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Molding technique procedure and parameter introduction 第一節成型工艺Section 1 molding technique.

1.成型工艺参数类型 Sorts of molding parameter.

(1). 注塑参数 Injection parameter.

a.注射量 Injection rate.

b.计量行程Screw back position


d.防诞量Sucking back rate

e.螺杆转速Screw speed

f.塑化量Plastic0 rate

g.预塑背压Screw back pressure

h.注射压力和保压压力Injection pressure and holding pressure

i.注射速度Injection speed

(2)合模参数Clamping parameter

a.合模力Clamping force

b.合模速度Clamping speed

c.合模行程.Clamping stroke

d.开模力Opening force

e.开模速度Opening speed

f.开模行程Opening position

g.顶出压力Ejector advance pressure

h.顶出速度Ejector advance speed

i.顶出行程Ejector advance position

2.温控参数Temperature parameter

a.烘料温度Dry resin material temperature

b.料向与喷嘴温度Cylinder temperature and nozzle temperature

c.模具温度Mold temperature

d.油温Oil temperature

3.成型周期Molding cycle

a.循环周期Cycle time

b.冷却时间Cool time

c.注射时间Injection time

d.保压时间Holding pressure time

e.塑化时间Plant time

f.顶出及停留时间Knocking out and delay time

g.低压保护时间Mold protect time


Molding technique parameter setting differs depending on type of product 第二节成型条件设定Section 2 Molding parameter Setting


Molding steps: mold opening/closing, heating injection and knocking out.

开锁模条件:Mold opening parameter:


低压高压速度Low pressure high pressure speed

锁模条件设定:Mold closing parameter setting

1锁模一般分: 快速→中速→低压→高压

Mold closing: high-speed →low-speed →low pressure→high pressure

2.快锁模一般按模具情况分,如果是平面二板模具,快速锁模段可用较快速度,甚至于用到特快,当用到一般快速时,速度设到55-75%,完全平面模可设定到 80-90%,如果用到特快就只能


In high-speed section, Mold closing speed depends on type of mold. For two –plate mold it can set quick and even especially quick usually, it set speed within 55-75%. For full-plate mold it set speed within80-90% while using especially high speed it set speed within 45-55% and pressure within 50-75% position distance setting differs depending on the volume of product and usually it can be set 1/3 of mold opening position.



In mid-speed section: Mold closing speed changes into mid-speed after high-speed section finish. Mid-speed start position is where two plates meet (include three-plate mold and two-plate mold ) Distance of mid-speed is up to distance of two plates plate it speed within 30-50% and pressure 20-45%.



Low-pressure section: Mold closing sets low-pressure when plates meeting. This position is set to the data of machine screen on this time. This point is the gage of the data. Data lower the point there is no high-pressure. Data higher the point there is high-pressure easily. It set speed within 15-25% and pressure within 1-2% depending on type within 1-2% depending on type of injection molding machine.


High-pressure section: To normal injection molding machine, high-pressure position had been set before they were sent to customer. It can not be modified. For example high-pressure position of CHENHSONG machine is 50P.The speed of high-pressure section
