华威 HW-SM003DUL 空模无刷马达电子调速器说明书

空模无刷马达电子调速器(ESC )说明书 HW-SM003DUL-20130709page 1鸣叫提示音符“ 123”,表感谢您购买本产品!无刷动力系统功率强大,错误的使用可能造成人身伤害和设备损坏。
产品特色1. 所有器件均为原装正品,确保电调具有一流品质和极高的可靠性。
2. 具有强大的耐流能力。
3. 具备输入电压异常保护、电池低压保护、过热保护、油门信号丢失保护等多重保护功能。
4. 具有普通启动、柔和启动、超柔和启动三种启动模式,兼容固定翼飞机及直升机。
5. 可设定油门行程,兼容各种遥控器。
6. 最高转速可以达210000 RPM (2极马达)、70000 RPM (6极马达)、35000 RPM (12极马达)。
产品功能简要说明(黑体字为出厂默认值) 1. 刹车设定:无刹车/有刹车。
2. 电池类型:Lipo (锂电池)/ NiMH (镍氢)。
3. 电池低压保护模式:逐渐降低功率/立即关闭输出。
1) 当电池类型设定为Lipo 电池时,电调自动判断锂电节数,低/中/高情况下每节电池的截止电压分别为:2.85V/3.15V/3.3V 。
例如使用3节锂电,设定为中截止电压,则低压保护阈值为:3.15*3=9.45V 。
2) 当电池类型设定为镍氢电池时,低/中/高情况下截止电压为开机时输入电压的0%/50%/65%。
例如:使用6节镍氢电池,充满时电压为 1.44*6=8.64V ,当设定为中截止电压时,则截止电压阈值为:8.64*50%=4.3V 。

航模电调航模电调,是航空模型用电子调速器的简称,英文名Air-modeling ESC。
特征航模电调一般具有以下特征:.特征:1.规格 :1.1 输出电流 :持续电流 50A ,瞬间电流 60A 可持续10秒。
1.2 输入电源 :5-12节镍氢/镍镉电池或者2-4节锂电池1.3 重量 :58克1.4 BEC输出 :5.5V/3A1.5 尺寸 :38*52*15mm(宽*长*高)2.特征:2.1 无限制的转速支持:对目前市面所见所有工业化生产之无刷电机最高转速可无限支持2.2 循环菜单设置,操作简单方便2.3 超平稳和精确的油门线性2.4 安全通电功能:接通电源时无论遥控器的油门拉杆在任何位置均不会立即启动电机,防止电机突然旋转2.5 遥控信号丢失保护2.6 超温保护:110℃时自动降低功率一半输出,温度低于110℃时功率输出恢复2.7 带舵能力超强,超越目前市面所见电调2.8 适合无刷电机的所有类型支持编程功能随着科技和产品的不断发展,航模队马达功率,电池容量,电调功能也不断增强,主流航模电调从刚开始的10A ,20A,30A.发展到现在的60A,70A,80A,90A,现在这些也渐渐的不能满足航模爱好者更高的追求了。

03 连线示意图*每种规格的产品外观有差异,图片为代表型号仅供参考,以实物为准1. 刹车: [1] 无刹车 [2]软刹车 [3]重刹车 [4]很重刹车 (出厂默认值为无刹车)2.电池类型: [1]LiPo(锂电) [2] NiCb/NiMh(镍氢/镍隔) (默认值为Li Po )3.低压保护阈值:[1] 低 [2]中 [3]高 ;默认值为中(3.0V/65%)对于Ni-xx电池组:低/中/高中止电压是电池组初始电压值的50% / 65% / 75% 对于Li-xx电池组:低(2.8V/节)/ 中(3.0V/节)/ 高(3.2V/节)。
例如:对于一个14.8V/4节的Li-po电池组来说,低压保护电压为 11.2V低 / 12.0V中 / 12.8V为高。
4.进角:[1]0° [2]3.75° [3]7.5° [4]11.25° [5]15° [6]18.75° [7]22.5°[8]26.25° (默认值为15°)低(0°/ 3.75°/ 11.25°/15°/ 18.75°)--为大多数的內转子马达设置高(22.5°/ 26.25°)--为6极和6极以上的外转子的马达设置大多数情况下,15°进角适用于所有类型的马达,但为了提高效率,我们建议对2极马达使用低进角设置(一般的内转子),6极和6极以上(一般的外转子)马达使用高进角。

调速器产品规格1)OPTO调速器没有内置BEC, 工作时需单独给舵机、接收机供电2)S BEC调速器,给舵机供电是开关电源模式,输出电压5.5V,舵机可以带4A负载,瞬间2秒可达8A3)UBEC调速器,给舵机供电是线性电源模式三、调速器连接线说明:(为避免短路和漏电,连接处均使用热缩导管绝缘)一、航模无刷电机调速器功能:1.出厂默认恢复设置2.电池类型(LiPo或NiMh/NiCd)设置3.刹车设置(有/无)4.低压保护阈值设置(设置高低电压保护值)5.马达进角设置(提高电调使用效率和调速的平稳性)6.加速启动设置(针对精密变速箱和直升机应用)7.直升机模式(针对直升机应用)8.马达转向(顺时针/逆时针)9.PWM工作频率设置10.低压保护模式(降低功率或立即停止)四、无刷电机电子调速器编程设置操作步骤:先将遥控器油门拉杆推至最高位置,电调进入设置模式,然后打开遥控器电源。

3.EASYCO TECHNOLOGY不承担任何由使用本产品而引起的直接或间接的损害、伤害的赔偿责任。
产品规格:型号持续电流输入电压BEC形式BEC输出重量(g)尺寸(mm)4568X30X10.5 FS-7070A2-6LiPo开关5V、6V可调/3AFS-6060A2-6LiPo开关5V、6V可4168X30X10.5调/3A3764X30X10.5 FS-4545A2-6LiPo开关5V、6V可调/3AFS_3560A2-6LiPo开关5V、6V可3159X30X10.5调/3A3352X29X9 F-4545A2-4LiPo线性5V、6V可调/3AF-3535A2-4LiPo线性5V、6V可3252X29X9调/2AF-3030A2-4LiPo线性5V/2A2548X25X11注意:电调自带BEC不支持四节和四节以上锂电(或其他相当电压的电池)__________________________________________________________________________________参数设置说明:1.油门行程设定:适应市场所有遥控器。

0102Specifications03Begin to Use the New Brushless ESC04ESC Programming05Programmable Items06Data Checking07Normal Start-up ProcessProgrammable Item List of Platinum 60A V4 ESC. (“*” in the form below indicate factory defaults. )Programmable Item List of Multifunction LCD Program BoxUSER MANUALPlatinum 60A V4Brushless Electronic Speed Controller201512031. Flight Mode1.1. In “Fixed-wing” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 5% or above. There is no soft start-up, the motor responds to the throttle increase rapidly.1.2. In “Helicopter (Linear Throttle)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 5% or above. And it will accelerate to the RPM corresponds to the specific throttle amount in the preset start-up time (4~25s). 1.3. In “Helicopter (Elf Governor)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 40% or above. And it will complete the speed standardization and enter the speed-governing operation in the preset start-up time(4~25s). In this mode, the motor will standardize its speed every time it starts up. Due to different discharge rates/capabilities of different batteries, the RPM you standardize each time may be a little different. In consequence, at the same throttle amount, the RPM may be a bit different when using different batteries, but this won’t affect the speed-governing effect.1.4. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 40% or above. It will also start up in a very soft way. And it will also complete the speed standardization and enter thespeed-governing operation in the preset start-up time. In this mode, the motor will only standardize its speed the first time when it starts up. When performing RPM standardization for the first time, we recommend using afully-charged battery with good discharge capability. After the RPM standardization, change another battery to fly your aircraft. At the same throttle amount, the RPM should be the same as the RPM of the first flight. For consistent control feel, we recommend using this mode. About RPM Standardization & Others• The motor will enter the soft start-up when user switches the throttle amount from 0 to 40% or above (50% throttle is recommended). The pitch of main blades should be 0 degree during the soft start-up process, the RPMstandardization completes when the soft start-up ends, and the ESC makes the motor enter the speed-governing state. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, if user wants to re-standardize the speed, he needs to set the flight mode to “Helicopter (Elf Governor)” and save this mode first, and then reset the flight mode back to “Helicopter (Store Governor)”, then the ESC will re-standardize the motor speed when the motor rotates for the first time after the ESC is powered off and then on again.• For ensuring the speed-governing effect, we recommend setting the throttle amount to 85% or below in both speed-governing modes (Helicopter (Elf Governor)&Helicopter (Store Governor), so there will be sufficient compensating room to maintain the consistency of the RPM. We recommend replacing the motor or adjusting the gear ratio if the expected RPM still cannot be reached when the throttle amount exceeds 85%. (Note: You need to re-standardize the RPM after replacing the motor, blades, body frame or adjusting the gear ratio.)• In “Heli Store Governor” mode, if you fly your aircraft with another pack that has poor discharge capability after the RPM standardization (with a pack which has good discharge capability), the pack has poor discharge capability will get damaged.• In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, different battery packs can bring the same stable RPM only if they have the same cell count. This won’t change even when you change the battery pack. However, battery packs with different cell count don’t have the same effect. For instance, in “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, you can not use a 4S to calibrate the motor RPM and then use a 6S to drive the motor, hoping it can run at the same RPM. • User can decide the control feel via adjusting Governor Parameter P/I. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, connect your ESC to a smart phone or PC, then you can check the throttle vs speed chart.2. LiPo Cells: the ESC will automatically calculate the number of LiPo cells you have plugged in as per the “3.7V/Cell” rule if “Auto Calc” is selected. Or user can set this item manually.3. Voltage Cutoff Type: the ESC will gradually reduce the output to 50% of the full power in 3 seconds after the voltage cutoff protection is activated, if soft mode is selected..It will immediately cut off all the output when hard mode is selected.4. Cutoff Voltage: 2.7V-3.7V (custom), 3.3V (default).5. BEC Voltage: 5-8V (adjustable), 0.1V (step), 6V (default).6. Start-up Time: 4-25s (adjustable), 1s (step), 15s (default). (Note: It only functions in Heli Elf/Store Governor Mode)7. Governor Parameter P: Control the ESC maintaining the stability of the current motor speed.8. Governor Parameter I: Control the dynamic response. To be specific, control the supplement extent when the actual motor speed is below expectation. If you choose a very big value, then the supplement may be too much. If select a very small value, then the supplement may not sufficient.9. Auto Restart Time: the ESC will cut off its output when the throttle amount is between 25% and 40%. If you increase the throttle amount to above 40% within preset time period (0-90s), the motor will rapidly start up and accelerate to the speed (in the programmed Restart Acceleration Time) corresponds to the specific throttle amount, complete the shutdown and restart up.If you move the throttle stick to over 40% beyond the preset time period, the ESC will enter the soft start-up process. (Note: This function won’t effect unless the throttle amount is over 25% and it only effects in “Heli Governor Elf/Store” mode.)10. Restart Acceleration Time: 1-3s (adjustable), 0.5s (step), 1.5s (default). This item controls the time the motor will cost to restart and accelerate to the full speed. (This function only effects in “Heli Governor Elf/Store” mode) 11. Brake Type11.1. Proportional Brake: when the throttle range on the transmitter is between 20% and 100%, the corresponding ESC throttle output is between 0% and 100%.When the throttle range on the transmitter is between 20% and 0%, the corresponding brake force is between 0 and 100%.11.2. Reverse: after selecting this option, the RPM signal wire will turn into a reverse signal wire (the signal range is in line with the throttle range). After setting a channel on the transmitter, when the reverse signal length is above 20% signal length, the Reverse mode will be activated. The reverse signal length must be below 20% signal length when the ESC is powered on for the first time. When the reverse signal length is below 20% signal length, 0-100%throttle corresponds to “CW”; when the reverse signal length is above 20% signal length, the motor will stop spinning CW (and then spin CCW); at this time, 0-100% throttle corresponds to “CCW”. Any signal loss will activate the throttle signal loss protection, no matter it happens to the RPM signal wire or the throttle signal cable during the flight.12. Brake Force: 0-100% (adjustable), 1% (step), 0 (default). (Note: this function only effects in “Normal Brake” mode.)13. Timing: 0-30° (adjustable), 1° (step), 15° (default).14. Motor Rotation: CW/CCW. User can adjust this item via a multifunction LCD program box.15. DEO Freewheeling: User can decide this function “Enabled” or “Disabled” in “Fixed Wing” mode or in “Heli (Linear Throttle Response)” mode. This item has been preset to “Enabled” and cannot be adjusted in “Heli (Elf Governor/Store Governor)” mode. This function can brings better throttle linearity.Model Application Input VoltageCont./Peak Current (10s)(Switch-mode) BEC Platinum 60A V4450-480 Class Heli (Propeller: 325-360mm )3-6S LiPo 60A/80A5V-8V Adjustable (Step: 0.1V), 7A/18A Cont./Peak For connecting LCD Program Box/WIFI Express White Throttle Signal Wire/Red & Black BEC Output Wires/Yellow RPM Signal Transmission Wire14AWG Input/Output Wires 49g / 48x30x15.5mmProgrammingConnect the LCD program box and a battery to your ESC as shown above.Platinum 60A V4Program Your ESC with a WIFI Express: For detailed information, please refer to the user manual of WIFI Express.Turn on the transmitter, and then move the throttle stick to the bottom position.After connected to a battery, the ESC will emit “♪123” indicating it’s normally powered on.The motor will emit several beeps to indicate the number of LiPo cells.The motor emits a long beep indicating the ESC is ready to go.08Explanations for Warning Tones1. Input voltage is abnormal: The ESC will measure the input voltage the moment when it’s powered on. The motor will keep beeping “BB, BB, BB” (the interval between two BBs is 1 second) when the input voltage is beyond the normal range. The warning tone won’t stop until the voltage turns normal.2. Throttle signal loss protection is activated: The motor will beep “B-, B-, B-” (the interval between two B-s is 2 seconds) when the ESC doesn’t detect any throttle signal.3. Throttle stick is not at the bottom position: The motor will beep “B-B-B-B-B-” when the throttle stick is not moved to the bottom position.4. Throttle range is too narrow: The motor will beep “B-B-B-B-B-” when the throttle range you set is too narrow (when designing this ESC, it requires that the entire throttle range you set cannot be less than 50% of the whole throttle range available on the transmitter.) The warning tone indicates the throttle range you set is void and you need to set it again.09Explanations for Multiple Protections1. Start-up Protection: The ESC will monitor the motor speed during the start-up process. When the speed stops increasing or the speed increase is not stable, the ESC will take it as a start-up failure. At that time, if the throttle amount is less than 15%, the ESC will automatically try to restart up; if it is larger than 15%, you need to move the throttle stick to back the bottom position and then restart up the ESC. (Possible causes of this problem: poor connection/ disconnection between the ESC and motor wires, propellers are blocked, etc.)2. ESC Thermal Protection: The ESC will gradually reduce the output but won’t cut it off completely when the ESC temperature goes above 110℃. For ensuring the motor can still get some power and won’t causecrashes, so the maximum reduction is about 50% of the full power. The ESC will gradually resume its maximum power after the temperature lowers down. In addition, the ESC temperature cannot exceed 70℃ when it’s powered on. Otherwise, it cannot be started up. (Here we are describing the ESC’s reaction in soft cutoff mode, while if in hard cutoff mode; it will immediately cut off the power.)3. Capacitor Thermal Protection: The ESC will activate this protection when the operating temperature of capacitors goes over 130℃. It protects capacitors in the same way as the ESC thermal protection does to the ESC .4. Throttle Signal Loss Protection: When the ESC detects loss of signal for over 0.25 second, it will cut off the output immediately to avoid an even greater loss which may be caused by the continuous high-speed rotation of propellers or rotor blades. The ESC will resume the corresponding output after normal signals are received.5. Overload Protection: The ESC will cut off the power/output or automatically restart itself when the load suddenly increases to a very high value. (Possible cause to sudden load increase is that propellers are blocked.)0104可编程参数项目及其说明Platinum 60A V420151203空模无刷电子调速器使用说明书下表中带“*”的为出厂默认参数:可编程参数表(英文对照)1、飞行模式1.1 固定翼模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,无缓启动,油门响应迅速;1.2 直升机线性模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,有缓启动,马达在设定的缓启动时间内加速至当前油门应有转速;1.3 直升机精灵定速模式下,油门达到40%启动电机,有缓启动,马达在设定的缓启动时间内完成转速标定进入定速运行状态。

【开机过程说明】1.油门摇杆置于最低位置,打开遥控器;2.给电调接上电池;3.电机发出 N 声“哔-”鸣音,表示电池组有N节锂电,请确认鸣报的锂电池节数是否和您正在使用的电池节数一致。
如果只发出一声“哔-”鸣音,表示电调不做电池低压保护,这种情况仅适用于NiMH/NiCd 电池;4.加大油门,电机启动并加速。
RM C620无刷电机调速器使用说明(中英日)V1.01

PWM Cable
A: GND (Black) B: TX (Grey) C: PWM/RX (White)
CAN Cable
A: CAN_L (Black) B:CAN_H (Red)
Connecting the Speed Controller
Using CAN Cable
[8] PWM Port Receives the PWM signal via a PWM cable. Connect to a DJI TAKYONTM Updater (or a compatible USB to serial converter) to your computer with the provided PWM cable to configure speed controller parameters or update its firmware via RoboMaster Assistant. • DO NOT plug in the CAN cable and the PWM cable simultaneously, as the motor may lose control. Make sure to power off the speed controller when switching the signal mode. • The DJI Takyon Updater should be purchased separately at the DJI online store. Refer to Takyon Updater User Guide for more information.
IWM Cable×1
飞行模型电调 X-Tower BL-32 4in1-40A 使用说明书

01 主要特性X-Tower BL-32 4合1 ESC持续电流瞬时电流(10S )BEC 尺寸(供参考)重量锂电池节数型号X-Tower BL-32 4in1-40A40A45A3-6S48.5x40.8x6mm12.3gNo典型应用(供参考)170-450多旋翼*图片仅供参考,产品以实物为准1.电调额外提供了:一根8Pin 线束(8P SH1.0端子),用于与飞控的连接; 一根14AWG 电源输入线束(XT60端子)。
* 兼容市面通用飞控,推荐使用Flycolor X-Tower F4安装尺寸(mm )X-Tower BL-32 4in1电调尼龙支撑柱 M3*6+6尼龙螺母 M3尼龙螺钉 M3*10序号1234描述数量14441. 启动功率(Rampup power ):启动功率可以设置为从3%-150%的相对值。
2. 电机进角(Motor timing ):电机进角可以设置为1°-31°,通常设置中等数值进角即适用于大部分电机,但如果电机运转不顺畅时,可以尝试改变进角。
对于一些高感电机,其换向退磁时间较 长,尤其在低速运转的时候,电机会在油门快速增加的情况下停转或者不顺畅。

提示音 1 声(短声)“嘀”—— 强制保护 2 个锂电池。 提示音 2 声(短声)“嘀”—— 强制保护 3 个锂电池。 提示音 3 声(短声)“嘀”—— 低进角设置(适用于多数高数马达)。 提示音 4 声(短声)“嘀”—— 中进角设置(适用于大部分马达)。 提示音 5 声(短声)“嘀”—— 高进角设置(适用于大扭矩低速马达)。 提示音 6 声(短声)“嘀”—— 强制保护 4 个锂电池。 提示音 7 声(短声)“嘀”—— 强制保护 5 个锂电池。 提示音 8 声(短声)“嘀”—— 强制保护 6 个锂电池。 提示音 9 声(短声)“嘀” —— 自动检测电池并设置保护值(适用于镍镉,镍氢电池)。
三, 功能设置
确定电调电池未 接上,将油门推 至全开,电调接 上电池
发出“嘀”一声 后,再 2 秒钟听 到“嘀……”的 一声长鸣的同时 将油门拉下
发出“嘀”一声 后,2 秒钟听到 “嘀……”的一 声长鸣
系统会检测油门 位置,不合适会 发出警告声音。
“嘀” “嘀”两 声后,听到音乐 声,设置完成。
听到“嘀”“嘀” “嘀” “嘀”四 后声进入功能设 置模式
选择设置某项功能,听到对应提示音的同时拉下油门推杆即可。 系统会反复循环功能设置,直到用户选择了某项功能系统才会退出功能设置回到驱动 电机状态。功能设定可能因版本不同略有差别,具体以跟随产品的使用说明为准。
确定电调连接上 电机,遥控器油 门推杆在低位, 打开发射机
接上电调电源, 电调系统会发出 “嘀”的提示音
约 2 秒后听到音乐声 “ ” , 表 示电调系统自检正 常,等池未 接上,将油门推 至全开,接上电 池

故障现象解决方法可能原因1、电池电压没有输入到电调;1、检查电池与电调是否连接可靠,如有焊接不良,请重新焊好;上电后电机无鸣音,指示灯也未闪亮06编程设定说明08电调状态指示灯(LED)说明09保护功能说明10故障快速处理01声明Seaking Pro 120A • Seaking Pro 160A船用无刷电子调速器使用说明书· 调试请将船模架起,确保船桨不会碰到人或其他物体,以免发生安全事故。
03产品特色· 轻量化设计,适合竞赛要求。
· 出色的防水性能(160A电调采用塑封工艺,120A电调采用纳米镀膜工艺),一般情况下无需做防水处理即可直接使用(注:使用后请将电调插头吹干,以免锈蚀)。
· 内置超强开关模式BEC,持续电流达到4A,瞬间达到8A,且支持 6V和7.4V 切换,轻松驱动各种强力舵机及高压舵机。
· 采用好盈专利铜片导热技术,配合水冷模块和极低热阻的内部MOSFET,使得电调的耐流能力及可靠性大大增强。
· 使用顶级竞赛核心程序,具有一流的操控手感及丰富的调节选项,适应各种比赛环境。
· 行业首创的超速功能(即:开启Turbo进角),让马达瞬间释放更强动力,轻松超越竞争对手。

4-12s Lipos
ESC HV 100A-12S
100amp/ 120amp
12-38s Ni-xx
5V, 3.5A (switching) 5V, 3.5A (switching)
71 x 26.5 x 15 90 x 52 x 16
69 x 52 x 24
4-12s Lipos
ESC HV 150A-12S
150amp/ 180amp
12-38s Ni-xx
4-12s Lipos
ESC HV 200A-12S
200amp/ 220amp
12-38s Ni-xx
125 x 60 x 38 125 x 60 x 38
23g 25g 40g 50g 52g 118g
109g 290g 294g
三、 如何将调速器与电池、无刷马达、接收机的正确连接
· 起飞时,应先打开遥控器电源,后再启接收机电源。
· 结束飞行后,应先关掉接收机电源,再关闭遥控器电源。
· 使用调速器前,请正确设置‘低电压关断保护 (LVC)’,以避免锂电池因电压过放而损坏。
· 可设置调速器“电流保护”,调速器出厂时默认值为”标准模式“,此种模式适用于大多数配 置,建议有丰富飞行经验的模友方可更改此设置。
· 对于有内置BEC的调速器,如果不使用调速器内置BEC,用外置电源为接收机和伺服器供电时, 请切断调速器RC线中的红色线。
· Kingkong 45A, Kingkong 60A和Kingkong 80A调速器,由于其内置BEC是采用开关BEC的控制技 术,因此在与某些35MHz的遥控器和收接机使用时(如Multiplex 35MHz的遥控器、接收机),内置 的开关BEC会对信号造成干扰,所以建议在与某些35MHz的遥控器、接收机使用时,如发现信号有干 扰,请切断调速RC线的红色线,使用外置电源来为接收机和伺服器供电以减少信号干扰。

、 13 3 条油门曲线可供选择。电机反转可设置。
表 1 (BEC 为线性模式)
持续工作 瞬时电流 适用锂 尺寸(mm) 重量(g) BEC 电流 (10S) 电节数 长×宽×厚 含线 (Linear)
× × 11 13 4
× × 22 12 5
× × 22 17 7
× × 45 24 6
× × 50 28 12
是数字,则加 1,从 0-9 则是对该项参数的值进行确认,并 了。
将电调的 接通电 通过“ 键” 按“
PPM 线按
“ 键”确
PPM 线从
断 方向插到 动读取 认修改项,按 数,按“WR 编程卡中
电 编程卡的 电调中 “ 键 ” 键”将新 拔出,接

“海飞(Hifei)”牌EB-2018A无刷电机电子调速器主要特性和功能如下:∙10kHz超高频PWM调制频率∙18A连续运行,25A短时运行∙宽的电压适应范围,可用6~12节镍氢电池或2~4节锂离子电池供电∙BEC功能,为接收机和舵机供电(10节镍氢电池或3节锂离子电池以下)∙安全通电功能,接通电源时无论遥控器的油门摇杆在任何位置均不会立即启动电机,防止电机突然旋转伤人∙电池低压保护功能,可选择电池电压降至4.8V、5.6V、6V、7.2V、8.4V、9V、11.2V、12V 时保护∙电池低压保护方式可选择关断或降低功率方式∙可选择制动功能∙电气提前角范围可选择4°~10°、10°~20°、20°~30°,满足不同磁铁极数电机的要求∙满功率状态提示,满功率时电调板上的发光管会点亮∙遥控信号丢失保护,4秒后自动关断∙超温保护,110℃自动关断∙电压超压保护,18V以上拒绝启动可见“海飞(Hifei)”牌EB-2018A无刷电机电子调速器拥有强大的功能和灵活的配置能力,可满足各位模型爱好者的各种不同应用要求。
一.连接“海飞(Hifei )”牌EB-2018A 无刷电机电子调速器根据自己的使用需求,参考下面的接线示意图连接注意:1.电池极性接反会永久性损坏电调。
Flycolor 40A 无刷电子调速器 使用说明书

车用无刷电子调速器● 支持近距离监测和记录实时数据,方便了解运行状态(需单独购买Flycolor WiFi 模块)。
电调第一次使用或遥控器修改过油门中点、ATL 、EPA 等参数,均需重设油门行程。
遥控器ABS 功能必须设置为OFF ,遥控器油门通道方向设置为“R E V ”,油门微调设置为“0”,油门通道的EPA/ATL 正反向均设置为100%(最大)。
电调接上电池,开启遥控器,持续按住“Power/PRG ”键不放;松开"Power/PRG "按键后,红灯停止闪烁,表示进入遥控器油门行程设定;1.3.1)油门中点:油门摇杆置于中点位置,按一下“Power/PRG”键,绿灯闪烁一次,电机鸣叫一次,表示中点油门被存储;2)油门正向最高点:油门摇杆打到正向最高点位置,按一下“Power/PRG” 键,绿灯闪烁两次,电机鸣叫两次,表示正向最大油门被存储;3)油门反向最高点:油门摇杆打到反向最高点位置,按一下“Power/PRG” 键,绿灯闪烁三次,电机鸣叫三次,表示反向最大油门被存储;4.5.油门摇杆回到中点位置,绿灯闪烁N 次指示N 节电池数,然后红色LED 开始持续闪烁(如是有感电机则红色LED 闪烁,绿色LED 常亮),表示此时需要设定三个点:05 编程选项及说明1、运行模式:●正转带刹车:只能前进,油门反向时为刹车,无倒车,该模式主要用于竞赛。

(选配编程设定卡后,您可以从15首乐曲中任选一首写入电子调速器,也可以关闭奏乐功能) 采用超低阻抗PCB(印刷线路板),具有极强的耐电流能力。
微处理器采用独立的稳压IC 供电,而不是从BEC输出取电,具有更好的抗干扰能力,大大降低失控的可能性。
最高转速可以达到210000 RPM(2极马达)、70000 RPM(6极马达)、35000 RPM(12极马达) 。
(详见设定卡说明书)模型飞机用无刷电机电子调速器产品规格:**BEC驱动能力:接线示意图:锂电平衡放电监测保护接头示意图:各个厂家推出的锂电池配备有不同的平衡充电接口,因此我们提供了两种平衡放电监测保护接头供用户选用: 平衡放电监测保护接头(类型一): 平衡放电监测保护接头(类型二):适用于台湾亚拓等品牌锂电池 适用于Polyquest、E-tec、Thunder Power 等品牌锂电池产品功能简要说明:1. 刹车设定:无刹车/有刹车,出厂默认值为无刹车。
flydragon slim-60a无刷电子调速器说明书

持续电流瞬时电流(10S)BEC尺寸(供参考)重量(供参考)锂电池节数型号FlyDragon SLIM-60A60A80A4-6S56gNo64.6x29.5x11.7mm注意:首次使用无刷电调或更换遥控设备后需要进行油门行程校准。
(声音次数>=5次后用一长鸣音”Beeeep--”表示5)进角参数(注:出厂默认为22.51.正常工作模式● 启动保护:当加大油门时,三秒内未能正常启动马达,电调将会关闭动力输出,油门摇杆需再次置于最低点后才可以重新启动马达(出现这种情况的原因可能有:电调和马 达连线接触不良或有断开、螺旋桨被其他物体阻挡等)。
● 过负荷保护:当负载突然变得极大时,电调会切断动力,须油门归零后才可正常操作。
● 油门信号丢失保护:当电调检测到油门遥控信号丢失0.32 秒以上即立即关闭输出,以免因螺旋桨继续高速转动而造成更大的损失。
接通接收机电源,确保遥控器和接收机通讯正常后给电调上电● 合理的使用电调可延长使用寿命,在使用过一定时间后,请清理电调上的水渍,污渍,避免电调短路。
● 首次使用无刷电调或更换遥控设备后需要进行油门行程校准;● 当电机出现异常或者要求达到更高转速时,可尝试更改进角参数;● 关于主动续流功能开启或者关闭,以四轴为例,必须保证4个电调的设置保持一致。
设置完毕后需重新上电才能生效;● 电机转向切换功能,设置完毕后需重新上电才能生效。
● 如需更多信息,请联系飞盈佳乐售后或者技术支持。
3.进角参数设定ASCF开关转向反向正常底部开关支持:电机转向选择 (默认为正常);主动续流开启/关闭(默认开启);www.fl1.Normal start-up● Start-up Protection:ESC will cut off output if it fails to start the motor within 3 seconds by accelerating throttle. you need to move the throttle stickback to the bottom position and restart the motor.( The possible causes : Bad connection or disconnection between ESC & motor , propellers areblocked, etc)● Over-load Protection: ESC will cut off power or output when the load suddenly increases to a very high value, normal operation will resume aftermoving the throttle stick to the bottom position. ESC will automatically try to restart when ESC and motor are out-of-step.●Throttle Signal Loss Protection:When ESC detects the loss of throttle signal for over 0.32 seconds, it will cut off power or output immediately toavoid an even greater loss caused by the continuous high speed rotation of propellers. ESC will resume the corresponding output after the normalsignal is restored.:Connect ESC & battery packs, wait for 2 seconds, motor emitscontinuously 1 long and 1 short tone. It means the ESC is readyfor working.Connect the receiver tothe battery, ensure thecommunication is normalbetween the transmitterand receiver, then poweron the ESC.Attention:Please calibrate throttle range when first time to use ESC or change transmitter.( When motor emits tone times ≥After changing timing, please test on the ground before flying.● Reasonable use of ESC can prolong the service life. please clean up the water and stains on the ESC after a certain period of time , to avoid electricshort circuit.● User need to calibrate the throttle range when starting to use a new ESC or change another transmitter.● When some abnormality occurs in ESC driving the motor or need the motor to reach a higher RPM, user can try to change the timing.● ASCF ON/OFF function, must ensure all ESCs setting consistent, it will take effect after power on again.● Motor rotation function ,it will take effect after power on again.● Please contact Flycolor sales or technical support for more information.251400-1069,V1.0 BECCon. CurrentBurst Current(10S)Size(for reference)Weight(for reference)LiPo cellsModelFlyDragon SLIM-60A60A80A4-6S56gNo64.6x29.5x11.7mmASCFONOFFRotationRev.Nor.Switches Support to:1.Change Motor rotation .(Normal is default)2.ASCF function On/Off .(ON is default)www.fl。
Platinum HV-160A 空模无刷电子调速器 使用说明书

0104可编程参数项目说明06电调运行信息查看Platinum HV-160A空模无刷电子调速器使用说明书1、飞行模式1.1 固定翼模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,无缓启动,油门响应迅速;1.2 直升机线性模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,马达以较柔和方式启动(0-100%油门加速时间固定为3.5秒),在固定的加速率下加速至当前油门应有的转速;1.3 直升机精灵定速模式下,油门达到40%启动电机,马达以超柔和方式启动,在设定的缓启动时间内完成转速标定进入定速运行状态。
1.4 直升机存储定速模式下,油门达到40%启动电机,马达以超柔和方式启动,在设定的缓启动时间内完成转速标定进入定速运行状态。
关于转速标定:· 将油门从0切换至≥40%(建议使用50%油门),马达将进入缓启动阶段,缓启动期间需保持主桨螺距为0°,缓启动结束后转速标定完成,电调进入定速运行状态。
直升机存储定速模式下,若需重新标定转速,需首先将飞行模式设置为直升机精灵定速模式并保存,然后再次设置为直升机存储定速模式,重新上电后电机首次运转过程中将进行转速标定;· 为保证定速效果,建议在定速飞行模式下的油门范围不超过90%,确保有足够的补偿空间维系马达转速恒定,若超过90%油门仍未达到理想转速,建议更换马达或更换齿比;(更换马达、齿比、桨、机架后均需重新标定转速)· 直升机存储定速模式下,使用性能较好的电池完成转速标定后,若使用性能较差的电池飞行,可能对该电池造成损害。
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调速器产品规格1)OPTO调速器没有内置BEC, 工作时需单独给舵机、接收机供电2)S BEC调速器,给舵机供电是开关电源模式,输出电压5.5V,舵机可以带4A负载,瞬间2秒可达8A3)UBEC调速器,给舵机供电是线性电源模式三、调速器连接线说明:(为避免短路和漏电,连接处均使用热缩导管绝缘)一、航模无刷电机调速器功能:1.出厂默认恢复设置2.电池类型(LiPo或NiMh/NiCd)设置3.刹车设置(有/无)4.低压保护阈值设置(设置高低电压保护值)5.马达进角设置(提高电调使用效率和调速的平稳性)6.加速启动设置(针对精密变速箱和直升机应用)7.直升机模式(针对直升机应用)8.马达转向(顺时针/逆时针)9.PWM工作频率设置10.低压保护模式(降低功率或立即停止)四、无刷电机电子调速器编程设置操作步骤:先将遥控器油门拉杆推至最高位置,电调进入设置模式,然后打开遥控器电源。
备注:遥控器油门拉杆推至最高位置电调进入设置模式;遥控器油门拉杆推至最低位置电调进入工作模式1)将电池组连接到调速器,2秒后电机“滴”一声响,表示电调进入设置模式,设置菜单是循环模式,每一种功能对应一种相应的音乐声调,每一种音乐声调连续奏响4次,在音乐奏响4次时间内将遥控器油门拉杆推至最低位置,这时电机会发出“滴”一声响,表示对应参数已存储,起动马达开始工作2)重复以上操作,设置您需要的各种功能备注:可用编程卡设定(可选配件),设置方法见编程卡说明书1.刹车:开/关开—当油门处于最小位置工作时,螺旋桨立即停止关—当油门处于最小位置工作时,螺旋桨自然停止2.电池类型:LiPo(锂电) 或NiCd / NiMh(镍氢/镍隔)NiCad / NiMh—是对NiCad / NiMh电池设置低压保护点Lipo—是对Lipo电池设置低压保护点,并在电池组内自动侦测电池的节数备注:对NiCad/NiMh电池的选择会使电调自动将中止电压点设置为出厂默认值的65%。
飞盈电子调速器为低压保护点提供了三个选择档位:低(2.8V)/ 中(3.0V)/ 高(3.2V)。
例如:对于一个14.8V/4节电池的Li-po电池组来说,低压中止保护电压为11.2V低/12.0V中/12.8V高4.恢复出厂默认设置将电子调速度器设定为出厂默认状态:1) 刹车:关2) 电池类型:有自动侦测功能的Lipo 电池3) 低压中止点:中(3.0V/65%)4) 马达进角设置:自动5) 加速度启动设置:柔和6) 直升机模式设置:关7) PWM工作频率设置:8kHz8) 低压保护模式:减小功率5.马达进角设置:自动/低/高自动--电调自动侦测最适宜的马达进角设定低(7-22度)--为大多数的內转子马达设置高(22-30度)--为6极和6极以上的外转子的马达设置大多数情况下,自动进角适用于所有类型的马达,但为了提高效率,我们建议对2极马达使用低进角设置(一般的内转子),6极和6极以上(一般的外转子)马达使用高进角。
某些马达需要特殊的进角设置,当您无法确定,我们建议您采用马达制造商推荐的进角设置或使用自动侦测进角设置备注:马达的进角设置修改成功后,请您先在地面上调试您的马达6.加速启动设置:(提供带有线性油门响应的快速加速启动)超柔和启动:从开始到最大速度油门响应滞后1.5秒,此设置能够防止精密齿轮/传动装置在瞬时负载下脱落;建议此设置用于装有变速箱的固定翼模型或直升机柔和启动:从开始到最大速度油门响应滞后1秒,建议此设置用于装有变速箱的固定翼模型或直升机加速启动:从开始到最大速度油门响应无滞后,建议对装有直接驱动的固定翼模型使用7.直升机模式(针对直升机应用)直升机关闭直升机1:从开始到最大速度油门响应滞后5秒,但启动后若关闭油门,再次启动时则均以普通模式启动直升机2:从开始到最大速度油门响应滞后15秒,但启动后若关闭油门,再次启动时则均以普通模式启动备注:一旦工作在直升机模式,无论电调之前有怎样的设置,电调刹车和低压保护类型设置都将分别被自动重新设置为无刹车和减小功率模式8. 马达转向:正/反转大多数情况下,马达正/反转可以通过交换电调连接马达的三根输出线中的任意两根实现的。
9. PWM工作频率:8kHz / 16kHz8kHz—为2极马达设置的工作频率,比如內转子16kHz--为2个以上极的马达设置的工作频率,比如外转子虽然工作频率16kHz能给我们的固定翼或直升机提供劲暴的动力,但由于16kHz所产生的较高RF噪音,所以默认设置为8kHz10 低压保护模式:减小功率/立即停止减小功率—当达到预设的低压保护阈值时,电调便会减小马达的输出功率(推荐)立即停止—当达到预设的低压保护阈值时,电调立即关断输出马达功率五、编程循环菜单顺序与解说●开启遥控器,将油门打到最高点--------将电调接上电池,等待两秒-------进入编程进入编程设定后,会听到以下鸣叫音,按如下图顺序循环鸣叫,在鸣叫某个提示音后,4 次鸣叫音内将油门打到最低,则确认和保存此设定项。
)●控制器智能安全保护功能油门信号丢失保护当ESC 侦测到油门信号丢失2s 后,将自动减小对马达的输出功率,然后油门信号再次丢失超过2s ,ESC 将自动关断马达。
如果在马达的输出功率减小过程中油门信号恢复,ESC 可以立即恢复油门控制。
这样在瞬间信号丢失情况下(2s 以下),ESC 并不会进行油门保护;只有当遥控信号确实长时间丢失,才进行保护,但ESC 不是立即关闭输出,而是有一个逐步降低输出功率的过程,给玩家留有一定的救机时间,兼顾安全性和实用性。
● 第一次接通电调需要设置油门行程飞盈佳乐ESC 的特点是根据不同的发射机设置最佳油门行程,ESC 能够通过发射机的整个油门行程来获取最平稳的油门线性,目的是让ESC 获取并记忆发射机的油门输出信号,此操作只需要进行一次,更换发射机时需重复此操作步骤。
注意:使用时,连接电池组之前,务必仔细检查所有插头连接的极性是否正确,以及安装是否牢固,防止因为错误连接极性或短路而损坏控制器第一次使用ESC 操作如下图所示:●ESC 正常启动程序如下所示:注意:您的航模如果在飞行过程中马达突然停转,应当立即将油门拉杆推到最低位置,再推起油门拉杆,这样马达将重新启动,此时将油门控制在较小位置,立即降落航模飞机使用时需注意的安全常识● 请勿私自拆卸电子调速器上的电子元器件,有可能由此造成永久性的损坏或信息丢失● 检验接收机装置设置正确,首次测试ESC 和马达时,如果尚未确认接收机装置上的设置正确,勿在马达上安装螺旋桨或传动小齿轮。
● 不使用裂开或被刺破的电池组 ● 不使用容易过热的电池组 ● 不使用短路电池● 不使用不合乎标准的电缆绝缘材料 ● 不使用不合乎标准的电缆连接器● 电池或伺服系统的数量不要超过控制器的规定 ● 电池电压值不要超出电子调速器的工作电压范围● 注意电池极性,错误的电池极性会损坏电调● 请确保该电子调速器不会用于载人飞行器及其他载人机器上 ● 勿将ESC 置于潮湿或强光地方第二组声音表示刹车的状态(一声滴滴响表示刹车为开,二声滴滴响表示刹车为关)ESC 准备完毕!将电池组连通ESC ,当ESC 第一次通电,会连续发出两组声音,表示ESC 进入工作状态第一组声音表示与ESC 相连接的Lipo 电池组中电池节数(三声滴响表示有三节电池,四声滴响表示有四节电开启遥控器,将油门摇杆打到底开启遥控器,将油门摇杆打到顶等待2s ,马达发出”滴-”单短音,表示油门最高点校准成功接通电池组,接收机,马达与ESC 进入等待将油门摇杆打到底,马达”滴-”的一声,表示油门校验成功,油门行程校准完毕●勿在电机转动条件下抽掉电池,这样可能引发大的峰值电流导致ESC烧坏●勿在ESC外包裹任何物品,尽量将ESC安装在通风散热好的位置常见问题的处理方法The Specification of Electric Speed Controller for Brushless MotorDear customers:Thank you for using the smart power electric speed controller (ESC) for brushless motor designed and produced by Shenzhen Flycolor Electron Co., LTD. Wrong use and operation may cause personal injuries and damages on the equipment due to the strong power at the starting of the product. We strongly recommend customers to read the specification carefully before using the product and operate the product strictly in accordance with the operating provisions. We assume no responsibilities generated from the application of the product, including but not limited to liabilities for damage of incidental losses or indirect losses. Meanwhile, we assume no responsibilities generated from the disassembly and modification by users themselves and assume no responsibilities caused by products from the third party.We have the right to alter products including appearance, performance parameter and operating requirement without advanced notice. We make no guarantee, declaration or promise on whether the product is suitable for specific purpose of users.I. The main properties of electric speed controller for brushless motor●Use powerful and high-performance MCU processor. The users can set function of use according to their requirements. It fully reflects the smart property of our products as a unique advantage.● Support unlimited rotate speed of brushless motor● Support the function of fixed speed● Delicate circuit design with strong anti-interference●The starting mode can be set. The response speed of throttle is very quickly and with very stable linear of speed regulation. It can be used in fixed wing aircraft and helicopter● Threshold va lues of low-voltage protection can be set.●With internal SBEC, the operating power to start steering engine is strong and the power dissipation is small.● Multi protection function: protection for abnormal input voltage/ protection for low battery/ protection for overheat/protection of lowing power when lost of signals from throttle●Good safety performance under energization: the motor will not start at the time of power on regardless of the location of pull rod of throttle in controller.●Protection for overheat: the output power will lesson to half when the temperature reaches 100℃during the operation of ESC. The output power will automatic recover when the temperature is under 100℃●Supports with operation setting for all controller and setting of programming panels● Set alarm sound. And judge the working situation after power on.● The company has completed intellectual property on the product. The product can be continuingly updated and upgraded. The product can be made to customers’ require ments.The product standard of ESCNotice:1)The ESC with SBEC supply steering engine with switching power. The output voltage is 5.5V. The load current of steering engine is 4A. At the moment of 2 seconds can reach 8A.2)The ESC with UBEC supply steering engine with linear power. The output voltage is 5.5v. The load current is 1A.3)OPTO means that there is no BEC inside ESC. The steering engine and receiver shall be supplied with power separately.4)Customized BEC can be made according to customers’ requirements.5)Customized ESC can be made according to customers’ requirements.II. The introduction of the connection in the ESCIn order to avoid short circuit and leakage, the joint are connected by thermal shrinkable pipe to ensure insulation.Battery Pack Black Red White MotorIII. The function of electric speed controller for brushless motor1. Reset to factory default2. Battery types set(Lipo or NiMh/NiCd)3. Brake set (yes/no)4. Threshold set of protection for low voltage (set a protective value for low voltage)5. Motor entrance angle set (improve the service efficiency of ESC and the stability in the starting)6. Accelerated startup set (used in precise gear box and application of helicopter)7. Helicopter mode (used in application of helicopter)8. Steering motor (clockwise/anticlockwise)9. Operating frequency set10. Protection mode under low voltage (reduces power or halts immediately)VI. The operation steps of programming in ESC for brushless motor.Push the pull rod of throttle in the ESC to the highest position to make the ESC enter the setting mode and then turn on the ESC.Remark: the ESC enters the setting mode when the pull rod of throttle in the ESC is pushed to the highest position; the ESC enters the working mode when the pull rod of throttle in the ESC is pushed to the lowest position.1) Connect the battery pack to the ESC. After two seconds, a beep shows that the ESC enters the setting mode. The menu of setting mode is a cycle model. Each function corresponds to one corresponding musical tone. Each musical tone will ring out for four times continuously. During the four periods when music rings, push the pull rod of throttle in the ESC to the lowest position. Then the motor will give out a beep to inform that corresponding parameters have been stored, and the ESC enters the working mode.2) Repeat the above operation to set various functions you need.Remark: Can also set with programming panels(optional accessories). Refer to specification of programming panels for setting method.1. Brake: turn on/turn offTurn on: the propeller stops immediately when the throttle works under the smallest position.Turn off: the propeller stops naturally when the throttle works under the smallest position.2. Battery types: LiPo or NiCd/NiMhNiCd/NiMh- set protection point for NiCad/NiMh.Lipo-set protection point for Lipo and detect numbers of battery automatically in the battery pack.Remark: the choice of NiCad/NiMh battery will make the ESC automatically set the cutoff value of voltage at 65% of factory defaults. The cutoff value can be modified through the function of protection for lowvoltage in case of changes. Once the battery pack of NiCad/NiMh connects to the power, the ESC willread its initial voltage. The voltage will used as a reference value for cutoff value of voltage.3. Protection function of low voltage: low/middle/high1) In case of Ni-xx battery pack: the cutoff value of voltage is 50%/65%/65% of the initial voltage of batterypack under low/middle/high threshold value.2) In case of Li-xx battery pack: the number of batteries can be calculated automatically. Users need not to setanything except the types of battery. The ESC provides three optional gears for protection point of low voltage: low(2.8V)/middle(3.0V)/high(3.2V)For example: the protection cutoff voltage for low voltage is 11.2V as low /12.0V as middle/12.8V as high in case of Li-po battery pack with four batteries and voltage at 14.8V.4. Recover to factory default setting.1) The factory default setting of ESC:2) The brake: off3) The types of battery: Lipo battery with automatic detection.4) The cutoff value under low voltage: middle (3.0V/65%)5) The angle of entrance in motor: automatic6) Setting for accelerated startup: smooth7) The setting Mode for helicopter: off8) The frequency of working: 8kHz9) Protection mode under low voltage: reduce power5. The angle of entrance in motor: automatic/low/highAutomatic-the ESC detect the most suitable angle of entrance in motor automatically.Low (7-22 degree) – suitable for the setting of most motors with inner rotorHigh (22-30 degree)-suitable for the setting of most motors with outer rotor and 6 poles or more than polesUnder most cases, the automatic angle of entrance is suitable for all motors. However, in order to increaseefficiency, we recommend using low angle of entrance in motors with 2 poles (generally inner rotor), and using high angle of entrance in motors with 6 and more than 6 poles (generally outer rotor). We can set a high angle of entrance for motors with higher rotate speed. Some motors need special angle of entrance. We recommend using the angle of entrance recommended by motor producers or automatic detected angle of entrance in case of uncertainty.Remark: please debug the motor on the ground after successfully altering the angle of entrance in motor.Setting for accelerated startup: provide rapid accelerated start up with linear throttle response.Ultra smooth startup: the lag time of throttle response between the starting and highest speed is 1.5 seconds. The setting mode can prevent the precision gear/gearing dropping under momentary load. The setting mode is recommended to use in fixed wing model with gear box or helicopter.Smooth startup: the lag time of throttle response between the starting and highest speed is 1 second. The setting mode is recommended to use in fixed wing model with gear box or helicopter.Accelerated startup: there is no lag time of throttle response between the starting and highest speed. The setting mode is recommended to use in fixed wing model with direct drive.6. The Mode for helicopter: (use in application of helicopter)Turn off the helicopterHelicopter 1: the lag time of throttle response between the starting and highest speed is 5 seconds. However, if the throttle is turned off after startup, the next startup will commence in common mode.Helicopter 1: the lag time of throttle response between the starting and highest speed is 15 seconds. However, if the throttle is turned off after startup, the next startup will commence in common mode.Remark: once working under mode for helicopter, the brake and types of protection under low voltage will be reset automatically to mode of no brake and reduce power mode separately regardless of previous setting of ESC.7. Steering motor (clockwise/anticlockwise)In most cases, the clockwise and anticlockwise rotation of motor can be realized by exchanging any two lines among the three output lines in the ESC connected to the motor. The direction of rotation can be changed by altering the setting value on the ESC in case that the wire connected to motor has been directly welded on the ESC.8. Operating frequency:8kHz / 16kHz8 kHz-the Operating frequency for motor with 2 poles, for example inner rotor16 kHz-the Operating frequency for motor with poles more than 2, for example outer rotorAlthough the operating frequency of 16 kHz can provide strong power for fixed wing or helicopter, the default setting is 8 kHz for there are louder RF noise under the operating frequency of 16 kHz.9. Protection mode under low voltage: reduce power/ halt immediatelyReduce power- the ESC will reduce the output power of motor when reaches default protection threshold for low voltage (recommend)Halt immediately-the ESC will cut off the output power of motor when reaches default protection threshold for low voltageV. The order and introduction of circle menu under programming mode●Turn on ESC- push the throttle to the highest position-connect the ESC to battery- wait two second-enter programming modeAfter enter programming mode, the following beeps will give out in accordance with the following circuit. After certain warning tone, push the throttle to the lowest position during the four beeps.Confirm and reserve the setting.●The warning tone: the warning tone is set as audible sound to help users judge abnormal condition after turn on the power.1. Fail to enter working mode after turn on the power: the routine of throttle has not been set yet.2. Continuing beeps: the pull rod of throttle is not in the lowest position3. There is a short pause after a beep: the ESC can not detect normal throttle signals from receiver.4. There is a pause of one second after a beep: the voltage of battery pack is out of acceptable limit (once the battery is connected, the ESC will carry out a self-checking and check the voltage of battery.)VI.The smart protection functions of ESC.VII .The routine of throttle shall be set at the first time turn on the ESC.The feature of Flycolor ESC is to set best routine of throttle according to different transmitters. The ESC can obtain most stable throttle linear response through the total routine of throttle in transmitters. The objective is let the ESC to obtain and remember the output signals of throttle in transmitters. The operation needs to be carried for one time. Please repeat the operation when change transmitters.Notice: must to check carefully whether polarities of all connector assembly are correct and whether the installation is firm before connect the battery pack during the using to avoid damages to the ESC due to incorrect connection between polarities or short cut.\ \The operation when use the ESC for the first time is as follows:● The normal startup procedure of the ESC is as follows:Remark: if the motor suddenly stops when your model airplane are flying, you shall immediately push the pull rod of throttle to the lowest position and then push to the high position. Then the motor will restart. You shall land the model airplane immediately with throttle controlled with a lower position.Please pay attention to the following safety information when using.●Never disassemble any electro components in the ESC by yourself, or permanent damages or lost of information will occur.●Check the setting of receiver. Do not install propeller or small driving gear on motor if you haven’t confirm that the setting of receiver is correct when test the ESC and motor for the first time.●Do not use cracked or broken battery pack.●Do not use battery pack easily get overheat.●Do not use short-cut battery.●Do not use cable insulation material against standards.●Do not use cable connector against standards.●The number of battery or servo system shall not exceed the rules for ESC.●The voltage of battery shall not exceed the scope of working voltage of ESC.●Pay attention to the polarities of battery. Wrong polarities will damage the ESC.●Be sure that the ESC will not use in manned craft or other manned machines.●Do not place the ESC in moist or over exposure.●Do not take out battery when the motor is working, for the generated large peak current will damage the ESC.●Do not pack anything outside the ESC. Install the ESC in places with good ventilation and heat dissipation as far as possible.VIII.Handling of common problems。