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CaCO3 limestone (石灰石)
Hg2Cl2 Calomel (甘汞)
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
2. If there are only two elements in the compounds(化合物), it is customary (习惯上) to name the more metallic(金属性) element first and the less metallic, or more electronegative(电负性) element second, with the suffix(后缀) “ide”.
symbol English Latin
copper cuprum
symbol English Latin
gold aurum
autimony stibium
iron ferrum
Plumbum Ag
Silver arrgentum
mercury hydrargyrum Na
ClO2 chlorine dioxide
ClO3 chlorine trioxide
Cl2O7 di-chlorine heptoxide ClO4 chlorine tetroxide
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
❖ And “-ous”, “-ic” were also used to denote (表示) the lower and higher metallic state.
KCl potassium chloride NaBr sodium bromide BaS barium sulfide CaO calcium oxide HI hydrogen iodide
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
3. For compounds containing still only two elements but more than two atoms(原子), the prefixes (前缀)“mono-”, “di-”, “tri-”, etc. become necessary.
含三种元素的化合物是通过在两种非金属元素中电负性较弱的一 种之后加后缀“-ate” 来命名的。对于电负性相同的元素,用 “-ite”表示低价元素,用“-ate” 表示高价元素
NaNO3 sodium nitrate NaNO2 sodium nitrite
用“-ous”表示低价化合物,用“-ic” 表示高价 化合物
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
❖ CuI cuprous iodide
CuI2 cupric iodide
❖ FeBr2 ferrous bromide
FeBFra Baidu bibliotek3 ferric bromide
❖ SnCl2 stannous chloride SnCl4 stannic chloride
❖ HNO3 nitric acid
HNO2 nitrous acid
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
The element symbols not from English
对于仅含两种元素、但多于两个原子的化合物,加 “mono-”, “di-”, “tri-”等前缀很有必要
(1)mono-, (2)di-, (3)tri-, (4)tetra-, (5)penta-, (6)hex-, (7)hept-, (8)octa-
Cl2O di-chlorine monoxide ClO chlorine monoxide
当化合物中的金属元素仅有一种价态,通常很少 加前缀
ZnBr2 zinc bromide Na2O sodium oxide
CaH2 calcium hydride Al2S3 aluminum sulfide
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
5. Three elements present, such compounds are named by combining the suffix “-ate” with the name of the less electronegative of the two nonmetallic elements. And “-ite”, “-ate” are used to denote the lower and higher oxidation state of the same electronegative element.
Sodium Natrium
potassium kalium
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
4. A class of compounds in which such prefixes are seldom used is that in which the metal atom usually exhibits(展现) only one oxidation state.
I. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds (无机化合物构词法)
1. 1. Trivial name (俗名)
H2O water
CaO quicklime (生石灰)
NH3 ammonia (复)ammonium(单) K2CO3 potash(草木灰)
若化合物中仅有两种元素,习惯上先命名金属性强的元素,后命名金属性弱的 元素,再加上ide作为后缀
K potassium Na sodium Ca calcium Ba barium S sulfur H hydrogen Cl chlorine Br bromine O oxygen I iodine