Lecture 3 introduction

Life in the United States
Life in the United States
The Size of the US
– Imagine that you drove from New York to Los Angeles, stopping only for gas, to eat, and sleep. It would take you four or five days – It takes two days to drive from New York to Florida
Population by Ethnicity
White 71% Black 13% Hispanic 10% Asian 4% Native American 2%
A Nation of Immigration
Immigration is the act of coming to a foreign country to live. The act of leaving one's country to settle in another is called emigration. Immigrants who flee their country because of persecution(迫害), war, or such disasters as famines or epidemics are known as refugees or displaced persons.

科学技术史(英)笔记整理★考点Lecture 1: introductionPossible definitions of “science”:The Latin scientia , root scireAllen Charimos科学始于迷茫,终于更高的迷茫。
★Deng Xiaoping : Science and technology is the first productivity George Sarton: mankind's unique activity of accumulation and progression ★Three aspects of science:1.scientific knowledge科学知识2.scientific methods科学方法3.scientific spirit科学精神Three kinds of research methods of hist of scien&tec:1.annals or chronicles2.conceptual analysis of school of thought :original documents notthe achievements but the mind of those writers思想史学派的概念分析方法3.sociological method社会学的方法:注重科学的社会、文化功能★Functions of history of science & technology:1. to understand sciences better帮助人们更好地理解科学To help people better understand science and application of science ,that is, history of science and application.2. to be a basis of other branchesIt can be a basis of other branches of humanities, a know background basis or a cognition platform for philosophy of science , socioitey of science.3. to bridge liberal arts and sciencesIt can assume its educational function,especially the popularization of science including the understanding of man himself, briding the intercultural rift (conmunication between liberal arts and science ; as buffers between science and humanites)4 . to form a basis for scientific decision-makingIt can form a basis for scientific decision-making,. Recently there have arison some researchs on this aspect worldwide.Lecture 2: Science and technology of the ancient worldAncestry of alphabetic system of writing:腓尼基人★Cancer (巨蟹座):21st June ~20th JulyAries (白羊座):21st March~20th AprilLike eye and ear trouble,skin and heart diseasesSurgical equipment made in 2300 BC in BabylonBabylon diseases were described on the clay tablets like eye and ear trouble, skin and heart diseases .surgical equipment made in 2300 BC Lecture 3: Greco-RomanSocrates—Plato------Aristotle----Alexander the GreatAristotelian kinematics:★Motiion of objects on earth fall into 2 types: natural and compulsary Earth-centeredIt's illogical to apply the scientific concepts and inferences applicable to the earthAny objects in motion are propelled by external objects. The speed and propelling force for the motion of objects from the external force are on the right proportion but are on the reverse proportion with resistance.Euclid, virtually founder of the plane geometry.★Archimedes 物理学家,数学家,静力学和附体力学奠基人★杠杆原理lever principle 浮力定律law of buoyancy★Given me a fulcrum, I can propel the earth. Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the earth.Ptolemy(100~170AD)Greek astronomer and geographer.集大成之作《至大论》(约145AD)Ancient Chinese sciences and civilizatiion★Four great invention that have changed the course of the world civilization Paper-making; printing; power; compassConfucius 孔子Menfucius 孟子Taoism 老子Zhuangzi 庄子Mozi 墨子Xunzi 荀子Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目东汉Zhang Heng, the famous Chinese astronmerSeismograph as invemted by the Chinese scientist Zhang Heng天坛的祈年殿——祭天祀谷,风调雨顺,国泰民安宇宙理论:盖天说,浑天说,宣夜说★Outstanding achievements of the ancientChinese mathmatics:1.method of numeration记数法2.method of positive and negative ; plus-minus notation正负术3.limit极限4.numerical solution of the equation of a higher degree高次方程的数值解法5.quaternary technique四元术6.congruence expression同余式7.equation方程术8.Jia Xian triangle---Yang Hui triangle贾宪三角——杨辉三角9.method of numeration for the carry digit进位位置记数法★Ancient Chinese concept of scienceAncient Chia brewed a considerable number of very important ideas about sciences(natural concept, scientific conceptand methodology), which has played an important pole of great guidance and influence to the formation and archievements. A scientific theory or a technological invention mayfall in disuse with the historical development and passage of time but scientific concept may be everlasting, retain its eternal chan as time goes by, profoundly enlightenling future souls.chapter 5 Period from the Middle Ages to Renaissance★Significance of the navigation:The navigations have led to the journeys of exploration to discovery more unknown lands , greatly increasing human knowledge about the worldthey live in. More development in other disciplines like navigations and astronomy, making the economy prosper. In addition to the increase of the specific knowledge about the world, journeys of expoloration broadened people’s horizen at that time.Lecture 6: scientific revolutions initiated by the astronomy progress ★Leonardo da vinci (the Renaissance 文艺复兴) Italian painter, architect ★Reformation of the church★The study of Bible 研究圣经德国★Columbus’first voyage On August .3.1492Between 1405 and 1433. Zheng He traveled seven times to the West across the oceans . Zheng He in contrast★Revolutiion initiated by the astronmy progress.★On the revolutions 天体运行论, that the sun is the center of the universe .四大要点:1.The earth is not static.2.The monn is a satellite of earth.3.the sun is the center of the universe.4.heavenly bodies happen to be where they are in a certain order and thereis also law with their motion.Four key figures in answering what has caused planets,especially the earth to be in motion.1.Tycho's main contribution is accurate and compete observation2.Kepler Johaness Kepler turned astronomy from the application ofgeometry into a branch of physical mechanics3.Galileo Galileo revealed the truth behind the heavenly bodies way ofthe telescope and further developed the new(没记)4.Descartes Rene Descartes conceived a finite universe,where no positionor direction is very special and the su is only a fixed star in our region.Tycho Brahe第谷布拉赫1. a great deal of data about planetsTycho's great contribution lies in that he has accumulated a great deal of data about planets through his long observation2. the star” Nova”1572年11月11日,于仙后座发现新星,后命名为“第谷星”3. observation of comets4.successfully cultivated Kepler★Kepler, three laws of Kepler1st law : law of ellipseThe orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci行星沿椭圆轨道绕太阳运动,太阳位于椭圆的一个焦点上2nd law: law of areaA line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.从太阳到行星的矢径在相等的时间内扫过相同的面积3rd law : the law of harmony调和定律The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.行星绕日一周时间的平方和行星各自椭圆轨道的长半轴的立方成正比R^3/T^2=k★Three legacies 三大遗产1 Copernicus’ Ptolemaic system 哥白尼的日心体系2 Collected data from Tychro's accurate observation - data of position of the constellation. 第谷的精确观测资料——星的位置资料3 (On the Magant 1600)论磁★Galileo 1564年2月15日生于比萨,米开朗琪罗死于3日后★Galileo’s neaphysics 新物理学★A falling body does not depend on its mass.贡献: discovery of the planets of JupiterAccording to Aristotle's theory, every object has its own fixed position. Any object away from its fixed position will come back to its original position.Falling body doesn't depend on its mass.Descartes' mechanical methodology 笛卡尔的机械主义方法论French philosopher, physicist, mathematicianFather of modern philosophy: DescartesFather of modern science: GalileoHis main achievements rest with his philosophy. To him, man or universe is a machine. The influence of his mechanical philosophy is profound, which later became the basic thinking mode of scientists after him. Lecture 8 Newton's era★His virtue of modesty:If I see farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.★Newton's laws of motion:1.Every object is in a state of rest or in a uniform linear motion ,unlessexerted by an external force.2.The acceleration and the external force of the object are in the rightproportion, the direction of the accelerating velocity and that of the external force are the same.3.There is always an equal counteraction opposite in direction, for everyaction, Newton lays claims to the third law as his discovery. Conclusions about optics: sunlight and the ordinary white light are made up of lights of its own color. These colors are inherent in nature, not caused by prism.★Newton's contributions:1.H has established mechanics as an independent discipline by laying thefoundation for the axioms of the mechanics themselves.通过奠定力学的公理基础把力学确立为一门独立学科。

以下是一些常见的授课环节:1. 导入环节 (Introduction):The introduction phase serves to engage students and introduce them to the topic or lesson. This can involve asking thought-provoking questions, sharing interesting facts, or presenting a relevant anecdote to capture students' attention and create interest in the topic.2. 讲解环节 (Lecture):During the lecture phase, the teacher delivers the main content of the lesson. This can include explaining key concepts, providing examples, and elaborating on important points. The goal is to provide students with a clear understanding of the topic through verbal explanation and demonstration.3. 示范环节 (Demonstration):Demonstrations are particularly useful in subjects like science or art, where showing how something is done can enhance understanding. For example, a science teacher might demonstrate a chemical reaction, while an art teacher might demonstrate a specific painting technique.4. 讨论环节 (Discussion):Discussion allows students to actively engage with the material and each other. This can involve asking open-ended questions, facilitating group discussions, or conducting debates. Through discussion, students can share their perspectives, ask questions, and deepen their understanding of the topic.5. 实践环节 (Practical Exercises):Practical exercises give students the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a hands-on way. This caninclude activities such as experiments, simulations, role-plays, or problem-solving tasks. By actively engaging with the material, students can reinforce their learning and develop practical skills.6. 小组活动 (Group Activities):Group activities promote collaboration and teamwork among students. This can involve assigning group projects, organizing group presentations, or facilitating group discussions. By working together, students can learn from each other, share ideas, and develop communication skills.7. 练习环节 (Practice):Practice activities provide students with opportunities to reinforce their learning through repetition and application. This can include exercises, worksheets, quizzes, or online practice modules. By practicing independently, students can solidify their understanding and identify areas where they may need additional support.8. 评估环节 (Assessment):Assessment is essential for evaluating students' understanding and progress. This can include quizzes, tests, essays, presentations, or projects. Assessment should be ongoing and varied to provide a comprehensive picture of students' learning outcomes.这些授课环节可以根据课程内容和学生的需求进行灵活组合和调整,以最大程度地促进学生的学习和发展。

Advanced Operating Systems ----Overview of OSZhao FangOperating Systems-for the graduate studentsGoals for Today •Operating Systems components •Operating Systems Services •Operating Systems Structures •Operating Systems OrganizationsFor Each OS Component•There are two major design questions:–What is the hardware interface?•The physical reality–What is the application interface?•The nicer abstractionComputer System OrganizationOperating Systems Components •Process Management•Main-Memory Management•File Management•I/O System management•Secondary-Storage Management •Networking•Protection System•User InterfacesProcess Management• A process is a program in execution.• A process is a unit of work in a system.•The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with process management.–Process creation and deletion.–process suspension and resumption.–Provision of mechanisms for:•process synchronization•process communicationMain-Memory Management •Memory is a large array of words or bytes which is a repository of quickly accessible data shared by the CPU and I/O devices.•The operating system is responsible for the following activities:–Keep track of which parts of memory are currentlybeing used and by whom.–Decide which processes to load when memory space becomes available.–Allocate and deallocate memory space as needed.File Management•A file is a collection of related information defined by its creator.•The operating system is responsible for the following activities:–File creation and deletion.–Directory creation and deletion.–Support of primitives for manipulating files anddirectories.–Mapping files onto secondary storage.–File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media.I/O System Management•The I/O system consists of:–A buffer-caching system–A general device-driver interface–Drivers for specific hardware devicesSecondary-Storage Management •Most modern computer systems use disks as the principle on-line storage medium, for both programs and data.•The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connection with disk management:–Free space management–Storage allocation–Disk schedulingNetworking• A distributed system is a collection processors that do not share memory or a clock. Each processor has its own local memory.• A distributed system provides user access to various system resources.•Access to a shared resource allows:–Computation speed-up–Increased data availability–Enhanced reliabilityProtection System •Protection refers to a mechanism for controlling access by programs, processes, or users to both system and user resources.•The protection mechanism must:–distinguish between authorized andunauthorized usage.–specify the controls to be imposed.–provide a means of enforcement.User Interfaces•The program that reads and interprets control statements is called variously:–command-line interpreter–shell (in UNIX)–Graphics User Interface (GUI)Its function is to get and execute the next command statement.Operating System Services •Services that (more-or-less) map ontocomponents–User interface–Program execution•How do you execute concurrent sequences ofinstructions?–I/O operations•Standardized interfaces to extremely diversedevices–File system manipulation•How do you read/write/preserve files?•Looming concern: How do you even find files???Continue……–Communications•Networking protocols/Interface with CableSpace?–Error detection & recovery•ensure correct computing by detecting errors in the CPU and memory hardware, in I/O devices, or in user programs.Cross-cutting capabilities •Another set of OS functions exists for ensuring the efficient operation of the system itself via resource sharing:–Resource allocation•CPU cycles, main memory, file storage, I/Odevices–Accounting•keep track of which users use how much andwhat kinds of computer resources–Protection and securitySystem Calls •Programming interface to the services provided by the OS•Typically written in a high-level language •Mostly accessed by programs via a high-level Application Program Interface (API)•Three most common APIs: Win32 API, POSIX API, and Java API•Why use APIs rather than system calls?–Underlying systems calls can be more complicated.API gives a uniform, portable interfaceExample of System Calls •System call sequence to copy the contentsof one file to another filewrite(1, “Input file\n”, 11);read(0, &buffer, 100);…..Fd= open(buffer, O_RDONLY);Outfd= open(buffer, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT |O_TRUNC, 0666);if (Outfd< 0) abort(“File creation failed”);…..close(fd);Standard C Library Example• C program invoking printf() library call, which calls write() system callAPI-System Call-OS RelationshipDual Mode Operation• Hardware provides at least two modes:– “Kernel” mode (or “supervisor” or “protected”) – “User” mode: Normal programs executedOperating Systems Structure• Simple– Only one or two levels of code• Layered– Lower levels independent of upper levels• Microkernel– OS built from many user-level processes• Modular– Core kernel with Dynamically loadable modulesSimple Structure• MS-DOS – written to provide the most functionality in the least space– Not divided into modules – Interfaces and levels of functionality not well separatedLayered Structure• Operating system is divided many layers (levels)– Each built on top of lower layers – Bottom layer (layer 0) is hardware – Highest layer (layer N) is the user interfaceUNIX• UNIX – limited by hardware functionality, the original UNIX operating system had limited structuring. • The UNIX OS consists of two separable parts– Systems programs – The kernelUNIX System StructureApplications Standard LibsUser ModeKernel ModeHardwareLayered Structure• Advantage: modularity ⇒ Easier debugging/Maintenance • Not always possible: Does process scheduler lie above or below virtual memory layer?– Need to reschedule processor while waiting for paging – May need to page in information about tasksMicrokernel Structure• Moves as much from the kernel into “user” space • Communication between modules with message passingContinue……•Benefits:–Easier to extend a microkernel–Easier to port OS to new architectures–More reliable (less code is running in kernel mode)–Fault Isolation (parts of kernel protected from other parts)–More secure•Detriments:–Performance overhead severe for naïveimplementationLayered vs. MicrokernelModules-based Structure •Most modern operating systems implement modules–Uses object-oriented approach–Each core component is separate–Each talks to the others over knowninterfaces–Each is loadable as needed within the kernel •Overall, similar to layers but with more flexibleContinue……Virtual Machines• A virtual machine takes the layered approach to its logical conclusion. It treats hardware and the operating system kernel as though they were all hardware• A virtual machine provides an interface identical to the underlying bare hardware•The operating system creates the illusion of multiple processes, each executing on its own processor with its own (virtual) memoryVMware ArchitectureThe Java Virtual MachineModern Operating Systems•Microkernel architecture •Multithreading•Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)•Distributed operating systems•Object-oriented design38Windows Architecture•Modular structure for flexibility •Executes on a variety of hardware platforms•Supports application written for other operating system3940Operating System Organization•Modified microkernel architecture–Not a pure microkernel–Many system functions outside of themicrokernel run in kernel mode•Any module can be removed, upgraded, or replaced without rewriting the entire system41Kernel-Mode Components•Executive–Contains base operating system services •Kernel–Consists of the most used components •Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)•Device drivers•Windowing and graphics systems42Windows Executive•I/O manager•Cache manager•Object manager•Plug and play manager•Power manager•Security reference monitor•Virtual memory manager•Process/thread manager•Configuration manager•Local procedure call (LPC) facility43User-Mode Processes•Special system support processes –Ex: logon process and the session manager •Service processes•Environment subsystems•User applications44Others•Client/Server Model–Simplifies the Executive–Improves reliability–Provides a uniform means for applications to communicate via LPC–Provides base for distributed computing •Threads and SMP•Windows ObjectsUNIX•Hardware is surrounded by the operating system software•Operating system is called the system kernel•Comes with a number of user services and interfaces–Shell–Components of the C compiler46Modern UNIX Kernel48Modern UNIX Systems•System V Release 4 (SVR4)•Solaris 9•4.4BSD•Linux49。

lecture的意思n. 演讲,训斥,教训vi. 作演讲vt. 给…作演讲,教训(通常是长篇大论的)变形:过去式: lectured; 现在分词:lecturing; 过去分词:lectured;lecture用法lecture可以用作名词lecture主要指教育性或学术性“演讲”,引申可指“冗长的训斥或责备”。
lecture是可数名词,其后接介词on或about ,意为“关于…的演讲”“就…做演讲”“因…训斥或责备某人”。
lecture用作名词的用法例句She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.她讲课前把讲稿匆忙看了一遍。
His lecture covered various aspects of language.他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。
They could not follow the lecture.他们听不懂这次演讲。
“因…而受到训斥”可说lecture sb for n./v -ing。
lecture用作动词的用法例句It was a shame for me to be lectured in front of the whole class.当着整个班级的面被训斥了一顿,真让我感到羞辱。

There are currently over 100 Universities in the UK and most of the main newspapers have league tables on the best performing institutions. In the 2010 Times league table, Oxford was top with Cambridge second. Most of the bigger Universities especially Oxford and Cambridge are made up of several different colleges. Each one is made up with over thirty colleges. Today, one in three young British people are University educated whilst in the 1980s it was one in six. Before 1998, students did not have to pay tuition but today students/parents have to pay a fee.
As mentioned before, State secondary schools are for ages 11 to 16 but independent schools are from 13 to 16. At the end of secondary school, all students will take their GCSE’s (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Each student will take around 9 or 10 exams on the subjects they had studied since they were 14. Grades A to C are pass, D, E, F, G and U are fails.
Lecture 1--Introduction

Light: Laser 激光的发展史
激辐射,这是受激辐射第一次被实验验证。Lamb由于在氢原 子光谱研究方面的成绩获得1955年诺贝尔物理学奖;
E4 E3 激发态 E2
A 21 自 发 辐 射 系
数,单个原子在单 位时间内发生自发 辐射过程的概率。
基态 E1
自发辐射过程产生的光子是不相干的 Photons from spontaneous emission are not coherent 处在高能级 E2 上的粒子,各自独立地、随机 地分别跃迁到低能级 E1 上,发射出光子,这 些光子的能量虽然相同,但彼此具有不同的 相位及偏振方向,因此自发辐射发出的光是 非相干光(non-coherent light) 处于高能级 E2 的原子还可以通过放热、碰撞 等方式将能量传给其它粒子或器壁而跃迁到 低 能 级 上 , 即 无 辐 射 跃 迁 (non-radiative decay)。
Light: Laser 激光的发展史
获得1918年诺贝尔物理学奖; "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta"

Different types of courseware: There are different types of courseware depending on the intended use and the educational level for which it is designed Some common types include interactive courseware, simulation courseware, online courseware, blended courseware, and mobile courseware
Set learning goals
It's important for students to set specific learning goals for each unit and track their progress regularly
Practice outside of class
Students must have a basic knowledge of the English language and be able to participate in class activities and assignments
Why should you take this course?
What is this course about?
Course objectives
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of English language and culture, as well as practical language skills that can be applied in real world situations

Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture
4 What are the potential effects of global warming?
The effects of global warming may be physical, ecological, social or economic. Evidence of observed climate change includes the instrumental temperature record, an increase of extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides), rising sea levels, decreased snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, mass animal extinctions and human migrations.
Unit 3 Listening to Lectures
Unit Contents
1 Preparing for listening to a lecture 2 Paying attention to the introduction 3 Understanding the ideas through examples 4 Following a lecture through signal words 5 Memorizing the points by taking notes
1 What are the definitions of the following terms?

英语作文讲座过程记录Title: A Record of the Lecture Process。
Introduction:Attending a lecture is an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge and broaden one's horizons. Recently, I had the privilege of attending a lecture on a topic of great interest to me. In this essay, I will provide a detailed account of the lecture process, highlighting the key points discussed and the impact it had on me.Body:1. Pre-lecture anticipation:Before attending the lecture, I was filled with anticipation and excitement. I had done some preliminary research on the topic and had a basic understanding of the subject matter. I was eager to delve deeper into thesubject and learn from the expert speaker.2. Arrival and registration:Upon arriving at the lecture venue, I joined a long queue of enthusiastic attendees. The registration process was well-organized, and I received a name tag and a booklet containing information related to the lecture. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as everyoneeagerly awaited the beginning of the lecture.3. Introduction and speaker's credentials:The lecture commenced with a brief introduction by the host, who highlighted the speaker's impressive credentials and expertise in the field. This further piqued my interest and raised my expectations for the lecture.4. Speaker's presentation:The speaker began by providing an overview of the topic, setting the stage for the rest of the lecture. Thepresentation was well-structured and accompanied byvisually appealing slides. The speaker's delivery was engaging and captivating, effortlessly holding the audience's attention.5. In-depth analysis:As the lecture progressed, the speaker delved into the intricacies of the topic, providing in-depth analysis and insights. The information presented was supported by relevant data, case studies, and real-life examples, making it easier for the audience to comprehend complex concepts. The speaker's expertise and passion for the subject were evident, making the lecture both informative and inspiring.6. Interactive session:To promote active participation, the speaker encouraged the audience to ask questions and share their thoughts. This interactive session allowed for a deeper understanding of the topic as various perspectives were discussed. The speaker skillfully addressed each question, furtherenhancing the learning experience.7. Networking opportunities:During the break, attendees had the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals who shared a common interest in the subject matter. Engaging in conversations with fellow attendees enriched my understanding and provided valuable insights from different viewpoints.8. Conclusion and takeaways:As the lecture drew to a close, the speaker summarized the key points discussed and emphasized their practical applications. The lecture had broadened my understanding of the topic and had sparked a desire to explore it further. I left the venue with a sense of fulfillment and a list of recommended readings and resources provided by the speaker.Conclusion:Attending the lecture was a rewarding experience thatexceeded my expectations. The well-structured presentation, interactive session, and networking opportunities contributed to a comprehensive learning experience. The knowledge gained from the lecture will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth. I am grateful for the opportunity to have attended such an insightful lecture and look forward to applying the knowledge gained in my future endeavors.。
lecture three

Lecture Three: Writing Strategy
写 作 策 略
Describe clearly. You should include a sufficient number of specific details so that the reader can easily form a precise mental picture of the person being described.
Lecture Three: Time to Talk
This picture shows a little girl begging. She holds a
a little girl begging, a plastic cup in her right hand and stretches her left plastic cup, stretches hand for money or food. She’s dressed in rags and her left covered with dirt. her face is hand, dressed Her big eyes are full of in rags, covered with expectation. She’s also carrying a baby. In the backdirt, carrying a baby, ground, we see a man, half naked lying on the ground. Obviously, the her big eyes, in he’s background, half also a beggar. Such a naked, beggar, heart-breaking

讲座提纲的格式及范文When outlining a lecture, it is important to have a clear format in order to effectively communicate the main points and structure of the presentation. 讲座提纲的格式对于有效传达演讲的主要观点和结构至关重要。
One common format for a lecture outline is to start with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and sets the stage for the rest of the presentation. 一个常见的讲座提纲格式是以介绍开始,提供主题概述并为演讲的其余部分铺平道路。
This introduction may include background information, relevant statistics, or a compelling anecdote to grab the audience's attention and draw them into the topic. 这个介绍部分可能包括背景信息、相关统计数据或引人入胜的轶事,以抓住听众的注意力并吸引他们进入主题。
Following the introduction, the outline would then include the main points or key takeaways that will be covered in the lecture. 在介绍之后,提纲将包括将在讲座中涵盖的主要观点或要点。
Each of these main points should be clearly articulated and supported by evidence, examples, or data in order to make a compelling case to the audience. 每一个主要观点都应该清晰地表达,并通过证据、例子或数据加以支持,以向观众提出有说服力的观点。
Lecture 1(introduction)

(2) Factors concerned with cultural background: The way of life of Celts, Anglo-Saxons and Normans; The blend of different cultures of the tribes.
(3) Factors related to religious background: the spread and establishment of Christianity
8. The Victorian Period ⅰ Critic Realism Dickens, Thackeray ii Women Novelists: The Bronte Sisters
9. The Twentieth-Century English Literature ⅰ Modernism (1900-1950)
General performance (class participation,class attendance…) 30% Term paper (1000-1500 words)70%
Teaching schedule
(18 weeks, 2 classes/1 week): Introduction (2) Part I and Part II (2) Part III (2) Part Ⅳ (4) Part V (4) Part Ⅵ (6) Part Ⅶ (8) Part Ⅷ (4) Part Ⅸ (2)
Q5: What benefits do we get from this course?
A good command of the target language; General knowledge of the culture , literature and history of the country; A profound mind and an insight for English literature

听英语讲座怎么写英语作文When attending an English lecture, writing an essay about it can be a thoughtful exercise to consolidate your understanding and express your insights. Here's a structured approach to writing an essay about an English lecture:1. Introduction- Begin with a hook to grab the reader's attention. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or an interesting anecdote related to the lecture topic.- Introduce the topic of the lecture and its significance. - State the purpose of your essay, which is to discuss the lecture's content and your reflections on it.2. Lecture Overview- Provide a brief summary of the lecture's main points. This should include the speaker's name, the date of the lecture, and the key themes or arguments presented.3. Key Points Analysis- Dive into the details of the lecture. Discuss the key points made by the speaker, and explain why they are important or interesting.- Use direct quotes from the lecture to support your analysis, but make sure to cite them properly.4. Personal Reflection- Share your personal reactions to the lecture. Did youagree with the speaker? Were there any points that challenged your pre-existing beliefs?- Discuss any new perspectives you gained or how the lecture has influenced your understanding of the subject.5. Critique and Evaluation- Offer a balanced view by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the lecture. Consider the speaker's delivery, the clarity of the arguments, and the evidence provided.- Discuss any areas where you think the lecture could have been improved or where further exploration is needed.6. Connections and Applications- Make connections between the lecture content and broader issues or other works in the field.- Discuss how the lecture's insights can be applied toreal-world situations or other areas of study.7. Conclusion- Summarize the main points of your essay, reiterating the importance of the lecture and your key takeaways.- End with a strong closing statement that encapsulates your overall impression of the lecture and its impact on you.8. References- If you've used any direct quotes or specific information from the lecture, be sure to list the source in your references section, following the appropriate citation style.Remember, the goal of your essay is not just to recount thelecture but to demonstrate your critical thinking and analytical skills by engaging with the material presented.。

专家开展讲座英语作文模板英文回答:Expert Lecture Template。
1. Introduction:Welcome participants and introduce yourself.Briefly state the topic of the lecture.Provide a brief overview of the expert's credentials.2. Body:Divide the topic into logical sections.Present the expert's insights, theories, and research. Provide real-world examples and case studies toillustrate the concepts.3. Discussion:Encourage participants to ask questions.Facilitate a discussion on the topic, exploring different perspectives.4. Conclusion:Summarize the main points of the lecture.Highlight the key takeaways for the participants.Thank the expert and the participants.中文回答:专家讲座模板。
1. 引言:欢迎与会者并自我介绍。
2. 主体:将主题划分为逻辑部分。
3. 讨论:鼓励参与者提问。
4. 结论:总结讲座的要点。

《国际交流英语(yīnɡ yǔ)》(英才(yīngcái)学院)课程(kèchéng)教学大纲课程(kèchéng)编码:GC15000600课程名称:国际交流英语(yīnɡ yǔ)课程英文名称:English for International Communication总学时:40 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0 上机学时:0 辅导学时:8学分:1.5开课单位:外国语学院大学英语第三教学部授课对象:英才学院学生开课学期:2秋先修课程:综合英语、高级英语主要教材及参考书:教材:周之南、韩晓蕙.《国际交流英语》. 哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2012.主要参考书:1. Joyce Slayton Mitchell.《美国本科留学指南》. 北京:群言出版社. 2010.2. 贾卫国.《国际学术交流英语》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社.2008.3. Robert Day. 《How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper》. 北京:北京大学出版社. 2006.4. 从丛、李咏燕.《学术交流英语教程》. 南京:南京大学出版社. 2003.5. 冯幼民.《高级英文写作教程》. 北京:北京大学出版社. 2002.一、课程教学目的《国际交流英语》是面向英才学院二年级学生开设的一门英语必修课程。

Definition of style
2. The register语域, which refers to the special variety of language used by a particular social group that may have a common profession, e.g., doctors, lawyers, teachers, or the same interests, e.g., football fans, etc
Language and Literature, Routledge, 2000.
侯维瑞, 《文学文体学》,上海:上海外语教育出版社 ,2008。
Definition of style
3. The set of linguistic features that seem to be characteristic of a text, e.g., the style of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, or of an author, e.g., Miltonic style
What is your definition of style?

Introduction to Algorithmic Trading StrategiesLectureOutline❝Distance method ❝Cointegration❝Stationarity❝Dickey–Fuller tests 2References❝Pairs Trading: A Cointegration Approach. Arlen David Schmidt. University of Sydney. Finance Honours Thesis. November 2008.❝Likelihood‐Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models. Soren Johansen. Oxford University Press, USA. February 1, 1996.3Pairs Trading❝Definition: trade one asset (or basket) against another asset (or basket)❝Long one and short the other❝Intuition: For two closely related assets, they tend to “move together” (common trend). We want to buy the cheap one and sell the expensive one.❝Exploit short term deviation from long term equilibrium.❝Try to make money from “spread”.4Spread❝❝❝hedge ratio❝cointegration coefficient 5Dollar Neutral Hedge❝Suppose ES (S&P500 E‐mini future) is at 1220 and each point worth $50, its dollar value is about $61,000. Suppose NQ (Nasdaq100 E‐mini future) is at 1634 and each point worth $20, its dollar value is $32,680.❝❝❝Buy Z = Buy 10 ES contracts and Sell 19 NQ contracts.❝Sell Z = Sell 10 ES contracts and Buy 19 NQ contracts.6Market Neutral Hedge ❝Suppose ES has a beta of 1.25, NQ 1.11.❝We use ..7Dynamic Hedge❝changes with time, covariance, market conditions, etc.❝Periodic recalibration.8Distance❝The distance between two time series:❝ ∑❝ , are the normalized prices.❝We choose a pair of stocks among a collection with the smallest distance, .9Distance Trading Strategy❝Sell Z if Z is too expensive.❝Buy Z if Z is too cheap.❝How do we do the evaluation? 10Z Transform❝We normalize Z.❝The normalized value is called z ‐score.❝❝Other forms:❝❝M, S are proprietary functions for forecasting.11A Very Simple Distance Pairs Trading ❝Sell Z when z > 2 (standard deviations).❝Sell 10 ES contracts and Buy 19 NQ contracts.❝Buy Z when z < ‐2 (standard deviations).❝Buy 10 ES contracts and Sell 19 NQ contracts. 12Pros of the Distance Model❝Model free.❝No mis‐specification.❝No mis‐estimation.❝Distance measure intuitively captures the LOP idea. 13Cons of the Distance Model❝Does not guarantee stationarity.❝Cannot predict the convergence time (expected holding period).❝Ignores the dynamic nature of the spread process, essentially treat the spread as i.i.d.❝Using more strict criterions works for equity. In fixed incoming trading, we don’t have the luxury of throwing away many pairs.14Risks in Pairs Trading❝Long term equilibrium does not hold.❝Systematic market risk.❝Firm specific risk.❝Liquidity.15Stationarity❝These ad‐hoc calibration does not guarantee the single most important statistical property in trading: stationarity.❝Strong stationarity: the joint probability distribution of does not change over time.❝Weak stationarity: the first and second moments do not change over time.❝Covariance stationarity16Cointegration❝Cointegration:select a linear combination of assets to construct an (approximately) stationary portfolio.❝A stationary stochastic process is mean‐reverting.❝Long when the spread/portfolio/basket falls sufficiently below a long term equilibrium.❝Short when the spread/portfolio/basket rises sufficiently above a long term equilibrium.17Objective❝Given two I(1) price series, we want to find a linear combination such that:❝❝ is I(0), a stationary residue.❝is the long term equilibrium.❝Long when .❝Sell when .18Stocks from the Same Industry❝Reduce market risk, esp., in bear market.❝Stocks from the same industry are likely to be subject to the same systematic risk.❝Give some theoretical unpinning to the pairs trading.❝Stocks from the same industry are likely to be driven by the same fundamental factors (common trends).19Cointegration Definition❝ if❝All components of are integrated of same order .❝There exists a such that the linear combination, ⋯ , is integrated of order, 0.❝is the cointegrating vector, not unique.20Illustration for Trading❝Suppose we have two assets, both reasonably I(1), we want to find such that❝ is I(0), i.e., stationary.❝In this case, we have .21A Simple VAR Example❝❝❝Theorem 4.2, Johansen, places certain restrictions on the coefficients for the VAR to be cointegrated.❝The roots of the characteristics equation lie on or outside the unit disc.22Coefficient Restrictions❝❝❝ 23VECM (1)❝Taking differences❝ 1 ❝ 1❝❝Substitution of❝ΔΔ124VECM (2)❝ ❝❝❝❝, the cointegrating coefficient❝ is the long run equilibrium, I(0).❝ , are the speed of adjustment parameters.25Interpretation❝Suppose the long run equilibrium is 0,❝Δ , Δ responds only to shocks.❝Suppose , ,❝ decreases in response to a +ve deviation.❝ increases in response to a +ve deviation. 26Granger Representation Theorem ❝If is cointegrated, an VECM form exists.❝The increments can be expressed as a functions of the dis ‐equilibrium, and the lagged increments.❝❝In our simple example, we have ❝Δ Δ1 27Granger Causality❝ does not Granger Cause if lagged values of do not enter the equation.❝ does not Granger Cause if lagged values of do not enter the equation.28Test for Stationarity❝An augmented Dickey–Fuller test (ADF) is a test for a unit root in a time series sample.❝It is an augmented version of the Dickey–Fuller test for a larger and more complicated set of time series models.❝Intuition:❝if the series is stationary, then it has a tendency to return to a constant mean. Therefore large values will tend to be followed by smaller values, and small values by larger values. Accordingly, the level of the series will be a significant predictor of next period'schange, and will have a negative coefficient.❝If, on the other hand, the series is integrated, then positivechanges and negative changes will occur with probabilities that do not depend on the current level of the series.❝In a random walk, where you are now does not affect which way you will go next.29ADF Math❝❝Null hypothesis : .❝models a random walk.❝models a random walk with drift.❝Test statistics = , the more negative, the morereason to reject (a unit root; hence non ‐stationary).❝SuanShu : AugmentedDickeyFuller.java 30Engle‐Granger Two Step Approach❝Estimate either❝❝❝As the sample size increase indefinitely, asymptotically atest for a unit root in and are equivalent, but not for small sample sizes.❝Test for unit root using ADF on either and .❝If and are cointegrated, super converges.31Engle‐Granger Pros and Cons❝Pros:❝simple❝Cons:❝This approach is subject to twice the estimation errors. Any errors introduced in the first step carry over to the second step.❝Work only for two I(1) time series.32Testing for Cointegration❝Note that in the VECM, the rows in the coefficient,, are NOT linearly independent.❝ΔΔ1❝❝The rank of determine whether the two assets and are cointegrated.33VAR & VECM❝In general, we can write convert a VAR to an VECM.❝VAR (from numerical estimation by, e.g., OLS):❝ ∑❝Transitory form of VECM (reduced form)❝ΔΠ ∑Γ Δ ❝Long run form of VECM ❝Δ ∑Υ Δ Π34The Matrix❝Rank() = n, full rank❝The system is already stationary; a standard VAR model in levels.❝Rank() = 0❝There exists NO cointegrating relations among the timeseries.❝0 < Rank() < n❝Π❝ is the cointegrating vector❝ is the speed of adjustment.35Rank Determination❝Determining the rank of is amount to determining the number of non‐zero eigenvalues of .❝Πis usually obtained from (numerical VAR) estimation.❝Eigenvalues are computed using a numerical procedure.36Trace Statistics ❝Suppose the eigenvalues of are: .❝For the 0 eigenvalues, ❝For the (big) non ‐zero eigenvalues, is (very negative).❝The likelihood ratio test statistics ❝| ∑log 1 ❝H0: rank ≤ r; there are at most r cointegrating β.37Test Procedure❝int r = 0;//rank❝for (; r <= n; ++r) {❝compute Q | ;❝If (Q > c.v.) {//compare against a critical value ❝break;//fail to reject the null hypothesis; rank found ❝}❝}❝r is the rank found38Decomposing❝Suppose the rank of .❝ .❝is .❝is .❝ is .39Estimating❝can estimated by maximizing the log‐likelihood function in Chapter 6, Johansen.❝logLΨ, , ,Ω❝Theorem 6.1, Johansen: is found by solving the following eigenvalue problem:❝ 040❝Each non‐zero eigenvalue λcorresponds to a cointegrating vector, which is its eigenvector.❝❝spans the cointegrating space.❝For two cointegrating asset, there are only one ( ) so it is unequivocal.❝When there are multiple , we need to add economic restrictions to identify .41Trading the Pairs❝Given a space of (liquid) assets, we compute the pairwise cointegrating relationships.❝For each pair, we validate stationarity by performing the ADF test.❝For the strongly mean‐reverting pairs, we can design trading strategies around them.42。
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3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in
3.1 Telling a brief story
Example 1
Eric, a new boy at school, was shy and physically small. He quickly became a victim of bullies. Kids would wait after school, pull out his shirt, and punch and shove him around. He was called such names as "Mouse Boy" and "Jerk Boy." When he sat down during lunch hour, others would leave his table. In gym games he was never thrown the ball, as if he didn't exist. Then one day he came to school with a gun. When the police were called, he told them he just couldn't take it anymore. Bullying had hurt him badly, just as it hurts so many other students. Every member of a school community should be aware of bullying and the three hateful forms that it takes: physical, verbal, and social bullying.
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in 3.6 Other ways of lead-in
Example 3
Bread provides content and satisfaction to our stomach; Books meet the needs of lonely souls. Yet as for the broadening of minds, traveling is nothing to be compared with.
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in
3.2 Asking one or more questions
When you were a kid, were you ever pushed around by bigger children? Were you shoved aside in hallways or knocked out of your seat in classrooms? Were you ever called hurtful names like "fatso," "worm," "dogface," or "retard"? Or were you coldly ignored by other students? Did they turn their backs on you, pretending you didn't exist? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," then you were a victim of one of three forms of bullying: physical, verbal, or social.
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in
3.4 Going from the broad to the narrow
Many unpleasant parts of growing up seem unavoidable. Pimples happen, voices crack, and students worry all the time about their looks and their changing bodies. In time, the pimples disappear, the voices deepen, and the worries recede. But one all-too-common aspect of growing up, bullying, can have lasting negative results. Young people should not have to put up with bullying in any of its forms—physical, verbal, or social.
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in
Five common methods of introduction: 1. Telling a brief story or parallel stories 2. Asking one or more questions 3. Shifting to the opposite 4. Going from the broad to the narrow 5. Using a paradoxical statement
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in 3.1 Telling a brief story
Example 2
A two-hundred-pound teenager quit school because no desk would hold her. A three-hundred-pound chef who could no longer stand on his feet was fired. A threehundred-fifty-pound driver broke furniture in his friends’ houses. All these people are now living healthier, happier, and thinner lives, thanks to the remarkable intestinal bypass surgery first developed in 1967.
• Gain the reader’s interest • Present the thesis statement or
central idea
2. Introductory Paragraph: Components A well-written introduction should contain: 1) An interesting lead-in 2) A short bridge 3) A clear thesis statement
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in
3.3 Shifting to the opposite
For many children, school is a happy experience. They like their teachers, they see their friends on a daily basis, and they feel comfortable and welcome. But for the victims of bullies, school is a nightmare. Every day they must face someone bigger or meaner than they are and endure humiliation in a variety of forms—physical, verbal, and social.
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in 3.6 Other ways of lead-in
Example 1
For our grandparents it occurred through films and books. For the baby boomers it was a result of television and revolutionary music. No matter how the impact took place, it is clear that since its very advent, the media have played a crucial role in not simply being representative of the value of our society but creating them as well.
Step 1 Getting Started through Prewriting
Introductory Body/Supporting Concluding paragraph
1. Introductory Paragraph: Functions
A well-written introductory paragraph will:
3. Introductory Paragraph: Lead-in 3.5 Using a paradoxical statement
“Eat two chocolate bars and call me in the morning,” says the psychiatrist to the patient. Such advice sounds like a sugar fanatic’s dream, but recent studies have indeed confirmed that chocolate positively affects depression and anxiety.