这里定义的参数,主要是为了进行有效的数值 模拟。因为成形分析是一个连续的过程,分许多时 间步来计算,所以需要用户定义一些基本的参数: 1、总步数:决定了模拟的总时间和行程。 2、步长:有两种选择,可以用时间或每步的行程。 3、主模具:选择主运动模具。 4、存储步长:决定每多少步存一次,不要太小, 否则文件太大。
1. 导入上下模具的几何文件。在前处理控制窗口中点击增加物体按钮 Inter Objects…进入物体窗口。可以看到在Objects列表中增加了 一个名为Top Die的物体。 2.在当前选择默认Top Die 物体的情况下,直接 选择 然后选 3.本例中选择安装目录下 DEFORM3D\V6.1\ Labs的 Block_Top Die .STL
1.在前处理控制窗口的右上角点击 按钮,会出现一个提示,选择 Yes弹出Inter Object窗口。 2.定义物间从属关系:在v6.1中,系统会自动将物体1和后面的物体定 为从属关系(Slave-Master),即软的物体为Slave,硬的物体设为 Master。
1.点击按钮 ,进入新的窗口 2.选择剪切摩擦方式Shear,输入常摩擦系数constant,如果你对具体 的摩擦系数没有概念,可以选择工艺种类,例如,本例中的冷Cold Forming用的是Steel Die,摩擦系数系统会设为0.12,点击Close按 钮,关闭窗口。 3.回到Inter Object 窗口后选择第二 组。 4.重复1-2的操作, 将Bottom Die 和Workpiece的 摩擦系数也设 为0.12(也可以 在第2步后,点 击按钮 )
Delft3D-MATLAB Interface to MATLAB for flexibility in visualisation and data analysisUser ManualAugust, 2004User Manual Delft3D-MATLABPublished and printed by:WL | Delft Hydraulicsmain officeRotterdamseweg 185p.o. box 1772600 MH DelftThe Netherlandstelephone +31 15 285 85 85fax +31 15 285 85 82internet info@wldelft.nlwww http://www.wldelft.nlFor support contact:e-mail: +31 15 285 85 55fax: +31 15 285 85 82Copyright© 2004 WL | Delft HydraulicsAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by print, photo print, photo copy, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the publisher: WL | Delft Hydraulics.2004 Delft3D-MATLAB Contents August, User Manual Version 2.07Contents1Introduction...........................................................................................................1–11.1Version information...................................................................................1–11.2Compatibility.............................................................................................1–11.3List of major changes.................................................................................1–12Low level routines.................................................................................................2–12.1Open NEFIS file VS_USE........................................................................2–12.2Display information of groups and elements VS_DISP............................2–22.3Get data from a NEFIS file VS_LET/VS_GET........................................2–52.4Determine the type of a NEFIS file VS_TYPE........................................2–82.5Find group to which element belongs VS_FIND.....................................2–92.6Find differences between two NEFIS files VS_DIFF................................2–93High level routines................................................................................................3–13.1DRAWGRID..............................................................................................3–13.2THINDAM................................................................................................3–33.3TRIRST......................................................................................................3–63.4WLDEP......................................................................................................3–63.5WLGRID...................................................................................................3–83.6XYVELOC................................................................................................3–83.7QPREAD.................................................................................................3–103.8QPFOPEN................................................................................................3–123.9QPFILE....................................................................................................3–134QUICKPLOT functionality.................................................................................4–15References..............................................................................................................5–12004 Delft3D-MATLAB Introduction August,2.07 User Manual Version 1IntroductionThe MATLAB interface for Delft3D has been developed to expand the flexibility in theprocessing of Delft3D data in general and of NEFIS data files in particular. The interfaceconsists of three parts:•First, low level routines to access data stored in NEFIS files. The routines aredescribed in the second chapter of this manual. A thorough knowledge of theDelft3D system is required.•Second, high level routines to access the data. These functions support a pre-defined(but extensive) set of spatial data stored in the NEFIS files. Routines for reading andwriting flow restart files, grid and depth files are also provided. These routines aredescribed in Chapter 3.•Third, a graphical user interface for basic plotting. The QUICKPLOT interface isdescribed in Chapter 4.All functions are provided in source code. The routines described in chapters three and fourcan be used as examples for development of other routines.1.1Version informationThis manual describes the functionality of Delft3D-MATLAB interface version 2.07.00 andlater versions with minor revisions.1.2CompatibilityThe routines have been tested for compatibility with the Windows versions of MATLAB 5.3(R11), 6.5 (R13) and 7.0 (R14). Due to restrictions in the MEX (i.e. MATLAB sharedlibrary) files used, the toolbox is only available for MATLAB 6.0 and later on Linux.1.3List of major changesVersion Changes2.07.00 Update of QUICKPLOT interface to match standalone version 2.07.00 ofDelft3D-QUICKPLOT2.05.00 Update of QUICKPLOT interface to match standalone version 2.05.00 ofDelft3D-QUICKPLOTDelft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual Version 2Low level routinesA set of MATLAB files has been created to access NEFIS files from within MATLAB. Thefollowing functions have been implemented:vs_use open NEFIS filevs_disp display information of groups and elements contained in a NEFIS filevs_let/vs_get get data from a NEFIS filevs_type determine type of a NEFIS filevs_find find group to which an element belongsvs_diff find differences between two NEFIS filesIf no NEFIS file is specified when using the commands vs_disp, vs_let, vs_get,vs_type, and vs_find the last opened NEFIS is used. The commands are discussed belowin more detail.Remark:•Spatial data sets are stored in the NEFIS file with the M and N dimensions reversed.2.1Open NEFIS file VS_USEPurposeOpen/scan NEFIS fileSyntaxNfs=VS_USE(FileName)DescriptionNfs=VS_USE(FileName) opens a NEFIS file where the filename is the name of either thedefinition or the data file, and returns a handle Nfs to the file, which must be used whencalling the other commands. When no filename is specified, the command will ask for one.The vs_use command scans the structure of the definition and data files; this will takesome time. MATLAB can store the structure information in a file with the same name base(as indicated by filename) and extension <*.mat>, and read that information when the file isre-opened a next time. This used to be the default behaviour but is now optional: use optionusemat. The old option nomat is still accepted and overrules usemat. If changes were madeto the <*.def> and/or <*.dat> files, you should add refresh as additional argument to preventreading the existing mat-file. The addition of the argument quiet as last argument reads thefile structure without showing the wait bar. When the option debug is used a fileAugust, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual Version2.07 User<vs_use.dbg> is created in the default temporary directory, containing information on thereading of the data structure from the NEFIS file.The returned Nfs can be interpreted as a file handle as used in all programmingenvironments for file access. However, it is not an integer but a structure containing theinternal structure of the NEFIS file.Example» Nfs=vs_useNfs =FileName: 'I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11520000\com-d16'DatExt: '.dat'DefExt: '.def'Format: 'b'gNames: [21x368 char ]gData: [21x27 double]eNames: [89x112 char ]eData: [89x11 double]2.2Display information of groups and elementsVS_DISPPurposeDisplay NEFIS file contents.SyntaxVS_DISP(Nfs)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs)VS_DISP(Nfs,[])Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,[])VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName)Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName,[])Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,GroupName,ElementName)DescriptionVS_DISP(Nfs) lists all group names, group elements, and all group and element propertieslike the <disp stat> command of the Viewer Selector.VS_DISP(Nfs,[]) lists group names, group dimensions, and number of elements per grouponly. This can be used as a short summary of the file contents.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs) and Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,[]) return a char matrix containing thenames of the groups.Delft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual VersionVS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName) lists all group elements, and all element properties like the<disp GroupName> command of Viewer Selector.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName) returns a char matrix containing the names of theelements of the group.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs, GroupName,[]) gives detailed data about the specified groupcontained in the Nfs structure. The information includes group data name, cell name,definition name, number of elements, dimensions, and the offsets within the NEFIS file atwhich locations data of the group are stored.Output=VS_DISP(Nfs,GroupName,ElementName) gives detailed data about the specifiedelement contained in the Nfs structure. The information includes element description, unitand size.Examples» vs_disp(Nfs)Groupname:BOTNT Dimensions:(1)No attributesNTBOT INTEGER * 4 [ - ] ( 1 )Number of bottom fields in group BOTTIMGroupname:BOTTIM Dimensions:(24)No attributesTIMBOT INTEGER * 4 [ TSCALE] ( 1 )Communication times bottom fields rel. to referencedate/timeDP REAL * 4 [ M ] ( 98 62 )Bottom depth in bottom points, positive downwardsand so on …» vs_disp(Nfs,[])BOTNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).BOTTIM (24) No attributes, 2 element(s).PARAMS (1) - No attributes, 8 element(s).GRID (1) - No attributes, 16 element(s).SPECPOINTS (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).BOUNDCNST (1) - No attributes, 8 element(s).KENMCNST (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).INITBOT (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).ROUGHNESS (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).TEMPOUT (1) - No attributes, 4 element(s).com-version (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).KENMNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).KENMTIM (1) - No attributes, 3 element(s).CURNT (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).CURTIM (1) - No attributes, 7 element(s).DWQTIM (1) - No attributes, 5 element(s).TAUTIM (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).INITI (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).TRANNT (1) - No attributes, 2 element(s).BOUNDMOR (1) - No attributes, 1 element(s).TRANSTIM (1) - No attributes, 11 element(s).» Output=vs_disp(Nfs) %or Output=vs_disp(Nfs,[])Output =August, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual2.07 User VersionBOTNTBOTTIMPARAMSGRIDSPECPOINTSBOUNDCNSTKENMCNSTINITBOTROUGHNESSTEMPOUTcom-versionKENMNTKENMTIMCURNTCURTIMDWQTIMTAUTIMINITITRANNTBOUNDMORTRANSTIM» vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM')Groupname:BOTTIM Dimensions:(24)No attributesTIMBOT INTEGER * 4 [ TSCALE] ( 1 )Communication times bottom fields rel. to referencedate/timeDP REAL * 4 [ M ] ( 98 62 )Bottom depth in bottom points, positive downwards» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM')Output =TIMBOTDP» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM',[]) % get group informationOutput =Name: 'BOTTIM'GroupDatOffset: 8560DefName: 'BOTTIM'GroupDefOffset: 12728CellName: 'BOTTIM'CellDefOffset: 12660CellNByte: 24308CellNElm: 2NDim: 1VarDim: 1SizeDim: 24OrderDim: 1Attrib: [1x1 struct]» Output=vs_disp(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP') % get element informationDelft3D-MATLAB Low level routines August, 20042.07 User Manual VersionOutput =GrpNname: 'BOTTIM'ElmName: 'DP'ElmQuantity: ''ElmUnits: '[ M ]'ElmDescription: 'Bottom depth in bottom points, positivedownwards'ElmDefOffset: 12496NDim: 2SizeDim: [98 62]TypeVal: 5NByteVal: 4NByte: 243042.3Get data from a NEFIS file VS_LET/VS_GETPurposeRead data from file (groups as columns or cells).Syntax[Data,Succes]=VS_LET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)[Data,Succes]=VS_GET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)DescriptionData=VS_LET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)Data=VS_GET(Nfs, GroupName,GroupIndex,ElementName,ElementIndex)These commands read the requested element from the specified group from the specifiedfile. The GroupIndex should be a 1x N cell array, where N equals the number of dimensionsof the group. Each element of the cell array should contain either 0 (zero) or the indices ofthe cells that should be read. The 0 means that all cells should be read. The ElementIndexshould be a 1x M cell array, where M equals the number of dimensions of the element.Again, each element of the cell array should contain either 0 (zero) or the indices of theelements that should be read, where 0 means that the complete dimension should be read.When the option debug is used a file <vs_let.dbg> is created in the default temporarydirectory, containing information on the reading of the data from the NEFIS file.The command VS_LET reads all data in one big matrix, using the first dimensions for thegroups and the last dimensions for the elements. The command vs_get returns a matrixcontaining the data if data from only one group is read, and a cell array of matrices whendata from more than one group is read.An additional output option succes [Data,Succes]=...indicates whether the data has beenread successfully.August, 2004 Low level routines Delft3D-MATLABManual Version2.07 UserWhen the GroupIndex and/or ElementIndex are skipped all fields of the group/element areselected. When no GroupName or ElementName is specified or when an error isencountered while interpreting the input a graphical user interface is presented to enter theselection. To help new users to get acquainted to the command line syntax of the VS_GETand VS_LET routines, the command line `-cmdhelp' option is provided. When used, theroutine does not actually load the data, but it displays the command line equivalent of theselection that you have made in the user interface.ExamplesFor example: To read from the depth data the first 10 rows (and of those rows all columns)of the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th time steps, you should type:» Data=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'DP',{1:10 0});which returns a 5x10x62 matrix; or» Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'DP',{1:10 0})Data =[10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double][10x62 double]Indicating that a 5 x 1 cell array is returned, each cell containing one bottom field (10 x 62data points). Character strings are contained in cell arrays. The most common cases ofreading from are:Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{0 0})Read all bottom data completely. Group/Element indices containing only zeros don’t have tobe specified. So, the following is also accepted:Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP')Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{n 0}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{n 0})Read cross-section n at all time stepsData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{t},'DP',{0 0}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{t},'DP')Read the bottom at time step t. This will return a 10 x 62 matrix if vs_get is used, and a1x10x62 matrix if vs_let is used.Data=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{0},'DP',{n m}), orData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{n m})User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 2–7Read the variation of the bottom at indicated (n,m )-point. If this is followed by aData=[Data{:}]; command to convert the cell array containing single values into a vector; it can be replaced byData=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM','DP',{m n})which gives that result immediately and is faster.When besides the Nfs no further arguments are used (or when no element name is specified), an interface will appear asking for the other arguments. Adding the string ‘quiet’ as last parameters will suppress the wait bar during loading. When ‘*’ is specified as element name all elements of the group are returned; if an element index is specified it is ignored. Example:Data=vs_let(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'*')returnsData =TIMBOT: [5x1 double] DP: [5x10x62 double]andData=vs_get(Nfs,'BOTTIM',{1:2:10},'*')returns the data of five time stepsData =5x1 struct array with fields: TIMBOT DPTo assist the novice user with the syntax of the VS_LET and VS_GET commands a help functionality has been added to these functions which allows the interactive generation of command lines. This functionality is activated by supplying ‘-cmdhelp’ as one of the input arguments. For instance:» vs_let -cmdhelpresults after the following data has been entered in the user interfaceVersion 2.07 User Manual2–8 WL | Delft Hydraulicsin the following output stringData=vs_let(NFStruct,'BOTTIM',{[ 1:2:9 ]},'DP',{[ 1:10 ],0});You can copy this string into a text editor for use in a script. As indicated above, variations on the syntax are allowed. The following line is also validData=vs_let('BOTTIM',{1:2:9},'DP',{1:10,1:73});The result will be exactly the same provided that the variable NFStruct in the first command line contains the information of the last opened NEFIS file.2.4 Determine the type of a NEFIS fileVS_TYPEPurposeShow type of NEFIS file.SyntaxType=VS_TYPE(Nfs)DescriptionThe function returns the type of the loaded NEFIS file. Currently the following NEFIS files are detected: ‘Delft3D-com’, ‘Delft3D-trim’, ‘Delft3D-trih’, ‘Delft3D-trid’ ‘Delft3D-tram’, ‘Delft3D-trah’, ‘Delft3D-botm’. Other NEFIS files will return ‘unknown’. For example:Example» Type=vs_type(Nfs)User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 2–9Type =Delft3D-com2.5 Find group to which element belongsVS_FINDPurposeFind elements in a NEFIS file.SyntaxGroups=VS_FIND(Nfs, ElementName)DescriptionThe function returns a list of group names containing the specified element. For example the element ‘TIMCUR’ occurs in several groups of the com-file:Example» Groups=vs_find(Nfs,'TIMCUR')Groups =KENMTIM CURTIM DWQTIM2.6 Find differences between two NEFIS files VS_DIFFPurposeCompare NEFIS file contents and find differences in groups, elements and data.SyntaxVS_DIFF(Nfs1,Nfs2)DescriptionThe function analyses the specified NEFIS files for differences. The analyses searches first for differences in the contained groups. If it finds differences it stops, if not it continues to search for differences in the elements, element properties, and element data.Version 2.07 User Manual2–10 WL | Delft HydraulicsExampleThe following comparison between two com-files, of which the first was obtained by a restart run from the second one, indicates• differences in the water and sediment transport data fields;• a difference in the group properties of the BOTTIM group (which is caused by oneadditional depth field); and• differences in the ‘RUNTXT’ and ‘SIMDAT’ texts.» vs_diff(Nfs,Nfs2)Comparing NEFIS files ...File 1: I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11520000\com-d16 File 2: I:\OCTOPUS\sbod_gf3.66_tot\output\TS11160000\com-d16Data of element NTBOT of group BOTNT differ. Group properties differ for: BOTTIMData of element QU of group CURTIM differ. Data of element QV of group CURTIM differ. Data of element S1 of group CURTIM differ.Data of element TIMCUR of group CURTIM differ. Data of element U1 of group CURTIM differ. Data of element V1 of group CURTIM differ.Data of element TIMCUR of group DWQTIM differ. Data of element KFU of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element KFV of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element TIMCUR of group KENMTIM differ. Data of element TAUMAX of group TAUTIM differ. Data of element TSEDB of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TSEDE of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TTXA of group TRANSTIM differ. Data of element TTYA of group TRANSTIM differ.Data of element RUNTXT of group com-version differ. Data of element SIMDAT of group com-version differ. ... comparison finished.User Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 3–13High level routinesAlthough the low level routines provide access to all data in the NEFIS files, obtaining auseful, consistent data set can be difficult. For instance, to plot a 2D vector field you have to combine the information stored at about seven locations in the Delft3D communication file. Therefore, a number of high level routines has been provided to simplify the plotting and data retrieval operations. Routines are provided for plotting a grid (with grid number labels), plotting thin dams and inactive velocity points, and retrieving data to plot velocity vectors. Functions are also provided for reading and writing Delft3D-RGFGRID grid files, Delft3D-QUICKIN depth files, and Delft3D-FLOW restart files.3.1 DRAWGRIDPurposePlot the morphological grid.SyntaxDRAWGRID(NFStruct)[X,Y]=DRAWGRID(NFStruct); DRAWGRID(X,Y)DescriptionDRAWGRID(NFStruct) where NFStruct is the structure obtained from the VS_USE command. The function adds the morphological grid (that is, the user-defined grid) to the current axes. <trim-*>, <tram-*>, <botm-*>, and <com-*> files are supported. The morphological grid equals the grid specified in the input file; the bed level points are specified on the grid line crossings.[X,Y]=DRAWGRID(NFStruct) returns the X and Y co-ordinates, but it does not actually draw the morphological grid.DRAWGRID(X,Y) draws the user specified grid in the current axes.This function accepts a number of optional arguments, which consist of property - value pairs similar to those use by the MATLAB SET command:DRAWGRID(…,'optionname1',optionval1,'optionname2',optionval2,…) The supported options areVersion 2.07 User Manual3–2 WL | Delft Hydraulics• 'color'The value can be an RGB-triplet, a colour character ('r','g','b','c','m','y','k','w'), or the string 'ortho' for colouring based on the orthogonality of grid, 'msmo' for the M-smoothness of grid, 'nsmo' for the N-smoothness of grid • 'm1n1'[N M] number of grid point(1,1). Useful when plotting only part of the grid. • 'fontsize'The size of the font used for grid numbering (default 4) • 'gridstep'Label step used for grid numbering (default 10). For instance, 5 will number every fifth grid line. If grid step is [], grid lines are not labelled. • 'thicklength'Length of ticks in axes co-ordinates or ‘auto’ (default) • 'parent'The axes handle in which to plot grid (default the current axes, gca ) • 'clipzero'By default co-ordinate pairs of (0,0) are clipped. Set to 'off' to plot co-ordinates at (0,0))Example» G=wlgrid('read','D:\wl\delft3d\tutorial\flow\f33\f33.grd')G =X: [14x21 double] Y: [14x21 double] Enclosure: [15x2 double]FileName: 'D:\wl\delft3d\tutorial\flow\f33\f33.grd'» drawgrid(G.X,G.Y,'fontsize',8,'gridstep',4) » set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1])Figure 3-1Grid layout from the Friesian Tidal Inlet modelUser Manual Version 2.07WL | Delft Hydraulics 3–33.2 THINDAMPurposePlot dams, weirs and vanes.SyntaxTHINDAM(NFStruct,T)THINDAM(NFStruct,T,'3D')THINDAM(XCOR,YCOR,UDAM,VDAM) THINDAM('xyw',XDAM,YDAM,WDAM) THINDAM(..., 'PropertyName',PropertyValue) H=THINDAM(...) [X,Y]=THINDAM(...) [X,Y ,M,N]=THINDAM(...) [X,Y ,Z]=THINDAM(...)[X,Y ,BOTTOM,TOP]=THINDAM(...)[X,Y ,BOTTOM,TOP,M,N]=THINDAM(...)DescriptionTHINDAM(NFStruct,T) plots the KFU/V (drying/flooding) dams for time step T if T>0. It plots the KCU/V thin dams if T==0 (default if T is not specified). The function supports <trim-*> and <com-*> files.THINDAM(NFStruct,T,'3D') same as above but now the dams will be plotted as 3D surfaces based on the bottom and water level information in the specified NEFIS file, <trim-*> or <com-*> file.THINDAM(XCOR,YCOR,UDAM,VDAM) plots the specified U and V dams on the specified grid. The XCOR and YCOR represent the bottom points. Valid entries for UDAM and VDAM are:• matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR with a 1 representing a dam and a 0 indicatingno dam.• D x 2 matrix specifying the N, M co-ordinates of the dams• D x 4 matrix specifying the begin/end N, M co-ordinates of the dams like in theDelft3D input files.THINDAM('xyw',XDAM,YDAM,WDAM,...) plots dams with their centre at specified (XDAM,YDAM) locations with specified width/length WDAM. This function is useful for non-grid oriented dams.Version 2.07 User Manual A 3D effect can be added to these user-specified dams by specifying bottom and top levelsusing THINDAM(..., 'bottom',<bottom_args>, 'top',<top_args>). It plots the dams as 3Dsurfaces with specified top and bottom elevations. The elevation data should be specifiedwith positive direction up. Additional supported options are:•'angle',<angle_args>The dams/vanes are rotated to match the specified angle in degrees with respect tothe positive X-axis (positive angle in anti-clockwise direction).•'color',<color_args>The dams are coloured using the specified data.•'thickness',<thickness_args>The thickness of the dams is specified (default 0).Valid entries for all options are:• a constant, uniform value for all dams• a matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the depth points.• a matrix of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the water level points. To distinguish this entry from the former you need to add the string 'H' or 'S' as an extraargument after the matrix. For example THINDAM(... ,'top',ELEVMATRIX,'H', ...)indicates that the top level of the dams are derived from the specified data in waterlevel points (the value will be used uniformly along each elementary dam).•two matrices of same size as XCOR/YCOR containing data in the U and V points.•two D x s arrays specifying the property of the individual dams. If the array is D x 1 the value is constant along each elementary dam. If the array is D x 2 the first valueis taken for the dam end with lowest (N,M) while the second elevation for the damend with highest (N,M). The first array specifies the elevation for dams in Udirection the second array for dams in the V direction. For example THINDAM(...,'top',ELEVU,ELEVV, ...). This option cannot be used in combination with option 1for the UDAM and VDAM entries. The number of values should match the numberof dam records/elementary dams.If a colour data field has been specified, there are a few more options available:•‘shape’,<type>The dam shape: ‘dam’ (default) or ‘rhombus’.•‘drawdams’,<onoff>Flag to draw dams. Can be set to ‘on’ (default) or ‘off’.•‘drawlabels’,<onoff>Flag to draw the colour values as text labels. Can be set to ‘on’ or ‘off’ (default).•‘labelformat’,<format>Defines the format for displaying the values (default ‘%g’)•‘fontsize’,<size>Defines the size of the labels.If the 'xyw' syntax is used, then valid entries for the options are• a constant (uniform value for all dams), and3–4 WL | Delft Hydraulics。
Байду номын сангаас
的水 流盐 度 泥沙 的分 布 一 直 是研 究 的突 破 点 , 模 拟 三 维 的流 场和盐 度 泥沙 的变 化首先 需要 解决 垂 向上 的分 布 和紊 动混 合 问题 , 垂 向紊 动 问题 的解决 , 对 准确 的三 维模 拟计 算非 常重 要 。在 实 际 的海 洋 河 口模 拟 中 , 通 常采 用 k一8湍 流 闭合模 型 和二 阶 闭合 方程 求 解 水 流 的垂 向涡 粘 系 数 和 盐 度 的垂 向 扩 散 系 数 。研 究 表 明, 分 层混 合流 采用 k一占湍流 闭合模 型 的应用 使模 型 的计 算更 稳 定 准 确 。 。为 了进 一 步研 究 长 江 口的 盐 度扩 散 和分层 规律 , 需 要 模 拟 河 口三 维 的水 动 力 情
1 研 究 背 景
河 口地 区由于 受 到径 流 和潮 流 的 相 互作 用 , 构 成 了复杂 的水 动力 特 征 , 主 要 表 现 为河 口涨 落 潮 往 复 流 和旋 转 流 。在河 口水 动 力 过 程 驱 动 下 , 河 口盐 淡水 混 合 形成 平 面上 冲淡 水 的扩 散 和输 移 , 垂 向盐 度 产 生分 层 和混 合 的交替 变 化 。由 于河 口盐 度 分布在 水 平和 垂 向上 的时空 差异 , 形 成盐 度梯 度 , 盐 度梯 度产 生 的斜压
变化 也 同样 影 响 了 盐 度 扩 散 和 输 移 , 并 提 出环 流 、 潮汐 应变 和混 合对 盐度 扩散 和分 层产 生一定 的影 响 。 由于长 江 口区域 边 界 和 水 动力 条 件 复 杂 , 目前 主
要采 用数 值模 拟 的方法 研究 盐度 变化 过程 。韩 乃斌 采
%In order to select the mesh size efficiently, and balance the calculation precision and computational ex⁃pense in the simulation offinite element flow field, a Delft3D⁃FLOW field simulation model at a portof Hainan was established. The precision error of the simulation was analyzed by inputting various mesh sizes with constant mesh shapes, types and values of boundary incentive. The analysis result shows that, the absolute simulation errors are non⁃linear, and the simulation error near the shoreline is greater than that in the middle of the ocean area under the same simulation conditions.【期刊名称】《应用科技》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】5页(P57-61)【关键词】有限元;水流场;网格尺寸;精度分析;Delft3D【作者】张仁徽;陈宇里;耿钊【作者单位】上海海事大学商船学院,上海201306;上海海事大学商船学院,上海201306;上海海事大学商船学院,上海201306【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB115随着计算技术的发展,使用有限元方法对海洋流场仿真已经成为一种实用的研究手段。
Deflt-3D FLOW模块简明操作手册河海大学张乃东第一章引言1.1 特征wL 一Delft HydrauliCS 开发一套功能强大的软件包:Delft3D , 主要应用于自由地表水环境。
Delft3D 的主要特征为:所有程序模块都具有高度的整合性和互操作性;能直接应用最新过程知识,为久誉盛名的水力学研究所的研发成果;采用了市场上最为友好的图形用户界面。
1.2 模块简介Delft3D 具体模拟六种现象的时间、空间变化以及其相互联系。
Delft3D 由一系列经过全面测试和验证的模块组成,是相互联系的有机整体。
有关模块包括:一、水动力模块(Delft3D 一FLOW )该模块主要用于浅水非恒定流模拟。
综合考虑了潮汐、风、气压、密度差(由盐度和温度引起)、波浪、紊流(从简单常量到k 一模型)以及潮滩的干湿交替。
本模块集成了热量及物质传输方程求解,并在wL 一Delft Hydraulics 有关分层水动力学等前沿理论研究基础上开发而成。
Delft3D 的其它模块均可采用了该模块的输出结果。
二、波浪模块(Delft3D 一WAVE )波浪模块主要计算短波在非平整床底上的非稳定传播,考虑风力、底部摩阻力造成的能量消散、波浪破碎、波浪折射(由于床底地形、水位及流场)、浅水变形及方向分布。
三、水质模块(Delft3D 一WAQ )该模块通过考虑一系列泥沙输移和水质过程来模拟远一中水域的水质及泥沙。
四、颗粒跟踪模块(Delft3D 一以RT )颗粒跟踪模块为短期的、邻近水域水质模块,通过即时跟踪个体颗粒轨迹来估算其动态、空间(子网格尺度下)密度分布。
基于Delft3D的离岸堤附近波浪与波生流数值模拟许忠厚;董晓红;尹亚军【摘要】Based on 3D numerical model Delft3D,coupling wave and current,a numerical model was estab-lished to simulate the waves and currents near the offshore dyke out of water.The distribution of wave height and wave-induced current along the section are consistent with the test results of physical model,indicating that Delft 3D is a reliable model to simulate the physical phenomenon of wave deformation, refraction, diffraction and breaking in shallow water area.Based on the reasonable validation of the model,the flow patterns under different angles of wave attack and different wave heights were studied.It is demonstrated when the wave angle increases,the longshore cur-rent increases accordingly and the circulation behind the breakwater moves downstream of the wave incoming direc-tion.When the wave height increases,the flow patterns does not change evidently,but the flow velocity increases ac-cordingly.%基于Delft3D三维波流耦合模型,模拟了仅波浪作用下出水离岸堤附近的波浪与波生流,与物模试验资料进行了对比,结果表明,Delft3D波流耦合模型能较好模拟波浪在近岸区域的浅水变形、折射、绕射、破碎等物理现象,波高、波生流沿断面的分布与试验结果吻合良好,验证了该模型在波浪传播变形、波生流模拟的可靠性;研究了不同入射角度与不同波高时离岸堤附近波生流的形态,研究表明入射角度增大,沿岸流也随之增大,离岸堤后方环流逐渐向波浪入射方向的下游移动,不同的入射波高条件下,离岸堤附近流态并没有太大变化,波高增大主要引起流速增大.【期刊名称】《水道港口》【年(卷),期】2016(037)001【总页数】8页(P27-34)【关键词】离岸堤;波高;波生流;环流【作者】许忠厚;董晓红;尹亚军【作者单位】河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院海岸灾害与防护教育部重点实验室,南京 210098;宁波中交水运设计研究有限公司,宁波 315040;河海大学港口海岸与近海工程学院海岸灾害与防护教育部重点实验室,南京 210098【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV143;O242.1目前,受海平面上升、陆源泥沙供给减少以及人类活动等因素影响,海岸侵蚀已经成为一个全球性问题。
deflt-3d flow
Deflt-3D FLOW模块简明操作手册河海大学第一章引言1.1 特征wL 一Delft HydrauliCS 开发一套功能强大的软件包:Delft3D , 主要应用于自由地表水环境。
Delft3D 的主要特征为:所有程序模块都具有高度的整合性和互操作性;能直接应用最新过程知识,为久誉盛名的水力学研究所的研发成果;采用了市场上最为友好的图形用户界面。
1.2 模块简介Delft3D 具体模拟六种现象的时间、空间变化以及其相互联系。
Delft3D 由一系列经过全面测试和验证的模块组成,是相互联系的有机整体。
有关模块包括:一、水动力模块(Delft3D 一FLOW )该模块主要用于浅水非恒定流模拟。
本模块集成了热量及物质传输方程求解,并在wL-Delft Hydraulics 有关分层水动力学等前沿理论研究基础上开发而成。
Delft3D 的其它模块均可采用了该模块的输出结果。
二、波浪模块(Delft3D 一WAVE )波浪模块主要计算短波在非平整床底上的非稳定传播,考虑风力、底部摩阻力造成的能量消散、波浪破碎、波浪折射(由于床底地形、水位及流场)、浅水变形及方向分布。
三、水质模块(Delft3D 一WAQ)该模块通过考虑一系列泥沙输移和水质过程来模拟远一中水域的水质及泥沙。
四、颗粒跟踪模块(Delft3D 一以RT )颗粒跟踪模块为短期的、邻近水域水质模块,通过即时跟踪个体颗粒轨迹来估算其动态、空间(子网格尺度下)密度分布。
④ ①③②
① Delft3D授权管理 ② Delft3D软件主体 ③ 练习实例(安装路径) ④ 结果后处理
• 1. 设置工作空间
文件夹路径: ***/Delft3D/4.02.01/tutorial/rgfgrid/harbour
6. Refine grid
7. Fit grid boundary to land boundary
1. 网格正交性检查 正交性要求: 正交性(一般<0.02,这个可以放宽) 2. 网格平滑度检查 平滑度(一般<0.2)
实验费用少; 速度快、周期短; 可以模拟多种因素相互作用的复杂物理过程; 可以完全控制流体的物理性质; 模型建成后,长期保存、随时调用修改;
根据模拟域边界条件选择合适的网格; 按一定的格式离散方程,得到代数方程和采用合适的数值方法求解代数方
File-Attribute Files-Open Land Boundary,文件mar_01.ldb 结果如图。
Delft3D水动力数值模拟——插值地形 2. Open a Grid
File-Import-Grid(RGFGRID),文件mar_02.grd 结果如图。
Delft3D水动力数值模拟——插值地形 3. Open a Samples(离散水深点)
%In this paper,the hydrodynamics of Aojiang estuary was modeled based on Delft3d. The reclamation influence was analyzed from tidal prism, tidal level, velocity and residual flow. The reclamation project lead to the decreasing of section area. It was pointed out that the flood and ebb velocity increased significantly. During the period of the river flood,the tidal level,especially the low tidal level rises,which affects the water discharge and results in the waterlogging. The duration of flood decreases, and the duration of ebb increases due to the river flood. The residual flow is directly affected by the reclamation. The residual flow points upstream,and the value nearly doubles. It is weakened by the discharging. The tidal volume of flood and ebb keeps the near balance. Ebb tidal volume is slightly higher than that of flood tidal during the river flood.【期刊名称】《海洋通报》【年(卷),期】2013(000)005【总页数】9页(P559-567)【关键词】径流下泄;余流;围垦影响;鳌江口【作者】王黎;蒋国俊【作者单位】浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江金华 321004;浙江师范大学地理与环境科学学院,浙江金华 321004【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV131.4河口滩涂是宝贵的自然资源,也是重要的环境资源;且河口处于海陆汇聚的枢纽区位,物质、能量、信息流动的空间维数多,受季风、波浪、潮汐、海流等多种动力作用,物理、化学、生物和地质过程复杂。
基于Delft3D水动力模型对青草沙水库水温变化的模拟和预测毕潇伟;徐聪;何义亮【摘要】水体流场是影响水体温度变化的主要因素,也是影响水体污染物迁移的主要原因,这种影响在短时间内尤为明显.以上海市水源地青草沙水库为例,基于Delft3D建立模拟网格,利用ADI法进行流场数值模拟,利用实测数据进行验证得到拟合的水动力模型,并对水库的水温进行模拟,基于该模型预测未来气温条件下水库的水温变化.结果表明,随着气温的升高,水库水温高温时间段变长,升温时间点提前,未来藻类暴发时间可能不在夏季,而有所提前.%Flow field of water body is the main factor affecting water temperature variation,and it is also the main reason for the migration of water pollutants.This effect is quietly obvious in a short time period.In this paper,Qingcaosha Reservoir in Shanghai is used as an example.Based on Delft3D,the simulation grid is established and the numerical simulation of flow field is carried out by ADI.The hydrodynamic model is verified by the measured data.Water temperature of the reservoir is simulated.Based on the model,water temperature of the reservoir is predicted in future.The results show that the reservoir water temperature will increase in future and the period of high temperature will be longer and in advance.The number of algae will increase not in summer but in advance.【期刊名称】《净水技术》【年(卷),期】2018(037)001【总页数】9页(P14-21,29)【关键词】流场;Delft3D;水动力模型;青草沙水库;气温;水温【作者】毕潇伟;徐聪;何义亮【作者单位】上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200240;上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200240;上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200240【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU991青草沙水库是上海市四大水源地之一,自2011年全面投入使用后日益突出的水质问题成为水库生态环境的重点。
Delft 3D计算水流泥沙第i章网格i.i确定模型范围即确定网格范围,确定河道起止断面,河堤位置等;另,可将桥梁位置,工程布置,测流点等予以标注。
*.ldb (land boundary)文件在记事本或UE里编辑后保存为后缀名为」db的文件即可。
l mn 2xi yiX2 y2Xn ynl代表line,m表示当前是第几条线,n表示这条线有多少个点,x y表示点坐标,具体格式见附件LDB文件。
打开GRID 模块的RGFGRID,File—Open Land Boundary (图1-1)1.2Splines分割模型即绘制spline样条曲线。
打开GRID模块的RGFGRID,File—Open Land Boundary (图1-1),找到*.ldb文件打开(图1-2)。
迴•凶逆£除第一个为打印命令外,其他都是视图范围调整按钮图1-1图1-2导入Idb文件图1-3 Spline样条曲线(绿色)在land boundary的参照下,点击* •开始画Splines样条曲线,%删除整条线,的调整单个点,]_J删除单个点。
Spline线顺延河段较宽处的走势,画在land boundary之外,这样在生成网格时,避免了此处网格过密。
Splines画好后,File —Save Splines 保存为*.spl 文件。
1.3生成网格打开*.spl文件,点击生成网格,生成网格时,Sett in gs—Change Parameters设置自动生成网格的参数。
茅志昌研究了长江分汊河口盐水入侵锋的迁移变化区域和特征[1],盐度锋的变化对河口最大浑浊带的摆动有重要影响,有资料分析长江口锋面的盐度梯度约0.4 psu/km,较其他部分混合型河口盐度梯度略大一些,锋面上的水平盐度梯度和垂向盐度梯度达到最大。
水动力模型软件Delft3D操作过程与实例分析基于Delft3D-Flow模块的三维模型垂向在网格使用的是笛卡尔Z坐标,是基于二维浅水方程对不可压缩粘性流体求解Navier Stokes方程,在浅水和方程假设下。
在垂直动量方程中, 忽略了垂直加速度, 导致了静水压方程。
在3D 模型中, 垂直速度是从连续性方程计算出来的。
在有限差分网格上求解与一组合适的初始边界条件相结合的偏微分方程组连续方程:垂向二维平均连续性方程如下其中, Q表示单位面积上的源、汇通量,以及降水和蒸发的影响。
其中D H是水平扩散系数,D V是垂向扩散系数,d代表一阶衰减过程。
1.水动力模型构建过程1.1网格搭建1.1.1设置工作空间工作空间(working directory)是Delft3d运行的工作文件夹,选择正确的工作空间可以提高计算效率,减少失误。
该课程论文以Delft3D自带的实例操作为主,因此在这里选择文件夹:D:\Delft3D 4.02.01\tutorial\flow1.1.2导入陆地边界陆地边界相当于海岸线,该处的作用主要为规定划分网格和模拟区域。
在菜单栏选择File-attribute-open land boundary,打开<harbour.ldb>文件,打开后显示如图所示。
图1 陆地边界示意图1.1.3绘制曲线(spline)曲线是沿着陆地边界绘制而成,曲线的主要功能是生成网格,因此在绘制曲线的时候,曲线的范围要比陆地边界的范围大。
Deflt-3D FLOW模块简明操作手册河海大学张乃东第一章引言1.1 特征wL 一Delft HydrauliCS 开发一套功能强大的软件包:Delft3D , 主要应用于自由地表水环境。
Delft3D 的主要特征为:所有程序模块都具有高度的整合性和互操作性;能直接应用最新过程知识,为久誉盛名的水力学研究所的研发成果;采用了市场上最为友好的图形用户界面。
1.2 模块简介Delft3D 具体模拟六种现象的时间、空间变化以及其相互联系。
Delft3D 由一系列经过全面测试和验证的模块组成,是相互联系的有机整体。
有关模块包括:一、水动力模块(Delft3D 一FLOW )该模块主要用于浅水非恒定流模拟。
综合考虑了潮汐、风、气压、密度差(由盐度和温度引起)、波浪、紊流(从简单常量到k 一模型)以及潮滩的干湿交替。
本模块集成了热量及物质传输方程求解,并在wL 一Delft Hydraulics 有关分层水动力学等前沿理论研究基础上开发而成。
Delft3D 的其它模块均可采用了该模块的输出结果。
二、波浪模块(Delft3D 一WAVE )波浪模块主要计算短波在非平整床底上的非稳定传播,考虑风力、底部摩阻力造成的能量消散、波浪破碎、波浪折射(由于床底地形、水位及流场)、浅水变形及方向分布。
三、水质模块(Delft3D 一WAQ )该模块通过考虑一系列泥沙输移和水质过程来模拟远一中水域的水质及泥沙。
四、颗粒跟踪模块(Delft3D 一以RT )颗粒跟踪模块为短期的、邻近水域水质模块,通过即时跟踪个体颗粒轨迹来估算其动态、空间(子网格尺度下)密度分布。