Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑
霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne(英国文学版)
The Scarlet Letter is usually regarded as the first symbolic novel to be written in the United States.
The end ^_^
Themes : Evil & Sin
2) Black vision
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exists in the human heart possesses some evil secret
Everyone Everyone Evil Sin
seems to cover up his innerost evil
Education: Friends:
a secluded life
Bowdoin College (1821-1825)
H. W. Longfellow & Franklin Pierce
1692,Trial of an accused witch in Salem
The Marble Faun ,1860《大理石雕像》
Famous short stories:
Young Goodman Brown(1835) 《小伙子布朗》
The Minister’s Black Veil (1836)《教长的黑纱》
Dr.Heidegger's Experiment(1837)《海德格尔医生的实验》 Rappaccini’s Daughter (1844)《拉帕奇尼的女儿》
Literary style
Setting Themes Feature Technique
霍桑的英文简介霍桑的英文简介Nathaniel Hawthorne From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation, search Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 1860sBornJuly 4, 1804(1804-07-04) Salem, Massachusetts, United StatesDiedMay 19,1864 (aged 59) Plymouth霍桑简介, New Hampshire, United StatesOccupationNovelist, Short story writer, Custom House worker, United States ConsulLiterary movementDark Romantici *** Nathaniel Hawthorne (born Nathaniel Hathorne; July 4, 1804 – May 19, 1864) was an American novelist and short story writer。
Nathaniel Hathorne was born in 1804 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts to Nathaniel Hathorne and Elizabeth Clarke Manning Hathorne。
He later changed his name to "Hawthorne", adding a "w" to dissociate from relatives including John Hathorne, a judge during the Salem Witch Trials。
霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne
描写社会和人性的阴暗面是霍桑作品的突出特点, 这与加尔文教关于人的“原罪”和“内在堕落”的 理论的影响是分不开的。 霍桑是心理小说的开创者,擅长剖析人的“内心”。 他着重探讨道德和罪恶的问题,主张通过善行和自 忏来洗刷罪恶、净化心灵,从而得到拯救。 然而霍桑并非全写黑暗,他在揭露社会罪恶和人的 劣根性的同时,对许多善良的主人公寄予极大的同 情。
Roger Chillingworth
Chillingworth’s Revenge
He is a scholar and uses his knowledge to disguise(伪装) himself as a doctor, intent on discovering and tormenting Hester's anonymous lover.
Little Pearl, who's born with a false charge, grows up innocent and lively with no restraint. She is destined to live a happy life .
The Scarlet Letter
——character analysis
Hester Prynne
Hester Prynne
Crime(犯罪 →Atonement(赎罪 →Renascence(重生) ↓ ↓ Rebel or Compromise About women’s right and freedom
纳撒尼尔•霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)的《通天铁路》这篇附加的小故事是纳撒尼尔•霍桑于1852年在一本名为《雪景和其他故事新编》中发表的。
霍桑,19世纪最伟大的美国作家,以一部经典的英语散文集约翰.班扬John Bunyan 的《天路历程》The Pilgrim’s Progress中的一篇的形式写了《通天铁路》。
他写了《天路历程》中大部分的文章,但因为在清教徒革命和奥利弗.克伦威尔(Oliver Cromwell)统治结束后随之而来的斯图亚特王朝的复辟时期拒绝使自己顺应官方的英国国教而被投入监狱。
通天铁路The Celestial Railroad不久前,穿过梦幻的大门,我访问了世界驰名的“灭亡城”所在地,得知最近,一些热心公益的居民出力,在这座人口稠密兴旺发达的城市与“天城”之间,修筑了一条铁路,遂兴致大发。
Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑 简介
Early Life
July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts
After father’s death in 1808, he lived with mother’s
relatives His great-great- grandfather, John Hathorne, was a crucial judge in the Salem Witch Trails, John Hathorne never repented of his wrong actions, which
Hawthorne felt shame about.
Hathorne Hawthorne
In1819, Hawthorne was sent back to Salem for school, and he made the written homemade newspaper which included essays, poems, and news In 1821, Hawthorne was sent to Bowdoin College
White Mountains in Plymouth,
New Hampshire Hawthorne was buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, Massachusetts.
/wiki/Nathaniel_Hawthorne /wiki/Sophia_Hawthorne
•Never really gets classified as a Transcendentalist.
Background17th CenturyBoston, Massachusetts, New England colonyPuritan 清教徒:Puritans believed God and Satan were present in everyone’s soul. They were constantly fighting against each other. They believed that the relationship of an individual to the community was an important concern.Antinomian 唯信仰论者:主张基督徒可以废弃道德,依靠信仰来拯救灵魂。Quaker 教友派:靠内心意识指引的教派Witch 巫女
The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔·霍桑
Fanshawe (1825,《范肖》)Twice-Told Tales (1837,《故事重述》)Mosses From an Old Manse (1846,《古屋青苔》)The Scarlet Letter(1850,《红字》)House of the Seven Gables (1851,《七个尖角阁的房子》)The Blithedale Romance (1852,《福谷传奇》)The Marble Faun (1857,《玉石雕像》)
Roger Chillingworth
Roger Chillingworth is a man deficient in human warmth. His twisted, stooped, deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul. He is interested in revenge, not justice, and he seeks the deliberate destruction of others rather than a redress of wrongs. His desire to hurt others stands in contrast to Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin.
Nathaniel Hawthorne (霍桑)
Hawthorne’s Writing Style
• A man of literary craftsmanship, extraordinary in • The use of symbol: symbols serve as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing. • Revelation of characters’ psychology: he is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology. There isn’t much physical movement going on in his works • The use of supernatural mixed with the actual
• His stories are parable(allegory)——to teach a lesson • Use of ambiguity to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty——multiple point of view
Hawthorne’s major works
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• 2) he was convinced that romance was the best form to describe America • The poverty of materials+the avoidance of offending the puritan taste—— romances rather than novels to tell the truth and satirize and yet not the offend
霍桑的简介以及生平作品 The_Scarlet_Letter
Setting: The Scarlet Letter
Puritan Boston Time: the mid-17th century The central scaffold scenes are set in the market place. Like other Puritan settlements in New England, the local and colonial governments were theocracies. A theocracy is a government where the civil laws are based (in whole or in part) on religious laws; civil leaders in theocracies are probably also important religious leaders
The names of characters
Hester Prynne Hestia the Virgin Goddess of the hearth, of the right ordering of domesticity and the family in Greek mythology symbol of chastity and virtue showing the author’s praise to Hester’s beauty and saint, Goddess-like beillingworth
means chilly. He is a man deficient in human warmth. He is a cruel and cold-blooded man. “Worth” tells us Roger’s act is, to some extend, worth/valuable----the author’s contradictory psychology to Puritanism.
short stories:
Young Goodman Brown(1835) 《小伙子布朗》 The Minister’s Black Veil (1836)《教长的黑纱》 Dr.Heidegger's Experiment(1837)《海德格尔医 生的实验》 Rappaccini’s Daughter (1844)《拉帕奇尼的女儿 》
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)
Life Story Literary Characteristics Hawthorne’s influence Quotation
Life Story
Childhood Education Career
Young Goodman Brown
.Story: Christians minister famous content dirty privacy astonished ,disheartened leave wife disappointed next morning real or dream hate neighbors wife Faith cynical man dead old
Theme: 1. The hidden motivations of his characters. 2. The effect of hidden sin and secret guilt 3. Moral or immoral, right or wrong 4. Man was inherently evil in nature 5. Criticize the ideal Puritan society
美国文学 霍桑介绍Nathaniel Hawthorne
2. Symbolism
◇ Hawthorne used various symbols to imply themes of adultery, sins, and human morality. •Example in The Scarlet Letter:
Adultery (shame) Ability (sympathy) Angel (admiration)
2.Morality and Sin(道德
& 罪恶)
◇ Man will get punished one way or another for his sin but can also be saved by his gooddeeds and self- improvement. ◇ One has to work and strive against temptation in order to win salvation(拯救). There could be no magic carriage which would enable one to reach heaven without toil or trouble.
Nathaniel Hawthorne(1804-1864) (纳撒尼尔·霍桑)
Life Major works
Themes Writing styles
• Birthplace: Salem, Massachusetts • Family background: a family with a long Puritan tradition; father died when he was only 4 years old; mother relied on relatives in rearing her four children • Education: reading extensively by his midteens and aspired to be a writer; from 1821-1825, he studied at Bowdoin college in Maine.
Nathaniel Hawthorne霍桑Imbued with an inquiring, imagination, an intensely meditative mid, unceasing interest in the interior of the heart of man's being, 霍桑remains one of the most interesting, yet most ambivalent writers in the American literary history.霍桑是美国文学史上最富矛盾情感的作家,他极富想象,喜欢沉思,对人类的内心世界具有极大的兴趣。
霍桑's view of man and human history originates, to a great extent, in puritanism.霍桑's remarkable sense of the Puritan past, his understanding of the colonial history in New England, his apparent occupation with the moral issues of sin and guilty, and his keen psychological analysis of people are brought to full display in his master piece.霍桑对清教的历史,对新英格兰殖民地历史上理解,对罪恶道德上剖析以及对之的心理分析,在他的名著The Scarlet Letter中得到了充分的体现。
The Minister's Black V eil, the parable by 霍桑, published in The Token1836 and in Twice- Told Tales 1837.The reverend Mr. Hooper, a New England Puritan minister, appears one Sunday with his face covered by a black veil. Refusing to explain his action to his terrified congregation or to his fiancee, who leaves him, he goes through life concealing his face, saying only that the veil is a symbol of the curtain that hides every man's heart and makes him a stranger even to his friend, his lover, and his God.Excelsior, poem by Longfellow, published in Ballads and Other Poems1841. In four-stress iambic collplets, with the title as a refrain, the poem figuratively depicts the life of a man of genius, as he maintains his individualistic purpose, resisting temptations and ignoring warnings. Climbing the mountain of his career, he passed beyond the village and monastery, repeating his idealistic motto, until he is found dead on the highest glacier. Even then a voice heard from the sley proclaiming the motto as a promise of immortality.ExcelsiorDiscuss the moral of this parable poem.-- immortality, brave, resist the tempurition. Even if the young man is brave, determined, and the young tried to get his goal, to reach the destination, but it is pity that the young didn't listen to the old man. If he wanted to get his goal without considering the difficulties and risks.The Quadroon GirlHow does the poet show his sympathy for the girl?The girl is very important, she didn't know what would happen. She had no protection. Such innocent and pale girl could not control not be a paramour of her fate.Ballads and Other Poems1841 contains many Longfellow's most famous poem, of all the poems in the colume, the most famous one is "Excelsior". It was regarded as an inspiring expression of idealism. It is a young man climbing a mountain in the Alps. A terrible stormis coming but he never stops. When he is invited by a beautiful maiden to rest, he does not stop and climbs on to the top of the mountains.Edgar Allan PoeAnnabel Lee, a lyrical ballad, post- humously published in the New York Tribune. In six stamzasof alternative four and three stress lines, the poem evokes a mood or feeling rather than telling a story. The feeling the poet deals with in the loss of love. It is a love that is more than love. Such exaggeration occupies.An essential part of the poem: lyric poem: a lyric poem expresses the observation and feelings of a single speaker. Types of lyrics include the elegy, the ode and the sonnet.A narrative poem tells a story in verse. Foot, a division or unit of verse, each with 1 strong stress or 1 or more weak stresses.A line of poetry is described as iambic抑扬, trechoic扬抑, anapaestic抑抑扬, or daclylic扬抑抑according to what kind of foot appears most often in the line.Emily DickinsonDickinson's poetry writing began in the early 1850s. Altogether she write 1775 poems, of which only 7 had appeared during her lifetime. Dickinson called this stream of tiny, aphoristic poems a continuous fragmented "Letter to the world" a way to bridge her private world with the public. She is now recognized, not only as a great poetesses on her own right but as a poetess of considerable influence upon American poetry of the 20th century.Dickinson's poems are usually based on her own experience, her sorrow and joys. But within her little lyrics D addresses those issues that concern the whole human beings, which include religion, death, immortality, love and native.Love is another subject D dwelt on, one group of her love poems threads the sufferings and frustration love can cause. These poems are dearly the reflections of her own unhappy experience closely related to her deepest and most private feelings.More than five hundred poems D wrote are about nature, in which her general skepticism about the relationship between man an d nature is well-expressed.Theme: common people are really heroism, but they still remain honesty, humble and never show off.Sister Carrie: the selected reading is the last chapter of the novel. After Carrie deserts Hurstwood, he is in great despair. Feeble and penniless, Hunstwood wanders in a cold winter night nobody trying to help. Extremely hopeless and totally devaluated, he turns the gas on in a cheap lodging house and ends his life, while at the same time Carie is rocking comfortably in her luxuriant hotel room before she boards a ship for London.The main theme of The Adventure’s of Huckleberry Finn is Huck’s search for personal liberation, for the freedom based upon his maturity and his longing to his own master.Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)Dickinson’s po etry writing began in the early 1850s. Altogether , she wrote 1775 poems, of which only seven had appeared during the lifetime. Dickinson called his stream of tiny, aphoristic poems a continuous fragmented”letter to the world” a way to bridge her private w orld with the public . She is now recognized, not only as a great poetesses on her own right but as a poetess of considerable influence upon American poetry of the 20th century.Walt Whitman(华尔特.惠特曼)"song of myself"-----his longest poetry----1346lines1."I Hear America Singing"Structure:自由诗(非押韵)Free VerseQ: (1).Analyze how the total effect of the poem is achieved, especially through the use of parallelism and repetition?Every American is singing and working hard with enthusiasm, energy,they wanted to build America a rich country---use symbolic(2).To whom does song belong? Belong to the every filed of the American people.Are the people literally singing? Of course notShould we interpret "singing" figuratively? They sing with their hands---not with their voice or throat.(3).Study the title.In what sense does the speaker hear American singing?The American is happy, riching , prosperous.2.O Captain! My Captain!Symbolic: Ship---America captain---Lincoln(林肯) ---- 赞扬林肯The "bells "I hear---bell----pun(双关)既指林肯的下船铃(get ready get off)又指林肯死亡的丧钟(dead of Lincoln)Q:1.The poem is obviously written in the form of an allegory. Explain how this form strenthens the effect of the poem.2. Why do the rhythms of the poem seem appropriate to the poem's subject?done-won, red-dead,.... heavy syllable sound(单音节词)Theodore Dreiser(西奥多.德莱塞)This is the last chapter of the novel. After Carrier deserts Hurstwood, he is in great despair. Foeble and penniless, Hurstwood wonders in a cold winter night with totally devastated, he turn the gas on in a cheap lodging house ends his life, while at the same time Carrier is roching comfortably in her luxuriant hotel room before she bows a ship for London.Edwin Arlington Robinson(埃德温.阿林顿.罗宾逊)who started writing poetry in the closing years of the 19 century. He achieved recognition in the first decades of the 20th century and was generally regarded as American greatest living poet in 1900's. His poetry deals with the modern man's failure and facility in a contrary universe in which he thought everything came out of joint "The world is not a prison house" he said."but a kind of spiritual kindergarden, where millions of bewildored infants are trying to spell God with the wrong blocks" Robinson condemned materialism and world.Style:The major features of Robinson' s poetic style can be summarized as follows: Robinson is not a nature poet.His poem are essential concerned with people who fail in a materialistic world.He was skillful in character sketches and he handled them with considerable humorous and psychological craftsmanship. Moreover, he used conventional poetic form, most frequently sonnet and blank verse. He was also in writing lyrics. Finally, his narrative is well managed and his diction was consist and easy but vigorous.Richard CoryRichard Cory is one of Robinson's best character sketches, well educated and rich, Richard Cory is a "gentlemen from sale" to a crown. The town people admired him for "everything" he has .But suddenly on one night he shot himself. Robinson seems to say that the appearance does not identify the inner reality one often judges his follow men by aaerance, thus being unable to know them.Q:1.healthy, vigorous, energetic2.not snobbish , practical3.spiritual supporting---mental problem4.5.Because he loses his mental spiritual support.6.A introverted person never shows his feelings on his face.Robert Frost(罗伯特.弗罗斯特)If the 20th century American had a natural poet it was Frost. He was the Pulizer Prize winner on four occasions , and was the US government awarded him a gold medal in 1960 for his contribution to American culture. The US senate passed resolutions honoring his birthdays, and when he was 87, he read his poetry at the night ration of President John.F.Kennedy.Mending wallQ:1.The neighbor: doubt, selfish, hostility while the speaker---trust2.Darkness:(1).the shade of the trees(2).Selfish needs others: indifference, suspension,alienation3.really does not love the wallSomething: narrow minded needs, precaution, selfish needs4.symbolic of the wall: selfish needs, suspension, hostility, inclement5.Stopping by woods on a snowy evening“stopping by woods on a snowy evening”it is iambic quarter-meter(tetrameter抑扬格四音步)and inter-locking enclosed rhyme is used ,that is ,the first, second and fourth line in each stanza are rhymed, the last sound of the third line is the rhyme of the nest stanza, all the four lines in the last stanza rhymed to give readers a complete by harmonious impression .Q:1.memories, recoding---maybe about not understand why the speaker stop in the woodsThe speaker knew what he want to do.3.the speaker leave the woods not willingly.Imply:the speaker is responsible for his carrier, ambition, task....The Autobiography Benjamin FranklinThe American Scholar Ralph Waldo EmersonThe Scarlet Letter Nathaniel HawthorneThe Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Mark TwinAn American Tragety The Odore DreiserThe Long Way Out F.Scott FitzgeraldDesire Under the Elms Long day's Journey Into Night Eugene O'NeilThe Sound and the Eury William FaulknerDeath of a Salesman Arthur MillerThe Grapes of Wrath John SteinbeckThe Joy Luck Club Amy TarThe Hairy Ape: Scene2 Eugene O'NeilHenry Wadsworth Longfellow (A Psalm of Life ;Excelsior ;The Quadroom Girl )Edgar Allan Poe(Annabel Lee;To Helen)Emily Dickinson(Selected Poems: I Died for Beauty-But was Scarce;Because I Could Not Stop for Death)Mark Twain(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Adventure of Tom Sawyer; The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County)\。
从《胎记》看霍桑的人性观1. 引言1.1 背景介绍《胎记》是美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)所著的一篇短篇小说,被认为是霍桑最具代表性的作品之一。
1.2 作者简介霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)是19世纪美国著名作家,被认为是美国文学的奠基人之一。
霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne 个人简介
Hawthorne was the first novelist in English to
combine morality with art. Hawthorne is significant for the themes with regard to: the consequences of pride, selfishness, and secret guilt; and so on. Hawthorne is significant for his style of writing romance, which he thought a predestined form of American narrative.
First n肖》 Collection of short stories Twice-Told Tales 1837 《重讲一遍的故事》 The Minister’s Black Veil《教长的黑面纱》 Mosses from an Old Manse 1846 《古屋青苔》 Rappaccini's Daughter《拉伯西尼医生的女儿》 Young Goodman Brown 《小伙子布朗》 Roger Malvin's Burial《罗杰马尔文的葬礼》
纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)短⽚⼩说《David Swan》David SwanNathaniel HawthorneWe can be but partially acquainted even with the events which actually influence our course through life, and our final destiny. There are innumerable other events--if such they may be called--which come close upon us, yet pass away without actual results, or even betraying their near approach, by the reflection of any light or shadow across our minds. Could we know all the vicissitudes of our fortunes, life would be too full of hope and fear, exultation or disappointment, to afford us a single hour of true serenity. This idea may be illustrated by a page from the secret history of David Swan.We have nothing to do with David until we find him, at the age of twenty, on the high road from his native place to the city of Boston, where his uncle, a small dealer in the grocery line, was to take him behind the counter. Be it enough to say that he was a native of New Hampshire, born of respectable parents, and had received an ordinary school education, with a classic finish by a year at Gilmanton Academy. After journeying on foot from sunrise till nearly noon of a summer's day, his weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade, and await the coming up of the stage-coach. As if planted on purpose for him, there soon appeared a little tuft of maples, with a delightful recess in the midst, and such a fresh bubbling spring that it seemed never to have sparkled for any wayfarer but David Swan. Virgin or not, he kissed it with his thirsty lips, and then flung himself along the brink, pillowing his head upon some shirts and a pair of pantaloons, tied up in a striped cotton handkerchief. The sunbeams could not reach him; the dust did not yet rise from the road after the heavy rain of yesterday; and his grassy lair suited the young man better than a bed of down. The spring murmured drowsily beside him; the branches waved dreamily across the blue sky overhead; and a deep sleep, perchance hiding dreams within its depths, fell upon David Swan. But we are to relate events which he did not dream of.While he lay sound asleep in the shade, other people were wide awake, and passed to and fro, afoot, on horseback, and in all sorts of vehicles, along the sunny road by his bedchamber. Some looked neither to the right hand nor the left, and knew not that he was there; some merely glanced that way, without admitting the slumberer among their busy thoughts; some laughed to see how soundly he slept; and several, whose hearts were brimming full of scorn, ejected their venomous superfluity on David Swan. A middle-aged widow, when nobody else was near, thrust her head a little way into the recess, and vowed that the young fellow looked charming in his sleep. A temperance lecturer saw him, and wrought poor David into the texture of his evening's discourse, as an awful instance of dead drunkenness by the roadside. But censure, praise, merriment, scorn, and indifference were all one, or rather all nothing, to David Swan.He had slept only a few moments when a brown carriage, drawn by a handsome pair of horses, bowled easily along, and was brought to a standstill nearly in front of David's resting-place. A linchpin had fallen out, and permitted one of the wheels to slide off. The damage was slight, and occasioned merely a momentary alarm to an elderly merchant and his wife, who were returning to Boston in the carriage. While the coachman and a servant were replacing the wheel, the lady and gentleman sheltered themselves beneath the maple-trees, and there espied the bubbling fountain, and David Swan asleep beside it. Impressed with the awe which the humblest sleeped usually sheds around him, the merchant trod as lightly as the gout would allow; and his spouse took good heed not to rustle her silk gown, lest David should start up all of a sudden. "How soundly he sleeps!" whispered the old gentleman. "From what a depth he draws that easy breath! Such sleep as that, brought on without an opiate, would be worth more to me than half my income; for it would suppose health and an untroubled mind.""And youth, besides," said the lady. "Healthy and quiet age does not sleep thus. Our slumber is no more like his than our wakefulness."The longer they looked the more did this elderly couple feel interested in the unknown youth, to whom the wayside and the maple shade were as a secret chamber, with the rich gloom of damask curtains brooding over him. Perceiving that a stray sunbeam glimmered down upon his face, the lady contrived to twist a branch aside, so as to intercept it. And having done this little act of kindness, she began to feel like a mother to him."Providence seems to have laid him here," whispered she to her husband, "and to have brought us hither to find him, after our disappointment in our cousin's son. Methinks I can see a likeness to our departed Henry. Shall we waken him?""To what purpose?" said the merchant, hesitating. "We know nothing of the youth's character.""That open countenance!" replied his wife, in the same hushed voice, yet earnestly. "This innocent sleep!"While these whispers were passing, the sleeper's heart did not throb, nor his breath become agitated, nor his features betray the least token of interest. Yet Fortune was bending over him, just ready to let fall a burden of gold. The old merchant had lost his only son, and had no heir to his wealth except a distant relative, with whose conduct he was dissatisfied. In such cases, people sometimes do stranger things than to act the magician, and awaken a young man to splendor who fell asleep in poverty."Shall we not waken him?" repeated the lady persuasively."The coach is ready, sir," said the servant, behind.The old couple started, reddened, and hurried away, mutually wondering that they should ever have dreamed of doing anything so very ridiculous. The merchant threw himself back in the carriage, and occupied his mind with the plan of a magnificent asylum for unfortunate men of business. Meanwhile, David Swan enjoyed his nap.The carriage could not have gone above a mile or two, when a pretty young girl came along, with a tripping pace, which showed precisely how her little heart was dancing in her bosom. Perhaps it was this merry kind of motion that caused--is there any harm in saying it?--her garter to slip its knot. Conscious that the silken girth--if silk it were--was relaxing its hold, she turned aside into the shelter of the maple-trees, and there found a young man asleep by the spring! Blushing as red as any rose that she should have intruded into a gentleman's bedchamber, and for such a purpose, too, she was about to make her escape on tiptoe. But there was peril near the sleeper. A monster of a bee had been wandering overhead--buzz, buzz, buzz--now among the leaves, now flashing through the strips of sunshine, and now lost in the dark shade, till finally he appeared to be settling on the eyelid of David Swan. The sting of a bee is sometimes deadly. As free hearted as she was innocent, the girl attacked the intruder with her handkerchief, brushed him soundly, and drove him from beneath the mapleshade. How sweet a picture! This good deed accomplished, with quickened breath, and a deeper blush, she stole a glance at the youthful stranger for whom she had been battling with a dragon in the air."He is handsome!" thought she, and blushed redder yet.How could it be that no dream of bliss grew so strong within him, that, shattered by its very strength, it should part asunder, and allow him to perceive the girl among its phantoms? Why, at least, did no smile of welcome brighten upon his face? She was come, the maid whose soul, according to the old and beautiful idea, had been severed from his own, and whom, in all his vague but passionate desires, he yearned to meet. Her, only, could he love with a perfect love; him, only, could she receive into the depths of her heart; and now her image was faintly blushing in the fountain, by his side; should it pass away, its happy lustre would never gleam upon his life again."How sound he sleeps!" murmured the girl.She departed, but did not trip along the road so lightly as when she came.Now, this girl's father was a thriving country merchant in the neighborhood, and happened, at that identical time, to be looking out for just such a young man as David Swan. Had David formed a wayside acquaintance with the daughter, he would have become the father's clerk, and all else in natural succession. So here, again, had good fortune--the best of fortunes--stolen so near that her garments brushed against him; and he knew nothing of the matter.The girl was hardly out of sight when two men turned aside beneath the maple shade. Both had dark faces, set off by cloth caps, which were drawn down aslant over their brows. Their dresses were shabby, yet had a certain smartness. These were a couple of rascals who got their living by whatever the devil sent them, and now, in the interim of other business, had staked the joint profits of their next piece of villany on a game of cards, which was to have been decided here under the trees. But, finding David asleep by the spring, one of the rogues whispered to his fellow,"Hist!--Do you see that bundle under his head?" The other villain nodded, winked, and leered."I'll bet you a horn of brandy," said the first, "that the chap has either a pocket-book, or a snug little hoard of small change, stowed away amongst his shirts. And if not there, we shall find it in his pantaloons pocket.""But how if he wakes?" said the other.His companion thrust aside his waistcoat, pointed to the handle of a dirk, and nodded."So be it!" muttered the second villain.They approached the unconscious David, and, while one pointed the dagger towards his heart, the other began to search the bundle beneath his head. Their two faces, grim, wrinkled, and ghastly with guilt and fear, bent over their victim, looking horrible enough to be mistaken for fiends, should he suddenly awake. Nay, had the villains glanced aside into the spring, even they would hardly have known themselves as reflected there. But David Swan had never worn a more tranquil aspect, even when asleep on his mother's breast."I must take away the bundle," whispered one."If he stirs, I'll strike," muttered the other.But, at this moment, a dog scenting along the ground, came in beneath the maple-trees, and gazed alternately at each of these wicked men, and then at the quiet sleeper. He then lapped out of the fountain."Pshaw!" said one villain. "We can do nothing now. The dog's master must be close behind.""Let's take a drink and be off," said the otherThe man with the dagger thrust back the weapon into his bosom, and drew forth a pocket pistol, but not of that kind which kills by a single discharge. It was a flask of liquor, with a block-tin tumbler screwed upon the mouth. Each drank a comfortable dram, and left the spot, with so many jests, and such laughter at their unaccomplished wickedness, that they might be said to have gone on their way rejoicing. In a few hours they had forgotten the whole affair, nor once imagined that the recording angel had written down the crime of murder against their souls, in letters as durable as eternity. As for David Swan, he still slept quietly, neither conscious of the shadow of death when it hung over him, nor of the glow of renewed life when that shadow was withdrawn.He slept, but no longer so quietly as at first. An hour's repose had snatched, from his elastic frame, the weariness with which many hours of toil had burdened it. Now he stirred--now, moved his lips, without a sound--now, talked, in an inward tone, to the noonday spectres of his dream. But a noise of wheels came rattling louder and louder along the road, until it dashed through the dispersing mist of David's slumber-and there was the stage-coach. He started up with all his ideas about him."Halloo, driver!--Take a passenger?" shouted he."Room on top!" answered the driver.Up mounted David, and bowled away merrily towards Boston, without so much as a parting glance at that fountain of dreamlike vicissitude. He knew not that a phantom of Wealth had thrown a golden hue upon its waters--nor that one of Love had sighed softly to their murmur--nor that one of Death had threatened to crimson them with his blood--all, in the brief hour since he lay down to sleep. Sleeping or waking, we hear not the airy footsteps of the strange things that almost happen. Does it not argue a superintending Providence that, while viewless and unexpected events thrust themselves continually athwart our path, there should still be regularity enough in mortal life to render foresight even partially available?——From /hawthorne/128/。
The symbol serves as a weapon to attack reality. It can be found everywhere in his writing
to keep the reader in the world of uncertainty – multiple point of view
纳撒尼尔〃霍桑(1804—1864)是美国19世纪影响最大的浪 漫主义小说家和心理小说家。霍桑对当时美国社会道德论 丧和资产阶级的伪善不满,但是他又不想从根本上改变不 合理的社会制度,只谋求社会道德的改进,宣扬上帝,主 张道德的自我完善。 霍桑由于社会、家庭及自身的因素,形成了既为清教主义等 旧观念所萦绕,又抱有人道主义等美好理想的复杂的世界 观。他一方面摆脱不掉“原罪”、“赎罪”、“内省”、 “命定”之类的宗教迷信,但又从家族的负罪感出发,反 过来对清教的专制统治痛心疾首;他一方面接受了超验主 义哲学观,相信客观的物质世界只是某种隐蔽的神秘力量 的象征,又对当时风靡的“招魂”之类的巫术活动和科学 技术的新发明同样感到不可思议;他一方面对新生的合众 国满怀希望,但对社会上形形色色的腐化堕落及不平不公 的原因又十分费解,便只好到人性的爱与恨、善与恶中去 寻找答案。
Comments and Criticizes
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote that "Nathaniel Hawthorne's reputation as a writer is a very pleasing fact, because his writing is not good for anything, and this is a tribute to the man” Henry James praised Hawthorne, saying, "The fine thing in Hawthorne is that he cared for the deeper psychology, and that, in his way, he tried to become familiar with it".
美国文学 Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne (霍桑)1. Hawthorne’s Life Storya. born into the family of a sea captain, in Salem 塞勒姆b. When he was born, his family declined. He was aware of hisancestors' misdeeds and thus "blackness of Hawthorne" formed.He thought that the reason of his family's decline is hisancestors' misdeeds.His original family name was “Hathorne”.Why did he insert a “w”into his name:HathorneHawthorneT o escape the curse put on his family by his ancestorsHis ancestor John Hathorne had taken part in the famous Witchcraft T rials in Salem塞勒姆驱巫案•c. In 1821 he entered Bowdoin College and graduated in 1825 in•the class with Longfellow and Franklin Pierce, later•president of the United States.•d. Between 1825-1837, the twelve years were so-called•“seclusion”隐居, when he•lived in his mother’s Salem home to read widely and prepare•for his literary career•his first book is a collection of short stories Twice-told Tales 《故事新编》gained critical attention.•e. In 1841-1842, he stayed at Brook Farm and took part in the transcendental experiment and married Sophia Peabody, a transcendentalist------ the inspiration of The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》•f. After marriage, they lived in a house named Old Manse.•it was there, Hawthorne wrote his collection of short stories Mosses from an Old Manse«古宅青苔»•Lately, from 1839 to 1849, he worked in the US Custom office .海关•g. In 1853, After Pierce became president, he was asked to be the consul领事in Liverpool and Italy.•Italy is the setting of one of his novels---The Marble Faun《大理石雕像》•h. After 1860 Hawthorne lived in Concord and devoted his•remaining years to literature until he died suddenly while on• a trip to New Hampshire with his lifelong friend Pierce.2.Hawthorne’s Major Works1). Two collections of short stories:⏹Twice-told Tales 《故事新编》⏹Mosses from an Old Manse«古宅青苔»Short stories:Young Goodman Brown《小伙子古德曼·布朗》The Minister’s Black V eil《教长的黑面纱》The Birthmark 《胎记》2). Novels( 1) The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》(2) The House of the Seven Gables《七个尖角阁的房子》(3) The Marble Faun《大理石雕像》(4) The Scarlet Letter«红字»3. Hawthorne’s point of viewThe Blackness of Hawthorne▪Hawthorne is influenced by Puritanism deeply. He was not a Puritan himself, but he had Puritan ancestors who played an important role in his life and works.He was aware of the misdeeds of his Puritan ancestors, which led to his understanding of evil at the core of human life.▪Melville : “霍桑描写黑暗的巨大力量,是由于受到加尔文派交易关于与生俱来的堕落与原罪思想的影响。
Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔 霍桑
故事发生在两百多年 前的波士顿。 海丝特·白兰因犯了通 奸罪受到加尔文教派权力 机构的惩罚, 胸 前佩戴 着标志通奸的红色“A” 字站在古老的枷刑台上示 众。她的手中抱着这个罪 孽的证据:一个出生仅数 月的婴儿。在人们无情的 注视下,她拒绝了年轻牧 师阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔提出 的忏悔并供出同犯的要求。 受过惩罚后,海丝特在 城外 远离人群的一间小 茅屋里住了下来。她以作 针线活维生,并细心地照 料着她的女儿——珠儿。 这时,海斯特的丈夫来到 了美国。他满怀仇恨地改 名为罗杰·奇林沃思,以 医生的身份暗中察访与海 丝特通奸的同犯。
很快七年过去了。珠儿已 成长为一个美丽可爱的小 姑娘。而海丝特因为不断 热心接济和帮助别人,最 终赢得了人们的尊敬,使 胸前那本来代表耻辱的红 字变成了美好善良德行的 象征。 而经过多年的窥探, 罗杰也认定了“道德伟大” 的丁梅斯代尔牧师就是那 个隐藏的同犯。于是他千 方百计地接近牧师, 旁敲 侧击,冷嘲热讽,不停地 在精神上对牧师进行折磨。 海丝特为了使丁梅斯尔 逃离丈夫的阴影,决心带 着女 儿和他一起逃走,但 却被罗杰发现,计划失败 了。而对罗杰的恐惧和自 己隐瞒罪责的煎熬使丁梅 斯代尔的健康每况愈下。 终于在离开尘世前夕,在 全体教众的面前,他挽着 海丝特和他们的女儿珠儿 登上了枷刑台,用以生命 为代价的深切忏悔换取了 道德上的新生。
Themes of his writing
1、Explore the relationship between the past and the present. 2、Explore the hidden motivations of his characters. 3、 Examine the effect of hidden sin and secret guilt. 4、 Moral or immoral,right or wrong is the question Hawthorne always talks about in his works.
霍桑英文简介纳撒尼尔霍桑简介Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864), the pioneer of American psychoanalytic novels, is also the firstwriter in the history of American literature to write short stories, known as the 19th century American greatest romantic novelist.Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, childhood father died, with widowed mother lived inthe town of Salems grandfather, his childhood self-esteem, suspicious, childhood misfortune and life atmosphere to make him a heart Kind of painful loneliness, he was not interested in social reform,the rapid development of capitalist economy can not understand. The grandfather believed in Christian Puritanism and Hawthorne was influenced by Puritanism.In 1825, Hawthorne graduated from the Universityof Borden University, returned to Salem, created and published dozens of stories and short stories. In 1839,Hawthorne worked at the Boston Customs for more than two years, then entered the Brook Farm, touching transcendentalism, and met the representative of transcendentalism thought Emerson and Thoreau and others.Since then, Hawthorne went to Salem Customs office, Salem customs life for his creation of Scarlet Letter has a direct impact, The Scarlet Letter published his solid position in the American literary world, butalso to the future with a huge influences.Hawthorne was evaluated as a bystander of life,and this attitude of life determines his interest and insight in his inner and psychological activities. He was deeply influenced by the original sin thought, and the original sin was passed on from generation to generation, and the people were guided by good deedsto purify the evil and purify the mind.His masterpieces include the novel The Scarlet Letter, Hexagon Building, short story collectionrepeat the story again, ancient moss, snow shadow and so on. The Scarlet Letter has become the worldsliterary classics, Henry James, Ellen Poe, Herman Melville and other literary masters are deeply affected.纳撒尼尔霍桑人物经历HeresyThe direct influence on Hawthornes creativethinking is his understanding of family history and religion. Hawthornes ancestors from the England region of the family, generations are devout Calvin believers. The two generations of ancestors were the dignitaries of the Massachusetts political and religious unity. One is the first speaker of the Massachusetts Colonial Parliament, named William Hassan, notorious for participating in the persecution of the Whigs. The other is his uncle, named John Hassan, served as alocal judge. In 1692, in the town of Salem, Massachusetts took place in the history of the famous deceit. At that time the town of Salem popular with a similar epilepsy infectious diseases, it was falsely accused of this Department of witch trouble. In some Western countries there is a traditional idea that thewitch is the companion of the devil Satan, who have received a supernatural power from Satan, who specializes in the spread of diseases and the killing of babies and so on. The town of Salem is the place where the Calvinist forces are strong, and the Calvin sects have struggled with the Whigs to compete for religious power in order to eliminate the heresy. The case involved a wide range, more than 200 people were arrested, 150 people were imprisoned, more than 10 people were hanged, in fact, this is a religious persecution, many of the victims were innocent residents. Hawthornes uncle, John, acted as a judge in the event and was known for his religious fanaticalness and cruelty.Hawthornes understanding of the history of the whole family, especially his study of the ancestors of the 17th century from England to the North American colonial continent and later fortune research and research made him a more comprehensive understanding of the familys development history and Social status of the New England region in the 19th century. At thattime the society was at the beginning of the rapid development of the capitalist economy, and the social structure had undergone major changes and adjustments. In his view, the progress of technology and the use of the machine not only can not improve the moral character of society, but people into a deeper sin whirlpool, a evil wizard. For which he was in front of what happened to be more do not understand. He had come into contact with transcendentalism and had participated in the brooks of the transgressors, but he looked at the activities of Emerson and others with indifference, and even opposed it. Hawthorne was not interested in any social reform program, and even cautious about the major problems of American society at that time. His conservative attitude and the lack of understanding of society are reflected in his deep-rooted Puritan religious consciousness. The intense religious factional struggle in the society and the moral values involved in this struggle had had a significant impact on Hawthornes work. And in many of his works, Hawthorne directly or indirectly attackedthe Galvin religion against the religious fanaticism and the destruction of human religious precepts. Butin the depths of his thought still with a strong religious concept of good and evil to see the world,he can not understand, due to the development of capitalism caused by the new social contradictions united into an abstract evil.In his view, all social problems, thecontradictions between people, the phenomenon of crime and so on are not the root of social material life,but because of the worlds inherent evil caused. Thisis the influence of the idea of original sin and the inner fall in the doctrine of Calvinism on Hawthornes thought. According to Hawthornes point of view, if you want to solve all social problems need to start from the evil, must be from the internal mining. Therefore, in his view, all abstract, mysterious evil are theroot cause of social problems.Family influenceIn Hawthornes family, two ancestors are important administrative officials in the Massachusetts colonies.Nathaniel Hawthornes first generation of ancestors William Hawthorne came from England in 1963 to Massachusetts, in this early colony, William Hawthorne is a prominent figure.Hawthorne disagreed with the behavior of his ancestors, the atrocities committed by his ancestors, was so ashamed of Hawthornes understanding of religion than the average person, and he hated his ancestral practice. The second generation of ancestors John Hawthorne was involved in the trial of the 1692 statement of the messy Salem deceit, which is one of the three judges, Hawthorne that the behavior of ancestors is a sin, a shame , This event to the young Hawthorne left a deep scars, Hawthorne on his ancestral behavior felt deep self-blame, this remorse so that he in his last name Hawthorne added a w To become FHawthorne to show that he is different from the sinful ancestors.Humanistic influence1825 - 1837, spent 12 years in his hometown had a significant impact on Hawthorne becoming a writer. Inhis hometown, Hawthorne was keen to explore thehistory of his hometown. He had read every book in the local library, and he was familiar with the ancient history of the town of Salem, especially the witchcraft. He studied the historical literature about England and engaged in novel creation. Most of his works are based on the brutal religious domination of the colonial period as the background, describing the peoples spiritual world, ideological contradictions and religious oppression under the tragic experience.Hawthorne saw the religious fanaticism and religious doctrine to bring the impact of people, he saw the religious destruction of human nature. In this area of Massachusetts, religion is very closely linked to peoples lives, and religion permeates all aspects of life, and religion is even equivalent to law, with supreme authority and effect, but on the other hand, the harsh rule of Puritanism and fanatical Religious worship is to some extent a cruel trampling of human dignity.Salem is a place where the Calvin Puritan atmosphere is very strong, because here is relatively backward, science is not developed, so the local peoples ignorance, this place has a lot of magical folklore and fairy tales, while people advocate Hypnosis, witchcraft activities spread here, the introduction of Calvin Puritanism in North America had a great impact on Hawthorne, it greatly affected the way Hawthorne recognized the world.Hawthornes era of life Although the Puritan thought is no longer the leading force of New England, but Puritanism on the American life and ideological influence is far-reaching, Hawthornes character and Puritanism thought milk blend, puritanism thought His way of thinking and the attitude of the problem, inevitably make Hawthorne from the perspective of Puritanism to observe people and the world, Hawthorne has a deep thinking and understanding of Puritanism, he was some active in Puritan Of the factors are positive attitude, such as the early American Puritans who have the pioneering spirit, perseverance of thespirit, which is in the body of Hester Prynne is reflected. But on the other hand, the asceticism in Puritanism and the oppression of Puritanism against humanity are what the authors do not agree with and criticize. From the historical understanding of the United States, Hawthorne can profoundly grasp the Puritanisms history of the United States , But therule and norms of Yan Xun can in some way make people lose their original nature, and Hawthorne is well versed in the influence of Puritanism on people, and The Puritanism has a clear understanding and thinking, although the Puritan rule is no longer strict, but some eternal topics such as the relationship between man and God and the relationship between man and religion, human nature in the good and evil andpeoples morality Criteria are the subject of concern and concern.Hawthornes life is the American Renaissance, the19th century European romantic thoughts across the sea, came to North America this land, coupled with theNorth American colonial puritanism thought strong,romantic and local clear The combination ofdoctrinalism creates a transcendentalist philosophythat has had a significant impact on the later US. Transcendentalism is an important ideological movement in the United States. The period of Americanliterature in the transcendentalism is called the American Renaissance. Transcendentalism is an ideological and cultural liberation movement with religious colors. Literature and culture have had a significant impact, with profound philosophicalthinking as the background, emphasizing the supreme spirit of the spirit and the absolute perception ofthe traditional religion to refute, the representative of Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ralph FWaldo FEmerson), Henry Davav Thoreau.Before and after 1841, the wave of transcendentalism swept through Boston and its neighboring areas, and Hawthorne was influenced by transcendentalism. Transcendentalism believed that there was an ideal transcendentalist entity in the universe, Experience, people can be intuition to grasp,people can understand the truth through intuition, within a certain range of people is God, they are a new round of religious reflection and criticism, they abandon the Calvin sect God as the center Point of view, against rationality, advocating intuition, to promote the humanistic spirit, advocate individual liberation, emphasizing the value of individuals, this trend on the society at that time had a great impact, especially for Europes dominant theological ideas, transcendentalism The liberation of American ideology and culture, but also affected the American literature, an indispensable part of American literature.Although Hawthorne is not transcendentalist fanatical followers, but his relationship with Emerson and Thoreau are very close, in their daily lives,their contacts are pleasant.Creation periodIn 1837, Hawthornes first short story collection repeat the story again to bring him some fame.After 1845, Hawthorne entered the creation of the mature period, in 1846 launched the second short storyancient house moss, but the book only to bring him a modest income. Hawthorne once again seek the help of political friends, get a government office, any Salem customs inspector, served for three years to give up the work. In 1848 the presidential general, different political parties came to power, then replaced a large number of government officials, Hawthorne is also one of them. He experienced a heart and body suffering,and finally calm down, began to create his most famous novel Scarlet Letter.In 1850, the Scarlet Letter made him famous. The Scarlet Letter is the first symbolist novel in the history of American literature. Since the novelfocuses on Hawthornes creative personality and experience, he was immediately criticized by thecritics as the greatest writer born in this century. Scarlet income so that he out of poverty, Hawthornebid farewell to his hometown, his family moved to Massachusetts, West Burke County Lennox. In the Lennox, Hawthornes creation began to peak, masterpiece gush.1851 completed the seven sharp angle of the house is the description of the family history of the decline of the novel. In 1851 also published a short story collection Snow Shadow.In 1852, for the classmate Franklin Pierce campaign president, launched biography: Franklin Pierce Biography, the works received by Pierce appreciation. Franklin Pierce was elected president, appointed Hawthorne as US Consul General in Liverpool, England.1853 published fairy tale chaotic grove story, the two fairy tale has become the classic American childrens literature.Hawthorne during his tenure (1853-1857), he fully understood the British customs, the road impression into the British notes (Hawthorne after the death of the notes published by his wife), and essays our home (Published in 1863). In 1858, he traveled to France and Italy, written as French and Italian notes, the novel jade statue (published in 1860). Jade statue toItaly as the background, is Hawthorne created the last complete novel.。
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Manifestation of the “Original Sin” inHawthorne’s four great short storiesClass2 唐立 Background of Nathaniel HawthorneAs a descendant of a family with a long Puritan tradition, Nathaniel Hawthorne, whose great-great grandfather had been among the judges that condemned the “witches” in the Salem witchcraft trial in 1692, deals in his fiction mainly with the themes of guilt and secrecy, and manifests pervasively among his works the “Original Sin” of human race.Hawthorne’s major works includes The Scarlet Letter which is often considered the first great American novel, The House of the Seven Gables, The Marble Faun, and several collections of short stories.Plot summery of Hawthorne’s four great short storiesYoung Goodman BrownThe story begins with the young Goodman Brown leaving his wife to meet with a mysterious figure deep in the forest. As the traveling proceeds further into the dark forest, it is hinted that the companion is, in fact, the Devil. Before long, Brown discovers others also proceeding to the wicked meeting. Many of them are Christians, including ministers, teachers, and his ancestors and at last even his wife Faith. At the ceremony, Brown and Faith approach the flame-lit altar and are about to seal their alliance with wickedness, he cries out to Faith to resist. However, in the next instanthe finds himself standing alone in the forest and everyone else has vanished. Next morning, Brown goes back with a deep shaken, begins to wary of anyone around him, including Faith.Ethan BrandThe lime-burner Bartram and his son meet at the burner with Ethan Brand, who tells of how he went off in search of the “Unpardonable Sin”, which he then reports to have found. This attracts the visits of many townspeople. And when asked what the unpardonable sin is, Brand replies that it’s a sin that grew within his own breast, which confuse everyone. After several evens afterwards that night, Bartram and his son and other townspeople go back, while Ethan Brand climbs to the top of the kiln and falls into self immolation. When Bartram and his son find next morning the landscape has become as beautiful as in heaven, they also find at the top of the lime kiln that Ethan Brand’s skeleton has turned to lime. And inside the rib cage of the skeleton, they see a chunk of lime in the shape of a human heart.The BirthmarkGeorgiana, a beautiful woman who has a hand-shaped birthmark on her cheek and her husband Aylmer who is a scientist hates this “sinful” birthmark. Eventually they decided to remove the birthmark in Aylmer’s laboratory with the help of his assistant Aminadab. With a successful test on plants, Aylmer prepares a liquid for Georgiana. After a moment of perfection, however, Georgiana dies a painless death.The Minister’s Black VeilMr. Hooper, the new minister, is wearing a black veil that obscures his face. This creates a stir among the townspeople, who begin to speculate about his veil and its meanings, but no one asks directly about it, except for his fiancée Elizabeth. But Hooper refuses to answer, which leads the break of the engagement. Until Mr. Hooper’s death, they ask him once again to remove the veil, but he refuses. And he tells in anger that everyone is wearing a black veil, just like him.Review of these four storiesNathaniel Hawthorne’s works are always a display of thick color of religion. And these four great short stories are no exception. They are all congested with the dark side of mankind, which is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s manifestation of the Original Sin of human race. Below are my analyses of the thesis statement mainly from two aspects.First, Hawthorne manifests that secret sin by using symbols. The secret sin hides in the deepest heart of human beings, but by using tangible symbols, it is exposed to the public. The marble heart within Ethan Brand’s skeleton, the sinful birthmark on the cheek of Georgiana, and the black veil of the minister Mr. Hooper all reveal the secretly overwhelming sin. In Ethan Brand, when asked what the Unpardonable Sin is, Ethan Brand replied ”It is a sin that grew within my own breast, a sin that grew nowhere else! The sin of an intellect that deserves a recompense of immortal agony!Freely, were it to do again, would I incur the guilt. Unshrinkingly I accept the retribution.” And at last, when Ethan Brand falls into self immolation, the symbol of the circle, snow white too, and thoroughly converted in to lime, lat a human skeleton, in the attitude of a person who, after long toil, lies down to long repose. Within the ribs, strange to say, was the shape of a human heart. As in the Birthmark, the birthmark is the symbol of the original sin. “It was the fatal flaw of humanity which nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions, either to imply that they are temporary finite or that their perfection must be wrought by toil and pain.” And in the Minister’s Black Veil, the black veil is the symbol of secret sin that all men carry in their hearts. “This veil is a type and a symbol, and I an bound to were it ever, both in light and darkness, in solitude and before the gaze of multitudes, and as with strangers, so with my familiar friends. No mortal eyes will see it withdrawn. This dismal shade must separate me from the world: even you, Elizabeth, can never come behind it!”Second, the Original Sin could not be removed till death. In Yong Goodman Brown, Goodman Brown at last tries to resist the alliance with wickedness, but he failed; in Ethan Brand, after Brand falls into self immolation, though the body has been vanished to skeleton, the Unpardonable Sin——the marble heart even still exists. “So saying, the rude lime-burner lifted his pole, and letting it fall upon the skeleton, the relics of Ethan Brand were crumbled into fragment.” In The Birthmark, Georgiana and Aylmer tried to remove the sinful birthmark but it is just too ingrained. InAylmer’s dream, he attempts an operation for the removal of the birthmark, but the deeper went the knife, the deeper sank the hand, until at length its tiny grasp appeared to have caught hold of Georgiana’s heart. At last, after drinking the liquid, the birthmark finally vanished, however, Georgiana also dies. “As the last crimson tint of the birthmark, that sole token of human imperfection, faded from her cheek, the parting breath of the now perfect woman passed into the atmosphere, and her soul, lingering a moment near her husband, took its heavenward fight.” As regards the minister Mr. Hooper, he refuses to remove his black veil till death, and proclaims that everyone wears a black veil just like him. The veil, tangible or intangible, could not be removed during the life-time, because it is just the original sin that roots in everyone’s heart. “Deem me a monster, for the symbol beneath which I have lived, and die! I look around me, and lo! On every visage a Black Veil!”In Sum, from these four short stories of deep religion color, Nathanial Hawthorne delivers to us his manifestation of the Original Sin that pervasively governs everyone’s deepest heart. And it is a sin that could not be removed nor could be get rid of, until the descent of heath will the sin finally vanish.References: .org/publications/pamphlets/common_vascular.html. Retrieved on 2008-08-02Poe, E.A(1805). The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Por. “Nathaniel Hawthorne” pp.188-202American Literature Understanding and Appreciation ISBN 978-7-307-05466-0 Wikipedia (/wiki/ethan)。