高考经典课时作业3-1 牛顿第一定律、牛顿第三定律
高考经典课时作业3-1 牛顿第一定律、牛顿第三定律(含标准答案及解析)时间:45分钟分值:100分1.如图为伽利略的“理想实验”示意图,两个斜面对接,让小球从其中一个固定的斜面滚下,又滚上另一个倾角可以改变的斜面,斜面的倾角逐渐减小直至为零.这个实验的目的是为了说明()A.如果没有摩擦,小球将运动到与释放时相同的高度B.如果没有摩擦,小球运动时机械能守恒C.维持物体做匀速直线运动并不需要力D.如果物体不受到力,就不会运动2.(2013·亳州模拟)下列说法正确的是()A.运动越快的汽车越不容易停下来,是因为汽车运动得越快,惯性越大B.同一物体在地球上不同的位置受到的重力是不同的,所以它的惯性也随位置的变化而变化C.一个小球竖直上拋,拋出后能继续上升,是因为小球运动过程中受到了向上的推力D.物体的惯性大小只与本身的质量有关,质量大的物体惯性大,质量小的物体惯性小3.下列关于惯性的说法中正确的是()A.物体只有静止或匀速直线运动时才有惯性B.汽车速度越大刹车后越难停下来,表明速度越大惯性越大C.宇宙飞船中的物体处于完全失重状态,所以没有惯性D.乒乓球可以被快速抽杀,是因为乒乓球的惯性小4.做匀速直线运动的小车上水平放置一密闭的装有水的瓶子,瓶内有一气泡,如图所示,当小车突然停止运动时,气泡相对于瓶子将()A.向前运动B.向后运动C.无相对运动D.无法判断5.(2013·池州模拟)如图所示,用细绳把小球悬挂起来,当小球静止时,下列说法中正确的是()A.小球受到的重力和细绳对小球的拉力是一对作用力和反作用力B.小球受到的重力和小球对细绳的拉力是一对作用力和反作用力C.小球受到的重力和细绳对小球的拉力是一对平衡力D.小球受到的重力和小球对细绳的拉力是一对平衡力6.一个榔头敲在一块玻璃上把玻璃打碎了.对这一现象,下列说法正确的是() A.榔头敲玻璃的力大于玻璃对榔头的作用力,所以玻璃才碎裂B.榔头受到的力大于玻璃受到的力,只是由于榔头能够承受比玻璃更大的力才没有碎裂C.榔头和玻璃之间的作用力应该是等大的,只是由于榔头能够承受比玻璃更大的力才没有碎裂D.因为不清楚玻璃和榔头的其他受力情况,所以无法判断它们之间的相互作用力的大小7.(2012·四川省德阳市高三第一次诊断性考试)一只封闭的小箱子,自重为G,内有一只重为G0的小蜜蜂,箱子放在水平地面上,则关于箱子对地面的压力的说法正确的是() A.若小蜜蜂在箱子内水平匀速飞行,箱子对地面的压力等于GB.若小蜜蜂在箱子内竖直向上匀速飞行,箱子对地面的压力大于G+G0C.若小蜜蜂在箱子内竖直向下匀速飞行,箱子对地面的压力小于G+G0D.若小蜜蜂在箱子内倾斜向上匀速飞行,箱子对地面的压力等于G+G0 8.(2013·福建六校联考)我国在西昌卫星发射中心用“长征三号甲”运载火箭,成功发射第九颗北斗导航卫星,这是北斗导航系统组网的第四颗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星.关于这次卫星与火箭上天的情形叙述正确的是()A.火箭尾部向外喷气,喷出的气体反过来对火箭产生一个反作用力,从而让火箭获得了向前的推力B.火箭尾部喷出的气体对空气产生一个作用力,空气的反作用力使火箭获得飞行的动力C.火箭飞出大气层后,由于没有了空气,火箭虽然向后喷气,但也无法获得前进的动力D.卫星进入预定轨道之后,与地球之间不存在相互作用9.双人滑冰比赛表演刚开始时两人静止不动,随着优美的音乐响起在相互猛推一下之后他们分别向相反方向运动.假定两人与冰面间的动摩擦因数相同.已知甲在冰面上滑行的距离比乙远,这是由于()A.在推的过程中,甲推乙的力小于乙推甲的力B.在推的过程中,甲推乙的时间小于乙推甲的时间C.在刚分开时,甲的初速度大于乙的初速度D.在刚分开时,甲的加速度小于乙的加速度10.(2011·高考浙江卷)如图所示,甲、乙两人在冰面上“拔河”.两人中间位置处有一分界线,约定先使对方过分界线者为赢.若绳子质量不计,冰面可看成光滑,则下列说法正确的是()A.甲对绳的拉力与绳对甲的拉力是一对平衡力B.甲对绳的拉力与乙对绳的拉力是作用力与反作用力C.若甲的质量比乙大,则甲能赢得“拔河”比赛的胜利D.若乙收绳的速度比甲快,则乙能赢得“拔河”比赛的胜利11.在北京残奥会开幕式上,运动员手拉绳索向上攀登,最终点燃了主火炬,体现了残疾运动员坚韧不拔的意志和自强不息的精神.为了探求上升过程中运动员与绳索和吊椅间的作用,可将过程简化.一根不可伸缩的轻绳跨过轻质的定滑轮,一端挂一吊椅,另一端被坐在吊椅上的运动员拉住,如图所示.设运动员质量为65 kg ,吊椅的质量为15 kg ,不计定滑轮与绳子间的摩擦.重力加速度取g =10 m/s 2,当运动员与吊椅一起以a =1 m/s 2的加速度上升时,试求:(1)运动员竖直向下拉绳的力;(2)运动员对吊椅的压力.12.(2013·成都模拟)如图所示,一辆卡车后面用轻绳拖着质量为m 的物体A ,A 与地面的摩擦不计.(1)当卡车以a 1=12g 的加速度运动时,绳的拉力为56mg ,则A 对地面的压力为多大? (2)当卡车的加速度a 2=g 时,绳的拉力为多大?标准答案及解析:1.答案:C2.解析:惯性是物体本身的固有属性,其大小只与物体的质量大小有关,与物体的受力及运动情况无关,故B错、D正确;速度大的汽车要停下来时,速度变化大,由Δv=at 可知需要的时间长,惯性不变,故A错;小球上拋时是由于惯性向上运动,并未受到向上的推力,故C错.答案:D3.答案:D4.答案:B5.解析:小球受到的重力与细绳对小球的拉力均作用在小球上,且等大反向,是一对平衡力,A、D错误,C正确;小球对细绳的拉力与细绳对小球的拉力才是一对作用力和反作用力,故B错误.答案:C6.解析:这里要明确作用力和反作用力的作用效果的问题,因为相同大小的力作用在不同的物体上效果往往不同,所以不能从效果上去比较作用力与反作用力的大小关系.故选项C正确.答案:C7.解析:无论箱内的小蜜蜂向何方向匀速飞行,箱子对地面的压力都等于G+G0,所以A、B、C均错,D正确.答案:D8.解析:火箭升空时,其尾部向下喷气,火箭箭体与被喷出的气体是一对相互作用的物体,火箭向下喷气时,喷出的气体同时对火箭产生向上的反作用力,即为火箭上升的推动力,此动力并不是由周围的空气提供的,因而与是否飞出大气层、是否存在空气无关,因而选项B、C错误,选项A正确;火箭运载卫星进入轨道之后,卫星与地球之间依然存在相互吸引力,即卫星吸引地球,地球吸引卫星,这是一对作用力与反作用力,故选项D错误.答案:A9.解析:根据牛顿第三定律,在推的过程中,作用力和反作用力是等大、反向、共线的,它们总是同时产生、同时消失、同时变化,所以推力大小相等,作用时间相同.由于两人和冰面的动摩擦因数相同,根据牛顿第二定律求得两人的加速度大小相同(均为μg ),甲在冰上滑行的距离比乙远,由运动学公式v 2=2ax 可知,在刚分开时,甲的初速度大于乙的初速度,故选C.答案:C10.解析:A 项中两力是一对作用力与反作用力,A 错;B 项中两力是一对平衡力,B 错;因m 甲>m 乙,由a =F m 知a 甲<a 乙,由x =12at 2得x 乙>x 甲,C 项正确;由x =12at 2知x 与收绳的速度无关,D 项错.答案:C11.解析:(1)设运动员和吊椅的质量分别为M 和m ,绳拉运动员的力为F .以运动员和吊椅整体为研究对象,受到重力的大小为(M +m )g ,向上的拉力为2F ,根据牛顿第二定律 2F -(M +m )g =(M +m )a解得F =440 N根据牛顿第三定律,运动员拉绳的力的大小为440 N ,方向竖直向下.(2)以运动员为研究对象,运动员受到三个力的作用,重力大小Mg ,绳的拉力F ,吊椅对运动员的支持力F N .根据牛顿第二定律F +F N -Mg =Ma解得F N =275 N根据牛顿第三定律,运动员对吊椅压力大小为275 N ,方向竖直向下.答案:(1)440 N (2)275 N ,方向竖直向下12.解析:(1)卡车和A 的加速度一致,由图知绳的拉力的分力使A 产生了加速度,故有:56mg cos α=m ·12g 解得cos α=35,sin α=45设地面对A 的支持力为F N ,则有F N =mg -56mg ·sin α=13mg 由牛顿第三定律得:A 对地面的压力为13mg . (2)设地面对A 弹力为零时,物体的临界加速度为a 0,则a 0=g ·cot α=34g 故当a 2=g >a 0时,物体已飘起,此时物体所受合力为mg ,则由三角形知识可知,拉力大小为F 2=m g 2+m g 2=2mg答案:(1)13mg (2)2mg。
德阳市2012年中考模拟考试英语试题说明:1. 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷。
第I卷1—6页为选择题,请将选择题答案用2B铅笔填涂在机2.3. What time does Mike usually go to school?A B4.How is the woman going to Shanghai?5. Where would Sam like to visit?听对话或独白,回答下列问题。
10.Where are they going to have a picnic?A. In the mountain.B. In a park.C. In the countryside.11.What kind of food won’t they bring for the picnic?A. Bread.B. Cakes.C. Apples.12.Who is busy these days?A. The man.B. The woman.C. Neither of them听第9段段材料,回答第13至15题。
13. Where does the conversation probably happen?A. In a library.B. In an office.C. At an airport.14. What will Mr. Lee do as soon as he gets to London?A. Have a meeting.B. Go to the hotel.C. Visit a friend.15. Where will Mr. Lee meet Jane and Peter?A. In a Chinese restaurant.B. At their home.C. In the hotel.听第10段材料,回答16-20小题。
德阳市初中英语八年级上册 Unit 6经典练习题(含答案解析)
一、选择题1.My friend Jim is able his homework on time because he's a good student. A.finishing B.to finish C.finish D.finishes B解析:B【详解】句意“我的朋友吉姆能按时完成作业,因为他是一个好学生”。
be able to do能够做某事,故选B。
2.Almost everyone in my home ________ traveling around the world.A.enjoys B.enjoy C.enjoying D.to enjoy A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:几乎在我们家的每个人都喜欢周游世界。
A. enjoys喜欢;第三人称单数;B. enjoy喜欢,原形;C. enjoying 喜欢,现在分词;D. to enjoy喜欢,动词不定式做后置定语。
3.Don't worry. I promise ________ there on time.A.get B.getting C.to get D.gets C解析:C【解析】【详解】句意:不要担心,我答应按时到那儿。
promise to do sth.意为“许诺做某事”,是固定用法。
get to…表示到达,there 是副词,get there表示到那儿。
4.─What's your plan for the new term?─I ________ a foreign language.A.is going to learn B.am going to learn C.learning D.learn B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:--对于新学期你的计划是什么?--我打算学习一门外语。
第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分50分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.--- I’d have some wine rather than juice. --- . Don’t forget you will drive.A.You bet B.Cheers C.No, better not D.Good idea 2.He got well –prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity . A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost 3.---Is prepared to vote on that at this point? --- No, some are still discussing it. Please wait a moment. A.everyone B.anyone C.someoneD.being lostD.no one4.--- We have waited for almost 30 minutes. How much longer do we have to wait? --- the meeting finishes. I am afraid there will be another 20 minutes. A.When B.Until C.Unless D.Since 5.--- A trip to outer space must be fun and exciting.--- . That’s why so many people are looking forward to such a trip. A.That’s all right B.I prefer to C.I suppose so D.It depends 6.The bus hit against a tree in the fog and to the valley. Fortunately, no passengers were killed. A.down did it rollB.down rolled itC.it down rolled D.down it rolled7.We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are . A.picking upB.coming upC.making upD.turning up第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。
眉山市高中2012届第二次诊断性考试英语试题卷2012.4 英语试题卷共14页。
1. — What does the sign there say?—I didn’t catch you.A. Please repeat.B. Pardon?C. What’s up?D. Come on.2. I can’t remember exact date of his departure, but I know it isFriday.A. the, theB. an, theC. the, aD. an, a3. No matter how hard your study may be, never your hope.A. give upB. give awayC. give inD. give out4. — Do all of you have an English-Chinese dictionary?— Not exactly. Not of us has one.A. allB. everyC. eachD. every one5. The most polluting vehicles from driving through the city since then.A. are bannedB. banC. have been bannedD. have banned6. In China, nowadays it’s to praise a person of talent by using the word“hold”.A. usualB. ordinaryC. formalD. common7. I never expected there a chance to be sent abroad for further education.A. to beB. beingC. to haveD. having8. She runs every morning the weather.A. wheneverB. whateverC. howeverD. whichever9. The faster your heart , the more nervous you’ll be.A. strikesB. jumpsC. beatsD. hits10. They have the possible time and exact materials needed to completethe project.A. figured outB. taken outC. picked outD. left out11. Don’t play with the dog. It be dangerous sometimes.A. mustB. needC. shallD. can12. On the bus I saw a girl I thought was your daughter.A. whichB. asC. whomD. who13. — How did you find Jacky Cheng’s The Spy Next Door?—. I can’t think too highly of it.A. In a movie rental shopB. It’s hard to sayC. Terribly awfulD. Really amazing14. They put forward a proposal at the meeting cutting down the highhousing price.A. aims atB. aimed atC. to aim atD. aim at15. , I want to go travelling in Tibet.A. Whether possibleB. Where possibleC. When possibleD. How possible16. The song is so beautiful. Never before such a wonderful one!A. I have heardB. have I heardC. I heardD. did I hear17. — What do you think of my suggestion?— What suggestion? I about something else.A. was thinkingB. am thinkingC. thoughtD. think18. I recognized his voice I picked up the phone.A. for the momentB. at the momentC. the momentD. the moment when19. Having walked for long, he decided to lean the big tree for a short break.A. againstB. onC. underD. beyond20. Brian, as we expected, rather than the other team members, chosen forthe try-out.A. has beenB. have beenC. wasD. were第二节完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
1.—Would you mind if I looked at your application?—.Here it is.A.What if B.Not at all C.So what D.Not a little2.He succeeded in his experiment second time, but he did it third time to make sure.A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a3.Mr Green is not in. Do you wish to leave any ?A.news B.idea C.message D.information 4.—How many from your research group went abroad?—but one.A.Any B.Some C.Most D.All5.New Zealand is a beautiful island that lies the eastern coast of Australia.A.off B.along C.on D.from6.Now where was I? Oh yes, I you about taking the guest to the airport.A.had told B.told C.was telling D.tells7.What he said is not to the point we should focus on constructing a harmonious society.A.that B.which C.where D.if8.The report shows that we are making some progress that we need to make greater efforts.A.or B.but C.so D.for9.The Adventure of Hucklebeery Finn, by Mark Twain, is perhaps the most famous American novelwritten.A.already B.even C.nowadays D.ever 10.—Debbic, do you know the lady over there?—Yeah, she is a singer.A.young Taiwan famous B.famous Taiwan youngC.Taiwan famous young D.famous young Taiwan11.Sandstorms in that area appear in recent years as a result of “desertification”.A.having increased B.to increaseC.increasing D.to have increased12.An adult red wolf up to 1.8 metres long, including the tail.A.grows B.measures C.reached D.has13.—Jenny has dyed her hair red again.—It be true! I can hardly believe it.A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.shouldn’t14.I couldn’t find my watch for ages, but then one day it in a coat pocket.A.turned around B.turned up C.turned over D.turned down15.I got to the rail station, out of breath, she would come by train.A.thinking B.to think C.thought D.had thought16.At the top of the mountain , bright against the blue sky.A.does the temple stand B.the temple standsC.stands the temple D.standing the temple17.—Have you ever read the science fiction Monster from the Moon?—Not yet, but I .A.expect so B.expect not C.don’t expect D.expect to18.The film wasn’t very interesting, but it filled the time.A.at last B.at Last C.in short D.in all19.With the couple in a nearby town, the house seems pretty empty most of the time.A.work B.to work C.working D.worked 20.—What do you think of a volunteer?—It’s a difficult and stressful job but one you can really help people.A.where B.when C.which D.that第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。
德阳市初中英语九年级全一册Starter Unit 7经典练习题(含答案解析)
考试范围:xxx;满分:***分;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________一、选择题1.I’m to win.A.in with a chance B.in a chanceC.with a chance D.in with chance2.— Do you think 15- year - olds should be allowed to have part - time jobs ?— ______ . They can learn a lot from working .A.I don’t mind B.No , I disagreeC.Yes , I agree D.Sorry , I don’t know3.— Dear , you need to ______ by next week , to go to university at home or go abroad . You are going on eighteen .— OK , Mum . I am considering it .A.make an appointment B.make a suggestionC.make a decision D.make a conclusion4.﹣Where will the 2022 Winter Olympics____,Cindy?﹣In Beijing, the capital of China,the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.A.be taken place B.take placeC.take part D.be taken part5.The students in this school ________ to choose their own school uniforms.A.are allowed B.allowed C.are allowing6.My parents are strict _________ me and they are serious _________ my grades.A.in;with B.in;about C.with;of D.with;about 7.— How I regret _______ when my father told me not to play computer games.— You should say sorry to him.A.talked back B.talking back C.to talk back D.to talking back 8.—Teenagers should do social work for their community.—________.Social work is good for them.A.Yes,please B.I agreeC.No,they shouldn't D.That's all right9.The boy is often heard _________ in the music room. He sings very well.A.practise singing B.to practise singing C.practised singing 10.—I hear you have just finished making the flash mob(快闪) My Motherland and Me ?—That’s true. It is really a_________ way to show our love for our country.A.difficult B.humorous C.wonderful11.—Are you sure that you can finish the job on time, Joy?— Yes, nothing can my success.A.get on with B.get in the way of C.get out of12.—You look unhappy . What’s wrong ?— The exam is coming . I am ______ it .A.worry B.worriedC.worried about D.worrying13.What ________ awful day! It’s ________ wor st day in my life.A.a; a B.an; the C.an; / D.the; / 14.—What do you think of Mark?—He is a ________ student. He does well in his lessons.A.handsome B.hard-working C.stupid D.lazy15.The old man is badly hurt, but we can’t ________. We should call 120 for help.A.cheer him on B.cheer on him C.lift him up D.lift up him 16.The girl spent all her free time _______ the sick old man.A.caring for B.caring of C.caring at D.caring in 17.—Tom is always careless with his schoolwork.Could you help him?—No problem!I think he _______ to think twice before starting.A.should be told B.shouldn't be toldC.should tell18.It’s ________ her wish to study in America, but her parents hope that she can study abroad. A.against B.for C.by D.from 19.Young girls in our school should stop ________ earrings.A.wear B.wearing C.wore D.to wear 20.— Studying English grammar is the key to speaking correctly.— ________. It's more important to practice listening.A.I disagree B.It's up to youC.I'm afraid so D.I have no idea21.(2020山东济南长清区期中)—Jim, your hair is too long.—OK, Mom. I’ll get it ________ tomorrow.A.cut B.cutted C.cuts D.cutting 22.(2020山东省济南汇才学校期中)When I think back to those days, I regret ________ to my mother.A.to talk back B.talking back C.talked back D.talk back 23.We should be strict ________ ourselves and ________ our study.A.with, with B.with, in C.in, with D.in, in24.选出划线部分发音为/aɪ/的单词。
德阳市初中英语八年级上册 Unit 3经典练习题(含答案解析)
一、选择题1.—Lisa, how is your cousin?— He is __________ now. Thank you.A.more healthier B.much healthier C.very healthier D.healthiest B解析:B【详解】句意:—你表弟现在怎么样了?—他现在越来越健康了,谢谢你。
本题考查比较级修饰词,healthier为比较级,more和very不能修饰比较级,排除A、C两项;healthiest为形容词最高级,其前应有定冠词the,排除D项;比较级可用a little,much,even等修饰,故答案选B。
2.—Which do you like ____, summer or winter?—I’d prefer(更喜欢) winter.A.better B.best C.good D.well A解析:A【解析】本题考查形容词的比较等级。
3.My parents ____ my study and health every day.A.care about B.wait for C.enjoy themselves D.stay up A解析:A【解析】句意:我的父母每天关心我的学习和健康。
care about关心;wait for等待;enjoy themselves玩得高兴;stay up熬夜。
4.—Do you have any brothers, Bill?—Yes, I have two brothers. ________ of them live in London.A.Each B.None C.All D.Both D解析:D【详解】句意:----你有兄弟吗,比尔?------是的,我有两个兄弟。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、---Has Jim known the good news?--Not yet. I will tell him about it ________ he comes back.A.while B.until C.as soon as D.since2、—We-chat is an invention _______can help people talk to friends, share photos, ideas and feelings freely. —I think it’s very useful in our life.A.which B.whom C.where D.whose3、--- ________ will Yangzhou World Horticultural Exposition be held?--- Not until 10th April 2021.A.How long B.When C.How soon D.How often4、(2016●苏州市)If the customer rings up for me again, please the call to the sales department .A.run through B.look through C.go through D.put through5、There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue _______ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones.A.if B.unless C.because D.since6、Cheer up! If you want to go up high, then ______ your own legs.A.to use B.use C.using D.used7、-Why didn't you come to Jenny's birthday party yesterday?-Because I .A.didn't invite B.isn't invited C.wasn't invited D.haven't invited8、My mother won't allow my father to drive he promises to give up drinking.A.unless B.since C.after9、--The man I saw yesterday __________ around my house again.--Let’s call the police right now.A.was walking B.has walked C.is walking10、Pity! I missed one-hour speech by President Xi Jinping yesterday.A.What; an B.How; an C.What a; the D.How; theⅡ. 完形填空11、Students at a primary school in Fuzhou, Fujian Province were required to clean the school toilets to help them develop good habits. But some parents are 1 against the idea. They can’t see the advantages of students doin g suchchores(杂事). They think that the school 2 students with a proper education, not the chance to be school3 .In fact, parents, schools and society all play 4 important role in 5 the character of students. It is good6 schools to give students such tasks, because only7 students will do them at home. Their parents want8 to do homework9 can help them get good marks.In recent years, some parents will make mountains out of molehills(小题大做) when students 10 to do some chores in schools. If their kids get hurt in schools, some 11 about the teachers. Some may even challenge the schools’ teaching methods and management. As a result, many primary schools, especially those in big cities, do not let students 12 outdoor activities during breaks because they fear that the students might get hurt. This is bad for the 13 development.What the primary school in Fuzhou is doing is worth praising. Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students’ minds. It teaches them the spirit of rules and teamwork 14 . Besides, students’ experiences can become 15 than only studying in schools.1.A.strong B.stronger C.strongly D.more strongly2.A.to provide B.provide C.provides D.provided3.A.clean B.cleaning C.cleaner D.cleaners4.A.a B.an C.the D./5.A.develop B.to develop C.developing D.developed6.A.for B.of C.to D.as7.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few8.A.they B.their C.theirs D.them9.A.who B.which C.what D.when10.A.are asking B.asked C.are asked D.were asked11.A.complains B.complained C.is complaining D.will complain12.A.join B.to join C.take part in D.to take part in13.A.students B.s tudent’s C.students D.students’14.A.also B.as well C.either D.neither15.A.meaningful B.more meaningful C.most meaningful D.meaningfullyⅢ. 语法填空12、根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。
德阳市中考英语英语阅读理解专题练习(及答案)一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1.阅读理解“Homestay is a form of study abroad program. It allows the visitor to rent a room from a local(当地的)family to better understand the local lifestyle. It also helps to improve the visitor's language ability,”said a teacher during a school meeting last term. “Students who wish to learn more about foreign cultures or to get foreign experience should join this kind of holiday. I am sure you won't be disappointed(失望的).”After this special meeting, I always thought about this kind of holiday. Last month, I had a chance at last to go on such a holiday with some of my schoolmates and we went to London, a place where I had wanted to go since years ago.As we were still young, we had a group leader who planned things for us and looked after us. After we got to London, we went to stay with different families. I was lucky that my host family(寄宿家庭) was a white couple who had a daughter about my age. They treated me as a daughter of their family during my stay there. They were interested in me and I learnt a lot of things from them, too.The holiday was filled with activities every day. After breakfast, a local teacher would come to take us in his car. Then we would have classes or go on a sightseeing trip to different places of interest like the Big Ben, the London Bridge, and the Buckingham Palace. We would go back to our own homes after the activities.The holiday was a valuable experience for me. I enjoyed every minute of it. Yet, time really flew fast. Three weeks later, we had to leave “homes”for Hong Kong.(1)In the “homestay”program, a visitor can .A. learn more about holidaysB. understand his culture betterC. improve the language abilityD. take part in foreign meetings(2)The writer had wanted to visit London since .A. last monthB. years agoC. the special meetingD. her stay abroad(3)The group leader should .A. make plans for the familyB. take care of the studentsC. stay with different familiesD. rent rooms to the students(4)The writer's host family .A. was very kind to herB. went sightseeing with herC. had two white daughtersD. was interested in her activities(5)From the passage, we know that the writer in London.A. wished to stay a little longerB. spent three weeks in her homeC. had classes in many interesting placesD. helped the teacher take the students in a car 【答案】(1)C(2)B(3)B(5)A【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者参加homestay活动,在伦敦参观学习的经历。
2024届四川省德阳市高三上学期第一次诊断性考试英语试题一、听力选择题1. What does Chris Evan talk about on social media?A.His character.B.His daily inspiration.C.The people who attack him.2. What does the man advise the woman to do?A.Breathe in fresh air.B.Exercise with him.C.Have a running race.3. What are the speakers talking about?A.A club.B.A theft.C.A cupboard.4. Where could the speakers most probably be?A.In a classroom.B.In a library.C.In an office.5. What does the man dislike about Professor Scott's class?A.The lectures.B.The books.C.The tests.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does the woman talk of a blackboard?A.To show the standard of choosing an object.B.To explain the structure of the collection.C.To emphasize the long history of the town.2. What does the man think his grandfather could lend to the museum?A.A teapot.B.A sports shirt.C.A wedding photo.3. Where will the results of the vote be shown?A.On the museum website.B.In a local newspaper.C.On the noticeboard.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1.—If you break the rules again, you are sure to be punished.—______? I don' t care.A.What if B.How come C.What for D.So what 2.Finally the climbers got to______ place which had never been visited by ______ men.A.a; 不填B.a; the C.不填; the D.the; the 3.—Can you lend me an eraser?—Sorry, I haven' t got ______.A.this B.it C.that D.one4.You _____ return the MP3 to me now.You can keep it till tomorrow if you wish.A.needn't B.may not C.mustn't D.can't 5.Mr. Rocklin had just closed his eyes on the coach ______ his mobile phone rang.A.after B.when C.until D.while 6.—He wasn't looking where he ______, and hit the car in front.—I'm awfully sorry to hear that.A.went B.would go C.was going D.had gone 7.China is well known to be the fourth ______ man -made satellites successfully in the world.A.send B.to send C.sending D.of sending 8.Amy said to her Mum that it _____ wonderful to be wearing clean clothes again.A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels 9.—What’s your uncle’s opinion about your decision?—He always encourages me to do I think I should.A.what B.when C.how D.that 10.Generally parents don’t expect children to be rude, to be disobeyed.A.nor they expect B.neither expect theyC.nor do they expect D.neither don’t they expect11.—It’s too late. I must leave now.—I ca n’t allow you to go home in this weather.A.likely B.probably C.surely D.possibly 12.Between the two books the photo album you are looking for.A.are B.is C.has D.have13.—I always get lost driving on this fly – over.—Funny you should say that, something happened to me once.A.strange B.normal C.similar D.familiar 14.At the age of six, Jim oil painting for a time, but lost interest by and by.A.drew up B.took up C.save up D.kept up 15.The winner told me that the money was given to a children’s hospital.A.won B.to win C.winning D.to be won 16.Will there be anyone else we know at the Party Janet and William?A.but B.beside C.except D.besides 17.—Don’t be nervous when to speak next time.—Thanks for your advice.A.to ask B.asking C.to be asked D.asked 18.I’m sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring just ?A.in turn B.in case C.in return D.in place 19.Mr. Yang was reading his book in the office, completely to the world.A.losing B.having lost C.lost D.to lose 20.—Can you think of text messages you once used some symbols to show how you felt?—Yes, a few to my girl friend.A.where B.when C.which D.that第二节完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。
眉山市高中 2012 届第二次诊疗性考试英语试题卷2012.4英语试题卷共14 页。
满分150 分。
考试时间120 分钟。
2.答选择题时,一定使用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需变动,用橡皮擦擦洁净后,再选涂其余答案标号。
3.答非选择题时,一定使用0.5 毫米黑色署名笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的地点上。
第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50 分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每题 1 分,满分 20 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该项涂黑。
1.— What does the sign there say?—I didn’tcatch you.A. Please repeat.B. Pardon?C. What’sup?D. Come on.2.I can’tremember exact date of his departure, but I know it isFriday.A. the, theB. an, theC. the, aD. an, a3.No matter how hard your study may be, never your hope.A. give upB. give awayC. give inD. give out4.— Do all of you have an English-Chinese dictionary?— Not exactly. Not of us has one.A. allB. everyC. eachD. every one5.The most polluting vehicles from driving through the city since then.A. are bannedB. banC. have been bannedD. have banned6.In China, nowadays it’s to praise a person of talent by using the word“hold”.A. usualB. ordinaryC. formalD. common7.I never expected there a chance to be sent abroad for further education.A. to beB. beingC. to haveD. havingA. wheneverB. whateverC. howeverD. whichever9. The faster your heart, the more nervous you’llbe.A. strikesB. jumpsC. beatsD. hits10. They have the possible time and exact materials needed to completethe project.A. figured outB. taken outC. picked outD. left out11. Don’tplay with the dog. It be dangerous sometimes.A. mustB. needC. shallD. can12. On the bus I saw a girl I thought was your daughter.A. whichB. asC. whomD. who13.— How did you find Jacky Cheng’sThe Spy Next Door?—. I can’tthink too highly of it.A. In a movie rental shopB. It’s hard to sayC. Terribly awfulD. Really amazing14.They put forward a proposal at the meeting cutting down the highhousing price.A. aims atB. aimed atC. to aim atD. aim at15., I want to go travelling in Tibet.A. Whether possibleB. Where possibleC. When possibleD. How possible16.The song is so beautiful. Never before such a wonderful one!A. I have heardB. have I heardC. I heardD. did I hear17.— What do you think of my suggestion?— What suggestion? I about something else.A. was thinkingB. am thinkingC. thoughtD. think18.I recognized his voice I picked up the phone.A. for the momentB. at the momentC. the momentD. the moment when19.Having walked for long, he decided to lean the big tree for a short break.A. againstB. onC. underD. beyond20.Brian, as we expected, rather than the other team members,chosen forthe try-out.A. has beenB. have beenC. wasD. were第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下边短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、C、D)中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡大将该项涂黑。
初一四川省德阳市英语上册期末检查试题班级:________________ 学号:________________ 姓名:______________一、听力题(每题3分)Question 1:Listen to the recording and choose the correct picture that matches the description.Recording: “This is a picture of a library. It has tall shelves filled with books and a quiet reading area.”Answer: [Picture of a library with shelves and reading area]Question 2:Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.Recording: “Tom, where did you go for your summer vacation?•I went to the beach with my family. The sun was shining, and the water was so refreshing.”Question: What did Tom do during his summer vacation?Answer: Tom went to the beach with his family.Question 3:Listen to the short passage and complete the sentence.Recording: “Pandas are one of the most popular animals in China. They are known for their black and white fur and love for bamboo. Unfortunately, pandas are endangered due to habitat loss and low birth rates.”Question: Pandas are endangered due to ____________________ and low birth rates.Answer: Habitat lossQuestion 4:Listen to the dialogue and select the correct answer.Recording: “Jane, do you prefer coffee or tea?•I prefer tea, especially green tea. It’s healthier and has a lot of antioxidants.”Question: What does Jane prefer?A)CoffeeB)TeaC)JuiceAnswer: B) TeaQuestion 5:Listen to the news report and identify the main event mentioned.Recording: “A new science museum will open next month in downtown Nanjing. The museum will feature interactive exhibits on space exploration, biology, and technology.It is expected to attract thousands of visitors each day.”Question: What is the main event mentioned in the news report?Answer: The opening of a new science museum in Nanjing featuring interactiveexhibits.二、单选题(每题3分)1.What’s the English for “你好”in Chinese?A. HelloB. GoodbyeC. SorryAnswer: A2.My mother often_______breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.A. haveB. hasC. hadAnswer: B3.The movie is so_______that many people like it.A. boringB. interestingC. difficultAnswer: B4.Would you like to go to the park with me?Yes, I’d love to. But I_______my homework first.A. finishB. finishedC. will finishAnswer: C5.She always_______a white dress on Sundays.A. wearB. wearsC. woreAnswer: B三、多选题(每题4分)Question 1:Which of the following sentences is/are correct about English grammar?A. “I am going to the park with my friend tomorrow.”B. “He eats apple everyday.”C. “She likes playing the violin and piano.”D. Both A and CAnswer: DQuestion 2:Select the word that does NOT belong to the same category as the others:A. BananaB. OrangeC. PearD. BreadAnswer: DQuestion 3:Identify the tense of the following sentence: “They have been studying English for five years.”A. Present SimpleB. Past SimpleC. Present Perfect ContinuousD. Past Perfect ContinuousAnswer: CQuestion 4:Which of the following prepositions can be used to complete the sentence “I prefer coffee_____tea”?A. thanB. overC. toD. Both B and CAnswer: DQuestion 5:Which sentence best expresses the idea of “She is very good at playing tennis”?A. She plays tennis very good.B. She does tennis very well.C. She is excellent at tennis.D. She plays tennis in a good way.Answer: C四、阅读理解(每题4分)Section IV: Reading ComprehensionPassage 1: The Magic of ReadingReading is a magical journey that takes us to faraway lands, introduces us to new friends, and helps us understand the world better. In the bustling city of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, a group of junior high school students have discovered the wonders of books through their English classes. They dive into stories filled with adventure, romance, and wisdom, enriching their vocabulary and broadening their horizons. Questions:1.What does the passage describe as a magical journey? (4 points)•Answer: The passage describes reading as a magical journey.2.Where is the story set? (4 points)•Answer: The story is set in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province.3.What are some emotions and experiences that the students gain through reading?(4 points)•Answer: The students gain adventure, romance, wisdom, and a better understanding of the world through reading.4.How does reading benefit the students’ English learning? (4 points)•Answer: Reading enriches their vocabulary and broadens their horizons in English learning.5.What does the phrase “broadening their horizons” mean in the context of thepassage? (4 points)•Answer: In the context of the passage, “broadening their horizons” means expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world beyond their immediate surroundings.Passage 2: The Importance of Time ManagementAs junior high school students, mastering time management is crucial for academic success and personal growth. Sarah, a top student in Changzhou, shares her tips for balancing schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal time. She emphasizes setting realistic goals, creating a schedule, and prioritizing tasks based on theirurgency and importance. With these strategies, Sarah has not only excelledacademically but also maintained a healthy work-life balance.Questions:1.Why is time management important for junior high school students? (4 points)•Answer: Time management is important for junior high school students for academic success and personal growth.2.Who is Sarah, and what does she excel in? (4 points)•Answer: Sarah is a top student in Changzhou who excels academically.3.What are Sarah’s three main tips for time management? (4 points)•Answer: Sarah’s three main tips for time management are setting realistic goals, creating a schedule, and prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance.4.How has Sarah been able to maintain a healthy work-life balance? (4 points)•Answer: Sarah has been able to maintain a healthy work-life balance by implementing her time management strategies effectively.5.What is the benefit of prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance? (4points)•Answer: The benefit of prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance is that it ensures that the most critical tasks are completed first, leading to better timemanagement and increased productivity.五、作文(30分)Title: My Favorite Book and Its Impact on MeInstructions:Write a short essay of about 120 words on the topic “My Favorite Book and Its Impact on Me.” Your essay should include:1.The title of your favorite book and a brief introduction of the book.2.A specific aspect or character that has deeply impressed you and why.3.How this book has influenced your life, thoughts, or behavior.My Favorite Book and Its Impact on MeAmong the countless books I have read, “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho stands out as my all-time favorite. It’s a captivating tale of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who embarks on a journey to fulfill his Personal Legend—finding a treasure hidden in the Pyramids of Egypt.What deeply resonates with me is Santiago’s unwavering belief in his dreams and the concept of “The Universe Conspiring in Your Favor.” This idea encourages me to trust my instincts, face fears, and persist despite obstacles. The character’s resilience serves as a beacon, reminding me that every step taken, no matter how small, brings mecloser to my aspirations.“The Alchemist” has had a profound impact on my life. It has instilled in me a sense of purpose and taught me the importance of following my heart’s desires. I now makeconscious efforts to listen to my inner voice, setting aside doubts and fears. Additionally, the book has fostered in me a deeper appreciation for life’s adventures and the beauty in embracing the unknown. As I continue on my own journey, I carry with me thewisdom of Santiago’s story, knowing that the treasure I seek lies not in far-off lands but within my own heart and the courage to pursue it.。
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初中毕业生考试英语试题说明:1. 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷。
2. 本试卷满分100分。
1. Where is Jack from?2.What is the weather like? BA3.What sport does the boy do after school ?A B C4.What’s the matter with the girl?A B C5.What’s Mike’s favourite animal?A B C第二节听对话或独白回答下列问题,听完每段材料后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
6. What's Jenny's telephone number?A. 2301126.B. 2301226.C. 2302226.7.When will the man call Jenny?A. Tomorrow.B. Tomorrow morning.C. Tomorrow evening. 听第7段材料,回答第8-10小题。
8. When will the match start ?A. At 1:30 .B. At 1:45 .C. At 2:00 .9. Who are they going to play with ?A. With soldiers.B. With friends .C. With classmates .10.What kind of match will they have?A. A basketball match.B. A football match.C. A baseball match.听第8段对话,回答第11-12小题。
11. Where will they go this summer holiday?A. To Beijing.B. To Paris.C. To Shanghai.12. How will they go there?A. By bus.B. By plane.C. By train.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。
13. What does Mr. Jackson do?A. He is a worker.B. He is a teacher.C. He is an engineer.14.Where does her daughter work?A. In a company.B. In a clothing factory.C. In a clothes shop.15.How long has Mr. Jackson worked in China?A. For 6 years.B. For 7 years.C. For 8 years.听第10段材料,回答16-20小题。
16. How old is Johnny?A. SevenB. NineC. Ten17. Why did Johnny usually hurry to school?A. Studied his lessons late.B. Had a good sleep.C. Watched cartoons or sports games for a long time.18. Johnny’s mother tried to make him .A. work harderB. watch cartoonsC. sleep in class19. Johnny got a hundred .A. in readingB. in spellingC. in spelling and reading together20. From the story we can know .A. Johnny got ten dollars at lastB. Johnny was good at reading and spellingC. Johnny’s mother was unhappy at his words .第二部分基础知识运用(共两节,35分)第一节单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21.—Do you know Meimei?—Yes, she is from a university and she is honest girl.A.a B.an C.the22. —Must I tell her the good news at once?—No, you . You may wait until she comes back.A. needn’tB. mustn’tC. can’t23. —Welcome to school!—Thank you. Your school is very modern.A. yourB. theirC. our24. Mike is only 15 years old. He is not to get a driver’s license.A. old enoughB. enough oldC. young enough25. The market isn’t far from here. It’s only bicycle ride.A. fifteen minute’sB. fifteen minutes’C. fifteen minute26. It was already ten o’clock when I the hotel.A. arrivedB. gotC. reached27. I don’t want to read this book. There is in it.A. something interestingB. nothing interestingC. interesting nothing28. Kate Tom speaks English. They both speak Chinese.A. Both; andB. Neither; norC. Either; or29. —is Happy Camp shown on Hunan TV ?—Once a Week.A. How longB. How soonC. How often30. It’s bad for you too much junk food .A. eatB. to eatC. eating31. Stop smoking, _____you will get better soon.A. andB. orC. but32. I don’t know when my father back , but I’ll tell you when he back.A . comes; comes; B. come; come C. will come; comes33.—What about skating this Sunday?—Great. I’d like with you.A. to go; goingB. going; goingC. going; to go34.Tom wit h her friends to China to travel. They will come back in two weeks.A. has beenB. has goneC. have been35. The No.15 bus stops at the school gate, ?A. isn’t itB. does itC. doesn’t it36. bad weather! I can’t go out to play.A. Wha t aB. HowC. What37. —Can you tell ?—About one month ago.A. where is my MP5B. when you bought your mobile phoneC. how much is your camera38.She is a very careful girl. She does everything than you.A. more carefulB. more carefullyC. much carefully39. Don’t too l ate, or you’ll feel tired tomorrow.A. get upB. get onC. stay up40. —.—She is tall and has big eyes.A. What does Mary like?B. What does Mary do?C. What does Mary look like? 第二节完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)通读全文,理解其大意,然后从短文后面各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
AMany people think that Americans love their cars almost more than anything else. When 41 people are fourteen years old, they want to have their 42 cars. They don’t ask for a car from their 43 . So many of them work in free time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to 44 and getting a driver’s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person’s life.Some people almost 45 go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will take their cars to a garage(修理站)when they think there is a 46 . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 47 most of their time washing and repairing their cars.41. A. young B. big C. old42. A. new B. own C. expensive43. A, friends B. teachers C. parents44. A. make B. mend C. drive45. A. always B. never C. often46. A. question B. problem C. mistake47. A. cost B. take C. spendBOnce there was a girl in my class . I thought she was beautiful and smart. I believed that she was perfect(完美). When the time for my birthday came, I 48 her to my party, and she came.A few months 49 , it was her birthday. I got a special scarf for her. Thinking about how happy she would be to receive my gift made me so 50 .I asked her when her birthday party was going to be. She replied, " 51 do you want to know? You're not invited. You're just a dog 52 glasses !"I felt really sad when she said that. I just stood there 53 her. Everyone standing by her came to stand next to me. Then we all 54 .That day, I realized that someone 55 perfect, but they aren’t. When it comes to perfection, it's how someone treats you that is more important than how they look.48. A. invited B. helped C. refused49. A. after B. later C. before50. A. relaxed B. sad C. excited51. A. What B. Why C. Who52. A. in B. with C. on53. A. looking after B. looking like C. looking at54. A. left B. came C. smiled55. A. sounds B. feels C. looks第三部分阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。