



浮头式换热器 、冷凝器、U 型管式换热器换热器、冷凝器、U 型管式换热器一、标准型换热器、冷凝器、U 型管式换热器具体规格型号详见附表。

二 、规格型号表示方法武汉市润之达石化设备有限公司所制造的换热器型号表示方法为:B E S 500 -1.6 -55 —6/ 25— 2 I □ □□ □ □ X (Y) DN — Ps Pt - A – L / □ — NsNt -N I (II )—REb REa REd REcREc 全碳钢材质REd 全不锈钢材质REa 管束材质为09Cr2AlMoREREb 壳体材质为07Cr2AlMoRE I 级换热器(或II 级换热器)管/壳程数,单程只写Nt换热管类型(见表3) 换热管公称长度(m ) 光管公称换热面积(㎡) 管/壳程设计压力(MPa),相等时只写P t公称直径 壳体内安装分布式缓冲板 管箱内安装分布式缓冲板 换热管支撑形式(见表2) 后端管箱型式(见表1) 壳体型式(见表1) 前端管箱封头型式(见表1) 导流筒型式(见表1)表1 外壳型式与代号表2 换热管支撑型式与代号浮头式换热器、重沸器注:标*的制造较复杂,在特殊场合使用.表3 换热管类型标注示例:1、浮头式带管箱分布板,封头管箱DN600直径,管/壳程设计压力1。






五十铃发动机件正厂编号查询9-83151432-0 水温感应器ZX330 6HK19-82513928-6 预热塞EX200 6BD19-82513928-1 预热塞EX100 4BD19-82513928-0 预热塞SH100 4BD19-81351205-0 供油泵顶杯EX400-5 6RB19-19161017-0 打汽泵活塞STD LS5800 6RB1 9-19161011-0 打气泵活塞STD EX 6BD1T9-18370128-0 节温器EX200 6BD1T9-15339051-0 喷油嘴密封垫EX300 6SD1T 9-13716056-1 节温器座EX400-5 6RB19-13716056-0 节温器座EX400-5 6RB19-13660067-0 风扇叶LS280 6BD1T9-13642078-0 风扇皮带轮座NHR 4JA19-13620016-0 水泵水封EX200 6BD1T9-13262009-0 机油压力开关EX300-3 6SD1T 9-13212804-0 柴油格底座EX200 6BD1T9-12628105-0 气门摇臂轴座(中) EX200 6BD1 9-12620031-0 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB19-12616053-0 气门调整螺丝EX400-5 6RB1 9-12616048-0 气门调整螺丝EX400-5 6RB1 9-12616042-1 气门调整螺丝ZX120 4BG19-12616042-0 气门调整螺丝EX200 6BD1 9-12613620-0 气门摇臂EX200 6BD1T9-12611448-2 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611448-0 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611446-2 气门摇臂(A) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611446-0 气门摇臂(A) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12571113-0 气门挺杆EX200 6BD1T9-12569055-0 气门油封EX300 6SD1T9-12569037-0 气门油封EX300 6SD1T9-12563231-0 气门座EX300 6SD1T9-12561141-0 气门弹簧(大) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12531030-1 过桥齿座EX100 4BD19-12531030-0 过桥齿座EX200-5 6BG19-12531024-1 过桥齿套SK60 4JB19-12524805-0 高压泵齿SK60 4JB19-12523080-0 过桥齿SK60 4JB19-12521045-2 曲轴齿EX400-5 6RB19-12521043-0 曲轴齿EX100 4BD19-12514803-1 偏心轴EX200 6BD1T9-12514803-0 偏心轴EX200 6BD1T9-12379061-0 曲轴皮带轮套EX400-5 6RB1 9-12379045-0 曲轴皮带轮套EX200 6BD19-12378039-0 曲轴螺帽EX400-5 6RB19-12361024-2 曲轴前座圈EX400-5 6RB1 9-12361024-0 曲轴前座圈EX400-5 6RB1 9-12333607-0 飞轮齿环EX200 6BD1T9-12275608-0 连杆瓦+0.75 EX200 6BD19-12274608-0 连杆瓦+0.50 EX200 6BD19-12273608-4 连杆瓦+0.75 EX200 6BD1T 9-12273608-2 连杆瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD1T 9-12273608-0 连杆瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD19-12271608-1 连杆瓦STD EX200 6BD1T 9-12271608-0 连杆瓦STD EX200 6BD19-12211604-1 活塞肖EX200 6BD19-12211604-0 活塞肖EX200 6BD19-11751038-1 加机油口盖EX200-5 6BG1T 9-11693048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD1T9-11693035-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11691048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11681015-0 偏心轴止推片ZX120 4BG1 9-11613035-0 偏心轴瓦SH220 6BG1T9-11611048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11530606-0 曲轴瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD1T 9-11224602-1 机油泵齿芯EX200-3 6BG19-11224602-0 机油泵齿芯EX200-3 6BG1 9-09924512-0 曲轴后油封EX200-5 6BG1T 9-09924469-0 曲轴后油封EX200-5 6BG1T 9-09844190-0 偏心轴座螺母EX300 6SD1T 9-09840316-0 连杆螺帽EX400-5 6RB19-09840309-0 气门调整螺帽EX400-5 6RB1 9-09840107-1 曲轴螺母EX200 6BD19-09840107-0 曲轴螺母EX200 6BD1T9-09802629-0 曲轴座SK60 4JB19-09802606-0 曲轴螺丝SK60 4JB1。



车辆公告号查询【篇一:如何使用车辆vin码(车架号)查询车辆信息】如何使用车辆vin码(车架号)查询车辆信息pvin(vehicle identification number),中文名叫车辆识别代号。




nbsp; br/br/一、vin代码的含义:nbsp;nbsp; br/br/1)1~3位(wmi):世界制造商识别代码,表明车辆是由谁生产的;br/br/2)4~8位(vds):车辆特征:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;br/br/轿车:种类、系列、车身类型、发动机类型及约束系统类型;br/br/mpv:种类、系列、车身类型、发动机类型及车辆额定总重;br/br/载货车:型号或种类、系列、底盘、驾驶室类型、发动机类型、制动系统及车辆额定总重; br/br/客车:型号或种类、系列、车身类型、发动机类型及制动系统。


br/br/4)第10位:车型年份,即厂家规定的型年(model year),不一定是实际生产的年份,但一般与实际生产的年份之差不超过1年。

nbsp;nbsp; br/br/5)第11位:装配厂;nbsp;nbsp; br/br/6)12~17位:顺序号,一般情况下,汽车召回都是针对某一顺序号范围内的车辆,即某一批次的车辆。

br/br/二、世界制造厂识别代码(wmi):nbsp; br/br/全球所有汽车制造厂都拥有一个或多个wmi(世界制造厂识别代码),该代码由三位字符(字母和数字)组成,它包含下信息:nbsp;nbsp; br/br/1)第一个字符是表示地理区域,如非洲、亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲、北美洲和南美洲。

Hyundai 车辆快速参考指南说明书

Hyundai 车辆快速参考指南说明书

Looking for more detailed information? This Quick Reference Guide does not replace your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual, If you require additional information or are unsure of a specific issue, you should always refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual or contact your authorized Hyundai dealer.The information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was correct at the time of printing, however, specifications and equipment can change without notice. No warranty or guarantee is being extended in this Quick Reference Guide, and Hyundai reserves the right to change product specifications and equipment at any time without incurring obligations. Some vehicles are shown with optional equipment. Specifications apply to U.S. vehicles only. Please contact your Hyundai dealer for current vehicle specifications.NP150-V2019☐ BLUE LINK – pages 26- A ssist with creating account - Assist with Blue Link enrollment - Show Blue Link Users Manual- Encourage customer to download the MyHyundai by Blue Link app☐ Date/Time – pages 36- Demonstrate how to set Date/Time (including daylightsavings setting for Navigation equipped vehicles)☐ D UAL CLUTCH TRANSMISSION – pages 38- Explain DCT characteristics☐ N AVIGATION (if applicable) – page 29- Demonstrate navigation system POI, enter dealer address☐ T- E xplain TPMS function of customer - W hen illuminated, one or more tires areunder-inflated- B when there is a malfunction with the TPMS☐ V EHICLE SETTINGS – pages 12 and 31- Show radio presetsTheHyundai VELOSTERRoadside Assistance: 1-800-243-7766 Consumer Affairs:1-800-633-5151 Sirius XM ®Radio: 1-800-967-2346 Quick Reference GuideCommand Example BLUETOOTH®Dial <Phone #>Call <Name>“Dial7-1-4-9-6-5-3-0-0-0” “Call John Smith”Command ExampleNAVIGATIONFind Address <House #, Street,City, State>“1-2-3-4-5 1st Street,Fountain Valley”CommandExampleLocated on Rearview MirrorLOCAL SEARCHFind <POI Name><POI Name>“Find Lowe’s® near me”“Starbucks®”Improving how you store your contacts can optimize your Bluetooth® Voice Recognition performance:• Use full names instead of short or single-syllable names (“John or Dad”)• Avoid using special characters/emojis or abbreviations (“Dr.”) when saving contactsFind <POI Name>“Find McDonald’s®”☐ INTRODUCTION AND LOCATION OF THE SERVICE DEPARTMENT ☐ SET FIRST SERVICE APPOINTMENT☐ REVIEW FACTORY RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ☐ WAS THE CONDITION OF YOUR VEHICLE (AT DELIVERY) TO YOURSATISFACTION?Sales Consultant DateSales Manager Date CustomerDate@HYUNDAI VEHICLE OWNER PRIVACY POLICYYour Hyundai vehicle may be equipped with technologies and services that use information collected, generated, recorded or stored by the vehicle. Hyundai has created a Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy to explain how these technologies and services collect, use, and share this information.You may read our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy on the website at https:///owner-privacy-policy.aspxIf you would like to receive a hard copy of our Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy, please contact our Customer Connect Center at:Hyundai Motor AmericaHyundai Customer Connect CenterP.O. Box 20850Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0850**************************************Hyundai's Customer Connect Center representatives are available Monday through Friday, between the hours of 5:00 AM and 7:00 PM PST and Saturday and Sunday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST (English). For Customer Connect Center assistance in Spanish or Korean, representatives are available Monday through Friday between 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM PST.ENGINE START/STOP BUTTONWith the ignition OFF, press the engine start/stop button:• Once for ACC (Accessory) mode. • Twice for ON mode. • Three times for OFF.To start the engine, press the start/stop button while: • EcoShift Dual Clutch Transmission: depressing the brake pedal. • Manual Transmission: depressing the clutch and brake pedal.To shut engine OFF, shift to:• E coShift Dual Clutch Transmission: P (Park) and press thestart/stop button. • M anual Transmission: Select Neutral, apply thehand brake, and press the start/stop button.Emergency situations• S hut off engine while driving:Press engine start/stop button for more than 2 seconds or press it 3 times consecutively within 3 seconds. • R estart engine while driving:Press engine start/stop button with shift lever in N (Neutral).See Owner's Manual for more details.SUNROOF INTERIOR LIGHTSMap lampINSTRUMENT CLUSTERType A1231 122334455678Sport ModeFEATURES AND CONTROLS TRIP COMPUTERC Climate display button G Rear window defroster button Outside (fresh) air position Recirculated air positionNOTETo reduce the tendency of the glass fogging and improve visibility, keep the interior surface of the windshield clean by wiping it with aPlease visit /Bluetooth for a list of compatible phones tested to work with Hyundai’s Bluetooth ® system.Pairing tutorials, phone compatibility andOperational tips can be found through the Smart QR code using the QR reader application on your Smartphone.BLUETOOTH PHONE PAIRINGPhone setup (pairing phone)1. P ress PHONE button on the radio or on the steering wheel.2. Press the “Bluetooth” button on the screen.3. Press “Add New” button on the screen.4. Search for the device name as displayed on your mobile phone and connect.5. If necessary, input the passkey displayed on the Audio screen.6. Pairing is complete.NOTEVehicle must be in park to complete pairing process.BLUE LINK TELEMATICS SYSTEMBlue Link subscription is required. To enroll, please visit your dealership or .Press the button for access to the voice-response menu of services.- You can say:Service LinkRoadside AssistanceBlue Link Account Services Help CancelPress the button for Destination search by Voice.- For vehicle equipped with factory-installed navigation systems.- For non-navigation, this button functions with Android Auto or Apple CarPlay.Press the button for SOS Emergency Assistance.Visit for more information or refer to your Blue Link User’s Manuall for detailed information on system operation. For immediate assistance with subscription services, please call 1-855-2BLUELINK (1-855-225-8354).Google TM is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.You can download the MyHyundai with Blue Link app to your compatible smart phone from the following sites:• iPhone ® — Apple ® App Store • Android ™ — Google Play ™Remote Start enables you to remotely start your vehicle from virtually anywhere. For vehicles equipped with full-automatic temperature control, you can also enable climate control remotely and turn on the front window defroster, ensuring a warm or cool car is ready to go when you are.NOTE:Temperature will be set to temperature set at last use.• To use this feature, you must have a Blue Link PersonalIdentification Number (PIN). To create or change your PIN, log on to or open the MyHyundai app.Remote StartThe MyHyundai with Blue Link App• R emote Start will automatically shut off after 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out.• W hile this feature is active, the parking lights will blink until vehicle is turned off or when vehicle is in operation.• T o continue operation of the vehicle, the proximity key must be inside the vehicle with the driver prior to pressing the brake and being able to move the gearshift from the P (Park) position.Remember:Visit FAQs to see a list of compatible devices.NOTE : Remote Start is not available on all models. Remote Start is only available for Push Start equipped vehicle with an AutomaticTransmission or Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT). Remote Start with Climate Control additionally requires Fully Automatic Temperature Control.Preconditions:• I gnition is OFF• A larm is armed (i.e., vehicle locked by key fob Remote Door Lock) • G earshift level is in the P (Park) position • B rake pedal is not depressed • E ngine hood is securely closed • A ll the doors are closed and locked • T he tailgate or trunk lid is closed• T he security/panic system is not activated • T he proximity key is not inside the vehicle • T he battery power is not low• V ehicle is located in an open area• I t has been less than 4 days since last vehicle ignition off • V ehicle located in area with good cell receptionRemote Start will terminate:• After 10 minutes or after selected engine timer runs out • B rake is pressed without proximity key inside vehicle • A larm is triggered without proximity key inside vehicle • D oor/trunk is opened from inside the vehicleNotice: Laws in some communities may restrict the use of thefeatures that remotely start the engine. For example, some laws may require a person using the remote start feature to have the vehicle in view when doing so or limit the length of time a vehicle engine may idle. Please check local and state regulations for any requirements and restrictions on remote starting of vehicles and engine idling time.NOTEA clear view of the southern sky is recommended to ensure SXM ® radio reception. • SETTING PRESET BUTTONS (FM/AM/SXM)” S ix preset frequencies for each radio modes can be stored manually.1. S elect the radio mode you want to store a station into.2. Select the desired station.3. T ouch and hold one of the preset buttons until audible beep is heard. • ADJUSTING THE SOUND1. Press SETUP button C .2. Touch “Sound” on screen. • T ouch the arrows on screen to adjustdesired sound setting.AUDIO MODE*SiriusXM® is only available on Display Audio Light and NavigationPress POWER button A to turn radio on.• TUNING/LISTENING TO CHANNELS1. Press RADIO button B .2. Rotate TUNE knob D to desired channel.Playing PandoraNOTE Not all smart phones are compatible1. E nsure you have Pandora app onyour smart phone. 2. P air your smart phone to theBluetooth system. 3. S elect “Media” on Audio screen. 4. S elect “Pandora”. 5. I nitiate Pandora app on yoursmartphone. NAVIGATIONBasic features on the map screen1 Move to the Home Screen2 Change the map view mode3 Voice Guidance On/Off4 Zoom in the map5 S et the zoom level automatically according to the guidance6 Zoom out the map7Q uick and easy selection of a destination and options8Touch to scroll the map 9 Q uick and easy selection ofa destination from the map screen 10 Set a waypoint to the current route 11 S ave frequently used address to address book 12 F ind a POI (Point Of Interest) around the current position 13 V iew the vehicle’s current position on the map screen13891011121 Set destination by address search.2 Select from previously inputted addresses and POI’s.3 Online search.4 Select the desired item in the sub-categories.5Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.6 Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.7 Search and select the desireddestination among the search items.8 Search the destination with the address book.9Type coordinates to search.icon will appear confirming the setup.For more detailed information on how to operate Android Auto, please refer to your navigation manual.For additional Android Auto support, please refer to the Android Auto Support Websitehttps:///androidauto/Android Auto, Google Play, Android, and other marks are trademarksof Google Inc.PHONE SETUPTurn on Bluetooth ® on your phone and connect the micro USB cable to your phone and the USB port on the vehicle.Phone will prompt you to download the Android Auto app and update other needed apps (i.e. Google Maps™, Google Play Music™, Google Now™).NOTE: Vehicle must be parked.- Location mode setting should be set to High accuracy.- Car and phone setup should be completed in one sitting. If phone setup needs to be resumed, recommend to Force Stop the Android ANDROID AUTO ™REQUIREMENTS:- Micro USB cable- OS Android™ 5.0 or higher - Compatible Android Phone- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN:- Android Auto features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Android Auto.- Android Auto relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:recommended.your requests.https:///androidauto/CAR SETUP1. Press the SETUP button.2. Touch the “Connectivity” icon on the screen.3. Touch “iOS” on the Connectivity Settings screen then touch “On” to enable Apple CarPlay.4. Connect your Apple iPhone to the vehicle USB port then touch ‘OK’ when the pop-up message appears. The Apple CarPlay icon will now appear on the vehicle Home screen confirming the setup.Apple CarPlay, Apple, and other marks are trademarks of Apple Inc.REQUIREMENTS- Apple Lightning ® cable - Latest iOS- iPhone ® 5 or above- Data and wireless plan for applicable featuresBEFORE YOU BEGIN- Apple ® CarPlay features may operate differently than on your phone.- Message and data charges may apply when using Apple CarPlay.- Apple CarPlay relies on the performance of your phone. If you experience performance issues:- Close all apps and then restart them or - Disconnect and then reconnect your phone- Using the Apple Lightning cable that was provided with your phone is recommended.- When Apple CarPlay is active, your voice recognition system is disabled and you will be using Siri ® to make your requests.APPLE CARPLAY ™PHONE SETUPOn your phone, go to Settings > General > Restrictions > CarPlay to allow CarPlay access.On your phone, go to Settings > General > Siri and ensure Siri is turned ON.MESSAGESTouch the MESSAGES 8 icon to access the Message screen. Siri will automatically asks ‘To hear unread messages or create a new one’ when the MESSAGE icon is selected.3rd PARTY APPSSupported CarPlay apps that are downloaded on your phone will appear on the CarPlay screen. Touch the apps icons to access those supported apps.NOTE: A list of the supported CarPlay supported apps can be foundat /ios/carplay/Ensure phone has latest version of the 3rd Party Apps.Apple CarPlay uses Siri to perform many actions like sending messages, placing calls, and looking up/setting POI/Destinations. A Siri session can be initiated on any screen by:1. Touch and holding the HOME icon 1 on the CarPlay screen or2. Press the steering wheel VOICE RECOGNITION 13 button.Note: Ensure Siri feature is set to ON in your phone (Go to Settings > General > Siri).3. Say any of the following commands;•“Text <John Smith> ‘Call you later’” to send a text message. •“Read text messages” to read available text message. •“Call <John Smith>” to make a phone call.•“Find <POI/Destination>” to locate a POI/Destination.converter. This creates more of a direct-drive feel, with the transition from one gear to the next managed by clutch slip, especially at lower speeds. As a result, shifts are sometimes more noticeable, and a light vibration can be felt as the transmission speed is matched with theengine speed. This is a normal condition of the dual clutch transmission.CRUISE CONTROL/SMART CRUISE CONTROL112Adjusting the vehicle speed1. Toggle “+RES” switch 2 UP to increase cruising speed.2. Toggle “-SET” switch 3 DOWN to decrease cruising speed.Note Quick toggle up/down will change speed by 1 mph. Holding switch up/down will change speed by 10 mph.To Cancel Cruise ControlPress the “CANCEL” button 4 or depress the brake pedal.When the gear shift lever is shifted into reverse (R), the rearview camera displays the area behind the vehicle.TPMS MALFUNCTION INDICATORBlinks for approximately one minute, then remains illuminatedwhen there is a malfunction with the TPMS. Inspect all tires and adjust the tire pressure to specification. If the lamp remainsilluminated, have the system checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible.LOW TIRE PRESSURE POSITION INDICATOR AND TIRE PRESSURE INDICATOR (LCD DISPLAY)Tire pressures will display after driving a short distance. If a tire pressure drops lower than predetermined specification, the Low Tire Pressure Indicator will illuminate and the LCD display will indicate tire(s) requiring air.The Tire Specification and Pressure Label located on the driver's side center pillar gives the tire pressures recommended for your car.Low Tire Pressure Position IndicatorB L U E T O O T H ® H A N D S -F R E ESWITCHING BETWEEN PAIRED PHONESOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Connect next to the desired phone.CONNECTING YOUR PHONEOn the radio:1. Push the SETUP button.2. Select Bluetooth .3. Select Bluetooth Connection .4. Select Add New . In your phone’sBluetooth settings:5. Select the <Vehicle Name> on your phone.6. Enter the passkey from theradio or accept the authorization pop-up on your phone.For more information, visit Using Voice Command:“Change Bluetooth device”。



E5的CODE对照表059C438: E5-00 RM-632 3HK HK Black v1059C442: E5-00 RM-632 3HK HK **** v1_COLOR059C291: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant Hongkong HK (Black v1) 059C2C3: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant Hongkong HK (**** v1)_COLOR059C437: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant Thailand TH V1059C648: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant Thailand TH **** V1_COLOR0595447: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595447: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595447: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595445: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC KH 0595444: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC MY马来西亚俗称亚太版颜色是黑色0595443: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595443: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595443: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595443: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595451: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENG B/LK/N 0595451: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENG B/LK/N059B5W2: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENG BD 059B409: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENG Nepal 059B409: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENG Nepal 059B053: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH AU 059B055: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH IN 059B055: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH IN 0595448: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH NZ 0595446: RM-632 CTR BLACK APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH PH 0592167: RM-632 CTR BLACK CHINA CHINESE PRC CN 0592167: RM-632 CTR BLACK CHINA CHINESE PRC CN 0595458: RM-632 CTR BLACK HONG KONG CHINESE HK HK 0595458: RM-632 CTR BLACK HONG KONG CHINESE HK HK 0595210: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA1 QW ARABIC LAT J/L 0595210: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA1 QW ARABIC LAT J/L 0595210: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA1 QW ARABIC LAT J/L 0595210: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA1 QW ARABIC LAT J/L 0595225: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA10 QW FARSI LAT 0595225: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA10 QW FARSI LAT 0595228: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA 0595228: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA 0595228: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA 0595228: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA0595231: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA12 QW COM ENGLISH ZA 0595233: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA13 QW COM ENG 0595233: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA13 QW COM ENG 0595233: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA13 QW COM ENG 0595235: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA14 QW COM ENGLISH NG 0595235: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA14 QW COM ENGLISH NG 0595237: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA15 QW PORTUGUESE 0595237: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA15 QW PORTUGUESE 0595239: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA16 QW FRENCH S/I/C/M 0595239: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA16 QW FRENCH S/I/C/M 0595212: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA2 QW ARAB LAT KSA/YE 0595212: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA2 QW ARAB LAT KSA/YE 0595212: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA2 QW ARAB LAT KSA/YE 0595212: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA2 QW ARAB LAT KSA/YE 0595216: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA4 QW ARAB LAT B/Q/O 0595216: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA4 QW ARAB LAT B/Q/O 0595216: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA4 QW ARAB LAT B/Q/O 0595216: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA4 QW ARAB LAT B/Q/O 0595217: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA5 QW FRENCH DZ/MA/TN 0595217: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA5 QW FRENCH DZ/MA/TN 0595219: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA6 QW ARABIC LAT SY 0595219: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA6 QW ARABIC LAT SY0595222: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA7 QW COM ENG PK 0595222: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA7 QW COM ENG PK 0595223: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA8 QW COM ENG 0595223: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA8 QW COM ENG 0595223: RM-632 CTR BLACK MEA8 QW COM ENG 0595453: RM-632 CTR BLACK THAI THAI TH0595452: RM-632 CTR BLACK VIETNAM COM ENG VN 0595797: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595797: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595797: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC ID 0595795: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC KH 0595794: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC MY 0595791: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595791: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595791: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595791: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW1 CHINESE PRC SG 0595799: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG B/LK/N 0595799: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG B/LK/N 059B5W3: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG BD 059B5W3: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG BD 059B408: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG NEPAL 059B408: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENG NEPAL059B058: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH AU 059B059: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH IN 059B059: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH IN 0595798: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH NZ 0595796: RM-632 CTR **** APAC QW2 COM ENGLISH PH 0594888: RM-632 CTR **** CHINA CHINESE PRC CN 0595814: RM-632 CTR **** HONG KONG CHINESE HK HK 0595814: RM-632 CTR **** HONG KONG CHINESE HK HK 0595751: RM-632 CTR **** MEA1 QW ARAB LAT J/L/I 0595751: RM-632 CTR **** MEA1 QW ARAB LAT J/L/I 0595759: RM-632 CTR **** MEA10 QW FARSI LAT 0595759: RM-632 CTR **** MEA10 QW FARSI LAT 0595760: RM-632 CTR **** MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA 0595760: RM-632 CTR **** MEA11 QW ARABIC LAT UEA 0595761: RM-632 CTR **** MEA12 QW COM ENGLISH ZA 0595762: RM-632 CTR **** MEA13 QW COM ENG 0595762: RM-632 CTR **** MEA13 QW COM ENG 0595764: RM-632 CTR **** MEA14 QW COM ENGLISH NG 0595764: RM-632 CTR **** MEA14 QW COM ENGLISH NG 0595765: RM-632 CTR **** MEA15 QW PORTUGUESE 0595765: RM-632 CTR **** MEA15 QW PORTUGUESE 0595766: RM-632 CTR **** MEA16 QW FRENCH0595766: RM-632 CTR **** MEA16 QW FRENCH0595753: RM-632 CTR **** MEA2 QW ARABIC LAT KSA 0595753: RM-632 CTR **** MEA2 QW ARABIC LAT KSA 0595754: RM-632 CTR **** MEA4 QW ARABIC LAT0595754: RM-632 CTR **** MEA4 QW ARABIC LAT0595755: RM-632 CTR **** MEA5 QW FRENCH0595755: RM-632 CTR **** MEA5 QW FRENCH0595756: RM-632 CTR **** MEA6 QW ARABIC LAT0595756: RM-632 CTR **** MEA6 QW ARABIC LAT0595757: RM-632 CTR **** MEA7 QW COM ENG PK 0595757: RM-632 CTR **** MEA7 QW COM ENG PK 0595758: RM-632 CTR **** MEA8 QW COM ENG0595758: RM-632 CTR **** MEA8 QW COM ENG0595802: RM-632 CTR **** THAI THAI TH0595800: RM-632 CTR **** VIETNAM COM ENG VN059C368: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant Croatia HR Black v1 059C209: E5-00 RM-632 Country Variant United Kingdom GB V1 Black059C2Z9: E5-00 RM-632 Orange Romania RO GV。

,ISL28136FHZ-T7A,ISL28136FBZ-T7,ISL28136FHZ-T7,ISL28136FBZ,ISL28136EVAL1Z, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

,ISL28136FHZ-T7A,ISL28136FBZ-T7,ISL28136FHZ-T7,ISL28136FBZ,ISL28136EVAL1Z, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

•Compatible with most vacuum and mechanical pick and place assembly systems.•Accepts standard and mini blade automotive blade fuses.•Clip with Matte-Tin plate is ideal for low temperature soldering applications,for other temperature sensitive components.•Clips with Tin-Nickel plate are ideal for lead free,high temperature soldering applications.•Compatible with most vacuum and mechanical pick and place assembly systems.•Fully insulated clips to protect fuses against shorting.•One piece assembly reduces assembly time •Withstands shock and vibration.Pad Layout For TwoClips.185[4.7].150[3.8].242[6.14].282[7.2].100[2.5].062[1.6].062[1.6]SPECIFICATIONSMaterial:.016(.41)Brass,Matte Tin PlateCurrent Rating:30Amps @500V ACSPECIFICATIONSMaterial:.016(.41)Brass,Tin-Nickel PlateCurrent Rating:20Amps @500V ACTel (718)956-8900•Fax (718)956-9040(800)221-5510•kec@31-0720th Road –Astoria,NY 11105-2017RoHS COMPLIANT ~ISO 9001CERTIFIED ®VERTICAL ENTRYVERTICAL ENTRYFor Mini:Littelfuse:MIN series/Bussmann ATM series or equivalentFor Mini:Littelfuse:MIN series/Bussmann ATM series or equivalentCAT.NO.3586(Bulk).120[3.0]DIA.(2)PLS..320[8.1].092[2.3]TYP..400[10.2].125[3.2]SMT “AUTO”BLADE FUSE CLIPSSMT “AUTO”BLADE FUSEHOLDERS.325[8.3].345[8.8].630[16.0].290[7.4].062[1.6]TYP..390[9.9].111[2.8].062[1.6].350[8.8].390[9.9]Mounting DetailHORIZONTAL ENTRY2in 1FUSE HOLDERMINI FUSE HOLDER.325[8.3].345[8.8].265[6.7].530[13.5].290[7.4].780[19.8].062[1.6]TYP.Mounting Detail.530[13.5].111[2.8].350[8.8].062[1.6]SPECIFICATIONSContacts:.016(.41)Brass,Tin-Nickel Plate Insulator:High Temperature Nylon 46,UL 94V-0Operating Temp.Range:-58°F to+292°F (-50°C to+145°C)Current Rating:20Amps @500V ACSPECIFICATIONSContacts:.016(.41)Brass,Tin-Nickel Plate Insulator:High Temperature Nylon 46,UL 94V-0Operating Temp.Range:-58°F to+292°F (-50°C to+145°C)Current Rating:20Amps @500V AC.100[2.5].312[7.9].250[6.4].075[1.9].156[4.0].105[2.7]TYP..090[2.3]L =.562[14.3]FOR MINI FUSE L =.750[19.0]FOR STANDARD AND LOW PROFILE FUSES.252[6.4].105[2.7].067[1.7].067[1.7].176[4.5]LPad Layout For Two Clips.100[2.5].110[2.8].320[8.1].312[7.9]Mounting Detail For Two ClipsSPECIFICATIONSMaterial:.012(.30)Brass,Tin-Nickel PlateCurrent Rating:15Amps @500V ACCAT.NO.3563TR (Tape &Reel)CAT.NO.3563(Bulk)Tape &Reel Spec’s:24mm wide,12mm pitch,13inch reel (1500pieces per reel)CAT.NO.3586TR (Tape &Reel)CAT.NO.3569(Bulk)CAT.NO.3569TR (Tape &Reel)Tape &Reel Spec’s:16mm wide,12mm pitch,13inch reel (750pieces per reel)Tape &Reel Spec’s:24mm wide,8mm pitch,13inch reel (2000pieces per reel)CAT.NO.3587TR (Tape &Reel)CAT.NO.3587(Bulk)Tape &Reel Spec’s:32mm wide,16mm pitch,13inch reel (500pieces per reel)CAT.NO.3588(Bulk)CAT.NO.3588TR (Tape &Reel)Tape &Reel Spec’s:32mm wide,16mm pitch,13inch reel (500pieces per reel)For Mini:Littelfuse:MIN series/Bussmann ATM series or equivalentFor Mini:Littelfuse:MIN series/Bussmann ATM series.For Standard:Littelfuse:ATO series/Bussmann ATC series.For Low Profile:Littelfuse:891series/Bussmann ATM-LP seriesFor Standard:Littelfuse:ATO series/Bussmann ATC series.For Low Profile:Littelfuse:891series/Bussmann ATM-LP seriesSMT “AUTO”FUSE CLIPS &HOLDERS41.400[10.2].250[6.4].125[3.2].091[2.30].125[3.2].236[6.0].079[2.00](2) PLS芯天下--/。








东风牌DFL1250QBXA 东风牌DFL5160CCQBX7A 解放牌CA116OP62K1L4E 东风牌DFL5311CCQAX3
开瑞牌SQR1042H16D 开瑞牌SQR1042H16D 欧曼牌BJ5253VMCHP-1 乘龙牌LZ5161XXYLAS 开瑞牌SQR1042H16D
乘龙牌LZ1165RAP 欧曼牌EJ5312CCY-3
A10F9D00955 E37L3D03497
87588067 D913A025088
89124967 E36E3D03217 L3AE2D02481 E36E3D03140 HC533391YA22
87573026 87602574 87583384 E36E3D03131 87586303 E36E3D03132 60130254 L3AE2D02350 13054767 13058636 J1AF7D01003 E37L3D01642 13055333 E35L4004401 A10F9D00928 E37L3D03499 E36E3D03225 89103791
23 苏F38639 东风牌DFL5160CCQBX2A LGAX2A13XD1115385 E36E3D03019
2014/1/2 2014/1/3 2014/1/3 2014/1/7 2014/1/13 2015/4/25 2012/10/8 2014/12/6 2014/12/9 2014/12/17 2013/12/25 2013/12/31 2013/12/27 2013/12/31 2013/12/24 2013/12/18 2013/12/9 2013/12/9 2013/12/19 2013/12/12 2013/12/9 2013/12/6 2013/12/4


圣达菲 胜达KMHSH81D17U 佳乐KNAFG521,排量2.0L 索兰托KNAKU811 享御KPIS0A1K 爱腾KPTC0B1KX6P (A200XDi)
SALAN24486A370686 SALAN2F40AA527827 SALAN2F4XCA604755 SALFA24A88H099243 SALFA2BBXAH191018 SALSN25458A168894 SALSN25479A205574 SALSN2E43BA295067 SALSN2F40BA291752 SCBBF53WX9C062122 SCBBF53WX9C062122 SCBLE47K78CX19563 SCBLE47K78CX19563 TRUAF28J091004574 TRUAF28JX91029904 TRUAFB8J0A1017622 TRUBFB8J5A1001405 VF30U5FV1BS105227 VF34B5FI5AS027085 VF34H5FT3AS019551 VF34U5FT8AS017757 VF7UARFJ19J086868 VFILMREB76R554817 WAU8FD8T6AA067525 WAUAFB8T0AA068286 WAUAGD4LXBD030062 WAUAV54L48D065066 WAUAY94L27D105547 WAUAYD4L3AD028813 WAURGB4H0BN015924 WAUSHB4E6AN001500 WAUZZZ4E36N009310 WBA2V4108BLL55785 WBADT61080C137572 WBADV3102BE594502 WBAFA11016LT66422 WBAFB310X0LP13987 WBAFE41009L247075 WBAFE81088L091650 WBAFG2107BL503006 WBAFG4105AL374645 WBAFR7103BC947653 WBAGL61070DM53917 WBAGN61090DP94665 WBAKB2107AC410496 WBAKB41029CY48222 WBALM3106AE449539 WBALM5102AE387052 WBAPC7109AWK28409 WBAPF7105BF101469 WBAPH110XAA639345 WBAPH110XAA639345 WBAUD31058PT31968 WBAUD3105AP501154



LH160字库常用汉字表0041 0165 0166 0171 0172 0167 1234 1161 0060 2080 7045 0172 启消防喷淋泵储藏间顶雨淋0188 0189 0190 0002 0191 0192 0221 7062 0010 0013 2139 0178 卷帘门全半降急预火警放气0195 0197 0166 0010 0177 4033 0016 0199 5060 0111 0081 0182 排烟防火阀口楼梯前室通管0058 0130 2188 0061 1010 0117 0149 3231 0111 1229 0102 0087 地下负首一层起居室厨房号5070 0073 0074 0146 0131 0132 0073 0199 6085 6029 2222 6239 切电源新风机电梯卧厅更衣0041 0042 0090 0077 5230 1159 4036 0072 6085 7023启停正压送仓库主卧佣0029 0087 0177 0193 0194 5200 0102 1156 6029 3101 6254 信号阀空调书房餐厅会议0165 0010 0168 0173 0174 3218 4074 7139 1071 7194 0143 消火栓水流经理值班综合0033 0012 0169 0170 0080 4193 0178 3078手报按钮断煤气户0073 1249 0177 0160 4058 7126 2016 6147 0120 0190电磁阀线缆走大小出口0116 2041 0077 0176 0069 0040 1020 7207 1000 2175 6096楼道压力开关 A 座 0 服务0073 0119 5034 0192 0017 0176 3014 4138 0102 0159 0105 0106 电梯迫降动力锅炉房多功能0200 0201 5184 0036 0163 0164 5064 5208 1054 5107广播事故照明强竖井入0066 0067 0013 0158 5163 0147 1189 0060 4036 0042 1189 1177 区显警铃声光车间库停车场0021 0022 0120 0027 0028 2082 4236 6099 0006 0129输入出模块东南西北中0197 0198 2198 0023 0024 0025 5060 0133 7205 7035 0128烟温感探测器前后左右上LH160字库和表0(1000) 1(1001) 2(1002) 3(1003) 4(1004) 5(1005) 6(1006)7(1007) 8(1008) 9(1009) 一(1010) 二(1011) 三(1012) 四(1013)五(1014) 六(1015) 七(1016) 八(1017) 九(1018) 十(1019) A(1020)B(1021) C(1022) D(1023) E(1024) F(1025) G(1026) H(1027)I(1028) J(1029) K(1030) L(1031) M(1032) N(1033) O(1034)P(1035) Q(1036) R(1037) S(1038) T(1039) U(1040) V(1041)W(1042) X(1043) Y(1044) Z(1045) 《(1046) 》(1047) [(1048)](1049): (1050) a(1051) b(1052) 、(1053) #(1054) Ж(1055)* (1056) 。



J611A-2.2×0.6A7114-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)J611A-2.2×0.6B7114-4026(YAZAKI矢崎号)A7116-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)J622A-2.2×0.6A8100-3808(SUMITOMO住友号)J625-2.2B368084-1(AMP安普号)740 367-3(KET)6B740 368-3(KET)25A-2.3S8240-4862(SUMITOMO住友号)13517856(DELPHI德尔福号)13519984(DELPHI德尔福号)15458363(DELPHI德尔福号)15458364(DELPHI德尔福号)82304282(MSSL)82404422(MSSL)1530-4722(DELPHI德尔福号)1530-4720(DELPHI德尔福号)6B1530-4724(DELPHI德尔福号)N904 886.02(大众号)8240-4050(SUMITOMO住友号)J614-2.8*0.8A142754-1(AMP安普号)J611-2.8×0.5A15458340(DELPHI德尔福号)J621-E2.8×0.5A15458361(DELPHI德尔福号)J621-E2.8×0.5B82404050(MSSL)J625-2.8×0.8A1360 9538(DELPHI德尔福号) J625-2.8×0.8B1360 9539(DELPHI德尔福号) J625-A2.8×0.8B1360 9537(DELPHI德尔福号)0.6B740 187-3(KET)0.6A15458316(DELPHI德尔福号)J621-F3×0.6A730 383-3(KET)J621-F3×0.6B730 186-3(KET)J6232-E3A925590-1(AMP安普号)J613-3A18002097(MSSL)N 906 844 01(大众号)N 906 845 01(大众号)ST710507-3(KET)ST710559-3(KET)214 63651-13-3-062(上海金亭号)533 59931-13-3-066(上海金亭号)6-2.513608457(DELPHI德尔福号)6-613609445(DELPHI德尔福号) 10681101060(MSSL) 20681102060(MSSL) 30681103060(MSSL) 30881103080(MSSL)J432-8G1074 8236(DELPHI德尔福号)0296 2869(DELPHI德尔福号)8100-1236(SUMITOMO住友号)8240-4242(SUMITOMO住友号)PP0338401(南通号)I2670J1(上海特索号)311045(上海特索号)200003/200027(上海特索号)7.752.112(US)1-13-3-065(国产号)1-13-3-066(国产号)1-13-3-067(国产号)1-13-3-068(国产号)1-13-3-062(国产号)1-13-5-005(国产号)1-13-5W-001(国产号)157017-00P-WGT1-18-5-041(上海金亭号)P-CIT1-18-5-042(上海金亭号)FD027-81538 5785(DELPHI德尔福号)其它号2173 681-1(AMP安普号)8100-0544(矢崎)35421-6302(矢崎)15383364(DELPHI 德尔福号号)962 876-1(AMP安普号)7114-4100-02(YAZAKI矢崎号)崎号)S T730 497-3(KET)184030-3(AMP安普号)171631-1(AMP安普号)8230-4492(YAZAKI 矢崎号)8240-4882(YAZAKI 矢崎号)释和修改权属技术部DJ625B-0.6*0.6A8100-0461(SUMITOMO住友号)P E165620(DELPHI德尔福号)8230-4282(SUMITOMO住友号)1(AMP)1813018313519981(DELPHI德尔福号)144 431-1(AMP安普号)964284-2(AMP安普号)927771-3(AMP安普号) 144 432-1(AMP安普号)965999-2(AMP安普号)927768-3(AMP安普号)N 906 844 02(大众号)927773-1(AMP安普号)0-0964280-2(AMP安普号)0-0964282-2(AMP安普号)0-0965999-2(AMP安普号)0-0964273-2(AMP安普号)7116-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)7114-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)N 904 890(大众号)927854-2(AMP安普号)15458370(DELPHI德尔福号)5458369(DELPHI德尔福号)964328-1(AMP安普号)963887-2(AMP安普号)AKI矢崎号)15356827(DELPHI德尔福号) 8100-0960(SUMITOMO住友号)号)号)OMO住友号)上海特索号)1-13-5W-002(国产号)。























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1/10L6574September 2003 s HIGH VOLTAGE RAIL UP TO 600V s dV/dt IMMUNITY ± 50 V/ns IN FULL TEMPERATURE RANGEsDRIVER CURRENT CAPABILITY:250mA SOURCE 450mA SINKs SWITCHING TIMES 80/40ns RISE/FALL s WITH 1nF LOADs CMOS SHUT DOWN INPUT s UNDER VOLTAGE LOCK OUTs PREHEAT AND FREQUENCY SHIFTING TIMINGs SENSE OP AMP FOR CLOSED LOOP CONTROL OR PROTECTION FEATURES s HIGH ACCURACY CURRENT CONTROLLED OSCILLATORs INTEGRATED BOOTSTRAP DIODE s CLAMPING ON VS.sSO16, DIP 16 PACKAGESDESCRIPTIONIn order to ensure voltage ratings in excess of 600V, the L6574 is manufactured with BCD OFF LINE technology, which makes it well suited for lamp ballast applications.The device is intended to drive two power MOS-FETS, in the classical half bridge topology, ensur-ing all the features needed to drive and properlycontrol a fluorescent bulb.A dedicated timing section in the L6574 allows the user set the necessary parameters for proper pre-heat and ignition of the lamp.Also, an OP AMP is available to implement closed loop control of the lamp current during normal lamp burning.An integrated bootstrap section, eliminating the nor-mally required bootstrap diode and the zener clamp-ing on Vs, makes the L6574 well suited for low cost applications where few additional components are needed to build a high performance ballast.CFL/TL BALLAST DRIVER PREHEAT AND DIMMINGBLOCK DIAGRAML65742/10PIN CONNECTION (top view)THERMAL DATASymbol ParameterDIP16SO16N Unit R th j-ambThermal Resistance Junction to ambientMax.80120°C/WPIN DESCRIPTIONN°Pin Function1CPREPreheat Timing Capacitor. The capacitor C PRE sets the preheating and the frequency shift time,according to the relations: t PRE = K PRE · C PRE and t SH = K FS · C PRE (typ. K PRE = 1.5s/µF, K FS =0.15s/µF). This feature is obtained by charging CPRE with two different currents. During tPRE this current is independent of the external components, so CPRE is charged up to 3.5V (preheat timing comparator threshold). During t SH the current depends on R PRE value (i.e. on the differ-ence between f PRE and f IGN ). In this way tSH is always set at 0.1t PRE . In steady state the voltage at pin 1 is 5V.2RPREMaximum Oscillation Frequency Setting. The resistance connected between this pin and ground sets the fPRE value, fixing the difference between f PRE and f IGN (f PRE > f IGN ). At the end of the Start-up procedure, the effect current drown from R PRE is over. The voltage at this pin is fixed at V REF =2V.3CF Oscillator Frequency Setting. The capacitor C F , along with to R PRE and R IGN , sets f PRE and f ING .In normal operation this pin shows a triangular wave.4RIGN Minimum Oscillation Frequency Setting. The resistance connected between this pin and ground sets the f IGN value. The voltage at this pin is fixed at V REF =2V.5OPout Out of the operational amplifier. To implement a feedback control loop this pin can be connected to the RIGN pin by means an appropriate circuitry.6OPin-Inverting Input of the operational amplifier.7OPin+Non Inverting Input of the operational amplifier.8EN1Enable 1. This pin (active high), forces the device in a latched shutdown state (like in the under voltage conditions). There are two ways to resume normal operation:– the first is to reduce the supply voltage below the undervoltage threshold and then increase it again until the valid supply is recognised.– the second is activating EN2 input.The enable 1 is especially designed for strong fault (e.g. in case of lamp disconnection).L6574PIN DESCRIPTION (continued)N°Pin Function9EN2Enable 2. EN2 input (active high) restarts the start-up procedure (preheating and ignition sequence). This features is useful if the lamp does not turn-on after the first ignition sequence .10GND Ground.11LVG Low Side Driver Output. This pin must be connected to the low side power MOSFET gate of the half bridge. A resistor connected between this pin and the power MOS gate can be used toreduce the peak current.12VS Supply Voltage. This pin, connected to the supply filter capacitor, is internally clamped (15.6V typical).13N.C.Non Connected. This pin set a distance between the pins related to the HV and those related to the LV side.14OUT High Side Driver Floating Reference. This pin must be connected close to the source of the high side power MOS or IGBT.15HVG High Side Driver Output. This pin must be connected to the high side power MOSFET gate of the half bridge. A resistor connected between this pin and the power MOS gate can be used toreduce the peak current.16VBOOT Bootstrapped Supply Voltage. Between this pin and VS must be connected the bootstrap capac-itor. A patented integrated circuitry replaces the external bootstrap diode, by means of a highvoltage DMOS, synchronously driven with the low side power MOSFET.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitI S Supply Current (*)25mAV LVG Low Side Output-0.3 to Vs +0.3V V OUT High Side Reference-1 to VBOOT -18V V HVG High Side Output-1 to VBOOT V V BOOT Floating Supply Voltage-1 to 618VdV BOOT/dt V BOOT pin Slew rate (repetitive)±50V/ns dV OUT/dt OUT pin Slew Rate (repetitive)±50V/ns V ir Forced Input Voltage (pins Ring, Rpre)-0.3 to 5V V ic Forced Input Voltage (pins Cpre, Cf)-0.3 to 5VV EN1, V EN2Enable Input Voltage-0.3 to 5VI EN1, I EN2Enable Input Current±3mAV opc Sense Op Amp Common Mode Range-0.3 to 5V V opd Sense Op Amp Differential Mode Range±5V V opo Sense Op Amp Output Voltage (forced) 4.6V T stg, T j Storage Temperature-40 to +150°C T amb Ambient Temperature-40 to +125°C (*) The device has an internal Clamping Zener between GND and the V CC pin, it must not be supplied by a Low Impedance Voltage Source.Note: ESD immunity for pins 14, 15 and 16 is guaranteed up to 900V (Human Body Model)3/10L65744/10RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS(*) If the condition Vboot - Vout < 18 is guaranteed, Vout can range from -3 to 580V.Symbol ParameterValue Unit V S Supply Voltage 10 to V CL V V OUT (*)High Side Reference -1 to V BOOT -V CLV V BOOT (*)Floating Supply Voltage500VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS(V S = 12V; V BOOT -V OUT = 12V; T amb = 25°C)Symbol Pin ParameterTest ConditionMin. Typ.Max.Unit Supply VoltageV suvp 12V s Turn On Threshold 9.510.210.9V V suvn V s Turn Off Threshold 7.388.7V V suvh Supply Voltage Under Voltage Hysteresys2.2V V cl Supply Voltage Clamping 14.615.616.6V I su Start Up CurrentV S < V suvn250µA I qQuiescent Current, fout = 60kHz, no load.V S > V supv 2mAHigh voltage Section I bootleak 16BOOT pin leakage current V BOOT = 580V 5µA I outleak 14OUT pin Leakage Current V OUT = 562V 5µA High/Low Side DriversI hvgso 15High Side Driver Source Current V HVG -V OUT = 0170250mA I hvgsi 15High Side Driver Sink Current V HVG -V BOOT = 0300450mA I hvgso 11Low Side Drive Source Current VLVG-GND = 0170250mA I lvgsi 11Low Side Drive Source Current V LVG -V S = 0300450mA t rise 15, 11Low/High Side Output Rise Time C load = 1nF 80120ns t fall Low/High Side Output Fall TimeC load = 1nF5080nsOscillatorD C14Output Duty Cycle485052%f ing 14Minimum Output Oscillation FrequencyC F = 470pF;R ing = 50k Ω58.26061.8kHz f pre14Maximum Output Oscillation FrequencyC F = 470pF;R ing = 50k Ω;R pre = 47k Ω114120126kHzV ref 2,4Voltage to current converters threshold1.922.1V I Vref 2,4Reference Current0120µA t d14Dead Time between Low and High Side Conduction0.81.25 1.7µs5/10L6574High/Low Side Driving Section:High and low side driving sections provide the proper drive to the external power MOSFET. A high sink/source driving current (450/250 mA typical) ensures fast switching times when a size 4 external power MOSFET needs to be driven.Bootstrap Section:A patented integrated bootstrap section replaces an external bootstrap diode. This section together with a bootstrap capacitor provides the bootstrap voltage to drive the high side power MOSFET. This function is achieved using a high voltage DMOS driver which is driven synchronously with the low side external power MOSFET.For a safe operation, current flow into the Vboot pin is inhibited, even though ZVS operation may not be ensured.Timing Section:To set the proper preheat time (tpre=kpre*Cpre) for the bulb, a capacitor is connected to the Cpre pin which is charged with a fixed current. During tpre, the output is switching at fpre (see Oscillator Section).When the tpre expires, the Cpre capacitor is discharged and then recharged with a different current. This sets a second time interval tsh (0.1 times the selected preheat time tpre) during which frequency shifting from fpre to fing is performed to ensure lamp ignition.Timing Sectionk pre 1Pre Heat Timing constant C pre = 330nF 1.15 1.5 1.85s/µF k fs Frequency Shift Timing Constant C pre = 330nF0.1150.150.185s/µF V thprePre Heat Timing Comparator Threshold3.33.53.7VSense OP AMPl ib 6,7Input Bias current 0.1µA V io Input Offset Voltage -1010mV R out 5Ouput Resistance 200300ΩI out +Sink Output Current V out = 0.2V 0.5mA I out -Source Output Current V out = 4.5V0.5mA V ic 6,7Common Mode Input Range -0.23V GBW Sense Op Amp Gain Band Width Product1MHz Gdc DC Open Loop Gain80dBComparators V the 8,9Enabling Comparators Threshold 0.560.60.64V V hy e Enabling Comparators Hysteresis 20100mV t pulseMinimum Pulse lenght200nsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued)(V S = 12V; V BOOT -V OUT = 12V; T amb = 25°C)Symbol Pin ParameterTest Condition Min. Typ.Max.UnitL6574Oscillator Section:A voltage controlled oscillator, with the selected frequencies fpre and fing, drives the output half bridge. Independently selected, fpre is effective during tpre and fing is effective during normal lamp burning. When working open loop, fpre and fing are the highest and lowest allowed oscillation frequencies.Closed loop control of the lamp current under normal operation can be achieved with the L6574. This is accomplished by automatic adjustment of the oscillator frequency. The OP AMP output is fed through a resistor diode network to the Ring pin. See AN 993.OP AMP Section:The integrated OP AMP offers low output impedance, wide bandwidth, high input impedance and wide common mode range. It can be readily used to implement closed loop control (see Oscillator Section) of the lamp current.EN1, EN2 Comparators:Two CMOS comparators, with thresholds set at 0.6 V (typical) are available to implement protection meth-ods (such as overvoltage, lamp removal, etc.). Short pulses (>200nsec) at the comparator inputs are rec-ognized.The EN1 input (active high) forces the L6574 in the shut down state (e.g. LVG low, HVG low, oscillator stopped) in the event of an undervoltage condition. Normal operating condition is resumed after a power-off power-on sequence or when EN2 input is high.The EN2 input (active high) also restarts a preheat sequence (see timing diagrams).TIMING DIAGRAMS6/10L6574Figure 1. f ING vs. R ING.Figure 2. ∆f vs. R PRE, with R ING = 33kΩFigure 3. ∆f vs. R PRE, with R ING = 50kΩFigure 4. ∆f vs. R PRE, with R ING = 100kΩFigure 5. f ING vs. temperature.Figure 6. f PRE vs. temperature.7/10L65748/10L65749/10L6574Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics.All other names are the property of their respective owners© 2003 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States10/10分销商库存信息:STML6574D013TR L6574D L6574E-L6574D013TR E-L6574D EVAL6574B。
