人脸识别REST API帮助文档_v1.04
1.1 人脸检测人脸检测是指将图片中的人脸区域提取出来的过程。
1.2 人脸对齐人脸对齐是指将图像中的人脸区域对齐,使得图像中的人脸具有相同的朝向、大小和位置。
1.3 特征提取特征提取是指从人脸图像中提取出人脸的相关特征,包括面部轮廓、颜色、纹理等。
1.4 特征匹配特征匹配是指将提取出的人脸特征与数据库中存储的模板进行比对匹配的过程。
二、人脸识别系统的应用场景人脸识别系统的应用场景非常广泛,包括以下几个方面:2.1 安防领域人脸识别系统可以应用在安防领域,如监控、门禁等场景,用于识别犯罪嫌疑人、认证门禁权限等。
2.2 金融领域人脸识别系统可以应用在金融领域,如身份认证、ATM机取款等场景,用于识别用户身份、提高用户体验等。
2.3 教育领域人脸识别系统可以应用在教育领域,如考试监控、签到等场景,用于提高考试安全性、提高签到效率等。
2.4 其他领域人脸识别系统还可以应用在其他领域,如零售、酒店等场景,用于提高服务体验、客户管理等。
一、前期准备1. 安装人脸识别应用:前往应用商店(App Store或Google Play)搜索并下载合法的人脸识别应用程序。
2. 注册账号:根据应用界面提示,输入必要的个人信息并保证其真实性。
3. 设置密码:设置强度足够的密码以保护账号安全。
二、录入人脸信息1. 启动应用程序:打开已安装的人脸识别应用程序。
2. 进行人脸录入:按照应用引导,选择“人脸录入”选项,并按照界面提示进行操作。
3. 调整环境:确保人脸录入过程中环境光线适宜,避免阴影或强光的干扰。
4. 摆正姿势:确保录入时头部垂直居中,保持自然表情和开启正常直视摄像头。
三、人脸识别操作1. 选择人脸识别功能:在应用主界面选择人脸识别功能。
2. 摆正姿势:对准摄像头,确保人脸完整地出现在摄像头扫描区域内。
3. 注视摄像头:保持正视摄像头的同时保持面部肌肉放松。
4. 等待识别结果:耐心等待识别结果出现,并避免频繁移动头部。
四、注意事项1. 考虑环境因素:尽量避免在强光或阴暗环境中使用人脸识别应用,以免影响识别准确性。
2. 更新人脸信息:如有需要,定期更新人脸信息,以适应自身面部特征等变化。
3. 安全用机:不要在他人身边使用人脸识别应用,以防他人非法盗取个人信息。
4. 密码保护:在设置应用程序密码时,选择足够复杂且不容易猜测的密码。
5. 避免盗用:尽量避免向他人展示人脸识别应用解锁的过程,以免被他人盗用。
五、故障排除1. 清洁镜头:如发现镜头有灰尘或污垢,请使用干净柔软的布轻轻擦拭。
2. 重新录入:若应用频繁识别失败,请尝试重新录入人脸信息。
3. 更新应用:及时更新应用程序版本,以确保享受到最新的优化和修复。
六、保密与隐私1. 注意信息共享:注意应用程序权限设置,仅授权必要的权限,避免不必要的信息泄露。
人脸识别REST API帮助文档_v1.04介绍
媒体云人脸识别REST API帮助文档V1.04发布日期:2013年12月30日百度开发者中心(版权所有,翻版必究)修订记录目录一、概述 (4)二、媒体云人脸识别REST API使用说明 (4)2.1 开启人脸识别服务 (4)2.2 开通媒体云人脸识别API权限 (7)2.3获取access_token步骤 (7)2.4 API请求方式说明 (9)三、媒体云人脸识别API列表 (10)3.1人脸检测 (10)3.1.1参数说明 (10)3.1.2具体示例 (11)四、媒体云人脸识别API错误码总表 (12)一、概述百度媒体云人脸识别服务依托百度世界领先的人脸识别算法,提供了(1)人脸及五官几何位置定位功能;(2)人脸图像的性别、表情等人脸属性分析功能。
人脸识别服务提供通过REST API的方式来使用人脸识别服务,本文档描述了使用人脸识别服务REST API的方法。
除了原生的REST(Representational State Transfer,即“表述性状态转移”)API之外,人脸识别服务还提供了ANDROID、IOS、WP7、JAVA及PHP多种平台的SDK来帮助开发者缩短开发周期,具体请参考“SDK”部分相关内容(开发者中心通用SDK)。
二、媒体云人脸识别REST API使用说明说明:开发者中心管理控制台可以通过开发者中心首页右上角“消息”旁边的已标记选项进入,如图1红框所示。
图 1管理控制台入口2.1 开启人脸识别服务使用媒体云人脸服务之前,您须按照本节描述的步骤来完成服务的开启,后台服务的注册。
(1)进入“管理控制台”图 2进入管理控制台(2)创建应用test,点击“创建应用”图 3 创建应用(3)填写应用名称”test”以及应用类型图 4填写创建应用信息(4)创建应用成功,点击左侧“媒体云”开启媒体云人脸识别服务图 5 申请使用人脸识别服务(5)填写使用场景和申请理由图 6 人脸服务申请信息填写(6)开启服务成功后,可以在控制台来使用人脸服务的统计分析功能。
Package‘facerec’October13,2022Type PackageTitle An Interface for Face RecognitionVersion0.1.0Date2018-05-14URL https:///methodds/facerecBugReports https:///methodds/facerec/issuesDescription Provides an interface to the'Kairos'Face Recogni-tion API<https:///face-recognition-api>.The API detects faces in im-ages and returns estimates for demographics like gender,ethnicity and age.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote6.0.1Imports magrittr(>=1.5.0),dplyr(>=0.7.0),httr(>=1.3.0),jsonlite(>=1.5.0),knitr(>=1.2.0),stringr(>=1.2.0),snakecase(>=0.9.0),rlangSuggests magick(>=1.9.0),ggplot2(>=2.2.0),purrr(>=0.2.0),rmarkdown(>=1.9.0)VignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor Carsten Schwemmer[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0001-9084-946X>) Maintainer Carsten Schwemmer<*********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2018-05-1412:19:21UTCR topics documented:detect (2)enroll (3)12detect facerec_init (4)get_galleries (4)get_gallery_subjects (5)prep_image (6)recognize (6)remove_gallery (7)remove_subject (8)verify (9)view_subject (10)Index11 detect detect facesDescriptionDetect faces in an input image and return annotations from the’Kairos’API.Usagedetect(image,min_head_scale=0.015)Argumentsimage An image offile type’JPG’,’PNG’,or’BMP’.Can either be an url string or alocal image processed with prep_image.min_head_scale Set the ratio of the smallest face to look for in the input image.Accepts a valuebetween.015(1:64scale)and.5(1:2scale).ValueA data frame with annotations for each detected face.Examplesfacerec_init()#one imagefinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png faces<-detect(image=finn_image)#multiple imagessw_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/8/82/Leiadeathstar.jpgpadme_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/e/ee/Amidala.pngfaces<-c(finn_image,sw_image,padme_image)%>%enroll3 purrr::map(detect)%>%dplyr::bind_rows()enroll enroll facesDescriptionEnroll face in an input image to a gallery and assign a subject id.Usageenroll(image,subject_id,gallery,min_head_scale=0.015)Argumentsimage An image offile type’JPG’,’PNG’,or’BMP’.Can either be an url string or alocal image processed with prep_image.subject_id A string containing the id to assign for the person in the enrolled image.gallery A string containing the name of the gallery in which the image will be enrolled.min_head_scale Set the ratio of the smallest face to look for in the input image.Accepts a valuebetween.015(1:64scale)and.5(1:2scale).ValueA data frame with annotations for the enrolled image.Examplesfacerec_init()finn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png finn_enroll<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )4get_galleries facerec_init authorizationDescriptionInitializes the authorization credentials for the’Kairos’Face Recognition API.Needs to be called before using any other functions of facerec and requires kairos_id and kairos_key as environ-ment variables.Usagefacerec_init()Valuenothing.Examples##Not run:Sys.setenv(kairos_id="Your Kairos API id")Sys.setenv(kairos_key="Your Kairos API key")facerec_init()##End(Not run)get_galleries list galleriesDescriptionReturns identifiers for all galleries associated with a’Kairos’application.Usageget_galleries()ValueA vector of gallery id’s.get_gallery_subjects5 Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png first_gallery<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )second_gallery<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= more_starwars )#get_galleriesget_galleries()get_gallery_subjects get gallery subjectsDescriptionReturns all subject id’s associated with a gallery.Usageget_gallery_subjects(gallery)Argumentsgallery The gallery in which the subjects are enrolled.ValueA vector of subject id’sExamplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png finn_enroll<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )#view subjectsget_gallery_subjects(gallery= starwars )6recognizeprep_image prepare local imageDescriptionPrepares a local image for an upload the’Kairos’API via detect,enroll,recognize and verify.Usageprep_image(img_file)Argumentsimg_file Path to an image offile type’JPG’,’PNG’,or’BMP’.ValueThe prepared image object.Examplesfacerec_init()#download example imagefinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png temp_img_path<-tempfile(fileext= .png )download.file(finn_image,temp_img_path,mode= wb ,quiet=TRUE)#prepare imagefinn_local<-prep_image(temp_img_path)#use prepared imagefaces<-detect(image=finn_local)recognize recognize faceDescriptionRecognize faces in an image and return the most likely matches from a gallery.remove_gallery7Usagerecognize(image,gallery,min_head_scale=0.015,threshold=0.6,max_num_results=10,show_candidate_images=TRUE)Argumentsimage An image offile type JPG,PNG,or BMP.Can either be an url string or a localimage processed with prep_image.gallery A string containing the name of the gallery in which the image will be enrolled.min_head_scale Set the ratio of the smallest face to look for in the input image.Accepts a valuebetween.015(1:64scale)and.5(1:2scale).threshold Likelihood(between0and1)used to determine a valid facial match.Defaultsto0.6.max_num_resultsThe maximum number of potential matches that are returned.Defaults to10.show_candidate_imagesWhether to return temporary URLs for each potential match.Defaults to TRUE.ValueA dataframe with the potential matches for the input image.The likelihood of matches is given incolumn confidence.Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png padme_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/e/ee/Amidala.pngfinn_face<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )padme_face<-enroll(image=padme_image,subject_id= padme ,gallery= starwars )#recognizefinn_2<- https:///wikipedia/commons/b/b6/John_Boyega_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg finn_rec<-recognize(image=finn_2,gallery= starwars )remove_gallery remove galleryDescriptionRemoves a gallery and all included subjects.8remove_subjectUsageremove_gallery(gallery)Argumentsgallery The name of the gallery to be removed.Valuenothing.Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png finn_enroll<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )#remove galleryremove_gallery(gallery= starwars )remove_subject remove subjectDescriptionRemoves a subject from a gallery.Usageremove_subject(subject_id,gallery)Argumentssubject_id The subject id for the subject to be removed.gallery The name of the gallery in which the subject is enrolled.Valuenothing.verify9 Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png finn_enroll<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )#remove subjectremove_subject(subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )verify verify faceDescriptionVerify whether face in an input image belongs to a subject in a gallery.Usageverify(image,subject_id,gallery)Argumentsimage An image offile type’JPG’,’PNG’,or’BMP’.Can either be an url string or alocal image processed with prep_image.subject_id A string containing the id for the person in the gallery to be verified.gallery A string containing the name of the gallery in which the subject will be verified.ValueA data frame with the verification annotations for the input image.The likelihood of a match isgiven in column confidence.Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollpadme_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/e/ee/Amidala.pngpadme_face<-enroll(image=padme_image,subject_id= padme ,gallery= starwars )10view_subject#verifyamidala_img<- https:///wikipedia/it/5/5e/Padm%C3%A9_Amidala.pngverified<-verify(image=amidala_img,subject_id= padme ,gallery= starwars )view_subject view subjectDescriptionReturns all face id’s for each image enrolled for a given subject in a gallery.Usageview_subject(subject_id,gallery)Argumentssubject_id The subject id for which to return all face id’s.gallery The gallery in which the subject is enrolled.ValueA dataframe with face id’s and enrollment timestamps associated with the input subject.Examplesfacerec_init()#enrollfinn_image<- https:///wikipedia/en/2/2a/Finn-Force_Awakens_%282015%29.png finn_enroll<-enroll(image=finn_image,subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )#view subjectview_subject(subject_id= finn ,gallery= starwars )Indexdetect,2,6enroll,3,6facerec_init,4get_galleries,4get_gallery_subjects,5prep_image,2,3,6,7,9recognize,6,6remove_gallery,7remove_subject,8verify,6,9view_subject,1011。
人脸识别技术的工作原理可以大致分为以下几个步骤: 1.图像采集:通过摄像头或图像采集设备获取人脸图像。
2. 预处理:对人脸图像进行预处理,包括图像尺寸调整、光照处理、质量控制等,以便于后续的特征提取和比对。
3. 特征提取:通过一系列算法,从人脸图像中提取出人脸的关键特征点,例如眼睛的位置、嘴巴的形状等。
4. 特征比对:将提取到的人脸特征与存储在系统中的人脸特征库进行比对,以确定身份的准确性。
5. 决策:根据比对结果,系统会给出一个决策结果,可以是认证通过或者认证失败。
二、人脸识别技术的应用1. 公共安全领域:人脸识别技术被广泛应用于视频监控系统,可以及时发现和追踪可疑人员,提高公共安全性。
2. 金融支付领域:通过人脸识别技术,用户可以使用自身的面部特征完成支付认证,提高支付安全性和便利性。
3. 社交娱乐领域:人脸识别技术在社交娱乐应用中可以识别用户的面部表情,实现虚拟变装、滤镜特效等功能,增加用户的趣味体验。
4. 出入管理领域:人脸识别技术可以应用于企事业单位的出入管理系统,提供便捷高效的身份认证方式。
三、正确使用人脸识别技术的方法和注意事项1. 设置合理的人脸图像:为了提高识别准确性,应该选择清晰、光线充足、正脸朝向的人脸图像。
2. 注册多个角度和表情的人脸:为了增加识别的稳定性,建议您在注册时使用不同的角度和表情进行多次采集,以便系统能够更好地识别您的面部特征。
3. 防范隐私泄露风险:在使用人脸识别技术的场景中,注意保护个人隐私,避免将自己的面部图像分享给不可信的第三方或未经授权的应用。
4. 定期更新人脸模型:由于人脸特征可能随时间发生变化,推荐定期更新您的人脸模型,以保持识别的准确性。
说明:1. 通过get biz token接口获取token2. 下载SDK,集成到客户的APPandroid SDK下载:/faceidopen/sdk/FaceIDZFAC_1.2.0A.zipiOS SDK下载:/faceidopen/sdk/FaceIDZFAC_1.2.0I.zip1. (可选) 通过get_result接口获取详情下面进行详细阐述第1步:使用get_biz_token获取biz_token调用地址POST https://fi/face/v2/sdk/get_biz_token签名方式参见阿里云文档:https:///document_detail/29490.html?spm=5176.730006-56956004-57124001-cmapi029634/A.content.10.O4CB1x参数必选/可选参数类型参数说明必选liveness_type string刷脸验证流程中的活体类型,当前只支持meglive(动作活体);必选idcard_name string姓名必选idcard_number string身份证号可选image_ref1string由客户提供的参照人脸照片可选image_ref2string由客户提供的参照人脸照片可选biz_no string客户业务流水号,建议设置为您的业务相关的流水串号并且唯一。
并会在return 时原封不动的返回给您的服务器,以帮助您确认对应业务的归属。
此字段不超过128字节可选liveness_timeout int超时时间,默认值为 60,表示用户进入活体识别流程后的超时时间,若未在规定时间完成操作,则本次活体失败可选liveness_action_count int动作活体时动作个数:默认3个动作;默认 3,∈ [1,3]可选security_level int表示对比对结果的严格程度限制,请根据您的场景,选择安全规则,越严格,准确性要求越高,通过率也会相应下降1:宽松(误识率为千分之一);2:标准(误识率为万分之一,默认值);3:严格(误识率为十万分之一);4:非常严格(误识率为百万分之一);可选force_compare int表示云端判断为假脸后,是否依然进行比对;0:默认值,云端判断为假脸,则直接返回结果,不执行比对,可以节省成本;1:云端判断为假脸后,依然进行比对可选multi_oriented_detection int对于image_ref1,image_ref2 参考照片,当检测不出人脸时,是否旋转90度、180度、270度后再检测人脸。
免费⼈脸识别APi今天对应⼀些免费的⼈脸识别的api 做了⼀下简单的对⽐,觉得百度开发出来的⼈脸识别接⼝还是最符合的我的要求,简单易⽤,容易上⼿。
对于⼀些初创公司来说,只要有机器学习的员⼯搭建⼀套⼈脸检测系统也不难,主要是这个训练和调优上花些时间,但是要⽤在互联⽹上供能多⼈使⽤,那对服务器的性能要求⼗分⾼,要⽤到GPU服务,在⽹上稍微看了⼀下,租⼀个⽉普遍最低价都是2.5k/⽉以上,⽽且是GPU ⾥的低配,相⽐之下,直接购买接⼝来的便宜多了,百度是按QPS计费,默认免费的2个QPS;⾸先,我们来看⼀下有哪些免费的⼈脸识别API吧!第⼆个:face++Face++.com 号称是⼀个提供免费⼈脸检测、⼈脸识别、⼈脸属性分析等服务的云端服务平台,但感觉免费是骗⼈的;听说在⼀场⿊马⼤赛中,赢得冠军。
价格上应该还是可以接受的;国内类似⽜逼的公司还有云从科技的⼈脸识别也是很⽜逼的还有很多其他的有限免费的api接⼝提供,可以⾃⼰慢慢去百度,如果想购买现有的接⼝,可以考虑知乎查到的内容:国际⼈脸识别评估集LFW榜, face++ 99.5% , 商汤 99.53% ,腾讯 99.65% , 百度 99.77%,中科奥森 99.77% , 中科云从 99.5%,颜鉴99.64%,北京飞搜科技 99.4% ,宇泛智能 99%这些都是基于国内的,也可以看看国外提供的api;⼈脸识别基本都可以⾼达99以上的识别率,也不⽤过分苛求了。
接下来以百度的⼈脸识别api为例做⼀下讲解:在这⾥会指导你怎么使⽤SDK,很简单:我⽤的是python:可以⼿动下载zip包也可以在线安装python的可以在线安装下载sdk库:pip install baidu-aip⼈脸识别⼀定要先注册后识别;我提供⼀个测试代码的压缩可供直接下载,这⾥就不再重复了以胡歌和杨洋作为训练分类总体效果特别好:测试集:检测结果other04.jpg的图⽚只有17左右的得分,很准确;(hege其实是huge(胡歌)的分类写错拼⾳了)。
Python⼈脸识别第三⽅库face_recognition接⼝说明⽂档1. 查找图像中出现的⼈脸代码⽰例:#导⼊face_recognition模块import face_recognition#将jpg⽂件加载到numpy数组中image = face_recognition.load_image_file(“your_file.jpg”)#查找图⽚中⼈脸(上下左右)的位置,图像中可能有多个⼈脸#face_locations的值类似[(135,536,198,474),()]Face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image);# 使⽤CNN模型准确率⾼face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image, number_of_times_to_upsample=0, model="cnn")face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(small_frame, model="cnn")2. 获取图像中⼈脸的眼睛、⿐⼦、嘴、下巴、眉⽑的位置和轮廓代码⽰例:import face_recognitionimage = face_recognition.load_image_file(“your_file.jpg”)#查找图⽚中⼈脸的所有⾯部特征(眉⽑,眼睛,⿐⼦,上下嘴唇,⾯部轮廓)#face_landmarks_list是个⼆维数组face_landmarks_list = face_recognition.face_landmarks(image)3. 识别图像中出现的⼈脸import face_recognitionknown_image = face_recognition.load_image_file(“biden.jpg”)unknown_imag = face_recognition.load_image_file(“unknown.jpg”)#获取每个图像⽂件中每个⾯部的⾯部编码#由于每个图像中可能有多个⼈脸,所以返回⼀个编码列表。
via 构建一个人脸检测的Android Activity你可以构建一个通用的Android Activity,我们扩展了基类ImageView,成为MyImageView,而我们需要进行检测的包含人脸的位图文件必须是565格式,API才能正常工作。
被检测出来的人脸需要一个置信测度(confidence measure),这个措施定义在android.media.FaceDetector.Face.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD。
Copyright©2020Softfoundry International Pte Ltd.All Right ReservedThis document is proprietary to Softfoundry International Pte Ltd.,which regards information contained herein as its intellectual property.Under the copyright laws,no part of this document may be copied,translated,or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form,in whole or in part,without prior written consent of Softfoundry International Pte Ltd.目录1.简介 (1)1.1服务客户 (1)1.2实现场景 (1)1.3功能列表 (2)1.4终端要求 (3)1.5带宽要求 (3)2.安装登录 (3)2.1安装登录 (3)2.2主界面介绍 (4)2.3菜单说明 (5)2.4信息 (8)3.一对一呼叫 (10)4.专家控制功能 (11)4.1专家使用PC端 (11)4.1.1视频标识 (12)4.1.2截图标注 (13)5.多方专家指导会议 (14)5.1PC快速开启专家会议 (14)5.2PC端预约专家会议 (14)5.3参加会议 (16)5.3.1会议功能介绍 (18)5.3.2语音模式 (20)5.3.3主席控制功能 (20)5.3.4专家控制功能 (21)5.3.5会议信息 (22)5.3.6录制 (22)5.3.7屏幕分享功能 (22)5.3.8直播 (23)6.客户支持 (24)1.简介软铸通信之FacePro可视化专家系统,实现工业信息可视化落地,支持远程智能维运,解决企业经营中设备维修巡检、技术支持、车间实训,助力改进维保服务体系高效运作,提升效率、降低成本,通过实时高清视频协作,后方专家指导前端现场工程师操,完成相关操作;智能服务高效替代原有400电话及专家到现场支持,大量节省成本和时间,提升客户满意度。
本系统为B/S架构,使用JAVA + JS +JSP 编写,系统部署在内网中,无法连接互联网。
具体的流程如下:1. 人脸采集:通过摄像头或者其他设备采集人脸图像,保证图像的质量和清晰度。
2. 图像预处理:对采集到的人脸图像进行预处理,包括图像的灰度化、归一化、滤波、图像增强等,以提高识别的准确性。
3. 特征提取:通过特征提取算法,从预处理过的人脸图像中提取出一组特征向量,这些特征向量可以表达人脸的唯一特征。
4. 特征匹配:将提取到的特征向量与数据库中的特征向量进行比对,通过比对的结果可以确定人脸的身份信息。
5. 识别结果输出:根据匹配的结果,输出人脸的身份信息或者与数据库中的人脸进行对比,得出最相似的人脸。
三、人脸识别应用开发的技术要点要开发出高效可靠的人脸识别应用,需要注意以下几个技术要点:1. 数据集的准备:构建一个高质量的人脸图像数据库非常重要,要保证数据的多样性、真实性和充分性。
2. 人脸检测与对齐:在识别之前,首先需要对人脸进行检测和对齐。
3. 特征提取算法的选择:特征提取是人脸识别的核心环节,不同的特征提取算法会影响到识别的精度和速度。
4. 识别算法的优化:人脸识别算法的性能优化可以从多个方面进行,如使用快速的搜索算法、降低特征维度等,以提高识别的速度和准确性。
人脸识别技术的使用方法和步骤主要包括以下几个方面:1. 数据采集和预处理人脸识别的第一步是数据采集和预处理。
2. 人脸检测在数据采集后,需要对图像进行人脸检测。
3. 特征提取在人脸检测后,需要对检测到的人脸区域进行特征提取。
常用的特征提取算法包括LBP特征提取、PCA 特征提取、CNN特征提取等。
4. 特征匹配和识别在特征提取后,需要进行特征匹配和识别。
5. 决策和应用在特征匹配和识别后,最终需要进行决策和应用。
T h e S o f t w a r e C o m p a n y , I n c . w w w .S o f t w a r e C o m p a n y .c o mN e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T IntroductionNetGender for .NET allows you to quickly and easily build name verification, parsing and gender determination into your custom applications. Accurately verify whether or not a particular field contains a valid individual or company name.Accept names free-form and let NetGender automatically split each name into its standard components: Prefix, First, Middle, Last and Suffix no matter what the original format. Using a 200,000+ first and last name dictionary in combination with a 10,000+ term company dictionary, the gender is determined with unmatched precision. Easily updated tables control the entire process.NetGender can process all styles of names including inverse, natural order, hyphenated and multi-part last names. Multiple names in the same field and companies can be easily separated providing you with powerful formatting control.With the help of the “N ame_Variants” property, you can easily identify obscure duplicate names such as “Bill”, Billy”, Will”, “Willy” and “William”.Benefits∙200,000+ First and Last Name Dictionary for Pinpoint Accuracy∙Quickly Identify Incomplete or Incorrect Names– before they enter your database ∙Automatic Name Style Identification– standardize lists of various formats∙Name Variants Property - invaluable for finding common duplicates∙Unlimited Processing Volume– no recurring update charges∙Free Upgrades for a full yearFeatures∙Accurately separate name elements: Prefix, First, Middle, Last, Suffix∙Proper-case conversion for more attractive data presentation∙User-updatable tables so your applications never go out-of-date∙Royalty-free runtime∙Designed for use with all .NET compatible programming languagesN e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T How NetGender Works NetGender for .NET starts by meticulously identifying each individual name element based on the Name_Style you’ve selected. Intuitive algorithms examine the results and a selection is made of the most complete and correct data. Next, the name elements are split according to Name_Style and the user-specified prefix/suffix abbreviations are applied. If not already coded by the gender-override table, the gender is now determined according to the 200,000+ name system gender table. The Name_Quality flag is then set to indicate how complete and correct the name is. Finally, the standardized name components are returned to your application along with a complete and cleansed composite name.N e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T Name Elements Name ElementsA Word About Gender CodingNot all gender identification systems are created the same. Most use a simple table of less than 20,000 first names. NetGender uses an extensive dictionary of more than 200,000 first and last names that were specially selected for their rich ethnic-diversity.NetGender also uses a unique gender percentage factor. This factor is based on the proportion of males to females for a particular name allowing you to set the point at which certain names will be returned with a neutral gender. See “Gender_Confidence” and “Gender_Percentage” properties.NetGender then applies the pre-programmed rules from a 10,000+ term company dictionary resulting in a high level of gender accuracy.This unique and powerful strategy produces unparalleled results.Name_InSyntax: Name_In = StringDescription:Set this property to the name string to be processed.When the “Parse” method is invoked, the Name_In string is standardized and formatted then placed into the Name_Out property. In addition, each element of the Name_In string is placed into the corresponding name component property.Name_Style (changed in v3.0+)Syntax: Name_Style = StringLiteralDescription:Set this property to the style that most closely matches the format of the Name_In string. In the examples below, F=First, M=Middle, L=Last, &=generic delimiter, (…)=optional element.FML John A Doe Names are in Natural Order FML&FM John A Doe & Jane A Never a Last Name in Name 2FML&FM(L) John A Doe & Jane A (Jones) Sometimes a Last Name in Name 2FML&FML John A Doe & Jane A Jones Always a Last Name in Name 1 & 2FM(L)&FML John A (Doe) & Jane A Jones Sometimes a Last Name in Name 1FM(L)&FM(L) John A (Doe) & Jane A (Jones) Sometimes a Last Name in Name 1 or 2FM&FML John A & Jane A Doe Never a Last Name in Name 1LFM Doe, John A Names are in Inverse OrderLFM&FM Doe, John A & Jane A Never a Last Name in Name 2LFM&FM(L) Doe, John A & Jane A (Jones) Sometimes a Last Name in Name 2LFM&(L)FM Doe, John A & (Jones)Jane A Sometimes a Last Name in Name 2LFM&LFM Doe, John A & Jones Jane A Always a Last Name in Name 1 & 2 VARIABLE Inconsistent & Unknown Names are mixed Natural & InverseSPLIT Anything & Everything Split at Name Connector onlyCOMPANY Sanford & Son Forces a company name check withoutsplitting at the name connectorThe input names can be separated by various delimiters such as: “c/o”, “&”, “dba”, “and”, “attn”, etc. The “&” above, generically represents these delimiters. The delimiters are user-defined. See “Updating User Control Tables” later in this guide.Parenthesis “(…)” indicate that this elem ent may or may not be present in all of the input name strings. If two individuals or a company and an individual co-exist in the input name string, you should choose one of the multi-name styles such as: FML&FML, FML&FM, etc. for best results.The closer the style matches your data the better the results. Use “Variable” when the name format is inconsistent or unknown.Name Style Examples - Natural OrderFML Use when there is only one name in the input string.Name is split into First, Middle, Last:Name_In:JOHN A DOEName_Out:John A DoeFML&FM Use when last name is never present in name two.Name two ALWAYS inherits its last name from Name one:Name_In:JANE A DOE & JOHN AName_Out: Jane A DoeName2_Out: John A DoeFML&FM(L) Use when last name is sometimes present in name two.Name two keeps its own last name if present:Name_In: JOHN A DOE & JANE A JONESName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesName two inherits its last name from Name one:Name_In: JOHN A DOE & JANE AName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A DoeFML&FML Use when a full name is always present in name one & two.Name one & two ALWAYS keep their own last names:Name_In: JOHN DOE DBA THE SOFTWARE COMPANYName_Out: John DoeName2_Out:The Software CompanyFM(L)&FML Use when last name is sometimes present in name one.Name one keeps its own last name if present:Name_In: JOHN A DOE & JANE A JONESName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesName one inherits its last name from Name two:Name_In: JOHN A DOE & JANE AName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A DoeName Style Examples - Natural Order (cont.)FM(L)&FM(L) Use when last name is sometimes present in name one or two.Name one and two keep their own last names if present:Name_In: JOHN A DOE & JANE A JONESName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesName one inherits its last name from Name two:Name_In: JOHN A & JANE A JONESName_Out: John A JonesName2_Out:Jane A JonesFM&FML Use when last name is never present in name one.Name one ALWAYS inherits its last name from Name two:Name_In: JANE A & JOHN DOEName_Out: Jane A DoeName2_Out:John DoeName Style Examples - Inverse OrderLFM Use when there is only one name in the input string.Name is split into First, Middle, Last:Name_In:DOE, JOHN AName_Out:John A DoeLFM&FM Use when last name is never present in name two.Name two ALWAYS inherits its last name from Name one:Name_In:DOE, JANE A & JOHN AName_Out: Jane A DoeName2_Out: John A DoeLFM&FM(L) Use when last name is sometimes present in name two.Name two keeps its own last name if present:Name_In: DOE, JOHN A & JANE A JONESName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesName two inherits its last name from Name one:Name_In: DOE, JOHN A & JANE AName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A DoeLFM&(L)FM Use when last name is sometimes present in name two.Name two keeps its own last name if present:Name_In: DOE, JOHN A & JONES, JANE AName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesName two inherits its last name from Name one:Name_In: DOE, JOHN A & JANE AName_Out: John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A DoeLFM&LFM Use when a full name is always present in name one & two.Name one & two ALWAYS keep their own last names:Name_In: DOE, JOHN DBA THE SOFTWARE COMPANYName_Out: John DoeName2_Out:The Software CompanyName Style Examples - OtherVARIABLE Use when the format of the name(s) is inconsistent or unknown.Style is automatically determined based on the format, punctuation andgender lookup results. Name one is FML, Name two is LFM:Name_In:JOHN A DOE & JONES, JANE AName_Out:John A DoeName2_Out:Jane A JonesAlso, see Variable_Default propertySPLIT Use when you want to split name one & two at the [NameConnector] Filters are removed, no other formatting takes place.[NameConnector] of “c/o” was specified in the “NetGender.ref” file:Name_In:DOE JOHN A c/o THE SOFTWARE COMPANYName_Out:Doe John AName2_Out: The Software CompanyCOMPANY Use when company names also contain name connectors.Use “COMPANY” style to avoid confusion with company names that alsocontain Name Connectors. W hen [NameConnectors] such as “&” arespecified in the user-defined “NetGender.ref” file, certain company namessuch as Dewey Cheatum & Howell can sometimes be confused with acompound individual name such as John & Mary Smith. If this is the case,use the COMPANY style first to identify the field as a company.If an exact match on a company name is found in the “NetGender.ref” fileor certain company keywords such as “ABC” are found in the systemgender table, the Gender property is returned as “C” (company) and theName_Quality property is returned as “High”. A Name_Quality of“Medium” is returned when certain keywords such as “C LUB” are foundin the system gender table indicating that this could possibly be either acompany or individual.Variable_Default, Variable_Default2Syntax: Variable_Default = StringLiteralVariable_Default2 = StringLiteralDescription:Set this property to “FML” (natural order) or “LFM” (inverse order) to indicate a default output format. When ambiguous name components make it impossible to determine the name format, NetGender will default to this setting. This setting is only active when the Name_Style is set to “Variable”.Default is “FML”.Note:As an alternative to the “V ARIABLE” style, another very successful approach has been to try several different styles checking the Name_Quality and Gender properties after each parse. Start by calling the “Parse” method using “LFM” then “FML” styles. Next, try the “V ARIABLE” style and then try each other style in order down the line. Lastly, try “S PLIT” style and then the default ”LFM”, ”FML” and then “VARIABLE” again. After each parse check the Name_Quality and Gender properties and exit at the first sign of a good parse.Company_CheckSyntax: Company_Check = Boolean (True/False)Description:Set this property to Boolean (True/False) to indicate if an attempt should be made to identify the Name_In string as a company. Set Company_Check to False if your data has no company names. Default i s “False”.Name_Variant_Check (new v4.4+)(replaces obsolete “Nickname_Check” property)Syntax: Name_Variant_Check = Boolean (True/False)Description:Set this property to Boolean (True/False) to indicate if an attempt should be made to identify common name variants associated with Name and Name2. Set Name_Variant_Check to True if you want name variants returned in Name_Variants and Name2_Variants. Default is “False”.Gender_ConfidenceSyntax: Gender_Confidence = IntegerDescription:Set this property to a value between 51% and 100% representing the cutoff point below which a gender is considered neutral. Each name in the System Gender Table is encoded with a percentage from 51%to 100%based on the proportion of males to females for that particular name. After the name lookup, if a percentage is found that is below the “Gender_Confidence” level, NetGender will return a gender of Neutral for that name. A setting of 51% will force a gender of either Male or Female. Default is 70%.Neutral Gender Breakdown:Gender_Confidence # of Neutral % of Gender Table100%7,800 7.8%95%6,400 6.4%90%5,100 5.1%80%3,900 3.9%70%2,400 2.4%Default Setting60% 900 .9%51% 0 .0%Capitalization (new in v4.4+)(replaces obsolete “Output_Case” property)Syntax: Capitalization = StringLiteralDescription:Set this property to “Upper”, “Lower”, “Mixed” or “None” to indicate your capitalizat ion preference for the output name and its components. Use “None” when you want to retain the existing capitalization. Default is “None”.Reference_File_Path, Gender_File_Path(changed in v3.0+)Syntax: Reference_File_Path = StringGender_File_Path = StringDescription:Set this property to the full path and file name of the following system and user files: NetGender.ref is a user-defined file containing the tables for Prefix, Suffix, Filter and Connector identification as well as Gender and Name Variant Overrides.NetGender.gnd is a system file that contains the main Genderization Control Tables.A standard set of these files is supplied and installed in the NetGender installation folder under the names: “NetGender.ref” and “NetGender.gnd”. You can rename and relocate these files to any other folder as long as you provide the full path and file name information in each respective path string. Default path is first the folder of the invoking application: “AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory” then the NetGender installation folder.See “Updating User Control Tables” later in this guide for in formation on customizing this file. Static_Key_Name(new in v3.0+)Syntax: Static_Key_Name = StringDescription:Set this property to the name portion of the static key assignment or blank.Static_Key(new in v3.0+)Syntax: Static_Key = StringDescription:Set this property to the key portion of the static key assignment or blank.Name_Out, Name2_Out (read only)Syntax: String = Name_OutString = Name2_OutDescription:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property will contain the corrected name string, in natural order (FML), from the Name_In property.Name_Filtered_Data, Name2_Filtered_Data (read only)Syntax: String = Name_Filtered_DataString = Name2_Filtered_DataDescription:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property will contain all data that was filtered out before processing according to the “[NameFilter]” section of NetGender.ref file.See “Updating User Control Tables” later in this guide for instructions on customizing this file.Name_Quality, Name2_Quality (read only) (changed in v3.0+)Syntax: String = Name_QualityString = Name2_ QualityDescription:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to “Low”, “Medium” or “High” to indicate how complete a name appears.Prefix, Prefix2 (read only)Syntax: String = PrefixString = Prefix2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the name Prefix component of Name_In. Values will be valid prefixes (Mr, Mrs, etc.) or blank.First, First2(read only)Syntax: String = FirstString = First2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the First Name component of Name_In. Value will be an individual’s first name or blank.Middle, Middle2 (read only)Syntax: String = MiddleString = Middle 2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the Middle Name component of Name_In. Value will be an individual’s middle name or blank.Last, Last2 (read only)Syntax: String = LastString = Last2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the Last Name component of Name_In. Value will be an individual’s last name or blank.Suffix, Suffix2 (read only)Syntax: String = SuffixString = Suffix2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the Suffix component of Name_In. Values will be valid suffixes (Jr, Sr, Esq, etc.) or blank.Company, Company2 (read only)Syntax: String = CompanyString = Company2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the Company component of Name_In. Values will be a company name or blank.Gender, Gender2 (read only)Syntax: String = GenderString = Gender2Description:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the Gender indicated by the “First”property. Values will be “M”(male), “F”(female), “N”(neutral), “C”(company) or “U”(unknown). See “Gender_Confidence” property.Gender_Percentage, Gender2_Percentage (read only) (new v4.4+) Syntax: Integer = Gender_PercentageInteger = Gender2_PercentageDescription:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to the statistical gender percentage. Each name in the System Gender Table is encoded with a percentage from 51% to 100% based on the proportion of males to females for that particular name. For example, the name “Chris” returns a gender of “M” and a Gender_Percentage of 89%. This indicates that 89% of the persons with the name “Chris” are statistically male and 11% are female. See “Gender_Confidence”and “Gender” properties.Note: This property is only valid when the Gender property returns a value of “M” or “F”.Name_Variants, Name2_Variants (read only) (new v4.4+)(replaces obsolete “Nicknames” property)Syntax: String = Name_VariantsString = Name2_VariantsDescription:After invo king the “Parse” method, these properties are set to a list of common name variants associated with the names returned in First and First2. Values will be a list of one or more common name variants.Note: Name variants are only returned when Name_Variant_Check property is set to True and the Gender property returns a value of “M” or “F”.Accessing Individual Name Variants - VB Sample CodeDim i As Integer, Name As String, Gender As StringcbNameVariants.Items.Clear()For i = 1 To Len(_Variants) Step 17Name = Mid(_Variants, i, 16)Gender = Mid(_Variants, i + 16, 1)cbNameVariants.Items.Add(Name & " " & Gender)Next iReturn_Code(read only) (new in v3.0+)Syntax:String = Return_CodeDescription:After invoking the “Parse” method, this property is set to blank upon successful completion. Most exceptions occur on the first invocation. The most common ones are listed below. This property should be examined on each return from NetGender.Common Return Codes:G00 Gender File Wrong VersionG35Gender File Not Found (see “Gender_File_Path” property)R35Reference File Not Found (see “Reference_File_Path” property)S00Unrecognized Name Style (see “Name_Style property)T00Prefix/Suffix Table Limit Reached (1,024)T01Name Variant Override Table Limit Reached (256)T02 Gender Override Table Limit Reached (1,024)T03 Spelling Override Table Limit Reached (1,024)L00Evaluation Period ExpiredL01Static Key Validation Failed (see “Static_Key” property)L50 - L69Evaluation License ErrorN e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T Methods ClearSyntax:NetGender.ClearDescription:When this method is invoked, all properties are cleared with the exception of Static_Key, Static_Key_Name and Reference_File_Path.ParseSyntax:NetGender.ParseDescription:When this method is invoked, each element of the Name_In property will be inspected. Multiple names are separated, each name is gender coded and placed into the Name_Out property. Each individual element of the Name_In property will be placed into the appropriate name component property. And, if the Name_Variant_Check property is set to True, a list of common name variants is returned in Name_Variants and Name2_Variants. The Return_Code property is also set and should be checked after each invocation of the Parse method.See “Return_Code”property.N e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T Control Tables Updating User Control TablesNetGender.ref is a file containing the name standardization control tables. It is located by default in the “NetGender” installation folder. Use Notepad or a similar text editor to edit the contents. Detailed information on the format of the entries is contained within the file. This file can also be relocated. See “Reference_File_Path” property.NetGender allows you to specify which Prefixes and Suffixes are to be recognized as well as your preferred abbreviations.Extensive tables are included. Below are a few examples:[NamePrefix]M&M Mr. & Mrs.M/M Mr. & Mrs.[NameSuffix]PHD Ph.D.MANAGER Mgr.[NameConnector]&C/OGUARDIAN OF[NameFilter]ETALTRUST[CompanyOverride]C TED’S SHEDS[GenderOverride]M BILLY-JOEF BOBBY-SUEL FRUMP[NameVariantOverride]WOODY WOODIE WOODROW WOODFORD[SpellingOverride]diGenovaThe UPS StoreN e t G e n d e r v4.4f o r.N E T Installation Notes Deploying Your ApplicationsBe sure to include the following in your deployment package:NetGender.dll –usually placed in the application folder or Global Assembly Cache (GAC) NetGender.ref –usually placed in the application folder*NetGender.gnd –usually placed in the application folder**“Net Gender.ref” and “Net Gender.gnd”reference files can be placed anywhere on the target machine as long as the full path to them is specified in the “Reference_File_Path” and “Gender_File_Path” properties.In addition to the above, there is a common runtime that can be placed in the application folder or the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) of the target machine.Fujitsu.COBOL.dllEvaluation LicenseThe evaluation license is valid for a period of 30 days or up to 1,000 calls.****************************************************。
百度AI⼈脸检测 本⽂主要说⼀下百度AI的⼈脸检测⾸先进⼊百度AI官⽹登录帐号点击控制台进⼊控制台后点击左侧导航栏⼈脸识别右侧创建应⽤随便起个名字⽴即创建回到刚才的菜单点击管理应⽤点击管理应⽤可以看到你刚才创建的应⽤详情重点说明:注意下图中你创建的应⽤详情的关键数据第⼀个:API key 第⼆个:secret key这两个很重要是⽤来获取官⽹验证 access_token 没有这个你的⼈脸检测程序是⽆法执⾏的第三个是下⾯的API列表你⽤到的所有应⽤的访问接⼝的url 都在这⾥前期⼯作做好以后下⾯说下具体细节所谓⼈脸检测就是你把⼀张⼈物图⽚提交给百度⼈脸检测的API(接⼝) 百度AI会智能的帮你检测出这张⼈物照⽚⾥⾯⼈物的年龄颜值性别种族表情等⼀系列数据当然现在的AI 检测的真实性是相对的种族性别是⾮常准确的⾄于年龄颜值是否带眼睛表情脸型等其他数值都是相对准确这个很好理解就拿颜值来说怎么可能有⼀种算法能够绝对的衡量⼀个⼈的美与丑呢这个美丑都是相对的就算是数学家⽣物学家他也没有办法绝对衡量所以算法也就是相对的希望⼤家能够明⽩因为我申请到的是V3版本的⼈脸识别所以下⽂中的代码结构只适⽤于V3版本下⾯看⼀下我门需要完成的类因为我是⼀个springboot项⽬先说service层⼀共七个类全部都有⽤⼀会我会⼀个个附上代码和说明先说utils包下⾯的6个⼯具类第⼀个Auth这个就是获得官⽹认证 access_token的类以下是代码public class Auth {/*** 获取权限token**/public static String getAccessToken() {// 官⽹获取的 API Key 更新为你注册的String clientId = "xxxxxxxxxxx";// 官⽹获取的 Secret Key 更新为你注册的String clientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ";return getAuth(clientId, clientSecret);}/*** 获取API访问token* 该token有效期30天,需要⾃⾏管理,当失效时需重新获取.** @param ak - 百度云官⽹获取的 API Key* @param sk - 百度云官⽹获取的 Securet Key**/public static String getAuth(String ak, String sk) {// 获取token地址String authHost = "https:///oauth/2.0/token?";String getAccessTokenUrl = authHost// 1. grant_type为固定参数+ "grant_type=client_credentials"// 2. 官⽹获取的 API Key+ "&client_id=" + ak// 3. 官⽹获取的 Secret Key+ "&client_secret=" + sk;try {URL realUrl = new URL(getAccessTokenUrl);// 打开和URL之间的连接HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) realUrl.openConnection();connection.setRequestMethod("GET");connection.connect();// 获取所有响应头字段Map<String, List<String>> map = connection.getHeaderFields();// 遍历所有的响应头字段for (String key : map.keySet()) {System.err.println(key + "--->" + map.get(key));}// 定义 BufferedReader输⼊流来读取URL的响应BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));String result = "";String line;while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {result += line;}/*** 返回结果⽰例*/System.err.println("result:" + result);JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);String access_token = jsonObject.getString("access_token");return access_token;} catch (Exception e) {System.err.printf("获取token失败!");e.printStackTrace(System.err);}return null;}public static void main(String[] args) {getAccessToken();}} 通过你创建应⽤的API key 和 secret key 可以得到access_token ⽽且说的很明⽩这个token的⽣命周期是30天所以我们在使⽤他的时候完全可以把这个token变成⼀个常量使⽤所以上⾯这个类的代码你只需要运⾏⼀次控制台输出token后复制⼀下再写⼀个类⽤来保存常量我创建的这个类就是utils包下的Constantconstantpublic class Constant {/* POST_URL参数* 你在百度AI官⽹控制台创建的应⽤⾥有相关接⼝的访问地址* ⾃⼰打开看上⽂中截图也有说明* 此处⽤到⼈脸检测那就把⼈脸检测的访问地址复制过来** */public static final String POST_URL = "";//官⽹认证的token public static final String ACCESS_TOKEN ="此处是你通过上⾯的类运⾏获得的access_token的值";}Base64Util public class Base64Util {private static final char last2byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("00000011", 2);private static final char last4byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("00001111", 2);private static final char last6byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("00111111", 2);private static final char lead6byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("11111100", 2);private static final char lead4byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("11110000", 2);private static final char lead2byte = (char) Integer.parseInt("11000000", 2);private static final char[] encodeTable = new char[]{'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4 public Base64Util() {}//通过⽂件信息的字节数据转换成base64数据public static String encode(byte[] from) {StringBuilder to = new StringBuilder((int) ((double) from.length * 1.34D) + 3);int num = 0;char currentByte = 0;int i;for (i = 0; i < from.length; ++i) {for (num %= 8; num < 8; num += 6) {switch (num) {case 0:currentByte = (char) (from[i] & lead6byte);currentByte = (char) (currentByte >>> 2);case 1:case 3:case 5:default:break;case 2:currentByte = (char) (from[i] & last6byte);break;case 4:currentByte = (char) (from[i] & last4byte);currentByte = (char) (currentByte << 2);if (i + 1 < from.length) {currentByte = (char) (currentByte | (from[i + 1] & lead2byte) >>> 6);}break;case 6:currentByte = (char) (from[i] & last2byte);currentByte = (char) (currentByte << 4);if (i + 1 < from.length) {currentByte = (char) (currentByte | (from[i + 1] & lead4byte) >>> 4);}}to.append(encodeTable[currentByte]);}}if (to.length() % 4 != 0) {for (i = 4 - to.length() % 4; i > 0; --i) {to.append("=");}}return to.toString();}} 这个类其实就⼲⼀件事把你识别图⽚的字节信息转换成⼀个base64值不懂base64的可以百度⼀下很简单我在这⾥就不多费⼝⾆了希望理解那既然他是把图⽚信息的字节转换成base64 那么图⽚的信息怎么转换成字节呢⼤家都知道我们⾸先获得的⽂件信息不管是在服务器上还是前端给我们传送过来的其实都是⼀个file file其实是⼀个bolb对象⼤家可以理解成“流”信息所以我们要通过IO 把他解析成字节对象也就是byte对象那下⾯这个类就是⼲这个事情的 FileUtilpublic class FileUtil {/*** 读取⽂件内容,作为字符串返回*/public static String readFileAsString(String filePath) throws IOException {File file = new File(filePath);if (!file.exists()) {throw new FileNotFoundException(filePath);}if (file.length() > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {throw new IOException("File is too large");}StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((int) (file.length()));// 创建字节输⼊流FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath);// 创建⼀个长度为10240的Bufferbyte[] bbuf = new byte[10240];// ⽤于保存实际读取的字节数int hasRead = 0;while ( (hasRead = fis.read(bbuf)) > 0 ) {sb.append(new String(bbuf, 0, hasRead));}fis.close();return sb.toString();}/*** 根据⽂件路径读取byte[] 数组*/public static byte[] readFileByBytes(String filePath) throws IOException {File file = new File(filePath);if (!file.exists()) {throw new FileNotFoundException(filePath);} else {ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream((int) file.length());BufferedInputStream in = null;try {in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));short bufSize = 1024;byte[] buffer = new byte[bufSize];int len1;while (-1 != (len1 = in.read(buffer, 0, bufSize))) {bos.write(buffer, 0, len1);}byte[] var7 = bos.toByteArray();return var7;} finally {try {if (in != null) {in.close();}} catch (IOException var14) {var14.printStackTrace();}bos.close();}}}} 两个⽅法⼀个读取⽂件也就是你⽂件上传后在服务器的路径地址通过这个路径地址把⽂件转成string另⼀个⽅法转换成byte数组GsonUtil/*** Json⼯具类.gson是⾕歌提供的⼀个⼯具类很强⼤号称可以解决所有对象之间的转换*/public class GsonUtils {private static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();//对象转jsonpublic static String toJson(Object value) {return gson.toJson(value);}//json对象转实体类public static <T> T fromJson(String json, Class<T> classOfT) throws JsonParseException {return gson.fromJson(json, classOfT);}//json对象转各种数据类型例如 map listpublic static <T> T fromJson(String json, Type typeOfT) throws JsonParseException {return (T) gson.fromJson(json, typeOfT);}} HttpUtil/*** http ⼯具类*/public class HttpUtil {public static String post(String requestUrl, String accessToken, String params)throws Exception {String contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";return HttpUtil.post(requestUrl, accessToken, contentType, params);}public static String post(String requestUrl, String accessToken, String contentType, String params)throws Exception {String encoding = "UTF-8";if (requestUrl.contains("nlp")) {encoding = "GBK";}return HttpUtil.post(requestUrl, accessToken, contentType, params, encoding);}public static String post(String requestUrl, String accessToken, String contentType, String params, String encoding)throws Exception {String url = requestUrl + "?access_token=" + accessToken;return HttpUtil.postGeneralUrl(url, contentType, params, encoding);}public static String postGeneralUrl(String generalUrl, String contentType, String params, String encoding)throws Exception {URL url = new URL(generalUrl);// 打开和URL之间的连接HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();connection.setRequestMethod("POST");// 设置通⽤的请求属性connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", contentType);connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");connection.setUseCaches(false);connection.setDoOutput(true);connection.setDoInput(true);// 得到请求的输出流对象DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());out.write(params.getBytes(encoding));out.flush();// 建⽴实际的连接connection.connect();// 获取所有响应头字段Map<String, List<String>> headers = connection.getHeaderFields();// 遍历所有的响应头字段for (String key : headers.keySet()) {System.err.println(key + "--->" + headers.get(key));}// 定义 BufferedReader输⼊流来读取URL的响应BufferedReader in = null;in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), encoding));String result = "";String getLine;while ((getLine = in.readLine()) != null) {result += getLine;}in.close();System.err.println("result:" + result);return result;}} 这个类我就不多说了主要是⽤在提交请求的因为你是java程序你最终的⼈脸检测是通过百度AI提供的API进⾏检测的所以就意味着你⼀定会向百度提交http请求当然你还有附带相应的参数那就肯定是post请求了6个⼯具类说完下⾯说业务类这个业务类和我们平时写的service层的业务类还是有区别的因为他的⽅法必须是static 也就是单线程的也就意味着你不需要通过接⼝实现看代码FaceDetectpublic class FaceDetect {public static FaceDetectVo detect(String url,String imageUrl,String accessToken) {try {//通过图⽚路径把图⽚数据转成字节byte [] imageDate = FileUtil.readFileByBytes(imageUrl);//把字节转成base64格式String imageBase64 = Base64Util.encode(imageDate);Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();/* image 参数图⽚的BASE64值上⾯我通过⼯具类“Base64Util”转好了* 官⽹给出的API中说image的参数还可以是其他两种* URL:图⽚的 URL地址( 可能由于⽹络等原因导致下载图⽚时间过长);* FACE_TOKEN: ⼈脸图⽚的唯⼀标识,调⽤⼈脸检测接⼝时,* 会为每个⼈脸图⽚赋予⼀个唯⼀的FACE_TOKEN,同⼀张图⽚多次检测得到的FACE_TOKEN是同⼀个。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
媒体云人脸识别REST API帮助文档
一、概述 (4)
二、媒体云人脸识别REST API使用说明 (4)
2.1 开启人脸识别服务 (4)
2.2 开通媒体云人脸识别API权限 (7)
2.3获取access_token步骤 (7)
2.4 API请求方式说明 (9)
三、媒体云人脸识别API列表 (10)
3.1人脸检测 (10)
3.1.1参数说明 (10)
3.1.2具体示例 (11)
四、媒体云人脸识别API错误码总表 (12)
人脸识别服务提供通过REST API的方式来使用人脸识别服务,本文档描述了使用人脸识别服务REST API的方法。
除了原生的REST(Representational State Transfer,即“表述性状态转移”)API之外,人脸识别服务还提供了ANDROID、IOS、WP7、JAVA及PHP多种平台的SDK来帮助开发者缩短开发周期,具体请参考“SDK”部分相关内容(开发者中心通用SDK)。
二、媒体云人脸识别REST API使用说明
图 1管理控制台入口
2.1 开启人脸识别服务
图 2进入管理控制台(2)创建应用test,点击“创建应用”
图 3 创建应用(3)填写应用名称”test”以及应用类型
图 4填写创建应用信息
图 5 申请使用人脸识别服务
图 6 人脸服务申请信息填写
图7 人脸服务统计功能界面
2.2 开通媒体云人脸识别API权限
媒体云人脸识别 API所有REST API都首先需要获取Access Token。
Access Token是用户身份验证和授权的凭证。
媒体云人脸识别采用的是Client Credentials授权方式,即采用应用公钥、密钥获取Acce ss Token,适用于任何带server类型应用,通过此授权方式获取Access Token仅可访问平台授权类的接口,详见Client Credentials授权说明。
(2)您需要创建一个应用以获取API Key(client_id)和Secret Key(client_secret),申请方式见创建应用。
图 8进入控制台
(3)创建应用之后,您可以从管理中心进入相应应用得到API Key(client_id)和Secret Key(client_secret)。
从管理控制台进入创建的应用,如下图所示,API Key(client_id)和Secret Key (client_secret)即显示于其中, ID即为应用id(appid)。
图 9
(4) 根据百度
OAuth 的Client Credentials 授权方式获取access_token 。
百度OAuth 的Client
Credentials 和其他授权方式的说明见百度OAuth 介绍的“百度支持的OAuth 授权”部分。
其中,grant_type 的值固定为client_credentials ,client_id 即为(3)中截图所示的 API Key 的值,client_secret 即为(3)中截图所示的Secret Key 的值。
更为详细的介 绍请参见Client Credentials 授权说明。
响应如下所示,其中access_token 字段即为请求REST API 所需的令牌, access_token 有效期一般为一个月,开发者需要对access_token ,进行有效性判断,过期需重新申请access_token 。
2.4 API请求方式说明
◆媒体云人脸识别REST API的所有参数在传入时应当使用:UTF-8编码。
说明:用HTTP GET 请求方式发送两个参数:access_token =xxxx和url =xxxx。
说明:用HTTP POST方式发送两个参数:access_token =xxxx和url= xxxx。