1. 金融风险是指什么?
2. 请列举三种常见的金融风险类型。
- 市场风险:由于市场价格波动而导致的资产价值减少的风险。
- 信用风险:由于债务方无法按时履约而导致的损失风险。
- 操作风险:由于内部操作失误、技术故障或欺诈行为而导致
3. 如何合理使用金融风险管理工具?
- 定期评估和识别风险:对各种金融风险进行定期评估和识别,以便及时采取相应的防范和管理措施。
- 多样化投资组合:通过分散投资组合中的风险,减少单一投
- 控制杠杆效应:控制杠杆比例,避免过度的借款或杠杆交易,以降低潜在损失的风险。
- 设定止损机制:设定合理的止损点,及时止损以减小风险。
4. 金融机构面临的主要风险是什么?
1. 金融风险是指金融活动中存在的可能造成经济损失的不确定性。
2. 市场风险、信用风险、操作风险。
3. 合理使用金融风险管理工具可以通过定期评估和识别风险、多样化投资组合、控制杠杆效应、设定止损机制等方式来实现。
4. 金融机构面临的主要风险包括市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险、操作风险和法律风险。
金融风险管理样题参考(一)单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)狭义的信用风险是指银行信用风险,也就是由于__________主观违约或客观上还款出现困难,而给放款银行带来本息损失的风险. ( B )A. 放款人B。
经纪人(二)多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)在下列“贷款风险五级分类”中,哪几种贷款属于“不良贷款”:(ACE )A。
次级 D. 正常E。
损失(三)判断题(每题1分,共5分)贷款人期权的平衡点为“市场价格= 履约价格—权利金”。
(X )(五)简答题(每题10分,共30分)商业银行会面临哪些外部和内部风险?答:(1)商业银行面临的外部风险包括:①信用风险.是指合同的一方不履行义务的可能性.②市场风险.是指因市场波动而导致商业银行某一头寸或组合遭受损失的可能性.③法律风险,是指因交易一方不能执行合约或因超越法定权限的行为而给另一方导致损失的风险。
练习2公司特有信用风险与系统信用风险的区别是什么金融机构如何减少公司特有信用风险第八章:利率风险:重定价模型练习1:下面哪一项资产或负债符合一年期利率或重定价的敏感性条件天期美国国库券年期美国国库券年期美国国库券bank repurchases $100000 of common stockbank issues $2000000 of CDs and uses the proceeds for loans to home-owners.bank receives $500000 in deposits and invests them in T-bills.bank issued $800000 in common stock and lends it to help finance a new shopping mall.bank issued $1000000 in nonqualifying perpetual preferred stock and purchases general obligation municipal bonds.pay back $4000000 of mortgages, and the bank used the proceeds to build new ATMs.练习3:What is the bank’s capital adequacy level (unde r Basel I and Basel II)Off-balance-sheet items:Risk weight 100%:1.$80m in 2-year loan commitments to a large BB+ rated . corporation.2.$10m direct credit substitute standby letters of credit issued to a BBB rated . corporation.3.$50m in commercial letters of credit issued to a BBB- rated . corporation.Risk weight 50%:fixed-floating interest rate swap for 4 year with notional dollar value of $100m and replacement cost of $3m.two year Euro$ contract for $40m with a replacement cost of -$1m练习4:Third bank has following balance sheet (in millions) with the risk weights in parentheses.Assets Liabilities and EquityCash(0%)$20 Deposits$175OECD interbank deposits(20%)25Subordinated debt years)3Mortgage loans(50%)70cumulative preferred stock5。
金融风险管理与控制考试试题一、选择题1. 以下哪个不是金融风险的类型?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 利润风险2. 金融风险管理的主要目标是:A. 最大化利润B. 降低风险C. 扩大市场份额D. 增加投资回报率3. 以下哪个不是金融风险管理的方法?A. 风险避免B. 风险转移C. 风险扩大D. 风险控制二、简答题1. 请简要介绍金融风险管理的目标和原则。
2. 请简述市场风险的特点和主要管理方法。
请问银行应该如何应对这种情况?针对这种情况,银行应该采取以下措施进行应对:1. 重新评估借款人的信用状况,了解其当前的还款能力和还款意愿。
2. 调整借款人的信用额度和利率,以反映其信用评级下降所带来的风险变化。
3. 提供额外的担保要求,如要求借款人提供抵押物或找到更可靠的第三方担保机构。
4. 定期监测借款人的还款情况,对于出现逾期或违约行为,采取相应的预警和追偿措施。
5. 考虑将债权出售给其他金融机构,以分散风险和回收资金。
金融风险管理试题及答案1. 什么是金融风险管理?2. 列举并解释至少三种常见的金融风险类型。
3. 什么是市场风险?请举例说明。
4. 信用风险与市场风险有何不同?5. 什么是流动性风险?为什么金融机构特别关注流动性风险?6. 描述一下操作风险,并给出一个操作风险的例子。
7. 什么是风险价值(VaR)?它在风险管理中的作用是什么?8. 请解释什么是压力测试,并说明其在金融风险管理中的重要性。
9. 什么是资本充足率?它如何帮助金融机构管理信用风险?10. 请简述风险管理的流程。
答案1. 金融风险管理是指金融机构或个人投资者识别、评估、监控和控制金融资产和负债的风险,以减少潜在的财务损失和提高投资回报的过程。
2. 常见的金融风险类型包括:- 市场风险:由于市场价格波动导致的资产价值下降的风险。
- 信用风险:借款人或对手方未能履行合同义务,导致损失的风险。
- 流动性风险:资产无法在不显著影响价格的情况下迅速转换为现金的风险。
3. 市场风险是指由于利率、汇率、股票价格或商品价格的波动,导致投资组合价值下降的风险。
4. 信用风险主要关注借款人或对手方的违约风险,而市场风险则关注市场因素对资产价值的影响。
5. 流动性风险是指在需要时无法以合理价格迅速出售资产的风险。
6. 操作风险是指由于内部流程、人员、系统或外部事件的失败或不足导致的损失风险。
7. 风险价值(VaR)是一种衡量投资组合在一定置信水平下,预期在一定时间内可能遭受的最大损失的方法。
8. 压力测试是一种评估金融机构在极端市场条件下的表现的方法。
金融风险管理练习试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题单项选择题共60题,每题1分。
1.由于客户违约使银行债权得不到清偿而遭受损失的风险是( )。
知识模块:金融风险管理2.银行在日常经营中因各种人为的失误、欺诈及自然灾害、意外事故引起的风险是( )。
知识模块:金融风险管理3.银行无力满足客户提取存款和正常贷款需求而使银行收益和信誉蒙受损失的风险称为( )。
知识模块:金融风险管理4.巴塞尔银行监管委员会将银行业风险分为( )类型。
知识模块:金融风险管理5.由于客户违约使银行债权得不到清偿而遭受损失的风险是( )。
知识模块:金融风险管理6.由于市场价格的变动而使银行遭受损失的风险称为( )。
知识模块:金融风险管理7.银行在日常经营中因各种人为的失误、欺诈及自然灾害、意外事故引起的风险是( )。
A 股东大会B银行业协会C证券业协会D中央银行9.对面临暂时流动性困难的银行可以采取()危机处理的方式。
A 信用风险B金融机构风险C流动性风险D利率风险 E 操作风险12.金融风险管理的程序包括()。
A 风险分类B风险识别C风险度量D 风险管理决策与实施E风险控制13.信用风险可以采用()管理策略。
A 预防策略B 规避策略C分散策略D 对冲策略E补偿策略14.()是金融监管的目标。
金融风险(Financial Risk)是指金融变量的变动所引起的资产组合未来收益的不确定性。
2. 市场风险包括以下哪些类型?( ACD )。
A、利率风险 B、负债风险 C、汇率风险
变化的风险,故市场风险只包括利率风险、汇率风险和证券投资风险。 判断题( :金融风险管理的主要类型之信用风险(P1 第七段最后一句)
2. 下列选项造成信用风险的因素有(ABD)。 A. 债务人的品质、能力 B. 经济恶化、公司倒闭 C. 利率波动 D. 产品滞销,公司经营不善
【解析】信用风险又称违约风险,是指交易对方信用状况和履约能力的变化导致债权人资产价值遭 损失的风险。而利率波动属于利率风险的范畴,利率风险属于市场风险的一种,因此不是造成信用 风险的因素。 【判断题】信用风险的存在情况 3. 信用风险是商业银行经营中最常见的一种风险,也是商业银行面临的最主要风险。(√) 【解析】信用风险主要存在于商业银行的贷款业务中,商业银行的许多非贷款业务同样存在信用风 险。公司经营状况恶化,易导致商业银行信用风险的频发。 单选题 以下关于利率风险的说法正确的有(B)
【解析】:金融体系不稳定性理论认为,金融体系具有内在的不稳定性,这种不稳定性是金融风险 产生的理论根源。所以本题的外在不稳定因素错误。
单选题(4 分 1 题):
1.金融风险的预防是在( A ),经济主体采用的防范性措施。
A. 风险尚未导致损失之前
【解析】:C 金融市场和 E 中"整个经济"都是宏观层面的,因此 CE 属于宏观经济层面的功能,固 本题选 ABD。 判断题 结构风险也称为流动性风险,是由于流动性过度给经济主体造成损失的可能性。(×) 【解析】:该题目混淆内容,流动性风险是由于流动性过度给经济主体造成损失的可能性是正确的, 但是因为结构风险包含流动性风险与资本金结构风险。所以我们不能断定结构风险就是流动性风 险,固本题错误。
题目5:如何提高金融机构风险控制的效率?答案:提高金融机构风险控制的效率,可以通过以下几个方面来实现:1. 建立完善的风险管理框架和制度;2. 加强风险管理人员的培训和专业素质;3. 采用先进的风险管理技术和工具;4. 建立健全内部监控和审计机制;5. 加强与其他部门的沟通与协作。
金融机构风险管理练习题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Chapter 6&7 testThe repricing gap model is a book value accounting based model.A positive repricing gap implies that a decrease in interest rates will cause interest expense to decrease more than the decrease in interest income. When a bank’s repricing gap is positive, net interest income is positively related to changes in interest rates.A bank with a negative repricing (or funding) gap faces reinvestment risk. The economic meaning of duration is the interest elasticity of a financial assets price.Duration considers the timing of all the cash flows of an asset by summing the product of the cash flows and the time of occurrence.Duration is equal to maturity when at least some of the cash flows are received upon maturity of the asset.Duration of a zero coupon bond is equal to the bond’s maturity. As interest rates rise, the duration of a consol bond decreases.For a given maturity fixed-income asset, duration decreases as the market yield increases.Multiple-Choice 1 The repricing gap approach calculates the gaps in each maturity bucket bysubtracting thea. current assets from the current liabilities.b. long term liabilities from the fixed assets.c. rate sensitive assets from the total assets.d. rate sensitive liabilities from the rate sensitive assets.e. current liabilities from tangible assets. 2 A positive gap implies that an increase in interest rates will cause _______ innet interest income.a. no changeb. a decreasec. an increased. an unpredictable changee. Either A or B. 3 If interest rates decrease 50 basis points for an FI that has a gap of +$5 million,the expected change in net interest income isa. + $2,500.b. + $25,000.c. + $250,000.d. - $250,000.e. - $25,000.4 The duration of a consol bond is a. less than its maturity.5678b. infinity.c. 30 years.d. more than its maturity.e. given by the formula D=1/1-R.An FI has financial assets of $800 and equity of $50. If the duration of assets is 1.21 years and the duration of all liabilities is 0.25 years, whatis the leverage-adjusted duration gap? a. 0.9000 years. b. 0.9600 years. c.0.9756 years. d. 0.8844 years.e. Cannot be determined.Calculate the duration of a two-year corporate bond paying 6 percentinterest annually, selling at par. Principal of $20,000,000 is due at the endof two years.a. 2 years.b. 1.91 years.c. 1.94 years.d. 1.49 years.e. 1.75 years.A $1,000 six-year Eurobond has an 8 percent coupon, is selling at par, and contracts to make annual payments of interest. The duration of this bond is4.99 years. What will be the new price using the duration model if interest rates increase to 8.5 percent? a. $23.10. b. $976.90. c. $977.23. d. $1,023.10.e. -$23.10.Calculating modified duration involvesa. dividing the value of duration by the change in the market interestrate. b. dividing the value of duration by 1 plus the interest rate.c. dividing the value of duration by discounted change in interest rates.d. multiplying the value of duration by discounted change in interest rates.e. dividing the value of duration by the curvature effect.Multiple Part QuestionsUse the following information to answer the next five (5) questions:The balance sheet of XYZ Bank. All figures in millions of US Dollars.Assets Liabilities 1 Short-term consumer loans (one-year maturity) 2 Long-term consumer loans 3 Three-month Treasury bills 4 Six-month Treasury notes 5 Three-year Treasury bond$ 150 1 Equity capital (fixed) 125 2 Demand deposits (two-year maturity)130 3 Passbook savings 135 4 Three-month CDs 170 5 Three-month bankers acceptances 120 6 Six-month commercial paper 140 7 One-year time deposits 8Two-year time deposits $970 $ 120 40 130 140 120 6 10-year, fixed-rate mortgages 7 30-year, floating-rate mortgages (rate adjusted every nine months) 1 2 3 4160 120 40 $970 Total one-year rate-sensitive assets is a. $540 million. b. $580 million. c. $555 million. d. $415 million. e. $720 million.Total one-year rate-sensitive liabilities is a. $540 million. b. $580million. c. $555 million. d. $415 million. e. $720 million.The cumulative one-year repricing gap (CGAP) for the bank is a. $25million. b. $-140 million. c. $15 million. d. $-150 million. e. $-15 million.The gap ratio is a. .015. b. -.015. c. .025. d. -.144. e. .154.5Suppose that interest rates rise by 2 percent on both RSAs and RSLs. The expected annual change in net interest income of the bank is a. -$300,000. b. $500,000. c. -$2,800,000. d. -$3,000,000. e. $300,000.Use the following information to answer the next three (2) questions:Consider a one-year maturity, $100,000 face value bond that pays a 6 percent fixed coupon annually. 6 What is the price of the bond if market interest rates are 7 percent? a. $99,050.15. b. $99,457.94. c. $99,249.62.d. $100,000.00.e. $99,065.42. 7 What is the price of the bond if market interest rates are 5 percent? a. $100,952.38. b. $101,238.10. c.$100,963.71. d. $100,000.00. e. $101,108.27.Use the following information to answer the next three (3) questions: Assets Par Rate Liabilities Par Rate Amount Amount 2-year commercial $400 million 10 % 1-year CDs, $450 7 % loans, annual fixed annual fixed million rate, at par rate, at par 1-year Treasury bills $100 million Net Worth $50 million 8 What is the duration of the commercial loans? a. 1.00 years. b.2.00 years. c. 1.73 years. d. 1.91 years. e. 1.50 years. 9 What is the FI's leverage-adjusted duration gap? a. 0.91 years. b. 0.83 years.10c. 0.73 years.d. 0.50 years.e. 0 years.What is the FI's interest rate risk exposure? a. Exposed to increasing rates. b. Exposed to decreasing rates. c. Perfectly balanced.d. Exposed to long-term rate changes.e. Insufficient information.Use the following information to answer the next three (2) questions:Consider a five-year, 8 percent annual coupon bond selling at par of$1,000. 11 12What is the duration of this bond? a. 5 years. b. 4.31 years. c. 3.96 years. d. 5.07 years.e. Not enough information to answer.If interest rates increase by 20 basis points, what is the approximate change in the market price using the duration approximation? a. -$7.98. b. -$7.94. c. -$3.99. d. +$3.99. e. -$7.94.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
)1. 风险是指( )。
DA 损失的大小B 损失的分布C 未来结果的不确定性D 收益的分布2.关于风险,下列说法错误的是()。
AA.资产风险管理阶段→负债风险管理阶段→资产负债风险管理阶段→全面风险管理阶段B负债风险管理阶段→资产风险管理阶段→资产负债风险管理阶段→全面风险管理阶段C.资产负债风险管理阶段→资产风险管理阶段→负债风险管理阶段→全面风险管理阶段D.资产风险管理阶段→资产负债风险管理阶段→负债风险管理阶段→全面风险管理阶段5.金融衍生产品、金融工程等一系列专业技术逐渐应用于商业银行的风险管理,这属于商业银行( )。
DA.损失结果B.风险事故C.风险发生的范围D.诱发风险的原因8.关于国家风险,下列说法错误的是( )。
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1.What is the process of asset transformation performed by a financial institution? Whydoes this process often lead to the creation of interest rate risk? What is interest rate risk?Asset transformation by an FI involves purchasing primary assets and issuing secondary assets as a source of funds. The primary securities purchased by the FI often have maturity and liquidity characteristics that are different from the secondary securities issued by the FI. For example, a bank buys medium- to long-term bonds and makes medium-term l oans with funds raised by issuing short-term deposits.Interest rate risk occurs because the prices and reinvestment income characteristics oflong-term assets react differently to changes in market interest rates than the prices and interest expense characteristics of short-term deposits. Interest rate risk is the risk incurred by an FI when the maturities of its assets and liabilities are mismatched.2.The sales literature of a mutual fund claims that the fund has no riskexposure since it invests exclusively in federal government securities that are free of default risk. Is this claim true? Explain why or why not. Although the fund's asset portfolio is comprised of securities with no default risk, the securities are exposed to interest rate risk. For example, if interest rates increase, the market value of the fund's Treasury security portfolio will decrease. Further, if interest rates decrease, the realized yield on these securities will be less than the expected rate of return because of reinvestment risk. In either case, investors who liquidate their positions in the fund may sell at a Net Asset Value (NAV) that is lower than the purchase price.3. What is market risk? How do the results of this risk surface in the operating performanceof financial institutions? What actions can be taken by FI management to minimize the effects of this risk?Market risk is the risk incurred from assets and liabilities in an FI’s trading book due to changes in interest rates, exchange rates, and other prices. Market risk affects any firm that trades assets and liabilities. The risk can surface because of changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or any other prices of financial assets that are traded rather than held on the balance sheet. Market risk can be minimized by using appropriate hedging techniques such as futures, options, and swaps, and by implementing controls that limit the amount of exposure taken by market makers.4. What is credit risk? Which types of FIs are more susceptibl e to this type of risk?Why?Credit risk is the risk that promised cash flows from loans and securities held by FIs may not be paid in full. FIs that lend money for long periods of time, whether as loans or by buying bonds, are more susceptible to this risk than those FIs that have short investment horizons. For example, life insurance companies and depository institutions generally must wait a longer time for returns to be realized than money market mutual funds and property-casualty insurance companies.5. What is foreign exchange risk? What does it mean for an FI to be net long in foreignassets? What d oes it mean for an FI to be net short in foreign assets? In each case, what must happen to the foreign exchange rate to cause the FI to suffer losses? Foreign e xchange risk is the risk that exchange rate changes can affect the value of an FI’s assets and liabilities denominated in non-domestic currencies. An FI is net long inforeign assets when the foreign currency-denominated assets exceed the foreigncurrency denominated liabilities. In this case, an FI will suffer potential losses if thedomestic currency strengthens relative to the foreign currency when repayment ofthe assets will occur in the foreign currency. An FI is net short in foreign assetswhen the foreign currency-denominated liabilities exceed the foreign currencydenominated assets. In this case, an FI will suffer potential losses if the domesticcurrency weakens relative to the foreign currency when repayment of the liabilitieswill occur in the domestic currency.6. What is the repricing gap? In using this model to evaluate interest rate risk, what is meantby rate sensitivity? On what financial performance variable does the repricing modelfocus? Explain.The repricing gap is a measure of the difference between the dollar value of assetsthat will reprice and the dollar value of liabilities that will reprice within a specifictime period, where reprice means the potential to receive a new interest rate. Rate sensitivity represents the time interval where repricing can occur. The modelfocuses on the potential changes in the net interest income variable. In effect, if interest rates change, interest income and interest expense will change as the various assets and liabilities are repriced, that is, receive new interest rates.e the following information about a hypothetical government security dealer named M.P. Jorgan. Marketyields are in parenthesis, and amounts are in millions. 8.11Assets Liabilities and EquityCash $10 Overnight Repos $1701 month T-bills (7.05%) 75 Subordinated debt3 month T-bills (7.25%) 75 7-year fixed rate (8.55% 1502 year T-notes (7.50%) 508 year T-notes (8.96%) 1005 year munis (floating rate)(8.20% reset every 6 months) 25 Equity 15Total Assets $335 Total Liabilities & Equity $335a. What is the funding or repricing gap if the planning period is 30 days? 91 days?2 years? Recall that cash is a noninterest-earning asset.Funding or repricing gap using a 30-day planning period = 75 - 170 = -$95million.Funding gap using a 91-day planning period = (75 + 75) - 170 = -$20 million.Funding gap using a two-year planning period = (75 + 75 + 50 + 25) - 170 =+$55 million.b. What is the impact over the next 30 days on net interest income if all interestrates rise 50 basis points? Decrease 75 basis points?Net interest income will decline by $475,000. ∆NII = FG(∆R) = -95(.005) = $0.475m.Net interest income will increase by $712,500. ∆NII = FG(∆R) = -95(.0075) = $0.7125m.c.The following one-year runoffs are expected: $10 million for two-yearT-notes, and $20 million for eight-year T-notes. What is the one-yearrepricing gap?Funding or repricing gap over the 1-year planning period = (75 + 75 + 10 + 20 +25) - 170 = +$35 million.d. If runoffs are considered, what is the effect on net interest income atyear-end if interest rates rise 50 basis points? Decrease 75 basis points?Net interest income will increase by $175,000. ∆NII = FG(∆R) = 35(0.005) = $0.175m.Net interest income will decrease by $262,500, ∆NII = FG(∆R) = 35(-0.0075) = -$0.2625m.8. Consumer Bank has $20 million in cash and a $180 million loan portfolio. Theassets are funded with demand deposits of $18 million, a $162 million CD and $20 million in equity. The loan portfolio has a maturity of 2 years, earnsinterest at the annual rate of 7 percent, and is amortized monthly. The bankpays 7 percent annual interest on the CD, but the interest will not be paid until the CD matures at the end of 2 years.a. What is the maturity gap for Consumer Bank?M A = [0*$20 + 2*$180]/$200 = 1.80 yearsM L = [0*$18 + 2*$162]/$180 = 1.80 yearsMGAP = 1.80 – 1.80 = 0 years.b. Is Consumer Bank immunized or protected against changes in interest rates?Why or why not?It is tempting to conclude that the bank is immunized because the maturity gap is zero. However, the cash flow stream for the loan and the cash flow stream for the CD are different because the loan amortizes monthly and the CD paysannual interest on the CD. Thus any change in interest rates will affect theearning power of the loan more than the interest cost of the CD.c. Does Consumer Bank face interest rate risk? That is, if market interestrates increase or decrease 1 percent, what happens to the value of the equity?The bank does face interest rate risk. If market rates increase 1 percent, thevalue of the cash and demand deposits does not change. However, the value ofthe loan will decrease to $178.19, and the value of the CD will fall to $159.01.Thus the value of the equity will be ($178.19 + $20 - $18 - $159.01) = $21.18.In this case the increase in interest rates causes the market value of equity toincrease because of the reinvestment opportunities on the loan payments.If market rates decrease 1 percent, the value of the loan increases to $181.84,and the value of the CD increases to $165.07. Thus the value of the equitydecreases to $18.77.d. How can a decrease in interest rates create interest rate risk?The amortized loan payments would be reinvested at lower rates. Thus eventhough interest rates have decreased, the different cash flow patterns of the loanand the CD have caused interest rate risk.9. You have discovered that the price of a bond rose from $975 to $995 when theYTM fell from 9.75 percent to 9.25 percent. What is the duration of the bond? We know years D years R R P P D 5.45.40975.1005.97520)1(=⇒-=-=+∆∆=- 10. If you use only duration to immunize your portfolio, what three factors affectchanges in the net worth of a financial institution when interest rates change?The change in net worth for a given change in interest rates is given by the followingequation:[]AL k where R R A k D D E L A =+∆--=∆1**Thus, three factors are important in determining ∆E.1) [D A - D L k ] or the leveraged adjusted duration gap. The larger this gap, the more exposed is the FI to changes in interest rates.2) A, or the size of the FI. The larger is A , the larger is the exposure to interest rate changes.3) ΔR /1 + R , or interest rate shocks. The larger is the shock, the larger is the interest rate risk exposure.11. What is meant by daily earnings at risk (DEAR )? What are the three measurablecomponents? What is the price volatility component?DEAR or Daily Earnings at Risk is defined as the estimated potential loss of a portfolio's value over a one-day unwind period as a result of adverse moves in market conditions, such as changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and market volatility. DEAR is comprised of (a) the dollar value of the position, (b) the price sensitivity of the assets to changes in the risk factor, and (c) the adverse move in the yield. The product of the price sensitivity of the asset and the adverse move in the yield provides the price volatility component.12. Bank Two has a portfolio of bonds with a market value of $200 million. The bonds have anestimated price volatility of 0.95 percent. What are the DEAR and the 10-day VAR for these bonds?Daily earnings at risk (DEAR) =($ Value of position) x (Price volatility)= $200 million x .0095= $1.9million, or $1,900,000Value at risk (VAR) = DEAR x √N = $1,900,000 x √10= $1,900,000 x 3.1623 = $6,008,327.5513. The following are the foreign currency positions of an FI, expressed in dollars.15.5 Currency Assets Liabilities FX Bought FX Sold Swiss franc (SF) $125,000 $50,000 $10,000 $15,000British pound (£) 50,000 22,000 15,000 20,000Japanese yen (¥) 75,000 30,000 12,000 88,000a. W hat is the FI’s net exposure in Swiss francs?Net exposure in Swiss francs = $70,000.b. What is the FI’s net exposure in British pounds?Net exposure in British pounds = $23,000.c. What is the FI’s net exposure in Japanese yen?Net exposure in Japanese yen = -$31,000d. What is the expected loss or gain if the SF exchange rate appreciates by 1percent?If assets are greater than liabilities, then an appreciation of the foreign exchange rates will generate a gain = $70,000 x 0.01 = $7,000.e. What is the expected loss or gain if the £ exchange rate appreciates by 1percent?Gain = $23,000 x 0.01 = $230f. What is the expected loss or gain if the ¥ exchange rate appreciates by 2 percent?Loss = -$31,000 x 0.02 = -$6,200⏹练习1:⏹Calculate the repricing gap and the impact on net interest income of a 1 percent increasein interest rates for each of the following positions:⏹⏹Rate-sensitive assets = $200 million. Rate-sensitive liabilities = $100 million.Repricing gap = RSA RSL = $200 $100 million = +$100 million.NII = ($100 million)(.01) = +$1.0 million, or $1,000,000.⏹Rate-sensitive assets = $100 million. Rate-sensitive liabilities = $150 million.Repricing gap = RSA RSL = $100 $150 million = -$50 million.NII = (-$50 million)(.01) = -$0.5 million, or -$500,000.⏹Rate-sensitive assets = $150 million. Rate-sensitive liabilities = $140 million.Repricing gap = RSA RSL = $150 $140 million = +$10 million.NII = ($10 million)(.01) = +$0.1 million, or $100,000.⏹练习2:⏹Which of the following assets or liabilities fit the one-year rate or repricing sensitivitytest?⏹⏹91-day U.S. Treasury bills Yes⏹1-year U.S. Treasury notes Yes⏹20-year U.S. Treasury bonds No⏹20-year floating-rate corporate bonds with annual repricing Yes⏹30-year floating-rate mortgages with repricing every two years No⏹30-year floating-rate mortgages with repricing every six months Yes⏹Overnight fed funds Yes⏹9-month fixed rate CDs Yes⏹1-year fixed-rate CDs Yes⏹5-year floating-rate CDs with annual repricing Yes⏹Common stock No⏹练习3:Consider the following balance sheet for WatchoverU Savings, Inc. (in millions): Assets Liabilities and EquityFloating-rate mortgages Demand deposits(currently 10% annually) $50 (currently 6% annually) $70 30-year fixed-rate loans Time deposits(currently 7% annually) $50 (currently 6% annually $20Equity $10 Total Assets $100 Total Liabilities & Equity $100a. What is WatchoverU’s expected net interest income at year-end?Current expected interest income: $5m + $3.5m = $8.5m.Expected interest expense: $4.2m + $1.2m = $5.4m.Expected net interest income: $8.5m - $5.4m = $3.1m.b. What will be the net interest income at year-end if interest rates rise by 2 percent?After the 200 basis point interest rate increase, net interest income declines to:50(0.12) + 50(0.07) - 70(0.08) - 20(.06) = $9.5m - $6.8m = $2.7m, a decline of$0.4m.c. Using the cumulative repricing gap model, what is the expected net interestincome for a 2 percent increase in interest rates?Wachovia’s' repricing or funding gap is $50m - $70m = -$20m. The change innet interest income using the funding gap model is (-$20m)(0.02) = -$.4m.练习4:M A = [0*20 + 5*60 + 200*30]/320 = 19.69 years, and M L = [0*140 + 1*160]/300 = 0.533. Therefore the maturity gap = MGAP = 19.69 – 0.533 = 19.16 years. Nearby bank is exposed to an increase in interest rates. If rates rise, the value of assets will decrease much more than the value of liabilities.练习5M A = [0*20 + 15*160 + 30*300]/480 = 23.75 years.M L = [0*100 + 5*210 + 20*120]/430 = 8.02 years.MGAP = 23.75 – 8.02 = 15.73 years.Five-year BondPar value = $1,000 Coupon rate = 15% Annual paymentsR = 9% Maturity = 5 yearsTime Cash Flow PV of CF PV of CF x t1 $150 $137.62 $137.622 $150 $126.25 $252.503 $150 $115.83 $347.484 $150 $106.26 $425.065 $1,150 $747.42 $3,737.10$1,233.38 $4,899.76 Duration = $4899.76/1,233.38= 3.97 ≈ 4 years⏹ 练习The duration of the capital note is 1.8975 years.Two-year Capital Note (values in thousands of $s)Par value = $900 Coupon rate = 7.25% Semiannual paymentsR = 7.25% Maturity = 2 years Time Cash Flow PV of CF PV of CF x t0.5 $32.625 $31.48 $15.741 $32.625 $30.38 $30.381.5 $32.625 $29.32 $43.982 $932.625 $808.81 $1,617.63$900.00 $1,707.73 Duration = $1,707.73/$900.00 =1.8975The leverage-adjusted duration gap can be found as follows:[]years k D D gap duration adjusted Leverage L A 23.8000,000,1$000,900$8975.194.9=-=-=-⏹ Follow Bank has a $1 million position in a five-year, zero-coupon bond with a face valueof $1,402,552. The bond is trading at a yield to maturity of 7.00 percent. Thehistorical mean change in daily yields is 0.0 percent, and the standard deviation is 12basis points.⏹⏹ a. W hat is the modified duration of the bond?MD = 5 ÷ (1.07) = 4.6729 years⏹ b. W hat is the maximum adverse daily yield move given that we desire no more than a5 percent chance that yield changes will be greater than this maximum?Potential adverse move in yield at 5 percent = 1.65 = 1.65 x 0.0012 = .001980⏹ c. What is the price volatility of this bond?Price volatility = -MD x potential adverse move in yield= -4.6729 x .00198 = -0.009252 or -0.9252 percent⏹ d. W hat is the daily earnings at risk for this bond?DEAR = ($ value of position) x (price volatility)= $1,000,000 x 0.009252 = $9,252⏹The DEAR for a bank is $8,500. What is the VAR for a 10-day period? A 20-day period?Why is the VAR for a 20-day period not twice as much as that for a 10-day period?For the 10-day period: VAR = 8,500 x [10]½ = 8,500 x 3.1623 = $26,879.36For the 20-day period: VAR = 8,500 x [20]½= 8,500 x 4.4721 = $38,013.16The reason that VAR20 (2 x VAR10) is because *20+½ (2 x *10+½). The interpretation is that the daily effects of an adverse event become less as time moves farther away from the event.。