

t-matrix方法 -回复

t-matrix方法 -回复









矩阵中的每个元素可以用小写字母表示,并用A(i, j)来表示第i行第j列的元素。

例如A = [A(i, j)]nxm表示一个n行m列的矩阵。






这两个矩阵具有相同的行数和列数,且对于任意位置的元素A(i, j)和B(i, j)来说,它们都相等。

线性性原理是指对于任意两个矩阵A和B,以及一个实数k,有以下关系成立:k(A + B) = kA + kB。











t-matrix方法 -回复

t-matrix方法 -回复








篇三:tmatrix方法的步骤1. 确定问题和目标:首先,我们需要明确问题的定义和解决的目标。


2. 确定因素:在明确问题和目标之后,我们需要确定与问题相关的因素。



3. 构建tmatrix矩阵:在确定问题的因素之后,我们需要开始构建tmatrix 矩阵。




4. 分析矩阵:完成矩阵的构建后,我们需要对其进行分析。



5. 制定解决方案:最后,根据矩阵分析的结果,我们可以制定解决方案。

MATRIXX 7.0软件发布说明说明书

MATRIXX 7.0软件发布说明说明书

Welcome to MATRIX X 7.0.Major new features include:sBetterState statechart component of SystemBuild ™with C and Ada code generation.sBlock diagram enhancements,including allowing pins to enter or exit from any side, flexible block name positioning, and expanded character set for labels.sIfThenElse blocks with output ports (pins) and a prolog section. sConfiguration management interface to commercial file and version control systems.sOptimized and restructured fixed-point functions achieving over 50% size reduction in some applications.sCode generation template for VxWorks ® 5.4.sXmath ® graphics function plot2d() providing access to plot() anduiplot() features plus multiple win-dows and data viewing.sImprovements to AutoCode ®, DocumentIt ™, and RealSim ™.SystemBuild with BetterStateSystemBuild 7.0 integrates BetterState seamlessly as an optional module so that BetterState charts can be used within SystemBuild models. The Bet-terState Editor appears as one of theSystemBuild editors (similar to the SuperBlock Editor). You can now sim-ulate your model with Sim, ISIM, and RealSim and generate code with Auto-Code capabilities for BetterStatecharts. Statechart models can be used to generate C or Ada code, and inter-active simulation enables theanimation of BetterState diagrams.BetterState,within SystemBuild,has the following new features:s Data Dictionary s Use of BlockScript s Enhanced Catalog Browser sA new BetterStateChart Blocks Improved block face and interfacessConfiguration management s Extended character set for labels sAda code generatorA new Data Dictionary window is accessible from the Statechart window.The Data Dictionary is used to declare and view BetterState variables, todisplay SystemBuild interfacearguments (pin numbers and data types), and also to define local or glo-bal variables for the BetterStatedomain.Each Data Dictionary window has a one-to-one correspondence to astatechart. You can view multiple data dictionaries at once.If you are using BetterState charts that were created in BetterState 5.2 orbefore, Wind River encourages you to enter any variables declared in vari-able boxes in the Data Dictionary.For more information about the Data Dictionary, see the BetterState User’s Guide .BlockScript,which provides a generalized programming capability for defining SystemBuild blocks for simulation and code generation, can now be accessed from BetterState.To define BetterState actions, you can specify them in BlockScript language or reference a procedural SuperBlock.7.0MATRIX XR E L E A S E N O T E S®Procedural SuperBlocks can be used in state on-entry actions, state during actions, state on-exit actions, and tran-sition actions.BlockScript provides the following new features:s Provides language-independent syntax (generates C or Ada code from the model without modifica-tion).s Is the SystemBuild BlockScript syn-tax for specifying conditions and actions.s Supports SystemBuild data types: float, integer, and logical.For more information about Block-Script, see the new BlockScript User’s Guide.BetterState now supports Ada code generation. When you complete your design, you can generate code for charts automatically to implement the design in Ada or C. With the Better-StateChart Block, event-driven and time-based subsystems can be mod-eled in SystemBuild. The BetterState-Chart Block is located on the BetterState palette of the SystemBuild Palette Browser and can be dragged and dropped into a SystemBuild dia-gram like any other SystemBuild block. Blocks can be multiple-instanced.Each SystemBuild use of a BetterState Block is a different instance of the statechart. The BetterStateChart Blockcan be asynchronously triggered fromwithin a continuous subsystem or runperiodically in a discrete subsystem.s Continuous – In a continuous sub-system, the procedural chart sectionof the BetterStateChart Block is notcalled. The block has one input perevent that exists in BetterState inaddition to the user-defined inputsand outputs. The event input pinsare made by connection to zero-crossing monitor signals and the Bet-terState chart is only called if one ofthe monitors is triggered. The correctevent procedure that corresponds tothe signal is called within Better-State.s Discrete – In a discrete subsystem, theBetterState chart is called at the rateof the parent subsystem and only theprocedural portion of the block isused.BetterStateChart Block has thesecharacteristics:s Enables you to provide multipleinstances of a chart.s Provides function call interface forBetterState charts.SystemBuildSystemBuild changes include CatalogBrowser enhancements, interfaceimprovements, configuration manage-ment, extended character set,IfThenElse block additions, signalsplitting, and engine and tire models.Catalog Browser has anenhanced Catalog pane, on the leftside of the SystemBuild CatalogBrowser, which has several new sec-tions under Main (Model, BetterStateCharts, Variables, and User Types) andnow lists Xmath Partitions.The SuperBlocks folder previously displayed the model hierarchy. With the integration of BetterState, System-Build now supports three hierarchical elements: SuperBlocks, BetterState Charts, and BetterState pages. The Model folder shows all three types, and the SuperBlock, BetterState, and State Diagrams folders each display a non-hierarchical list of elements.The BetterState Charts folder acts sim-ilar to the SuperBlocks folder. If you select this folder, the Contents pane shows a list of all BetterState charts in this scope of the catalog. If you expand this folder, the next level is the list of statecharts contained at this scope of the catalog. When you select a chart, the Contents pane shows all of the states on the root page of that chart, as well as any subpages to that root page. This folder is not expandable even if it has subpages.The Variables folder acts similar to the DataStores folder. When selected, the Contents pane displays all of the glo-bal variables defined at this scope of the catalog. Global variables are either SystemBuild global variables (refer-enced in variable blocks) or BetterState global variables (defined in the Data Dictionary).SystemBuild also imports and exports BetterState charts through the Catalog pane, displays user-defined datatypes, and now displays Xmath Partitions from the Catalog view.SystemBuild has interfaces that allow pins to enter or exit from any side (top, left, right, or bottom) for input or output pins. You can define ablock input face and a block outputface independently.You can rotate block names by using the rotation keyword (block and block name rotation are independent). You can use the new direction keyword to toggle the definitions of the block input and output faces. Block Diagram Enhancements SystemBuild 7.0 includes 4-way input/output face entry/exit. You can select a Left (existing), Right, Top, or Bottom entry or exit for a block from the Inputs or the Display tab. Configuration management(CM) feature of SystemBuild enhances the ability to manage data files in ClearCase™ 3.2.1, Merant PVCS™ 6.6, and Microsoft Visual SourceSafe™ 6.0 (for Windows only). CM, accessed from the Versioning menu and the FileView tab of the Catalog Browser, has the following features:s Provides a seamless interface to basic CM operations from within System-Build.s Defines a home file for each catalog item.s Provides a file view for viewing currently loaded files.s Tracks status on new, modified, moved, overwritten, and deleted items.For detailed information about the above and other CM features, see the SystemBuild User’s Guide.SystemBuild supports extended character set for block output labels and SuperBlock external input labels. This extended character set includes the !"#$%’*+,-./<=>?@^ characters and the rest of the standard ASCII 128 character set, except it excludes all control characters (ASCII 1–32) and (){}[]:;\‘|~&.The IfThenElse block has beenimproved with output ports (pins) anda prolog section.The IfThenElse block output ports areavailable from the face of the first con-dition block in the IfThenElse blockchain. You can connect to these portsas if they were the output ports of anyother standard block. Output fromeach of the block sections is connect-able to the output ports the same wayas the output of the content of a Super-Block is connected to its external out-put. With this capability, you nolonger need to use variable blocks andthe Sequencer with the IfThenElseblock.You can define default values for eachoutput channel in the prolog section.SystemBuild executes the prologsection before any other IfThenElsesections. This guarantees that all of theoutput has been defined.If any of the output of the IfThenElseblock is not connected in each sectionof the block structure, some outputmay not be assigned if that output isnot defined in the branch of the blockthat is being executed. This can causesome of the output to be undefinedunless you use the prolog section.This section appears as the uppermostsection in the block and is defined bytyping “prolog” in the Code tab of theIfThenElse Block Properties dialog.Signal splitting is now marked ina diagram. Signal splitting occurswhen one output is connected to theinput of multiple blocks. The markersare placed automatically on the Sys-temBuild diagram whenever two ormore connection lines (that share thesame path from the same source)branch off.The TNO Models section of thePalette Browser provides a selection ofTNO Automotive blocks, includingdynamo and tire subsections. Thedynamo subsection includes blocks fordiesel engines, combustion, turbo-chargers, manifolds, and fuel control.The tire subsection includes blocks forcreating models with tire specifica-tions. For additional information, seethe Dynamo User’s Guide.AutoCode and DocumentItAutoCode7.0 provides the followingnew features:s Fixed-point libraries have improvedsource code layering, reduced fixed-point object and image sizes, andautomatic standalone utility compi-lations Variable step-size solvers Code Generation template supportfor VxWorkss Name mangling reports makefile generation and the acmakecommands AutoCode SDK interface now part ofthe AutoCode productDocumentIt support for the Better-State code generator is limited toextracting comments from theBetterStateChart block dialog. Docu-mentation data cannot be extractedfrom within a BetterState chart.XmathXmath 7.0 introduces plot2d(), agraphics function that provides ashortcut to PGUI uiPlot() features forusers familiar with the plot function.plot2d() accepts the parameters andkeywords of both plot() and uiPlot().By converting plot() function calls toplot2d(), you can employ all uiPlot()functionality, including:s Multiple Plot Windows — You cancreate plots on multiple windowsfrom the Xmath Commands windowand address plot commands to anygiven existing plot window.sEnhanced Command Capability — You can specify and update all plot attributes with keywords issued from the Xmath Commands window.sInteractive Data Viewing—With the mouse, you can interactively display the x and y values of points along any plot line.sMultiple Y Axes — You can display multiple Y axis scales on a plot.sImproved Default Background and Line Colors —New default back-ground and line colors improve the visual presentation of plots.sImproved Plot Attributes — Grid line and tick mark spacings, as well as text font sizes, are determined rel-ative to the size of the plot.sPlot Legend Placement —You con-trol placement of plot legends with plot2d() command options.For more information about Xmath graphics, see the Xmath User’s Guide and the plot2d() discussion in MATRIXXHelp.RealSimRealSim 7.0 includes the following new features:sSupports AutoCode for BetterState charts, although back animation is not supported.s Improvements to data acquisition.s Automation of UserCode Block use.sIP-16DAC, IP-230DAC, and IP-235DAC board support for AC-1000, AC-104, and RealSim PCI-Pro con-trollers.sVMIVME 4150 board support for the AC-1000 controller.sDatel PC-420 arbitrary wave form generation board support for Real-Sim PCI-Pro systems.sFlex/104A board provides fully-ruggedized extended temperature support for AC-104.Documentation and SupportThe MATRIX X documentation CD provides a structured set of online books in portable document format (PDF). To view PDF documents, you must have Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later (with the search feature). The MATRIX X 7.0 documentation CD includes a copy of Acrobat Reader with Search 3.01. You can download the reader from or copy it from the CD to the Xmath installation directory (the recom-mended location). Acrobat 3.01 pro-vides full text search capability. The CD also has a master index to assist you in locating topics.The documentation CD covers all MATRIX X products including Xmath, SystemBuild, BetterState, AutoCode, DocumentIt, and RealSim. It also includes licensing documentation from GLOBEtrotter ® Software, anima-tion documentation from Altia, the Diab C/C++ compiler documentation, and the pSOSystem ™ PowerPC man-ual set. The Diab C/C++ compiler and PowerPC documents are supplied pri-marily for use with the RealSim AC-1000 controller.Hardcopy Documentation PDF files can be printed on anyPostScript printer. For more informa-tion on Adobe PDF format or related products, see Adobe’s website at . Also, MATRIX X Help can be printed from Netscape.MATRIX X provides a hypertext markup language (HTML) Help sys-tem. MATRIX X Help is a self-con-tained system with multiple hypertextlinks from one topic to another. To start MATRIX X Help and get instruc-tions on viewing, navigating, and printing topics, type help matrixx from the Xmath Commands window.MATRIX X runs on most UNIX and Windows platforms as follows:sThe software supports Windows NT ® 4.0, Windows ® 2000,Windows ME, Windows 98, Win-dows 95, and Solaris ® 2.7.sThe release 7.0 product CD includes RealSim, Altia ® Design 4.5, and Altia FacePlate 4.5.sThe MATRIX X 7.0 documentation CD includes online books in portable document format (PDF) and Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader with Search 3.01. sThe MATRIX X Help system requires Netscape Navigator™ 3.0 or later. MATRIX X 7.0 includes the most recent version of Netscape Naviga-tor available at release time.Technical support information is available on the web at the following site:www /supportFrom this site select MATRIX X .The email address for support is ************************.An ASCII template is available in:MATRIXX /version/support.txt For additional contact information,please visit:。



英文门窗术语钢门及门框steel doors & frames 铝合金门及门框aluminum不锈钢stainless steel 铜门及门框bronze doors and frames木门panel wood doors塑料门plastic laminate-faced doors 推拉门和格栅sliding doors & grilles 安全门detention/security doors卷帘门和格栅coiling doors & grilles 工业厂房和棚厂门industrial & hangar doors折叠门和格栅folding doors& grilles 防爆门blast-resistant doors入口和商店门面ENTRANCE & STOREFRONTS自动入口门automatic entrance doors自动推拉平板式入口门auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors入口转门revolving entrance doors 塑料窗vinyl windows特种窗special windows室外上卷式百叶窗exterior roll-up windows shutters天窗及屋顶采光SKYLIGHTS五金配件hardware门用小五金door hardware推拉和折叠门五金sliding & folding door hardware门操作器door operators密封条,门槛及密封胶weatherstripping,thresholds& seals 窗五金window hardware& specialties门窗配件door and window accessoriesSash 扇Transom 框梃Mullion 扇梃Hardware 五金件Coupler 拼接材Reinforcement 钢衬Gasket 胶条,毛条Screw 螺钉Wood 木衬Aluminum 铝衬Door panel 门板Fly screen 纱扇Bead 压条Inter lock 封盖Sash connector 盖帽Floating transom 对开梃Glass Adjust Board 玻璃垫片Auxiliary Material 辅助材料Wide side height 长面长度Narrow side height 窄面长度Frame Mullion 框梃Screen Sash 推拉纱扇Inter Seal 盖帽Outward Opening Sash 外开扇Inward Opening Sash内开扇Sliding Door Sash 推拉门扇Screen sash Rail 挡轨Pseudo Mullion假中梃Intergrated Frame Mullion一体框梃Door Sash 外开门扇Door Frame 平开门框Floor Spring Door Frame 地弹门框Floor Spring Door Connecting 地弹门连接件Jaiousie Window Holder 百叶窗架glazing Bead玻璃压条Coupling连接材90°Corner 90度转角连接材Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨外框Jaiousie Window Vane百叶窗Steel Reinforcement日系钢衬套Fixed Frame固定框Outer Frame 外框Triple Glazing Bead 三玻压条Doudle Glazing Bead 双玻压条Single Glazing Bead 单玻压条Doudle Seal Inward Sash双密封内开扇Triple Seal Outward Sash三密封外开扇Glass Pad 玻璃垫板Tube 180度转角连接件Decoration bar 装饰条Universal Post 转角圆管Brush Seal 密封毛条Yarn netRight-Angle Minor Frame直边小断面外框Right - Angle Frame 直边外框Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨框Static Coupling 转角拼接框header页眉cutting centre 锯切中心CNC数控corner cleaning machine角缝清理机roller shutter machine 卷帘机glazing bead saw 玻璃条锯End milling 先孔size limits 极限尺寸optimisation 最优化output 输出ffcuts 边料,尾料machine type 设备型号pairing mode 设备模式double mitre saw双角锯,铝材切割profile feed 型材剖面single cutting 单切rear track后轮距front track 前轮距V-notch capabilities 切槽孔能力Module 模块Machinery control 设备控制Part 零件Part matrix 零件矩阵digit logical code 三位逻辑代码Store 库存Face drainage 排水面Specify 指定Format code 格式代码Stock code 库存编码Set up the system 设置系统Subsystem page 子系统页面Rules page 规则页面Frame bottom length 框底长Offset 偏移Rang 环状Pos code 销售代码Saw prog 锯切程序Drill code 钻头代码Op field 操作区Pilot hole 安装孔Op class操作级别Pn 性能参数DSB双边的Internally glazed sash 内装玻璃上Espagnole 插销Drip rail 滴水槽Door blinge 门铰链Slot vent 气压平衡槽Welding 焊接Cutting,milling 铝塑材切割Copy router 仿形钻床Screw drilling 钻攻机Bending machine 圆弧窗机Internal corner cleaner n内角酰Set up the visibility 设置可见度Datum option 基准选择Overall 全部DIF差值Map绘图计划Date folder 资料库Attribut page 属性页面Adjoining 相邻Modifiled 改进的Solution page 解决方法页面DLL 动态连接链Drgo原来的Server management 服务管理器塑料窗vinyl windows电子锁系统electrical locking systemsFlush door 平面门,全板门Ledged door 直板门High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板Margined flush door 镶边平板门Exterior door户外门Bow door 弓形门Double sliding door 双滑门top rail 顶横档bottom rail 下横档panels 门面lock stile 门锁竖挡lock rail 门锁横档threshold 门槛hinge stile 铰链竖挡jamb 框边Ball bearing slide脚轮滑道Bolt pin 螺栓插销Bolts and nuts for furniture 家具用螺钉,螺帽Accessories 附件anti-slam防撞arched拱形arched head拱顶assembly装配barrel hinge圆柱合页copy router仿形铣床corner crimping machine挤角机corner joint挤角角码curve弯弧decorative sash bar(门、窗魄力外的装饰格栅drainage排水drilling machine钻床drilling patterns钻孔模板end milling machine端铣机fabrication制作、装配face-fitted塔接式(扇比框高fitting装配flush-fitted平齐式gasket密封胶条glazing bead玻璃扣条glazing option玻璃槽口hand punch手动冲床hinge合页、铰链horizontal pivot中轴(窗intercoms对讲装置inward open内开letterbox信箱limiting stay限位撑、风撑meeting rail假中停mid-rail中横框milling cut端铣机铣刀mullion竖框multioperation press多工位冲床outer frame边框outward open外开pneumatic punch气动冲床press tools冲模profile型材断面roller shutter卷帘routing template仿形铣床模板routing tools仿形铣刀section节点side hung平开sill门槛、窗台slide推拉strip window条窗tilt下悬T-jointT形角码transom横框turn平开vent开启扇口ventilation通风vertical pivot立轴(窗wall attachment(与墙体安装附件五金词汇B Ball bearing slide脚轮滑道Bolt pin 螺栓插销Bolts and nuts for furniture 家具用螺钉,螺帽C Carcase 框架,架子Castor 小脚轮Ceiling 天花板Central hinges 中央铰链Chrome 铬Complete range of drawer slide 各种类型的抽屉滑道Component 零配件,元件Concealed hinge 内藏铰链Cupboard-lock 拒门锁D Decorative trims for furniture家具金边饰条Drawer-lock 抽屉锁Drawer runner 抽屉滑槽EEquipment for surface treatment 表面处理工具3/4 extension slide 部分开式滑道F Faucet 水龙头Fixture 固定装置Full extension slide 全开式滑道Furniture hardware家具五金Furniture parts 家具零配件Furniture structural parts 家具结构零件Gas lift chassis 气压棒底盘Glass door hinge 玻璃门铰链Heavy duty slide 承重式滑道Hook lock 钩锁Keyboard slide 键盘板滑道Large head type 大头型Locating dowel 定位榫钉Lock rail 安锁冒头M Magnetic catch 磁性拉手Magnetic-lock 磁锁magnetic push latch磁性撞锁Marquetry work镶嵌装饰品Metal fittings 金属配件Matal handle 金属拉手Mold模具Office chair central tube accessories 办公椅中管配件Office chair hardware accessories 办公椅五金配件Out set 外盖型套轮Panel veneer 板料Plastic bolt and threaded axis 塑料螺帽及牙轴Pocket door slide 柜门滑道Prevent falling off due to turning 防止旋转脱落Secret-hinge 暗铰Semifinished furniture product and accessories 家具半成品及配件Semifinished product for interior fittings 装潢用半成品Simple connecting fittings 简单五金配件Single item 单项产品Sliding door roller series 推拉门用轮系列Straight-lock 企口锁Surface gluing 板面上胶Veneer trimming 薄片整修Vertical upright 直挂格Wood-button 木纽Wood components 木制配件Wooden bar 车件Wooden cork 木塞Wooden curtain rod and ring 木制窗帘杆及吊环Woodscrew 木螺钉Wreathed hand-rail 扭弯扶手玻璃幕墙-------glass curtain wall 4mm THK. Composite Aluminum Plastic 4mm厚复合铝板5mm THK. Aluminum Plate 5mm 厚单铝板Acid 酸,酸性的Across 横过,交叉Allowable 允许Alloy 合金Alum. bracket 铝支架Alum. Panel 铝板Aluminum alloy 铝合金Anchor Bolt 锚拴Anchor 锚固Angle steel 角钢Annealed glass 浮法(退火玻璃Anodizing oxidation coating 阳极氧化喷涂Anodizing 阳化Anti-corrosive zinc paint 防锈白漆Anti-reflective coating 防反射涂膜Average=AVG. 平均Aviation obstruction 阻航Backer rod 加强棒,泡沫棒Base level 基本平面,海平面Be equivalent to 等于Bear 负荷bedding 衬垫Bend 弯曲,屈服Bituminous paint 沥青油Bituminous 含沥青的Bolt 螺栓Bond 接合,搭接Bonding 搭接,接合Booklet 小册子Brace 斜撑Bracket 支托Buckle 使弯曲,使屈服Built-up 有组织的,密集的Butt welding对接焊缝Canopy 天蓬,雨蓬Cantilever beam 悬臂梁Caption 说明,标题Cast-in 埋入Catalogue 目录,总目Cementitious 水泥的Channel 槽,频道,通道Circular hollow section 圆通Clear glass 透明玻璃Client 客户,委托人Closure 外盖Code 代码,法规Coefficient 系数Composite 混合物,混合Compression 压,压迫Compressive 受压的Concealed 隐藏的Concrete 混凝土Constant 常数Construction tolerance 施工容差Contact surface 接触面Continuous beam 连续梁Contractor 承包商Copper 铜Court 中庭Cracked 开裂的Crylic acid coating 丙烯酸喷涂Dead load 恒荷载Deduction 折减,扣除Definition 定义,精确度Deflection 挠度Deform 变形Deformation 变形Demountable panel 可拆除挂板Derivation 引出,导出Detail 详图,节点图Detection 探知,发现Diagonal 对角线Diagrid 斜交格构Diaphragm 加强层Die 冲模Distributed 均匀的,分布的Double glazing 双层(中空玻璃Double Skin Wall 双层幕墙Downwind 顺风面Drive pin 射钉Dynamic 活动的,动态的Earthquake load 地震荷载Eccentric 偏心的Egress door 紧急出口Elastic 弹性的Electrophoretic coating 电泳喷涂Element 构件Embedment 预埋件Equal angle 等边角钢Examined 审定Expansible 伸缩的Expansion Bolt 膨胀螺栓Exposed frame 明框Extrusion 挤压Fabricate 加工Fabrication 加工Facial glass (facade glass 面玻璃Facial(facade 脸部、表面的Fastener-Stainless Steel不锈钢紧固件Fatigue 疲劳Figured glass 压花玻璃Fillet 带子,带形的fillet weld 角焊缝Fin glass (stiffen fin glass 肋玻璃Fin 鳍,鳍状物Fire prevention 防火Fire Stop mineral wool 防火岩棉Fixing lug n.摩耳Flange 凸缘,翼缘Flashing 防水板,遮雨板Float glass 浮法玻璃Foam Rod 泡沫填充棒Folded 折叠的Foreword 序言Formula 方程Free stand type 坐(落地式full glass curtain wall 全玻幕墙galvanizing镀锌Galvanization 镀锌Galvanize 镀锌Galvanized Bolt 镀锌螺栓Geometry 几何定位,定位(图Granite cladding花岗岩围护,干挂石Granite 花岗石Grille 格子,隔栅Grout 水泥浆Grouting (填塞的水泥砂浆Gutter Sleeve 天沟,排水沟Gyration 回转,旋转Half strengthened glass半钢化玻璃Hanger system 吊挂系统Heat strengthened glass半钢化玻璃Heat Soak Test 引爆处理Hidden frame curtain wall 隐框幕墙Hidden frame 隐框Horizontal 水平的Hot-dipped zinc galvanization热浸锌Imposed 应用的,施加的Inclined 倾斜的Inertia moment 惯性矩Inertia 惯性Insulating Glass Unit (IGU 中空玻璃Intumescent coating 防火涂层in a complete manner在完整意义Issue 发行,发布Joint 连接Joist 托梁,Laminated glass 夹层玻璃Lateral 侧面的,旁边的Linear 线性的Lip 薄片Lips薄片、唇Load 荷载,加载Lobby 大厅Local 局部的,地方性的location blocks 定位块Louver 百叶,百页Lug 凸耳,凸杆Machine Bolt 机制螺栓Member.杆件Membrane 防水层Mesh 网,网状物Metallic 金属的Mild steel钢Micron 微米Mock-up 实体样板Modulus 模量Moment 力矩Monumental glazing 巨幅玻璃Movement capacity 变形能力Negative 否定,负数Neutral 中性的Node 节点Normal 普通的,法向的Nut 螺丝帽Operable panel 可开启面板Panel 板,仪表板Pane窗格玻璃Patio 内庭Peak 峰值Penetration butt 对接埋入焊Penetration 浸透,浸入Pile 桩Pin 大头钉,栓Plate 金属板Plinth 基座Podium 矮墙,女儿墙Poisson’s Ratio 泊桑比Polished glass 磨光玻璃Powder coating 粉末喷涂Pre-cast 预埋,预置Preliminary 初步的Pressure 压力,压强Principal 主要的Purposed 计划的,打算的PVDF Coating 氟碳喷涂PVF2 Coating氟碳喷涂Railing 扶手,栏杆Rectangle hollow section 矩形管Refer 提交,查阅Reflective glass 反射玻璃Reinforcement 加强件,加固物Relative Heat Gain 相对热增益Relief pattern 浮雕图案Resistance 抵抗Restrain 约束Revision 修订,校订Revolving panel 旋转面板reflective ratio反射率Rigid Insulation 刚性绝缘体Rigidity 刚性Rod 棒,竿Scope 范围,广度Screw 螺钉,拧紧Sealant 密封胶Security configuration 保安配置Self-weight 自重semi-exposed framing glass curtain wall 半隐框幕墙Serial 序列,系列Setting block 垫块Shading coefficient 遮阳系数Shaft 管井Shear force 剪力Shear 修剪,剪切Sheet 薄板Similar 相似的,相同Simply supported beam 简支梁Single glass.temperd单层钢化玻璃Single toughened glass 单层钢化玻璃Site-ground 室外地面Silicone硅树脂Slab 楼板Sleeve 袖子,套筒Snow and ice retention雨雪拦截设施Span 跨度Spandrel 横档Spider fixing (玻璃固定爪Splice 接合,连接Square hollow section 方形管Stainless steel bolt不锈钢螺栓Steel bracket 钢角码Stiffen 使变硬Strength 强度Structural silicone 结构硅胶Strut 支柱Sub-contractor 分包商Submission 递呈,提交,服从Suction 吸力Sunshade 遮阳Supplier 供应商Supply 提供,补充,替代Support on four sides 四边支撑Support on two sides 两边支撑Super-structure 主体结构Symmetry 对称的Tee n.T字形,T形物Tempered glass 钢化玻璃Tempered 调节的,钢化的Tensile 拉力的,张力的Tension 张力,拉力Terrain 地带,地域,范围Thread纤维The arm of force 力臂Tile 砖,磁片Tinted 着色的Tolerance 允许误差Top 顶部,上总的Torsion 扭转,扭矩Transom 横梁,横档Trapezoid 梯形,不等边四边形transmissibility透射率Type 类型,型号,打字Typical 标准的Unequal angle steel 不等边角钢Unequal angle不等边角钢Unfolded 展开图Visible Light Reflectance 可见光反射率Visible Light Transmittance 可见光透光率Void 中空处Walkable 可上人的Weather proofing sealant 耐候胶Weep 滴水welding line焊缝Welded seam 焊缝Zinc-plated 镀锌建筑词汇masonry wall 砌筑墙体;砖石墙体sag/cave in塌陷,凹陷shear wall剪力墙shear wall frame interaction框剪结构skeleton-and-skin system骨架结构space frame空间网架structural members结构构件switchbox配电箱tape inward收分tensile strength拉力timber construction =wood frame 木结构transformer substation变电站truss桁架underground network of pipes地下管网wood beam木梁weight strength重力yield屈服shell system壳体结构bundled tube system束筒体系cantilevered悬臂的cantilevered end悬臂端close interval(柱间距紧凑critical point(受力临界点,相变点distributing box配电柜framed tube框筒结构grid structure网架结构HVAC=Heating, Ventilation & AirConditioning暖通空调heat exchanger空气循环piled-up mass of adobe=sun-dried mud干打垒precast预制的precise measurements精确的计算prefabrication配件预制overlapping搭接,重叠,(柱式的组合recirculate air再循环空气research model结构模型resistance against weathering|耐候性安全防火隔热fire-safing insulation 安全荷载safe load;safety load安全荷载系数safety load factor安全帽protecting cap;safety helmet安全系数safety factor/coefficient 安装标准installation benchmark安装程序installation procedure安装方法报告书installation method statement安装工程erection work安装就位erecting and setting安装施工资格installation qualification安装容差installation tolerance暗匣Blind pocket奥氏体Austenitic百叶(窗louver; shutter; Persian blinds百叶跨度length of the louver百叶帘venetion blind百页片Blade百叶铝板aluminum louver panel 百叶式出气口louvered air outlet 搬运handling板;板块board; plate;panel;slab 板材plate半钢化玻璃heat strengthened glass; half strengthened glass半径radius;semidiameter半透明的translucent 半隐框玻璃幕墙semi-exposedframing glass curtain wall包装packaging保安配置Securityconfiguration保护(涂层protective coating保证(书warranties保温板heated board保温材料insulation material 保温层insulating layer保温顶棚heat insulated ceiling 保温(岩棉insulation报价bid;quote报价单quotation背板back-pan备注remark比例scale比例proportion避雷保护lightning protection 避雷针Lighting protection air terminal编号numbering;serial number 边缘荷载edge load边缘块edge block变化系数variation coefficient变量Variable变硬Stiffen变形deform; deformation变形缝movement joint变形能力deformation capacity标称nominal标记mark/marking; indicator; label 标价bid price标价单bid sheet标签label;checklist标示display标书bid标志signage标准尺寸typical dimension标准版本standards version标准构件standard element标准间隔材料standard spacer material标准节点typical detail标准值characteristic value表面处理finish表面涂层surface coating表面压缩应力surface compression stress冰雪处理与缓和ice and snow management and mitigation丙烯酸喷涂Duracron玻璃安装材料glazing material 玻璃安装商glazier玻璃板glass plate玻璃采光顶glass skylight玻璃窗;玻璃装饰glazing玻璃窗标准glazing standards玻璃窗工艺glazing workmanship 玻璃刀glass cutter玻璃钢glass reinforced plastic玻璃固定fixing for glass玻璃间隔条glazing spacer玻璃肋式点支承幕墙Glass rib Steel strand玻璃类型表glass type schedule玻璃密封垫glazing gasket玻璃密封条glazing tape玻璃面板glass panel玻璃面砖glass facing tile玻璃幕墙glass curtain wall; window wall; glass wall; glass panel wall; coated glass; twinkle wall玻璃腔glass pocket玻璃墙面glass wall face玻璃穹顶glass dome玻璃透光率transmittance of glass 玻璃温度应力thermal stress of glass玻璃屋顶glass roof;glazed roof玻璃压条glazing bead玻璃翼/肋glass fin玻璃原片primary glass玻璃砖glass block波纹corrugation波纹拉丝不锈钢板stainless steelfinish corrugated波形的corrugated波纹不锈钢板corrugated S.S. plate 波形玻璃corrugated glass 波形垫片corrugated gasket波形铝板corrugated aluminum sheet薄板sheet; thin slab薄垫片Shim薄膜film;membrane薄膜玻璃film glass薄膜防水membrane waterproofing 薄片Lip补充文件supplement rider document不等边角钢Unequal angle steel不规则荷载abnormal load不透明的opaque不透明玻璃opaque glass不锈钢stainless steel(S.S不锈钢吊杆S.S rod不锈钢螺钉S.S screw不锈钢紧钉螺钉S.S holding/set/stop screw不锈钢紧固件Stainless Steel Fastener不锈钢自攻螺钉S.S self-tapping screw不锈钢螺栓S.S bolt不锈钢机制螺栓S.S machine bolt 不锈钢暖气罩S.S heating cover 不显眼的Inconspicuous擦窗机,吊篮gondola擦窗设备BMU (building maintenance unit擦窗设备公司BMU supplier擦窗机荷载gondola load擦窗设备荷载BMU loads擦窗器window cleaner材料审查报告materials testing report采购订单purchase order采购活动procurement activity采光玻璃屋顶skylight glass roof 采光系数daylighting factor 采用预埋件embed model 彩色夹层可视玻璃vision glazing with colored interlayer彩釉玻璃ceramic frit glass彩釉夹胶玻璃ceramic fritlaminated glass参数parameter残余应力residual stress槽Channel槽,狭缝Slot槽钢channel steel;channel槽口notch侧,测向的,侧面的,旁边的lateral侧塞块side block测试方案test proposal测压孔pressure tap测验实体模型testing mock-up层间滑移Interstorey drift层间位移floor level movement叉车fork lift truck插接件connector茶色玻璃dark brown glass产品保证product guaranties长期强度long-term strength常数Constant常温养护normal temperature curing场地勘查field survey场地条件site condition超白钢化夹胶玻璃low-iron tempered laminated glass超白钢化折弯夹胶玻璃low-iron tempered bent laminated glass超高层建筑super high-rise building 车间Shop车库门garage door撤除removal沉降缝Settlement joint沉头螺钉Countersunk screw衬板lining衬垫Bedding撑杆brace rod; stay bar承包范围extent of contractor; scope承包商;承包人contractor成本核算cost accounting承压面bearing surface承压墙bearing wall;carrying wall 承压强度bearing strength承载力carrying /bearing capacity 承载力系数bearing capacity factor 尺寸size/dimension尺寸公差dimensional tolerance; tolerance of dimension冲模Die抽芯铆钉Blind rivet初步的Preliminary初步方案preliminary scheme初步概算preliminary estimate初步规划preliminary planning 初步勘查preliminary exploration 初期养护initial curing初始应变initial strain出入口access;openings储存storage穿孔perforation穿孔百叶perforated louver穿孔板perforated plate传热路系统heat-trace system传热系数heat-transfer coefficient 窗洞window opening窗格window division窗合页window hinge窗框window frame窗帘匣pelmet窗棂window bar窗扇window sash; leaf窗台/槛window sill垂直(方向的vertical;vertically垂直度squareness垂直于vertical to;perpendicular to垂直挡雨板vertical rain-shield垂直幕墙vertical curtain wall雌料female material次支撑构件secondary supportmember磁锁mag-lock磁砖Tile粗糙rough;roughness粗糙系数roughness factor淬火玻璃heat-strengthened glass 脆性Brittleness 存放期shelf life搭接,接合Bonding打胶sealant installation打孔holes drilling; perforate大跨度结构long span structure大理石marble大理石板marble slab大理石墙面marble wall face大理石饰面marble finish大厅Lobby大样图detail drawing代码,法规Code带空隙的Interstitial带子,带形的Fillet单层钢化玻璃Single toughened glass单层索网幕墙single-layer cable-net curtain wall 单剪连接one shear joint单片玻璃monolithic glass单位成本unit cost单位面积unit area单一货源责任single source responsibility单元式幕墙unitized curtain wall挡风板wind shield挡水板flashing挡雨板rain-shield导热heat conduction导热系数thermal conductivity灯的安装和走线Light fixture and wiring 灯架light mounting灯具lighting灯槽light trough灯荷载light load等边角钢equal angle steel等效荷载equivalent load等效厚度equivalent thickness等压设计pressure equalization低辐射镀膜玻璃Low-E coated glass低碳钢mild steel低温玻璃;退火玻璃annealedglass滴水槽檐drip edge底部bottom底漆primer抵抗Resistance抵抗(力矩resisting moment地带,地域,范围Terrain地基沉降Foundation settlement 地接线Ground connection地心引力,重力Gravity地震earthquake地面粗糙度ground roughness type地震测试seismic rocking testing 地震荷载seismic load地震荷载作用效应组合系数seismic load action combination coefficient递呈,提交,服从Submission典型幕墙单元typical curtain wall unit点拨件spider点支式幕墙point supporting curtain wall点支承玻璃幕墙Point supporting glass curtain wall电导管electrical conduit电动开启窗automatic operable vent电泳喷涂Electrophoretic coating 垫块,塞块,支撑块Setting block; Jack pad垫片shim垫圈washer吊车,起重机Crane吊顶ceiling吊顶板材ceiling tile吊顶荷载suspended-ceiling load 吊顶梁ceiling beam吊顶龙骨ceiling joist吊顶主龙骨main joist ofsuspended ceiling;main runner吊顶幕墙overhang curtain wall吊顶体系ceiling suspension system;suspended ceiling system吊杆结构suspending structure吊杠臂Davit arm吊钩tie back吊篮Gondola丁基玻璃密封条butyl glazing tape 丁基热熔密封胶butyl sealant顶部采光toplighting顶层top level定期检查regular inspection定期清洁progressive cleaning定义;精确度definition定位块setting block; location block定位螺丝set screw定位(图geometry动荷载dynamic load; moving load 洞口opening动态的,动力的Dynamic动力系数dynamic factor动力放大系数dynamic amplificatory coefficient独立试验机构independent testing agent镀膜玻璃coated glass镀锌处理galvanize镀锌的galvanized; zinc-plated镀锌钢板galvanized steel panel 镀锌瓦楞钢板corrugated galvanized sheet镀锌螺栓Galvanized Bolt堆积accumulation对称Symmetry对称荷载symmetrical load对角线diagonal。



英文门窗术语钢门及门框steel doors & frames 铝合金门及门框aluminum不锈钢stainless steel 铜门及门框bronze doors and frames木门panel wood doors塑料门plastic laminate-faced doors 推拉门和格栅sliding doors & grilles 安全门detention/security doors卷帘门和格栅coiling doors & grilles 工业厂房和棚厂门industrial & hangar doors折叠门和格栅folding doors& grilles 防爆门blast-resistant doors入口和商店门面ENTRANCE & STOREFRONTS自动入口门automatic entrance doors自动推拉平板式入口门auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors入口转门revolving entrance doors 塑料窗vinyl windows特种窗special windows室外上卷式百叶窗exterior roll-up windows shutters天窗及屋顶采光SKYLIGHTS五金配件hardware门用小五金door hardware推拉和折叠门五金sliding & folding door hardware门操作器door operators密封条,门槛及密封胶weatherstripping,thresholds& seals 窗五金window hardware& specialties门窗配件door and window accessoriesSash 扇Transom 框梃Mullion 扇梃Hardware 五金件Coupler 拼接材Reinforcement 钢衬Gasket 胶条,毛条Screw 螺钉Wood 木衬Aluminum 铝衬Door panel 门板Fly screen 纱扇Bead 压条Inter lock 封盖Sash connector 盖帽Floating transom 对开梃Glass Adjust Board 玻璃垫片Auxiliary Material 辅助材料Wide side height 长面长度Narrow side height 窄面长度Frame Mullion 框梃Screen Sash 推拉纱扇Inter Seal 盖帽Outward Opening Sash 外开扇Inward Opening Sash内开扇Sliding Door Sash 推拉门扇Screen sash Rail 挡轨Pseudo Mullion假中梃Intergrated Frame Mullion一体框梃Door Sash 外开门扇Door Frame 平开门框Floor Spring Door Frame 地弹门框Floor Spring Door Connecting 地弹门连接件Jaiousie Window Holder 百叶窗架glazing Bead玻璃压条Coupling连接材90°Corner 90度转角连接材Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨外框Jaiousie Window Vane百叶窗Steel Reinforcement日系钢衬套Fixed Frame固定框Outer Frame 外框Triple Glazing Bead 三玻压条Doudle Glazing Bead 双玻压条Single Glazing Bead 单玻压条Doudle Seal Inward Sash双密封内开扇Triple Seal Outward Sash三密封外开扇Glass Pad 玻璃垫板Tube 180度转角连接件Decoration bar 装饰条Universal Post 转角圆管Brush Seal 密封毛条Yarn netRight-Angle Minor Frame直边小断面外框Right - Angle Frame 直边外框Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨框Static Coupling 转角拼接框header页眉cutting centre 锯切中心CNC数控corner cleaning machine角缝清理机roller shutter machine 卷帘机glazing bead saw 玻璃条锯End milling 先孔size limits 极限尺寸optimisation 最优化output 输出ffcuts 边料,尾料machine type 设备型号pairing mode 设备模式double mitre saw双角锯,铝材切割profile feed 型材剖面single cutting 单切rear track后轮距front track 前轮距V-notch capabilities 切槽孔能力Module 模块Machinery control 设备控制Part 零件Part matrix 零件矩阵digit logical code 三位逻辑代码Store 库存Face drainage 排水面Specify 指定Format code 格式代码Stock code 库存编码Set up the system 设置系统Subsystem page 子系统页面Rules page 规则页面Frame bottom length 框底长Offset 偏移Rang 环状Pos code 销售代码Saw prog 锯切程序Drill code 钻头代码Op field 操作区Pilot hole 安装孔Op class操作级别Pn 性能参数DSB双边的Internally glazed sash 内装玻璃上Espagnole 插销Drip rail 滴水槽Door blinge 门铰链Slot vent 气压平衡槽Welding 焊接Cutting,milling 铝塑材切割Copy router 仿形钻床Screw drilling 钻攻机Bending machine 圆弧窗机Internal corner cleaner n内角酰Set up the visibility 设置可见度Datum option 基准选择Overall 全部DIF差值Map绘图计划Date folder 资料库Attribut page 属性页面Adjoining 相邻Modifiled 改进的Solution page 解决方法页面DLL 动态连接链Drgo原来的Server management 服务管理器塑料窗vinyl windows电子锁系统electrical locking systemsFlush door 平面门,全板门Ledged door 直板门High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板Margined flush door 镶边平板门Exterior door户外门Bow door 弓形门Double sliding door 双滑门top rail 顶横档bottom rail 下横档panels 门面lock stile 门锁竖挡lock rail 门锁横档threshold 门槛hinge stile 铰链竖挡jamb 框边Ball bearing slide脚轮滑道Bolt pin 螺栓插销Bolts and nuts for furniture 家具用螺钉,螺帽Accessories 附件anti-slam防撞arched拱形arched head拱顶assembly装配barrel hinge圆柱合页copy router仿形铣床corner crimping machine挤角机corner joint挤角角码curve弯弧decorative sash bar(门、窗魄力外)的装饰格栅drainage排水drilling machine钻床drilling patterns钻孔模板end milling machine端铣机fabrication制作、装配face-fitted塔接式(扇比框高)fitting装配flush-fitted平齐式gasket密封胶条glazing bead玻璃扣条glazing option玻璃槽口hand punch手动冲床hinge合页、铰链horizontal pivot中轴(窗)intercoms对讲装置inward open内开letterbox信箱limiting stay限位撑、风撑meeting rail假中停mid-rail中横框milling cut端铣机铣刀mullion竖框multioperation press多工位冲床outer frame边框outward open外开pneumatic punch气动冲床press tools冲模profile型材断面roller shutter卷帘routing template仿形铣床模板routing tools仿形铣刀section节点side hung平开sill门槛、窗台slide推拉strip window条窗tilt下悬T-jointT形角码transom横框turn平开vent开启扇口ventilation通风vertical pivot立轴(窗)wall attachment(与墙体)安装附件五金词汇B Ball bearing slide脚轮滑道Bolt pin 螺栓插销Bolts and nuts for furniture 家具用螺钉,螺帽C Carcase 框架,架子Castor 小脚轮Ceiling 天花板Central hinges 中央铰链Chrome 铬Complete range of drawer slide 各种类型的抽屉滑道Component 零配件,元件Concealed hinge 内藏铰链Cupboard-lock 拒门锁D Decorative trims for furniture家具金边饰条Drawer-lock 抽屉锁Drawer runner 抽屉滑槽EEquipment for surface treatment 表面处理工具3/4 extension slide 部分开式滑道F Faucet 水龙头Fixture 固定装置Full extension slide 全开式滑道Furniture hardware家具五金Furniture parts 家具零配件Furniture structural parts 家具结构零件Gas lift chassis 气压棒底盘Glass door hinge 玻璃门铰链Heavy duty slide 承重式滑道Hook lock 钩锁Keyboard slide 键盘板滑道Large head type 大头型Locating dowel 定位榫钉Lock rail 安锁冒头M Magnetic catch 磁性拉手Magnetic-lock 磁锁magnetic push latch磁性撞锁Marquetry work镶嵌装饰品Metal fittings 金属配件Matal handle 金属拉手Mold模具Office chair central tube accessories 办公椅中管配件Office chair hardware accessories 办公椅五金配件Out set 外盖型套轮Panel veneer 板料Plastic bolt and threaded axis 塑料螺帽及牙轴Pocket door slide 柜门滑道Prevent falling off due to turning 防止旋转脱落Secret-hinge 暗铰Semifinished furniture product and accessories 家具半成品及配件Semifinished product for interior fittings 装潢用半成品Simple connecting fittings 简单五金配件Single item 单项产品Sliding door roller series 推拉门用轮系列Straight-lock 企口锁Surface gluing 板面上胶Veneer trimming 薄片整修Vertical upright 直挂格Wood-button 木纽Wood components 木制配件Wooden bar 车件Wooden cork 木塞Wooden curtain rod and ring 木制窗帘杆及吊环Woodscrew 木螺钉Wreathed hand-rail 扭弯扶手玻璃幕墙-------glass curtain wall4mm THK. Composite AluminumPlastic 4mm厚复合铝板5mm THK. Aluminum Plate 5mm厚单铝板Acid 酸,酸性的Across 横过,交叉Allowable 允许Alloy 合金Alum. bracket 铝支架Alum. Panel 铝板Aluminum alloy 铝合金Anchor Bolt 锚拴Anchor 锚固Angle steel 角钢Annealed glass 浮法(退火)玻璃Anodizing oxidation coating 阳极氧化喷涂Anodizing 阳化Anti-corrosive zinc paint 防锈白漆Anti-reflective coating 防反射涂膜Average=AVG. 平均Aviation obstruction 阻航Backer rod 加强棒,泡沫棒Base level 基本平面,海平面Be equivalent to 等于Bear 负荷bedding 衬垫Bend 弯曲,屈服Bituminous paint 沥青油Bituminous 含沥青的Bolt 螺栓Bond 接合,搭接Bonding 搭接,接合Booklet 小册子Brace 斜撑Bracket 支托Buckle 使弯曲,使屈服Built-up 有组织的,密集的Butt welding对接焊缝Canopy 天蓬,雨蓬Cantilever beam 悬臂梁Caption 说明,标题Cast-in 埋入Catalogue 目录,总目Cementitious 水泥的Channel 槽,频道,通道Circular hollow section 圆通Clear glass 透明玻璃Client 客户,委托人Closure 外盖Code 代码,法规Coefficient 系数Composite 混合物,混合Compression 压,压迫Compressive 受压的Concealed 隐藏的Concrete 混凝土Constant 常数Construction tolerance 施工容差Contact surface 接触面Continuous beam 连续梁Contractor 承包商Copper 铜Court 中庭Cracked 开裂的Crylic acid coating 丙烯酸喷涂Dead load 恒荷载Deduction 折减,扣除Definition 定义,精确度Deflection 挠度Deform 变形Deformation 变形Demountable panel 可拆除挂板Derivation 引出,导出Detail 详图,节点图Detection 探知,发现Diagonal 对角线Diagrid 斜交格构Diaphragm 加强层Die 冲模Distributed 均匀的,分布的Double glazing 双层(中空)玻璃Double Skin Wall 双层幕墙Downwind 顺风面Drive pin 射钉Dynamic 活动的,动态的Earthquake load 地震荷载Eccentric 偏心的Egress door 紧急出口Elastic 弹性的Electrophoretic coating 电泳喷涂Element 构件Embedment 预埋件Equal angle 等边角钢Examined 审定Expansible 伸缩的Expansion Bolt 膨胀螺栓Exposed frame 明框Extrusion 挤压Fabricate 加工Fabrication 加工Facial glass (facade glass) 面玻璃Facial(facade) 脸部、表面的Fastener-Stainless Steel不锈钢紧固件Fatigue 疲劳Figured glass 压花玻璃Fillet 带子,带形的fillet weld 角焊缝Fin glass (stiffen fin glass) 肋玻璃Fin 鳍,鳍状物Fire prevention 防火Fire Stop mineral wool 防火岩棉Fixing lug n.摩耳Flange 凸缘,翼缘Flashing 防水板,遮雨板Float glass 浮法玻璃Foam Rod 泡沫填充棒Folded 折叠的Foreword 序言Formula 方程Free stand type 坐(落)地式full glass curtain wall 全玻幕墙galvanizing镀锌Galvanization 镀锌Galvanize 镀锌Galvanized Bolt 镀锌螺栓Geometry 几何定位,定位(图)Granite cladding花岗岩围护,干挂石Granite 花岗石Grille 格子,隔栅Grout 水泥浆Grouting (填塞的)水泥砂浆Gutter Sleeve 天沟,排水沟Gyration 回转,旋转Half strengthened glass半钢化玻璃Hanger system 吊挂系统Heat strengthened glass半钢化玻璃Heat Soak Test 引爆处理Hidden frame curtain wall 隐框幕墙Hidden frame 隐框Horizontal 水平的Hot-dipped zinc galvanization热浸锌Imposed 应用的,施加的Inclined 倾斜的Inertia moment 惯性矩Inertia 惯性Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 中空玻璃Intumescent coating 防火涂层in a complete manner在完整意义Issue 发行,发布Joint 连接Joist 托梁,Laminated glass 夹层玻璃Lateral 侧面的,旁边的Linear 线性的Lip 薄片Lips薄片、唇Load 荷载,加载Lobby 大厅Local 局部的,地方性的location blocks 定位块Louver 百叶,百页Lug 凸耳,凸杆Machine Bolt 机制螺栓Member.杆件Membrane 防水层Mesh 网,网状物Metallic 金属的Mild steel钢Micron 微米Mock-up 实体样板Modulus 模量Moment 力矩Monumental glazing 巨幅玻璃Movement capacity 变形能力Negative 否定,负数Neutral 中性的Node 节点Normal 普通的,法向的Nut 螺丝帽Operable panel 可开启面板Panel 板,仪表板Pane窗格玻璃Patio 内庭Peak 峰值Penetration butt 对接埋入焊Penetration 浸透,浸入Pile 桩Pin 大头钉,栓Plate 金属板Plinth 基座Podium 矮墙,女儿墙Poisson’s Ratio 泊桑比Polished glass 磨光玻璃Powder coating 粉末喷涂Pre-cast 预埋,预置Preliminary 初步的Pressure 压力,压强Principal 主要的Purposed 计划的,打算的PVDF Coating 氟碳喷涂PVF2 Coating氟碳喷涂Railing 扶手,栏杆Rectangle hollow section 矩形管Refer 提交,查阅Reflective glass 反射玻璃Reinforcement 加强件,加固物Relative Heat Gain 相对热增益Relief pattern 浮雕图案Resistance 抵抗Restrain 约束Revision 修订,校订Revolving panel 旋转面板reflective ratio反射率Rigid Insulation 刚性绝缘体Rigidity 刚性Rod 棒,竿Scope 范围,广度Screw 螺钉,拧紧Sealant 密封胶Security configuration 保安配置Self-weight 自重semi-exposed framing glass curtain wall 半隐框幕墙Serial 序列,系列Setting block 垫块Shading coefficient 遮阳系数Shaft 管井Shear force 剪力Shear 修剪,剪切Sheet 薄板Similar 相似的,相同Simply supported beam 简支梁Single glass.temperd单层钢化玻璃Single toughened glass 单层钢化玻璃Site-ground 室外地面Silicone硅树脂Slab 楼板Sleeve 袖子,套筒Snow and ice retention雨雪拦截设施Span 跨度Spandrel 横档Spider fixing (玻璃)固定爪Splice 接合,连接Square hollow section 方形管Stainless steel bolt不锈钢螺栓Steel bracket 钢角码Stiffen 使变硬Strength 强度Structural silicone 结构硅胶Strut 支柱Sub-contractor 分包商Submission 递呈,提交,服从Suction 吸力Sunshade 遮阳Supplier 供应商Supply 提供,补充,替代Support on four sides 四边支撑Support on two sides 两边支撑Super-structure 主体结构Symmetry 对称的Tee n.T字形,T形物Tempered glass 钢化玻璃Tempered 调节的,钢化的Tensile 拉力的,张力的Tension 张力,拉力Terrain 地带,地域,范围Thread纤维The arm of force 力臂Tile 砖,磁片Tinted 着色的Tolerance 允许误差Top 顶部,上总的Torsion 扭转,扭矩Transom 横梁,横档Trapezoid 梯形,不等边四边形transmissibility透射率Type 类型,型号,打字Typical 标准的Unequal angle steel 不等边角钢Unequal angle不等边角钢Unfolded 展开图Visible Light Reflectance 可见光反射率Visible Light Transmittance 可见光透光率Void 中空处Walkable 可上人的Weather proofing sealant 耐候胶Weep 滴水welding line焊缝Welded seam 焊缝Zinc-plated 镀锌建筑词汇masonry wall 砌筑墙体;砖石墙体sag/cave in塌陷,凹陷shear wall剪力墙shear wall frame interaction框剪结构skeleton-and-skin system骨架结构space frame空间网架structural members结构构件switchbox配电箱tape inward收分tensile strength拉力timber construction =wood frame木结构transformer substation变电站truss桁架underground network of pipes地下管网wood beam木梁weight strength重力yield屈服shell system壳体结构bundled tube system束筒体系cantilevered悬臂的cantilevered end悬臂端close interval(柱)间距紧凑critical point(受力)临界点,相变点distributing box配电柜framed tube框筒结构grid structure网架结构HVAC=Heating, Ventilation & AirConditioning暖通空调heat exchanger空气循环piled-up mass of adobe=sun-dried mud干打垒precast预制的precise measurements精确的计算prefabrication配件预制overlapping搭接,重叠,(柱式的)组合recirculate air再循环空气research model结构模型resistance against weathering|耐候性安全防火隔热fire-safing insulation 安全荷载safe load;safety load安全荷载系数safety load factor安全帽protecting cap;safety helmet安全系数safety factor/coefficient 安装标准installation benchmark安装程序installation procedure安装方法报告书installation method statement安装工程erection work安装就位erecting and setting安装施工资格installation qualification安装容差installation tolerance暗匣Blind pocket奥氏体Austenitic百叶(窗)louver; shutter; Persian blinds百叶跨度length of the louver百叶帘venetion blind百页片Blade百叶铝板aluminum louver panel 百叶式出气口louvered air outlet搬运handling板;板块board; plate;panel;slab 板材plate半钢化玻璃heat strengthened glass; half strengthened glass半径radius;semidiameter半透明的translucent 半隐框玻璃幕墙semi-exposedframing glass curtain wall包装packaging保安配置Securityconfiguration保护(涂)层protective coating保证(书)warranties保温板heated board保温材料insulation material保温层insulating layer保温顶棚heat insulated ceiling保温(岩)棉insulation报价bid;quote报价单quotation背板back-pan备注remark比例scale比例proportion避雷保护lightning protection避雷针Lighting protection airterminal编号numbering;serial number边缘荷载edge load边缘块edge block变化系数variation coefficient变量Variable变硬Stiffen变形deform; deformation变形缝movement joint变形能力deformation capacity标称nominal标记mark/marking; indicator; label标价bid price标价单bid sheet标签label;checklist标示display标书bid标志signage标准尺寸typical dimension标准版本standards version标准构件standard element标准间隔材料standard spacermaterial标准节点typical detail标准值characteristic value表面处理finish表面涂层surface coating表面压缩应力surfacecompression stress冰雪处理与缓和ice and snowmanagement and mitigation丙烯酸喷涂Duracron玻璃安装材料glazing material玻璃安装商glazier玻璃板glass plate玻璃采光顶glass skylight玻璃窗;玻璃装饰glazing玻璃窗标准glazing standards玻璃窗工艺glazing workmanship玻璃刀glass cutter玻璃钢glass reinforced plastic玻璃固定fixing for glass玻璃间隔条glazing spacer玻璃肋式点支承幕墙Glass rib Steelstrand玻璃类型表glass type schedule玻璃密封垫glazing gasket玻璃密封条glazing tape玻璃面板glass panel玻璃面砖glass facing tile玻璃幕墙glass curtain wall;window wall; glass wall; glasspanel wall; coated glass; twinklewall玻璃腔glass pocket玻璃墙面glass wall face玻璃穹顶glass dome玻璃透光率transmittance of glass玻璃温度应力thermal stress ofglass玻璃屋顶glass roof;glazed roof玻璃压条glazing bead玻璃翼/肋glass fin玻璃原片primary glass玻璃砖glass block波纹corrugation波纹拉丝不锈钢板stainless steelfinish corrugated波形的corrugated波纹不锈钢板corrugated S.S. plate 波形玻璃corrugated glass波形垫片corrugated gasket波形铝板corrugated aluminum sheet薄板sheet; thin slab薄垫片Shim薄膜film;membrane薄膜玻璃film glass薄膜防水membrane waterproofing 薄片Lip补充文件supplement rider document不等边角钢Unequal angle steel不规则荷载abnormal load不透明的opaque不透明玻璃opaque glass不锈钢stainless steel(S.S)不锈钢吊杆S.S rod不锈钢螺钉S.S screw不锈钢紧钉螺钉S.S holding/set/stop screw不锈钢紧固件Stainless Steel Fastener不锈钢自攻螺钉S.S self-tapping screw不锈钢螺栓S.S bolt不锈钢机制螺栓S.S machine bolt 不锈钢暖气罩S.S heating cover 不显眼的Inconspicuous擦窗机,吊篮gondola擦窗设备BMU (building maintenance unit)擦窗设备公司BMU supplier擦窗机荷载gondola load擦窗设备荷载BMU loads擦窗器window cleaner材料审查报告materials testing report采购订单purchase order采购活动procurement activity采光玻璃屋顶skylight glass roof 采光系数daylighting factor采用预埋件embed model 彩色夹层可视玻璃vision glazingwith colored interlayer彩釉玻璃ceramic frit glass彩釉夹胶玻璃ceramic fritlaminated glass参数parameter残余应力residual stress槽Channel槽,狭缝Slot槽钢channel steel;channel槽口notch侧,测向的,侧面的,旁边的lateral侧塞块side block测试方案test proposal测压孔pressure tap测验实体模型testing mock-up层间滑移Interstorey drift层间位移floor level movement叉车fork lift truck插接件connector茶色玻璃dark brown glass产品保证product guaranties长期强度long-term strength常数Constant常温养护normal temperaturecuring场地勘查field survey场地条件site condition超白钢化夹胶玻璃low-irontempered laminated glass超白钢化折弯夹胶玻璃low-irontempered bent laminated glass超高层建筑super high-rise building车间Shop车库门garage door撤除removal沉降缝Settlement joint沉头螺钉Countersunk screw衬板lining衬垫Bedding撑杆brace rod; stay bar承包范围extent of contractor;scope承包商;承包人contractor成本核算cost accounting承压面bearing surface承压墙bearing wall;carrying wall承压强度bearing strength承载力carrying /bearing capacity承载力系数bearing capacity factor尺寸size/dimension尺寸公差dimensional tolerance;tolerance of dimension冲模Die抽芯铆钉Blind rivet初步的Preliminary初步方案preliminary scheme初步概算preliminary estimate初步规划preliminary planning初步勘查preliminary exploration初期养护initial curing初始应变initial strain出入口access;openings储存storage穿孔perforation穿孔百叶perforated louver穿孔板perforated plate传热路系统heat-trace system传热系数heat-transfer coefficient窗洞window opening窗格window division窗合页window hinge窗框window frame窗帘匣pelmet窗棂window bar窗扇window sash; leaf窗台/槛window sill垂直(方向)的vertical;vertically垂直度squareness垂直于vertical to;perpendicular to垂直挡雨板vertical rain-shield垂直幕墙vertical curtain wall雌料female material次支撑构件secondary supportmember磁锁mag-lock磁砖Tile粗糙rough;roughness粗糙系数roughness factor淬火玻璃heat-strengthened glass 脆性Brittleness存放期shelf life搭接,接合Bonding打胶sealant installation打孔holes drilling; perforate大跨度结构long span structure大理石marble大理石板marble slab大理石墙面marble wall face大理石饰面marble finish大厅Lobby大样图detail drawing代码,法规Code带空隙的Interstitial带子,带形的Fillet单层钢化玻璃Single toughened glass单层索网幕墙single-layer cable-net curtain wall单剪连接one shear joint单片玻璃monolithic glass单位成本unit cost单位面积unit area单一货源责任single source responsibility单元式幕墙unitized curtain wall挡风板wind shield挡水板flashing挡雨板rain-shield导热heat conduction导热系数thermal conductivity灯的安装和走线Light fixture and wiring灯架light mounting灯具lighting灯槽light trough灯荷载light load等边角钢equal angle steel等效荷载equivalent load等效厚度equivalent thickness等压设计pressure equalization低辐射镀膜玻璃Low-E coated glass低碳钢mild steel低温玻璃;退火玻璃annealedglass滴水槽檐drip edge底部bottom底漆primer抵抗Resistance抵抗(力)矩resisting moment地带,地域,范围Terrain地基沉降Foundation settlement地接线Ground connection地心引力,重力Gravity地震earthquake地面粗糙度ground roughnesstype地震测试seismic rocking testing地震荷载seismic load地震荷载作用效应组合系数seismic load action combinationcoefficient递呈,提交,服从Submission典型幕墙单元typical curtain wallunit点拨件spider点支式幕墙point supportingcurtain wall点支承玻璃幕墙Point supportingglass curtain wall电导管electrical conduit电动开启窗automatic operablevent电泳喷涂Electrophoretic coating垫块,塞块,支撑块Setting block;Jack pad垫片shim垫圈washer吊车,起重机Crane吊顶ceiling吊顶板材ceiling tile吊顶荷载suspended-ceiling load吊顶梁ceiling beam吊顶龙骨ceiling joist吊顶主龙骨main joist ofsuspended ceiling;main runner吊顶幕墙overhang curtain wall吊顶体系ceiling suspensionsystem;suspended ceiling system吊杆结构suspending structure吊杠臂Davit arm吊钩tie back吊篮Gondola丁基玻璃密封条butyl glazing tape丁基热熔密封胶butyl sealant顶部采光toplighting顶层top level定期检查regular inspection定期清洁progressive cleaning定义;精确度definition定位块setting block; locationblock定位螺丝set screw定位(图)geometry动荷载dynamic load; moving load洞口opening动态的,动力的Dynamic动力系数dynamic factor动力放大系数dynamicamplificatory coefficient独立试验机构independent testingagent镀膜玻璃coated glass镀锌处理galvanize镀锌的galvanized; zinc-plated镀锌钢板galvanized steel panel镀锌瓦楞钢板corrugatedgalvanized sheet镀锌螺栓Galvanized Bolt堆积accumulation对称Symmetry对称荷载symmetrical load对角线diagonal对接焊接butt welding对接埋入焊penetration butt对齐销钉alignment rod对准,成一条线align端部释放ends released端盖end cap短期强度short-term strength短暂的Transient断桥隔热条thermal break断热条thermal break断热材料thermal break material 对齐销钉alignment rod多功能建筑multi-purpose architecture多功能裙楼multi- functional podium多叶片转台multiple plate turntable E额定荷载rated load耳生噪音阻力self-generated noise resistance发包contract award发包工程award work发光的Luminous法规要求regulatory requirements 法兰flange法线(方向)的normal反复荷载cyclic load反光glisten; reflection of light反光玻璃anti-sun glass反光度reflectance反力reaction;counterforce反射玻璃reflective glass反应,反作用reaction泛水区flashed area范围,广度Scope方案plan; scheme方程Formula方头螺栓Square head bolt方头紧定螺栓Square-head set-bolt 方通Square hollow section方形Square方形管square hollow section防暴测试bomb blast protection resistance testing防虫网insect screen防反射涂膜Anti-reflective coating 防腐蚀corrosion protection;antisepsis防腐蚀垫片anti-corrosion washer 防滑处理Anti-slip treatment 防滑垫Slide bearing pad防火fire protection/prevention防火标准fire protection standard防火材料fire-proof material防火等级fire-protection rating防火堵料fire proof plug防火封堵墙fireproof closure wall防火隔断fire proof partition; firestop防火构造fire proof construction防火卷帘fire shutter防火绝缘材料fire-safing insulation防火可视玻璃fire rated visionglazing防火岩棉fire stop mineral wool防火涂层intumescent coating防结露技术dew preventivetechnology防漏技术penetration preventivetechnology防鸟网bird screen防汽阻隔vapor barrier防视玻璃obscure glass防水water proof; water proofing防水板,遮雨板Flashing防水薄膜waterproofing membrane防水层Membrane防水层屋面系统membrane roofsystem防水海绵waterproofing sponge防水汽板vapour retarder; vapourretardant panel防霜加热线de-icing heating cable防碳化涂层anti-carbonationcoating防锈白漆anti-corrosive zinc paint防锈涂料antirust paint防眩玻璃glare control glass防烟密封装置smoke seal防雨(水)板flashing防雨屏Rain screen非标准的special非承重结构non-bearing structure分包合同subcontract分包商subcontractor分布荷载distributed load分布离差dispersion分布众数mode分段完工staged completion分格module;panel分格高度module height分区墙Compart wall分析analyze;analysis分项系数distribution coefficient粉末喷涂PPC;powder coating风道air passage风洞测试wind tunnel test/study风洞试验报告wind tunnel testingreport风洞研究Wind tunnel study风格式样style风荷载wind load风荷载作用效应组合系数windload action combination coefficient风化的Etched风区fetch;air pressure风压wind pressure封边Cap封口砖closer封烟板smoke seal封样approved sample蜂窝铝板aluminum honey-combpanel峰值Peak浮雕图案Relief pattern浮法玻璃float glass扶手handrail;railing氟碳喷涂PVDF coating; FluorineCarbon;PVF2 coating俯视图Planform腐蚀corrode;corrosion/erosion辅助建筑accessory building;subsidiary building辅助框架sub-frame复合铝塑板composite aluminumplastic负的,否定的Negative负风压区negative wind pressurearea负荷load; bear负荷等级load grade负剪力negative shear负弯矩negative bending moment 负值negative value附加费用extra charges附加荷载additional load附加建筑additional building附加条款additional clause附加弯矩secondary moment附属结构accessory structure附图attached drawings概率probability干挂石granite cladding干密封gasket sealed干燥剂desiccant杆件Member感压胶带,压敏胶带PSA(pressure sensitive adhesive)tape钢板steel panel钢度rigidty;inflexibility钢化的Tempered钢化玻璃tempered glass;钢化中空玻璃tempered insulated glass钢化中空Low-E玻璃tempered insulated Low-E glass钢化透明玻璃tempered clear/transparent glass钢结构式点支承幕墙Steel structure point supporting curtain wall钢筋reinforced bar钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete钢拉索steel cable钢码steel bracket刚性Rigidity刚性垫层rigid fill刚性结点rigid joint刚性结构rigid structure刚性绝缘体Rigid Insulation刚性支承rigid support高层建筑high-rise building高度height 高级碳纤维high-grade carbon fibre高温防火密封胶fire stop sealant高温防火岩棉fire stop wool高温喷涂pyrolytic coating高温喷涂浮尘玻璃pyrolytic-coatedfloat glass隔断partition隔断衬板partition lining隔热玻璃(单元)insulating glassunit隔热衬垫insulation blanket隔热挡板thermal baffle隔热数值thermal/insulation value格构diagrid; lattice;trellis格构分格panel格构结构latticed structure格栅grille格子,网格Grid隔板,隔舱Bulkhead隔片Spacer隔音Acoustic attenuation隔声玻璃acoustical glass隔声材料acoustical material隔声要求acoustic requirement个别的Individual根据According to工程(技术)Engineering工程,项目project工程,工作works工程编号(project number)工程拨款project appropriation工程测量engineering survey工程进度progress of works工程项目construction item工程造价construction cost工地site工地质量控制经理on-site qualitycontrol manager工艺workmanship工艺说明书workmanshipspecification工形…I; I-shaped; I-head工形柱H Column公差tolerance供电系统power supply system供货商supplier供暖heating供暖系统heating system供应supply; provide; furnish; offer公共通道public passage公共照明public lighting供货商supplier公料male extrusion公制metric拱肩spandrel拱肩玻璃spandrel glass共振,回声Resonance沟槽,刻槽Groove构件component/member/element构件式玻璃幕墙component glasscurtain wall固定端fixed end固定爪spider fixing故障defect刮刀spatula刮痕scratch挂钩hook挂件bracket, hanger管道,沟渠Conduit管件系统ductwork管井Shaft管状的,空心的Tubular惯性inertia惯性矩inertia moment光电幕墙photoelectric curtain wall光泽Gloss规定specify规定标准specified standards规范specifications/code硅胶嵌缝Silicone joint硅树脂silicone硅酮结构密封胶structural siliconesealant硅酮密封剂silicone sealant硅酮耐候密封胶weather proofingsealant滚动痕迹roller mark过道passageway; corridor过梁Lintel过滤网Filter netH型钢H-type steel含沥青的Bituminous函数Function罕遇地震rare earthquake焊缝Welding line焊接标准welding standards合同签订award of contract合页hinge荷载,加载load荷载计算load calculation荷载模量load modulus荷载组合load combination恒荷载dead load桁架truss; girder横龙骨transom横向的Transverse后片玻璃second lite护栏Guardrail划痕scratch(es)花岗岩granite花岗岩维护,干挂石granite cladding滑动门Sliding door滑动玻璃门sliding glass panel door 滑移Drift环保的environmental friendly缓冲板,挡板Baffle缓冲结构buffer structure缓和mitigation回转,旋转Gyration混合物composite混凝土Concrete混凝土蠕变和收缩Concrete creep and shrinkage混凝土外包Concrete encasement 活动窗operable window活荷载live load基本参数basic parameter基本风压basic wind pressure基本竣工substantial completion基本平面,海平面Base level基础设施Infrastructure 基准值Reference value基准位置reference location基座Plinth激活Activation机械通风百叶mechanicalventilation louvers机械装备mechanical equipment机制螺钉machine screw机制螺栓machine bolt集水槽gutter集中荷载concentrated load;pointload极限值extreme value几何参数geometry coefficient几何图形geometry挤压硅胶extruded silicone挤压铝型材aluminum extrusion挤压应力pressure stress技术规范technical specification技术设计Design Development技术性能technical performance技术要求technical requirements计划,平面图,设计图Plan计划的,打算的Purposed技术的,工业的Technical计算高度Calculating Height计算书engineering calculation;计算系数computing coefficient加工容差fabrication tolerance加工商fabricator加工图fab. drawing加强棒,泡沫棒Backer rod加强层Diaphragm加强件,加固物Reinforcement加强角片,防滑片Cleat加强片Stiffener加强肋reinforcing rib加热线heating cable加速度Acceleration夹层interlayer夹层的,夹胶的Laminated夹层玻璃laminated glass/laminate夹胶玻璃laminated glass夹丝玻璃Wired glass夹具fixture; clamp甲级Grade A甲(一)级资质Grade Acertification/qualification甲级建筑幕墙专项设计资质GradeA certification of Curtain WallDesign架空地板系统Raised floor system监理Supervision Company兼容compatible兼容性compatibility兼容性测试compatibility test间隙gap/clearance间隔条spacer间距spacing剪力shear force剪力墙Shear wall剪切shear剪切面shear front检修孔access hole简支梁free beam;simplysupported beam溅涂浮法玻璃sputter-coated floatglass建设单位Owner建筑钢结构architectural steelwork建筑设计顾问architectural designconsultant建筑主体primary structure建筑主体混凝土primary structureconcrete建筑主体钢结构primary steelstructure交错排列形式staggered pattern交底submittal交点crossing point/ meetingpoint/node/intersecting point交货deliver/delivery胶带Adhesive tape胶条gasket胶合板Plywood角度angle角钢Angle steel角焊缝fillet weld。

Android Matrix基础+详解

Android Matrix基础+详解


首先大家看看下面这个3 x 3的矩阵,这个矩阵被分割成4部分。


首先给大家举个简单的例子:现设点P0(x0,y0)进行平移后,移到P(x,y),其中x方向的平移量为△x,y方向的平移量为△y,那么,点P(x,y)的坐标为:x = x0 + △xy = y0 + △y采用矩阵表达上述如下:上述也类似与图像的平移,通过上述矩阵我们发现,只需要修改矩阵右上角的2个元素就可以了。

我们回头看上述矩阵的划分:为了验证上面的功能划分,我们举个具体的例子:现设点P0(x0 ,y0)进行平移后,移到P(x,y),其中x放大a倍,y放大b倍,矩阵就是:,按照类似前面“平移”的方法就验证。


通过使用向量,我们得到如下:x0 = r cosαy0 = r sinαx = r cos(α-θ) = x0 cosθ+ y0 sinθy = r sia(α-θ) = -x0 sinθ+y0 cosθ于是我们得到矩阵:如果图像围绕着某个点(a ,b)旋转呢?则先要将坐标平移到该点,再进行旋转,然后将旋转后的图像平移回到原来的坐标原点,在后面的篇幅中我们将详细介绍。

Matrix学习——如何使用Matrix上一篇幅Matrix学习——基础知识,从高等数学方面给大家介绍了Matrix,本篇幅我们就结合Android 中的android.graphics.Matrix来具体说明,还记得我们前面说的图像旋转的矩阵:从最简单的旋转90度的是:在android.graphics.Matrix中有对应旋转的函数:Matrix matrix = new Matrix();matrix.setRotate(90);Test.Log(MAXTRIX_TAG,”setRotate(90):%s” , matrix.toString());查看运行后的矩阵的值(通过Log输出):与上面的公式基本完全一样(android.graphics.Matrix采用的是浮点数,而我们采用的整数)。

BCG_Matrix- 波士顿矩阵ppt

BCG_Matrix- 波士顿矩阵ppt

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

SWOT Matrix(矩阵)

SWOT Matrix(矩阵)
WO战略(利用机会,克服劣势) 1、利用市场空档快速建立高端项目社区形象 2、利用中心区在大众心目中的景愿,克服产品劣势,
将产品价值愿望无限提升 3、创造价值点,提升产品价值感 4、营销引导,样板房、工程样板房
(规避产品缺陷) 5、强化本项目规划的商业及教育配套影响力
利于进行针对性的差异化设 计
Accelerate The Growth
GOYIGO Consulting
u片区价值:新城区中心位置,已在市场上得到较 高认同
u人文氛围:近周总理纪念馆和外国语学校等,人 文底蕴丰厚
u升值潜力:长途汽车站旁,升值潜力大。 u交通优势:项目三面环路,加之汽车站旁,交通
2、城市化进程加快,片区内的基 2、利用空档期,抢占时机,创立形象
3 、周遍竞争对手已基本成型, 4 、唯一性路段昭示 有
劣势-----Weak 1.项目位于梅林关以外,高端客户的心理障碍 2、片区整体形象较差 3、与梅坂公路相临,项目受噪音及扬尘影响较大 4 、项目周边商业、教育等配套相对较弱
生态山地景观资源。 5、 交通基础建设优势:交通形象
1、规划设计机会; 2、区域发展机会; 3、产业集群的带动机会;
战略高度 把握区域特性 抢占市场空白
抢占市场空白 差异化定位 突出项目产品和自身 特色
1、区域认同威胁; 2、区域消费能力威胁; 3、区域竞争的威胁;
u宏观政策:国家不断出台严厉的房地产相关政 策,未来影响加剧




Android 中的Matrix是一个3 x 3的矩阵,其内容如下:Matrix的对图像的处理可分为四类基本变换:Translate 平移变换Rotate 旋转变换Scale 缩放变换Skew 错切变换从字面上理解,矩阵中的MSCALE用于处理缩放变换,MSKEW用于处理错切变换,MTRANS用于处理平移变换,MPERSP用于处理透视变换。









除平移变换(Translate)外,旋转变换(Rotate)、缩放变换(Scale)和错切变换(Skew)都可以围绕一个中心点来进行,如果不指定,在默认情况下是围绕(0, 0)来进行相应的变换的。



一、平移变换假定有一个点的坐标是,将其移动到,再假定在x轴和y轴方向移动的大小分别为:如下图所示:不难知道:如果用矩阵来表示的话,就可以写成:二、旋转变换2.1 围绕坐标原点旋转:假定有一个点,相对坐标原点顺时针旋转后的情形,同时假定P点离坐标原点的距离为r,如下图:那么,如果用矩阵,就可以表示为:2.2 围绕某个点旋转如果是围绕某个点顺时针旋转,那么可以用矩阵表示为:可以化为:很显然,1.是将坐标原点移动到点后,的新坐标。



Production of precision parts – the Matrix systemRequired air pressure, pneumatic chucks: 6±1 barRepetition accuracy – within 0.002 mmAll references hardened and groundTHE MATRIX SYSTEMMeasures to reduce the downtime of your machines are significantly more worth while than chasing seconds in the actual machining process. What matters is to keep the machines running. And that’s when you need an interface that gives fast setting-up.The Matrix system is just that kind of interface. Setting-up in parallel away from the machine while it is working and then setting up in a matter of seconds in the stationary machine. Important for long runs, but crucial for the profitability of short runs or one-piece production.The design has been optimised for metal-cutting machining and is ideal for work involving high machining forces. The generous diameter of the drawbar means short distances between the references and the applied locking force, giving maximum stability and accuracy. The inherentproperties of the Matrix system truly come into their own in tough machining applications.As well as extreme accuracy, Matrix features low construction height, ultra-precise indexing, a drawbar with through hole, and a broad range of pallets.Locking force –16 000 NFixed index positions 4x90°MATRIX...… reduces setting-up times… ensures precision and quality… has automatic air-blast cleaning of the references … is sealed against dirt and swarf – withstands severe work environments … has enhanced clamping force – turbo locking … is suitable for automatic changing with System 3R’s automation programüüüüüOVERVIEW OF TABLE CHUCKSArticle number RequiredDrawbar FeatureEUROPESystem 3R Europe GmbH Wasserweg 19DE-64521, GROSS-GERAU tel +49 61 52 80 02 0fax +49 61 52 80 02 35e-mail:********************Chech Republic & SlovakiaSystem 3R Czech Tiskarska 10/257CZ-108 28 PRAHA 10tel +420 234 054 224fax +420 234 054 225e-mail:****************France & PortugalSystem 3R France56 Boulevard de Courcerin Les Espaces Multiservices 15F-77183 CROISSY BEAUBURG tel +33-01 60 95 90 80fax +33-01 60 37 88 16e-mail:********************Germany & BeNeLuxSystem 3R Deutschland Wasserweg 19DE-64521, GROSS-GERAU tel +49 61 52 80 02 0fax +49 61 52 80 02 35e-mail:********************Italy & SpainSystem 3R Italia Via Ponchielli, 2/4IT-20063 CERNUSCO SUL NAVIGLIO (MI)tel +39 02 92 38 821fax +39 02 92 11 23 19e-mail:********************ScandinaviaSystem 3R Nordic Sorterargatan 1SE-162 50 VÄLLINGBY tel +46-08 620 20 00fax +46-08 38 81 84e-mail:********************Järfälla Härdverkstad Elektronikhöjden 8SE-175 43 JÄRFÄLLA tel +46-08 580 125 50fax +46-08 580 126 55e-mail:***********Switzerland & AustriaSystem 3R Schweiz AG Wilerstrasse 98CH-9230 FLAWIL tel +41-071 394 13 50fax +41-071 394 13 60e-mail:********************TurkeySystem 3R TürkiyeAbdi Ipekci Cad. 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图解CTEX入门oliyiyi发表于 2014-12-3 21:57:52 |只看作者|倒序本帖最后由 oliyiyi 于 2016-10-18 10:32 编辑昨天,我给研一学弟学妹讲解latex,主要是围绕CTEX中文套装的使用。





















Matrix软件操作说明一. 软件系统设置1.通讯设置通讯设置目的是为了选不同的端口,对端口通讯速率,及矩阵系统网络号进行设置,只有在与矩阵系统速率相同的情况下才能进行通信.窗口界面:具体操作如下.1.单击工具栏的"通讯方式"按钮,进入通讯方式设置窗口2.选择当前软件的通讯方式,"使用本地串口"用485线与电脑相连,远程透明串口,用IP模块通信3.选择相应的"串口","波特率".4.选择"使用远程透明串口",使用网络设备进行通信.选择对应的网络设备.5.单击"确定" 保存设置附:虚拟键盘涉及到网络号操作,在此进行设置.2.矩阵类型窗口界面具体操作1.单击"软件系统设置"->"矩阵类型",进入矩阵类型界面2.选择"矩阵类型"(此类型关系到当前所读取矩阵数据的正确性,请务必选择对应的矩阵型号).3.单击"确定" 保存设置3.修改密码窗口界面具体操作1.单击"软件系统设置"->"修改密码",进入修改密码界面2.输入"旧密码",并确认输入新密码3.单击"确定" 保存设置4.登陆/登出为防止他人任意更改系统设置,系统提供此功能,在拥有管理员权限的情况下方可操作系统.其界面如下:二. 矩阵系统设置1.时间设置设置矩阵系统时间.窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"矩阵系统设置"->"时间设置",2.进入"时间设置"界面3.可单击"同步系统时间"按钮,与计算机系统同步时间4.也可手工设置矩阵时间.5.单击"确定",保存设置2.云台协议设置云台协议窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"矩阵系统设置"->"云台协议",2.进入"云台协议"设置界面3.选择"云台协议",和对应的通信速率.4.单击"确定",保存设置3.网络编号设置矩阵系统网络号窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"矩阵系统设置"->"网络编号",2.进入"网络编号"界面3.选择"网络编号4.单击"确定",保存设置4. 键盘数量设置矩阵系统键盘数量窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"矩阵系统设置"->"键盘数量",2.进入"键盘数量"界面3.选择"键盘数量"4.单击"确定",保存设置三. 标题与显示1. 摄像机标题设置窗口界面具体操作1.单击"标题与显示"->"摄像机标题" 或工具栏上的"摄像机标题"按钮,进入摄像机标题设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.2. 监示器标题窗口界面具体操作1.单击"标题与显示"->"监示器标题" 或工具栏上的"监示器标题"按钮,进入"监示器标题"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.3. 屏幕位置设置监示器标题/时间显示位置窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"标题与显示"->屏幕位置" ;2.进入"屏幕位置"界面;3.拖动"屏幕位置"按钮到适当位置;4.单击"确定"保存设置;5.重启矩阵系统,使设置生效.4. 标题位置设置监示器标题/时间显示位置窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"标题与显示"->标题位置"2.进入"标题位置"界面.3.拖动"标题位置"按钮到适当位置4.单击"确定"保存设置5.重启矩阵系统,使设置生效5. 时间位置设置监示器标题/时间显示位置窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"标题与显示"->时间位置" ;2.进入"时间位置"界面;3.拖动"时间位置"按钮到适当位置;4.单击"确定"保存设置;5.重启矩阵系统,使设置生效.四. 切换1. 程序切换窗口界面具体操作1.单击"切换"->"程序切换" 或工具栏上的"程序切换"按钮,进入程序切换设置界面,2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示,3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机.4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机.5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.6.单击"上一页","下一页",可查看不同的切换设置2. 同步切换窗口界面具体操作1.单击"切换"->"同步切换" 或工具栏上的"同步切换"按钮,进入同步切换设置界面,2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示,3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机.4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机.5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.6.单击"上一页","下一页",可查看不同的切换设置3. 群组切换窗口界面具体操作1.单击"切换"->"群组切换" 或工具栏上的"群组切换"按钮,进入群组切换设置界面,2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示,3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机.4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机.5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.6.单击"上一页","下一页",可查看不同的切换设置五. 权限1. 键盘/监示器窗口界面具体操作1.单击"权限"->"键盘/监示器" ,进入"键盘/监示器"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.2. 键盘/摄像机窗口界面具体操作1.单击"权限"->"键盘/摄像机" 进入"键盘/摄像机"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.3. 监示器/摄像机窗口界面具体操作1.单击"权限"->"监示器/摄像机" ,进入"监示器/摄像机"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.4. 键盘/报警窗口界面具体操作1.单击"权限"->"键盘/报警" ,进入"键盘/摄像机"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.5. 网络/键盘窗口界面具体操作1.单击"权限"->"网络/键盘" ,进入"网络/键盘"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.六. 报警1报警联动窗口界面具体操作1.单击"报警"->"报警联动" ,进入"报警联动"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.2. 自动设防窗口界面具体操作1.单击"报警"->"自动设防" ,进入"自动设防"设置界面;2.单击"读矩阵"按钮,系统从矩阵主机读取数据并显示;3.单击"写矩阵"按钮,系统将当前页数据写入矩阵主机;4.单击"读数据库",系统从数据库中读取数据,同时也可将数据库中设置的数据,写入矩阵,也可将数据写回矩阵主机;5.单击"写数据库",将当前页数据写回数据库,以备日后查看,维护.3. 历史报警窗口界面具体操作1.单击"报警"->"历史报警" ,进入"历史报警"界面;2.系统自动读取矩阵系统历史报警记录;3.可单击"刷新"按钮重新读取矩阵系统数据.4. 报警端口设置窗口界面具体操作:1.单击"报警"->"报警端口设置" ;2.进入"报警端口设置"界面 ;3.选择"报警端口" ;4.单击"确定",保存设置.5. 设防/撤防状态窗口界面具体操作1.单击"报警"->"设防/撤防状态" ,进入"设防/撤防状态"界面;2.系统自动读取矩阵系统历史报警记录;3.可单击"刷新"按钮重新读取矩阵系统数据;七. 键盘设置1. 虚拟键盘虚拟键盘是为了方便用户在计算机系统操纵矩阵设计的.功能与矩阵键盘类似.可通过虚拟键盘对矩阵进行,摄像机切换等操作. 窗口界面八. 常见问题下位机无响应:可能存在以下几种情况:1.连接线路太长或线路质量存在问题.数据无法接收.2.系统波特率与矩阵主机波特率不一至.系统波特率可通过"通讯方式"进行设置;3.矩阵主机系统软件被破坏,可与厂商联系,进行系统升级.可读矩阵数据,但无法写入矩阵:1.线路或转接器存在问题.请更换好一点的通信设备.虚拟键盘无法操作:1.网络号或波特率与矩阵系统不相符;解决方法参看“通讯设置”2.线路质量问题。

英特拉赛斯 Matrix

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The Matrix N-Series provides high performance and high density:
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➢ 电喷雾电离(Electro spray ionization, ESI) ➢ 快原子轰击(Fast atom bombardment, FAB) ➢ 基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱技术 MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser
Desorption / Ionisation - Time of Flight) 最柔软的电离方式保证完整分子量信息,例如蛋白质 / 多肽; 直接从细菌核糖体中筛选蛋白质; 一般都使用飞行时间检测器(Time of Flight)来检测,故名。
Pantoea agglomerans Acinetobacter lwoffi Burkholderia cepacia Raoultella ornithinolytica Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli 8000
dvຫໍສະໝຸດ BC(3
2117. 3

扩展边界条件法 t 矩阵 python-概述说明以及解释

扩展边界条件法 t 矩阵 python-概述说明以及解释

扩展边界条件法t 矩阵python-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述边界条件法是一种常用的数值模拟方法,用于解决工程领域中各种边界条件下的问题。






1.2 文章结构本文将分为三个主要部分来掐头去尾地深入探讨扩展边界条件法t 矩阵在Python 编程中的应用。


然后,正文部分将分为三个小节,分别是边界条件法概述、t 矩阵介绍以及Python 在扩展边界条件法中的应用。

最后,结论部分将总结扩展边界条件法的优势,探讨Python 编程在工程实践中的意义,并展望未来发展趋势。

通过这一结构,读者将能够全面了解扩展边界条件法t 矩阵在Python 编程中的应用,为相关领域的研究和实践提供重要参考。

1.3 目的扩展边界条件法是一种应用广泛的数值计算方法,能够有效地模拟各种工程问题中的边界条件情况。

本文旨在探讨如何利用t 矩阵方法来扩展边界条件法,提高问题求解的精度和效率。

通过引入Python 编程语言,我们可以更加灵活地处理各种边界条件,快速实现算法并进行结果分析。

本文的目的是结合边界条件法、t 矩阵和Python 编程,探讨其在工程实践中的应用,为解决实际工程问题提供新的思路和方法。

同时,我们也将探讨扩展边界条件法的优势,以及Python 编程在工程实践中的意义,以期为读者带来新的启发和帮助。

Matrix_1.ppt [兼容模式]

Matrix_1.ppt [兼容模式]
• 某轻型汽车,汽油发动机外特性: Tq 为发动机转速(N.m); n为发动机转速(r/min)
Tq = −19.313 + 295.27 * ( n n 2 n 3 n 4 ) − 165.44 * ( ) + 40.874 * ( ) − 3.8445 * ( ) 1000 1000 1000 1000
• 相关公式
– 功率与转矩(注意单位)
Pe =
Ttq n 9550
Ft =
Tq ⋅ ig ⋅ i0 ⋅ηT r
ua = r ⋅ np ig ⋅ i0
• 求解步骤:
– 计算发动机转矩、功率 – 绘图
• C、Basic语言:循环计算
Ft =
Tq ⋅ ig ⋅ i0 ⋅ηT r
发动机 转矩Tq 各档车速ua
• 测试时间有两种方法
– 联合使用函数 clock、etime – 联合使用函数 tic、toc
• 函数 clock,etime(M-文件,可查看和修改)
– – – – – clock: 记录CPU当前时钟的时间 ctrl 和 z 中止执行 左下角(start按钮旁)显示 “busy” 在月或年的边界,etime出错 语法格式
4.2 关系运算符、逻辑运算符
运算符 < 关系运算符 <= == & 逻辑运算符 ~ 非
教材 P190页 表4-3
运算符 > >= ~=
不等于 或

非:~ 注意:同时按下 Shift 键 或:|
• • • • •
关系运算结果是1或0 两矩阵的比较,结果是由1和0组成的新矩阵 新矩阵的每个元素为1,则结果为1,否则为0 逻辑运算符与关系运算符可以组合运用 例 x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];







t-matrix方法 -回复

t-matrix方法 -回复






















铝合金门及门框 aluminum室外 上卷式百叶窗 exterior Bead 压条不锈钢 stainless steel 铜门及门 roll-up windows shutters Inter lock 封盖 框 bronze doors and frames 天窗及屋顶采光 SKYLIGHTS Sash connector 盖帽 木门 panel wood doors五金配件 hardware Floating transom 对开梃 塑料 门 plastic laminate-faced 门用小五金 door hardware Glass Adjust Board 玻璃垫片 doors推拉和折 叠门五金 sliding & Auxiliary Material 辅助材料 推拉门 和格栅 sliding doors & folding door hardware Wide side height 长面长度 grilles门操作器 door operators Narrow side height 窄面长度 安全门 detention/security doors 密封条,门槛及密封胶Frame Mullion 框梃 卷帘门 和格栅 coiling doors & weatherstripping,thresholds&Screen Sash 推拉纱扇 grillessealsInter Seal 盖帽工业厂房和棚厂门 industrial & 窗五金window hardware&Outward Opening Sash 外开扇 hangar doorsspecialtiesInward Opening Sash 内开扇折叠 门和格 栅 folding doors& 门窗配件door and window Sliding Door Sash 推拉门扇 grillesaccessoriesScreen sash Rail 挡轨 防爆门 blast-resistant doors Sash 扇 Pseudo Mullion 假中梃 入口 和商店门 面 ENTRANCE& Transom 框梃 Intergrated Frame Mullion 一体框 STOREFRONTSMullion扇梃 梃自 动 入 口 门 automatic entrance Hardware 五金件 Door Sash 外开门扇 doorsCoupler拼接材Door Frame 平开门框自动推拉平板式入口门Reinforcement 钢衬 Floor Spring Door Frame 地弹门框auto-sliding flat panel entrance Gasket 胶条,毛条 Floor Spring Door Connecting 地 doorsScrew 螺钉 弹门连接件入口 转 门 revolving entrance Wood 木衬 Jaiousie Window Holder 百叶窗架 doorsAluminum 铝衬 glazing Bead 玻璃压条 塑料窗 vinyl windows Door panel门板Coupling 连接材钢门及门框 steel doors & frames特种窗 special windowsFly screen 纱扇90°Corner 90 度转角连接材corner cleaning machine 角缝清理Stock code 库存编码Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨外框机Set up the system 设置系统Jaiousie Window Vane 百叶窗roller shutter machine 卷帘机Subsystem page 子系统页面Steel Reinforcement 日系钢衬套glazing bead saw 玻璃条锯Rules page 规则页面Fixed Frame 固定框End milling 先孔Frame bottom length 框底长Outer Frame 外框size limits 极限尺寸Offset 偏移Triple Glazing Bead 三玻压条optimisation 最优化Rang 环状Doudle Glazing Bead 双玻压条output 输出Pos code 销售代码Single Glazing Bead 单玻压条ffcuts 边料,尾料Saw prog 锯切程序Doudle Seal Inward Sash 双密封内machine type 设备型号Drill code 钻头代码开扇pairing mode 设备模式Op field 操作区Triple Seal Outward Sash 三密封double mitre saw 双角锯,铝材切Pilot hole 安装孔外开扇割Op class 操作级别Glass Pad 玻璃垫板profile feed 型材剖面Pn 性能参数Tube 180 度转角连接件single cutting 单切DSB双边的Decoration bar 装饰条rear track 后轮距Internally glazed sash 内装玻璃Universal Post 转角圆管front track 前轮距上Brush Seal 密封毛条V-notch capabilities 切槽孔能力Espagnole 插销Yarn net Module 模块Drip rail 滴水槽Right-Angle Minor Frame 直边小断Machinery control 设备控制Door blinge 门铰链面外框Part 零件Slot vent 气压平衡槽Right - Angle Frame 直边外框Part matrix 零件矩阵Welding 焊接Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨框digit logical code 三位逻辑代码Cutting , milling 铝塑材切割Static Coupling 转角拼接框Store 库存Copy router 仿形钻床header 页眉Face drainage 排水面Screw drilling 钻攻机cutting centre 锯切中心Specify 指定Bending machine 圆弧窗机CNC数控Format code 格式代码Internal corner cleaner n 内角酰Set up the visibility 设置可见度lockstile门锁竖挡fitting 装配Datum option 基准选择lockrail门锁横档flush-fitted 平齐式Overall 全部threshold 门槛gasket 密封胶条DIF 差值hingestile铰链竖挡glazing bead 玻璃扣条Map绘图计划jamb 框边glazing option 玻璃槽口Date folder 资料库Ball bearing slide 脚轮滑道hand punch 手动冲床Attribut page 属性页面Bolt pin 螺栓插销hinge 合页、铰链Adjoining 相邻Bolts and nuts forfurniture horizontal pivot 中轴(窗)Modifiled 改进的具用螺钉,螺帽intercoms 对讲装置Solution page 解决方法页面Accessories 附件inward open 内开DLL 动态连接链anti-slam 防撞letterbox 信箱Drgo 原来的arched 拱形limiting stay 限位撑、风撑Server management 服务管理器arched head 拱顶meeting rail 假中停塑料窗 vinyl windows assembly 装配mid-rail 中横框电子锁系统 electrical locking barrel hinge 圆柱合页milling cut 端铣机铣刀systems copy router 仿形铣床mullion 竖框Flush door 平面门,全板门corner crimping machine 挤角机multioperation press 多工位冲床Ledged door 直板门corner joint 挤角角码outer frame 边框High-density plywood 压缩胶合curve 弯弧outward open 外开板,高密度胶合板decorative sash bar (门、窗魄力pneumatic punch 气动冲床Margined flush door 镶边平板门外)的装饰格栅press tools 冲模Exterior door 户外门drainage 排水profile 型材断面Bow door 弓形门drillingmachine 钻床roller shutter 卷帘Double sliding door 双滑门drillingpatterns 钻孔模板routing template 仿形铣床模板top rail 顶横档end milling machine 端铣机routing tools 仿形铣刀bottom rail 下横档fabrication 制作、装配section 节点panels 门面face-fitted 塔接式(扇比框高)side hung 平开sill 门槛、窗台Cupboard-lock 拒门锁Marquetry work 镶嵌装饰品 magnetic push latch 磁性撞锁Straight-lock 企口锁slide 推拉 Decorative trims forMetal fittings 金属配件 strip window 条窗 furniture 家具金边饰条Matal handle 金属拉手 tilt 下悬 Drawer-lock 抽屉锁 Mold 模具T-jointT 形角码 Drawer runner 抽屉滑槽Office chair central tube transom 横框 accessories 办公椅中管配件turn 平开 Equipment for surface treatment Offic e chai rhardwarevent 开启扇口 表面处理工具accessories 办公椅五金配件ventilation 通风 3/4 extension slide部分开式滑道Out set 外盖型套轮vertical pivot 立轴(窗) F Faucet 水龙头 Panel veneer 板料wall attachment (与墙体)安装附 Fixture 固定装置 Plastic bolt and threaded axis 塑 Full extension slide 全开式滑道 料螺帽及牙轴五金词汇Furniture hardware家具五金 Pocket door slide 柜门滑道B Ball bearing slide 脚轮滑道 Furniture parts 家具零配件Prevent falling off due toBolt pin 螺栓插销 Furniture structural parts 家具turning 防止旋转脱落Bolts and nuts for furniture 结构零件 Secret-hinge 暗铰具用螺钉,螺帽 Gas lift chassis 气压棒底盘 Semifinished furniture product C Carcase 框架,架子 Glass door hinge 玻璃门铰链 andaccessories家具半成品及配Castor 小脚轮 Heavy duty slide承重式滑道Ceiling 天花板 Hook lock 钩锁 Semifinishe d produc tfo rCentral hinges 中央铰链 Keyboard slide 键盘板滑道 interior fittings装潢用半成品Chrome 铬 Large head type 大头型 Simple connecting fittings 简单Complete range of drawerslide Locating dowel定位榫钉五金配件种类型的抽屉滑道 Lock rail 安锁冒头 Single item 单项产品Component 零配件,元件 M Magnetic catch 磁性拉手 Sliding door roller series 推拉Concealed hinge 内藏铰链Magnetic-lock 磁锁门用轮系列Surface gluing 板面上胶Annealed glass 浮法(退火)玻璃Canopy 天蓬, 雨蓬Veneer trimming 薄片整修Anodizing oxidation coating 阳极Cantilever beam 悬臂梁Vertical upright 直挂格氧化喷涂Caption 说明, 标题Wood-button 木纽Anodizing 阳化Cast-in 埋入Wood components 木制配件Anti-corrosive zinc paint 防锈白Catalogue 目录 , 总目Wooden bar 车件漆Cementitious 水泥的Wooden cork 木塞Anti-reflective coating 防反射Channel 槽, 频道,通道Woodencurtain rod and ring 木制涂膜Circular hollow section窗帘杆及吊环Average=AVG. 平均Clear glass 透明玻璃Woodscrew 木螺钉Aviation obstruction 阻航Client 客户,委托人Wreathed hand-rail 扭弯扶手Backer rod 加强棒 , 泡沫棒Closure 外盖玻璃幕墙 --- glass curtain Base level 基本平面, 海平面Code 代码,法规wall Be equivalent to 等于Coefficient 系数4mm THK. Composite Aluminum Bear 负荷Composite 混合物,混合Plastic 4mm 厚复合铝板bedding 衬垫Compression 压,压迫5mm THK. Aluminum P late 5mm 厚单Bend 弯曲, 屈服Compressive 受压的铝板Bituminous paint 沥青油Concealed 隐藏的Acid 酸,酸性的Bituminous 含沥青的Concrete 混凝土Across 横过,交叉Bolt 螺栓Constant 常数Allowable 允许Bond 接合,搭接Construction toleranceAlloy 合金Bonding 搭接, 接合Contact surface 接触面Alum. bracket 铝支架Booklet 小册子Continuous beam 连续梁Alum. Panel 铝板Brace 斜撑Contractor 承包商Aluminum alloy 铝合金Bracket 支托Copper 铜Anchor Bolt 锚拴Buckle 使弯曲 ,使屈服Court 中庭Anchor 锚固Built-up 有组织的 , 密集的Cracked 开裂的Angle steel 角钢Butt welding 对接焊缝Crylic acid coating圆通施工容差Dead load 恒荷载Embedment预埋件Foam Rod 泡沫填充棒Deductio n 折减,扣除Equal angle 等边角钢Folded 折叠的Definiti on 定义,精确度Examined 审定Foreword 序言Deflection挠度Expansible 伸缩的Formula 方程Deform 变形Expansion Bolt 膨胀螺栓Free stand type 坐(落)地式Deformation 变形Exposed frame 明框full glass curtain wall 全玻幕墙Demountable panel 可拆除挂板Extrusion 挤压galvanizing 镀锌Derivation 引出,导出Fabricate 加工Galvanization 镀锌Detail 详图,节点图Fabrication 加工Galvanize 镀锌Detection 探知,发现Facial glass (facade glass) 面玻Galvanized Bolt 镀锌螺栓Diagonal 对角线Geometry 几何定位,定位(图)Diagrid 斜交格构Facial(facade)脸部、表面的Granite cladding 花岗岩围护,干Diaphragm 加强层Fastener-Stainless Steel 不锈钢挂石Die 冲模紧固件Granite 花岗石Distributed 均匀的,分布的Fatigue 疲劳Grille 格子, 隔栅Double glazing 双层(中空)玻璃Figured glass 压花玻璃Grout 水泥浆Double Skin Wall 双层幕墙Fillet 带子,带形的Grouting (填塞的)水泥砂浆Downwind 顺风面filletweld 角焊缝Gutter Sleeve 天沟,排水沟Drive pin 射钉Fin glass (stiffen finglass) Gyration 回转,旋转Dynamic 活动的,动态的玻璃Half strengthenedglass半钢化玻Earthquake load 地震荷载Fin 鳍,鳍状物Eccentric 偏心的Fireprevention防火Hanger system 吊挂系统Egress door 紧急出口Fire Stop mineral wool 防火岩棉Heat strengthened glass 半钢化玻Elastic 弹性的Fixing lug n. 摩耳Electrophoretic coating 电泳喷Flange 凸缘,翼缘Heat Soak Test 引爆处理Flashing 防水板,遮雨板Hidden frame curtain wall 隐框幕Element 构件Float glass 浮法玻璃Hidden frame 隐框Member杆件Podium矮墙,女儿墙Horizontal 水平的Membrane防水层Poisson 's Ratio 泊桑比Hot-dipped zinc galvanization 热八、、Mesh 网,网状物Polished glass 磨光玻璃浸锌Metallic 金属的Powder coating 粉末喷涂Imposed 应用的,施加的Mild steel钢Pre-cast 预埋,预置Inclined 倾斜的Micron 微米Preliminary 初步的Inertia moment 惯性矩Mock-up 实体样板Pressure 压力,压强Inertia 惯性Modulus 模量Principal 主要的Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 中空Moment 力矩Purposed 计划的,打算的玻璃Monumental glazing 巨幅玻璃PVDF Coating 氟碳喷涂Intumescent coating 防火涂层Movement capacity 变形能力PVF2 Coating 氟碳喷涂in a complete manner 在完整意义Negative 否定,负数Railing 扶手,栏杆Issue 发行,发布Neutral 中性的Rectangle hollow section 矩形管Joint 连接Node 节点Refer 提交,查阅Joist 托梁,Normal 普通的,法向的Reflective glass 反射玻璃Laminated glass 夹层玻璃Nut 螺丝帽Reinforcement 加强件,加固物Lateral 侧面的,旁边的Operablepanel可开启面板Relative Heat Gain 相对热增益Linear 线性的Panel 板,仪表板Relief pattern 浮雕图案Lip 薄片Pane窗格玻璃Resistance 抵抗Lips 薄片、唇Patio 内庭Restrain 约束Load 荷载,加载Peak 峰值Revision 修订,校订Lobby 大厅Penetration butt 对接埋入焊Revolvingpanel旋转面板Local 局部的,地方性的Penetration 浸透,浸入reflectiveratio反射率location blocks 定位块Pile 桩RigidInsulation刚性绝缘体Louver 百叶,百页Pin 大头钉,栓Rigidity 刚性Lug 凸耳,凸杆Plate 金属板Rod 棒,竿Machine Bolt 机制螺栓Plinth 基座Scope 范围,广度Screw 螺钉,拧紧Splice 接合, 连接Tinted 着色的Sealant 密封胶Square hollow section 方形管Tolerance 允许误差Security configuration 保安配置Stainless steel bolt 不锈钢螺栓Top 顶部,上总的Self-weight 自重Steel bracket 钢角码Torsion 扭转,扭矩semi-exposed framing glass Stiffen 使变硬Transom 横梁,横档curtain wall 半隐框幕墙Strength 强度Trapezoid 梯形,不等边四边形Serial 序列,系列Structural silicone 结构硅胶transmissibility 透射率Setting block 垫块Strut 支柱Type 类型,型号,打字Shading coefficient 遮阳系数Sub-contractor 分包商Typical 标准的Shaft 管井Submission 递呈,提交, 服从Unequal angle steel 不等边角钢Shear force 剪力Suction 吸力Unequal angle 不等边角钢Shear 修剪,剪切Sunshade 遮阳Unfolded 展开图Sheet 薄板Supplier 供应商Visible Light Reflectance 可见光Similar 相似的,相同Supply 提供,补充,替代反射率Simply supported beam 简支梁Support on four sides 四边支撑Visible Light Transmittance 可见Single 单层钢化玻璃Support on two sides 两边支撑光透光率Single toughened glass 单层钢化Super-structure 主体结构Void 中空处玻璃Symmetry 对称的Walkable 可上人的Site-ground 室外地面Tee字形,T形物Weather proofing sealant 耐候胶Silicone 硅树脂Tempered glass 钢化玻璃Weep滴水Slab 楼板Tempered 调节的,钢化的welding line 焊缝Sleeve 袖子,套筒Tensile 拉力的,张力的Welded seam 焊缝Snow and ice retention 雨雪拦截Tension 张力,拉力Zinc-plated 镀锌设施Terrain 地带,地域,范围建筑词汇Span 跨度Thread 纤维masonry wall 砌筑墙体 ; 砖石墙体Spandrel 横档The arm of force 力臂sag/cave in 塌陷,凹陷Spider fixing (玻璃)固定爪Tile 砖,磁片shear wall 剪力墙shear wall frame interaction grid structure 网架结构安装工程 erectionwork剪结构HVAC=Heating, Ventilation &Air 安装就位 erecting and settingskeleton-and-skin system 骨架结Conditioning 暖通空调安装施工资格 installationheat exchanger 空气循环qualificationspace frame 空间网架piled-up mass of adobe=sun-dried安装容差 installationtolerancestructural members 结构构件mud干打垒暗匣 Blindpocketswitchbox 配电箱precast 预制的奥氏体Austenitictape inward 收分precise measurements 精确的计算百叶(窗)louver; shutter;Persiantensile strength 拉力prefabrication 配件预制blindstimber construction =wood frame overlapping 搭接,重叠,(柱式的)百叶跨度 length of thelouver木结构组合百叶帘 venetionblindtransformer substation 变电站recirculate air 再循环空气百页片Bladetruss 桁架research model 结构模型百叶铝板 aluminum louverpanelunderground network of pipes resistanceagainstweathering|百叶式出气口 louvered airoutlet下管网耐候性搬运handlingwood beam 木梁安全防火隔热fire-safing板;板块 board; plate ;panel ;slabweight strength 重力insulation板材plateyield 屈服安全荷载 safeload;safetyload半钢化玻璃 heatstrengthenedshell system 壳体结构安全荷载系数 safety loadfactorglass; half strengthenedglassbundled tube system 束筒体系安全帽 protecting cap ;safety半径 radius ;semidiametercantilevered 悬臂的helmet半透明的translucentcantilevered end 悬臂端安全系数safety半隐框玻璃幕墙 semi-exposedclose interval 柱)间距紧凑factor/coefficientframing glass curtainwallcritical point 受力)临界点,相安装标准 installationbenchmark包装 packaging 保安配置Security变点安装程序 installationprocedure configurati ondistributing box 配电柜安装方法报告书 installation 保护(涂)层 protectivecoatingframed tube 框筒结构method statement 保证(书) warranties保温板 heated board 标价单 bid sheet 玻璃钢 glass reinforced plastic保温材料 insulation material 标签 label ;checklist玻璃固定 fixing forglass保温层 insulating layer 标示display玻璃间隔条 glazingspacer保温顶棚 heat insulated ceiling 标书bid玻璃肋式点支承幕墙Glass rib保温(岩)棉insulation 标志signageSteelstrand报价 bid ;quote 标准尺寸 typicaldimension玻璃类型表 glass typeschedule报价单quotation 标准版本 standardsversion玻璃密封垫 glazinggasket背板 back-pan 标准构件 standardelement玻璃密封条 glazingtape备注remark 标准间隔材料 standard spacer 玻璃面板 glasspanel比例scale material玻璃面砖 glass facingtile比例proportion 标准节点 typicaldetail玻璃幕墙 glass curtainwall;避雷保护 lightning protection 标准值 characteristicvaluewindow wall; glass wall; glass避雷针 Lighting protection air 表面处理finishpanel wall; coated glass;twinkletermina l 表面涂层 surfacecoatingwall编号 numbering ; serial number 表面压缩应力 surface 玻璃腔 glasspocket边缘荷载 edge load compressionstress玻璃墙面 glass wallface边缘块 edge block 冰雪处理与缓和 ice and snow 玻璃穹顶 glassdome变化系数 variation coefficient management andmitigation玻璃透光率 transmittanceof变量Variable 丙烯酸喷涂Duracronglass变硬Stiffen 玻璃安装材料 glazingmaterial玻璃温度应力 thermal stressof变形 deform; deformation 玻璃安装商glazierglass变形缝 movement joint 玻璃板 glassplate玻璃屋顶 glass roof ; glazedroof变形能力 deformation capacity 玻璃采光顶 glassskylight玻璃压条 glazingbead标称nominal 玻璃窗;玻璃装饰glazing玻璃翼/肋 glassfin标记 mark/marking; indicator; 玻璃窗标准 glazingstandards玻璃原片 primaryglasslabe l 玻璃窗工艺 glazingworkmanship玻璃砖 glassblock标价 bid price 玻璃刀 glasscutter波纹corrugation波纹拉丝不锈钢板 stainless 不锈钢自攻螺钉 self-tapping槽 Channelsteel finish corrugated screw 槽,狭缝Slot波形的corrugated 不锈钢螺栓bolt槽钢 channel steel ;channel波纹不锈钢板 corrugated . plate 不锈钢机制螺栓 machinebolt槽口notch波形玻璃 corrugated glass 不锈钢暖气罩 heatingcover侧,测向的,侧面的,旁边的lateral波形垫片 corrugated gasket 不显眼的Inconspicuous侧塞块 sideblock波形铝板 corrugated aluminum 擦窗机,吊篮gondola 测试方案 test proposalsheet 擦窗设备 BMU (building 测压孔 pressuretap薄板 sheet; thin slab maintenanceunit)测验实体模型 testing mock-up薄垫片 Shim 擦窗设备公司 BMUsupplier 层间滑移 Interstorey drift薄膜film ;membrane 擦窗机荷载 gondolaload层间位移 floor levelmovement薄膜玻璃filmglass 擦窗设备荷载 BMU loads 叉车 fork lifttruck薄膜防水membranewaterproofing 擦窗器 windowcleaner插接件connector薄片Lip 材料审查报告 materialstesting茶色玻璃 dark brownglass补充文件 supplement rider report 产品保证 product guarantiesdocument 采购订单 purchaseorder 长期强度 long-term strength不等边角钢 Unequal angle steel 采购活动 procurementactivity常数Constant不规则荷载 abnormal load 采光玻璃屋顶 skylight glassroof常温养护 normal temperature不透明的 opaque 采光系数 daylightingfactor curin g不透明玻璃 opaque glass 采用预埋件 embed model 场地勘查 fieldsurvey不锈钢 stainless steel 彩色夹层可视玻璃 visionglazing场地条件 sitecondition不锈钢吊杆 rod with coloredinterlayer超白钢化夹胶玻璃 low-iron不锈钢螺钉 screw 彩釉玻璃 ceramic fritglass tempered laminated glass不锈钢紧钉螺彩釉夹胶玻璃 ceramic frit 超白钢化折弯夹胶玻璃 low-ironholding/set/stop screw laminatedglasstempered bent laminatedglass不锈钢紧固件 Stainless Steel 参数parameter超高层建筑 super high-riseFastene r 残余应力 residualstressbuilding车间 Shop初步概算 preliminary estimate垂直挡雨板 vertical rain-shield初步方案 preliminary scheme perpendicular to单 层 钢 化 玻 璃 Single toughened车库门 garage door 初步规划 preliminary planning 垂直幕墙 vertical curtain wall 撤除 removal 初步勘查 prelimina ry雌料 female material沉降缝 Settlement joint explorati on次 支 撑 构 件 secondary support 沉头螺钉 Countersunk screw 初期养护 initial curingmember 衬板 lining 初始应变 initial strain磁锁 mag-lock 衬垫 Bedding 出入口 access ; openings 磁砖 Tile撑杆 brace rod; stay bar 储存 storage 粗糙 rough ; roughness承包范围 extent of contractor 穿孔perforation粗糙系数 roughness factorscope 穿孔百叶 perforated louver淬火 玻璃 heat-strengthened 承包商;承包人 contractor 穿孔板 perforated plateglass 成本核算 cost accounting 传热路系统 heat-trace system脆性Brittleness 承压面 bearing surface 传 热 系 数 heat-transfer存放期 shelf life 承压 墙 bearing wall ; carryin gcoeffici ent 搭接, 接合 Bonding wal l 窗洞 window opening 打胶 sealant installation承压强度 bearing strength窗格 window division打孔 holes drilling; perforate承 载 力 carrying /bearin g窗合页 window hinge 大跨度结构 long span structure capacit y 窗框 window frame大理石 marble承载 力系数 bearing capacit y窗帘匣 pelmet 大理石板 marble slabfacto r 窗棂 window bar大理石墙面 marble wall face尺寸 size/dimension 窗扇 window sash; leaf大理石饰面 marble finish 尺寸公差 dimensional tolerance 窗台/槛 window sill大厅 Lobby tolerance of dimension 垂直 ( 方向 )的 vertical 大样图 detail drawing冲模 Die vertica lly 代码,法规 Code 抽芯铆钉 Blind rivet 垂直度squareness带空隙的Interstitial 初步的Preliminary垂 直 于 vertical to带子,带形的 Filletglass低碳钢 mild steel电导管 electrical conduitglass glass curtain wall顶部采光 toplighting单 层索网幕 墙 single-layer低温玻璃;退 火玻璃 annealed 电 动 开 启 窗 automatic operable cable-net curtain wall glas svent单剪连接 one shear joint滴水槽檐 drip edge 电泳喷涂 Electrophoretic coating单片玻璃 monolithic glass 底部 bottom 垫块,塞块, 支撑块 Setting block ; 单位成本 unitcost 底漆 primer Jack pad 单位面积 unit area抵抗 Resistance垫片 shim 单一 货 源责 任 single source 抵抗 力)矩 resistingmoment 垫圈 washer responsibil ity 地带,地域,范围 Terrain吊车,起重机 Crane 单元式幕墙 unitized curtain wall 地基沉降 Foundation settlement 吊顶 ceiling挡风板 wind shield 地接线 Ground connection 吊顶板材 ceiling tile挡水板 flashing 地心引力 , 重力 Gravity 吊顶荷载 suspended-ceiling load挡雨板 rain-shield 地震earthquake吊顶梁 ceiling beam导热 heat conduction 地面粗糙度 ground roughness type吊顶龙骨 ceiling joist导热系数 thermal conductivity 地震测试 seismic rocking testing吊 顶 主 龙 骨 main joist of 灯的安装和走线 Light fixture and地震荷载 seismic loadsuspended ceiling ; main runnerwirin g 地震荷载作用效应组合系数 吊顶幕墙 overhang curtainwall 灯架 light mounting seismic load action combination 吊顶体 系 ceiling suspension 灯具 lighting coeffici entsystem ; s uspended ceilingsystem 灯槽 light trough 递呈,提交,服从 Submission吊杆结构 suspendingstructure 灯荷载 light load 典型幕墙单 元 typical curtain 吊杠臂 Davit arm 等边角钢 equal angle steelwall unit 吊钩 tie back等效荷载 equivalent load 点拨件 spider吊篮 Gondola等效厚度 equivalent thickness 点支 式幕 墙 point supporting 丁 基 玻 璃 密 封 条 butyl glazing 等压设计 pressure equalization curtain walltape低辐 射镀膜玻璃 Low-E coated点支承玻璃幕墙 Point supporting丁基热熔密封胶 butyl sealant顶层 top level对接焊接 butt welding 法线(方向)的 normal 对角线 diagonal法兰 flange防腐 蚀垫片 anti-corrosion定期检查 regular inspection 对接埋入焊 penetration butt反复荷载 cyclic load定期清洁 progressive cleaning 对齐销钉 alignment rod反 光 glisten; reflection of 定义;精确度 definition 对准,成一条线 alignligh t定位块 setting block; location 端部释放 ends released 反光玻璃 anti-sun glass bloc k 端盖 end cap反光度reflectance定位螺丝 set screw 短期强度 short-term strength 反力reaction;counterforce 定位(图) geometry 短暂的 Transient反射玻璃 reflective glass 动荷载 dynamic load; moving load 断桥隔热条 thermal break反应,反作用 reaction 洞口 opening 断热条 thermal break泛水区 flashed area动态的,动力的 Dynamic 断热材料 thermal break material范围,广度 Scope 动力系数 dynamic factor 对齐销钉 alignment rod方案 plan; scheme 动 力 放 大 系 数 dynamic 多 功 能 建 筑 multi-purpose 方程 Formulaamplificatory coefficient architectu re方头螺栓 Square head bolt独 立 试 验 机 构 independent 多功能裙 楼 multi- functional 方头 紧定 螺 栓 Square-head testingagent podiumset-bolt镀膜玻璃 coated glass 多叶 片 转台 multiple plate 方通 Square hollow section 镀锌处理 galvanize turntab le方形 Square镀锌的 galvanized; zinc-plated E 额定荷载 rated load方形管 square hollow section镀锌钢板 galvanized steel panel 耳生 噪音 阻力 self-generated 防暴测试 bomb blast protection 镀锌 瓦楞 钢板 corrugated noiseresistance resistance testing galvanized sheet 发包 contract award防虫网 insect screen镀锌螺栓 Galvanized Bolt 发包工程 award work防反 射涂膜 Anti-reflective 堆积 accumulation 发光的 Luminous coatin g对称 Symmetry 法规要 regulato ry防 腐 蚀 corrosion protection 对称荷载 symmetrical loadrequirement santiseps iswasher防视玻璃 obscure glass 分布离差 dispersion 防汽阻隔 vapor barrier分布荷载 distributed load封样 approved sample防滑处理 Anti-slip treatment 防水 water proof; water proofing 分布众数 mode 防滑垫 Slide bearing pad 防水板,遮雨板 Flashing分段完工 staged completion 防火 fire protection/prevention 防水薄膜 waterproofing membrane 分格 module ; panel防 火 标 准 fire protection 防水层 Membrane分格高度 module heightstandar d 防水 层屋面系 统 membrane roof 分区墙 Compart wall防火材料 fire-proof materialsystem分析 analyze ; analysis 防火等级 fire-protection rating 防水海绵 waterproofing sponge分项系数 distribut ion防火堵料 fire proofplug 防水汽板 vapour retarder; vapour coeffici ent防火 封堵墙 fireproof closure retardant panel粉末喷涂 PPC ; powder coating wal l 防霜 加热 线 de-icing heating 风道 air passage防火隔断 fire proof partition; cabl e风洞测试 wind tunnel test/studyfire stop 防碳 化涂层 anti-carbonation 风洞试验报告 wind tunnel testing 防火构造 fire proof construction coatin grepor t防火卷帘 fire shutter 防 锈 白 漆 anti-corrosive zinc 风洞研究 Wind tunnel study 防 火 绝 缘 材 料 fire-safingpain t风格式样 style insulati on 防锈涂料 antirust paint风荷载 wind load防火可视玻璃 fire rated vision 防眩玻璃 glare control glass风荷载作用效应组合系 数 wind glazin g 防烟密封装置 smoke seal load actio ncombinatio n 防火岩棉 fire stop mineral wool 防雨(水)板 flashing coeffici ent 防火涂层 intumescent coating 防雨屏 Rain screen 风化的 Etched防 结 露 技 术 dew preventive 非标准的 special风区 fetch ; air pressure technolog y 非 承 重 结 构 non-bearing 风压 wind pressure 防漏技术 penetration preventive structu re封边 Cap technolog y分包合同 subcontract 封口砖 closer 防鸟网 bird screen分包商subcontractor封烟板 smoke seal蜂窝铝板 aluminum honey-comb 附加弯矩 secondary moment 刚性 Rigiditypanel 附属结构 accessory structure 刚性垫层 rigid fill峰值 Peak 附图 attached drawings 刚性结点 rigid joint浮雕图案 Relief pattern 概率 probability 刚性结构 rigid structure浮法玻璃 float glass 干挂石 granite cladding 刚性绝缘体 Rigid Insulation 扶手 handrail ; railing 干密封 gasket sealed 刚性支承 rigid support氟碳喷涂 PVDF coating; Fluorine 干燥剂 desiccant 高层建筑 high-rise building Carbon; PVF2 coating 杆件 Member 高度 height俯视图 Planform感压胶带,压敏胶带 PSA( pressure高级碳纤维 high-gradecarbon腐蚀 corrode ;corrosion/erosion sensitive adhesive ) tapefibre辅助建筑 accessory building ;钢板 steel panel高温防火密封胶 fire stop sealantsubsidiary building 钢度 rigidty ; inflexibility 高温防火岩棉 fire stop wool 辅助框架 sub-frame 钢化的 Tempered 高温喷涂 pyrolytic coating 复合铝塑板 composite aluminum 钢化玻璃 tempered glass ;高温喷涂浮尘玻璃plastic 钢化中空玻璃 tempered insulated pyrolytic-coated float glass 负的,否定的 Negative glass 隔断 partition负风压区 negative wind pressure 钢化中空 Low-E 玻璃 tempered 隔断衬板 partition liningarea insulated Low-E glass隔热玻璃(单元) insulating glass负荷 load; bear 钢化透明玻璃 tempered unit负荷等级 load grade clear/transparent glass 隔热衬垫 insulation blanket 负剪力 negative shear 钢结构式点支承幕墙 Steel 隔热挡板 thermal baffle负弯矩 negative bending moment structure point supporting 隔热数值 thermal/insulation 负值 negative value curtain wall value附加费用 extra charges 钢筋 reinforced bar格构 diagrid; lattice ;trellis附加荷载 additional load 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 格构分格 panel附加建筑 additional building 钢拉索 steel cable 格构结构 latticed structure 附加条款 additional clause 钢码 steel bracket 格栅 grille格子,网格Grid 供电系统 power supplysystem管井Shaft隔板,隔舱Bulkhead 供货商supplier管状的,空心的Tubular隔片 Spacer 供暖heating 惯性inertia隔音 Acoustic attenuation 供暖系统 heatingsystem惯性矩 inertiamoment隔声玻璃 acoustical glass 供应 supply; provide;furnish;光电幕墙 photoelectriccurtain隔声材料 acoustical material offerwall隔声要求 acoustic requirement 公共通道 publicpassage光泽Gloss个别的Individual 公共照明 publiclighting规定specify根据 According to 供货商supplier规定标准 specifiedstandards工程(技术)Engineering 公料 maleextrusion规范specifications/code工程,项目project 公制metric硅胶嵌缝 Siliconejoint工程,工作 works 拱肩spandrel 硅树脂silicone工程编号project number ) 拱肩玻璃 spandrelglass硅酮结构密封胶 structural工程拨款projectappropriation 共振,回声 Resonance siliconesealant工程测量engineeringsurvey 沟槽,刻槽 Groove 硅酮密封剂 siliconesealant工程进度progress ofworks 构件component/member/element硅酮耐候密封胶 weatherproofing工程项目constructionitem 构件式玻璃幕墙 componentglasssealant工程造价constructioncost curtainwall滚动痕迹 rollermark工地site 固定端 fixedend过道 passageway;corridor工地质量控制经理 on-site 固定爪 spiderfixing 过梁Lintelquality control manager 故障defect过滤网 Filternet工艺 workmanship 刮刀spatula H 型钢 H-type steel工艺说明书 workmanship 刮痕scratch 含沥青的Bituminousspecificat ion 挂钩hook 函数Function工形…I; l-shaped; l-head 挂件 bracket,hanger罕遇地震 rareearthquake工形柱 H Column 管道,沟渠Conduit 焊缝 Welding line公差 tolerance 管件系统 ductwork 焊接标准 welding standards合同签订 award of contract 混凝土蠕变和收缩 Concretecreep挤压应力 pressurestress合页hinge andshrinkage技术规范technical荷载,加载load 混凝土外包 Concreteencasementspecification荷载计算 load calculation 活动窗 operablewindow技术设计 DesignDevelopment荷载模量 load modulus 活荷载 liveload技术性能 technicalperformance荷载组合 load combination 基本参数 basicparameter技术要求 technicalrequirements恒荷载 dead load 基本风压 basic windpressure计划,平面图 ,设计图Plan桁架 truss; girder 基本竣工 substantialcompletion计划的,打算的Purposed横龙骨transom 基本平面 , 海平面 Baselevel技术的,工业的Technical横向的Transverse 基础设施Infrastructure计算高度 CalculatingHeight后片玻璃 second lite 基准值 Referencevalue计算书 engineeringcalculation;护栏Guardrail 基准位置 referencelocation计算系数 computingcoefficient划痕scratch(es) 基座Plinth加工容差 fabricationtolerance花岗岩granite 激活Activation加工商fabricator花岗岩维护,干挂石 granite 机械通风百叶 mechanical 加工图 fab.drawingcladdin g ventilationlouvers加强棒,泡沫棒 Backerrod滑动门 Sliding door 机械装备 mechanicalequipment加强层 Diaphragm滑动玻璃门 sliding glass panel 机制螺钉 machinescrew加强件,加固物Reinforcementdoor 机制螺栓 machinebolt 加强角片,防滑片Cleat滑移Drift 集水槽gutter加强片Stiffener环保的 environmental friendly 集中荷载 concentratedload ;加强肋reinforcingrib缓冲板,挡板Baffle pointload加热线heatingcable缓冲结构 buffer structure 极限值 extremevalue加速度Acceleration缓和mitigation 几何参数 geometrycoefficient夹层interlayer回转,旋转Gyration 几何图形geometry夹层的,夹胶的Laminated混合物composite 挤压硅胶 extrudedsilicone夹层玻璃laminated混凝土Concrete 挤压铝型材 aluminumextrusionglass/laminate。

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流水线输 调机(调 刀具转速 刀具寿命 电泳要求 调机(调 刀具转速 包裝數量 ((符合检 送转速( 至加工尺 ( 转/ 转/ (每 至加工尺 ( 40pcs/箱) 验标准书检 寸) pcs更換) 寸) 5RPM) 分) 分) 验项目)) 膜厚仪、光 调机品量 调机品量 依生产报 开线时点 开机时设 泽度计、 开机时设 测 测 目视确认 表管控/ 检 置 ROHS分析仪 置 首件确认 首件确认 平台 、外观检查

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重點尺寸 环保检测
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外观:碰 依检验标 100%全检 伤、划伤 准书 、露底材 尺寸
检具/塞 依检验标 重點尺寸 规/综合 100%全检 准书 检具

外觀:砂 首件/末 孔,刀 依检验标 件确认 紋,毛刺, 目视 巡檢次 准书 鋁屑,漏 /2H 加工 外观:碰 伤、划伤 依检验标 100%全检 目视 、露底材 准书 、漏加工 、脏污 依包装作 目视/电 100%全检 数量 业指导书 子称
規格標 管制方 量測工 準 法 具
ADC12 每批抽測
光譜分析 儀 依RS危害 ROHS分 每批抽測 环保测试 物质管理 析仪 首件,末 尺寸、外 件, 觀:铸缩 依检验标 巡檢次 目视/检 、水纹、 /2H, 作 具 准书 拉模、缺 業員100% 料 自檢 尺寸、外 首件/末 觀: 依检验标 件确认 碰划伤、 巡檢次 准书 毛边 /2H 尺寸 依检验标 准书 首件/末 件确认 巡檢次 /2H