


TPO 23


Populations of the yellow cedar, a species of tree that is common in

northwestern North America, have been steadily declining for more than a century

now, since about 1880. Scientists have advanced several hypotheses to explain

this decline.


One hypothesis is that the yellow cedar decline may be caused by insect

parasites, specifically the cedar bark beetle. This beetle is known to attack

cedar trees; the beetle larvae eat the wood. There have been recorded instances

of sustained beetle attacks overwhelming and killing yellow cedars, so this

insect is a good candidate for the cause of the tree’s decline.


A second hypothesis attributes the decline to brown bears. Bears sometimes

claw at the cedars in order to eat the tree bark, which has a high sugar

content. In fact, the cedar bark can contain as much sugar as the wild berries

that are a staple of the bears’ diet. Although the bears’ clawing is unlikely to

destroy trees by itself, their aggressive feeding habits may critically weaken

enough trees to be responsible for the decline.


The third hypothesis states that gradual changes of climate may be to blame.

Over the last hundred years, the patterns of seasonal as well as day-to-day

temperatures have changed in northwestern North America. These changes have

affected the root systems of the yellow cedar trees: the fine surface roots now

start growing in the late winter rather than in the early spring. The change in

the timing of root growth may have significant consequences. Growing roots are

sensitive and are therefore likely to suffer damage from partial freezing on

cold winter nights. This frozen root damage may be capable of undermining the

health of the whole tree, eventually killing it.



- Main point: 有三个假说解释黄杉数量减少

- Sub point 1: 杉皮甲虫的侵蚀

- Sub point 2: 棕熊的破坏

- Sub point 3: 气候变化对根系的影响


Unfortunately,we still do not know what is killing the yellow cedar. None of

the explanations discussed in the reading is adequate.


First, the cedar bark beetle. Well, the problem with this explanation is

these healthy yellow cedars are generally much more resistant to insect

infection than other tree species. For example, the bark and leaves of the

yellow cedars are concentrated with powerful chemicals that are poisonous to

insects. So, healthy cedars are unlikely to suffer from the insect damage. So,

how can we explain those dead cedars that were infected with beetles? In those

cases, the beetles attacked trees that were already damaged or sick and what

probably dead any way. So, the beetles are not the fundamental cause responsible

for the decline of the yellow cedars.


Second, although bears damage some trees, they are not the cause of the over

all population decline. Yellow cedars population has been declining all across

the northwestern coast of North America, both on the mainland and on the islands

just off the coast. There are no bears on the islands, yet the islands cedars

are still in decline. Since the decline occurs with and without bears, the bears

can not be responsible.


And finally, the theory about root suffering from frozen damage. Well, the

reading passage forgot to take one fact into account. Many more trees are dying

in the lower elevations where it is warmer than in the higher elevations where

it is cold. If freezing damage were responsible for the decline, we would expect

to see more trees die in the cold weather of the high elevations. Instead, more

trees die in the relative warm of the low elevations. So, although the climate

change may have made the cedar roots more sensitive then they used to be, this

is not what killed them.



Main point: 三个假说都不成立

Sub point one: 杉皮甲虫不能侵蚀健康树木,可以侵害的树木本身就已经有问题

Sub point two: 在没有棕熊的岛屿上黄杉数量也减少了,所以不是棕熊造成的

Sub point three: 因为气温高的地海拔地区死亡的多,气温低的高海拔地区死亡的少,因此低温损害说不成立。


托福写作综合写作简介 托福写作是托福考试的最后一项,包含两个任务,分别是托福综合写作和独立写作。综合写作和以往英语写作的考查形式不同并不是单纯的考查写作能力。因此,很多考生在这部分会丢失一些分数。此外,还有一些考生对托福综合写作不太了解,因此,很多考生会在备考过程中存在一些疑问点。接下来,澳洲圣约翰小编就和大家分享托福综合写作简介,包括托福写作的内容介绍和解题技巧。 综合写作俗称小作文,主要考察大家综合信息的能力。如果大家的听力好,那么这个部分对大家来说可能问题不大。这时,大家可能会纳闷:为什么写作要求听力好呢?因为小作文的考试步骤是这样的:首先,进入小作文考试界面后,大家会在屏幕的左边看到一篇阅读文章。ETS给大家三分钟的时间来阅读一篇字数在200到300词之间的文章,提炼文章的主旨和分论点。三分钟过去后,大家需要戴上耳机,听一段时长2到3分钟的听力。听力听完后,就开始真正的写作了。托福写作要求是要大家综合阅读和听力里的内容,提炼最主要信息,通常情况下,是要求大家写听力内容如何反驳了阅读内容。(青岛托福) 这时,很多人可能会觉得小作文很难,这么长的阅读只看了一遍,听力听了一遍,怎么记得住主要内容呢?不用担心,我们说ETS出的考试还是很人性化的,在托福写作的过程中,阅读文章又会重新出现在屏幕的左边。所以,阅读材料是作为一种参考材料出现的。它考察的是大家综合整理信息的能力,考的是大家在国外能否适应那里的校园学习。有的学生可能又有疑问了,既然阅读会一直在屏幕上,第一遍阅读出现的时候为什么还要看呢?这个就要说到阅读和听力的关系了。托福考试的小作文,阅读内容和听力内容必然相反。而且文章和听力的结构非常清晰,一般包含五个段落,开头段一段,中间段三段,结尾段一段。也就是说它们都有一个总的观点和三个分论点。总观点必定相反,分论点则针锋相对。听力会运用一些例子或者理由或者科学的调查结果来反驳阅读中的内容。所以,在阅读第一次出现的时候,把握了它的内容可以提示我们听力的内容。 了解了小作文的考试流程后,我们来看看它的解题技巧。在短时间内,我们的记忆有限,所以我们需要记笔记。在阅读的时候,我们需要记下文章的主旨和分论点。听力则需要我们记住教授是如何反驳文章的分论点的,运用了哪些例子和理由。这些例子和理由至关重要,因为它们组成了后来托福写作的核心内容。(青岛托福培训) 笔记记好后,如何去组织作文的内容呢?其实非常简单。小作文的写作模式很清晰:五个段落一一第一段开头段写明听力内容反驳了阅读内容;随后用三个中间段分别论述听力材料运用了什么例子和理由驳斥阅读内容;最后一段结尾总结性的在强调一次听力内容质疑了阅读材料。这里需要注意到的是,如果大家时间不够,最后的结尾段落可以不写,因为它的内容和开头段可以说是差不多的。 结构看完后,有什么需要特别注意的呢?我们发现,中间段的三个段落以及开头段都会运用到表示反驳这一类的词汇,所以大家需要积累很多关于驳斥,质疑的词,例如:retort,cast doubt on等等。同时,句子的多样性也是我们拿到高分的一个重要评分标准。特别是中间三段的结构特别类似,在表达听力反驳阅读的时候,要运用三种不同的句式。可以用主动句,被动句,也可以用到动词的ing形式表伴随。具体的运用根据学生自己的知识掌握情况来决定。注意到以上几个部分,然后经过高强度的训练,小作文取得高分并不是问题。(青岛圣约翰)


托福写作范文赏析TOEFL 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家一些托福写作范文,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 AD Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face munication is better than other types of munication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. I would have to agree that face-to-face munication is the best type of munication. Face-to-face munication can eliminate misunderstandings immediately, cement relationships, and encourage continued interaction. If you are talking to someone directly, you can see right away if they don’t understand you. A person’s body language will ___ you they disagree or don’t follow your line of thought. You can repeat yourself or paraphrase your argument. If you had sent an e-mail, the person may have misinterpreted what you wanted to say. He or she could be insulted and you would have to waste time explaining yourself in another e-mail.


托福综合写作7范文托福作文的综合写作应该写托福作文写作应该分为三个层次,也就是我们确定中心思想后应该找三个理由来支持。托福写作还有一个五段论,第一段为中心思想,二三四为支持段落,第五段总结观点。这个就是所谓的八股文。但是形式不能太明显,在表达中多加入自己的思想,八股文的形式会隐晦一些。一般这种写作可以助你在托福作文中取得高分。 构建综合写作整体,你可以从以下这几个方面入手:第一,将听力及阅读中的核心观点提炼出来,并指明对应的两个观点是支持还是对立;第二,分为几个段落,分别从不同角度总结出两个观点的论据。最后,重申主要论证观点并注意切忌掺加个人观点。听力结束后,考生还会有时间回看阅读文章,所以不用完整记忆阅读文章的论点和论据,记下核心即可。 有问题,可以再问我。 我觉得 ___老师讲的不太对,我自己本身也在 ___培训过,感觉他们讲的方法都是很过时的方法,不太适用于新托福的考试。下面是我自己考了四次托福的感想: 2、其实考试的时候,观点找错的情况似乎不太会发生。。。因为阅读里面都有提示了啊。。。一般不会弄错的,所以不用担心,

重点是细节不要搞错,要挺清楚细节说了那几点,尽量不要落下那个点,细节齐全 3、写得时候模板适当用用,但是表全部都用,那样文章就有点僵硬了,你自己读着通顺就好啊。 4、文章内部用词要有多样性,要适当地用一些高级的词汇,如重要的这个意思,你不要只用important, 这样显得你不认识多少单词,可以用significant, vital, essential, of great importance, core, 这种意思相近的单词或者是意群来表达,这样他们就认为你词汇量大了。 5、写综合写作最能体现你的词汇量和句型的多边性,所以不要直接照抄听力或者是阅读的内容,这样就表现不出你自己了,多看看新概念4里面的表达方法,哪些句型神马的都很好,对考试很有用!!! 6、模板没有对错之分,你自己需要好一个模板,然后自己用自己弄出来的,这样比较好,不过这种东西都差不多,重点还是看个人的表达神马的,还有词汇量什么的。


托福写作长期备考写作侧重面 如果备考时间充足,建议大家从根本上提升英语能力,提高写作水平,下面就和大家分享托福写作长期备考写作应该侧重哪些方面,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作长期备考写作应该侧重哪些方面? 一.托福写作长期备考攻略之独立写作 备考期较长的话,独立写作分为两个阶段:词汇和句型的积累和限时写作练习。 1.词汇和句型的积累 首先,背诵高频词汇。可以参考学习的资料有新托福写作1180必备的词汇,或者是托福写作词汇小伴侣。 其次,句型的积累。 2.限时写作练习 前期的词汇和句型积累一定的量之后,就可以参照我们前面讲的一个月备考期的复习计划,可以看范文,限时练习写作即可。 总之,写作部分不同于阅读和听力,需要的是先积累,后练习,方能赢得托福写作高分

二.托福写作长期备考攻略之综合写作 备考时间较长的话,足够让那些综合写作听力听不懂的童鞋有一个质的飞跃。如何短期内攻破综合写作的听力,获得高分,下面来看看具体的备考步骤: 1.先3min读阅读,找出阅读的主题和3个中心论点; 2.听听力,把握听力的中心论点,分论点及论据; 3.听力内容听懂之后,20min计时写作,写完后检查自己的语法错误(三单、人称和时态); 4.听力内容听一遍之后没有听懂,则先不进行第三步,反复听听力音频直至听懂为止,补充第一遍的笔记,然后再去计时写作; 5.对于听4、5遍仍然听不懂的,不进行写作。直接做听写,在听写的文本中标出听力的中心论点、分论点和论据; 6.听写完成之后,再按照考试的流程,进行上述前三步; 上述过程,一方面是练习学生对于听力内容把握的能力,另一方面还是要练习写作,毕竟听力听懂之后能不能写明白还是要考察的是写作的能力,所以听写完成之后一定要再次按照考试流程去写作。 托福考试作文范例:不同类型电影的价值判断


2014.11.9托福独立写作范文+解析 2014-11-10谢侃Kevin英语课堂 文/谢侃(公众号:kevinenglishclass) 【题】Which factor influences you the most when it comes to a major purchase: 1) recommendations from your friends or colleagues;2) information from media; 3) salesman in the market 题型分类:对比题 论证角度:原因挖掘 观点选择:让步 开头:朋友同事的推荐影响最大。(话题引入+他人观点+明确立场+过渡)When people plan to buy something that costs a great deal of money, they will think twice before making the final decision. Factors that will affect the decision might be recommendations from friends and colleagues, information on media

and words of salesman in the market. Among all those factors, I believe that what friends and colleagues say play the most important role in helping us with the decision-making. I am going to elaborate my point of view in the following paragraphs. (75 words) 中间段1:同事朋友比较靠谱。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子) My first reason is that friends or colleagues’ words are reliable. When offering recommendations for us to make a purchase, friends and colleagues are highly unlikely to lie to us about the quality of the goods while TV commercials and salesmen will try to convince customers to make the deal by any possible means out of commercial purposes. Imagine that I want to buy a car, a salesperson probably recommend me an expensive car that is beyond my purchasing power. Conversely, if I have a friend who is a car-lover, he will guide me to buy a car with a high quality-price ratio. (103 words) 中间段2:朋友的建议能给我们完整的信息。(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)In addition, friends or colleagues’ recommendations provide us with complete information about the product, which is beneficial for making a wise decision. When friends or colleagues can recommend us something, they must have bought or tried this product so that they have a deeper understanding of the features of the product including its quality, price and value. In this sense, their advice is very helpful for our decision. For example, I am very satisfied with the computer that I have bought recently. Expect for its reasonable price, the performance far exceeds my expectation. It is attributed to the recommendation from my friend--Jack, who has already bought one before. (109 words) 让步段:当然,朋友和同事的推荐也不一定全部正确,因为其中或许有他们的个人偏好,并不适合我们,但是比起销售人员或电视广告的商业性而言,朋友同事的推荐还是值得参考的,但是最后还得自己做决定,也不能盲从。(承认漏洞+堵漏) Admittedly, I am not saying that recommendations from friends and colleagues are absolutely correct. They may involve their personal preferences when buying the goods, and therefore what they recommend to us may not be totally appropriate for our own situations. However, as long as we can fully realize our


托福写作之浅谈综合写作 托福综合写作是怎样的一种形式呢?今天给大家带来了托福写作之浅谈综合写作,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福写作之浅谈综合写作 根据托福OG有关综合写作的要求,评分标准主要为信息(information)和逻辑(organization)。这两点考察的就是我们对听力要点的把握能力,以及如何用简要的语言概括阅读稿和听力稿中的信息,并且层次清晰,要点明确。有的同学说,我听懂了,我直接写就好;有的说,我看懂了,但听懂了一部分,编下就行。其实不然。阅读稿看懂了,听力听懂了,只是一半。还需要将听力中的有效信息用自己的语言表达出来,并且也不能与阅读稿中的表达完全一致。 在这里我将综合听力需要锻炼的能力列为以下三点: 1. 阅读能力(快、准) 2. 听写和速记能力(不是简单词不记,是记重点名词、动词或短语)

3. 一定的改写能力(这个就是我们对于句型的运用,涉及句子表达准确性、语态、词的适当替换等)。 可能有的同学说听不懂,这里建议,如果练习听力,尽量用托福听力材料进行练习,因为托福听力材料内容信息量大,需要记的东西多,也能通过做题找到自己听力的盲区。如果托福听力能听懂了,托福综合写作的听力也没有问题了。 这里附上两篇学生写的综合写作范文。 TPO26 Inthe listening material, the professor made several points about the invasion ofthe zebra mussels can be stopped. Firstof all, the reading passage states that the human transportation will cause theinvasion of the zabra mussels, while the professor contradicts that people cannotcontrol it in the past because of the lack of the knowledge. On the other hand,the ocean water will be taken by the ship to replace the freshwater, which maykill the mussels. Moreover,the reading passage also mentions that if the mussels are taken to the newplace, they wont have predators, while the professor refutes that they candominate it just for a short


托福写作2个月备考计划安排 写作备考——1个月 综合写作篇 一个月备考期的话,综合写作部分的练习建议在模考软件中按照考试流程来进行,在规定的时间内读阅读、听听力、然后计时写作,写的过程中注意以下几点: 1.单词的拼写,边打字边检查; 2.三单的问题,也就是每句话的谓语要重点关注语态和时态; 3.不能出现与阅读内容连续超过6w o r d s的重复,也就是说写作中需要用到阅读内容时必须要自己改写; 4.注意听力内容的转述,不要盲目概括,要清楚听力内容的逻辑; 5.不要去套用网络上盛行的各种模板,自己的创新更重要; P.S.有些同学遇到听力一遍听不懂的情况,再去重听几遍补充笔记,听力内容大体掌握后,再去写作,毕竟综合写作部分听力内容的转述才是关键。 独立写作篇

正常来说,写作备考应该有一个初期词汇和素材积累的过程,但是如果只有一个月备考时间的话,大家直接从范文开始学起,不单独去积累词汇和素材。很多学生也知道通过看范文来充实自己的写作食粮,然而往往看与不看貌似没多少差别。 阅读高分及满分范文,不是去赏析一篇散文,阅读过程中需要我们去分析范文中的词汇、句式以及一些素材,然后把这些内容都做一个积累本。一篇范文看完后,学习到哪些内容应该自己再去总结一下,最后在自己写作的时候尽量的去套用。 另外,范文建议分门别类看,这样积累下来的素材在对应应用时会更高效。 写作备考——2个月以上 综合写作篇 2个月相对来说是比较普遍的一个备考期,2个月的时间足够让那些综合写作听力听不懂的童鞋有一个质的飞跃。如何短期内攻破综合写作的听力,获得高分,有些步骤和1个月备考期稍显不同: 1.先3m i n读阅读,找出阅读的主题和3个中心论点; 2.听听力,把握听力的中心论点,分论点及论据;


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO48独立写作题目文本+满分范文,希望 对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO48独立写作题目原文: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and https://www.360docs.net/doc/0913352726.html,e specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 托福TPO48独立写作满分范文1: Increasingly sophisticated technology, explosive information and intricate international relationships all work together to complicate the modern life, which makes our modern people somewhat overwhelmed. Individuals whoever want to have a better control of one’s life must equip themselves with some essential skills or abilities. Planning and organizing, which embodies the skill of anticipating, influencing, and controlling, in my view, is becoming gradually important in coping with today’s complication especially for the young who are always the most passionate but also with less self-control. First of all, planning helps keep one on course in achieving goals and crystallize objectives. Young people always possess some grand dreams which may take years to accomplish. Planning ahead, on the one hand, could effectively put one on the right track thus prevent energy from being scattered or wasted. A survey conducted by experts from Oxford University shows that over 90% of elites and enterprisers had precise objects and made plans for decades later at very young age. Like Bill Gates, one of the most prominent persons I have ever seen, discontinued their studies since he was definite aware of what he should do in order to become the leader of IT field. On the other hand, plans, which are organized step by step, could turn the ultimate goals into several achievable ones. With achievable objective achieved one by one, the ultimate goal will finally be attained. Besides, planning and organizing help to promise one’s best performance in most occasions. Panning means trying to anticipate all the possibilities and arrange things in a scientific order. It clearly tells people what to do currently and what should do the next, which prevents disorder or chaos. Thus, people may feel assured and will be with less stress. For example, a student who sticks to a study plan is less likely to be nervous thus will be more likely to have better performance than those who crams for tests. Today youngsters are exposed with fierce competitions but also abundant opportunities. Good performance is key to hold these opportunities in hand. It is undeniable that our society changes at such a quick pace that we cannot plan everything in previous. But this by no means implies that the ability is not important. Without a plan, complex things will only get more complicated. Abraham Lincoln reportedly once said, “If I had 60 minutes to cut down a tree, I would spend 40 minutes sharpening the ax and 20 minutes cutting it down.” Planning is just like “sharpening the ax”, which will no doubt facilitate a task easy done. All in all, though the ability of planning and organizing may not be omnipotent for people


托福综合作文写作万能模板 一,对立类(就一个事物判断是与否agree or disagree) 1,开头(给出A B C三个方案) A方案.(GM) With the development/introduction…, xxx, the xxx, are more and more +adj/ become adj increasingly. Xxx often face the dilemma of whether to vt …… with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that……/ I think to vt what would be a better choice. B方案. 在日常生活中,有很多值得我们去推敲判断的问题。就像我们看到上文作者提出的问题时,你会如何认为?(有的人认为……;也有的人认为……;)就我的来说,如下的考虑方向使得我认为……。 In daily life /during our life, so many problems are worth considering carefully. As what has been come up with, when you face/when it comes to /there is a public debate today that/recently the problem has been brought into focus that… ……what is your choice and what is your opinion? Some hold the view that/some think………..while the others believe that………. However, with all aspects carefully considered, I believe that…………… 零碎的句子:A is a common way of ….., but is it a wise one?Some people hold the different view…… C方案. (excellent) 如果发现能够用到反问排比就这样套句,前提是你的例子充足多,头脑风暴用的又好又快。


2019年托福写作:TPO42综合写作阅读题目 TPO42综合写作题目文本 Integrated Writing Glass is a favored building material for modern architecture, yet it is also very dangerous for wild birds. Because they often cannot distinguish between glass and open air, millions of birds are harmed every year when they try to fly through glass windows. There are, however, several solutions that responsible businesses can use to prevent injuries to birds. One-Way Glass One solution is to replace the regular, clear glass with one-way glass that is transparent in only one direction. The occupants of the building can see out, but birds and others cannot see in. If birds cannot see through a window, they will understand that the glass forms a solid barrier and will not try to fly through it. Colorful Designs A second solution is to paint colorful lines or other designs on regular window glass. For example, a window could have a design of thin stripes painted over the glass. People would still be able to see through the openings in the design where there is no paint, while birds would see the stripes and thus avoid trying to fly through the glass. Architects can be encouraged to include colorful painted patterns on glass as part of the general design of buildings.


托福备考之独立写作满分范文整理 task:How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 托福备考之独立写作满分范文: The Influence of Television and Movies There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of visual media cannot be ignored. One obvious effect of these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. Television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational program can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in


最权威的国际教育服务平台 资料来源:教育优选 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0913352726.html,/ 2014年4月27日托福独立写作范文(20140427ML) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. I totally disagree with the statement that your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does. On the contrary, sometimes, social life plays a more crucial role in our lives than job does. We cannot identify which one is superior to another one because both of them all make contributions to our happiness. Firstly, happiness means that you have many friends indeed. It is necessary for you to make some friends with people who can depend on. It almost relies on our social life. When you are enjoying the party, participating in sports or meeting some people you even do not know before, there are lots of opportunities for you to learn, experience and make friends. Secondly, happiness also represents varieties of desires of many people to a large degree. We are not only desiring to be content ourselves, but also make families satisfactory. Some people who have no time spending on living with families even consider accompanying children and wife as a happiest thing in their lives. Generally speaking, spending time saved by jobs on taking them to social life, we may be content because their happiness is identical to your happiness. However, jobs could do something that is in different fields from social life. If we are successful in our jobs, we will have more conditions of material life to do something depends on money. Social life can not give us those enjoyable things as a result of having no money to afford. All the evidence above supports an unshakable conclusion that social life isn't secondary to job effects on your happiness, they all make contributions to our happiness.


080105CNW1【08 年1 月5 日大陆托福机经写作第1 题-综合写作】 The reading passage explains the negative effects of introducing foreign species into a local ecosystem. The lecture, on the other hand, offers counterarguments to prove that introduced species many not necessarily be harmful. First, according to the reading, imported species may destroy the existing balance within an ecosystem. However, the lecturer argues that these species don’t always do harm to the local ecosystem. Instead they may bring benefits to local agriculture. Second, the reading states that imported species may destroy the useful aspects of local species. Yet the lecturer points out that this is not always the case. He points out that it depends on local circumstances. For example, the cane toads introduced into the state of Florida have helped to exterminate pests that have infested local harvest. Finally, the reading contends that imported species may add to the local economic burden. Again, the lecturer refutes this point by saying that the impact on local economy varies from place to place. He/She uses the example of mesquite to illustrate this point. This plant imported into Africa has been used as food and firewood by the local people, a useful contribution to the local economy. 080427CNW1 The reading passage provides three pieces of evidence to support author Gavin Menzies’s claim that it was Chinese who first visited the Americas. However, the lecturer dismisses this claim as unfounded. First, as to the markings resembling Chinese characters discovered on a rock on Bimini Road, the lecturer argues that these markings are natural formation rather than human engraving. It looks as if they were carved by humans but a closer examination by geologists would immediately reveal that they are formed by natural forces. Second, regarding the donut-like anchor found off the Coast of Bimini, which seems to be made by Chinese, the speaker suggests that this does not necessarily mean Chinese had been there first, because similar anchors had long been used in navigation by many other countries. Finally, the lecture refuses to view the stone towers on Bimini Island as evidence of the arrival of Chinese sailors earlier than others. He points out that although these towers look like a Chinese lighthouse from a distance, they are in fact built in an English architectural style. Furthermore, carbon dating technique has indicated that the construction by Chinese sailors took place much later than the 15th century.
