




















2016年日本钢铁行业去产能研究报告2016年2月目录一、1970s钢铁行业产能过剩的直接原因在于外部冲击 (4)1、倾斜式生产使日本钢铁行业在战后从瘫痪中迅速恢复 (4)2、经济高速发展使日本钢铁行业迅速扩张至巅峰 (7)3、连续的外部冲击导致日本钢铁行业产能严重过剩 (10)二、行政命令去产能,过程漫长且反复,政策效果有限 (11)1、行业协会最早着手研究去产能,仅提出方案无实质动作 (12)2、官方对过剩更为悲观,政策操作性强,企业配合,短期效果明显 (13)3、企业积极探索合并,抱团求生存 (16)4、去产能出现反复,政策效果大打折扣,安定基本计划被迫延长 (16)三、去产能期间,行业表现较差;去产能尾声,受益于需求扩张,行业表现较好 (18)1、钢铁行业扩张至巅峰,行业相对收益最为明显 (19)2、去产能过程中,行业持续弱势 (19)3、去产能阶段尾声,行业走强,相对收益明显但弱于行业巅峰时期 (19)4、去产能反复,行业再度走弱,且弱势程度加深 (20)5、去产能尾声,行业再次走强,但相对收益不明显 (20)日本钢铁行业在其战后恢复及后来的工业化进程中均起到了非常重要的推进作用,时至今日,其在世界钢铁业中依旧占据了重要地位。

























日本钢铁技术现状及二氧化碳减排发展来源:王小天 文章发表时间:2010-04-06全球变暖是世界各国面临的一个严峻问题。


















2 针对二氧化碳减排的研究1996年,日本铁钢联盟JISF根据《京都议定书》制定了环境保护行动计划,把减少温室气体排放作为应对全球变暖的措施之一。

因此,该计划主要应用了以下温室气体减排措施:1) 在1990年的基础上,到2010年实现钢铁行业能耗下降10%;2) 通过政府建立回收机构,实现高炉回收利用100万t废塑料。



© 2016 ISIJ905* Corresponding author: E-mail: oshima@isij.or.jp DOI: /10.2355/isijinternational.56.905Production and Technology of Iron and Steel in Japan during 2015The Technical Society, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan1. Overview of the Japanese Iron and Steel Industry Last year, the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ)celebrated its 100th anniversary. The first issue of Tetsu-to-Hagané was also published in 1915, the same year as the ISIJ was established. In that publication, before techni-cal reports, articles on business conditions and statistics, etc., several distinguished gentlemen whose efforts led to the creation of the ISIJ contributed commentaries on the steel industries of Japan and other countries. Those articles included “The Past and Future of the Iron and Steel Industry in Japan” by Dr. Kageyoshi Noro (Professor, Tokyo Impe-rial University, Faculty of Engineering, 1st Chairman of the ISIJ), “The Iron and Steel Industries of the Great Pow-ers” by Dr. Tsuruo Noda (General Manager, Steelmaking Dept., Kure Naval Arsenal, 10th Chairman of the ISIJ) and “Concerning the Business of Yawata Steel Works” by Dr. Susumu Hattori (Assistant Superintendent, Yawata Steel Works and concurrently engineer, 7th Chairman of the ISIJ). The origin of today’s Technical Society was five research committees (Pig Iron, Steelmaking, Steel Products, Castings and Iron and Steel Science) which were established in 1925, about 10 years after the establishment of ISIJ itself. Fol-lowing the Second World War, those committees continued their activities as the Iron and Steel Technology Research Liaison Council (later called the Steel Technology Joint Research Society), which was cosponsored by the ISIJ, the Iron & Steel Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (later, the Heavy Industries Bureau of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)) and the Japan Steel Association (later the Japan Iron and Steel Federation). Subsequently, jurisdiction for these activities was transferred to the ISIJ and it became the Joint Research Society. As a result of a sweeping reorganization of the ISIJ in 1995, the Technical Society and Academic Society were established, and the committees which were established in the Technical Society later became the current 19 Technical Committees. Tracing the history of this “Production and Technology of Iron and Steel in Japan,” the first predecessor of this annual review was published in 1957 under the title “Perspective of Production and Technique of Iron and Steel in Japan” by Dr. Takeshi Yamaoka, who was the Secretary-General of the Joint Research Society. In 1960, the title was changed to the present version, and in 1996, publication was changed from the ISIJ technical journal Tetsu-to-Hagané to Ferrum (Bulletin of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan). With this year’s edition of “Production and Technology of Iron and Steel in Japan,” we celebrate the 60th article in this series.As in previous years, this year’s review of the production and technology of iron and steel in 2015 begins with an overview of the important political and economic situations which affected Japan during the year. First, looking at the political conditions surrounding Japan, key developments included the enactment in September of national security-related laws which approve the use of the right of collective self-defense, basic agreement in October by the 12 countries participating in negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partner -ship (TPP), agreement by the ruling party in December to introduce a reduced tax rate when the consumption tax will be raised to 10% in April 2017, and preparations for the introduction of the “My Number” system, which began in January 2016. Next, regarding economic conditions in Japan, in comparison with 2014, when the economy was adversely affected by an increase in the consumption tax, government economic reports, etc . showed improvement in the employment and income environment in 2015. This pos-itive turn was driven by an economic and fiscal policy built on the pillars of bold monetary policy, flexible fiscal policy and a growth strategy to encourage private investment. In view of this improvement, as well as more favorable terms of trade thanks to lower crude oil prices, a continuing mod-erate recovery has been assumed. However, the recovery stalled in the second half of 2015 due to a slowdown in the emerging economies, and particularly China, a further drop in the price of crude oil, and other negative factors. As a result, the real GDP growth rate is expected to be around 1.2% for fiscal year 2015, and a nominal GDP growth rate of about 2.7% is foreseen.1,2)Under these economic circumstances, Japan’s crude steel production for calendar year 2015 decreased by 5.0% from the previous year, to 105.15 million tons (Fig. 1)3,4) According to the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF), domestic iron and steel demand was generally stagnant in FY 2015, as there was no upsurge in capital investment in nonresidential building, industrial machinery, electrical machinery, etc., and the recovery of domestic auto sales was also delayed. Foreign demand was also weak due to the high level of Chinese steel exports, which caused a further relaxation of global supply and demand, and trade problems occurred frequently in many areas. As a result, in spite of various management measures by Japan’s steel companies, a downward correction in profitability predictions for the March 2016 period became inevitable. In particular, in response to the economic slowdown in China from summer, companies became increasingly cautious about investments, and exports were also sluggish. As has been pointed out for many years, excess production capacity in China is a fundamental problem. Moreover, in response to declining domestic steel consumption, China’s steel exports exceeded100 million tons for the first time. Thus, economic condi-tions in China clearly have a very large impact on Japanese iron and steel industry.On the raw material side, major producers of raw materi-als for iron and steel, and particularly iron ore and metal-lurgical coal, continued to produce at historically high levels in spite of the relaxation in steel supply and demand worldwide. Although the prices of those raw materials rose to very high levels at one time, prices have tended to decline since peaking in 2011, and that trend also continued in 2015 (Fig. 2). Overseas investment and offshoring of production continued in various product fields, in line with the overseas strategy of each steel company. In particular, there were many examples of offshoring of production of automotive materials. Overseas development in the form of capital participation in the construction of integrated steel works in Southeast Asia could also be seen. The following sections present an overview of the conditions affecting the Japanese iron and steel industry in 2015, focusing on trends in raw materials for iron and steel, trends in steel-consuming industries, crude steel production in Japan and worldwide, globalization efforts of Japanese steel companies, and recent conditions in China.1.1. Trends in Raw Materials for Iron and Steel Oligopolization of the iron ore market by three major ore producers (Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton) and a basic tone of increased production continued in 2015. Production by all of these companies was on historically high levels. According to the Metal Resources Report5) published by JOGMEC, these companies are engaged in an intense, ongoing struggle for share, taking advantage of price com-petitiveness gained by exhaustive cost-cutting efforts. While world crude steel production decreased from the previous year for the first time in 6 years, and pig iron production has basically been flat since around 2012, production of iron ore has remained high, creating an over-supply situa-tion. As a result, the price of iron ore continued a downward trend from its peak in 2011. In particular, the decline in the spot price of iron ore landed in China, which is an index of the quarterly price of iron ore, has been accelerated by continuing purchases of iron ore, which is comparatively economical due to the loose supply-and-demand conditions in Asian steel markets and the accompanying softening of steel prices. Moreover, supply-and-demand conditions for metallurgical coal are similar to those affecting iron ore. Although suppliers of metallurgical coal have continued toFig. 1.Transition of crude steel production in Japan (calendar year).3,4)Fig. 2.Transition of world pig iron production and unit price of imported iron ore & metallurgical coal (calendar year).6)(Source: World Steel Association, Trade Statistics of Japan, etc.)©2016 ISIJ906increase production, stagnant coal prices have resulted in deteriorating profitability. Given this situation, there have been reports that moves to reduce coal production may be easier than in the case of iron ore. Figure 2 shows the transition of world pig iron production and the unit price of imported iron ore and metallurgical coal according to the World Steel Association and customs statistics of Japan’s Ministry of Finance.6)These figures show that the high-est prices of iron ore and metallurgical coal in 2011 were $167/ton and $229/ton, respectively, but in 2015, prices fell to $71/ton for iron ore and $94/ton for metallurgical coal, or roughly the same levels as 10 years ago.1.2. Trends in Steel-consuming IndustriesThis section presents an overview of trends in steel-consuming industries in 2015 based on the quarterly steel supply-and-demand report of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF)7) and the websites of the Japan Auto-mobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., the Shipbuilders’ Association of Japan, the Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, etc. For details, please refer to the original text or to the websites of the JISF, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and manu-facturers’ associations.[Civil engineering] Due to a decrease in budgets for public works projects in FY 2015 (total of supplementary budget for FY 2014 and original budget for FY 2015) and the reactionary decrease associated with the Tokyo-Gaikan Expressway project, which was a large order issued in April 2014, public works civil engineering projects declined in the first half of FY 2015. No signs of recovery could be seen in the second half, and the contract amount of public works projects, which is a leading indicator, continued to be weak, falling below the level of the same period last year. In private-sector civil engineering, a favorable tone is expected for the year as a whole, as a domestic return could be seen in some industries and capital investment was firm. [Construction] In FY 2015, dwelling buildings construc-tion tended to recover from the negative reaction to the consumption tax increase in 2014. Although new construc-tion starts of dwellings had fallen to 800 000 from 2010, this index returned to the 900 000 level last year. By owner-occupant relation, construction of houses for rent showed a favorable trend, and there was also a recovering tendency in construction of owned house, buoyed by government housing support, while the tone in starts of construction of ready-built dwellings for sale were also firm. In non-dwelling construction (such as offices, stores, and factories, etc.), an expansion in building starts was expected due to the recovery of corporate profits, but overall, the feeling in this area remained bearish due to the chill in investor sentiment caused by stagnation in the Chinese economy, etc. [Shipbuilding] The volume of new shipbuilding starts continued to decline from the peak around 2010. Although the market for new ships has been extremely difficult recently, many shipyards secured backlogs extending to around 2018 due to stricter ship hull structure regulations from July 2015 and strengthening of NOx emission regula-tions on ships started in and after January 2016. By ship type, the shares of orders for oil tankers, LNG ships and container ships increased. While there was some feeling of stagnation in the volume of shipbuilding starts and in the amount of consumption of steels in FY 2015, roughly the same levels as in the previous year are foreseen for the year as a whole.[Motor vehicles] In new domestic motor vehicle sales for 2015, unit sales of large and small passenger cars other than midget passenger cars gradually improved, but unit sales of midget passenger cars decreased due to an increase in the light vehicle tax, and there was also a decrease in comparison with the previous year (for the year as a whole). Although exports of completed vehicles increased, centering on a strong North American market, domestic production of completed vehicles decreased overall. According to the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, production of four-wheeled vehicles in 2015 was 9 278 238 units, which was a decrease of 496 427 (5.1%) from 2014, and as a result, steel consumption also declined.8)[Industrial machinery] In shipments of construction machinery, implementation of stricter exhaust gas regula-tions was completed, and the downturn following the buy-ing-rush demand ahead of those regulations became appar-ent. Capital investment-related fields such as boilers/motors and metal processing and fabricating machinery were also weak, as companies postponed spending in response to increasing uncertainties about external demand. On the other hand, the tone in transportation machinery was strong, sup-ported by increased construction of distribution warehouses. Among orders received for industrial machinery in 2015, private sector demand increased, but both public demand and external demand decreased, resulting in a decrease of 2.9% from the previous year in this sector as a whole. The price of crude oil, which fluctuated widely during 2014, also continued to show a downward trend in 2015. The price was on the $50/barrel level at the start of the year, but had fallen to the $30 level by year-end. As a result, the recovery of demand for energy-related steel products was also delayed. [Electrical machinery] With the exception of certain replacement demand by domestic electric power compa-nies, the order environment for heavy electrical machinery was difficult due to weak external demand, particularly in the emerging countries, together with a declining trend in orders as companies postponed capital investment. The trend in the telecommunications field was also weak fol-lowing the completion of a series of investment related to LTE (Long-Term Evolution: high speed communication). In home electrical appliances, the reaction to the consumption tax increase had run its course. Production of some types of flat-panel televisions increased, and conditions suggested that consumer electronics had also bottomed-out.In 2015, the sustaining member companies of the ISIJ also developed new products responding to these trends in steel-consuming industries, centering mainly on civil engi-neering, construction and automobiles.1.3. Crude Steel ProductionDuring calendar year 2015, crude steel production in Japan was 105.15 million tons, representing a decrease of 5.0% from the 110.67 million tons in 2014. Thus, crude steel production fell below the 110 million ton level for the first time in 3 years, after exceeding 110 million tons for two consecutive years (2013, 2014). By furnace type, converter©2016 ISIJ907© 2016 ISIJ 908steel production was 81.04 million tons (decrease of 4.6% from 2014) and electric furnace steel production was 24.11 million tons (6.1% decrease). The share of electric furnace steel was 22.9%, which was a decrease of 0.3 points from the previous year (Fig. 1).World crude steel production in calendar year 2015 was 1 622 million tons, or a 2.9% decrease from the 1 670 million tons of the previous year.9) Following the global financial crisis triggered by Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, world crude steel production declined from the previous year in 2008 and 2009, but increased thereafter. However, in 2015, world production decreased from the previous year for the first time in 6 years as production decreased from the previous year in China, where production had grown con-tinuously until then. Among the top 10 countries in world crude steel production, production declined from the previ-ous year in all countries except India (Table 1). According to the World Steel Association (WSA), the average operat-ing rate of the main 66 steel-producing countries in 2015 was 69.7%,9) which was a decrease of 3.7 points from the 73.4% in 2014.The forecast for steel demand in FY 2016 published by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation predicts an overall increase in domestic demand due to the buying rush before the consumption tax increase planned in April 2017, the start of urban redevelopment projects, beginning with proj-ects related to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, etc. However, in foreign demand, the JISF foresees a decline in Japan’s iron and steel exports due to the continuing relaxation of world supply and demand due to increased exports by China. As a result, crude steel production in FY 2016 is expected to be on the same level as in FY 2015, but the risk of a downturn in foreign demand cannot be ignored.10)1.4. Globalization of the Japanese Steel IndustryDuring 2015, as in previous years, there were reports of globalization efforts in the form of investment in overseas projects, etc. by Japanese steel makers.11) This section sum-marizes the moves by the main sustaining member compa-nies of the ISIJ.In February, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal reachedagreement with Africa’s largest general can manufacturer on a stable, long-term supply of tinplate for food cans, and in May, and announced the construction of a production system for high formability, ultra-high strength steels for automotive use by a joint venture in North America. In other moves involving subsidiaries and joint ventures of the same company, a new hot dip Zn-coated steel strip production plant began operation at Baosteel-NSC Automotive Steel Sheets Co., Ltd. (BNA) in China in September, VAM ® BRN SDN BHD held the groundbreaking ceremony for a steel tube joints processing company in Brunei in October, its crankshaft manufacture and sales subsidiary in the US, International Crankshaft, Inc. (ICI), began commercial production at No. 4 forging press line of in November and Nippon Steel & Sumikin Cold Heading Wire (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. began operation in China in December.JFE Steel reached agreement with the United Arab Emir-ates for a joint venture large-diameter welded steel pipe plant in March, participated in the planning of an integrated steel works project in Vietnam of the Formosa Plastics Group in July and concluded an agreement in connection with the same project in September and held the Opening Ceremony for a joint venture, Jiaxing JFE Precision Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., in China in October. In December, a new company was established by a merger of the iron ore mining business of a steel company in Brazil with a company which will produce and sell iron ore in Brazil with investment by JFE Steel, domestic steel makers and a trading company, and steel makers in Korea and Taiwan.Kobe Steel began a joint study of the establishment of a joint venture for the production and sale of wire rod material in Thailand in June, and its wire rod secondary processing subsidiary in China increased its capacity in November.Among special steel makers, Daido Steel constructed a new base for its die and mold forging business in Thailand in May, and Sanyo Special Steel established and began operation of a machine parts and tooling company in Mexico in December.1.5. Recent Situation in ChinaIn 2015, world crude steel production decreased for theTable 1. Top 10 crude steel production countries (Source: WSA; Unit: Mt).9)Top 10 201520122013Growth rate from previous year 2013/2012 (%)2014Growth rate from previous year 2014/2013 (%)2015Growth rate from previous year 2015/2014 (%)1China 731.0815.411.5822.80.9803.8▲2.3 2Japan 107.2110.6 3.2110.70.1105.2▲5.0 3India 77.381.3 2.6 4US 88.786.9▲2.088.2 1.578.9▲10.5 5Russia 70.468.9▲2.171.5 3.871.1▲0.5 6Korea 69.166.1▲4.371.58.269.7▲2.6 7Germany 42.742.6▲▲0.6 8Brazil 34.534.2▲0.933.9▲0.933.2▲1.9 9Turkey 35.934.7▲3.334.0▲2.031.5▲7.410Ukraine33.032.8▲0.627.2▲17.122.9▲15.6© 2016 ISIJ909Fig. 4. Transition of apparent consumption of steel of major coun-tries (calendar year).9)Fig. 5. Transition of crude steel production of major countries(calendar year).9)first time in 6 years. The effect of the downturn in Chinese production, which had increased until then, was particularly large. China has also increased exports of steel products in response to sluggish domestic demand. Chinese steel exports reached a historically high level, exceeding 100 million tons/year, which contributed to the global relaxation of supply and demand. Considering the importance of these and other developments in China, the following will review the recent economic situation and condition of steel supply and demand in China.Looking first at the economic situation in China, although the business slowdown due to stagnant domestic demand continued, China’s GDP is still rising, which indicates that economic growth is continuing. Comparing the nominal GDPs of the major countries, China overtook Japan in 2009 and became the world’s second largest economy after the United States, and its economy continued to grow thereafter at an annual rate of more than 10% (Fig. 3).12) However, China’s real GDP growth rate has decreased gradually since peaking at 14.7% in 2007, and there was also a slowing tendency in the activities of manufacturing industries as a whole beginning in the second half of 2015. As a result, China’s economic growth rate was 6.9% in 2015, and thus fell below 7%.Until recently, apparent consumption of steel had tended to increase annually. However, under the economic condi-tions outlined above, apparent steel consumption declined to 711 million tons two years ago (2014) after peaking at 735 million tons in 2013, and also decreased from previ-ous year for the first time (Fig. 4).9) Because crude steel production lag one year behind apparent steel consumption, crude steel production peaked at 823 million tons in 2014 and then fell to 804 million tons in 2015, for a decrease of 19 million tons or approximately 2.3% (Fig. 5).9) During this period, export of steel from China increased annually, exceeding 100 million tons for the first time and reached 112 million tons in 2015 (Fig. 6).3) Furthermore, the price of steel products has decreased as a result of looser supply and demand due to this increase in steel exports, causing a remarkable deterioration in the profitability of companies in other steel exporting countries, beginning with Japan. The rapid increase in steel consumption and crude steel production in China, which began in the 2 000 s, had been attributed to robust demand in the coastal areas of China, where more than 40% of the nation’s total population is concentrated. In particular, the construction sector accounts for more than 50% of steel consumption. If related fields are also included, construction substantially accounts for around 60–70% of Chinese steel demand. Although it is thought that this strong demand has roughly reached its peak, a stable, high trend in steel demand is seen after this peak in the future. Regionally, this will be supported by rising demand in inland China. Moreover, growth is also expected in new steel-consuming industries; these include non-construction sectors such as automobiles, household electrical appliances, machinery, etc. On the other hand, it is generally thought that China has excess production capacity of approximately 400 million tons in comparison with nec-essary steel demand. With sweeping improvement needed in the structure of steel production in China, it appeared that the government was implementing various measures, going beyond those taken to date, from the second half of 2015 with the aim of promoting concentration and reorganization (integration and abolition) of production facilities.13)Fig. 6. Transition of export of steel of major countries (calendaryear).3)Fig. 3. Transition of nominal GDPs of major countries (calendaryear).12)2. Technology and Equipment2.1. Technical Environment of the Japanese Iron andSteel IndustryDuring 2015, the Japanese economy as a whole contin-ued to mark time, and recovery of domestic demand was delayed. Exports were also sluggish due to the economic slowdown in the developing countries, and with the high level of steel exports from China, the global relaxation of supply and demand became increasingly serious. Under these conditions, Japan’s crude steel production in calendar year 2015 was 105.15 million tons, or a decrease of 5.0% from the previous year. From the second half of 2015, the stagnation of the Chinese economy also became apparent. Because excess production capacity again became a prob-lem, the Chinese government laid out policies calling for elimination of excess capacity, acceleration of corporate M&A, etc. There were also moves toward concentration of production facilities by Japanese steel companies. In the mid-term management plan announced in March, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal presented plans to construct the optimum iron source system, which included idling Kokura No. 2 blast furnace at Yawata Works (Kokura Area) in addi-tion to the changeover to a 2-blast furnace system at Kimitsu Works announced earlier. In August, Kobe Steel announced that it would invest in a second dephosphorization furnace at its new hot-metal pretreatment plant at Kakogawa Works, in line with the previously-announced plan to concentrate the upstream process at Kobe Works to Kakogawa. Moves toward concentration of production also continued in the electric furnace industry, as Osaka Steel shut down the steel-making shop at Okajima Works and Kyoei Steel decided to idle the steelmaking shop at Osaka Works, among other developments.11)Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) formulated “Plans on Competitiveness Improve-ment for Metallic Materials” as a policy for enhancing the competitiveness of the metallic materials industry, which is a “key export industry” of Japan that “supports local econo-mies and job creation.” This policy comprises three strate-gies, (1) Strategy for technology development, (2) Strategy for strengthening domestic manufacturing infrastructure and (3) Global strategy.14) Because equipment-related acci-dents occurred at several steel works during 2014, METI also carried out an investigation to verify the condition of government-private sector efforts to prevent industrial acci-dents in the steel industry in the past 10 years, and compiled “Countermeasures for Prevention of Industrial Accidents in the Steel Industry: 13 Desirable Efforts.”15)Next, notable developments in National Projects related to research and development of iron and steel technology will be summarized. In “CO2 Ultimate Reduction in Steelmak-ing Process by Innovative Technology for Cool Earth 50 (COURSE50), which is a project of METI and the National Research and Development Agency New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), the test blast furnace with an inner volume of 10 m3 under construction at Kimitsu Works of Nippon Steel & Sumi-tomo Metal was completed in September and trial operation began. The purpose of this facility is to conduct combined tests of hydrogen reduction and CO2 separation and recov-ery, which are the key issues in Step 2 of COURSE50.22) Another METI National Project, “New Structural Systems Using Innovative New Structural Materials,” which involves technology development by the Innovative Structural Mate-rials Association (ISMA), was launched in 2013 and com-pleted its second year in 2015. As part of the development of ultra-high strength steel sheets in the field of iron and steel materials, the results of control of the carbon concen-tration distribution in the residual γ phase were reported.16) Next, the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (abbreviation: SIP) of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Cabinet Office, Japan took up “Innovative Structural Materials,” which is one of 10 themes of the SIP program, and undertook basic research and development of iron and steel materials in the sub-theme Structural Materials for Innovation (SM4I) region.17) In the Industry-Academic Collaborative R&D Programs sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) and the National Research and Development Agency Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), “Heterogeneous Structural Control: Towards Innovative Development of Metallic Structural Materials” was in its 6th year. In addition to 9 new themes in the first year, 2010, 3 in 2011, and 3 in 2014, the program also selected 3 new themes in 2015.18) This long-range, 10-year R&D project is expected to create guiding principles for the development of new structural materials.The ISIJ began extraction of issues for the civil engineer-ing and construction markets by establishing a Working Group for Study of the Use of Steel Materials for Construc-tion in the Technical Society with the aim of identifying new issues for research at the scientific society level. In cooperation with the Japanese Society of Steel Construc-tion, this WG is studying proposals for new steel structural systems for the construction market. The existing WG for Study of Slag Technology is studying the development of uses for steel slag and is expected to propose plans for new themes.As described above, the iron and steel industry of Japan is striving to improve the level of technology through coopera-tion among industry, academia and the government in order to overcome increasingly intense international competition. The following introduces the main technological trends by field of iron and steel technology and technology topics of sustaining member companies of the ISIJ.2.2. Iron-makingPig iron production in calendar year 2015 was 81.01 million tons, which was a decrease in comparison with the 83.87 million tons in 2014.19) Average blast furnace productivity was 1.86 ton/m3-day; this was also a decrease from the 1.93 ton/m3-day of 2014. At the end of 2015, 27 blast furnaces were in operation, which was the same as the previous year, and the number of blast furnaces with inner volumes of more than 5 000 m3 was also unchanged at 14. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal began recycling of container and packaging plastics (waste plastics) in 2000. These waste plastics are charged into coke ovens and are recycled as oil (40%) for use as a chemical feedstock, coke (20%) and gas (40%). In March 2015, a waste plastics addition facility was introduced at Wakayama Works. With©2016 ISIJ910。
















多环布料、螺旋布料、扇形布料、定点布料等。这使得向炉内布料 十分灵活。溜梢正上方有一个控制溜槽旋转和摆动的传动齿轮箱15。
一个密封阀、上密封阀3和下密封阀10。每个下密封阀上面设有节流 阀9(也称料流调节阀或料流调节闸门),以保护密封阀不与炉料接触,
仓内装料,受料漏斗是可移动的。两个料仓均放置在电子秤8上,且 设有料仓空、满检测显示讯号,以便及时发现卡堵料现象。
2 煤和铁矿石资源环境利用价值变化及预加工技术
2.1 铁矿石资源环境变化
降低烧结矿中Al2O3含量,满足高炉生产的需求,铁矿石的 Al2O3 含量由1.52%上升到2.47%,粒度-0.15mm由4.58%升至28.8%。
7 COURSE 50技术
7.1 COURSE 50的基本内容:
COURSE 50是由JIFS会同日本六大钢铁公司提出的,是 指“美丽星球50”倡议,用技术创新从根本上减少CO2排放。
H 2 还原实用技术开发 1 廉价H 2 生产技术开发
高炉煤气中CO2 分离和收集技术 2 用技术 余热余能在CO2 分离及收集6.1减少CO2排放 日本提出了2020年与1990年相比减少温室气体排放25% 目标,已投入大量人力和物力实现目标。 6.2 炼铁工艺革新 2008年12月启动,是技术创新项目(为降低CO2排放), 其核心是复合铁矿石(铁氧化物与C和金属铁软化)的还原性和 生产工艺,目标是提高高炉炉身功效和热储备区的温度,由 1000℃降低到800℃,将炼铁能耗降低10%,该革新技术还有 相关炼铁过程数字模拟系统开发、高温和荷重软化实验数据。 根据这些数据使铁矿石还原更佳,使高炉内透气性得到明显 改善。



四十年前的那场去产能——来自日本钢铁行业萧条期的经验下文作者为华泰证券宏观分析师李超、侯劲羽,来源于“ 华泰宏观研究”摘要(有删节):日本在钢铁行业的调整阶段也走过一些“弯路”。


























































近10年日本钢管制造技术进展1 钢铁制造技术的变迁从20世纪60年代至70年代,日本的钢铁产量有大幅度的提高,这是由于日本引进和开发了大量高生产率技术所致。



















料 的性 能进 行研 究 。 这 项研 究 是 面 向 1 0~2 0 年 后 的需 求 而 进行 的基 础 研 究, 有利 于促进各 公司 间的合作 , 并提 高 日本在这方 面 的技术 实力 。
和骨 科适 用的镁 骨钉 2 项生 物 自体分解 新医用 材料 。 该材料 植入 体 内后 , 可不必
物质 材料研 究所决 定共 同开展 超耐 热 合 金开 发 等基 础研 究 。 他 们将 利用 各
代 目前 大量使 用 的有 机颜 料和含 镉 、 铅 的重金属 颜料 等不能 达到环 保要 求的着 色剂, 稀土着 色剂被 列入 由科技 部 、 工信部 和环保 部在 2 0 1 6 年联 合颁布 的 国家
公 司 和 物 质 材料 研 究 所 6 0 年 来 在 材 料研 究 中积累 的 实验 数据 , 对 镁材料 ・
近 日, 中国台湾成功 大学 宣布 , 已成 功研发 出可 用于牙床 重建 的镁 再生 网膜
汽 轮机和 飞机 喷气 式发动机等 所需材
最 近 美 国专 利 商标 局 公 布 了苹 果 获得 的一 项 与 液 态 金属 相 关 的技 术 专 利, 该专利 或许与苹果产 品的l o g o 有关。
传感器 、 振动 及冲击 发 电装置 。 虽然 是
传感器 , 但具有 发 电功能 , 因此有望 为 开发 出自励型l o T 传感器做 出贡献 。 用于磁 致伸缩材料的F e —C o 合金
根据 苹果提 交 的专利文件 显示 , 未来 苹果产 品外 壳上 的凸出l o g o 将会采 用 液态金属 来打造 。 不过 , 苹果 并没有 指出这项专 利技术到底 会在哪一 类产 品上进
行具体使 用 。 除了l o go J , b , 美 国专 利和商 标局 还授 予过 苹果 另一 件 液态 金属专 利 , 文件 描述 了为i P ho n e 和i Pa d 配 置液态金 属Ho me 按键 的多种实现方法 和优 势。 据 了
































二、十年间有代表性的技术开发成果1.铁水预处理工艺的重组为取代过去在铁水罐车和铁水包内进行的预处理,各厂开发成功各种用转炉的预处理法(H炉法、SRP法、NRP法、MuRc法、LD-ORP 法),大幅提高了脱磷效率,减少了对外排渣。




















到1998年,日本所有运转中的高炉都配备了喷煤装置,且平均喷煤比达到130kg/t 铁。









根据国际惯例,腐蚀坑超过4mm需要重新涂装船体,超过7mm 则需要焊接维修。







经过2年零9个月的航行,SANKO BLOSSOM号油轮进行了首次船坞检查。






在这种形势下,世界第三大钢铁联合企业——日本J FE钢铁公司的产品发展战略定位成努力研发创新技术,开发“独创”和“领先”产品,占领高端产品市场。








产品区域、SBU中的各部门由专业技术会议联系在一起,专业技术会议以产品区域、SBU 提出的技术战略为基础推进课题、预测中长期技术动向、强化公司的技术创造力。





1.新一代钢铁材料的研究开发现状和发展趋势 [J], 王国栋;刘相华;朱伏先;刘振宇;杜林秀;刘彦春
2.21世纪的土木建筑结构物和超级钢材料:钢结构物的高强度化和钢铁材料的有效 [J], 丰田政男
3.日本开发超级钢铁材料目标及其动向 [J], 彭涛
4.新一代钢铁材料的研究开发现状和发展趋势 [J], 张永德
5.新一代钢铁材料的研究开发现状和发展趋势 [J], 张永德

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in both the advanced nations and the emerging economies. Reflecting these situations, crude steel production in Japan in 2016 (calendar year) was 104.77 million tons, which was roughly the same level (0.3% decrease) as the 105.13 million tons of the previous year (Fig. 1).3,4) As trends in the domestic steel industry, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) began a study of making Nisshin Steel Co. Ltd. a subsidiary, and equipment shutdowns and equipment consolidation advanced at both integrated steel makers and electric furnace steel makers. In response to the problem of excess iron and steel production capacity, beginning with China, the G20 member countries and others formally launched the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity in December. The prices of iron ore and metallurgical coal, which are the main raw materials for iron and steel, have shown a downward trend since peaking in 2011, and that trend continued in 2016 (Fig. 2).5) However, from the second half of 2016, the price of metallurgical coal spiked to more than 3 times its previous price due to operational problems at a leading coal mine in Australia, regulations on coal mine operation in China and other factors, raising concerns about the trend in and after 2017 as a factor in higher costs. As in past years, in 2016, steel makers invested or established operations overseas in Southeast Asia, Brazil, Mexico, etc. in various product fields in line with the overseas strategies of each company. On the other hand, in a
Crude steel Converter steel Electric furnace steel
104.77 Mt ↓
Crude steel produc 81.51 Mt.
↑ 23.26 Mt.
1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
national referendum in the United Kingdom in June 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU), and a new administration was born in the United States in November as a result the Presidential election in that country. These developments gave rise to concerns about future protectionist tendencies in the US and European countries among steel makers and others. The year 2016 also saw new developments in global warming countermeasures. Internationally, the Paris Agreement was ratified by the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in December 2015. Based on that development, the Japanese Cabinet approved the Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures in May 2016. Subsequently, the Paris Agreement took effect in November 2016. The Japanese steel industry reaffirmed that it will steadily implement the Commitment to a Low Carbon Society, and is already engaged in efforts, centering on the JISF. As conditions surrounding the Japanese iron and steel industry in 2016, the following presents an overview of trends in raw materials for iron and steel, trends in steelconsuming industries, the condition of crude steel production in Japan and worldwide, etc. 1.1. Trends in Raw Materials for Iron and Steel As trends in iron ore, the basic conditions of increased production and oligopolization by the three major iron ore producers (Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton) also continued in 2016, and production was at record high levels at all companies. According to the Metal Resources Report6) of the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), seemingly a continuation of fierce share competition using cost-competitiveness achieved by thoroughgoing cost reduction measures is seen at all companies. On the other hand, world crude steel production was flat from the previous year, and the basic tone of pig iron production has also been flat since around 2012. Because ore producers have maintained a high level of production, resulting in excess supply, the downward tendency in iron ore prices has continued since peaking in 2011. The supplyand-demand equation was also similar for metallurgical
Calendar year
Fig. 1.
Transition of crude steel production in Japan (calendar year). 3,4)
* Corresponding author: E-mail: oshima@isij.or.jp DOI: /10.2355/isijinternational.57.957
The Technical Society, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.
Overview of the Japanese Iron and Steel Industry
Reviewing the economic condition of Japan during 2016, according to government economic reports and other sources, the employment and income environment improved, and a basic tone of gradual recovery continued, but weakness could be seen in overseas economies during the first half of the year. In addition, in the Japanese economy, individual consumption and private-sector capital investment lacked strength in comparison with the growth of incomes and profits. As a result, a real GDP growth rate of approximately 1.3% and a nominal GDP growth rate of approximately 1.5% are forecast for FY 2016.1,2) According to the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF), domestic iron and steel demand was largely stagnant during FY 2015, but in FY 2016, there was on a track to recovery in public- and private-sector civil construction and residential construction in the construction market. On the other hand, industrial machinery and electrical machinery, which are related to capital investment, etc. in manufacturing industries, generally lacked strength. Although automotive demand was sluggish until mid-year due to the effect of the Kumamoto Earthquakes, improvement could be seen in the second half due to recovery production, and the effect of new models. Where external demand was concerned, world iron and steel demand slightly exceeded that of the previous year as a result of a turn to a gradual recovering tendency