看过了展台上给出的参数后,让我们重点分享联想VIBEX 的上手感受。
VibeX的厚度只有6.9毫米,重量仅121克,在同尺寸1080PIPS 显示屏手机中更加轻薄。
⽬前⽐较好的背景建模算法有两种:1)⽂章(Zivkovic Z. (2004) Improved adaptive Gausianmixture model for backgroundsubtraction, Proceedings of ICPR 2004, August 23-26, Cambridge, UK.)提出的⾼斯混合模型法。
2)⽂章(ViBe: A universal backgroundsubtraction algorithm for video sequences.)提出的ViBe算法。
class ViBe:'''''classdocs'''__defaultNbSamples = 20 #每个像素点的样本个数__defaultReqMatches = 2 #min指数__defaultRadius = 20; #Sqthere半径__defaultSubsamplingFactor = 16#⼦采样概率__BG = 0 #背景像素__FG = 255 #前景像素__c_xoff=[-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1,0] #x的邻居点 len=9__c_yoff=[-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1,0] #y的邻居点 len=9__samples=[] #保存每个像素点的样本值,len defaultNbSamples+1__Height = 0__Width = 0def __init__(self, grayFrame):'''''Constructor'''self.__Height = grayFrame.shape[0]self.__Width = grayFrame.shape[1]for i in range(self.__defaultNbSamples+1):self.__samples.insert(i,np.zeros((grayFrame.shape[0],grayFrame.shape[1]),dtype=grayFrame.dtype));self.__init_params(grayFrame)def __init_params(self,grayFrame):#记录随机⽣成的⾏(r) 和列(c)rand=0r=0c=0#对每个像素样本进⾏初始化for y in range(self.__Height):for x in range(self.__Width):for k in range(self.__defaultNbSamples):#随机获取像素样本值rand=random.randint(0,8)r=y+self.__c_yoff[rand]if r<0:r=0if r>=self.__Height:r=self.__Height-1 #⾏c=x+self.__c_xoff[rand]if c<0:c=0if c>=self.__Width:c=self.__Width-1 #列#存储像素样本值self.__samples[k][y,x] = grayFrame[r,c]self.__samples[self.__defaultNbSamples][y,x] = 0def update(self,grayFrame,frameNo):foreground = np.zeros((self.__Height,self.__Width),dtype=np.uint8)for y in range(self.__Height): #Heightfor x in range(self.__Width): #Width#⽤于判断⼀个点是否是背景点,index记录已⽐较的样本个数,count表⽰匹配的样本个数count=0;index=0;dist=0.0;while (count<self.__defaultReqMatches) and (index<self.__defaultNbSamples):dist= float(grayFrame[y,x]) - float(self.__samples[index][y,x]);if dist<0: dist=-distif dist<self.__defaultRadius: count = count+1index = index+1if count>=self.__defaultReqMatches:#判断为背景像素,只有背景点才能被⽤来传播和更新存储样本值self.__samples[self.__defaultNbSamples][y,x]=0foreground[y,x] = self.__BGrand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultSubsamplingFactor)if rand==0:rand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultNbSamples)self.__samples[rand][y,x]=grayFrame[y,x]rand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultSubsamplingFactor)if rand==0:rand=random.randint(0,8)yN=y+self.__c_yoff[rand]if yN<0: yN=0if yN>=self.__Height: yN=self.__Height-1rand=random.randint(0,8)xN=x+self.__c_xoff[rand]if xN<0: xN=0if xN>=self.__Width: xN=self.__Width-1rand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultNbSamples)self.__samples[rand][yN,xN]=grayFrame[y,x]else:#判断为前景像素foreground[y,x] = self.__FG;self.__samples[self.__defaultNbSamples][y,x] += 1if self.__samples[self.__defaultNbSamples][y,x]>50:rand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultNbSamples)if rand==0:rand=random.randint(0,self.__defaultNbSamples)self.__samples[rand][y,x]=grayFrame[y,x]return foreground我做的鱼的跟踪效果图以上就是本⽂的全部内容,希望对⼤家的学习有所帮助,也希望⼤家多多⽀持。
!Aa bird's- eye view 比喻俯视,从宏观看,有全局观念about-face 立场的彻底转变a dime a dozen 便宜,不值钱a fair shake 公平的待遇,公平的机会after one's heart 正合心意,正中下怀a leg-up 搭把手,助一臂之力(通常用在give和get之后)a leg up (稍微)占优势,领先一步a little bird 消息灵通的人士armpit 脏乱不堪的地方a rough diamond 外粗内秀的人;初露光芒的设想artsy-fartsy 假装艺术的,附庸风雅的at daggers 互相仇视,关系紧张attaboy 好小子!好样的Awol 擅离职守BBabe magnet 少女磁铁,吸引女孩的男人Backbite 背后诽谤Back talk 回嘴,顶嘴Backchat 回嘴,反唇相讥Bad-mouth (当面)批评,说某人坏话Badger game 美人计,敲诈Band-aid 急忙拼凑的,权宜的;权宜之计Bang for the buck 货真价实,物有所值Bark up the wrong tree 找错了门,怪错了人Bean counter 斤斤计较的人Beat under the belt 暗中伤人,使阴招Hit below the belt 用不正当手段打人Strike below the belt 不择手段Tackle below the belt 进行不公的攻击Go belly up 破产,完蛋Between jobs 失业Big time 非常,很,大大地Big-time 有名的、杰出的、第一流的Big-timer 某行业或领域中的佼佼者Blockbuster 大片,巨作Blow hot and cold 出尔反尔,反复无常Boo 喝倒彩;(男)女朋友Boo-boo 小错误;小伤口Bottoms up 干杯,一饮而尽Bozo 壮汉,(有勇无谋)的大汉Bury one’s head in the sand自欺欺人,逃避现实Bury the hatchet 和解,停战Butt 笑料,笑柄CCafé society 社会名流Cash cow 摇钱树Catfight 女人打架;口水仗,争执Clock watcher 急着下班的人Clockwork 准时,有规律Coffin nail 香烟Cold fish 对人冷淡之人Cook 杜撰事实,篡改账目Crab 性情暴躁的人Crash course 速成班,短训班Crash the gate 混票,混进Crash a party 未请自来,不速之客Cupboard love 有目的的爱Cushion the blow 使婉转Cut a deal 达成协议,成交Cut a melon 分红Cut to the chase 直切主题DDead sea apple 金玉其外败絮其中;令人失望的事Dirt cheap 便宜Dish 心爱物;漂亮女人DOA 绝望地,徒劳的;无可挽救的事情Doctor 掺假,做手脚Doctor up the account 做假账Dog in the manger 站着茅坑不拉屎Dogleg 急转弯Dos and don’ts 注意事项、规章制度Doubting Thomas 怀疑一切的人Draw a blank 希望落空;记不起来Draw straws 抽签决定Drop a dime 告密。
个⼈了解的⼤概概括为以下⼀些:帧差、背景减除(GMM、CodeBook、 SOBS、 SACON、 VIBE、 W4、多帧平均……)、光流(稀疏光流、稠密光流)、运动竞争(Motion Competition)、运动模版(运动历史图像)、时间熵……等等。
背景模型的初始化 初始化是建⽴背景模型的过程,⼀般的检测算法需要⼀定长度的视频序列学习完成,影响了检测的实时性,⽽且当视频画⾯突然变化时,重新学习背景模型需要较长时间。
基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法
基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法【摘要】基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法在交通领域有着重要的应用价值。
本文首先介绍了Vi Be算法的概述,然后探讨了该算法在车流量统计中的应用及其优势。
还深入讨论了Vi Be算法存在的不足之处,并提出了改进基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法的思路。
结合前人研究成果,展望了基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法的前景,总结了本文的研究工作,并展望未来研究方向。
【关键词】车流量统计算法, Vi Be算法, 优势, 不足, 改进, 前景, 研究工作, 研究方向, 引言, 正文, 结论.1. 引言1.1 研究背景车流量统计是城市交通管理和规划的重要组成部分。
在这样的背景下,基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法应运而生。
Vi Be 算法是一种基于背景差分的运动目标检测算法,具有简单、稳健、高效的特点。
通过将Vi Be算法应用于车流量统计中,可以实现对车辆的自动检测和跟踪,提高数据采集效率,减少人力成本,提高数据处理精度。
本文旨在深入探讨基于Vi Be的车流量统计算法,分析其应用和优势,同时针对其不足之处提出改进方案,为未来的交通管理工作提供参考和借鉴。
1.2 研究意义车流量统计一直是交通管理和规划领域中的重要问题,通过准确统计车辆数量和流量情况,可以帮助交通部门更好地制定交通政策和优化交通网络。
ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences(一个视频序列通用的背景减法算法)ViBe是一种像素级视频背景建模或前景检测的算法,效果优于所熟知的几种算法,对硬件内存占用也少。
vibe 背景减法
背景像素点周围的块在一定时间内具有相似 的变化
1周边像素属于其它物体 2N*N的Block就是一个N平方元 素的向量问题
principal component analysis(PCA)
3)Adapted distance measure and thresholding
Distance measure: 普通的颜色距离公式在阴暗环 境中效果不好 区分颜色匹配和光线匹配 Ideal: background pixel values lie along the principal axis of the codeword along with the low and high bound of brightness, since the variation is mainly due to brightness. 背景像素值位于一起 的低和高亮度约束,因为沿主轴线的码字的变化 主要是因于亮度。
ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences; ViBe+:Improvement for ViBe
∑-△motion detection filter:
安慰他人一.重点词汇1.Blame v. 责怪2.Thought n. 想法3.Fault n. 错误4.Vibe n. 情绪5.Negativity n. 消极二.实用主题句1.Don't blame yourself.不要怪自己。
2.Don't give it another thought.不要多想了。
3.It's not your fault.这不是你的错。
4.Don't get upset about it.别生气了。
5.This happens to people.这是常有的事。
6.All vibes are welcome here.有什么情绪都是正常的,你什么都能跟我说。
7.What is with all the negativity?怎么突然这么消极了?三.内容精讲1. Don’t blame yourself. 不要怪自己。
Don’t + do something明明错误和自己无关,却总觉得自己有错,这样的情况相信在大家的身上都发生过。
例如:A: I should have never done that. 我不应该那么做。
B: Don’t blame yourself. 不要怪自己了。
例如:Don’t go there. 别去那儿。
Don’t give up. 别放弃。
例如:Don’t blame him. 别怪他。
Don’t blame them. 别怪他们。
2. Don’t give it another thought. 不要多想了。
POWERBOX5000.1P-V0POWERBOX 5000.1 PROPOWERBOX3000.1P-V0POWERBOX 3000.1 PROPOWERBOX1500.1P-V0POWERBOX 1500.1 PROOwners ManualAttentionWarningCongratulations on purchasing your VIBE amplifier. Please read this manual in order to fully understand how to get the best results from this product and ensure that all advice on how to look after the product is followed.Thank you for buying VIBE, we hope you enjoy listening to your product as much as we enjoyed creating it.During the normal use of this amplifier the heatsink may become very hot.Please do not touch during or immediately after use.Please ensure that when installing this product the heatsink will not come into contact with any materials that may be damaged by heat such as upholstery or plastics.An aftermarket audio amplifier will place an additional load on the vehicles charging system.Most modern vehicles have sufficient capacity in the charging system as not all the electrical components of the vehicle will be switched on at once.Check the fuse rating of the amplifier and use this as the peak current requirement.Generally the continuous current draw will be a third of the peak current.Limited WarrantyAll VIBE products carry a full 12 month warranty, valid from the date of the original receipt and proof of purchase. The online warranty card should be completed within seven days of the original purchase date. The original receipt and packaging should be retained for this twelve month period. If the product develops a problem any stage during the warranty period, it should be returned to the point of purchase in it’s original packaging, and complete with no items missing. If the store is unable to repair the product it may have to be returned to VIBE.A full description of VIBE’s warranty information can be found on our website: What Is Not Covered• Damage to product due to improper installation.• Subsequent damage to other components.• Damage caused by exposure to moisture, excessive heat, chemical cleaners and / or UVradiation.• Damage through negligence, misuse, accident or abuse. Repeated returns for the same fault may be considered abuse.• Any cost or expense related to the removal and / or re-installation of the product.• Damage caused by amplifier clipping or distortion.• Items repaired or modified by any unauthorised repair facility.• Return shipping on non defective items.• Products returned without a returns authorisation number.• Damage to product due to use of sealant.International WarrantyContact your international VIBE dealer or distributor concerning specific procedure for your country’s warranty policies. /warrantyWarningVIBE equipment is capable of sound pressure levels that can cause permanent damage to your hearing and those around you. Please use common sense when listening to your audio system and practice safe sound.CopyrightAll content included in this manual such as text, graphics, logos, icons, images and data, are the property of Midbass Distribution Limited t/a VIBE Technologies Limited (herein referred to as “VIBE”, “us” or “we”) and its affiliate or their content and technology providers, and are protected by United Kingdom and International copyright laws. All rights reserved. VIBE TV, VIBE Arcade, Bass Box, Optisound, Cinesound, BlackAir, BlackBox, Space, LiteAir, SLICK, BlackDeath, Bubonic, Reaper, Anti-VIBE, FastPlug, BlackHole, QB69, VIBE Turbo Port, Vibe TurboVent, Pressure Board, Super Driver, VIBE Pulse, VIBE Power, VIBE Digital, VIBE MAG Plugs, Ferrite Loaded, VIBE Solid Core, VIBE OCC, VIBE FLAT, ICC, Bass Enhance, Bass Enhance+, QBass, SpeedBass, PowerBass, N-Wedge, Box Grip, ARBSS, Supercar Series and all stylised representations of product names, or the abbreviations of product names, as logos are all trademarks of VIBE. Graphics and logos are trademarks or trade dress of VIBE Technologies Ltd or its subsidiaries. VIBE’s trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not VIBE’s, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers or in any manner that disparages or discredits VIBE. All other trademarks not owned by VIBE or its subsidiaries that appear in this manual are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by VIBE or its subsidiaries.TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED AT LAW, VIBE IS PROVIDING THIS MANUAL AND ITS CONTENT ON AN “AS IS” BASIS AND MAKESNO (AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL) REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS MANUAL OR THE INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THIS MANUAL INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN ADDITION, VIBE DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL IS COMPLETE OR CURRENT, AND THAT ALL SPECIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED WITHIN THIS MANUAL ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. VIBE RECOMMEND CAUTION WHEN LISTENING TO MUSIC REPRODUCED THROUGH VIBE EQUIPMENT. VIBE EQUIPMENT IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING SOUND AND SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS THAT CAN PERMANENTLY DAMAGE HEARING OF YOU AND THAT OF OTHERS. FOR SAFE AND ENJOYABLE LISTENING, THE SOUND SHOULD BE CLEAR WITHOUT DISTORTION AT A COMFORTABLE VOLUME. BY USING ANY VIBE EQUIPMENT, YOU AGREE TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF OTHERS WHEN LISTENING TO MUSIC AT HIGH VOLUMES THROUGH EQUIPMENT YOU HAVE PURCHASED. USE OF ANY VIBE EQUIPMENT CONSTITUTES AGREEMENT TO THIS DISCLAIMER. Except as specifically stated in this manual, to the fullest extent permitted at law, neither VIBE nor any of its affiliates, directors, employees or other representatives will be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this manual or the information, content, materials or products included. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. For the avoidance of doubt, VIBE does not limit its liability for death or personal injury to the extent only that it arises as a result of negligence of VIBE, its affiliates, directors, employees or other representatives.will eventually damage the amplifier.Power CableGround CableRCA Cables• At least 8 gauge cable should be used for the ground connection to the amplifier.• The amplifier ground should be connected directly to the chassis of the vehicle, to bare metal.• The cable length should be kept to an absolute minimum.• It is not recommended that you connect the ground cable to the vehicles seatbelts anchor point.• At least 8 gauge cable should be used for the power connection to the amplifier.• The power cable should be taken directly from the battery. Rubber grommets should be used when passing through any bulkheads to prevent the cable from becoming chaffed or cut.• It is vital that a fuse / circuit breaker (of at least equal value to the one fitted in the amplifier) is placed inline with the power cable and is no further than 18 inches away from the battery.• Please ensure that the fuse is not fitted until the entire installation procedure is complete.• Depending on the model of your headunit and the number of speakers youwish to power you will have to run either one, two or three RCA cables from the source to the amplifier.• Please take extra care when running these cables from the source to the amplifier. Ensure that they are placed away from all items that can generate any interference, wiring harnesses etc.• It is recommended that the RCA cables should be run on opposite sides of the car to the previously installed power cables if possible, to avoid the cable picking up interference.This control is used to set the LPF crossover frequency for the amplifier. The frequency is adjustable between 50Hz and 20kHz.4. Gain controlThis control is used to match the input signal of the source to the amplifier. See the setup section1ΩTo correctly set the gain control of the amplifier to match that of the source (headunit) use the following setup routine:Turn the gain control to minimum on the amplifier.Ensure the bass boost is set to 0 dB.On the headunit set all crossovers (if applicable) to flat and both bass and treble to zero.Turn up the source (headunit) to approx 3/4 volume.Very slowly turn up the gain on the amplifier until distortion can be heard in any of the subwoofers or until the volume reaches an uncomfortable listening level when this is reached turn down the gain control slightly.The gain control is now set.The setting of the crossover will depend on what kind of speaker you are installing.For a subwoofer it is recommended that the crossover is set to Low Pass and the frequency is set to match that of the speakers specifications, or your preferred frequency - this is usually about 60 - 120Hz.Note:By using the crossovers correctly you will not only lengthen the life of your speakers but you will also get better performance from them.To optimise your setup seek the advice of a professional installation engineer or visit your local VIBE audio dealer.Set Up SectionSpecificationModel POWERBOX1500.1P-V0POWERBOX3000.1P-V0POWERBOX5000.1P-V0 Configuration Full range Monoblock Full range Monoblock Full range MonoblockDimensions (H x W x D)2.6” x 6.8” x 9.2”(66 x 172 x 233mm)2.6” x 8.3” x 9.2”(66 x 210 x 233mm)2.6” x 11.4” x 9.2”(66 x 290 x 233mm)RMS @ 4Ω400 watts1100 watts1900 wattsRMS @ 2Ω650 watts2050 watts3300 wattsRMS @ 1Ω1500 watts3300 watts5200 watts Maximum Power3000 watts6600 watts10,400 watts Frequency Response15Hz - 50kHz15Hz - 50kHz15Hz - 50kHz Crossover Type LP / HP / Flat LP / HP / Flat LP / HP / FlatLP Crossover range80Hz - 20kHz80Hz - 20kHz80Hz - 20kHzHP Crossover Range15Hz - 80Hz15Hz - 80Hz15Hz - 80Hz Topology Full Range Class D Full Range Class D Full Range Class DFor international technical support please contact the distribution agent for your country.Please visit for more details.International Technical EnquiriesNotes :11 Notes :ww ww ww ww /vibeaudio /vibeaudio /vibecaraudioDesigned and engineered in England。
磁共振3D—TOF与VIBE序列对三叉神经痛的诊断价值作者:党计锋王伟霞赵埴飚潘兴利贾耀来源:《中外医疗》2016年第09期[摘要] 目的探讨磁共振三维时间飞跃法扫描序列(3D-TOF)与容积内插屏气扫描序列(VIBE序列)对三叉神经痛(trigeminal neuralgia,TN)的诊断价值。
方法在该院2012年1月—2014年10月纳入96例确诊为三叉神经痛的患者,并采用3D-TOF序列与VIBE序列大、小体素模式对患者进行扫描,记录患者三叉神经周围的血管数目,计算并分析患者的SNR (图像信号噪声比)和CNR(对比噪声比)。
结果3D-TOF序列及VIBE序列直观地呈现了原始图像中难以明确判断的血管的走向及血管压迫与患者症状的关系,96例患者中,24例患者进行了手术治疗,其中,12例患者的责任血管位于右侧小脑的上动脉,9例患者位于小脑前的下动脉,3例患者位于右侧的小脑的上动脉桥静脉及前下动脉,且三叉神经存在血管压迫或接触90例,与周围血管无压迫或接触6例,阳性率为94%,同时,经3D-TOF序列扫描显示血管的数目少于VIBE序列扫描显示的数目, VIBE序列高于3D-TOF序列。
[关键词] 3D-TOF序列;VIBE序列;三叉神经痛;SNR;CNR[中图分类号] R745.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2016)03(c)-0186-03Value of Magnetic Resonance 3D-TOF Sequence and VIBE Sequence in Diagnosis of ProsopalgiaDANG Ji-feng, WANG Wei-xia, ZHAO Zhi-biao, PAN Xing-li, JIA YaoMRI Room, Zoucheng General Hospital of Yankuang Group, Zoucheng, Shandong Province, 273500 China[Abstract] Objective To discuss the value of magnetic resonance 3D-TOF sequence and VIBE sequence in diagnosis of prosopalgia. Methods 96 cases of patients with prosopalgia diagnosed in our hospital from January 2012 to October 2014 were scanned by large and small voxel models of 3D-TOF sequence and VIBE sequence, the trifacial nerve peripheral blood vessel number of the patients was recorded, the SNR (signal/noise ratio) and CNR (contrast noise ratio) of the patients were calculated and analyzed. Results The 3D-TOF sequence and VIBE sequence visually presented the vascular trend that was hard to definitely determine in the original image and the relationship between perstriction and symptoms of patients, in the 96 cases of patients, 24 cases were treated with operation, among them, the offending vessel lying in anterior cerebeller artery on the right sidewas in 12 cases, lying in anterior inferior cerebellar artery was in 9 cases, lying in the bridging vein of anterior cerebeller artery on the right side and anterior inferior cerebellar artery was in 3 cases, perstriction or contact in trifacial nerve was in 90 cases, non-perstriction or contact with the peripheral blood vessel was in 6 cases, and the positive rate was 94%, at the same time, the blood vessel number showed by 3D-TOF sequence scanning was fewer than that showed by VIBE sequence scanning. Conclusion The 3D-TOF sequence and VIBE sequence can overcome the shortcomings of these two sequences, improve the image taking speed of nerve and blood vessel and definitely distinguish the offending vessels of different sizes and blood flow rates, and it is of better clinical significance for the diagnosis of prosopalgia.[Key words] 3D-TOF sequence; VIBE sequence; Prosopalgia; SNR; CNRTN是原发性三叉神经痛的简称,是由单条或多条责任血管压迫三叉神经的根部引起的,也是较常见的脑神经痛,其临床症状主要表现为分布区内短暂性反复发作性的刀割样或灼烧样剧痛[1]。
融合改进的三帧差分和ViBe 算法的运动目标检测
背景减法[2-4]是先建立背景模型,当前帧减去背景模型即⦾图形图像处理⦾融合改进的三帧差分和ViBe 算法的运动目标检测王春丹1,谢红薇1,李亚旋1,张昊21.太原理工大学软件学院,太原0300242.太原理工大学信息与计算机学院,太原030024摘要:针对ViBe 算法在相机抖动和树叶晃动的动态背景下,出现的误检率高和准确度低的问题,提出一种改进的ViBe 算法。
该算法选取多帧使用基于Canny 的三帧差分改进算法进行背景建模;在背景模型更新时根据背景复杂程度设置调整因子,调整阈值和背景模型更新率适应动态背景的检测;为提高检测目标的完整性,改进的ViBe 算法得到的前景目标,与三帧差分算法结合并且进行形态学处理完成对运动目标的提取。
关键词:运动目标检测;ViBe 算法;三帧差分法;Canny ;自适应阈值文献标志码:A 中图分类号:TP391doi :10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.1906-0105王春丹,谢红薇,李亚旋,等.融合改进的三帧差分和ViBe 算法的运动目标检测.计算机工程与应用,2020,56(13):199-203.WANG Chundan,XIE Hongwei,LI Yaxuan,et al.Motion object detection with improved three-frame difference and ViBe puter Engineering and Applications,2020,56(13):199-203.Motion Object Detection with Improved Three-Frame Difference and ViBe AlgorithmWANGChundan 1,XIE Hongwei 1,LI Yaxuan 1,ZHANG Hao 21.College of software,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China2.College of Information and Computer,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,ChinaAbstract :Aiming at dynamic background of camera of camera shake and leaf sway in ViBe algorithm,an improved ViBe algorithm is proposed with high false detection rate and low accuracy,which firstly selects multiple frames by using Canny-based three-frame difference improvement algorithm for background modeling.The background model is updatecd,and the adjustment factor is set according to the background complexity,and then the adjustment threshold and the background model update rate are adapted to dynamic background detection.In order to improve target detection integrity,the three-frame difference algorithm is combined with morphological processing.Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves accuracy and integrity of target detection under complex background of branch shaking and camera shake.Key words :motion object detection;ViBe algorithm;three-frame difference method;Canny;self-adaptive threshold 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.61702356);山西省基础研究计划项目(No.201801D121143)。
Eni-Vibe 使用快速入门指南说明书
ENI-VIBE ™ Configuration:Refer to the Operating Guide for comprehensive instructions for various scenarios. One scenario is outlined below:1.Before data recording can begin, a configuration file must be created on the Micro-SD ® card. To create the configuration file, insert the Micro-SD ® card into PC via Micro-SD ® card slot or external Micro-SD ® carddevice reader, open the Eni-Vibe™ Analysis Software Toolkit and select the SD card drive.a. Open the Eni-Vibe™ software and click the Create Configuration File tabb. Go to the File Explorer window and locate the SD Card Drive. Clickandnavigate to the Eni-Vibe™ drive. Click Select Folder. c. Click and the formatting confirmation window willappear (See image on the right) Click OK.NOTE: For the purposes of this quick start guide, default setting values will be used. Fordetails on selecting different value settings, refer to the Operating Guide.d. Click at the bottom of the screen and select Current Folder . You can verify the presence of the configuration file by opening your File Explorer window; it will be listed inthe Eni-Vibe™ drive.2. After creating the configuration file, remove the Micro-SD ® card and insert into the Eni-Vibe™ deviceNOTE: Ensure the Eni-Vibe™ is powered off before inserting Micro-SD ® card to avoid file corruption.ENI-VIBE ™ Data Collection:1. To turn on the device, press the Power button2. The Check/Ready light will blink to indicate the presence of the Micro-SD ® card and the configuration file that was just created3. Once the device is satisfied with setup requirements, the Recording Status is ready when the light turns green shortly after the Check/Ready light flashes.NOTE: If Recording Status is not flashing, refer to the Operating Guide for troubleshootinga. To start recording, press the Record button. The Recording Status light will turn orange.4. To stop recording, press the Record button again5. The device will then save the current file and the Recording Status light will turn green to indicate that the device is ready to record the next file6. To turn off the device, press the Power buttonENI-VIBE ™ Data Transfer to Enidine:1. To view the data, eject the Micro-SD ® card from the device and insert into the computer.2. Open the folder, drag and drop the data file into an email, and send to ***************************. 818-700-7818 ***************ENI-VIBE ®ENI-VIBE ™Software:1. Visit the Dytran website and select Products > Advanced Sensing > Express Data Acquisition2. Select desired series (4400) and scroll down to More Details . Click link under Software Download and download .zip file to the PC.3. Run the setup.exe file. Once completed, a Vibracorder™ icon will appear on the desktop.View ENI-VIBE ™ Data: 1. To view the data, eject the Micro-SD ® card from the device and insert into the computer2. In the Eni-Vibe™ Analysis Software Toolkit, click the Read Vibracorder Data tab, then clickand select the file. If you want to view various files at once, use thebu tton .3. In order to analyze a data clip, select the boundaries of the data you want to analyze by using the axis cursors. If cursors are not visible, clickto re-centercursor locations. 4. Once the data clip is selected, click. The Data Analysis tab will open automatically.Analysis:The analysis tools are on the right side of the screen(refer to the Operating Guide for more details onh o w to use these tools)818-700-7818 ***************ENI-VIBE ®。
进口成人用品常见英语单词功能特性延时Delay持久Lasting缩阴Tighten唤醒Arousal有刺痛感Tingly迷你Mini自慰器Masturbator无线Wireless防水WaterProof膏Cream凝胶Gel按摩油Oil增大Enlargement后庭Anal水溶性Water-Based 或H2O热感Warming冰感Cool润滑液Lubricant (简称Lube)成人Adult玩具Toy费洛蒙Pheromone有机的Organic按摩棒Vibrator震动棒Vibe蜡烛Candle按摩油Massage Oil伸缩Up and down阴蒂Clit拉珠Bead前列腺ProstateG点G-Spot阴道Vagina阳具Penis 或dildos跳蛋Bullet后庭塞Plug双重Duo远程Remote丝绒光滑VelVet柔软的Soft材料Material新品New充气娃娃doll情趣内衣lingerie丝袜silk丰胸breast蝴蝶butterfly使用人群男人Man男性Male 或Him女人Women女性Female 或Her女同Lesbian男同Gay材质成分硅胶Silicone无毒软胶TPR虚拟肤质Skin塑胶Plastic产地Made in China 中国Made in USA 美国Made in TaiWan 台湾Made in Hong Kong 香港Made in Japan 日本。
二、如何感知和传达vibe?1. 感知vibe:要想感知到一个地方或事件的vibe,需要多观察、倾听和敏锐地捕捉环境中微妙的氛围变化。
2. 传达vibe:一旦感知到了vibe,人们可以通过各种方式将其传达给他人。
三、在不同环境中利用vibe带来的益处1. 促进互动和交流:每个地方都有其独特的vibe,它能够吸引具有相似兴趣和情绪状态的人聚集在一起。
2. 提升活动或场所魅力:一个拥有积极向上和愉快氛围的地方往往更容易吸引人们前往,并获得正面口碑。
3. 改善个人情绪:当身处一个充满活力和积极的vibe的环境中时,人们往往会因此感到更加快乐和满足。
基于融合帧间差的改进Vibe方法赵光明;韩光;李晓飞;车少帅;刘浏【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【摘要】Vibe ( Visual background extractor) algorithm runs very quickly and can restrain the impact of noise,but it does has flaws. For example,the several classical related papers didn't propose the efficient method to remove shadows,and couldn’ t remove the"ghost" ar-eas quickly. On the issues mentioned above,propose an improved Vibe algorithm based on fusing frame differential method. Using a new frame differential method,it gives two improvements. On the one hand,a new way to detect and remove the shadow using the brightness information only in gray space is proposed. On the other hand,it can remove the "ghost" area quickly,via using the frame differential feature skillfully,means doing "And" operation between the two kinds of background images. Finally,improve the result with morpho-logical method and show the result of experimental verification. The results show that this improved method does remove the shadows well and remove the "ghost" well. Besides it improves the reliability and accuracy of the detection from the practicaleffect.%Vibe( Visual background extractor,视觉背景提取)算法速度快,能有效抑制噪声,但是也有缺陷,比如无法有效去除运动目标阴影,且不能快速去除“鬼影”区域。
一个新的磁共振序列如何命名并无明显的规则,但是大体上遵循两点: 1.符合这个序列的特点及物理原则或者作用; 2.名字叫得响亮,便于宣传(这一点体现在不同制造商的序列取名)。
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建模方法是记录每个像素点在不同时间的值,这些值组成 了混合高斯模型的权重。这种背景像素模型能处理实际场 所中遇到的多模的自然场景,在重复的运动背景情况下, 如:树叶树枝等,处理的结果很好。
Disadvantage:1)计算代价较大 2)如果背景高低频变化频繁,算法的敏感度不能精确调 节,模型不能与目标相适应,故高频目标可能损失 3)要注意到自然图像很多其实并非是高斯模型
Three considerations: 1) 模型是什么,如何判别前景背景 2) 模型的初始化问题 3)模型的更新问题
1) Pixel Model and Classification Process
Ideal: 已经观测到的像素值再次出现的可能性比没 出现过的高很多 classification: 非参数聚类
3)Adapted distance measure and thresholding
Distance measure: 普通的颜色距离公式在阴暗环 境中效果不好 区分颜色匹配和光线匹配 Ideal: background pixel values lie along the principal axis of the codeword along with the low and high bound of brightness, since the variation is mainly due to brightness. 背景像素值位于一起 的低和高亮度约束,因为沿主轴线的码字的变化 主要是因于亮度。
Codebook algorithm:
像素表现为codebook,它是由一个长的图像序列的背景模 型的压缩形式。每个codebook由codeword组成,codeword 包含了创新的颜色变换矩阵所表示的颜色变换。
Disadvantage :其更新机制并不允许创建一个新的电报密 码本,这在背景的不变结构部分发生变化时可能出问题 (如:室外场景中的免费停车场)。
将前景块中小于等于50个像素点的背景块判定为 前景且不更新,这可以限制一些前景块中错误分 类为背景的点的出现
Inhibition of propagation
it is not always suitable to suppress static objects; it is not appropriate for static objects when users want to keep static objects over time. Compute the gradient on the inner border of background blobs and inhibit the propagation process when the gradient (rescaled to the [0; 255] interval) is larger than 50. This avoids that background values cross object borders. inhibition process slows down the propagation process of background seeds in the foreground object.
use a threshold in relation to the samples in the model for a better handling of camouflaged foreground.为了更好处理伪装前景,用一个和模 型中的样本相关联的阈值 we compute the standard deviation σm of the samples of a model and define a matching threshold as 0.5 * σm bounded to the [20, 40] interval.我们计算一个模型的样本的标准偏差σm, 并定义一个匹配的阈值电压为0.5 *σm凑整至[20, 40]区间。
Past update policy disadvantage
属于前景的像素值永远 不能计入背景模型中
无论是否属于背景,样 缓慢运动目标无法检测 本都会计入背景模型中 出来
Author’s update method: 1) a memoryless update policy 2) a random time subsampling 3) Spatial Consistency Through Background Samples Propagation
ViBe: 一种通用的视频背景提 取算法
背景像素点周围的块在一定时间内具有相似 的变化
1周边像素属于其它物体 2N*N的Block就是一个N平方元 素的向量问题
principal component analysis(PCA)
A. 参数确定 ф=16; R=20;
样本数N=20 #min=2
B. Comparison With Other Techniques
Байду номын сангаас
1) GMM 2) EGMM 3) Bayesian algorithm based upon histograms 4) codebook algorithm 5) the zipfian - estimator 6) Gaussian model 7) first-order low-pass filter
(a) Input image. (b) Ground-truth. (c) ViBe (RGB). (d) ViBe (gray). (e) Bayesian histogram. (f) Codebook. (g) EGMM [Zivkovic]. (h) GMM [Li etal.]. (i) Gaussian model. (j) First-order filter. (k) Sigma-Delta Z.
Concept: 通过用现在的图像去对比已知的观察图像(背景图像),该观 察图像不含有任何感兴趣的对象,是背景模型(或背景图像)。 这个对比过程被称为前景检测。 Problem Characteristics:
ineffective for most practical situations(fast illumination
changes; motion changes ;high frequency background objects ;changes in the background geometry)
2) Background Model Initialization
Ideal: 邻居像素可以共享一个空间分布 第一帧时随机挑选周围几个像素点的像素值当做其 背景样本计入背景模型中
优点:1第二帧即可进行前景检测 2光源突变时,抛弃所有的样本值,可以立刻初始化 背景。
3)Updating the background model over time
ViBe+ appears second in the “Average ranking across categories” column but first in the “Average ranking” and “Average precision” columns.
优点:1. 提高空间相关性,可以应对摄像头抖动; 1 2. 消除 ghost
TP: true positives FP: false positives TN: True negatives FN: false negatives percentage of correct classification PCC:
经过 dt 时间后:
2)Time Subsampling
Ideal: 没必要每一帧都更新一次背景模型.
a random subsampling policy time subsampling factorф; ф=16; 一个像素点在16次判为背景的情况下有一次机会更 新它的背景模型
根据一个像素对应的背景模型 M(x)来分类它的当 前像素值 V(x) 具体方法: 在欧氏颜色空间中以V(x)为球心画一 个球体SR(v(x)) ,统计在球内的背景模型样本点数