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IntroductionThe Blackwing BW 635RG is an ultralight two-seater aeroplane designed for recreational flying and training purposes. It features a sleek and modern design, with a composite airframe and a low-wing configuration. The Blackwing has a cruising speed of up to 120 knots and a range of approximately 700 nautical miles, making it suitable for both short and long-distance flights. The cockpit is equipped with state-of-the-art avionics, including a glass cockpit display and an autopilot system. The Blackwing is also known for its superior handling and stability, making it a popular choice among flying enthusiasts and flight schools. The BW 635RG is powered by the venerable Rotax 915 iS engine.Development Credits:Mal Cartwright Product LeadRuss White3D Modelling, Interior and Exterior TexturingJack Lavigne IntegrationHarry Stringer AnimationPropAir Flight Model and SystemsJordan Gough ManualWith special thanks to our Beta Testers:Rob Abernathy John BurgessNick Cooper John DowMatt McGee Darryl WightmanTable of ContentsIntroduction (2)Development Credits: (2)With special thanks to our Beta Testers: (2)Table of Contents (3)Notes on Hardware (4)Overview (5)Aircraft Limitations (6)Airspeed Limitations (6)Engine Limitations (6)Operating Conditions (6)Fuel (7)Other Limitations (7)Emergency Procedures (8)Engine Failure on the Take-off Roll (8)Engine Failure after Take-off (8)Glide Performance (8)Emergency Landing (9)Spin Recovery (9)Normal Procedures (10)Before Starting Engine (10)Starting Engine (10)Before Taxiing (11)Taxiing (11)Engine Runup (11)Before Take-off (11)Take-Off (12)Initial Climb (12)Cruise Climb (12)Cruise (12)Landing (13)Balked Landing (13)After Landing (13)Securing Aircraft (14)Basic Performance (15)Stall Speeds (15)Take-Off Performance (15)Landing Performance (16)Systems Description (17)Instrument Panel Layout (17)Switch Logic and Electrical System (18)Master Switch (18)Fuel Pump Switch (19)LAND/TAXI Switch (19)Strobe/Nav Switch (19)Electrical System Diagram (20)Engine (21)Propeller (21)Fuel (21)Notes on HardwareDue to the unusual 3-position switches in this aircraft, conventional hardware 2position toggle switches (eg. strobe or nav light switches) cannot be translated tothe single 3-position switch which combine these.Additionally, as this aircraft utilises a single level power control (throttle), conventional throttle/prop/mixture hardware may interfere with the function of this system, and not work as intended. It is recommended to place your propeller and mixture levers in the IDLE position, and not move them while the engine is running.OverviewThe Orbx BW 635RG has been developed using official documentation and Computer Aided Design (CAD) resources from Blackwing Sweden. As a result, the aeroplane has been created through masterful modelling, texturing, systems integration, and flight model development.Figure 1 – Aircraft 3-viewAircraft DimensionsLength 6.6m Height 2.2m Wingspan8.4mWeightsBasic Empty Weight 375kg Maximum Take-off Weight 600kg Maximum Fuel Capacity (Litres)130LThe content in this manual and the operation of the BW 635RG in Microsoft Flight Simulator strictly must not be used as reference material in any form for operating the real aircraft.Aircraft LimitationsAirspeed LimitationsAirspeed Description Airspeed (KIAS) RemarksVne Never Exceed Speed 157 Must not exceed this speed in any operation.Va Manoeuvring Speed 109 If full or abrupt control deflection is made, the airframe may be overstressed.Vfe1 Max flap extended speed20 degrees90 Maximum speed for flaps 20°Vfe2 Max flap extended speed35-45 degrees 70 Maximum speed for flaps 35-45°Vlo Maximum landing gearoperating speed 70Do not extended or retract the landing gearabove this speed.Vle Maximum landing gear extended speed 90 Do not exceed this speed with the landing gearalready down.Vs0 Stall speed flaps/gearextended 38 Stall speed with gear down/flaps >0° and in level flight at MTOWVs1 Stall speed clean 49 Stall speed flaps retracted, gear up and in level flight at MTOWEngine LimitationsEngineEngine Manufacturer Rotax Engine Model Rotax 915 iSMaximum Power Take-off (Max 5 min.) 141 hp Continuous 135 hpMaximum RPM Take-off (Max 5 min.) 5800 Continuous 5500Critical Altitude 15000ft AMSL Maximum OperatingAltitude23000ft AMSL Operating ConditionsAerobatic manoeuvres, flight in IFR conditionsand flights in icing conditions are prohibited inthis aircraft.FuelFuel TanksLeft Right Litres US Gal Litres US GalTotal Fuel in Tank 67.5 17.8 62.5 16.5Unusable Fuel 2.5 0.7 2.5 0.7 Total Useable Fuel in Tanks 66.5 17.6 61.5 16.2Other LimitationsMaximum demonstrated crosswind for the BW 635RG is 20 knots.Emergency ProceduresNote: The following procedures have been modified to be suitable for simulation. It does not cover emergencies that are a) not simulated and b) not reasonable. Checklist items from the real procedures have been omitted and these procedures must not under any circumstances be used for training purposes.Engine Failure on the Take-off RollThrottle: IDLEIgnition: OFFFuel Pump: MAIN (DOWN POS)Brakes: APPLYWhen stopped: SECURE AIRCRAFTEngine Failure after Take-offNose: IMMEDIATELY LOWERAirspeed: 65 KNOTSLanding Area: DETERMINE WITHIN 30° OF NOSEFlaps: USE AS REQUIREDLanding Gear: USE DESCRETIONFuel Selector: OFFIgnition: OFFMaster Switch: OFFGlide PerformanceThe BW 635RG, the approximate performance for a glide is 65 KIAS which willgive approximately a 545ft/min rate of descent in the clean configuration.Glide performance will degrade significantly on extension of flaps and landinggear.Emergency LandingAirspeed: 65 KIASField: PICK BEST OPTIONLanding Gear: USE DISCRETION DEPENDING ON FIELD TYPEFlaps: AS REQUIREDFuel Selector: OFFIgnition: OFFFuel Pump: MAIN (down)Master Switch: OFF BEFORE LANDINGSpin RecoveryThrottle: IDLEControl Stick: AILERON NEUTRALRudder: FULL OPPOSITE TO DIRECTION OF ROTATIONControl Stick: POSITIVELY FORWARD OF NEUTRALRudder: NEUTRAL WHEN ROTATION STOPSControl Stick: SMOOTHLY PULL OUT OF DIVEWARNING:INTENTIONAL SPINS ARE NOT APPROVED INTHIS AIRCRAFT.Normal ProceduresNote: The pre-flight inspection portion of the normal procedures has been removed due to impracticality in the simulator.Before Starting EngineIgnition: OFFMaster Switch: OFF (down)Backup Battery: OFF/AUTO (down)Landing Gear Lever: DOWNCircuit Breakers: INCanopy CLOSED (CLICKING THE LATCHON THE INSIDE LEFT SIDEWALL.) Starting EngineParking Brake: HOLD TOE BRAKES AND ENGAGE PARKINGBRAKEMaster Switch: ENGINE START (middle position)Fuel Selector: SETFuel Gauge: CHECKFuel Pump: BOTH (up)Ignition: BOTHNav Lights: STROBE (middle position)Throttle: SET ½-1 INCH OPENIgnition: STARTOil Pressure: GREEN WITHIN 10 SECWarnings: NONEBefore TaxiingMaster Switch: NORMAL OPERATION (up)Altimeter: SETAvionics: SETParking Brake: DISENGAGETaxiingInstruments: CHECKED (COMPASS/HSI/BALL/ATT) Engine RunupParking Brake: ENGAGERPM: 2500 RPMFuel Pump: CYCLE, CHECK FUEL PRESSUREIdle: CHECK IDLE 1800 +/- 100 RPM Before Take-offCanopy: CLOSED AND LOCKEDFlaps: 1 STAGE (20°)Elevator Trim: SET FOR TAKE-OFFEngine Instruments: NORMALLanding Light: ON (up)Controls: FULL FREE AND CORRECT MOVEMENTParking Brake: DISENGAGETake-OffThrottle: FULLControls: NEUTRAL45 Knots: ROTATEAccelerate: NOSE ON HORIZON, ACCEL TO 80 KIASPositive Rate of Climb: GEAR UPLanding Light: OFF (down)Flaps: RETRACT ABOVE 500’ AGLInitial ClimbThrottle: MAX CONTINUOUS (5500 RPM)Airspeed: 90 KIASFuel Pump: MAIN (down) ABOVE 500’ AGL Cruise ClimbThrottle: MAX CONTINUOUS (5500 RPM)Airspeed: 130 KIASCruiseThrottle: 55-75% PowerAirspeed: 120-157 KIAS (<130 KIAS IN TURB)LandingFuel: QTY CHECKEDFuel Selector: FULLEST TANKFuel Pump: BOTH (up position)Airspeed: 90 KIASFlaps: EXTEND FLAP 1 <90 KIASDownwind Airspeed: 65 KIASLanding Gear: DOWN @ 65 KIAS; CHECK 3 GREENLanding Light: ON (up position)Base Leg: EXTEND FLAP 2 < 65 KIASFinal Approach Airspeed: 60 KIASBalked LandingThrottle: SMOOTHLY INCREASEAirspeed: 60 KIASTrim: COURSE TRIM TO RELIEVE PRESSUREFlaps: RETRACT TO POSITION 1 (20°)Gear: UPTrim: TRIM FOR CLIMBAfter LandingFlaps: RETRACTExterior Lights: AS REQ’DFuel Pump: MAIN (down)Securing AircraftParking Brake: ENGAGEDThrottle: IDLESwitches: ALL OFF EXCEPT ACL AND MASTERIgnition: OFFNav Lights: OFF (down)Master Switch: OFFBasic PerformanceStall SpeedsMTOW 600kg | CG 32% MAC | Power Idle | Level FlightFlap Position Stall Speed (KIAS) 0° 49 20° 44 35° 39 45°38Take-Off PerformanceMTOW | ISA CONDITIONS | SEA LEVEL | FLAPS 1 (20°) | MTOW (600kg)Cruise PerformanceRunway Surface Ground RollOver 50ft Obstacleft mft mPaved Runway328 100 656 200 Unpaved (Grass) Runway 361110689208Pressure Altitude Power (%) TAS Fuel Flow LPH MAP (inHg) Endurance(hr)Range (nm) 500055 161 19.7 30 5.8 941 65 170 23.3 34.1 4.9 827 7517826.937.44.1738Landing PerformanceMTOW | ISA CONDITIONS | FLAPS 2 (35°) | MTOW (600kg) | Speed 1.3 x VsoRunway Surface Ground Roll Over 50ft Obstacle ft m ft mPaved Runway 525 160 951 290 Unpaved (Grass) Runway 558 170 984 300Systems Description Instrument Panel LayoutSwitch Logic and Electrical SystemThe electrical switches in the BW 635RG are 3-position switches. These are generally known as “DOWN”, “MIDDLE” and “UP”. They are briefly explained below.Master SwitchThe MASTER switch functions in a unique way, with the following switch logic:1.When the MASTER switch is DOWN, all battery power is off. There will beno electrical power provided to the aircraft.•Note: The engine CANNOT be shut down when the master switch isoff. Electrical power must be present for the engine to turn off.2.When the MASTER switch is in the MIDDLE (Engine Start) position, limitedsystem functionality will be present. The backup battery will be activatedand power the following systems:•Primary Flight Display•Compass•AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System)•Radio3.When the MASTER switch is UP (Normal Operation), full electrical supplywill be provided to the aircraft. The following systems will be powered on: •Note: the engine CANNOT be started with the MASTER switch in theUP position. If the engine won’t start, check the switch is in theMIDDLE position•Multi-Function Display•Transponder•Autopilot•Audio panel•STBY instruments•Pitot Heat•Main battery is disconnected from running engine. Alternatorprovides power.See Section NORMAL PROCEDURES for positioning of the MASTER switch.Fuel Pump SwitchThe Fuel Pump switch also has some advanced logic to it, due to two fuel pumpsbeing present, however, to put it simply, it operates in the following way:1.In the DOWN position, the main fuel pump is in use.2.In the MIDDLE position, the auxiliary fuel pump is in use.3.In the UP position, both fuel pumps will be on.LAND/TAXI SwitchThe LAND/TAXI switch powers the Taxi and Landing lights. It operates in the following logic:1.In the DOWN position, both lights will be OFF.2.In the MIDDLE position, the taxi light will switch on when the landinggear is extended.3.In the UP position, the Landing Light will switch on when the landinggear is extended.Strobe/Nav SwitchThe Strobe/Nav switch powers the Navigation (Red/Green) and Strobe (flashingwhite) lights. It operates in the following logic:1.In the DOWN position, both lights will be OFF.2.In the MIDDLE position, the STROBE light will be on.3.In the UP position, both the strobe and Nav lights will be on.Electrical System DiagramThe BW 635RG’s electrical system is modelled in the following way in Microsoft Flight Simulator.Because the starter system is connected to the BACKUP BUS, this means you cannot start the engine with the MASTER switch in the UP position, due to the BACKUP BUS being disconnected from the circuit once the MAIN BAT BUS is powered.Page 21 of 21User Guide v1.0 –RevisionEngineThe BW 635RG is powered by the Rotax 915iS. The Rotax 915iS is a four-stroke, four-cylinder, fuel-injected, turbocharged aircraft engine with a maximum power output of141 horsepower. The engine utilizes electronic fuel injection (EFI) technology toprovide precise fuel delivery and improved fuel efficiency. It also features a modernliquid-cooling system and a dual electronic ignition system for reliable performance.The Rotax 915iS engine has a maximum operating RPM of 5,200, with a recommended continuous operation range of 5,000 RPM or less.PropellerThe propeller is a 3-blade wood-composite design, which is hydraulically adjustable for operation at various pitch angles, controlled independently of the pilot. The propeller is linked to the engine through an electronically controlled governor, where RPM isadjusted in accordance with the position of the throttle control. This pitch curve cannot be adjusted in flight, however is designed to ensure maximum performance in allphases of flight.FuelBoth wings have fuel tanks, which are fed to the engine via electric fuel pumps. Fuelsystem information is fed via sensors to the Garmin avionics suite and can be viewedon the displays inside the cockpit.AIRPLANE WEIGHTSBasic Empty Weight……………………….…375 KgMaximum Takeoff Weight…………………..600 KgMaximum Fuel Weight………………………...95 Kg Maximum Landing Weight………………….600 Kg TANK USABLE FUEL LEFT WING TANK67.5 litres 17.8 US Gallons RIGHT WING TANK62.5 litres 16.5 US Gallons TOTAL 130 litres34.3 US GallonsFUEL CAPACITY AIRSPEEDS Never Exceed Speed ……….…………….173 KIAS Max Structural Cruising Speed…………..156 KIAS Maneuvering Speed MTOW……………….109 KIAS Initial Climb………………………………………80 KIASBest Angle Climb……………………………….75 KIASBest Rate of Climb……………………………..90 KIASMax Flap Ext 20°……………………..............90 KIASMax Flap Ext 35-45°……………………………70 KIASMax Landing Gear Operation……………….70 KIASMax Landing Gear Extended………………..90 KIASPlanned Cruise TAS………………………….130 KIASFinal Approach Speed………………………..60 KIAS POWERPLANT LIMITATIONSENGINE LIMITS (RPM)Take-off (5 Minutes)………....5800 RPM Max Continuous……………….5500 RPMALTITUDE LIMITSMaximum Operating Altitude………………23 000ftFor Microsoft Flight Simulator Use Only0-12023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd BW 635RG QUICK REFERENCESHEETIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 20230-2PROCEDURESBEFORE STARTING ENGINEPreflight Inspection………………………….COMPLETECrew Briefing………………………………….COMPLETEIgnition…………………………………………………….OFFMaster Switch…………………………………………..OFFBackup Battery …..…………………………….OFF/AUTOLanding Gear Lever………………………………..DOWNCircuit Breakers…………………………………………..IN Canopy………………………………………………CLOSED STARTING ENGINEArea……………………………………………………..CLEARParking Brake……………….HOLD TOE BRAKES ANDENGAGEMaster Switch …..……………….ENGINE START (MID)Fuel Selector…………………………………………….SETFuel Pump………………………………………BOTH (UP)Ignition………………………………………………….BOTHExternal Lights……………………………………..AS REQThrottle ………………………..………..Τ12-1 INCH OPENIgnition………………………………………………….START AFTER START Oil Pressure.…………………………………………RISING Master Switch ……………………………..NORMAL (UP)Radios………………………………………………………SET Altimeter…………………………………………………..SET ATIS and Clearance…………………………..OBTAINEDBEFORE TAXIBrakes/Park Brake ………………………….DISENGAGEFlight Instruments……………………………..CHECKEDCompass…………………………………………CHECKED BEFORE TAKEOFFCanopy/Harnesses………………………………SECURE Flaps…………………………………….……1 STAGE (20°)Trim ..……………………………………SET FOR TAKEOFF Flight Instruments………………………………………SET Engine Instruments………………CHECKED NORMAL Avionics…………………………………………………….SET External Lights………………………………………AS REQ Flight Controls…………..FULL, FREE AND CORRECT Takeoff Safety Brief………………………….DELIVERED TAKEOFFBrakes/Park Brake………………………….DISENGAGEPower…………SMOOTHLY INCREASE TO MAXIMUM45 knots………………………………………………ROTATEAccelerate……….…NOSE ON HORIZON, TO 80 KTSPositive Rate of Climb………………………….GEAR UPLanding Light.……………………………….OFF (DOWN)Flaps ………………………..RETRACT ABOVE 500’ AGLMEMORY ITEMS 2023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd ENGINE RUN UP Parking Brake ……………………………………..ENGAGE Engine Instruments……………………………CHECKED Engine RPM…………………………………SET 2500 RPM Fuel Pump…………………………………………….CYCLE Idle …………………..…..CHECK IDLE 1800 ±100RPM Navigation Equipment …..…………………………….SETFor Microsoft Flight Simulator Use OnlyIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 2023AFTER TAKEOFF Engine Instruments……………………..WITHIN LIMITS Climb Speed…………………………………………90 KIAS Fuel Pump………….MAIN (DOWN ) ABOVE 500’ AGL0-3CRUISEPower….……………………………………….SET 55-75%Airspeed…..……….120-157KTS (<130KTS IN TURB.)DESCENTAltimeter…………………………………………………..SETFuel Selector………………………………FULLEST TANKPower Lever………………….AS REQUIRED FOR RODApproach Brief………………………………PLETE BEFORE LANDINGBrakes……………………………………………………..OFFFuel ………….………………………………QTY CHECKEDFuel Selector………………………………FULLEST TANK Fuel Pump……….………………………………BOTH (UP)LANDINGDOWNWINDAirspeed….………………………………………….90 KIASFlaps….………………………………………STAGE 1 (20°)Airspeed………….………………………………….65 KIASLanding Gear…..…………………….DOWN @ 65 KIASCHECK 3 GREENLanding Light………………………………………ON (UP)BASEFlaps…………………………… STAGE 2 (35°) < 65 KIASFINALAirspeed………….………………………………….60 KIASTouchdown ……………………….MAIN WHEELS FIRSTStick………………………………………………FULL BACK Brakes…………………………………………………..APPLYAFTER LANDING Flaps………………………………………………..RETRACT Landing Lights…………………………………………..OFFFuel Pump….………………………………MAIN (DOWN)SHUTDOWNParking Brake ……………………………………..ENGAGE Throttle……………………………………………………IDLE Switches….………………………….OFF EXCL. MASTERIgnition..…………………………………………………..OFFLights….……………………………………….OFF (DOWN)Master Switch..……………………………..OFF (DOWN)MEMORY ITEMS 2023 Orbx Simulation Systems Pty. Ltd For Microsoft Flight Simulator Use OnlyPROCEDURESIssued: 21 Apr 2023Revised: 21 Apr 2023。
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But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and
But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more But all sunshine without shade, all
blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed
But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and
But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all. Take the lot of the happiest - it is a tangled yarn. Bereavements and blessings, one following another, make us sad and blessed by turns. Even death itself makes life more But
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单击此处输入您的正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终演示发布的良好效果,
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单击此处输入您的正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终演示发布的良好效果,
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单击此处输入您的正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终演示发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;根据需要可酌情增减文字,以便观者可以准确理解你所传达的信息。单击此处输入您的正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终演示发布的良好效果,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点
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Microsoft's super bowl adsAs the National Football League's annual championship, the Super Bowl (always) holds an important place in the United States, its general last in January each year or the first Sunday in February, and has for years been kept America's most watched television program title. Today, the United States has welcomed the super bowl Sunday, while Microsoft again in this special day, like last year released two new advertising.Microsoft again this year spent money to become super bowl advertising club members, and purchased a total length of two minutes at a time of two ads, invested more than $15 million. The transformation of the software giant, apparently hoping that the most expensive super bowl ads, but also the most effective to show the audience a brand-new, human nature, cool Microsoft image.Although the $4.5 million to 30 seconds in advertising, but the super bowl, but has more than 100 million television viewers. Moreover, the effects of the super bowl advertising not only during the game, excellent advertisement at the end of the game will become the subject of speculation, like last year's budweiser beer advertising form continuous follow-up communication. To the actual advertising exposure, the super bowl for advertising is the most efficient.In addition, the last year and this year's super bowl has Seattle seahawks, it is Microsoft's mother team (Microsoft headquarters near Seattle Raymond), Microsoft employees almost overwhelmingly for the seahawks. And the seahawks boss is Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen (PaulAllen).This is the second time Microsoft on super bowl ads, this year was given last year's "Empowering us all" (power) all living theme, through new propaganda to the national and even global users continue to promote the concept of "science and technology change life".NBC to the super bowl broadcast advertising pricing every 30 seconds for 4.4 million - 4.5 million dollars, visible in both the new Microsoft advertising has millions dollars, the cost of enough to show its importance to this events. It is worth mentioning that the two AD songwriter is Microsoft CEO satya,hand-picked Della.Of the two new advertising, Microsoft put forward the same question: "What can you do", and by showing how ordinary people and special users by Microsoft's technology and equipment to change their life inspiring stories, encourage people to own the biggest dream and insist on pay practices, will eventually will succeed.The hero in the first AD Estella Pyfrom is a warm-hearted woman, she has a very special "mobile classroom" - Estella's Brilliant Bus. The bus is her mobile teaching center, through the use of Microsoft technology to set up a learning website, and on the bus with a Surface of the Hub. She often move the classroom into the community, provides the door to all poor families of teenagers education services, to help these poor children finish school and realize their dreams.The second advertising content seems to is a continuation of last year's super bowl advertising, Braylon O 'neill had appeared in the last year, but he has become the leading role this time. Braylon O 'neill born without legs, but now he has been able to like ordinary children play baseball and movement. Behind it, of course, with the help of technology, Microsoft in this emphasis on science and technology will help him to stand up and regain confidence. In addition, a former American professional football league (NFL) star Steve gleason also appear in the AD, he had named in the last year's ice bucket challenge Microsoft CEO Della, Microsoft has since started to use technology to help patients with ALS through.The most expensive advertising must have the best ideas. Compared to introduce their products directly, clearly about technology how to change people's lives more can move the heart. Microsoft last year for the first time to buy the super bowl ads, on what is "science and technology" as the theme, shows the help of science and technology brings to the ordinary people, the warmth ofself-help advertising moved millions of americans.微软超级碗广告赏析作为美式足球联盟的年度冠军赛,超级碗(Super Bowl)在美国有着举足轻重的地位,其一般在每年 1 月最后一个或 2 月第一个星期天举行,而且多年来一直保持着全美收视率最高的电视节目头衔。
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Office 2019正式版发布
一年一度的微软Ignite 大会如约在美国佛罗里达州的奥兰多开幕。
在大会首日,微软公司发布了一系列公告,推出了价值4000万美元的人工智能人道主义行动倡议,介绍了自动构建人工智能模型的Azure 服务,并在Microsoft 365中首次推出Cortana Skills Kit 、Surface Hub 2S 和Surface Hub 2X ,以及AI 支持建议。
当然,最引人注目的还是Office 2019的正式发布。
微软表示,公司将面向大批授权用户发布Windows 和Mac 版本的Office 2019,而且在随后几天,将紧跟发布额外的SKU 。
不过需要指明的是,Project,Visio,Access 和Publisher 只能在Windows 平台上使用。
微软公司Office 和Windows 营销副总裁贾里德·斯帕塔罗表示,最新版本的Word 、Excel 、PowerPoint 和Outlook 等软件,包括了过去三年在Office 365中添加的一些增强功能。
但与Office 365不同的是,未来它们不会得到功能升级。
在新版Office 的许多功能改进当中,其中包括了Power Point 的变形和缩放效果,使用户能够创建“电影演示”,以及Excel 中的新数据分析工具,PowerPivot 添加的新公式,以及改进后的墨水功能,如铅笔盒、压敏和倾斜效果。
比如,Word 2019和Outlook 2019推出了旨在屏蔽干扰的专注模式,专注邮箱可以自动高亮显示重要邮件。
从IT 层面来看,Office 2019在可用性、声音和安全方面都进行了更新,并利用微软的Click-to-Run (C2R )部署解决方案实现了月度安全更新和应用程序安装,并通过Windows 10下载优化技术减少了网络流量消费,同时还支持客户的老旧办公产品就地升级。
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CDP-B345: Orchestrate, Automate, and Secure Your Applications Using Microsoft Azure Resource Manager Charles Lamanna, Gautam Thapar, Karandeep Anand Friday @ 12:00
DEV-B333: Cross-Platform Continuous Delivery with Release Management for Visual Studio 2013 Donovan Brown | Friday @ 10:15
Your Datacenter
VMs in dev & test environment
DEV-B216: Visual Studio Online: Overview and Best Practices Neno Loje Tuesday @ 1:30
Migrate source, history and work items to VSO with a few simple steps Map users to maintain consistency and accountability Get it FREE at http://aka.ms/OpsHubVSO DEV-B338: Better Together: Using Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Online to Increase Agility Steven Borg | Wednesday @ 5:00
Power of Repeatability
Azure Templates can:
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SQL-A Website
Instantiation of repeatable config.
Azure Resource Groups
Tightly coupled containers of multiple resources of similar or different types Every resource *must* exist in one and only one resource group Resource groups can span regions
Configuration as code Deployment and Configuration
Desired State Configuration
Release Management @ TechEd
DEV-B310: A Practical View of Release Management for Visual Studio Claude Remillard & Donovan Brown 2013 Wednesday @ 10:15
DEV-B209: Best Practices for Using Open Source Software in the Marcel de Vries Enterprise Friday @ 2:45
Team Room Git push events
DEV-B346: Understand Code with Code Maps Stuart Kent Tuesday @Revert 5:00 Git
Deploy the same code every time, everywhere, in the same way
Available in Visual Studio 2013 Update 3:
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Visual Studio 2013
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DEV-B368: Using Third-Party ALM Solutions with Visual Studio Online Will Smythe http://aka.ms/DEV-B368
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Work Item Charts
Color Picking in Charts
Push to Multiple Remotes (Git)
DEV-B334: Using Git with Team Foundation Server or Visual Studio Edward Thomson Online Friday @ 8:30
Configuration Resource Group
• Provide Cross-Resource Configuration and Update Support
Azure Templates are:
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Configurable CFD Dates Backlog Mapping
Paste Images via Web
Agile to Portfolio DEV-B335: From Vanity Value, Management Updates Shared Parameters for Test Cases Metrics That Matter: Improving Lean and Agile, Kanban, and Scrum Steven Borg Wednesday @ 12:00 Exporting Test Artifacts
Provisioning & Deployment @TechEd
CDP-B360: An Overview of Windows PowerShell Desired State Mark Gray,Configuration Mike Baukes, Ryan Dunn Wednesday @ 5:00
Work Item Tags
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Bulk Edit of Test Cases
DEV-B215: Case Study of an Agile Trend Charts Query Tags Transformation in a Large Justin Marks Organization Tuesday @ 3:15 DEV-B327: Deep Dive into Agile Work Items from Discussions Planning for Code TFS 2013 and Visual Justin Marks Studio Online Thursday @ 12:00
New Languages for Code Syntax Highlighting
Work Item Chart Pinning
Shared Parameters for Test Cases
Maven Support for Builds Team Room Git push events Exporting Test Artifacts Java in Hosted Builds Pull Requests Paste Images via Web Azure Preview Portal VSO General Availability Improved Code Commenting Improved Git Permissions
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