Logical full abstraction and PCF
Processability and automaticity
Processability Theory • Introduction Automaticity Theory • Key constructs • Conclusion • References
• Processability Theory claims that the mechanisms of the human mind impose constraints on how learners develop the ability to process such linguistic information.
• Processability theory is a theory and a model of second language acquisition( main focus) developed by Manfred Pienemann that touches the linguistic structures that surface in the learning of a second language.
1. Processing hierarchy theory: the key of processability theory • A kind of language information processing program rated by grade. • The basis is transfer of grammatical information between sentences or phrases. • Eg. She gives him a book.( the grammatical information of the singular third person isR源自PRESENTATIVES OF AT
第一个判断叫“大前提”(major premise),表示的是一般原理、原则;第二个判断叫“小前提”(minor premise),表示的是个别对象;第三个判断叫“结论”(conclusion),是从两个前提推导出来的判断。
例如:All mothers are women.(大前提)Mary is a mother.(小前提)Therefore Mary is a woman.(结论)上面这个例子所表示的是典型的三段论,通常称为“亚里士多德式”(Aristotelian style)。
如上例中只有Mary,mother,woman三个名词,违反这条规定便会出现“四名词错误”(the fallacy of four terms)。
例如:All Whisky contains alcohol.(大前提)This grape soda is a soft drink.(小前提)This grape soda contains alcohol.(结论)这个例子里出现了四个名词:Whisky,alcohol,grape soda,soft drink。
长期完整性的分层容错 论文翻译_0
长期完整性的分层容错论文翻译长期完整性的分层容错秉健春,佩特罗斯曼尼阿蒂斯英特尔研究大学伯克利分校斯科特 Shenker,约翰 Kubiatowicz 美国加州大学伯克利分校摘要通常,容错服务有关的假设类型和故障,他们可以容忍的最大数量这种故障时,同时提供其正确性的保证;阈值是侵犯性,正确性丢失。
我们证明了这一点做法 Bonafide,一个长期的 key - value 存储,与所有类似的文献中提出的系统,在保持完整性面对拜占庭故障,无需自我认证的数据。
我们描述了分层容错的概念,设计,实施, Bonafide 和实验1/ 3评价,并主张我们的做法是一个实际仍未显著改善在长期服务的艺术状态。
一,引言当前容错复制服务设计往往不适合长期的应用,如档案,数字文物,这是越来越重要的存储 [42],为企业的监管[5, 6],文化[36]原因。
例如,在典型的拜占庭容错(BFT)系统[13],它是假定复制故障副本的数目总是比一些不太固定阈值,如副本人口的 1 / 3。
在典型的短期的应用,这样一个 uniformthreshold 基于故障假设是合理的,可以实现的。
例如,可以说在一个 wellmaintained 人口多元化,高保证副本服务器,由当时总人口的三分之一被打破生长进入或刚刚出现故障,故障副本的运营商可以修复它们。
CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录修订版发布CCF(China Computer Federation中国计算机学会)于2010年8月发布了第一版推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录,一年来,经过业内专家的反馈和修订,于日前推出了修订版,现将修订版予以发布。
中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(网络/信息安全)一、 A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TIFS IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics andSecurity IEEE /organizations/society/sp/tifs.html2. TDSC IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE /tdsc/3. TISSEC ACM Transactions on Information and SystemSecurity ACM /二、 B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. Journal of Cryptology Springer /jofc/jofc.html2. Journal of Computer SecurityIOS Press /jcs/3. IEEE Security & Privacy IEEE/security/4. Computers &Security Elsevier http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/4/0/5/8/7/7/5. JISecJournal of Internet Security NahumGoldmann. /JiSec/index.asp6. Designs, Codes andCryptography Springer /east/home/math/numbers?SGWID=5 -10048-70-35730330-07. IET Information Security IET /IET-IFS8. EURASIP Journal on InformationSecurity Hindawi /journals/is三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. CISDA Computational Intelligence for Security and DefenseApplications IEEE /2. CLSR Computer Law and SecurityReports Elsevier /science/journal/026736493. Information Management & Computer Security MCB UniversityPress /info/journals/imcs/imcs.jsp4. Information Security TechnicalReport Elsevier /locate/istr中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(网络/信息安全方向)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE /TC/SP-Index.html2. CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security ACM /sigs/sigsac/ccs/3. CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer-Verlag /conferences/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecurityUSENIX Security Symposium USENIX /events/2. NDSSISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Internet Society /isoc/conferences/ndss/3. EurocryptAnnual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Springer /conferences/eurocrypt2009/4. IH Workshop on Information Hiding Springer-Verlag /~rja14/ihws.html5. ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security Springer-Verlag as.fr/%7Eesorics/6. RAIDInternational Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Springer-Verlag /7. ACSACAnnual Computer Security Applications ConferenceIEEE /8. DSNThe International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE/IFIP /9. CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop /CSFWweb/10. TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer-Verlag /~tcc08/11. ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Springer-Verlag /conferences/ 12. PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography Springer-Verlag /workshops/pkc2008/三、 C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecureCommInternational Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks ACM /2. ASIACCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACM .tw/asiaccs/3. ACNSApplied Cryptography and Network Security Springer-Verlag /acns_home/4. NSPWNew Security Paradigms Workshop ACM /current/5. FC Financial Cryptography Springer-Verlag http://fc08.ifca.ai/6. SACACM Symposium on Applied Computing ACM /conferences/sac/ 7. ICICS International Conference on Information and Communications Security Springer /ICICS06/8. ISC Information Security Conference Springer /9. ICISCInternational Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Springer /10. FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer http://fse2008.epfl.ch/11. WiSe ACM Workshop on Wireless Security ACM /~adrian/wise2004/12. SASN ACM Workshop on Security of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks ACM /~szhu/SASN2006/13. WORM ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode ACM /~farnam/worm2006.html14. DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM /~drm2007/15. SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference Springer http://sec2008.dti.unimi.it/16. IWIAIEEE International Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /17. IAWIEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /workshop18. SACMATACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies ACM /19. CHESWorkshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Springer /20. CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer /21. DIMVA SIG SIDAR Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment IEEE /dimva200622. SRUTI Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet USENIX /events/23. HotSecUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX /events/ 24. HotBots USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets USENIX /event/hotbots07/tech/25. ACM MM&SEC ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM。
mlc-llm 推理优化和大语言模型搭建解析
其中,大语言模型(Large Language Model,LLM)以其出色的文本生成和推理能力受到了广泛关注。
二、MLC-LLM推理优化原理1. MLC-LLM简介MLC-LLM(Multi-Level Complementary-Learning Language Model)是一种结合了多层次互补学习的大语言模型。
2. 推理优化原理MLC-LLM推理优化主要包括以下几个方面:a. 多模态信息融合:通过整合文本、图像、声音等多模态信息,提升语言模型的推理能力。
b. 上下文理解:利用上下文信息和语境推断,优化语言模型的推理逻辑。
c. 反向传播机制:通过反向传播算法,不断优化语言模型的参数和权重,提高推理的准确性。
三、大语言模型搭建解析1. 数据预处理在搭建大语言模型时,首先需要进行数据预处理。
2. 神经网络结构设计大语言模型的搭建离不开合理的神经网络结构设计。
3. 参数优化训练在搭建大语言模型的过程中,需要进行大规模的参数优化训练。
四、MLC-LLM推理优化和大语言模型搭建的应用1. 自然语言生成MLC-LLM推理优化和大语言模型搭建在自然语言生成领域有着广泛的应用。
acl 2023随笔 自然语言中的复杂推理
acl 2023随笔自然语言中的复杂推理自然语言中的复杂推理自然语言是人类交流和表达思想的主要方式之一。
Teaching Design of Modeling and Reasoning in Mathematical Logic for Computer Science IntroductionMathematical Logic is a fundamental branch of mathematics thatstudies reasoning and inference. It provides a systematic approach to reasoning and problem-solving that can be applied to various fields, including computer science. In this teaching design, we will be usingthe second edition of the English original text entitled Modeling and Reasoning with Mathematical Logic: An Introduction for Computer Scientists.The m of this teaching design is to introduce students to the basics of mathematical logic and its applications to computer science. We will cover topics such as propositional logic, predicate logic, set theory, and proofs. In addition, we will use examples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as programming language semantics, databases, and artificial intelligence.Course ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to:1.the principles of mathematical logic and its applications in computer science.2.and reason about various problems usingpropositional and predicate logic. 3.the basics of set theory and itsuse in modeling problems. 4.simple theorems using mathematical reasoning.5.the principles of mathematical logic in programming language semantics, database design, and artificial intelligence.Course OutlineChapter 1: Introduction to Mathematical LogicIn this chapter, we will provide a brief introduction tomathematical logic and its history. We will also introduce the syntaxand semantics of propositional logic, including truth tables and logical equivalence.Chapter 2: Reasoning with Propositional LogicIn chapter 2, we will cover the basics of reasoning withpropositional logic, including deductions, proofs, and the resolution method. We will also use examples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as circuit design and programming language semantics.Chapter 3: Predicate LogicChapter 3 introduces predicate logic, which extends propositional logic by adding quantifiers and predicates. We will cover the syntax and semantics of predicate logic, as well as the first-order logic. We will also use examples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as databases and artificial intelligence.Chapter 4: Set TheoryChapter 4 introduces the basics of set theory, including set operations, relations, and functions. We will cover the axiomatic foundations of set theory, as well as the ZFC axioms. We will also useexamples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as programming language semantics and databases.Chapter 5: Reasoning with Sets and RelationsIn chapter 5, we will apply our knowledge of set theory andpredicates to reason about sets and relations. We will cover basic set operations, equivalence relations, and partial orders. We will also use examples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as database normalization and graph algorithms.Chapter 6: Proofs and TheoremsChapter 6 introduces the basics of mathematical proofs and theorem proving. We will cover various proof techniques, including direct proofs, proofs by contradiction, and mathematical induction. We will also use examples and exercises that are relevant to computer science, such as program verification and testing.Teaching MethodologyThe teaching methodology will include lectures, in-class problem-solving, and assignments. In the lectures, we will cover the theory and principles of mathematical logic and their applications in computer science. In the problem-solving sessions, we will work through examples and exercises to reinforce the concepts covered in the lectures. Finally, the assignments will be designed to test students’ understanding of the course material.AssessmentThe assessment will be based on assignments (40%), mid-term examination (30%), and final examination (30%).ConclusionIn conclusion, this teaching design provides a systematic approachto teaching mathematical logic and its applications in computer science. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in mathematical logic that they can apply to various areas in computer science.。
模糊和精准二元作文English:Fuzzy logic is a type of binary logic that allows for degrees of truth rather than simply true or false values. It is especially useful for handling applications that involve uncertainty and incomplete information. Fuzzy logic deals with vague or imprecise information by assigning a degree of membership to each element in a set. For example, in the statement "the weather is hot," traditional logic would only allow for it to be either true or false. However, in fuzzy logic, the statement can be assigned a degree of truth, such as , indicating a high likelihood of the weather being hot. This flexibility and ability to handle ambiguity make fuzzy logic suitable for a range of applications, including control systems, decision-making models, and pattern recognition tasks. On the other hand, precise logic is based on crisp, well-defined rules and values. It aims to establish a clear distinction between true and false, without any intermediary states. In precise logic, a statement is either true or false, with no room for uncertainty or partial truth. Precise logic is often used in applications that require exact information and precise decision-making, such as mathematics, scientific experiments, and computer programming. While fuzzy logic allows for the incorporation of uncertainty and imprecision, precise logic offers a more deterministic approach, focusing on precise and exact values. Both fuzzy and precise logic have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the application at hand.中文翻译:模糊逻辑是一种二元逻辑,它允许存在真实度或者真假度的程度,而不仅仅是简单的真或假。
二、量化研究方法的基本概念1. 量化研究方法的定义量化研究方法是一种通过定量数据和分析技术来研究问题和现象的方法。
2. 量化研究方法的优势量化研究方法可以提供客观、可验证的数据和结论,有利于科学研究的的严谨性和可靠性。
三、量化研究方法在计算机体系结构中的应用1. 性能评估与优化在计算机体系结构研究中,性能评估与优化是一个重要的课题。
2. 硬件设计与验证在计算机体系结构的硬件设计与验证中,量化研究方法同样具有重要作用。
3. 架构模拟与分析在计算机体系结构的研究中,架构模拟与分析也是一个重要的方向。
四、量化研究方法在实际工作中的挑战与应对1. 数据收集的难点在实际工作中,数据收集往往是一个比较困难的环节。
描述逻辑手册15章翻译(部分)[ 2008-1-23 21:21:00 | By: lvxiu ] 自然语言处理自KL-ONE的早期开始,描述逻辑的主要应用之一就是自然语言处理中的语义解释。
例如句子“A painter pai nts a fresco”包含概念Painter、Fresco 及Paint,同时概念Paint有两个词干角色,一个施动者及一个受动者,它们各自的选择约束条件分别是生物名词及非生物名词。
作者:David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
作者:Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos
作者:James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross
作者:Randal E. Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron
作者:John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
作者:Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky
作者:John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
作者:Henrik Haggren, Jarmo Takala, Erkki Lassila
作者:William Stallings
作者:Mile Stojcev
作者:John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
永不丢失数据的笔记本——HP EliteBook 6930p诠释“功能主义设计哲学”
永不丢失数据的笔记本——HP EliteBook 6930p诠释“功
1.永不丢失数据的笔记本——HP EIiteBook 6930p诠释"功能主义设计哲学" [J], 付凯
2.HP EliteBook 8440p笔记本电脑面面观 [J],
3.永不丢失数据的笔记本——HP EliteBook 6930p诠释“功能主义设计哲学” [J],
4.HP EliteBook 8460p笔记本电脑 [J],
5.引人注目偷窃勿扰 HP EliteBook x360 1030 G2笔记本电脑 [J], 刘忆冰
Oracle CRM Application Foundation 用户指南说明书
Part I Resource Manager
1 Introduction to Oracle Resource Manager
1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.2 1.3
Overview of the Oracle Resource Manager....................................................................... 1-1 What is the Resource Manager?................................................................................... 1-2 What are Resources? ...................................................................................................... 1-3 Understanding Roles ..................................................................................................... 1-4 Understanding Groups ................................................................................................. 1-6 Determining Group Hierarchy..................................................................................... 1-7 Understanding Teams ................................................................................................... 1-7 What is a Salesperson? .................................................................................................. 1-8 How are the Different Resource Name Fields Used? ............................................... 1-8
深入理解与探索:电脑编程的核心逻辑与工作机制Title: A Comprehensive Dive into the Fundamentals and Inner workings of Computer ProgrammingIn today's digital era, computer programming has become an essential skill that drives innovation and technological advancements. At its core, programming is a methodical process of giving instructions to computers, allowing them to perform tasks, interact with users, and solve problems efficiently. Understanding the fundamental logic and mechanisms behind programming is crucial for anyone seeking to master this craft.1. Fundamental Logic:The basic logic of programming revolves around the four main concepts: variables, data types, control structures, and functions.- Variables: Variables are placeholders for storing data. They have a name and a type (e.g., integers, strings) that determines the kind of information they can hold. They allow programmers to manipulate data dynamically during program execution.- Data Types: These classify the different kinds of values avariable can hold. Examples include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values (true/false).- Control Structures: These include conditional statements (if-else), loops (for, while), and branching (switch-case). They dictate how the program flows based on conditions or repetitive actions.- Functions: Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They help in modular programming, making code more organized and easier to maintain.2. Mechanisms at Work:- Algorithms: The heart of programming is algorithms, which are step-by-step procedures to solve a problem. They define the logic flow of a program, from input to output.- Memory Management: Computers store data in memory, which can be either RAM (Random Access Memory) for temporary storage or persistent storage like hard drives. Programmers must understand how to allocate and deallocate memory effectively.- Execution Environment: The programming language interpreter or compiler translates source code into machine-readable instructions, which the computer's processor executes. This process involves parsing, compilation, and interpretation.- Input/Output Operations: Programs interact with users through input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse) and generate output on screens, files, or other devices. Managing these interactions is crucial for creating user-friendly applications.3. Exploring Further:To delve deeper into programming, it's important to study:- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): This paradigm emphasizes the use of objects, which encapsulate data and behavior, promoting reusability and modularity.- Data Structures: Arrays, lists, trees, graphs, and queues are fundamental data structures that help organize and manipulate data efficiently.- Debugging and Testing: Identifying and fixing errors (bugs) is a critical part of programming. Debugging tools and testing methodologies are essential for ensuring code quality.- Concurrency and Parallelism: As hardware capabilities increase, understanding how to write concurrent and parallel programs becomes vital for efficient resource utilization.In conclusion, understanding the core logic and工作机制 of computer programming is a journey that begins with grasping the fundamentals and expands into a deep exploration of various concepts and techniques. It's a continuous learning process that requires patience, practice, and a passion for problem-solving. By mastering these principles, one can unlock the power of technology and contribute to the ever-evolving digital landscape.中文翻译:在当今数字化时代,计算机编程是一项关键技能,它推动着创新和科技进步。
英文作文逻辑与修辞英文:When it comes to writing an essay, there are two important aspects that need to be considered: logic and rhetoric.Firstly, logic is the backbone of an essay. It refers to the structure and coherence of the argument presented. A well-structured essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs that support the thesis statement, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and provide evidence to support the argument. Additionally, the essay should flow logically from one point to the next, with each paragraph building upon the previous one.On the other hand, rhetoric refers to the use of language to persuade or influence the reader. It includes the use of literary devices such as metaphors, similes, andpersonification, as well as the use of persuasive language and emotional appeals. A well-written essay should not only present a logical argument, but also engage the reader and evoke an emotional response.For example, consider the following sentence: "The sun was shining brightly." This sentence is straightforward and factual, but it does not engage the reader. However, if we use a simile and say "The sun was shining like a diamond in the sky," it not only provides a visual image for the reader, but also makes the sentence more interesting and engaging.In conclusion, both logic and rhetoric are important aspects of writing an effective essay. While logic provides the structure and coherence of the argument, rhetoric adds depth and engagement to the writing.中文:写作文章时,需要考虑两个重要方面,逻辑和修辞。
作文如何形成完整的逻辑链英文回答:To form a complete logical chain in an essay, it is important to have a clear structure and flow of ideas. Here are some steps to achieve this:1. Introduction: Start with a captivating opening sentence or a thought-provoking question to grab thereader's attention. Provide some background information on the topic and state your thesis statement.2. Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument that supports your thesis statement. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Then, provide supporting evidence, examples, or explanations to strengthen your argument. Use transitional words or phrases to smoothly connect yourideas and maintain a coherent flow.3. Organization: Arrange your body paragraphs in a logical order. You can choose to present your arguments in a chronological, cause-effect, or problem-solution manner, depending on the nature of your topic. Make sure there is a clear connection between each paragraph and that they build upon each other.4. Counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints in your essay. Acknowledge these perspectives and provide a rebuttal to strengthen your own argument. This shows that you have considered different viewpoints and strengthens the overall logic of your essay.5. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in a concise and impactful way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.中文回答:要形成一篇完整的逻辑链,文章需要具备明确的结构和思路。
模糊推理全蕴涵算法(Fuzzy Inference Full Embedding Algorithm,FIFE)是一种用于解决模糊推理问题的有效方法,它可以根据给定的
本章包含以下内容:● 重构的含义以及它的重要性● 重构带来的好处● 有关重构的一些常见错误看法● 有关C#编程语言的一些具体情况,以及重构是如何与C#语言密切相关的下面首先介绍一些与重构相关的背景。
1.1 重构的快速浏览在处理某些编程任务时,可以使用很多方法来完成。
第 章 1代码重构(C# & ASP .NET 版)2所有的设计决策都是人们依靠知识、经验和创造性获得的产物。
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Logical Full Abstraction and PCFJohn Longley Gordon PlotkinNovember27,2000AbstractWe introduce the concept of logical full abstraction,generalising the usual equational notion.We consider the language PCF and twoextensions with“parallel”operations.The main result is that,forstandard interpretations,logical full abstraction is equivalent to equa-tional full abstraction together with universality;the proof involvesconstructing enumeration operators.We also consider restrictions onlogical complexity and on the level of types.1IntroductionThe study of denotational semantics seeks to provide mathematical descrip-tions of programming languages by giving denotations of programs in terms of previously understood mathematical structures.For example,if P is a program that takes an input and produces an output,we might take its de-notation to be a function from a set of input-values to a set of output-values. The most widely-known approach to denotational semantics is that of tra-ditional domain theory(see e.g.,[14]),where the mathematical structures involved are certain kinds of complete partial order(cpo).Other kinds of mathematical structure have also been used successfully—for a selection of different approaches see[1,11,13].One of the principal aims of denotational semantics is to deepen our un-derstanding of the logic of programming languages,and to provide concep-tual and mathematical tools for reasoning about programs.A more specific goal is to provide mathematical foundations for“program logics”of a kind that could be used by ordinary programmers.Denotational semantics can be used to establish relationships between a programming language L and a logic J.By giving interpretations of both L and J in some common mathematical structure M,we may be able to show that if certain theorems are provable in the logic then certain properties of programs hold—for example,that if the sentence P(3)=5is provable in J then the program P(3)returns the answer5.Such a result would show that the logic J was indeed useful for proving certain facts about programs in L.1In this kind of situation we have a way of directly understanding the meaning of certain simple sentences of J(e.g.,P(3)=5)as statements about computations in L.One is then prompted to ask whether one could extend this to all sentences of the logic,and give an interpretation of J purely in terms of the language L and its evaluation rules,without reference to the structure M.For example,one might interpret quantifiers as ranging over closed programs or terms of appropriate type.We might call this an operational interpretation of J,in contrast to its denotational interpretation in M.Besides the intrinsic interest of such an interpretation,it seems likely that an operational interpretation would be more easily grasped by a non-specialist than a denotational one.Now,given a logic J with both an operational interpretation in terms of L and a denotational interpretation in M,it is natural to ask whether these“agree”in the sense that a sentence is true under one interpretation if and only if it is true under the other.In this case,we will say that the interpretation of L in M is logically fully abstract(or LFA)for J.A logically fully abstract interpretation can be used to show that all sentences provable in J express true facts about L under the operational interpretation.Note that the familiar notion of(equational)full abstraction can be seen as a spe-cial case of logical full abstraction:consider a logic J whose only assertions are equations between terms of L,and whose operational interpretation is “observational equivalence”.Both the general concept and the name“logical full abstraction”are due to the second author,though the idea wasfirst worked out in thefirst author’s Ph.D.thesis[11].The idea as we have outlined it above is of course extremely general,as it depends not only on L and J but also on the kinds of operational and denotational interpretation we have in mind.The aim of the present paper is to illustrate the basic idea by discussing one particular kind of logical full abstraction,in the context of a simple logic for the prototypical functional language PCF(see[14,3]).We anticipate that the study of other notions of logical full abstraction(whether for PCF or other languages)will prove a very interesting area for further research.The study of equational full abstraction commonly results in theories of extensional objects,often of functions and data structures;these objects have a natural mathematical structure,perhaps of order-theoretic,topo-logical or algebraic character.The study here of logical full abstraction results rather in intensional concerns,such as the study of definability and so of computability.These distinctions harken back to Scott’s original ex-plicit choice[16,17]to investigatefirst extensional theories and only then to consider questions of computability and of the relation with symbolic computation.They also bring to mind the much more recent programme of synthetic domain theory,where one tries to integrate the different ap-proaches by working in,for example,the effective topos[7].One should also2remark that intensional aspects may nonetheless play a role in the study of equational full abstraction—see the study of games in[1,8].The rest of the paper is structured as follows.In Section2we review the definitions of the three versions of PCF that we will consider.We also define the syntax of a program logic for these languages,and propose a simple operational interpretation of this logic.In Section3we introduce a very general notion of denotational interpretation for our languages,and show how such an interpretation gives rise to a denotational interpretation of the logic.We thus obtain a notion of logical full abstraction.In Section4we prove the main result of the paper:a standard interpretation is LFA if and only if it is both equationally fully abstract(EFA)and universal(meaning, roughly,that every element of the model is definable).We end in Section5 with a few further observations,and mention some open questions and some avenues for future investigation.In particular,we consider restrictions on logical complexity and on the level of types.For example,it follows from our main theorem that a standard interpretation is LFA iffit isΠ2-LFA(i.e., LFA forΠ2-sentences).There are standard interpretations which are EFA, but notΠ1-LFA;it is an open question whether there are any interpretations which areΠ1-LFA but notΠ2-LFA.2PCF and its LogicPCF is an extension of the simply-typedλ-calculus with arithmetic operators and general recursion.It can be regarded as a prototypical“sequential”functional language;an understanding of PCF is thus an important step towards an understanding of modern functional languages such as Haskell, Miranda and ML.We begin by reviewing the syntax and evaluation rules for PCF,and for two extensions,PCF+and PCF++,obtained by adding “parallel”operations.All three of these languages appear essentially in[14]; the formulations here differ in two inessential respects:one is the absence of a Boolean type;the other is the use of a“parallel-or”constant rather than a parallel conditional(for which see[18]).The types of PCF are built up from a single ground typeι(the natural numbers)using the right-associative binary type constructor→;we write M:σto mean“M is a term of typeσ”.For each typeσwe have a countably infinite set of variables of typeσ,ranged over by xσ,yσ,zσ,...;we also have the following collection of constants:0,1,2,...:ι,cond:ι→ι→ι→ι,succ,pred:ι→ι,Yσ:(σ→σ)→σ.The terms of PCF are built up from the variables and constants as usual in the simply-typedλ-calculus:3•if M:τ,then(λxσ.M):σ→τ;•if M:σ→τand N:σ,then(MN):τ.We frequently omit unnecessary parentheses,taking juxtaposition to be left-associative;we also omit type superscripts on variables,when this causes no ambiguity.We identify terms up to change of bound variables(α-conversion);we write M[N1/xσ11,...,N n/xσn n]for capture-avoiding simul-taneous substitution(where N1:σ1,...,N n:σn).An environment is afinite non-repetitive list xσ11,...,xσn n of variables (where n≥0);the empty environment is written .We say that M is a term of typeσin environmentΓ(and writeΓ M:σ)if M:σand all the free variables of M occur inΓ.If xσis a variable not inΓ,we writeΓ,xσfor the environment obtained by appending xσtoΓ.The evaluation rules for PCF are given by defining a notion of reduction (or rewriting)on closed terms.Specifically,we inductively define a binary relation M→N on closed terms of the same type as follows(here n ranges over the numerals0,1,2,...):•(λxσ.M)N→M[N/xσ];•succ n→(n+1),pred(n+1)→n,pred0→0,cond0NP→N, cond(n+1)NP→P,YσM→M(YσM);•if M→M then MN→M N;•if M→M :ιthen succ M→succ M ,pred M→pred M ,cond MNP→cond M NP.We think of→as a“one-step reduction relation”;we write→+for its transitive closure,and→∗for its transitive reflexive closure.We say that a term M:ιterminates if M→∗n for some(necessarily unique)numeral n.The language defined above is intuitively“sequential”—no two subterms of a term are ever evaluated“in parallel”.We now introduce two extensions of PCF including parallel operators.The language PCF+is defined in the same way as PCF except that we add an extra constant por:ι→ι→ι(“parallel-or”),together with the reduction rules:•por0M→0,por M0→0,por(m+1)(n+1)→1;•if M→M :ιthen por MN→por M N,por NM→por NM .The syntax of PCF++is defined in the same way as PCF+,except that we add a further constant exists:(ι→ι)→ι(“existential quantification”).Its reduction rules are those for PCF+together with the following,writingΩσfor Yσ(λxσ.x):•if Mn→+0for some n,then exists M→0;4•if MΩι→+m+1,then exists M→1.We say that a one-step reduction M→M is deterministic if whenever M→M then M =M ,and write M→d M for this relationship.Note that whereas for PCF every one-step reduction is deterministic,this is not so for PCF+and PCF++.Nevertheless,in all these languages evaluation is deterministic:if M→∗n and M→∗n then n=n .(In fact the more general Church-Rosser Property holds,that if M→∗N i,for i=1,2,then for some P,N i→∗P,for i=1,2).We need some standard notions.Suppose L is one of the three languages PCF,PCF+or PCF++.A(one-place)term context C[]of L is a term of L with zero or more holes,to befilled by a term of appropriate type.Two terms M,M :σare observationally equivalent(and we write M≈M )if for all term contexts C[]such that C[M],C[M ]are closed terms of typeιwe have C[M]→∗n iffC[M ]→∗n.The Context Lemma characterises this equivalence.When M and M are both closed,the lemma asserts that for σ=σ1→···→σh→ι,M≈M ifffor all closed terms N1:σ1,...,N h:σh and numerals n,MN1...N h→∗n iffM N1...N h→∗n(a more general version for open terms is easily derived).An operational proof of the Context Lemma for PCF can be found in[12,3]and similar proofs can be obtained for PCF+and PCF++;for these latter two languages it is also a consequence of the facts that the usual cpo model is adequate and that allfinite elements are definable(see Section3below for a definition of adequacy).Operational soundness(that is,if M→∗N then M≈N)is a consequence of the Context Lemma,together with the Church-Rosser Property.Now that we have defined the languages of interest,we introduce the syntax of a simple many-sorted program logic J L,much in the spirit of LCF [5].We believe that this is the kind of logic that would in principle be useful for specifying and proving properties of programs.The sorts of J L are the types of L;the expressions of sortσin J L are precisely the terms of typeσin L;and the logical variables of sortσare just the term variables of typeσ. The syntax of the formulae of J L is as follows(here M,N are expressions of the same type and P:ι):φ::=⊥|M=N|P⇓|φ1∧φ2|φ1∨φ2|φ1⊃φ2|∀xσ.φ1|∃xσ.φ1. Note that J L is really a many-sortedfirst-order logic—we have a sepa-rate ground sort for each typeσ.We identify formulae up to change of bound variables(α-conversion);we writeφ[N1/xσ11,...,N n/xσn n]for capture-avoiding simultaneous substitution into formulae(where N1:σ1,...,N n:σn). We will not be specific here about the axioms and inference rules of J L,how-ever we essentially have in mind those of classicalfirst-order logic.Next we give a simple operational interpretation of J L;this gives us a way of translating formulae into statements about computations in L.We5define a relation|=opφ(read“φis operationally true”)on sentences(i.e., closed formulae)of J L as follows:•|=op⊥doesn’t hold;•|=op(M=N)iffM≈N;•|=op(P⇓)iffP terminates;•|=opϕ∧ψiff|=opϕand|=opψ;•|=opϕ∨ψiff|=opϕor|=opψ;•|=opϕ⊃ψiffeither|=opϕor|=opψ;•|=op∀xσ.ϕiff|=opϕ[M/x]for all closed M:σ;•|=op∃xσ.ϕiff|=opϕ[M/x]for some closed M:σ.We extend the relation|=op to all formulae as follows:ifφhas free variables among x1,...,x n,then|=opφiff|=opφ[M1/x1,...,M n/x n]for all closed expressions M1,...,M n of appropriate types.Notice that the notion of operational truth only requires concepts re-lating to L itself—we are thus hopeful that this interpretation of the logic would be readily understood by a non-specialist.However,we should point out that operational interpretations of the formulae of J L other than the “classical”one we have given are possible—for an alternative(arguably more “computational”)interpretation see[11,Section8.2].3Denotational Interpretations of PCFWe now introduce a very general notion of denotational interpretation for our languages;it is convenient to use the language of category theory.Given a category C withfinite products,we interpret types of L by objects of C, and terms of L by morphisms of C;we also need a semantic correlate of termination.We therefore say that an interpretation I of L in C is given by the following data:•for each typeσan object I[[σ]]of C(and for each environmentΓ=xσ11,...,xσn n we write I[[Γ]]for I[[σ1]]×···×I[[σn]]);•for each L-term M:σin environmentΓa morphism I[[Γ M]]from I[[Γ]]to I[[σ]](and if M is closed we write I[[M]]for I[[ M]]);•a set T⊂Hom(1,I[[ι]])(to be thought of as the set of“fully defined”or“terminating”elements of I[[ι]]).We impose two requirements.First,for any environmentΓ=xσ11,...,xσn n we require that I[[Γ xσi i]]:I[[Γ]]→I[[σi]]be the evident projection,for61≤i≤n.Second,we require that I be compositional in the following sense:ifΓ=xσ11,...,xσn n,Γ M:τand∆ N i:σi,for1≤i≤n,thenI[[∆ M[N1/x1,...,N n/x n]]]=I[[Γ M]]◦ I[[∆ N1]],...,I[[∆ N n]] . That is,tupling and composition in C corresponds to substitution in L.This definition of interpretation for L is extremely weak(we do not require C to be cartesian-closed,for instance),but it suffices for our purposes. The most familiar concrete example is given by the category of cpos:all three of our languages have a canonical interpretation in this category(see[14]).The following concepts will play a significant role in the rest of the paper:•I is sound if M→M implies I[[M]]=I[[M ]];•I is adequate if for all closed M:ιwe have I[[M]]=I[[n]]iffM→∗n;•I is equationally fully abstract(EFA)if for all closed M,M :σwe have I[[M]]=I[[M ]]iffM≈M ;•I is atomically fully abstract(AFA)if it is EFA and for all closed M:ιwe have I[[M]]∈T iffM terminates;•I is universal if every morphism f:1→I[[σ]]in C is definable (meaning that there is a closed term M:σsuch that I[[M]]=f);•I is standard if every morphism1→I[[ι]]is definable and the set Tof fully defined elements is{I[[n]]|n is a numeral}.Our definitions of equational full abstraction and universality are weak in that they involve only closed terms—in our general setting it is not possible to deduce the corresponding stronger facts for open terms(and arbitrary morphisms).However,the two notions of full abstraction coincide if the interpretation modelsβ-conversion.Further,the two notions of universality coincide if the interpretation is cartesian-closed(by which we mean that the underlying category is cartesian closed,and that the higher-order types,λ-abstraction and application are interpreted accordingly—see[10];this prop-erty implies that the interpretation modelsβη-conversion).It follows from operational soundness that any EFA interpretation is sound.Note that the usual interpretation in cpos is sound,adequate,standard and cartesian closed;it is AFA for PCF+and PCF++but not EFA for PCF(see[14]).Next we show how any interpretation I of L gives rise to a denota-tional interpretation of J L.First some notation:For each typeσlet Sσbe Hom(1,I[[σ]]);we may think of Sσinformally as the set of“elements”of I[[σ]].For each environmentΓwe also let SΓbe Hom(1,I[[Γ]]).Then when-everΓ M:σwe have the set-theoretic function I[[Γ M]]◦−:SΓ→Sσ.For any formulaφwith FV(φ)⊆Γ,we can now define a subset[[φ]]Γof SΓ,corresponding intuitively to the set of tuples of elements for which the predicateφholds:7•z∈[[⊥]]Γnever;•z∈[[M=N]]ΓiffI[[Γ M]]◦z=I[[Γ N]]◦z;•z∈[[P⇓]]ΓiffI[[Γ P]]◦z∈T;•z∈[[φ∧ψ]]Γiffz∈[[φ]]Γand z∈[[ψ]]Γ;•z∈[[φ∨ψ]]Γiffz∈[[φ]]Γor z∈[[ψ]]Γ;•z∈[[φ⊃ψ]]Γiffz∈[[φ]]Γor z∈[[ψ]]Γ;•z∈[[∀xσ.φ]]Γiff z,w ∈[[φ]]Γ,xσfor all w∈Sσ;•z∈[[∃xσ.φ]]Γiff z,w ∈[[φ]]Γ,xσfor some w∈Sσ.(in the last two cases,we assume—without loss of generality—that xσdoes not occur inΓ).We say thatφis denotationally true under the interpretation I(and write|=Iφ)if[[φ]]Γis the whole of SΓ,whereΓcontains all the free variables ofφ.In particular,ifφis closed then|=Iφiff∗∈[[φ]],where∗is the unique element of S and we write[[φ]]for[[φ]] .Now that we have given both operational and denotational interpreta-tions of J L,we have a natural notion of logical full abstraction:Definition1An interpretation I of L is logically fully abstract(LFA)if for all sentencesφof J L we have|=opφiff|=Iφ.More generally,if F is a class of sentences of J L,we say I is LFA for F if for allφ∈F we have |=opφiff|=Iφ.Note that if an interpretation is LFA for a class of sentences,then it is also LFA for the Boolean closure of that class.The next lemma shows that such notions as adequacy1and eq uational full abstraction can be recovered as special instances of logical full abstraction.Proposition2Let I be an interpretation of L.Then(i)I is EFA(respectively AFA)iffit is LFA for all sentences of the form M=N(respectively and P⇓);(ii)I is adequate iffit is LFA for all sentences of the form P=n;(iii)Suppose that I is adequate.Then the definable elements of T are those of the form I[[n]]iffI is LFA for all sentences of the form P⇓. Proof(i)is immediate.For(ii),it suffices to note that,by the Context Lemma,P≈n iffP→∗n for closed P:ι.For(iii),note that the condition on T is equivalent to the statement that for all closed P:ι,|=I P⇓iff|=I P=n for some n and also that the statement that I is LFA for all sentences of the form P⇓holds is equivalent to the statement that for all closed P:ι,|=I P⇓iff|=op P⇓.But it is an easy consequence of adequacy and the Context Lemma that for all closed P:ι,|=I P=n for some n iff|=op P⇓.P1This observation is due to Eugenio Moggi.8The above lemma makes it clear that any EFA interpretation is adequate. Further,such an interpretation is AFA iffthe definable elements of T are those of the form I[[n]].In particular,a standard EFA interpretation is AFA.4A characterization of LF A InterpretationsIn this section we prove the following theorem characterizing LFA interpre-tations.This is the main result of the paper.Theorem3Let I be a standard interpretation of L.Then it is LFA for J L iffit is both EFA and universal.The standardness condition is a mild requirement that seems to hold in all natural interpretations.(We will see below that this condition is in fact necessary for the conclusion.)Our theorem can be used to show that LFA interpretations exist,and that particular interpretations are LFA for particular languages;it also guides us in the search for LFA interpretations.The right-to-left implication in the theorem is fairly straightforward: Lemma4Let M:σbe closed,z∈SΓ.Then z,I[[M]] ∈[[φ]]Γ,xσiffz∈[[φ[M/x]]]Γ.Proof First note that ifΓ,xσ N:τthen,by the requirements placed on interpretations,I[[Γ,xσ N]]◦ z,I[[M]] =I[[Γ N[M/xσ]]]◦z.The proof of the lemma is now a routine induction onφ.PProposition5Suppose I is a standard,EFA and universal interpretation of L.Then it is LFA.Proof Wefirst show by induction that|=opφiff|=Iφfor all sentencesφof J L.For the sentence⊥this is trivial.For sentences of the form M=N or P⇓it is given by Proposition2(i)and the fact that a standard EFA interpretation is AFA.The cases for the connectives∧,∨,⊃are all trivial. For sentences∀xσ.φ,supposefirst that|=I∀xσ.φ.Then given any closed M:σwe have ∗,I[[M]] ∈[[φ]]xσby definition of[[∀xσ.φ]],hence,by Lemma4,∗∈[[φ[M/x]]]and so|=opφ[M/x]by the induction hypothesis. Thus|=op∀xσ.φ.Conversely,suppose|=op∀xσ.φ.For any w∈Sσ,by universality we have w=I[[M]]for some closed M:σ.But we have that |=opφ[M/x],and so∗∈[[φ[M/x]]]by the induction hypothesis.Hence by Lemma4 ∗,w ∈[[φ]]xσ.Thus[[φ]]xσ=S xσ,so|=I∀xσ.φ.The argument for∃is similar.This completes the proof for sentences.To see that the result extends to all formulae,just observe that if∀ x.φis the universal closure ofφthen |=opφiff|=op∀ x.φ,and|=Iφiff|=I∀ x.φ.P9For the converse direction,we know from Proposition2(i)that every LFAinterpretation is AFA.Thus it only remains to show that every standard LFAinterpretation is universal.To show this,we will for each typeσconstructa closed term Eσ:ι→σ(called an enumerator for typeσ)such that forall closed M:σthere exists n such that Eσn≈M.It is easy to see thatthis suffices:we have|=op∀xσ.∃yι.Eσy=x,and so if I is LFA then also |=I∀xσ.∃yι.Eσy=x.That is,for all x∈Sσthere exists y∈Sιsuch that I[[zι Eσzι]]◦y=x.But I is standard so y=I[[N]]say,hence x=I[[EσN]].Thus I is universal.The fact that such enumerators exist is of some interest in its own right.In the case of PCF++,suitable terms Eσare already defined in[14],butfor PCF and PCF+we need a different technique.The method we use is,essentially,to construct a“simulator”for the relevant language within itself.A very similar method has recently(and independently)been employed byAbramsky et al.[1]to prove a definability result for an interpretation ofsequential PCF based on games;a similar result has been proved by Hylandand Ong[8].This yields an alternate semantic proof of the existence ofenumerators for PCF,analogous to that in[14]for PCF++.It is worthremarking that there is no corresponding definability result for PCF+.Itmay well be that there can be none;it is not at all clear,however,howto even formulate a precise statement to that effect.In what follows,Lstands for either PCF or PCF+,and − is some effective G¨o del-numberingof L-terms as natural numbers.Proposition6For each typeσthere exists a closed term Eσ:ι→σof Lsuch that Eσ M ≈M for all closed terms M:σof L.We nowfixσ=σ1→···→σh→ι(h≥0)and consider the con-struction of Eσ;we will not be completely explicit as all we require is its existence.The basic idea is that—given closed terms M:σand N j:σj,for j=1,...,h—the computation of Eσ M N1...N h will simulate the reduc-tion of MN1...N h via the G¨o del-numbering.The problem here is that we do not have access to the G¨o del-numbers of the N j,but only to the terms themselves;so,in fact,we symbolically reduce(via G¨o del-numbers)the term Mx1...x h,where the x j are variables used to stand for the N j.This results in a further problem when,in the course of the symbolic reduction,we come to a term of the form x j M1...M a.In this case we do not reduce,but rather interpret,“passing”suitable simulations of M1,...,M a to N j.For the idea to work,it turns out that we need variables not only ofthe typesσj,but also of all their subtypes.Let us define the relation≺between types to be the transitive relation generated from all instances ofγj≺(γ1→···→γm→ι),for j=1,...,m.Letτ1,...,τk be the(possibly repetitive)enumeration of all typesτ≺σin breadth-first order(regarding10σas a binary tree).Notice that for each i with1≤i≤k there exist p i≤q i such thatτi=τpi+1→···→τq i→ι;we drop the subscripts on p and q when they are clear from the context.Note also thatτi=σi for1≤i≤h.To simulate MN1...N h we may need arbitrarily many variables of eachtypeτi.We thus suppose that we have a countably infinite supply of vari-ables x j i:τi for each i,and that the mapping(i,j)→ x j i is recursive;we say a term isσ-open if its free variables are among the x j i.To“store”the “values”of these variables we will use closed terms F i:ι→τi,where F i j stores the value of x j i.Since at any given stage onlyfinitely many variables will be in use,we need a way to introduce new variables.For each i we letpush i beλvτi fι→τi jιλyτp+1p+1...yτq q.cond j(vy p+1...y q)(f(pred j)y p+1...y q).The effect of push i V F is to store the value given by a closed term V inthe“register”x0i,and the previous value of x j i in the register x j+1i ;we havepush i V F0≈V and push i V F(j+1)≈F j.To compensate for the use ofpush i,we also need an operation↑i on terms of L that“bumps up”theindices on the appropriate variables;the term N↑i is defined to be the termobtained by the capture-avoiding simultaneous substitution of V j i for x j i for every x j i occurring freely in N.Clearly the mapping N → N↑i is partial recursive.So,to define Eσwe construct an“ι-simulator”S:ρ(whereρis thetype(ι→τ1)→···→(ι→τk)→ι→ι)such that if N:ιis aσ-openterm then SF1...F k N simulates N,taking x j i to stand for F i j.Following the idea outlined above,S will perform repeated one-step reductions,but terms of the form x j i N p+1...N q are interpreted by passing simulations of the arguments N p+1,...,N q to F i j:τi.For this,we need“τi-simulators”S i of typeρi=(ι→τ1)→···→(ι→τk)→ι→τi;these are defined from theι-simulator S:ρby the termsΘi:ρ→ρi given in Lemma7,below. Formally,S is obtained as afixed-point of the termΦ:ρ→ρgiven in Lemma8,below;its definition makes use of theΘi,and the terms R:ρused there and in Lemma7are to be thought of as“approximants”to S.We need some special notation.First,for any vector F of terms F1,...,F kand term M we write M F for(...(MF1)...F k).Second,for any such vectorwe abbreviate F1,...,F p,(push p+1V p+1F p+1),...,(push q V q F q),F q+1,...,F k to push p,q(V p+1,...,V q; F),where1≤p≤q≤k.Third,for any term M and1≤p≤q≤k we write M↑p,q for(...(M↑p+1)...↑q).Finally,the no-tation C[|N1|,...,|N a|]→+d C [|N 1|,...,|N a |]means that given PCF terms U1,...,U a such that U j→∗N j(1≤j≤a)there exist PCF terms U 1,...,U a such that U j →∗N j (1≤j ≤a )and C[U1,...,U a]→+d C [U 1,...,U a ];no-tice that the U j and U j must be closed.(Here C[,...,]and C [,...,] are“multi-place”contexts and→d is the deterministic one-step reduction relation defined in Section2.)This is useful because the call-by-name eval-uation mechanism of L means that we cannot force subterms such as the11U j to be evaluated when we would like.The consideration of deterministic reduction(and hence of PCF terms)is only needed for Lemma11below. Note that transitivity holds:if C[|N1|,...,|N a|]→+d C [|N 1|,...,|N a |]→+dC [|N 1|,...,|N a |]then C[|N1|,...,|N a|]→+d C [|N 1|,...,|N a |].Lemma7There exist closed L-termsΘi:ρ→ρi for1≤i≤k,such thatfor allσ-open N:τi and closed R:ρ,F1:ι→τ1,...,F k:ι→τk we haveΘi R F| N |→+dλyτp+1p+1...yτq q.R push p,q(y p+1,...,y q; F)| (N↑p,q)x0p+1...x0q |. Proof DefineΘi to be the termλrρfι→τ11...fι→τkkzιyτp+1p+1...yτq q.r push p,q(y p+1,...,y q; f)(Gz)where G:ι→ιis a closed PCF term such that for anyσ-open N:τi, G N →+ (N↑p,q)x0p+1...x0q .PWe now consider the termΦ.Notice that the clauses given below coverall syntactic shapes for terms of typeι.(The clause marked†applies onlyto PCF+.)Lemma8There exists a closed L-termΦ:ρ→ρsuch that for all closed terms R:ρ,F1:ι→τ1,...,F k:ι→τk we haveΦR F| n |→+d n;ΦR F| succ M |→+d succ(R F| M |);ΦR F| pred M |→+d pred(R F| M |);ΦR F| cond LMN |→+d cond(R F| L |)(R F| M |)(R F| N |);ΦR F| YτN1N2...N a |→+d R F| N1(YτN1)N2...N a |(a≥2);ΦR F| (λzτ.M)N1...N a |→+d R F| M[N1/z]N2...N a |(a≥1);†ΦR F| por MN |→+d por(R F| M |)(R F| N |);ΦR F| x j i N p+1...N q |→+d F i j(Θp+1R F| N p+1 |)...(Θq R F| N q |).Proof(Hint)We constructΦvia a“case split”with at most(k+7)cases. The need for the consideration of PCF terms arises here,in order to ensure deterministic reduction.PNote that terms of the forms succ M,pred M,cond LMN or por MN are interpreted rather than symbolically reduced;this is needed to handle terms such as succ x j i N p+1...N q where the operator must be interpreted since an argument is.It is also worth noting that there is no way to interpret terms such as YτN1N2...N a or(λzτ.M)N1...N a as the typeτthere is arbitrary and our method enables us to deal only with afinite number of given types (here theτi).12。