

2020-2021学年英语人教版:Unit 3 Ⅲ Grammar——过去分词作定语、

2020-2021学年英语人教版:Unit 3  Ⅲ Grammar——过去分词作定语、

(2)使役动词(keep, make, help, get, have 等)后。 If you want to make yourself respected, you are above all to respect others. 如果你想让自己被尊重,你必须首先尊重别人。 (3)like, want, wish, order 等表示“希望;要求;命令”等意 义的动词后。 I would like this matter settled at once. 我希望此事立刻得到解决。 (4)with 的复合结构中。 With my homework finished, I went fishing with my father. 做完家庭作业后,我和爸爸去钓鱼了。
2. It was both excited and frightening to be up there ! _e_x_c_i_te_d_→__e_x_ci_t_in_g________
3.You cannot accept an opinion offering to you unless it is based on facts.___o_ff_e_ri_n_g_→__o_ff_e_re_______
[名师点津] 过去分词作表语时,强调主语所处的状态;动 词的被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,强调动作。
The cup on the floor is broken. 地板上的杯子破了。(强调状态) The cup was broken by Jim. 杯子是吉姆打破的。(强调动作)
(2)过去分词作表语并无完成或被动之意,多表示人自身的 感受或事物自身的状态;现在分词作表语多表示事物具有的特 性,常译作“令人……的”。
4.The meeting, a_t_te_n_d_e_d_b_y__a_l_o_t _o_f _p_eo_p_l_e_, was a success. 这次会议有很多人出席,开得很成功。 5.With __a_ll__th_e_w__o_rk__fi_n_is_h_e_d_,___they hurried back home for lunch. 所有的工作都做完了,他们匆忙赶回家吃午饭。



grammar--过去分词做定语和⼀般过去式Grammar —The -ed form used as attributives and the simple past tense⼀. 过去分词(短语)做定语分词是动词的⼀种⾮谓语形式,在句中可做定语、状语、补⾜语和表语。




1. 及物动词的过去分词做定语,表被动和完成。

a broken cup ⼀个破杯⼦ a wounded soldier ⼀个受伤的⼠兵respected leaders 受⼈尊敬的领导们trained camels 受过训练的骆驼们an abandoned farm ⼀个废弃的农场2. 不及物动词的过去分词没有被动的意义,只表⽰动作的完成.a grown woman ⼀位成年妇⼥an escaped prisoner⼀名逃犯a fallen tree ⼀棵倒下的树the retired manager 退休经理fallen leaves 落叶the risen sun 已升起的太阳3. 过去分词可构成合成词作定语。

man-made satellite ⼈造卫星half-finished products 半成品highly-developed industry ⾼度发达的⼯业widely-used language ⼴泛应⽤的语⾔4. 过去分词或短语作定语时,相当于⼀个定语从句。

the color TV set produced last year =the color TV set that were produced last year 去年⽣产的彩⾊电视机a letter written by my daughter =a letter which/that is written by my daughter ⼀封我⼥⼉写给我的信a young girl dressed in white= a young girl who was dressed in white⼀个穿⽩⾐服的年轻⼥孩the food cooked by experts = the food which/that was cooked by experts 烹饪专家做的⾷物5. 过去分词做定语的位置:1)单个的过去分词作定语常放在所修饰的名词之前,叫前置定语。

T Grammar 过去分词作定语与表语

T Grammar 过去分词作定语与表语

selected apples 精选苹果 spoken English 英语口语 iced beer 冰镇啤酒 cooked food 放在所 、单个的过去分词作定语时, 作定语时 修饰词之 也可以放在所修饰词之后。 修饰词之前,也可以放在所修饰词之后。 3、过去分词短语作定语时,须将分词放在 作定语时, 、过去分词短语作定语时 被修饰的词之 被修饰的词之后,功能相当于一个定语从 句。 Near the window, there is a bookshelf filled with many books (= which is filled with many books). Her daughter, brought up by me (= who was brought up by me) has begun to work now.
过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式, 过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式,可以 除主谓宾以外的其它成分 的其它成分。 做除主谓宾以外的其它成分。 过去分词一般有“被动” 完成”之意。 过去分词一般有“被动”与“完成”之意。
一、过去分词作定语 1、过去分词作定语常表示“完成”或“被 、过去分词作定语常表示“完成” 动” boiled water 开水 fallen leaves 落叶 the risen sun 升起的太阳
to be done: 他们对下月举行的选举不太有兴趣。 他们对下月举行的选举不太有兴趣。 They were not very interested in the election to be held (which was to be held) next month. 她开了一份路上要带的东西的单子。 她开了一份路上要带的东西的单子。 She made a list of things to be taken (that were to be taken) on the way.

必修五 unit1 Grammar--过去分词作定语、表语

必修五 unit1 Grammar--过去分词作定语、表语

changed condition 改变了的情况 changing condition 变化着的情况
developed countries 发达国家 developing countries 发展中国家
the risen sun 升起了的太阳 the rising sun 正在升起的太阳 boiled water boiling water 开水 正沸腾的水
注意: 2)-ed形式修饰代词时,应置于代词 之后。 He is one of those invited. 3)有些过去分词作定语,前置和后 置的意义不同。 This is a used car. The method used is very efficient.
不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表示 动作已完成,不表示被动意义;及物动 词的过去分词作定语表示被动意义或已 完成的被动动作。 只表完成,不表被动(vi.) -ed作定语 表示被动(vt.) 表示被动和完成(vt.)
位于系动词后,不表示“被动”或“完成”, 而表示主语的状态或情绪,相当于形容词。
1.They are excited. 2.He looked worried after reading the letter. 3.When we heard of this, we were deeply moved.
7.a vase broken by…
6.astonished children 6.children astonished at/by… 7.a broken vase
8.a closed door 9.the tired audience 10.a trapped animal

必修五_unit1Grammar 过去分词用法

必修五_unit1Grammar 过去分词用法
well these days?
• 3我对昨晚看的电影很失望,我原以为它能好些。
(disappointed) • I _w_a_s__d_i_sa__p_p_o_i_n_t_e_d_w__i_th_ the film I saw last night, I
had expected it to be better.
d__is_a_p__p_o_i_n_t_e_d(disappoint) to see it,but
they still wished him a happy life.
•Practice: Complete the sentences using the past participle as the predicative.
Grammar 过去分词V-ed的
过 去
分 词3.作补语源自4.作状语V-ed (动词的过去分词),在句中可以作定语、 表语。
The__fa_l_le_n_ (fall) 定语
leaves are beautiful.
They were e_x_c_i_t_e_d__表
The dog is barking. The injured dog is sad.
a used stamp
a drunken/ drunk man



7. The _______ B look in her face suggested that she _______ it before.
The glass was broken by Jack. The windows were closed by Tom last night.
V-ing 形式表示“令人…的” V-ed 形式表示“某人感到…的”
The story is interesting.
I am interested in the story.
2.The disc, digitally ______ in A the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. Recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded
A. encouraging, encouraging, B. encouraged, encouraged
C. encouraged, encouraging D. encouraging, encouraged
6. From the dates ______ B on the gold coin, it is confirmed that was made five hundred years ago. A.marking B.marked C. to be marked D. having been marked
4. The flowers _____ B sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt



Grammar——复习过去分词一、过去分词的构成和意义[合作探究]The books,written by Lu Xun,are popular with many Chinese people.鲁迅写的这些书,受到了许多国人的喜爱。

(表被动和完成)She is sweeping up the fallen leaves on the ground.她正在扫地上的落叶。




二、过去分词的句法功能1.作定语[合作探究]The excited people rushed into the building.激动的人们奔进了大楼。

The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager.外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了。

The meeting,attended by one thousand students,was a great success.这次会议共有一千名学生出席,获得了很大的成功。





The girl standing by the door is my daughter.在门口站着的那个女孩是我的女儿。

The meeting to take place here is very important.要在这里召开的会议很重要。

Grammar 过去分词作定语表语

Grammar 过去分词作定语表语

非 谓 语 动 词
doing done to do
过 去 分 词
1.作定语 2.作表语 3.作宾补 4.作状语
1、过去分词作定语时的意义: 一般兼有被动和完成的意义 eg: 一枚用过的邮票 a used stamp 一个受伤的手指 an injured finger 一个碎了的杯子 a broken glass 一支点燃的蜡烛 a lighted candle 有时只有被动意义。 spoken English eg.:英语口语 written exercises 书面练习 一位受尊敬的客人 an honored guest
单个过去分词作定语一般前置; 过去分词短语作定语常常后置。
The Story of Ah Q written by Lu Xun is familiar to us.
=The Story of Ah Q which was written by Lu Xun is familiar to us.
This is a letter written in black ink. There are so many people having lunch in the canteen. 区别 1 doing表主动的动作正在进行, done表被动的动作已经完成。
So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(感到恐惧的人们) What came to us was terrifying news.(令人恐惧的消息) 区别 2 doing“令人……的”,多修饰人; done“感到……的”,多修饰物。


came back.
My grandfather had his ____________________ . old house rebuilt
get my bike repaired 1. I must _________________________ . 我必须请人修理自行车。(get)
Ved 分词的用法
定语、表语、 1.V-ed形式可以作 宾语补足语、 状语 成分
形容词, 除表示“完成”的动作之外, 还表示
spoken English (英语口语);
iced beer (冰冻啤酒);
“完成”的动作, 而不表示“被动”意义。
如: boiled water(开水); fallen leaves(落
叶) the risen sun(升起的太阳)等。
cooked food (熟食);
fried chips (炸土豆条);
1. The tall man is a returned student.
spoken ill ofothers. I have never heard him _________
taken off her mind. She felt a great weight _________________

高中英语外研版必修一《Ⅱ Grammar——过去分词作定语和一般过去时的时间状语》课件

高中英语外研版必修一《Ⅱ Grammar——过去分词作定语和一般过去时的时间状语》课件

A few days after work feeling pressured to do a good job I found repetition 5.__m_a_d_e___ (make) it more comfortable. It w asn't long 6.__b_e_f_o_r_e_ I learned how to develop respectful rel
惩罚的) is now a college student.
7.The water
sent to his home (送到他家的) carried
8.The English today is quite different from the English
spoken 300 years ago
The newly-built hotel was burnt in the fire. 新建的宾馆在火灾中被烧掉。
[考情分析] 1.过去分词作定语在高考题中频频出现,主要从过去分词 与现在分词、不定式作定语的区别的角度来设题。 2.一般过去时是英语中最基本的时态之一,常用于描述过 去发生过的事。试题常见于语法填空、短文改错、完成句子及书 面表达中。
The Olympic Games first held in 776 BC did not includ e women competitors until 1912.
=The Olympic Games which were first held in 776 BC
did not include women competitors until 1912. 于公元前 776 年首次举办的奥运会直到 1912 年才允许女运

Grammar 过去分词做定语和表语

Grammar  过去分词做定语和表语

Grammar 过去分词做定语和表语(1)基本概念:过去分词是____________的一种形式,可在句子中充当_____,______,________,和________,也就是说除_________的其它成分。


过去分词通常与逻辑主语之间存在_________关系,表示______和________.一、过去分词作定语1.过去分词作定语时的意义:(1)表示完成落叶__________升起的太阳__________一个退休的老师__________(2)表示被动一位受尊敬的客人_________一次又导游的旅行 _______________(3)表示被动和完成碎了的杯子___________一个分裂的国家____________昨天讨论的问题_________ 2.过去分词作定语时的位置:(1)前置定语:_______的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰的名词前, 相当于一个_______. (2)后置定语:过去分词_______做定语时,通常放在被修饰的名词之后,相当于一个______. _______has been thrown outside.那个打烂的花瓶已被扔到外面去了。

_____are now being taken good care of in the hospital.受伤的工人现正在医院受到良好的照顾。

The suggestion ____________________________was adopted.呈送给委员会的建议被采纳了。

This will be the best novel of this kind ____________________.这将是这类小说中写得最好的。

[点津] There is little time left.He is one of those invited.A girl , dressed like a student, came in and sat besides me.(1)有些过去分词表示特定的含义时,单独作定语也放在所修饰的名词之后。


There’s little time left.Let’s hurry up.剩余的时间不多了,我们快点吧。 (2)作后置定语:过去分词短语作定语时往往作后置定语,即放在所修饰词之后, 它的作用相当于一个定语从句。
I can’t understand the language spoken in that country. =I can’t understand the language which/that is spoken in that country. 我听不懂那个国家讲的语言。 【名师指津】 过去分词短语可作非限制性定语,用来补充说明被修饰词的情况, 常用逗号与被修饰的成分隔开,此时相当于非限制性定语从句。 A girl,dressed like a student,came in and sat beside me. =A girl,who was dressed like a student,came in and sat beside me. 一位学生打扮的女孩走进来,坐在我的旁边。
【名师指津】 常用的这类词有:
exciting 令人激动的 astonishing 令人惊讶的
delighting 令人高兴的disappointing 令人失望的
encouraging 令人鼓舞的frightening 令人害怕的
过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式。从语法功能分析,过去分词兼有动词、形容词 或副词的特性,可在句中充当定语、表语、宾语补足语或状语等。 一、过去分词作定语 1.过去分词作定语时的位置

必修五 unit1 Grammar--过去分词作定语、表语共48页文档

必修五 unit1 Grammar--过去分词作定语、表语共48页文档
,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
必修五 unit1 Grammar--过去分词作 定语、表语
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿



Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Section Ⅲ Grammar-过去分词作定语和一般过去时的时间状语语法图解探究发现①We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.②For many years,trained camels carried food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other products.③We ate great meals cooked by experts!④The report written by Zhang Li has been handed in.⑤Recently I had my first ride on a long­distance train.⑥During the day, I sat and looked out of the windows, and sometimes talked to other passengers.⑦A long time ago, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country.⑧The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.[我的发现](1)例句①②③④中的过去分词(短语)在句中作定语。





The concert given by their friends was a success. =The concert which/that was given by their friends was a success. 他们的朋友举办的音乐会很成功。 He is one of those invited.他是那些被邀请的人之一。 The experience gained is very useful.获取的经验很有用。 in the given time在既定的时间内 with the words given用所给的单词 a concerned look一个关切的神情 the people concerned有关人士
I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要理发。 He got his tooth pulled out yesterday. 他昨天把牙拔了。 I considered the matter settled. 我认为这件事解决了。 He stood for an instant with his hand raised. 他举着手站了一会儿。
三、过去分词作宾语补足语 1.表示感觉和心理状态的动词(词组),如feel,hear,listen to,see,watch,observe,
look at,notice,find等后可接过去分词作宾语补足语。 2.表示“致使”意义的动词,如have,make,get,keep,leave等后可接过去分词
4.有些过去分词作前置定语与后置定语时意义不同。 【名师指津】 及物动词的过去分词除表示“完成”的动作之外,还表示“被动” 的意义。如:spoken English(英语口语); iced beer(冰冻啤酒); cooked food(熟食); fried chips(炸土豆条)。不及物动词的过去分词常表示“完成”的动作,而不表示 “被动”意义。如:boiled water (开水); fallen leaves (落叶); the risen sun (升起的 太阳)等。 We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. =We must adapt our thinking to the conditions that changed. 我们必须调整思路来适应改变了的情况。


The –ed form Past participle of verbs
-ed分词既可以作前置定语, 也可以作后置定语。
1. 单个的过去分词常作前置定语,具有被动和完成意义。 a broken cup 一个破杯子 a wounded soldier 一名伤员 canned food 罐装食品 boiled water 开水 smoked fish 熏鱼 a grown woman一位成年妇女 an escaped prisoner一名逃犯 -ed只表完成 a developed country 发达国家
大众欢迎的电影). The actress studies in a newly-built school (一个新建的学校) and her __________________
a shoe-making factory 一个制鞋 mother works in ____________________( 厂).
v.-ed and v.-ing
falling leaves boiling water fallen leaves boiled water developing countries developed countries a running car a sleeping boy a broken car an injured boy teaching (teach) us English The teacher __________ is of medium build. taught The students ________ (teach) by Spring now are from Class 11 and Class 12.
Multiple choice

Unit 4 Grammar 过去分词的用法- 高一英语人教新课标英语必修二

Unit 4 Grammar 过去分词的用法- 高一英语人教新课标英语必修二


此时过去分词相当于一个形容词,其前可加quite, very, rather等修饰词。



例如:The doors are still locked.(locked作表语,表示主语的状态是锁着的)All the doors were locked by the guard.(被动语态,表示门被警卫锁上了)(2)英语里一些表示情感的动词的过去分词(如interested,surprised,shocked,excited等)常作表语,表明主语所经历的情感。

例如:Everyone present was very inspired at his speech.在场的每个人因他的演讲而感到倍受鼓舞。

You seem frightened.你似乎很害怕。

She didn't appear surprised at the news.她听到这消息时没有显得吃惊。


如:become, go, get, grow, lie, stay, remain等。

As soon as he entered the city, he got lost.他一进城就迷路了。

Train fares are likely to remain unchanged.火车票价很可能会保持不变。

二.过去分词做定语1. 过去分词作定语与其所修饰词的关系过去分词作定语与其所修饰词的关系具有以下两种情况:1)及物动词的过去分词作定语与所修饰的词是被动关系(即被修饰的词是过去分词所表示的动作的承受者)且该动作已经完成。

Grammar 过去分词-完整版课件

Grammar 过去分词-完整版课件

broken in pieces.
I found this plate broken in pieces in the floor.
2、I saw a tall , dark and handsome man .His name
is Xiao Ming.
I saw a tall , dark and handsome man named Xiao Ming.
1、They were _p_re_p_a_r_e_d_ to accept my idea. 2、I’ll be _i_n_te_r_e_s_t_e_d_ to know how they made the
wonderful fireworks. 3、The major said that he was __w_o_r_r_ie_d__ about the
• 这次会议获得很大的成功,共有一千 个学生出席了。
• 2. 过去分词作表语:
• 主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态。 如: Don’t touch the glass because it is broken.
• 不要碰那个杯子,它是坏的。 He is quite pleased with the design of the dress.
4) Neither its cause, nor its cure was
understood. (predicative)
1 3
the exercises (Ex. 1, P43)
worry interest arrive frighten prepare continue concern
1. 过去分词做定语: 单个的过去分词作定语一般放在名
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Grammar —The -ed form used as attributives and the simple past tense一. 过去分词(短语)做定语分词是动词的一种非谓语形式,在句中可做定语、状语、补足语和表语。




1. 及物动词的过去分词做定语,表被动和完成。

a broken cup 一个破杯子 a wounded soldier 一个受伤的士兵respected leaders 受人尊敬的领导们trained camels 受过训练的骆驼们an abandoned farm 一个废弃的农场2. 不及物动词的过去分词没有被动的意义,只表示动作的完成.a grown woman 一位成年妇女an escaped prisoner一名逃犯a fallen tree 一棵倒下的树the retired manager 退休经理fallen leaves 落叶the risen sun 已升起的太阳3. 过去分词可构成合成词作定语。

man-made satellite 人造卫星half-finished products 半成品highly-developed industry 高度发达的工业widely-used language 广泛应用的语言4. 过去分词或短语作定语时,相当于一个定语从句。

the color TV set produced last year =the color TV set that were produced last year 去年生产的彩色电视机a letter written by my daughter =a letter which/that is written by my daughter 一封我女儿写给我的信a young girl dressed in white= a young girl who was dressed in white一个穿白衣服的年轻女孩the food cooked by experts = the food which/that was cooked by experts 烹饪专家做的食物5. 过去分词做定语的位置:1)单个的过去分词作定语常放在所修饰的名词之前,叫前置定语。



Her job was to take care of the wounded soldier. (前置定语)The car stolen last year was later found near the river.( 后置定语)The novel, written about fifteen years ago, is now published. (非限制性定语)3)个别的单个过去分词也可做后置定语,常见的有:the methods adopted 采用的方法the money left 剩下的钱with the words given 用所给的单词the people involved 相关人士jobs wanted 需要的工作the people concerned 有关人士the works shown 展出的作品the experience gained 获得的经验4)过去分词修饰something, everything, anything, nothing, nobody 等不定代词或指示代词those时,要放在这些词的后面。

He is one of those invited. 他是被邀请者之一。

6. 拓展:His book published last year sells well. 过去分词作定语(已经被出版)His book being published will be on sale next year. 现在分词的被动式作定语(正在被出版)His book to be published next year will be his best one. 不定式的被动式作定语(将要被出版)二. 一般过去时1. 一般过去时主要表示过去发生的动作或情况。

常见的时间状语有:recently, yesterday, last summer, one night, during the day, … ago, the other day , in 2011, …I played football every week when I was young.I used to go shopping during weekdays.2. 有些动作发生的时间不清楚,但实际上是过去发生的,也用过去时态。

I didn’t know you were so busy. 我没想到你这么忙。

What did you say? 你说什么了?I didn’t expect to meet you here. 我没想到会在这儿碰到你。

3. 介绍历史人物时,可用一般现在时,也可用一般过去时;用一般现在时侧重其贡献或成果及其在历史上的地位,用一般过去时则侧重对其本人的介绍。

Charlie Chaplin is one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema. 查理卓别林是电影史上最伟大最滑稽的演员之一。

Charlie Chaplin was a great actor, and he acted in many films. 查理卓别林是一位伟大的演员,他演了很多电影。

4. 有时可用一般过去时表示委婉的语气。

Could you tell me the way to the hospital?I wonder if you could tell me the way to the hospital.I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand.5. used to do sth 过去常常做某事,强调过去常做,但现在不再这样了。

would do sth 只表示过去常常做某事,不强调现在怎么样了。

I used to leave for work at 7:30. 我过去常常是7点半离家去上班。

Whenever I had a chance, I would go to Mr. Wang’s to have a talk with him. 我一有机会总会到王先生家里同他谈心。

巩固练习:一. 单句语法填空1. The Town Hall completed (complete) in the 1880’s was the most distinguished building at the time.2. The witnesses questioned (question) by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.3. The players selected (select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer game.4. --- Can those seated (seat) at the back of the classroom hear me?--- No problem.5. The computer centre, opened (open) last year, is very popular among the students in this school.6. The washing machine bought (buy) yesterday doesn’t work well.7. I’m calling about the apartment you _advertised__ (advertise) the other day. Could you tell me more about it?8. ---Has your father returned from Africa yet?--- Yes, but he _was_( be) there for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.9. I felt very tired when I got home, and I _went__ (go) straight to bed.10. When I got on the bus, I _realized__ (realize) I had left my wallet at home.二. 单句写作1. The book Frog(《蛙》)written by Mo Yan _ (莫言写的) is becoming more and more popular these days.2. Most of the guests _invited to my birthday party ( 被邀请到我的生日晚会的) were my school friends.3. The house _ built 100 years ago __ (100 年前建的) stood still after the earthquake.4. The road is covered with _fallen leaves_ (落叶) in autumn.5. We are going to talk about the problem discussed at the meeting yesterday ( 昨天会议上讨论的).6. Trained camels (受过训练的骆驼) are used to carry goods in the desert.7. 珍妮喜欢读书。


Jenny likes _reading books_. She read an English magazine last night.8. 艾玛每天都看电视。

