2014年 中国国内手机出货量下降22%
剂量率比较:中子辐射产生的剂量率 高于γ 高于γ辐射产生的剂量率。 相对生物效应比较:中子RBE高,在 相对生物效应比较:中子RBE高,在 人体组织内产生的生物效应中子占主要部 分。如在标准水模中,距252cf源1cm处的 cf源1cm处的 吸收剂量80% 吸收剂量80%是中子贡献,20%是γ线贡 80%是中子贡献,20% 20%是 献。 所以252cf被认为是发射中子射线为主 cf被认为是发射中子射线为主 的同位素中子源。
(五)肿瘤细胞生存曲线特点 LET射线照射时 对射线相对抗拒的肿瘤细胞, 射线照射时, 低LET射线照射时,对射线相对抗拒的肿瘤细胞, 对放射线有较大的积累容量。 对放射线有较大的积累容量。细胞存活曲线有一较宽 的肩区。而中子照射时, 的肩区。而中子照射时,细胞生存曲线几乎呈指数下 降,肩区很小或基本没有肩区。说明中子杀伤肿瘤细 肩区很小或基本没有肩区。 胞能力强,RBE高 中子RBE RBE随每次分割剂量的降低而 胞能力强,RBE高。中子RBE随每次分割剂量的降低而 升高,分割剂量变化不致导致总剂量的明显变化, 升高,分割剂量变化不致导致总剂量的明显变化,所 以中子更适合大分割短疗程治疗。 以中子更适合大分割短疗程治疗。
(二)中子的氧增效比(OER)低 中子的氧增效比(OER)低
低LET射线对细胞含氧状态依赖性大;而 LET射线对细胞含氧状态依赖性大;而 高LET射线则依赖性很小,也就是OER值小, LET射线则依赖性很小,也就是OER值小, 252cf的ORE大约1.1-1.6。 射线(低LET) 252cf的ORE大约1.1-1.6。X射线(低LET) OER是2.5-3.7,平均值为3.0。则与γ OER是2.5-3.7,平均值为3.0。则与γ射线相 比,252cf中子的治疗增益系数为1.9(即 比,252cf中子的治疗增益系数为1.9(即 3÷1.6=1.9)。从增益系数考虑,252cf中子 1.6=1.9)。从增益系数考虑,252cf中子 比光子治疗效率几乎高1 比光子治疗效率几乎高1倍。中子能有效杀死 乏O2肿瘤细胞。
TP-214S-05April 15, 1992 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION LABORATORY TEST PROCEDUREFORFMVSS 214S (STATIC)Side Impact ProtectionSAFETY ASSURANCEOffice of Vehicle Safety ComplianceRoom 6115, NSA-30400 Seventh Street, SWWashington, DC 20590OVSC LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURE NO. 214S (STATIC)TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEAPPLICATION (1)01. PURPOSEANDREQUIREMENTS (2)02. GENERAL03. SECURITY (3)04. GOODHOUSEKEEPING (3)SCHEDULINGAND MONITORING (3)05. TESTDISPOSITION (3)DATA06. TESTFURNISHEDPROPERTY (GFP) (4)07. GOVERNMENT08. CALIBRATION OF TEST INSTRUMENTS (7)DOCUMENTATION (8)09. PHOTOGRAPHIC10. DEFINITIONS (9)11. PRETESTREQUIREMENTS (10)TEST EXECUTION (15)12. COMPLIANCE13. POST TEST REQUIREMENTS (19)14. REPORTS (21)14.1. MONTHLY STATUS REPORTS (21)14.2. APPARENT TEST FAILURE (21)14.3. FINAL TEST REPORTS (21)14.3.1. C OPIES (21)14.3.2. R EQUIREMENTS (22)14.3.3. F IRST THREE PAGES (22)14.3.4. T ABLE OF CONTENTS (28)SHEETS (29)15. DATA16. FORMS (34)1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATIONThe Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (OVSC) provides contracted laboratories with Laboratory Test Procedures (TPs) which serve as guidelines for obtaining compliancetest data. The data are used to determine if a specific vehicle or item of motor vehicleequipment meets the minimum performance requirements of the subject Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS). The purpose of the OVSC Laboratory TestProcedures is to present a uniform testing and data recording format, and providesuggestions for the use of specific equipment and procedures. Any contractorinterpreting any part of an OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure to be in conflict with aFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard or observing any deficiencies in a Laboratory Test Procedure is required to advise the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative(COTR) and resolve the discrepancy prior to the start of compliance testing.Contractors are required to submit a detailed test procedure to the COTR before initiating the compliance test program. The procedure must include a step-by-step description of the methodology to be used.The OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures are not intended to limit or restrain a contractor from developing or utilizing any testing techniques or equipment, which will assist inprocuring the required compliance test data.NOTE:The OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures, prepared for use by independentlaboratories under contract to conduct compliance tests for the OVSC, are notintended to limit the requirements of the applicable FMVSS(s). In some cases, the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures do not include all of the various FMVSSminimum performance requirements. Sometimes, recognizing applicable testtolerances, the Test Procedures specify test conditions, which are less severe than the minimum requirements of the standards themselves. Therefore, compliance ofa vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment is not necessarily guaranteed if themanufacturer limits certification tests to those described in the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures.2. GENERALREQUIREMENTSFMVSS 214, Side Impact Protection, specifies performance requirements for protection of occupants in side impact crashes.The purpose of this standard is to reduce the risk of serious and fatal injury to occupants of passenger cars by specifying strength requirements for side doors. This standardapplies to all PASSENGER CARS as well as 90% of light truck type vehicles with aGVWR < 10,000 lbs, manufactured on and after September 1, 1993, to August 31, 1994.On and after September 1, 1994, all light truck type vehicles with a GVWR < 10,000 lbs will be required to meet the static requirements.3. SECURITYThe contractor shall provide appropriate security measures to protect the OVSC testvehicles from unauthorized personnel during the entire compliance-testing program. The contractor is financially responsible for any acts of theft and/or vandalism, which occurduring the storage of test vehicles. Any security problems, which arise, shall be reported by telephone to the Industrial Property Manager (IPM), Office of Contracts andProcurement, within two working days after the incident. A letter containing specificdetails of the security problem will be sent to the IPM (with copy to the COTR) within 48 hours. The contractor shall protect and segregate the data that evolves from compliance testing before and after each vehicle test. No information concerning the vehicle safety compliance-testing program shall be released to anyone except the COTR, unlessspecifically authorized by the COTR or the COTR's Branch or Division Chief. The tested vehicles shall be protected from the elements, shall be retained by the test contractor fora MINIMUM of 60 days so that NHTSA and vehicle manufacturer personnel can be givenan inspection opportunity.NO INDIVIDUALS, OTHER THAN CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL DIRECTLYINVOLVED IN THE COMPLIANCE TESTING PROGRAM, SHALL BE ALLOWED TO WITNESS ANY VEHICLE COMPLIANCE TEST UNLESS SPECIFICALLYAUTHORIZED BY THE COTR.4. GOODHOUSEKEEPINGContractors shall maintain the entire vehicle compliance testing area, test fixtures andinstrumentation in a neat, clean and painted condition with test instruments arranged in an orderly manner consistent with good test laboratory housekeeping practices.5. TEST SCHEDULING AND MONITORINGThe contractor shall submit a test schedule to the COTR prior to testing. Tests shall be completed as required in the contract. Scheduling shall be adjusted to permit samplemotor vehicles to be tested to other FMVSS as may be required by the OVSC. All testing shall be coordinated to allow monitoring by the COTR.6. TEST DATA DISPOSITIONThe contractor shall make all preliminary compliance test data available to the COTR on location within four hours after the test. Final test data, including digital printouts andcomputer generated plots (if applicable), shall be furnished to the COTR within fiveworking days. Additionally, the contractor shall analyze the preliminary test results asdirected by the COTR. Final data shall be included in the Vehicle Test Report, whichshall be delivered to the COTR one month after the completion of the side impact test.All backup data tapes and sheets, plots, technicians notes, etc., shall be either sent to the COTR or destroyed at the conclusion of each delivery order, purchase order, etc.7. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY (GFP)VEHICLESTESTThe Contractor has the responsibility of accepting test vehicles from either new cardealers or vehicle transporters. In both instances, the contractor acts in the OVSC'sbehalf when signing an acceptance of test vehicles. If a vehicle is delivered by a dealer, the contractor must check to verify the following:A. All options listed on the "window sticker" are present on the test vehicle.B. Tires and wheel rims are the same as listed.C. There are no dents or other interior or exterior flaws.D. The vehicle has been properly prepared and is in running condition.E. The glove box contains an owner's manual, warranty document, consumerinformation, and extra set of keys.F. Proper fuel filler cap is supplied on the test vehicle.If the test vehicle is delivered by a government contracted transporter, the contractorshould check for damage which may have occurred during transit.A "Vehicle Condition" form (shown on the next page) will be supplied to the contractor bythe COTR when the test vehicle is transferred from the new car dealer or between test contracts. The upper half of the form describes the vehicle in detail, and the lower half provides space for a detailed description of the post-test condition. Vehicle Conditionforms must be returned to the COTR with the copies of the Final Test Report or thereports will NOT be accepted.NOTIFICATION OF COTRThe COTR must be notified within 24 hours after a vehicle has been delivered.REPORT OF VEHICLE CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF TESTING CONTRACT NO.: DTNH22- ; DATE: _______________________ FROM: __________________________________________________________________ TO: _____________________________________________________________________The vehicle was inspected upon arrival at the laboratory for the test and found to contain all of the equipment listed below. All variances have been reported within 2 working days of vehicle arrival, by letter, to the NHTSA Industrial Property Manager (NAD-30), with a copy to the OVSC COTR. The vehicle is again inspected, after the above test has been conducted, and all changes are noted below. The final condition of the vehicle is also noted in detail. MODEL YEAR/MAKE/MODEL/BODY STYLE: __________________________________________NHTSA NO.: BODY COLOR: VIN: __________________________ODOMETER READINGS: ARRIVAL - miles DATE - ________________________COMPLETION - miles DATE - _________________________________________________________ PURCHASE PRICE: $ DEALER'SNAME:ENGINE DATA: Cylinders Liters Cubic InchesTRANSMISSION DATA: Automatic Manual No. of SpeedsFINAL DRIVE DATA: Rear Drive Front Drive 4 Wheel DriveTIRE DATA: Size - Mfr. - _______________________CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES FOR VEHICLE EQUIPMENT:Control ClockConditioning TractionAirTinted Glass All Wheel Drive Roof RackSteering SpeedControl Console PowerPower Windows Rear Window Defroster Driver Air BagPower Door Locks Sun Roof or T-Top Passenger Air BagDiscBrakes Seat(s) Tachometer Front PowerPower Brakes Tilt Steering Wheel Rear Disc BrakesAntilock Brake System AM/FM/Cassette Radio Other-LIST OTHER PERTINENT OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ON NEXT PAGE (REMARKS SECTION)REPORT OF VEHICLE CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF TESTING...Continued REMARKS:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Equipment that is no longer on the test vehicle as noted on previous page:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Explanation for equipment removal:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Test Vehicle Condition:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________RECORDED BY: DATE:_______________ APPROVED BY: _____________________8. CALIBRATION OF TEST INSTRUMENTSBefore the contractor initiates the safety compliance test program, a test instrumentation calibration system will be implemented and maintained in accordance with establishedcalibration practices. Guidelines for setting up and maintaining such calibration systems are described in MIL-C-45662A, "Calibration System Requirements." The calibrationsystem shall be set up and maintained as follows:A. Standards for calibrating the measuring and test equipment will be stored andused under appropriate environmental conditions to assure their accuracy andstability.B. All measuring instruments and standards shall be calibrated by the contractor, or acommercial facility, against a higher order standard at periodic intervals NOT TOEXCEED TWELVE (12) MONTHS! Records, showing the calibration traceabilityto the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), shall be maintainedfor all measuring and test equipment.C. All measuring and test equipment and measuring standards will be labeled withthe following information:calibrationofDate(1)(2) Date of next scheduled calibration(3) Name of the technician who calibrated the equipmentD. A written calibration procedure shall be provided by the contractorwhich includes as a minimum the following information for all measurement andtest equipment:(1) Type of equipment, manufacturer, model number, etc.range(2)MeasurementAccuracy(3)intervalCalibration(4)(5) Type of standard used to calibrate the equipment (calibration traceability ofthe standard must be evident)E. Records of calibration for all test instrumentation shall be kept by the contractor ina manner which assures the maintenance of established calibration schedules. Allsuch records shall be readily available for inspection when requested by theCOTR. The calibration system will need the acceptance of the COTR before thetest program commences.9. PHOTOGRAPHICDOCUMENTATIONPhotographs shall be black and white, 8 x 10 inches, and legible. A tag, label or placard identifying the test vehicle model as well as the NHTSA number, if applicable, shallappear in each photograph and be legible. The test vehicle shall show the compliance test date. Each photograph shall be labeled as to subject matter. As a minimum thefollowing photographs shall be included:A. Pretest and post test frontal views of the vehicleB. Pretest and post test rear views of the vehicleC. Three-Quarter view from the front and rear of vehicle before and after testing.D. Full view of both sides of the vehicle before and after testing.E. Loading device against each vehicle test door at beginning of test and again atmaximum load conditions.set-up.F. InstrumentationG. Each test door, after removal of loading device, viewed from the outside andinside.H. Any damage after testing that cannot be seen in above photographic shots.I. Include all back-up photographs taken.of the vehicle tie-down.J. Detaileddocumentation10. DEFINITIONSSTATEMENTCERTIFICATIONThis document is obtained from the vehicle manufacturer and supplied to the testinglaboratory by the Contract Officers Technical Representative (COTR). It indicateswhether the vehicle was certified with or without the seat assemblies installed in thevehicle.CONTOUREDWith respect to a door, means that the lower portion of its front or rear edge is curvedupward, typically to conform to a wheel well.WEIGHTCURBThe weight of a vehicle with standard equipment; maximum capacity of engine fuel, oil, coolant; and, if so equipped, air conditioning and additional weight optional engine.DOORSDOUBLESIDEA pair of hinged doors with the lock and latch mechanisms located where the door lipsoverlap.LONGITUDINAL OR LONGITUDINALLYParallel to the vehicle's longitudinal (front to rear) centerline.STANDARD AMBIENT CONDITIONSUnless otherwise specified herein, all tests shall be performed at ambient conditions.UNLOADED VEHICLE WEIGHTThe weight of a vehicle with maximum capacity of all fluids necessary for operation of the vehicle, but WITHOUT cargo or occupants.WALK-INVANA van in which a person can enter the occupant compartment in an upright position.11. PRETESTREQUIREMENTSPrior to conducting any compliance tests, contractors are required to submit a detailedin-house compliance test procedure to the COTR which includes a step-by-stepdescription of the methodology to be used. Written approval must be obtained from the COTR before initiating the compliance test program so that all parties are in agreement.The contractor's test procedure shall contain a complete listing of test equipment and a detailed check-off list. There shall be no contradiction between the OVSC LaboratoryTest Procedure and the contractor's in-house test procedure. The list of test equipment shall include instrument accuracy and calibration dates.TEST DATA LOSSA compliance test is not to be conducted unless all of the various test conditions specifiedin the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure have been met. Failure of acontractor to obtain the required test data and to maintain acceptable limits on testparameters in the manner outlined in the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Proceduremay require a retest at the expense of the contractor. The retest costs will include thecost of the replacement vehicle (with the same equipment as the original vehicle) or item of motor vehicle equipment and all costs associated with conducting the retest. Theoriginal test specimen (vehicle or equipment item) used for the invalid test shall remainthe property of OVSC, and the retest specimen shall remain the property of thecontractor. If there is a test failure, the contractor shall retain the retest specimen for aperiod not exceeding 180 days. If there is no test failure, the Contractor may dispose of the test specimen upon notification from the COTR that the final test report has beenaccepted, after the stipulated minimum period specified as follows.The tested vehicles, protected from the elements, shall be retained by the testcontractor for a MINIMUM of 60 days so that NHTSA and vehicle manufacturerpersonnel can be given an inspection opportunity.The Contracting Officer of NHTSA is the only NHTSA official authorized to notify thecontractor that a retest is required. The retest shall be completed within two (2) weeksafter receipt of notification by the Contracting Officer that a retest is required. If a retest is conducted, no test report is required for the original test.ITEMSPREPARATIONPRETESTA. Wash and Clean Vehicle - Wash and clean the vehicle. Inspect test vehicle perreceiving inspection procedures to ascertain completeness, function andoperation. Record and notify the monitor of any abnormal conditions that couldinfluence the test results.B. Vehicle Preparation - Prior to securing the vehicle to the test fixture, check themanufacturer's certification statement to determine if it should be tested with orwithout the seats installed. Then proceed with the following:(1) Weighvehicle(2) Remove all seats unless the vehicle has been certified with the seatsinstalled. If the seats remain in the vehicle, they are to be adjusted per theCOTR's instructions.(3) Close all windows(4) Lock all doors(5) Remove any components of the vehicle (such as tires) that may interfere orprevent the vehicle sills and/or frame from being supported on the tie-downfixture.C. Securing the Vehicle - Secure the test vehicle in the tie-down fixture as describedin the TEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION page. Attachments of wire ropeturnbuckles, etc. will be made by using existing holes, etc. in the sill, frame orbody. Note that a sufficient number of horizontal and vertical tie-downs shall beused to prevent movement under load. An unyielding vertical face, opposite theside being loaded shall support the vehicle sill and/or frame to prevent lateralmovement.D. Location of Load Device - Passenger Cars - Position the loading device at least0.50 inch above the bottom edge of the door window opening but not of a lengththat will cause contact with any structure above the bottom edge of the doorwindow opening during the test.Locate the loading device as shown in Figure 1 on the next page so that itslongitudinal axis is vertical and is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal linedrawn across the outer surface of the door 5 inches above the lowest point of thedoor. The bottom surface of the loading device will be 5 inches above the lowestpoint of the door and the cylindrical face of the loading device will be in contactwith the outer surface of the door. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a typicalinstrumentation and loading device set-up for a passenger car. Take the requiredpretest photographs.INWARD LOADING OF FRONT DOORLEFT SIDE VIEW BOTTOM EDGE OF DOORLOADING DEVICE 0.50" RADIUS 0.50" MIN.MIDPOINT OF DOOR HORIZONTAL LINE WHICH IS 5" ABOVE BOTTOM OF DOOR5"HORIZONTAL LINE 5" ABOVE BOTTOM OF DOOR BOTTOM EDGE OF WINDOW OPENINGFIGURE 1LOAD CELLS HYDRAULIC ACTUATORDISPLACEMENTTRANSDUCERS DIAL INDICATOR X-Y PLOTTERSX-Y PLOTTERSFLOW CONTROL VALVE HYDRAULIC SUPPLYOSCILLATOR Displacement vs. ForceDisplacement vs. TimeTYPICAL INSTRUMENTATION SETUP TOP VIEW OF TEST VEHICLE LONGITUDINAL CENTERLINEFIGURE 2For Contoured Doors on trucks, buses, and MPV's with a GVWR of 4,545 kg (10,000 lbs) or less, if the length of the horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the door 5 inches above the bottom of the door is not equal to or greater than 559 mm (22 inches), the line should be moved vertically up the side of the door to the point at which the line is 559mm (22 inches) long. The loading device is then located laterally opposite the midpoint of that line (see figure 3). The bottom surface of the load device is in the lowest horizontal plane such that every point on the lateral projection of the bottom surface of the device on the door is at least 127mm (5 inches), horizontally and vertically, from any edge of the door panel, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door. Figure 3 shows a typical test set up for a contoured door.INWARD LOADING ON FRONT CONTOURED DOORFIGURE 3For double side doors on trucks, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with GVWR of 4,545 kg (10,000 lb) or less, its longitudinal axis is laterally opposite the midpoint of a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span, 127 mm (5 inches) above the lowest point on the doors, exclusive of any decorative or protective molding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel (see figure 4). The bottom surface of the load device is in the same horizontal plane as a horizontal line drawn across the outer surface of the double door span, 127mm (5 inches) above the lowest point of the doors, exclusive of any decorative or protectivemolding that is not permanently affixed to the door panel. Figure 4 shows a typical set up for a double side door test set up.INWARD LOADING ON REAR DOUBLE SIDE DOORS WITH WINDOWSFIGURE 412. COMPLIANCE TEST EXECUTIONTEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONFollowing is a list of the minimum test equipment needed to evaluate the minimumperformance requirements as outlined in FMVSS 214.A. Static Loading Device - The loading device will consist of a rigid, steel cylinder orsemi-cylinder 12.0 inches, + 0.25 inches, - 0 inches in diameter with an edgeradius of 0.500 inch. The surface should be continuous and smooth. The lengthof the loading device shall be such that when the bottom of the device is placedalong a line 5 inches above the lowest point of the door the top surface of theloading device is (for vehicles with windows) at least one-half inch above theedge of the door window opening but not of a length that will cause contact withany structure above the bottom edge of the door window opening during the test.For doors without windows, the top surface of the loading device should be thesame height above the ground as when the loading device is positioned for thefront door of that vehicle with a window (see Figure 5). The load may be appliedeither mechanically or hydraulically.INWARD LOADING ON REAR DOUBLE SIDE DOORS WITHOUT WINDOWSFIGURE 5B. Vehicle Tie-Down Fixture - The vehicle must be secured on a rigid, horizontalfixture (± 0.250º) so that it is adequately restrained at the vehicle underbody andalso at the sides to prevent lateral and/or rotational movement of the whole vehicleduring the test. Good engineering judgement will be required to provide maximumsupport, for the maximum area possible outside the centerlines of the two axles.Following are some examples of different types of vehicle construction that may beencountered:(1) Separate body and frame construction(2) Full unit body construction(3) Unit body construction and stub frame constructionThe vehicle shall be secured to the loading fixture using wire rope, turnbuckles,strap plates, etc. As many horizontal and vertical tie-downs will be used asneeded to prevent movement under load. The tie-downs will be placed at orforward of the front wheel lateral centerline and at or rearward of the rear wheellateral centerline. In some instances, such as when testing some pick-up truckconfigurations, the vehicle may need additional tie-downs somewhere between thefront and rear wheel lateral centerlines. This will ensure that the vehicle is secureand will not move during testing. The COTR will make the final determination ofvehicle tie down placements.C. Load Measuring Device - Two independent load cells of proper capacity(see Section 13(A)(3)) with an accuracy of ± 0.250 percent, shall be used formeasuring load and will be placed in the loading system so that they measure theactual load being transmitted into the vehicle door.D. Deflection Measuring Device - Deflection of the loading device shall bemeasured to ± 0.0625 inch using two independent linear displacementpotentiometers fixed at one end and attached to the loading device at oppositeend.E. Body Deflection Measuring Device - A dial indicator, with an accuracy of ± 0.001inch, and a minimum of 1.500 inch of travel shall be placed on the center of theaxle/spindle diagonally opposite to the door being tested (example: right front doortest, left rear axle center dial indicator location). An inclinometer shall be placedand zeroed at the transverse center of the bumper diagonally opposite to the doorbeing tested (example: right front door test, rear bumper inclinometer location).Readings shall be taken at 0 inches, 2 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches, 12 inches,maximum distance of loading device travel, and after removal of the loadingdevice.F. Recording System - Two independent X-Y plotters or computer system capableof giving equivalent or better results, with an accuracy of ± 1 percent, shall beused to plot load versus deflection graphs as a permanent record. The graphpaper shall have an overall minimum size of 8-1/2 by 11 inches and shall have aneffective area size of 7 by 10 inches. Force will be plotted on the vertical axis witheach inch equal to 1,000 pounds (full scale should be at least 10,000 pounds).Displacement will be plotted on the horizontal axis with each inch equal to 2inches.G. Measuring Devices - Appropriate angle and length measuring instruments fordetermination of the orientation of the loading device and test vehicle, scales forweighing the test vehicle, and length measuring instruments and planimeter fordetermination of the crush resistances shall be used. Scales for weighing thevehicle shall have an accuracy of ± 10 pounds when the vehicle is weighed ateach wheel or ± 40 pounds when the entire vehicle is weighed.H. Camera and Adequate Lighting - Provide camera and lights necessary forphotographs of each test set-up, test vehicle and instrumentation.I. Timing Device - Two independent X-Y plotters, with an accuracy of ± 1 percent,shall be used to plot deflection versus time to insure appropriate rate of loadapplication. The graph paper shall have overall size of 8.50 inches and shall havean effective area of 7 by 10 inches. Time will be plotted in the vertical axis witheach inch equal to 20 seconds. Displacement will be plotted on the horizontal axiswith each inch equal to 0.50 inch. An oscillator will provide the time base.EXECUTION OF THE STATIC LOAD TEST OF VEHICLEDoors on both sides of each two-door vehicle will be subjected to the side intrusion test.On four door models, the driver's side forward door and the opposite side rear door shall be tested.A. Data Acquisition - The following data will be recorded during the testing of eachdoor utilizing two redundant independent data recording systems:versusdisplacementLoad(1)versusdisplacement(2)TimeB. In addition, the dial indicator and inclinometer, which show vehicle body movementwhile the load is being applied, shall be photographed, as a minimum:(1) Prior to load application(2) 2 inches of load device travel。
TJCL 421-2014 铁道客车LED灯具暂行技术条件 第1部分:顶灯及壁灯
附件12TJ/CL421-2014铁道客车LED灯具暂行技术条件第1部分:顶灯及壁灯2014年12月目 次前言 .................................................................... I II1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 型号标记 (1)4 使用条件 (2)5 技术要求 (2)5.1一般要求 (2)5.2结构 (2)5.3 LED模块性能 (2)5.4 发光要求 (2)5.5 爬电距离和电气间隙 (3)5.6 接地 (3)5.7 连接器和接线端子 (3)5.8 连接导线 (3)5.9 防触电保护 (3)5.10 耐久性 (3)5.11 耐振动、冲击 (3)5.12 绝缘电阻和介电强度 (3)5.13 泄漏电流 (4)5.14 耐热、耐燃烧 (4)5.15 涂层 (4)5.16 电镀件 (4)5.17 透光板 (4)5.18 电磁兼容 (4)5.19 重量要求 (4)5.20 低温性能要求 (4)5.21 高温性能要求 (4)5.22 耐低温存放要求 (4)5.23 寿命要求 (4)5.24 耐湿热性能 (5)6 检验方法 (5)6.1 外观及重量检查 (5)6.2 互换性试验 (5)6.3 导线与笼式接线端子抗拉试验 (5)6.4 机械强度试验 (5)6.5 LED灯具的平均寿命试验 (5)6.6 悬挂装置试验 (5)6.7 防固体异物试验 (5)6.8 爬电距离和电气间隙 (5)6.9 接地试验 (5)6.10频闪检验 (6)6.11 色温检验 (6)6.12显指检验 (6)6.13光通量检验 (6)6.14初始光效检验 (6)6.15连接器和接线端子检查 (6)6.16连接导线检查 (6)6.17灯具耐久性试验 (6)6.18振动试验 (6)6.19冲击试验 (6)6.20绝缘电阻试验 (6)6.21介电强度试验 (7)6.22泄漏电流试验 (7)6.23 耐热、耐燃烧试验 (7)6.24 涂层检查 (7)6.25电镀件盐雾试验 (8)6.26灯罩透光率试验 (8)6.27交变湿热试验 (8)6.28电磁兼容试验 (8)6.29低温试验 (8)6.30高温试验 (8)6.31 低温存放试验 (8)7 检验规则 (8)7.1检验分类 (8)7.2型式检验 (8)7.3例行检验 (9)7.4检验项目 (9)8 标志、包装、运输和贮存 (9)8.1标志 (9)8.2包装 (10)8.3运输 (10)8.4贮存 (10)前 言本技术条件是按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。
【国家标准】DB22T 2231-2014 物流配送服务质量规范
不得翻印 不得翻印
g) 使用拣选设备; h) 实施拣选; i) 评价拣选作业能力; j) 集货。 4.4 流通加工岗位包括: a) 规划加工区域; b) 设置加工流程; c) 使用加工设备;
本 d) 进行有效包装; 标 e) 鉴别不合理加工形式; 准 f) 设计加工方法; 仅 g) 生鲜品加工操作; 供 h) 工业原材料加工操作; 内 i) 评估加工效益等。 部 4.5 配货送货岗位包括: 使 a) 配货检查; 用 b) 捆扎包装;
2014 - 12 - 30 实施
吉林省质量技术监督局 发 布
本标准仅供内部使用 不得翻印
本标准仅供内部使用 不得翻印
DB22/T 2231—2014
本 前言 标准仅 本标准按照 GB/T 1.1—2009 给出的规则起草。 供 本标准由长春市物流协会提出。 内 本标准由吉林省发展和改革委员会归口。 部 本标准起草单位:长春市物流协会、吉林大学。 使用 本标准主要起草人:李克然、王曼、闫宏、李瑞瑞。
e) 路单签收。 5 配送服务流程
本标准仅供内部使用 配送岗位应按流程开展工作,流程见图1。
DB22/T 2231—2014
本标准仅供内部使用 图1 配送流程
6 配送服务岗位技能要求
6.1 订单处理岗位应: a) 熟练操作订单处理系统;
b) 通过订单信息系统对订单形态等五要素进行有效确认;
22314.00R24NHS 港口专用全钢工程机械子午线轮胎的设计王若飞,崔志武,王晓娟,陈 宇,宋朝兴(风神轮胎股份有限公司,河南 焦作 454003)摘要:介绍14.00R24NHS 港口专用全钢工程机械子午线轮胎的设计。
结构设计:外直径 1 410 mm ,断面宽 368 mm ,行驶面宽度 320 mm ,行驶面弧度高 20 mm ,胎圈着合宽度 274 mm ,胎圈着合直径 610 mm ,断面水平轴位置(H 1/H 2) 0.739 1,胎面采用块状花纹,花纹深度 64 mm ,花纹饱和度 72.2%,花纹周节数 28。
施工设计:胎面采用3层结构,胎体采用3+9+15×0.225ST 钢丝帘线,带束层采用4层结构,其中1#带束层采用3+9+15×0.175+0.15HT 钢丝帘线,2#和3#带束层采用3+9+15×0.220+0.15HT 钢丝帘线,4#带束层采用3×7×0.20HE 钢丝帘线,采用一次法两鼓/三鼓成型机成型,采用蒸锅式硫化机硫化。
关键词:港口专用全钢工程机械子午线轮胎;结构设计;施工设计中图分类号:TQ336.1 文章编号:2095-5448(2024)04-0223-04文献标志码:A DOI :10.12137/j.issn.2095-5448.2024.04.0223随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,内外贸港口运输需求增大,港口集装箱吞吐量相应递增,港口的生产作业模式也在发生改变,港口机械逐步向多样化、大型化、无人化等领域发展[1]。
本工作主要介绍专为港口集装箱堆高机开发的14.00R24NHS 港口专用全钢工程机械子午线轮胎(简称14.00R24NHS 专用轮胎)的设计。
AS-International AssociationActuator Sensor Interface(AS-Interface®)Test Requirements MasterVersion 1.2, Revision 1.1Apr. 05, 2002ConfidentialFor internal use of the members only or for companies which have bought the documentation from the AssociationTest Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1AcceptanceThese test requirements have been accepted by the Technical Commission of the AS International Association in its meeting on April 10, 2002 and by the Management Committee in its meeting on May 14, 2002.File date: August 8th, 2002Test Requirements for AS-Interface MasterContents:A. General (1)1. Basic tests (4)2. Simplified test (4)3. Additional tests (4)4. Precedence (4)B. Test instructions (4)1. Test instruction: Current consumption (5)2. Test instruction: Noise emission AS-i master (8)3. Test instructions: Impedance and symmetry measurement (11)4. Test instruction: Power-on behaviour (21)5. Test instruction: Burst test (25)6. Test instruction: Analogue part (31)7. Test instruction: Voltage cutoff (34)8. Test instruction: Logical start-up behaviour (37)9. Test instruction: Logical behaviour in normal operation (40)10. Test instruction: Analogue profile (43)11. Test instruction: Functions in accordance with PICS (45)12. Test instruction: Time response (49)13. Test instruction: Security of data (52)C. Forms for technical reports (56)Annex: (77)Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1A. General1. Basic testsThese test requirements for the AS-Interface master describe the minimum extent of a basic test to be carried out on the AS-i master to section 4.4 (2) of the Certification Guidelines (ZRL) for AS-i products.AS-i masters forming a part of a higher-level system, e.g. couplers (gateways) to higher-level bus systems or masters with integrated host functions (AS-i control) are also tested in accordance with these test requirements if applicable. Host functions shall be accessible or realised in the higher-level system in accordance with these test requirements.If an AS-i power supply is integrated in the AS-i master, the master is additionally subject to the test requirements for AS-i power supplies.If the AS-i master contains components already tested and approved by the AS-i Association these components will not be tested again (section 4.4 (3) of the ZRL).All standard AS-i components used for testing purposes shall be AS-i certified.2. Simplified testSimplified tests to section 4.5 ZRL shall use parts of these test requirements if applicable.3. Additional testsIn special cases the test laboratory is entitled to execute additional tests beyond these test requirements in accordance with the valid specification or shall demand them from the manufacturer.4. PrecedenceIn the case of discrepancies between these test requirements and the AS-i specifications the complete specification takes precedence.instructionsB. TestAll tests described in these test requirements shall have an accuracy of 1% unless stated otherwise, and shall be documented accordingly in the test protocols.For test purposes, the connection between the master and the AS-i shall be made by means of a split plug.All logical tests shall be recorded via AS-i bus monitor. All recordings of the monitor are saved as a file on a diskette which shall be part of the test report. In the case of errors in the logical tests a printout of the monitor recordings shall be made additionally. To protect the files from corruption, a check sum shall be put on the contents of the files. The directory listing contents and check sum shall be enclosed with the test report.1. Test instruction: Current consumptionReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),Master profiles,Test requirements for AS-i power supplies1.1 GeneralThe test requirements allow measurement of the current consumption of an AS-i master. These test requirements become obsolete if the master has an integrated AS-i power supply. In that case, however, all tests of the test requirements for AS-i power supplies have to be additionally fulfilled by the master.The manufacturer shall provide the following information:1. current data sheet,used2. profile1.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the required test circuit.Figure 1: Test circuit for current consumption test1.3 Measuring and test equipment·AS-i reference network·AS-i data decoupling network· ammeter· oscilloscope·test circuit to figure 1·variable power supply1.4 Test procedure1. Set up test circuit to figure 12. Operate the master to be tested in normal operation3. Check the master functions at the following DC voltages on the AS-i-line: 31.6V,26.5V, 23.5V, 21.5V and again at 23.5V4. Check the maximum current consumption1.5 EvaluationThe maximum current consumption as stated by the manufacturer shall not be greater than the value stated in the data sheet or than the requirements of the specification.The function test at the operating voltage limits shall correspond to the data stated in the data sheets and the applicable specifications, i.e. at DC voltages on the AS-i line of 31.6V, 26.5Vmaster activity is detected by means of an oscilloscope directly on the AS-i line.Test recordingsDate:Tested by:Test laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Current consumptionTest piece code: ___________________Network configurationMaster: __________________________Power supply: __________________________ Data decoupling: ___________________ Slaves: __________________________Measured values:Voltage U /(V) 31.6 26.5 23.5 21.5 23.5Current I / (mA)Communication yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/nomax. current consumption: ______mA < current stated in data sheet:yes/noResult:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1 2. Test instruction: Noise emission AS-i masterReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),2.1 GeneralThis test instruction allows the measurement of the noise emission of an AS-i master in a power-fail state on the AS-i network.2.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the required test circuit.Figure 1: Test circuit noise emission AS-i masterThe change in current consumption in a master should only cause a noise voltage £ 50mVss on the AS-i line in the frequency range between 10kHz and 500kHz. The voltage on the AS-i line is measured by means of an oscilloscope via a bandpass (see figure 2, see spice simulation in the appendix to the test requirements for impedance and symmetry measurement). The oscilloscope is to be operated in the mode Envelope, Peak Detection on at a cut-off frequency > 10 MHz. The FET probe is to be terminated with an impedance of 50 Ohm. The test circuit is to be screened from noise so that the measured maximum noise voltage without the master is smaller than 15 mV. For this purpose, the cable length between master and AS-i equivalent line (see figure 3) is to be limited to max. 20 cm. The master is to be operated in the power-fail state (direct voltage on the AS-i line of 21 V).50 Ohm or AS-i 10 … 1MOhm 10 … 30 pFFigure 2: bandpass 10kHz ... 500kHzR = 0,125O hmL = 1,25 µHC=700 p FFigure 3: equivalent circuit of the 10m AS-i equivalent line2.3. Measuring and test equipment·AS-i power supply·oscilloscope with FET probe (50 Ohm output impedance)· bandpass·test circuit to figure 12.4 Test procedure1. Apply a voltage of 21 V to the AS-i line2. Measure the noise voltage without the master by means of the oscilloscope over 60seconds3. Connect the master4. Check the power-fail state of the master5. Measure the noise voltage with the master on the AS-i line by means of an oscilloscopeover 60 secondsThe measurements shall have an accuracy of 5%.2.5 EvaluationThe noise voltage on the AS-i line must not be increased by more than 50 mVss by the master in the power-fail state.Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1 Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:Page:of Noise emission AS-i masterTest piece code: ___________________Network configurationMaster: __________________________Power supply: _________________________Measured values:Noise voltage:without master: _______mVsswith master: _______mVss difference: ______ £ 50mVss : yes / noTest criteria: In the power-fail state the noise voltage of the master on the AS-i line must not exceed 50 mVss!Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________3. Test instructions: Impedance and symmetry measurementReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),3.1. Impedance measurement3.1.1 GeneralThe impedance measurement of the master is to be performed in the "ready state" under laboratory conditions.An AC signal U~ with Ri £20 Ohm is to be superimposed on the AS-i DC voltage. This AC voltage and the resulting AC current I~ of the master are to be measured3.1.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the test circuit for the impedance measurement. The operation of the master in switch position "test" has been purposefully selected as asymmetrical, i.e. metal parts of the master must not be grounded. Switch S1 allows a switching of AC ground (switch position shown: AS-i- = GND).The AC input current I~ is measured by means of the current probe. The input impedance is calculated as follows:| Z | = | U~ | / | I~ |The distance to the AS-i master shall be 20 cm.The DC voltage is to be set to 21V to put the master in the offline state.3.1.3 Measuring and test equipment·power supply (universal)· signal generator· current probe·test circuit (IMP_SYM) to figure 1for point 3.2 (symmetry measurement)· FET probe· HF voltmeter· bandpassFigure 1: Test circuit impedance measurement (IMP_SYM)3.1.4 Test procedure·Switch S1: position "AS-i- = GND"·Determine the AC current I~ at U~ = 6 Vss·The measurement is to be carried out as described in chapter of the Complete Specification.The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.3.1.5 EvaluationThe evaluation is to be carried out as described in chapter of the Complete Specification and must not exceed the limit values stated there.3.1.6 DC resistanceThe DC resistance between ASI+, ASI- and all metallic parts of the master with the exception of outer connections shall be ³ 250 kOhm.3.2. Symmetry measurement:3.2.1 General:Figure 2: Master connection for symmetry measurementThe partial impedances Z1 and Z2 respectively form a voltage divider at measurement point M. This measurement point may be the metallic housing or a metallic mounting plate. The measurement point shall be connected to the external supplies of the master or the host respectively.In the off-load state the currents through Z1 and Z2 are identical.For an asymmetry of 10% this means10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r .r U 1r: voltage between M and ASI+ for ASI+ = GNDU 2: voltage between M and ASI- for ASI- = GND3.2.3 Test circuit:Figure 3: Test circuit symmetry measurement of the AS-i master50 Ohm or AS-i10 … 1MOhm 10 … 30 pFFigure 4: bandpass 10 kHz ... 500 kHzThe test circuit corresponds to the one of the impedance measurement (compare figures 1 and 2). With the test circuit in figure 3 the voltage drops U1 of ASI+ to M and U2 of ASI- to M are determined by means of a FET probe (Ri=1MOhm//2pF) with AC coupling Ck ³1nF at an output impedance of 50 Ohm and an HF voltmeter (frequency range up to 300 kHz, Ri=10MOhm//30pF). The capacitance Ckomp=Cfet is to be taken into account in the circuit to compensate for the probe capacitance.By means of calibrating C 3, |U1| = |U2| = UE/2 can be achieved and the capacitances of C 1 and C 2 can be determined independent of Z.A possible measurement error of the HF voltmeter in higher frequency ranges is eliminated by means of the ratio |U1| / |U2|.The appendix shows the frequency response of the bandpass from a SPICE simulation with different combinations of the terminating resistor.3.2.4 Test procedure· Set a measurement voltage Ue of 2.0 Veff displayed on the evaluation meter at afrequency of 160 kHz· Determine |U1| and |U2| at a frequency of 300 kHz without C 3 · Check the condition10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r .· If this condition is met, determine at frequencies of 50kHz, 100kHz, 125kHz, 160kHz,200kHz, 300kHz and check if this condition is met.· for ASI+ = GND determine the frequency response of |U1| · for ASI- = GND determine the frequency response of |U2| · define the ratio |U1| / |U2| as stated in point 2.1 (General)·If the condition10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r ris not met:· Add C3 between ASI+ and M or ASI- and M respectively, depending on the voltage testand calibrate until you reach |U1| = |U2| = UE/2 at a measurement frequency of 300kHz · Determine C3The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.3.2.5 Evaluation / symmetry criteriaOne of the following conditions shall be met:1. 10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r or2.90.080.021££U U r r or 20.110.21££U U r 1r with C 3 £ 15 pF or3. 80.021£U U r r or 2120.1U U r r £ with C 3 £ 30 pFTest recordingsDate: Tested by: Test laboratory: Test report no.: Page: ofImpedance and symmetry measurementNetwork configurationMaster: _________________________ Test circuit: IMP_SYMImpedance measurement:R min L min C maxlimits5k W3mH 400pF measurementsTest criteria: R meas > R min ; L meas > L min ; C meas < C maxDC resistance (R ³ 250 kOhm): ASI+ - M: _______ ASI- - M: _______Symmetry measurement:f / (kHz) 50 100 125 160 200 300 |U1| / (V)|U2| / (V)|U1 / |U2||U1| / |U2| = ________ , C3=______ pFOne of the following conditions shall be met:£=£Z Z U U r r2.90.080.021££U U r r or 20.110.21££U U r 1r withC 3 £ 15 pF or 3.80.021£U U r r or 2120.1U U r r £ with C 3 £ 30 pFSymmetry sufficient? yes/noResult:_________________ Yes/No Signature:passed:TestAppendix: Frequency responses bandpass with different terminating impedances4. Test instruction: Power-On behaviourReference: Specification ASI master (Chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),4.1 GeneralBy testing the Power-ON behaviour, the switch-on delay time t E of the ASI master and its current consumption shall be tested. The settings of the oscilloscope can be seen on the oscillograms.AS-i masters with integrated AS-i power supply must have an internal voltage supply which is accessible and can be interrupted for this test so that the external AS-i supply can be connected.4.2 Measuring and test equipment· power supply with AS-i data decoupling network· oscilloscope· constant current source (KONST_I)4.3 On-delay4.3.1 GeneralThe offline flag of the master is reset (normal operation). In the initial state the master is not connected with the AS-i line (switch S is open). The master shall communicate with the slaves for min. one second after switch S has been closed. The oscilloscope shall be triggered by the rising edge of the supply voltage on the AS-i line. The start of communication is shown on the oscilloscope via peak detection on and DC coupling.4.3.2 Test circuitFigure 1: Test circuit: On-delayFigure 2: Oscillogram on-delay (example)4.3.3 EvaluationThe time t E is to be determined from the oscillogram. It shall be longer than 1.00s. The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.4.4 Current consumption4.4.1 GeneralIf the master is supplied (see circuit figure 4) with a current corresponding to the total current consumption as stated in the data sheet + 12.5mA (to be set with an accuracy of ± 2.5 mA), the master shall have reached an operating voltage of 26.5V within one second after closing switch S in figure 4. The final operating voltage value to be reached shall be 30V at the output of the circuit with a set constant current.4.4.2 Test circuitFigure 3: Block circuit diagram current consumption measurement of the AS-i master++--Trigger output30V in the stationary state Figure 4: Constant current source with trigger output (KONST_I)Figure 5: Oscillogram current consumption (example)4.4.3 EvaluationThe time t shall be determined from the oscillogram to figure 5. It shall be smaller than 1s. The accuracy of the measurement shall be within 3%.Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Power-On behaviourTest piece code: __________________Network configurationMaster: _________________________Power supply: ______________________ Data decoupling: _____________________Test circuit: KONST_IMeasured values:On-delay t E: ______ s > 1s: yes / noCurrent consumption t : __________ s < 1s: yes / noThe oscillograms are to be added to the appendix.Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________5. Test instruction: Burst testReference: Specification AS-i master (Chapters 7 and 8 of the Complete Specification),5.1 GeneralThe test shall be performed with fast transient bursts in form of pulse groups. The interferences are injected on the AS-i line by means of a capacitive coupling clamp. The test shall be made with the following data:·level 3 for data lines·test voltage 1 kV·pulse rate 5 kHz·burst length 15 ms·burst period 300 ms.The following requirements are to be met to minimise the environmental influence on the test results:·ambient temperature: 15° C to 35° C·relative humidity: 45% to 75%·air pressure: 680 hPa to 1060 hPaFigure 1 shows the curve of the transient interferences.Figure 1: Overall curve of the transient interference5.2 Test circuit (principle)Figure 2 shows the test circuit (principle) for the burst test of the AS-i master. Figure 3 shows the circuit diagram of the filter to be used to protect the slaves from burst pulses.K a p . 5.2.2Figure 3: Test installation burst tester (BURST_T)The master operates an AS-i network (see figure 2, consisting of the first 90m of the reference network, see test instruction "Operation on the reference network" from the test requirements for AS-i-slaves and and a burst tester at measurement point 1 of the reference network, see figure 3) in the cyclic normal operation with active data exchange. The burst tester includes 2 AS-i slaves (addresses 1 and 2) and a data strobe evaluation for these two slaves, i.e. all data strobe pulses of slaves 1 and 2 are recorded, the timing is defined for the undisturbed case and the timing violation in the case of bursts is recorded. If the time defined in undisturbed operation is exceeded by more than 100 µs, this indicates an error. In the case of double pulses at slave 1 the time measurement refers to the first pulse.The reference measurements (no faults in the case of burst) require ferrite cores (define number and position) for decoupling (filter).Burst pulses of the burst generator are injected via a capacitive coupling clamp.Measurements are taken over a longer period of time (e.g. 2 min, but for a minimum of 100,000 cycles).5.3 Test installationFigure 4 shows the test installation for the burst test.10 cm above the grounded metal plateFigure 4: Test installation burst test5.4 Measuring and test equipment· burst generator·capacitive coupling clamp·20 m AS-i line (burst setup)· filter·part of the AS-i reference network (90m)·burst tester (BURST_T)·AS-i power supply5.5 Test procedure·The AS-i slaves shall be protected from the effects of burst pulses by means of filters. ·The master shall be grounded according to IEC 801 part 4. The master shall be mounted as described in the data sheet. Supplied mounting material shall be used. Measurements shall be carried out at a distance of 10cm from the metal plate for all designs.·10m AS-i line shall be mounted s-shaped at 10cm above the grounded metal plate; the remaining 10m shall be used to connect the AS-i slaves of the reference network protected by filters and the burst tester.· A test voltage of 1kV shall be set at the burst generator.·The tests shall be made with both burst polarities.·The test period shall be 2 min.5.6 EvaluationThe errors caused by the master to be tested shall be evaluated.To calculate the error rate caused by the system without the master, a test with insensitive reference master (symmetrical design) is performed.5.6.1 Calculation of the maximum error rateBased on the assumption that each AS-i message is disturbed during the burst period of 15 ms each we get a maximum percentage of disturbed messages of (see figure 1):15 ms / 300 ms = 5% = Nmax .5.6.2 Measurement of the actual error rate using a reference masterThe reference master is set up with the lowest possible stray capacitance to mass. It is assumed that no error in the network will occur during operation without burst.5.7 TestThe master shall be installed ready for operation (see data sheet) and – if applicable – connected to mass (ground).Under the influence of the burst pulses the number of exceeded timings of the data strobe pulses between slaves 1 and 2 is measured5.8 EvaluationThe limit value according to specification defines: "Max. every 30th message shall be distorted".This means that:Nmess £ Nmax ·1 30Nmess £16 %has to be met.Test criteria: The number of exceeded timings must not exceed 1 %. 65.9 Enhanced test5.9.1 Test voltage 2kVThe test master shall be installed ready for operation and – if applicable – connected to mass (ground). Refer to the installation notes in the data sheet or the instructions in the box.A test voltage of 2kV shall be set at the burst generator. The test period shall be 2 min.For this test one of the AS-i line shall be grounded at the power supply (protective earth). The functional earth of the power supply shall be removed.5.9.2 EvaluationAt a voltage of 2kV it has to be ensured that no errors occur, in particular:· no RESET,·no destruction of the master during the test.Test recordingsDate: Tested by: Test laboratory: Test report no.: Page: ofBurst test to IEC 801, part 4Test piece code: __________________________ Test piece type: ____________________________ Switching state: ___________________________ Burst generator type: _______________________ Coupling clamp type: ________________________ Mass reference surface: ______________________ Ambient temperature: _______________ Relative humidity: ________________ Air pressure: ________________Network configurationSlaves: __________________Power supply: ___________________ Test level: 3 (1kV)Burst duration: 15ms, burst period 300ms, spike frequency 5kHz Test duration (> 1min): ______________ Test condition: Nmess £ 1/6 % + Nref Test circuit: BURST_TTest results:Test at 1kV:Polarity Nref 1/6 % + Nref Nmess at a distance of 10 cmTest passed:positive yes / no negativeyes / noTest at 2kV:positive polarity negative polarity yes no yes no RESET destructionResult:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________6. Test instruction: Analogue partReference Specification AS-i master (Chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),profiles,Master6.1 GeneralThis test instruction will assess the analogue part of the master.A manufacturer declaration is to guarantee a bit time of the master transmitter of 6µs ±0.1% .6.2 Measuring and test equipment· AS-i master·AS-i power supply· 2 pcs. 4O modules as slaves 1 and 2·AS-i monitor (e.g. SINEC S1 – PC card (CP 2413) with monitor program SCOPE S1, version 1.0), with a capacitive load on the AS-i line of C monitor≤ 0.4 nF·equivalent network (29 slaves, 300 Ohm||(3 nF-C monitor))·data decoupling with HF ground6.3 Test circuit1m (+/-0,1m)99m (+/- 1m)Laboratorypower supply39 OhmFigure 2: Data decoupling and HF groundThe AS-i line (99m) shall be mounted s-shaped (length: 2.50m, distance 0.1m). The data decoupling network shall be made up of a core EF 25 consisting of 2 parts, material N27(Siemens, order nos.: B 66 317-G-X127 and B 66 317-G-X127, see data sheet) with 1mm total air gap, equipped with a bifilar winding of 16.5 windings, wire diameter 0.8mm, wound parallel and the parallel resistor of 39R 1%. The equivalent circuit Zn (copy of an impedance of 29 slaves) is to consist of the parallel wiring of 10 pcs. 3.3kOhm 1% metal film resistors and a capacitance of 3nF 2% (The equivalent circuit Zn includes the impedance of the AS-i monitor, i.e. Zn = 330W || (3nF-C monitor) || monitor).6.4 Test procedureTest 1:1. Set up the test installation as shown in figure 1,2. Set slave 1 on address 21 and slave 2 on address 13. Slave 1 shall be polled by the master with data message ("0xA"), slave 2 with datamessage ("0x0")4. After the error rate has been measured via the monitor, the positions of slaves 1 and2 shall be changed and test shall be repeatedTest 2:1. The test installation shall be changed by removing the 99m AS-i line between slaves 1and 2 and the equivalent network Zn, i.e. slave 2, the AS-i monitor and slave 1 shall be connected at a distance of 1m from the master2. Set slave 1 on address 21 and slave 2 on address 13. Slave 1 shall be polled by the master with data message ("0xA"), slave 2 with datamessage ("0x0")4. The error rate shall be measured via monitor6.5 EvaluationThe monitor shall show an error rate of £ 0.5% for all tests.The error rate shall be defined as the number of master request /slave response combinations for slave 1 not correctly detected by the master, referred to a total number of master requests to slave 1.Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Analogue partTest piece code: ___________________AS-i master: ______________________Power supply: _________________________Test results:Test 1:correct? yes/no Error rate measurement 1: _____% £0.5%correct? yes/no Error rate measurement 2: _____% £0.5%Test 2:correct? yes/no Error rate measurement: _____% £0.5%Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________7. Test instruction: Voltage cutoffReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),profiles,Master7.1 GeneralThe reaction of the master to voltage cutoff on the AS-i line of 1ms and a reduced voltage on the AS-i line from approx. 23.5V to 14.5V shall be tested.7.2 Measuring and test equipment· AS-i master·AS-i power supply·AS-i bus monitor· generator· oscilloscope7.3 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the basic principle of the test installation to check the reaction of the master to voltage cutoffs as well as the reduction of the DC voltage on the AS-i line. The connectedslave puts the master in the normal operation mode.7.4 Test procedure:1. Interrupt the voltage on the AS-i line for 0.6 ms with a repetition frequency of < 1Hzand check the AS-i messages by means of the bus monitor.2. Interrupt the voltage on the AS-i line for 2.1ms with a repetition frequency of <1Hz andcheck the AS-i messages by means of the bus monitor.3. Check the transmitting amplitude of the master at an AS-i-DC voltage of 23.5V4. Reduce the DC voltage on the AS-i line from 23.5V to 14.5V.Check AS-i message sequence "RESET_Slave" to all slaves by the master by means of a bus monitor and check their transmitting amplitude and subsequent offline operation of the master.7.5 Evaluation。
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atq 251 – 22 质量标准
atq 251 – 22 质量标准在软件开发领域,质量标准是确保产品质量的关键因素之一。
atq 251 – 22 质量标准是一种针对软件质量管理的国际标准,广泛应用于软件开发和测试领域。
本文将深入探讨atq 251 – 22 质量标准的重要性、内容和实际应用,并结合个人观点进行全面解读。
1. 重要性atq 251 – 22 质量标准的重要性不言而喻。
遵循atq 251 – 22 质量标准可以有效提高软件质量,并为用户和企业带来更好的体验和效益。
2. 内容和实际应用atq 251 – 22 质量标准包括了一系列软件质量管理的要求和指南,如质量管理体系、资源管理、产品实施、过程监控等。
其中,质量管理体系是atq 251 – 22 质量标准的核心内容,它要求组织建立健全的质量管理体系,并持续改进,以确保产品和服务达到顾客要求和适用法律法规的要求。
在实际应用中,atq 251 – 22 质量标准可以帮助软件开发和测试团队建立标准化的工作流程和方法,提高工作效率和质量稳定性。
在软件开发过程中,团队可以根据atq 251 – 22 质量标准的要求,对需求进行全面分析和管理,设计合理的架构和界面,进行全面的单元测试和集成测试,最终确保产品质量和稳定性。
3. 个人观点和理解从个人观点来看,atq 251 – 22 质量标准是一种非常重要且实用的软件质量管理工具。
atq 251 – 22 质量标准也可以促使软件开发和测试团队不断改进,不断提高自身的实力和水平。
总结回顾atq 251 – 22 质量标准是一种针对软件质量管理的重要国际标准,它涵盖了软件质量管理的方方面面,对软件开发和测试团队有着重要的指导作用。
2a14t6铝合金 国标
2a14t6铝合金国标2A14T6 铝合金是一种高强度的铝合金材料,其国标代号为GB/T 3880.2-2012。
根据标准要求,2A14T6合金的化学成分如下:- 铝(Al):主要成分,含量不低于90.5%- 硅(Si):含量范围为0.5-1.2%- 铜(Cu):含量范围为3.9-4.9%- 锰(Mn):含量范围为0.4-1.1%- 镁(Mg):含量范围为 0.2-0.8%- 锆(Zr):含量范围为0.08-0.25%- 钠(Na):含量范围为 0.01-0.25%- 铬(Cr):含量范围为0.1-0.25%- 索(Co):含量范围为0.05-0.15%- 钒(V):含量范围为0.05-0.15%- 钛(Ti):含量范围为0.05-0.2%- 其他杂质:每种杂质的含量不应大于0.05%,总杂质含量不应大于0.15%2A14T6合金的力学性能标准如下:- 抗拉强度(Rp0.2):不低于450MPa- 屈服强度(Rm):不低于470MPa- 断裂伸长率(A):不低于8%- 断裂韧性(Z):不低于20J/cm²- 硬度:不低于138HB此外,2A14T6合金需要进行热处理才能获得T6状态的力学性能。
一站式MSCT检查及图像后处理技术在急性胸腹部复合伤中的应用价值成明富; 常小娜【期刊名称】《《中国CT和MRI杂志》》【年(卷),期】2014(012)005【总页数】4页(P100-103)【关键词】胸部; 腹部; 复合伤; 体层摄影术; X线计算机; 计算机辅助【作者】成明富; 常小娜【作者单位】解放军第123医院医学影像科安徽蚌埠233015【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R826.63; R826.65急性胸腹部复合伤(acute thoracic-abdominal compound injury, ATACI)不论平时或战时都很常见,常致胸腹部多个脏器损伤,部分患者还合并有颅脑及四肢创伤等,病情危急,死亡率高。
1 材料与方法1.1 临床资料 2009年11月~2011年04月我院共收治300例ATACI患者,其中男229例、女71例,年龄5~77岁,平均年龄42.16岁。
1.2 CT检查方法使用仪器为Toshiba Aquilion 16螺旋CT机,HP Vitrea 2工作站。
HPGeγ谱仪对主动式活性炭法中222Rn样品的探测效率研究张洋;刘春雨;尹国辉;李安;申茂泉;徐明;邓培君;成智威【期刊名称】《现代应用物理》【年(卷),期】2013(004)002【摘要】主动式活性炭吸附222 Rn的方法中,吸附时间不同,222 Rn在活性炭盒中的分布不均匀,这对HPGe γ谱仪测量分析中效率刻度产生影响.通过在标准222 Rn室进行的主动式双滤膜活性炭吸附实验,分析得到不同吸附时间下HPGe γ谱仪对222Rn子体不同能量特征γ射线的探测效率和222Rn在双滤膜活性炭盒中进出口计数相对差异,拟合得到两者之间的关系曲线,即不同能量特征γ射线下的探测效率与222 Rn进出口计数相对差异呈线性关系.通过实验得到双滤膜活性炭盒对222 Rr吸附量的拟合曲线值与测222Rn仪实测值相对偏差绝对值小于5%,验证了该方法的正确性和可靠性.【总页数】5页(P170-174)【作者】张洋;刘春雨;尹国辉;李安;申茂泉;徐明;邓培君;成智威【作者单位】哈尔滨工程大学核科学与技术学院,哈尔滨150001;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;哈尔滨工程大学核科学与技术学院,哈尔滨150001;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;西北核技术研究所,西安710024;西北核技术研究所,西安710024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TL81【相关文献】1.HPGeγ谱仪对主动式活性炭法中222Rn样品的探测效率研究 [J], 张洋;刘春雨;尹国辉;李安;申茂泉;徐明;邓培君;成智威2.土壤样品中的含水量对HPGe γ谱仪探测效率的影响 [J], 陈忠;徐家云;周钢;谢万3.HPGe探测器分析室内空气活性炭盒氡样品的研究 [J], 连琦;王旭辉;常印忠;王世联;李琦4.HPGe γ谱仪对环境样品的探测效率刻度 [J], 陆继根5.高纯锗(HPGe)γ谱仪对环境样品的探测效率刻度 [J], 陆继根因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.X线机毫安秒(mAs)测量仪的研制 [J], 斯海臣;陆建荣
2.普通X线机毫安秒电路的数字化升级 [J], 刘峻
3.新型X线数字毫安秒/秒表的研制 [J], 柯坚
4.中老年女性胸腰段低千伏高毫安秒X线摄影图像质量分析 [J], 姜艳丽; 钱小建
5.JSX-CX线机毫安秒测量仪 [J], 张贡民
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