久保田 RW型膜组件使用说明书
久保田MBR (09.04.07)
日本久保田株式会社天津机电进出口有限公司介绍提纲1. MBR技术2. 久保田MBR3.久保田MBR运行4.久保田MBR业绩5.久保田MBR典型工程实例6.天津机电中试项目MBR技术中空膜平板膜1.中国市场现状MBR 工艺常规工艺2.MBR 工艺简介3.MBR工艺优点¾¾¾¾¾¾4.MBR工艺主要应用领域¾¾¾¾¾¾¾久保田MBR 1.发展历程¾¾¾¾¾2.平板膜的结构¾¾¾¾¾3.膜组件¾¾¾4.平板膜主要技术指标5.平板膜的过滤机理6.典型工艺流程回流预处理出水预曝气池膜池缺氧池出水抽吸泵回流泵鼓风机鼓风机7.清洗方式传统工艺MBR 工艺8.久保田MBR的优势(与传统工艺比较)与传统工艺比较出水水质优良,可广泛回用于冲厕、道路清扫、城市绿化、车辆冲洗、建筑工地和景观环境用水等。
出水用途设备较少,流程简单,易于实现全自动控制,运行稳定可靠,操作人员仅需经过简单培训,无需专业人员看管设备较多,管线复杂,发生故障的可能性较大,一般需专业人员维护(3班倒/天,需4人)运行管理无需投加化学药剂,无化学污泥产生需投加大量的化学药剂,产生的化学污泥容易引起二次污染化学污泥剩余活性污泥产量小,大大减少了后续污泥处置费用剩余污泥产量大,污泥处理费用高剩余活性污泥无需反冲洗,产水率高沙滤罐或活性炭滤罐需要频繁的反冲洗,工艺自身耗水较多,产水率低产水率小大占地面积全面优于国家现行一级A标准符合国家现行一级A标准出水水质不受设置场所限制,可做成地面式、半地下式和地埋式受设置场所限制场地要求易实现模块化设计,适于分期建设,设备材料分期分批入场,节约投资不易实现模块化设计,最好按最大设计能力一次性建成建设要求预处理MBR 池消毒中水池预处理生化反应池沉淀池混凝池沉淀池过滤消毒中水池工艺组成MBR 传统中水处理工艺项目名称与中空膜相比:项目久宝田平板膜中空纤维膜物理膜孔径微滤(MF)微滤(MF),超滤(SF)用途MBR Only MBR,给水过滤,二沉池水过滤过滤机理主要靠生物膜,其次物理膜主要靠物理膜处理中污泥浓度15000-20000 mg/L8000-10000 mg/L生物反应池容积小大膜设备的体积大小过膜压差小,抽吸能耗小,可依靠重力流大,抽吸能耗大,不能依靠重力流耐久性10年以上,单张膜可修复3-5年,不可修复定期冲洗4-6个月2-6个月定期冲洗方式无需提出。
1. 检查泵的型号、规格和性能是否符合使用要求,检查泵的零部件是否齐全、完好。
2. 根据使用要求,调整泵的安装高度和位置,确保泵的进出口与管道连接畅通,不漏水。
3. 开启泵的进口阀门,使泵内充满液体。
4. 开启泵的出口阀门,使泵的出口压力与管道相连接,确保泵的正常运转。
5. 启动泵的电机,观察泵的运转情况,检查泵的进出口压力是否正常。
6. 调节泵的出口阀门,使泵的出口压力达到所需的要求。
7. 记录泵的运行数据,包括电流、电压、进出口压力等。
8. 定期检查泵的轴承、密封件和其他零部件的磨损情况,如有损坏应及时更换。
9. 停泵时,先关闭泵的出口阀门,再关闭泵的进口阀门,最后关闭泵的电机。
1. 操作人员必须经过培训才能操作该泵,严禁未经培训的人员操作。
2. 操作人员必须穿戴防护用品,如防护手套、防护眼镜等。
3. 在操作过程中,必须保持泵的清洁和整洁,防止杂物和污垢进入泵内。
4. 定期检查泵的零部件的磨损情况,如有损坏应及时更换。
5. 在停泵时,必须先关闭泵的出口阀门,再关闭泵的进口阀门,最后关闭泵的电机。
6. 如遇到异常情况,应立即停泵并报告有关人员进行处理。
CONTENTSSAFE OPERATION (1)SERVICING OF THE ENGINE (1)NAMES OF PARTS (2)PRE-OPERATION CHECK (3)BREAK-IN (3)DAILY CHECK (3)OPERATING THE ENGINE (4)STARTING THE ENGINE(NORMAL) (4)COLD WEATHER STARTING (5)STOPPING THE ENGINE (6)CHECKS DURING OPERATION (6)Radiator Cooling water(Coolant) (6)Oil pressure lamp (6)Fuel (7)Color of exhaust (7)Immediately stop the engine if; (7)REVERSED ENGINE REVOLUTION AND REMEDIES (7)How to tell when the engine starts running backwards (7)Remedies (7)MAINTENANCE (8)SERVICE INTERVALS (9)PERIODIC SERVICE (12)FUEL (12)Fuel level check and refueling (12)Air bleeding the fuel system (13)Checking the fuel pipes (14)Cleaning the fuel filter pot (14)Fuel filter cartridge replacement (15)ENGINE OIL (15)Checking oil level and adding engine oil (15)Changing engine oil (16)Replacing the oil filter cartridge (17)RADIATOR (17)Checking coolant level, adding coolant (18)Changing coolant (19)Remedies for quick decrease of coolant (19)Checking radiator hoses and clamp bands (19)Precaution at overheating (19)Cleaning radiator core(outside) (19)Anti-freeze (20)Radiator cement (20)AIR CLEANER (21)Evacuator valve (21)For the air cleaner with a dust cup (optional) (21)Dust indicator (optional) (22)BATTERY (22)Battery charging (22)CONTENTSDirection for long term storage (23)ELECTRIC WIRING (23)FAN BELT (24)Adjusting Fan Belt Tension (24)CARRIAGE AND STORAGE (25)CARRIAGE (25)STORAGE (25)TROUBLESHOOTING (26)SPECIFICATIONS (28)WIRING DIAGRAMS (31)1SAFE OPERATIONE N G L I SSAFE OPERATIONCareful operation is your best assurance against an accident. Read and understand this section carefully before operating the engine. All operators, no matter how much experience they may have, should read this and other related manuals before operating the engine or any equipment attached to it. It is the owner's obligation to provide all operators with this information and instruct them on safe operation.Be sure to observe the following for safe operation.1.OBSERVE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSA Read and understand carefully this "OPERATOR'S MANUAL" and "LABELS ON THE ENGINE" before attempting to start and operate the engine.A Learn how to operate and work safely. Know your equipment and its limitations. Always keep the engine in good condition.A Before allowing other people to use your engine, explainhow to operate and have them read this manual beforeoperation.A DO NOT modify the engine. UNAUTHORIZEDMODIFICATIONS to the engine may impair the functionand/or safety and affect engine life. If the engine does notperform properly, consult your local Kubota EngineDistributor first.2.WEAR SAFE CLOTHING AND PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)A DO NOT wear loose, torn or bulky clothing around themachine that may catch on working controls andprojections or into fans, pulleys and other moving partscausing personal injury.A Use additional safety items-PPE, e.g. hard hat, safetyprotection, safety goggles, gloves, etc., as appropriate orrequired.A DO NOT operate the machine or any equipment attachedto it while under the influence of alcohol, medication, orother drugs, or while fatigued.A DO NOT wear radio or music headphones whileoperating the engine.SAFE OPERATION23.CHECK BEFORE STARTING & OPERATING THE ENGINEA Be sure to inspect the engine before operation. Do notoperate the engine if there is something wrong with it.Repair it immediately.A Ensure all guards and shields are in place beforeoperating the engine. Replace any that are damaged ormissing.A Check to see that you and others are a safe distancefrom the engine before starting.A Always keep the engine at least 3 feet (1 meter) awayfrom buildings and other facilities.A DO NOT allow children or livestock to approach themachine while the engine is running.A DO NOT start the engine by shorting across starterterminals. The machine may start in gear and move. Donot bypass or defeat any safety devices.4.KEEP THE ENGINE AND SURROUNDINGS CLEANA Be sure to stop the engine before cleaning.A Keep the engine clean and free of accumulated dirt,grease and trash to avoid a fire. Store flammable fluids inproper containers and cabinets away from sparks andheat.A Check for and repair leaks immediately.A DO NOT stop the engine without idling; Allow the engineto cool down, first. Keep the engine idling for about 5minutes before stopping unless there is a safety problemthat requires immediate shut down.5.SAFE HANDLING OF FUEL AND LUBRICANTS -KEEP AWAY FROM FIREA Always stop the engine before refueling and/orlubricating.A DO NOT smoke or allow flames or sparks in your workarea. Fuel is extremely flammable and explosive undercertain conditions.A Refuel at a well ventilated and open place. When fueland/or lubricants are spilled, refuel after letting theengine cool down.A DO NOT mix gasoline or alcohol with diesel fuel. Themixture can cause a fire or severe engine damage.A Do not use unapproved containers e.g. buckets, bottles,jars. Use approved fuel storage containers anddispensers.3SAFE OPERATION6.EXHAUST GASES & FIRE PREVENTIONA Engine exhaust fumes can be very harmful if allowed toaccumulate. Be sure to run the engine in a well ventilatedlocation and where there are no people or livestock nearthe engine.A The exhaust gas from the muffler is very hot. To preventa fire, do not expose dry grass, mowed grass, oil or anyother combustible materials to exhaust gas. Keep theengine and muffler clean at all times.A To avoid a fire, be alert for leaks of flammablesubstances from hoses and lines. Be sure to check forleaks from hoses or pipes, such as fuel and hydraulicfluid by following the maintenance check list.A To avoid a fire, do not short across power cables andwires. Check to see that all power cables and wirings arein good condition. Keep all electrical connections clean.Bare wire or frayed insulation can cause a dangerouselectrical shock and personal injury.7.ESCAPING FLUIDA Relieve all pressure in the air, the oil and the coolingsystems before disconnecting any lines, fittings orrelated items.A Be cautious of possible pressure relief whendisconnecting any device from a pressurized system thatutilizes pressure. DO NOT check for pressure leaks withyour hand. High pressure oil or fuel can cause personalinjury.A Escaping fluid under pressure has sufficient force topenetrate skin causing serious personal injury.A Fluid escaping from pinholes may be invisible. Use apiece of cardboard or wood to search for suspectedleaks: do not use hands and body. Use safety goggles orother eye protection when checking for leaks.A If injured by escaping fluid, see a medical doctorimmediately. This fluid can produce gangrene or severeallergic reaction.4SAFE OPERATION8.CAUTIONS AGAINST BURNS & BATTERY EXPLOSIONA To avoid burns, be cautious of hot components, e.g.muffler, muffler cover, radiator, hoses, engine body,coolants, engine oil, etc. during operation and after theengine has been shut off.A DO NOT remove the radiator cap while the engine isrunning or immediately after stopping. Otherwise hotwater will spout out from the radiator. Wait until theradiator is completely cool to the touch before removingthe cap. Wear safety goggles.A Be sure to close the coolant drain valve, secure thepressure cap, and fasten the pipe band before operating.If these parts are taken off, or loosened, it will result inserious personal injury.A The battery presents an explosive hazard. When thebattery is being charged, hydrogen and oxygen gasesare extremely explosive.A DO NOT use or charge the battery if its fluid level is belowthe LOWER mark.Otherwise, the component parts may deteriorate earlierthan expected, which may shorten the service life orcause an explosion. Immediately, add distilled water untilthe fluid level is between the UPPER and LOWER marks.A Keep sparks and open flames away from the battery,especially during charging. DO NOT strike a match nearthe battery.A DO NOT check the battery charge by placing a metalobject across the terminals. Use a voltmeter orhydrometer.A DO NOT charge a frozen battery. There is a risk ofexplosion. When frozen, warm the battery up to at least16C (61F).9.KEEP HANDS AND BODY AWAY FROM ROTATING PARTSA Be sure to stop the engine before checking or adjustingthe belt tension and cooling fan.A Keep your hands and body away from rotating parts,such as the cooling fan, V-belt, fan drive V-belt, pulley orflywheel. Contact with rotating parts can cause severepersonal injury.A DO NOT run the engine without safety guards. Installsafety guards securely before operation.5SAFE OPERATION10.ANTI-FREEZE & DISPOSAL OF FLUIDSA Anti-freeze contains poison. Wear rubber gloves to avoidpersonal injury. In case of contact with skin, wash it offimmediately.A DO NOT mix different types of Anti-freeze. The mixturecan produce a chemical reaction causing harmfulsubstances. Use approved or genuine KUBOTA Anti-freeze.A Be mindful of the environment and the ecology. Beforedraining any fluids, determine the correct way to disposeof them. Observe the relevant environmental protectionregulations when disposing of oil, fuel, coolant, brakefluid, filters and batteries.A When draining fluids from the engine, place a suitablecontainer underneath the engine body.A DO NOT pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, orinto any water source. Dispose of waste fluids accordingto environmental regulations.SAFE OPERATION611.CONDUCTING SAFETY CHECKS & MAINTENANCEA When inspecting the engine or servicing, place theengine on a large flat surface. DO NOT work on anythingthat is supported ONLY by lift jacks or a hoist. Always useblocks or the correct stands to support the engine beforeservicing.A Disconnect the battery from the engine beforeconducting service. Put a "DO NOT OPERATE!" tag onthe key switch to avoid accidental starting.A To avoid sparks from an accidental short circuit alwaysdisconnect the battery's ground cable (-) first andreconnect it last.A Be sure to stop the engine and remove the key whenconducting daily and periodic maintenance, service andcleaning.A Check or conduct maintenance after the engine, coolant,muffler, or muffler cover have cooled off completely.A Always use the appropriate tools and fixtures. Verify thatthey are in good condition before performing any servicework. Make sure you understand how to use them beforeservice.A Use ONLY correct engine barring techniques formanually rotating the engine. DO NOT attempt to rotatethe engine by pulling or prying on the cooling fan and V-belt. This practice can cause serious personal injury orpremature damage to the cooling fan and belt.A Replace fuel pipes and lubricant pipes with their hoseclamps every 2 years or earlier whether they aredamaged or not. They are made of rubber and agegradually.A When servicing is performed together by two or morepersons, take care to perform all work safely.A Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy at all times.7SAFE OPERATION 1.Keep warning and caution labels clean and free from obstructing material.2.Clean warning and caution labels with soap and water, dry with a soft cloth.3.Replace damaged or missing warning and caution labels with new labels from your local KUBOTA dealer.4.If a component with warning and caution label(s) affixed is replaced with a new part, make sure the new label(s) is (are) attached in the same location(s) as the replaced component.5.Mount new warning and caution labels by applying to a clean dry surface and pressing any bubbles to the outside edge.12.WARNING AND CAUTION LABELSPart No.19077-8724-1 or 16667-8724-1(55mm in diameter) (37mm in diameter)Part No.TA040-4957-1Do not get your hands closeto engine fan and fan belt.13.CARE OF WARNING AND CAUTION LABELS8SAFE OPERATIONSERVICING OF THE ENGINE1 SERVICING OF THE ENGINEYour dealer is interested in your new engine and has the Array desire to help you get the most value from it. After readingthis manual thoroughly, you will find that you can do someof the regular maintenance yourself.However, when in need of parts or major service, be sureto see your KUBOTA dealer.For service, contact the KUBOTA Dealership from whichyou purchased your engine or your local KUBOTA dealer.When in need of parts, be prepared to give your dealerthe engine serial number.Locate the serial number now and record them in thespace provided.Type Serial No.(1) Engine serial numberEngineDate of PurchaseName of Dealer(To be filled in by purchaser)2NAMES OF PARTS NAMES OF PARTS(1) Intake manifold(2) Speed control lever(3) Engine stop lever(4) Injection pump(5) Fuel feed pump(6) Cooling fan(7) Fan drive pulley(8) Oil filter cartridge(9) Water drain cock (10) Oil filler plug(11) Exhaust manifold(12) Alternator(13) Starter(14) Oil level gauge(15) Oil pressure switch(16) Flywheel(17) Oil drain plug(18) Oil pan(19) Engine hook3PRE-OPERATION CHECK PRE-OPERATION CHECKBREAK-INDuring the engine break-in period, observe the following by all means:1.Change engine oil and oil filter cartridge after the first 50 hours of operation. (See "ENGINE OIL" in "PERIODICSERVICE" section.)2.When ambient temperature is low, operate the machine after the engine has been completely warmed up. DAILY CHECKTo prevent trouble from occurring, it is important to know the conditions of the engine well. Check it before starting.To avoid personal injury:A Be sure to install shields and safeguards attached to the engine when operating.A Stop the engine at a flat and wide space when checking.A Keep dust or fuel away from the battery, wiring, muffler and engine to prevent a fire.Check and clear them before operating everyday. Pay attention to the heat of the exhaust pipe or exhaust gas so that it can not ignite trash.Item Ref. page1. Parts which had trouble in previous operation-2. By walking around the machine(1) Oil or water leaks15 to 20(2) Engine oil level and contamination15,16(3) Amount of fuel12(4) Amount of coolant18 to 20(5) Dust in air cleaner dust cup21(6) Damaged parts and loosened bolts and nuts-3. By inserting the key into the starter switch (1) Proper functions of meters and pilot lamps; no stains onthese parts-(2) Proper function of glow lamp timer-4. By starting the engine(1) Color of exhaust fumes7(2) Unusual engine noise7(3) Engine start-up condition5(4) Slow-down and acceleration behavior74OPERATING THE ENGINE OPERATING THE ENGINESTARTING THE ENGINE(NORMAL) To avoid personal injury:A Do not allow children to approach themachine while the engine is running.A Be sure to install the machine onwhich the engine is installed, on a flatplace.A Do not run the engine on gradients.A Do not run the engine in an enclosedarea. Exhaust gas can cause airpollution and exhaust gas poisoning.A Keep your hands away from rotatingparts (such as fan, pulley, belt,flywheel etc.) during operation.A Do not operate the machine whileunder the influence of alcohol ordrugs.A Do not wear loose, torn or bulkyclothing around the machine. It maycatch on moving parts or controls,leading to the risk of accident. Useadditional safety items, e.g. hard hat,safety boots or shoes, eye andhearing protection, gloves, etc., asappropriate or required.A Do not wear radio or musicheadphones while operating engine.A Check to see if it is safe around theengine before starting.A Reinstall safeguards and shieldssecurely and clear all maintenancetools when starting the engine aftermaintenance.A Do not use ether or any starting fluid for starting theengine, or a severe damage will occur.A When starting the engine after a long storage (of morethan 3 months), first set the stop lever to the "STOP"position and then activate the starter for about 10 seconds to allow oil to reach every engine part.1.Set the fuel lever to the "ON" position.(1) Fuel lever(A) "ON"(B) "OFF"2.Place the engine stop lever to the"START" position.3.Place the speed control lever at morethan half "OPERATION".(1) Engine stop lever(2) Speed Control lever(A) "STOP"(B) "START"(C) "IDLING"(D) "OPERATION"5OPERATING THE ENGINE (with lamp timer in use)A The glow lamp goes out in about 5 seconds when thelamp timer is up. Refer to this for pre-heating.Even with the glow lamp off, the glow plug can be pre-heated by turning the starter switch to the "PREHEATING" position.A If the oil pressure lamp should be still on, immediatelystop the engine and check; - if there is enough engine oil. - if the engine oil has dirt in it.- if the wiring is faulty.A If the glow lamp should redden too quickly or tooslowly, immediately ask your KUBOTA dealer to check and repair it.A If the engine does not catch or start at 10 secondsafter the starter switch is set at "STARTING" position,wait for another 30 seconds and then begin the engine starting sequence again. Do not allow the starter motor to run continuously for more than 20 seconds.COLD WEATHER STARTINGIf the ambient temperature is below -5C(23F)* and the engine is very cold, start it in the following manner:Take steps (1) through (4) above.A Shown below are the standard preheating times forvarious temperatures. This operation, however, is not required, when the engine is warmed up.A Do not allow the starter motor to run continuously formore than 20 seconds.A Be sure to warm up the engine, not only in winter, butalso in warmer seasons. An insufficiently warmed-up engine can shorten its service life.A When there is fear of temperature dropping below-15C (5F) detach the battery from the machine, and keep it indoors in a safe area, to be reinstalled just before the next operation.4.Insert the key into the key switch andturn it to the "OPERATION" position.(A) "OFF" SWITCHED OFF (B) "ON" OPERATION (C) "GL" PREHEATING (D) "ST" STARTING(A) "GL" PREHEATING (B) "OFF" SWITCHED OFF (C) "ON" OPERATION (D) "ST" STARTING5.Turn the starter switch to the"PREHEATING" position to allow the glow lamp to redden.6.Turn the key to the "STARTING"position and the engine should start. Release the key immediately when the engine starts.7.Check to see that the oil pressure lampand charge lamp are off. If the lamps are still on, immediately stop the engine, and determine the cause.(See "CHECKS DURING OPERATION" in "OPERATING THE ENGINE" section.)8.Warm up the engine at medium speedwithout load.5.Turn the key to the "PREHEATING"position and keep it there for a certain period mentioned below.Ambient temperature Preheating time Above 10C (50F)NO NEED10C (50F) to -5C (23F)Approx. 5 seconds *Below -5C (23F)Approx. 10 secondsLimit of continuous use20 seconds6.Turn the key to the "STARTING"position and the engine should start.(If the engine fails to start after 10 seconds, turn off the key for 5 to 30 seconds. Then repeat steps (5) and (6).)OPERATING THE ENGINE6STOPPING THE ENGINEA If equipped with a turbo-charger, allow the engine toidle for 5 minutes before shutting it off after a full load operation.Failure to do so may lead to turbo-charger trouble.CHECKS DURING OPERATIONWhile running, make the following checks to see that all parts are working correctly.B Radiator Cooling water(Coolant)To avoid personal injury:A Do not remove radiator cap until coolant temperature is well below its boiling point. Then loosen cap slightly to the stop position, to relieve any pressure, before removing cap completely.When the engine overheats and hot coolant overflows through the radiator and hoses, stop the engine immediately and make the following checks to determine the cause of trouble:Check item1.Check to see if there is any coolant leak;2.Check to see if there is any obstacle around thecooling air inlet or outlet;3.Check to see if there is any dirt or dust betweenradiator fins and tube;4.Check to see if the fan belt is too loose;5.Check to see if radiator water pipe is clogged; and6.Check to see if anti-freeze is mixed to a 50/50% mix ofwater and anti-freeze.B Oil pressure lampThe lamp lights up to warn the operator that the engine oil pressure has dropped below the prescribed level. If this should happen during operation or should not go off even after the engine is accelerated more than 1000rpm,immediately stop the engine and check the following:1.Engine oil level (See "ENGINE OIL" in "PERIODICSERVICE" section.)2.Lubricant system (See "ENGINE OIL" in "PERIODICSERVICE" section.)1.Return the speed control lever to lowidle, and run the engine under idling conditions.2.Set the engine stop lever to the "STOP"position.3.With the starter switch placed to the"SWITCHED OFF" position, remove the key. (Be sure to return the engine stop lever to the "START" position to be ready for the next start.)(1) Engine stop lever(2) Speed control lever(A) "STOP" (B) "START" (C) "IDLING"(D) "OPERATION"7 OPERATING THE ENGINEB FuelTo avoid personal injury:A Fluid escaping from pinholes may beinvisible. Do not use hands to searchfor suspected leaks; Use a piece ofcardboard or wood, instead. Ifinjured by escaping fluid, see amedical doctor at once. This fluid canproduce gangrene or a severeallergic reaction.A Check any leaks from fuel pipes orfuel injection pipes. Use eyeprotection when checking for leaks. Be careful not to empty the fuel tank. Otherwise air may enter the fuel system, requiring fuel system bleeding. (See "FUEL" in "PERIODIC SERVICE" section.)B Color of exhaustWhile the engine is run within the rated output range:A The color of exhaust remains colorless.A If the output slightly exceeds the rated level, exhaustmay become a little colored with the output level kept constant.A If the engine is run continuously with dark exhaustemission, it may lead to trouble with the engine.B Immediately stop the engine if;A The engine suddenly slows down or accelerates.A Unusual noises are suddenly heard.A Exhaust fumes suddenly become very dark.A The oil pressure lamp or the water temperature alarmlamp lights up.REVERSED ENGINE REVOLUTION AND REMEDIESTo avoid personal injury:A Reversed engine operation can makethe machine reverse and run itbackwards. It may lead to serioustrouble.A Reversed engine operation maymake exhaust gas gush out into theintake side and ignite the air cleaner;It could catch fire.Reversed engine revolution must be stopped immediately since engine oil circulation is cut quickly, leading to serious trouble.B How to tell when the engine starts running backwards1.Lubricating oil pressure drops sharply. Oil pressurewarning light, if used, will light.2.Since the intake and exhaust sides are reversed, thesound of the engine changes, and exhaust gas will come out of the air cleaner.3. A louder knocking sound will be heard when theengine starts running backwards.B Remedies1.Immediately set the engine stop lever to the "STOP"position to stop the engine.2.After stopping the engine, check the air cleaner, intakerubber tube and other parts, and then replace parts as needed.8MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCETo avoid personal injury:A Be sure to conduct daily checks,periodic maintenance, refueling orcleaning on a level surface with theengine shut off and remove the key.A Before allowing other people to useyour engine, explain how to operate,and have them read this manualbefore operation.A When cleaning any parts, do not usegasoline but use regular cleanser.A Always use proper tools, that are ingood condition. Make sure youunderstand how to use them, beforeperforming any service work.A When installing, be sure to tighten allbolts lest they should be loose.Tighten the bolts by the specifiedtorque.A Do not put any tools on the battery,or battery terminals may short out.Severe burns or fire could result.Detach the battery from the enginebefore maintenance.A Do not touch muffler or exhaustpipes while they are hot; Severeburns could result.9MAINTENANCE SERVICE INTERVALSObserve the following for service and maintenance.The lubricating oil change intervals listed in the table below are for Class CF lubricating oil of API classification with a low-sulfur fuel in use. If the CF-4, CG-4, CH-4 or CI-4 lubricating oil is used with a high-sulfur fuel, change the lubricating oil at shorter intervals than recommended in the table below depending on the operating condition. (approximately half)IntervalItemRef. page Every 50 hours Check of fuel pipes and clamp bands14@See NOTEChange of engine oil (depending on the oil pan)15 to 17 Every 100 hours Cleaning of air cleaner element 21*1@Cleaning of fuel filter14Check of battery electrolyte level 22,23Check of fan belt tightness 24Draining water separator-Every 200 hoursCheck of radiator hoses and clamp bands19Replacement of oil filter cartridge (depending on the oil pan)17Check of intake air line-@Every 400 hoursReplacement of fuel filter cartridge 15@Cleaning of water separator -Every 500 hours Removal of sediment in fuel tank -Cleaning of water jacket (radiator interior)18 to 20Replacement of fan belt24Every one or two months Recharging of battery22,23Every year Replacement of air cleaner element 21*2@Every 800 hours Check of valve clearance26Every 1500 hours Check of fuel injection nozzle injection pressure -*3@Every 3000 hoursCheck of turbo charger -*3@Check of injection pump-*3@Every two years Change of radiator coolant (L.L.C.)18 to 20Replacement of battery22,23Replacement of radiator hoses and clamp bands 19Replacement of fuel pipes and clamp bands 14*3@Replacement of intake air line-*4@10MAINTENANCEAThe jobs indicated by must be done after the first 50 hours of operation.*1 Air cleaner should be cleaned more often in dusty conditions than in normal conditions. *2 After 6 times of cleaning.*3 Consult your local KUBOTA Dealer for this service. *4 Replace only if necessary.A When the battery is used for less than 100 hours in a year, check its electrolyte yearly. (for refillable battery's only)AThe items listed above (@ marked) are registered as emission related critical parts by KUBOTA in the U.S. EPAnonroad emission regulation. As the engine owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance on the engine according to the above instruction.Please see the Warranty Statement in detail.AChanging interval of engine oil* 90 mm (3.54 in.) oil pan depth is optional.**Standard replacement intervalAAmerican Petroleum Institute (API) classification: above CF AAmbient temperature: below 35C (95F)Lubricating oilWith strict emission control regulations now in effect, the CF-4 and CG-4 engine oils have been developed for use with low sulfur fuels, for On-Highway vehicle engines. When a Non-Road engine runs on high sulfur fuel, it is advisable to use a "CF or better" classification engine oil with a high Total Base Number (a minimum TBN of 10 is recommended).A Lubricating oil recommended when a low-sulfur or high-sulfur fuel is employed. : Recommendable X : Not recommendable* TBN: Total Base Number **FuelA Diesel Fuel Specification Type and Sulfur Content % (ppm) used, must be compliant with all applicable emissionregulations for the area in which the engine is operated.A Use of diesel fuel with sulfur content less than 0.10 % (1000 ppm) is strongly recommended.A If high-sulfur fuel (sulfur content 0.50 % (5000 ppm) to 1.0 % (10000 ppm)) is used as a diesel fuel, change the engineoil and oil filter at shorter intervals. (approximately half).A DO NOT USE Fuels that have sulfur content greater than 1.0 % (10000 ppm).A Since KUBOTA diesel engines of less than 56 kW (75 hp) utilize EPA Tier 4 and Interim Tier 4 standards, the use oflow sulfur fuel or ultra low sulfur fuel is mandatory for these engines, when operated in US EPA regulated areas.Therefore, please use No.2-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.2-D, and use No.1-D S500 or S15 diesel fuel as an alternative to No.1-D for ambient temperatures below -10 (14 ).1) No.1-D or No.2-D, S500 : Low Sulfur Diesel (LSD) less than 500 ppm or 0.05 wt.% No.1-D or No.2-D, S15 : Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) 15 ppm or 0.0015 wt.%A CJ-4 classification oil is intended for use in engines equipped with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and is NotRecommended for use in Kubota E3 specification engines.Models*Oil pan depth124 mm (4.88 in.)*90 mm (3.54 in.)D1503-M-E3 D1703-M-E3 D1803-M-E3 V2003-M-E3 V2203-M-E3 V2403-M-E3 V2403-M-T-E3200 Hrs 150 HrsInitial 50 HrsLubricating oil classification**FuelRemarks Low-sulfur High-sulfurCF *TBN10CF-4X CG-4X CH-4X CI-4X。
CDMA/GPRS无线路由器快速安装手册成都中联信通科技有限公司一产品简介1.1 前言RW2000 CDMA/GPRS无线路由器是成都中联信通科技有限公司推出的无线数据通信产品,主要应用于行业用户的无线数据传输业务以及无线路由上网等。
在使用CDMA/GPRS无线路由器前,请首先确定以下两个重要问题:1、使用电信的CDMA UIM卡或移动、联通的GPRS SIM卡没有欠费,并已经开通CDMA/GPRS 数据业务。
2、产品使用地的当前电信CDMA或移动、联通GPRS网络信号没有问题,可以在CDMA/GPRS 无线产品内嵌网页上查看CDMA/GPRS的信号强度,一般在10~31之间,小于15数据传送效果不理想,会出现数据断续和经常重新拨号的情况。
可使用以下方法来对比确认:1)、用笔记本电脑加CDMA/GPRS上网卡的方式来验证,检测产品使用所在地及UIM/SIM 卡能否上网。
2)、使用开通CMDA/GPRS掌中宽带等数据应用的手机,检测产品使用所在地及UIM/SIM 卡能否上网。
1.2 产品外观(图片的标牌区改为:“中联科技无线网关”字样)1.3 产品前面板说明CDMA/GPRS 无线产品共有 TS1 、TS2、 LAN 、 MOBILE 四个高亮绿色状态指示灯,其中,不同的指示灯代表不同的状态,具体说明如下:1、TS1指示灯:1)设备启动时,与其他灯组合表示初始化系统的状态。
2)设备正常运行时,①灯亮:表示CDMA/GPRS 无线产品获得了IP ,已经和无线网络建立了数据连接。
久保田联合收割机的使用与保养久保田联合收割机的使用与保养久保田联合收割机的使用与保养农林论坛陈淑梅(黑龙江省绥滨县农业机械化学校,黑龙江绥滨156200) 摘要:久保田履带式半喂入联合收割机,主要适用于水稻收获,可兼收小麦,是中小型联合收割机中复杂系数最高的产品.该杌具有适应性强,效率高,损失少,可靠性高,经久耐用,拆装简便和操作舒适安全等特点. 关键词:联合收割机;使用;保养久保田履带式半喂人联合收离I机,主要适用于水稻收获,可兼l,麦,是中小型联合收割机中复杂系数最高的产品,价格也最高.与其他机型相比,收获后的粮食清洁度较高,并能适应深泥脚,例伏严重的收割条件,同时还保证收割后的茎秆完整.该机具有适应性强,效率高,损失少,可靠性高,经久耐用,拆装简便和操作舒适安全等特点.1主要结构特点1.1割台割台动力单向同步输送,扶禾高度和速度可适时调节,满足不同高度作物,不同脱粒难度品种和倒伏作物要求,对严重倒伏作物也能轻松扶起并顺利输送.切割装置采用动定刀组合及动刀左右双驱动机构,割台振动小,零部件不易损坏.宽割喊各链条交接口设汁紧凑,交接平稳顺畅,输送平滑均匀整齐,不易堵塞.12脱粒清选装置采用下脱式轴流二次清选机构,大直径超长单脱粒筒,凹板包角大,脱粒间隙可调,减少籽粒破碎率,提高籽粒清洁度.上抬式脱粒简,脱粒清选室可完全打开,清扫拆装和维修保养方便.整体箱式大摇摆振动筛,多级筛分选, 气选方式并用,提高清选能力,改善湿脱性能.采用可更换的高强度的钢板筛网,并可根据实际情况,增设唇形加强板,加强筋等方式来增强对难脱作物品种的适应性.13简便多样化的茎秆处理方式茎秆处理有切碎和条放两种方式.圆盘切草刀采用齿形陶瓷制作,且采用双支承切断方式,延长了刀片的使用寿命.茎秆排草两段输送,输送整齐, 不易堵塞.2作业开始时的调整21作业前调试21.1割茬高度和割幅宽度.割茬高度的调整主要取决于地面平整度,作物生长高度及作物是否倒伏等因素.半喂入联合收割机割茬高度一般控制在 5~15em之间.适当提高剖茬高度有利于延长割刀使用寿命.实际作业时一般不应进行满幅收割,而应空出5-15cm的幅宽.ZI.2作业速度.—般情况下,可将副变速放到高速挡,主变速位于最快的位置进行快速收割,但在作物潮湿,倒伏,高产难脱或地块高低不平时,应适当降低前进速度,降低的程度主要视作业质量而定.2.1.3脱粒喂^深度.脱粒喂入深度一般自动控制,通过调节自动脱粒深度传感器位置使穗头到达脱粒深度指示的位置,脱粒性能较好.当收获过程中发现脱粒负荷较大时,可使用手动脱粒深度开关将脱粒深度适当调浅一点. ZIA振动筛筛片手柄的调整.振动筛筛片的作度.在使用中筛片手柄一般位于中间位置.当籽粒清洁度差,枝梗较多时,应调小筛片的开度;当作物潮湿负荷大,杂余较多,籽粒抛洒严重时,应调大筛片的开度.Z1.5扶禾链辅助拨导轨的调整.一般情况下收割直立作物,拨指导轨的位置对收获质量影响不大.当作物较高,作物倒伏易打结时,须将拨指导轨调到起作用的位置.当作物容易掉粒或麦收后期茎秆容易折断时,可将导轨调整到不起作用的位置,使扶禾链匕方拨指缩进扶禾链壳内.22作业时的适应性调整收割机开始作业时,先将油门调至2000ffmin左右,缓慢合上脱粒,割台离合器,然后加大油门至2800ffmin.再将副变速手柄置于'低"的位置,慢慢操作主变速手柄,让收割机缓慢进^田块后,操作液压转向杆,降下割台,通常使分禾板的尖端离地面2~3cm.在刚下田时,应将脱粒深浅装置调至脱粒深的位置.在收割时,再根据作物的高度,脱粒效果调节脱粒深浅至恰当的位置. 在收割50--100m后,应停下来检查收割机的脱粒损失,谷物分离和清选效果及谷物的破碎等情况,然后对收割机进行检查和调整.调整后,继续收割 100m左右,再进行检查和调整,直到满意为止.3随时检查定期保养3.1随日寸检查3.1.1清除杂物.拆下所有防护罩,各传动链条,割刀,摇动筛及脱粒滤网,打开机内所清扫口,用水冲洗掉粘附在各处的泥土,杂物等,清除缠绕在传动部位,链条及机内死角处的秸秆杂草,并用于布擦净,空转三四次,再用压缩空气吹扫,以清除机内的残留杂物.3.1.2保养割刀.清除动刀片及定刀片上的泥土,若刀片磨损,破损或变形超过规定时必须更换;动刀片与定刀片之间的间隙为0--0.5mm,涂油防锈. 3.1.3检查,调整''拱瘫鲢条".检查张紧挂钩的下附距离(该距离的标准值为 0.5-2.5mm),如过大说明链条松动.应调整张紧弹簧.当链条不能张紧时,应当拆下=节链条.3.1A检查"左右穗端链条"的张紧度.观察滚轮轴与罩的长孔部位,如有 33mm以下的空隙属正常;当无空隙时,说明链条已松,应调整.调整方法是拆下二节链条(只有通过此方法才能凋整).3.1.5观察滚轮轴与罩的长孔部位.如有33ram以下的空隙属正常;当无空隙时,说明链条已松,应调整.调整方法是拆下二节链条.3.1.6切草刀磨损或缺损应更换;切草刀与喂入刀之间的间隙应为4'5—7.0ram,不在此范围内,应予调整.3.1_7每天检查各紧固件的牢固性.主滚筒弓齿有无松动,切草刀的锋利程度,各传动部件及轴承的情况,各密封处的情况,传动带是否张紧,链条有无松驰现象,履带是否损伤,是否有渗水渗油现象,发动机机油是否适量,冷却水是否充满,空气滤芯是否干净,仪表工作是否正常等.3.1.8加注润滑油.每天必须在割刀,割台输送链,脱粒扰输送链和夹持杆等活动部位加注润滑油.在检查中发现的问题应及时调整或修理. 32定期保养32.1收割机在軎合运转时,链条,传动带和履带会发生初期伸长,所以在最初使用20h后必须调整其张紧度.3.22首次工作满50h后,必须更换发动机机油,各传动箱齿轮油或液压油, 支重轮和导向轮轴承内的润滑油,更换时3.23首次工作满50h后须更换.7H1?l|?O以后每隔300h必32.4工作满200h后应更换各传动带,主滚筒弓齿(可反向使用),切草刀, 副滚简弓齿,搅龙切刀,振动筛密封胶条,导向轮和支重轮的轴承. 3,25电气系统导线每年应检查1次.3.2.6燃油管,散热器接管,高2年应更换1次.(上接113页)2m,该方法是在4m左右的距离实施作业,因此不会影响树木的正常生长.2.4搞好种植结构调整.根据LTNC~,应坚持因树种与农作物品种制宜,切实搞好种植结构调整.例如可在林带近处安排适当宽度的种植带,来种植耐荫或浅根系的薯类,豆类,萝卜,蒜葱,苕条等,以尽量减轻肋地损失. 2-5推广以松改扬技术.根据1.8规律,应按照适地适树的原则,有针对性地选择胁地较轻的造林树种.在进行农防林建设做树种规划设计时,宜选用云杉,樟子松等侧根相对不发达和相对窄冠品种;造时,应大力推广"以松改杨"技术措施;对保存率较高雎康的老防护林带实施更新改造时,提倡采取"萌芽循环再生(更新)"技术,亦可选用伐根嫁接方法,此法既省时省力,又省水省肥,还可节约抠根,整地,挖坑等更新造林的前期费用.实践中,最好选用那些枝疏,叶稀,冠窄,侧根少的深根树种来营造农防林,最大限度地减轻邻近农作物受彤程度.2.6借助有利地形地势.根据1.9,1.10规律,在农防林建i殳时,要充分利用周围的堤坝,沟坎,废1日坑等有利地形地势,灵活机动地将树高栽到堤坝,沟坎匕或者低栽到废旧坑中坡上,尽量将树木与农作物的根系层有序地错开,最近农作物的欺控影响,更快,更多,更好地促进农业增产,农村增收及农民增效.总之,农防林胁地的发生,不但有规律可寻,而且还是可以预防或遏制的.以E仅对防治方法做了初步探讨和总结,有关促进农业增产,农村增收和农民增效的具体量化指标还有待今后做进一步深入研究. l噩杖科一第营一年蚴一2。
久保田 RW型膜组件使用说明书
使用前请务必事先确认吊链和专用吊具有没有裂痕、腐蚀等异常。如 果使用了出现异常的配件,就有可能因产品脱落等原因造成人生事故。
久保田说明书久保田说明书一、活碴机主要技术规格:(一) 整机计算速度和计算牵引力(按发动机24PS,2017 r(p?m)(二)发动机主要技术参数:型号 SL2100Ti 型式直列立式四冲程水冷涡流燃烧室功率 20170 r(p?m 工况24ps 气缸数 2 缸径×冲程95xll.5mm 活塞排量1.63(1) 升压缩比 18--20 燃油消耗率 19.5g,ps.h 机油消耗率 5 g,ps.h 最大扭矩 1600--1 700rp-m?工况9(8kgf-m 喷油泵型式2缸一号系列喷油泵喷油嘴型式单孔轴针式ZS4 Ia型冷却方式水箱散热器闭式强制循环起动方式起动机起动,有减压,预热装置空气滤清器型式新2105型油浴式燃油滤清器型式C0506A型单级纸质滤清器机油滤清器型式 J0708c型单级纸质滤清器结构重量270kgf (三)传动系统:主离合器单片常接台千式变速箱平面型组成式(3+1)x 2 主传动螺旋锥齿轮式末端传动单级直齿圆柱齿轮转向离合器多片常接合千式制动器带式双端拉紧,足踏板操纵(四)行走系统:履带与驱动轮啮合型式橡胶履带整体铸造履带节距×宽度 90 x 400 平均接地压0.172kgf/CM 每边履带板参数 400mm(宽)x48(节)x90mm(节距) 每边支重轮数4个前张紧装置前面圆柱螺旋弹簧,螺杆调整式,后张紧装置固定式悬架半刚性(带橡胶缓冲元件) (五)液堆悬挂系统:型式:半分直式油泵型号:CB314一CB310齿轮泵换向阀:ZS1—L10E-T-AO_型(二路换向阀) 主油缸:单作用缸径80mm行程100mm 溢流阀开启压力:160kgf,CM2 悬挂轴额定提升重量:750kgf 悬挂装置:后置三点悬挂,联结三角形高度最低185mm 最高720mm宽度600mm 上悬挂点销孔尺寸:φ19×44mm 下悬挂点销孔尺寸:φ22×35mm(六)电气系统:蓄电池:3一Q一75渤海牌2只发电机:2JF200一14V硅整流起动机:2 Q 2 A—TH 2 HP 电压调节器:FT111型(配2JF200一14V) 电锁:JK 413点火开关前大灯:WD 134一l 12V 45,20W二个后大灯:WD 134,1 12V 45,20w一个仪表灯:ZEZ2—15 12V,3 cp 二个 (七)工作装置及其它:动力输出轴:非独立式,两速花键尺寸:8 D一38×32 x 6mm 转速:高挡 1015r?P?m 低挡536r?P?m(发动机按1800 r?P?m) 转向:顺时针座位:海绵座椅灌注容量:主燃油箱 28kg 发动机油底壳 5kg 传动箱 9kg 液压传动系统 11kg 冷却系统 8kg 末端传动2×1(5kg (八)主要配套机具:活碴耙工作幅面 4000mm 最大耕深 150mm二、活碴机的驾驶:(一) 活查机出车前的准备工作:1(出车或每班工作之前,必须完成每班技术保养; 2(检查各部分有无脱落、损坏,漏水及漏油现象; 3(检查并拧紧各连接螺栓、螺母:4(检查各种灯光照明设备工作是否正常;篇三:久保田SPW-48C插秧机日常使用调整与保养久保田SPW-48C插秧机日常使用调整与保养摘要介绍久保田SPW-48C插秧机的常用部位调整方法以及该机具使用后以为该机械正常高效使用提供保障。
某污水处理厂设计方案(16000m3/d)久保田国祯环保工程科技(安徽)有限公司目录1 工程建设要求 (3)1.1工程建设规模 (3)1.2 设计进水水质 (3)1.3 设计出水水质 (3)2 久保田国祯MBR工艺 (4)2.1 MBR工艺特点 (4)2.2 久保田国祯MBR工艺特点 (4)3 工程方案 (5)3.1工艺流程 (5)3.2 工艺设计 (5)3.2.1 膜细格栅 (5)3.2.2 流量调节池 (6)3.2.3 MBR系统 (6)3.2.4 集水池 (12)3.2.5 消毒池 (12)3.2.6主要设备表 (13)3.3 药剂费 (14)3.3.1 膜清洗药剂费用 (14)3.3.2 PAC药剂费用 (15)3.3.3 碳源费用 (15)4 附图 (16)1 工程建设要求1.1工程建设规模某污水处理厂设计规模为日平均流量16000 m3/d,日最大流量19200m3/d,总变化系数为1.51,小时最大流量24160 m3/d。
1.2 设计进水水质表1.1 污水厂设计进水水质(mg/L)冬季最低水温,18℃。
1.3 设计出水水质2 久保田国祯MBR工艺2.1 MBR工艺特点与传统的生物处理工艺相比,MBR 工艺具有以下主要特点,(1)出水水质优质稳定出水水质较好,可降低对环境的负荷,还可完全隔离病原性大肠杆菌,所以膜处理出水完全可以直接回用于冲厕、农业灌溉等方面。
不仅是生物反应池变小,另外MBR 工艺无需设置初沉池和二沉池,因此占地面积较小。
• 检查空气滤清器组件后方的尘埃计,显示部变为红色时,表示空气滤清器滤 芯已堵塞,应清扫或更换空气滤芯,打开脱粒部检查内部是否有杂物,检查 主变速手柄是否在“停止”位置,其他位置 发动机无法启动,副变速手柄放 到“空档”位置,收割、脱粒离合器手柄放到“离”的位置,发动机停止拉 杆必须在“启动”位置,油门手柄放在低速位置,双手抬起辅助踏板并将其 放平为作业状态,请打开辅助踏板,把装谷袋挂在前后2处挂袋杆上,安装完 装谷袋后,请打开谷粒漏斗的出谷口挡板。
• • • • • •
手动脱离方法 停滞收割机行走后,将副变速手柄置于【空挡】位置 拆下拨禾器驱动皮带后稍稍抬起收割部,然后将拨禾器置于最上位置 将脱离、收割离合器手柄置于【合】的位置 操作油门手柄,使发动机转速表的指针对准绿线 将人工收割的作物依次少量投入收割部,注意排出的秸秆,如果在一个地方 收到脱粒过多,则秸秆大量堆积,有发生火灾的危险,请及时移机换位,投 入收割部的作物量不要超过5把,若投入过量,收割部(喂入搅笼、供给装置) 可能会发生堵塞,对人工收割的油菜进行手动脱粒时,需将收割部左侧的竖 割刀离合器手柄置于【离】的位置,以保证安全,禁止在拨禾器运转的状态 下进行手动脱粒
• 请务必将拆 下的安全盖 和保护盖安 装回原位后 再进行作业, 请在发动机 冷却后再打 开散热器的 压力盖和辅 助水箱,非 驾驶人员, 请勿乘坐机 器
• 在升起收割部进行检查、清扫和调节时,请先锁定收割下降锁定 金属件,确保收割部不会下降,然后再进行作业,请勿擅自改装 收割机;
• 首先对联合收割机主要部分的名称进行说明,联合收割机 由收割和传送稻谷的收割部,对传送来的稻谷进行脱粒、 清选处理的“脱粒部”,采用橡胶履带、对泥泞田块具有 很强适应性的“行走部”,可对收割机轻松自如的进行运 转操作的“操作部”,以及提供动力的“发动机部”组成。
2950~ 3600~ 1450~ 1800~ 2150~ 2500~ 3200~
3300~ 4300~ 1800~ 2300~ 2800~ 3300~ 4300~
(1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300 (1000~1300)n+300
照片 8-2 电磁流量计
九、膜组件周边管线阀门设计及药洗设备 1. 单台膜组件需配置出水管及空气管线相关规格 出水及空气管线的口径是根据膜组件型号决定的(表 9-1)。为了从各膜组件中取样处理水, 最好在处理水管线上设置取样旋塞。一旦膜组件受损,比较容易找出受损膜组件。根据取样旋 塞的安装位置不同,管内会变成负压。此时,需要另行准备从取样旋塞采样用器具。
软管 集水管
膜组件 (上段)
支撑梁 及基板 前档板
图 1-1 双层膜组件结构示意图
膜组件 (下段)
图 1-2 单层膜组件结构示意图 3.各类型号膜组件规格
常用液中膜组件单台膜面积、尺寸及重量请参见下表 1-1 膜组件规格一览表。
表 1-1 常用膜组件规格一览表
常用膜组件的最低设计水深可参考下表 7-2。做改造项目设计时,根据现有实际水深选定膜组
表 7-2 常用膜组件最低设计水深
ES 型
EK 型
RM 型
久保田平板膜技术手册3.1 MBR膜MBR是膜生物反应器(Membrane BiologicalReactor)的英文缩写,是高效膜分离技术与活性污泥法相结合的新型污水处理技术,可用于有机物含量较高的市政或工业废水处理。
3.1.1 久保田平板液中膜结构单片液中膜由滤板,膜垫,薄膜层,取水口组成。
3.1.2 久保田平板液中膜的主要技术指标液中膜平均孔径:0.4um (属于微滤膜,MF)单片膜的有效过滤面积:EK型尺寸:1000mm×490mm 有效过滤面积:0.80 m2EW型尺寸:1600mm×500mm 有效过滤面积:1.25 m2膜通量:0.4 ~ 0.8 m3/d/m2曝气风量:7 L/min/片运行方式:8:2或9:1循环污泥量:进水2-3倍MLSS:15000-20000 mg/L清洗压降:>2 mH2O3.1.3 久保田平板液中膜组件的构成如右图所示,液中膜组件由膜框架,膜支架(液中膜)曝气框架,曝气管,软管,集水管组成。
1个排气口 排气口之间有 水套
增压型有 耐磨花纹
• 适合一次排放和二次]排放 的燃烧室设计
2 次喷射直喷喷嘴
打开压力 一次排放型 第一次 15.69MPa (160kgf/cm2) 第二次 21.57MPa(220kgf/cm油孔
柱塞腔 泄油通道
泄油冲程 进油口
Injection Pump with F.S.P.
• 装在进气管内 • 根据环境温度而启 用 • 用欧姆表检查
– 3 Ohms – 开路,说明损坏
V3series DI
Intake Air Heater
:针阀全升程 针阀顶升程
X1:凸轮角度(0) Y1:喷射率(mm3%) X2针阀升程(mm) Y2:在线压力
第一开启压力: 喷射泵输出的高压燃油力将针阀提起。当该力超出第一弹簧设定力度时,喷嘴的针阀将第一 个推杆提起,阀开启。( 第一个开启压力由左上图中的E和右上的A代表) 第二开启压力
第一个推杆通过升程被提起后,与第二个推杆接触。第二个弹簧的设定力度作用在第二个推杆 上时,二个弹簧的合力作用在针阀上,只有克服了这个合力,针阀才能提升。
底部旁通可控节温 器
4气门 / Cyl.
截面图 (进/排气门 : V3 DI )
进气门 排气门
V3 DI 气门图
进气边 进气口
V3 DI 气口图
设计指南目录――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――目录 (1)第1章 液中膜的设计1-1 液中膜的构造及设计的留意点 (2)1-2 膜支架张数的算出方法 (3)1-3 膜组件型号的选择 (4)1-4 膜组件的设置方法 (5)1-5 吊装设备 (7)1-6 处理出水水泵的选择 (9)1-7 膜鼓风机的选择 (11)1-8 膜组件周围的管道 (12)1-9 通常模式低负荷模式 (20)1-10 深度处理型抽吸过滤方式设计计算书参考例 (22)第2章 工业废水设施的设计2-1 工业废水设施的概要 (27)2-2 工业废水设施的设计(BOD除去型)..292-3 工业废水设施的设计(脱氮型) (31)2-4 药品使用量 (34)■ 第1章 液中膜的设计―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 1-1 液中膜的构造及设计的留意点―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ① 膜框架膜框架、主要由以下构成。
a) 膜支架 …贴上了公称孔径为0.4μm 的微滤膜的滤板。
b) 软管 …连接膜支架和集水管。
c) 集水管 …集中来自各软管的过滤水、连接到处理出水管道。
d) 压板 …防止膜支架的振动及上浮。
② 散气框架散气框架下方、装有散气管、散气管的支管向上方开有φ4mm 的气孔、支管的顶端开孔。
图1-1 膜组件构成图图1-2 散气框架和清洗用阀门清洗用阀门③ 「液中膜」用于排水处理设施时的留意点运行前必须阅读 使用说明书。
(1) 应设计成曝气停止时,及散气管清洗时不进行过滤的系统。
(2) 应设计成尽可能避免空曝气(指过滤停止时的曝气)的系统。
(3) 膜分离池鼓风机对散气管的空气供应量不能超过上限值(表1-3)。
(4) 应将系统设计成在低负荷(流入原水量较少)的场合,能自动缩短曝气时间。
根据选用膜组件的型号来确定平面布置, 应遵循以下要求:
下一页 返回
型号 长(㎜) 宽(㎜) 高(㎜)
下一页 返回
膜组件支架张数(n。) (张/组) 75 100 150 200 膜组件有效面积 (m2/组) 60 80 120 160 膜组件类型
ES(AS、FF)75 ES(AS、FF)100 ES(AS、FF)175 ES(AS、FF)200
下一页 返回
1. 同一膜生物反映器内应选同型号的膜组 件,膜组件分为AS型、 FF型、ES型三种. AS形适用于大型市政排水处理 FF型适用于地埋式小型污水处理 ES型适用于生活污水、工业废水, 是常用膜组件,尤其推荐作为中水回 用处理工艺。
下一页 返回
上一页 下一页 返回
B. 按BOD5容积负荷计算
取BOD5容积负荷NV为1.0 Kg/(m3.d) WBOD5 = Qd×S0×10-3 = 1000×200×10-3 = 200 Kg.BOD5/d V= WBOD5÷NV = 200÷1.0 = 200 m3
由于根据BOD5容积负荷算出的池有效容积小于膜 平面布置所得的池容积,故MBR池容积及尺寸按 膜组件安装尺寸确定。
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保修事项 产品的保修事项如下。 如果在保修期内由于本公司的制造缺陷而产生不良问题,本公司保证向订购方提供维修用配件或替 代品。 此外,过滤水质/过滤水量/膜孔堵塞、在装置上使用的不锈钢材料的腐蚀等因活性污泥特性等因素 引起的不良现象均不属于保修对象,保修对象仅限于产品制造缺陷造成的破损。 ①保修期
禁止 禁止实施的事项
由于膜元件和框架上沾了污泥或膜元件被污泥堵塞等原因组件重量会 增加。如果设置卷扬机滑轨等附带设备,请务必确认膜组件的最大质 量,并考虑移动载荷等因素充分确保设备的强度。如果强度不足,或 将导致坠落事故,非常危险。
3.清水运行和实际运行 .......................................................................................................... 29 ①“液中膜”废水处理设施的注意事项......................................................................... 29 ②清水运行开 始之前...................................................................................................... 30 ③清水运行 .................................................................................................................... 32 ④投入种 污泥................................................................................................................. 33 ⑤实际运行 .................................................................................................................... 34
前言......................................................................................................................................... 1
安全注意事项 .......................................................................................................................... 2
膜分离池和曝气池被设置于通风效果差的室内时,请务必进行换气。 室内充满曝气空气时,身体会感到不适。
膜框架从导管脱离时,有可能会摇晃。请确保周围的安全,并充分注 意避免受伤和损伤周围的设备。
螺母上使用的防火剂中含有 MSDS 对象物质(二硫化钼盐酸)。请在仔 细参考了附件中 MSDS 相关资料的基础上予以注意。
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้※ 液中膜是久保田株式会社的注册商标。
2. 使用之前........................................................................................................................... 14 ①搬入膜组件之前.......................................................................................................... 14 ②膜组件的搬入 ............................................................................................................. 15 ③膜组件的确认 ............................................................................................................. 18 ④膜组件的保管 ............................................................................................................. 18 ⑤膜组件的安装 ............................................................................................................. 19 ⑥处理水管道的连接 ...................................................................................................... 24 ⑦空气管道的连接.......................................................................................................... 26 ⑧附带设备 .................................................................................................................... 28
1. 膜组件 ................................................................................................................................ 9 ①“液中膜”的功能 .......................................................................................................... 9 ②膜组件的型号 ............................................................................................................... 9 ③膜组件的规格 ............................................................................................................. 10 ④膜组件的结构 ..............................................................................................................11 ⑤膜组件的使用条件 ...................................................................................................... 12
保修期为自交付之日起 2 年。 ②关于保修范围外的情况
(1)不遵守液中膜组件规格书及液中膜组件使用说明书而操作失误导致的破损。 (2)未经本公司同意擅自维修、改造导致的破损。 (3)第三者的故意、过失导致的破损。 (4)事故、火灾、雷电、地震及风灾水灾等天灾地变、异常流入等外部因素导致的破损。 (5)流入异常的原水(例如,含油成分、有机溶剂、药剂等废水)导致的破损。 (6)废水处理系统及本产品以外的装置导致的破损。 *)本产品的破损导致的二次事故、灾害等均不担责任。
严禁进入吊起的膜框架和曝气框架的下方。万一膜框架和曝气框架坠 落,或将造成人身事故。
使用前请务必事先确认吊链和专用吊具等承受载荷的配件安全性,禁 止使用发生裂缝和腐蚀等异常的配件。如果使用了出现异常的配件, 就有可能因产品脱落等原因造成人生事故。
实施起吊作业时上段膜框架、下段膜框架、曝气框架务必要分开吊起。 如果同时吊起,因吊具、吊链及产品的破损、脱落等原因或将造成人 身事故和周围的设备受损。
保修事项 ................................................................................................................................. 6
目录......................................................................................................................................... 7