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意锐 小盒加强版移动支付机具使用说明书

意锐 小盒加强版移动支付机具使用说明书

自助式移动支付机具Hands-free Mobile Payment Devices 意锐小盒加强版使用说明书InsPos S Scanning DeviceOperation Instruction北京意锐新创科技有限公司Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd.版权所有All rights reserved郑重声明Notice意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具已在中国专利局和商标局注册。

InsPos S Mobile Payment Device has been registered in Patent Office and Trademark Office of People’s Republic of China.本说明使用的商标、商号及图标均属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司或其授权人,并受中华人民共和国法律及国际条约保护。

All the trademarks and trade names used in this Instruction belong to Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd or its authorized persons, and are protected by the laws of People’s Republic of China and international treaties.本说明书仅适用于书中所介绍的意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具的使用和使用条件及环境要求的说明。

This instruction applies only to the application, operation environment and environmental requirement of InsPos S.本说明书的资料的正确性已经认真审核,但北京意锐新创科技有限公司对内容的解释有保留权。

The correctness of the information in this instruction has been carefully reviewed, but Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd retains the right of the interpretation of the contents.本说明书的所有权属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司。

思科RF Gateway 1软件发布06.04.09发布说明说明书

思科RF Gateway 1软件发布06.04.09发布说明说明书
EIS Override SCG is not persistent across reboot.
GUI allows incorrect changing of interleaver settings in ITU A
Radius login disable telnet and FTP access to the RFGW1 after performing some >1000 login/logout
Allow only personnel trained in laser safety to operate this software.
Otherwise, injuries to personnel may occur.
Restrict access of this software to authorized personnel only. Install this software in equipment that is located in a restricted access area.
Description RFGW1 reboots for a specific stream when the session ends. The reboot is triggered by watchdog after manager crashes. This is very rare condition.
Safe Operation for Software Controlling Optical Transmission Equipment
If this document discusses software, the software described is used to monitor and/or control ours and other vendors' electrical and optical equipment designed to transmit video, voice, or data signals. Certain safety precautions should be observed when operating equipment of this nature. For equipment specific safety requirements, refer to the appropriate section of the equipment documentation. For safe operation of this software, refer to the following warnings.



GSM中的常用术语总结A3鉴权算法A3A3/8实现A3和A8功能的单独算法A5/1加密算法A5/1A5/2加密算法A5/2A5/X加密算法A5/07A8长生密钥的算法A8 AB Access Burst接入突发脉冲AC Access Class(C0 to C15)访问类别(从C0到C15)Application Context应用上下文ACC Automatic Congestion Control自动拥塞控制ACCH Associated Control Channel随路控制信道ACK ACKnowledgement证实(用于信令)ACMAccumulated Call Meter 累计呼叫记录Address Complete Message地址完全的消息ACU Antenna Combining Unit天线合成单元ADCAdministration Center管理中心Analogue to Digital Converter模数转换器AND Abbreviated Dialing Number缩位拨号ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation自适应差分脉冲编码调制AE Application Entily应用实体AEC Acoustic echo control回音控制AE Additional elementary functions 附加基本功能AGCH Access grant channel 接如允可信道Ai Actions indictor 动作指示器AoC Advice of charge费用建议AoCC Advice of charge charging supplementary service费用建议信息补充业务AoCI Advice of charge information Supplementary service费用建议信息补充业务ASE Application service element 应用服务单元ASN.1Abstract syntax notation one抽象语法表示1 ARFCN Absolute radio frequency channel number绝对无线频率信道号ARQ Automatic request for retransmission 自动重法请求ATT(flag)Attach附着(用于信令) AU Access unite 访问单元AuC Authentication center鉴权中心AUT( H )Authentication 鉴权BA BCCH allocation BCCH 分配BAIC Barring of all incoming calls supplementary service 限制所有呼入呼叫的补充业务BAOC Barring of all outgoing calls supplementary service 限制所有呼出呼叫的补充业务BCC Base transceiver station (BTC) color channel 基站收发器代码BCCH Broadcast control channel广播控制信道BCD Binary coded decimal二进制编码的十进制BCF Base station control function 基站控制功能BCIE Bearer capability information 载波容量信息单元BER Bit error rate误码率BFI Bad frame indication坏帧指示BI all barring of incoming call supplementary service所有的限制呼入呼出补充业务BICRoam Barring of incoming calls when roaming outside the room PLMN country supplementservice在注册PLMN的国家之外限制呼入呼出的补充业务BN Bit number比特数BO All barring of outgoing call supplementary service所有限制呼入呼出的补充业务BOIC Barring of outgoing international calls supplementary service限制国际呼叫的补充业务BOICexHC Barring of outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMNcountry supplementary service除了直接呼叫注册的PLMN 国家以外限制国际呼入呼出的补充业务BS Bearer service 载波服务BSG Basic service (group)基本服务Basic service group基本服务组BSC Base station controller基本控制器BSIC Base transceiver station identity code 基站识别码BSICNCELL BSIC of an adjacent cell相邻小区BSIC BSS Base station system 基站子系统BSSAP Base station system application part 基站子系统应用部分BSSMAP Base station system management application part基站子系统管理应用部分BSSOMAP Base station system operation management application part基站子系统操作和维护应用部分BTS Base transceiver station 基站C Conditional 有条件的CA Cell allocation 小区分配CAI Charge advice information 收费建议信息CB Cell broadcast 小区广播CBC Cell broadcast center小区广播中心CBCH Cell broadcast channel 小区广播信道CBMI Cell broadcast message identifier小区广播信息表示符CC Country code 国家代码Call control呼叫控制CCBS Completion of calls to busy subscriber supplementary service对占线用户的完成呼叫的补充业务CCCH Common control channel公用控制信道CCF Conditional call forwarding 条件呼叫转移CCH Control channel 控制信道CCITT The international telegraph and telephone consultative committee国际电报电话质询委员会CCM current call meter当前呼叫纪录CCP Capability /configuration parameter容量/配置参数CCPE Control channel protocol entity控制信道协议实体Cct Circuit 电路CDUR Chargeable DURation计费时间CED Call station identifier被呼叫的基站表示符CEID Central equipment identifier register中央设备寄存器CEND End of charge point 计费点CEPT Conference of European post and telecommunication administration欧洲邮政和远程通信会议CF Conversion facility变换设施CFBAll call forwarding service所有的呼叫转移服务Call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy supplementary service 遇忙呼叫转移补充服务CFNRc Call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable supplementary service不再服务区呼叫转移补充服务CFNRy Call forwarding on no reply supplementary service无应答呼叫转移补充服务CFU Call forwarding unconditional supplementary service 无条件呼叫转移补充服务CHP Charging point 计费点CHV Card holding verification information卡持有者验证信息CI Cell identity CUG index小区标示CUG索引CIR Carrier interference ratio载波干扰比CKSN Ciphering key sequence number密钥序列码CLI Calling line identity 呼叫线路标示CLIP Calling line identification presentation supplementary service 呼叫线路标示显示补充业务CLIR Calling line identification restriction supplementary service呼叫线路标示限制补充业务CM Connection management 连接管理CMD command命令CMM Channel mode modify 信道模式更改CNG CalliNG tone呼叫音调COLI Connected line identity连接线路标示COLP Connected line identification presentation supplementary service连接的线路标示显示补充业务COLR Connected line identification restriction supplementary service 连接的线路标示限制补充业务COM COmplete完成CONNACK CONNect acknowledgement连接确认C/R Command/response field bit命令/相应比特CRC Cyclic redundancy check冗余循环校验CRE Call Reestablishment procedure呼叫重建立过程CSPDN Circuit switching public data network电路交换公众数据网CT Call transfer supplement service 呼叫转移补充业务Channel test 信道测试Channel type信道类型CTR Common technical regulation通用技术规定CUG Close user group supplementary service闭合用户组补充业务CW Call waiting supplementary service呼叫等待补充业务DAC Digital to analogue converter数模转换D B Dummy burst填充突发脉冲DCCH Dedication control channel 专用控制信道DCE Data circuit terminating equipment 数据电路终端DCF Data communication function 数据通信功能DCM Data conversion module 数据转换模块DCS1800Digital cellular system at 1800MHz 1800MHz数字蜂窝系统,和900MHz并称双频网DET Detach 分离DISC Disconnect 断开连接DL Data link(layer)数据链路层DLCI Data link connection identifier 数据链路连接标示DLD Data link discriminator数据链路鉴别器Dm Control channel (isdn )控制信道(用于isdn )DMR Digital mobile radio 数字无线移动DNIC Data network identifier数据网标示DP Dial /dialed pulse 拨号脉冲DRX Discontinuous reception 非连续的接受DSE Data switch exchange数据交换DSI Digital speech interpolation 数字语音插值DSSI Digital subscriber signaling No.1一号数字用户信令DTAP Direct transfer application part 直接传送应用部分DTE Data terminal equipment数据终端DTMF Dual tone multi Frequency双音频DTX Discontinuous transmission 非连续传送EA External alarms外部警告EBSG Elementary basic service group基本服务组ECM Error correction mode差错纠正模式Ec/No Ratio of energy per modulating bit to the noise spectral density每调制比特功率和噪声频谱密度的比率ECT Explicit call transfer supplementary service显示呼叫转移补充业务EEL Electric echo loss电力回波损耗EIR Equipment identity register设备标示寄存器EL Echo loss回波损耗EMC Electromagnetic compatibility电磁兼容性EMI Electromagnetic interference电磁干扰Emlpp Enhanced multilevel preecednce and preemption service 增强多层优先服务EMMI Electrical man machine interface电力人机接口EPROM Erasable programmable read only memory 可擦除的可编程只读存储器ERP Ear reference point听力产参考点ERR error错误ETR ETSI technical report ETSI 的技术报告ETS European telecommunication standard欧洲电信标准ETSI European telecommunication standard institute欧洲电信标准协会FA Full allocation fax adaptor完全分配传真适配器FAC Final assembly code最终集结码FACCH Fast associated control channel 快速随路信道FACCH/F Fast associated control channel /full rate快速随路信道/权速率FACCH/H Fast associated control channel /half rate快速随路信道/半速率FB Frequency correction burst 突发脉冲频率矫正FCCH Frequency correction channel频率矫正信道FCS Frame check sequence帧检查序列FDM Frequency division multiplex频分多路复用FDN Fixed digital number固定拨号FEC Forwarding error correction前向纠错FER Frame erasure ratio帧消除比率FH Frequency hopping 跳频FN Frame number帧号FR Full rate全速率FTA Final type approval最终型号标准FTAM File transfer ,access and manipulation文件传输访问和使用FTN Forwarded and number前转号码GCR Group call register呼叫组寄存器GMSC Gateway mobile service switching center 移动业务交换中心网关GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keying modulation高斯整形滤波最小频移键控GPA Gsm plmn area GSM PLMN 区域GPRS General packet radio service通用无线分组服务GPRS General power supply unite通用功率电源单元GSA Gsm system area GSM系统区域GSM Global system for mobile communication全球移动通信系统GSM PLMN Gsm public land mobile network公用陆地移动网络GT Global title全球标示HDLC High level data link control高层数据链路控制HLC High layer compatibility高层兼容性HO HANDOver切换HOLD Call hold supplementary service呼叫保持补充业务HOLMN Home PLMN归属PLMN HPU Hand portable手持单元HSN Hopping sequence number跳频序列数字I Information frame信息祯IA Incoming access 呼人接入IAM Initial address message初始地址消息IC Interlock code互琐码ICB Incoming call barred 限制呼入呼叫ICC Inte grated circuit card 集成电路卡IC Interlock code优先互琐码ICM Incall modification呼入呼叫更改ID Identification/identity/identifer标示IDN Integrated digital network综合数字网IE Signaling information element信息单元IEI Information element identifier信息单元表示IETS Interim European telecommunication standart临时欧洲电信标准IMEI international mobile station equipment identity国际移动台设备表示IMSI International mobile subscriber identity国际移动用户标示IN Interrogting node询问节点ISC International switch center国际交换中心ISDN Integrated service digital network 综合业务数字网ISO International organization for standardzation国际标准化组织ISUP Isdn user part (of signal system No.7)ISDN用户部分ITC Information transfer capability信息传送容量IWF Interworking functions互连功能IWMSC Interworking MSC互连的MSCIWU Interworking Uinte互连的单元Kc Ciphering key密钥Ki Individual subscriber authentication用户鉴权密钥L3Layer 3第三层LA Location area位置区域LAC Location area code位置区域码LAI Location area identity位置区域标示LAN Local area network 本地网LAPB Link access protocol balanced平衡的链路接入协议LAPDm Link access protocol on the channel在Dm信道上的链路接入协议LCN Local communication network本地通信网LE Local exchange本地交换LLC Low layer compatibility低层兼容性LMSI Local mobile station identity本地移动台标示LNA Low number digled低噪声放大器LND Last number dialed上次拨叫号码LPLMN Local PLMN本地PLMNLR Location register位置积存器LTE Local terminal emulator本地终端模拟器LU Local units本地单元LV Length and value长度和含义M Mandatory必备的MA Mobile allocation移动分配MACN Mobile allocation移动分配信道号MAF Mobile allocation channel number移动附加功能MAH Mobile access hunting supplementary service移动搜寻补充功能MAI Mobile allocation index移动分配索引MAIO Mobile allocation index offset移动分配索引偏移MAP Mobile allocation part移动应用部分(用于MSC间的信令)MCC Mobile country code移动国家代码MCI Malicious call identification supplementary service恶意呼叫识别补充业务MD Mediation device中介设备MDL Mobile management data link 管理数据链路ME Mobile equipment 维护实体MEF Maintenance entity functions维护实体功能MF Multiframe复祯MHS Message handling system 消息处理系统MIC Mobile interface controller移动接口控制MLSE Maximum likelihood system最大自然序列估计MMMan machine人机Mobility management移动性管理MME Mobility management entity移动性管理实体MMI Man machine interface人机接口MNC Mobile network code移动网络代码MO Mobile originated call移动主叫MoU Memorandum of understanding 谅解备忘录MPH Mobile management physical管理物理MPTY Multiparty supplementary service多方通话补充业务MRP Mouth reference point口参考点MS Mobile station移动台MSC Mobile service switch center 移动交换台MSCM Mobile station class mark移动台类别标志MSCU Mobile station control unite移动台控制单元MSISDN Mobile station ISDN移动台号码MSRN Mobile station roaming number移动台漫游号码MT Mobile terminated移动被叫MT Mobile termination移动终端MTBF Mean time between failure平均无故障时间MTC Mobile terminate call移动被叫MTM Mobile to mobile移动台到移动台的呼叫MTP Mark up消息传输部分MU Multi user mobile station标记MUMS Multiuser mobile station多用户移动台N/W Network网络NB Normal brust正常突发脉冲NBIN A parameter in the hopping sequence一个跳频序列中的参书NCC Network PLMN color code网络代码NCELL Neighboring cell当前小区的邻小区NDC National destination code本国目的代码NDUB Network determined user busy 由网络确定用户忙NE Network element网络单元NEF Network element function网络单元功能NF Network function网络功能NIC Network independent clocking与网络无关的定时NM Network management网络管理NMC Network management center网络管理中心NMSI National mobile station identification number本国移动的标示号NPI Number plan identifier号码规划表示NSAP Network service access point网络业务接入点NT No transparent网络终端NTABB New type approval advisory 新类型批准部门NUA Network user access 网络用户接口NUI Network user identification网络用户标识NUP National user part本国用户标准O Optional可选的OA Outgoing access呼出接入O&M Outgoing & maintenance操作和维护OACSU Off air call setup不占用空中信道的呼叫建立OCB Outgoing calls barred within the CUG CUG中限制呼出呼叫OD Optional for operators to implement for their aim运营商为实现不同的目的的可选部分OLR Overall loudness rating 锋值音量比率OMC Operations and maintenance center 操作和维护中心OML Operations and maintenance link操作和维护链路OMS-B Operations and maintenance system for the BBS对BBS的操作和维护OS Operation system操作系统OSI Open system interconnection开放系统互连模型OSI RM OSI reference model OSI参考模式PABX Private automatic branch exchange专用自动交换机PAD Packet assemble /disassembly 分组集结PCH Paging channel寻呼信道PCM Pulse code modulation脉冲编码调制PD Protocol discriminator协议鉴别器PDN Public data network公用数据网PH Packet handle分组处理PHI Packet handle interface分组处理接口PI Presentation indicator显示指示PICS Protocol implementation conformance statement协议实现一致性申明PIN Personal identification code个人识别码PLXT Protocol implementation extra information for testing用于测试的协议实现附加信息PLMN Public lands mobile network公用陆地移动网络PP Performance management性能管理POI Point of interconnection 和PSDN互连点PP Point to point 点到点PPCC Peripheral processor for CCSS 7对CCCS7的外围处理器PPLD Peripheral processor for LOAD对LOAD的外围处理器PREF CUG Preferential CUG优先的CUG PS Location probability位置可能性PSPDN Packet switched public data network分组交换公用数据网PSTN Packet switched telephone network公用电话交换网PUCT Price per unit currency table每单元价格表PUK PIN unblock key PIN解锁密码PW Pass word密码QA Q adapter Q 接口适配器QAF Q adapter functions Q Q 接口适配器功能QOS Quality of service业务质量RA Random mode request information field随机模式请求信息区域RAB Random access brust突发脉冲随机接入RACH Random access channel随机接入信道RAND Random number随机数RBER Residual bit error ratio剩余误比特率RDI Restricted digital information限制的数值信息REC Recommendation建议REJ e Rejection拒绝REL Release释放REQ Request请求RF Radio frequency射频RFCI Radio frequency channel无线频率信道RFCH Radio frequency channel无线频率信道RFN Reduced TDMA frame number缩减TDMA信道RFU Reserved for future use为将来保留RLP Radio link protocol无线链路协议RLR Receiver loudness rating接受音量比率RMS Root mean square均量值RNTABLE Table of 128 integer in the hopping sequence跳频序列中的128个整数表ROSE Remote operation service element远程超做业务单元RR Radio resource无线资源RSE Radio system entity无线系统实体RSL Radio signaling link无线信令链路RSZI Regional subscription zone identity区域的预约区域标识RTE Remote terminal emulator远端终端模拟器RX Receiver signal level接受的信号强度RXAMOD Received antenna module 接受的无线摸快RXMUCO Receiver multi coupler接受多路耦合器RXQUAL Received signal quality接受的信号质量S/W Software软件SABM Set asynchronous balanced mode置异步平衡模式SACCH Slow associated control channel慢速随路控制信道SACCHG/4Slow associated control channel/sdcch/4慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH4 SACCH/8Slow associated control channel/sdcch/8慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH8 SACCH/T Slow associated control channel/traffic channel慢速随路控制信道/业务信道SACCH/TF Slow associated control channel/traffic channel full rate慢速随路控制信道/全速业务SAP Slow associated control channel/traffic channel half rate业务接入点SAPI Service access point indicator业务接入点指示SB Synchronization同步突发脉冲SC Service center接入中心Service code接入代码SCCP Signaling connection control part信令连接控制部分SCH Synchronization channel同步信道SDCCH Standalone dedicated control channel独立专用信道SDL Specification description说明与描述语言SDT SDL development tool SDL开发工具SDU Service data unit业务数据单元SE Support entity支持实体SEF Support entity functions支持实体功能SFH Slow frequency hopping慢速跳频SI Screening indication屏蔽SIM Subscriber identity业务互作用SLR Send loudness rating发送音量比率SLTM Signaling link test message信令链路测试消息SMAP System management系统管理应用程序SM Security management安全SME Short message entity短消息实体SMG Special mobile group短消息组SMISE Special management information service element专用管理信息业务SMS Short message service短消息业务SMSCB Short message service cell broad cast短消息业务小区广播SMSSC Short message service center短消息业务中心SMS/PP Short message service/point to point短消息业务/点到点SMT Short message terminal短消息终端SN Subscriber number用户号码SNR Serial number R序列好SOA Suppress outgoing access 抑制呼出接入SP Service provider业务提供商Signaling Point信令点SPCSignaling point code信令点代码Suppress Preferential CUG 抑制优先的CUGSRES Signed RESponse鉴权响应数SS Supplementary service system simulator补充业务System Simulator系统模拟器SSC Supplementary service control string补充业务控制串SSN Subsystem NO 7子系统号码SS7/SS#7Signaling system NO 7 七号信令STMR Side tone masking rating侧音屏蔽比率STP Signaling transfer信令传输点SVN Software version软件版本好SWM Software management软件管理T Timer时钟TA Terminal Adaptor终端适配器Time advance时间提前量TAC Type approval Code类型批准代码TAF Terminal adaptation Function终端适配功能TBR Technical basis for regulation规定的技术基础TC Transaction capabilities处理能力TCAP Transaction capabilities application part事物处理能力的应用部分TCH Traffic channel业务信道TCH/F A full rate tch全速业务信道TCH/F2.4 A full rate tch/2,4 k全速业务信道(<=2.4k bit)TCH/F4.8 A full rate tch /4.8k全速业务信道(4.8k) TCH/F9.6 A full rate tch/9.6k全速业务信道(9.6k) TCH/FS A full rate speech ch全速语音信道TCH/HS A half rate tch半速语音信道TCI Transeceiver control interface收发信机控制接口TCTR Technical committee technical report技术委员会技术报告TDMA Time division multiple access时分多址TE Terminal equipment终端设备TEI Terminal endpoint identifier终端点标识TFA Transfer allowed允许传送TFP Transfer allowed禁止窜送TI Transaction identifier事物处理标识TLV Type length and value类型长度和含义TM Test management测试管理TMN Telecommunication management network电信管理网TMSI Temporary mobile subscriber identity临时移动用户号码TN Timeslot number时隙号TON Type of number数字类型TRAU Trans coding and rate adaption unit码型转换和速率适配单元TRX Transceiver 收发信机TSTime slot时隙Tchnical Specification技术标准TSC Training sequence code训练序列代码TSDI Transceiver speech &data interface收发信机语音和数据接口TTCN Tree and tabular combined notation数表结合表示TUP Telephone user part电话用户部分TV Type sand value类型和含义UDI Unrestricted digital information无限制的数字信息UDUB User determined user busy有用户决定的用户忙UI Unmumbered information无序信息UPCMI Uniform PCM interface统一的PCM接口UPD Up to date最新的USSD Unstructured supplementary service data未组织的补充业务数据UUS User to user signaling supplementary service用户到用户的信令补充V Value only含义VAD Voice activity deteection语音激活检测VAP Video tex access point可视数据接入点VBS Voice broadcast service语音广播业务VGCS Voice group call service 语音组呼叫业务VLR Visitor location register接入位置寄存器VMSC Visited MSC被访问的MSC VPLMN Visited PLMN被接入的MSCVSC VideoTEX service center可视数据业务中心VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比VSD Send state variable发送状态变量VTX The components dedicated to videotex service 专门用于可视数据的组件WARC World adminstrative radio conference世界无线电行政大会WS Word ststion工作站WPA Wrong password attempts密码错误。

14 GSM系统常用缩略语

14 GSM系统常用缩略语

GSM系统常用缩略语 缩写 英文原意 中文解释 AB Access Burst 接入突发脉冲Access class (c0 to c5) 访问类别(c0 to c5) ACApplication context 应用上下文 ACCH Associated control channel 随路控制信道 ACK Acknowledgement 证实(用于信道)ACM Accumulated call meteraddress complete message 累计呼叫纪录 地址完全的消息ACU Antenna combining unit 天线合成单元ADC Administration centerAnalogue to digital converter 管理中心 数模转换器ADN Abbreviated dialing number 缩位拨号ADPCM Adaptive differential pulseCode modulation自适应差分脉冲编码调制AE Application entity 应用实体AEC Acoustic echo control 回音控制AE Additional elementaryfunctions附加基本功能AGCH Access grant channel 接如允可信道Ai Actions indictor 动作指示器AoC Advice of charge 费用建议AoCC Advice of charge chargingsupplementary service费用建议信息补充业务AoCI Advice of charge informationSupplementary service费用建议信息补充业务 ASE Application service element 应用服务单元ASN.1 Abstract syntax notation one 抽象语法表示1 ARFCN Absolute radio frequencychannel number绝对无线频率信道号ARQ Automatic request forretransmission自动重法请求ATT Attach Detach 附着与分离AU Access unite 访问单元AuC Authentication center 鉴权中心AUT( H ) Authentication 鉴权BA BCCH allocation BCCH 分配BCC Base transceiver station (BTC)color channel基站收发器代码 BCCH Broadcast control channel 广播控制信道BCD Binary coded decimal 二进制编码的十进制 BCF Base station control function 基站控制功能BCIE Bearer capability information 载波容量信息单元BER Bit error rate 误码率BFI Bad frame indication 坏帧指示BN Bit number 比特数BS Carrier service 载波服务BSGBasic service (group) 基本服务Basic service group 基本服务组BSC Base station controller 基本控制器基站识别码BSIC Base transceiver stationidentity codeBSICNCELL BSIC of Neighbour cell 相邻小区BSICBSS Base station system 基站子系统基站子系统应用部分BSSAP Base station systemapplication part基站子系统管理应用部分 BSSMAP Base station systemmanagement applicationpart基站子系统操作和维护应用部分 BSSOMAP Base station system operationmanagement applicationpartBTS Base transceiver station 基站C Conditional 有条件的CA Cell allocation 小区分配CAI Charge advice information 收费建议信息CB Cell broadcast 小区广播CBC Cell broadcast center 小区广播中心CBCH Cell broadcast channel 小区广播信道小区广播信息标示符CBMI Cell broadcast messageidentifierCCCountry code 国家代码Call control 呼叫控制CCCH Common control channel 公用控制信道CCF Conditional call forwarding 条件呼叫转移CCH Control channel 控制信道国际电报电话质询委员会 CCITT The international telegraphand telephone consultativecommitteeCCM current call meter 当前呼叫纪录容量/配置参数CCP Capability /configurationparameter控制信道协议实体CCPE Control channel protocolentityCct Circuit 电路CDUR Chargeable DURation 计费时间CEID Central equipment identifier中央设备寄存器registerCEND End of charge point 计费点欧洲邮政和远程通信会议 CEPT Conference of European postand telecommunicationadministrationCFBAll call forwarding service 所有的呼叫转移服务遇忙呼叫转移补充服务Call forwarding on mobilesubscriber busysupplementary service不在服务区呼叫转移补充服务 CFNRc Call forwarding on mobilesubscriber not reachablesupplementary service无应答呼叫转移补充服务 CFNRy Call forwarding on no replysupplementary service无条件呼叫转移补充服务 CFU Call forwarding unconditionalsupplementary serviceCHP Charging point 计费点卡持有者验证信息CHV Card holding verificationinformationCI Cell identity CUG index 小区标示CUG索引CIR Carrier interference ratio 载波干扰比密钥序列码CKSN Ciphering key sequencenumberCLI Calling line identity 呼叫线路标示呼叫线路标示显示补充业务 CLIP Calling line identificationpresentation supplementaryservice呼叫线路标示限制补充业务 CLIR Calling line identificationrestriction supplementaryserviceCM Connection management 连接管理CMD command 命令CMM Channel mode modify 信道模式更改CNG CalliNG tone 呼叫音调COLI Connected line identity 连接线路标示COM COmplete 完成CONNACK CONNect acknowledgement 连接确认CRC Cyclic redundancy check 冗余循环校验呼叫重建立过程CRE Call Reestablishmentprocedure电路交换公众数据网 CSPDN Circuit switching public datanetwork呼叫转移补充业务CT Call transfer supplementserviceChannel test 信道测试Channel type 信道类型CTR Common technical regulation 通用技术规定 CUG Close user groupsupplementary service闭合用户组补充业务CW Call waiting supplementaryservice呼叫等待补充业务 DAC Digital to analogue converter 数模转换D B Dummy burst 填充突发脉冲 DCCH Dedication control channel 专用控制信道DCE Data circuit terminatingequipment数据电路终端 DCF Data communication function 数据通信功能 DCM Data conversion module 数据转换模块DCS1800 Digital cellular system at1800MHz 1800MHz数字蜂窝系统,和900MHz并称双频网DET Detach 分离DISC Disconnect 断开连接DL Data link(layer) 数据链路层 DLCI Data link connection identifier 数据链路连接标示 DLD Data link discriminator 数据链路鉴别器 DMR Digital mobile radio 数字无线移动 DNIC Data network identifier 数据网标示DP Dial /dialed pulse 拨号脉冲DRX Discontinuous reception 非连续接受 DSE Data switch exchange 数据交换DSI Digital speech interpolation 数字语音插值 DSSI Digital subscriber signalingNo.1一号数字用户信令DTAP Direct transfer applicationpart直接传送应用部分 DTE Data terminal equipment 数据终端 DTMF Dual tone multi Frequency 双音频DTX Discontinuous transmission 非连续传送EA External alarms 外部警告EBSG Elementary basic servicegroup基本服务组 ECM Error correction mode 差错纠正模式Ec/No Ratio of energy permodulating bit to the noisespectral density 每调制比特功率和噪声频谱密度的比率ECT Explicit call transfersupplementary service显示呼叫转移补充业务EEL Electric echo loss 电力回波损耗EIR Equipment identity register 设备标示寄存器EL Echo loss 回波损耗EMC Electromagnetic compatibility 电磁兼容性EMI Electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰增强多层优先服务Emlpp Enhanced multilevelpreecednce and preemptionservice电力人机接口EMMI Electrical man machineinterface可擦除的可编程只读存储器 EPROM Erasable programmable readonly memoryERP Ear reference point 听力产参考点ERR error 错误ETR ETSI technical report ETSI 的技术报告欧洲电信标准ETS European telecommunicationstandard欧洲电信标准协会ETSI European telecommunicationstandard instituteFA Full allocation fax adaptor 完全分配传真适配器 FAC Final assembly code 最终集结码快速随路控制信道 FACCH Fast associated controlchannel快速随路控制信道/全速率 FACCH/F Fast associated controlchannel /full rate快速随路控制信道/半速率 FACCH/H Fast associated controlchannel /half rateFB Frequency correction burst 突发脉冲频率矫正 FCCH Frequency correction channel 频率矫正信道FCS Frame check sequence 帧检查序列FDM Frequency division multiplex 频分多路复用FDN Fixed digital number 固定拨号FEC Forwarding error correction 前向纠错FER Frame erasure ratio 帧消除比率FH Frequency hopping 跳频FN Frame number 帧号FR Full rate 全速率FTA Final type approval 最终型号标准文件传输访问和使用 FTAM File transfer ,access andmanipulationFTN Forwarded and number 前转号码GCR Group call register 呼叫组寄存器移动业务交换中心网关 GMSC Gateway mobile serviceswitching center高斯整形滤波最小频移键控 GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keyingmodulationGPA Gsm plmn area GSM PLMN 区域 GPRS General packet radio service 通用无线分组服务 GPRS General power supply unite 通用功率电源单元GSA Gsm system area GSM系统区域全球移动通信系统GSM Global system for mobilecommunication公用陆地移动网络GSM PLMN Gsm public land mobilenetworkGT Global title 全球标示HDLC High level data link control 高层数据链路控制HLC High layer compatibility 高层兼容性HO HANDOver 切换呼叫保持补充业务HOLD Call hold supplementaryserviceHOLMN Home PLMN 归属PLMNHPU Hand portable unit 手持单元HSN Hopping sequence number 跳频序列数字I Information frame 信息祯IA Incoming access 呼人接入IAM Initial address message 初始地址消息IC Interlock code 互琐码ICB Incoming call barred 限制呼入呼叫ICC Inte grated circuit card 集成电路卡IC Interlock code 优先互琐码ICM Incall modification 呼入呼叫更改ID Identification/identity/identifer 标示IDN Integrated digital network 综合数字网IE Signaling information element 信息单元IEI Information element identifier 信息单元表示临时欧洲电信标准IETS Interim Europeantelecommunication standart国际移动台设备标示IMEI international mobile stationequipment identity国际移动用户标示IMSI International mobilesubscriber identityIN Interrogting node 询问节点ISC International switch center 国际交换中心综合业务数字网ISDN Integrated service digitalnetwork国际标准化组织ISO International organization forstandardzationISDN用户部分ISUP Isdn user part (of signal systemNo.7)ITC Information transfer capability 信息传送容量IWF Interworking functions 互连功能IWMSC Interworking MSC 互连的MSCIWU Interworking Uinte 互连的单元Kc Ciphering key 密钥用户鉴权密钥Ki Individual subscriberauthenticationL3 Layer 3 第三层LA Location area 位置区域LAC Location area code 位置区域码LAI Location area identity 位置区域标示LAN Local area network 本地网平衡的链路接入协议LAPB Link access protocolbalanced在Dm信道上的链路接入协议 LAPDm Link access protocol on thechannel本地通信网LCN Local communicationnetworkLE Local exchange 本地交换LLC Low layer compatibility 低层兼容性LMSI Local mobile station identity 本地移动台标示LNA Low number digled 低噪声放大器LND Last number dialed 上次拨叫号码LPLMN Local PLMN 本地PLMNLR Location register 位置寄存器LTE Local terminal emulator 本地终端模拟器LU Local units 本地单元LV Length and value 长度和含义M Mandatory 必备的MA Mobile allocation 移动分配移动分配信道号MACN Mobile allocation channelnumber移动搜寻补充功能MAH Mobile access huntingsupplementary serviceMAI Mobile allocation index 移动分配索引MAIO Mobile allocation index offset 移动分配索引偏移MAP Mobile allocation part 移动应用部分MCC Mobile country code 移动国家代码恶意呼叫识别补充业务 MCI Malicious call identificationsupplementary serviceMD Mediation device 中介设备MDL Mobile management data link 管理数据链路ME Mobile equipment 维护实体MEF Maintenance entity functions 维护实体功能MF Multiframe 复祯MHS Message handling system 消息处理系统MIC Mobile interface controller 移动接口控制 MLSE Maximum likelihood system 最大自然序列估计 MMMan machine 人机Mobility management 移动性管理MME Mobility management entity 移动性管理实体 MMI Man machine interface 人机接口MNC Mobile network code 移动网络代码MOC Mobile originated call 移动主叫多方通话补充业务 MPTY Multiparty supplementaryserviceMS Mobile station 移动台MSC Mobile service switch center 移动交换台MSCM Mobile station class mark 移动台类别标志 MSCU Mobile station control unite 移动台控制单元 MSISDN Mobile station ISDN 移动台号码移动台漫游号码 MSRN Mobile station roamingnumberMT Mobile termination 移动终端MTBF Mean time between failure 平均无故障时间 MTC Mobile terminate call 移动被叫MTM Mobile to mobile 移动台到移动台的呼叫 MUMS Multiuser mobile station 多用户移动台NB Normal brust 正常突发脉冲NCC Network PLMN color code 网络代码NCELL Neighboring cell 当前小区的邻小区 NDUB Network determined user busy 由网络确定用户忙 NE Network element 网络单元NEF Network element function 网络单元功能NF Network function 网络功能与网络无关的定时 NIC Network independentclockingNM Network management 网络管理NMC Network management center 网络管理中心本国移动的标示号NMSI National mobile stationidentification numberNPI Number plan identifier 号码规划标示NSAP Network service access point 网络业务接入点NT No transparent 网络终端NTABB New type approval advisory 新类型批准部门NUA Network user access 网络用户接口NUI Network user identification 网络用户标识NUP National user part 本国用户标准O Optional 可选的OA Outgoing access 呼出接入O&M Operation & maintenance 操作和维护OACSU Off air call setup 不占用空中信道的呼叫建立运营商为实现不同的目的的可选部分 OD Optional for operators toimplement for their aim操作和维护中心OMC Operations and maintenancecenter操作和维护链路OML Operations and maintenancelink对BBS的操作和维护OMS-B Operations and maintenancesystem for the BBSOS Operation system 操作系统OSI Open system interconnection 开放系统互连模型OSI RM OSI reference model OSI参考模式专用自动交换机PABX Private automatic branchexchangePAD Packet assemble /disassembly 分组集结PCH Paging channel 寻呼信道PCM Pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制PD Protocol discriminator 协议鉴别器PDN Public data network 公用数据网PH Packet handle 分组处理PHI Packet handle interface 分组处理接口PI Presentation indicator 显示指示协议实现一致性申明PICS Protocol implementationconformance statementPIN Personal identification code 个人识别码用于测试的协议实现附加信息 PLXT Protocol implementation extrainformation for testingPLMN Public lands mobile network 公用陆地移动网络PP Performance management 性能管理PP Point to point 点到点对CCCS7的外围处理器 PPCC Peripheral processor for CCSS7PPLD Peripheral processor for LOAD 对LOAD的外围处理器 PREF CUG Preferential CUG 优先的CUG分组交换公用数据网 PSPDN Packet switched public datanetwork公用电话交换网PSTN Packet switched telephonenetworkPUCT Price per unit currency table 每单元价格表PUK PIN unblock key PIN解锁密码PW Pass word 密码QOS Quality of service 业务质量随机模式请求信息区域 RA Random mode requestinformation fieldRAB Random access brust 突发脉冲随机接入 RACH Random access channel 随机接入信道RAND Random number 随机数RBER Residual bit error ratio 剩余误比特率RDI Restricted digital information 限制的数值信息REC Recommendation 建议REJ Rejection 拒绝REL Release 释放REQ Request 请求RF Radio frequency 射频RFCH Radio frequency channel 无线频率信道缩减TDMA信道RFN Reduced TDMA framenumberRLP Radio link protocol 无线链路协议RLR Receiver loudness rating 接收音量比率RMS Root mean square 均量值跳频序列中的128个整数表 RNTABLE Table of 128 integer in thehopping sequence远程操做业务单元 ROSE Remote operation serviceelementRR Radio resource 无线资源RSE Radio system entity 无线系统实体RSL Radio signaling link 无线信令链路区域的预约区域标识 RSZI Regional subscription zoneidentityRTE Remote terminal emulator 远端终端模拟器RX Receiver signal level 接收信号强度 RXAMOD Received antenna module 接收天线模块RXMUCO Receiver multi coupler 接收多路耦合器 RXQUAL Received signal quality 接收信号质量S/W Software 软件置异步平衡模式SABM Set asynchronous balancedmode慢速随路控制信道 SACCH Slow associated controlchannel慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH4 SACCHG/4 Slow associated controlchannel/sdcch/4慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH8 SACCH/8 Slow associated controlchannel/sdcch/8慢速随路控制信道/业务信道 SACCH/T Slow associated controlchannel/traffic channel慢速随路控制信道/全速业务 SACCH/TF Slow associated controlchannel/traffic channel fullrate业务接入点SAP Slow associated controlchannel/traffic channel halfrateSAPI Service access point indicator 业务接入点指示SB Synchronization 同步突发脉冲SCService center 接入中心Service code 接入代码信令连接控制部分SCCP Signaling connection controlpartSCH Synchronization channel 同步信道独立专用信道SDCCH Standalone dedicated controlchannelSDL Specification description 说明与描述语言SDT SDL development tool SDL开发工具SDU Service data unit 业务数据单元SE Support entity 支持实体SEF Support entity functions 支持实体功能SFH Slow frequency hopping 慢速跳频SI Screening indication 屏蔽SIM Subscriber identity 用户标识SLR Send loudness rating 发送音量比率SLTM Signaling link test message 信令链路测试消息SMAP System management 系统管理应用程序SM Security management 安全管理SME Short message entity 短消息实体专用管理信息业务SMISE Special managementinformation service elementSMS Short message service 短消息业务短消息业务小区广播 SMSCB Short message service cellbroad castSMSSC Short message service center 短消息业务中心短消息业务/点到点 SMS/PP Short message service/pointto pointSMT Short message terminal 短消息终端SN Subscriber number 用户号码SNR Serial number 序列号SOA Suppress outgoing access 抑制呼出接入SP Service provider 业务提供商SPC Signaling point code 信令点代码 SRES Signed RESponse 鉴权响应数补充业务SS Supplementary service systemsimulator补充业务控制串 SSC Supplementary service controlstringSSN Subsystem NO 7 子系统号码SS7/SS#7 Signaling system NO 7 七号信令STP Signaling transfer 信令传输点SVN Software version 软件版本号SWM Software management 软件管理T Timer 时钟TA Time advance 时间提前量TAC Type approval 类型批准代码 TAF Terminal adaptation 终端适配功能 TBR Technical basis for regulation 规定的技术基础处理能力的应用部分 TCAP Transaction capabilitiesapplication partTCH Traffic channel 业务信道TCH/F A full rate tch 全速业务信道 TCH/F2.4 A full rate tch/2,4 k 全速业务信道(2.4k) TCH/F4.8 A full rate tch /4.8k 全速业务信道(4.8k) TCH/F9.6 A full rate tch/9.6k 全速业务信道(9.6k) TCH/FS A full rate speech ch 全速语音信道 TCH/HS A half rate tch 半速语音信道TCI Transeceiver control interface 收发信机控制接口技术委员会技术报告 TCTR Technical committeetechnical reportTDMA Time division multiple access 时分多址TE Terminal equipment 终端设备TEI Terminal endpoint identifier 终端点标识TFA Transfer allowed 允许传送TFP Transfer allowed 禁止窜送TI Transaction identifier 事物处理标识TLV Type length and value 类型长度和含义TM Test management 测试管理电信管理网TMN Telecommunicationmanagement network临时移动用户号码 TMSI Temporary mobile subscriberidentityTN Timeslot number 时隙号码型转换和速率适配单元 TRAU Trans coding and rateadaption unitTRX Transceiver 收发信机TS Time slot 时隙TSC Training sequence code 训练序列代码收发信机语音和数据接口 TSDI Transceiver speech &datainterfaceTUP Telephone user part 电话用户部分UDI Unrestricted digital information 无限制的数字信息 UDUB User determined user busy 由用户决定的用户忙UI Unmumbered information 无序信息UPCMI Uniform PCM interface 统一的PCM接口UPD Up to date 最新的未组织的补充业务数据 USSD Unstructured supplementaryservice data用户到用户的信令补充 UUS User to user signalingsupplementary serviceVAD Voice activity deteection 语音激活检测VAP Video tex access point 可视数据接入点VBS Voice broadcast service 语音广播业务VGCS Voice group call service 语音组呼叫业务VLR Visitor location register 拜访位置寄存器 VMSC Visited MSC 被访问的MSC VPLMN Visited PLMN 被接入的MSCVSC VideoTEX service center 可视数据业务中心 VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio 电压驻波比VSD Send state variable 发送状态变量世界无线电行政大会 WARC World adminstrative radioconferenceWPA Wrong password attempts 密码错误。

Eaton RFN LCR 开关系列产品简介说明书

Eaton RFN LCR 开关系列产品简介说明书

Eaton RFN LCR switch familyProduct brochureThe most advanced load control switches on the market Eaton’s RFN LCR switch family (LCR-6200, LCR-6600, LCR-6700) utilizes the radio frequency (RF) mesh network communications to combine the speed and reliability of Eaton RF Mesh Network capabilities with advanced load control functionality using robust group addressing andTrueCycle ® smart load control algorithms. A single message can be broadcast over the RF Mesh Network to control one or more LCR switches resulting in fast and efficient communications for targeted load control during a demand response event.Eaton’s LCR switches are the most advanced load control switches on the market—providing power quality protection for improved grid reliability and advancedload control functionality using robust group addressing and TrueCycle® smart load control algorithms to maximize demand reduction yield and automate measurement and verification data collection.Eaton’s RFN LCR switches have enhanced capabilities when combined with Eaton’s RF Mesh Network communications module. The RF Mesh Network communications module allows for a wide range of two-way data to be collected and broadcast commands to be disbursed to quickly initiate a control event. It also offers flexibility to build out a mesh network starting with the utility’s most critical devices.The LCR-6200RFN switch is designed specifically for quick and clean installon HVAC systems. The solution is also used to control strip heat.The single 5 amp relay is used to cycle the HVAC control circuit to reducethe AC demand while maintaining customer comfort.The LCR-6600RFNswitch is designedfor versatility.It can be delivered withmultiple 5 amp and 30 amprelays so that it can controlmultiple loads with a singleLCR switch. Each relay canbe addressed and controlledindividually, or they can beoperated simultaneously ifthe application requires.The LCR-6700RFNswitch is designedfor easy retrofitinto select legacyload managementswitches.It can be ordered withrelay configurations thatmatch the legacy switchit is replacing. It allowsthe investment in theinstall wiring to bemaintained, while makingthe hardware upgradequick and error-proof.2Installation andcontrol flexibility• The LCR switches were designed incollaboration with installation contractorsto minimize implementation costsand time• The LCR-6200 switch utilizes a small boxfootprint supporting a single 5A relay forHVAC only applications• The LCR-6700 and LCR-6600 switchesallow for up to 3 loads to be controlledfrom a single unit• The LCR-6700 switch control board iscapable of retrofitting into legacy 3rd partyenclosures for an easy upgrade path• LCR-6600 277/480VAC and 24VAC inputvoltages for custom applications. TheLCR-6600 277/480VAC is commonlyutilized for Irrigation Control applicationsOptimize participation• Optimized air conditioner cycling withsmart control and learning capabilities.Maximize demand reduction whilemaintaining customer comfortReliable network• RF Mesh Network can be installed as anindependent demand response systemwithout (or prior to) installation of anAMI metering system• Expands and strengthens existing RFmesh AMI infrastructure• Eaton RF Mesh Network offers broadcastcommunications for rapid, on-demand,system-wide control for demandresponse eventsImproved operations• Daily automated or on-demand datacollection provides vital appliance runtimeand event information for performingmeasurement and verification (M&V)studies• Automatic daily operability testing in theform of the daily Broadcast VerificationReport• Remote/local programmability• Over-the-air universal firmware upgradesupport• Power quality protection through supportof Cold Load Pickup and Voltage andFrequency ResponseYukon™ advanced demandresponse management• Utilizes the well-established Yukon™demand response and inventorymanagement modules• The reporting capabilities of Yukon allowa user to compile response data from aspecified group of switches into valuableinformation• Asset Availability Report and LoadEstimation Module provide insight intothe amount of load reduction a utilitycan expect from the system as they gothrough resource planningSmart cyclingEaton’s proprietary TrueCycle technologyallows smart air conditioner cycling controlfor homes with non-standard or oversizedair conditioning units maximizing yield whilemaintaining customer comfort.TrueCycle technology adjusts to the home’shourly runtime profile, balancing demandreduction and customer comfort on ahome-by-home, hour-by-hour basis.RF Mesh NetworkcommunicationsThe speed and reliability of Eaton’sRF Mesh Network allows for two-waycommunications and a large amount ofdata collection from every device.Each LCR switch acts as an independentdevice in the mesh network and can bedeployed with or without AMI meters. ALCR switch will pass network traffic throughand act as an additional path for other meshnetwork nodes to utilize and strengthenthe mesh. The broadcast capability of themesh network allows for rapid, on-demand,system-wide control for targeted loadcontrol events and emergency situations.Eaton’s RF Mesh Network solution is100% self-forming, self-managing, andself-healing, providing lower implementationand maintenance costs, resulting in alower total cost of ownership. Broadcastavailability report provides the utility withpeace of mind that the system will operatewhen it dispatches a demand responseevent. The report also helps utilitiesminimize their maintenance costs bytargeting LCR switches specifically inneed of maintenance. Advanced feature setThe RFN LCR switches with RF Mesh Network communications offers:3EATON RFN LCR switch family brochure30A at 240 VAC resistive, Form BPower quality protectionEaton’s RFN LCR switches can automatically shed the connected load if the supply frequency or voltage drops below configurable thresholds.Cold load pickup can be enabled or disabled for the connected load to minimize feeder in-rush following power outages.System and appliance protection The condition of the device is continually monitored. If an abnormality is detected, the microprocessor resets itself and the connected load is returned to its normal state.LED indicatorsIn the viewing window, green and yellow LEDs display diagnostics information. Red LEDs indicate the load is under control or a possible circuit fault. A blue LED indicator is also visible through the top of the LCR switch to show the RFN status. A solid light indicates an active connection to the RF Mesh Network.LocalcommunicationsA user can locally access a device to check the operating status, or troubleshoot using Eaton Network Scout™ application.Network Scout is a field tool designed to help the tech investigate the RFN mesh communication system.Remote addition or removal of customer participants Commands to enable or disable the device functions can be sent to individual devices. Deactivation can be sent with either a ‘temporary’ or ‘permanent’ setting. This feature improves customer service by reducing customer complaints and minimizing on-site service calls.Measurement and verificationThe data log of the RFN LCR switches can collect hourly appliance runtime and relayshed time. This information read automatically or on-demand over-the-air.Over-the-airconfiguration and firmware upgradesOver-the-air (OTA) programming or addressing, plus individual control or control override communication can update securely. Devices can be configured individually, in dedicated groups, or globally. OTA firmware upgrades are also supported for the RFN LCR switches.For more informations, visit/smartgridFollow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States EatonElectrical Automation Solutions Division 3033 Campus Drive, Suite 350N Minneapolis, MN 55441United States/SmartGrid© 2018 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. BR911001EN / GG April 2018。

with contributions from

with contributions from

Integrating Static Checking and Interactive Verification: Supporting Multiple Theories and Provers in VerificationJoseph R.KinirySystems Research GroupSchool of Computer Science and InformaticsUCD DublinBelfield,Dublin4,IrelandPatrice ChalinDependable Software Research GroupDepartment of Computer Science and Software EngineeringConcordia UniversityMontreal,Quebec,H3G1M8,CanadaCl´e ment HurlinUniversit´e Henri Poincar´e,Nancy1BP60120,Nancy Cedex,Francewith contributions fromCees-Bart Breunesse,Julien Charles,David Cok,Bart Jacobs,Erik Poll,Silvio Ranise,Aleksy Schubert,and Cesare TinelliAbstractAutomatic verification by means of extended static checking(ESC)has seen some success in industry and academia due to its lightweight and easy-to-use nature.Un-fortunately,ESC comes at a cost:a host of logical and prac-tical completeness and soundness issues.Interactive veri-fication technology,on the other hand,is usually complete and sound,but requires a large amount of mathematical and practical expertise.Most programmers can be expected to use automatic,but not interactive,verification.The focus of this proposal is to integrate these two approaches into a single theoretical and practical framework,leveraging the benefits of each approach.1.IntroductionEndemic in society today are problems related to the lack of software quality which,as a result,is costing gov-ernments,businesses,and nations billions of dollars annu-ally[16].Correctness and security issues are also directly related to some of the most important concerns of the day such as those of national security and technology-based vot-ing.Additionally,driven by governmental regulations and market demands,businesses are now slowly beginning to assume liability for the faults exhibited by the software sys-tems they offer to their customers.This is particularly true in safety and security critical domains.While a variety of software engineering practices have been developed to help increase software quality(e.g.,test-ing practices,system design,modern processes,robust op-erating systems and programming languages),it is widely acknowledged that a promising way to achieve highly reli-able software in critical domains is to couple these practices with applied formal techniques supported by powerful mod-ern tools and technologies like those discussed in this paper.1.1.Program VerificationApplied formal methods has turned a corner over the past few years.Various groups in the semantics,specification, and verification communities now have sufficiently devel-oped mathematical and tool infrastructures that automatic and interactive verification of software components that arewritten in modern programming languages like Java has become a reality.Automatic verification by means of Ex-tended Static Checking(ESC)has seen some success in in-dustry and academia due to its lightweight and easy-to-use nature.Unfortunately,ESC comes at a cost:a host of logi-cal and practical completeness and soundness issues.Inter-active verification technology,on the other hand,is usually complete and sound,but requires a large amount of math-ematical and practical expertise.Typical programmers can be expected to use automatic,but not interactive,verifica-tion.In this paper we discuss work which is being undertaken to:•integrate the ESC and interactive verification ap-proaches into a single theoretical framework,thus cre-ating a unified semantic foundation,and•directly realize this theoretical framework in a modern software development environment(IDE)as an Open Source initiative.Specifically,our current work is focused on the integra-tion of the verification technologies behind two successful tools,namely ESC/Java2[12]and the LOOP program ver-ifier[11](both will be described shortly).The proposed integrated environment will perform as much automated verification as possible,falling back on interactive verifica-tion only when necessary.Additionally,in those situations where developers wish to delay the completion of the inter-active proofs,the tool will insert run-time assertion check-ing code.2.Two Key Java Verification ToolsNext,we discuss two complementary verification tools for Java upon which we base this work.These two tools are complementary because one is an automatic checker and the other is an interactive one.2.1.Extended Static Checking:ESC/Java2One of the most successful automatic verification tools for Java has been ESC/Java,an extended static checker orig-inally developed at DEC SRC[6].The next-generation release,called“ESC/Java2”,is now available as an Open Source project that is supported by academic and industrial researchers[12].David Cok and thefirst author are the ESC/Java2project administrators and have been the main contributors(until recently).ESC/Java2is currently used as a research foundation by over a half dozen research groups and as an instructional tool in nearly two dozen software-centric courses around the world.ESC/Java2reasons about Java programs that are spec-ified with annotations written in the Java Modeling Lan-guage(JML)[2,13].ESC/Java2automatically converts JML-annotated Java code into verification conditions that are automatically discharged by an embedded theorem prover—currently,Simplify[5].Problems in the specifi-cations,programs,or the checking itself are indicated to the user by means of error messages.As ESC/Java2’s perfor-mance and mode of interaction are comparable to an or-dinary compiler,it is quite usable by industry developers as well as computer science and software engineering stu-dents.2.2.Interactive Verification:The LOOP ToolThe LOOP tool,developed by the SoS Group at Radboud University Nijmegen under the supervision of Prof.Bart Jacobs,is an interactive verification tool for JavaCard[3]. The LOOP tool is one of the most complete verifiers with respect to the subset of Java that it covers.LOOP com-piles JML-annotated Java programs into proof obligations expressed as theories for the PVS theorem prover.By mak-ing use of PVS to interactively discharge the proof obliga-tions,one is able to prove a program correct with respect to its JML specification.The base Java/JML semantics of the LOOP tool essen-tially consists of a parameterized theory.The theory pa-rameters are for the(sub-)theory to be used to reason about integral types.Early in the LOOP Project,Java’s integral types were modeled by the mathematical ter, support was added for bounded integers(with the familiar modulo arithmetic)and a bitvector representation(which facilitates reasoning about bit-wise operations—something that is common in JavaCard applications).When reasoning about Java programs,one has a choice of program logics in-cluding Hoare logics and two weakest precondition calculi. Recently,Breunesse has merged these into a single,unified theory in which different representations can be used simul-taneously[1].As these two tools represent some of the best-of-breed of applied formal methods in the Java domain,integrating their foundations and approaches has merit.To accomplish this goal,there are several theoretical and practical challenges to be faced.3.Integration:Observations and Challenges There is no single canonical semantics of Java.The canonical informal semantics for Java is embodied in the Java Language Specification[8].Various groups have for-malized portions of this text and built complementary tools, e.g.,the•Everest Group at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,•SoS Group at the Radboud University Nijmegen,•Logical Group at INRIA Futurs/Universit´e Paris-Sud,•SAnToS Laboratory at Kansas State University,•KeY group,composed of researchers from the Chalmers University of Technology,the University of Koblenz,and the University of Karlsruhe,•Software Component Technology Group at ETH Z¨u rich,and•now disbanded Extended Static Checking Group at Hewlett-Packard/Compaq/Digital Systems Research Center.In all of these cases the formalizations are incomplete,ei-ther in scope or in accuracy.Also,very little is understood about how the various semantics relate to each other. There is no single,core,canonical semantics of JML. While there are several partial informal and formal seman-tics for JML,there is no single,core semantics.Further-more,the informal semantics of JML is much more tran-sient and imprecise than that of Java,so the problems men-tioned above for Java are compounded for JML.This state of affairs leads to subtle inconsistencies between the inter-pretation of specifications by the tools that support JML. Because of this inconsistency,relating the semantics to each other is extremely difficult.Additionally,explaining,ex-tending,and reasoning about these artifacts(e.g.,the calculi of ESC/Java2)is very difficult.Little work has been done on meta-logical reason-ing about object logics.By meta-logical reasoning we mean reasoning about,rather than within,the semantics of program and specification languages.Formal meta-mathematical proofs are rare.It is not known,for example, if ESC/Java2’s object logic is sound.This is a critical issue.4.An Integrated Verification EnvironmentIn collaboration with others,our research groups have begun work on an integrated verification environment(IVE) and its necessary theoretical foundations.In doing so we have started to address the problems identified in the previ-ous section.We are(concurrently)working on the achievement of the following initial milestones:•elaboration of a semantics for a“core”JML,•extracting,analysing,and extending ESC/Java2’s logic and calculi,and•redesigning ESC/Java2’s proof infrastructure as well as backend interfaces and adaptors with the main ob-jective of allowing it to support new provers.4.1.Semantics for JMLSemantics have been developed for JML within differ-ent logics,nearly all of which have been embedded in the various tools developed by the groups enumerated in Sec-tion3.A few of these tools are publicly available,but most were never used outside the group that originally developed them.To resolve ambiguities,disagreements,and lack of de-tailed formal documentation within the JML community,a single,open semantics of a“core”of JML(recently named JML Level1)needs to be written.Chalin and Kiniry are currently outlining a proposed core and have begun formal-izing its definition.The outcome of this effort is also a ma-jor goal of the MOBIUS project[14].This semantics will be written in a well-understood for-malism,e.g.,within a modern extension to Hoare logic,a denotational semantics,and/or in an operational semantics. In our initial work we have decided to express our base, canonical semantics in PVS and Isabelle.Realizing the ob-ject logic within higher-order provers will help us charac-terize and compare semantics.It is expected that multiple formalizations of the object logic will be created due to practical and theoretical rea-sons.E.g.,most research groups have developed expertise in only one prover,and furthermore,the community can benefit from experimentation with the varying capabilities of each of these provers.4.2.Evolving ESC/Java2’s Logic and CalculiAs inherited from its predecessor,SRC’s ESC/Java, ESC/Java2makes use of an unsorted object logic and two calculi(a weakest precondition calculus and a strongest postcondition calculus).The unsorted object logic con-sists of approximately80axioms written in the language understood(only)by the Simplify prover.These axioms are highly tuned to the quirks and capabilities of Simplify. Initial logical extensions in ESC/Java2saw the logic aug-mented with approximately another20axioms.A transcription of this Simplify-based unsorted object logic has been written in PVS.We refer to this formaliza-tion of the logic as EJ0.Two other logics,EJ1and EJ2, have also been written;EJ1is merely a sorted version of EJ0whereas EJ2,also a sorted logic,was written from scratch with the purpose of better representing the abstrac-tions needed by ESC/Java2to reason about JML annotatedJava programs.Soundness proofs as well as results on the (semi-)equivalence of the EJ i logics are underway.We will also be“extracting”the weakest precondition and a strongest postcondition calculi of ESC/Java2,as well as at least one of the weakest precondition calculi used with the LOOP verification system.This will most likely be done in a higher-order logic or a term rewriting framework. The rewriting speed of special purpose environments like Maude[4]may be of benefit as the tool and verification ef-forts scale to larger problems.4.3.Supporting Multiple ProversAs we progress in our work on the definition and proofs of soundness and completeness of the EJ i logics,we are also progressing in our work on extending and adapting ESC/Java2to support multiple provers.By developing a generic prover interface along with suitable adaptors, we plan on experimenting with next-generationfirst-order provers,and a few higher-order provers.We anticipate the possibility of supporting the use of multiple provers,simultaneously or independently.Which prover to use might be determined automatically by ESC/Java2based on the context of the verification and the capabilities of the provers.For example,while Simplify is a very fast predicate solver,it does not support a complete or sound(fragment of)arithmetic,thus in verification con-texts where arithmetic is used,the tool should automatically avoid using Simplify.We have chosen Sammy and haRVey as the initial provers for experimentation[7,15].This choice was made due to our research relationship with the authors of these two tools as well as the authors’high-profile position within the SMT-LIB community[17].As a necessary precursor to being able to support mul-tiple provers,we are required to translate our object logic, whose current canonical representation is in PVS,into an appropriate formalism understood by each of the provers. Encoding of the ESC/Java2object logic for these provers is being accomplished primarily by their respective research teams.We will also be experimenting with the use of higher-order provers as backends for ESC/Java2.Our initially tar-geted provers are PVS,Isabelle,and Coq.Aside from the authors,Julien Charles at INRIA is working on a Coq real-ization of the object logic and Cesare Tinelli is contributing to the PVS realization.5.ConclusionOne of the advantages of our project is that we have a working toolset today that supports Java and JML.These tools are actively being used by researchers and a few in-dustry practitioners.Our goal is to help evolve these tools into their next-generation counterparts and,all the while, make sure that we take our own medicine.Thus,for exam-ple,writing JML specifications for the Java modules of our toolsets has been and is routinely done.We are also apply-ing our tools to themselves,thus providing non-trivial case studies demonstrating the practical utility of the tools.ESC/Java2and LOOP have been applied to other case studies in the areas of Internet voting[10],JavaCard appli-cations[9],and web-based enterprise applications,for ex-ample.Some of these case studies are already part of our GForge[18].We will be routinely re-executing these case studies as the tools evolve so as to validate the tools and ensure that their effectiveness is,in fact,improving.6.AcknowledgmentsThis proposal is based upon the work of many people. Our collaborators are gratefully acknowledged on thefirst page as well as in the various sections of the proposal.We thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments. This work is being supported by the Ireland Canada Uni-versity Foundation as well by the European Project Mobius within the frame of IST6th Framework and national grants from the Science Foundation Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. This paper reflects only the authors’views and the Com-munity is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.References[1] C.-B.Breunesse.On JML:Topics in Tool-assisted Verifi-cation of Java Programs.PhD thesis,Radboud University Nijmegen,2005.In preparation.[2]L.Burdy,Y.Cheon,D.Cok,M.Ernst,J.Kiniry,G.T.Leav-ens,K.M.Leino,and E.Poll.An overview of JML tools and applications.Feb.2005.[3]Z.Chen.Java Card Technology for Smart Cards:Architec-ture and Programmer’s Guide.2000.[4]M.Clavel,F.Dur´a n,S.Eker,J.Meseguer,and M.-O.Stehr.Maude as a formal meta-tool.In Proceedings of the World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development of Com-puting Systems,1999.[5] D.Detlefs,G.Nelson,and J.B.Saxe.Simplify:a theoremprover for program checking.J.ACM,52(3):365–473,2005.[6] C.Flanagan,K.R.M.Leino,M.Lillibridge,G.Nelson,J.B.Saxe,and R.Stata.Extended static checking for Java.In ACM SIGPLAN2002Conference on Programming Lan-guage Design and Implementation(PLDI’2002),pages234–245,2002.[7]H.Ganzinger,G.Hagen,R.Nieuwenhuis,A.Oliveras,andC.Tinelli.DPLL(T):Fast decision procedures.In R.Alurand D.Peled,editors,Proceedings of the16th Interna-tional Conference on Computer Aided Verification,CAV’04(Boston,Massachusetts),volume3114of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,pages175–188.Springer,2004.[8]J.Gosling,B.Joy,and G.Steele.The Java Language Spec-ification.first edition,Aug.1996.[9] B.Jacobs.JavaCard program verification.In R.Boultonand P.Jackson,editors,Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics TPHOL2001,volume2151,pages1–3,2001.[10] B.Jacobs.Counting votes with formal methods.InC.Rattray,S.Majaraj,and C.Shankland,editors,AlgebraicMethodology and Software Technology,volume3116,pages 241–257,2004.[11] B.Jacobs and E.Poll.Java program verification at Ni-jmegen:Developments and perspective.In International Symposium on Software Security(ISSS’2003),volume3233, pages134–153,Nov.2004.[12]J.R.Kiniry and D.R.Cok.ESC/Java2:UnitingESC/Java and JML:Progress and issues in building and us-ing ESC/Java2and a report on a case study involving the use of ESC/Java2to verify portions of an Internet voting tally system.In Construction and Analysis of Safe,Secure and Interoperable Smart Devices:International Workshop, CASSIS2004,volume3362,Jan.2005.[13]G.T.Leavens,E.Poll,C.Clifton,Y.Cheon,C.Ruby,D.Cok,and J.Kiniry.JML Reference Manual.Departmentof Computer Science,Iowa State University,226Atanasoff Hall,draft revision1.94edition,2004.[14]The MOBIUS project.[15]S.Ranise and D.Deharbe.Light-weight theorem provingfor debugging and verifying units of code.In International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods SEFM2003,Canberra,Australia,Sept.2003.[16]RTI:Health,Social,and Economics Research,Research Tri-angle Park,NC.The economic impacts of inadequate in-frastructure for software testing.Technical Report Planning Report02-3,NIST,May2002.[17]SMT-LIB:The satisfiability modulo theories library.http:///smtlib/.[18]The Systems Research Group GForge.。



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FCC Part 15 FCC Part 15 简介简介简介在 FCC Part15 相关条款中,制造厂商或进口销售商可因应不同的装置或产品类别,选择以 Verification 自我确认 、 DoC 符合性声明 或 Certification FCC ID 认证 其中之一种的 FCC 认可方式。

FCC Part15的认可方式 1. Verification 自我确认认可简介认可简介:: 在恰当维护和操作的情形下及没有非经授权的修改条件下。

制造厂商或进口商可从相关的测试方式确保其装置或产品能符合FCC 的要求。

除FCC 有特殊要求外,制造厂商不需提供相关的样品或检测数据给FCC 以证明其符合性。

认可方法认可方法:: 将相关装置或产品送交认可的ETS 实验室进行相关测试,连同有关的查验程序及相关资?完成一份符合FCC 要求的自我确认报告。


(美国境内的销售商或进口商应保留相关的检测纪录,以备 FCC 要求提交审核。

)所须资料所须资料:: 1. ETS(HK)申请表2. 相关装置或产品的安装和使用手册的副本3. 相关装置或产品的电气工作原理及功能描述、电路图、PCB 布线图、PCB零件分布描述,及物料清单 (BOM)4. 相关装置或产品的原理方框图(工作振荡器所使用的频率)5. 产品标签及相关声明的图样规格及位置图6. 其它产品特点说明 (如产品有其它接驳或附件,需加以说明)2. DoC (Declaration of Conformity) 符合性声明认可简介认可简介:: 责任申请方从相关的测试方式确保其装置或产品能符合FCC 的要求。

除非FCC 有特殊要求,否则责任申请方不需提供相关的样品或检测数据给FCC以证明其符合性。

认可方法认可方法:: 将相关装置或产品送交ETS (FCC 指定的认可检测机构)进行检测,连同有关的查验程序及相关资?完成一份符合FCC 要求的检测报告。



算术逻辑单元 模拟用户线单元 调幅 管理模块 隔位标志翻转 接入网 美国国家标准学会 美国国家标准协会 全光网络指信号仅在进出网络时才进行电/光和光/电的变 All Optical Network 换,而在网络中传输和交换的过程中始终以光的形式存在。 Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换 Access and Remote Control 接入和遥控 Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制 American standard code for information interchange 美国信息交换标准码 Application-Specific Integrated Circuits 专用集成电路 Advanced Technology Attachment 高级技术附加装置 pulse code 脉冲码 Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步传输模式 异步转移模式。将话音、图像、数据、视频等多种业务数字 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 化后转换成长度相同的分组(信元),包括信息域和元头, 根据元头的信息进行传送。 Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式 Administration Unit 管理单元 AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整 Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号 Administration Unit Group 管理单元组 Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失 AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整 Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针 audio visual 声视,视听 Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置 American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格 Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器 Building Automation & Control net 建筑物自动化和控制网络



VerificationIntroductionVerification is the process of confirming the accuracy and validity of a system or component. It involves checking if a system or component meets the specified requirements and performs as intended. In software development, verification aims to ensure that the software meets the desired quality standards and satisfies the functionality specified in the requirements.The Importance of VerificationVerification is a critical step in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It helps to identify bugs, errors, and inconsistencies early in the development process. By verifying the software, developers can catch and fix issues before they become major problems. This saves time, effort, and resources that would otherwise be wasted on detecting and fixing errors later in the development cycle or during actual usage.Types of VerificationThere are several types of verification methods used in software development. These methods include:1. Code ReviewsCode reviews involve having other developers examine the source code to identify potential issues, bugs, or vulnerabilities. This helps to ensure that the code is of high quality, follows best practices, and is maintainable.2. Unit TestingUnit testing involves writing and executing tests on individual units of code, such as functions or methods. It verifies if the units meet the specified requirements and behave as expected. Unit testing can be automated, making it easier to run tests repeatedly during development.3. Integration TestingIntegration testing ensures that individual units of code work together correctly when combined. It verifies if the interactions between different code modules are functioning as intended. Integration testing identifies interface issues and helps to ensure the correct integration of components.4. System TestingSystem testing involves testing the entire system as a whole. It verifies if the system meets the requirements and behaves as expected in different scenarios. System testing is typically performed in an environment that closely resembles the production environment.5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)User acceptance testing involves testing the software from the end-user’s perspective. It verifies if the software meets the user’s needs and expectatio ns. UAT is usually conducted by actual end-users or representatives who simulate real-life scenarios to validate the software’s usability.Verification ProcessThe verification process typically follows these steps:1.Planning: Define the verification objectives, including the specificverification methods to be used, and create a verification plan.2.Preparation: Identify the necessary resources, such as testenvironments, test data, and testing tools. Prepare the test cases, test scripts, or test scenarios to be used during the verification process.3.Execution: Execute the verification activities according to theverification plan. This may involve conducting code reviews, running unit tests, performing integration tests, system testing, and user acceptance testing.4.Analysis: Analyze the results obtained from the verification activities.Identify and document any deviations, defects, or discrepancies.5.Resolution: Address and resolve the identified issues. This mayinvolve fixing bugs, modifying code, or enhancing the software to meet thedesired quality standards.6.Reporting: Document the verification process, including the results,findings, and any actions taken. This helps in maintaining a record for future reference.Challenges in VerificationAlthough verification is essential, it can present some challenges:1. Time and Resource ConstraintsVerification requires time and resources. It can be challenging to allocate sufficient time and resources for the different verification activities, especially when facing tight deadlines or limited budgets.2. Requirement ChangesRequirements can change during the development process. These changes can impact the verification process, making it necessary to reassess and update the verification plan and test cases.3. ComplexitySome systems or components may be complex, making verification a challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the system architecture, dependencies, and interactions to design effective verification strategies.4. Lack of Proper Tools and InfrastructureThe availability of suitable tools and infrastructure is essential for efficient verification. Lack of proper tools and infrastructure can hinder the verification process and make it more time-consuming.ConclusionVerification is a crucial step in software development to ensure that the software meets the desired quality standards and performs as expected. It involves various methods, such as code reviews, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing. By following a systematic verification process, developers can identify and resolve issues early, saving time and resources. Despite the challenges involved, proper planning, preparation, and execution of verification activities can greatly enhance the quality and reliability of software products.。



Full Name
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Advanced Audio Coding ATM Adaptation Layer type 1 Authentication Algorithm Number Activity-Based Buggeting Activity-Based Costing Activity-Base Management Available Bit Rate Alternating Current Audio Coder-3 Accept Anisotropic Conductive Film Advanced Configuration & Power Interface AT Command Interpreter Acknowledgement SMS Access Control List Add, Compare, Select Agency Dept. Automatic data capture Absolute Dimension Measurement Administration Function at the LIAN Audio Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Adaptive Dynamic Threshold Additional Elementary Functions Association for Electric Home Appliances Advance Encryption standard Alternative Frequency List Audio Frequency Control Annual Failure Rate Access Gateway Audio Gateway Anti-Glare Advanced Global Alignment Accelerated Graphics Port、Advanced Graphics Port Assisted Global Positioning System Auto Insertion Acquisition Indicatior Acquisition Indication Channel Article Inspection report Article Inspection report ATM Line Interface Module subrack alternate lighting of surfaces Accelerated Life Test General Administration Dept.

Harvard Reference

Harvard Reference

2nd Edition: Updated December 2007University of WollongongAuthor-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide2008This guide was jointly produced by staff in the University Library, Learning Development and CEDIRThe style has been adapted from the publicationStyle Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers 2002 (6th edition)About this GuideAccurate referencing is critical to quality academic writing and avoidance of plagiarism. To assist students to develop this important skill, the need for a nominated style – in the absence of an established discipline-specific style – was identified by the University's Academic Senate: That Academic Senate approve the proposal that the University adopt the HarvardReferencing System as the default referencing system to be used in the absence ofdocumented Faculty/Discipline preferred referencing techniques, to be effective from2004Academic Senate 2003, Resolution 111/03, Minutes from 19/11/2003, UOW, WollongongAs the Harvard Referencing System has many variations, the Library, Learning Development and CEDIR have collaborated to produce the UOW Author-Date (Harvard) Referencing Guide.The Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (2002) was used as the basis for tailoring the Guide. Other reputable sources were consulted for consistency, particularly when dealing with resource types not addressed in the Style Manual. Reference entries for additional resource types were developed based upon those included in the Style Manual. It is still not possible to include all variations, particularly as new resources are constantly emerging.At times you will still need to adapt the existing reference type examples to create an appropriate equivalent.Feedback on the guide may be sent to Use this Guide•Remember, the keys to good referencing are1. Accuracy2. Consistency – make sure you apply the same principles and conventions through the entiredocument3. Verification – make sure there is enough information to help your reader locate the resourceIf the examples provided do not exactly match the elements of the resource youwish to reference:•Look carefully at a similar reference type and use the Format of keyelements, together with the examples provided, to construct entries in-text and within the reference list•If some of the key elements cannot be found, include as much detail asyou can•Always check with your lecturer or tutor for clarification, as the accuracy of your referencing is part of the assessment of your work•Refer to the Glossary for definitions of resource types, terms used and standard abbreviations AcknowledgementsStyle Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers 2002, 6th edn, John Wiley, Queensland.Learning Connection 2006, Referencing Using the Harvard Author-Date System, University of South Australia, accessed 23/6/2006,.au/learningconnection/student/learningAdvisors/documents/harvard-referencing.pdf2nd Edition: Updated December 2007AReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listABS/AustralianBureau of StatisticsSee Statistics PublicationAdvertisement See Ephemera: AdvertisementAnnual Report See ReportArchival Material Note: Archival material needs to be referenced in accordance with National Archives of Australia guidelines. Please see UOW Archives' Citing Archival Material .au/archives/guides/citearch.htmlMcCaffrey’s thoughts suggest … (NWUA: McCaffrey; D92/5, Notebooks). Wollongong University Archives: Francis McCaffrey; D92, Francis McCaffrey Collection, 1865-1932; D92/5, Notebooks.Artwork Format of key elementsArtist’s family name, Initial(s) year of production, Title of Artwork, material, held at location of gallery, museum, etc.Painting Lysistrata 1 (Boyd 1971) illustrates a key image of … Boyd, A 1971, Lysistrata 1, painting, held at Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.Photograph(Online)The presentation of Pompeii by Levin (1995) is aclassic …Levin, A 1995, Levin-1, photograph, Pompeii Forum Project ArchivalProjects: General Views, accessed 9/1/2007,/pompeii/images/b-w/levin/small/levin-1.gifPhotograph (Unpublished)The photo of the protea … (Smith 2006). Smith, G 2006, ‘Flowers in our garden 4’, photograph, in possession of theauthor, Shellharbour, NSW.When a work is unpublished, the title is placed in quotation marks and notitalicised. See Image In Another Source for a photograph appearing withinanother source.Sculpture The Lawrence Hargrave Memorial (Flugelman 1988) demonstrates … Flugelman, B 1988, Lawrence Hargrave Memorial, sculpture, held at Mt Keira escarpment, base of the walk to the Summit Track, Keiraville, NSW.Audiovisual Work Format of key elementsTitle year of production/broadcast, format, Publisher, Place of Recording, day and month of broadcast.Notes:•Only include the day and month of broadcast when applicable•This list of audiovisual works is not exhaustive. Use this reference format as a guide to help reference other audiovisual worksFilm The film, An Inconvenient Truth (2006), suggestsa … An Inconvenient Truth 2006, film, Paramount Classics and Participant Productions.Radio Program The plight of indigenous communities was talkedof … (Blackchat with Paulette Whitton 2006). Blackchat with Paulette Whitton 2006, radio program, Koori Radio, Strawberry Hills, NSW, 12 October.Television Program Several problems related to media control werepresented … (Lateline 2006). Lateline 2006, television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney, 20 September.Video Director, Pellizzari, frames the narrative from …(Rabbit on the Moon 1987).Rabbit on the Moon 1987, videorecording, Australian Film and Television.Video (DVD)Discipline involves … (Positive Discipline 2006). Positive Discipline: A Creative Alternative for Parents and Teachers 2006,DVD, Meridian Education Corporation, Bloomington, Illinois.Video (Online)See Website: Web VideoBReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listBlog SeeWebsite: Weblog4 of 29Book Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title of Book, Publisher, Place of Publication.ORAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title of Book, Series Title, description of work, edition, Editor (ed.) or other contributor,Publisher, Place of Publication.Note: The second version above expands on the first to include elements less commonly found. Include the following elementsonly if applicable:• Series Title•description of work - such as catalogue number or organisation for which a work is prepared•edition - only include for an edition other than the first edition•Editor (ed.) or other contributor - may include compiler (comp.), reviser (rev.), translator (trans.) or illustrator (ill.)1 Author Levy (2007) illustrates these issues … Levy, J 2007, Racing through History: Stock Cars then to Now, Children’sPress, New York.2 or3 Authors This view is noted by Sulsky and Smith (2005,p43) …OR… is one of the causes of stress (Sulsky & Smith2005, p43). Sulsky, L & Smith, C 2005, Work Stress, Thomson/Wadsworth, Belmont, California.When an in-text reference forms part of asentence, use the word and to link authors'names. Use an ampersand (&) when the in-textreference is inside brackets.Always use an ampersand (&) for multiple authors in the reference list.McCrum, Cran and MacNeil (1986) note that … McCrum, R, Cran, W & MacNeil, R 1986, The Story of English, Faber &Faber, London.More than 3 Authors Based on this premise, the study (Malinowski etal. 1999, p106)supports …Malinowski, W, Larsen, AA, Ngu, B & Fairweather, S 1999, Human Geography, Routledge, New York.No Author A History of Reclamation in the West (2000) is an interesting work that provides ... A History of Reclamation in the West 2000, History Program, Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, Utah.No Date Aguilar (n.d.) creates a character who … Aguilar, G n.d., Home Influence, James Nisbet, London.E-book Library Catalogue The electronic age has demanded changes inleadership (Cohan 2002, p6) where once …Cohan, PS 2002, E-leaders, Capstone Publishing, Oxford, UK, accessed31/8/2006, University of Wollongong Library.5 of 29E-book Database Rubin’s (2001) comprehensive coverage of thelatest animated and other videos …Rubin, M 2001, The Little Digital Video Book, Peachpit Press, Berkeley,California, accessed 17/11/2006, Safari Books Online database.E-book Online Totten’s (1836) text about algebra led the way fora ...Totten, S 1836, A New Introduction to the Science of Algebra: Designed forStudents in Colleges, and the Higher Schools and Academies, FJHuntington, Hartford, accessed 17/11/2006,/books?vid=OCLC05752750&id=Rn8AAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&dq=science&as_brr=1The trend towards digitising classic literature canbe seen in the release of … (Dickens 1997).Dickens, C 1997, The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bleak House, accessed12/1/2007 /dirs/etext97/blkhs12h.htm2nd or Later Edition A program should reflect in its design a logicalpathway ... (Farrell 2007). Farrell, J 2007, Programming Logic and Design: Comprehensive, 4th edn, Thomson Course Technology, Boston, Massachusetts.Edited, Revised or Compiled, NoAuthor Cinema during the Great War was anothermedium for propaganda … (Wexman 2006).Wexman, VW (ed.) 2006, A History of Film, 6th edn, Pearson/A & B, Boston.Edited, Revised or Compiled, WithAuthor The tragic flaw of the main protagonist inCoriolanus (Shakespeare 1976) …Shakespeare, W 1976, Coriolanus, The Arden Shakespeare, PhilipBrockbank (ed.), Methuen, London.Include the publication date of the edition used. The Arden Shakespeare isthe Series title.Edited, More Than 3 Editors The editors Horngren et al. (1996) claim politicalprofessional ethics …Horngren, CT, Foster, G, Datar, SM, Black, T & Gray, P (eds) 1996, CostAccounting in Australia: A Managerial Emphasis, Prentice Hall, Sydney.In a Language OtherThan English Sand (1932) describes ... Sand, G 1932, Histoire de ma Vie (History of my Life), Calmann-Levy, Paris.ORSand, G 1932, History of my Life (in French), Calmann-Levy, Paris.In a Language OtherThan English, Personal Translation Dante (1975, p5) began his poem with “Nelmezzo del cammin di nostra vita” [In the middleof our lives (my translation)].Dante 1975, La Divina Commedia, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi Testi, Torino.In a Language OtherThan English,PublishedTranslation The author (De Certeau 1984) concludes … De Certeau, M 1984, The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. S Rendall,University of California Press, Berkeley.Give the publication date of the edition being used if it is not the same dateas the original edition.6 of 29Chapter Restraint is crucial in maintaining … (Rose 2002).Rose, DB 2002, ‘Good hunters’, in Country of the Heart: An IndigenousAustralian Homeland, Aboriginal Studies Press for the Australian Institute ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Canberra, pp77-113.Chapter in an EditedBook Community and ideas of nationhood are complex… (Anderson 1995).Anderson, I 1995, ‘Aboriginal nation(s)?’, in S Perera (ed.), Asian & PacificInscriptions: Identities, Ethnicities, Nationalities, La Trobe University Schoolof English, Bundoora, Victoria, pp65-82.Multiple Works by the Same Author Research (Hess 1993, 1997) has concluded … Hess, DJ 1993, Science in the New Age: The Paranormal, its Defenders andDebunkers, and American Culture, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison,Wisconsin.Hess, DJ 1997, Can Bacteria Cause Cancer? Alternative Medicine ConfrontsBig Science, New York University Press, New York.Multiple Works by the Same Author in the Same Year Recent studies have revealed the causes ofnurses’ absence are … (Preston 1990a, 1990b).Preston, AC 1990a, Multivariate Analysis of Nurses’ Absence Behaviour,Business Research and Development Fund of the Confederation of WesternAustralian Industry, East Perth, WA.Preston, AC 1990b, Theories and Causes of Labour Absence: Reconcilingthe Economic and Psychology Approaches, Business Research andDevelopment Fund of the Confederation of Western Australian Industry, EastPerth, WA.Material Accompanying aBook Supplementary tables (Keller 2005) indicatetrends …Keller, G 2005, Statistics for Management and Economics, 7th edn, CD-ROM, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, California.Book Citing AnotherSourceSee Work Citing Another SourceBrochure See Ephemera: BrochureCReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Chapter SeeBook: ChapterBook: Chapter in an Edited BookComputer Program See Software7 of 29ConferenceUnpublished Paper Mayoral et al. (2005) suggest that surgery … Mayoral, R, Tsagarakis, N, Petrone, M, Clapworthy, G, Caldwell, D &Zannoni, C 2005, ‘Integration of haptic and visual modalities for a total hipreplacement planning system’, paper presented to the Third InternationalConference on Medical Information Visualisation - Biomedical Visualisation(MediVis 2005), London, England, 5-7 July 2005.Published Paper(Online)It has been suggested that planning for total hipreplacement … (Mayoral et al. 2005).Mayoral, R, Tsagarakis, N, Petrone, M, Clapworthy, G, Caldwell, D &Zannoni, C 2005, ‘Integration of haptic and visual modalities for a total hipreplacement planning system’, in Proceedings of the Third InternationalConference on Medical Information Visualisation - Biomedical Visualisation(MediVis 2005), London, England, 5-7 July 2005, accessed 3/10/2006, IEEEXplore database.Published Paper(Print)O’Connor (2005) suggests that academic writingis often …O’Connor, L 2005, ‘Writing, identity and ways of knowing in science’, inProceedings of the 2005 Annual International Conference of the Associationof Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ), Dunedin,New Zealand, 15-17 November 2005.Proceeding Grigg and Bond (2005) highlighted the issues in learning support so that … Grigg, G & Bond, C (eds) 2005, Supporting Learning in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 2005 Annual International Conference of the Association of Tertiary Learning Advisors Aotearoa/New Zealand (ATLAANZ), Dunedin, New Zealand, 15-17 November 2005.Course Material See •E-reading•Lecture/PresentationCourse Reader Kegan-Gardiner (2005) argues that men … Kegan-Gardiner, J 2005, ‘Men, masculinities and feminist theory’, in Kimmel,MS, Hearn, J & Connell, RW (eds), Handbook of Studies on Men andMasculinities, Routledge, London, pp35-50, SOC330 Gender and SocietyCourse Reader Spring 2006, University of Wollongong.DReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listDictionary Entry See Encyclopedia/DictionaryDiscussion SeePersonal Communication8 of 29EReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list eduStream SeeLecture/PresentationElectronic Book See Book: E-bookEmail SeePersonal CommunicationEncyclopedia/ Dictionary Note: If no author or editor is identified in an encyclopedia/dictionary, the necessary information is given in the text and an entry in the reference list is optional.No Author The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1993, p66)defines ‘amercement’ as … The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 1993, 4th edn, Oxford University Press, Oxford.With Author/Editor(Online)A weblog is … (Ince 2001). Ince, D (ed.) 2001, A Dictionary of the Internet, accessed 29/11/2006, OxfordReference Online database.With Author/Editor(Print)A bureaucracy is … (Bendix 1968).Bendix, R 1968, ‘Bureaucracy’, in International Encyclopedia of the SocialSciences, vol.2, pp206-217.Ephemera Format of key elementsPrint: Author’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, format, Publisher, Place of Publication.Object: Author’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, format, viewed date, location details.Notes:•It is important when citing ephemera to describe the item and provide details of the source in the appropriate format•This list of ephemera is not exhaustive. Use this reference format as a guide to help reference other forms of ephemera•For online examples, see also Website: Web PageAdvertisement Advertisements like Lindt’s (2005) ‘IntenseIndulgence’ seduce consumers with … Lindt 2005, ‘Intense Indulgence’, Vogue Entertaining & Travel, Aug/Sept, p161.… the reminder to motorists displayed…(RTA n.d.). RTA n.d., How Fast are You Going Now?, billboard, viewed 7/1/2007, Princes Highway, Heathcote, NSW.Brochure (Online)The plan (Library Business Plan Summary 2006)hopes to …Library Business Plan Summary 2006, University of Wollongong Library,Wollongong, NSW, accessed 4/10/2006,.au/about/planning/pdfs/busplansummary.pdfBrochure(Print)The brochure (Opera: 2007 Sydney Opera HouseLife Amplified 2006) advertises the program for …Opera: 2007 Sydney Opera House Life Amplified 2006, brochure, Sydney.9 of 29Theatre/ConcertTicket The design of Chris Isaak's concert tickets ...(Chris Isaak Concert 2006).Chris Isaak Concert 2006, concert ticket, WIN Entertainment Centre, 20November.Equation See FormulaE-reading Notes:•When the e-reading is a link to a database, cite as for a Journal Article•When the e-reading is a link to a web page, cite as for a web page•When the item is scanned by the Library, add the access date and the words University of Wollongong Library e-readings Chapter It has been suggested … (Kell 2001, p34). Kell, P 2001, ‘Futures in the new globalised education markets’, in MKalantzis & A Pandian (eds), Literacy Matters: Issues for New Times,Common Ground, Altona, Victoria, accessed 25/10/2006, University ofWollongong Library e-readings.Journal Article It is important to note … (Cotterall 1995). Cotterall, S 1995, ‘Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy’, ELTJournal, vol.49, no.3, pp219-227, accessed 1/9/2006, University ofWollongong Library e-readings.FReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listFilm SeeAudiovisual Work: FilmFigure The data as presented in Figure iv (Crystal 1997,p227) ...However, if the figure, table or graph isreproduced in your work, also include a referenceto the original within your caption or label, e.g.... (Crystal 1997, p227, fig.iv). Crystal, D 1997, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 2nd edn Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Formula … as an exemplar of a complex application(Johnson 2003, eqs 5.2-5.6).Johnson, P 2003, Equations in Modern Science, Palgrave, London.10 of 29Reference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list GovernmentPublicationSee also Legal MaterialHansard/ ParliamentaryDebate (Commonwealth)Mr Braithwaite (Australia, House ofRepresentatives, Debates, 1989, p379) drewattention to ...Australia, House of Representatives 1989, Debates, vol.HR165, pp379-552.(Online)Mr Braithwaite (Australia, House ofRepresentatives, Debates, 1989) drew attentionto ... Australia, House of Representatives 1989, Debates, vol.HR165, pp379-552, accessed 14/2/2007,.au/piweb/TranslateWIPILink.aspx?Folder=HANSA RDR&Criteria=DOC_DATE:1989-03-02%3BSEQ_NUM:147%3BParliamentary Paper Sources of funding report … (Australia,Parliament 1999, Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Commercial Development CorporationAnnual Report 1998-99, Parl. Paper 414). Australia, Parliament 1999, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commercial Development Corporation Annual Report 1998-99, Parl. Paper 414, Canberra.Report Ergas (1986, p23) identified two consequences created by geographical dispersion. Ergas, H 1986, Telecommunications and the Australian Economy, Report to the Department of Communications, AGPS, Canberra.Report by a Government Agency The Australian Sports Drug Agency (2004, p16)lists alcohol, beta blockers ...Australian Sports Drug Agency 2004, Anti-Doping Information Handbook,Australian Sports Drug Agency, Canberra.Graph SeeFigure HReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Hansard See Government Publication: Hansard/Parliamentary DebateReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listImage In Another Source See also •Artwork•FigureBook The filmmaker often depicts characters viewed through a windshield, as the actor Dennis Hopperappears … (Cook & Gemunden 1997, p224). Cook, RF & Gemunden, G (eds) 1997, The Cinema of Wim Wenders: Image, Narrative, and the Postmodern Condition, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan.Newspaper Article The Traveston Dam site is captured byphotographer Mechielsen (in Roberts 2007, p4),providing background to …ORThe Traveston Dam site is captured byphotographer Mechielsen (2007, p4), providingbackground to ...Roberts, G 2007, ‘Dam blow for Beattie from federal Labor’, The Australian, 9 January, p4. Photograph by Les Mechielsen.When credit is given to the creator of the image in another source, list the creator at the end of the reference for that source.ORMechielsen, L 2007, ‘Inappropriate’, photograph, The Australian, 9 January, p4.Web Page Barnes’ (n.d.) image of the type of sculpture is … Barnes, G n.d., Wollongong - Monuments and Statues - Nike, P06\P06805,Wollongong, JPEG, accessed 12/02/ Interview SeePersonal CommunicationJ-KReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listJournal Article Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, volume, issue number, page range, accessed date,database name (or URL).Note: Only include access date and database name (or URL) for journals accessed online1 Author Feinstein’s (2006) positive review claims … Feinstein, S 2006, ‘After daybreak: the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, 1945’,History, vol.34, no.3, pp89-90.2 or3 Authors Although Wong and Pang (2000, pp14-15)suggest that the moral character of a nurse …Wong, T & Pang, S 2000, ‘Holism and caring: nursing in the Chinese health care culture’, Holistic Nursing Practice, vol.15, no.1, pp12-21.Strong, Silver and Perini (1999) provide a strong connection between …OR... (Strong, Silver & Perini 1999).When an in-text reference forms part of a sentence, use the word ‘and’ to link authors' names. Use an ampersand (&) when the in-text reference is inside brackets. Strong, R, Silver, H & Perini, M 1999, ‘Keeping it simple and deep’, Educational Leadership, vol.56, no.6, pp22-24.Always use an ampersand (&) for multiple authors in the reference list.More than 3 Authors Weber et al. (2007) reported … Weber, F, Negreiros, R, Rosenfield, P & Steiner, M 2007, ‘Pulsars asastrophysical laboratories for nuclear and particle physics’, Progress inParticle and Nuclear Physics, vol.59, no.1, pp94-113.No Author In the article ‘Get familiar with glucosamine’ (2005) it describes … ‘Get familiar with glucosamine’ 2005, Holistic Nursing Practice, vol.19, no.6, p296.(Online)Madden (2002) argues “the demand forintermediation is not necessarily reduced by e-commerce” which is … Madden, G 2002, ‘Internet economics and policy: an Australian perspective’, Economic Record, vol.78, no.242, pp343-358, accessed 16/11/2002,ABI/INFORM Global (ProQuest) database.ORThe warlike characteristics of the game … (Blair 1996). ORBlair, DJ 1996, ‘Beyond the metaphor: football and war, 1914-1918’, Journal of the Australian War Memorial, no.28, accessed 15/5/2007,.au/journal/j28/j28-blai.htmMultiple Worksby the Same AuthorSee Book: Multiple Works by the Same Author and apply the same principlesJournal CitingAnother SourceSee Work Citing Another SourceLReference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference listLecturePresentation Adams (2006) noted that … Adams, M 2006, The Stolen Generation, lecture, ABST150 Introduction toAboriginal Australia, University of Wollongong, delivered 10 August.Audio (eduStream)Adams (2006) spoke about … Adams, M 2006, The Stolen Generation, audio recording of lecture,ABST150 Introduction to Aboriginal Australia, University of Wollongong,delivered 10 August.Lecture Notes(Online)Lu (2006) discussed ... Lu, X 2006, MATH142 ‘Sequences and series’, lecture notes, accessed25/10/2006, eLearning@UOW.For online lecture notes available through e-readings, see E-reading.Lecture Notes(Print)Puotinen provides practice in … (2006, p12).Puotinen, M 2006, EESC304 Geographic Information Systems Ex2.3Practical Exercise Notes, Faculty of Science, University of Wollongong.Legal Material Notes:•The list of legal materials is not exhaustive. Use the examples as a guide to help reference other forms of legal material•See also Government PublicationAct The Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 (s.23)makes provision for common law rights andinterests.ORMining, commercial and agricultural leases…(Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth), ss.245-247).Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth).Bill The Companion Animals Amendment Bill 2006(NSW) (cl.2) makes provision for amending …Companion Animals Amendment Bill 2006 (NSW).Case Lord Buckmaster in Donahue v Stevenson [1932]AC 562) at 566 …Donahue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562.It was the opinion of Mason CJ and Brennan Jthat … (Mabo and others v. Queensland (no.2)(1992) 175 CLR 1 at 2).The number after the word ‘at’ refers to thespecific page number you are discussing.Mabo and others v. Queensland (no.2) (1992) 175 CLR 1.Reference type Example of in-text reference Example of entry in reference list Magazine See Newspaper/Magazine ArticleManuscript (Unpublished)Format of key elementsAuthor’s family name, Initial(s) year, ‘Title’, manuscript/format if applicable, held at location of library/archive/museum OR held by name and location of private collection.Note: It is important when citing an unpublished manuscript to describe the item and provide details of the sourceThe manuscript notes … (Buckingham 1964). Buckingham, J 1964, ‘Journey to Russia’, manuscript, held by G Langton,Perth, WA.Map Format of key elementsOriginator’s family name, Initial(s) year, Title, map, scale, Series, sheet number, Publisher, Place of Publication, ‘Cited locationtitle’, coordinates.Notes:•Originator can be the cartographer, surveyor, or compiler•Include Series and/or sheet number only if applicable•Include Cited location title and coordinates only if citing a specific location on the mapThe map of Manilla (Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973) shows the … Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973, Manilla, NSW, map, 1:250,000, SH56-9, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.ORBureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 1973, Manilla, NSW, map, 1:250,000, SH56-9, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, ‘Black Jack Mountain’, 30° 55’S 151° 07’E.Media Release The treasurer, Peter Costello (2006), announcedthat … Costello, P 2006, Treasurer Announces National Competition Council Appointments, media release, accessed 15/1/2007,.au/tsr/content/pressreleasesMicroform Brandt’s (1982) photographs depict … Brandt, B 1982, Bill Brandt, Early Photographs, 1930-1942, microform,Chadwyck-Healey, Cambridge.Minutes of a Meeting The members (Learning Development Committee2006) put forward a motion to …Learning Development Committee 2006, Minutes from 8/11/2006, Universityof Wollongong, Wollongong.Music Score Beethoven’s (1976) composition displays … Beethoven, L 1976, Fourth and Fifth Symphonies, musical score, Dover,New York.。



机制被提出,如 PoW[5]、PoS[6]、DPoS[7]、DAG[8]等。 按照区块链开放程度和应用场景进行划分主要分为私有
链、公有链和联 盟 链 [9]三 大 类。 私 有 链 是 指 权 限 仅 在 一 个 组 织或机构范围内的区块链,一般用于某个中心化机构。私链的 共识算法运用的是传统分布式系统里的共识算法,主要代表的 共识算法有 Paxos[10]、Raft[11]等,这类算法不会考虑拜占庭容 错问题 [12,13],一般只 考 虑 因 为 节 点 自 身 以 及 网 络 原 因 导 致 的 故障(如节点宕机、网络故障等因素)而不考虑集群中会有恶 意节点的情况;公有链在这三种类别的链中属于去中心化程度 最高的链,耳熟能详的公有链包括比特币、以太坊[14]等,公有 链允许每个参与者查看链上的信息,公有链最著名的共识算法 为工作量证明(proofofwork,PoW),而 PoW 这种共识算法有浪 费能源、性能低下的缺点;联盟链指的是由一定数量的组织和 机构通过联盟的方式构建的一条链,仅对特定的组织和机构开 放,最著名的项目由多家国际银行和金融机构组成的区块链联 盟 R3和 IBM 的超级账本(HyperLedger[15]),联盟链最常用的
ImprovedpracticalByzantinefaulttolerantconsensusalgorithm combinedwithBLSaggregatingsignature
n,d〉,s,m〉广 播 给 其 余 的 副 本 节 点,其 中,v为 视 图 编 号,n为



缩写中文全称英文全称2G 第二代移动通信系统Second Generation of Wireless Communications Systems 3G 第三代移动通信系统 Third Generation of Wireless Communications Systems 3G-MSC 第三代移动交换中心3G Mobile Switch Center3GPP 第三代合作项目3G Partnership Project3G-SGSN 第三代服务GPRS节点3G Service GPRS NodeA/D 模数转换Analog-to-DigitalAAA 认证、鉴权和计费Authentication、Authorization and AccountingAB 地址总线Address BusABB 模拟基带Anolog BasebandAC 天线校准Antenna CalibrationAC 交流电Alternating CurrentACLR 邻道泄漏比Adjacent Channel Leakage RatioACPR 邻道功率比Adjacent-Channel Power RatioACS 邻道选择性Adjacent Channel SelectivityADC 模数转换器Analog-to-Digital ConverterADI 美国模拟器件公司Analog Devices InstrumentsAEP 有源方向图法Active Element PatternAFC 自动频率控制Auto Frequency ControlAFMS来音频信号AFPCB 音频电路板AGC 自动增益控制Automatic Gain ControlA-GPS 辅助全球定位系统AHB Advanced High Performance BusALC自动电平控制Automatic Level ControlALEV自动电平ALPS 高级线性规划系统Advanced Linear Programming System ALPS 相关逻辑并行运算系统Associative Logic Parallel System AMP放大器AMPS 先进移动电话业务Advanced Mobile Phone Service AMR Adaptive Multi-rate CodecAM-SAP 确认业务接入点ANT天线ANT/SW 天线开关AOA 到达的角度APC自动功率控制API Application Program InterfaceAPI 应用编程接口Application Programming InterfaceARFCH 绝对信道号ARQ 自动请求重发ASIC 专用集成电路Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC专用接口集成电路ASK amplifier shift keyingASM Antenna Switch ModuleASP application service providerAST-DET 饱和度检测ATM asynchronous transfer modeATM 异步转移模式ATMS到移动台音频信号ATPC 自动发送功率控制Automatic Transmit Power Control AUC 身份鉴定中心AUX 辅助数据通道Auxiliary Data ChannelAWGN additive white Gaussian noiseBAI Baseband and Audio InterfaceBAP 基带模拟处理器BB 基带BasebandBCCH 广播控制信道BCFE 广播控制功能实体BCH 广播信道Broadcast ChannelBER 误码率Bit Error RateBH 接力切换Baton HandoverBIAS-PA 功放信置BIAS-PD 推动偏置BIC 总线接口BLIGHT 背景灯BMC 广播/多播控制BPSK 二进制相移键控binary phase shift keying BS 基站Base StationBSC 基站控制器Base Site ControllerBT 高斯滤波器带宽与比特率之比BTS 基站收发器base transceiver stationBUZZ 蜂鸣器C/I 载干比CA 码分配CAI 公共空间接口CAMEL 移动网定制应用增强逻辑CBCH 小区广播信道CC 呼叫控制CCBS 用户忙呼叫完成CCH 公共传输信道Common Transport ChannelsCCITT 国际电话与电报咨询委员会International Telephone and Telegraph consultative committeeCCPCH 公共控制物理信道CCRR co-channel rejection ratioCCTrCH 编码复用传输信道Coded Composite Transport ChannelCDMA 码分多址code-division multiple accessCDPD Cellular Digital Packet DataCEPT 欧洲邮电管理委员会CG 计费网管Change Gate WayCIR 允许的信息速率Committed Information RateCM 连接管理模块CM 交叉调制Cross ModulationCMD California Micro DevicesCMM 控制管理维护模块CMOS 互补金属氧化物半导体complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMRR common-mode rejection ratioCN 核心网子系统CNAP 主叫名显示CODEC 编码器/解码器COFDM 编码正交频分复用Code Or-thogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing CORBA Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCPCH 公共物理信道CPLD 复杂可编程逻辑设备Complex Programmable Logical DeviceCQI 信道质量指示Channel Quality IndicatorCRC 循环冗余校验CTCH 公共业务信道CW 连续波continuous waveCWDM 粗波分复用Coarse Wavelength Division MultiplexingCWTS 中国无线通信标准Chinese Wireless Telecommunication StandardsDAB 数字音频广播Digital Audio BroadcastingDAI 数字音频接口Digital Audio InterfaceDARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划署DCA 动态信道分配技术Dynamic Channel AllocationDCCH 专用控制信道DCH 专用传输信道Dedicated Transport ChannelsDCIN 外接电源输入DCS distributed communications system or digital cellular system DCS1800 Digital Cellular System at 1800MHzDCU 数据计算单元Data Computation UnitDDC 数字下变频DDS 直接数字频率合成技术Dirrect Digital SynthesisDEC 网络范围内的数据保密性机制DECODER 解码器DECT 数字增强无绳通信系统digital European cordless telephone DEM 解调DemodulationDEMUX 分接DeMutiplexDF 抽取滤波器Decimation FilterDF 判决反馈Decision FeedbackDFMEA Design Failure Mode Effect and AnalysisDFMS 来数据信号DIF 数字中频DIO DSP I/O intercore blockDM 双模Dual ModelsDMA Direct Memory AccessDMAC DMA ControllerDOA 到达的方向Direction Of ArrivalDPCH 专用物理信道DPT 动态分组传输技术Dynamic Packet Transport DRA 动态资源分配Dynamic Resource Allocation DRNC 漂移无线网络控制器DRNS 漂移无线网络子系统DRP 数字射频DSCH 下行共享信道Downlink Shared Channel DSP 数字信号处理Digital Signal ProcessorDSS 数字信号处理子系统DSP Subsystem DTCH 专用业务信道DTMS 到数据信号DTV 数字电视Digital TVDUT device under testDVB-C 数字有线节目DVB-S 数字卫星节目DWDM 密集波分复用Dense Wavelength Division MultiplexingDwPTS 下链导引时隙Downlink Pilot Timeslot Physical ChannelEBI 外部总线接口External Bus InterfaceEBMM External Baseband Memory ModuleECC Emergency Call CodeECT 直接呼叫转移EDGE 改进数据率GSM服务Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution EEPROM 电擦除可编程只读存储器electrically erasable programmable read-only memoryEER Envelope Eliminaton RestorationEFR Enhanced Full-rate codecE-GSM Extended GSM frequency bandEIR 移动设备识别寄存器Equipment Identify RegisterEMC 电磁适应性electromagnetic compatibilityEMI 电磁接口electromagnetic interferenceEMI 电磁干扰External Memory InterfaceEPROM 电编程只读存贮器ESD 静电漏电Electro-static dischargeETACS 增强的全接入通信系统ETSI 欧洲电信标准委员会European Telecommunications Standards Institute EUIC 增强用户身份保密性EVITA+ 评估验证集成测试应用平台Evaluation Verification Integration Test Application PlatformEVM 矢量幅度误差EWC 增强无线联盟FACCH 快速随路控制信道FACH 前向接入信道Forward Access ChannelFCA 固定信道分配技术FCC 联邦通信委员会federal communications commissionFCH 频率校正信道FDD 频分复用frequency division duplexFEC 前向纠错Forward Error Correction.FEM 前端模块FER 误帧率frame error rateFET 场效应管field-effect transistorFH 跳频Frequency HoppingFHSS 跳频扩频frequency-hopping, spread spectrumFIFO 先进先出first-in, first-outFIR 有限冲激响应finite impulse responseFM 调频Frequency ModulationFN 闪烁噪声Flicker NoiseFPACH 快速物理接入信道FPLMTS 未来公共陆地移动通信系统Future Public Land Mobile Telecom System FSA 全球IC设计委外代工协会Fabless Semiconductor AssociationFSK frequency shift keyingFSM 有限状态机Finite State MachineFTA Final Type ApprovalFTMS Field Trial Mobile StationFU 功能单元Functional UnitGaAs 砷化镓gallium arsenideGaN gallium nitrideGDA Gate Way Design AutomstitionGFSK Gaussian filtered frequency shift keyingGGSN 通用分组无线业务网关支持节点GIF-SYN 双工中频GMM 通用分组无线业务移动性管理GMSC 网关移动交换中心GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keyingGP 保护时隙GPIB general-purpose interface busGPIO 通用输入输出General Purpose Input/OutputGPRS 通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio ServiceGPS 全球定位系统global positioning systemGSM 全球移动通信系统Global System for Mobile communication GTP 通用分组无线业务隧道协议HBT heterojunction bipolar transistorHDB3 三阶高密度双极性码Trinodal high density bipolar code HDR hardware defined radioHDTV 高清晰度电视High-definition TelevisionHEMT high electron mobility transistorHLR 归属用户位置寄存器HLR 归属位置寄存器HOOK 外接免提状态HPA 高功率线性放大器High Power AmplifierHRF 高通滤波器HRPD High Rate Packet DataHSCSD 高速电路交换数据high-speed circuit-switched dataHSDPA 高速下行链路分组接入High Speed Downlink Package Access HS-DSCH 高速下行共享信道High Speed Downlink Shared Channel HS-SCCH 高速下行共享信道的共享信息信道HTTP 超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocolHW 硬件HardwareIC 干扰抵消(算法Interference CancellationIC 集成电路integrated circuitICD In-Circuit DebuggerICE In-Circuit EmulatorICTRL 供电电流大小控制端IDU 室内单元Indoor UnitIEMF 感应电动势法Induced Electromotive ForceIF 中频intermediate frequencyIIC/I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit (BusIM 互调intermodulationIM IP多媒体IM 相互调制Inter ModulationIMD 互调失真intermodulation distortionIMEI 国际移动设备识别码IM-MGW IP多媒体媒体网关功能IMS IP多媒体核心网子系统IMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentityIMT-2000国际移动通信—2000 International Mobile Telecommunication for the 21st centuryInGaP indium gallium phosphideInP indium phosphideIOT Inter operability testIP 知识产权Intellectual PropertyIP internet protocolIPTV 互联网协议电视Internet Protocol TelevisionISCP 干扰信号码功率ISDN 综合业务数字网ISI 多径干扰ISM industrial, scientific, and medicalISUP 综合业务数字网用户部分ITS Incompatible Time Sharing SystemITU 国际电信联盟International Telecommunication UnionIWF 互通功能JD 联合检测Joint DetectionJPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group; glossy image compression format JTAG 标准检测访问接口与边界扫描结构LAC 位置区号LAL 位置区域识别码LAN 本地网络Local Area NetworkLCD 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal DisplayLCR 低码片速率Low Chip RateLDMOS laterally diffused metal oxide siliconLDO 低压差线性稳压器Low Drop Out RegulatorLINC Linear Amplification with Nonlinear ComponentsLLC Logical Link ControlLMDS 本地多点分配业务系统Local Multipoint Distribution ServiceLNA 低噪音放大器low-noise amplifierLO 本机振荡器local oscillatorLOG 逻辑LOGKED 锁机LOMC 本地操作维护中心LOS 信号丢失Loss of SignalLPF 低通滤波器low-pass filterLSI large scale integrationLTCC low-temperature co-fired ceramicLTE 本地终端模拟器Local Terminal EmulatorLTP 长期预测器LTPS 低温多晶硅Low Temperature Poly Silicon LVDS 低压差分技术Low Voltage Differential Signaling M&C 监控Monitor and ControlMAC 媒体访问控制(媒体接入层Media Access Control MAC 测量与控制Measurement and ControlMAI 多址干扰MAP 移动应用部分MBOA 多频段OFDM联盟MCC Mobile Country CodeMCP Multi Chip PackageMDM 调制解调MDS multipoint distribution systemsMDU 调制解调单元Modem UnitME Mobile EquipmentMexE 移动执行环境MF 匹配滤波器Matching FilterMGW 媒体网关MIPS Mega Instructions Per SecondMM 移动性功能管理模块MMDS multichannel multipoint distribution serviceMMI 人机界面Man Machine InterfaceMMIC 单片微波集成电路monolithic microwave integrated circuitMMS 多媒体信息服务Multimedia Messaging ServiceMMSE-BLE最小均方误差块均衡Minimum Mean Square Error Block Linear Equalizer MNC Mobile Network CodeMOM 矩量法Method of MomentMOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistorMP3 Audio Player 3 of MPEG 1 and 2MPEG Moving Picture Experts GroupMS 移动台Mobile StationMSC 移动交换中心MSIN 移动台识别码MSK 最小移频键控MSM Mobile Station ModemMTMRA 多发多收天线MTP 消息传输部分MUD 多用户检测Multiuser DetectionMUX 复分接器Multiplexer/DemultiplexerNAM 号码分配模块NAS 非接入层NBAP 节点B应用协议NCO 数控振荡器Numerically Control Oscillator NFR 陷频滤波测试Notch Filter RejectionNMS 网络管理系统Network management system NNMC 全国网管中心NRI 网络资源标识NTC Negative Temperature CoefficientNZIF Near ZIFODB 运营商闭锁业务ODU 数字微波收发信机Outdoor UnitOEM Original equipment ManufacturerOFDM 正交频分复用Orthogonal Frenquency Division MultiplexingOLED 有机发光显示器Organic Light Emitting DisplayOMC 操作管理中心Operation And Management CenterOMT 操作管理终端Operation And Management TerminalONSRQ 免提开关控制OO-VHDL 面向对象的VHDL Object Oriented VHDLOSA 开放业务接入OSR 过采样比Over Sampling RatioOTA 空中下载技术Over The AirOVSF 正交可变扩频因子Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor OXCO oven controlled crystal oscillatorPA 功率放大器Power AmplifierPAE power added efficiencyPAN 个人接入网Personal Acess NetworkPAR peak-to-average ratioPAS 个人介入系统Personal Acess SystemPC 功率控制Power ControlPCB 印制电路板Printed Circuit BoardPCCH 寻呼控制信道P-CCPCH 主公共控制物理信道PCDE 峰值码域误差Peak Code Domain ErrorPCH 寻呼信道Paging ChannelPCM 脉冲编码调制pulse-code modulationPCN personal communications networkPCS Personal Communication SystemPCU 程序控制单元Program Control UnitPDA Personal Digital AssistantPDATA 并行数据PDC 个人数字蜂窝电话Personal Digital Cellular PDCP 分组数据汇聚协议Package Data Collect Protocol PDH 准同步数字系列Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDP Packet Data ProtocolPDPCH 分组数据物理信道PDSCH 物理下行链路共享信道PECL positive emitter-coupled logicPGA 可编程功率放大器Programmable Gain Amplifier PhCH 物理信道Physical ChannelPHEMT pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistor PHS 个人手持电话系统Personal Handy-phone SystemPI 外围设备连接Peripheral InterconnectPICH 寻呼指示信道PIN 个人识别码PIO 并行输入输出Parallel I/OPLL 索相环Phase-Locked LoopPLMN 公共陆地移动网Public Land Mobile NetworkPMIC 电源管理集成电路Power Management Integrated Circuit PMU 功率管理单元Power Management UnitPNMC 省级网管中心PRACH Physical-Random Access ChannelPRBS 伪随机二进制序列Pseudo-random Binary Pulse Sequence PROM 可编程只读存储器PS Philips SemiconductorPSAM 导频符号辅助调制Pilot Symbol Assisted ModulationPSK phase shift keyingPSTN 公用交换电话网Public Switching Telephone NetworkPVC 永久虚电路PVCO voltage-controlled oscillatorPWDM 极化波复用Polarization Wavelength Division Multiplexing PWM 脉宽调制Pulse Width ModulationQAM quadrature amplitude modulationQASK quadrature amplitude shift keyingQoS 服务质量要求Quality of ServiceQPSK 正交相移键控Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingRAB 无线接入承载Radio Access BearerRACH 随机接入信道Random Access ChannelRAM 随机存储器Random Access MemoryRAN 无线接入网RANAP 无线接入网络应用实体RAT Radio Access TechnologyRBER 残余比特误码率Remainder Bit Error RateRBW 中频分辨率带宽RCCC 并行级联分组码RF 射频Radio FrequencyRFADAT 射频频率合成器数据RFAENB 射频频率合成器启动RFCI RAB子码流组合指示RFDRXM 双路射频收模块Radio Frequency Double Receiver Module RFDTXM 双路射频发模块Radio Frequency Double Transmitter Module RFI 射频接口radio frequency interferenceRFIC 射频集成电路radio frequency integrated circuitRFID 射频标签Radio Frequency IdentificationRFTRXU 射频收发信机模块Radio Frequency Transceiver UnitRISC reduced instruction set computingRLC 无线链路控制RLP 无线链路协议RMS Record Management SystemRMS 均方根值RNC 无线网络控制器RNS 无线网络子系统ROM 只读存储器Read Only MemoryRRC 平方根升余弦Root-Raised CosineRRC 无线资源控制RRM 无线资源管理RRM 无线资源管理Radio Resource ManagementRSC 循环系统卷积码Recursive Systematic ConvolutionalRSCP 接收信号码功率 RSL 接收信号电平 Received signal level RSSI 接收信号强度指示 Received signal strength indication RSU 倒换单元 Redundancy Switch Unit RSVP 资源预留协议 RTK Real Time Kernel RTK-E Real Time Kernel, embedded RTT 无线传输技术 RU Resource Unit RX 接收机 Receiver RXIFN 接收中频信号负 RXIFP 接收中频信号正 RXON 接收开 RXVCO 收信压控振荡器 SA 智能天线 Smart Antenna SABP 服务区广播协议 SACCH 慢速随路控制信道 SAP 服务接入点 SAR 电磁波吸收比值 Specific Absorption Rate SAT 饱和度 SAW 地面声波 Surface Acoustic Wave SBDM "Swift" Baseband Digital Module SC 系统控制器 System Controller S-CCPCH 辅助公共控制物理信道 SCDMA 同步码分多址 Synchronous Code Division Multiplexing Access SCH 同步信道 Synchronization Channel SCIF 系统控制器界面 System Controller Interface SCLK 串行时钟 SCM 信号编码调制 signal code modulation SCTP 简单控制传输协议 SD Sigma Delta 调制 Sigma Delta Modulation SDAT 串行数据 SDCCH 快速随路控制信道 SDH 同步数字系列Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDM 统计复用 Statistical Division Multiplexing SDR 软件定义无线电 Softwaer Defined Radio SDU 业务数据单元 SEMC 安全性管理中心Security Management Center SF 扩频系数 Spreading Factor SFDR 无杂散动态范围Spurs Free Dynamic Range SFN System Frame Number SGSN 支持 GPRS 的功能实体SGW 信令网关 SiGe silicon-germaniumSIM 用户识别模块 Subscriber Identity Module SIP 系统级封装 SIR 信干比Signal Interference Ratio SLIP 串行线路网际协议 Serial Line Internet Protocol SM 会话管理功能模块 SMCP "Swift" Multi-Chip Package Module SMMI "Swift"人机接口界面 "Swift" Man-Machine Interface Module SMOC 调制解调器 SMR specialized mobile radio SMS Short Message Service (Point-to-Point SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast SMT surface-mount technology or surface-mount toroidal SNDR 信号与噪声畸变比 Signal to Noise- Distorsion Ratio SNMP 简单网络管理协议 Simple network management protocol. SNR 信噪比 signal-to-noise ratio SoC 系统级芯片 SOC 信号操作控制器 Signal Operation Control SoC 片上系统(系统单芯片)System-on-Chip SOIC small-outline integrated circuit SONET synchronous optical network SPDT single-pole double-throw SPI 串行外围接口 Serial Peripheral Interface SRAM 静态随机存储器 SRB 信令无线承载 SRNC 服务无线网络控制 SRNS 服务无线网络子系统 SS 同步偏移控制符号 Synchronization Shift SS 辅助服务 Supplementary Service SSB single side band SSCF 具体业务协调功能 SSCOP 特定业务面向连接协议 SSPA solid state power amplifiers SSPA 固态功率放大器 Solid State Power Amplifier STM SDH 光同步传输模式 SVC 交换虚电路 SW 开关 SWDC 未调整电压 SW-RF 射频开关SYNSTR 频率合成器启动 TACS 全选址通信系统 Total Access Communications System TACS 全接入移动通信系统 TC 测试用例 Test case TCH Traffic Channel TCP transmission control protocolTDD-LCR Time Division Duplex – Low Chip Rate TDK 东京电气化学工业株式会社 Tokyo Dengikagaku Kogyo K.K TDMA time-division multiple access TD-SCDMA 时分同步码分多址技术 Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access TE 终端设备 Terminal Equipment TEMP 温度监测 TETRA trans European trunked radio TF 传输格式 Transport Format TFC 传输格式组合 Transport Format Combination TFCI 传输格式组合指示 Transport Format Combination Indicator TFCS 传输格式组合集合 Transport Format Combination Set TFD 薄膜二极管 Thin Film Diode TFI 传输格式显示 Transport Format Indicator TFS 传输格式集合 Transport Format Set THD 总谐波失真 Total Harmonics Distortion TMEM TD-SCDMA Modem Emulation Module TMU Tandem Mailbox Unit TP 测试点 Test Point TPC 传输功率控制 Transmitter Power Control TrBK 传输块 Transport Block TrCH 传输信道 Transport Channel TSG 技术规范部 Technical Specification Group TSM TD-SCDMA System for Mobile communication TSMB Two-Slot Mother Board TTD Test, Trace and Debug (tool TTI 传输时间间隔 Transmission Time Interval TTL transistor — transistor logic TX Transmitter, Transmission TXC 发信控制 Transmitter Control TXCO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator TXVCO 发信压控振荡器 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter UCA 均匀圆阵 Uniform Circular Array UE 用户终端 User Equipment UHF 超高频 UltraHigh Frequency ULA 均匀直线阵 Uniform Linear Array UM-SAP 非确认业务接入点 UMTS 公用移动电话系统 UniversalMobile Telecommunications Service UpPTS 上行导频时隙 USB 通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus USCH 上行共享信道 Uplink Shared Channel UTRAN 无线网络子系统 UWB 超宽带 Ultra WidebandVBW 视频分辨率带宽 VCXO 压控晶体振荡器 Voltage Control X-tal [Crystal] Oscillator VDSM 超深亚微米 Very Deep Submicron VHDL 高速集成电路硬件描述语言 VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHE 虚拟归属环境 VHSIC 高速集成电路Very High Speed Integrated Circuit VLR 拜访用户位置寄存器 Visiter Location Register VLR 拜访位置寄存器 VOFDM 正交矢量频分复用 Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing VSAT 小孔径终端 very small aperture terminal (satellite service VSB 残余边带 vestigial side band VSWR 电压驻波比 Voltages Standing Wave Ratio WAD 无线广告业务 Wireless AD WAFI Walkthrough and Fagan Inspection WAP 无线应用协议 Wireless Application Protocol WBMP 无线位图Wireless Bitmap WCDMA 宽带码分多址技术 wideband code-division multiple access WD-CP 看门狗脉冲 WIFI 无线相容性认证 Wireless Fidelity WiMAX 全球微波接入互操作性 Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WLAN 无线局域网wireless local area network WMF 白化匹配滤波 White Matching Filter ZF-BLE 迫零块均衡(算法) Zero Forcing Block Linear Equalizer ZIF 零中频 Zero Intermediate Frequency。



aachen 亚琛abampere 绝对安培abandoned call 废弃单元abbreviated dialing 缩位拨号abbreviated digital verification color code (ADVCC) 简写数字验证颜⾊码aberration 像差aberration, chromatic ⾊像差aberration, spherical 球⾯像差ability, heuristic reasoning 启发式推论能⼒abnormal decay 反常衰变abnormal end 异常终结abort 中断abort sequence 中断序列above threshold 超临限值abrasion 剥蚀;磨损abrupt junction 突变结absent 不存在absent extension diversion 分机⽤户缺席转接absent, coprocessor 协同处理器不存在absolute accuracy 绝对准确度absolute address 绝对地址absolute addressing 绝对定址法absolute assembler 绝对组合程式absolute block 绝对区块absolute code 绝对代码absolute coordinate 绝对坐标absolute dimension 绝对尺⼨absolute disintegration rate 绝对衰变率absolute encoder 绝对编码器absolute error 绝对错误absolute expansion 绝对膨胀absolute gain 绝对增益absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute index of refraction 绝对折射率absolute instruction 绝对指令absolute intensity 绝对强度absolute loader 绝对装⼊器absolute machine code 绝对机器代码absolute maximum rating 绝对额定值absolute measuring system 绝对测量系统absolute permeability 绝对磁导率absolute pressure 绝对压⼒absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute temperature scale 绝对温标absolute value 绝对值absolute variable 绝对变数absolute velocity 绝对速度absolute volume 绝对体积absolute zero 绝对零度absolute-value circuit 绝对值电路absolute-value device 绝对值器件absorbability 吸收能⼒absorptance 吸收⽐absorption 吸收absorption band 吸收频带absorption loss 吸收损耗absorption modulation 吸收调制absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorption, active acoustical 动态声⾳吸纳absorption, coefficient of 吸⾳系数absorptive attenuator 吸收衰减abstract data type 抽象数据种类abstract quantity 抽象程度abstract symbol 抽象符号abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) 抽象语法表⽰法 1abstraction 抽象;抽除ac brownout 交流降压,交流节电ac converter 交流转换器ac electric-field strength 交流电场强度ac filter 交流滤波器ac line filter 交流线路滤波器ac power line 交流电源线accelerated graphics port (AGP) 加速图形端⼝accelerated life test 加速寿命测试accelerated stress test 加速应⼒测试accelerated test 加速测试accelerated thermal cycle (ATC) 加速热循环accelerating voltage 加速电压acceleration 加速度acceleration due to gravity 重⼒加速度acceleration in circular motion 圆运动加速度acceleration, angular ⾓加速度acceleration, average 平均加速度acceleration, centripetal 向⼼加速度acceleration, component of 加速度分量acceleration, fuzzy computational (FCA) 模糊逻辑加速法acceleration, gravitational 重⼒加速度acceleration, instantaneous 瞬时加速度acceleration, tangential 切向加速度acceleration, uniform 等加速度accelerator 加速器accelerator, floating-point slave 浮点附属加速器accelerator, programmable universal micro (PUMA) 可编程通⽤微加速器accelerometer 加速仪accept 接收;接受acceptable noise level 验收噪声⽔平acceptable quality level 合格质量⽔平acceptable source 验收源acceptance angle 接收⾓acceptance cone 接收光锥区acceptance test 验收试验accepted test 合格试验acceptor 受体;接收器acceptor impurity 受体杂质acceptor, write access connection (WACA) 写⼊存取连接接收器access 存取access charge 访问费⽤access code 存取代码access coupler 存取耦合器access delay 存取延迟access line 接⼊线路access method 存取⽅法access mode 存取模式access network 接⼊access path 存取通路access protocol 存取协定access time 存取时间access, basic 基本存取access, basic rate (BRA) 基本速率存取access, burst 资料组存取access, carrier sense multiple (CSMA) 载波感应多重存取access, code-division multiple (CDMA) 码分多重存取access, direct memory (DMA) 直接存储器存取access, external 外部存取access, frequency-division multiple (FDMA) 频分多⼯存取access, in-page burst 页内资料组存取access, internal 内部存取access, multiple channel (MCA) 多通道存取access, on-page 页上存取access, out-page 离页存取access, page 分页存取access, primary rate 初级速率存取access, sequential 序列存取access, time-division multiple (TDMA) 时分多重存取access, virtual direct memory 虚拟直接存储器存取access-control mechanism 存取控制机制accessed bit 存取单元accessibility 可存取性accessible voltage drop 可达电压降accessible, readily 可存取的accessory 附件accumulated jitter 累加抖动accumulator 累加器;蓄电池accumulator register 累加寄存器accumulator, phase 相位累加器accuracy 准确度;准确值accuracy class 准确级别accuracy grade 精度级别,精度等级accuracy rating 额定准确度accuracy test 准确度测试accuracy, absolute 绝对准确值accuracy, dynamic 动态准确度accuracy, full-scale absolute 全标度绝对准确值accuracy, gain 增益准确度acetate disks ⼄酸盐软盘acetone 丙酮acid, amino 氨基酸acid, aspartic 天门冬胺酸acknowledge 确认acknowledge character 确认字符acknowledge signal 接收完成信号acknowledge, interrupt 中断确认acknowledgment (ACK) 确认acoustic coupler 声耦合器acoustic delay line 声延迟线acoustic input 声⾳输⼊acoustic noise 噪声acoustic output 声⾳输出acoustic-wave filter 声波过滤器acoustical signals 声⾳信号,⾳频信号acoustically tunable optical filter 声⾳调谐光学滤波器acousto-optic device 声光学器件acousto-optic effect 声光学效应acquisition phase 采集阶段acquisition, background 背景采集acquisition, data 数据采集acquisition, image- 影像采集acrylate 丙烯酸脂acrylic 丙烯酸的,聚丙烯的acrylic resin 丙烯酸树脂action and reaction 作⽤与反作⽤action at a distance 超距作⽤action force 作⽤⼒action, capillary ⽑细管作⽤action, line of 作⽤线action, molecular 分⼦作⽤activate 活化activation 活化activation energy 活化能量activation period 活化期activation rate 启动率activation, neutron 中⼦激发activator 催化剂,激活剂,活化剂;激励器active 动态;主动active acoustical absorption 有源声⾳吸纳active antenna array 有源天线阵列active carbon 活性碳active component 有源元件active condition 使⽤状态active electric network 有源电⽓络active electronics 有源电⼦器件,有源电⼦技术active file 现役⽂件active filter 有源滤波器active impedance 动态阻抗active materials 放射性材料active matrix 有源矩阵active matrix display 有源矩阵显⽰器,活动矩阵显⽰器active mobile identity (AMI) 有源移动标识active partitioning architecture 有源分隔体系结构active power 有功功率active profile 现⽤⽂件,当前⽂件active rectification 动态整流active server page 活动服务器页,当前服务器页active substrate 有源基⽚,有源衬⽚,有源基底active template library 动态模板库active termination 有源终端active testing 动态测试active transducer 有源传感器active trimming 有源微调active voltage positioning (AVP) 有效电压定位,有效电压点active-high signal ⾼态有效信号active-low signal 低态有效信号active-matrix display 有源矩阵显⽰activity 放射性activity factor 活动因⼦activity, optical 旋光性activity-based simulation 放射性为基模拟actual mechanical advantage 实际机械利益actuator 起动器actuator valve 起动器活门actuator, dual 双起动器actuator, pneumatic ⽓动起动器actuator, relay 延迟起动器adaptability 配接性adaptation rate 适配率adapter 配接器adapter card 适配器卡adapter description library (ADL) 配接描述程序库adapter kit 配接组件adapter signal process (ASP) 配接器信号处理adapter, color composite video 彩⾊混合视频配接器adapter, color graphics (CGA) 彩⾊图像配接器adapter, double-scan color graphics 双扫描图像配接器adapter, enhanced color graphics (EGA) 增强图像配接器adapter, monochrome display (MDA) 单⾊显⽰配接器adapter, serial 串⾏配接器adapter, standard 标准配接器adapter, super video graphics (SVGA) 超级视频图像配接器adapter, terminal (TA) 终端配接器adapter, video graphics (VGA) 视频图像配接器adaption rate 速率调整adaptive antenna ⾃适应天线adaptive antenna array ⾃适应天线阵列adaptive channel allocation (ACA) ⾃适应信道分配adaptive coding ⾃适应编码adaptive control system ⾃适应控制系统adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM) ⾃适应差动脉冲编码调adaptive equalization 配接等化adaptive excitation ⾃适应激励adaptive hardware ⾃适应硬件adaptive jitter buffer ⾃适应抖动缓冲器adaptive maintenance ⾃适应维修adaptive predictive coding (APC) ⾃适应预测编码adaptive speed control ⾃适应速度控制add-on card 附加卡add/drop multiplexer (ADM) 增减复⽤器adder 加法器addition without carry ⽆进位加法additional charge 附加费additive 相加的additive plating 添加电镀;附加电镀层additive process 相加过程,可加过程additive white Gaussian noise 加性⽩⾼斯噪声address 地址;定址address ID 地址识别address broadcast 位址⼴播address buffer 地址缓冲器address bus 地址总线address counter 地址计数器address cycle 地址周期address decoder 地址解码器address driver 地址驱动器address field 地址栏address format 地址格式address generator 地址产⽣器address latch enable 地址锁存有效,地址锁存选通address modification 地址修改address modifier 地址修改程序address part 地址部分address pointer 地址指标address register 地址寄存器address signaling 地址信令address space 地址空间address strobe 地址选通address transfer 地址传送address, absolute 绝对地址address, base 基底地址address, base-port 基本端⼝地址address, column 列地址address, dot 点地址address, effective 有效地址address, line 线地址address, logical block (LBA) 逻辑区块地址address, machine 机器地址address, offset 偏移地址address, row ⾏地址address, segment 分段地址address, valid memory 有效存储器地址address-only cycle 只涉及定址的周期address-only transaction 只涉及定址的事项交易address/data bus 地址/数据总线addressable 可定址addressable connected,disconnected (ACD)可连接/脱接寻址addressable latch 可定址锁存addressable point 可定址位置addressing 定址法addressing mode 定址模式addressing, absolute 绝对定址法addressing, direct 直接定址addressing, indirect 间接定址adenine 腺呤adenosine-triphosphate 三磷酸腺⽢adhesion 附着,黏着adhesion layer 黏附层adhesive 黏合剂adhesive force 黏合⼒adhesive paper carrier tape 胶纸承载带adhesive string 黏合剂串adhesive tail 黏合剂尾adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic transformation 绝热变换adjacency 相邻adjacency list 相邻列adjacency matrix 相邻矩阵adjacent channel 相邻通道adjacent channel power response (ACPR) 相邻信道功率响应adjacent channel scan (ACS) 相邻信道扫描adjacent-channel interference 相邻通道⼲扰adjacent-channel selectivity 相邻通道选择性adjunct (AD) 附件adjust 调节;调谐adjustable voltage control 可调节电压控制adjustment, zero 零点调整administrative unit (AU) 管理单元admittance 导纳admittance, short-circuit 短路导纳adsorption 吸附作⽤advanced audio coding (AAC) 先进的⾳频编码advanced communications service 先进通讯服务advanced communications technology satellite (ACTS) 先进的通信技术卫星advanced configuration and power interface ⾼级配置和电源接⼝advanced data communication control procedures (ADCCP) 先进数控通讯控制程序advanced encryption standard (AES) 先进的加密标准advanced input format (AIF) ⾼级输⼊格式advanced intelligent network (AIN) ⾼级智能advanced mobile phone service (amps) 先进移动电话服务advanced peer-to-peer networking (APPN) 先进的对等,先进的端对端advanced power management (APM) ⾼级电源管理advanced process control (APC) 先进⼯艺控制,先进的处理控制advanced radio data information service (ARDIS) ⾼级⽆线电数据信息业务advanced router 先进路由器advanced solder mask (ASM) 先进焊接掩膜advantage, actual mechanical 实际机械利益advantage, ideal mechanical 理想机械利益advantage, mechanical 机械利益aeration 充⽓aerosol 喷雾器agent 代理⼈;代理商agent, broker 代理⼈兼经纪⼈agent, data analysis 数据分析代理agent, database 数据库代理agent, execution 执⾏代理agent, mediator 仲裁代理agent, security 安全代理,保安代理agent, user ⽤户代理aggregate 聚集aging factor ⽼化因素agitation, thermal 热震动agitation, ultrasonic 超⾳波振荡aglet ⾦属箍,⾦属饰物air chamber ⽓室air gap 空隙;⽓隙air interface 空中接⼝air knife ⽓⼑air operated ⽓动air pressure gauge ⽓压计air pump ⽓泵air support 空⽓⽀承air, compressed 压缩空⽓air-cooled design 风冷设计,⽓冷设计air-gap field voltage ⽓隙场电压air-operated dispensing ⽓动涂料alarm 警报;警钟alarm condition 警报条件alarm display 告警显⽰,警报显⽰alarm indication signal (AIS) 告警指⽰信号albumin 蛋⽩质alcohol, isopropyl (IPA) 等丙醇algebraic code excited linear prediction (ACELP) 代数码激励的线性预测algorithm 算法algorithm analysis 算法分析algorithm, asynchronous parallel 异步并⾏算法algorithm, data encryption 数据加密算法algorithm, fast Fourier transform 快速傅⽴叶变换算法algorithm, internal 内部算法algorithm, layout 布局算法algorithm, least recently used 最近使⽤算法algorithm, logarithmic 对数算法algorithm, multiple 多重算法algorithm, replacement 替换算法algorithm, routing 路由算法algorithm, software 软件算法algorithm, two-bit 两位算法algorithm, unidirectional backtrace 单向回溯算法algorithmic language 算法语⾔alias 代号aliasing 混淆现象aligner 调校器alignment 定位;调校alignment error 定位错误alignment hole 定位孔alignment jitter 定位抖动alignment, frame 信息帧定位alignment, optical 光学定位alignment, testing 测试定位alignment, timing 时序调校alkali-halide 硷卤化物alkali-halide substrate 硷卤化物基板alkaline battery 硷性电池all-digital television 全数字电视all-optical networks 全光all-pass function 全通功能allocate 分配;配置allocation 分配;配置allocation, file 档案配置allowable continuous current 容许连续电流alloy 合⾦alloy junction 合⾦结alpha particle 阿尔发粒⼦alpha ray 阿尔发射线alphanumeric 字母,字符alphanumeric key 字母数字键alphanumeric pagers 字母数字寻呼机,数字寻呼机alternate billing service (ABS) 可选计帐业务,交替计帐业务alternate display 交替显⽰alternate mark inversion (AMI) 交替记号转换alternate routing 迂回路由选择alternate-channel interference 相间通道⼲扰alternating current (ac) 交流电流alternating function 交替功能alternating-current generator 交流发电机alternating-current pulse 交流电流脉冲alternator 交流发电机alternator, three-phase 三相交流发电机altimeter ⾼度计alumina 矾⼟aluminum coil 铝线圈aluminum electrolytic capacitor 铝质电解电容器aluminum interconnect 铝互连线,铝[线]互连ambient conditions 环境条件ambient level 环境⽔平ambient noise 环境噪声ambient temperature 环境温度amino acid 氨基酸ammeter 安培计ammonia 氨amorphous substance ⾮晶体物质amorphous-silicon thin-film transistors ⾮晶硅薄膜晶体管ampacity 安培容量,安流量ampere (A) 安培ampere-hour (Ah) 安培⼩时ampere-hour capacity 安时容量,安培⼩时容量ampere-hour efficiency 安培⼩时效率ampere-turns 安培圈数amplification 放⼤amplification factor 放⼤因数amplifier (Amp) 放⼤器amplifier gain 放⼤器增益amplifier, audio 声频放⼤器amplifier, audio-frequency 声频放⼤器amplifier, bridge 桥式放⼤器amplifier, class A power A 类功率放⼤器amplifier, class B power B 类功率放⼤器amplifier, composition 组合式放⼤器amplifier, current feedback 电流反馈放⼤器amplifier, current sense 电流感应放⼤器amplifier, differential 差动放⼤器amplifier, diffusion 扩散放⼤器amplifier, direct coupling 直接耦合放⼤器amplifier, direct current 直流放⼤器amplifier, dual video 双视频放⼤器amplifier, erbium-doped fiber (EDFA) 铒渗染光纤放⼤器amplifier, floating diffusion 浮动扩散放⼤器。



CB是英文Certification Bodies' Schemer的缩写,即国际电工委电工产品测试证书互认体系。

























List of Illustrations------------------------------------------------------------- v
Chapter 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
包括条件、惯例和步骤必须谨慎执行, 以防人员伤害和设备损坏。
包括条件、惯例和步骤必须谨慎执行, 以防人员伤害和设备损坏
电击或高温部分危险,如不采取适当的 警告,可导致人员伤害。
静电感应元件,要求正确地触摸,以防 损坏。
Flo-Cal 用户手册
ii 索引
Chapter 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------17
Installation ....................................................................................................... 17 System Mounting .............................................................................................. 17 Unpacking and Inspection .................................................................... 17 Wall Mount Preparation and Procedure ............................................... 18 Free Standing Mount Instructions ........................................................ 20 Electrical Installation......................................................................................... 21 Gas & Air Supply Installation ........................................................................... 22



嵌入式系统专业术语中英文比照A:Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance 员工考勤A:Attenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学AC:AnalogueController 模拟掌握器ACD:Automatic CallDistribution 自动安排话务ACS:Access ControlSystem 出入掌握系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反响AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益掌握AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A—I:Auto—iris 自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡掌握ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:AnalogueLines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module 治理模块AN:AccessNetwork 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率掌握ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 治理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 治理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 治理单元组AU—LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU 指针丧失AU—NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 治理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 治理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像掌握装置AWG:American Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net 建筑物自动化和掌握网络BAM:Background Administration Module 后治理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比BCC:B—channelConnect ControlB 通路连接掌握BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector 大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP—N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N 位码B—ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B—ISDN:Broad band —Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式掌握器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑治理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 根本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station 基站BSC:Base Station Controller 基站掌握器BUL:Back up lighting 备用照明C/S: Client/Server 客户机/效劳器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting 自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫掌握CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇掌握功能CD:CampusDistributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combinationdetector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道安排CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰特地委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority 信元丧失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置治理CM:Cross-connect Matrix 穿插连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion 传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service 公用治理信息协议效劳单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder 〔Ticket reader 〕卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚效劳CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer 合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严峻误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能掌握CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 掌握字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 安排的大器DBA:Database Administrator 数据库治理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus 数据库掌握系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts 大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel 数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散掌握器DCS:Distributed Control System 集散型掌握系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller 直接数字掌握器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication 增加数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反响DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi—Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual —Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave—length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross—Connect 数字穿插连接E:Emergency lighting 照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA—DFB:Electricity Absorb—Distributed Feedback 电吸取分布反响ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或掌握通道EDFA:Erbium—DopedFiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic DataInterexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical ImpedanceCharacteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial 疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型A ESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge 静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器TOPFAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警掌握装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit 风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:FlameDetector 火焰探测器FD:FloorDistributor FD:FrequencyDirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface 光纤缆分布式数据接口. FDDIF:Fiber Distributed Data Inferface 光缆分布数据接口FDMA:Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FE:Fire Extirguisher 消防电梯FEBE:Far End Block Error 远端块误码FEXT:Far End Crosstalk 远端串扰FFES:Foam Fire Extionuishing System 泡沫灭火系统FH:Fire hydrant 消火栓FI:Fee Indicator 费用显示器FL:Focal Length 焦距FL:FuzzyLogic 模糊规律FM:FaiiltManagement 失效治理FPA:Fire Public Address 火灾事故播送FPD:Fire Public Derice 消防设施PACR:Attonuation to Crosstalk Ratio 衰减与串扰比GAP:Gaussian (filtered〕Frequency Shift Keying 高斯滤波频移键控TOP GBS:Glass Break Sensors 玻璃裂开传感器GC:Generic Cabling 综合布线GIB:Generic Information Block 通用信息模块GNE:Gateway Network Element 网关GSM:Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统H:Hybrid 混合式TOPHCBS:High C Bus Servers Unit 高速C 总线效劳单元HCS:Higher order Connection Supervision 高阶连接监视HD:Heat Detecter 感温探测器HDB3:High Density Bipolar of order 3code 高密度双极性码HDLC:High Data Link Control 高级数据链路掌握HDLC:HighDigital Link Control 高级数据链路掌握HDSL:High—bit -rate Digital Subscriber Link 高比特数字用户链路HDTV:High Definition Television 高清淅度电视HEC:Header Ervor Control:信头过失掌握域HEMS:High -level Entity Management system 高级实体治理系统HFC:Hybrid fiber coax 光纤-同轴电缆混合系统HGRP:Home Optical Network 华为公司专用协议HIFI:High Fidelity 高保真度HIPPI:High Performance Parrallel Interface 高性能并行接口HMP:Host monitoring protocol 宿主机监视协议HOA:High Order Assembler 高阶组装器HOAPID:High Order Path Access Point Identifier 高阶通道接入不敷出点标识符HOI:High Order Interface 高阶接口HONET:Home Optical Network 华为综合业务接入网商标HO—TCM:High Order Tandem Connection Monitor 高阶通道串联连接监控HOVC:High Order Virtual Container 虚容器HPA:High order path Adaptation 高阶适配HPC:High order path Connection 高阶通道连接HPOM:High -order Path Overhead Monitor 高阶通道开销监视器HPP:High —order path Protection 高阶通道保护HP-RDI:Higher order path —Remote Defect Indication 高阶通道接收缺陷指示HP—REI:Higher order Path—Remote ErrorIndication 高阶通道远端错误指示HPT:High order path Termination 高阶通道终端HRDS:Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段HSUT:High —order path Supervision Unequipped Termination 高阶通道监控未装装载终HVAC:Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 暖通空调HWS:Hot Water Supply 热水供给系统I:Interference 串扰TOP IA:Intruder Alarm 防盗报警ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol 掌握信息协议IDC:Insucation Displacement Connection 绝缘层信移连接件IDS:Industrial Distribution System 工业布线系统IFC:Intelligent Fire Controller 照明智能掌握器ILD:InjectLight Diode 注入式激光二极管IM:Impedance Matching 阻抗匹配IMA:Interactive Multimedia Association 交互式多媒体协议IM—DM:Intensity Modulation—Direction Modulation 直接强度调制IN:Information Network 信息网IO:Information Outlet 信息插座IOS:IntelligentOut Station 智能外围站IPEI:InternationalPortable 国际移动设备标识号IPTU:Indoor Pan&Tilt Unit 室内水平俯仰云台IPUI:International Portable User Identity 国际移动用户标识号ISD:Ionization Smoke Detector 离子感烟探测器IT:Information Technology 信息技术ITU:International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟ITU—T:原名CCITT,是国际电信联盟的一个委员会ITV:Interactive Tevevision 交互式电视JIT—Discussion conference system 即席发言系统L:Lens 摄像机镜头LAN:Local Area Network 局域网LAPB:Link Access Procedure—Balanced 链路接入规程--—-平衡LAPD:Link Access Procedure D—channel D 信道链路访问协议LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCL:Longituchinal Conrorsion Loss 纵模变换损耗LCN:Local Communication Network 本地通信网LCS:Lowerorder Connection Supervision 低阶连接监视LD:LaserDiode 激发二极管LE:Local Exchange 本地交换网LED:Light Emittirng Diode 发光二极管LIU:Lightguide Interconnection Unit 光纤互连装置LLC:Logic Link Control Layer 规律链路掌握层LLME:Low Layer Management Entity 低层治理实体LM:Lerel Modulation 电平调整LNA:Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器LOF:Loss Of Frame 帧丧失LOI:Low Order Interface 低阶接口LOP:Loss Of Pointer 指针丧失LOS:Loss Of Signal 信号丧失LO—TCM:Low Order Tandem Connection Monitor 低阶通道串联连接监视器LOVC:Low Order Virtual Container 低阶虚容器LPA:Lower order qath Adaptation 低阶通道适配LPC:Lower order Path Connection 低阶通道连接LPOM:Low-order Path Overhead Monitor 低阶通道开销监视器LPP:Low—order Path Protection 低阶通道保护LPT:Lowerorder Path Termination 低阶通道终端TOPMAC:Medium Access Control Layer 介质访问掌握层TOP MBMC:Multiple Burst Mode Controller 多突发模式掌握器MCF:Message Communication Function 消息通信功能MD:Mediation Device 中介设备MFPB:Multi—Frequency Press Button 多频按键MIB:ManagementInformation Base 治理信息库MIC:Mediu InterfaceConnector 介质接口连接器MIO:MultiuserInformation Outlet 多用户信息插座MLM:Multi-Longitudinal Mode 多纵模MM:Mobile Management 移动治理MMDS:Maltichanned Microware Distribution System 多路微波安排系统MMO:Multionedia Outlet 多媒体插座MN-NES:MN—Network Element System 网元治理系统MN-RMS:MN—Region Management System 网络治理系统MO:Managed Object 治理目标MSA:Multiplex Section Adaptation 复用段适配MS-AIS:Mutiplex Section—Alarm Indication Signal 复用段告警指示信号MSOH:Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销MSP:Multiplex Section Protection 复用段保护MS-RDI:Multiplex Section-Remote Defect Indication 复用段远端缺陷指示MST:Multiplex Section Termination 复用段终端MSU:Multi-Subscriber Unit 多用户单元 MTIE:Maximum Time Interval Error 最大时间间隔误差MUX:Multiplexer 敏捷复接器NDF:New DataFlag 数据标识NDFA:Niobium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铌光纤放大器NE:Network Element 网元NEXT:Near End Crosstalk 近端串扰NMS:Network Management System 网络治理系统NNE:Non-SDH Network Element 非 SDH 网元NNI:Network Node Interface 网络节点接口NPI:Null Pointer Indication 无效指针指示NWK:Network Layer 网络层NZ—DSF:Non Zero-Dispersion Shift Fiber 非零散位移光纤OAM&P:Operation Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning 运行、治理、维护和预置OAM:Operation, Administration and Maintenance 操作、治理和维护OBFD:Optical Beam Flame Detector 线型光速火焰探测器OC-N:Optical carrier level-N 光载波级 NOCR:Optical Character Recogmition 光学字符识别OEIC:Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit 光电集成电路OFA:Optical Fiber Amplifier 光纤放大器OHP:OverheadProcessing 开销处理OLT:Optical Line Terminal 光纤线路终端ON:Orerall Noise 总噪声ONU:Optical Network Unit 光纤网络单元OOF:Out Of Frame 帧失步OOP:Object Oriental Programming 面对对象程序设计OS:Operating System 操作系统OSC:Oscillator 振荡器OSI:Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连OTDK:Optical Time Doman Reflectometer 光时域反射线OTDM:Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用PA:Power Amphfier 功率放大器PA:Power Amplifier 功率放大器PABX:Private Auntomatic Branch Exchange 程控数字自动交换机Paging :无线呼叫系统PAL:Pinhole Alc Lons 针孔型自动亮度掌握镜头PARK:Portable Access Rights Key 移动用户接入权限识别码PAS:Public Address System 公共播送音响系统PBX:PrivateBrancn exchange 程控用户交换机PC:Pan unit&control 云台及云台掌握器PC:Proximinty Card 接近卡PCM:Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCS:Personal Communication Service 个人通讯效劳PDFA:Praseodymium—Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺镨光纤放大器PDH:Plesiochronous digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDN:Public data network 公用数据网PDS:Premises Distribution Systemn 建筑物构造化综合布线系统PF:Pressurization Fan 加压风机PG:Pressure Gradient 压差式PID:Passire Infrared Detector 被动式红外传感器PJE:Pointer Justification Event 指针调整大事PLC:Programmerable Logic Controller 可编程掌握器PM:Power Matching 功率匹配PMS:Prooerty Management system 资源治理系统PO:Pressure Operated 压强式POH:Path Overhead 通道开销PPI:PDH Physical InterfacePDH 物理接口Preamplification :前置放大PRI:Primany Rate Interface 基群速率接口PRM:Patter Recogniton Method 模式识别法PSC:Protection Switching Count 保护倒换计数PSD:Photoelectric Smoke Detector 光电感烟探测器TOPITU-T:International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Sector 国际电信联盟-电信标准部R:Receiver 终端解码器TOP R:Reverberator 混响器RC:Radio Communication 移动通信RC:Room”s Coefficient 房间系数RCU:RemoteControl Units 终端掌握器RDI:Remote DefectIndication 远端失效指示REG:Regenerator再生器Resolution:清楚度RF:Radio Frequency 射频RHE:Romote Head End 远地前端RMC:Repeater Management Controller 天线信道掌握器RMS:Root Mean Square 均方根值RMU:Redundancy Memory Unit 冗佘存贮器RORTD:Rate Of Rise Thermal Detector 差温探测器RR:Reverberation Radius 混响半径RS:Reflected sound 反射场RSOH:Regenerator Section Ouerhead 再生段开销RSSI:Radio Signal Strength Indicator RST:Regenerator Section Termination 再生段终端RSU:Remote Subscriber Unit 远端用户单元RT:RealTime 实时RT:Reverberation Time 混响时间RWS:Remote Workstation 远端工作站TOP S:Sprinkler 安排器S:Stereo 双声道S:Strike 电子门锁SAA:Sound Absorption Ability 吸声力量SAR:Segmetation and reassembly sublayer 拆装子层SATV:Sate Llite 卫星电视SBS:Synchronous Backbone System 同步信息骨干系统SBSMN:SBS SBS Management Network 系列传输设备网管系统SC:Smart Card 智能卡SC:Subscriber Connector 〔Optial Fiber Connector〕用户连接器(光纤连接器〕SC:Supervisong Center 中心站监控中心治理中心SCADA:监控和数据采集软件SCB:System Control Board 系统掌握板SCC:System Control&Communication 系统通信掌握SC-D:Saplex sc commector 双 ISC 连接器SCD:Sound Console Desk 调度台SCPC:Single Chnanel Per Carrier 卫星回程线路SCS:Stractured Cabling System 构造化布线系统SD:Signal Degraded 信号劣化SD:Smoke damper 排烟阀SD:Smoke Detector 感烟探测器SD:System Distortion 系统失真SDCA:Synchronization DCA 同步数据通讯适配器SDMA:Spaee Division Multiplex Access 容分SDXC:Synchronous Digital Cross Connect 同少数字穿插连接T:Teletext 可视图文TOP T:Terminal 终端机TA:Trunk Amplifier 干线放大器TC:Telecommunication Closet 通信插座TC:Transient Characteristic 瞬间特性TCI:Trunk cabling interface 星形连接TCP/P:Transmission Control Protocol Inter-network Protocol 传输掌握协议/网间协议TCS:Tele Communication System 通信系统TCS:Telecommunication System 通讯系统TD:Ticket Dispemser 发卡机TDD:Time Division Dual 时分双工TDEV:Time Deviation 时间偏差TDM:Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用TDMA:Time Division Multiple Address 时分多址TDS:Time division switching 时分交换构造TELEX:用户电报电传TEP:时间/大事软件TF:Transfer Function 传送功能TFCC:Transmission frequenay Characteristic 传输频率特性TGNP:The Greatest Noise Power 最大噪声功率TIM:Trace Identifier Mismatch 追踪识别符失配TM:Termination Multiplexer 终端复用器TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信治理网TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信治理网TNL:Total Noise Level 总噪声级TO:Telecommunications Outlet 通信插座TP:Tunst Pair 对绞线TR:Token Ring 令牌网TSI:Timeslot Interxhange 时隙交换TSU:Time Switching Unit 时隙交换单元TTF:Transport Terminal function 传送终端功能TTS:Tri Technology Sensor 三鉴传感器TU:Tributary Unit 支路单元TUG:Tributary Unit Group 支路单元组TU-LOM:TU-Loss Of Multi-frame 支路单元复帧丧失TUP:Tributary Unit Pointer 支路单元指针TUPP:Tributary Unit Payload Process 支路净荷处理UAT:Ultra Aperture Terminal 超小口径卫星地面接收站UL:Underwriters Laboratory 担保试验室UM:Unidirectional Microphines 单指向性传声器VA:Vacant auditoria 空场VCI:Virtual chammel identifier 虚信道标识VCS:vIdeo conferphone system 会议电视系统VI:Video interphone 可视对讲门铃Video switchers 图象切换掌握器Videotext :可视图文VOD:Video on demand 视频点播VSAT:Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小口径天线地球站。

海康威视无接触 fever 筛选解决方案说明书

海康威视无接触 fever 筛选解决方案说明书

Fever Screening & Access Control
Group Fever Screening
With Hikvision Turnstile Control
• Personnel identification & fever screening
With 3rd Party Turnstile Control
Difficult to collect statistics
• Manual registration is required, which may lead to human error and not so timely feedback.
Fever Screening Solution with Thermographic Cameras
Distant and accurate check with no contact, reducing crossinfection possibilities.
E FFICENT Automatic alarm triggering, reducing manpower invested.
Traditional methods like using the ear thermometer or mercury thermometer perform well in accurately detecting people with abnormal skin-surface temperatures. However, there are obvious and significant deficiencies in these methods:

FCC 介绍及相关资料

FCC 介绍及相关资料

FCC 介绍及相关资料FCC是美国联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)的缩写,是美国政府的一个独立机构,直接对国会负责。



比较常见的认证方式有三种:Certification, DoC, Verification. FCC的工程技术部(Office of Engineering and Technology)负责委员会的技术支持,同时负责设备认可方面的事务。




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在等待FCC批准分发给申请人Grantee Code的同时,FCC应该已经批准了Grantee Code。

申请人用这个Code、检测报告和要求的材料在网上完成FCC Form 731和Form 159。

FCC收到Form 159和汇款后,就开始受理认证的申请。


受理结束时,FCC会将FCC ID的Original Grant(原始准予)寄给申请人。


申请认证的制造商和申请认证方的全称和详细的联系通信地址产品安装和使用手册产品电气原理图及工作原理说明(如果产品有接地或天线,应加以描述)有关产品的工作振荡频率表,表中应列出信号的传播路径和相应振荡频率其它一些需要说明的产品特点以上文件资料需用中英文两种语言书写;为缩短认证周期,提体会的资料最好为电子文档形式在认证过程中,针对特定产品的特定情况,可能需要企业补充提交其它额外资料目录标准设备类型 (3)FCC认证分类FCC ID DoC VoC (3)FCC VOC认证流程 (5)有线产品做FCC认证测试项目 (6)无线通信产品FCC认证及测试方法介绍 (6)地板欧洲CE认证、美国FCC认证、中国CCC认证区别 (10)FCC认证各类设备认证程序以及法规 (11)FCC认证的主要目的是什么 (12)具体产品FCC认证方式 (13)FCC认证的产品范围 (13)FCC认证种类及认证方式 (14)FCC认证申请需要提供的资料 (15)FCC认证常见标准 (16)FCC认证标志 (16)标准FCC Part 15 B中B代表的意思 (17)标准设备类型FCC Part 15计算机设备、无绳电话、接收器、卫星接收器、电视接口设备、低功率发射机FCC Part 18工业设备、科技设备和医疗设备,例如:微波、RF照明镇流器(ISM)FCC Part 22移动电话FCC Part 24个人通信系统、包括得到许可的个人通信服务FCC Part 68无线电通讯、终端设备FCC Part 74实验性无线电接收装置、辅助广播、特殊广播和其它节目发送服务FCC Part 90私人地面移动通信业务,包括页面调度设备和移动接收发射机(包括高功率的步谈机这类地面移动接收产品)FCC Part 95小型收音机服务,包括频带(CB)传送器、无线电操纵玩具、以及家用无线电广播服务使用的设备FCC认证分类FCC ID DoC VoCFCC对于不同产品的管制程度不同,以此为依据FCC认证分为三种,Certification,DoC,Verification:1.Certification: 电讯证明机构(TCB)对申请者提交的样品及检测数据进行审核,如果符合FCC规则,则给设备授权一个FCC ID号码。

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AUTOMATIC VERIFICATION OF BROADCAST NEWS TRANSCRIPTIONSMichael Pitz,Sirko MolauLehrstuhl f¨u r Informatik VI,RWTH Aachen–University of TechnologyAhornstraße55,52056Aachen,Germanypitz,molau@informatik.rwth-aachen.deABSTRACTIn this paper we present a method for automatically detecting er-roneous training scripts for speech corpora like Broadcast News and Switchboard.Based on the Hub-4task we will report on the performance of error detection with the proposed method and in-vestigate the effects of both manually and automatically cleaned training corpora on the performance of the RWTH speech recog-nition system.Our approach uses a forced Viterbi alignment on the training data and evaluates different transcription quality measures.The following three criteria proved to be useful to automatically detect most transcription errors:the difference between thefinal Viterbi alignment HMMstate and the last state according to the transcriptionsthe normalized acoustic word scoresthe location of the boundary between adjacent segmentsobtained by forced alignmentWith manually corrected scripts we achieved a WER reduction on the1996HUB-4eval.corpus.The recognizer’s performance improved mainly on clean planned speech segments.Whereas the improvements were minor on these hand-transcribed train-ing data,automatic training script verification will become more important for automatically transcribed new speech corpora.1.INTRODUCTIONIn the last few years,the focus in ASR research has shifted from the recognition of clean planned speech(i.e.WSJ)to the more challenging task of transcribing found speech like broadcast news(Hub-4task)and telephone conversations(Switchboard). Available training corpora tend to become larger and more erro-neous than before,as transcribing found speech is more difficult. The importance of transcription verification was highlighted by the1997Hub-4Broadcast News evaluation.A number of par-ticipating sites reported efforts to clean transcriptions of the training material hereby improving the quality of their acoustic models[1,2].Either the whole corpus was manually checked and corrected,or suspicious speech segments with bad acous-tic scores were rejected during training.Ourfirst tests with the RWTH large vocabulary speech recognition(LVCSR)system [3]on the1996Hub-4evaluation task supported this procedure. We obtained a reduction in WER(table1)when training on a subset of manually checked46hours compared to76hours of original data as released1996and1997by LDC.Even though the subset contained40%less training data,the WER decreased. This indicated that the system was rather sensitive to incorrect transcriptions.We then carried out a number of further test on the Broad-cast News speech corpus to investigate the effects of erroneous training scripts in more detail.The work focussed on two main questions:How to detect transcriptions errors in the training data automatically?Which improvements can be obtained by manually cor-recting training scripts?Will minor transcription errors degrade the performance of the recognizer or will they make the acoustic models more robust?1996/97Hub-4training corpus WER46h76hIn addition,adjacent training segments were joined to compare the boundary given in the training script with it’s location ac-cording to the forced alignment (6).Segments were sorted by quality according to these mea-sures in order to inspect the worst ones first.2.3.Evaluation of quality measuresA preliminary check of the segment quality measures proved that the criteria (1),(4),and (6)were useful in detecting script errors.On the contrary,there was only little correlation between faulty transcriptions and the criteria (2),(3),and (5).Segment-wise criteria,(1)–(3):Measure (1)mainly de-tected major errors in training scripts like whole sentences that were missing in the transcriptions or incorrect segment bound-aries.Measures (2)and (3),however,were highly speaker-and focus condition dependent (table 2)and therefore of little use in detecting script errors.050100150200250300350400450500020406080100# o b s e r v a t i o n stime framesFigure 1:Histogram over differences between the final HMM state in the DP alignment and the terminal state according to the training script.Incorrectly transcribed single words were not detected by any of these segment-wise criteria due to the usually long train-ing segments.The acoustic sentence score of a given segment is the normalized sum of acoustic word scores.Hence,the poor score of one wrongly transcribed word may be masked by the scores from the other words.Equally,the DP algorithm may reach the terminal HMM state even if there is a transcription er-ror at the beginning or middle of a segment.condition F0spontaneous broadcast speechF2speech in the presence of background musicF4speech from non-native speakersFX(6)segment begin:ms,segment end:msThat is,if a word did not occur frequently enough in the training corpus()we used the overall mean word score and variance as fallback values.The deviations were considered to be significant only if they exceeded the given values.The thresholds were chosen in such a way that about one third of the corpus was marked.This was the order of suspicious segments reported by other groups.3.RESULTS3.1.Segment classification statisticsWe applied the described method to the full1996/97Hub-4train-ing corpus(segments,76h).35%of the corpus( segments,28h)was marked as possibly erroneous.Most of these segments(72%)were tagged because they contained words with bad acoustic scores(4).Criteria(6)and(1)supplied13%and 7%of the bad segments,respectively.The remaining8%were classified as bad according to two or all three criteria.The marked segments were manually corrected afterwards. During the correction process we estimated that the rate of false alarms was in the order of25%,which means that most segments labelled as‘bad’actually contained wrong transcriptions or seg-ment boundaries.After correcting,75hours of training material remained;only one hour worth of data was considered to be too bad for training because of overlapping or unclear speech.In order to investigate the number of errors that remained undetected wefirst examined a sample of25%of the segments from training CD4which were not tagged before.From these segments,only11%contained errors which were not detected by our method.Later we analysed another3.5hour subset(training CD1 with segments)of the training corpus in more detail.All segments of this subset were manually checked.Transcription errors were corrected and scored according to four categories: minor,medium,and major script error,and too bad for training.When evaluating the performance of our quality measures we focused on the last three categories.Segments falling into the category‘minor error’contained untranscribed noise items or errors affecting only single phonemes like get got.Table3shows detailed results for the different quality labels.error type#automatically detectedsegmentsabs.rel.1927220too bad4823%Table3:Statistics of automatic error detection on CD1These results do not confirm the impression we had when correcting the automatically tagged segments.They also contra-dict thefindings from examining the subset of CD4.Reviewing the data there were a number of facts that made us believe that this particular CD is not representative for the whole corpus: On CD1the rate of false alarms was52%,significantlyhigher than the average(about25%).The segments automatically labelled as‘too bad’makeup20%of this category for the1996/97training corpus(automatically labelled‘too bad’segments),althoughCD1contains less than5%of the whole corpus.From the segments our method marked only(21%)as possibly errorneous,which was well below theaverage percentage of tagged segments in the whole cor-pus(35%).A possible explanation could be that the data on CD1are of especially bad quality for some reason.It might have been better not to compute word score statistics for the whole corpus but rather per CD or even per show or speaker.3.2.Effects on the word error rate(WER)The transcription verification approach presented here was fur-ther checked by evaluation tests with acoustic models obtained from different training data sets:the complete1996/97Hub-4training corpus whichamounts to about76hours of speech data,the manually checked46hour subset,in which all incor-rect segments were rejected and only a few obvious errorswere corrected,andthe75hour subset,where an overall of22hours of erro-neous segments were automatically detected and manu-ally corrected thereafter.All recognition tests were carried out with a single pass inte-grated trigram Viterbi decoder based on word-internal triphones.While our preliminary Hub-4system performed better when trained on clean but less data(table1),we observed a differ-ent behaviour of the system that was optimized for this task (table4).1996/97Hub-4training corpus WER46h76h75hFrom the point of view of the WER of our optimized Hub-4 speech recognition system,the question of quality vs.quantity of hand-transcribed training data is not easy to answer.The rec-ognizer performed better on the difficult Hub-4‘96evaluation test set when trained on more but unclean data.The overall im-provement obtained by extensive manual corrections was rela-tively small.Only segments of clean planned speech gained sig-nificantly from these efforts.With further increase of training corpora size in future,man-ual correction will become infeasible.The main goal will then be to accept or reject suspicious segments or even parts of them rather than manually correcting the scripts.Finally,the importance of verification methods will increase when using automatically transcribed training corpora like TDT-2with800hours of speech data.The transcriptions of such cor-pora will have a significantly higher error rate than manually transcribed ones.In addition,the error types may differ from what has been observed so far.Both will affect the performance of LVCSR systems and our verification approach.Thus,the au-tomatic transcription verification will remain a challenging task in future.AcknowledgementsThis work is part of a joint effort of the University of Technology (RWTH)and Philips Research Laboratories Aachen,Germany.5.REFERENCES[1]J.L.Gauvain,mel,G.Adda,“The LIMSI1997Hub-4E Transcription System”,Proc.DARPA SpeechRecognition Workshop,Lansdowne,V A,Feb.1998.[2]P.C.Woodland,T.Hain,S.E.Johnson,T.R.Niesler,A.Tuerk,E.W.D.Whittaker,S.J.Young,“The1997HTKBroadcast News Transcription System”,Proc.DARPASpeech Recognition Workshop,Lansdowne,V A,Feb.1998.[3]H.Ney,L.Welling,S.Ortmanns,K.Beulen,F.Wes-sel:“The RWTH Large V ocabulary Continuous SpeechRecognition System”,Proc.IEEE International Confer-ence on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing,Seat-tle,USA,pp.853-856,May1998.[4] F.Wessel,K.Macherey,R.Schl¨u ter:“Using Word Prob-abilities as Confidence Measures”,Proc.IEEE Interna-tional Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Pro-cessing,Seattle,USA,pp.225-228,May1998.。
