点建议吗Can I give you a little advice about the villagers though?他们永远都不会信任They're never going to trust你想带来的那种改变the kind of change you're trying to bring.我只是想教一个孩子识字All I wanted was to teach a child to read.你唯一应该考虑的孩子...The only children you should concern yourself with...是你自己的孩子are your own.我...I'm...还没准备生孩子not ready to have children.也许是因为你还没遇到心上人Maybe you haven't met the right man.这是个很小的村子加斯顿It's a small village,Gaston.所有男人我都遇到过了I've met them all.也许你该再仔细瞧瞧Well,maybe you should take another look.我们当中有些人已经变了Some of us have changed.加斯顿Gaston...我们不会让彼此幸福的we could never make each other happy.没人能变化那么大No one can change that much.贝儿Oh,Belle.你知道这村子里没了父亲的老姑娘Do you know what happens to spinsters in this village是什么下场吗after their fathers die?零钱给点零钱好吗Coins?Got any spare coins?她们只能乞讨就像可怜的阿格莎They beg for scraps,like poor Agathe.这就是我们的世界贝儿This is our world,Belle.对于我们这种简单的人并不会变得更好For simple folk like us,it doesn't get any better.我或许是个农家女孩I might be a farm girl.但我不是头脑简单的人But,I'm not simple...而且我永远不会嫁给你的加斯顿and I'm never going to marry you,Gaston.我很抱歉I'm sorry!你能想象吗Can you imagine?我嫁给那个粗野的...Me?The wife of that boorish...没脑子的...brainless...♪加斯顿夫人你难道看不出♪♪Madame Gaston,can't you just see it♪♪加斯顿夫人他的小妻子♪♪Madame Gaston,his little wife♪♪不先生不会是我我保证♪♪No,sir,not me,I guarantee it♪♪我想要的不只是这乡村生活♪♪I want much more than this provincial life♪♪我想去广阔的世界冒险♪♪I want adventure in the great wide somewhere♪♪那种渴望无法言表♪♪I want it more than I can tell♪♪也许这次真的可以♪♪And for once it might be grand♪♪找到一个理解我的人♪♪To have someone understand♪♪我想要的比他们计划的多得多♪♪I want so much more than they've got planned♪这森林真美The woods are lovely.但我好像不认识这里I only wish I recognized them.你知道我们在哪吗菲利普Do you know where we are,Philippe?我可不知道Because I don't.没事没事菲利普It's all right.It's all right,Philippe.好吧我们就走这边Yes,we can go this way.走吧右边Go on.To the right.好的稳住That's it.Steady!继续Walk on!一条路走不通了One path closes...就会出现另一条路another one opens.没事孩子只是下点小雪It's all right,boy.It's just a bit of snow.在六月天里In June.小心脚下Mind your step.地上很滑It's slippery.快跑Come on!快菲利普快快Go!Philippe,go!Go,go!停下Whoa!菲利普Philippe!好孩子Good boy.快快跑Go,boy.Go!菲利普你救了我的命Philippe,you saved my life.好样的真棒Well done.Yes.它们只能去别处找晚餐吃了是吧They'll have to get their dinner somewhere else,won't they?看这儿有干草还有水Look!There's hay.And water.你吃喝不愁了老伙计You're all set,my old friend.我们不请自来我得去拜访下主人I'll go pay my respects to our unwitting host.不知道是谁...Whoever that may be.谢谢Thank you.谢...Thank...有人吗Hello?有人在吗Hello?抱歉贸然闯进来Sorry to intrude.我只是路过I'm just a traveler...想来躲下暴风雪seeking shelter from the storm.十分抱歉打搅您Sorry to disturb you.有人在吗Anyone home?都睡了吗Anyone awake?他肯定是在林子里迷路了He must have lost his way in the woods.闭嘴蠢货Shut up,you idiot!有人吗Excuse me?太漂亮了Beautiful.巧夺天工Extraordinary.真是个有品位的人A man of taste.他说的是我He was talking about me.好吧不管你在哪儿Well,wherever you are...我只是想来火边取个暖I'm just going to warm myself by the fire.感觉好多了That's better.好舒服Much better.太感谢了Thank you.妈妈不让我随便动说会吓到人Mum said I wasn't supposed to move because it might be scary.对不起Sorry.没关系It's all right.我...I,uh...真是十分感谢您的盛情款待I cannot...thank you enough for your hospitality.我...I'll...该告辞了...bid you adieu...祝您晚安and good night.快菲利普快走Come on,Philippe!Go!Go!等等停一下No,wait,wait,wait!玫瑰花我差点忘记了Roses.I nearly forgot.我们已经安全了We're safe here.我答应贝儿给她带一支玫瑰I promised Belle a rose.好了There!菲利普Philippe!出什么事了What happened?爸爸怎么没回来Where's Papa?带我去找他Take me to him!看葛士华Look,Cogsworth.一个漂亮女孩儿A beautiful girl!是的我看到是个女孩了Yes!I can see it's a girl.我虽然指针坏了但眼睛还好着呢I lost my hands,not my eyes.她会不会就是那个女孩But what if she is the one?那个能打破魔咒的女孩The one who'll break the spell?谁在说话Who said that?谁在那儿Who's there?爸爸Papa?爸爸是你吗Papa,is that you?贝儿Belle!你怎么找到我的How did you find me?你的手冰凉Your hands are ice.我要带你回家We need to get you home.贝儿你必须马上离开这里Belle,you must leave here at once!这座城堡是活的This castle is alive!在他发现你之前快走Now go,before he finds you!谁Who?谁在那儿Who's there?你是谁Who are you?你又是谁Who are you?我为救我父亲而来I've come for my father.你父亲是个贼Your father is a thief.胡说Liar!他偷了一支玫瑰He stole a rose.玫瑰是我求他带的I asked for the rose.要惩罚就惩罚我放了他Punish me,not him.不行他会关你一辈子的No!He means forever.显然在这里采一朵花Apparently,that's what happens around here就要付出这种惨痛代价when you pick a flower.一支玫瑰就把人关一辈子A life sentence for a rose?我还因为一支玫瑰受到永恒的诅咒呢I received eternal damnation for one.我只是把他关起来了而已I'm merely locking him away.现在你还想代替你父亲受罚吗Now,do you still wish to take your father's place?你先出来Come into the light.选吧Choose.贝儿我不会让你替我的Belle,I won't let you do this.我已经失去了你母亲I lost your mother.我绝不能连你也失去I won't lose you,too.你快走Now,go.快走Go!好吧爸爸我走All right,Papa.I'll leave.我想和他单独待会儿I need a minute alone with him.你就如此铁石心肠Are you so cold-hearted...不允许一个女儿和她父亲告个别吗you won't allow a daughter to kiss her father goodbye?关一辈子也不在乎这一小会儿Forever can spare a minute.等这扇门再关上就永远不会打开了When this door closes,it will not open again.早知道我就和你一起去了I should have been with you.别这样贝儿听我说No,no.Belle,listen to me.没关系的It's all right.你快走Now go.好好过你的人生Live your life.忘记我And forget me.忘记你Forget you?我的一切都是你给的Everything I am is because of you.我爱你贝儿I love you,Belle.别害怕Don't be afraid.我也爱你爸爸I love you too,Papa.我不害怕I'm not afraid.我会逃出去的我保证And I will escape.I promise.什么What?你还是要替他受罚You took his place.他是我父亲He's my father.他是个笨蛋He's a fool.你也是And so are you.贝儿Belle...爸爸Papa!别伤害他Don't hurt him!-爸爸-不要-Papa!-No!我会回来救你的I'll come back!我保证I promise!请原谅我的贸然闯入小姐Forgive my intrusion,mademoiselle...我来护送您去您的房间but I have come to escort you to your room.我的房间My room?-但我以为...-以为什么-But I thought...-Oh,what?"这扇门再关上就永远不会打开了"吗That"Once this door closes it will not open again"?我懂的I know.他有时太戏剧化了He gets so dramatic.您好Hello.您力气可真大You are very strong.这算是个优点This is a great quality.你到底是什么What are you?我叫卢米亚I am Lumière!你居然会说话And you can talk?他当然会说话Well,of course he can talk.他整天就啰嗦个不停It's all he ever does.卢米亚我以王宫主管的身份Now,Lumière,as head of the household...命令你马上把她关回牢房I demand that you put her back in her cell at once.你的余生想当什么葛士华What do you want to be for the rest of your life,Cogsworth?是人还是台钟A man,or a mantle clock?可以走了吗小姐Ready,miss?相信我Trust me.请原谅初次见面时的鲁莽You must forgive first impressions.希望您没有被吓到I hope you are not too startled.有什么好被吓到的Why would I be startled?我只是在跟蜡烛说话而已I'm talking to a candle.是烛台好吗Candelabra,please.那区别大了Enormous difference.有什么事尽管吩咐把城堡当成自己家就好But consider me at your service.The castle is your home now...您想去哪儿就去哪儿so feel free to go anywhere you like.除了西塔楼Except the west wing.我们没有西塔楼Which we do not have.为什么西塔楼有什么Why?What's in the west wing?-什么都没有-没什么-Oh,nothing.-Nothing.-只是储藏室-堆满杂物-Storage space.-Storage space.-没别的东西-就是这样-That's it.-That's it.是的就是这样Yes,that's it.请走这边我们来东塔楼This way,please.To the east wing.或者也可以说唯一的一座塔楼Or as I like to call it,the only wing.请当心脚下Watch your step,s'il vous plaît!欢迎来到您的新家Welcome to your new home.虽然有些简陋但住着很舒服It's modest,but comfortable.太漂亮了It's beautiful.当然了But of course!主人想让您住在城堡里最好的房间Master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle.天啊我们没想到会有客人来Oh,dear.We were not expecting guests.很高兴见到您小姐Enchantée,mademoiselle.别担心Don't worry.我马上就能让这里一尘不染I'll have this place spotless in no time.你这个计划很危险This plan of yours is dangerous.为了能再次亲吻你我甘冒一切危险普路美特I would risk anything to kiss you again, Plumette.别亲爱的你会把我点着的No,my love.I've been burned by you before.我们要坚强We must be strong.你就是我的软肋让我如何坚强How can I be strong when you make me so weak?这里的一切都是活的吗Is everything here alive?你好你叫什么呢Hello.What's your name?那就是个普通梳子That is a hairbrush.不要惊慌Do not be alarmed.这只是您的衣柜This is just your wardrobe.衣柜夫人一位伟大的歌唱家Meet Madame De Garderobe.A great singer.只有清醒的时候才是When she can stay awake.葛士华美容觉对歌唱家来说非常重要Cogsworth!A diva needs her beauty rest.先别睡过去夫人Stay with us,Madame.快来帮这位小姐打扮一下We have someone for you to dress!终于啊...Finally...来了个女人a woman.美丽的眼睛Pretty eyes.漂亮的脸蛋Proud face.简直是完美的衣架子Perfect canvas.Yes!我要给你一套足以与公主身份相配的衣服I will find you something worthy of a princess.我不是公主Oh,I'm not a princess.别胡说Nonsense!让我们来看下我抽屉里都有什么吧Now,let's see what I've got in my drawers.太不好意思了How embarrassing.沙沙快来帮妈妈Froufrou,come help Mama.低调含蓄我喜欢Subtle.Understated.I love it!沙沙代我向乐队指挥问好Froufrou,send my love to the maestro.想象一下乐福Picture it,LeFou.一个小木屋里A rustic cabin...炉火上烤着我刚打回的猎物my latest kill roasting on the fire...可爱的孩子们在四周玩闹而我亲爱的妻子adorable children running around us as my love...为我按摩劳累的双脚rubs my tired feet.可贝儿说什么来着But what does Belle say?"我永远不会嫁给你加斯顿""I will never marry you,Gaston!"其实这里还有别的姑娘嘛You know,there are other girls.优秀的猎人从不在兔子身上浪费时间A great hunter doesn't waste his time on rabbits.♪看你这般无精打采加斯顿♪♪Gosh it disturbs me to see you,Gaston♪♪我是如此不安♪♪Looking so down in the dumps♪♪这里的每个男人都想成为你加斯顿♪♪Every guy here'd love to be you,Gaston♪♪哪怕是被你惩罚鞭打♪♪Even when taking your lumps♪♪小镇上无人比你更受爱戴♪♪There's no man in town as admired as you♪♪你是众人的最爱♪♪You're everyone's favorite guy♪♪大家都为你叹服♪♪Everyone's awed and inspired by you♪♪理由如此显而易见♪♪And it's not very hard to see why♪♪加斯顿聪明机智无人可比♪♪No one's slick as Gaston♪♪加斯顿身手矫捷独一无二♪♪No one's quick as Gaston♪♪加斯顿身材魁梧无可匹敌♪♪No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston♪♪论男子气概无人能及你的一半♪♪For there's no man in town half as manly♪♪他是如此完美♪♪Perfect,a pure paragon♪♪随便问问汤姆迪克斯坦利♪♪You can ask any Tom,Dick,or Stanley♪♪他们会告诉你他们要选择跟谁站在一边♪♪And they'll tell you whose team they preferto be on♪♪谁能像加斯顿玩飞镖酷炫无比♪♪Who plays darts like Gaston?♪♪-谁能像加斯顿-打碎一地芳心♪♪-Who breaks-Hearts like Gaston?♪♪谁能比加斯顿更加完美♪♪Who's much more than the sum of his parts like Gaston?♪♪一个完美的人如此让人敬畏♪♪As a specimen,yes,I'm intimidating♪♪那个加斯顿真是个了不起的人♪♪My,what a guy,that Gaston♪♪我正需要鼓励♪♪I needed encouragement♪♪谢谢你乐福♪♪Thank you,LeFou♪♪没人比你更容易被鼓励振奋了♪♪Well,there's no one as easy to bolster as you♪太过了吗Too much?是的Yep!♪加斯顿战斗勇猛♪♪No one fights like Gaston♪♪加斯顿神勇无双♪♪Douses lights like Gaston♪♪摔跤比赛里加斯顿咬起人来算第一♪♪In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston♪♪狩猎时我拿着箭悄悄靠近♪♪When I hunt,I sneak up with my quiver♪♪野兽们只能祈祷了♪♪And beasts of the field say a prayer♪♪首先我瞄准了肝脏♪♪First I carefully aim for the liver♪♪然后从背后一箭射出♪♪Then I shoot from behind♪那样公平吗Is that fair?我不在乎I don't care♪加斯顿勇猛无比♪♪No one hits like Gaston♪♪加斯顿智慧无敌♪♪Matches wits like Gaston♪♪吐痰比赛他也能得第一♪♪In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston♪♪我最擅长吐痰♪♪I'm especially good at expectorating♪♪加斯顿满分♪♪Ten points for Gaston!♪谢谢谢谢大家Thank you.Thank you.♪小时候为了长身体♪♪When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs♪♪每天早上要吃四打鸡蛋♪♪Every morning to help me get large♪♪成年后的现在要吃五打♪♪And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs♪♪所以我身体壮硕如船♪♪So I'm roughly the size of a barge♪♪-聪明机智的-是加斯顿♪♪-Who has brains-Like Gaston♪♪-幽默风趣-是加斯顿♪♪-Entertains-Like Gaston♪♪谁能像加斯顿这样唱出一句又一句的叠句♪♪Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston♪♪我只用尊贵的鹿角做装饰♪♪I use antlers in all of my decorating♪♪再说一次♪♪Say it again♪♪谁是男人中的男人♪♪Who's a man among men?♪♪谁是超级赢家♪♪Who's a super success?♪♪不用想也不用猜♪♪Don't you know?Can't you guess?♪♪问问他的崇拜者和侍从即可♪♪Ask his fans and his five hangers-on♪♪在这小镇里只有他才是最棒的♪♪There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down♪♪他叫加斯T♪♪And his name's,G-A-S-T♪♪可能还有一个T字母♪♪I believe there's another'T'♪♪我突然想起我并不识字♪♪It just occurred to me that I'm illiterate♪♪以前也从来不用这么大声地拼出来♪♪And I've never actually had to spell it out loud before ♪♪加斯顿♪♪Gaston♪乐福你简直太棒了Oh,LeFou,you're the best.为什么没有姑娘把你俘获呢How is it no girl has snatched you up yet?有人说我太黏人了我不是很明白I've been told I'm clingy,but I really don't get it.请帮帮我快谁来帮帮我Please,please.Someone,someone.帮帮我You,help...你必须帮我You must help me.贝儿出事了他抓走了贝儿It's Belle!He's got,he's got Belle.把她关在地牢里She's locked in a dungeon.被谁抓走了Who's got her?一头野兽A beast!巨大无比恐怖至极的野兽A huge,horrid,monstrous beast!我女儿有生命危险My daughter's life is in danger.你们笑什么我没开玩笑Why do you laugh?It's not a joke.野兽的城堡隐藏在森林中His castle is hidden in the woods.那里已经是寒冬了It's already winter there.六月哪儿来的冬天Winter in June?老莫维斯真是疯了Crazy old Maurice!听我说Listen to me!野兽真的存在The beast is real.明不明白Do you understand?有人愿意帮我吗Will no one help me?我帮你莫维斯I'll help,Maurice.什么What?真的吗You will?各位Everybody...别取笑这位老人家stop making fun of this man at once.队长谢谢你Captain,thank you.不用谢我莫维斯Don't thank me,Maurice.带我们去找野兽吧Lead us to the beast.跟我来Come.妈妈城堡里有个女孩Mama!There's a girl in the castle!是啦阿齐我们知道Yes,Chip,we know!她喜欢喝什么茶呢What kind of tea does she like?花茶乌龙茶Herbal,oolong...甘菊茶chamomile...我好兴奋I'm too excited!慢点儿别摔着胳膊Slow down before you break your handle.茶来了茶煲太太Heads up,Mrs.Potts.卢米亚Lumière!冷静我来解释Be calm.Let me do the talking.你们竟然给她做饭You're making her dinner!。
美女与野兽原版故事Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a wealthy merchant with his three daughters. The two elder daughters were proud and vain, but the youngest, Beauty, was kind and gentle. One day, the merchant's ships were lost at sea, and he was forced to move to a small cottage in the countryside with his daughters.One day, the merchant received news that one of his ships had survived and returned with riches. His daughters eagerly asked for expensive gifts, but Beauty only asked for a single rose. The merchant set off for the city, but on his way back, he got lost in the woods. As night fell, he stumbled upon a magnificent castle and sought shelter inside.The next morning, the merchant was surprised to find the castle's master, a fearsome Beast, who accused him of stealing a rose. The merchant pleaded for his life, explaining that the rose was for his daughter. The Beastagreed to spare him on the condition that one of his daughters would come to live in the castle.When the merchant returned home, Beauty offered to go in his place. She arrived at the castle and was greeted by the Beast, who treated her with kindness and respect. Over time, Beauty began to see beyond the Beast's frightening exterior and discovered his gentle nature.Meanwhile, back at the cottage, Beauty's sisters were envious of her luxurious life at the castle. They plotted to make her stay longer in the hopes that the Beast would become angry and eat her. They convinced Beauty to stay for an extra week, but when she returned to the castle, she found the Beast lying near death.Realizing her love for the Beast, Beauty wept over him and declared her love. Suddenly, the Beast transformed into a handsome prince. He explained that an enchantress had cursed him to live as a Beast until someone could love him for who he was.The prince and Beauty were married, and they lived happily ever after in the castle. Beauty's sisters, who had become jealous and spiteful, were turned into statues as punishment for their wickedness.The story of "Beauty and the Beast" teaches us that true beauty lies within, and that love has the power to transform even the most unlikely of beings. It is a timeless tale of love, sacrifice, and the importance of looking beyond appearances to see the true nature of a person.。
Beauty and the Beast《美女与野兽》
导演(Director):比尔·康顿(Bill Condon)演员表(Cast):艾玛·沃森(Emma Watson)丹·史蒂文斯(Dan Stevens)卢克·伊万斯(Luke Evans)艾玛·汤普森(Emma Thompson)乔什·盖德(Josh Gad)凯文·克莱恩(Kevin Kline)伊恩·麦克莱恩(Ian McKellen)类型(Type):奇幻(Fantasy)国家/地区(Country/Region):美国(United States)制片公司(Production Company):华特·迪士尼电影公司(Walt Disney Pictures)上映日期(Release Time):2017年3月17日(March 17th,2017)剧情简介(The Plot):Belle is a young girl who is taken prisoner by a Beast in his castle in exchange for the freedom of her father Maurice.Despite her fears,she befriends 1the castle ’s enchanted 2staff and learns to look beyond the Beast ’s look to recognize the true heart and soul of the human Prince within,just as a hunter named Gaston is trying to take Belle for himself and hunt down the Beast at any cost.贝尔是一位少女,为了换取她父亲毛里斯的自由,她被囚禁在了野兽的城堡里。
美女与野兽Beauty and the Beast(英文版)
Beauty and the Beast – 3 people(美女与野兽)Once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant and his three daughters.One day, the father was to go to a far-off place and he asked his daughters what they wanted on his return. The first and the second daughter asked for lovely dresses. But the third daughter, whose name was Beauty, said, “Father, I only need a rose plucked by your hand.” The merchant, on his way back, had to cross through the deep forest. It was dark and the merchant tried to find a place to sleep. He suddenly found a huge castle and went inside to find nobody. There was a huge table with delicious food and he ate it all. Then the merchant went into the bedroom and slept on a soft and fluffy bed. The next day, too, the merchant did not find anyone in the castle. He saw a beautiful rose bush growing in the lawn and remembered Beauty’s gift. He plucked a red rose from the bush.Suddenly, a ferocious looking beast sprang out of the bush. He was wearing fine silk clothes and roared, “I gave you fo od and a bed to sleep in! And now, you are stealing my roses!” The merchant was frightened and told the Beast about Beauty’s gift. The Beast decided to let him go only if he promised to send Beauty to this castle. The merchant agreed and ran back home. He cried and told his daughters about the Beast. But Beauty loved her father a lot and agreed to go stay with the Beast.The Beast treated Beauty with a lot of kindness. He was never rude to her. He let her stay in the biggest room and let her roam in the beautiful garden. Beauty would sit near the fireplace and sew while the Beast kept her company. At first, Beauty was afraid of the Beast but slowly, she began to like him.One day, the Beast asked Beauty to marry him, but she refused. She was still afraid of his fearful-looking face. The Beast still treated her kindly and with a lot of love. Beauty missed her father a lot. The Beast gave her a magic mirror and said, “Look at the mirror and you can see your family. Now you won’t feel lonely anymore.One day, Beauty looked in the mirror and saw that father was very ill and dying. She went to the Beast and pleaded and cried, “Please let me go home! I only want to see my father before he dies!” But the Beast roared, “No! You promised you would never leave this cast le!” Saying this, he stormed out of the room. But after some time, he came to Beauty and said, “You may go to stay with your father for seven days. But you must promise to return after that.” Beauty was very happy and agreed. Then she left and went to stay with her father. Her father, on seeing Beauty, felt very happy and soon recovered. Beauty stayed with her family for seven days and more. She forgot the Beast and his castle. But one night, she had a terrible nightmare in which she saw the Beast was very ill and about to die. He was crying, “Beauty, please come back!”Beauty woke up and went back to the castle because she did not mean to hurt the Beast. She cried and said, “Please don’t die, Beast! I will live with you forever!” The Beast miraculously chan ged into a handsome prince. He said, “I was under a curse all these years and could only be relieved when someone fell in love with me. I am now cured of the curse because you truly love me.” And then, Beauty and the Beast weremarried and together they lived happily ever after.。
Beauty And The Beast SE(美女与野兽特别版.1991)
09.28.02.Beauty.And.The.Beast.SE.1991.PROPER.DVDRip.DivX-MDXIMDB评分:7.8/10 (13,692 votes) IMDB英文链接美女與野獸】(Beauty and the Beast)是於1991年推出,成為迪士尼的第30部經典動畫,被該屆奧斯卡金像獎提名最佳影片,是該獎項影史上到目前唯一被提名的動畫片。
本片改編自法國古老的神話故事,過去有多次搬上銀幕的紀錄,這回在迪士尼動畫拍來更顯得細膩動人,劇情是敘述在一個被施魔咒的古堡裡,一位王子因不懂得慈悲與寬容而被仙女變為野獸,唯有他學會如何愛人才能變回原貌,後來美女Belle 為救父親而答應被野獸囚禁,在一群魔堡僕役的穿針引線之下,貝兒與野獸從針鋒相對到相知相守,經歷一番波折之後,最後才終於得以解開魔法的桎梏。
本片導演是Gary Trousdale 以及Kirk Wise 兩人,【美女與野獸】的動畫師們畫出中古世紀法國小鎮的景象,並藉著電腦動畫之助創造出三度空間的舞池,配合配樂大師Alan Menken 優美旋律,更讓本片顯得精緻動人!本片歌曲則是由Alan Menken 作曲,Howard Ashman 作詞。
而且迪士尼動畫電影從【美女與野獸】後,片尾主題曲常由知名歌星演唱,正式與流行音樂相互結合,本片片尾流行主題曲是由Peabo Bryson 與Celine Dion 演唱。
Beauty and the Beast – 3 people(美女与野兽)Once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant and his three daughters.One day, the father was to go to a far-off place and he asked his daughters what they wanted on his return. The first and the second daughter asked for lovely dresses. But the third daughter, whose name was Beauty, said, “Father, I only need a rose plucked by your hand.” The merchant, on his way back, had to cross through the deep forest. It was dark and the merchant tried to find a place to sleep. He suddenly found a huge castle and went inside to find nobody. There was a huge table with delicious food and he ate it all. Then the merchant went into the bedroom and slept on a soft and fluffy bed. The next day, too, the merchant did not find anyone in the castle. He saw a beautiful rose bush growing in the lawn and remembered Beauty’s gift. He plucked a red rose from the bush.Suddenly, a ferocious looking beast sprang out of the bush. He was wearing fine silk clothes and roared, “I gave you fo od and a bed to sleep in! And now, you are stealing my roses!” The merchant was frightened and told the Beast about Beauty’s gift. The Beast decided to let him go only if he promised to send Beauty to this castle. The merchant agreed and ran back home. He cried and told his daughters about the Beast. But Beauty loved her father a lot and agreed to go stay with the Beast.The Beast treated Beauty with a lot of kindness. He was never rude to her. He let her stay in the biggest room and let her roam in the beautiful garden. Beauty would sit near the fireplace and sew while the Beast kept her company. At first, Beauty was afraid of the Beast but slowly, she began to like him.One day, the Beast asked Beauty to marry him, but she refused. She was still afraid of his fearful-looking face. The Beast still treated her kindly and with a lot of love. Beauty missed her father a lot. The Beast gave her a magic mirror and said, “Look at the mirror and you can see your family. Now you won’t feel lonely anymore.One day, Beauty looked in the mirror and saw that father was very ill and dying. She went to the Beast and pleaded and cried, “Please let me go home! I only want to see my father before he dies!” But the Beast roared, “No! You promised you would never leave this castle!” Saying this, he stormed out of the room. But after some time, he came to Beauty and said, “You may go to stay with your father for seven days. But you must promise to return after that.” Beauty was very happy and agreed. Then she left and went to stay with her father. Her father, on seeing Beauty, felt very happy and soon recovered. Beauty stayed with her family for seven days and more. She forgot the Beast and his castle. But one night, she had a terrible nightmare in which she saw the Beast was very ill and about to die. He was crying, “Beauty, please come back!”Beauty woke up and went back to the castle because she did not mean to hurt the Beast. She cried and said, “Please don’t die, Beast! I will live with you forever!” The Beast miraculously chan ged into a handsome prince. He said, “I was under a curse all these years and could only be relieved when someone fell in love with me. I am now cured of the curse because you truly love me.” And then, Beauty and the Beast were married and together they lived happily ever after.。
Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)
In 1991 Disney produced an animated film of Beauty and the Beast with screenplay by
Linda Woolverton, music by Alan Menken, and lyrics by Howard Ashman. It won Academy Awards for Beast animated feature ever nominated for a Beast Picture Oscar
he may live
Beauty goes to the castle; the Beast asks her to be his wife; she refuses; offers to be
his friend
She ask to go back home for a week to say farewell to her father
La Belle et la bête (1946) by Jean Cocteau
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and
goes to the castle She will discover that the Beast is not as wild and inhuman than it looks
Beauty and the Beast TV
series 1987-1990 Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman
The story
Beauty’s father, caught in a storm, finds shelter in the Beast’s palace. Before leaving, he plucks a rose to bring back to Beauty, offending his unseen host, who tells him he must die The Beast then says that if one of the man’s daughter will return to suffer in his place,
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罗密欧与朱丽叶Scene I( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Allen and Julia are waiting for the bus. )Betty & Clover: Wow…so handsome.Julia: Hi, Romeo.Romeo: Hi.Julia: Your clothes fit you well.Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you.Romeo: What is it?Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!)Romeo: Just what?Julia: Just…I like you!! (determined)(Romeo and Julia stop action)Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said?Betty: Yeah! To my surprise.Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and…Betty: And so flat. (point at Julia’s breast)Allen: Yeah….you can say that again.Romeo: (surprised) But I want a thin girl.Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you.Scene II(Julia had a plan of losing weight. First, she went to the famous weight control center. )Angel: Welcome to “Perfect Woman.”Julia: I’d like to talk to your manager.Angle: Please wait a moment.Julia: Okay, thank you.Emma:I’m the manager. May I help you?Julia: I want to become a thin woman in a very short time.Emma: No problem. A lot of people want to get thinner in a short time. You’re not alone. Let Angel show you.(Take a pile of paper. Skim the paper quickly.)Angle: Okay! First, trust me you can make it. Here, we have two programs. The first one includes “aroma oil massage”, “aroma oil treatment” and “acupuncture.” It only costs you 20 thousand dollars.Julia: Oh……Angle: The other is much cheaper. We have “aerobics”, “acupuncture” and“spa.” It’s only 10 thousand dollars.Emma: So which one do you prefer? Trust me, they’ll both made you thin and sexy.Julia: I like both. But I have no money.Emma & Angle: What? (Clap hands twice. And then two strong men come in and throw Julia out) Two men: Get out of here. (Julia goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body” )Frank: May I help you?Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”?Frank: Of course we do.(Now, Jason comes in at the same time.)Jason: Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 150 kilos to 70 kilos.Frank: Wow. Amazing! Here you are!Jason: Thanks. (Go out.)Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots. Julia failed again. Then, she decided to go on a diet.)(In the restaurant)Clerk: Can I take your order?Clover: French fries, chicken and a large cola.Betty: Hamburger, one large milk shake.Allen: Roasted pork and ice cream.Clerk: Anything for you?Julia: Please give me a cup of water and some crackers. (Surprised by Julia’s order, they all turn their heads toward her.)Clerk: That’s all?Julia: Yeah…(Julia looks at Allen, Clover and Betty enjoying their food. And Julia is very hungry. But she can’t eat. She wants to lose weight. Then, she passes out.)Julia: I want to be slim!(A month later)Julia: I’ve become a thin girl. Now I can go to see Romeo. And he’s gonna accept me. Romeo, Romeo…..(Yell...Julia meets Romeo.)Julia: Hi, my dear Romeo. I’ve become a thin girl. Would you be my boyfriend? Romeo: Oh, Julia you look so different now. But I like girls with fair complexion.Julia: Oh, um……Ok, wait for me.Scene III( Julia’s friends come visit her, and want to invite Julia to the beach.) Allen: The weather is nice for going out. We want to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?Julia: I’d like to… but it’s too hot. I don’t want to get a tan. Allen: Don’t worry. We won’t spend too much time staying in the sun. Clover: Come on, come on.Carol: Come with us.Julia: Okay…give me a little time to prepare for that.(Few minutes later)Allen: Are you done?Julia & Clover & Carol: Yes, we’re coming.Julia: Oh, I forget something.Allen & Clover & Carol: What? (She comes out with a lot of protections for her face.)(Two months later, Julia has become a girl with a fair complexion. And there are many boys who go after her, but all of them are turned down. Julia decided to show her love to Romeo one more time)Julia: Romeo, my love. I’ve become a thin girl with a fair complexion. Would you accept me?Romeo: Oh, Julia. You look terrific. But……your bosom is not my type. Julia: Oh, um……I know, I know……Scene IV(Julia goes to Korea, and finds the most famous plastic surgeon….)Julia: Doctor, I want to make my bosom bigger.Docto: What size do you want?Julia: I prefer G cup.Doctor: No problem. We can make it come true.(After the surgery, Julia is more confident than before. And she decide to show her feelings to Romeo for the last time.)Julia: I think I ‘m a perfect woman now. Romeo will be very proud to have me. Romeo, Romeo......Romeo, look at me! Don’t you think I’m the most beautiful woman in the world? You would love to be my sweet heart, wouldn’t you? Romeo: Wow! You’ve become so beautiful. But I can not accept you.Julia: Why? I’ve done so many things for you.Romeo: Because I already have a boyfriend.Julia: Boyfriend?(Allen shows up.)Romeo: Honey~(Allen and Romeo walk away hand in hand.)。